
=== paultag is now known as crabbytag
aragood morning all!07:07
arabuenos días, dpm07:13
dpmhola ara! Ya estás de vuelta?07:13
aradpm, me temo que sí :(07:14
dpm:) bueno, fue todo bien?07:16
dpmand good morning everyone!07:17
aradpm, muy bien, muy bien07:17
dpmmorning czajkowski07:30
czajkowskidpm: hey there07:33
nigelbmorning ara, dpm and czajkowski :)07:36
arahey nigelb!07:37
dpmmorning nigelb07:39
nigelbdpm: somone I met at the local ubuntu hour was very keen on working with fonts.07:45
nigelbI'll send him your way soon :)07:46
nigelbfonts =  fonts for localization07:46
dpmnigelb, ok sounds good :)07:46
sensegood morning everyone!07:48
dholbachgood morning07:49
dholbachhola ara - back again?07:49
dholbachara: how was your trip? :)07:49
arahey dholbach, yes, back again. It was very nice :)07:49
* dholbach hugs ara07:49
* ara hugs dholbach back07:50
dholbachara: did you bring the rain to Berlin or was it somebody else? :)07:50
* ara is not guilty 07:50
senseAs long as it stays in Berlin...07:50
dholbachwell, it's more drizzling than raining :)07:50
araI am happy with it, it was too hot in Spain :)07:51
czajkowskiara: you should move to Ireland, definately not too hot07:52
czajkowskiso GUADEC in Berlin next year07:52
dholbachczajkowski: ccm was involved in the discussions there :)07:52
czajkowskiahh :)07:52
senseI was speculating with someone whether the next GUADEC would be in Brazil next year, but then I realised there was an E in GUADEC and everything made sense again.07:58
dpmmorning dholbach, morning sense07:59
dholbachhey dpm07:59
sensegood morning dpm07:59
senseSpain (and Portugal), I think, is the only country in the EU with a proper summer right now.08:00
nigelbsense: e?08:00
sensenigelb: We have some sun here as well, but of course Spain and Portugal are having the real summer temperatures. I think they stole it from us, we had warmer weather a few weaks ago as well!08:01
senseWait, nigelb: shouldn't you be in bed right now?08:01
nigelbsense: Its lunch time!08:02
senseah, time zone the other way around08:02
nigelbsense: I was asking about the "E in GUADEC"08:02
senseOf course, it's the oriental.08:02
sensenigelb: GNOME Users' And Developers' EUROPEAN Conference08:02
nigelbah, European :D08:02
* nigelb waves to dholbach 08:03
senseBrazil was a European possession a while ago, but certainly not anymore.08:03
dholbachhey nigelb08:03
nigelbsense: don't get kicked :D08:03
nigelbsense: its like suggesting USA "used to be european" :p08:03
sensenigelb: I didn't say it was European, I said Europeans claimed it as their possession!08:04
nigelbsense: lol08:04
senseYou can't really say that India was British either, it has always been Indian. But it was a British possession for a while, absurdly.08:04
sensenigelb: Because otherwise that would mean your ancestors were British!08:05
senseand that Mayalayam is a former British language, like Welsh08:05
nigelbsense: that would be extremely funny08:06
nigelbespecially even hearing Malayalam being pronounced with a British accent :D08:06
senseah! swapped the l and the y08:06
nigelbhaha, its a palindrome!08:06
sensenigelb: Posh Malayalam! :P08:06
sensenigelb: practise it for the next UDS!08:07
senseYou'll sure get sponsored, I'd reckon.08:07
nigelbI certainly hope I get sponsored.08:08
sensenigelb: What's the furthest place you've been outside India?08:08
czajkowskihttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/LoCoHealthCheck is on tonight08:09
senseczajkowski: Yeah, I'm poking some extra people today about that.08:10
czajkowskisense: good stuff08:10
senseczajkowski: We do have open forums right now! We just need to get used to communicating in an open way. It is a sign of improvement though we're now there.08:11
czajkowskisense: indeed08:11
czajkowskiit's also good to see some teams who never used team reports or not done any in a long time back on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue204#Ubuntu LoCo Teams08:11
senseYour efforts are showing some results.08:12
czajkowskinot mine08:12
senseyour as in plural08:12
czajkowskiI just poke/prod08:12
czajkowskiahh ye :)08:12
senseThe English language can be limiting sometimes. ;)08:12
czajkowskiye is you plural08:12
czajkowskiit's old english but used08:12
czajkowskiI'm full of useless stuff :)08:12
senseNow lets see if the teams will stick to the reports for the two years.08:13
czajkowskitime to drive the princess(sister) to work and then drive back to Limerick.  Offline for next few hours08:13
senseczajkowski: You're her personal driver?08:14
czajkowskiI am today,  I drove her up to Drogheda last night08:14
nigelbsense: lol, can't you make out from what she calls here sister? ;)08:14
czajkowskias we had a bank holiday over here so traffic was mental and I'd get there a lot quicker driving than she would using busses and trains08:15
czajkowski<--- Gone08:15
dholbachhola randa_10:01
randa_hi dholbach10:01
=== randa_ is now known as randa
dholbachhey vish10:01
vishdholbach: hey! :)10:02
* popey wonders if doctormo has seen debian bug 59145311:00
ubot2Debian bug 591453 in conquest "conqoper: expletives in error message" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/59145311:00
vishpopey: seems like it was filed after doctormo's blog :)11:06
popeythere's an older bug about it too11:06
popeydebian bug 33820811:06
ubot2Debian bug 338208 in conquest "Cannot initialize universe" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/33820811:06
popeywhich mentions the message11:07
popeything is though that code pre-dates ubuntu by some considerable margin11:07
nigelbwho owns a mac here? is there quick time for linux?12:06
jussinigelb: I have a mac at home, what do you need?12:09
jussimacbook, to be precise12:09
nigelbjussi: is there a way to play quicktime?12:10
jussinigelb: in linux?12:10
nigelbsigh.  the questions I get asked being the only "linux guy" at work12:10
nigelbjussi: yeah. mediubuntu will do?12:10
jussinigelb: ubuntu-restricted-extras should have what you need iirc12:11
ubot2For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:11
* nigelb hugs jussi :)12:12
paultagSo, scarry day today12:16
paultagit's been two years - 6 days from my Ubuntu Membership12:16
paultagjust got my 6 day's notice that I will expire12:16
popeyclick the button to renew it :)12:22
paultagpopey: well I can't just do that12:22
popeyyes you can12:22
paultagpopey: that cheepens the whole thing12:22
popeythats what everyone does12:22
paultagpopey: I'm writing up a blog post about where I was, where I am now and where I want to be :)12:22
popeyits "the way"12:22
paultagpopey: then I'll renew12:22
paultagpopey: I feel that the whole reason to renew is to get you to think about it12:23
popeywould you like me to remove you from ~ubuntumembers? :D12:23
paultaghahaha, oh noes!12:23
popeyI'm helpful like that12:23
czajkowskipopey: please don't we kinda need him on the loco council, he's kinda useful12:24
paultagOh gee. Glad I can slave away12:25
popeynice backhander there :)12:25
paultagI love backhanded comments12:26
nigelb"kinda" - I agree popey.  Nice backhand.12:28
* popey hugs paultag and czajkowski 12:28
paultagOh that's a good backhanded comment for just learning how to do it nigelb12:29
* paultag hugs popey 12:29
* paultag hugs czajkowski 12:29
paultagso much loving'12:29
paultagit's like the circle of friends up in hurrr12:29
czajkowskipopey: I hope you feel like that later when I finish emailing again :)12:29
czajkowskipaultag: ^^^^^12:30
* paultag sighs12:30
paultagmore emails?12:30
nigelbpaultag: did you read carla's article about the gnome contributions thingy?12:32
paultagI'm staying far away from that flame war12:32
nigelbshe does give us a backhand about the whole hugging thing12:32
paultagI'm not reading it12:32
paultagI read the first one12:32
czajkowskinigelb: link?12:33
paultagand that was enough. I was so done with it12:33
nigelbshe's written well actually.  I liked it12:33
paultagit's flame / troll bait12:33
nigelbpaultag: haha, not this one12:33
paultagdon't take it, fisheys12:33
nigelbWho else besides Ubuntu welcomes everyone, and tries to maintain a sane, friendly community? My favorite distribution is Debian, but no way will I ever try to be contributor. If I were an ace coder I would rather eat dog doo than try to become a kernel contributor. Life is too short to waste living in a flame-proof suit. There are a lot of FOSS projects that build rational, productive communities. But none of them are as big as Ubuntu, a12:34
nigelbdirect quote from her ^^12:34
paultagDebian can be a bit harsh12:34
paultagthey need a CoC and some hugs12:34
nigelb"In my grumpier moments their relentlessly positive, cult-like Kumbaya-or-else approach makes me want to turn the hose on them" - a backhand for the hugging and all the love :p12:35
paultagKumbaya-or-else, awesome12:35
* jussi hugs debian12:35
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
jussiand in regards to the whole "we dont contribute back to gnome" thing, last time I heard they were not accepting our patches...12:36
paultaganother stat i'd care to look at:12:37
paultaglines of code per person12:37
paultagRed Hat is a huge company, Canonical is smaller12:37
paultagand the desktop folks are even smaller then that12:37
paultagso 16% might be fewer lines / person at RH12:37
nigelbalso, we tend to give patches than commit code12:37
nigelb(and they tend to reject the patches)12:37
nigelboh no! we're getting sucked int the argument.12:37
* paultag walks away12:38
paultagbefore I nick back to crabbytag12:38
nigelbI thought paultag was synonymous with crabytag :p12:38
paultagshould be :P12:38
paultaglast night my neck was *killing* me12:38
nigelb(strange! I got the spelling right)12:38
* jussi is hoping his internets get fixored today12:39
paultagand so I was being quite crabby to folks in ubt-team12:39
paultagso stlsaint told me to nick to crabbytag :)12:39
* nigelb is happy he's out then12:39
* paultag 's not12:39
paultagwe need more senior members12:39
paultagwe lost a few12:39
nigelbczajkowski: liked the article? ;)12:40
czajkowskinigelb: pretty interested12:40
czajkowskiI've read a few of her articles and tbh, they are usually bashing someone in canonical so it's weird reading it from this point12:40
nhandlerThe Global Jam is at the end of August, right? If so, why is the Global Jam on loco.ubuntu.com setup for September 27-29 ?12:42
czajkowskino it's not.....12:42
nhandlerczajkowski: If I click the button to add my own team's event, the Begin box only lets me select September 27-2912:43
nhandlerHmm...Strange. A refresh fixed that12:43
czajkowskinhandler: you seeing things :p12:43
czajkowskinhandler: so in total this month, how many reports V last month ?12:43
nhandlerI'm too young to be going crazy ;)12:43
nhandlerczajkowski: I don't know. I can get you that info in a few minuts. Do you just care about loco teams?12:44
paultagmorning nhandler12:44
czajkowskinhandler: yup loco teams, I think all of the boards bar CC and asia Board did team reports12:44
nhandlerczajkowski: Well, not really. There were a few others that didn't. There are also some other teams in the community that are not doing them12:45
nhandlerHey paultag12:45
nhandlerczajkowski: For LoCo teams, it was 17 compared to 14 last month12:47
czajkowskithat's better12:47
* dholbach → lunch13:08
czajkowskiohh excellent idea13:08
* dpm quick lunch14:00
senseI'm always so happy when I've got stuff working; and then I break it.14:29
senseor something else breaks because of my stuff.14:30
=== paultag is now known as crabbytag
nigelbok, time for dinner and home.. catch y'all later :)15:03
dpmenjoy nigelb!15:04
senseWoot! A table is suddenly 20,000 pixels high and 1,800 pixels wide and I have no idea how it got that big!15:39
dholbachhey jono15:43
czajkowskijono: ello15:44
doctormohey czajkowski15:44
czajkowskidoctormo: hi15:45
sensehello doctormo, jono15:45
jonohey all :)15:45
dpmmorning jono15:46
jonohey dpm15:48
dholbachjono: new LD release is out, we had to cowboy a fix in and discovered some new issues, but there's lots of good stuff in there15:51
jonodholbach, nice!15:52
dholbachjono: https://edge.launchpad.net/loco-directory/+milestone/0.2.1415:52
* popey hugs dholbach 15:55
czajkowskidholbach: does indeed rock!15:56
dholbachit was more like cjohnston, rww, daker, doctormo, mhall119 and nhandler rocked :)15:56
dholbachI rocked a little bit too :)15:57
* dholbach hugs you all back15:57
popey\o/ team15:57
jonodpm, logging in now16:01
dpmjono, ok!16:01
popeyshouldn't "Teams without country" in http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ be "Teams without continent"?16:58
popeyUK is under that category yet UK _is_ a country16:58
czajkowskiwell why aren't Ireland and UK under Europe?16:59
dholbachpopey: does the team have a country set?17:01
dholbachpopey: all countries have a continent set, I did that manually :)17:02
czajkowskidholbach: but shouldn't uk and ireland be under europe anyways?17:04
dholbachthe countries are17:06
dholbachthe LD has no way of knowing which country a TEAM is responsible for or active in17:06
dholbachso you need to set that17:06
dholbachLocation: None Specified17:06
dholbachLanguages: None Specified17:06
cjohnstondholbach: is there anyway of getting the continents set somehow to be in the branch so that when we download its there?17:08
popeyi cant edit that17:09
popeyshould I be able to as I'm loco-council?17:09
czajkowskiI cant edit ireland either17:09
dholbachpopey: I thought so, if not, please file a bug17:09
dholbachcjohnston: as reference I used wikipedia17:10
dholbachcjohnston: no, there's no way to do that right now - if you want that functionality, please file a bug17:10
dholbachbut I doubt I have time to work on it17:10
cjohnston{% if is_admin %}<a class="sub-nav-item" href="{% url team-edit team.lp_name %}" title="{% trans "Edit team details" %}">{% trans "Edit team details" %}</a>{% endif %}17:10
cjohnstonSo the link only shows if your admin17:10
czajkowskijono: LoCo council meeting on TONIGHT https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/Agenda17:11
czajkowskipopey: it seems there is no edit button on the page17:12
czajkowskipoked ebel in -ie to edit ireland17:12
* popey files a bug17:12
popeybug 61305717:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 613057 in loco-directory "no edit button for members of loco council (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61305717:13
dpm_wohoo!, back from massive computer breakage17:14
dpm_the joys of running the development version17:14
czajkowskinigelb: ping17:37
czajkowskijono: ping pong my dear17:40
dholbachok my friends - I call it a day17:56
dholbachsee you all tomorrow17:56
paultagczajkowski: oi, it's today :)17:59
czajkowskiaye I said that....17:59
paultag12:11:30 < czajkowski> jono: LoCo council meeting on TONIGHT17:59
paultagczajkowski: even in caps :)18:00
czajkowskitoday is tonight for some of us my dear18:00
paultagnot where jon[o] is18:00
pleia2yeah it's still morning here :)18:02
paultagjust past noon here18:02
czajkowskisense: PING!18:02
sensejono: I pushed the social livestream code to <https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~sense/sociaal/sociaal>. It is a WordPress plugin, and far from stable, but if you really want you can take a look at it.18:03
jonoczajkowski, hey18:03
jonosense, nice!18:03
czajkowskijono: meeting on later, any items you'd liek to add, short meeting so a good time to bring things up https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/Agenda18:04
jonoczajkowski, I don't really have anything to add, thanks for the update though18:04
senseczajkowski: Idea! Ubuntu EU as the Ubuntu US of Europe! Get a Ubuntu version of the EU! ;)18:10
* paultag grumbles18:10
senseWould be useful, though, to make other European LoCos aware of their services and maybe also to clarify the way the LoCoCouncil looks to/certifies teams like Ubuntu EU.18:10
paultagthe -us system is so far messed up18:10
sense(considering Ubuntu US, Ubuntu IN and other Ubuntu LargeCountry)18:10
paultagI don't think we should model anything after us18:10
czajkowskisense: the USA mentoring thingy doesnt work as far as I can see18:12
czajkowskiI've had 2 teams mail me in the last 2 weeks saying not going gor approved as they dont do anything18:12
pleia2ouch :(18:12
paultagWell hey now18:13
pleia2we only mentor teams that want help18:13
senseThat's a shame.18:13
paultagthat's what we're looking for18:13
senseczajkowski: But do you think the idea of mentoring a LoCo is a good one?18:13
paultagWe can help if we need, but people don't care enough to make themself as inactive18:13
pleia2they come to us when they want assistance, we don't drag them through the steps of approval if people there aren't active18:13
paultagits good if we can help them, but if they don't want to do anything, it's on them18:13
czajkowskisense: you're asking me in the middle of a meeting when I'm trying to run a meeting18:14
czajkowskican you catch me about this afterwards18:14
paultagmeeting recursion!18:14
* pleia2 sighs18:14
czajkowskiI know I'm good at being in multiple places, but come on :)18:14
* czajkowski hugs pleia2 18:14
pleia2czajkowski: that hurt18:15
pleia2I put a lot of work into US Teams, we're helping a number of teams18:15
czajkowskipleia2: sorry I didnt mean it to come out that way18:15
senseczajkowski: Whoops, I think I'm too easily distracted by side-paths in my mind.18:15
* pleia2 hugs czajkowski 18:15
czajkowskipleia2: for me what I found, and maybe this is just the experience of 2-3 but same folks are in one team are in others and wires are getting crossed.  I'd be happier to see folks work on their own team and coming to the council (LC) if they need help18:16
czajkowskinot when they want to not be approved...18:16
czajkowskiif that makes sense ?18:16
paultagI think the US Mentors should be front-line18:17
paultagwe can't handle helping every team with the attention needed18:17
senseIt is true that adding region-bound megateams would add another layer of complexity. It may be better to build a mentoring programme in the international community so all LoCos can benefit.18:17
pleia2czajkowski: most of what we do is just tell people how to get forums, where their mailing lists are, the basics18:17
paultagbut there is a *lot* in the US that needs changed :)18:17
pleia2if we need anything serious we send them to the council18:17
paultag+1 pleia218:17
pleia2there have been a couple of times when wires got crossed, but that happens with every team, it's not because our project is a bad one, we're not perfect18:17
pleia2but you guys are busy enough without having to answer the "where is my loco?" question for every person who drops by #ubuntu-us :)18:18
paultagfor sure pleia218:18
czajkowskiaye so true18:19
senseThe LoCo-finder functionality is a useful one. ;)18:19
paultagSpeaking of, I need to make sure my LoCo teams for US that I was mentoring get a new mentor ( at least one of them )18:19
paultagIdaho, Nebraska18:19
pleia2sense: most of the people come by with "I just started using ubuntu, I heard of this loco thing, where is mine?" they don't know about ubuntu wiki, or loco directory, or anything18:19
paultagI can hang on to one, but I've not heard anything from either of them18:19
pleia2anyway, back to work for me :)18:19
czajkowskijono: is there a bug somewhere that says the LP won't ever be translated into other languages?18:48
dpm_czajkowski, I'm not sure there is a bug, but there was certainly a discussion on launchpad-users or launchpad-dev. Let me see if I can find it...18:48
czajkowskidpm_: ohh you're here, tis rather late for you. thanks18:49
dpm_just idling a bit :-)18:49
czajkowskiyou over in debconf?18:49
czajkowskior back home home18:49
senseczajkowski: I think I could give you the bug number.18:51
dpm_czajkowski, ok, here's the thread on the translation of the LP site: https://lists.launchpad.net/launchpad-users/msg05687.html18:52
czajkowskidpm_: thank you18:53
dpm_no worries18:53
akgranerHey all - I feel like I have been away forever :-/19:02
senseakgraner: hello!19:03
senseHow are you?19:03
akgranersense great took some family time and haven't been available online as much (which btw isn't a bad thing)19:03
akgranersense, sounded like GUADEC was a great time for ya?19:04
jonoczajkowski, not that I am aware of19:04
czajkowskijono: thats what I thought, but not what folks think19:06
jonoczajkowski, which folks?19:06
czajkowskiloco folks19:06
czajkowskicame up in health check19:06
czajkowskifolks think the LP will never be translated19:06
jonoczajkowski, raise this with dpm and he should send a statement to the community19:07
senseakgraner: Smart idea to take some family time. ;) GUADEC sure was great. Lovely people. Different atmosphere than UDs, though.19:07
sensejono: I'm one of those folks.19:07
senseczajkowski, jono: The main reason why I believed it is because bug #3896 is marked as 'Won't Fix'.19:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 3896 in launchpad-foundations "Launchpad itself is not translatable in Launchpad (affects: 22) (dups: 4) (heat: 129)" [Low,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/389619:10
senseAlso, it was marked Low.  A bit disappointing, really.19:11
senseThat's the reason for my fiery comment at the bottom.19:14
dpm_ok, time for dinner, see you all tomorrow!19:21
senseGod, having multiple, intense discussions in two different languages, in which you post very long, complex sentences and thoughts, is tiring!20:35
senseit burns energy20:36
czajkowskisense: *hugs*20:37
czajkowskiis that a long blog post written on the loco health check20:37
senseczajkowski: I'm not writing a blog post today, I suppose.20:38
senseczajkowski: You must be having this all days! Every day people wanting to discuss things with you!20:38
senseHow do you cope?20:38
senseczajkowski: The HealthCheck was at least good because it started some furhter discussion in Ubuntu NL, and also made more people aware of your existence, the existence of IRC and the existence of the #ubuntu-locoteams IRC channel. So an evening full of win!21:03
czajkowskisense: good to hear, I'll keep running the session if folks find it useful21:23
senseczajkowski: I find them useful!21:23
senseExcept the add so much items to my ToDo list! ;)21:23
czajkowskicommunity council meeting starting over in #ubuntu-meeting22:02
huatsgood evening everyone22:04
czajkowskihuats: hey22:04
huatswhat a surprise czajkowski:)22:05
czajkowskiI know :p22:05
czajkowskigood LC meeting though22:05
huatsit was22:05
senseGood night everyone, I'm shutting down!22:21
doctormoAll the ubuntu people seem to be leaving DebConf. Is anyone left now that jcastro and maco are going tonight?22:41
doctormoColin;s staying22:52
doctormoTime for bed! Bye all22:54
czajkowskidoctormo: I cant stay up for MA meeting22:57
czajkowskiplus I cant see any agenda for meeting22:57
jcastrodoctormo: mdz, robbie, keybuk, evan, doko, ccheney23:11
nhandlerjcastro: If you are heading back to Michigan, say hi to nixternal (he is driving up this weekend iirc)23:18

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