
asacpease promote libeina-svn-06 to main ;) ... the source already is in main, but this one is now needed by evas ;)00:50
asacjames_w: ^^ do you have powers?00:52
cjwatsonasac: done01:18
ebroderIs there a way for a program to catch an Upstart event (event, not job)? I want to have a program do something when an event comes from the upstart-udev-bridge01:23
un214What I'd like to know is who was the dope who thought that setting the ionice of a process to idle would keep it from interfering with the disk activity of other processes.02:26
micahg!coc | un21402:26
ubottuun214: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ .  For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct .02:26
ionun214: If it doesn’t, the kernel should be fixed.02:28
un214it can't work on rotating disks02:28
ionSure it can.02:28
un214seek time02:29
ebroderun214: That's why you have a buffer cache and an I/O scheduler02:29
ionIf higher-priority processes do frequent disk IO, the grace time is never reached and the idle-priority process never gets to do its IO. Now, if that’s not what happens, the kernel should be fixed. Perhaps the grace time is too low.02:30
un214and replacing mountall with fsck -A -P && mount -a took minutes off boot time fsck02:30
un214mountall correctly set the second fsck ionice to idle and it didn't help02:30
ionI take it /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler says cfq is active?02:32
un214oh duh02:34
un214the actual problem is mountall set both fscks to idle priority02:34
un214there's a third fsck on a second disk that actually runs first02:35
ionOk, that should not happen. Please add --debug >/dev/mountall.log 2>&1 to the end of the exec line in /etc/init/mountall.conf, start with forcefsck and provide /dev/mountall.log, thanks.02:36
un214can't do it anymore, I ripped the whole boot setup out02:36
ionThen it’ll be difficult to fix the bug.02:36
un214it's immediately obvious where the bug is coming from02:37
un214mountall ignores the pass parameter in /etc/fstab02:37
ionDid i get this correctly: you have two physical disks, and *all* of the fscks for one of them had the idle iopriority while one or more fscks were running for the other disk?02:38
eggonleaHi all, I have a question about how to install conflict configuration file. E.g. package A would install a default /etc/init/a.conf; but package B would enhance package A and therefore introduce a modified /etc/init/a.conf. What's the recommended way to do this?02:38
un214yes you did02:38
eggonleaIs there any way to hack package B only and leave package A untouched (because it's transparent to package A totally)?02:40
ionThe debug log from mountall would make it possible to pinpoint where the problem is. Whenever you are able to provide one, please contact me again, so i can debug the issue.02:41
RAOFeggonlea: Policy forbids packages from modifying conf files owned by another packge.02:43
ebrodereggonlea: You could look at config-package-dev (http://debathena.mit.edu/config-package-dev/)02:43
RAOFeggonlea: There are two ways this is handled: (1) By having package A have a /etc/foo.d directory, where package B can drop a config snippet in, or (b) by having package A provide a programatic mechanism for modifying its config, and having package B use that.02:44
ioneggonlea: If /etc/init/b.conf has “start on starting a”, whenever a is going to be started, b starts first, blocking the startup of a until running.02:44
ionDunno if that’s what you’re after.02:44
un214ion: it's safe to run mountall directly from a maintenance shell right?02:45
eggonleaRAOF: thanks! Would take a look at config-package-dev02:45
eggonleaion: This should work on my case!02:46
ionun214: It’ll probably never notice the disks until udev is running, and udev should be only started after mountall has mounted the virtual filesystems.02:46
ionYou could mount them manually, start udev and then start mountall. That *might* work. :-P02:46
un214ion: I uploaded log to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mountall/+bug/599624 -- looks like ionice triggered but was ineffective03:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 599624 in mountall (Ubuntu) "mountall ignores the pass parameter of /etc/fstab when scheduling fsck" [Undecided,Invalid]03:59
ionun214: Ok, thanks. I’ll see what i can figure out.04:23
getpwnamwhat do people think about adding a speed limit/pause to the Synaptic download dialog? I was in the middle of a post-installation ~1GB download when my wife tried to use Skype, but Synaptic was hogging the network so the call quality was very poor. It would've been nice to have a download speed limiter so I wouldn't have to cancel..04:32
ionapt-cache show trickle perhaps04:33
tjaaltonsigh, is it ext4 failing or why do some package installations on current lucid fail by complaining "corrupt tar", and the succeed the next time07:14
tjaaltonhappens at least with large in-house debs07:14
pittiGood morning07:14
tjaaltonmorning pitti07:16
pittihey tjaalton07:16
ajmitchmorning pitti07:20
tjaaltonhmm, I see a lot of ext4 changes in the latest lucid kernel.. maybe that's why I could do a full install before but not anymore07:20
tjaaltonon one go that is07:20
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=== pitti changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Soft freeze for Alpha-3 | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-lucid | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
bilalakhtardholbach: good morning07:49
dholbachgood morning07:49
dholbachhey bilalakhtar07:49
* bilalakhtar wished before dholbach could07:49
dholbachpitti: oops, I should've read emails before doing sponsoring :)08:17
pittihey dholbach08:18
pittidholbach: did you break everything? :-)08:18
dholbachno, just upload a couple of long-waiting main sponsoring requests08:18
dholbachif there's blame, I'll decide to ignore it though :)08:18
dholbach(and for today I'm done sponsoring)08:19
ajmitchdholbach: soft freeze means you only get hit softly when you upload stuff, right?08:33
dholbachajmitch: not sure if the release team really dares to do that :-P08:37
directhextime to upload mono 2.6.7!08:44
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dholbachpitti: do you have any idea why a source package maybe have been accepted but binary packages rejected?11:43
pittidholbach: I mailed Chase11:44
dholbachI'm not sure I understand this :)11:44
pittidholbach: the library -dev shipped a .la, and I don't want this to infect the archive11:44
pittiso I asked him to remove the .la and reupload11:44
dholbachara: ^11:44
dholbachara: if you prepare a branch for the change I'll test and sponsor it11:45
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aradholbach, ok, will do later, thanks!11:48
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asaccjwatson: i would like to remove packages in a downstream seed. is that possible with some magic atm? like adding a "!xorg" to a linaro-xxx seed still using desktop-common to get rid of that part?11:59
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dupondjemmm, xterm removed libutemper again :(12:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 589103 in libutempter (Ubuntu) "[MIR] libutempter" [Undecided,Fix committed]12:42
alkisgHi, I'm trying to upload fixed tuxpaint/tuxtype packages to lucid-proposed, is there a wiki page that describes that process?12:48
alkisg(trying to get an SRU for bug #572994 and bug #512285)12:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 572994 in tuxpaint (Ubuntu) "Translations missing due to universe demotion (dup-of: 503919)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57299412:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 503919 in Ubuntu Translations "Translations missing in tuxpaint-data Ubuntu 10.04 package" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50391912:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 512285 in Ubuntu Translations "Translations missing due to universe demotion" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51228512:49
geserthe SRU wiki page describes the process but beyond this uploading to -proposed is nothing special and works like any other upload12:51
alkisgOK, so I'll just modify my ~/.dput.cf and upload. Thanks!12:51
geserwhy modify?12:52
tumbleweedalkisg: err, you shouldn't need any modifications12:52
alkisgTo add a [lucid-proposed] stanza there, just to make the dput command line easier :)12:52
geseryou need lucid-proposed in the changelog and upload to "ubuntu" as usual12:53
alkisg"upload to "ubuntu" as usual" ==> sorry I've never done that so it's not usual for me :)12:53
alkisgI've uploaded to my ppa, but nowhere else12:53
tumbleweedalkisg: do you have the rights to upload this then?12:54
alkisgtumbleweed: I believe so, I'm in edubuntu council which should indirectly put me in ubuntu-developers12:54
LaneyIs the edubuntu council supposed to confer developer rights?12:55
alkisgI'm not sure. I'm also an edubuntu-developer, if that makes a difference.12:56
tumbleweedalkisg: you need to be MOTU to upload arbitrary universe packages, if the package is in the edubuntu packageset then you can probably upload12:56
Riddellev, rgreening: how would you feel about a usb-creator upload?  I just fixed the kde frontend which had an issue that stopped it starting with the new PyQt12:56
tumbleweed(easiest way to tell is to try) :)12:56
alkisgThanks tumbleweed, /me tries to find some wiki page about "uploading to ubuntu as usual" :)12:57
tumbleweedalkisg: dput ubuntu foo.changes12:57
Laneyalkisg: Have you had sponsored uploads before?12:58
alkisgLaney, no12:58
alkisg(this particular package requires no source changes, just a version bump)12:58
rgreeningRiddell: is there a bug/patch? ev does releases, but I can commit to bzr and bug/poke him to release12:58
Riddellrgreening: I've already committed to bzr12:59
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cjwatsonasac: sorry, it is not.  The blacklist syntax ("!") is a much bigger hammer that has effects you don't want - see germinate(1) for discussion13:19
asaccjwatson: so what can i do to achieve this? is only way to fork desktop-common and modify and then regularly sync?13:25
cjwatsonasac: the upstream seed needs to be refactored13:27
cjwatson(or else you need to fork)13:27
ivoksi would appriciate guidance in one problem; is predepend justified if i have a package that requires mysql up and running before that package is configured? is there another way out (triggers or something)?13:28
cjwatsondepends is sufficient to have something happen before the package is configured13:28
ivoksbut depending on mysql doesn't guarantee that package would be able to populate database13:29
ivoksmysql could be stopped during package's configure stage13:29
cjwatsonpre-depends won't help in the least13:29
ivoksok, is there other way out?13:30
cjwatsondon't know, look for other packages that depend on mysql for this kind of thing maybe13:30
ivoksok, thanks13:31
ivokswell, everything else is broken too :)13:41
happyaronkees: ping13:44
LukeD_hi guys, I have a question about building gcc on x86_64, can anyone point me to the right ubuntu irc to ask about it?13:47
zulcan someone from the foundations team review the upstart scripts in bug #612975 and bug #61295814:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 612975 in dhcp3 (Ubuntu) "Please convert init scripts to upstart." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61297514:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 612958 in samba (Ubuntu) "Please convert winbind init script to upstart." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61295814:01
geserivoks: wouldn't that require that the app and the mysql db are on the same host?14:07
ivoksgeser: it would14:07
ivoksgeser: which isn't that bad since dbconfig-common with low priority assumes localhost14:08
ivokser... high priority14:08
ivokshaving mysql triggers which would be populated by dbconfig-common sounds like a solution14:09
geserivoks: wouldn't moving e.g. mysql-client to recommends in dbconfig-common fix it too? make mysql available by default but leave the opportunity to have a remote db and no need to have mysql installed just for the dependency14:10
ivoksbut if you want db on localhost, dbconfig will fail if mysql-server isn't installed14:12
ivoksdbconfig really depends on mysql-client cause it needs it to populate database :)14:12
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geserI'm not sure if recommends are handled the same in installation order but recommending mysql-server in dbconfig-common doesn't work?14:15
ivokshaven't tried it14:16
geserIIRC depends should be enough for your case as IIRC the dependencies of a package get configured before the package itself14:20
geserand what should happen if mysql is already installed but the admin stopped it?14:20
ivokssame thing14:23
ivoksdepends is not enough14:23
ivoksyou get package installed and configured before mysql is configured14:23
ivoksand if it's a service, it won't start and just die on postinstall14:24
ivoksanyway, i'll think more about it later... take care14:24
smosercjwatson, are you around ?14:39
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dpmhi pitti, I believe you are the maintainer of langpack-locales. May I ask you to have a look at bug 124987? There is a patch available, but I'm not sure it can be used as is15:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 124987 in langpack-locales (Ubuntu) "Month names in Russian Localization should be in lowercase" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12498715:03
dpm(I know they should eventually send the patch upstream, though)15:03
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Damascenehi, when is the meeting15:29
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ScottKWho is our "d-shlibs maintainer"? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/52996671/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-armel.uw-imap_8:2007e~dfsg-3.1ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz15:36
cjwatsonsmoser: what's up?15:45
Chipzz+[ -f /etc/default/dhcp3-relay ] && ./etc/default/dhcp3-rlay15:45
smoserwould you be opposed to carrying a 'mbchk' in grub2? I need a reliable way to determine "is this a multiboot file", and I couldn't find any way to do so with grub2, but grub1's mbchk does exactly that.  I could write something, but don't really see the point in copying.15:45
zulChipzz: thanks15:45
Chipzzyou're missing a space after the .15:45
Chipzzand a second one15:46
Chipzzrlay instead of relay15:46
ChipzzI see no upstart script for the version built with ldap support15:47
cjwatsonsmoser: I'm opposed to carrying it specifically in Ubuntu, but perhaps you could get in touch with upstream about it?15:49
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cjwatsonsmoser: I don't imagine anyone would object to porting it over (maybe as grub-mbchk)15:49
smoserupstream as in grub? or debian? i'm fine with bringing it up to either.15:49
cjwatsonsmoser: upstream upstream15:49
smoseryeah. ok.15:50
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rsavoyedid something happen with OpenJDK packaging in the last 24 hours ? Icedtea can't find the source package anymore16:05
pittidpm: can do16:06
dpmpitti, awesome, thanks!16:06
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arapitti, I am removing the .la from the libmtdev-dev package, but I would like to take the opportunity to learn more about the -dev packages, .la files and how they are considered harmful16:24
arapitti, where can I find information about it?16:24
Keybukmvo: why would update-manager hang when installing updates?16:35
seb128Keybuk, hang or being very slow and use cpu?16:36
Keybukseems to freeze entirely after clicking "Install"16:36
Keybuk(not my computer, family member's)16:37
seb128ok, dunno then16:37
Keybukno, me neither16:37
mvoKeybuk: might be a policykit issue? does ps afx show anything interessting?16:43
Keybukmvo: no idea, I'm not entirely sure I can get mother to open a terminal16:44
mvoKeybuk: *ick* is that lucid?16:45
alkisgKeybuk: vnc can be handy in such cases :) x11vnc -connect <your-ip> to bypass NATs, firewalls etc.16:48
Keybukis that something she'd run that'd give me her screen?16:49
pittiara: they usually specify too many dependencies, so that auto-generated Depends: fields of packages carry way too many dependencies; this is a problem for library transitions17:01
pittiara: and those .la files are generally not needed on Linux; it's just a PITA to get rid of them17:01
arapitti, thanks for the explanation :-)17:01
Keybukpitti: *disagree*17:02
rsavoyeNo package 'mozilla-plugin' found17:02
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rsavoyedid something change yesterday ? I'm getting tons of new failures with packages trying to build icedtea and OpenJDK17:02
chrisccoulsonrsavoye, it's probably a silly question, but do you have xulrunner-dev installed? that provides mozilla-plugin.pc17:10
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rsavoyearg.... look slike build-dep missed some things...17:11
rsavoyeI'm also having problems (on maverick) finding the OpenJDK source17:11
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rsavoyeI guess this is what I get by doing a full reinstall on my beagleboard...17:12
ionkeybuk: Bug #458299 perhaps.17:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 458299 in linux (Ubuntu Lucid) "apparmor_parser: page allocation failure. order:5" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45829917:13
chrisccoulsonmvo - my girlfriend sees the "update-manager hanging when pressing the install button" on lucid too17:13
chrisccoulsonbut it only happens on her account (it works fine on mine)17:13
chrisccoulsonand it only happens when u-m is autospawned from u-n (if i open u-m from the terminal, then it works fine)17:14
ionkeybuk: That one can make the system slow enough to be utterly unusable whenever something triggers the reload of apparmor profiles when upgrading.17:14
mvochrisccoulson: oh, i know - no policykit auth agent running?17:15
mvo^--- seb12817:15
chrisccoulsonmvo - that shouldn't matter for lucid though should it? (it's still using gksu)17:15
mvoseb128: for what users is the polkit auth agent started?17:15
ionkeybuk: Oh, it seems a fix has been uploaded. I’m not sure whether i’ve encountered the bug since that or not.17:15
mvochrisccoulson: hrm, right17:15
chrisccoulsonmvo - the agent is started for all users17:16
mvochrisccoulson: ok, that was not the one then. she is in the admin group, right?17:16
seb128mvo, right, the issue is only for the maverick version I think17:16
mvoseb128: yeah, sorry. I had a similar issue in mav17:16
seb128mvo, and it doesn't hang just goes back to the ui as if you hadn't clicked17:16
chrisccoulsonmvo - yeah, she's in the admin group (but she wasn't originally)17:16
mvochrisccoulson: hm, hm, if its reproducable, can we debug it together at some point (does not have to be now)?17:16
chrisccoulsonmvo - yeah, sure. i'll log in to her account at some point and see if i can get it to happen again17:17
chrisccoulsoni keep asking her why she's not updating the computer, and she keeps telling me it's because "It doesn't do anything when i press the install button" ;)17:18
mvochrisccoulson: please, maybe we can even track it down and fix for 10.04.117:18
mvochrisccoulson: just a ps afx dump will be helpful for a start17:18
ionkeybuk: In any case, see if she has an “apparmor_parser: page allocation failure” line in syslog.17:19
ionkeybuk: Oh, i misread your initial line, thinking her whole system hangs.17:20
dholbachpitti: the mtdev .la fix was uploaded :)17:21
Keybukno, just update-manager17:21
mvoKeybuk: just update-manager in ps afx ? or what does the "just" referes to?17:24
Keybukjust update-manager hangs17:25
Keybukhaven't got a ps :-/17:25
Keybukshe's gone out now :p17:25
mvoKeybuk: hrm, thats bad, so everything else works fine. did it happen the first time for her?17:26
chrisccoulsonmvo - ok, i can't get it to reproduce when i actually want it too ;)17:26
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mvochrisccoulson: the best kind of bugs :(17:27
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rsavoyeopenjdk-6-source has a package dependency problem18:01
rsavoyepenjdk-6-source : Depends: openjdk-6-jre (>= 6b20~pre2-0ubuntu2) but 6b18-1.8-2ubuntu2 is to be installed18:02
micahgrsavoye: what chipset do you have?18:03
rsavoyethis is on an XM board, running maverick18:05
micahgrsavoye: is that armel?18:05
micahgrsavoye: armel's currently broke for openjdk18:06
rsavoyeI know, I'm trying to fix it...18:06
rsavoyeI had been running a patched kernel, then last night installed ubuntu-maverick-alpha2-minimal-armel.tar.7z18:07
rsavoyemajor issues with build-dep and icedtea6-plugin18:07
apwRiddell, i hear you are archive admin of the day ... we have some packages which are in need of removing and seem to be hanging about: details at the end of bug #59594918:07
rsavoyewhich was working yesterday. COurse maybe I screwed something up too18:07
micahgrsavoye: so, you probably want to pull down the .deb source18:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 595949 in linux-meta-ti-omap (Ubuntu Maverick) "linux-meta-ti-omap depends on the wrong binary kernel in maverick" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59594918:07
micahgrsavoye: apt-get source openjdk-618:07
rsavoyeI did , it installed, but I get other erro5rs18:07
rsavoyeE: Unable to find a source package for openjdk-618:08
Riddellapw: ok will do18:08
rsavoyewhich was there yesterday...18:08
micahgrsavoye: you need to enable the deb-src repo in sources.list18:08
rsavoyeI did, but maybe got the URL wrong18:10
rsavoyeI just grabbed the deb-src from my ia32 maverick machine, which used to work...18:10
micahgrsavoye: you can dget this: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/o/openjdk-6/openjdk-6_6b20~pre2-0ubuntu2.dsc18:11
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rsavoyewhat's weirder is I build icedtea with --with-openjdk-src-dir=, so who cares about the source package ?18:16
rsavoyeI'll dig into it, I must be doing something wrong on my end18:16
rsavoyethe problem being apt-get build-dep is broke, so I have to install them by hand18:17
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rsavoyeunfortunately, all the package error messages are for Fedora 13...18:17
tantivFor some reason only partimage-i386 (not amd64) is in the Ubuntu respository.... two years ago there was an amd64 bug which is probably why it was never put into amd64.  However the most recent version (including the source in the Ubuntu repository) fully supports amd64 and I tested it after running dpkg-buildpackage myself.  Who should I go to, to get it released into the amd64 repository?18:18
rsavoyemy problem turned out to be a bad deb-src URL, now build-dep works again18:39
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seb128StevenK, can you set https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bluetooth/ubuntu/lucid/obexd/main/+merge/24151 to merged? it seems only teams members can do that20:28
pittiogra: if you are still online, new efl launcher could be uploaded in 15 mins20:37
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ogra_cmpcpitti, i hope asac sees that :P20:56
pittiogra_cmpc: no, he's already offline21:13
ogra_cmpcpitti, i know, but he has everything prepared21:14
ogra_cmpci dont even have the branch here21:14
seb128ev: hi, could you get bug #538744 review? not sure if the bug or change still make sense but would be nice to clear it from the sponsoring queue21:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 538744 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Partition dialog doesn't show partitions in top bar" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53874421:48
seb128ev: same for bug #546445 if you can21:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 546445 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Support for lxdm in ubiquity (autologin, only-ubiquity support)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54644521:51
evseb128: responded21:51
seb128ev: thanks!21:51
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SpamapSmathiaz: v2 of rubygems draft sent.23:16
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mathiazSpamapS: gotcha23:25
SpamapSmathiaz: still feels a bit long, but I think removing a lot of the FHS quotation helped narrow the focus23:26
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