
sk_i need some guide.. are you free?01:45
bazhangsupport in #ubuntu01:45
sk_i am new to Ubuntu. May i know what is this chennel.01:46
bazhangsk_, please read the /topic01:47
sk_So where it is this '/topic'.01:48
sk_from where can i get this info01:49
bazhangTopic for #ubuntu-irc is: International Ubuntu IRC operators channel   <------ sk_01:49
bazhang This is NOT a support channel, support in #ubuntu     <------ sk_01:49
sk_ok ok. thank bazhang01:50
bazhangsk_, You are welcome.01:50
sk_nice to meet you. bye01:50
rwwtype /topic, receive bacon^Wtopic01:50
=== radoe_ is now known as radoe
PicierUSUL: Do you have a moment?16:40
bilalakhtarCan someone please cloak me with an ubuntu member cloak? My lp id is the same as my nick16:40
Picibilalakhtar: sure, let me take a look.16:40
erUSULPici: yes16:41
Piciniko: Poke.16:41
Piciniko: Could you please grant ubuntu/member/bilalakhtar to bilalakhtar here?16:42
bilalakhtarThanks Pici and niko16:43
nikoyou're welcome16:43
Picibilalakhtar: You're welcome and congrats.16:43
ActionParsnipyo yo yo21:24
popeyActionParsnip: a staffer will be able to help you with an ubuntu cloak21:24
popeyPici: is that right?21:24
popeyhttps://edge.launchpad.net/~andrew-woodhead666 is ActionParsnips launchpad account and he's just become an Ubuntu Member21:25
IdleOnePici topyli jussi21:31
IdleOneActionParsnip: be patient and soon one of them will give the ok. Congrats dude!21:32
ActionParsnipyah just chillin dude, long day today :(21:32
erUSULActionParsnip: congrats21:45
ActionParsnipty bro21:45

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