
h00kripps: hello01:32
mase_wkhey guys, i have some questions about internationalisation and translation. Specifically regarding gettext utilities. Wiould anyone be able to point me to the most appropriate channel for asking those questions ?03:07
micahgmase_wk: #ubuntu-translators?03:09
mase_wkok thanks will try there.03:11
dholbachgood morning07:49
DktrKranzbdrung, Laney: ubuntu-dev project has been just approved on alioth09:00
bdrungDktrKranz: great, i requested to join09:41
bdrungDktrKranz: did you request a mailing list?09:42
DktrKranzbdrung: I did, I have to configure it properly first, though09:59
DktrKranzbdrung, ajmitch: approved :)10:19
ajmitchDktrKranz: thanks :)10:21
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\shsiretart: I uploaded a fix to the Volumes.pm problem of ian...send you and him an email11:03
DktrKranzLaney: done11:06
LaneyDktrKranz: you are fast! thanks11:06
DktrKranzssssh! :)11:07
DktrKranzwe've to decide ML title11:08
RhondaDktrKranz! gtg backport!11:21
sebnerDktrKranz! new gtg release!11:31
sebnerhuhu Rhonda :D11:31
Rhondasebner: pffft :)11:32
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LaneyUDD is fun12:05
RhondaWhat's that query?12:10
* geser should file more bugs in the Debian BTS :)12:10
LaneyRhonda: I don't think you want to see it :P12:12
Laneybut it's in my home-directory on alioth12:13
Laneycat ~laney-guest/udd-bugs.pl12:13
Laneyfor some reason it doesn't run right from that script though, so I just generated the resultset from psql directly12:13
* ajmitch isn't on that list...12:14
Laneyajmitch: It searches for @ubuntu @canonical or origin-ubuntu usertag12:14
LaneyRhonda: try ~laney-guest/ubuntu-bts-reporters.txt, that's just the query12:15
ajmitchprobably because I use @d.o & never use the usertags as I should12:15
Laneyajmitch: I don't know how you can be classified as an ubuntu person then12:15
ajmitchI can't, but I don't mind that :)12:15
Laneyit's just a bit of fun anyway. I don't think such metrics are meaningful12:16
ajmitchnice to see how short a script it can be done with12:17
vishLaney: doing a debian census, are we? :D12:17
Laneyvish: Just seeing what can be done with UDD12:18
* vish has double digits count, yay! 12:18
* ajmitch should file more bugs12:21
RhondaIt's another one of those useless comparisons without enough deeper insight like 16% vs. 1% gnome contribution or 7.2% vs. 2.8% of open bugs with patches.12:21
RhondaI always tried to promote for the Debian (website) translation work to *not* look at the numbers because that's a look for quantity instead of quality …12:22
ajmitchbut having 600k bugs is good, no? :)12:22
RhondaUnfortunately I regularly have failed to get that point across and people still pride themself with numbers. :/12:22
Rhondaajmitch: Neither Debian nor Ubuntu has 600k bugs. Or maybe. Again depends of point of view and how to try to lie with statistics. :)12:23
ajmitchlaunchpad karma is a good example of numbers influencing what people do12:23
RhondaActually, it's also easy to cheat your way into karma without too much work done or even _important_ work done.12:24
RhondaUsually important work takes longer and gives less karma.12:24
RhondaThanks for yet another nice example for bad number chasing.12:24
LaneyI can't say I've ever looked at the karma of anyone other than myself, and even then only for curiosity12:24
ajmitchLaney: take a look at the karma for someone who touches a lot of blueprints12:25
Laneyand I doubt that anyone forwards bugs to Debian in order to get up some kind of ranking12:25
Laneyajmitch: I know it's there, but does it really influence anything or anyone?12:25
vishajmitch: yeah , some one recently did that before applying for an Ubuntu membership :s12:25
ajmitchit does for some people when they're going for membership12:25
vishajmitch: of course they didnt get it ;)12:25
LaneyI'd hope that the membership boards can see beyond it12:25
ajmitchthey do12:26
vishLaney: they use the karma to quantify work , *if* work is based on lp..12:26
vishbut not a necessity.12:27
LaneyThat data I just generated is interesting to see who is active in Debian, but I don't think you could use it to play anyone off against anyone else12:28
Laneyit's not comparable to the gnome census thing12:28
ajmitchinteresting to look at though12:28
vishLaney: nah , i was just kidding.. :)12:29
ajmitchDktrKranz: going to post somewhere about that team?12:36
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DktrKranzRhonda: gtg backport is an issue, a patch has to be reverted, I asked invernizzi about it12:41
DktrKranzsebner: pack it!12:41
sebnerDktrKranz: release it!12:42
RhondaDktrKranz: Ah, right, remember you mention that before. My bad memory on the one hand and really wanting it on the other hand are fighting each other. :)12:45
DktrKranzit's not a trivial change, so I'd like to hear from him before attempting12:45
DktrKranzsebner: link link link :D12:46
jetienne_q. any kind enougth to explain dh_usrlocal ? i read the man page but i dont get it. dh_usrlocal is complaining when i do 'debuild -i -us -uc -b'12:52
jetienne_ok ignored it with override_dh_usrlocal ... lets hope it is not dangerous :)12:56
MTecknologySo.. If I had to fix a broken .dsc file but have all the files, how do I correctly unpack it? Can I use dget after I have the files?14:05
james_wdpkg-source -x <whatever>.dsc14:05
MTecknologythanks :)14:05
geserjetienne: what error did you got?14:08
RhondaIf the .dsc file is broken, how should dpkg-source -x work?14:10
jetiennegeser: about dh_usrlocal ?14:10
jetiennedh_usrlocal: debian/neoip-utils/usr/local/lib/neoip-utils/node-neoip.kpf is not a directory <- i got many like this one at the end of "debuild -i -us -uc -b" geser14:10
geserjetienne: why do you have files in /usr/local/ in the first place?14:11
jetiennegeser: because i copy them there... not sure what you mean14:11
geserpackages shouldn't use /usr/local, it's for the local sysadmin14:11
jetiennegeser: ok. where should i put files which are script, aka not i386 native14:12
geser/usr/share/<pkg> if they are arch-indep and /usr/lib/<pkg> else14:13
jetiennegeser: thanks it did the job.14:15
jetienneunusual-interpreter i got a lot of these too. i guess this is normal14:15
tumbleweedwhich interpreter?14:16
jetiennescript-not-executable those too14:16
tumbleweedif that's a binary provided by that package, then that's expected, add an override for the unusual-interpreter14:16
tumbleweedif they should be executable, then you need to fix that14:17
jetiennetumbleweed: how can i override litian stuff ?14:18
tumbleweedjetienne: you only override if you *know* you are right. dh_lintian can install binary package overrides. source package overrides are found as described in the lintian manpage14:20
jetiennetumbleweed: hmm ok, well i dunno much14:21
jetiennei guess i will live with the warning for now14:21
geserwhat warnings?14:21
jetienneembedded-javascript-library extra-license-file readme-debian-contains-debmake-template binary-without-manpage unusual-interpreter.14:23
jetiennefor only the few firsts :)14:23
tumbleweedjetienne: almost all of those need to be fixed, unusual-interpreter was thone I was saying you may need to override eventually14:23
tumbleweed(err, not need to, may want to)14:24
jetiennetumbleweed: i understand. just a matter of priority14:24
dpmLucidFox, hi, I remember reading in your Behind MOTU interview that you live in Russia. I've been looking at a couple of Russian locale bugs, and I wanted to ask you about your opinion on bug 124987. From what I understand, the patch does make sense, but I would like to have confirmation by a Russian speaker before finding someone who could have a look at applying it.14:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 124987 in langpack-locales (Ubuntu) "Month names in Russian Localization should be in lowercase" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12498714:25
lucasgrold: it would be nice if you asked me before requesting syncs of ruby packages. I don't think that syncing ruby1.9.1 now is particularly useful15:13
groldlucas, ok. next time will ask15:19
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MichealHHi, I am intrested to become MOTU.16:33
micahgMichealH: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers16:36
MichealHSo how would I go about uploading to universe?16:38
micahgMichealH: you can't until you become a developer which that link will explain the process16:38
micahgMichealH: you can have uploads sponsored if you want16:39
micahgMichealH: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers16:39
micahgMichealH: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess16:39
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aradholbach, whenever you have time: 613016 :-)17:07
arabug 61301617:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 613016 in mtdev (Ubuntu) "libmtdev-dev includes .la library" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61301617:07
arathanks ;-)17:07
funkyHatI'm debuggin epiphany-browser (LP #611787) and I've found that it's looking for /usr/lib/libgirepository-1.0.so.0, but only /usr/lib/libgirepository-1.0.so.1 is there. it works fine if I symlink the new version to the old version though17:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 611787 in epiphany-browser (Ubuntu) "epiphany-browser: error while loading shared libraries: libgirepository-1.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61178717:09
funkyHatWhat would be the best way to tell epiphany to use the new version?17:09
dholbachara: isn't time relative17:10
BachstelzefunkyHat: you can't AFAIK, epiphany needs to be recompiled with the new version17:10
aradholbach, hehehe, I can imagine17:10
funkyHatBachstelze: yes I know, I've recompiled it and the error still occurs17:11
dholbachara: a branch is enough, no need to file a bug17:11
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Riddellanyone heard of Ubuntu Tweak?17:17
Riddelldo we want it in the archive?17:17
bdrungRiddell: heard of it.17:19
Riddellbdrung: heard good things or bad things? :)17:20
tumbleweedapparently it isn't as bad as the (horrific) predecesors, no idea about code quality, though17:20
bdrungRiddell: no bad things yet.17:20
bdrungbut we should look at the code to check if it's sane17:21
Riddellapps which tweak the settings of other apps just seem like a bad idea, if the original app can't do it there's probably a good reason17:22
tumbleweedOTOH, if one of these things can be blessed, it'd make people less likely to destroy their machines17:22
bdrungRiddell: then gconf-editor should be removed?17:23
Riddellthat's a different sort of UI17:24
LaneyI suggest, relating to the ongoing thread, generalising (debranding/customising the branding) and maintianing it in Debian if you wish to do so :)17:27
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RiddellLaney: are you talking about Ubuntu Tweak?17:52
Riddellcody-somerville: are you wowing at Ubuntu Tweak?17:52
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LaneyRiddell: right18:06
LaneyI didn't actually look at what it does18:06
RiddellLaney: well it's in New and somehow I need to decide if I should accept it or no18:07
LaneyI can't even figure out its website18:11
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LucidFoxRiddell, regarding ubuntu-tweak in NEW, my personal gut impulse would be "ugh, hackish way to do ugly things"18:49
LucidFoxBut well... it passed REVU then, I presume?18:49
Riddellapachelogger: see, I'm not alone :)18:50
RiddellLucidFox: I've no idea if it passed revu18:50
Laneyautomatix had fans :)18:50
Riddellthat was the one I'd been trying to remember the name of18:50
LucidFoxAutomatix also had gaping security issues18:50
apacheloggerRiddell: well, I dunno how ubuntu tweak does things but we had a similar tool in KDE 3 times18:50
apacheloggerthere are settings that are just to marginal to justify being visible in the GUI18:51
LaneyLucidFox: yes, indeed, that was kind of my point18:51
Riddellapachelogger: we did?18:51
LucidFoxubuntu-tweak is in REVU's "needs review", with 0 comments18:51
* apachelogger packaged it :P18:51
Riddellapachelogger: what was that?18:51
apacheloggergotta look18:51
RiddellLucidFox: hmm maybe I should reject it on grounds it hasn't passed revu18:52
apacheloggerRiddell: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-tweak18:52
LaneyRiddell: I'm sure you can find a policy violation in there18:52
Laneydoes it modify files in /etc, for example?18:53
apacheloggerRiddell: REVU is not obligatory IIRC, neither is getting two MOTU acks18:53
Laneyindeed it isn't18:53
devfilit should...18:55
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ari-tczewdidrocks: ping20:30
ari-tczewdidrocks: you didn't upload my patch in gegl20:35
didrocksari-tczew: hum? really?21:27
didrocksari-tczew: I had to go to the city center, just see a rejection, let me check21:28
didrocksari-tczew: ok, let me fix this21:28
Laneydidrocks: are you aware of the sqlite3 3.7.0 performance problems?21:28
Laneyhi ajmitch21:28
didrocksLaney: no, I'm not very found of sqlite to be honest, why? ;)21:29
Laneydidrocks: it ruins banshee :)21:29
Laneyor :(21:29
* ajmitch WTB more RAM, this computer seems to be running out of swap :)21:29
didrocksLaney: urgh :/21:29
didrocksLaney: is there a particular issue with that sqlite version? do you think we should move to another one for maverick?21:30
Laneydidrocks: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=625783 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/61237021:30
didrocksari-tczew: should be good now21:30
ubottuGnome bug 625783 in general "Banshee becomes extremely slow after sqlite3 => 3.7.0 upgrade" [Major,New]21:30
LaneyI think you should somehow track it for the release21:30
didrocksLaney: yeah, I'm subscribing to it21:30
Laneymilestone for the beta possibly21:30
didrocksLaney: do not hesitate to ping me if you get some news21:30
LaneyI mailed upstream, but you should be aware of it21:30
didrocksLaney: I'll discuss it in next week meeting21:30
didrocksLaney: thanks a lot for the notice!21:30
didrocksari-tczew: ok, the issue comes from a different tar.gz file, do you have some time to make a debdiff against the ubuntu version rather than the debian one, please?21:42
didrocksari-tczew: if not, I'll recreate it manually, but it will rock if you can handle that21:42
ari-tczewdidrocks: Done. Please upload it when you came back from city.22:09
ari-tczewbdrung: how did you fix ~90 bugs in maverick?22:16
didrocksari-tczew: sponsored, thanks a lot!22:26
ari-tczewdidrocks: no problem, I propose cooperate more in future :>22:27
didrocksari-tczew: great! looking forward to it :)22:28
ari-tczewdidrocks: are you main sponsors also, right?22:28
didrocksari-tczew: yeah, if you need sponsorship, do not hesitate (I don't look at the list often as I'm quite overloaded with work, but if you ping me, it's ok :))22:29
ari-tczewdidrocks: sounds great!22:29
ari-tczewdidrocks: now I got 2 merges remaining in sponsors-queue for main. are you interested?22:34
didrocksari-tczew: sure fire away22:34
didrocksari-tczew: will probably upload them after A3 though22:34
ari-tczewone fixes CVE.. :)22:34
ari-tczewdidrocks: alpha3?22:34
didrocksari-tczew: and it's more than 23:30 here, will go to bed soon :)22:34
didrocksari-tczew: right, alpha322:35
ari-tczewdidrocks: okay okay, how can I inform you?22:35
didrocksari-tczew: just subscribe me to both bugs22:36
didrocksI'll unsubscribe if it's not my area :)22:36
ari-tczewdidrocks: area?22:36
didrocksari-tczew: like kde package and such like X ones, plumbing…, I don't really work on them and prefer people who are aware of them sponsoring22:38
ari-tczewdidrocks: hmm, ok, will try :)22:39
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ari-tczewdidrocks: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gegl/0.0.22-2ubuntu1/+build/1902830 why? it built fine on my pbuilder22:54
ari-tczewcould someone look at this? ^^22:54
bdrungari-tczew: did i? from where do you have the number?22:55
ari-tczewbdrung: bdrung@ubuntu.com has 88 fixes >  http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/bug-fixing/maverick-fixes-report.html22:56
geserari-tczew: simple, libopenraw-dev is in universe while gegl (the source package) is in main22:56
ari-tczewgeser: so do I need to drop all B-D which are in universe?22:57
bdrungari-tczew: probably due to vlc22:57
bdrungand some from eclipse22:57
bdrungari-tczew: look at the changelog of vlc22:59
geserari-tczew: yes, that's one solution (if it works) the other is to get libopenraw promoted to main (-> MIR) (and of course all of it's build-dependencies too if they aren't already in main)22:59
ari-tczewgeser: I think that easier is try to 1st solution ^^23:00
geserthat's also often the preferred one23:01
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ari-tczewgeser: can I check easy whether B-D are good for package?23:14
ari-tczewis it any tool for checking component?23:14
tumbleweedari-tczew: test in a main-only pbuilder?23:14
ari-tczewtumbleweed: and what now? do I need to knock around my pbuilder for one test build?23:15
geserari-tczew: I don't know of any. I usually try to look at the component when apt downloads the build dependencies in my pbuilder23:16
tumbleweedari-tczew: what geser says sounds easy enough23:16
tumbleweedbut it's simple enough to hack your .pbuilderrc to allow variants (or add a hook that reads an environment variable and updates sources.list appropritately)23:17
ari-tczewtumbleweed: do you have it done?23:18
tumbleweedari-tczew: you don't want to see my pubilder config :)23:19
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ari-tczewtumbleweed: why?23:20
tumbleweedari-tczew: also, no I haven't. I implemented variants, and then decided that that was stupid23:20
ari-tczewtumbleweed: do you ashamed due to your pbuilder config?23:21
tumbleweedari-tczew: naah, it's just complex: http://paste.debian.net/82178/23:22
tumbleweederr, that's not th eright one23:23
tumbleweedoh no it is23:23
ari-tczewtumbleweed: I'm too tired for reading this.23:24
* ajmitch just does it the lazy way & has a few separate configs23:25
tumbleweedajmitch: I had that, but then I found myself wondering why things aren't doing what I expect23:26
ajmitchgiven how little they differ I should probably roll them up into a single config23:27
tumbleweedbdrung: you asked about unseeded vs universe on th esponsor queue: there are a bunch of unseeded branches that are main, and bug #221363 is listed as an unseeded bug23:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 221363 in policykit-1 (Ubuntu) "Policy Kit Unlock Buttons Greyed Out when using NX / VNC / LTSP" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22136323:28
ajmitchtumbleweed: that does look to be in universe for lucid23:29
ajmitch(policykit), that is23:30
tumbleweedajmitch: the bug is not target at lucid though?23:30
bdrungtumbleweed: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/policykit23:30
ajmitchbut the bug has multiple bug tasks23:30
ajmitchpolicykit-1 is in main, policykit in universe23:30
ari-tczewjdong: holidays?23:31
ajmitchsponsoring page may only be looking at the last task listed23:31
tumbleweedbdrung: oh, I was looking at the hover text on the policykit line in the bug23:31
tumbleweedit must have been demoted after upload23:31
bdrungwho worked on the sponsors queue? we are down 139 (from ~190 yesterday)23:32
geserbdrung: someone is "stealing" you work? :)23:33
* tumbleweed has been hitting it a little23:33
tumbleweedbut not that much23:33
bdrunggeser: no. i just want to say: thank you23:33
* ajmitch hasn't been stealing any work there23:33
bdrungmain: 132 -> 110, universe: 49 -> 2823:34
* ajmitch is going to try & focus on doing some work in debian for awhile23:35
bdrunggeser: when i work on the queue, i just keep it at the same level. i sponsor five requests and in this time five new ones are added :)23:35
* tumbleweed needs to do that too. I got distracted from debian after getting MOTU rights23:35
ajmitchbdrung: we can let it creep up to ~50 or so if you prefer?23:35
bdrungajmitch: but only with sync requests. ;) (sponsor-patch is not ready yet)23:36
ari-tczewdholbach does a lot of sponsoring23:36
highvoltagetumbleweed: I guess that happens :)23:36
ajmitchbdrung: sync requests are relatively easy though23:37
bdrungajmitch: yes, that one reason why i process them first23:37
tumbleweedhighvoltage: but by sponsoring, I'm helping people improve their development skills, but not applying myself to make debian/ubuntu better23:37
ari-tczewI'd help in clean sponsors queue.23:37
highvoltage"jonathan@ubuntu.com has 1 fix" that's so sad :(23:38
ari-tczewhighvoltage: it's you?23:38
* ajmitch is currently raging at python-setuptools being unhelpful, it's not conducive to getting things sponsored23:38
highvoltagetumbleweed: helping others getting better at contributing is big!23:39
highvoltageari-tczew: yep, I guess that will get better over the next few weeks at least23:39
tumbleweedhighvoltage: yes, but it means I'm not working on some big jobs that I should be working on23:39
ajmitchhighvoltage: you've got some time to do some bugfixing now?23:39
bdrungtumbleweed: you will improve debian/ubuntu in the long run, because the contributor will become motu one day23:40
tumbleweedbdrung: yes, I do enjoy it.23:40
tumbleweedajmitch: jonathan=highvoltage, yes, he got in early :)23:41
ajmitchtumbleweed: I know highvoltage from long ago :)23:41
highvoltageajmitch: it will be some bugs in ltsp and edubuntu that I planned to work on over the next few weeks anyway :)23:41
tumbleweedhighvoltage: that bug I mentioned (#221363) is ltsp-related (and I'm dropping it off the sponsor queue because it's only a patch)23:42
highvoltagetumbleweed also knows me from long ago :) (well, and recently :))23:42
tumbleweedajmitch: sorry, meant ari-tczew23:42
* ajmitch feels old23:44
tumbleweedhighvoltage: back then we all thought you were crazy, using this silly ubuntu distribution... :)23:45
ajmitchyou don't think he's crazy enough now? :)23:46
tumbleweedajmitch: it's nice on latops :P23:47
highvoltages/laptops/devices with wi-fi/g :)23:47
highvoltageactually waking up from suspend is a *lot* faster on maverick (almost instant) on my hardware so someone have been doing real good work somewhere23:48
ajmitchI may have to upgrade then23:48
ajmitchsince I've had the problem of often having resume take a long time23:48
tumbleweedsuspend is semi-broken for me atm. Must find out what the issue is...23:49
ari-tczewsome guy has uploaded a package to REVU, but now he is offline since 20th June. I'd to upload updated package. can I do it?23:49
micahgari-tczew: have you tried contacting the user through LP?23:50
highvoltageari-tczew: revu isn't a strict requirement for sponsoring a package, so if it's in good shape I guess you can make that judgement call23:50
ari-tczewmicahg: I picked his e-mail adress from LP and sent message by Evolution.23:51
micahgari-tczew: k, and no response?23:51
ari-tczewmicahg: no response23:51
ari-tczewhis karma on launchpad says that he has been active last 20th June23:52
ajmitchpossibly on holiday for awhile23:52
ari-tczewajmitch: fine, but I want to get this package before FFe23:52
micahgari-tczew: yeah, so I guess like highvoltage said, you could take it over, but I'd try to give the user credit for whatever was done previously23:52
ari-tczewcan someone main sponsors take this one? bug 61323423:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 613234 in gegl (Ubuntu) "FTBFS gegl 0.0.22-2ubuntu1" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61323423:53
LaneyI appreciate your comments and agree the idea is way past its best. But how else can a newspaper with a plummeting circulation get people to buy the paper?!23:54
LaneyI appreciate your comments and agree the idea is way past its best. But how else can a newspaper with a plummeting circulation get people to buy the paper?!23:54
Laneymiddle click......23:54
ajmitch'oops' indeed23:54
Laneyat least it wasn't obscene!23:54
* Laney blames legacy X11 features23:54
ajmitchat least you didn't past a password!23:54
Laneymaybe I did…23:55
ajmitchthat would be a passphrase23:55
Laneypedants, in MY #ubuntu-motu‽23:55
* ajmitch hopes that debian NEW isn't moving too slowly at the moment23:56

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