
Big_D_271 can anyone help with S-video on a 9500 GT?05:49
Technophildepends what you want?06:28
=== mvetketel is now known as bogus-
dewmanits a beautiful day in the neighborhood. =)15:36
Gibby1313I am having a permissions issue when I am mounting a cifs from a windows box that has all my movies, I am getting directory is not writeable but I am able to touch a file in it18:02
tgm4883Gibby1313, sounds like the mythtv group may need write access to it?18:04
tgm4883where did you mount the share?18:04
Gibby1313wierd, i copied 1 movie from my mount to /var/lib/mythtv/videos/ and it found all of them18:19
Gibby1313I just have to read on how to find the imbd info automatically now for 2000+ videos, if i can't figure it out I will be back18:20
tgm4883Gibby1313, jamu18:21
Gibby1313What is the Jamu NFS Override?18:23
* tgm4883 shrugs18:25
rhpot1991any ipod users around?18:29
dewmanrhpot1991, not I....android.18:45
rhpot1991dewman: which device?18:46
dewmandroid 118:46
rhpot1991already tested :)18:46
dewmanpatiently waiting for 2.2 to come out...18:46
* rhpot1991 too18:46
dewmanwhatcha testing?18:46
rhpot1991dewman: video files18:46
dewmanwas hoping you were going to say a new mythmote.... =)18:47
* superm1 hugs his newly froyo flavored evo18:47
* rhpot1991 curses verizon18:47
* dewman will load 2.2 himself if it doesn't hurry up and get here. 18:48
tafkazhallo zusammen!19:04
tafkazprobleme mit dem Grabber:19:04
tafkazUse of uninitialized value $time in localtime at /usr/share/perl5/Date/Format.pm line 123.19:04
tafkazYour PIN will expire around Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 EET 197019:04
tafkazformat error: file is too short19:04
tafkazPin ist gerade neu19:04
tafkazund jetzt krieg ich auf einmal keine neuen daten mehr19:05
tafkazweiss einer bitte Rat?19:05
tafkazups...i am in the wrong channel19:10
tafkazsorry for any disturbance19:10
dewmanwe are all sleeping here....19:11
tafkazsleep well then!19:14
mrandtafkaz: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xmltv/+bug/544522?19:20
mrand   *sigh*19:20
Zinn[bugs.launchpad.net] Bug #544522 in xmltv (Ubuntu): “[lucid] latest version of Date::Manip breaks tv_grab_uk_rt ”19:20
Gibby1313so i got jamu working mostly... is there a way to clear all the meta databases? then is there a way to run jamu and make it accept (1) the default unless it find more than 1 possiblity?19:38
rhpot1991dewman: you see it yet?21:09

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