
ubottuIn ubottu, mikeru said: !bee is bee01:04
mikeru(nevermind that)01:04
* h00k never minds01:12
h00kvinicius isn't quite getting the /join #ubuntu-br down01:54
h00kin #ubuntu01:55
bazhanghe's in there already01:57
h00kbazhang: how long as he been in there?01:58
bazhangjust now I think h00k01:58
h00kah, okay. Cool.01:58
bazhangblendmaster? or the badger guy03:04
Piciblendmaster1024 in #ubuntu03:04
bazhangah okay03:04
Piciblendmaster says he wont do it again.03:18
funkyHatbantracker comments strip newlines (or more likely just don't do anything special with them)03:21
Flannelunfortunately, yes.03:22
funkyHatWell you won't have to worry about extraneous highlights for a while anyway Flannel ;(03:31
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 467 bans)03:31
bazhang<Bridge|> naw he set me up my own url  <--blendmaster has outsourced it. spamming other channels with now03:33
PiciWell, hes in #freenode now, maybe posting it there will get some more attention.03:34
bazhangarguing with staff about it now03:34
h00kthat'll get him somewhere.03:35
PiciI parted #defocus a week or so ago, it was getting to annoying.03:35
bazhang##linux and perhaps #freenode soon03:35
rwwCan someone do something about Prosper_'s trolling in #ubuntu-offtopic, please?04:12
h00koh boy, banlist is filling again04:40
funkyHatThey do that04:43
h00kI hope genii is okay :(04:56
jussih00k: you just volunteered to clean it up :DF06:25
bnmkiam sorry please retakeme06:43
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines06:45
IdleOneplease read that and let me know when you are done06:45
bnmkok sorry please retake me06:45
bnmkok i read06:45
bnmkiam cryong06:45
bnmkforgive me06:46
IdleOnebnmk: you did not read that link06:46
IdleOneit takes more then 15 seconds to read06:47
bnmkok i will read if i read can you re take me06:47
IdleOnePlease do not message me06:47
IdleOnebnmk: I will give you a chance this time but understand that I will not hesitate to ban you again if you break the channel rules06:48
bnmkok ok thank you06:48
bnmkiam soory06:49
IdleOnePlease part this channel.06:49
IdleOneban has been lifted06:49
bnmki under stand that it is not a place to play in irc06:49
bnmkplease forgive me06:50
IdleOneI have removed the ban. You may rejoin #ubuntu.06:50
bnmkplease forgive me06:50
bnmkare you angry to me06:50
IdleOnebnmk: the ban is lifted, please leave this channel now06:51
IdleOneCan one of the #kubuntu ops reset the forward to #kubuntu-proxy-users it does not appear to be working06:57
jussiIdleOne: fixored07:13
IdleOnethank you07:13
bazhangKE1HA, hi08:54
KE1HAHi, was just coming to get assistance with that "big" fella :-) didn't know you were an op.08:55
bazhangseems to be -br08:55
KE1HANot sure, he seems to understand english when he / she needs too.08:55
bazhangwell IdleOne just laid down the portuguese law08:56
IdleOnebazhang: I copy/pasted from -br rules wiki :)08:56
bazhangIdleOne, haha08:56
KE1HAOk, well you've got it well in hand, so no need fer me to mess around in it too.08:56
* IdleOne can read it but writing it properly is another sdtory08:57
IdleOneas you can see I struggle with English also :)08:57
IdleOnebazhang: he now understands the rule.08:58
bazhangIdleOne, yep08:58
* IdleOne steps away for a few08:58
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 471 bans)14:10
h00kand the vps is back.16:23
h00kI felt odd not having irssi running16:23
h00klike I missed something important16:24
funkyHatWhat do you mean "like"?16:46
ubottuIn ubottu, abhijit said: !India is great contry.17:17
abhijithey peeps17:17
abhijiti was just testing ubottu17:17
abhijitand by mistake i submited factoid to add.17:17
abhijitso i want to say that ignore it. i was testing.17:18
PiciWe will.17:18
abhijitPici, :)17:18
ubottuIn ubottu, abhijit said: !ibus is can be used for any language. (if this msg reaches ops channel ignore it. or tell me any good way to tast ubottu by not disturbing you all!)17:23
* Pici tastes ubottu 17:24
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1574 users, 1 overflows, 1575 limit))18:20
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 473 bans)20:45
PiciI gotta go, but someone may want to keep an eye on rhodan in #ubuntu20:57
Mamarokwhat's with metabot joining and quitting in #kubuntu?21:29
IdleOneYes you are21:30
IdleOneWhats up?21:30
ActionParsnipIdleOne: getting cloak21:30
ActionParsnipI've been approved :)21:31
IdleOneand congrats21:31
ActionParsnipty dude, and thanks for the testimonial21:31
IdleOneWas my pleasure21:32
ikoniaOpenBluntSurgery: has pushed it too far now21:53
IdleOnewhere at?21:54
IdleOnebanned metabot until ljl can fix the connection issues22:08
nhandlerIdleOne: For connection issues, it is best to forward them to ##fix_your_connection. That makes it clear to the user why they were banned, and also makes it clear to anyone looking at the ban list.23:08
IdleOnenhandler: the ban was requested by LjL and i also added a comment to BT explaning23:09
nhandlerIdleOne: Here, it is probably fine. But in general, it is nice to include the forward just to make sure it is clear for everyone23:12
IdleOnenhandler: understood23:13
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