
wgrantcjwatson, Riddell: Why's it so slow (the script is not public, AFAICT)?00:04
Riddellsbeattie: is it needed for a paticular reason?  if not it' my archive day tomorrow and I'll probably get to it.  nobody else is doing regular New processing so it's not unusual for things to be stuck for a week00:05
Riddellwgrant: because the soyuz queue command is slow and it runs it once for each binary package00:06
wgrantWell, it seems like kernel-overrides could be optimised to call it fewer times.00:06
wgrantMaking it quicker to start is unfortunately not easy :/00:07
wgrantYay Zope.00:07
sbeattieRiddell: it's not strictly necessary, but the security team has some tracking scripts that whinge when package sources disappear from the archive.00:07
sbeattieRiddell: tomorrow is fine.00:07
Riddellwgrant: on my archive admin days a significant amount of my time is spent waiting for the queue command, it's probably one reason why I'm the only active archive admin left00:09
wgrantRiddell: Do you normally need to do per-binary overrides, or would the current web UI suffice?00:10
wgrantMaking that quicker isn't terribly difficult.00:10
Riddellnever used the web UI, didn't know one existed00:10
ScottKRiddell: That's what I have to use.00:10
wgrantRiddell: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+queue00:11
wgrantDoesn't let you do per-binary overrides, but is otherwise not bad.00:11
ScottKIt is however, unreliable.00:12
ScottKIt's not at all rare to get timeouts on it, particularly when doing multiple packages.00:13
Riddellit would help a bit if binarie were put into the component their source is in by default00:13
wgrantIf you have complaints, tell us (or maybe just me)!00:14
wgrantIt's not deliberately painful, and a lot of things are easily fixed.00:15
ScottKwgrant: When it fails, I retry a few times and if it's consistent, I complain.00:18
wgrantScottK: Right, we know about the timeouts.00:24
wgrantIt's the other issues that seem to also be causing real problems that I'm worried about.00:24
ScottKFunctionally, the lack of per binary overrides is the main thing I miss.00:24
ScottKwgrant: Speaking of timeout issues, Error ID: OOPS-1675E1545 is not rare on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde4libs/+publishinghistory00:29
ScottKRetry worked (as it often does).00:29
cjwatsonwgrant: the problem is that if you call queue on a bunch of binary packages then it takes O(N^2) time01:09
cjwatsonwhich is stupid01:09
cjwatsonso you have to trade off the cost of repeatedly executing queue against the cost of having it override N times as many times as it needs to01:10
cjwatsonbug 24112901:11
ubot4Launchpad bug 241129 in soyuz "'queue override' command scales at O(n^2) with the number of packages on the commandline (affects: 1) (dups: 1) (heat: 4)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24112901:11
wgrantcjwatson: Hm, that's pretty awesome.01:28
pittiGood morning07:14
ttxslangasek: the server ISO is under size now, with hplip still in there, so we could revert the hplip seed change10:33
ttxamd64 is at 699 Mb though10:34
ttxI'd still want to try out at alpha3 how usable is print-server without hplip10:34
pittifinally! compiz installable again; now waiting for the ecore/edje/elementary stuff to become installable, then we can trigger some images11:51
pittiin fact, after this publisher run finishes we can trigger amd64/i386 images11:52
pittialternates and desktops triggered for all flavours12:12
pittifirst images posted to tracker12:26
pittiara: ^ FYI12:26
arapitti, great, thanks!12:33
ograpitti, do i get in your way if i fire off an armel build ?12:46
Riddellsmoke testing today's kubuntu daily live, seems in reasonable shape, installs fine13:01
pittiogra: doesn't work yet13:25
pittiogra: we still need some time to sort out the giant FTBFS mess of the new e* stack13:25
pittiogra: but if you have an image without netbook-launcher, go ahead of course13:26
* pitti binNEWs edje13:26
pittiogra: FYI, in 1.5 hours I can retry "elementary", so around 18:00 CEST we hopefully have installable arm again13:27
pittiara, Riddell, all: all alternate builds posted13:30
pittittx: ^ server, too13:30
pittismoser: can you please add the UEC images to the tracker, too?13:30
ttxpitti: ack13:30
pittiubuntu/kubuntu-netbook posted, too13:32
pittiRiddell: ^ FYI13:32
smoserpitti, i've never added anything to the tracker myself.13:33
pittismoser: ah, who does that usually, for the URC images?13:33
smoserslangasek, will usually do the UEC images, ara has done them before though. slangasek has a script which takes something like http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/server/maverick/20100803.1/published-ec2-daily.txt as input13:34
pittiRiddell: oops, just saw the kubuntu-meta upload; I guess you want a rebuild for that?13:34
ttxpitti: note that server will need to be respinned to get the last eucalyptus in, should land eod today.13:37
pittittx: sure13:37
pittittx: I'm just happy that after all this wrangling with soyuz and cd space, we even have buildable CDs now, so I wanted to build them now before everything breaks all over again :)13:38
pittibut no problem to do respins13:38
pittittx: first smoketest appreciated, though13:38
ttxof course13:38
Riddellpitti: kubuntu netbook? that doesn't exist any more13:39
pittiRiddell: hm, why do we still build them then?13:39
RiddellI thought we didn't13:39
pittiRiddell: ok, I can take them off the tracker and remove them from the cronjb13:39
Riddellthey are commented out in the crontab13:40
Riddellpitti: we're still waiting for the last KDE 4.5.0 packages to get published, I'd also like the packagekit update and of indeed the meta packages on there13:40
pittiRiddell: ok; can I ask you to trigger a respin once that's done? my afternoon is full of meetings, and I have a presentation to give at 1400 UTC, too13:41
Riddellyes I can do that13:42
pittiRiddell: cheers13:43
pittiRiddell: ok, so I'll ignore the current kubuntu desktop build13:43
pittii. e. not add it to tracker13:43
ScottKlibmail-dkim-perl depends on libdigest-sha-perl, which is in Universe.  It has an approved MIR from some time ago (Bug #243306).  I'm not sure why that doesn't show up on the problems page, but would someone please promote libdigest-sha-perl.13:48
ubot4Launchpad bug 243306 in libdigest-sha-perl (Ubuntu) "MIR for libdigest-sha-perl (heat: 4)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24330613:48
ograpitti, sigh, asac promised to be careful :P14:01
pittiogra: well, he had the entire stack synced, and it has very sloppy build deps14:02
pittibut we are almost through now, just two more hours :)14:02
ograpitti, i know, i wouldnt have acked the sync right before A3 if i had known it needs the whole stack new14:02
pittilet's just hope that it'll actually work :)14:03
ograwe're far from being ready with the settings and i had planned to adjust them until A314:03
pittioh, hmm14:03
pittinetbook-launcher-efl needs a rebuild, too14:03
pittiagainst the -06 ABI14:03
pittiit currently depends on *-0514:03
pittiogra: ^ mind uploading that?14:03
ograi thought asac pulled a new upstream version in14:03
pittilast upload is from April14:04
ograafaik that was the whole reason for doing the syncs of the efl stack14:04
pittimaybe he's planning to14:04
pitti-> #u-desktop14:04
ograthats what i understood14:04
davmor2pitti: wubi is broken still.  Drops straight into grub shell on first boot after installing on windows side14:41
slangasekttx: revert the seed change> your call :)15:06
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ttxslangasek: I'll keep it that way. We can revert for beta :)15:07
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ScottKslangasek: If you have a moment, would you please promote libdigest-sha-perl?  See channel scrollback from ~2 hours ago for details.15:37
* Riddell builds Kubuntu CDs16:08
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smoserslangasek, when you get a minute, can you populate iso tracker with http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/server/maverick/20100803.1/published-ec2-daily.txt17:45
* Riddell builds kubuntu CDs again18:12
Riddellsmoser: added please check I got that right http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/ubuntuserver/all18:16
smoserdid you do it by hand ?18:16
Riddellhow else do you do it?18:16
smoserslangasek, has a script.  and the serial numbers are supposed to be the ami ids :-(18:17
smoserslangasek, how about providing me with that script, so next time i ask someone else i can say "use this, its easier"18:17
RiddellScottK: libdigest-sha-perl moved to main18:18
slangaseksmoser: the script isn't done yet, it still has to be edited for each new milestone; I'm working on fixing that today19:00
smoserslangasek, thanks. i didn't mean to pester. only to save other people time and heartache19:01
slangaseksmoser: it's not pestering, this is something I've needed to get done for a couple of months now to eliminate myself as SPOF :)19:01
Riddellnew kubuntu CDs up, added to tracker19:01
charlie-tcaCan we have the xubuntu Desktop images added to the tracker?19:08
pittiRiddell: yippie19:22
pitticharlie-tca: looking19:22
pitticharlie-tca: sorry, had an afternoon full of meetings, got a bit sidetracked from the release stuff19:22
charlie-tcano problem19:22
charlie-tcaI ran some anyway19:22
charlie-tcaThank you19:29
Riddellis there such a thing as SRU freeze for 10.04.1?19:37
pittiRiddell: yes, there is19:38
pittiRiddell: we had to inflict it so that we can test CDs built from -proposed for a while19:38
Riddellpitti: so that's still in place?19:40
pittiyes, it is19:40
Riddellpitti: where was that announced?19:40
pittiRiddell: shoudl have been during the sprint19:40
seb128it was not announced19:41
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Riddellthat seems rather a problem19:45
seb128Riddell, right, thanks to the lack of r-m I guess but that should be fixed rsn19:45
slangaseksmoser: AMIs posted; script finished; lp:~ubuntu-archive/ubuntu-archive-tools/trunk/post-amis-to-iso-tracker.py19:53
smoserslangasek, thanks.19:53
slangasekpitti: ^^19:53
pittislangasek: thanks19:53
smoserregarding the amis... well, we're re-spinning :)19:53
smoserbut the script is great.19:53
slangasekpitti: sure!  sorry it took so long19:53
slangaseksmoser: 'sok, really easy to post the new ones when they're ready ;)19:53
pittislangasek: did you meet Kate yet? say hello from me19:53
slangasekpitti: I did - you know Kate?19:53
pittislangasek: not yet :)19:53
slangasekheh :)19:53
pittibut let's say, I'm not at all unhappy about getting back a RM19:54
slangasekright :)19:55
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pittigood night everyone21:16
pittino -efl tody, so no arm images21:16
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ScottKRiddell: Thanks.23:40

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