
MTecknologyI'm trying to drop each user into a chroot when they log into the system. I don't want to make it over ssh only. I setup a chroot environment. I changed the users home directory to /chroot/./home/user moved /home/* into /chroot/home/. When I run su - user, I'm dropped into /chroot/home/user and pwd shows /chroot/./home/user/. echo $HOME shows the same thing. I'm really lost figuring out why the user isn't being dropped int00:32
MTecknologyI'm not sure if that cut off or not..00:32
smoserSpamapS, i forgot to pick up your glusterfs merge proposal00:59
smoseri uploaded a cloud-init today, and would have picked it up.00:59
smoserbut i guess given that its doc only,k not a big deal00:59
thesheff17MTecknology: i'm building a new virtual machine to test a chroot env.01:10
MTecknologythesheff17: awesome - I'm taking a break because I need to do a whole lot of homework in a very short time but that's not to say I won't take a break from it ;)01:11
MTecknologythesheff17: I imagine you'll make it work for you just perfect :P - I built the chroot with debootstrap lucid /chroot01:16
smoserMTecknology, just because you set the home doesn't mean a chroot is going to occur.01:19
MTecknologysmoser: and that's what I can't figure out how to make happen - any magical tips, advice, reading?01:19
smoserwhat i would suggest you do is change the users shell to be something that performs a chroot if and only if its not already chrooted.01:19
smoseri've done this once before, actually.01:19
MTecknologysuch as?01:19
smoserie, you could add a shell to the "real system" that did something like:01:20
* MTecknology blank stare01:20
MTecknologyI see that in scripts all the time01:21
smoserso you have to deal with permissions to.01:21
smoseruser can't run chroot.01:21
smoserthe "shell" that was the users shell (ie, listed in /etc/passwd) in the outside shell would be '/bin/jailer'01:22
smoser/bin/jailer then would be either setuid root, or a shell script that called sudo01:22
MTecknologyyou mean I'd need to make my own script to deal with it?01:22
smoseri think you'll end up having to write something in C01:22
smoseryes, write your own "shell"01:22
lowridahin ubuntu is there a script like centos' 'setup' to do postinstall config all from one menu?01:23
smoserthe rason i thin kyou need C is that you're going to have to chroot, and then drop permissions.01:23
smoserdchroot actually does this, its possible you could make use of it.01:23
MTecknologyI thought that /chroot/./home/user was some awesome tool to drop the user into the chroot01:23
smosermaybe i'm just not aware of it.01:23
lowridahi have pxe installs of ubuntu going but i want one nice location to do the postinstall without having to hack up a preseed late_command01:23
smoserwhere di dyou see this ?01:24
smoseri really have to run...01:24
smoserbut i'm somewhat intrigued.01:24
MTecknologyin a few guides online - but those are all for ssh logins using a patched openssh-server01:24
smoserhm.. well the patched ssh server might be the thing.01:25
smoserlowridah, i'm not aware of anything that does what you really want.  there is no "first boot config" that i'm aware of.01:25
lowridahokay thanks01:26
MTecknologythere used to be I know.. but I forget its name01:26
lowridahi may have to delve into debconf for this =(01:26
MTecknologyit was used during installation though01:26
lowridahduring install is debconf01:27
lowridahoem-config-firstboot exists in oem installs01:28
MTecknologythesheff17: did you get anywhere on that?01:50
MTecknologythesheff17: I have almost have of one assignment done :D01:50
thesheff17MTecknology: hmm...well I can tell you I'm very rusty with chroot :) I did this on debian about 5 years ago....and the docs are just all over the place on this subject :(01:53
MTecknologythesheff17: I noticed :P01:53
Gravesany1 want to walk me through setting up samba to share the apache folder where my windows box can upload html files01:53
MTecknologythesheff17: when I get this I'm going to make a GOOD step by step by step how to on it01:53
MTecknologythesheff17: after I tested and retested01:54
MTecknologythesheff17: for a novice user such as myself - the scattered and inconsistent docs make it pretty much hell to accomplish. :P01:55
thesheff17MTecknology: yea I thought for sure this would be well documented at this point.01:55
patdk-lapI have an issue with ipvs I just can't quite figure out, and can't seem to find any ipvs info about it :(01:56
MTecknologythesheff17: we'll take care of that, right? You teach me and I'll spend a couple days documenting?01:56
patdk-lapI have ipvs ipv4 setup, and working just fine01:56
patdk-lapI have had ipv6 using ipvs in nat, working fine01:56
patdk-lapjust tried ipv6 with ipvs in dr mode, and can't get it to work, ipv6 won't do neighbor descovery01:57
patdk-lapI can't ping the ipv6 ip's of the real machines at all, the ipv6 neighbor descovery never can locate the ip01:57
thesheff17MTecknology: yea I'm going to keep working on it....it is really bugging me now since I have done it in the past and my linux skills where crap then :)01:58
MTecknologythesheff17: mine were crap then too - i don't know that they improved much :P - I can at least make simple packages and complex bash scripts now :)02:00
thesheff17MTecknology: got it02:07
thesheff17this worked perfect02:08
thesheff17just have to find the right how to :)02:08
MTecknologythesheff17: Need to package jailkit then?02:08
thesheff17yea I would use that02:08
MTecknologythesheff17: thanks - I wonder why it wasn't packaged yet...02:09
thesheff17MTecknology: I'm not sure02:09
MTecknologyif it's just a config/make/install it should be trivial :P02:09
MTecknologythesheff17: I'll look into that and maybe get it into 11.04 - 10.10 very likely won't happen even for universe02:10
thesheff17MTecknology: do apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` build-essential02:10
thesheff17that will give you all the packages you need to build any software for linux02:10
MTecknologythesheff17: usually - lal requires a few different ones02:11
MTecknologyI need to finish writing lal at some point :(02:11
thesheff17MTecknology: what is lal?02:11
* MTecknology so wants to do !info lal02:12
thesheff17!info lal02:12
ubottuPackage lal does not exist in lucid02:12
MTecknologyI need to finish version 2.0 before I'll push for it to be in the repos - I do have a PPA for it though02:13
MTecknologythesheff17: https://edge.launchpad.net/~mtecknology/+archive/sysapps02:13
thesheff17MTecknology: nice02:14
thesheff17MTecknology: there may be a better way to do chroot but that how to got me start to working setup in 5 min...and we have been working on it all day :)02:15
MTecknologythesheff17: I may very well love your right now :P I'll have to try this in the morning when I finish homework (hopefully I can)02:15
MTecknologythesheff17: you should try out lal :) - that's the version without the calendar feature02:16
thesheff17MTecknology: sure I def will02:16
thesheff17MTecknology: yea I think chroot has fallen behind since so many people are using virtual machines now but it is def still valid on every systems.02:18
thesheff17hehe it works great I removed /home/jail/bin/ls02:19
thesheff17and now my testuser can't ls :)02:19
MTecknologythesheff17: in my case I have very few resources to spare but users need to be able to log in and do things to their website. I locked it down so even if they can run php - it won't be able to do things like launch another php-cgi process - I don't think you can do that from inside a php script02:20
Gravesi rebooted and i cant use vnc to login now02:21
Gravesso some website told me to delete my keyring files02:21
Gravesso i did02:21
Gravesnow it still wont work02:21
MTecknologythesheff17: that's my whole goal - lock down what the user can do so they can't chew up more resources such as php-cgi02:21
thesheff17MTecknology: yea chroot should do the trick :)02:22
MTecknologythesheff17: I'm hoping my assumptions are right about the rest of it or I need to take it a step further - and I don't want to :P02:23
thesheff17MTecknology: yea that should do the trick with just giving them enough to edit files02:25
MTecknologythesheff17: ya, I meant with the web server running outside of that chroot02:26
MTecknologythesheff17: unless I knocked that into a chroot too - but that would just get really messy02:26
MTecknologywhich would be the next step.. :P02:27
thesheff17MTecknology: well how do you have it setup now?  do you have it pointed to their home dirs?02:27
thesheff17MTecknology: with apache?02:27
thesheff17MTecknology: so nginx is pointing to their home dirs?02:28
MTecknologyphp-cgi processes running as that user - each site uses the php process to access the home dir as that user02:29
MTecknologythen nginx can read static content without php but can't run scripts or alter anything in there02:29
thesheff17MTecknology: can you just poing nginx to point to the jail?02:30
MTecknologyya, it would require sed -i 's/\/home/\/jail\/user/' /etc/nginx/snips/drupal && /etc/init.d/nginx reload02:31
MTecknologyI think that would cover it..02:31
MTecknologygranted I'd just edit by hand instead of sed :P02:31
thesheff17MTecknology: hehe yup that should all work.02:32
MTecknologythesheff17: <?php exec('php-cgi &'); ?> <-- if that fails then I win; if that wins - then I fail and must work harded - probably by tweaking what php can do02:34
thesheff17MTecknology: do you have safe mode enabled02:35
thesheff17MTecknology: for php I think that disables exec02:35
MTecknologythesheff17: I'm not sure but will absolutely check when I get to work - thanks :)02:36
MTecknologythesheff17: HUGS! ({)02:36
thesheff17MTecknology: I also thinks it disables uploads but yea I def look into safe mode for php02:36
MTecknologyoh.. uploads might be needed - maybe there's a way around it. I'll test and find out. I'm sure my answer will be somewhere in php.ini02:37
MTecknologythesheff17: thanks for putting up with me and helping so much :)02:37
thesheff17MTecknology: np glad I could help.  I know chroot gave me a huge headache for days02:37
thesheff17MTecknology: I'm signing off tonight but will be back on tomorrow02:37
MTecknologythesheff17: alrighty, I'll let you know how it goes when I get there :)02:38
thesheff17MTecknology: safe mode is deprecated since 5.3.0...it has been a long time but I would check this out.  http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4702:39
thesheff17MTecknology: ttyl02:40
MTecknologythesheff17: :D spiffy02:40
patdk-laphmm, no idea what was wrong02:42
patdk-laprebooted the *real server*, and they started working on ipv6 correctly02:42
MACscrok, so apt-get isnt automatically or even asking to install dependencies. How can i change it so that it does?02:50
* patdk-lap wonders how you managed to break it02:51
MACscrpatdk-lap: its a very stripped down image for xen. Wasnt provided by me02:52
MTecknologyMACscr: I know in aptitude it's a simple preference - i don't know about apt-get02:53
MTecknologyMACscr: it should install deps - but you can tell it not to do recommends02:54
MACscrdoes aptitude and apt-get have access to the same "repos"? not sure exactly what ubuntu/debian calls them03:09
harrisonDoes anyone know of a good webmail guide, I tried squirrel mail but that didn't work.03:11
patdk-lapdepends what you want03:16
patdk-lapsimple and easy, or full featured and complex03:16
MACscrdamnit, i cant get aptitude not apt-get to do dependencies and cant figure a way to fix it. I dont see anything in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ that might help me resolve it03:21
MACscrgrr this is frustrating03:21
hggdhDaviey: tomorrow we will talk, BUT: I reinstalled the whole thing 4 times. *ALL* four times, all components -- including NCs -- registered successfully (and by themselves)04:01
twbSounds like a *good* thing04:05
hggdhyes, except that without any changes (except for cosmic rays) it was not doing that before...04:11
* patdk-lap thinks people are paranoid of cosmic rays04:12
* hggdh brings up witches as possible causes, even if they do not exist04:13
Gravesi registerd a domain name04:13
Gravesbut they people cant forward it to a dynamic ip04:14
Graveswhat should i do04:14
MACscrwhat do i have to do to setup mysql so i can just type: mysql -u username -p, etc?04:20
MACscrits one of my biggest annoyances of debian/ubuntu is that every service command seems to need a path04:20
ajmitchgiven that it lives in /usr/bin, there should be no path needed for the mysql client04:21
funkyHatMACscr: that should work as it is. What's the output of echo $PATH ?04:23
MACscrhmm, looks like i have some errors left over from the last install. Check this out http://pastebin.com/PRxcEsNK04:25
MACscrguess the baruwa install didnt complete. Part of that actually came up when i was simply trying to install libwww-perl04:27
ajmitchjudging from the bugs, mysql-cluster-7.0 is a mess04:30
MACscrbut i just need 5 =P04:31
ajmitchdid you have a reason for using mysql-cluster?04:32
rdw200169Graves: still there?04:32
MACscrwell it appears that baruwa works with clusters, which is what i want to move to with this setup, but i havent even had a chance ot try out the software on a single server config yet04:32
ajmitchthen in the meantime you can probably use mysql-server-5.1 and mysql-client-5.104:33
bcompi'm having a problem accessing my server from the internet04:34
bcompI set up port forwarding on the router and changed from dhcp to static ip on the server04:34
bcompbut for some reason I can't ssh from anywhere outside my LAN04:35
rdw200169its possible that your ISP may be blocking incoming connections04:35
bcompis there a workaround?04:36
rdw200169is your router directly connected to the internet connection, or is there like a DSL modem in between your router and internet connection?04:36
bcompcable internet modem box, then a router, then the server04:36
rdw200169sometimes, DSL 'modems' are actually routers04:36
bcompthen maybe I have two router and i though i had one hah04:36
rdw200169exactly, but cable modems, as far as i know, are always just modems04:37
rdw200169at least the cable modems provided by cable companies, like the surfboard04:37
bcompah good04:37
ScottKrdw200169: Sometimes they are routers too.04:38
rdw200169ScottK: ok ok, fair enough, thats why i said "as far as i know" ;)04:38
bcompalso, would it be bad to set up router port forwarding, and put the server on dmz?04:38
rdw200169dmz is like 'total port forwarding'04:39
ScottKrdw200169: Sure.  Understood.04:39
bcompwell yeah, i just wondered if it would mess things up or something04:39
rdw200169nah, its just kinda pointless to do port forwarding if you're gonna put it on a the DMZ04:40
rdw200169anyway, i was gonna say, have you tested SSH *without* the modem to verify if it is actually a modem issue?04:40
bcompwhat do you mean?04:40
rdw200169i mean, without the router04:40
rdw200169like, plug the server straight into the internet connection04:41
bcompoh no04:41
bcompbecause then I wouldn't be able to access the internet with other computers to test it hah04:41
rdw200169if your server has a firewall, it should be fine on the WWW04:41
rdw200169if you want, i can test for you04:41
rdw200169i *am* on the other side of the internet, so i can test things04:42
rdw200169but it doesn't necessarily have to be SSH, just anything, like a webserver or something04:42
bcompwell yeah04:42
bcompi weighing the effort needed to walk to my server in the other room04:42
bcompagh ok04:43
rdw200169that, or, i can test what you have right now04:43
bcompthat might be better04:43
bcompi'm pretty new at this, if it isn't apparent04:44
bcompshould i send you the ip, straight up?04:44
rdw200169if you want04:44
rdw200169i'm assuming that if you're gonna run a server, you're gonna get your IP out there anyway04:45
MACscrajmitch: im not picking what needs to be installed, thats from the .deb i installed04:45
bcompgood point04:45
MACscrthe .deb for baruwa04:45
MACscrok, i got past that stuff and just installed the mysql-client. Now here is my noob question for the day. How do i restart mysql? I dont see anything located in /etc/init.d/ for mysql05:10
MTecknologyhttp://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Kernel-HOWTO/ - "because it don't fitted the LDP standard." Is English not one of the standards you have?05:55
twbMTecknology: submit a patch06:03
MTecknologytwb: perhaps if I have time at some point in the next year :(06:05
MTecknologysleepy time.. I'll talk to you all when the sun comes up again.06:06
Roxyhart0hi there, somebody know how work the order form rule in iptables? I mean the the first match stop checking the rest or check every rule in the table?06:18
rdw200169Roxyhart0: first match06:45
rdw200169Roxyhart0: if you read some 'standard' firewall configurations, like the 'standard' firewall that firestarter uses, a lot more about iptables makes sense.06:48
rdw200169Roxyhart0: on the rule matching, the last word in an iptables command specifies what to do, i.e. the jump part, -j.  this determines the 'next step' in the rules.  for example, the "-j LOG" target allows you to match a packet, log it, and ***continue through the table***06:52
rdw200169Roxyhart0: its hard for me to say that *every time the table is first match -> stop* b/c there are so many Target Extensions available for use in iptables...06:54
Roxyhart0yes, i know...i am trying to figure out with some rules that i got06:55
rdw200169if you need any help, i'm pretty good at iptables/iproute206:56
Roxyhart0it is just i need block port 25 por everybody except 2 Ips06:56
Roxyhart0so i did drop port 25 and acet when come form those ips06:57
rdw200169ah, easy06:57
Roxyhart0but sometimes works and sometimes dont06:57
rdw200169first, match for that IP/port combination then ACCEPT06:57
rdw200169then, after those rules, drop all other port 25 traffic06:57
Roxyhart0i did that but sometime does work..it is like intermitent06:58
rdw200169so the table catches that IP address going to that port *first* before dropping the other stuff06:58
rdw200169do you have a log target prior to your drop target to catch whats getting dropped?06:58
rdw200169is this like your iptables match: -A INPUT -s USER_IP -p tcp -m tcp --dport 25 -j ACCEPT07:00
Roxyhart0no but i got a first rule that say, if some ip go to the mail server go to the rule email server and after those rules it the rule to accept port 25 and then07:01
Roxyhart0drop everyone else07:02
rdw200169so the whole thing starts with something like -A INPUT -d MAIL_SERVER_IP -j MAIL_SERVER_RULES_INCOMING07:03
Roxyhart0to it start a -A FORWARD -s -i vlan30 -j Staff07:04
Roxyhart0where staff is a rule07:04
Roxyhart0then in staff07:05
Roxyhart0-A Staff -d -o vlan2 -j mailserver07:05
Roxyhart0and then bellow that07:05
Roxyhart0-A Staff -s -p tcp -m tcp --dport 25 -j ACCEPT07:06
Roxyhart0-A Staff -p tcp -m tcp --dport 25 -j DROP07:06
Roxyhart0sorry is 20 instead 1907:06
Roxyhart0but still dont work07:06
rdw200169ah, got it07:06
rdw200169ok, i don't see the rest of your rules, obviously, but lets just assume that you *don't* need to specify the interface07:08
Roxyhart0so my question is if i send e email from this address first go to the rule emailserver07:08
Roxyhart0and then come back to drop the file07:08
Roxyhart0the package07:08
rdw200169the kernel, if spoofing is enabled, will automatically drop packets if it looks like the traffic is coming from an unlikely location07:08
rdw200169the routing table will take care of that07:09
twbITYM Reverse-Path Filtering (net.ipv4.conf.*.rp_filter)07:09
rdw200169the kernel knows where the packet originated from and where its going, and the 'hooks' will catch the correct direction07:09
rdw200169thanks twb thats what i was thinking of07:09
twbraw iptables usage should probably be discussed on #netfilter.07:10
rdw200169twb: fair enough, he got me started ;)07:10
twbrdw200169: I plonked Roxyhart0 long ago07:10
Crewsr3I've been asked to learn about EC2.  Is there a way to set up a local EC2 sever so I could practice setting up instances with out getting charged.  I have a extra box with virtualization CPU07:10
twbCrewsr3: I believe so, but I don't do whatever-eucalyptus-is-called-this-week07:11
Crewsr3sorry, I'm really new to all of this, what is eucalyptus?07:12
twbthis whole "cloud computing" thing07:12
Roxyhart0well, i dont know why tbw did it, as i still can read his messages. I is rude and not gendelman at all07:13
Roxyhart0thanks for your help rdw20016907:13
twbcf. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon_EC2, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eucalyptus_(computing), UEC.07:14
rdw200169no problem, if you want to discuss iptables more, you should go to #netfilter.  he's right, this is where we discuss ubuntu server questions, not hardcore firewalling/routing (not really a 'server' function ;))07:14
Crewsr3so in theory there is a way to install ubuntu server in the same way the EC2 is setup, so I can learn how to build an instance locally07:14
pthsWorkGood morning all. I've sent the following message on #samba, but maybe someone here could help me figure out what is going on:  I've got a winbind problem. I've got a AD 2008r2 Server which I use for user management and a samba 3.4.7 file server. For some reason Winbind stops retrieving user updates (getent passwd). log.smbd says:07:14
pthsWork winbindd/winbindd_user.c:97(winbindd_fill_pwent)07:14
pthsWork   error getting user id for sid S-1-5-21-1886463297-1098047934-3826461101-112807:14
pthsWork [2010/08/03 07:54:30,  1] winbindd/winbindd_user.c:856(winbindd_getpwent)07:14
pthsWork   could not lookup domain user ptstest407:14
Roxyhart0still i think he is very rude, i am sure he have at leat a mum, he should not ne rude07:15
=== EvilPhoenix is now known as EvilTrek
=== EvilTrek is now known as EvilPhoenix
uvirtbotNew bug: #612858 in dovecot (main) "package dovecot-common 1:1.2.9-1ubuntu6.1 failed to install/upgrade:" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61285808:06
blinkizHi there. I have a virtualization cluster (kvm+libvirtd+corosync+iscsi) where I have a problem with cache. Sometimes we clone machines on our storage server. The virtualization server does not see this and has some kind of cache of what it things should exist on storage server. I need a way to flush this cache on the virtualization server. Maybe this cache is within ISCSI?08:06
blinkizA reboot of  the virtualization question and the cache is flushed. So it absolutely some kind of cache effect on the virtualization server08:07
blinkizquestion = server.. Hmm, interesting typo ;)08:07
=== _NG is now known as _ng
=== _ng is now known as _NG
comronHello, anyone around this late? :)08:58
andolcomron: Well, given the earth being round...09:01
comronandol: late, early it's all the same :)09:02
comronandol: I'm trying to rebundle an AMI from http://alestic.com/, but I'm running into some problems. Think you could help?09:03
andolcomron: Nope, nothing I am terrible familiar with.09:05
bcompso... i was going to figure this out tmrw, but it's bothering me09:05
bcompmy ubuntu server has a filtered port 8009:05
comronwell, maybe this sounds familiar: When I try an apt-get update, I get an error that says "E: Sub-process returned an error code". Sound like anything you know of?09:06
bcompso all http transfer to anywhere outside my lan doesn't work09:06
bcompi'm using shorewall btw09:07
bcompif anyone can advise I'm eternally grateful09:07
ttxDaviey: I'm starting earlier than expected10:25
ttxDaviey: any progress on your side, before I start reproducing on my rig ?10:25
Davieyttx: oh.. goody :)10:25
Davieyttx: I would find it handy for you to reproduce with the latest ISO.  I think things might be better than hoped10:26
* ttx rsyncs10:27
Davieyttx: Good to see this daily is in size \o/10:29
ttxit still has hplip though10:31
* ttx wonders how we shaved those few Mb10:32
Davieyttx: probably no kernel :)10:32
ttxDaviey: installing the CLC+WC+CC+SC10:46
Davieyttx, I'm deploying a fresh one now.10:53
ttxDaviey: node being installed, stopping for lunch11:23
Davieyttx, super!11:24
kamazesomeone has a word to: BIND9 vs Unbound?11:27
twbI use dnsmasq.11:34
* Daviey screams11:53
lomahi i have a ubuntu server that i access via ssh from a mac11:59
lomais there anyway i can see the desktop on the server?12:00
lomalike graphical desktop...12:00
twbUbuntu Server does not have a graphical desktop.12:00
lomao so no way?12:01
_rubenif you want one, install the desktop (edition)12:01
lomacant i just install ubuntu-desktop?12:01
twbYou can.12:01
_rubenserver + desktop = desktop != server ;)12:02
twbYou could run the X server on your Mac, and install and run X app(s) on the Ubuntu Server.12:02
ivoksttx: we can postpone that bacula 'bug', but the truth is that it really isn't fixable :/12:06
ivoksttx: unless we allow predepend12:07
ttxivoks: ok, I'll unmark it as a papercut then12:28
ivoksis there a method to run something after all packages are installed?12:30
ivokslike triggers do for kernel and libc12:30
ttxivoks: I don't think so12:30
ivokscause that would solve this issue12:31
ivoksotherwise, we can't postpone configuration of bacula, if mysql isn't started12:31
zashHello, my mysql setup is horribly broken, HALP!12:32
zashThis stuff just forkbombs itself: http://conference.prosody.im:5280/pastebin/4ab10f55-43d5-4cf5-a773-991b4db69dde12:33
zashfrom /etc/mysql/debian-start12:33
ttxDaviey: in my A3 test, the node is registering correctly12:33
Davieyttx: in registration.log, what return code are you getting?12:33
Davieyttx: And are you getting errors in registration.log of the $clustername not being found?12:34
ttxI'm getting 012:34
Daviey... clean install.. i just got 112:34
ttxthat one is normal12:34
ivokszash: ?12:34
ttxDaviey: cluster not found, retrying in 10sec12:35
ttxthen cluster is found12:35
ivoksah, those clusters :)12:35
ttxDaviey: "euca-describe-availability-zones verbose" returns as it should12:35
zashivoks: I get a whole bunch of xargs procs that never finishes, and the load spikes and eventualy something gets oom killed12:36
ttxDaviey: euca_conf --list-nodes is the only thing that doesn't work here12:36
ivokszash: what are you doing exactly?12:37
ttxDaviey: could you explain to me how you installed it ?12:37
Davieyttx: This is interesting.. clean install gave me a return code of 1 for node registration in registration.log12:37
zashivoks: just plain starting it12:37
Davieyttx: fully preseeded..12:37
zashivoks: yes12:37
ivokswith 'service mysql start'?12:37
ttxDaviey: not an ISO install ?12:38
Davieyttx: no12:38
ttxDaviey: then your preseed is wrong12:38
zashivoks: /sbin/start12:38
ttxCheck CC key in the NC /var/lib/eucalyptus/.ssh/authorized_keys12:38
ttxis it present ?12:38
ivokszash: /sbin/start mysql12:38
Davieyttx: doing a fresh install as we speak.. will need 20 mins.12:38
ttxDaviey: define "fresh install"12:39
Davieyttx: fresh preseeded..12:39
ttxDaviey: you should run an ISO install12:39
ttxDaviey: to confirm that it's working correctly12:39
zashivoks: the init.d script says to use start at least12:40
ttxI'm pretty sure the preseeding can introduce its own set of bugs, and that's not what we are testing for the milestone12:40
Davieyttx: Agreed.. i really want to try and reproduce this install.. see the behaviour i have, then will do an iso manual install.12:40
Davieyttx: Part of the problem, the testing that hggdh does - has to be preseeded.12:41
ttxI agree with that... but that's a bug in the testing env, not in UEC12:41
zashivoks: hm, service start and /sbin/start just sits there and does nothing12:42
ttxI suspect your preseed fails to deploy the CC key on the NC, so the registration fails12:42
ttxIf the ISO installer works, that proves that the bug is in the preseeding12:43
Davieyyes.. i think this could be the case12:43
ttxCommenting on the bug...12:43
ttxNow that I'm here, I'll try to run an instance12:43
zashgah, now it says mysql is started, except it's not:(12:44
Davieyttx: That failed for me a few mins ago.. but i know it worked yesterday!12:44
ivokszash: stop it12:44
ivokszash: kill all running mysql processes12:45
Daviey(ttx: registering an instance)12:45
zashivoks: check12:46
ivokszash: now start it with 'start mysql'12:46
ivokszash: and look into /var/log/syslog12:46
zashivoks: Aug  3 13:47:41 gladius init: mysql post-start process (15082) terminated with status 112:47
ivokszash: is your database empty or you have something in it?12:48
zashivoks: i have a bunch of wordpresses and some other stuff12:48
zashivoks: it's been broken since upgrade from hardy, and i tried doing a purge and reinstall and putting the dbs back12:49
zashivoks: but it just ended with me giving up and doing sudo -b -u mysql mysqld12:50
ivoksthat was a bad decission12:52
ivoksmysqld is started trough mysqld_safe12:53
ivoksnow it probably has all the data in wrong places12:53
ivoksand that could be a reason why it fails12:53
ttxDaviey: instance running12:53
ttxDaviey: it works way better than you and Carlos seemed to say12:54
Davieyttx: OK.. this makes NO SENSE.. using identical preseed file, i've just had a return 0 for node registration.log12:54
DavieyI'm convinced there is something inconsistent, like a weird race condition - depending when you enter the loop.12:55
zashivoks: hm, just starting mysqld_safe works, but then I can't login12:56
ivoksit looks to me that eeverything is broken :)12:57
ivokszash: do you have anything in /etc/mysql/conf.d?12:57
ttxDaviey: looks like you'll have to rinse/repeat until you reproduce it :)12:57
Davieyoh joy.12:57
ttxDaviey: try an ISo install following http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/ServerUECTopology112:58
ttxDaviey: if that works for you, its no longer a critical issue for A312:58
* Daviey does the dance, hoping he doesn't hit that issue :)12:58
ttxDaviey: whenever you isolate it, ping me so that we look into it together12:58
zashivoks: empty12:58
ivokszash: how about /var/lib/mysql?12:59
ivokszash: are your databases there?12:59
zashivoks: yes12:59
waheediany one have installed ruby 1.92 on ubuntu 9.1013:01
waheedihow can i get it installed ?13:02
zashivoks: how about I run `mysqld`, export everything and then reinstall and restore13:03
ivoksyou can do that, of course13:04
ivoksexport all databases13:04
ivoksincluding mysql13:04
ivoksand then edit that dump, so that it doesn't contain deleting existing mysql database13:04
ivoksand make sure to remove root and debian-sys-maint from mysql.users13:05
ivoksor is it mysql.user13:05
hggdhDaviey: good morning, I see you and ttx have been playing with UEC13:05
ttxhggdh: it works very well for me :P13:05
hggdhI do not doubt13:06
Davieyhggdh: You need to learn the dance.13:06
hggdhttx: it does sound like some sort of race -- on the 6 installs I did yesterday, 2 failed to register the components, four succeeded13:07
hggdhDaviey: too old to dance ;-)13:07
zulivoks: php has triggers afaik13:07
Davieysmoser: Are you around?13:08
ttxhggdh: define "fails to register the components"13:08
ttxall of them ?13:08
hggdhttx: all of them.13:09
hggdhttx: I had to manually --register-<whatever>13:10
ttxhggdh: anything in registration.log ?13:10
hggdhttx: yes, let me see if I find it13:11
waheedihow can i install ruby 1.92 on ubuntu ?13:11
Davieysmoser: as soon as you are about, can you ping me please?13:14
Davieysmoser:  ... i want to talk about your patch13:14
hggdhttx: http://pastebin.com/mZ1U8GVK13:14
hggdhttx: this is a all-in-one install13:15
Davieyhggdh: two server deployment?13:15
ttxhggdh: euca_conf --register-cluster returned 113:15
ttxhggdh: when you ran that manually it passed ?13:16
ttxalso, is the CLC key present in the CC's /var/lib/eucalyptus/.ssh/authorized_keys ?13:16
hggdhttx: yes,manual registration passed. And CLC, CC, SC, Walrus on the same machine13:19
hggdhkeys were in the authorised_keys13:19
ttxrigth, since it's the same machine13:19
ttxso euca_conf didn't return 1 because it couldn't scp to the CC13:20
* ttx curses bad return codes13:20
* hggdh comiserates13:20
ttxDaviey: looks like you should redirect the output of euca_conf to /var/log/eucalyptus/registration.log in /usr/share/eucalyptus/registration/*13:21
ttxsince "1" is not enough13:21
ttxin hggdh case, it's striking that on the same machine the Walrus registered correctly but not the CC13:22
ttxsince they are using the same key and the same kind of command13:22
ttxmaybe some concurrency13:22
ttxrunning them both at the precise same time fails13:22
ttxso manually registering afterwards would just work13:23
Davieygood theory13:23
ttxDaviey: but that wouldn't explain your node registration issue13:23
ttxsince the node is quite alone when it registers13:23
Davieyyeah.. i think euca_conf has some bugs tbh.13:23
uvirtbotNew bug: #612958 in samba (main) "Please convert winbind init script to upstart." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61295813:26
hggdhoh boy, this adding return codes is weird13:27
ttxAlpha3 Server ISO candidate posted !13:31
ttxPlease start a reasonable amount of ISo testing, to catch the kitten killers13:31
* patdk-lap hugs the kitten killers13:32
ttx20100803 was quite OK, but we are now testing 20100803.2 :)13:32
Davieyttx: I thought tomorrows was going to be the candidate?13:33
ttxDaviey: you plan a new eucalyptus ?13:34
Davieyttx: yes13:34
ttxETA ?13:34
Davieyby end of play today13:34
DavieyI wanted to land smosers patch especially13:34
ttxThe current candidate will *not* be the A3 final13:35
DavieyAlso, i have a new upstream snapshot waiting13:35
Davieyok.. that is good :)13:35
ttxbut we still need to tset it reasonably13:35
ttxin order to catch bugs that need to be fixed by A3 (the kitten killers mentioned above)13:35
ttxso running /some/ISO testing is necessary13:35
ttxotherwise you start testing tomorrow and realize, too late, that it's utterly broken13:36
ttxwe don't aim for 100% test coverage on the current candidate13:36
ttxwe aim for "confidence testing"13:36
* hggdh goes for yet another install ;-)13:36
smoserDaviey, give  me 5 minutes please.13:36
Davieyhggdh: Have confidence :)13:36
Davieysmoser: ok, cool13:36
* hggdh has equal measures of confidence, hope, acceptance, and despair13:38
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Davieysmoser: Does this contain all your changes? http://pb.daviey.com/ZTOb/raw/ .. thanks :)13:47
smoserDaviey, looking13:51
MTecknologySo.. for using Ubuntu.. I do a lot of compiling things :P13:52
pmatulisMTecknology: not supposed to13:52
MTecknologypmatulis: only on my laptop- I compile vbox modules, a very trimmed down kernel, and a couple other things that don't get installed - then also building packages and coompiling a few things to test source13:53
pmatulisMTecknology: and then pray that apt won't get angry?13:55
MTecknologypmatulis: I apt'ed removed the kernel so it shouldn't complain about that - I never make install anything else - vbox modules play pretty nicely with it13:56
MTecknologypmatulis: It's kinda fun :P I'm on 2.6.35 :)13:57
MTecknologypmatulis: not something I would recommend to anyone that wants a stable system of course13:57
smoserDaviey, i think it does, yes.13:58
smoserdid i do something wrong ?13:58
Davieysmoser: Hmm.. not really13:59
Davieyjust want to land it in the ~ubuntu-core-dev devel branch13:59
Davieynot to ~ubuntu-branches13:59
Davieyyou did good :)14:00
uvirtbotNew bug: #612975 in dhcp3 (main) "Please convert init scripts to upstart." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61297514:06
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m_tadeuhi...I'm trying to install ncurses but apt says that it's not available, but is referenced by another package14:57
smoserttx, are you aware of any reason I should not run tests on ec2 images ?14:57
ttxsmoser: no14:57
smoseralright. then i'm going to kick that off.14:58
m_tadeuhow can I install ncurses?15:02
hggdhm_tadeu: apt-get install ncurses-base ncurses-bin ncurses-term15:06
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ScottKSpamapS: Kolab uw-imap patches are uploaded.  I'll take a shot at php-imap tonight or tomorrow.15:12
m_tadeuhggdh: thanx15:12
zashgah, reinstall of mysql failed15:13
zash"could not set root password" :(15:13
zashokay, reinstalled, no root password15:22
zashit still just stops at "start mysql"15:22
zashand does nothing15:22
zashAug  3 16:22:45 gladius init: mysql main process ended, respawning15:22
hggdhttx: there?15:24
ttxhggdh: yes15:29
hggdhttx: did you install UEC on the separate topo?15:29
ttxhggdh: I did topology 115:30
ttxI no longer have the hardware for topology2/315:30
hggdhttx: thanks. On topo2, my CLC does not come up (no walrus, 'do not do what you have done ever again' message)15:31
ttxhggdh: you mean: the CLC+Walrus doesn't come up ? I can test that.15:32
MTecknologythesheff17: g'morning15:32
MTecknologythesheff17: I'm waiting for Launchpad to build it15:33
hggdhttx: just the CLC, fully-separate install15:35
ttxhggdh: so you install the CLC, and it doesn't come up ?15:36
hggdhttx: correct15:36
hggdhjust had it15:36
ttxI'll try that15:36
thesheff17MTecknology: brb I have to run next door to pick up my paycheck that fedex screwed up :)15:36
zashsrsly, a clean install of mysql doesn't work15:37
MTecknologythesheff17: fine then, don't talk to me :'(15:42
zashso, purging mysql-server and reinstaling it results in it asking for a mysql root passwor 3 times, then just freezing15:43
zashon start mysql15:43
zashwhich fails15:43
MTecknologythesheff17: it built ok on my local system - so... I'm guessing it'll build fine in Launchpad. I setup a recipe for it too. :)15:52
uvirtbotNew bug: #399546 in samba (main) "Ubuntu does not retain folder share settings." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39954615:56
ttxzash: which version ?15:58
zashttx: ubuntu 10.04, latest mysql-server15:59
ttxzash: define "latest"15:59
ttx5.1.41-3ubuntu12.6 ?15:59
ttxzash: could you file a bug about that ?16:00
ttxzul: ^ could you look into the bug once it's filed ?16:01
zashhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-dfsg-5.1/+bug/573318 looks like it16:01
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 573318 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 "mysql server will not start" [Low,Invalid]16:01
zulttx: ack16:01
ttxzash: except it affects a different version, and the current one is supposed to actually work.16:03
ttxzash: please file a new one, we'll make it a duplicate if needed16:03
* zul kicks launchpad16:05
* ScottK kicks too.16:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #613022 in openssh (main) "ssh daemon hangs after publickey packet sent" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61302216:06
SpamapSScottK: pretty sweet really.. kolab got me all excited about it when they first released.. maybe now it will actually be easy to deploy. ;)16:11
Dark-SunHi every1, i'm looking for ubuntu cloud channel, can't find it with google!16:13
binBASHyou just reached it16:14
* Dark-Sun guess cat eats the keyboads!16:15
zulSpamapS, Scottk: php 5.3.3 wth the kolab patches will be uploaded after alpha316:15
Dark-Sunnice to find you pals16:16
zulSpamapS: hey btw16:16
Dark-Sundoes CLC provide DHCP server by default?16:18
Dark-Sunwhat a stupid question! alright, any idea on how to set ip for a br0 in "interfaces" file? is it like a usual eth0?16:20
ttxDark-Sun: no, it's slightly different16:20
Dark-Suncause i c some other options there16:20
* ttx recommends following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC/16:20
e-jatFailed to bring up eth0 in my guest vm16:21
ttxhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC/PackageInstall has a bridge config example16:21
ttxbut I recommend doing an ISO install16:21
e-jatany idea ?16:21
Dark-Sunttx: you're the best, thanx bro, i gonna chck it out ;)16:22
e-jati already bridge the interface16:22
ScottKzul: I think it just touches php-imap, which is in Universe, but I'll double check.16:22
ttxDark-Sun: np, bro16:22
zulScottK: yep i know...its queued for post-freeze16:22
e-jatgot some guest running out of the box .. and recently just create a new vm then cant get the network16:22
ttxhggdh: CLC install inprogress16:22
ScottKzul: If it's in Universe, why wait?16:23
zulScottK: because it depends on 5.3.316:23
e-jateven i already set static IP for the guest vm16:23
ScottKzul: OK.  Makes sense.  Thanks.16:23
e-jatsome one can help me ?16:23
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hggdhttx: thanks16:24
uvirtbotNew bug: #613032 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "Install broken, won't start" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61303216:26
ejati just recreating new vm using virt-clone but suddenly the clone network doesnt working16:29
ejathow can i troubleshoot16:29
ttxhggdh: reproduced16:29
ttxhggdh: looks like the CLC can no longer start if the walrus is not running16:29
ttxhggdh: running the two on the same machine actually starts both at the same time16:30
ttxhggdh: which must... kinda work16:30
ttxhggdh: that's a regression, it used to work.16:32
SpamapSzul: howdy16:32
ttxhggdh: you'll file it ?16:33
ttxor should I ?16:33
ttxSpamapS: for cassandra; did you create anything in LP except the team and the PPA ?16:34
ttxSpamapS: I'm mimicking your work for Terracotta16:34
hggdhttx: done :-)16:35
SpamapSttx: I created a project too, but it disappeared16:35
hggdhttx: bug 61303316:35
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 613033 in eucalyptus "eucalyptus-cloud: cloud fails to start on separate install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61303316:35
SpamapScan somebody look at bug 611695 and tell me if the "Won't Fix" status is appropriate? After marking it as such, I'm wondering if maybe I should change it to Triaged and we can SRU it.16:39
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 611695 in mysql-5.1 "mysqlhotcopy produces error about log tables" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61169516:39
a_okhas anyone here used iozone before?16:42
ttxhggdh: commented on the bug16:52
hggdhttx: and I marked it regression-potential/Triaged/High. I am adding the upstream now16:54
ttxhggdh: hopefully they don't really need it and can unbreak it16:55
hggdhttx: one can always hope ;-)16:55
ejatis there an issue with mysql-server-5.1_5.1.41-3ubuntu12_amd64.deb ?17:04
ejatseem like it hang while upgrading it ..17:04
SpamapSejat: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-dfsg-5.1/+bug/613032 ?17:05
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 613032 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 "Install broken, won't start" [Undecided,New]17:05
ejatSpamapS: thanks17:05
SpamapSejat: thats relatively new17:06
SpamapS50 minutes ago. ;)17:06
SpamapSso nobody has really looked at it yet17:06
ejatthanks .. bcoz i just create a new image .. then wanna do the update .. suddenly .. looks like it hang :)17:07
hggdhDaviey: you have just been given a gift -- another bug to look at ;-)17:08
Davieyhggdh, Luck, Lucky me :)17:09
hggdhDaviey: I feel your pain...17:15
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SpamapSwoohoo back down to single digit untriaged bugs.17:40
* SpamapS ^5's kirkland 17:40
hggdhttx: heh. It is completely broken... I just installed CLC+Walrus, and it is failing because there is no SC17:52
hggdhttx: "Do not ever do whatever it is you did: Failed to lookup required component: storage"17:53
Dark-Sunalright guys, i gonna go18:02
Dark-Suni love you!18:02
Davieyhggdh: oh joy!18:03
hggdhDaviey: I should have thought of asking them, sorry18:10
hggdhDaviey: htank you very much indeed.18:11
=== oubiwann is now known as oubiwann-away
=== oubiwann-away is now known as oubiwann
Davieyhggdh, Oh, no problem - lets see what they say18:14
hggdhI hope it is the Right Thing they say ;-)18:15
SpamapShggdh: should we expect isos for iso testing soon?18:16
* SpamapS says, knowing full well thats a good question for the meeting in 45 min18:16
hggdhSpamapS: I would say yes18:16
* hggdh also considers it a good Q for the meeting ;-)18:20
hggdhbut I think we are quite stable now18:20
ttxSpamapS: we should be respinning if Daviey commits a new euca18:48
Davieyhggdh: ttx may say otherwise, but doing some smoke testing with the current ISO could only be a good thing :)18:49
Davieyttx: Still on track to land later tonight, published in time for the scheudled spin18:49
ttxDaviey: the scheduled spin is disabled, you'll have to ask for a respin in #ubuntu-release18:50
ttxDaviey: we have reasonable smoketest for an ISO we know is not the final candidate18:51
Davieyttx: Oh.. i didn't know this18:51
ttxthe daily is usually disabled when you freeze18:52
Davieyttx: I don't want to push this latest change without doing some local testing of the binary debs.  This being the case, it's not likely to need uploading until you have EoD'd18:52
ttxDaviey: ideally you'd commit it by your eod, ensure someone in the US shift sponsors it...18:53
Davieyttx: So if my local testing is good, i'll get it uploaded - and you request a respin if this happens tommorrow?18:53
ttxand i'll ask for the respin if it's published tiomorrow morning18:53
Jason1anyone know what the apache server userid is in ubuntu after I install it on 10.04 LTS?18:54
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kirklandSpamapS: o/*\o18:58
smoserttx, question: do you think images should be re-spun for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+bug/61310819:04
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 613108 in cloud-init "grub loaders are not present in uec download tarball" [Undecided,New]19:04
ttxsmoser: yes19:04
ttxit's not too late :)19:05
ttxanother 50$ for amazon in our testing ?19:05
smoseryeah. i'll respin for it then.19:06
thesheff17MTechnology: did the chroot stuff work for you?19:13
MTecknologythesheff17: :(19:15
MTecknologythesheff17: sooo close19:15
MTecknologythesheff17: Aug  3 13:15:37 incipio jk_lsh[4417]: WARNING: user testuser (1029) tried to get an interactive shell session (/usr/sbin/jk_lsh), which is never allowed by jk_lsh19:15
nicetry_I'm about to upgrade my system from 9.10 to 10.4 - does it makes sense to update/upgrade the packages first, then do-release-upgrade? or the other way around?19:16
MTecknologynicetry_: 10.04? :P19:17
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade19:17
Picinicetry_: Pesonally I do an update-upgrade and then do-release-upgrade .19:17
nicetry_MTecknology: yes 10.0419:17
thesheff17MTecknology: you want /bin/bash in your etc/passwd file inside the chroot jail19:17
nicetry_thanks Pici19:18
RoAkSoAxSpamapS: libesmtp is already in sync with debain btw :)19:18
MTecknologythesheff17: grr Aug  3 13:18:43 incipio jk_chrootsh[4489]: ERROR: failed to execute shell /usr/sbin/bash for user testuser (1029), check the permissions and libraries of /home/jail//usr/sbin/bash19:19
Jason1a2enmod rewrite isn't working in for 10.04 LTS.  Is the command something differrent to enable re\writes for apache2?19:19
MTecknologyI ran jk_cp -v -f /home/jail /bin/bash19:19
thesheff17MTecknology: that is just copying the executable and binaries required for bash19:19
Jason1rewrite.load is available in the mods-avialable19:19
thesheff17MTecknology: if you look in your jail dir under etc/passwd you will want to change that to /bin/bash19:20
MTecknologythesheff17: I changed that to /bin/bash19:20
thesheff17MTecknology: you have /usr/sbin/bash in that error19:21
SpamapSRoAkSoAx: good to know!19:21
MTecknologythesheff17: thanks :D19:21
SpamapSRoAkSoAx: I recall now that it was out of sync when I looked at first, may have forgotten to update all the places I wrote that down. ;)19:21
RoAkSoAxSpamapS: :) the MIR is also filed, just waiting for review19:22
Jason1bump: a2enmod rewrite isn't working for me (10.04 LTS).  Is the command something different to enable rewrites for apache2?19:22
MTecknologythesheff17: so now for the rest of using it...19:23
thesheff17MTecknology: so your testuser logs in correctly?19:23
MTecknologythesheff17: I set it up in launchpad and it should build fine whenever it gets that far19:23
SpamapSRoAkSoAx: right, its for cluster tools, right?19:23
MTecknologythesheff17: ya :)19:23
thesheff17MTecknology: nice19:24
MTecknologythesheff17: so now I need to make a script that makes their home directory in /home/jail/user ?19:24
RoAkSoAxSpamapS: yes, pacemaker specifically19:25
thesheff17MTecknology: yea either cp or mv /home/user to /home/jail/home/user19:25
thesheff17MTecknology: you want to preserve permissions to...I'm sure that is some param for cp or mv.19:26
thesheff17MTecknology: and then just make sure they are in both /etc/passwd files19:26
MTecknologythesheff17: it seems that the permissions just carry over like magic19:28
thesheff17MTecknology: ah ok cool19:28
mathiazkim0: hey - we're looking for you in #ubuntu-meeting19:30
mathiazkim0: for the server team meeting19:30
kim0mathiaz: joining19:31
MTecknologythesheff17: this thing is pretty awesome19:36
thesheff17MTecknology: yea it works really well...I think you can use that same program to copy any other executables and binaries into the chroot so they have access...and to remove just remove the executables out of /home/jail/bin/*19:37
thesheff17MTecknology: brb19:37
MTecknologythesheff17: that's what I just did actually - jk_cp -v -f /home/jail /usr/bin/vim - too easy :P19:38
MTecknologythesheff17: this thing definitely needs to find its way into the universe19:39
thesheff17MTecknology: yea I would love to just apt-get it :)19:39
MTecknologythesheff17: I did :P19:40
MTecknologythesheff17: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jailkit/+recipe/jailkit19:41
MTecknologythesheff17: I'm pretty sure you need the edge link too19:41
MTecknologythesheff17: I'm pretty excited now.. after so much fighting - here's the answer19:45
SpamapSMTecknology: file an ITP in Debian and package it up! :)19:57
MTecknologySpamapS: the debian/ exists in the source - but it's ugly and I doubt somebody would want to accept it which would make it really hard because then I'd need to be altering their source code19:58
SpamapSMTecknology: thats actually completely acceptable19:59
MTecknologySpamapS: it is?19:59
SpamapSMTecknology: certainly. Just send them back a patch, they'd probably be thrilled to include it in their releases.20:00
MTecknologySpamapS: alrighty - that could be fun to do - maybe I'll hold off on the ITP until I talk to him20:00
SpamapSMTecknology: if you decide not to create the package, you can always withdraw the ITP.20:03
MTecknologySpamapS: I have an ITP from over a year ago that I haven't given up on yet :P20:07
MTecknologySpamapS: I'll definitely go for getting it into debian and ubuntu - I think this tool is absolutely amazing20:09
MTecknologythesheff17: I'm waiting for everyone to have some down time before I try out this last step... moving them into the jail and starting the processes to bring the web services back - if this works then I'm basically done - I just need to write it in my packaging so this can be reproduced easily :)20:13
MTecknologyUsing this ->  /etc/init.d/php-fcgi stop && for user in *.*; do jk_jailuser -m -j /jail $user; done20:14
ivoksmrjazzcat: ping?20:23
thesheff17MTecknology: do you have a link on how you moved it into universe?20:29
MTecknologythesheff17: hm? It's not in universe (yet)20:30
MTecknologythesheff17: so.. in addition to what they had - jk_jailuser - I should also add -s /bin/bash20:34
smoseranyone see anything wrong with this :20:34
MTecknologythesheff17: or maybe rbash :P20:34
smoserwhy the "Sub-process returned an error code"20:34
MTecknologysmoser: aptitude update tell you anything more descriptive?20:35
smosernot my system.20:35
smoserso, i dont know.20:35
MTecknologyI've seen that before... I forgot what I broke to make it do that though.20:36
MTecknologythesheff17: I wish there was a defaults file for php.. so you don't need to alter the default config20:38
thesheff17MTecknology: yea almost all other software has the config files broken out.20:39
MTecknologythesheff17: a 1,637 line config file that I need to change twice (cli/cgi) makes me sad :P20:40
MTecknologythesheff17: I took the wrong approac of making one file that I ln -s to in the directories20:41
thesheff17MTecknology: yea it would be nice if you could use like include file inside the php.ini file.20:45
MTecknologythesheff17: and then just append your changes that way - include /etc/default/php.ini <- put changes here (including changing previous variables)20:46
MTecknologyzul: would that be an off the wall (tick you off) request? :D20:46
zulyes it would20:46
MTecknologyzul: I figured :P Probably too much pain?20:47
zulyes and too big of a diff20:47
MTecknologyzul: You think php5-5.3.3 might possibly make it into 11.04? I'm guessing it's way too late for 10.10.20:49
zulMTecknology: yes it wont get into 10.10 and yes it will get into 11.0420:49
MTecknologyzul: yay :D20:49
MTecknologyzul: You're awesome! o{20:50
MTecknologyI'm excited for easy to use php-fpm20:50
MTecknologyamong other things.. I really like the new php20:54
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smoserttx, are you around ?21:03
papertigersanyone know of a way to package a KVM vm to give out sort of like a vm appliance21:20
mrman208is there any good mouse daemons for pure server (no X) that supports the scroll wheel?21:42
mrman208anyone here?21:43
ajmitchseeing a lack of patience there? :)21:55
qman__one whole minute, on the money21:56
qman__sadly, that's not the shortest I've seen21:56
MTecknologyqman__: nah, I've seen <15 seconds :P22:08
kpettitI'm looking to script some ubuntu installs.  Can anybody point me to some docs that can help me on scripting install?22:15
uvirtbotNew bug: #613195 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "package mysql-server-5.1 5.1.41-3ubuntu12.3 failed to install/upgrade: Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should  reinstall it before attempting a removal." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61319522:16
MTecknologykpettit: this might help - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization/Scripts22:16
kpettitthanks.  anything wil help right now22:16
hggdhkpettit: if you are looking at preseeding, you should also see http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/manual/en.i386/apb.html22:29
kpettitI'm mainly wanting to get packages I normally need installed done and some applications like apache/samba etc configured with a basic setup22:30
kpettitI like the idea of ebox and webmin but don't really trust them all that much.  But I at least need to get some basic stuff done22:30
kpettithggdh, thanks that's a good start for me22:31
hggdhkpettit: our pleasure22:31
hggdhDaviey: still there?22:35
Davieyhggdh: sadly.22:35
hggdhheh. Why am I not surprised ;-)22:36
hggdhDaviey: ok, there is another thingy -- we install /etc/eucalyptus owned by root, but the CLC wants to write to /etc/eucalyptus/cloud.d22:37
hggdhDaviey: and -- of course -- barfs profusely. Not a critical issue, it seems, but I will opena bug on it. Just early warning ;-)22:37
Davieyhggdh: ok... in what situation is that arising?22:38
hggdhon startup, it tries to create a series of .properties files, saving <whatever>22:39
hggdhoh, correct location is /etc/eucalyptus/cloud.d/conf22:39
DavieyHmm.. i'm suprised i've not had that problem22:39
hggdhyou probably had, just did not notice22:39
DavieySo what feature is this bug blocking?22:39
hggdhit does not seem to affect anything (so it is probably fluff)22:40
DavieyI agree it's a valid bug, just wondering if it's one that needs to be fixed now - or post A322:40
jordDaviey: Was it you who I spoke to yesterday about Avahi?22:40
hggdhnone, apart from my sense of correctness :-)22:40
hggdhI *think*22:40
Davieyjord: I asked for info about how you get/got on.. yes :)22:40
Davieyhggdh: heh22:40
hggdhDaviey: AFAICU, there is no rush. Sounds like a packaging issue22:41
jordDaviey: well, kind of "fixed" it by setting a static ip, which in my case is fine because I wanted that anyway22:41
Davieyhggdh: well the good news is, my current branch FTBFS22:41
hggdhbloody hell22:41
Daviey.. and i can't go to bed until it's fixed.. oh joy.22:41
hggdhanything I can help with?22:41
Davieyjord: Oh.. not as clean as i had hoped then22:42
Davieyhggdh: I don't think so.. unless you have a remedy for headache and eye strain? :)22:42
jordDaviey: no, I think it must be an ordering problem, maybe Avahi tries to start before the machine has an ip or something22:42
DavieyHmm.. thanks jord - i'll keep that in mind for something to investigate for future22:43
jordDaviey: no problem :)22:43
hggdhDaviey: well, in fact I have both, since I got both maladies22:43
Davieyhggdh: :(22:44
* Daviey takes a break.22:44
Crewsr3I installed ubuntu server and the grub menu is not showing up, how do I adjust the grub to show up23:04
klaasI think standard is that you need to press shift while booting23:05
klaasand the setup is in /etc/default/grub or something like that23:05
hggdhadjust as needed /etc/default/grub, then run 'sudo update-grub'23:07
hggdhand any key while booting should show the menu (I personally use Esc, but just because)23:07
Crewsr3I'm having a hard time getting to the grub folder23:09
Crewsr3I'm in /etc/default23:09
Crewsr3and I type ls23:10
Crewsr3and I can see the grub folder23:10
Crewsr3but when I type cd /grub23:10
_Techie_Crewsr3: cd /boot/grub/23:10
Crewsr3I get an error saying no such file or directory23:10
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_Techie_Crewsr3: actuall sorry cd /etc/default/grub23:11
Crewsr3how do I exit vim23:12
Crewsr3:q figured it out23:14
Crewsr3_Techie_ it wont let me go to that directory23:14
hggdhCrewsr3: there is nothing to be done under /boot/grub23:18
hggdhand what you need to do is *edit* /etc/default/grub23:18
Crewsr3hggdh, ok, I'm in the file using nano23:18
hggdhthis is not a directory, but a file23:18
Crewsr3GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0    Should I comment this out?23:19
Crewsr3what I want is to be able to see the grub menu23:19
hggdhCrewsr3: it would be a very good move to read the documentation on grub -- 'info grub', mostly the the simple configuration chapter23:21
Crewsr3ok, I will do that, thanks for your help23:23
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