
=== satellit_ is now known as satellit_afk
Ian_Daniherdfarning: all I know is that it's important - the seed file contains config information for the boot phase02:56
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=== satellit_ is now known as satellit_afk
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dfarningmanusheel, are you around?15:42
manusheeldfarning: Hi David.15:44
manusheelneeraj: Hi neeraj.15:50
manusheelkandarpk: Hi Kandarp.15:50
kandarpkmanusheel sir: hello sir.15:51
manusheelkandarpk: How is the packaging of exelearning coming along?15:51
manusheelAny help required?15:51
neerajmanusheel sir, hi15:51
kandarpkmanusheel sir: I started with pippy, and its almost complete15:51
manusheelneeraj: How did yesterdays' build process go?15:51
manusheelkandarpk: Great. Did you copy/paste the steps?15:52
neerajppa packages are build15:52
manusheelThe steps followed.15:52
kandarpkmanusheel sir: yes sir, every step15:52
manusheelneeraj: Ok.15:52
manusheelThey were build successfully/15:52
manusheelkandarpk: Neat.15:52
manusheelVery good.15:52
neerajmanusheel sir, yes.. https://launchpad.net/~sugarteam/+archive/ppa15:53
manusheelneeraj: David is re-running a build.15:54
manusheelDid you get a chance to document the steps?15:54
manusheelneeraj: Re-running the build will take half to 1 hour.15:54
neerajmanusheel sir, ok15:54
manusheelkandarpk: Did you go through Jonas's e-mail?15:54
manusheelneeraj: Did you also go through Jonas's e-mail?15:55
dfarningneeraj, good morning.15:57
neerajdfarning, good morning :)15:58
dfarningneeraj, I am running a new build with you new packages.15:59
manusheeldfarning: The ppa packages have been build successfully, which is neat. I believe we'll have an iso available for Maverick Sugar today, right? For testing bugs.15:59
neerajmanusheel, yes.. I saw the Jonan's e-mail. Will make changes whenever I can. :)15:59
manusheelneeraj: I would like you to have a discussion with Dipankar on it.16:00
kandarpkmanusheel sir: just read it.16:00
manusheelneeraj: Me and Dipankar had a long conference call on it, and other packaging issues.16:00
manusheelkandarpk: We'll need to update the packages.16:01
neerajmanusheel sir, ok16:01
kandarpkmanusheel sir: hmmm.16:02
manusheelkandarpk: I have asked Dipankar and Neeraj to come up with a document on "what Debian documentation says", and "what Jonas says" spreadsheet. So, leave the documentation part with them. The documentation available to us in not upto date.16:02
manusheelkandarpk: I have asked Dipankar and Ankur*16:02
manusheelneeraj, will be having a discussion with Dipankar on it.16:03
kandarpkmanusheel sir: no major change is required16:03
manusheelkandarpk: Ok. But, whatever is required, let us do it.16:03
kandarpkmanusheel sir: yes.16:04
manusheelThe point is that unless these activities don't go into Debian, they would not be available to us for testing in Sugar on Debian.16:04
manusheelkandarpk: Once these activities are in Debian, we'll be able to follow up faster.16:05
dfarningmanusheel, +1 exactly, once we do the initial work we will earn the trust to upload the packages with someone from Seeta doing the review.16:07
dfarningnot waiting for anyone external16:08
manusheeldfarning: Yes. This is exactly what I am looking forward too.16:08
manusheeldfarning: How does Luke's schedule look like in the coming week?16:08
dfarningmanusheel, I am not sure16:09
manusheelWe would like him to review log viewer and a couple of other activities.16:09
manusheeldfarning: Absolutely fine. Will send him an e-mail.16:09
dfarningmanusheel, have you updated them based on jonas' comments?16:09
manusheeldfarning: Our team is doing that today. The problem is that Debian documentation and Luke's comments are not in sync with the ones by Jonas.16:11
dfarningYes, when in doubt refer to Jonas' comments.16:11
dfarningmanusheel, ^^16:11
manusheeldfarning: We are documenting in a spreadsheet - "What Debian documentation says" vs "What Jonas says".16:12
manusheeldfarning: Sure.16:12
manusheelWe are following Jonas's comments only.16:12
dfarningmanusheel, arggg. that sounds like a workable solution.16:12
manusheeldfarning: Yes.16:12
manusheeldfarning: Interestingly, Ankur followed Jonas on listserv. All his packages don't have those issues as told by him to us today.16:13
manusheeldfarning: Dipankar, Luke, Kandarp and Neeraj were following Debian documentation. So, they'll have to update their respective packages.16:14
manusheelkandarpk: Around?16:21
kandarpkmanusheel sir: yes sir.16:21
manusheelkandarpk: Let us do the exelearning packaging task after we have completed updating the other packages as commented by Jonas.16:22
manusheelkandarpk: If the updating part takes up time, we'll do the packaging of exelearning tomorrow.16:22
manusheelWe need to get the packages reviewed by Jonas during DebConf.16:22
kandarpkmanusheel sir: Ok, will try my best.16:23
manusheelkandarpk: Thanks Kandarp.16:23
manusheelkandarpk: Hi Kandarp.17:00
kandarpkmanusheel sir: hello sir.17:00
manusheelAny progress on the pippy activity update?17:00
kandarpkmanusheel sir: sir, I incorrectly spelled version as v37 instead of 3717:01
kandarpkmanusheel sir: just correcting that, and confirming the overall package with rules mentioned by Jonas17:02
manusheelkandarpk: Sure, Kandarp.17:03
manusheelSuch mistakes happen. You'll be able to avoid them in future. I am glad you figured this out.17:03
kandarpkmanusheel_ sir: trying to build17:21
kandarpkdpkg-shlibdeps: error: couldn't find library libstdc++.so.6 needed by debian/sugar-pippy-activity/usr/share/sugar/activities/Pippy.activity/library/pippy/physics/box2d/box2d_linux64/_Box2D2.dpkg-shlibdeps: error: couldn't find library libstdc++.so.6 needed by debian/sugar-pippy-activity/usr/share/sugar/activities/Pippy.activity/library/pippy/physics/box2d/box2d_linux64/_Box2D2.dpkg-shlibdeps: error: couldn't find library libstdc++.so.6 needed17:21
kandarpk by debian/sugar-pippy-activity/usr/share/sugar/activities/Pippy.activity/library/pippy/physics/box2d/box2d_linux64/_Box2D2.so (ELF format: 'elf64-x86-64'; RPATH: '').17:21
kandarpkso (ELF format: 'elf64-x86-64'; RPATH: '').17:21
kandarpkso (ELF format: 'elf64-x86-64'; RPATH: '').17:21
kandarpkit got copied twice I think17:21
kandarpkdpkg-shlibdeps: error: couldn't find library libstdc++.so.6 needed by debian/sugar-pippy-activity/usr/share/sugar/activities/Pippy.activity/library/pippy/physics/box2d/box2d_linux64/_Box2D2.so (ELF format: 'elf64-x86-64'; RPATH: '').17:22
kandarpkmanusheel_ sir: error encountered ^^17:22
manusheel_kandarpk: Ok?17:32
manusheel_kandarpk: Let us send an e-mail on it to debian olpc mailing list17:32
manusheel_steps followed by us17:32
manusheel_and the error encountered (put in pastebin).17:33
manusheel_kandarpk: Very much on the lines of your speak e-mail.17:33
manusheel_Kindly copy me on it.17:33
kandarpkmanusheel_ sir: I am installing libstdc++64.so.6 to see if that works17:33
kandarpkas box2d_linux64 is causing the error17:34
manusheel_kandarpk: Sure, kandarp.17:48
manusheel_Please check with that.17:48
manusheel_kandarpk: Kindly copy paste the output after every step using this library.17:49
kandarpkmanusheel_ sir: deb package is being made but still have some errors17:49
manusheel_kandarpk: Ok, can you share them?17:49
kandarpkmanusheel_ sir: posting on mailing list17:49
kandarpkmanusheel_ sir: on running gdebi17:50
kandarpkDependency is not satisfiable: python-box2d17:50
kandarpkmanusheel_ sir: lintian too is giving errors17:50
manusheel_kandarpk: Ok.18:09
neeraj__dfarning, ping18:46
=== neeraj__ is now known as neeraj
dfarningneeraj, pong18:47
manusheel_neeraj: around?18:48
neerajCan u just give a me a brief overview of usr-default setting package and usr-meta-settings.18:48
manusheel_neeraj: +118:48
manusheel_dfarning: Yes. I think this is one area, where we didn't find much documentation.18:49
neerajdfarning, as far as I could understand by seeing the files18:49
dfarningneeraj, there really is no documentation:(18:50
neerajthe default settings just have files which make changes in the various menus.18:50
neerajI mean it add options related to sugar at various places.18:51
dfarningIt was something I copied from the netbook remix project.18:51
neerajdfarning, ok. np :)18:53
dfarningneeraj, that is exactly what it is.  It adjusts setting as necessary to improve the user experience in USR.18:53
manusheel_dfarning: Neat.18:55
dfarningneeraj, you can get rid of it it you don't need it anymore.18:55
manusheel_dfarning: Meta settings are important.18:56
neerajdfarning, rid of what?18:56
manusheel_neeraj: default-settings18:56
manusheel_it seems.18:57
dfarningneeraj, the -setting package.18:57
neerajdfarning, I didn't got you. Have we not used it in latest usr-iso?18:57
manusheel_neeraj: We have used it, and can get rid of it as and when required.18:58
dfarningI didn't know what I was doing when I started this project.  I just copy what netbook remix did and adopted it for sugar.18:58
manusheel_neeraj: It is like a nullable field in an RDBMS project.18:59
neerajmanusheel_, ohk..18:59
dfarningYes, the current builds use the package.  But if you find a better way to adjust the setting please feel free to use a different method19:00
manusheel_dfarning: Great. Thanks.19:00
manusheel_dfarning: Meta settings store the meta data info settings right?19:01
dogidfarning, hi19:01
neerajdfarning, as far as I could understand, USR == (UbuntuNetbook- unwanted packages acco. to USR goal) + sugar-packages + Change in menus/gconf settings19:01
dfarningmanusheel_, yes that is correct.19:03
dfarningneeraj, exactly that is the starting point.  From here, as developers and engineeres you can adopt it as you need.19:03
dfarningdogi, hello19:05
dfarningdogi, cool the servers are up that is great news.19:05
dfarningI was traveling at the time.19:05
manusheel_dfarning: Great. We look forward to optimizations moving forward. I am sure we can reduce the size of the iso.19:05
dfarningdoqi do you have remote access to them?19:06
neerajdfarning, for more proper working, we are packaging and maintaining activities in Ubuntu and Debian(So that they can be used there also) and releasing a separate ISO (USR)19:06
manusheel_neeraj: Activities are the crust of the USR.19:08
manusheel_neeraj: Users work with activities.19:09
manusheel_not with os.19:09
dogidfarning, yes i have ... and you too ... at least you should ... :P19:11
dfarningdogi, I gave my laptop to bernie because his broke and now I don't have access to my ssh key.19:20
dfarningneeraj, yes we are packaging activites for two reasons.19:21
dfarning1. Because they are a good starting point for learning to work with Sugar on Debian and Ubuntu.19:24
dfarning2. Activitivies are the part of sugar users interact with on a daily basis.19:24
neerajdfarning: ping23:37
dfarningneeraj, hey how are you.23:39
neerajdfarning: I m fine. :).23:39
neerajdfarning: I hope you are also doing well.23:40
dfarningneeraj, did you get a chance to test the latest USR build?23:40
dfarningneeraj, yes I got home about a half hour ago and a day in a school.23:40
neerajdfarning: I have not downloaded it yet due to bandwidth limitation but I think manusheel_ sir has downloaded it and will provide it today.23:41
dfarningneeraj, I was pretending to work on my computer while watching 6th graders update their XOs.23:41
neerajdfarning: I was looking for latest i-386 build.23:42
dfarningneeraj, zsync is you friend23:42
neerajdfarning: cool :)23:42
neerajdfarning: yes I knw about zsync but don't knw y manusheel_ sir said we should test one ISO after completely downloading it from scratch.23:43
neerajdfarning: nyways. we willl get latest iso today itself. Thats not a issue.23:43
dfarningneeraj, I had trouble with the i386 build it failed while building the kernel.  I did not get a chance to figure out what went wrong.23:44
neerajdfarning: ok. :). thanks for informing.23:44

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