
arapersia, hello08:27
davmor2morning ara I'll try a wubi install today if the iso's are working :)11:03
aradavmor2, nice :)11:04
aradavmor2, I still have to resync my images11:04
davmor2ara: mine are still trundling along11:04
primes2hGood morning ara.11:21
aramorning primes2h11:22
primes2hara: have you been at Guadec?11:22
davmor2morning primes2h11:22
araprimes2h, no, I couldn't11:23
primes2hmorning davmor2!11:23
primes2hara: have a look at this please, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClaudioArseni/TestCases11:24
primes2hDo you think it's ok?11:24
araprimes2h, can you please give me some background? are those testcases that you have updated?11:27
primes2hara: ah, sorry. yes, original testcases need to be updated http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/DesktopLiveSession . We had a chat some time ago about this, probably too much time ago. :)11:28
araprimes2h, ah! ok, I remember now, let me check11:29
araprimes2h, they look good to me, please, update the testcases wiki11:33
araprimes2h, thanks!11:33
primes2hara: np, I'll do it early in the afternoon.11:34
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
arahey testers! the first images are now in the tracker12:33
davmor2Yay!  Will try and break wubi in a few minutes12:34
aradavmor2, the images that are up are alternate, not desktop12:55
davmor2ara: I thought the one was une12:55
davmor2ara: my bag netboot not netbook12:57
* ara reboots13:02
fader_Yay, we have images today!13:22
arafader_, yes!13:23
arafader_, lots of fun!13:24
fader_ara: Welcome back!13:24
arafader_, thanks :)13:24
* ara -> lunch13:24
fader_Oh I see how it is.  I show up and ara leaves. :'(13:24
arafader_, we are ladyhawke and the wolf13:28
fader_ara: Hehe I had to google that one :)13:31
davmor2yo fader_13:47
fader_davmor2: Hey dude13:47
fader_davmor2: Broken the images today yet? :)13:48
davmor2fader_: I don't know what you mean.  I've been to busy breaking other things ermm testing, testing other things13:50
davmor2fader_: I'm hoping to get a wubi test under way as soon as resync has happened13:52
fader_davmor2: Isn't wubi for Windows?  Do people even still use Windows?13:53
davmor2fader_: yeah we should retire wubi and bring forth mubi right ;)13:54
davmor2or would that be Ibuntu13:55
* fader_ sings the ISO syncing song.14:04
fader_Sync sync sync14:04
fader_Sync sync sync14:04
fader_Sync your ISOs14:05
fader_Sync your IIIIIIII-SOs!14:05
davmor2fader_: that's not the version you sing when you're drunk........You're sober again aren't you14:06
fader_davmor2: Sadly, yes... not at my house so I can't be as drunk at 0900 as normal :)14:07
moustafagood morning davmor2, marjo, ara14:19
davmor2baguette moustafa14:19
moustafadavmor2: Have you tried turning it off and on again?14:20
fader_moustafa: What am I, chopped liver?14:20
moustafafader_ ! I didn't see you there14:20
davmor2fader_: no chopped liver is important :P14:20
* fader_ sniffles.14:20
fader_I'm taking my ISOs and going home!14:21
davmor2fader_: but I don't want to feed you to the dogs down the road.  that's all they eat.14:22
moustafadavmor2 : I was going to say something about how liver is considered a delicacy14:22
moustafaUnless you live near davmor2, that is :P14:22
davmor2fader_: On a plus side you're bringing a book reader to the sprint so you're far more import that chopped liver, at least till after the sprint ;)14:24
davmor2fader_: you're only trying to buy beers for me cause you'll have to drink them as I don't ;)14:26
aramorning charlie-tca14:27
charlie-tcagood morning, ara14:28
charlie-tcaAre we getting images today?14:28
charlie-tcanm, I see they posted in the last hour or two14:29
aracharlie-tca, yes, the firsts are appearing now in the tracker14:35
charlie-tcaAnother go with qwest yesterday about my internet. Hopefully, I stay connected today.:(14:38
davmor2ara: wubi is still busted.  Yes fader_ I broked it already on test numero uno14:42
* charlie-tca thinks better to break it on the first test than the last14:42
fader_True, but have you noticed it's always davmor2 who breaks things?14:43
charlie-tcaWell, someone has to... ;-)14:43
davmor2fader_: that's cause I haz the big sledge hammer not like your sissy little toffee hammer14:44
davmor2fader_: besides you're only jealous that I can break thing easier than you :P14:53
moustafaAhh the #ubuntu-testers chat: One of the few places where breaking things is a good thing :p15:01
moustafaThere should be a BYOH notice at the entrance15:02
charlie-tcajust borrow one from davmor215:03
davmor2moustafa: I carry spares for new members :)15:06
moustafadavmor2: Obviously!  We need to encourage them to come back!15:07
fader_moustafa: Careful, from experience I think he means he *uses* his spares on new members15:10
moustafafader_ I guess I should be thankful I was spared.  Maybe because I brought M'jolnir along :p15:11
davmor2ara: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/wubi/+bug/60057815:11
ubot4Launchpad bug 600578 in wubi "installer drops into grub shell after rebooting from windows. (affects: 1) (heat: 9)" [Undecided,New]15:11
aradavmor2, thanks15:11
davmor2ara I've added it to the tracker too15:13
aradavmor2, I didn't doubt it :)15:13
davmor2ara: I'm going to try one install on each variant to be surely as I get time through the day I'll try and fit in M-A tests too15:15
aradavmor2, nice :)15:27
charlie-tcaxubuntu desktop is not on the tracker; is it intentional?17:47
fader_Argh, launchpad timeouts when filing a bug *suck* >:o17:57
davmor2fader_: manually filing?17:59
fader_davmor2: Filling in the description using apport17:59
fader_It went through on the second try, but it's frustrating17:59
davmor2fader_: pick on the lp team for that then dude18:00
fader_davmor2: Nah, it's easier to blame you18:00
davmor2fader_: Well you can but your in my back yard soon ;)  muhahahahahaha!18:01
* fader_ breaks out his crystal ball.18:06
fader_I see... respins in the future...18:07
davmor2fader_: that's shockingly accurate for a novice in the art18:34
Riddellnew kubuntu alpha 3 candidate images up, added to tracker19:02
charlie-tcahmm, I done all the testing I can for today. I will finish up Xubuntu tomorrow.22:52
Riddellanyone know what the comments on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/result/4349/51 would mean?22:54
tgm4883Riddell, I would assume that dls-002 and 003 don't work as expected?22:55
tgm4883causing that error on shutdown/restart and logout22:57
tgm4883unless you were asking about the bug, then I'm not sure what to do with that22:57
Riddellwhat is dls-00222:58
tgm4883Riddell, looks like there are test-cases  http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/DesktopLiveSession22:59
tgm4883dls-002 being just a shutdown from the live disk22:59

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