
pleia2czajkowski: still about? :)00:11
pleia2(time zones are fun!)00:11
* valorie has finally installed the beta-fonts02:27
valoriewhere are they supposed to show up?02:27
valorieok, trying to use fonttest02:44
valoriewhich fails.....02:44
* valorie files a launchpad bug about that02:45
rwwvalorie: It took a few tries before it logged in properly for me :(02:45
valorieI was logged in OK02:45
valorieand yes, it did take a bit02:45
valoriebut when I found a problem, I was unable to successfully report the problem02:46
valorieI'll try in a different browser02:46
valorierekonq is just tooooo buggy yet02:46
=== DarkNemesis is now known as darknemesis
czajkowskiAloha folks12:19
czajkowskipleia2: hey!16:55
pleia2hey czajkowski :)16:55
pleia2ok, new meeting times: 8PM 2nd Wednesday, 10AM 4th Thursday17:37
pleia2now we need to update the fridge17:38
pleia2I don't seem to have that ability17:38
czajkowskioh when you figure out how to do that17:38
czajkowskiwill you tell me17:38
czajkowskithe loco council and health check info is slightly off17:38
pleia2I think only the person who created it can change it, or some Calendar Master17:39
pleia2akgraner: help? :)17:39
czajkowskiaye but that's nick ali who isn't on the loco council any more17:40
pleia2akgraner might have the master keys to the fridge calendar17:40
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-women-project to: This Channel is LOGGED | http://ubuntu-women.org | support (mostly) at #ubuntu | channel guidelines: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/IrcGuidelines | Next Meeting: Wednesday, 11 August 2010 @ 20:00 UTC
czajkowskiloco health check going on now in -locoteams18:01
hypatiayay meeting18:42
czajkowskihypatia: hey18:43
czajkowskihypatia: I know you're travelling atm, but is there somewhere I can find a list of techie events/meet ups in torntor18:43
czajkowskianother mate moved over there18:43
czajkowskiall my mates are moving to Canada :(18:43
czajkowski4 now so far :(18:43
czajkowski2 more planning18:43
AlanBell¡Hola! hypatia18:43
hypatiayyeah, lemme hop on a real keyboard and i'll send you a pm18:44
hypatiaphone irc lol18:44
czajkowskihypatia: only if you're free it's not urgent18:44
czajkowskiaye if I find a job out there I'd be gone too18:44
hypatiait's a good reason to get out of bed :)18:44
* hypatia is slackin' in seattle18:44
MichelleQ1hypatia: slacking here, too.18:47
akgranerwoo hoo - just found out one of my talks was accepted for Ohio Linux Fest \0/ happy dance :-)21:10
czajkowskiwhat is it ?21:12
akgranerczajkowski,  "Volunteer Vertigo and High Tech Hangovers" presented in a 12 step format21:13
akgranerbut I only have 6 steps21:13
MarkDudeI might have a few more for you akgraner , we had a few growing pains in this one project I was involved with...21:17
akgranerI'll send you the outline and let's see if I can incorporate them :-)21:20
MarkDudeCheck out #421:23
MarkDudeIts a list of things *not to do*21:23
akgranerahhh ok21:25
pleia2akgraner: can you have a look at the fridge calendar and update the UW entries for our new meeting times?21:44
pleia2akgraner: and congrats :)21:44
akgranerpleia2, yeppers21:44
akgranergive me about 20 minutes and I'll fix it21:45
czajkowskiakgraner: and the LC as it seems nick ali is the owner of them and I cant change stuff21:45
akgranerczajkowski, yep I'll change it21:45
czajkowskiit's missing the loco health check and wiki page and channel21:46
czajkowskiand same for the council meeting21:46
akgranercan you drop me am email with the links to everything that needs to be added21:46
akgranerI like to believe I know it all by memory - but sadly I don't :-(21:47
czajkowskino bother21:47
akgranerczajkowski, thanks!21:47

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