
duffyarooni-mobile, I turn off sound scheme.00:00
Mr_Sonomahow can i check my ip address from command line? I'm behind a router I don't want the lan ip i want the internet ip address?00:00
sandkinghow can i upgrade kernel?00:00
aeon-ltdarooni-mobile: disable pcspkr module00:00
aeon-ltdarooni-mobile: if you meant the beep not sound from actual speakers00:00
ChogyDansandking: why do you want that?00:00
rathka81it's an old laptop, spareparts are too expensive - problem is that the fan don't report speed back to MB, but I can force it through thinkpad_acpi00:01
arooni-mobileaeon-ltd, its coming out of my headphones and its destroying my ears00:01
duffyMr_Sonoma, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-check-you-external-ip-address-from-the-command-line.html00:01
jae_can anyone here help with a wireless issue?00:01
sandkingChogyDan, i got issues with wifi and i heard that in new kernels it should be fixed00:01
aeon-ltdarooni-mobile: then try duffy's advice00:01
sandkingChogyDan, and as i can't fix this problem i'm trying everything00:02
arooni-mobileduffy,  ialready did thta;  :(00:02
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sandkingit's a fresh install so i'm not afraid of screwing anything00:02
Mr_Sonomacool thanks duffy00:02
ChogyDansandking: maybe try: sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-wireless-lucid-generic00:02
jae_i installed ubuntu 10.04 dual booted with windows 7 and my wireless worked fine after the install00:02
jae_i re-installed ubuntu to repartition it to have more space00:03
jae_and now ubuntu won't let me un disable my wireless00:03
batshwaaeon-ltd: thanks a lot for your help today! i will "attack" mandb tomorrow again00:03
jiffeafter reboot I am now getting errors saying 'ureadahead-other main process (xxx) terminated with status 400:03
jae_help anyone?00:03
jiffeit looks to be related to mounting disks, I just added some lines to fstab its possible something may not be right, but I can't boot now to fix it00:03
sandkingChogyDan, i did that with no luck00:03
derdonis it possible to restart the adobe flash plugin of firefox without restarting firefox itself?00:04
ChogyDansandking: ?00:04
coz_jae_,  yeah I am convinced not each install installs identically..  not sure I can help with wireless.... first thing Iwould try is sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade   to see if anything needs updated or upgraded00:04
sandkingChogyDan, i already got the latest00:04
jae_>coz thanks i'll give that a try00:04
sandkingit's taking me hours now :/00:05
ChogyDansandking: well, there is the mainline ppa with 2.6.35 kernel00:05
Rhita_Gawrok, so how do I access different servers, like Coldfront?00:06
KE1HASander__, which card do you have ?00:06
jae_>coz done.  would i need to restart to see if it worked?00:06
KE1HAsandking, sri, was for you, which card do you have ?00:06
Rhita_GawrI'm a regular IRC user...I'm just attempting to get my Unbuntu working00:07
derdonah, I've just seen it. problem solved (addons->disable->enable)00:07
faryshtaHi, my Intrepid don't recognize a plug & play webcam. Do I need drivers?00:07
ChogyDansandking: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/daily/2010-06-02-lucid/  maybe that00:08
Rhita_Gawrfor the Intrepid you'll need to download drivers00:08
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faryshtaRhita_Gawr where?00:08
sandkingKE1HA, I don't know but i'll find a site with solution to this (didn't work for me)00:08
Rhita_GawrI'm trying to figure out where to put in the website for a server, as in "irc.freenode.net"00:09
faryshtaRhita_Gawr, sorry I have lucid.00:09
jxajro_agora sim00:09
KE1HAsandking, without know which wifi card you ahve, I cn't help ya much Im affraid.00:09
rathka81duffy, KE1HA: thanks for the input -I'll google on tomorrow00:09
rousingDo you know any vim repository with an up to date version ? i'm using karmic and i'd like to get new vim releases00:09
jxajro_meu nome nao é 97mxyz é jxajro00:10
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sandkingKE1HA, it's some atheros. doesn't some lspci help with that?00:10
KE1HAlscpi will tell you the chiset00:10
faryshtaHow can I install a plug and play webcam on Lucid?00:10
KE1HAalso lshw will list HW/00:11
sandkingKE1HA, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/linux-backports-modules-2.6.32/+bug/521967 ath9k00:11
Dr_Willisfaryshta: plug it in.. see if programs see/use it.00:12
faryshtaDr_Willis, done, didn't work.00:12
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras00:12
Dr_Willisfaryshta:  its possible its not supported then00:12
faryshtaDr_Willis, camorama send an error "Could not connect to video device /dev/video0"00:12
KE1HAsandking, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1481983&page=100:12
sandkingKE1HA, http://www.pasteall.org/1477900:13
ChogyDansandking: have you tried the ppa listed in the thread?00:13
sandkingChogyDan, i think so00:13
sandkingi'll read what KE1HA has given me00:14
KE1HASeems to work on the eee PC's mentioned, although, I've not installed that particual card.00:14
SubCooli am trying to upstate a file, - init.d/vncserver - but it giving me an LSB keyboard error. I have two things i haev to do to this file, and it wont let me due to this error- help00:14
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sandkingKE1HA, does the info http://www.pasteall.org/14779 i gave you says something interesting?00:16
Dr_Willisfaryshta:  when a supported cam is plugged in. it normally loads the proper modules and makes that /dev/video0 device. You could chekc 'dmesg' output and near the end it may mention some info about that camera00:16
sandkingafter installing new kernel i need to update grub, reboot and that's all?\00:16
KE1HAsandking, no, not really, jsut says you ahve the generic ath9k driver installed.00:17
KE1HAsandking, follow the how too, then let us know how it turns out.00:18
ChogyDansandking: it looks like you should already have the driver, if you have 2.6.35 installed...00:18
sandkingi'll try to build it tomorrow it's 1:20 am and i need to wake at 700:19
sandkingso no luck this time for me00:19
Dr_Willisfaryshta:  i would say check the !webcam factoid and the forums.  thats basically the extent of my webcam trouble shooting. In the past either they worked from teh start.. or were totally unsupported.00:19
KE1HAsandking, ok, also post a bug report or add to a bug that's listed for you card so you / we can track ur progress.00:21
sandkingKE1HA, i know so little about hardware and linux stuff that me posting there might only bring confusion ;]00:21
Karen_mwhat's the best looking ubuntu theme?  The purple one is decent but there must be one that everyone is flocking to?00:22
Dr_WillisKaren_m:  use what you like. mixx and match the parts.. theres plenty in the repos not installed by default.. theres other PPA collections of themes also. :)00:23
faryshtaKaren_m, moebuntu00:23
Karen_mlol faryshaa00:23
aeon-ltdKaren_m: i think dust is still popular00:25
khalidmianhi i need some help and assistance with ubuntu 10.04 lts00:26
dakilleuxDoes anyone know how to disable catalyst AI using aticonfig?00:26
KE1HAKaren_m, 61 Themes :-) : http://www.technama.com/2009/ubuntu-themes-61-awesome-themes-for-linux/00:26
aeon-ltdKaren_m: but listen to Dr_Willis, linux is freedom and having control to do anything with your system00:26
khalidmiani am trying to install ubuntu within windows using wubi in my sony vaio00:26
aeon-ltdkhalidmian: and....?00:27
khalidmianhowever whenever i reboot i get a blank screen any help pls?00:27
dakilleuxI did the same thing00:27
dakilleuxI may be able to help00:27
khalidmiandakilleux: how pls advise00:27
dakilleuxoops, can't help you with that, sorry00:27
dakilleuxanyway, is anyone here using an ATI card?00:27
khalidmianaeon-ltd: any advise?00:28
aeon-ltdkhalidmian: how much space did you give ubuntu?00:28
khalidmianaeon-ltd: i left everything to default i beleive by default its about 17 gb? or something00:29
yngwiiedakilleux: im with ATI00:30
aeon-ltdkhalidmian: does anythin load when you select ubuntu, a bootloader should come up00:30
KE1HAkhalidmian, there's several issues surrounding the Black Screen After Boot. Here's some refrence info on work arounds: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2010/05/06/ubuntu-10-04-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup-workaround/00:30
SubCoolhow long do you wait before reasking a question00:30
red2kicSubCool: 15 minutes.00:30
khalidmianaeon-ltd: yes the bootloader comes up but then blank screen00:30
dakilleuxyngwiie: did you get ccc to work?00:30
aeon-ltdkhalidmian: how long did you wait before giving up? and what spec is this?00:31
SubCoolhow long do you wait before reasking a question00:32
khalidmianKE1HA: its all about grub install not wubi00:32
SubCooli am trying to upstate a file, - init.d/vncserver - but it giving me an LSB keyboard error. I have two things i haev to do to this file, and it wont let me due to this error- help00:32
khalidmianaeon-ltd: i waited about  5 mins00:32
khalidmianaeon-ltd: specs? for my laptop?00:32
frxstremis it possible to found the size of a directory with all its files and sub-directories (recursively) in terminal?00:32
red2kicfrxstrem: Yes. It is possible.00:33
frxstremred2kic: how?00:33
red2kicfrxstrem: "du -sh /home/fry/Videos"00:33
KE1HAkhalidmian, the problems are related, though not exact in each case. Here's a WUBI specific workaround: http://georgia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=936683100:34
frxstremred2kic: ok, thx :)00:34
soreauSo if 10.04 is updated to 2.6.34 kernel with deb packages, will updates continue to install new kernels (thereafter running update-grub)?00:35
aeon-ltdkhalidmian: yeag00:35
aeon-ltdkhalidmian: yeah00:35
khalidmianaeon-ltd: how do i find my specs lol00:35
KE1HAI unstalled the 2.6.35 & 35 kernels on my i855 chipset Lappy, soled the boot issue, but created many other issues, it's nto ready for prime time either.00:36
KE1HAwhoop 2.6.34 & 35 .. .. ..00:36
khalidmianaeon-ltd: intel core 2 duo 2.2 ghz 4mb ram00:37
aeon-ltdkhalidmian: wait just go on system monitor00:38
khalidmianaeon-ltd: nvidia geforce g210 m video card00:38
NiglopThere is a problem I have with xchat, when x it, It goes to tray for a brief second and then totally closes..? *I have the option set to tray always on*. Does anyone know the fix to this?00:38
ChogyDansoreau: yeah, if you still have the linux meta package00:38
khalidmianaeon-ltd: using windows to communicate as ubuntu not working00:39
aeon-ltdkhalidmian: ok then this shouldn't happen, how many installs have you tried?00:39
JulieJulieHey guys!00:39
khalidmianaeon-ltd: 3-4 TIMES00:39
JulieJulieMy question was, can I make install ubuntu using a external drive?00:39
soreauChogyDan: Which package would that be?00:39
JulieJulieI see tutitorals for USB drives so I was wondering can I do the same with a external drive?00:40
Bisu[Shield]I just got a message that I was downloading copywritten content, I dont know what they talking about.  how do i protect myself when surfing or using bit torrent?00:40
aeon-ltdkhalidmian: ok did you download the iso yourself or did you let wubi do it?00:40
ChogyDansoreau: it is any linux package without a version, usually starting with linux-generic00:40
Dr_WillisBisu[Shield]:  a 'message' how exactly?00:40
Dr_WillisBisu[Shield]:  an email? an irc message? Smoke signals?00:40
khalidmianaeon-ltd: downloaded the iso myself00:41
Bisu[Shield]oh email00:41
KE1HAJulieJulie, Yes, see section 7.2: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick00:41
khalidmianaeon-ltd: burnt a cd00:41
Dr_WillisBisu[Shield]:  check the info on the email. I would bet its just spam00:41
khalidmianaeon-ltd: installed it my my dads hp laptop and it works fine00:41
khalidmianaeon-ltd: he has an ati card though00:41
Bisu[Shield]no its ledget because i could not use my internet until I click that I have read and understood00:42
Bisu[Shield]I am using road runner00:42
Bisu[Shield]so how do I protect myself00:42
duffyJulieJulie, do what exactly00:42
aeon-ltdkhalidmian: wait i thought you said you used wubi00:42
Dr_WillisBisu[Shield]:  dont do the stuff.. and i imagine the isp just HAD to send that to everyone... to cover their legal backsides00:42
SomelauwCan I run a program from the shell and start the program in a new process?00:42
SomelauwWhen I run a program from the shell from gnome, it will freeze my shell.00:43
Dr_WillisSomelauw:  its not freezing the shell.00:43
Dr_WillisSomelauw:   bash job controll. use '&' after a command to put it in the background.00:43
Dr_WillisSomelauw:  ie-->  gedit &00:43
khalidmianaeon-ltd: when i insert cd it runs install and asks we to run wubi.exe00:43
JulieJulieduffy, To install ubuntu onto my laptop00:44
SomelauwDr_Willis, I'll try00:44
red2kicBisu[Shield]: You said "Surfing or using bit torrent" -- I say stay away of bit torrent if you want to keep your Internet active.00:44
Dr_WillisSomelauw:  then either use the exit command, or the 'disown' command.  avoide just hitting the close button. that may kill the spawned jobs00:44
Dr_WillisBisu[Shield]:  stop surfing also.. :)00:44
aeon-ltdkhalidmian: do you want GRUB instead of mbr?00:44
khalidmianaeon-ltd: no i pref wubi00:44
igordantassomeone uses android os?00:45
khalidmianaeon-ltd: i dont want to mess qith recovery partition etc etc00:45
duffyJulieJulie, I guess the same could apply.. personally I`d make 1 partition for ELBOOT and 1 for the ISO...00:45
SomelauwDr_Willis, thanks, it works. I'll take care to use an explicit "exit".00:45
igordantassomeone uses bootchart?00:45
Dr_WillisSomelauw:  thats how ive learned over tehyears.. with the disown command I Think you can use the close button.. but exit is easier to type00:46
Pici!anyone | igordantas00:46
ubottuigordantas: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?00:46
duffyJulieJulie, http://psychoticspoon.blogspot.com/2009/01/booting-multiple-livecds-from-single.html  basically its make fat16 partition, and a 700mb partition,  install the boot loader then cat the isos.00:46
ChogyDanSomelauw: you can also just do: gedit & disown00:46
aeon-ltdkhalidmian: sorry i can't help you if the installer went perfectly fine, you have to remember wubi is still fresh software and errors occur, for maximum cconsistency you should really just use the proper installer00:46
khalidmianaeon-ltd: any suggestions? i installed ubuntu under wubi install in the hp and it worked00:46
igordantasSomeone know install bootchart on android?00:46
Piciigordantas: What does that have to do with Ubuntu?00:47
Niglophow can I change the color of the text in my taskbar?00:47
khalidmianno clue00:47
yngwiiedakilleux: try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI00:47
Piciigordantas: Try #android00:47
igordantasI ask here because i don't found channel about android00:48
mikeruI resized partitions with gparted live00:48
SomelauwChogyDan, How does that work?00:48
mikeruit all came well00:48
igordantasi can't join to channel android00:48
Piciigordantas: you need to be registered and identified00:48
Pici!register > igordantas00:48
ubottuigordantas, please see my private message00:48
Dr_Willisigordantas:  it may  be 'registered nicks only'00:48
mikeruhowever, now I can't boot, because some weird usb 1-4 device not accepting address #, error -11000:48
mikerustart popping up00:48
Ritztechwheres the best place to see to get like a PHP page to put pull info from commands within the same linux box00:49
mikeruhalp please00:49
DafreakI have Ubuntu 10.04 installed.  I have a raid controller car (not motherboard) and a raid0 array setup.  How to I get the raid array to automount on boot/login?00:49
aeon-ltdkhalidmian: yeah i've heard cases of wubi's hit and miss nature, unless you changed some settings during install, or it could be grub2 causing the boot problems00:50
ChogyDanSomelauw: the & makes it run in the background, and the disown makes it separate from the terminal process, so if you close the window it doesn't get closed.  not sure if that was what you were looking for00:50
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Ritztechnot phpshell but invoking with output without typing command00:51
Ritztech system('/usr/local/bin/script file _POST00:51
SubCoolI have to take a shower, so im going to brb, if anyone could explain that error- it would be great.00:52
mikeruah, it seems its gone, at least with os x (which was also not working, instead showing an overly simplified prohibition sign)00:52
Dr_Willismikeru:  perhaps a usb device wasent plugged in all the way00:53
SomelauwChogyDan, I would expect that when executing "gedit & disown" it passes disown as a commandline-parameter to gedit, but it probably works completely different.00:53
SubCoolupdate-rc.d: warning: /etc/init.d/vncserver missing LSB keyword 'required-stop'00:53
SubCoolupdate-rc.d: warning: vncserver start runlevel arguments (none) do not match LSB Default-Start values (S)00:53
SubCoolupdate-rc.d: warning: vncserver stop runlevel arguments (none) do not match LSB Default-Stop values (0 6)00:53
SubCoolupdate-rc.d: error: expected NN after start00:53
SubCoolusage: update-rc.d [-n] [-f] <basename> remove00:53
FloodBot2SubCool: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:53
SubCoolops- my bad..00:53
Dr_WillisSomelauw:  you dont use disown on the same command line00:53
Dr_Willisgedit &00:53
SubCoolguess now i dont need pastebin - lol.. mybad.00:53
DafreakIs it even possible to have a raid array automount on boot or login?00:54
NiglopDoes anyone know how I can change the color of the text in my panel?00:54
Dr_WillisSubCool:  you may want to make a 'upstart' type script to run the service. /etc/init/ or just start it from rc.local00:55
slidinghorn!raid | Dafreak maybe this will be helpful00:55
ubottuDafreak maybe this will be helpful: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto00:55
Dr_WillisDafreak:  i imagine it is.. and it may depend on the type or raid controller also.00:55
Dr_WillisTheres a lot of things wo watch out for with RAIDS00:55
mikeruDr_Willis: no, everything was disconnected. I believe it was Apple's broken firmware00:55
Niglopfml nobody has answer any of the last 4 answer I have asked in this channel.. can anybody even hear me..?00:56
ChogyDanSomelauw: ah, I see, it is bash, so bash interprets the content first, before the command.  I don't know the specifics though.00:56
WiesshundNiglop i hear you00:56
Niglopmikeru» (1) how can I change the color of the text in my panel00:56
JulieJulieduffy,  what is ELBOOT?00:56
KE1HADafreak, RAID is comonplace for linux distributions, but not always simple to set up, depending on your choices: http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-mini/DPT-Hardware-RAID.html00:56
Niglop(2) when I close xchat to tray, it sits there for a second and then closes even though I have the option tray always on.00:57
Niglop(3) when I change my hostname via terminal command It changes back when I reboot, to the default00:57
slidinghornNiglop, try this post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33474700:57
WiesshundNiglop you mean set IRCNAME=blah?00:57
KE1HADafreak, and the Ubuntu Way: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation#Installing%20on%20external%20or%20RAID%20hard%20disks00:58
mikeruNiglop: 1 - afaik, the theme chooses the panel's text color00:58
Niglopno Wiesshund  the hostname of my system00:58
SubCoolDr_Willis, wont i still receive that error tho?00:58
Niglopmikeru»  can I edit my theme then :p? gtk++00:58
WiesshundNiglop preferences appearance customize00:58
Dr_WillisSubCool:  not sure what the error even means. other then that your script may be missing some parts..00:59
DafreakKE1HA, slidinghorn, Dr_Willis : thanks for the links00:59
NiglopWiesshund» I'm using xfce00:59
mikeruNiglop: XFCE???!00:59
Niglopyes :p?00:59
mt_dew_86openbox here00:59
Niglopxfce is win.00:59
duffyJulieJulie, a boot loader00:59
movedirHello all, I am having trouble because /etc/security/limits.conf doesn't seem to apply to root.00:59
mikeruNiglop: jk, join #xubuntu00:59
WiesshundNiglop oh, im not sure in that, you might have to edit the theme then, i dont know00:59
aeon-ltdNiglop: xfce > gnome00:59
Niglopya :)01:00
Niglopok well.01:00
aeon-ltdbut openbox/fluxbox/*boxes > xfce > gnome01:00
Niglop(2) when I close xchat to tray, it sits there for a second and then closes even though I have the option tray always on.01:00
mikeruNiglop: 2 -> #xubuntu01:00
SubCoolDr_Willis, idk- where i got the script from, no one else seems to be having an issue. I dont even know what it means. I have to shower, ill brb.. thanks for helping.01:00
Niglop(3) when I change my hostname via terminal command It changes back when I reboot, to the default01:00
Dr_Willis!hostname | Niglop01:01
ubottuNiglop: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.01:01
mikeru3 -> edit /etc/hosts01:01
Dr_Willisbe carefull with changing hostname. : you can break sudo :)01:01
sekizbit__Hello guys, I have a question about runing time of PHP scripts01:01
mikeruoh my. ubottu looks like it knows a lot. how can I query the list of available commands?01:02
duffyJulieJulie, I`ll walk you through it if you like.. means making at least 2 partitions.01:02
Wiesshund+1 Dr_Willis.01:02
haoyihuanto ubuntu-cn ?01:02
NiglopDr_Willis»  if it stuffs up I will just revert back to default :)01:03
Dr_WillisNiglop:  if it breaks you may need a live cd to do that. :)01:04
NiglopHow can I add my own text at the top of my terminal where the fortune used to be?01:04
Dr_WillisNiglop:  fortune used to be ? you using Mint? You cvan edit your .bashrc or .profile and put all sorts of silly messages/programs in there01:04
Niglopcheers Dr_Willis01:05
enzycan ayone help me get my razer mamba configured.01:05
sekizbit__I need  the PHP script killed when user breaks the connection or timeout occurs. I`m running ubuntu 10.4 and apache for server, anyone can help me on this ?01:05
enzyin ubuntu 10.0401:06
Niglopenzy» isn't razor compatible in linux :(? I was planning on getting one.01:06
Karen_mhow do I find out what resolution I am currently at?01:08
red2kicKaren_m: "xrandr" maybe?01:08
mikeruKaren_m» System > Preferences > Monitor01:08
mikeruor that01:08
NiglopDr_Willis»  can I just add text at the top of .bashrc and It will be my new 'fortune'? :p01:09
Karen_mthank you, i was looking for 'Screen Resolution' .. :)01:09
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vegboxdoes growisofs also record to dvd dl?01:10
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michael__will wine support "the witcher"?  anyone know?01:10
Doctehmichael__: wine has an appdb01:10
Wiesshundmichael__ youve checked appdb?01:11
michael__no i havent01:11
duffyvegbox, yes01:11
Wiesshundmichael__ best place to start for wine01:11
TiKim in console HOWTO etract all .zip iles at once.. ie *.zip01:11
michael__k thanks01:11
duffyvegbox,  but just use brasero01:11
WiesshundTiK unzip01:12
_Deko_ql era problema ta  usando xchat gnome01:12
_Deko_como ativa cubo do ubuntu??01:12
WiesshundTiK like unzip /home/me/*.zip etc01:13
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_Deko_alguem sabe ai?01:13
duffyfind for z in *.zip; do unzip $z; done01:13
Wiesshund!es | deko01:13
ubottudeko: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:13
duffyfor z in *.zip; do unzip $z; done01:13
enzyNIGTOP no razer does not support linux as far as i know01:14
Wiesshund_Deko_ no problem :)01:14
Dr_Willisunzip can handle wildcards itself i recall   --> unzip '*.zip'01:14
Karen_mi see people with widgets in their printscreens online.  They have weather, calendars.. time, you name it... what are they using?01:14
MaRk-I!br | _Deko_01:15
ubottu_Deko_: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.01:15
Dr_WillisTiK:  try that? note the single quotes. thats the imorant trick.01:15
duffyKaren_m, screenlets01:15
WiesshundKaren_m look for screen in software center, that is one01:15
Karen_mthank you de3uffy01:15
_Deko_foi mau me enganei de canal01:15
duffyKaren_m,  yeah, something like that01:15
Dr_WillisKaren_m:  theres several 'desktop' widget systems out there. gdesklets, google has their own, opera has some.01:15
IceTpeacewhat's the name of the german channel?01:15
Dr_WillisKaren_m:  or conky, or proberly a doazen others i cant rember01:16
h00k!german | IceTpeace01:16
ubottuIceTpeace: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.01:16
TiKthanks duffy01:16
duffyTiK, sorry, remind me.01:16
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jaredso i recently switched from windows to ubuntu01:17
jaredand i have to say01:17
jaredI LOVE THIS.01:17
FloodBot2jared: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:17
ajvpothow can i force reinstall snmp. it is et to manually installed and it isnt and cacti requires it.01:17
TiKduffy: uhm doseems to not be found do I have to install it?01:17
KE1HATiK,  unzip examples: http://linux.about.com/od/commands/a/blcmdl1_unzipx.htm01:17
TiKKE1HA: thanks01:17
KE1HATiK, suo apt-get install unzipp01:17
duffyTiK, if you have a gui, just select them all and extract01:17
KE1HAwhoops sudo apt-get .. .. ..01:18
KE1HAI need to submit a bug, my KB doesnt' listen to my fingers :-)01:18
TiKKE1HA: I have unzip  did unzip -x *.zip and it gave erors01:19
TiKduffy: hm good idea01:19
bobsomebodywhen i load my server its kicking me into a "grub shell" i guess01:19
Dr_WillisTiK:  did you try the simple --> unzip '*.zip'01:19
bobsomebodycan anyone tell me what i forked up?01:19
TiKDr_Willis: yeah :P01:19
TiKill just do it from GUI01:19
KE1HATiK, what error did you get ?01:19
TiKnve hough of that01:19
hotstewhi guys, sometimes I don't receive over WLAN anymore even it's shown as connected01:19
TiKfilename unmatch errors01:20
hotstewwhen I reload ndiswrapper over modprobe it works again01:20
Dr_WillisTiK:  thats worked for me in the past.  Not tried it lately01:20
dubliskHi, how do I install sun java sdk ? I did this "add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ lucid partner" " but it still isn't showing up01:20
Dr_Willis!info unp | TiK01:20
ubottuTiK: unp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.15 (lucid), package size 10 kB, installed size 76 kB01:20
Dr_Willisdublisk:  you did 'update' the package listing?01:20
mikerusimple question01:20
hotstewis there a more elegant way to make this automatic than write a small ruby script hat continuously runs in the background all the time?01:20
mikeruhow do I know if ubuntu is using both cores?01:21
KE1HATiK, with "unzip *.zip" you need to be in the directory where the files reside, so "unzip ./*.zip"  should work.01:21
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TiK./ hmm ok01:21
KE1HABut as said, the GUI is probably easier, although not fo batch processing.01:21
jinxzsi need help to install Psi how?01:21
duffyTiK, gui also works.. select them and extract..01:22
duffywhy the cli method?01:22
dubliskDr_Willis : How do I do that? (I've been using ubuntu for 5 minutes)01:22
TiKcaution: filename not matched:  ./415.zip01:22
TiKcaution: filename not matched:  ./416.zip01:22
TiKcaution: filename not matched:  ./417.zip01:22
duffydid I jump back 15 yrs01:22
FloodBot2TiK: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:22
TiKduff: trying now01:22
mikerujinxzs: easy. Ubuntu Software Center » Search for psi » Install01:22
mikerunow, wasn't that easy?01:22
bobsomebodynever mind i was able to boot it01:23
Doctehhotstew: have you tried fiddling with ndiswrapper, like different driver version, or w/e?01:23
mikeruor if you prefer command line: sudo apt-get install psi01:23
jinxzs@mikeru thanks..il be bback if i have any questions01:23
TiKduffy: that worked it's slow though01:23
Dr_Willisdublisk:  package manager ment basics.. you add a repiository. you update the listing.  otherwise it dosent know whats in the new repo.01:23
mikerusimple question01:23
mikeruhow do I know if ubuntu is using both cores?01:23
KE1HATiK, if that fails try a recurssive approach: find . -name "./*.zip" | while read filename; do unzip -o -d "`basename -s .zip "$filename"`" "$filename"; done;01:23
Dr_Willisdublisk:  'sudo apt-get update' 'sudo apt-get upgrade'01:23
duffyTiK, slow is relative to your system01:23
TiKduffy: no im on a p fast system01:23
hotstewI think there's only one driver working at all.01:24
TiKthts why I was doing to from console for speed01:24
dubliskk thanks01:24
duffyTiK, it does each 1 by 1, so job done afaic01:24
TiKthanks guy01:24
Doctehmikeru: time an app that uses multi cores and see if it comes back with like 4mins CPU time 2mins clock time01:24
mikeruDocteh: is that the only way? :S01:25
Doctehmikeru: or uname -a look for "SMP" and cat /proc/cpuinfo and look for multiple cpus01:25
Dr_Willismikeru:  the app also has to make proper use of both cores.01:25
duffymikeru, it probably is.01:25
Dr_Willismikeru:  ubuntu by default uses all cores.. apps may or may not make full use of them.01:25
Doctehmikeru: I'm giving you a choice of how paranoid you want to be ;)01:25
LordZiru1help, my mouse dont work in my other computer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!01:25
duffymikeru, if system monitor sees them, it is01:25
mikeruok, the thing is I'm not even sure if it is dual core...01:26
Doctehmikeru: start with cat /proc/cpuinfo then01:26
Doctehit'll list two cpus, full details instead of just one01:26
mikeruDocteh: weird unparseful info01:26
duffycat /proc/cpuinfo?01:26
LordZiru1my mouse dont work01:27
LordZiru1help please01:27
Picimikeru: lscpu as well01:27
Doctehmikeru: just need to see how many paragraphs or sections of text it gives you01:27
duffyif there is more than 1, ergo its 201:27
mikeruDocteh: ~23 lines01:27
Doctehheh i cant check pastebin01:27
KE1HADo: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep CPU and it will list the cores only.01:27
enzyhaving problem setting up razer mamba in ubuntu 10.04? does any one here have the know how and willing to help me?01:27
mikeruKE1HA: model name: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU          420  @ 1.60GHz01:28
mikeru(greps output)01:28
duffyceleron aint dual core01:28
LordZiru1help my mouse dont work01:28
KE1HAand as said above, uname - a01:28
Doctehnewer ones can be i though01:28
mikeruduffy: I KNEW IT! oh, I've been deceived T_T01:28
duffyits a cheap thing01:28
KE1HANo Dice, Celi's aer single core.01:28
Doctehoh hmm01:29
mikerugreat, I've been living thinking it was dual core but only 32-bits. appareantly, It was totally the opposite01:29
duffytheres dual core then there is hyperthread01:29
JB69JBi have an intel 945gm integrated onboard video card in my laptop and im having some issues with getting novashell to run i was wondering if anyone has any insite besides get a new video card because this isnt an option... someone help me please01:29
duffyit might have the latter...maybe01:29
mikerubut with only 1GB of RAM I'm not thinking of amd64 ubuntu...01:29
duffymikeru, no, you arent.01:30
KE1HAmikeru, you can validate results by looking in your BIOS for an option to Eable Virtulizaiton, if no Joy, it's a single core.01:30
Doctehits doable but barely01:30
mac9416Is Totem Ubuntu's default media player?01:31
mikeruduffy: I'm not what01:31
duffymac9416, yes, but not the only one01:31
mikeruKE1HA: I very much doubt it.01:31
Docteh1.6ghz sounds like a netbook01:31
mikeruDocteh: or a cheap desktop01:31
duffyDocteh, my i7 is 1.6ghz :)01:31
KE1HAMplayer and Rythumbox are defaults players I think.01:31
mac9416duffy, OK. For whatever reason, I thought it was MPlayer. Thanks.01:31
LordZiru1my mouse dont work01:32
duffybut with fancy shmancy stuff its 2.801:32
khalidhelp needed i tried running ubuntu live cd and i tried installing ubuntu using wubi but i dont get any video at all01:32
Karen_mwhy is it that, when i click the bottom left corner my widgets that are on the desktop go away?  screenlet is still running, i see it in the top right01:32
nytek_would a macbook pro 13in be worth buying because of unix installed under mac os x?01:32
JB69JBanyone have any success with novashell01:32
mac9416KE1HA, interesting. I thought it was MPlayer too. I'm in Lubuntu right now and I don't want to have to boot my Ubuntu machine.  :-P01:32
JB69JBim having troubles getting it to run01:32
KE1HAThat's what the lates 10.04 installed on my Box, I've not added any packages other than updates.01:33
duffyits Totem...  just like empathy, dont ask my why01:33
KE1HAI dont know about Lubuntu, dont have that distro installed, although i should do really.01:33
khalidhelp needed i tried running ubuntu 10.04 lts  live cd and i tried installing ubuntu using wubi but i dont get any video at all01:33
LordZiru1my mouse dont work01:33
Doctehnytek_: your question isn't very clear, osx has some unixy stuff yes01:33
Karen_mit's so weird, hitting the bottom left button, that reveals my desktop ends up taking away all screenlets.. what is the setting to say, look, put these on the desktop and leave them there?01:34
mikeruLordZiru1: buy a new one01:34
FiremanEd!patience | LordZiru101:34
ubottuLordZiru1: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.01:34
LordZiru1!patience FiremanEd01:35
LordZiru1my mouse work on windows01:35
c3lim looking for a program that can manage multiple audio streams to play music on remote from a server, to multiple computers, anu suggestions?01:35
nytek_Docteh: would you buy a macbook pro if you had the money?01:35
jinxzshelp teach me how his Psi connect my contacts at yahoo please01:35
JB69JBanyone know anything about novashell... im having troubles getting it running01:35
Ritztechhow could i grep awk or sed the FIRST 10 Characters of the 2nd collum01:35
LordZiru1i are using netbook's touchpad, my mouse work on windows, but dont work on linux01:36
Dr_WillisRitztech:  grep/sed/awk them to do what exactly? the 3 tools have different features..01:36
khalidim looking for assistance on ubuntu installtion on my sony vaio vpccw13fd01:36
mikerunytek_: Mac OS X is a bit unixy, yes. most linux things WHICH ARE NOT GTK OR QT compile without hassle01:36
ThomasB2kcould this be of help01:36
mikerunytek_: and most also run ubuntu beautifully01:36
tensorpuddingYou can use GTK and Qt on Mac OSX, it just takes a little more effort.01:37
KE1HAc3l, Gnump3d can Do it I think.01:37
mikeruexcept mine. so sad.01:37
mikerutensorpudding: (without hassles)01:37
shugartquick question, what would be the command for getting the permission settings of the directory I'm currently in ?01:37
JB69JBam i in the right location to fins some assistance with novashell on ubuntu01:37
LordZiru1me feel ignored01:37
mikerutensorpudding: indeed you can, but most of the time its just not worth it01:37
KE1HAFireFly I've heard that's good too.01:37
mikeruLordZiru1: well, you couold tell us which mouse is it01:38
LordZiru1mikeru         usb mouse.........?01:38
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JB69JBcan someone assist me with this WARNING: Application calling GLX 1.3 function "glXCreatePbuffer" when GLX 1.3 is not supported!  This is an application bug!01:39
nytek_mikeru: i thinking about buying on, i love the fact that unix is built into mac os x. i love unix because of its developmental tools.01:39
mikeruLordZiru1: WELL, considering how common they are, I wouldn't have imagined that... would I? be specific, Company, Model, etc01:39
c3lThomasB2k: KE1HA: thanks for the tips, ill look in to those01:40
mikerunytek_: I say, buy one.01:40
mikerunytek_: It is indeed. and Xcode is sooo easy to use.01:40
khalidi have tried everything possible however when i try to install ubuntu i get no video output on my laptop01:40
khalidany help?01:40
LordZiru1mikeru SatelLite int mini  3D optical mouse model A-901:40
nytek_mikeru: im getting a bachelors in cs soon and i want a good developmental machine, i just hope the 13in is good enough.01:41
h00k!ot | nytek_01:41
ubottunytek_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:41
JB69JBWARNING: Application calling GLX 1.3 function "glXCreatePbuffer" when GLX 1.3 is not supported!  This is an application bug! any takers in assistance with this... novashell is what im trying to run01:41
slidinghorn!repeat | JB69JB01:41
ubottuJB69JB: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.01:41
slidinghornJB69JB, it says that it's an application error...have you tried going to glx for support?01:42
KE1HAnytek_, Dual Quads, runing Ubuntu of course.01:42
slidinghornkhalid, we'll need more details, but in the meantime see !flash and !restricted01:43
NiglopDr_Willis»  can I just add text at the top of .bashrc and It will be my new 'fortune'? :p01:44
p_resIs anyone having any dramas connecting to MSN network at the moment using Empathy?01:44
djudldin_hello everybody! i have a wireless connection (modem e1750 usb stick from huawei). my provider announce a 6mps speed but when doing the test isometimes i only get 300kbps and the maximum ive got was 1.2 mbps is this "normal"01:44
LordZiru1mikokererkeroeroko my mouse, help =/01:45
slidinghorndjudldin_, most of the time an ISP is telling you the "max" speed you're allowed...more often than not you won't usually experience those speeds01:45
mikerunytek_: hardware wise, its great. and it rocks with ubuntu. and h00k is right, so discuss in ##apple01:45
jaredso guys. for some reason i can't get any of my webcam, or headphones to register when i plug them in01:46
jaredhas anyone else had similiar issues?01:46
mikeruLordZiru1: Toshiba=?01:46
slidinghornjared, please post the output of lsusb to http://paste.ubuntu.com01:46
Gravesi am trying to setup a webserver on ubuntu, is there a specific channel i should join, or is it ok to ask away in here01:46
LordZiru1what is toshiba? U_U?01:46
slidinghornGraves, #ubuntu-server is probably more specifically geared for that01:47
tensorpuddingGraves: Apache or something else?01:47
djudldin_slidinghorn :are wireless connections more unstable than cable?01:47
FliesLikeScreencan anyone point me to where I can configure upstart's relationships/dependencies for services starting at boot?01:47
lubuserhello, can anyone help connect my ext. drive?01:47
tensorpuddingthere are a ton of guides to installing LAMP servers on Ubuntu/Debian systems01:47
slidinghorndjudldin_, unstable as in -- disconnections etc?  I would say so, as you're not directly wired to it01:47
Graveswell i installed lamp01:47
Gravesnow i am trying to share the folder on samba to upload html files01:48
DoctehFliesLikeScreen: look in /etc/init01:48
slidinghorn!samba | Graves01:48
viniciustem alguem que pode me ajudar01:48
ubottuGraves: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.01:48
djudldin_slidinghorn :i did not anderstood your first answer01:48
FliesLikeScreenthanks Docteh01:48
h00k!es | vinicius01:48
ubottuvinicius: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:48
slidinghorn!pt | vinicius01:48
ubottuvinicius: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.01:48
lubusermy drive won't connect... my usb ports are only working at 1.1 speeds...any way i can still connect?01:48
FliesLikeScreenDocteh: the problem is that dhcpd is trying to start before the bridge interface is up.  I don't see a config file in that folder for dhcpd.  is there a way to create one or somewhere else I need to lok?01:49
viniciusonde troco01:49
tensorpuddingvici0us: /join #ubuntu-br01:49
viniciussou novo aqui01:49
djudldin_slidinghorn :i ve got it now01:49
=== avi_ is now known as AviMarcus
DoctehFliesLikeScreen: where did you set up your bridge? usually thats done in /etc/networking/interfaces01:49
vinicius /join #ubuntu-br01:50
lubusermodule ehci_hcd in the kernel now?  why?01:50
lubuserdebian doesn't do this01:50
DoctehFliesLikeScreen: do the create commands as a pre-up for the bridge01:50
FliesLikeScreenDocteh: it's in /etc/network/interfaces.  it looks like this issue is described by this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dhcp3/+bug/58031901:50
slidinghornvinicius, sem o espaço "/ join # ubuntu-br" (sem aspas também)01:50
FliesLikeScreenDocteh: the bridge comes up fine, the problem is that dhcp is being started before the interfaces are up01:50
FliesLikeScreenDocteh: I'm looking for a way to say " don't start dhcp until interfaces are all up"01:51
Doctehwho is running dhcp then?01:51
p_resIs anyone having any dramas connecting to MSN network at the moment using Empathy?01:51
FliesLikeScreenDocteh: I'm not sure what you mean01:51
slidinghorn!details | lubuser01:51
ubottulubuser: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."01:51
LordZiru1krtome sketlk verken saakene my mouse dont work help me.  asdkkij  htakk quekk01:51
RJ_Fhow can I assign custom shortcuts?01:51
lubusercan no one answer?01:51
FliesLikeScreenDocteh: it's this box running dhcp too.  dhcpd tries to start at boot, but the interfaces aren't up yet.  so dhcpd fails.  a few seconds later the bridge interface finishes coming up, but dhcpd never comes up01:51
IceTpeaceSo I  have a little time before longer time messing around on my ubuntu and it  somehow turned off the window frame ausversehn from all windows, so the  area is clicked on, the one when you change the size and where they  want to close the buttons to minimize and ect. are now annoys me that now and I would like to undo, but nowhere was found to have01:51
FliesLikeScreenDocteh: (because it had already failed to start)01:52
DoctehFliesLikeScreen: whats firing up the dhcpd, is there a script in /etc/init.d/ for your dhcpd?01:52
FliesLikeScreenyes Docteh the default init script in init.d for dhcpd3-server01:52
dumontload average: 236.92, 149.27, 75.701:52
dumontAWESOME HUH?01:52
lubuserwhy is ehci_hcd not found?01:53
viniciusninguem responde naa la01:53
JodaZhow do i explicitly install a 32bit firefox on my 64bit ubuntu so i can do away with ndiswrapper ?01:53
slidinghorn!details > lubuser01:53
ubottulubuser, please see my private message01:53
DoctehFliesLikeScreen: what is its priority number in like /etc/rc3.d?01:53
vinicius# ubuntu-br01:53
FliesLikeScreenDocteh: 4001:54
FliesLikeScreenDocteh: I suppose making that 99 will help01:54
h00kvinicius: /join #ubuntu-br01:54
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slidinghornvinicius, lhe foi dito três vezes como agora se juntar a outro canal. Agora você está apenas trolling. Por favor, pare e digite "/ join # ubuntu-br" (sem aspas) para entrar no canal português, ou falam Inglês01:55
KE1HAJodaZ, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=117443501:55
MaRk-IJodaZ: try this for 64bit http://blog.mattrudge.net/2010/05/07/installing-flash-player-from-repository-on-ubuntu-10-04-64-bit/01:55
slidinghornvinicius, sem o espaço antes do "join"01:56
DoctehFliesLikeScreen: rc3.d might be wrong dir just fyi01:56
mikeruI'd say vinicius is just annoying us. I mean, otherwise how did he/she join this channel?01:57
FliesLikeScreenDocteh: I've got another workaround I'll put in for now (putting /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart in rc.local).  I'll be adding to that bug report shortly and raising this issue01:57
mikeru/join #ubuntu-br01:57
jaredcan anyone redirect me to a channel that would help for getting your webcam to work on ubuntu?01:57
bazhangmikeru, he knows, he's already in there01:58
mikerubazhang: OH. ok01:58
red2kicjared: You're in the correct channel.01:58
jaredOo, well could you guys01:58
jaredhelp me out01:58
jinxzsplease help me out01:58
KE1HAjared, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam01:58
DoctehFliesLikeScreen: I'm using dnsmasq and its working for me with a bridge, its only 15 but i guess its listening on
FliesLikeScreenyeah Docteh ISC dhcpd is more specific about how it treats and binds to interfaces01:59
=== slidinghorn is now known as [-slidinghorn-]
DoctehI'm using dnsmasq as a proxydhcp server for network booting, my crappy router hands out the actual addresses02:00
xompI need help unloading an apache2 module can someone please help? Apparently it's a #ubuntu specific question (as I'm being directed here for this question) thanks.02:01
FliesLikeScreenxomp: a2sidmod <modname> as root02:01
FliesLikeScreenit removes the symlink that is enabling the mod02:02
FliesLikeScreenyeah Docteh a2enmod and a2dismod are used to enable/disable modules by managing links from /etc/apache2/mods-available into /etc/apache2/mods-enabled02:02
wolfbikerhey, can anyone tell me how to just, kill aMSN?02:02
jinxzsplease help me02:02
FliesLikeScreenthere's also a2ensite and a2dissite to do the same for virtual hosts02:02
FliesLikeScreenjinxzs: have you actually asked a question?02:03
KE1HA!ask | jinxzs02:03
ubottujinxzs: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:03
LordZiru1my mouse dont work on linux, help02:03
wolfbikerhey, can anyone tell me how to just, kill aMSN?02:03
Andre_Gondimis there any problem with cron at ubuntu server?02:04
jinxzsahh okay thanks02:04
FliesLikeScreenwolfbiker: please don't re-ask your question so fast.  if nobody answered that means they don't know the answe, so ask later when other people might be around02:04
FliesLikeScreenAndre_Gondim: no, but what kind of problem are you having?02:04
LordZiru1Alt F2   Kill amsn02:04
Andre_GondimI am trying to insert and says there is error at cron installation, but is a fresh install02:04
wolfbikeralright this has been helpful.02:04
shaggystylecan anyone tell me where the mysqld.pid file went?  (MySQL 5.1 on Ubuntu 10.4 server)02:05
KE1HALordZiru1, Tell us what this out says in pastebin: xinput query-state "Configured Mouse"02:05
xompFliesLikeScreen, I'm looking to unload reqtimeout_module but when I did "a2dismod reqtimeout_module" it says it's not loaded when it actually is.02:05
xompFliesLikeScreen, is it possible I'm doing it wrong?02:05
jinxzshow to set permanent font in mozilla? its so small everytime i open new tab i always press to zoom it02:05
FliesLikeScreenxomp was this a module that came with apache or something that was custom installed?02:05
jinxzsi mean font size.02:05
FliesLikeScreenjinxzs: look at the font config settings in about:config02:05
xompFliesLikeScreen, came with apache02:05
FliesLikeScreenxomp did you install apache from source or APT?02:06
KE1HALordZiru1, if it's a touchpad use this: xinput list-props "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad"02:06
FliesLikeScreenxomp: let me look at one of my LAMP setups, hold on02:06
jinxzs@sirFliesLikeScreen in the browser?02:06
xompFliesLikeScreen, sure thing thanks!02:06
FliesLikeScreenxomp I don't see that listed as a module that comes with Apache on Ubuntu02:07
FliesLikeScreenxomp look through your configs in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf and /etc/apache2/mods-enabled for anything mentioning it02:07
xompFliesLikeScreen, this is my loaded modules http://pastebin.com/MzmnADTQ02:07
FliesLikeScreenit has to be loaded from somewhere in those files, so find it and comment it out02:07
xompFliesLikeScreen, I found "reqtimeout.load" & "reqtimeout.conf" in my /etc/apache2/mods-enabled folder. What do I do with them?02:08
FliesLikeScreenrm them both02:09
xompoh ok02:09
FliesLikeScreenthey're probably just symlinks to the mods-available folder02:09
xompFliesLikeScreen, yeah they look like symlinks02:09
jinxzsi dont understand im just using ubuntu yesterday.02:09
FliesLikeScreenyep just remove those and you're all set02:09
xompFliesLikeScreen, once I remove them symlinks do I restart apache?02:09
FliesLikeScreenyes xomp02:10
KE1HAjinwang, http://ubuntuanswers.wordpress.com/2007/12/13/configuring-mozilla-fonts-firefox-and-thunderbird/02:10
xompFliesLikeScreen, ah thanks so much!02:10
FliesLikeScreenxomp:  I'm guesing a2dismod didn't work because you used the actual mod name instead of the name used in those files02:10
KE1HAWhoos jinxzs : http://ubuntuanswers.wordpress.com/2007/12/13/configuring-mozilla-fonts-firefox-and-thunderbird/02:10
FliesLikeScreenxomp: but removing those links is exactly what a2dismod would have done02:10
DafreakMaybe a dumb question but if I'm SSH'd into my ubuntu server.  If I start a process, how do I keep it running even when I close SSH?02:11
MBG1987How to setup virtualbox so i can install ubuntu server on it, i mean the network, (bridge, internal nat.....)?02:11
steven_tim trying to install fossil and its simply not found, when i do sudo apt-get install fossil02:11
FliesLikeScreenDafreak: screen, nohup, &disown are 3 separate options02:11
steven_twhat gives?02:11
KE1HA!hi | steven_t02:11
ubottusteven_t: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:11
DafreakFliesLikeScreen: thanks, i'll look those up02:11
jinxzsthere it is thanks Keiha02:11
cjaeif I sudo aptitude install gnome-desktop-enviroment it will install gnome but without apps right?02:12
FliesLikeScreensteven_t: I see fossil in apt here.  What version of ubuntu are you using and what repositories?02:12
red2kicWhere does wallpapers usually go? (under /usr/share...)02:12
steven_ti dont know how to tell what version im using02:12
FliesLikeScreencjae: you can see what it installs by doing apt-cache show gnome-desktop-environment02:12
steven_ti know i installed it on slicehost, and it was one of the newer options available02:12
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FliesLikeScreensteven_t: maybe they have you using atypical APT repos, you should ask their support02:12
FliesLikeScreenbecause fossil is here just fine02:12
LordZiru1xinput query-state "Configured Mouse"  = "unable to find device configured mouse"02:12
shaggystylemysqld.pid.....where is it? (ubuntu 10.4, mysql 5.1)02:12
MBG1987How to setup the network in virtualbox so i can use ubuntu server on it, i mean the network, (bridge, internal nat.....)?02:13
FliesLikeScreenshaggystyle: /var/run/myqsld02:13
FliesLikeScreenshaggystyle:  rather /var/run/mysqld02:13
KE1HALordZiru1, what kind of mouse is it again ?02:13
FliesLikeScreenshaggystyle: is mysql running?02:13
shaggystylefirst place I looked02:13
LordZiru1just a netbook common usb mini mouse..........02:13
shaggystyleps -A | grep mysql02:13
FliesLikeScreenshaggystyle: are you using mysqld from apt?02:13
shaggystylespits it out02:13
shaggystylefind / -iname mysqld.pid02:14
LordZiru1yesterday the mouse works, today dont work02:14
KE1HAOk, what notebook is it ?02:14
cjaeFliesLikeScreen: just need the wm to see if there is an issue with kde following resolution02:14
FliesLikeScreenMBG1987: you just need to configure the virtual network interface to bridge instead of NAT.  It's in the VM settings02:14
LordZiru1NETbook, samsung n14002:14
shaggystyle/var/run/mysqld only has mysqld.sock02:14
FliesLikeScreencjae: then you want gdm instead of kdm, no?02:14
Tw|sTso, anyone here built a USB-Flash Ubuntu 10.04-LTS installation yet?  I've finished building mine... and it rocks!!!!   But... umm are there any optimizations I could do it it to make it more efficient on the NAND storage?  I don't want this to die an early death, ya know? :)02:14
FliesLikeScreenshaggystyle: sounds like something else is going on, that's where it should be.02:14
shihanhey folks... i've got a machine i've installed with 10.04 several times and it always seems to get stuck on boot and stays at run level 2... any idea what might cause that?02:14
cjaeFliesLikeScreen: dont care about login manager just need gnome no apps installed02:15
FliesLikeScreencjae: ok.  I'm not sure what package provides that, but apt-cache show will be your friend to see what each package installs02:15
shaggystyleagreed, but it's not.....I'll try playing with the init script.  Maybe it needs to be an explicit option?02:15
BlackCoffeehello,since linux mint is based on ubuntu,is this a channel where i can ask certain questions about it?02:16
FliesLikeScreenshaggystyle: if you're using mysql installed from APT, that's where it will be02:16
Dr_Willis!mint | BlackCoffee02:16
ubottuBlackCoffee: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)02:16
shaggystyleI am, but it's not02:16
KE1HALordZiru1, is the mouse integrated into the netbook or a USB plug in mouse?02:16
steven_ti can not for the life of me get fossil to install02:16
MBG1987FliesLikeScreen: yes i have done this, but couldn't use adapter1 as bridge and adapter 2 as host-only at the same time, how to go about this?02:16
FliesLikeScreenBlackCoffee: most questions can be asked here most likely, but not details specific to linuxmint02:16
FliesLikeScreenMBG1987: I don't understand why you wouldn't be able to do that02:16
BlackCoffeetoo bad linux mint doesn't have it's own channel here :\02:17
Craig_DemIf you are on linuxmint; open xchat and it will open in linuxmint-help02:17
bonhoffermy ubuntu server is very, very slow -- ps aux shows a process with 54% memory usage. do i have more troubleshooting options?02:17
FliesLikeScreenbonhoffer: what makes you think memory is the cause?02:17
Craig_DemIt does, just on a different network.02:17
BlackCoffeebut,basically what i want to know is what is the default desktop enviroment for mint02:17
bonhofferFliesLikeScreen: i have no idea02:17
edbianBlackCoffee, gnome02:17
bonhofferthe webserver is very slow02:17
bazhangBlackCoffee, mint is not supported here, try their channel02:18
bazhang!mintsupport | BlackCoffee02:18
ubottuBlackCoffee: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org02:18
bonhofferFliesLikeScreen: i am looking to understand how to troubleshoot performance problems02:18
BlackCoffeeathanks bazhang02:18
bonhofferps aux seemed like a good place to start02:18
skumarahi. in our keyboard the is button with windows logo. usually this button open windows start menu in windows. how to configure this button to open ubuntu menu?02:18
FliesLikeScreenbonhoffer: install htop and look at what the normal CPU usage is, plus if anything spikes when the webserver is handling a pageload02:19
FliesLikeScreenbonhoffer: if it's a busy webserver, the server-status module can show you where requests are getting bogged down02:19
bonhofferit is not a busy webserver02:19
MBG1987FliesLikeScreen: I have setup adapter 1 as bridge witch have the internet coming from the router, adapter 2 distribute the initernet to other network pc02:19
Dr_Willisskumara:  the 'windows' key is also known as the 'super' key - its used to controll various other things in Ubuntu normally. not just a 'pop up a menu' key.02:19
Dr_Willisskumara:  for example hold down that key and scroll the mouse wheel. it 'zooms' the display here. :) If youi are using compiz  that is..02:20
SteelWingHi all.02:20
MBG1987FliesLikeScreen: have tried setting these up?02:20
FliesLikeScreenMBG1987: sorry, I need to go.  I'm sure if we talked more I could help get what you need working but not right now02:20
KE1HALordZiru1, unfortubnately, I cann't find anythign support wise on your Netbook. best I can suggest is to report a bug: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx#Bugs%20in%20Lucid02:20
bonhofferFliesLikeScreen: server-status module is part of htop?02:20
skumaradr_willis when i press my super key nothing happen. how to configure this key? the zoom was coooolll!!02:20
MBG1987FliesLikeScreen: tyt , thnks02:21
Dr_Willisskumara:  press + wheeel works then?02:21
skumaradr_willis i mean i want to press and the menu open..I dont want the zoom function.02:22
bonhofferFliesLikeScreen: 524/540MB memory usage02:22
bonhofferwhen i was watching a page load02:22
skumarathe zoom works well02:22
Dr_Willisskumara:  sort of crippling things.. you wont be able to do most of the compiz/other effects.. look in keyboard preferances , options02:22
Dr_Willisskumara:  i find the key = menu thing a bit pointless..02:23
jinxzshow to unzip files02:23
Dr_Willisjinxzs:  unzip , or zip commands, or  gui to those.02:23
Dr_Willis!info unp02:23
ubottuunp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.15 (lucid), package size 10 kB, installed size 76 kB02:23
amy_i would like to know what type of programming language i can start off with?02:23
bonhofferDr_Willis: FliesLikeScreen : http://www.pastie.org/107199102:23
jinxzsi dont get it im just newbie02:24
Dr_Willisjinxzs:  right click and 'extract' proberly works al;so.02:24
jinxzsthere is no unzip when i rightclick02:24
Dr_Willisodd.. wonder what adeed that..02:24
Dr_WillisI got extract here..02:24
KurlonBah, no luck coaxing Ubuntu onto my 486... alt and minimal install CDs don't want to boot.02:24
jinxzsthere is no extract02:24
jinxzso there i see it now02:24
jinxzsthanks dr willies02:25
edbianamy_, We here you.  It's just that your question has nothing to do with Ubuntu.02:25
bazhangamy_, this is ubuntu support; did you have an ubuntu support question?02:25
Dr_Willisjinxzs:  use the command line tool then, or the 'fileroller' tool.02:25
amy_i only wanted to ask about the programming languages02:25
bazhangamy_, this would not be the correct channel for that02:25
bonhoffertotally out of swap space02:25
Piciamy_: #ubuntu-offtopic would be better suited.02:25
amy_pici: how do i get to there02:26
amy_won't work02:26
jinxzshow to make bottom panel like mac02:26
Piciamy_: /join #ubuntu-offtopic02:26
bazhangjinxzs, with a dock02:26
amy_thank you02:26
edtI am NOT at all impress with ubuntu.  Its latest f**kup is that is no longer wants to connect to the net.  There is no button on the top menu and the pref app, when set to auto, for eth0 does not connect.  The light behind shows it has a connection.  How do I force it to connect?  How to I get the icon back in the top menu bar?02:26
bazhangedt, watch the language02:27
Graveshow do u turn keyring off02:27
Gravesits stopping me from logging in remotely02:27
edtfrustration does that to one02:27
jdahlinhi, is it possible at all to install a 64-bit linux kernel on 32-bit system? (part of upgrading 32->64)02:27
edtI've never that a linux that will not connect to the to the local network...02:27
jinxzshow to dock bazhang. im newbie in ubuntu02:27
bazhangjinxzs, there are several to choose from; cairo dock avant window navigator and some others02:28
Hobarti accidentally network shares is this bad02:28
p_resjdahlin: No.02:28
Dr_WillisGraves:  you mean to (and lets see if i have esp) you are truying to use the remote desktop feature of gnome and have it set to auto login and it cant do it?02:28
p_resThey're 2 totally different architectures.02:29
jinxzssir bazhang im totally newbie. is there a link where i can read how to's?02:29
KE1HAGraves, System\Preferences\Startup Applications\Startup programs and unticked the 3 gnome keyring programs:02:29
Dr_Willis!manual | jinxzs02:29
ubottujinxzs: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/02:29
Gravesty ke1ha02:29
Dr_Willisjinxzs:  start with the fundamentals.. then work up.02:29
KE1HACertificate & Key storage02:29
KE1HASecret Storage Service02:29
KE1HASSH Key Agent02:29
jdahlinp_res: I need the kernel so I can boot into a system where I can chroot into a 64 bit directory02:29
KE1HAThe Reboot, should do the trick.02:29
p_resjdahlin: Directory on a different system you mean?02:30
jdahlinp_res: right, created by debootstrap so far02:30
KE1HAGraves, Here's another method: http://davestechsupport.com/blog/2009/01/16/how-to-remove-ubuntus-password-keyring/02:30
p_resjdahlin: It shouldn't matter what kernel your host pc is using.02:30
dive_edi did an in place update from 9-10 to 10-04. since then have had intermittent problem with window bar missing from from program windows. Sometimes an get back with log off and back on. other times requires reboot. any idea what could cause this.02:30
jdahlinp_res: it certainly does, I can't run 64-bit userland without a 64-bit kernel02:31
mikeruI'm having incredibly obnoxius problems with my keyboard.02:31
mikeruthat just didn't happen before02:31
Gravesfirst method did not work02:31
mikeruIf I press moar than two keys, one of them becomes stuck02:31
Gravesremote login is still prompting keyring after reboot02:31
Graveswill try second option02:31
p_resjdahlin: Right.02:31
bonhofferhow do i increase my swap?02:31
p_resjdahlin: Is this on the same system or a remote login?02:32
KE1HAmikegerwitz, me too, it doesnt' send what I type, but maybe it's brain -> to finger -> to keyboard issue for me :-)02:32
jdahlinp_res: same system02:32
p_resjdahlin: Sorry, I wish I could help you but I simply don't understand what exactly you're tying to do.02:33
KE1HAGraves, rr. ok, let me know f the second option fails as well.02:33
ZzeissI'm trying to install Ubuntu Netbook 10.04 on a Panasonic Toughbook CF-18.  It gets part way through the install then hangs with a blank screen.  Removing "splash quiet" doesn't help (tho I get to see log msgs till the screen goes blank).  What should I do?02:33
AionymAny WoW players on?02:34
20QABK82Thello, how do i remove ubuntu netbook edition in my software center, if its possible to remove will it break my system.  I am running ubuntu 10.4 on a dell 63002:34
KE1HAZzeiss, if that's the I8xx seris chipset version, tere isn't a clear solution for it yet.02:35
20QABK82Tnot sure how it got there02:35
Gumby``hi all.   Does anyone know why empathy wont connect to MSN most of the time?02:35
Dr_Willis20QABK82T:  so you have a Ubuntu-desktop machine you installed the ubuntu-netbook package on?02:35
p_resGumby``: I also can not connect at the moment.02:35
20QABK82TDr_Willis, it apears so02:35
Dr_Willis20QABK82T:  its just some packages you can remove. its a meta-package that instaslled several other packages used by the netbook system. having it on your machine shouldent hurt anything02:36
shaggystyleFliesLikeScreen: had to add pid_file = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid to /etc/mysqld/my.cnf, wasn't there by default02:36
shaggystyleFliesLikeScreen:  just thought you might be interested02:36
KE1HAZzeiss, see i8xx work arounds for possible solutins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Lucidi8xxFreezes02:36
ZzeissKE1HA: Looking.  Thanks!02:36
Gravesi put password in remote desktop02:37
Gravesthen restart computer02:37
Aionymhow do i check to see if direct rendering is enabled with the fglrx drivers?02:37
Gravesthen it wants to do the keyring all over again02:37
Gumby`whoops,  sorry.  accidentally hit disconnect02:37
Kyohow to add more irc servers to xchat?02:37
KE1HAGraves, so neither method affected the request ?02:38
Gravesit will prolly work if i dont use a pass for remote login02:38
Gravesbut i need atleast some security02:38
AionymKyo: Click on server then join a channel02:38
Gravesso i think when i put a password back on remote login02:38
Gravesit keyrings it again02:38
mikeru,,so, can someone help me?02:39
KE1HAGraves, you could try SSH keys, that will circumvent the need for sending your password, if you only need command line access.02:39
KyoAionym: Thank you very much02:39
xompFliesLikeScreen, still there? :)02:39
Gravesim a complete nub and i need gui access02:39
KE1HALOL.. rr Ok, Im still looking.02:39
mikeruI'm having incredibly obnoxius problems with my keyboard (MacBook) it used to work fine (and continues to do so within mac os x)02:40
AionymKyo: you are welcome02:40
gogetaAionym: glxinfo in term then scroll up to dirct  rendering if it says yes and vender ati its working02:40
mikeruIf I press moar than two keys, one of them becomes stuck02:40
mikeruhappens everywhere, and god is it annoying02:40
mikeru: (02:40
FloodBot2mikeru: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:40
bazhang!helpme | mikeru02:40
ubottumikeru: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude02:40
Aionymgogeta: thats what i thought but glxinfo isnt installed....02:40
gogetait should be02:41
noctuWhen trying to start Win4Lin session, get error message:  [FATAL ERROR:  Failed to open services:  connection error This means that the Win4Lin Pro services are not loaded.  Please log in as root and run the following command: /usr/lib/win4linpro/rc.win4 start] Can't log in as root - that user not set up on this computer? Is there any way I make this run in terminal as a user with admin rights?02:41
Aionymgogeta: lemme check02:41
KE1HAGraves, have a look at this and see what you think: http://maketecheasier.com/auto-unlock-keyring-manager-in-ubuntu-intrepid/2009/03/1402:42
Gravesk ty02:42
Aionymgogeta: mesa isnt installed... i installed it about two hours ago and my boot sector went kaplooey02:42
gogetayou need mesa-utils02:43
gogetato get glxinfo02:43
gogetanot just mesa02:43
Gravesi dont have that password keyrings tab02:44
KE1HAGraves, it appears if you've set Gnome-Desktop to Autoog on, this does't pass through the Keyring manager, and onece your logged on it ask for a PW agian. Setting a Null PW in the key-ring manager seems to solve this.02:44
gogetawithout some form of mesa i do not open gl 3d will work02:44
Aionymgogeta: im installing mesa and the utils now...02:44
Gravesit looks like a good solution02:44
Gravesnow i just have to figure out how to do that02:44
gogetawithout it02:44
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KE1HAGraves, what version of UB are you running ?02:45
Graveswhat is the default password it will use02:45
antonio_2can someone take a few minutes to help me do a dual boot with lucid and win7?02:45
Gravessince ive deleted it02:45
Gravesits made one for itself02:45
Aionymgogeta: next question... which package for mesa?02:45
Gravesi think i got it02:46
gogetaAionym: it should have grabbed it when you installed the utils02:46
Gravesi changed the password to null02:46
Aionymgogeta; with karmic it did but since ive started playing around with lucid i dont have it02:46
gogetaAionym: hujm it relly should ahve it02:47
KE1HAGraves, if it's null, then its nothing.02:47
gogetaAionym: may be a bad iso02:47
Gravesrebooting to test02:47
Aionymgogeta: i take that back...02:47
Aionymgogeta: the utils did pull it02:47
Sing1gniSdoes 10.4 support trim for ssd's?02:48
gogetamight have to reinstall your ati driver if it tells you driect rendering is not working02:48
dragenov1I want to install net framework  2 on wine how should I do that?02:48
PiciSing1gniS: No, it does not.02:48
mikerudragenov1: winetricks dotnet2002:49
gogetaAionym: some ati cards segfalt mesa02:49
Gravessweet lovely ke1ha02:49
Gravesseems to be workign now02:49
KE1HAGraves, well done :-)02:49
mikeruI'm having incredibly obnoxius problems with my keyboard (MacBook) it used to work fine (and continues to do so within mac os x)02:49
mikeruIf I press moar than two keys, one of them becomes stuck02:49
mikeruhappens everywhere except text fields, and god is it annoying02:50
BlackwebDoes anyone know of a good program to burn Bin Cd Images02:50
Dr_Willisbin/cue can be converted to iso, or k3b can burn them i recall.02:51
KE1HASing1gniS, kenel support for trim was in 2.6.28 or there abouts, if its not supported then it's probably a bug. Check Ubuntu Bugs for appropriate soluitons.02:51
Aionymwhat is the default pathway for wine?02:51
Dr_WillisAionym:  wine keeps things in .wine/ by default02:52
BlackwebDr_Willis how would you go about converting the them to iso02:52
BeWopHello, my wireless just went out instantly on my netbook, but works everywhere else in the house, I'm sitting next to the router with the netbook in my lap. Anyone willing to help?02:52
gogetaDr_Willis: some bins cant be converted to iso dramcast bins for example it messes them up02:53
BlackwebI have a folder someone gave me with 6 Cd images in it, 6 Bin 6 Cue the bins are the one I want right02:53
ZzeissKE1HA: Close... but my fail is during initial boot off of the CDROM, so I'm not really able to "edit grub".  I'm trying putting it on the boot line (F6)02:53
Aionymgogeta: i must have goofed something im not seeing it02:53
BlackwebAs far as converting it goes then what program would do it02:53
Blackwebor is my best bet to transfer them over to a windows based system and burn them that way02:54
gogetaAionym: scrool up to direct rendering it will say yes or no02:54
Aionymgogeta: the wine, not the rendering lol i should have specified02:54
Mr_Sonomaanyone know a simple to set up command line email program? one i can use with a script to send the results to me. or better yet if someone knows a way to script evolution to send the mail from command line without any user intervention.02:54
KE1HAZzeiss, I ahve the same problem on my D400, I can't get past Boot. However, 10-10 (Maverick), it does, but there's other issues still, so Im waiting on the release this week I belive to test again.02:54
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gogetaAionym: you need to do it from a console it hides it02:54
chuck__anyone have any idea on the following error?? trying to stream from VLC to justin.tv:    QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 102:54
gogetaAionym: or type it in natula02:55
claygwhat is the best p2p program ? i need something non-torrent02:55
picard1421looking to get hte "login window" option under system> administrator.. i do not have it in my install is there an apt-get i can do to get that or a deb. file i can dowload to get thsi option so i can theme my GDM ???02:55
TiKfor music.. frostwire02:55
Aionymgogeta: from the term what is the syntax for that?02:55
ZzeissKE1HA: .. and it still fails, just aftre it starts CUPS.  (yes, I recorded the video with my phone)02:55
gogetaAionym: or you can use the menu for wine and slect brows wine files02:56
gogetaAionym: wine c as its called02:56
ZzeissKE1HA: Is there any way to tell Ubuntu to install but don't try to start X?02:56
purveshHow to install Adobe Flash Player on Ubuntu 10.04 64bit OS ?02:56
BlackwebNevermind I think I found a program in ubuntu that'll help02:56
Blackwebclayg: I use limewire02:56
KE1HAZzeiss, Its annoying, I know, but unfortunately, aside from the workaround I sent you, I know of no other way around it.02:56
edtubuntu is not starting my network here - it says 'networking stop/waiting'.  How do I tell it to start the bl**dy network?02:57
KE1HAZzeiss, Install the server edition, CLI only :-) but that's no good for Desktop obviously.02:57
ZzeissKE1HA: The workaround doesn't work for me... not on boot from CDRom, which is where I am stuck.02:57
Aionymgogeta: thank you... one last question (poss 2) can i copy/paste an existing game directory from windows?02:57
gogetaAionym: yea and you can also simply launch from a windows drive02:57
ZzeissKE1HA: does gthe same bug exist in all 10.04 editions?  Did it exist in 9.10?02:58
KE1HAZzeiss, Same here, Download the 10-10 maverick ISO, Alfa-2 I think it was, and try that one, It has a later kernal and patches, worth a shot.02:58
traceback0So when I login under my account 'live' and do ulimit -Hn it says: 1024 but when I sudo and do su - live, it says 8096 (which is what I set in /etc/security/limits.conf)--any idea why this is?02:58
gogetaAionym: you dont need to move them to the wine drive but you can02:58
picard1421hey guys... i forget what is the apt-get command for getting add-apt-repository when i try to do that it says the command is not installed??? what do i have to install to use that?02:58
ZzeissKE1HA: Hmmm... how about Fedora?  Same bug?02:58
Aionymgogeta: what precautions do i need to take or wheredo i point what for that to work?02:59
KE1HAZzeiss, no idea, I stoppexdd using fedora on Core-4 or so. Also, try 8.04-LTS, that worked well on my D400.02:59
gogetaAionym: what to launch from a ntfs drive just right click the exe and slect wine launcher02:59
ubuser4i know ubuntu 5.1 is unsupported and all, but opengl should work on it right?..02:59
Picipicard1421: You need the python-software-properties package for that.03:00
purveshpls help me for installing Adobe Flash Player ?03:00
KE1HAZzeiss, or even up to 9.04, but I prefer the LTS versions for best stability.03:00
ZzeissKE1HA: Oh, so this is an emergent bug (wasnt in 8.04)...03:00
Dmstrdjwould it be possible to run a windows graphics driver in wine?03:00
gogetaAionym: moving a program over is a simply copy past03:00
bazhangubuser4, that is not supported here; you said last time you were using 9.10 and not 5.1003:00
KE1HAZzeiss, I had no issues with 8.04 on install or operation.03:00
ubuser4i have a computer thats 768 processor, i bought it for a dollar, and ubuntu 9.10 is mad slow, so i put 5.103:00
gogetaAionym: some programs may not like the reg changes but most should accept the change03:00
ugliefroghow do i find the mont popint of my cd rom03:00
ubuser4the pc doesnt have internet03:00
ubuser4i have internet here03:01
ubuser45.10 fine tho03:01
bazhangubuser4, and 5.10 is not supported03:01
ubuser4cept the opengl deal03:01
gogetawow 5.1003:01
gogetathats a oldy03:01
ubuser4breezy badger03:01
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ubuser4python 2.4 ftw03:01
bazhangubuser4, please dont ask for support03:01
ubuser4then run me through fixing my mic on here03:02
gogetabig time03:02
ubuser410.04 blows03:02
ubuser410.16 maybe03:02
gogetaoh .1003:02
bazhangubuser4, also key it on one line03:02
gogetai shout you said 5.1003:02
ubuser4faaa --- T03:02
bazhangblendmaster1024, dont spam that here03:03
* blendmaster1024 leaves then ->03:03
Dmstrdjcan graphics drivers be run in wine? or just programs?03:03
Graveswhy cant i login as su03:04
gogetaDmstrdj: all dx to 9 is emulated well and some dx1003:04
h00k!root | Graves03:04
ubottuGraves: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:04
BlackwebI thought only programs, but what i did is have a partition on my harddrive for windows that I only use for grams03:04
ugliefroghow do i find the mount point of my cdrom03:04
Blackwebis your cd drive mounted03:05
WiesshundGraves normaly you shouldnt log in as su, except for a few things03:05
Aionymgogeta:ummm crap... that wasnt supposed to happen03:05
picard1421ok pici or anyone that can help.. i installed apt-get install GDM from my server install im trying to get the application that is normally in system >administrator called login window ... (allows you to change GDM theme...) how do i get that manually my gnome doesnt have that???03:05
KE1HAGraves,  you log in as your normal user, the su03:05
Gravesi dont really want to login as su03:05
KE1HAwhoops, then su03:05
Gravesbut i want to sahre a folder03:05
Gravesand apparently only su can do that03:05
gogetaAionym: lol your wine app crash03:05
ugliefrogBlackweb, Im following instructions from a forum but i dont know the mount point of the the cdrom03:06
Dmstrdjgogeta,  will it start at startup or would i need to manually run it03:06
KE1HAit takes Samba to share folders, and thus, yes, su would be required to install it, if it's not already installed.03:06
Blackwebugliefrog most mount points are /media/Folder03:06
Gravesinstalling samba was easy03:06
Gravesgetting samba to share03:06
gogetaDmstrdj: a game if its supported should just run03:06
Gravesnot so easy03:06
Aionymgogeta: the entire computer shut down... i havent seen a graphics crash that bad since i tried to run cvrysis on an overclocked intelgma 945]03:06
Blackwebare you accessing your cd now03:06
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ugliefrogBlackweb, Is there a command for the terminal that will list it03:06
gogetaAionym: outch sounds like a huge driver issue with youe ati03:06
awanti~$ touch ircd.conf03:07
gogetaAionym: have you tryed installing the closed source drivers03:07
Dmstrdjgogeta, i was trying to run a graphics driver actually, for an unsupported card03:07
Aionymgogeta: i think it was a pibkac error...03:07
Graveslogging in as su fixed it03:07
mikeruI'm having incredibly obnoxius problems with my keyboard (MacBook) it used to work fine (and continues to do so within mac os x)03:07
Blackwebya if you go to the directory then do a ls then it'll show the mounting folders03:07
mikeruIf I press moar than two keys, one of them becomes stuck03:07
mikeruhappens everywhere except text fields, and god is it annoying03:07
KE1HAGraves, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba03:07
Dmstrdjgogeta, no open or closed source for it03:07
n3vv3khi guys i just bought logitech z 5500 speakers and i have a sound card with digital audio output but i cannot get any sound does anyone have aa soullution03:08
Picipicard1421: That application is no longer present in 10.0403:08
Blackwebthen try going into like cdrom0 cdrom1 and see which one brings up your CD data03:08
KE1HAGraves, or right click on a folder to share, should be straight forward.03:08
Aionymgogeta: with a gddr5 based chipset on my gpu im not playing around with freeware drivers....03:08
paissadhi all, what do you use in order to read messages in /var/mail/$USER .... i use to use vim but i would like to use something else more suitable ^^03:08
paissadany idea ?03:08
gogetaDmstrdj: intels cards do have oss drivers there just crapy same for via03:08
gogetaDmstrdj: ati and nvida have there own drivers03:09
Dmstrdjgogeta, its an ati card03:09
Gravessays permision denied when i try03:09
gogetadam caps03:10
BlackwebGraves what you trying to do03:10
Blackwebyou can change the permissions with chmod03:10
xompcould someone please help me with an apache2 issue? I'm getting access denied errors pertaining to server configuration and can't find out why.03:10
Dmstrdjgogeta, i tried those, my card would not work with it03:11
KE1HAGraves, what folder you trying to share ? is it one owned by your user or root ?03:11
Gravesowned by root im guessing03:11
gogetaDmstrdj: then its probly a old model that uses oss and 3d works on prety mutch all old ati cards under oss03:11
n3vv3kannyone know how to configure digital audio output03:11
ZzeissKE1HA: An older version of Ubuntu (the brown background looks like a bird?  Ibex?  :-) ) seems to boot X just fine.03:11
Aionymhow do i force close a window? alt+F4 doesnt work and just the window is frozen i can alt+tab out and in but its nonresponsive03:11
gogetaDmstrdj: my 9200 work fine under oss03:12
KE1HAGraves, I dont think you can do that from SU, you'd need to be root, but why you need to share a root folder ?03:12
Gravesi want to host a personal website03:12
Gravesand thats the folder apache uses03:12
Gravesand i want to place html files from windows into it03:12
Dmstrdjgogeta, pardon my newishness, whats oss03:13
KE1HAZzeiss, yes, this bug manifested in a fairly rescent kernel. It's since been resolved at the Dev levels, but not distro levels. 10.10 its fixed Im pretty sure.03:13
Graveslike i said ima  complete nub03:13
gogetaDmstrdj: open source softwhere03:13
Gravesi prolly shoulda went wamp instead of lamp03:13
gogetaDmstrdj: in the case of a old ati open source driver03:13
Dmstrdjgogeta, oh ok, well that was the first thing i tried03:13
gogetaDmstrdj: oss drivers are out of the box03:14
Dmstrdjgogeta, right03:14
KE1HAGraves, root is the big-dog, you should rarely if ever have to use root for anything. If su can't do it, then there's somethign not quite right. With a few exception of course.03:14
gogetaDmstrdj: no installing nedded03:14
Graveso ok03:14
Gravesso it would be easier for me to tell apache to look elsewhere then03:14
Dmstrdjgogeta, and i went back to them after removing the others i tried03:14
gogetaDmstrdj: if thers a closed driver for your card all you have to do is go to your system and hardware if thers a driver it will do all the work of installing it for you03:15
Aionymhow do i close a window thats nonresponsive? i can move it to different spaces and tab in and out but i can close the bl**dy thing03:15
KE1HAGraves, Apache owns the web-root I'm pretty sure, but that has nothgin to do with the system root, what you trying to do?03:15
Dmstrdjgogeta, the performance was shabby, and someone on here told me that the drivers for it did not run on 10.0403:15
Dmstrdjgogeta, not this card03:15
Gravesput html files where apache can use them03:16
Gravesfrom my windows box to the lamp box03:16
bluejeansgood evening all... i am trying to purge some packages from my system.. 'aptitude purge x' purges 'x' and deps but leaves the recommends.. how do i remove the recommends as well?03:16
gogetaDmstrdj: well people say that but if its a old card shabby preforance is due to age03:16
KE1HAGraves, Ok, now ya need to google some Apache2 How-Too, nothign to do with system root.03:16
Dmstrdjgogeta, i googled it, tried to find another alternative03:16
gogetaDmstrdj: turning off visul effects should take alot of load off it03:16
Dmstrdjgogeta, its not the newest card, but obviously you have not had problems with a radeon card in ubuntu03:17
cody_any one else have the problem of there virtual desktops limited to 16?03:18
Dmstrdjgogeta, so i was trying to find another route to throwing the card away lol03:18
gogetaDmstrdj: yep the oss drivers are pretty good but just rember its a old dog and not to turn on all the eye candy wile it works it will drage any games etc down03:18
n3vv3kannyone know how to configure digital audio output03:18
ZzeissSo, now the touchscreen works as a _relative_ pointer!   hahaha... :)03:19
gogetaDmstrdj: i keep the fx off and have no complantes abought its preforance under linux03:19
shihanzzeiss, ooo, what type of touchscreen?03:19
gogetafoir its age03:19
Dmstrdjgogeta, the eye candy was down already, for there was no video card recognized, i had nothing to change, and tried on all 3 settings03:19
Zzeissshihan: the one on a Toughbook CF-18.03:19
edtI am not having any luck with ubuntu - I've been using linux 10 years and have NEVER had problems like this beast is giving me.03:20
shawncm217I found this on setting up WINS in Linux. http://www.colingodsey.com/resolving-windows-host-names-netbios-samba-in-linux/ Is this the best method under Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit?03:20
gogetaDmstrdj: ohhh its a hd isnt it03:20
shihanahhh, fair enough03:20
gogetaDmstrdj: there is a bug on one that 3d is disabled due to it being unstable03:20
shihanim using a display link mimo thing... not getting very far with that one so far :)03:20
Dmstrdjgogeta, i think so03:20
gogetaDmstrdj: it was enabled on 9.1003:21
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Dmstrdjgogeta, i found a way to compile my own driver but i dont know if it will work03:21
Jeatoni just installed apache2, what directory contains the index.html03:21
PiciJeaton: /var/www/03:21
hotstewhi I need to get the ndiswrapper packages from the Ubuntu repositories03:21
gogetaDmstrdj: yea i saw that guide to retofit the old closed driver to lucid to make it work03:21
Jeatonthank you03:21
Dmstrdjgogeta,  right, the older drivers wont work in .04, and i was wondering if wine would help03:21
hotstewI had regular deb packages installed and I think they might be faulty03:22
Dmstrdjgogeta, instead of taht03:22
gogetaDmstrdj: no wine uses linux drivers it transcodes to opengl03:22
hotstewis there a direct way to download the packages?03:22
xanguahotstew: faulty''03:22
bluejeanscan anyone tel me why my computer is so slow with ubuntu?03:22
hotstewyeah, they seem to crash or something03:23
xanguayou can get ndisgtk and ndiswrapper package from the ubuntu cd hotstew03:23
Dmstrdjgogeta, so building my own probably only solution possibly03:23
gogetaDmstrdj: yea untill they fix that broken driver03:23
Dmstrdjgogeta,  thanks03:23
gogetaDmstrdj: i forgot what model hd but it will not show up due to the 3d being disabled03:23
Zzeissbluejeans: Howso "slow"?  What machine/cpu/memory/disk, and what release?03:23
hotstewguess I'll try that03:23
gogetaDmstrdj: i beleve ther is also a way to configure the xorg.conf to force the driver to work03:24
Dmstrdjgogeta,  cool good to know03:24
Dmstrdjgogeta,  i was reading about that, i have to play with it more03:25
SteelWingI've what must be a simple issue. It seems my trash bin no longer exists. I'm getting the operation not supported error when I attempt to browse to it via places>Home folder. I just upgraded to 10.04 today from 9.10 hoping this issue would be fixed but it wasn't. Anything I can try that doesn't include reinstalling?03:25
SteelWingI've tried going into gconf-editor and checking the display trash icon checkbox but that didn't help.03:26
ugliefroghow do i create this......mount: mount point /media/SC2-L100-D1 does not exist03:27
picard1421anyone know how to theme on just a GDM instlal not full ubuntu desktop install03:28
picard1421want to theme my GDM?03:28
UrdaQuestion: is there a way in 10.04 desktop to boot up into tty1 instead of the GUI login? I ask this since the 10.04 server install doesn't work on this box, and I have no need for every going to the GUI login03:28
gogetaUrda: yea its easy enough if you just whant bas03:29
bazhang!nox | Urda03:29
ubottuUrda: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode03:29
gogetaUrda: or you can just remove gdm from startup03:29
gogetaUrda: mode 3 doesent work anymore03:29
ugliefrogHeres what im trying to do --->Remount the DVD with:03:30
ugliefrog$ sudo mount -t udf -o ro,unhide,uid=(number) /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom003:30
ugliefrog(whereas /media/cdrom0 is the directory where you're mounting the DVD - you may need to create it)03:30
Urdagogeta: OKs, just yank gdm from startu?03:30
ugliefrogi dont know how to create i03:30
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ugliefrogi dont know how to create it03:30
digitalfizwhat would be the reason for no searches no matter what i search for in synaptic not showing any results?03:30
digitalfizI can search for firefox and get no results or anything its always blank03:31
Oerdigitalfiz, make sure you select 'All' at the left panel.03:31
gogetaUrda: old school style sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove03:32
digitalfizOer, that clears my search03:32
gogetaUrda: if you whant it back sudo update-rc.d -f gdm defaults03:32
Oerdigitalfiz, now search firefox again03:32
digitalfizOer, when i click all i do see all the packages im just not sure why when i search i never get results03:32
Oerdigitalfiz, when you search, do not use enter.03:34
gogetaUrda: that will remove gdm from startup03:34
gogetaUrda: then if you whant x you can do startx or restore gdm03:34
ndevastatoranyone care to tell me how to remove stuff from the new grub ?03:37
ndevastatordoesnt seem to be a simple list anymore =(03:37
Frankiitaaevery body03:38
Frankiitaacan any body helpme ?03:38
gogetandevastator: its still there its just more annoying to get to but if you aruldy removed something like a os a simple update run will refelct the changes03:38
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ZzeissKE1HA: Just for the record, Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) seems to work just fine.  :-)03:38
ndevastatorgogeta, no i havent seemed to have found the correct list yet03:39
ndevastatorgogeta, i do know about update-grub now tho03:39
Frankiitaamy dvd don t read anydisc03:39
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub203:39
RaptorsHey guys, does anyone know why my mouse theme doesn't change?03:39
Raptorslike its set to black theme but its still showing the white mouse03:39
MaRk-I!dvd | Frankiitaa03:40
ubottuFrankiitaa: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:40
RaptorsIs it a bug in ubuntu or something?03:40
tim_I found a website with an easy way to move the  maximize, minimize, and close buttons back to the right side. Can I post the website in here?03:40
xanguaRaptors: restart your user session03:40
soadkombuchaCouple of questions. I'm aware that the Ubuntu derivative I'm using is not Canonical supported, however most of it is added apps and a changed UI, and I am being told to remove broken packages before updating but I don't know how to do that. Secondly, I am having issues with windows install discs does anyone know how to get an ISO extracted to a partition and flag it as bootable so that I can install Windows?03:40
Raptorsxangua, I did that03:40
xangua!controls | tim_03:40
ubottutim_: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side03:40
Raptorsit didn't change03:40
Frankiitaai did that too03:40
RaptorsI killed gdm and restarted it too03:40
Raptorsthat didn't help either03:40
gogetandevastator: bascily you update the 40 list then do a update-grub rather then just edting the list like before03:41
MaRk-IFrankiitaa: did you do:  sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh      ?03:41
gogetandevastator: i hate that change and wanna chock some devs for adding unnessary steps03:41
MaRk-Ithen why you say you already did that, if you havent read the page?03:42
Frankiitaai will03:42
josephnexushello everyone... for some reason rhythmbox starts on my machine (up to the point of placing an icon in the notification area) but it won't get beyond that point, and clicking on the icon doesn't do anything03:42
josephnexusanyone have any ideas?03:42
Raptorsit seems to be changing the theme but the main cursor isn't changing03:42
tim_This website is much easier to understand for noobs to change the max min close to the right side again. http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/13535/move-window-buttons-back-to-the-right-in-ubuntu-10.04/03:42
Raptorslike its showing the custom theme when I go to type something03:43
MaRk-Ijosephnexus: start rhythmbox from terminal see what errors prints out03:43
ndevastatorgogeta, cool thx that will help when i want to add an option...03:43
gogetatim_: you can use tweak ubuntu to move them back03:43
ndevastatorgogeta, unfortunately i need to remove old kernel links03:43
josephnexusno error, just saying that it's requesting to open a webpage (the 7digital store)03:44
gogetandevastator: oh just uninstall the old kernels from sysnaptic it will make the changes03:44
Frankiitaai did it03:44
tim_gogeta cool. Will check that out . Guessing it's in Software Center03:44
Frankiitaabut it say comand not found03:44
SteelWingI've what must be a simple issue. It seems my trash bin no longer exists. I'm getting the operation not supported error when I attempt to browse to it via places>Home folder. I just upgraded to 10.04 today from 9.10 hoping this issue would be fixed but it wasn't. Anything I can try that doesn't include reinstalling? I also ticked the display trash icon box in gconf-editor and that didn't help.03:44
gogetandevastator: just set it installed then use quick search for linux-image and linux-headers and remove all the old versions03:45
gogetandevastator: then the old links will also get rmeoved03:45
Jordan_UFrankiitaa: Did you put a space between "sudo" and "/usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh" ?03:46
ndevastatorgogeta, cool ok thx03:46
Frankiitaajordan_u yes03:46
ndevastatorany reason to keep the original kernel ?03:47
gogetandevastator: most distros just install new kernels then updateinstalled one just in case you have a problem03:47
ndevastatorwhen i installed it came with 21 and immediately updated to 2303:47
Jordan_UFrankiitaa: What version of Ubuntu are you using?03:47
ndevastatorand now i have 2403:47
gogetandevastator: if you have no issues there safe to remove just do not remove the latest one03:47
ndevastatorgogeta, again ty03:47
josephnexusmark-i, i've even tried deleting rhythmbox config from my home directory03:48
tim_gogeta  nope not in software center. Should be there. Found it installing it now.03:48
gogetandevastator: then remove 21 and 23 image and headers03:48
ndevastatorgogeta, do i need to run update-grub ?03:49
gogetatim you can do all kinds of tweaks including moving the butions back to the right03:49
Karen_mi installed a Linksys WUSB600N v2 into my ubuntu box.  Does it auto-sense and try and grab the drivers itself or am I on my own trying to figure out how to get wireless working with this card?03:49
gogetandevastator: when you run the uninstall on those old kernels it will run the update script03:49
ndevastatorgogeta, sweet nice thx a bunch03:49
Frankiitaajordan_u ubuntu10.0403:49
tim_gogeta Thanks. Looking at it now WOW!!!03:49
soadkombuchaCouple of questions. I'm aware that the Ubuntu derivative I'm using is not Canonical supported, however most of it is added apps and a changed UI, and I am being told to remove broken packages before updating but I don't know how to do that. Secondly, I am having issues with windows install discs does anyone know how to get an ISO extracted to a partition and flag it as bootable so that I can install Windows?03:50
Frankiitaamy dvd drive works03:51
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Frankiitaai can see it at boot03:51
Frankiitaait read at boot03:51
xanguasoadkombucha: then please go to your distro support channel of forum; for windows help go to ##windows03:51
Frankiitaabut dont work inside ubuntu03:51
soadkombuchaxangua: It's not an OS that even really has a webpage, but I figured somebody would be able to help remove broken packages03:52
xanguaFrankiitaa: what do you mean by it doesn't work¿¿ are you putting a data cd/dvd, a VCD or a comercial DVD ¿03:52
gogetandevastator: yea they leave them for you to remove just in case the new kernel failes and have a fallback but if everything goed smooth like it does 99% of the time you can remove them after a update03:52
gogetandevastator: just a failsafe03:53
ndevastatorgogeta, yea i like it that way03:53
FishsceneUbuntu just saved my life. My Mac HD somehow had a corrupted HFS+ block... brought my Mac to the apple store today and they told me my next step was to try to recover files off and wipe drive clean and start from scratch. Booted to OSX cd... hard drive had no partition... what to do? pop in ubuntu 9.04, install hfsprogs, check the disk for problems, reboot, Mac works just fine. HURRAH!03:53
ndevastatorgogeta, cuz i tried manually changing a kernel once >.>03:54
ndevastatorgogeta, wasnt so pretty and i had an old one to fall back on03:54
Frankiitaaxangua none of them work03:54
gogetandevastator: hehe03:54
Frankiitaathe drive apears in the os but dont read anithing03:54
Frankiitaaxangua the drive apears in the os but dont read anithing03:55
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soadkombuchaxangua: I tried to run fix broken packages through synaptic but it isn't working03:55
SteelWingI've what must be a simple issue. It seems my trash bin no longer exists. I'm getting the operation not supported error when I attempt to browse to it via places>Home folder. I just upgraded to 10.04 today from 9.10 hoping this issue would be fixed but it wasn't. Anything I can try that doesn't include reinstalling? I also ticked the display trash icon box in gconf-editor and that didn't help. I mean it seems that the trash applet doesn't exist03:56
Jordan_UFrankiitaa: sudo apt-get install libdvdread403:57
SteelWingSorry was writing when I began to try something else which required my sudo password.03:57
IdleOneKB1JWQ: Please don't do that.03:57
IdleOneit's rude03:57
Jordan_UFrankiitaa: Then "sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh"03:57
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SteelWingI feel like such an idiot for not trying this sooner.03:58
Frankiitaai ll do it03:58
Doorman352Anyone have experience getting MS Intellimouse 2.0 working in Ubuntu 10.04, basic are OK need help getting side buttons to work.03:59
Frankiitaasomething hapened03:59
jd4200Oh, bugger. Lack of sleep and slippy fingers just led me to deleting everyfile in /var/lib/dpkg/info. Is there a way to apt/dpkg to 'remake' those files?04:00
Frankiitaajordan_u i m gonna test my dvd drive now04:00
abhijitHello! :)04:00
=== Aaron5367 is now known as Aaron5367|detach
gogetasudo apt-get --reinstall install04:01
gogetayou can try to that restore your info files04:01
Frankiitaastill not workin04:02
Karen_monce you have ra0 setup, how do you scan for networks to connect to ?04:02
abhijitHello! :)04:02
Frankiitaamaybe i have to restart ? after that install ?04:02
=== Aaron5367|detach is now known as Aaron5367
elitexrayubuntu comes with the best preinstalled games!04:03
Jordan_UFrankiitaa: What application are you using to try to play DVDs?04:03
Gumby`hi all, does anyone here know why empathy refuses to connect to MSN after the initial setup?04:03
Frankiitaajordan_u i cant even explore it04:04
toastedmilkIf I accidentally installed grub on both the MBR and an hda1 via the update manager, I can still load hd0 when rebooting, right?04:04
IdleOneMSN probably messed with something again04:04
Doorman352where is the config file used with xinput?04:05
falckonelitexray, i especially like the games in the repository04:05
Jordan_Utoastedmilk: Yes, the only possible problem is if hda1 (did you mean sda1?) is your windows partition.04:05
cannonfodderhey you guys...why do people buy macs?  i mean,  they charge 3 times as much for hardware that can be bought 3 times as cheap...and not only that....once you buy it, you are in apples clutches having to pay for everything else usually, even your damn updates i heard....are people just ignorant?04:06
elitexrayfalckon -- i really like the brain teaser games & sudoku04:06
Gumby`IdleOne: this is my second attempt at using empathy on a new install.  same problem each time.  worked on initial install but then wouldnt connect afterwards.  perhaps a co-incidence04:06
bazhang!ot | cannonfodder04:06
ubottucannonfodder: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:06
Gumby`guess I'll go back to pidgin04:06
falckonelitexray, gbrainy is fun, though i really like hedgewars and wesnoth04:07
Karen_mwhat does -gtk stand for?  gnome tool kit?04:07
Jordan_UKaren_m: GIMP toolkit04:07
Jordan_UKaren_m: Where GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program.04:07
Frankiitaanobody have some idea?04:08
Jordan_UFrankiitaa: Can you pastebin the output of "dmesg"?04:08
=== [-slidinghorn-] is now known as slidinghorn
eliezerhi guys04:09
eliezermy cpu light is not working on my laptop04:09
eliezeronly lan04:09
Fishscenecpu light?04:10
eliezerthe one that is on when u do stuff04:10
Frankiitaajordan_u what do u mean, i dont get it04:10
FishsceneThe hard drive activity LED. gotchya04:10
eliezeri guess is that one04:10
KE1HAKaren_m, http://www.gtk.org/overview.html04:10
Jordan_UFrankiitaa: Open a terminal, run "dmesg | pastebinnit" and post the url that that command outputs.04:11
tim_Is there a Chat channel for compiz on freenode?04:11
KurlonHad to back down all the way to 6.06 to get an install started on this 486, wow04:11
soreautim_: Yes04:11
bazhangtim_, #compiz04:11
Frankiitaaok right now yes sir04:11
bazhangJordan_U, pastebinit or pastebinnit04:11
dios_miohow can i remove the older kernels from my grub list?04:12
Jordan_UFrankiitaa: Sorry, there should only be one 'n' in pastebinit. Thanks bazhang.04:12
Graves1and1.com doesnt offer dynamic dns client04:12
Gravesso do i need to sign up for a lame .info name with dyndns and then forward my cool registered domain name to that?04:13
Gravesnothing to do with ubuntu im sorry04:13
Frankiitaajordan_u how can i writ that vertical line between "dmesg" and "pastebinit"04:13
h00kFrankiitaa: shift + \04:14
FishsceneIt's the same key as \ (US keyboard)04:14
WiesshundGraves most dynDNS services will host your comain name if you have one.04:15
Frankiitaadmsg \ pastebinit ?04:15
Fishscenedmsg | pastbinit04:16
Graveslooked like dyndns wanted 30 bux to to it04:16
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Frankiitaai don have that simbol at my keyboard04:16
FishsceneIt should look like -- but up and down04:16
Frankiitaai have a sapnish keyoard04:16
eliezerHard drive activiti LED not working,,how to get it working04:17
FishsceneWhat does shift + \ do?04:17
FishsceneThat's the one04:17
snadgeim trying to work out why i can't run "pecl install ncurses" to isntall the ncurses extension on lucid?04:17
Frankiitaai got it04:17
FishsceneThat's called "pipe"04:17
snadgeconfigure: error: Wrong ncurses lib version or lib not found04:17
snadgebut libncurses5-dev is installed :|04:17
b0wHello! i get this error since today: E: /var/cache/apt/archives/wine1.3_1.3.0-0_i386.deb: trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/widl', which is also in package wine1.2 0, this is a pastebin  from dpkg http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/HNs3xMDp   anyone can help please?04:18
Frankiitaadmsg orden no encontrada04:20
Frankiitaain english it would be comand not found04:20
IdleOneFrankiitaa: dmesg | pastebinit04:20
Frankiitaait give http://pastebin.com/m9ferfYY04:21
Netsanhey all04:22
xomplol stupid question, but how do I copy all files/folders from /var/www/bbb/Upload to /var/www/bbb ?04:22
eliezerany suggestions on how to get hardDrive activity LED working on laptop04:22
b0wHello! i get this error since today: E: /var/cache/apt/archives/wine1.3_1.3.0-0_i386.deb: trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/widl', which is also in package wine1.2 0, this is a pastebin  from dpkg http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/HNs3xMDp   anyone can help please?04:22
xompI need all the files and directories to be copied and overwritten if possible04:22
b0wxomp, use mv04:22
Fishscenemv or cp?04:23
xompb0w, says they are the same file all the time04:23
b0wmv /file/file /newdir/newdir04:23
eliezerreinstall wine04:23
eliezermake sure u unistall first04:23
xompI need to also move directory and files inside04:23
Guest42623where do i find information about passing certification tests04:23
b0weliezer, talking to me?04:23
eliezeryes i had some problesm like that04:24
eliezerjust remove app04:24
eliezerreinstall and all done04:24
eliezeruse sypnatic package manager04:24
eliezerfor remove04:24
Guest42623my question is what is a good study guide for the network + exam04:25
Jordan_UFrankiitaa: Is there any output from the command "sudo mount /dev/sr0 /mnt"?04:25
Frankiitaalet me see04:25
Jordan_U!ot | Guest4262304:25
ubottuGuest42623: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:25
eliezerLED issues here,,Hard Drive LED not working,,any suggestions04:26
ShoggothI've got a fresh install of Lucid inside a VBox gues but I can't connect to any services beyond my host. The guest networking is configured to bridge mode and I can _ping_ any number of boxed (eg. google.com) but I can't connect via either ssh or http to anywhere except the host I'm running VBox on. Any suggestions?04:26
Frankiitaajordan_u dispositivo desconocido04:27
catorceavowhat the bloody hell? is it really common for me to uninstall pulseaudio, and have my computer unable to recognize my ethernet card and my audio card??? on UNE 10.04?04:27
Frankiitaain english it would be like uknow device04:27
catorceavoand i uninstalled it because apparently it was conflicting with a program that uses direct hardware sound or something.. why is it that linux has not gotten sound right yet, and it's been 20 years?04:28
jpeezyHello. I was trouble shooting my nvidia drivers and used the "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" command. My screen went blank and said no video signal. now when i restart i get video up until ubuntu starts with the music, and then no video. Any ideas?04:28
eliezercatorceavo d u have pulse audio equalizer installed ??04:28
[V13]AxelI have a question about Lucid... Why are half the plugins and animations gone in CompizConfig Settings Manager when I install it? I'm using the command line to install.04:29
jpeezyIs there anyone answering questions here?04:30
Shoggothdoesn't look like it :(04:30
Frankiitaaany ideas?04:31
[V13]AxelD: That's not cool.04:31
FishsceneI answer the ones I can help with.04:31
Shoggothheh... thanks Fishscene04:31
Frankiitaaany way04:31
SteelWingIts like my trash applet is not installed. I just reinstalled both naultilus and gnome applets and that didn't fix it. My problem is its gone. Not in the task bar not accessible anywhere. When I attempt to access my trash it tells me "The operation is not supported." I am running Ubuntu 10.04 just updated to it today from 9.10 I just ran into this problem today and I thought maybe the upgrade would fix it. But it didn't. Does anyone have anythi04:31
jpeezythanks fish04:31
garibaldiboy1i have ubuntu 10.04LTS and I'm trying to install pdo_mysql with no success.04:32
garibaldiboy1using pecl install pdo_mysql04:32
jpeezyi dont think i can help with any questions ive seen pop up. anyone have an idea about mine?04:32
[V13]Axeljpeezy, my first thought is to press "Ctrl+Alt+F1" and then type "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start". Then, report your results.04:32
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[V13]AxelAlso, press Ctrl+alt+F7 to return to the original virtual terminal.04:33
jpeezyhmm that might be worth a try Axel.04:33
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FishsceneRandom statement: When *all* else fails, Ubuntu always pulls through for me when I'm in a pinch. Why can't the rest of the world get things right?04:33
jpeezyi will go try that and i will be back soon.04:33
[V13]AxelAmen, Fishscene. XD04:34
[V13]AxelOkay, jpeezy, I'll be right here.04:34
[V13]AxelRandom statement: Don't you guys ever feel like... If everyone else had done their parts of a job, the whole world would be much simpler?04:34
FishsceneMy Filesystem corrupted on my mac. Applestore couldn't help me, neither could Apple disk utilities- but Ubuntu could \:D/ ...saved me about 80 hours of work.04:35
SteelWingcongrats. I can't delete anything because my install of ubuntu doesn't seem to know what trash is.04:36
eliezerJUST NOTED my caps LED is not working too,,,Hard drive activivy LED isn not workin neigther04:36
gduncanWhat has become of /proc/bus/usb in 10.04? I have a program that relies on it.04:36
PeterDropany idea about this problem "GTK impossible find engine theme in the path module <pixmap>04:36
PeterDropiam trying to run pgadmin304:36
[V13]AxelSteelWing, if you want to delete something, hold "Shift" and press "Delete." Then, click "Delete." or hit enter.04:36
[V13]AxelThat bypasses trash altogether.04:36
SteelWingAxel: I know how to delete but the system does not recognize that it has a trash applet04:37
gduncanFishscene: Did it just mount, or did you have go get your hands dirty?04:37
cjaedoes brasero support bluray writing? I mean for writing random data not bluray copying04:37
itsux2bui installed ubuntu server on my 8gb thumbdrive. found instructions on how to do that but the instructions are geared towards OSX users.. it says to mount my thumbdrive...  well i tried   mount /dev/sdh     during the install ubuntu referenced   sdh for my thumbdrive .. i want to boot from thumbdrive.. i googled.. the mount instructions i found were just adding.. not booting from..04:37
jonathan-T-THi all. Yesterday I have deleted my public and private ssh keys by doing a mistake ... I want to try to recover the files and I tried foremost for it. But it works only for some file formats.04:38
FishsceneIt took me a while, but it told me I need a certain program from the universe repository to fix the filesystem. I installed the app (hfsprogs), checked the filesystem and restarted into my Mac. No problems thus far.04:38
FreshPrincewhats that at the bottom? is this gdesklets or what? -> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7897722/images/clean.png04:38
FreshPrincethe panel with icons04:38
SteelWingI'm looking at a trash desktop icon on my desktop if I click it I get the following error "Could not didsplay "trash:" the file is of an unknown type.04:38
Fishscenegduncan: I'd rather get my hands dirty, then keep them clean and not get things fixed.04:38
jojojohi, pls help how to get nvidia card driver work on 10.04 64bit04:38
[V13]AxelFreshPrince: That is Avant Window Navigator.04:38
jonathan-T-TCan someone suggest me an other recovery tool that can recover the files (id_rsa and id_rsa.pub) ?04:39
SteelWingIts vanished from the taskbar and I only got it to get on my desktop via gconf-editor.04:39
[V13]AxelFreshPrince: "sudo apt-get install avant-window-navigator04:39
WiesshundSteelWing right click task bar and simply re add it04:39
FreshPrince[V13]Axel, thanks, btw, whats the difference if i install a package with apt-get and aptitude? i still dont understand this04:39
[V13]Axeljojojo: Go to "System>Administration>Hardware Drivers."04:39
SteelWingWiesshund Thats the problem. When I attempt to re add it nothing happens04:39
ubuser5does anyone know how to install a snes emulator without opengl or x1104:39
SteelWingIts like the system doesn't have a trash applet04:39
SteelWingI can't even browse to it04:40
ubuser5my pc is slow04:40
[V13]Axelapt-get and aptitude are primarily the same thing. They do the same job, interchangably.04:40
SteelWingI attempt to browse to my trash folder and it says that the operation is not supported04:40
FishsceneYou can do some things with aptitude that you can't with apt-get, for example, searching for a package.04:40
bazhangubuser5, apt-cache search snes04:40
FreshPrince[V13]Axel, strange.. why we have apt-get and aptitude if they do the same? :) which one should we use?04:40
SteelWingI can sort of add a trash icon to the upper task bar but upon attempted use it tells me nautilus had a spawn error.04:40
HeadAchehave a supported raid card with drives attached, (separate boot drive, 10.04 x64 server already installed)... how do i mount the raid card?04:41
WiesshundSteelWing hmm. anything you remember doing before it went on vacation?04:41
[V13]AxelFreshPrince: Honestly, it's based on personal preference. One was the old name, and one is the new one. They just left it for legacy purposes. They both do the exact same thing. I personally use apt-get.04:41
gduncanubuser5: You may have to build mame from source and configure it to use raw frame buffer04:41
jojojoAxel, already did activated nvidia-173 but upon rebooting it does not work04:41
FreshPrince[V13]Axel, ok04:41
WiesshundSteelWing if you need to delete a file, you get an error as well?04:41
ubuser5thats deep04:41
[V13]Axeljojojo: Are there any other drivers showing up? Also, what model is the card?04:41
ubuser5download a million and pray04:41
jeraldhello good day to all what software do you suggest for php developer?04:42
gduncanHeadAche: Have you configured the raid? Look for it's device name in dmesg04:42
itsux2buhow do i mount my usb thumbdrive (sdh) to be bootable ?04:42
jeraldI am using ubuntu lucid04:42
SteelWingI was trying to update Glib04:42
SteelWingI sort of was still running on the stock 2.004:42
SteelWingI did get it to update.04:42
[V13]Axelitsux2bu: The easiest way is to install from a LiveCD environment, without a hard drive in the comptuer used for installing. That's what I do. It makes it so that the flash drive is treated as a hard drive.04:43
eliezerhey guys for the trash issue,,,,can this help??    sudo umount -l04:43
eliezerjust read in a page about it04:43
SteelWingWeisshund I was trying to update Glib04:43
Fishsceneumount unmounts filesystems.04:43
WiesshundSteelWingI dont have an answer on restoring the trash bin, but shift delete will bypass the bin04:44
Fishsceneeliezer: Is your hard drive mounted?04:44
[V13]AxelWiesshund: I told him that.04:44
SteelWingShift Delete does nothin04:44
eliezeri beleive so04:44
Frankiitaamy dvd drive is not working04:45
Frankiitaasomebody know what can be04:45
SteelWingIts like the OS forgot how to remove data. I guess I need to track down a list of dependencies for the trash applet and reinstall them all one by one.04:45
Fishsceneeliezer: in a terminal, type: mount04:45
[V13]AxelFrankiitaa: What do you mean, not working? Is it not playing DVDs, or is it not reading anything at all?04:45
SteelWingDo Trash or any of the Gnome Applets use Glib?04:45
ubuser5what does i386 mean?04:46
Fishsceneit should dump a list of all mounted drives04:46
Frankiitaaanything at all04:46
[V13]AxelSteelWing: Not that I know of.04:46
Fishscenei386 = x86 processor architecture. It is NOT 64-bit compatible.04:46
[V13]Axelubuser5: i386 is basically a way of saying 32-bit processing. It comes from the line of Intel processors from back in the day.04:46
WiesshundSteelWing i dont think so04:46
eliezerim ok my problem hasnt benn solved so far,,but im looking some info online about the trash can issue04:46
[V13]Axelubuser5: Also known as, "x86."04:46
Frankiitaa[v13]Axel anything at all04:46
ubuser5oh, cool04:46
WiesshundFrankiitaa can you give a bit more detail on what it isnt doing?04:47
SteelWingWell, then my attempts at updating Glib couldn't have caused the problem... Then aggggain it did tell me to delete 2 files04:47
SteelWingagain* Jeeze how did I do that?04:47
[V13]AxelFrankiitaa: Okay, do you know the manufacturer of the drive?04:47
Frankiitaa[v13] no i dont, is from a olidata tower04:48
itsux2buhttp://blog.stochasticbytes.com/2010/05/installing-ubuntu-1004-server-on-usb.html  in the Fixing Grub section it says to  "mount your usb stick"  how do i do that?04:48
ubuser5back in the day lalw04:48
ubuser5snes on ubuntu 5.104:48
Jordan_UFrankiitaa: What is the output of "ls -l /dev/dvd"?04:48
itsux2bumy usb stick is sdh04:48
bazhangubuser5, 5.10 is not supported here04:49
itsux2bumount /dev/sdh     yes or no?04:49
Wiesshunditsux2bu cant you use unetbootin to install server to usb?04:49
destrothDoes anyone know how I can set the channel on my mon mode, so it doesn't try using a random channel?04:49
Frankiitaajordan_u lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 2010-08-02 22:21 /dev/dvd -> sr004:49
[V13]Axelitsux2bu: /mount /dev/sdh /mountpath04:50
itsux2buWiesshund, i've never used it.. i don't know what that is..04:50
[V13]Axelitsux2bu: mount /dev/sdh /mountpath04:50
Wiesshunditsux2bu its a very nice tool for doing various installs like to USB or to HDD with no usb or cdrom etc04:50
itsux2buok.. :/04:50
Jordan_UFrankiitaa: Interesting, and "ls -l /dev/sr0"?04:50
Wiesshunditsux2bu take a look at it, takes alot of guesswork and typing out of the equation04:51
[V13]Axelitsux2bu: The easiest way to remember is that /mountpath is usually "/media/diskX" where X is a number.04:51
jojojoAxel am now downloading (activating) from Hardware Drivers "version current", the card is a nvidia 6800 gts pci-e04:51
itsux2bui'm on a windows system.. i am going to reboot with my ubuntu .iso cd i created and do a alt-ctrl-f204:51
Frankiitaajordan_u brw-rw----+ 1 root cdrom 11, 0 2010-08-02 22:21 /dev/sr004:51
[V13]Axeljojojo: Okay. What part of it isn't working?04:52
Jordan_UFrankiitaa: Ok, are you sure that you typed "sudo mount /dev/sr0 /mnt" correctly when you ran that command earlier?04:52
[V13]Axelitsux2bu: The easiest way is to boot from the LiveCD on a computer without a hard drive, and then install on the flash drive like you would any other drive.04:52
ubuntu__For cloning my filesystem, would you guys suggest using GParted?04:52
Frankiitaajordan_u  i can try again04:53
Frankiitaalets see04:53
jojojoi tried nvidia173 but when rebooting it has a prompt something about loading low graphics driver, or the nvidia driver dont work04:53
itsux2bui can't remove the hard drives04:53
Cocoabean@ubuntu_ I would recommend using a block level tool to copy your partition to another drive, something like gnu ddrescue04:53
JPeezyAxel. it did not work04:53
[V13]Axelubuntu__: The easiest tool I've ever found was 'Clonezilla."04:53
[V13]AxelJPeezy: Hmm. Sorry, that was the only thing I could think of. :/04:53
Wiesshunditsux2bu you can disable hdd controller in bios usualy04:54
JPeezygood thought. thank you04:54
elitexrayubuntu_ are you as amazing as your name implies you to be??04:54
jojojowill try this version current and see what happens, still downloading :D04:54
Frankiitaajordan_u umount: /dev/sr0: dispositivo desconocido04:54
[V13]Axeljojojo: Then try with the new one and let me know.04:54
jojojo32bit seems to be much easier to enable the nvidia17304:55
plustaxI just installed easytether with a .deb im running lucid lynx. Trying to tether my droid and I cant find the program anywhere even though I installed it. help?04:55
dougbdoes anyone else have issues with intel HDMI not working for audio?  i have selected Digital Stereo (HDMI) Output and i can't hear anything04:55
Cocoabean@dougb: do you have audio in VLC by chance?04:56
gduncandougb: could it be a drm issue with the monitor?04:56
Frankiitaajordan_u dispositivi desconoido means unknow device04:56
gduncanIs it a TV or computer monitor?04:56
eliezerdougb install pulse audio equalizer and see ig u can get mor options04:56
dougbgduncan: tv04:56
gduncanCan you test by piping audio to the appropriate device?04:57
Jordan_UFrankiitaa: Does it work with normal CD's? Has it ever worked on this machine?04:58
remuHey folks, quick question. I just installed Ubuntu 10.04. I am trying to have a skype conversation and run VLC at the same time, but I can't get audio out of VLC if I'm in a skype call. Does anyone know how to fix this?04:58
Frankiitaajordan_u i installed ubuntu whit a cd04:58
ubuntu__does anyone know of a way to monitor the progress of a GParted operation? Some log file I could view in the CL?04:59
Fishscenewould dmsg have gparted info?04:59
Jordan_UFrankiitaa: Can you try inserting a normal data CD and if you can see the files on it pastebin the output of "mount"?04:59
=== ubuntu__ is now known as Colonel_Panic
gduncanFishscene: Unlikely.05:00
dougbCocoabean: audio isn't working in vlc05:00
gduncanYou probably have to start gparted with extra debugging.05:00
picard1421hey guys05:00
picard1421what is the XFCE login manager05:00
Fishsceneah- I was just throwing it out there because I just recently discovered dmesg, but I don't know it's scope yet.05:00
picard1421like for example Gnome uses GDM what does XFCE use?05:00
Frankiitaajordan_u what? i don t get it05:01
gduncandmesg dumps the kernel ring buffer. You'll  only find kernel messages05:02
picard1421kk thanks!05:02
gduncanANyone know what happened to /proc/bus/usb in 10.04?05:02
Jordan_UFrankiitaa: Try inserting a CD with data, like the Ubuntu install CD. If you can browse the files on that CD then running "mount" in a terminal will give information about how it was mounted, which will hopefully help us figure out how to mount your DVD.05:03
dougbeliezer: that tool shows audio is going out, but the TV hears nothing05:04
Frankiitaajordan_u /dev/sda1 on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro)05:04
Frankiitaaproc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)05:04
Frankiitaanone on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)05:04
Frankiitaanone on /sys/fs/fuse/connections type fusectl (rw)05:04
Frankiitaanone on /sys/kernel/debug type debugfs (rw)05:04
Frankiitaanone on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs (rw)05:04
FloodBot2Frankiitaa: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:04
Jordan_U!paste | Frankiitaa05:05
ubottuFrankiitaa: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:05
Niglopwhen I x out xchat, it goes to tray for like 2 seconds and then closes? *tray always on is checked*05:05
JPeezyDoes anyone know what files this "/etc/init.d/gdm stop" changes?05:05
Frankiitaajordan_u what ?05:06
JPeezyyeah i might not have asked that right05:06
itsux2bu"fdisk /dev/sda"      what does fdisk do?05:06
remuHey, is there a reason why in Ubuntu 10.04 only one audio application runs at a time.05:06
ThomasB2kokay, i've downloaded TF2 in steam in ubuntu and I'm about to try it. wish me luck05:06
eliezerwhat about the monitor app ?05:07
Jordan_UFrankiitaa: When you paste multiple lines into the channel it causes a lot of scrolling, so you should use a service like pastebin instead where you can just post a link to the full output.05:07
eliezerthat ubuntu have as default05:07
nm5tf!fdick | itsux2bu05:08
FrankiitaaJordan_u and how i have to use that service ?05:08
nm5tf! fdisk | itsux2bu05:09
Wiesshund!pastebin | Frankiitaa05:09
ubottuFrankiitaa: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:09
ChigginsHey room, how can I get my Ubuntu install to use sun-java5-jre as the default, instead of the openjava one?05:09
eliezeri wonder why when i use my girlfriend PC with her name real nice and look for help i get 25 people helping me and even off-topic chit-chat here05:10
FloodBot2vbnm: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:10
vbnmsamina amina eh eh waka waka05:10
Jordan_UFrankiitaa: Go to http://paste.ubuntu.com in your browser, paste the text into the text box on that page and press the "Paste!" button. That will bring you to a new page containing the text you pasted. Give us the URL of that page.05:10
Wiesshundeliezer because we then think your a fat 45 year old man living in his moms basement looking for attention? best answer i could create on short notice05:11
nm5tf!fdisk  |  itsux2bu05:11
Niglopwhen I x out xchat, it goes to tray for like 2 seconds and then closes? *tray always on is checked*05:11
plustaxis anybody familiar with easytether?05:11
Frankiitaajordan_u http://paste.ubuntu.com/472477/05:12
WiesshundNiglop is it close to tray or minimize to tray?05:12
Frankiitaajordan_u is it right ?05:12
Jordan_UFrankiitaa: Yes.05:13
Frankiitaajordan_u thanks05:13
JPeezyMy GUI will not load, i hear the sound but no video. Video on initial startup. No Ubuntu load screen, just blinking line. Any suggestions on files to check?05:13
NiglopWiesshund»  I don't see no option like that, I just have 'enable system tray icon' checked.05:13
eliezertoo bad,,im not 45,,not fat,,and independent and not looking for attention neigther,,im gona come up with a real nice name that make me get help05:13
WiesshundNiglop it may be minimize to tray as opposed to clicking X. let me install it and see05:14
Jordan_UFrankiitaa: I don't see any CD listed there, do you have a data CD inserted currently?05:14
Niglopok thankyou Wiesshund :)05:14
Frankiitaajodan_u yes the ubuntu install cd05:14
wiesshund_Niglop>>  ok let me restart it05:15
wiesshund_Niglop>>  i got your answer05:16
Niglopwhat is it wiesshund_05:16
WiesshundWhen you first set it, and click X a dialog box pops up asking to minimize to tray or exit. if you clicked exit by mistake and told it never ask again, its exiting05:17
AnonBootsHello. I am running apache on my computer, and I want to be able to get it a name server so I can associate it with a .co.cc address. Anyone have any help for this?05:17
NiglopI must have clicked x and never again :(? How can I get it back?05:17
TheEskimoAnonBoots: Find a dns registrar and buy one. This is not an ubuntu question.05:18
WiesshundNiglop look in your home dir for .xchat directory or file, id guess your prefs are stored there.05:18
wiesshund_Niglop its /home/you/.xchat205:19
SashaHI !!  How can i get my camara working guys,i got skype and it show me the cam but is not working05:19
Niglopya which file wiesshund_ ?05:19
TheEskimoNiglop: It is easier to use ~/.xchat05:19
coz_Sasha,  you can try to install camorama or cheese  to see if one of those picks up the camera05:20
wiesshund_Niglop>>  i would assume xchat.conf but i can look in it for you05:20
Niglopyes that would be helpfull wiesshund_ :05:20
coz_Sasha,  as far as skype...i cant help with that05:20
Sashaok are those in software center ?05:20
TheEskimowiesshund_: What is he trying to change? I have xchat.conf open05:20
coz_Sasha,   yes they are :)05:20
wiesshund_Niglop>>  xchat.conf find word tray, reset them to 0 i believe05:21
NiglopKK im going to restart brb05:21
wiesshund_TheEskimo>>  he accidently told it to close on X and never ask again, rather than minimize to tray05:21
TheEskimoah. thanks05:21
Sashau see what im talking about,i just prove my point,,with a girl name i get a 3 second response for any question i make05:21
Sashathats not good guys05:22
coz_Sasha,   :)05:22
wiesshund_No eliez you got ignored by me, lol05:22
Frankiitaano one knows?05:22
TheEskimoFrankiitaa: What is the question? (sorry, I missed it)05:23
coz_Frankiitaa,  sorry I didnt see the original issue05:23
Sashathats not good for the community05:23
JPeezyIf i wanted to replace some GUI startup files, what files might I be aiming for?05:23
[jfcaron]How do I turn off join/parts in empathy?05:23
NiglopWiesshund» there is alot of tray's05:23
Sashais like a monopoly05:23
coz_JPeezy,  like which ones?05:23
wiesshund_Sasha ya make an ugly girl come back as yourself ;)05:23
coz_Sasha,  actually people seem to not answer if they dont the answers05:24
TheEskimoSasha: #ubuntu is largely composed of males. We are volunteering. Sexism is expected to a degree really. The important bit here is that all help is voluntary so they can help anyone they choose05:24
xomphow do I change the password of my root account via SSH?05:24
coz_Sasha,  i dont find it  leaning one way or the other ...male or female05:24
Frankiitaamy dvd drive is not reading anythin at all05:24
coz_xomp,   I dont know  I am sure someone does  but if not  try the ##linux channel05:24
wiesshund_Sasha>>  you also had sasha ask a simple question, not one that requires any research05:24
[jfcaron]Isn't Sasha typically a man's name?05:24
TheEskimoSasha: I try to be fair and answer what I know. I don't think many are (consciously at least), but whatever.05:24
JPeezyWell i ran the sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop command and after restart i get sound but no video after initial boot up screens05:25
coz_Frankiitaa,  ah oh.... when this start happening?05:25
Sashai ask the same question not too long ago05:25
Sashanever got answer05:25
Sashahad to go look for it05:25
coz_Sasha,  probably because the people here did not know the answer05:25
Frankiitaai m not sure05:25
TheEskimoSasha: Probably noone noticed or it was too busy. I do not think this was a comprehensive test05:25
Sashais ok05:25
h00k!patience | Sasha05:25
ubottuSasha: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.05:25
Sashais ok05:25
Frankiitaai install ubuntu 10.04 a couple days ago05:25
TheEskimoSasha: Also, it is important to note that looking for things is good. That is one way to learn more about ubuntu. Experimenting without help.05:26
Frankiitaaand to day i relaize it05:26
TheEskimoFrankiitaa: Can you post your fstab? or at least open it and check the dvd drive's line?05:26
coz_Frankiitaa,   mmm05:26
Sashalike is an easey OS to work with05:26
Frankiitaahow can i do that ?05:26
Mr_Sonomahaving a little trouble with setting up msmtp, this is the config file aside from the password i've hashed out to post, what have i missed? getting a connection reset by peer error when trying to send from mutt. http://paste.ubuntu.com/472481/05:26
JPeezycoz_: were you able to catch my explanation?05:27
Sashai guess been a girl here is an advantage is all i said05:27
coz_JPeezy,  yes but let me scroll back a bit hold on05:27
TheEskimoFrankiitaa: It can be found at /etc/fstab05:27
JPeezyK thank you05:27
Sashai got a 3 second response05:27
wiesshund_elieze channel is kind of slow now, when you asked about webcam it was busy and i dont think you answered the guy who asked what kind of cam05:27
Sashathats the best ever for ubuntu help05:27
TheEskimoSasha: Please, if you have further questions ask. I believe that gender discussion is not relevant and has already been fully explored.05:28
coz_JPeezy,   and  did you try a hard reboot  to see if it works?05:28
Sashaenjoy the rest of the nigth guys05:28
wiesshund_And i didnt answer you cause i cant make any of my cheap logitec ball cams work ;P05:28
coz_Sasha,  actually never assumed you were a woman05:28
wiesshund_coz_>>  he isnt lol05:28
JPeezycoz_: As in turning the machine off and on from the switch? then yes05:28
coz_Sasha,   I though sasha was both male and female05:28
dreadazzyi got a question if i may ask o-o;05:29
coz_JPeezy,  and still no video?05:29
FrankiitaaTheEskimo i go see it05:29
coz_JPeezy,  you mean you cant see the desktop at all?05:29
JPeezyThat is correct. I can get into the Live CD ok.05:29
TheEskimoFrankiitaa: Do you mean you have found a line relating to your disk drive?05:29
JPeezythat is correct, no desktop. I hear the startup sounds though.05:29
coz_JPeezy,  ok and did you run the "Check cd" option from the live cd to be sure the cd itself is not corrupted??05:29
wiesshund_coz_>>  that depends on where in the world you come from, some places sasha is only a female, others its almost the opposite. wierd huh05:30
coz_Wiesshund,  for sure thats why i didnt assume male or female ...actually i did assume male05:30
wiesshund_Niglop>>  is it working right now?05:30
JPeezycoz_: As in my installation is corrupt?05:30
Sashai have more names want me to try another one,,have planty og questions too05:30
Sashasee how fast i get response05:30
coz_JPeezy,  no if the live cd is corrupt  if it is then the install is also05:30
Sashai timed too05:30
Sashawell i have to go05:31
wiesshund_Sasha>>  sure, join the channel as Virtual_Valerie hehe05:31
Sashai prove my ponit05:31
xanguaSasha: stop that please05:31
bazhang!ot | Sasha lets move on05:31
ubottuSasha lets move on: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:31
Niglopno wiesshund_05:31
Sashasupport--define that05:31
Niglopwiesshund_»  there is lots of the word tray highlighted, i dont know which one to change05:31
wiesshund_Niglop>>  ok rename that file. to back it up. and restart xchat05:32
JPeezycoz_: I have not checked the live cd. i am currently using it on my windows laptop to talk to you05:32
wiesshund_gui_tray Niglop05:32
coz_JPeezy,  understood... but at some point you need to run the check cd  option on the live cd to be sure05:32
Niglopok i will try wiesshund_05:32
coz_JPeezy,  if the cd is in fact having errors then you need to redownload the iso image.. and burn it at the slowest speed   1x preferred05:33
JPeezyok i will. it was only after running that command it happened. it did not even get to the command promt05:33
coz_JPeezy,  oooo05:33
Colonel_Panicyawn.... GParted is taking forever and I don't see anything that looks like it in 'top' or system monitor :/  how do I ensure it's doing what it says it is?05:34
JPeezythat info changes your mind?05:34
Niglopok Wiesshund  set gui_tray to 0?05:34
coz_JPeezy,  if you mean  sudo /etc/ init.d/gdm stop command  and then   sudo restart gdm those commands  should not cuase any issues that were not there previously05:34
wiesshund_Niglop>>  gui_tray and gui_trayflags05:34
Niglopkk brb05:35
wiesshund_Niglop>>  that should let you repick the option and get the popup again05:35
JPeezycoz_: hmm, ok so by using the command i just gave the problem a little push?05:35
HeadAchecol panic, i use htop05:36
coz_JPeezy,  probably   my guess is something became "dislodged" :) somehow and the restart gdm just apmplified it05:36
coz_htop is very cool05:36
coz_JPeezy,  it is always a good idea to check the md5sum of the iso image before burning it also05:37
gwildorhello, anyone around to help with ICS without losing host capabilities?05:37
JPeezycoz_: im just suspicious that it wasnt me that caused this. i was messing with the display drivers trying to get compiz working05:37
coz_JPeezy, oooooo then it may have been that05:37
coz_JPeezy,  which video card do you have on that machine?05:37
charley__anyone knows if i can make windows forms in monodevelop?05:38
JPeezyNvidia geforce 520005:38
NiglopWiesshund»  no luck.05:39
JPeezyits old05:39
coz_charley__,  I do no but if no one here does you can try ##linux channel ...they have a broader base  of info05:39
coz_JPeezy,  yes that is the "lowest"  card that can handle compiz05:39
wiesshund_Niglop>>  ok rename that file then so xchat wont use it and retry05:39
coz_JPeezy,  you may not be able to use all of the plugins available05:39
charley__coz_: thx05:39
coz_JPeezy,  but it should work05:39
coz_charley__,  no problem05:39
JPeezyi should have just left it well enough alone05:39
HeadAchehow can i figure out (if) where my raid card has mounted it's array? ...i see a scsi7 associated with the card in dmesg, but I dont see anything like  ~'sda2' :(05:40
coz_JPeezy,  was it working?05:40
Colonel_PanicHeadAche: Thanks, this is a great program!05:40
JPeezycompiz? no. the ubuntu install, yes, it worked well05:40
coz_JPeezy,  then yes  you should have joined me in #compiz and we may have gotten it to speed up slightly with disabling some plugins and compiz settings  if it was in fact working05:40
coz_JPeezy,  oh ok05:40
HeadAche:) any time col panic05:40
NiglopWiesshund»  no luck.05:41
coz_JPeezy,  well then if this was a fresh install then  reinstall it05:41
wiesshund_Niglop>>  you changed that file and restarted xchat?05:41
Niglopyeah wiesshund_05:41
wiesshund_Niglop>>  i mean changed the name of it05:41
coz_JPeezy,  then come to #compiz channel and we can talk there to get compiz hopefully running on that card05:41
Niglopyeah wiesshund_  i did05:42
fatumHow can I make a bootable USB flash drive?05:42
JPeezyit was fresh-ish. i had set up a fair amount of stuff, and im just trying to save that time.... i guess i will bite the bullet and reinstall05:42
bazhangfatum, with unetbootin05:42
coz_ok guys I am breaking for the night   ..it is nearly 1am here  so  thats it for me :)05:42
coz_night all05:42
fatumbazhang:  Thanks!05:42
JPeezythanks coz_05:42
wiesshund_gimme a min Niglop05:43
RealOptywhen i do rmmod lp05:43
RealOptythe mod reappears later05:44
RealOptyany one have suggestions?05:44
wiesshund_Niglop>>  in terminal type sudo killall xchat (yes i know it will kick you out)  then relaunch it05:44
Niglopkk wiesshund_05:45
FreshPrincecan anyone tell me which icons are these -> http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/114229/bildschirmfoto_UkJj1Z.png05:46
FreshPrinceat the bottom05:46
FreshPrincelooks nice05:46
FreshPrincecan't find them05:46
NiglopWiesshund»  no luck05:46
FloodBot2FreshPrince: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:46
timI'm having a problem installing banshee 1.7.3 on lucid. I botched my amazonmp3 install and now I'm getting errors with the amazonmp3.xml file. Can someone help me?05:46
wiesshund_Niglop>>  define no luck. after you restart exactly what are you doing?05:47
Niglopwiesshund_» I did sudo killall xchat, then went back to applications menu> xchat, reconnected. when I try to close it again it does the original error and doesn't sit in tray.05:48
wiesshund_Niglop>>  its no longer set to try05:48
Niglopi dont get what you mean =\ ?05:49
wiesshund_unless you went and reset it (the tray option) its now set to just close normal05:49
wiesshund_now if you go to prefs and pick to run in tray, you should get dialog box again05:49
Condoulowhat theme engine does Ambiance use?05:50
Niglophow do I reset it wiesshund_ ?05:50
Nigloponce i renamed the other file it created a new conf and the default tray and flag tray was set to 005:50
wiesshund_Niglop>> your not listening05:51
Niglopthere is no dialog box :s?05:51
wiesshund_tray in now 0 meaning off05:51
wiesshund_now go into the same place in xchats settings that you turned tray on before and turn tray back on and try to close it05:51
wiesshund_you should get a dialog box confirming to tray it or close it05:52
Niglopyes wiesshund_  tray is set on05:52
Niglopunder 'alerts' 'enable system tray icon' is checked.05:52
gduncananyone know how to get devusbfs under 10.04?05:53
wiesshund_now try to close it05:53
Niglopkk brb05:53
yuliantoiam new user05:54
timyulianto: Do you have any problems or need help?05:55
arturohow can i avoid asking me the root  password for connecting to wifi ?05:55
sumsome1001anyone know anything about cinerella. im new to linux and having problems installing it05:56
adam_i fixed it thanks Wiesshund05:57
wiesshund_adam_>>  thats not a fix really LOL05:57
adam_shhh :p i feel good okay!05:58
wiesshund_Niglop im looking where else it might mirror that preff05:58
HeadAchehow can i figure out (if) where my raid card has mounted it's array? ...i see a scsi7 associated with the card in dmesg, but I dont see anything like  ~'sda2' :(05:58
adam_no wiesshund_  the problem was i was deleting the config WHILE xchat was open, when i deleted the conf after i closed xchat it finally worked05:58
timsunsome1001: Click on this link to install it http://akirad.cinelerra.org/pool/addakirad.deb05:58
picard1421hey guys i did sudo apt-get install xdm on Karmic..05:58
picard1421but for some reason when i boot up it does not go to XDM??05:59
mikerupicard1421: sudo apt-get remove gdm ?05:59
wiesshund_Niglop you may try renaming the folder .xchat2  but i personaly see no other files in it that store that kind of config05:59
mikeruWHY would you want xdm?05:59
picard1421i just have05:59
picard1421server edition installed mikeru05:59
picard1421i wanted to install xdm05:59
picard1421for gui login05:59
picard1421and i installed xserver with05:59
picard1421apt-get install xinit and also apt-get install xdm05:59
picard1421and when i boot up nothing happens?06:00
FloodBot2picard1421: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:00
mikerupicard1421: maybe because... it's a server install ?06:00
picard1421well with X installed it should not matter lol (;06:00
mikerufor it to default to gui login, you have to install *ubuntu-desktop06:00
Colonel_Panichmmmm I used 'resize partition' in GParted and it's taking forever! I understand moving data can be time consuming but the odd thing is, I shrunk the partition from the end, where no data was, so nothing should have to be moved right? (there was free space between the resized partition and the next so it's not that subsequent partitions are getting moved)06:00
picard1421i typed in startx and still nothing happens??Z?Z?Z06:00
mikerupicard1421: you want a desktop environment?06:00
mikerupicard1421: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop will install GNOME. kubuntu-desktop kde, you can figure the rest06:01
picard1421i dont want a desktop enviornment though06:01
picard1421all i want06:01
picard1421is a GUI login06:01
vbnmdisk defrag ment for ubuntu06:01
picard1421and then go to DWM06:01
FloodBot2picard1421: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:01
picard1421Display window manager06:02
mikerupicard1421: me not know then :)06:02
picard1421not a big deal.. basically i all i want to do is have a GUI login with a CLI interface.. yes it a weird request.. but its still what i want lol.. I want to use something that is compatible with the GDM06:02
picard1421so i wanted to use XDM06:02
=== Longhorn|XP is now known as Longhorn
picard1421because GDM2 is not themeable and kind of sucks in that way.. in any event i want to use the old GDM themes.. but in any event idk how to get it to start iwth Xinit??06:03
vbnmis there any program like norton system work for ubuntu06:03
timvbnm: Not exactly. Which features do you want?06:04
wiesshund_adam_>>  Wierd niglop, im looking at xchat source, and that should have reset it06:04
bazhang!equivalents > vbnm06:04
ubottuvbnm, please see my private message06:04
picard1421how possible is this06:04
sosaitedHey guys. I have a pretty annoying problem with my Karmic. This is the third time it has happened, I was typing something on gedit (before it happened on Firefox) and I pressed "Enter", and I got a Log in screen. And I can't log in to my account without giving my root password, and after that I get a blank desktop and workspace. The internet is still connected, but all my previous work/data is gone06:05
tim!flood > picard142106:05
ubottupicard1421, please see my private message06:05
=== Podfish is now known as opop
sosaitedHey guys. I have a pretty annoying problem with my Karmic. This is the third time it has happened, I was typing something on gedit (before it happened on Firefox) and I pressed "Enter", and I got a Log in screen. And I can't log in to my account without giving my root password, and after that I get a blank desktop and workspace. The internet is still connected, but all my previous work/data is gone06:07
xangua!repeat > sosaited06:07
ubottusosaited, please see my private message06:07
adam_back wiesshund_ , yeah but if i renamed the config while xchat was open it was just creating a new config with the current settings on the client =\06:08
wiesshund_adam_>>  hehe close xchat. rename .xchat2 niglops backup or something. restart xchat06:09
adam_i fixed it now wiesshund_  :p06:09
sosaitedsorry, but I am kinda anxious to get an answer before I start doing anything on my Ubuntu again.06:09
FreshPrincewhere can i select the icons?06:09
wiesshund_adam_>> why arent you niglop anymore?06:09
=== aybabtu is now known as plustax
adam_wiesshund_»  it reset my settings, im fixing it now dw :p06:10
picard1421hwo do i get my Ubunutu server to start with XDM06:10
wiesshund_adam_>>  ok, this time remember not to poke away the dialog box :)06:10
picard1421or GDM06:10
adam_I already fixed the dialog box thing its all good :)06:10
picard1421it goes straight to CLI do i need to change a Runlevel or something im not sure what i have to do to get it to boot to GDM or XDM? i have karmic installed?06:10
wiesshund_picard1421>>  forgive the question but did you install a gdm on it? it doesnt come with one stock06:11
picard1421its server edition06:11
picard1421i want a GUI login manager06:11
picard1421i dont have a desktop06:11
picard1421only a GUI login manager06:11
picard1421with Xserv06:11
wiesshund_picard1421>>  yes, server doesnt come with one stock06:11
wiesshund_picard1421>>  youd need to install those packages06:11
picard1421wiesshund_ yeahh i know that i installed them.. but im not sure how to boot into them?06:11
picard1421it still boots into the server06:11
Niglop>amsg< sorry about the constant reconnects guys, the problem is fixed now.06:12
Niglop>amsg< sorry about the constant reconnects guys, the problem is fixed now.06:12
Niglop>amsg< sorry about the constant reconnects guys, the problem is fixed now.06:12
FloodBot2Niglop: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:12
wiesshund_picard1421>>  ok gotcha06:12
Spyzerhi all06:12
picard1421wiesshund_ not sure which thing i have to setup ... to get it to boot to my GDM login screen??06:12
=== brebrebrebre is now known as |_ocke
Spyzerwhen building wine on my 64 bit system it says checking whether gcc -m32 works... no06:12
Spyzerconfigure: error: Cannot build a 32-bit program, you need to install 32-bit development libraries.06:12
Spyzerhow to resdolve this06:12
wiesshund_picard1421>>  that i am not sure as most people log in at the command line and start x as needed06:13
timSpyzer: You're going to need a program called "getlibs"06:13
wiesshund_picard1421>>  they usualy leave the gui login out of the equation06:13
picard1421yea i did that06:13
picard1421but startX does not work06:13
picard1421when i type startx nothing happens06:13
picard1421it just goes to the next line06:13
vbnmhow much speed is needed for processor for installing ubuntu 9.1006:14
gwildorhello, anyone around to help with ICS without losing host capabilities?06:14
picard1421no errors it just skips to the next line06:14
wiesshund_picard1421>>  i take it you have already configured X ?06:14
Spyzersudo apt-get install getlibs ????06:14
timSpyzer: If you can. I don't think it's in the repos.06:14
picard1421wiesshund_ all i did in xinitrc was add06:16
picard1421"exec xdm"06:16
timSpyzer: Status report?06:16
Jack3k3hi my friend had ubuntu w win 7 dual boot, he deleted his ubuntu partition i guess and now he gets an error at startup saying " Grub error: unknown filesystem Grub Rescue >"06:16
vbnm<tim> how much speed is needed for processor for installing ubuntu 9.1006:16
Jack3k3im guessing something like a new grub install needs to be done, or restoring win7bootloader06:16
Spyzertim: well i saw what getlibs is so am not going for thatapproach but thanks anyways06:16
picard1421do i need to config something else to boot into X though?06:17
vbnmyes yes picard06:17
timvbnm: Check it out here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicKoala/ReleaseNotes06:17
jaredCan anyone else confirm: aMSN is a laggy piece of shit compared to Empathy IM06:17
picard1421my problem is my computer is not booting into X or loginn in to X06:17
picard1421if i type startx06:17
picard1421nothing happens etc.. not sure why or how this is happening but regardless compu wilkl not boot into X06:18
timSpyzer: I'm afraid that may be the only way to install that application is with getlibs.06:18
vbnmtim:thank you06:18
IdleOnejared: Please keep the language clean.06:18
Andre_Gondimhow may I know if cron is working?06:18
jaredsorry, i was just kinda ticked off06:18
wiesshund_picard1421>> 1 sec06:18
jared'cause aMSN doesn't work very will for me :S06:18
picard1421kk (;06:18
TheEskimoAndre_Gondim: ps -aux | grep crond06:18
soreaupicard1421: When did this start happening?06:19
jareddoes aMSN lagg for anyone else?06:19
tim!language > jared06:19
ubottujared, please see my private message06:19
picard1421soreau: i just installed Karmic06:19
picard1421i was using06:19
TheEskimoAndre_Gondim: should tell you if the deamon is running. If it is it is almost certianly working.06:19
picard142110.04 before.. the problem is i want something that can use GDM1 not the new GDM2 that suckls and connect be themed06:19
jaredsorry tim my bad bro06:19
vbnmtim:how much of swap space is needed for installing ubuntu06:19
picard1421do you know a way i can install GDM or XDM 1 on Lucid.. because if so that woudl be awesome.. maybe a PPA or something?06:19
wiesshund_picard1421>>  you arent loggin in as root are you?06:20
timvbnm: Check it out here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq06:20
picard1421cause GDM2 cannot be themed which is what Xubuntu and Ubuntu are based off of *GDM and XDM.. so icannot them theme06:20
picard1421no im looginn in user06:20
vbnmtim:ok ok06:20
wiesshund_picard1421>>  can you verify you got this package? x-window-system-core06:21
picard1421one sec06:21
picard1421ill reboot that machine06:22
wiesshund_picard1421>>  you need that base package for x to start06:22
jaredquestion: does Empathy IM client support webcam chat on msn?06:22
vbnmtim: how the irc client worls06:22
timvbnm: I'm not sure what you mean. Could you rephrase that please?06:23
xanguajared: no idea, posibly if both are using empathy; i know it has no problems with video/voice with xmpp protocol06:23
picard1421it says x-window-system-core has no installation candidate06:23
HeadAcheanyone here sadistic enough to help a somewhat clueless blonde with 10.04 server?06:23
picard1421package is virtual packge provided by Xorg 1:7.4+3ubuntu10 >>06:23
picard1421what in the world does that mean06:23
jaredokay, thank you xangua06:23
xomp!ask HeadAche06:23
=== VanDyke_ is now known as VanDyke
vbnmtim;irc server works how06:23
picard1421idk if that also means if i ahve it instsalled or if its not installed?06:23
jaredalso, another question: is aMSN naturally laggy/freezy/doesn't run well?06:23
xompstrange, well.. HeadAche just ask your question.06:24
timvbmn: Check it out here: http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/new2irc.html#what06:24
wiesshund_picard1421>>  try this sudo apt-get install x-window-system-core06:24
picard1421same error06:25
xanguajared: is slow, if you want a 'windows messenger' like interface try emesene or kmess (kde)06:25
picard1421its not an error it says its a virtual package bprovided by xorg (and the rest in earlier post)06:25
wiesshund_picard1421>>  1 sec06:25
picard1421but it doesnt have the thing saying its installed06:25
xompHeadAche, sorry lol, you should ask in the main chat here :306:25
jaredxangua: would i be able to use kmess if i'm running ubuntu, not kubuntu? what about emesene?06:25
xanguajared: yes, no problem...but you will need to add extra libraries06:26
jaredxangua: what if i'm a noob at linux? :)06:26
xanguathen what¿¿06:26
picard1421or to make this easier.. is there anyway to install GDM 1 on Ubuntu 10.04 server edition06:27
xanguajust use the software center jared06:27
picard1421just take the command line version nad have a GUI login but the old style not this new garbage..06:27
comronHello. I was wondering if someone could help me with an apt-get error. I'm new to Ubuntu. I'm on lucid06:27
jaredxangua: thanks i was thinking that also. if i choose kmess from the software center will it install the libraries for me?06:27
jaredokay, thank you very much kind sir! :)06:28
wiesshund_picard1421>>  try this sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-core06:28
xanguacomron: the first step would be.....what error¿06:28
timcomron: Hi! I'm sorry you're having problems... Are you running apt-get in the Terminal?06:28
comronxangua: E: Sub-process returned an error code when I run sudo apt-get update06:28
comronxangua: seems like almost anything i do with apt-get i get that error06:28
picard1421ok ?06:28
picard1421did that06:28
comronactually, strike that. seems like just update right now.06:29
wiesshund_picard1421>>  it should either say its getting it or it already has it?06:29
comrontim: and yes from the command line.06:29
jeraldguys... help me... my window titlebars are missing06:29
comrontim: its an ec2 instance06:29
HeadAcheinstalled 10.04 fine. now i need to get the raid card recognized. found the card in the dmesg, but it's listed as scsi7.. when i was expecting it to have like a sda1 or something. does that mean the bios sees it but a driver has not been loaded, or...?06:29
wiesshund_If it is getting it, after its done you should be able to startx06:29
picard1421k it got it06:29
picard1421still nothin06:29
xanguajerald: alt+f2 > metacity --replace > enter06:29
timcomron: Paste the terminal output here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/06:30
xanguacomron: and that error code would be........ do i have to guess¿¿ use pastebin if it's too long06:30
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:30
dhanuu it says x-window-system-core has no installation candidate06:30
dhanuu<HeadAche> anyone here sadistic enough to help a somewhat clueless blonde with 10.04 server?06:30
dhanuu<picard1421> package is virtual packge provided by Xorg 1:7.4+3ubuntu10 >>06:30
dhanuu<picard1421> what in the world does that mean06:30
dhanuu<jared> okay, thank you xangua06:30
FloodBot2dhanuu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:30
=== Kaie is now known as Guest21754
picard1421no idea.06:30
comronxangua: there is no error code.06:30
comronxangua: that is the full error. :)06:30
jeraldso simple..06:30
picard1421wiesshund_ i guess the easiet thing to do would be to use 10.04 but somehow have ... a way toooo..06:30
picard1421isntall GDM or XMD oldschool style??06:30
jeraldxangua, thanks.. it works..06:30
picard1421any thoughts about that?06:31
comrontim: http://paste.ubuntu.com/472500/06:31
picard1421install XDM 1 not XDM or GDM 2 on 10.04??06:31
* dhanuu slaps abiy around a bit with a large trout06:31
* dhanuu slaps acidblue around a bit with a large trout06:32
indroraHow can I mount devices under HAL without being in GNOME or KDE?06:32
* dhanuu slaps 94SAAD39J around a bit with a large trout06:32
Colonel_PanicI'm currently using tar to make a compressed backup of my file system. I'm regretting not taking steps to monitor the progress of the command. any suggestions as to how I can stay posted on the progress?06:32
* dhanuu slaps 94SAAD39J around a bit with a large trout06:32
indroraI'm getting an org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.PermissionDenied06:32
tim!flood > dhanuu06:32
ubottudhanuu, please see my private message06:32
jeraldhow about my audio.. I can't hear a sound..06:32
indroraI'm part of plugdev, but I cant mount things via HAL/Dbus.06:32
timcomron: Hmm... Have you changed your archive locations?06:32
comroni added "multiverse" to each line in sources.list06:33
timcomron: Paste your sources.list here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/06:33
comrontim: way ahead of you: http://paste.ubuntu.com/472502/06:33
jeraldguys help me with my audio here.. thank you06:33
timcomron: :]06:33
wrektjetive been working on getting my g11 keyboard working with 10.04 for a couple of days with no luck. if anyone knows a good guide somewhere id app the link. thnx06:34
ActionParsnip!details | jerald06:34
ubottujerald: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."06:34
ActionParsnipwrektjet: is it usb?06:34
timcomron: Ah. That's the problem.06:34
vbnmive locations?06:34
vbnm* dvaske has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)06:34
vbnm* ActionParsnip (~ActionPar@genld-224-024.t-mobile.co.uk) has joined #ubuntu06:34
vbnm* malnilion_ has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)06:34
vbnm<comron> i added "multiverse" to each line in sources.list06:34
FloodBot2vbnm: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:34
vbnm* jared has quit (Quit: Leaving)06:34
wrektjetActionParsnip, yes. it works basically. i mean all the extra keys and settings06:35
timcomron: I would suggest regenerating your sources.list from here: http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/06:35
Colonel_PanicI'm not even sure if my tar command was correct as the backup.tar.gz file seems to be remaining at 45bytes :/  Here is a pastebin of the command I used if someone would be so kind as to have a look: http://pastebin.com/DkvwPE0e06:35
ubottuTo switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts06:35
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts06:35
comrontim: OK, i'll take a look. Thanks.06:35
jeraldubottu,  okay..sorry newbie here.. I am using ubuntu 10.04 lucid.. I installed this Ubuntu as wubi.. and now I can't hear a sound.. I tried installing hardwares but it still don't work06:35
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:35
ActionParsnipwrektjet: the shortcuts factoid is what you need ^06:36
HeadAchehelp please...-> installed 10.04 fine. now i need to get the raid card recognized. found the card in the dmesg, but it's listed as scsi7.. when i was expecting it to have like a sda1 or something. does that mean the bios sees it but a driver has not been loaded, or...?06:36
ActionParsnipjerald: ok what is the product line in the output of: sudo lshw -C sound06:36
IdleOnedhanuu: stop your trolling now06:36
timcomron: I think the problem is your package installer (apt-get / aptitude / synaptic / software center) can't connect to the ec2 cloud and needs to be set to a main Ubuntu server.06:36
comrontim: are priorities built into apt-get? meaning does it make a difference if i use 'backports' will apt-get give me a supported package before an unsupported one?06:37
jeraldActionParsnip, hold on.. can you give me the link where I will paste the output?06:37
ActionParsnipHeadAche: dmesg will find everything by default. Doesn't mean its configured06:37
zkriesse!pastebin | jerald06:37
ubottujerald: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:37
ActionParsnipjerald: its a single line (we don't need the chip on the video card)06:37
jeraldActionParsnip,  here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/472505/06:38
ActionParsnipHeadAche: if you run: lspci ,you will see the chip it uses and you can find guides using that. You may just see your drives with: sudo fdisk -l ,in which case you are good to go06:38
jeraldActionParsnip,  how do i go to product line?06:39
ActionParsnipjerald: ok is the system a laptop?06:39
ActionParsnipjerald: the product line you can see, just read your pastebin06:39
jeraldActionParsnip, It's a desktop06:39
ActionParsnipjerald: is it branded or a homebuild?06:40
jeraldActionParsnip, you mean this one? VT1708/A [Azalia HDAC] (VIA High Definition Audio Controller)06:40
timcomron: I don't think the official Ubuntu packages will overlap. If you install someone's PPA or a separate package, you might encounter difficulties.06:40
jeraldActionParsnip, it's homebuild06:40
ActionParsnipjerald: exactly. Websearch for that to find guides06:40
comrontim: ok.06:40
jeraldActionParsnip, thanks.. I'll look for it.. I'll be back if I can't find one06:41
ActionParsnipjerald: brands help but now you know your sound chip and can find guides06:41
timcomron: IMHO, I wouldn't edit the sources.list file manually. I always use synaptic for my packages.06:41
comrontim: i'm not sure if this site is working right. It's generating invalid urls.. "http://....archaive.ubuntu.com"06:41
timcomron: Which step are you on? Did you generate the new sources.list?06:42
comrontim; wait one sec06:42
ActionParsnipHehe speeling good06:42
xanguawhat did you do now comron¿¿06:42
comrontim: user error :)06:42
timcomron: XD06:42
optimus55Just installed kubuntu but for some reason already banned form #kubuntu.... anyone here knows how to install themes in kubuntu 10.04? all the tutorials i found have different options available than what i see.06:43
xanguaoptimus55: and why did you get banned¿¿ just download them from http://kde-look.org/ and grab them to you appearence window¿¿06:43
comrontim: same error with the new list file.06:43
hasek79is there a system profiler like osx has that will tell you all about your system?06:43
xanguathat's what i do in gnome, no idea how to in kde06:43
comrontim: E: Sub-process returned an error code06:43
zkriessehasek79: like a System Monitor?06:44
tim!anyone > optimus5506:44
ubottuoptimus55, please see my private message06:44
zkriessehasek79: Go to System -> Administration -> System Monitor06:44
IdleOneoptimus55: are you not being redirected to #kubuntu-proxy-users?06:44
timcomron: Open synaptic and see if it spits back errors.06:45
optimus55xangua: no idea. i said i just installed it today so i'd never been to that chan before. but my real question is i've downloaded the plasma theme, but theres no where that says "add new theme" at least not in the latest kubuntu06:45
hasek79just something to tell me how much ram and my grfx card and processor speed. things like that06:45
optimus55IdleOne: sorry no, it jus says banned straightup06:45
comrontim: not installed apparently.06:45
timcomron: What? Which version of Ubuntu are you using?!06:45
hasek79thank you06:46
comronits an EC2 AMI from http://alestic.com/index.html06:46
timcomron: Ubuntu or Kubuntu or Ubuntu server or etc or etc?06:46
hasek79duh i feel stupid06:46
zkriessehasek79: not a problem06:46
comrontim: I'm not sure, actually.06:46
timcomron: Can you post the terminal output of "uname -a" ?06:47
zkriessecomron: Go to System -> About Ubuntu06:47
comrontim: Linux domU-12-31-39-00-DC-31 2.6.32-305-ec2 #9-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 15 08:05:38 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux06:47
BeeBuuany one teach me: how can i use the 5th serial port on mainboard under ubuntu?06:48
HeadAcheActionParsnip: Thanks. the raid card was listed in lspci, and "sudo fdisk -l" also showed it, (so yay!, right?)06:48
Colonel_Paniccould someone take a look at this tar command?: http://pastebin.com/GDunn4RH06:48
timcomron: Well... Your system clock is off, but that probably isn't the biggest deal.06:48
Colonel_Panicthe output file is only 45bytes thought the file system I'm trying to copy is about 20GB :/06:49
comrontim: lol, didn't even notice. that isn't even close06:49
Colonel_Panicno love06:51
timcomron: Ok. So. This is what I've learned so far. Your system is an ec2 installation (which I'm not really familiar with) and has no GUI. Am I correct? I apologize I'm not good with clouds.06:51
comrontim: yes, exactly06:52
matrixi want to install sun-java6-bin06:52
matrixbut aptitude has not it06:52
yuliantoi have problem to operation spss06:52
xangua!partner | matrix06:52
ubottumatrix: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »06:52
tim!enter > matrix06:52
ubottumatrix, please see my private message06:52
xanguayou will find it there06:52
=== DarkNemesis is now known as darknemesis
matrixsudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner06:53
timcomron: I'm clueless about cloud installations. Did you install Ubuntu though the internet on many systems or is it one system? Or was it installed from a CD or other media?06:53
matrixit s not work06:53
comrontim: it's basically just an image made by Canonical, that I can load up.06:54
matrixhelp me pls06:54
comrontim: and it is very widly used, so I feel like I must have done something wrong when customizing it.06:54
timcomron: On what? An actual computer or is it a virtual desktop connected through SSH?06:55
xanguamatrix: then just go to system>administration>software sources, and enable it from there06:55
comrontim: it's on ec2, i'm just connected through ssh.06:55
AegNuddelDoes FreeVial have any way to get English questions?06:55
bnmktim :the best os06:55
matrixthank you06:56
matrixand i have different problem06:56
tomojany tips on how to figure out why my Fn+volup/voldown keys aren't working? xev output: https://gist.github.com/69eb867a3980071c488d , no output from acpi_listen.06:58
timcomron: I am clueless. Really. :p I'm sorry. I am worthless when it comes to ec2. Check out http://is.gd/dZHhU ? Maybe?06:58
timbnmk: I'm sorry. I didn't understand you. Could you rephrase that?06:58
comrontim: well, thanks. Im going to load up the original image, and see if it has the same problem. Maybe I just messed up my configuration.06:58
comrontim: i'll let you know what I find.06:58
timcomron: There are 2 chat chans for ec206:59
timcomron: Might want to try there before anything drastic.06:59
comrontim: it's nothing drastic, just booting up another image :) It's the cloud! :D07:00
timcomron: That's all Greek to me! :D07:00
yuliantoplease give me solution07:00
yuliantoanybody have same problem?07:00
yuliantoi health primer care07:01
tim!anybody | yulianto07:01
ubottuyulianto: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:01
yuliantoi am sorry because i must work07:02
AegNuddelDoes FreeVial have any way to get English questions? (Note no does anybody/anyone)07:03
timAegNuddel: I don't think so at this moment. By this page: https://translations.launchpad.net/freevial it looks like it's just in Spanish.07:05
OrderZeroGuys, so I want a foot on my desktop07:05
arooni-mobileis there a way to turn off the annoying sound that 10.04 ubuntu makes when i try to delete text in a field (in any app).  i hear it coming out of my computer loudly.  where theres nothing left to delete?07:05
OrderZerohow do I foot on my desktop so no more ugly icon07:05
xanguaarooni-mobileclic on the sound indicator> preferences07:06
timarooni-mobile: Click on your volume icon in your panel and click on "Sound Preference". From there you can mute your alert volumes.07:06
AegNuddeltim, actually it comes with catalan ;)07:08
timAegNuddel: Oh my.07:08
AegNuddeltim, and it's not fair since the repository shows an English question in the picture07:08
timAegNuddel: I know... I'm downloading the app now. I'm intrigued!07:09
dhaneshteach ubuntu07:11
yuliantoso what should i do?07:11
AegNuddeltim, it's like trivial pursuit.  I figured some words out about 1/3 of the time, because I do speak French.  Otherwise, I just guessed...07:11
yuliantoplease help me07:11
arooni-mobiletim,  alert volume is already 007:11
littlemacsbackAnyone here familiar with hp printer problems?07:11
dhanesh=-Ogood enough07:12
dhaneshdont be over smart07:12
dhanesh:Pit is good07:12
dhaneshtim are you there07:12
IdleOne!ot | dhanesh07:12
ubottudhanesh: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:12
timdhanesh: Yes?07:13
littlemacsbackOh! you mean the hp question. No, it is a problem printing w/ubuntu07:13
dhaneshubottu:oh i forgot that thanks for remembering me:'(07:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:14
BeeBuuany one teach me: how can i use the 5th serial port on mainboard under ubuntu?07:14
jinxzshelp top and bottom panels are not showing anymore07:14
dotnettedHey all, stupid question: why can't I seem to symlink /etc/apache2/ to /data2/conf/apache2/? [ln -s /etc/apache2/ /data2/conf/apache2/ = (ln: `/data2/conf/apache2/apache2': File exists)]07:14
zkriessejinxzs: You probably deleted them07:14
IdleOne!resetpanels | jinxzs07:14
ubottujinxzs: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »07:14
cmwslwi have a script that requires bash instead of dash. how do i temporarily switch for this script?07:14
timarooni-mobile: I would set the sound theme to "None"07:14
dotnetted- /etc/apache2/ does not currently exist and /data2/conf/apache2 does exist07:14
Flannelcmwslw: make sure the shebang points to bash instead of sh07:15
Flannelcmwslw: (/bin/bash instead of /bin/sh)07:15
trouble706_jinxzx did you delete the panel?07:15
littlemacsbackPrinter problem is only w/ unbuntu-head moves back and forth just no ink-OK in xp07:15
jinxzs@ubottu it sayas must begin with a slash07:16
ogunayhi, rhythmbox launchs at startup, do you know how can i cancel that process?07:16
w_Hrm my pc crashes if it lags just a little bit or in 20/30 minutes everytime. it gives me a black screen with text on it and then I get a screen with straight grey bars.07:16
w_And they blink.07:17
rdw200169BeeBuu: what do you mean by '5th' ... i'm assuming you're talking about a specific 'serial' interface utilizing an RS-232 hardware plug, and the one you are trying to use is the fifth out of at least 5 serial ports.  i'm confused as to why you would have a problem with the fifth, if the other four are (assumed) to be working correctly07:17
BeeBuurdw200169: no,there are 6 serial port on board07:17
=== Kaie is now known as Guest35616
rdw200169BeeBuu: regardless, the other serial ports work correctly?07:18
BeeBuuyes,all ok; but no ttyS4 in /dev07:18
BeeBuuand no ttyS507:19
dhaneshtim:are you there07:19
TuxSaxBeeBuu: Have you checked the BIOS settings for all the serial ports? perhaps it's a resources issue07:19
rdw200169BeeBuu: is there an upstart configuration for the subsequent ttyS interfaces07:19
rdw200169BeeBuu: wait, nevermind, i missed the /dev07:20
xTheGoat121xI'm trying to share my wireless card via ethernet to a WinXP machine... last time I did this it worked no problem, but no I just get limited connectivity07:20
BeeBuurdw200169: i don't know how to do07:20
arooni-mobiletim, i already did thagt07:20
xae8kooI thougth I had an older version of Ubuntu, turns out I have Lucid Lynx :S07:20
cmwslwas a followup on my problem, it seems the script i use does some checking on /bin/sh07:20
timarooni-mobile: Sorry... I've got nothing...07:21
rdw200169BeeBuu: i agree with TuxSax, its also possible, considering that there are so many serial interfaces, that your mobo is using multiple chipsets to control them all.  perhaps ubuntu can recognize some, but not all, the serial interfaces.  check dmesg/syslog for signs of issues.07:21
cmwslwcan i temporarily link /bin/sh to /bin/dash just to run this script?07:21
tensorpuddingsh is a link to dash by default07:21
cmwslwoops i mean /bin/dash07:21
cmwslwgah bash07:21
BeeBuurdw200169: en.. let me check the syslog07:21
tensorpuddingif it claims to use #!/bin/sh, but requires bash, then whoever wrote the script should be hit07:22
dhaneshtim:are you there07:22
KE1HAtey a dmesg | grep tty  and see what's happening with the ports, then setserial -g /dev/ttyS[01234] to set them up.07:22
timdhanesh: Yes. What.07:22
cmwslwtensorpudding: its this stupid installanywhere script07:22
BeeBuuKE1HA: thanks07:22
tensorpuddingyou can replace the #!/bin/sh with #!/bin/bash07:23
tensorpuddingthat should work07:23
dhaneshim:tv tuner card can be worked in ubuntu07:23
dhaneshtim:tv tuner card can be worked in ubuntu07:23
tensorpuddingif it calls sh inside the script, replace all instances of sh with bash07:23
BeeBuuKE1HA: setseial can set the port up?07:23
tensorpuddingusing a text editor, sed, or whatever regex-based thing you prefer07:23
dhaneshtim:tv tuner card can be worked in ubuntu07:23
KE1HAsetserial is a program designed to set and/or report the configuration information associated with a serial port.07:24
cmwslwtensorpudding: i could do that but i'd rather not mess with the script07:24
dhaneshpixelview is my tv card07:24
cmwslwbut i will if i can't change what /bin/sh links to temporarily07:24
tensorpuddingyou can delete /bin/sh, then recreate it as a symlink to bash, but that's kinda gross07:24
timdhanesh: I don't understand you... I'm sorry. Could you rephrase that?07:25
dhaneshtim:i have tv tuner card.will it works on ubuntu.it works inwin xp07:25
timdhanesh: I would expect it would work. Have you tried it?07:26
KE1HABeeBuu, Here's the Debian/ubuntu Way od sealing with them: http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-set-up-a-serial-console-client  or at least the console clients.07:27
kasПрив всем!07:27
MaRk-I!ru | kas07:27
ubottukas: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke07:27
teofrenWould you recommend any good distro for a semi-newbie besides Ubuntu?07:27
avg_guywas wondering if there was a dvd audio extractor tool in ubuntu i could use?07:28
saganbyteHi, how can I mount a thumbdrive using th terminal? When I inserted it in the USB port, it said, not authourized, cannot mount07:28
KE1HAteofren, Debian / Ubuntu .. Best support, friendly usage.07:28
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BeeBuuKE1HA: dmsg get : serial  00:0c disable07:29
BeeBuuserial 00:0d disable07:29
BeeBuuis it mean i can't use it?07:30
KE1HABeeBuu, I would say, yes, that's an issue.07:31
BeeBuuKE1HA: Oh,how can i fix it?07:31
KE1HABeeBuu, Like what was said earlier, start with your BIOS and make sure you have your IRQ's in order and they are all enabled then use app like minicom to test each one.07:32
KE1HABeeBuu, Im assuming these are all physical COM ports, not USB-COM ports ?07:33
BeeBuuKE1HA: i did07:33
BeeBuumy port are: port1-Address:3F8/IRQ4  port2-2F8/IRQ4   port3-3E8/IRQ11  port4-2D8/IRQ10   port5-2f0/IRQ11   port6-2e0/IrQ1007:35
KE1HABeeBuu, this is going back a ways, but I recall having to custom compile Kernels becasue they did not support dserial numbers greater that 4 /dev/ssty3. You may want to check into that also.07:35
HeadAchewhat do command I use to format a disk in 10.04 server? do i install and use gparted?07:36
KE1HABeeBuu, where is that info comming from ?07:36
demopigDoes the server4 dition include wvd#il by default?07:36
BeeBuuKE1HA: you mean the default kernels only setup 4 serial ports?07:36
demopigDoes the server edition include wvdial by default?07:36
KE1HABeeBuu, in the past, yes, that was the case.07:37
BeeBuuKE1HA: the messages i got from BIOS07:37
wthpr0HeadAche: user fdisk07:37
KE1HABeeBuu, I dont ahve a box with more than one physical COM port to test this for you at the moment.07:37
KE1HABeeBuu, rr on the BIOS. I'd be looking at the Kernel for a possible solution.07:38
BeeBuuwhat's the rr mean?07:38
KE1HABeeBuu, Old habbit, mean roger that in the Radio / Comms World.07:39
HeadAchewthpr0: i thought fdisk was only for partitioning? can i format from fdisk too?07:40
BeeBuu:) roger07:40
demopigI guess none of you know.07:40
wthpr0HeadAche: sorry if you want to formate a disk you use: mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda107:41
wthpr0HeadAche: if you want to formate sda107:41
BeeBuuKE1HA: you are great.i only a user on ubuntu, never take a look at the kernel07:41
steph021if the preseed file, how do i copy files from the cd/iso over to the new filesystem?07:42
vexati0nhay guise i found a bug. i'm trying to find this option: http://www.spagbook.com/images/lolgnome.png in GNOME.07:42
vexati0ni mean... if windows 95 can do it, surely GNOME can, right?07:42
kevin_is their any way to change the default directory in the terminal?07:43
HeadAchewthpr0: thanks! are there other format commands for different filesystems?07:43
zhxkhello, how can i use kvm to boot from an iso file?07:43
comrontim: still having this problem. the return code is 100, if that helps.07:43
KE1HABeeBuu, dont know about Great, but everyone here trys to help as much as they can.07:44
helpmeeeeHello can anyone please help me i need help with WUBI ubuntu please? im trying to change my boot back to windows xp because i changed my boot to ubuntu default and i dont know how to use ubuntu to change it back im very confused07:45
jinxzshi is there anyone can help me about gdesklets its not working07:45
timcomron: By this website: http://www.mail-archive.com/puppet-users@googlegroups.com/msg02635.html error 100 is just a generic error code07:46
demopighelpmeeee: I wouldn't recommend wubi07:46
KE1HABeeBuu, Do a quick: ls /dev/ttyS* and tell em how many is reported ?07:46
comrontim: fantastic :)07:46
timcomron: Can you pastebin your sources.list again?07:46
=== lit3l is now known as litel
helpmeeeeAll i need to know is how to change back to windows xp im not gonna used WUBI07:47
helpmeeeebut WUBI is my default boot and im not really that good at computer tech stuff... so i dont know what to do07:47
comrontim: http://paste.ubuntu.com/472528/07:48
KE1HABeeBuu, here's why I say this, in the kernel config there a line: The kernel configuration parameters: CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_RUNTIME_UARTS=4  I think that's the default and possibly your porble.07:48
KE1HABeeBuu, CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_NR_UARTS=4 set the maximum number of ordinary serial ports (UARTs) equal to 407:49
comrontim: is there anyway to get more verbose output from apt-get?07:49
timcomron: Maybe try adding "-V" to the end of your apt-get command07:50
comrontim: yeah it doesn't give me anymore info07:51
mikeruquick! where can I upload a pic and embed it somewhere else? like photobucket, but that allows for 1280x72007:51
demopigDo a lot of you run ubuntu server?07:51
SwedeMikemikeru: imgur.com07:52
mikeruSwedeMike: thanks07:52
comrontim: no matter what i do to my sources.list I get this error. I've removed multiverse, I've used us.archive.07:52
timcomron: That's what I was going to suggest...07:53
KE1HABeeBuu, A workaround to recompiling the Kernel would be: You may override this via the kernel command line for example: nr_uarts=16 (if serial support built into the kernel) or 8250.nr_uarts=16 (if serial support is via a module). The boot loader (grub) can be told to do this.07:53
comrontim: i even removed everything but the main line. same error07:53
timcomron: Ok. Can you try this? Backup your sources.list file and make this one the new one: http://paste.ubuntu.com/472530/07:54
comrontim: sure07:55
=== EvilPhoenix is now known as EvilTrek
blitzoi'm a little confused how to control what services will run on boot07:55
comrontim: same problem07:55
timdid you do a "sudo apt-get update"?07:56
comrontim: I'm starting to think its not a problem with my sources.list file :)07:56
timcomron: I'm thinking that too... :p07:56
ndxtgok I'm need help. I want to do some OpenGL programming, I installed the freeglut3-dev package from synaptic. Now where to enter the code and run?07:56
blitzoi'm a little confused how to control what services will run on boot07:56
tim!hi > Sandking07:56
ubottuSandking, please see my private message07:56
Sandkingwhat's erst table? i got error about that during bootup07:56
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Sandkinghello tim07:57
Sandkinganyone using 1001p or 1005p eee?07:57
Taevanyone here familiar with Clam AV?07:57
BeeBuuKE1HA: sorry,i'm back now07:57
helpmeeeeIs there any way to just quickly uninstall WUBI(Ubuntu) and just go back to my windows xp ?? can anyone answerme :( and this is my first time in this chat program..?07:58
blitzohow do you control what services will start on boot07:58
tensorpuddingblitzo: ubuntu uses upstart for that07:58
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/07:58
BeeBuuKE1HA: ls /dev/ttyS? get ttyS0~ ttyS307:58
KE1HABeeBuu, No worries, read my posts up a bit.07:58
blitzotensorpudding, tell me HOW to do that?07:58
KE1HABeeBuu, I think the kernel is limiting you COM ports to 4.07:58
SandkingKE1HA: you're full time here? :]07:59
BeeBuuKE1HA: so i need build my own kernel?07:59
blitzohow do I configure what services will run on boot?07:59
timcomron: Have you tried contacting the devs for your AMI?07:59
comronIts a Ubuntu AMI :)08:00
comronlike an official one :)08:00
KE1HABeeBuu, not full-time no, but I spend a fair amount of time here, and on Launchpad Docs, Bugs and Questons. I would look into passing a Kernel command in Grub forst, then if that fixes it, re-compile the kernel.08:00
tensorpuddingblitzo: I think the old sysv-rc-conf tool still works08:00
comrontim: I'll keep trying some stuff out08:00
tensorpuddingI honestly don't know entirely what upstart is supposed to do08:00
timcomron: Best of luck!08:01
tensorpuddingit has its own scripts but supports using system v's scripts08:01
KE1HAOne way to tell fer sure, it to a test kernel build, but dont make it, just get to the kernel config portion, and look at the URAT values.08:01
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BeeBuuKE1HA: which part message i need change? i only tried running "make menuconfig"08:01
KE1HABeeBuu, Tahts wehre ya want to be, I'd do xconfig as it's graphical.08:02
KE1HAWhoops ... That's where you want to be .. ..08:02
blitzotensorpudding, i have been asking this question for weeks and no one has yet to give a definitive answer - ppl say "upstart does that" yeah i know, or they say "i think this tool might" - like they don't know?  controlling services is at the heart of unix configirability and NOBODY KNOWS???08:02
KE1HABeeBuu, Goe by this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile#AltBuildMethod08:03
helpmeeeeI've been looking around the web for a way to get windows xp as my default and its says to change a line in this file /boot/grub/menu.lst but i cant find it..?08:03
KE1HABeeBuu, then at the menu-config, choose the xconfig for GUI type menu08:03
comrontim: so with a "fresh install" of the AMI, apt-get update works fine.08:04
BeeBuuKE1HA: xconfig?08:04
comrontim: i'll see what step it starts failing at08:04
timcomron: Yay!08:04
Chousukeblitzo: since upstart handles starting services nowadays, you need to go read upstart's documentation08:04
tensorpuddingI don't know why Ubuntu uses upstart but still uses the old System V initscripts08:05
KE1HABeeBuu, Yes, instead of menuconfig do "make xconfig"08:05
tensorpuddingpresumably because most all software outside of that sphere is only aware of System V08:05
KE1HABeeBuu, that's an easier menu to navigate the Kernel options.08:05
BeeBuuKE1HA: i tring..08:05
Chousuketensorpudding: the initscripts are transitional. They're supposed to go away eventually08:05
tensorpuddingPersonally, I hated System V init, and have always favored BSD init08:06
ChaorainHEy, I have a dual boot computer and Windows is freaking out over a legit program that it thinks is a virus, long story short I need to run a .bat file, Can I do this from within Ubuntu?08:06
blitzoChousuke, that is a cop-out answer - the real answer is there is NO way for the end user to control what starts and stops except by installing and uninstall packages08:06
KE1HABeeBuu, you need to follow the How-Too as there's qt packages needed for "make xconfig" that aren't needed for menuconfig.08:06
Chousukeblitzo: eh, that's just not true.08:06
Chousukeblitzo: if there were no way to control these things, then upstart obviously wouldn't work. :P08:06
BeeBuuKE1HA: thanks.i just got error message.08:06
tensorpuddingI wonder if not providing the rc.X functionality is a violation of some sort of standards compliance08:07
BeeBuuKE1HA: wait,i'll install that,would you tell me which part i need change in xconfig/08:07
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Chousuketensorpudding: LSB requires sysV init I think08:07
blitzoChousuke, i have read the docs - they explain how to write a control file and what directories the files are in - there is no tool for starting and stopping services, you have to know the system and know what files to delete or rename - it is fairly complicated and only an experienced sysadmin is gonna be able to figure it out - this is beyond ridiculous08:08
tensorpuddingso will Ubuntu violate LSB if it removes it?08:08
KE1HAThe number of URAT ports. BeeBuu be carful with all this, you can Brick your system if you do this incorrectly.08:08
Taevanyone here heard of a package for ClamAV, KlamAV called Dazuko ?08:09
BeeBuuKE1HA: i wonder is the linux-rt has not this limits?08:09
KE1HABeeBuu, what your looking for is somthing similar to this: CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_NR_UARTS=408:09
ogunayhi, rhythmbox launchs at startup, do you know how can i cancel that process?08:09
w_I need help.08:09
tensorpuddingblitzo: you can use sysv-rc-conf to edit the /etc/rcX.d/ files08:10
tensorpuddingso long as Ubuntu supports the old sysv init that will work08:10
Chousuketensorpudding: that won't work for services that use native upstart configs08:10
blitzotensorpudding, ubuntu uses both the new upstart and the old sysv, that does the old sysv but not the new upstart08:11
Chousukeblitzo: it seems upstart makes this fairly complicated. it seems you can't avoid editing config files.08:11
tensorpuddingIt sounds like upstart was a dumb idea.08:11
ChousukeIt's probably not a dumb idea, just a dumb implementation08:12
blitzotensorpudding, changing HALFWAY and with no configuration tools really means it is beyond stupid to use ubuntu for a server08:12
Chousukesystemd is another new init system, recently introduced in Fedora 14 I think? or was it rawhide08:12
Chousukeit seems very interensting.08:12
Chousukeblitzo: there's no other way that to change "halfway"08:13
tensorpuddingI still don't find it more compelling than BSD's rc08:13
blitzotensorpudding, ubuntu is not suited for commercial applications because of this08:13
KE1HABeeBuu, You could also edit Grun menu.1st file and pass a paremeter like so: kernel /boot/vmlinuz- root=/dev/sda2 ro 8250.nr_uarts=508:13
KE1HA  with the important part ing the ro 8280.nt_urats=508:13
Chousukeblitzo: It's not like sysv is still installed. upstart is all that is used, it just still supports the old init scripts.08:13
BeeBuuKE1HA: after i build own kernel?08:14
tensorpuddingHaving all the distros use different tools is a bit of a pain08:14
blitzoChousuke, some services are in init.d, some are in init, there is no way to control the ones in init but to DELETE them08:14
KE1HABeeBuu, here a discussion on doing this without re-compiling the kernel. Read the whole Thread: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=44080708:14
BeeBuuKE1HA: or just now? with default one?08:14
Chousukeblitzo: or you can edit their configs so that they don't start.08:14
KE1HAalthough it's an older thread, would still apply. yes with current Kernel.08:15
AviMarcus|hiya. Do to X not working with my second screen, and hibernate issue, I upgraded to kernal 2.6.34 last night. My bcm STA driver stopped working, so I installed the fwcutter. But now, after a reboot, I have NO visible network connections, no eth0 or wifi. Both devices are in lspci...08:15
blitzoChousuke, it is easier to delete them08:15
blitzoChousuke, or make a directory for deleted services that upstart won't look in08:15
Chousukeblitzo: but that's a stupid way of doing it.08:15
AviMarcus|I forgot to mention.. everything was working just awesome after the install before the latest reboot08:15
blitzoChousuke, why stupid?08:16
Chousukeblitzo: since then you can't even start the service manually if you need to08:16
BeeBuuKE1HA: let me try that08:16
IdleOne!language | micthell08:16
ubottumicthell: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.08:16
blitzoChousuke, is it not stupid to edit a shell script and put "exit" at the top so it wont run?  and then how do you keep track of which ones have been changed? eh?08:16
Chousukeblitzo: eh, upstart config files are not shell scripts.08:17
KE1HABeeBuu, careful though, could break the system.08:17
AviMarcus|ifconfig is showing only my loopback, and not even my eth008:17
saganbyteIs it a problem to write a 3+ gb file in Ubuntu?08:17
saganbyteto DVD08:17
saganbyteusing Brasserio08:18
Chousukeblitzo: see this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=942211108:18
Chousukeblitzo: is there something else you need?08:18
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SwedeMikesaganbyte: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_9660#The_2.2F4_GiB_file_size_limit08:19
saganbyteSwedeMike, thank you :)08:19
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blitzoChousuke, why did it take 20 mins of heated argument to get an answer on such a vitally fundamental question...08:20
Chousukeblitzo: because you didn't google :P08:20
Chousukeblitzo: that was among the first answers to "upstart how to stop a service"08:21
blitzoChousuke, no one here understands it - it is SO obtuse and SO obscure that nobody has a clue08:21
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/08:21
ChousukeCompared to systemd, it is.08:21
Chousukebut it can't be compared to sysv init because it does many things sysv init simply can't.08:22
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ChaorainHey can someone do me a favor, If somebody name "helpmeeee" come back on can you give him this url please? Thanks a bunch. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#How do I uninstall Wubi?08:22
Chousukemaybe Ubuntu will move to systemd once fedora people demonstrate its superiority but that seems unlikely :P08:22
AviMarcus|so uh, can someone help a recent windows user with network issue? last night a new kernal got everything work peachy. Now, in the morning a reboot later, even the wired doesn't work.08:22
saganbyteSwedeMike, Okay I read up that, but it talks about circumventing th limitation by using the multi-extent (fragmentation) feature of ISO 9660 Level 308:23
saganbyteI dont know how to do that :(08:24
DiploCatAviMarcus|, what is the problem? can you be a bit more descriptive?08:24
saganbyteSwedeMike, I was thinking I ll split the file using rar.. coz it needs to go on a windows machine ultimately08:25
BeeBuuKE1HA: yes! there so many ttySXX in /dev/08:25
AviMarcus|Right now: no network connection08:25
KE1HABeeBuu, Well Done !08:25
BentFranklinJust sitting here tonight, a monitor on one of my ubuntu machines that has sat idle for a couple of days just turned on.  No idea why.  Ran ps aux and there was "/usr/sbin/packa" and /bin/bash.  The only thing that matches the first one is packagekitd.  Anh idea wht that would run and why would it make my monitor think there is activity?08:25
BeeBuuKE1HA: thanks for your help08:25
AviMarcus|no eth0, and no wireless08:25
KE1HABeeBuu, no probloem, glad you got it sorted out.08:25
skumarais there any software in ubuntu that can backup my HDD and later can do disk-to-disk recovery?08:26
DiploCatAviMarcus|, what kind of network card / computer are you using?08:26
BeeBuuKE1HA: glad to meet you.08:26
KE1HABeeBuu, rr .. same.08:26
BeeBuuthanks tons08:26
AviMarcus|DiploCat it's a dell inspiron 6400, broadcom bcm 4401 eth, bcm 4311 wlan08:27
AviMarcus|the eth always worked08:27
AviMarcus|the wlan worked with STA or fwcutter08:27
AviMarcus|but after last reboot, I can't seet the eth and the fwcutter reinstallation doesn't seem to help08:27
rdw200169BeeBuu: so, the uarts=5 bit in the grub menu worked out?08:28
BentFranklinIs there any reason to believe this machine has visitors I'm unaware of?08:28
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BentFranklinIt's just a fresh install of 10.4 + firefox + emacs08:29
BeeBuurdw200169: i'm checking the new coming port,please wait.08:30
bigthe books under table08:31
KE1HABeeBuu, do a reboot and then dmesg | grep ttyS*08:31
bige fica gente on line nessa porra é?08:31
AviMarcus|DiploCat, any ideas?08:32
BeeBuuKE1HA: sure,i "ls /dev/ttyS??" after reboot,got many ttySport08:32
bigreboot? no more time.08:33
BeeBuuKE1HA: and "dmesg "show correct IRQ value each port08:33
KE1HABeeBuu, then you need to test their true functionality with somethign like minicomm08:33
magnetronhi, can you recommend me a maildir watcher that sits in the gnome panel or notification area?08:33
bigai meu cacete08:33
DiploCatAviMarcus|, just looking into that card... what version of ubuntu (or kernel) are you running?08:33
KE1HABeeBuu, or anything you have that needs a COMM port that you know works.08:33
bigBeeBuu and Ke1ha friendship!?...08:34
KE1HABeeBuu, rr :-)08:34
BeeBuuKE1HA: may i only use setserail to work?08:35
mespejelhello which are the major difference between currect ubuntu 10.04 and ubuntu 10.1008:35
blitzoChousuke, here is how you control what services start on boot: "vi /etc/init/*"08:35
DiploCatAviMarcus|, are you cards being recognised at all? in a terminal try: lspci - are they listed? and if so, what info do you get from: ifconfig ?08:35
bighi! Beebuu08:35
blitzoChousuke, that is beyond stupid08:35
BeeBuubig:guten tag.08:36
KE1HABeeBuu, You'd have to install setserial I think, minicomm is probably a better option.08:36
blitzoChousuke, it is an enormous security hole - if someone sets a job to run on boot that shouldn't be the sysadmin has no way to detect it08:37
KE1HABeeBuu, but anythign you have that is true serial can be used to test them.08:37
Bobby_CapeHi all I have a Sony Vio VGN_FW55GF 64bit laptop that worked 100% on Kubuntu 10.4 , last night i installed ubuntu 10.4 and my mouse pad does not work. I have to use an external mouse. Any idea where I begin08:37
mespejelno one?08:37
bigwhat? BeeBuu08:37
bazhangmespejel, maverick discussion in #ubuntu+108:37
AviMarcus|DiploCatY 2.6.34, and it was working last night :x08:37
blitzoChousuke, and if you don;t know the answer, say so instead of telling the asker to rtfm!!!08:37
bazhangbig, did you have an ubuntu support question?08:38
bigMuch zone08:38
KE1HABeeBuu, Minicomm How-Too: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Minicom08:38
bazhangbig, excuse me?08:38
bazhangbig, this is not a chat channel; chat in #ubuntu-offtopic08:38
BeeBuuKE1HA: thans08:38
mkvo0I am trying to boot Ubuntu from a USB hard drive. No matter what I seem to do with GRUB, I wind up at the 'GRUB rescue' prompt. GRUB rescue /can/ see the USB hard drive and its partitions with the 'ls' command, but booting seems futile. Also, it is not a faulty install--plugging the USB drive into another machine works. Any ideas?08:38
AviMarcus|yes, in lspci both are listed. and..08:39
bigi use big linux 408:39
AviMarcus|ifconfig just has the lo08:39
=== Bastien is now known as Bastien__
AviMarcus|(it's ubuntu 10.04, installed 2 days ago :x)08:40
bazhangbig, that is not supported here; please /join #ubuntu-offtopic if you have no ubuntu support issues08:40
bigbazhang,and because it is written chat?08:41
bazhang!ot | big08:41
ubottubig: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:41
DiploCatAviMarcus|, how about if you type: lsmod - does it come up there?08:42
bigbazhang,but I have no problem supporting ubuntu.08:42
bigbazhang, :/08:43
DiploCatsomething like b44?08:43
AviMarcus|(darn no highlights in mirc)08:43
raideli need help with the audio in xvidcap plese08:44
maurer_Anyone know how to get gwibber to display my facebook news feed?08:44
AviMarcus|there's lots of stuff in lsmod, what am I looking for?08:44
DiploCatAviMarcus|, b44 in particular08:44
AviMarcus|nor bcm, or broad, or eth08:45
bigubottu and bazhang, but I do not use Ubuntu, use big ilnux 4.108:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:45
DiploCatAviMarcus|, what did you do to install it originally? did it just work, or did you have to run some "modprobe" commands?08:45
bazhangbig, this is not a chat channel, please join #ubuntu-offtopic if you wish to chat08:45
AviMarcus|eth worked out of the box08:45
AviMarcus|wifi I had to install the "proprietary" driver08:46
bigbazhang,and how does it make?08:47
DiploCatwhat was involved with installing the proprietary driver? something must have changed if it worked initially08:47
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AviMarcus|hmm. Don't think I changed any systems things.08:47
AviMarcus|but I never messed with eth0 and that's gone08:48
bigta certo NG, =]08:48
DiploCatAviMarcus|, did you install ssb or ndiswrapper or something like that? eth0 doesn't disappear for the fun of it :)08:48
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AviMarcus|ssb? dun think so. ndis, no. Lemme check08:49
bazhangbig, yes?08:49
AviMarcus|ndiswrapper shows as not installed. I don't see ssb in the synaptic package manager08:50
bigbazhang, and how to do to join in Ubuntu?08:50
bazhangbig  /join #ubuntu-offtopic08:50
bigbazhang,I am using a big Linux 4.108:51
AviMarcus|big - what don't you understand??08:51
bazhangbig, you want the biglinux irc channel?08:52
Naznazhi, I got a question about compiz and the cube not working, is this the right channel or is there a seperate one for compiz?08:52
bazhang#compiz Naznaz08:52
IdleOne!br | big08:53
ubottubig: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.08:53
comronanyone know of an ec2 focused channel on freenode?08:53
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bigAviMarcus and bazhang , everything! until now I'm traveling here!08:53
DiploCatAviMarcus|, I'm not sure why anything would have changed after a reboot, I guess it depends on what network settings / stuff you installed when it was working... it might be worth trying: modprobe b44 - but I am just guessing without knowing more info about how it started :\08:54
AviMarcus|what do you mean by travelling? is english your native / first langeage?08:54
AviMarcus|I did that and ssb popped up in the error message08:54
maurer_Anyone know how to get gwibber to display my facebook news feed?08:54
bighey!!! as I do?08:55
DiploCatAviMarcus|, try sudo modprobe -r ssb b44 - and then sudo modprobe b4408:55
IdleOnebig: continuar com um mal comportamento após ter sido avisado, e comportamentos similares serão recompensados com um ban.08:55
AviMarcus|after 1st: FATAL: Module ssb is in use08:55
AviMarcus|wired is back08:56
AviMarcus|I think08:56
IdleOnebig: Please understand this channel is not for normal chat. it is for Ubuntu support.08:56
AviMarcus|yeah, a web site loaded08:56
DiploCatAviMarcus|, yeah, apparently ssb causes probs with wired on that card08:56
AviMarcus|what is ssb? :X08:56
DiploCatAviMarcus|, you might want to check /etc/modules to see if it's set to auto load on boot (if it is, get rid of it)08:57
rdw200169comron: if you're asking about ubuntu on ec2, ask on #ubuntu-server08:57
bigfor all, ok, sorry if I caused trouble to you!08:57
AviMarcus|modules only has "lp" in it08:58
DiploCatAviMarcus|, this article might solve your problem: http://gf4e.wordpress.com/2008/04/28/ndiswrapper-and-ssb-conflict/08:58
bigI can only take one question?09:00
DiploCatAviMarcus|, or this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=127363209:00
bighow is this channel?09:01
bazhang!cn | gangwa09:02
ubottugangwa: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk09:02
bigbazhang, if you read some of my questions, answer me please?!09:03
bazhangbig, not here.  in #ubuntu-offtopic09:03
bigbazhang, ok...thank ouy so much!09:04
frxstremcan Ubuntu handle multiple network connections (such as an ethernet connection and a wireless connected) properly? so that for instace if some host cannot be reached through the ethernet connection, it would try with the wireless connection (unlike what does now)?09:05
drygrainyes frxstrem09:06
KE1HAAviMarcus|, if the ndiswrapper / modprobe works, you may want to add ndiswrapper to /etc/modules so it cranks up at boot properly.09:06
drygrainit always works that way for me09:06
rkviraniLoving Terminator for Gnome09:07
rkviraniso rad...09:07
rkviraniAre there any IRC servers where people chat about M$ stuff?09:08
AviMarcus|KE1HA: I don't use nidswrappe, I use the b43 fwcutter has been working09:08
bazhangrkvirani, ##windows09:08
blitzoChousuke, since you're such a kow-it-all about upstart can you tell me how to make nfs only gets started manually without screwing anything else up?  and if you don't know, please just say so instead of giving me a run around09:08
AviMarcus|however, right now it says "avtivated but not in use"09:08
frxstremdrygrain: well, I had connected both an ethernet cable to a router that is not connected to the internet, and a wireless connection that is, and it tells me that it connects to both, but when I try to go to for instance google.com, it would say that there was a problem with the network connection etc. and that the host could not be reached, even though it should have since I *was* connected to the internet. therefore I could not use both,09:08
frxstrem and had to disconnect my ethernet before I could use the wireless connection. this is *not* what I want :/09:08
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AviMarcus|how do I blacklist ssb?09:08
KE1HAAviMarcus|, understand, was just following up on the link DiploCat sent you.09:09
AviMarcus|so the wired works after that modprobe -r command09:10
rkviraniSo happy to have my dads old headless broken laptop09:10
rkviraniput ubuntu server on it09:10
rkviraniand its a very very quite home-server09:10
rkviranithe quitest I have ever had :)09:10
pozicHow can I see remotely whether or not someone pressed a button on the keyboard in the last 10 minutes or so?09:10
rkviraniGood endpoint for jumping around at work.09:10
Benkinooby! german09:10
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.09:10
tensorpuddingpozic: install a keylogger09:10
pozictensorpudding: anyone of them in Ubuntu?09:11
tensorpuddingi have no idea if the ubuntu repos have them09:11
BIGL4ei, bazhang,that channel is stuck!09:11
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tensorpuddingthey are things which are most always used malevolently09:11
sobersabreI'm trying to svn export a tree from a repository.09:12
sobersabremy command is:09:12
pozictensorpudding: most guns also have that.09:12
sobersabresvn export --username=user --password=pass http://server/path/to/dir09:12
sobersabreI am getting:09:12
sobersabresvn: Destination directory exists; please remove the directory or use --force to overwrite09:13
tensorpuddingthey do have packet sniffers and wardrivers in the repos I think09:13
sobersabreWTF ?09:13
sobersabreif I'm running ls I don't see this directory.09:13
frxstremsobersabre: "Please try to ask questions on one line, don't use enter as punctuation"09:13
IdleOnesobersabre: I'm no expert on svn but wouldn't export send to the repo?09:14
sobersabreIdleOne: svn import sends. export is supposed to bring it from repo without the annoying .svn dirs.09:15
rwhrHi everyone, I need help setting up a NAS drive using samba shares. I have set up the NAS via web interface but I get either a "failed to retrieve list from server" if I just double click on the NAS icon under places>network or if I use smb4k under network neighbourhood, i get a "mount error (13)"09:17
pozictensorpudding: I tried wardriving tools once, but utterly failed using tools available in the repos. You basically have to install everything from source, and apply all kinds of patches. I think the people producing these tools to that on purpose to make sure script kiddies don't use them.09:18
=== Kaie is now known as Guest20915
ndlovuhow can I check what dns my computer is using (preferably commandline)?09:20
rdw200169ndlovu: nslookup google.com it will tell you the ip it used for dns lookup09:20
ilovefairuzndlovu: cat /etc/resolve.conf09:20
ndlovuthanks rdw200169, ilovefairuz09:21
cmpsalvestrini*yawn* back to lurking09:27
cens0redwhat's the drawback to downgrading to kernel 2.6.31-11-rt  in Lucid?09:31
Bridge|Anyone currently Using DLNA or AllShare server To watch videos/music/pics on this TV or anyother device, just wondering what your currently using?09:33
zrbeckerIf I install software from source, should I usually install it in the default directory, or use --prefix to put it in its own folder in /usr/local? I am not really use to linux, but it seems weird to have a program be in a ton of different folders. Just curious on the thought process behind it.09:37
pea_brainhi all, i am trying to setup selective nat on 10.04. my requirement is that only particular ports need to be natted from internal to external network. is it possible ?09:37
ilovefairuzzrbecker: it depends on the software, some will work fine with --prefix, some won't. use --prefix when you can to keep such installations separated from rest09:38
frxstremdoes anyone know about a VNC client with good performance on slower machines?09:38
ogunayhow can i  boot daemons background with adding &  http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/19909:39
frxstremI have tried Ubuntu's built in, which in my case is terrible, and TightVNC, which is somewhat good, although it lags a lot more than it should - any other suggestions?09:39
ogunaycouldn't find the right filf or this configuration..09:39
pea_braini have pasted my rules on the pastebin: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/8DZwhjSG can anyone tell me why the server is not able to make any outgoing connections ?09:41
phylockis there a small ubuntu server version without all the software, I can install what i need afterwards09:42
ilovefairuzpea_brain: "ports"? NAT/IP Masquerading forwards packets. Port forwarding is a different but related issue and by default, you'd have to manually specify what external ports are mapped to what internal ports (and to which machine.) Read on iptables.09:42
ilovefairuzfrxstrem: search software center for "vnc" and you'll find a few09:42
PeterNLI'm using nautilus from a windows machine using x forwarding with putty and xming, but whenever I click a remote location in my bookmarks, it says 'Could not display "ftp://someuser@somehost/". Nautilus cannot handle "ftp" locations.'. Same thing happens when I try to acces an remote file in, say, gedit...09:43
pea_brainmy issue is something like this - the internal users should be able to connect to any ssh server but not connect to any other service etc.09:44
PeterNLI'm using nautilus from a windows machine using x forwarding with putty and xming, but whenever I click a remote location in my bookmarks, it says 'Could not display "ftp://someuser@somehost/". Nautilus cannot handle "ftp" locations.'. Same thing happens when I try to acces an remote file in, say, gedit...09:45
=== oo is now known as peepingtom
ilovefairuzpea_brain: that sounds very simple so why not use ufw?09:47
rdw200169pea_brain: you probably need something like: -A OUTPUT -p tcp -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT <and> -A OUTPUT -p udp -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT09:49
PeterNLI'm using nautilus from a windows machine using x forwarding with putty and xming, but whenever I click a remote location in my bookmarks, it says 'Could not display "ftp://someuser@somehost/". Nautilus cannot handle "ftp" locations.'. Same thing happens when I try to acces an remote file in, say, gedit...09:49
saganbytehow do i know my root password in ubuntu09:49
rdw200169pea_brain: also, you could just make your OUTPUT table default policy to bee ACCEPT (its probably DROP)09:49
PeterNL!root | saganbyte09:49
ubottusaganbyte: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:49
ilovefairuzpea_brain: ufw default deny outgoing; ufw allow out ssh09:50
saganbytePeterNL, I need to know the root password as i m unable to mount a flash drive and one of the online tutorials starts by su09:50
gorogawahello. does anyone know which package has the Tentacles screensaver?09:51
PeterNLuse sudo instead of su, or find an other tutorial09:51
jpdssaganbyte: There is /no/ root password.09:51
padi999hi all09:51
peepingtomI might be really stupid, but I can't figure out how to get OpenVPN to spit out its environmental variables, does it have something to do with the program "script" or do I suck at reading documentation09:51
saganbytejpds, I see.. I gues i have to set one09:51
jpdssaganbyte: Or just do: sudo -i09:51
PeterNLsaganbyte: you don't have to.09:52
saganbytejpds, Okay...09:52
saganbytePeterNL, I see09:52
padi999My ubuntu root dir / is quite full, how can I make space? I mean: Which files can safely be deleted? I guess there might for example be some software packages that got deleted but not purged.09:52
jpdspadi999: sudo apt-get clean09:52
saganbyteActually I m trying to access a flash drive's contents to transfer a 3.2 gb file09:52
saganbyteI cannot even write it to DVD09:52
PeterNLjpds: what is exact the difference between sudo -s and sudo -i?09:52
saganbytecoz there was some iso issue fo that09:52
ilovefairuzsaganbyte: what's the tutorial you're trying to follow?09:53
jpdsPeterNL: -i sets up the environment correctly as if it were done through 'login' I believe.09:53
gorogawawhere can I get the "Tentacles" screensaver?09:53
saganbyteilovefairuz, are you referrin to the one I m trying to follow for being able to mount the flash drive?09:53
peepingtompadi999: In synaptic, check [Status] -> [Not installed (residual config)]  Also uninstall unused copies of the linux kernel and images09:53
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ilovefairuzsaganbyte: yes, give link09:54
padi999jpds: that saved me 3MB .. well, not a whole bunch :)09:54
saganbyteilovefairuz, http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/linux-tutorials-howtos-reference-material/15776-how-mount-usb-flash-drives-linux.html09:54
padi999peepingtom: I have only console access :)09:54
saganbyteI m not able to mount any flash drive09:54
padi999peepingtom: where can I find the unused/obsolete kernel images?09:55
gorogawapadi999: use Bleachbit carefully09:55
PeterNLsaganbyte: that tutorial is from 2004.09:55
peepingtompadi999: they09:55
l1f3How do i get saved Wireless keys on my computer?09:55
ilovefairuzsaganbyte: this is more than 6 years old! don't you just see the flash drive when you insert it in a usb port? on your desktop09:55
peepingtom're the pakages called "linux-image-xxxxxxxxxx"09:55
saganbyteilovefairuz, unfortunately no09:55
peepingtompadi999: just uninstall the older versions09:56
ilovefairuzl1f3: seahorse09:56
saganbyteilovefairuz, i need to take a 3.2 gb file to a windows machine for my son... its a game file i downloaded09:56
ilovefairuzsaganbyte: pastebin the output of: sudo fdisk -l09:56
saganbytethe system wont let me burn it to dvd09:56
peepingtompadi999: they're like 130MB apiece09:56
PeterNLI'm using nautilus from a windows machine using x forwarding with putty and xming, but whenever I click a remote location in my bookmarks, it says 'Could not display "ftp://someuser@somehost/". Nautilus cannot handle "ftp" locations.'. Same thing happens when I try to acces an remote file in, say, gedit...09:56
ilovefairuzsaganbyte: (after you insert the drive)09:56
l1f3ilovefairuz: can you be a bit clearer?09:56
peepingtomI might be really stupid, but I can't figure out how to get OpenVPN to spit out its environmental variables, does it have something to do with the program "script" or do I suck at reading documentation?09:57
padi999peepingtom: Uhh, that is some potential! Okay, but how do I know which ones are "installed" i.e. on the disk and how can I safely remove them?09:57
ilovefairuzl1f3: alt + f2, type 'seahorse' and press enter09:57
=== FreshPrince is now known as FreshPrince_
l1f3ilovefairuz: thx. got it.09:58
AviMarcus|DiploCat and KE1HA - thanks so much. After several reboots, both wired and wireless now wok automatically upon boot, with a minor edit to the /etc/modules, etc. Thanks!!!!09:58
saganbyteilovefairuz, http://pastebin.com/EaacC16K09:58
ilovefairuzsaganbyte: check the Places menu, can't you see an entry for it?09:59
peepingtompadi999: search for linux-image in aptitude.09:59
saganbyteYes i can see it but it doesnt let me use it... says, unable to mount... not authorized09:59
peepingtompadi999: and keep the one with the highest version number in the name09:59
saganbyteilovefairuz, Yes i can see it but it doesnt let me use it... says, unable to mount... not authorized10:00
ilovefairuzsaganbyte: reboot your computer and try again10:00
padi999peepingtom, I'm gonna keep the one from uname -r ;)10:00
peepingtompadi999: also search for "linux-headers", those are big too.10:00
saganbyteilovefairuz, i ve tried that once... but i ll do it again10:00
AviMarcusis there a special channel for X?10:01
peepingtomso nobody here knows much about openvpn, then?10:01
PeterNLAviMarcus: #Xorg10:01
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saganbyteilovefairuz, i rebooted.. but still no luck :(10:02
ilovefairuzsaganbyte: try: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt10:03
padi999peepingtom: I seem to have 2.6.31-22-generic and having installed also -21 -20 -19 -18 -14...10:03
Juniksz_graphichello! Where can I set which programs start after loading and what does not?10:03
saganbyteilovefairuz, okay10:03
peepingtomya just wipe out the older ones, -24 is the latest BTW so you may want to update10:03
padi999peepingtom: also headers are there, they have the tags "idA" in aptitude10:04
ddavidshi all10:05
ilovefairuz!hi | ddavids10:05
ubottuddavids: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:05
PeterNLI'm using nautilus from a windows machine using x forwarding with putty and xming, but whenever I click a remote location in my bookmarks, it says 'Could not display "ftp://someuser@somehost/". Nautilus cannot handle "ftp" locations.'. Same thing happens when I try to acces an remote file in, say, gedit...10:07
padi999_peepingtom: sorry, lost connection10:07
ogunayhow can i start daemons in background http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/19910:07
saganbyteilovefairuz, I am able to mount it :) I m tryng to copy the 3.2 gb file in there using sudo cp..10:08
padi999_peepingtom: I can see many headers (tagged idA) and also many images (tagged i), can I safely purge them all?10:08
ddavidsilovefairuz: hey i have an error when i try upgrading my system: dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/apt_0.7.25.3ubuntu9.1_i386.deb (--unpack):10:08
ddavids corrupted filesystem tarfile - corrupted package archive10:08
padi999_peepingtom: except the actual one of course10:08
saganbyteilovefairuz, the cursor s blinking... i m assuming, its copying probably10:08
padi999_peepingtom: also there seems to be many variations, I only have the -generic ones, not x386 and others10:08
ravenpossible to controll vlc by ssh?10:09
saganbyteilovefairuz, i also did a ls on /mnt ... it puts the name of the file i m copying... so probably its going there... do you think it will cp successfully?10:09
saganbyteilovefairuz, i m asking like a baby!10:09
ilovefairuzogunay: this page is not applicable anymore, ubuntu now uses upstart which tries to run startup scripts in parallel10:09
peepingtompadi999: yep, safe to purge since they're not in use10:09
Patric4PeterNL: That's an interesting symptom.  Hmmmm....10:09
ddavids hey i have an error when i try upgrading my system: dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/apt_0.7.25.3ubuntu9.1_i386.deb (--unpack): corrupted filesystem tarfile - corrupted package archive10:10
quibblerJuniksz_graphic-> System->Preferences->Startup Applications10:10
peepingtompadi999: they're only kept around so you can pick different versions of the kernel in GRUB @ boot in case of issues with modules or whatever10:10
ilovefairuzsaganbyte: what's the whole command you used to copy?10:10
ogunayilovefairuz: thanks10:10
padi999_peepingtom: I just read the help page of aptitude, the flag "A" indicates that the package will be automatically removed when nothing depends on it. But since it is still there, I guess it is still needed(?)10:10
saganbytesudo cp Desktop/name-of-the-file.rar /mnt/name-of-the-file.rar10:10
ravenpossible to controll vlc by ssh?10:10
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saganbyteilovefairuz,  sudo cp Desktop/name-of-the-file.rar /mnt/name-of-the-file.rar10:11
Patric4PeterNL: What do you mean by accessing a remote file in gedit ?10:11
ilovefairuzddavids: sudo rm  /var/cache/apt/archives/apt_0.7.25.3ubuntu9.1_i386.deb10:11
Patric4PeterNL: A file on the Ubuntu server or the local Windows box10:11
PeterNLa file located on an ftp server10:11
saganbyteilovefairuz, now when i run ls -s on /mnt repeatedly, i get incrementing values...10:11
peepingtompadi999_: press crtl+t in aptitude, thats how you use the menus at the top. so select "install/remove packages". Or press g .10:11
saganbyteilovefairuz, so maybe its copying...10:11
ilovefairuzsaganbyte: yes that will put it on the flash disk10:12
ddavidsilovefairuz: i hope it wont affect anything if i do that?10:12
saganbyteilovefairuz, thanks for all your help man.. even my son is grateful to you :)10:12
ilovefairuzddavids: no, it will just redownload the corrupt deb10:12
ilovefairuzsaganbyte: you're welcome10:13
ddavidsilovefairuz: ok, i'll try that right away10:13
=== taka is now known as Guest23756
samweslyhello  everyone!  can I ask any questions here?  i am learning C program language  ,somebody have some good advices for C10:13
Patric4PeterNL: I'm not sure if you're able to open a file on an FTP server directly from within gedit10:13
PeterNLUsually I am, just not when using x forwarding10:13
padi999_peepingtom: in the "g" view I see the violet idA headers, does not seem to be deleted automatically since there are still dependencies10:13
ilovefairuzsamwesly: if it's ubuntu-related, ask10:14
peepingtompadi999_ don't uninstall linux-headers-generic or linux-image-generic packages10:14
ilovefairuz!hi | jon__10:14
Patric4PeterNL: Are you using Xnest ?10:14
ubottujon__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:14
padi999_peepingtom: ah great, it is removing them as we speak...10:14
PeterNLPatric4: nope10:15
jon__im new to ubuntu10:15
jon__and im managing a dedi server10:15
ilovefairuzjon__: type all in one line10:15
jon__im on directadmin/ ubuntu 10.0410:15
hotstewHey guys, what's the bare minimum in compiz settings to run Avant Window Navigator correctly?10:15
padi999_peepingtom: I pressed "g" and "g" again and then it did delete all the old headers10:15
Patric4PeterNL: Not sure what the issue could be - Sorry.10:15
jon__ilovefairuz: alright sorry10:15
hotstewAnd are there better alternatives to awn?10:15
peepingtomPeterNL: You're trying to open a txt file off an FTP server using gedit, right? I'm assuming you used nautilus to mount the FTP server as a virtual folder?10:15
jon__i tried installing/removing dovecot but i cant do either and i just an errors10:16
PeterNLpeepingtom: yep, and it works when I use the ubuntu machine directly, not when I open nautilus oven an ssh connection10:16
patman023!dovecot | patman02310:16
ubottupatman023, please see my private message10:16
PeterNLpeepingtom, Patric4 : does this help? http://img818.imageshack.us/img818/2157/xforwardinggvfs.png10:17
ilovefairuzjon__: how are you installing it? what are the errors? use pastebin10:17
jon__apt-get remove dovecot-common10:17
peepingtomPeterNL: for help with googling, your issue is with Gnome VFS10:17
peepingtomoh hurr10:18
PeterNLpeepingtom: I figured, but googling doesn't help me...10:18
peepingtomI see you know that10:18
ilovefairuzjon__: sudo apt-get install --reinstall dovecot-common and then try removal?10:19
jon__ilovefairuz: trying10:19
jon__error: http://pastebin.com/FyQAnadL10:20
=== Kaie is now known as Guest12303
ravenpossible to controll vlc by ssh?10:20
peepingtomPeterNL: a little detail, the GNOME people are stupid and GVFS is not the same as GnomeVFS ;)  you may want to play with the utility "gvfs-mount"10:20
Patric4PeterNL: This might be worth a read, http://blog.damontimm.com/how-to-mount-a-sftp-folder-ssh-ftp-on-ubuntu-linux-using-sshfs-fuse/10:21
peepingtomPeterNL: also I'm guessing it may use environmental variables that aren't exported to your X session, so you need to mount the GVFS thing over SSH10:21
PeterNLpeepingtom: I just found this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=144213410:22
KE1HAraven, maybe of some help, im not an expert on VLC though: http://www.videolan.org/doc/play-howto/en/ch04.html10:22
PeterNLtrying it now...10:22
peepingtomPeterNL: I bet that will work for you.10:23
ilovefairuzjon__: "4 not fully installed or removed" well then it's not only dovecot-common10:23
zhxkhow to get and intall ghost for linux? which manages partition level data10:23
jon__ilovefaruz: i think there's dovecot-pop3d and one more. but i just removed /etc/init.d/dovecot10:23
jon__ilovefaruz: and i think it might be working now10:24
PeterNLpeepingtom: it does not...10:24
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ilovefairuzjon__: doesn't sound like a good idea, you should --reinstall all stuck packages10:25
bullgard4I just entered inadvertently the command '~$ flexiserver' instead of '~$ locate flexiserver'. Another GDM appered. How can I get rid of the second GDM?10:25
peepingtomPeterNL: does ~/.gvfs mount properly and you just can;t see it in gedit's file-chooser?10:25
glaucousI'm wondering if the following Grub 2.0 entry is possible: Boot Ubuntu normally, and as soon as it has booted, it will go to standby/sleep/suspend to ram.10:26
jon__ilovefariuz: okay doing that now, reinstalling10:26
PeterNLpeepingtom: it suggests you have to run the commands as root, but you shouldn't. It works now10:26
masterBIGwillyshell utility to tell the time????10:26
PeterNLmasterBIGwilly: date?10:27
ilovefairuz!tab | jon__10:27
ubottujon__: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.10:27
masterBIGwillythanks, peternl10:27
peepingtomYeah that makes sense ;)10:27
jon__ubottu: thanks didnt know that10:27
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:27
jon__ilovefairuz: now directadmin give me an error that it cant find /etc/init.d/dovecot10:28
KE1HAmaster_of_master, yes date and time in the command line does the trick10:28
padi999_peepingtom: deleted headers and images (left some for backup), now I have freed 1GB, very very nice! Thanks a lot10:28
=== Claudinux_ is now known as Claudinux
zhxkhello, are there a linux version of ghost?10:28
dd__how long does it take for a ghost to expire?  i seem to be logged in twice10:29
KE1HAsri not time, my bad, just date is all that's needed.10:29
peepingtomzhxk: ghostzilla10:29
peepingtomzhxk: oops not that,m 1 sec10:30
=== ApOgEE__ is now known as ApOgEE
peepingtomzhxk: clonezilla10:30
dd__how long does it take for an irc ghost to expire?  anybody know?10:30
ilovefairuzjon__: did you --reinstall dovecot-common? it's in there10:30
peepingtomdd_ like 250sec on this channel, I think10:30
jon__ilovefairuz: yup i did. apt-get install dovecot-common --reinstall  ?10:30
ilovefairuzjon__: yes, no errors?10:31
padi999_peepingtom: server is alive :) thx!10:31
Jordan_Uglaucous: It's not a standard option but could be done with custom scripting (basically add a script to /etc/rc.local which greps /proc/cmdline for a magic kernel parameter and if it finds it suspends to ram)10:31
jon__ilovefairuz: no errors10:31
Jordan_Umkvo0: Sounds like you have a buggy BIOS which can't properly handle large USB drives. Try making a small /boot partition near the beginning of the disk.10:33
jon__ilovefairuz: yea still doesnt work ):10:33
glaucousJordan_U: Yup, then it's at least possible. Although this is probably not something I can just use "trial and error" on. I'm gonna need quite specific steps, should I post on the forums for this?10:33
=== Kwpolska is now known as Idiot
=== Idiot is now known as Guest71278
Jordan_Uglaucous: How familiar are you with partitioning and things like /etc/fstab?10:34
glaucousJordan_U: I'm quite familiar with it10:35
=== Guest71278 is now known as Kwpolska
Night_ElfHi all. If I wanted to try virtual machines by means of KVM, how easy would that be for me? I have used virtualbox, vmware, but have no idea of KVM.10:35
liberanone short question: is http://ubuntu-tweak.com/ supported by ubuntu community or would you recommend or not to install it10:35
AviMarcushey. I have 2 screens, and the "spare" is on the left. ubuntu correctly puts the panels and stuff on my LCD, but new windows tend to pop up on that spare screen, which isn't always on. Where can I fix that?10:37
rdw200169liberan: your mileage will vary depending on how 'supported' you would like it to be.  in a nutshell, it will probably never be included in the main repository10:37
liberanim just semi newb who doesnt want to mess with terminal or editing textual files in it, for now at least10:38
rdw200169liberan: regardless, it is generally well-liked among ubuntu users and tends to make otherwise difficult (but occasionally necessary) steps a little easier for the user10:38
liberanjust wanted to know will i compromise system security and stability with it10:38
ilovefairuzjon__: dpkg --listfiles dovecot-common10:39
Jordan_Uglaucous: Then it's pretty simple. You boot to a LiveCD and resize your first partition "from the left" to make room for a small (100 to 500 meg) ext3/4 partition at the beginning of the disk. Then copy all of the files from /boot to the new partition and setup this new partition in the fstab to be mounted to /boot. Finally boot into the system and run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc -pcritical"10:39
jon__ilovefairuz: long list of filenames, need me to pastebin?10:39
rdw200169liberan: well, it won't do anything without your password, so there's your 'security' element ;)10:39
liberangive a gun to a monkey and pray that it's not loaded10:40
=== Solow is now known as solow_
drygrainor, you know, unload it first10:41
drygrainmight be more effective than prayer10:41
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
rdw200169liberan: nah, ubuntu-tweak is usually used for 'simple' configuration items otherwise unavailable, like, moving those buttons from the top-left to the top right of all your windows... stuff like that10:41
ilovefairuzjon__: add     | grep init10:41
glaucousJordan_U: I understand exactly what you mean, but I I'm quite sure I see the reason why. How does this help my sleep at boot "problem"?10:41
jon__ilovefairuz: /etc/init.d        /etc/init.d/dovecot10:42
Jordan_Uglaucous: It helps your sleep at boot problem because I learned that I need to go to sleep rather than be on IRC at 2:42 AM. I meant all but my first response to you to be for mkvo0 but he left so your nick tab completed instead :)10:43
glaucousJordan_U: No problem at all. ;)10:44
liberanand i wanna raise voice for all the lefties! make left-handed pointers default for Ubuntu!10:44
Night_ElfHi all. If I wanted to try virtual machines by means of KVM, how easy would that be for me? I have used virtualbox, vmware, but have no idea of KVM. How easy/dificult is the initial setup and how much/few tinkering would it need?10:45
danilo_hi all10:45
ilovefairuzjon__: try apt-get purge on it, and apt-get install again10:46
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jon__ilovefairuz: ok10:46
jon__ilovefairuz: dpkg: warning: while removing dovecot-common, directory '/usr/lib/dovecot' not empty so not removed.10:47
jon__ilovefairuz: alright now its back (:10:48
jon__ilovefairuz: thanks! i have another problem though, mind helping me too?10:48
=== Guest62447 is now known as tyler82
=== solow_ is now known as Solow
LcawteHm, anyone  know where I can find / ask about the timescale of the latest ZNC stable being packaged for ubuntu?10:49
KingTuxAny cunts out there familiar with installing Ubuntu on MacBook Pro10:50
jon__ilovefairuz: mysqld wont start10:50
erUSUL!cn | shuxiaohu10:50
ubottushuxiaohu: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk10:50
jon__ilovefairuz: it did just now not too long ago10:50
jon__ilovefairuz: service mysqld start Starting mysqld:                [ OK ]10:51
DGnomeHi! I'm having problems executing hpacucli in ubuntu server 10.04 64bit ( $HPACUCLI_BIN_INSTALLATION_DIR.hpacucli $*  >>>  ./hpacucli: line 17: /opt/compaq/hpacucli/bld/.hpacucli: No such file or directory ) and I think it has to do with Ubuntu switching to dash as this same software works fine in Debian Testing... Any ideas?10:54
erUSULDGnome: run the scripts with bash then10:54
Lcawte[10:49:58] <Lcawte> Hm, anyone  know where I can find / ask about the timescale of the latest ZNC stable being packaged for ubuntu?10:54
DGnomeerUSUL: like this? /bin/bash ./hpacucli10:55
erUSULDGnome: if that's the shell script yes10:56
Jordan_UDGnome: Any script that begins with #!/bin/sh and doesn't actually work with posix sh is broken. Fix the first line to read #!/bin/bash instead.10:56
Jordan_UDGnome: If that fixes things then also file a bug report with the author of the script.10:56
DGnomeJordan_U: nope, didnt fix it10:57
TiKDGnome: whats the script do?10:57
DGnomeTiK: HP P400 Raid CLI10:57
Jordan_UDGnome: Then the problem is not caused by Ubuntu using dash for /bin/sh :)10:57
DGnomeTiK: and other controllers10:57
DGnomeJordan_U: allrighty then10:58
Jordan_UDGnome: Can you pastebin the script?10:58
TiKDGnome: uhm is there a dir called /opt/compaq/hpacucli/bld/.hpacucli ?10:58
TiKDGnome: maybe if you creat the dir it might run10:58
TiKor something10:59
TiKls -la /opt/compaq/hpacucli/bld/.hpacucli10:59
DGnomeTiK: .hpacucli is the actual binary, hpacucli is a wrapper script10:59
quwwhi ! Is there anyone who can tell me any methods to make a recovery copy of my wubi-based ubuntu?10:59
TiKDGnome: so is it there?10:59
TiKit seems like the sstemcant access it11:00
DGnomeJordan_U: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/472591/11:00
erUSULquww: make a copy of the hard-disk image ?11:00
TiKDGnome: preform the ls -la :) plz11:00
Jordan_Uquww: Almost everything is contained in C:\ubuntu\disks\root.disk11:01
quwwfor additional message , my ubuntu is desktop i386 editon.11:01
DGnomeTiK: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/472592/11:02
SteelWingHi all, I appear to be having a problem with glib. As it would turn out after running package manager it occured to me I was still running the stock Glib (2.0) so I went to ftp://gnome.org and downloaded the latest version. Took a minute to build a properly install it and after that I noticed I couldn't use trash. The icon was gone completely and attempting to browse to my trash folder via computer failed with the error message "The operation i11:03
TiKhmm DGnome who are you runnig the script as?11:03
quwwjust a copy for recovery usage. for the sake of reinstall those common apps.11:03
Jordan_UDGnome: Does /opt/compaq/hpacucli/bld/.hpacucli exist?11:03
DGnomeTiK: as root11:03
TiKJordan_U: heh yes11:03
DGnomeJordan_U: yes, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/472592/11:03
glaucousDo anyone know of a program I can use to view files and folders read/write from a process? And preferably with a summary of seconds spent read/write and so on.11:03
Jordan_UDGnome: Is it a 64 bit binary?11:03
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »11:04
DGnomeJordan_U: I'd think that it isnt11:04
TiKlemme see the script again pl11:04
quwwthank you ! but I just can't understand it?11:04
erUSULDGnome: .... non quoted vars. no use of pgrep ... instead of "$@" they use $* ....11:04
erUSULDGnome: Jordan_U nailed it then ;P11:04
erUSULDGnome: install ia32-libs11:04
Paulyso i have a question... anyone can help me??? i want to set my computer for auto suspend at 12am midnight, is there a way to do that?11:04
erUSULDGnome: that does not cancel the fact that the script is awfull ;P11:04
quwwin details , or some some web pages, if any.11:05
DGnomeerUSUL: don't blame me, blame HP :)11:05
TiKDGnome: let me see that script again please11:05
cmpsalvestriniPauly: Perhaps a cron job?11:05
Paulyoh.. im still new to ubuntu, never heard of a cron job11:05
TiKcmpsalvestrini: yeah I was thinkin cron but I don't know the commands to hibernate so I didn't say anything11:06
DGnomeTiK: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/472591/11:06
erUSULPauly: if it is opnly once use roots "at"11:06
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DGnomeTiK, Jordan_U, erUSUL :: ia32-libs fixed it... *facepalm*11:06
DGnomethank you guys! :)11:06
Paulyuse root11:06
erUSULDGnome: if you are wondering where the no such file or ... comes from is the dinamyc loader not finding the libs ...11:07
tesujipauly do you want suspend or hibernate?11:07
tesujipauly pls use my nick in your response11:07
TiKchange lie17 to this: /opt/compaq/hpacucli/bld/.hpacucli &*11:07
TiKchange lie17 to this: /opt/compaq/hpacucli/bld/.hpacucli $*11:07
Pauly@tesuji either one really, it's just on my pc i don't mind suspend as well as hibernate because not worried about draining battery11:08
TiKDGnome: lie 17.. and see what s does11:08
TiKDGnome: er line 1711:08
erUSULPauly: sudo at 12:00pm «enter» s2ram «crtl+d»11:08
tesujipauly ok hang on, i look it up for you11:08
erUSULfind s2ram11:08
* TiK drinks more coffee11:08
erUSUL!find s2ram11:08
ubottuFile s2ram found in linux-doc, linux-ec2-doc, uswsusp11:08
erUSULPauly: install uswsusp package11:08
Paulys2ram uswsusp, dang, all new stuff to me :D11:09
Pauly*drinks tea11:09
TiKDGnome: cool11:10
erUSULPauly: /me drinks tea11:10
tesujierUSUL, what is the diff between pm-hibernate and s2ram?11:11
erUSULtesuji: dunno exactly. i guess the first will work ok too.11:11
Pauly@erUSUL thanks by they way, i was thinkin along the lines of a sudo hibernate @ ___ time command, but i don't understand it yet11:11
=== thyri0n is now known as zz_thyri0n
tesujierUSUL, is their an applet to config at or cron jobs?11:12
* Pauly drinks more tea11:12
erUSULtesuji: gnome-schedule11:12
SteelWingI have a problem: http://pastebin.com/si1isUx711:12
erUSULis not an applet is a gui11:12
=== krups_v2 is now known as krups
tesujierUSUL, there is a ton of neat utils available but how do i find out what they are?  the 'software centre' only lists some of them11:14
erUSULSteelWing: :/ if you installed it from source there is no package for it. you have to remove it manually it should have installed itself in /usr/local/lib/ .....11:14
mcnellisI'm trying to move all .swp files from a directory and all the swp files in its children & so forth directories as well. How cal I select them all?11:14
mcnellisso I dont' have to do mv ./*.swp ./temp && mv ./*/*.swp ./temp && mv ./*/*/*.swp ./temp && etc...11:14
tesujimcnellis, you would have to use find or a shell script11:15
erUSULtesuji: use Synaptic if you want more info. not easy though... you discover things with time using the system11:15
SteelWingerUSUL: I know, "sudo make uninstall" but that didn't help.11:15
tesujimcnellis, do you mean you need to delete them?  once moved they don't work11:15
erUSULtesuji: or when a need arises a little of googling11:15
tesujierUSUL, is there a way to get a list for the repos?11:15
SteelWingerUSUl: Not to mention that package manager still shows a lot of glib 2.0 packages still installed...11:16
mcnellisi really do want to delete them11:16
tesujimcnellis, and once removed it is possible for a file being edited to be corrupted11:16
Paulythis is a cool chat room, i never expected to find a place like this... peace out guys and thanks for your help :D11:16
TiKtesuji: list for the repos?11:16
erUSULmcnellis: find source_dir/ -type f -name '*.swp' -exec mv --target-directory=dir/ -- '{}' +11:16
tesujimcnellis, is you are talking to me use my nick in your response11:16
* Pauly passes out 11:17
TiKPauly:  night11:17
jon__hello, need some help with mysqld11:17
tesujierUSUL, shouldn't that end with a '\;' ?11:17
TiKjon__: ok11:17
TiKjon__: shoot11:17
jon__TiK: I'm running ubuntu 10.04 and directadmin control panel11:17
erUSULtesuji: + makes exec passm all files to mv it can so it is faster; with \; you go one at a time11:18
jon__TiK: mySQL is installed by Directadmin by default and i must have done something that broke it11:18
TiKdirectadmin? I use phpmyadin but ok11:18
* cmpsalvestrini comes back from lurking11:18
mcnellisoops sorry tesuji11:18
Pauly@tik thanks11:18
jon__TiK: service mysqld start returned OK but the service never started. so i went to apt-get install mysql-server11:18
jon__TiK: now its kind of in a mess i dont know how to get it back11:18
mcnellistesuji: what is the best way to properly dispose of them?/11:18
mcnellistesuji: I have many of them from vim sessions. Not sure why they remain11:19
alketIs there something like AptOnCD but for USB ?11:19
TiKjon__: define "mess"11:19
jon__TiK: I can't start mysqld11:20
tesujimcnellis, .swp files exist while a file is being edited by vi - they disappear when the session ends - if a .swp exists it means either the file is still being edited of the vi session was discontinued abruptly (system rebooted during edit, for example) so why do you want to remove them, what's going on?11:20
IledenHi! Any ideas why has my computer become unbearably laggy after upgrading to 10.04? I thought it was about video card because of some issues with it, but now I've even changed that and it's still laggy! Everything was working ok and very fast on 9.04. How to debug this?11:20
jon__root@s1:/home/lauweijie# service mysqld start Starting mysqld:                [ OK ] root@s1:/home/lauweijie# 100803 18:20:21 mysqld_safe --syslog requested, but no 'logger' program found.  Please ensure that 'logger' is in your PATH, or do not specify the --syslog option to mysqld_safe.11:20
jon__it shows as OK but its not started11:21
mcnellistesuji: well I do have my session open. I uploaded the dirs to anothe server11:21
jon__ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)11:21
IledenAnd by laggy I mean switching a window/tab takes ~0.5 sec. it's really about UI responsiveness.11:21
mcnellistesuji: and it seems the files are getting corrupted. the last 5-10 lines are replicating at the bottom. doing PHP work so this is causing allm y files to err heh11:21
mcnellistesuji: should I close vim and then reupload those directories?11:22
tesujimcnellis, i do not know what you mean by 'upload directories'11:22
SteelWingI have a problem: http://pastebin.com/d0EC2hgC11:23
mcnellisI'm working on a project. I uploaded my project folder to the webserver. Should I delete the project on my webserver, close vim, and then reupload my files?11:23
mcnellistesuji:  ^11:23
tesujimcnellis, you want to close your vim session before moving the directories around else the .swp files will go too, and then when you vi on the server you have an exiting .swp file and vi gets confused11:24
=== zz_thyri0n is now known as thyri0n
tesujimcnellis, where vim puts the .swp files is configurable i believe, you could cause them to be created outside your workspace11:25
jon__any help?11:25
glaucousAnyone know of a calendar-program which features notifications (popups)?11:25
mcnellistesuji: if I save my vim session does it persist the .swp files?11:25
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tesujimcnellis, .swp files are removed when the session is closed11:25
tesujimcnellis, the existence of a .swp file usually means either the file is being edited or the session terminated abnormally (hence the file needs to be recovered)11:26
tesujimcnellis, i can't tell you what you should do with them but i can explain how they work so you can make appropriate decision whether to delete them11:27
tesujimcnellis, i will tell you not to run that find command unless you know what you're doing - deleting .swp files while the file is being edited may trash your file11:29
guzui have a small VIDEO_TS directory, how can i create a dvd from it?11:30
mcnellisyeah it's cool tesuji most of them went away when i close the session11:30
mcnellishad a few that dated back to weeks ago so i just deleted those11:30
ddavidsilovefairuz: thanks, it worked11:31
mcnellisi had a basic understanding what they were i jsut didn't know how to properly dispose fo them which is why i wnated to move them ( move them and see how the environment reacted after they were gone and if it was bad I could mv them back)11:31
mcnellisanyway tesuji thanks for the help11:31
mcnellisdifferent question: How can I change the user and group of files easily in ubuntu without opening a terminal e.g. when I have nautilus open11:32
mcnellisor is root the only user that can chgrp and chown things? a user can't chown a file away from himself unless he is root?11:33
guntbertmcnellis: yes, only root can do that (use sudo/gksudo)11:34
Jordan_Umcnellis: Correct. A normal user can chgrp a file they own, but cannot chown any file.11:34
blah_sphemerI tried installing ubuntu on my external HDD and did NOT disconnect the SATA cables. now when I boot, it gives me error 21 or error 5. What must I do? I have fedora and windows xp installed on my machine11:36
eokeHi, does any one know of an application to extract album art from ID3 tags.  Basically I've got an android phone and it doesn't seem to keen on reading the ID3 images but does read the .jpg files in the album folder.11:37
Jordan_Ublah_sphemer: What is installed on the internal?11:37
blah_sphemerJordan_U, fdedora 12 and windows xo11:37
kinygoshi..i have a n00b question to which my online searches keep pointing me at samba, so i could use a couple of pointers...11:38
blah_sphemerJordan_U, Can my data and OS be recovered?11:38
IledenHi! Any ideas why has my Ubuntu UI has become unbearably laggy after upgrading to 10.04? I initially thought it was about video card, but it applies with another card too. Everything was working ok and very fast on 9.04. How to debug this?11:39
Jordan_Ublah_sphemer: Boot from the internal by selecting it in the BIOS, grub should load. Boot Ubuntu and run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" to configure the grub pacakge to install to the external rather than the internal drive (Select only your external drive and *no* partitions).11:39
tesujimcnellis, either close your vim sessions or package up everything but the .swp files to move11:39
tesujimcnellis, better to close your vims11:39
Jordan_Ublah_sphemer: Then reboot and this time boot fedora and run: su -c "grub-install /dev/sda"11:39
kinygosi have 2 computers, one running ubuntu server 10.04, the other running ubuntu desktop...i'd like to view files like error logs on the server on my ubuntu desktop...how do i do it? (just some pointer in the right direction will be a good enough answer)11:40
Jordan_Ublah_sphemer: Assuming that your internal drive is sda.11:40
erUSULkinygos: use ssh ?11:40
blah_sphemerJordan_U, I intalled from a live cd and selected only the external HDD. without partitions and I used the entire HDD11:40
blah_sphemerJordan_U, I'll try your suggestion and get back. THanks11:40
alkethi, i need to connect my lap top on internet , First I need to connect to the wireless and then to give Username and Password (DSL) , but it won't connect to wireless first ? what should i do11:40
kinygoserUSUL: i can install ssh on the server, how do i use that from the desktop?11:40
Jordan_Ublah_sphemer: You're welcome.11:40
tesujikinygos, there is a tool that runs under a webserver to view log files, for doing admin from remote - or you could use nfs to mount /var/log to your local box11:41
erUSULkinygos: with the ssh client. log into the server and use tail or multitail or whatever to watch the log files11:41
kinygoserUSUL: awesome, thanks :)11:41
kinygostesuji: more thanks :) i'll research it11:41
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)11:42
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, sshd is the server (or daemon) of SSH. For setting up the SSH server, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/openssh-server.html . Advanced SSH uses: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Advanced . For SSH client information, see !ssh . Related: !scp (Secure CoPy)11:42
tesujierUSUL, do you know about a suit of utils that runs on a webserver for doing admin from remote?  someone told me about this a long time ago and i can't seem to find it with google11:43
erUSUL!ebox | tesuji11:43
ubottutesuji: ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox11:43
erUSULthis? ^11:43
tesujierUSUL, maybe - i'll check - buddy of mine used to maintain all the webservers at hertz used something like that under redhat11:44
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.11:44
erUSULmaybe it was webmin11:45
* TiK hugs wine11:45
tesujierUSUL, yes, it was webmin11:45
TiKI love wine11:45
tesujitik i prefer beer11:45
TiKnono haha the program11:45
TiKI prefer vodka :P11:45
kinygos(jagermeister ftw)11:46
tesujikinygos, did you see the convo about ebox??11:48
kinygosi did indeed...am immersed in google atm11:48
kinygosresearching it11:48
tesujikinygos, that will do what you want and much more besides11:48
tesujierUSUL do you know how to do x from remote?  i want a full desktop session.  i know how to run individual x apps which isn't enough, and i don't want to do vnc where someone else is looking at my desktop11:51
blah_sphemerJordan_U, i made my system boot from the internal HD but still it says: *Grub 1.5* Loading GRUB. Then 'Error 21'11:52
=== emc_ is now known as emc
mmmanhey everyone11:52
mmmancan someone tell me a program to get the files you deleted?11:52
Jordan_Ublah_sphemer: Any other drives?11:52
tesujimmman, either they are in your trash or they are gone11:52
mmmantesuji, i know you can recover them11:52
tesujimman depends how you deleted them11:53
blah_sphemerJordan_U, just got my internal HD and the external containing ubuntu, . I have a live CD though11:53
ubuntu_nasılsınız kankiler11:53
Jordan_Ublah_sphemer: Can you run boot info script as explained here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and pastebin the RESULTS.txt ?11:53
soreaummman: If you used rm or deleted without sending to trash, the files are gone11:53
blah_sphemer Jordan_U, give me a sec11:54
_raven_i am looking for the smallest ubuntu distri for running on slow machines11:54
mmmansoreau, 100%?11:54
tesujimmman, linux is not like windows where the file can be recovered from the harddisk once deleted - under linux, the space used by that file is immediately reused11:54
Jordan_U_raven_: Lubuntu.11:54
blah_sphemerJordan_U, the link you gave me requires me to run commands. But I cant even type. Wahat do I do11:55
soreaummman: They may still sit in place on the physical disk until something writes over the area11:55
tesujidoes anyone know about remote x?  i want to get a full desktop session11:55
jigalhello where can i find my .bash_aliases11:55
Jordan_U!undelete | mmman11:55
ubottummman: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel11:55
_raven_Jordan_U, yes tnx11:55
Halabundsince upgrading to Lucid, DNS lookups are very very slow, making browsing a very unpleasant experience.  All programs that access the internet are very slow.  Freenode webchat doesn't even work at all.  How can I fix this?  Disabling ipv6 didn't help.  Karmic had the same problem, but eventually a fix was released (actually ridiculously too late!).  Jaunty was just fine.11:55
HalabundWindows XP is also just fine.11:56
Jordan_U_raven_: You're welcome.11:56
Jordan_Ublah_sphemer: Boot a LiveCD.11:56
tesujiHalabund, are you using dhcp to get your nameservers?11:56
soreauHalabund: Is the karmic fix the same problem as lucid?  if so file a bug11:56
Halabundthis is one of the main reason I can rarely use Ubuntu with this connection (over which I have no control, it's what the uni provides, both at home & work)11:56
blah_sphemerJordan_U, and then run the commands on the link you gave me?11:56
soreauHalabund: Also which nameserver are you using? cat /etc/resolv.conf11:57
Halabundtesuji, I use dhcp, then connect to a VPN to get internet access11:57
Mjukselhello guys11:57
tesujidoes anyone know how to use X from remote?11:57
Mjukselgood morning here, goor afternoon to some :P11:57
soreau! hi | Mjuksel11:57
ubottuMjuksel: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!11:57
tesujiHalabund, i don't know anything about vpn sorry11:57
Jordan_Ublah_sphemer: Yes, though by then I might not be here to read the boot info script output.11:57
Mjukselcan someone help me ?11:57
soreautesuji: What do you mean by use X and remote?11:57
Halabundsoreau, just give me a minute until the bloody pastebin site loads ...11:58
Halabundsoreau, veeeery slow as usual11:58
Mjukselmy theme suddenly tripped out, and now i have the top bar (minimize close etc) in a windows style :?11:58
blah_sphemerJordan_U, oh no.11:58
Halabundsoreau, http://pastebin.org/44492611:58
tesujisoreau, ssh -X user@domain, then you run x apps from the remote box the output appears on your local - but indiviodual apps are not enough and i can't figure out how to get a full desktop11:58
=== thyri0n is now known as zz_thyri0n
soreautesuji: To actually see the remote desktop, use a vncviewer11:59
Mjukselteamviewer is a good one11:59
Mjukselmy theme suddenly tripped out, and now i have the top bar (minimize close etc) in a windows style :?11:59
soreauHalabund: Have you tried or (or whatever your router ip is, if applicable)11:59
tesujisoreau, i thought vnc gave access to my own desktop to a remote user - not what i want - i want the remote user to have his own desktop11:59
Halabundsoreau, try what exaqctly?12:00
mmmanubottu, if i shutdown the machine would it write some data ?12:00
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:00
soreautesuji: Then you should start an X session on the remote machine and vnc into it12:00
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jigalhello where can i find my .bash_aliases12:00
soreautesuji: you can run multiple X sessions on different vts on the same box12:00
tesujisoreau, vnc ties people together so two people use one desktop - not what i want - i want the remote user to be independent from me12:01
Jordan_Ublah_sphemer: Here is a guide for re-installing grub2 from a LiveCD which may be usefull: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide12:01
soreautesuji: vnc doesnt tie anything together. It simply allows to view a desktop remotely12:01
jribjigal: ~12:02
Mjukselcan someone help me :(12:02
jrib!helpme | Mjuksel12:02
soreautesuji: You can start another X session on the remote machine, using a different user if you like12:02
ubottuMjuksel: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude12:02
tesujisoreau, also the remote user is not running ubuntu and i don't want to have to compile special software12:02
jigaljrib:  i am looking for the file where i can add new aliases12:02
jribMjuksel: what do you mean in a "windows style"?12:02
soreautesuji: There is no special software to compile. Just use vino-server or any vnc server on the remove machine12:03
jribjigal: ~/.bashrc.  Sometimes ~/.bashrc will source ~/.bash_aliases (read it and see).  If it does, then you can also use ~/.bash_aliases12:03
Mjukselthe title bar looks like it came from hell (windows xp style)12:03
jribMjuksel: change your theme?12:03
Mjukseli need to turn it back to ubuntu style12:03
pranay_09is there any software in linux where one can record songs in one's own voice with the voice of the original singer removed but the music still plays?12:03
Mjukselyeah i did , but it doesnt change anything..12:03
Karen_mhow can I remove a package but leave the dependancies alone?  I want to source compile, as the ubuntu version does not support my driver12:03
soreauMjuksel: Which window manager are you using?12:04
jribKaren_m: what package?12:04
Mjukseldont know sorry, im not really familiar yet12:04
Mjukselhow can i check ?12:04
jribMjuksel: what were you doing when this happened?12:04
Karen_mjrib, kismet12:04
Mjukselnothing i installed a theme12:04
jigaljrib: i was looking for bash_aliases where i can add new aliases. can it be right that ~./bash_aliases is totaly empty?12:04
jribKaren_m: jigal that's not the right file.  Sure it can be empty or not even exist.  Make sure you read what I said last12:05
jriberm, not for Karen_m , that was...12:05
soreauMjuksel: Assuming you are using gnome, this command in your terminal ps ax|egrep "metacity|compiz"12:05
jribKaren_m: if you remove a package, it won't remove the dependencies12:06
DiploCattesuji, http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-set-up-a-terminal-server-in-linux-using-ubuntu-9.10-and-freenx12:06
Karen_mjrib, i'm doing ... aptitude remove kismet, and it'/s trying to get rid of wireshark and the rest of them12:06
jribKaren_m: unless you use aptitude12:06
pranay_09is there any software in linux where one can record songs in one's own voice with the voice of the original singer removed but the music still plays?12:06
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
Mjukseli did it12:07
tesujiDiploCat, that looks like the answer - hope that tutorial works for 10.04 - thx12:07
Mjukseland now ?12:07
soreauMjuksel: It should have showed some kind of output12:08
Mjuksel0:24 compiz12:08
jribKaren_m: anyway, why don't you just do this the right way and rebuild the package?12:08
Mjukseland 0:00 egrep --color=auto metacity|compiz12:08
jigaljrib: pleas look at the highlited lines http://pastebin.com/3BfarhnG i saw in a tutorial that it's better to add new aliases in the file mentioned in the highlighted lines see here http://www.sucka.net/2009/09/ubuntu-command-line-tip-1-%E2%80%93-aliases/12:08
soreauMjuksel: And assuming you are using gtk-w-d, use gnome-appearance-properties to change the theme12:08
jriburl 112:09
jribjigal: that's fine, use ~/.bash_aliases12:09
=== thyri0n is now known as zz_thyri0n
jrib!away > zz_thyri0n12:09
ubottuzz_thyri0n, please see my private message12:09
Mjuksellol i got it thanks soreau !12:10
Karen_mjrib, how? lol12:10
jrib!source > Karen_m12:10
ubottuKaren_m, please see my private message12:10
Karen_mso i fetch the source of the package, how do I get the new mods into the source tree ?12:11
soreauMjuksel: Good :)12:11
jribKaren_m: either create patches using one of the patch systems or just patch it directly since you aren't distributing anyway12:12
jrib!packaging > Karen_m12:12
ubottuKaren_m, please see my private message12:12
blah_sphemerJordan_U, I hope the contents of my internal HD aren't disturbed because of the ubuntu installation.12:12
blah_sphemerJordan_U, I am positive that I installed ubuntu only on the exteral HDD without any partitions.12:12
tesujiDiploCat, i want to tell you this is a way to use an old piece of junk laptop with little memory and no harddisk as if it had tons of both12:13
SteelWingI have a problem with glib the explanation is here: http://pastebin.com/d0EC2hgC12:14
somethinginteresHi all, how can I get in depth info on the hardware in my PC? I am looking for an equivalent of Windows device manager...12:14
DiploCattesuji, yeah, perfect for a remote desktop... I haven't tried that tutorial, so can't vouch for it... but at my old work we used RDP on windows and it worked nicely12:14
jribSteelWing: where did you install it to?12:15
jribsomethinginteres: lshw12:15
Karen_mso use the patch command on the source tree for the package and the tree that i downloaded for kismet?12:15
SteelWingjrib the default location12:16
blah_sphemeri installed ubuntu on my external HDD while my internal HD contains Fedora 12 and Win xp. When I tried to boot after intallation, I got a grub error. What must I do?12:16
jribKaren_m: if that's what you want to do...12:16
SteelWingjrib: rather where make install pointed it to.12:16
Bobby_CapeHi I just upgraded to 10.4 on my sony vgn-fw55gf 64bit laptop and my touchpad stopped working.Anyone had the same problem. I have to plug in a mouse now to use it Thanks12:16
jribSteelWing: I do not know this information.12:16
SteelWingjrib: let me go look through it.12:16
somethinginteresjrib: thanks12:16
Karen_mjrib, once you have the source for the package done, how do you install that source package?12:17
DiploCatblah_sphemer, can you boot to the external drive?12:17
jribKaren_m: you build the package, then install that (ubottu said how)12:17
AviMarcushow do i choose which screen things open up on?12:17
jribKaren_m: you should also run « dch -i » and appen something like ~karen1 to the version12:18
blah_sphemerDiploCat, no I can't.12:18
jrib!devilspie | AviMarcus12:18
ubottuAviMarcus: devilspie is a tool that performs actions on windows in GNOME's metacity such as resizing, positioning, and pinning.  Usage information can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Devilspie12:18
jribAviMarcus: depends on your setup, but that might work12:18
blah_sphemerDiploCat, With my external plugged in, I tried to boot and I got the GRUB error5.12:18
AviMarcusI'll have a look, thanks jrib12:18
blah_sphemerDiploCat, then without the external I got GRUB error 2112:18
soreauAviMarcus: I guess you got your new kernel working with internet now? :)12:19
SteelWingjrib: hmm... I just noticed a big problem12:19
jribSteelWing: hmm?12:19
SteelWingWhen I compiled it with ./configure it made a glib folder with the make file12:19
SteelWingin the directory12:19
blah_sphemerDiploCat, I think, if I remove the newly installed GRUB all will be back to normal. What do you feel?12:19
AviMarcusah soreau - yes, thank you!12:19
SteelWingso I wasn't deep enough when I sudo make install'd which probably installed a completely broken version.12:19
jrib!enter | SteelWing12:20
ubottuSteelWing: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:20
AviMarcussoreau, both screens work full resolution as well as I fixed the wifi again.12:20
DiploCatblah_sphemer, it's not about removing it... it sounds like the new install wrote grub to the MBR with a config that is wrong12:20
DiploCatblah_sphemer, you probably need a live cd like knoppix to run grub-install again12:20
soreauAviMarcus: Glad it is all working now ;)12:20
AviMarcussoreau, do you have the newest X that you had me install? it seems a tiny bit.. funny12:21
soreauAviMarcus: Now, if you use compiz, you can use the Place Windows plugin in ccsm to tell windows where to be placed12:21
SteelWingIn short the compiled source was in folder b which was inside of folder a the folder I ran make install from. I just ran make uninstall from folder and and am now going into folder b to perfom a make install to see if that fixes it.12:21
blah_sphemerDiploCat, can't anything be done with the ubuntu cd itself.12:21
AviMarcusI think I'm using compiz, it certainly seems to be running12:22
SteelWingI mean ran make uninstall from folder a12:22
blah_sphemerDiploCat, like re-installing the grub oir something12:22
soreauAviMarcus: Yes, I use the xorg-edgers X too. The repo is updated often, so make sure to do apt-get update/upgrade regularly12:22
gmonneratexists something like "/etc/rc.local" for non-root users?  i need start my app but i don't have root permissions12:22
SteelWingjrib: No dice.12:22
jrib!startup | gmonnerat12:23
ubottugmonnerat: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot12:23
jribSteelWing: you still haven't answered my question12:23
somethinginteresis there an ubuntu channel for discussing hardware specifically?12:23
DiploCatblah_sphemer, I'm not sure... just looking online, you need to be able to run a live distro to get a terminal without booting from the disk12:23
gmonneratubottu: and in ubuntu server?12:24
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:24
blah_sphemerDiploCat, that I already have.12:24
blah_sphemerDiploCat, and I got this link: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide12:24
SteelWingjrib: I don't know where it installs to. According to the install instructions one of the files is in exec_prefix/lib/glib/include. But to behonest the instructions were merely ./configure, make, rm -rf 2 files, make install.. I'm sorry but I have no idea where this went to.12:24
DiploCatblah_sphemer, so can you see the internal disks if you run "fdisk -l" from the terminal?12:26
blah_sphemerDiploCat, yep12:26
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jribSteelWing: either read the documentation or read "./configure --help"12:26
SteelWingjrib: Just grew a brain and read through the steps terminal took. Looks like it went to /usr/local/lib12:26
jribSteelWing: ok.  Check if it is there12:26
luciax86anyone knows if spain's repository are down? or is my isp messing with my dns?12:27
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blah_sphemerDiploCat, I have two LInuxes . So how do I know which one to mount (Step 2 iin the link)12:27
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AviMarcusDiploCat, not sure if you heard, but you did indeed solve my network issue. Thanks!12:27
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DiploCatAviMarcus, excellent, good to hear!12:28
SteelWingjrib: Actually... it doesn't look like it.12:28
jribSteelWing: have you rebooted since uninstalling?12:28
SteelWingjrib: My appologies once more. I've fallen under the linux stereotype that once you go linux rebooting is a thing of the past. I'll uninstall and reboot12:29
jribSteelWing: possible, but not worth it in this case12:29
Jason213hi im haveing trouble with flashplayer movies12:29
jribJason213: is your trouble that they exist?12:29
Jason213when i go full screen i have to minimize the web browser12:30
Jason213i done all the fixes i found on the net and still not working like it should12:30
DiploCatblah_sphemer, make a dir in mnt called disk1 so: mkdir /mnt/disk1 - then mount the first disk in the list in there and: ls /mnt/disk1 - to see if that is the one you want... I think it will just be some trial and error12:30
SteelWingjrib: hmm.. after uninstalling some files were removed from /usr/local/lib... I guess its possible it half installed..? Regardless I'm going to reboot now.12:31
blah_sphemerDiploCat, k. I'll; get back to you asap12:31
Tux43Does anyone know how to make a built-in Microphone work on an Acer Aspire 3810TZ? I turned up the mic volume and no luck.12:32
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Jason213Tux43 i had to uninstall pulseaudio to get mic to work12:34
Tux43jason213: if I uninstall it wouldn't my sound not work12:36
Jason213yeah theres a way Tux4312:36
Tux43jason213: then what do I do if I uninstall it?12:37
Jason213hang on ok let me find the link ok12:37
kekdo i need to do something to get logs for my apache2 virtual hosts?12:38
erUSUL!cn | csx12:38
ubottucsx: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:38
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blah_sphemerDiploCat, something funny happened.12:39
blah_sphemerDiploCat, with just my internal HD, I typed 'fdisk -l' and got sda 1,2,5,6,7,812:39
blah_sphemerDiploCat, while after connecting my external HD, i type 'fdisk -l' and got only sda 1,2,512:40
blah_sphemerDiploCat, isn't that odd12:40
erUSULJason213: rusian?12:41
Jason213i need help with flash12:42
Jason213no one will help12:42
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash12:42
Jason213not that kind of help12:42
Jason213already been to that12:42
bazhangJason213, state your issue; all on one line.12:42
DiploCatblah_sphemer, hmm, try: ls /dev/sd* and see if it shows multiple disks, each disk will be labelled sda, sdb, sdc etc, while partitions will be sda1, sdb2 etc12:42
Jason213what it is when im watching a movie online12:42
Jason213know how u hit the button to go full screen12:43
jrib!enter | Jason21312:43
ubottuJason213: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:43
Jason213after i hit the button the webpage still there and the movie is full screeen behind it12:43
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jribJason213: what window manager are you using?12:44
Jason213makeing me haveing to min. the webbrowser every time12:44
Jason213ever whats install by default12:44
Jason213in ubuntu12:44
jribJason213: stop pressing enter to break up your responses please12:44
Jason213ok but can u help or no12:44
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SteelWingjrib: Once again simple reboot conquers all. It is fixed. Thanks again.12:46
jribSteelWing: no problem12:46
blah_sphemerDiploCat, gave me this: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/245202/12:46
jribSteelWing: the old glib was still in memory12:46
DiploCatblah_sphemer, and that is without the external drive plugged in?12:47
Jason213nvm i go look for the answer i know better than looking for answers in a chat12:47
blah_sphemerDiploCat, nope. It'd with the exte4rnal plugged in12:47
jribJason213: answers aren't instant.12:47
jribJason213: but if that's what you want to do, i'll go do other things too.12:48
Jason213i wait12:48
jribJason213: does it happen if you run firefox as a window?12:48
Jason213yes i run firefox12:49
jribJason213: not my question12:49
Jason213i dont run windows12:50
* jrib tries one more time...12:50
DiploCatblah_sphemer, ok: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/disk1 - and then do: ls /mnt/disk1 - and see if that looks like your internal drive12:50
TiKJason213: nor do I12:50
blah_sphemerDiploCat, k12:50
TiKI don't think anyone here runs windows12:50
jribJason213: make firefox only big enough to cover a small part of your screen.  Does it still happen?  What happens exactly when you full screen a video?12:50
Jason213it goes full screen but its behind the web browser making me haveing to minize the browser each time i go full screen12:51
tesujihi - i am trying to boot the xubuntu 10.04 livecd on an ancient laptop and the video isn't working - it is a dell inspiron 700m - i was able to get it up with another distro using xvesa drivers - how do i specify that at boot with xubuntu?12:51
jribJason213: does the fullscreen video, have minimize, maximize and close buttons in the corner?12:52
jribJason213: what flash are you using?12:52
ZweiAre there any other programs like Graphics Layout Engine (GLE), I want to compare a few before I start learning / using one. I would google but I don't know what to search for.12:52
Jason213the newest one12:52
jribJason213: that's not an answer.12:53
blah_sphemerDiploCat, sda1 is one of the internal drives partitions.12:53
Minas!seen ajboy12:53
blah_sphemerDiploCat, so sdb is the excternal. now what?12:53
ubottuI have no seen command12:53
tesujihi - is there a way to tell livecd to use xvesa drivers at boot?12:53
jribJason213: adobe's?12:53
tesujierUSUL, DiploCat Jordan_U hi - is there a way to tell livecd to use xvesa drivers at boot?12:54
jribJason213: disable effects in Appearance Properties, see if there is any change12:54
Jason213i dont have effects enable12:54
jribJason213: how come?12:55
tesujihi - is there a way to tell livecd to use xvesa drivers at boot?12:55
Jason213i dont like effects12:55
TiKtesuji: asl once12:55
soreaujrib: heh12:55
TiKtesuji: ask once12:55
Jason213if i wanted a blooted system i use windows12:55
somethinginteresI'm having some issues with Grub I currently have 3 HDD's in my PC 2 NTFS formated and one ext4 that has Ubuntu on it but GRUB is detecting the other drives as bootable Windows. This means I need to actively select Ubuntu from within the list. How can just have the computer boot without showing GRUB?12:55
soreauJason213: Compiz != bloat12:55
TiKtesuji: don't insall GUI imo get an alternative insall and install text mode12:55
jribJason213: enable them as a troubleshooting step12:56
soreauJason213: In any event, does it make a difference if you enable them then test?12:56
tesujitik i am not installing - i am running off the livecd12:56
TiKtesuji: o12:56
DiploCatdoes sda1 have a /boot directory? if so, then proceed with that webpage you linked me from "Once we have our system mounted..." - but where it says /mnt, replace it with /mnt/disk1 - so /mnt/disk1/dev, /mnt/disk1/proc, /mnt/disk1/sys etc12:56
Jason213i enable them12:56
blah_sphemerDiploCat, k12:57
Dr_Willissomethinginteres:  boot Ubuntu by default you mean? or what exactly>?12:57
TiKtesuji: and you just get a black screen?12:57
DiploCatblah_sphemer, and also the "sudo chroot /mnt" becomes "sudo chroot /mnt/disk1"12:57
blah_sphemerDiploCat, so what will happen is: I am reinstalling GRUB on the Fedora. Am I right?12:57
Jason213it work like that jrib but vid laggy12:58
jribJason213: interesting12:58
tesujitik yes12:58
jribJason213: can you verify that you're running metacity without effects enabled?12:58
soreauJason213: The other thing you can do is use compiz ezoom (Super+Scroll by default) to zoom into the video in the browser12:59
tesujitik using another distro i am able to specify xvesa and it works12:59
TiKtesuji: no ideas sory12:59
soreaujrib: I suspect flash attempts to detect compiz and doesnt use acceleration if compiz is running12:59
soreaujrib: Not sure why flash using 3D would go on top though12:59
jribsoreau: hmm13:00
tesujihi - is there a way to tell livecd to use xvesa drivers at boot? this is for running on the livecd, not an install13:00
soreauerr.. I mean ff would be on top13:00
Jason213i have nivdia driver think i should try get the diver off nvidia website13:00
soreautesuji: You can specify boot options, yes13:00
tesujisoreau, please tell me how13:01
soreautesuji: Press Esc when it goes to load13:01
tesujisoreau, at what stage?13:01
Jason213jrib,  thanks for the try i will see if i can fix it13:02
soreautesuji: As soon as the cd loads, when it shows the little icon at the bottom of the screen, then select your language and press esc again IIRC13:02
ta_bu_shi_da_yuhi all13:02
ta_bu_shi_da_yuso who needs help?13:03
darknemesishttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/DansGuardian << i tried following thiss but dont think i have it right as i can only get to google13:03
soreau! hi | ta_bu_shi_da_yu13:03
ubottuta_bu_shi_da_yu: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!13:03
tesujisoreau, i press escape when booting, i end up at a boot: prompt - now what?13:03
somethinginteresDr_Willis: I'm not 100% b/c I am very new to linux but when I boot my computer GRUB appears and presents me with a number of boot options - I just want Ubuntu to boot without GRUB showing. I don't' think it really should be appearing anyway as the other drives are simply storage drives and have no other OS to boot.13:03
darknemesisany ideas?13:03
soreautesuji: type your boot options?13:03
tesujisoreau, if i knew what they were i wouldn't be asking13:04
soreautesuji: Its probably something like video=xvesa or something13:04
tesujisoreau, can you tell me where to find out?13:04
JoeMaverickSettwhat could be the cause of this problem? "E: Could not open file /var/lib/apt/lists/ppa.launchpad.net_do-core_ppa_ubuntu_dists_lucid_main_source_Sources - open (2: No such file or directory)"13:04
tesujisoreau, guessing is not going to work13:05
Dr_Willissomethinginteres:  I perer grub to show..  its not there very long.. and it should default to the ubuntu os after a short timeout.13:05
soreautesuji: Google? I really dont know what boot option it would be exactly13:05
tesujisoreau, have googled already, i am confused and need help13:05
soreautesuji: Maybe it would help if you explained why you think you need xvesa13:05
somethinginteresDr_Willis: how can I check/change the timeout value?13:06
Dr_Willissomethinginteres:  if your NTFS drives have no windows OS on them.. then that is weird that its showing them. You can  the windows os's from getting added to the grub menu via --> sudo chmod -x /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober13:06
tesujisoreau, because this laptop works using xvesa on another distro, will not boot ubuntu13:06
Dr_Willissomethinginteres:  grub2 has config fikles you edit.. then rerun 'sudo update-grub'13:06
Dr_Willissomethinginteres:  grub2 is worth learnuing a bit about. :)  time out is in /etc/default/grub  i belive13:06
Dr_Willis!grub2 | somethinginteres13:06
ubottusomethinginteres: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub213:06
soreautesuji: Which graphics card is it and at what point in the boot does it fail?13:06
bigtonehi folks.  I just upgraded to 10.04.  System has LVM over LUKS.  On reboot, after putting in password, I see "cryptsetup: lvm fs found but no lvm configured", before being dropped to an initramfs shell. Help!13:06
bigtonecan anyone offer clues?13:07
somethinginteresDr_Willis: thanks13:07
soreaubigtone: just what the message says, you apparently didnt setup lvm correctly13:08
soreau! lvm | bigtone13:08
ubottubigtone: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto13:08
bigtonesoreau: except, it was working before the upgrade.13:08
soreaubigtone: Upgrades are problematic at best. Use a fresh installation13:09
tesujisoreau, according to what i can find on the net, it is intel extreme grahics.  this is an ancient dell laptop.  when it boots i get the ubuntu logo then the screen goes blank13:09
bigtonesoreau: mmmmmmmm13:09
soreautesuji: Alright, try booting with nomodeset13:09
bigtonesoreau: as in, that's a shame13:09
tesujisoreau, please be explcit what to type and when13:10
soreautesuji: Actually, use intel.modeset=013:10
g0tchaanyone here has a link on how to install ubuntu on a usb drive so i can boot with it from any pc?13:10
tesujisoreau, is this at the boot: prompt?13:10
soreautesuji: yes13:10
DiploCatblah_sphemer, (sorry about delay), grub actually gets installed to the MBR, which is the first sector on the hard drive... the reason you need to chroot into fedora is so that it recognises that as your default disk / install... when you installed the external disk, it must have written over the MBR with info about the external disk13:11
tesujisoreau, it says "Could not find kernel image: intel.modeset=0"13:11
soreautesuji: ok that is the wrong prompt then13:12
airtonixg0tcha, look in your system > admin menu.13:12
tesujisoreau, i follow your directions exactly13:12
soreautesuji: I dont have a livecd booted in front of me so I cant tell you exactly how to get to boot options but try pressing e13:12
g0tchaairtonix, what am i supposed to look at there?13:12
tesujisoreau, at what stage?13:12
soreautesuji: Highlight try ubuntu then press e13:12
airtonixg0tcha, one of the options should be obvious.13:12
airtonixg0tcha, you wanted to know about "boot" and "usb"13:13
tesujisoreau, when boot it asks language, then there are 4 options: try it, install it, memtest, and check disk.  then what?13:13
soreautesuji: Highlight try it, then press e13:13
MostafaHi,Some month ago i copy file from my hard to ex hard disk to have backup of them, but now i find that i have 3 or some times more than 3 copy of same file, is there any software than can help me to delet the copy of files?13:15
soreauMostafa: bash13:15
Mostafasoreau, pls explane more, i am new in linux13:16
aguiteli am using remastersys to create live cd to share with others ,when it start ,how login ?13:16
soreauMostafa: You can probably write a bash script to do what you want13:16
abhijiti just written kubuntu to my external hdd. my external hdd is sdc and it has two partitions amongh that i write to sdc2. and it gives error Operating System missing.13:16
Mostafasoreau, can we talk in pm?13:17
abhijitwhere to get virtaul box help? which channel?13:17
IledenMostafa: why can't you just delete the file from the file system explorer?13:17
soreauMostafa: I dont think it will be of much benefit. Try #bash13:17
Piciabhijit: #vbox13:17
abhijitPici, thanks13:17
TiKabhijit: you have to install the bootloader on a different partitio i think13:17
MostafaIleden,cuz these alot folder and file13:18
IledenMostafa: if it's 2 extra copies of a file, it should be easy to just go find them delete those... or did I miss something?13:18
tesujisoreau, that doesn't work.  when livecd boot there is a row of options at the bottom tied to fkeys.  if you select one of them there is a menu, you can use arrow keys up and down and 'enter' selects or deselects, but you have to hit escape to get out of the menu and it isn't clear that the option was saved.  one of the options nomodeselect however it still boots to a blank screen13:18
abhijitTiK, means? i have ubuntu running in my main internal hdd.13:18
IledenMostafa: oh, ok, there are a lot of duplicate files. sorry, I misread you13:18
soreautesuji: Alright, hang on let me boot a lucid cd13:19
tesujisoreau, i am using xubuntu13:19
TiKabhijit: sometimes you can't boot off an external drive13:20
abhijitTiK, then how to do this ? ----withought affecting my original ubuntu-----13:20
TiKabhijit: I'm no expert but I would have tried notinstallinga boot manager and adding kub to your other ubuntu's grub list13:20
aguiteli am using remastersys to create live cd to share with others ,when it start ,how login ?13:21
zhutongwhere am i13:21
abhijitTiK, ok13:21
soreautesti: ok you do F6, then esc, then the boot line will appear where you can type. Put any kernel options there, each are separated by a space13:22
soreautesuji: At the end of the kernel boot line13:22
blah_sphemerDiploCat, What does this do? grub-install /dev/sda13:23
soreaublah_sphemer: It will attempt to install grub to the first hard drive in the machine13:24
blah_sphemersoreau, okay.13:24
Karen_mhey jrib , how do i take ~/kismet.new and ~/kismet.old and produce a patch that i can apply to kismet.old (and then i will build kismet.old and install that package)13:25
kancermanwould love to know how to recover from a thrown 'immediate configure' error ...13:26
kohlersI want to import all mail from outlook to thunderbird. can i do that and if how may i?13:26
guampai've transferred my ubuntu to my sisters machine, will now reinstall grub in the target and adapt /etc/fstab with the new uuids... is there a dpkg-reconfigure that makes all this for me?13:26
abhijitempathy wont allow me to go invisible? help :(13:26
blah_sphemersoreau, it gave me this: Vould not find device for /dev/mapper/* in 4 lines. then said 'Installation finished'13:26
soreaublah_sphemer: Looks like it gave some informative output and finished without error13:27
JoeMaverickSettcould someone answer the question on the last post of this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=56835&page=2913:27
blah_sphemersoreau, okay.13:28
g0tchaairtonix, this lets me put the livecd on the usb.. it doesnt let me install it on the usb so i can boot from it.. does it?13:28
airtonixg0tcha, yes13:28
g0tchait does? hmm ill do more reading about it13:28
airtonixg0tcha, it will even let you assign a portion of the usb to "persistant storage"13:28
tesujisoreau, it displays the kernel boot line when i use a menu option but does not let me edit13:29
tesujisoreau, if i do not use menu option it does not even display the boot line13:29
soreauJoeMaverickSett: You have to install the patch first, before compiling13:29
guampaJoeMaverickSett: patches should be applied before compiling, step 6 seems to have debs with the compiled kernel already13:29
soreautesuji: idk, wroksforme13:30
tesujisoreau, this is xubuntu and the boot screen is diff from ubuntu (in all their infinite wisdom)13:30
JoeMaverickSettoh! could you guys write on that post? please. soreau, guampa.13:30
soreautesuji: Try #xubuntu then13:30
tesujisoreau, please tell me how to get a boot line13:30
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JoeMaverickSettseems that i've already compiled the kernel. :(13:31
soreautesuji: I already told you how to do it on a normal lucid livecd13:31
soreauJoeMaverickSett: Yes13:31
JoeMaverickSettsoreau, thanks.13:31
soreauJoeMaverickSett: You have to ditch the deb packages you have, apply the patch and rebuild again13:31
IledenHi! Any ideas why has my Ubuntu UI has become unbearably laggy after upgrading to 10.04? I initially thought it was about video card, but it applies with another card too. Everything was working ok and very fast on 9.04. Any ideas how to debug this?13:31
abhijitempathy wont allow me to go invisible? help :(13:31
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blah_sphemerDiploCat, I am stuck at the last step of : http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide .13:31
tesujisoreau, apparently i overlooked something - what do i have to press to get the boot line?13:32
soreauIleden: Does it make a difference if you disable desktop effects?13:32
blah_sphemerI cant do: sudo umount /mnt/disk113:32
blah_sphemerit says device is busy?13:32
soreautesuji: You boot the cd, press esc, select language, press F6 then press esc again13:32
JoeMaverickSettsoreau, i'm new on Ubuntu. been only 2months on it. so if you would, could you explain on the post, descriptively? if and when you got time.13:32
soreaublah_sphemer: Perhaps you dont have to worry about unmounting it..13:33
blah_sphemersoreau, okay. :)13:33
Kyuusai-Sanhey quick question anyone got a good program for converting a whole folder or .nef (raw) files to .jpg13:33
chilli0Does anyone know anything about how to use Mixxx with two mouses.13:33
Mostafai want to install fdupes but is give me this error, what should i do?13:33
blah_sphemeri love you soreau, DiploCat, Jordan_U. you saved the day for me :)13:34
soreauJoeMaverickSett: It depends on how the patch was generated and how the source was obtained and I really dont feel like replying there. Google for how to apply patch ubuntu13:34
Iledensoreau: not really. it makes the lagging have a bit diffent "feel"13:34
Benkinoobywhen ever i plug in a pendrive, it tells me unable to mount, not authorized. i can not find a solution. any hints/soulutions?13:34
JoeMaverickSettsoreau, alright, thanks for the help. will certainly Google it up.13:35
blah_sphemeris there a specific guide I  must follow to install ubuntu on my external HD and use it on whichever computer I want, on the fly?13:35
soreauJoeMaverickSett: Chances are, you will be able to use the patch program from the source directory to apply it13:35
Mostafai want to install fdupes but is give me this error, what should i do?13:35
jribMostafa: are you using APT?13:36
JoeMaverickSettsoreau, okie, will look it up again.13:36
MostafaThe action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources.13:36
guampai have copied my ubuntu partition to my sisters machine, will now reinstall grub in the target and adapt /etc/fstab with the new uuids... is there a dpkg-reconfigure for fstab?13:36
Mostafajrib,  what is that?13:36
Kyuusai-Sanblah_sphemer nope i dont think so, i think all you need to do is specify the drive when your installing ubuntu and then make sure that you have got the bios on your machine to boot from external device13:37
soreauMostafa: apt, as in apt-get, apt-cache, apt-file.. default package management tools in ubuntu13:37
Mostafajrib,  yes13:37
blah_sphemerKyuusai-San, how do I get a BIOS of that sort. Because I have to13:37
jribMostafa: then you should tell us the error13:37
jrib!paste | Mostafa13:38
ubottuMostafa: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:38
blah_sphemerKyuusai-San, how do I get a BIOS of that sort.13:38
Kyuusai-Sanyou dont need to it should already be built in to your machine13:38
Kyuusai-Sanwhen you turn it on it usual asks for a key for you to press to access your bios such as f12 or delete or something13:38
Kyuusai-Sanwhen in there you can specify what device to boot from13:38
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Kyuusai-Sanif your machine is relatively new then most of the time you dont need to go into the bios you can just press like f12 and manually select what device you want to boot from13:39
g0tchaairtonix, "Stored in reserved extra space" this means it will save the changes i make when i quit?13:39
Mostafajrib,  this is the error, when i use ubuntu softwear center The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources.13:39
blah_sphemerKyuusai-San, it only gives me 2 options: my internal SATA and gthe CD drive13:39
jribMostafa: pastebin your sources.list13:39
Kyuusai-Sannot sure then,13:39
blah_sphemerKyuusai-San, I dont get any option for the external hdd.13:40
blah_sphemerKyuusai-San, oh no.13:40
airtonixg0tcha, thats right. i've found that the maximum size it will create is 2gb13:40
Mostafajrib,  can we talk privet, pls i am new and need more help13:40
g0tchaairtonix, nice.. it created 3.1gb for me here on the 4gb im trying it on13:40
jribMostafa: you will get the most help in the channel13:40
soreauMostafa: Which package are you trying to install anyway?13:40
airtonixg0tcha, if you're feeling keen i would investigate partitioning the usb drive so that the other half is available when you boot from it and whne you use it on machines you can't boot from.13:41
Mostafasoreau, fdupes13:41
karlois there any command (in terminal) for force quit some program ?13:41
airtonixg0tcha, reason for this is that the space it creates for you is not easily mountable for novices at the moment.13:41
airtonixg0tcha, (when you're not using it as a boot disk that is )13:42
jribkarlo: xkill? kill? pkill?13:42
karlojrib, ty13:42
soreauMostafa: You need to learn how to pastebin so you will get better support. In your terminal, run the following: sudo apt-get install fdupes13:42
soreauMostafa: Then, pastebin the complete output from your terminal to pastebin.com if there is any problem13:43
cliemacfrhello everybody13:43
Kyuusai-Sanhey quick question anyone got a good program for converting a whole folder or .nef (raw) files to .jpg13:43
jribKyuusai-San: see if imagemagick's convert can...13:43
Kyuusai-Sanledge thanks ill give that a go now, alot of them darken the photo on conversion13:44
pradeephi everyone13:47
pradeepjust pulled my tooth am in pains here13:48
soreau! ot | pradeep13:48
ubottupradeep: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:48
armor-64hi!i cant install 2 updates that are necessary for me the updates are(nvidia-current,flashplugin-nonfree)can you help?13:49
hariomHi, I am logged in to my ubuntu server as a normal user. When I want to execute any service, I do it using sudo and provide the password of the login user. But when I do "su" and systems I asks for the password, it doesn't accept the password. Why?13:50
cmpsalvestriniarmor-64: you need to enable the restricted sources to install those updates.13:50
cmpsalvestrinihariom: the standard mode of operating for getting yourself elevated to root is sudo su13:51
armor-64cmpsalvestrini, how to do this?13:51
kancermanhow do I get around an 'immediate configure' thrown exception ??13:51
abhijithow to extract .tar.gz command prmpt?13:51
blip-hi, when i click on the play button on youtube, nothing happens.  the video doesn't start loading.  i have firefox and flash-nonfree installed, any ideas ?13:51
cmpsalvestriniarmor-64: System --> Administration --> Software Sources13:51
blah_sphemerI have a desktop with 2 internal HDDs, one of which contains important files. but on windows I am unable to copy them onto a external hd, cuz it keeps saying delayed write failed. can ubuntu solve this?13:52
armor-64cmpsalvestrini, and were to go?13:52
hariomcmpsalvestrini: ok. I got that part. Now I have created another user and logged into it using su <username> and password for that user. But when I do sudo from the new users, it get this: <newuser> is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.13:52
cmpsalvestrinihariom: try not using su but instead use sudo directly13:53
cmpsalvestrinifor instance sudo rmmod foo13:53
thune3hariom: new users need to have "admin" group added to gain sudo privliges13:54
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hariomthune3: how to do that?13:55
cmpsalvestriniarmor-64: you will be asked for your password13:55
cmpsalvestriniarmor-64: once in the program you can select under the ubuntu software tab the sources you want to activate in this case restricted13:57
hariomOk I did that using users and groups GUI13:57
thune3hariom: you can use gui System->Admin->users and groups or I think that command is sudo adduser user group ........ oh ok you got it13:57
neo__hi!i have a problem with the wi-fi connection. every time i use Transmission, after a while the connection goes down, has someone else had the same problem? (i use ubuntu 10.04 LTS)14:00
User534can somebody create account in Czech site www.pipni.cz (i need free linux vps)14:00
magnetronneo__: do you happen to use a home router?14:00
_raven_how to copy local files via SSH with CP?14:00
magnetron_raven_: use scp14:00
neo__it happens only when transmission is runniig14:01
magnetronneo__: do you happen to use a router?14:01
neo__magnetron: yes14:01
bihari_raven_,  ? what do you mean by cp?14:01
User534somebody from Czech republic?14:02
_raven_bihari, with command tool cp14:02
_raven_magnet, gives me Could not resolve hostname ssh: Name or service not known14:03
magnetronneo__: it's probably a problem with your router, bittorrent generates alot of connections and some routers will crash if they get too many14:03
magnetron_raven_: probably because you typed it wrong.14:03
neo__ok......thanks, and how can i fix it?14:03
_raven_magnetron, how to do it right?14:03
llutz_raven_: "man scp"14:04
magnetronneo__: in some routers it's a setting of "maximum connections". others needs to be flashed with an alternative firmware, and some others can't be used for bittorrent14:04
JoshyFoxGaiz, I'm having an issue broadcasting anything with flash, it is horribly pixellated14:05
JoshyFoxI can give an example if one is needed14:06
aj00200I want to sell a harddrive I have, but I would like to know if there is a way to wipe in completely first (even from undeletion) because it contains some sensitive data14:06
llutzaj00200: use "shred"14:07
fsl1nick fsl14:07
aj00200llutz: thanks, I'll look at it :)14:07
flassagneserver irc://toile-libre.org14:07
paulmcateeHi guys, I got some help a while ago reguarding a bug for NVIDIA drivers, I had to reinstall after a fatal crash due to the lastest updates and the sound issues, but I'm back to square one. I have the solution to the NVidia drivers, but now I can't edit the damn xorg file. HELP!14:07
_raven_magnetron, possible to save the connection? or necessary to enter the password for each file14:07
Mjukselanybody know how to play cod mw2 on ubuntu btw?14:07
Pici!wine | Mjuksel14:08
ubottuMjuksel: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu14:08
Mjukseli know i have wine installed14:08
Mjukselbut it wont work14:08
neo__magnetron: but when i used windows XP it didn't give me troubles. so i thought about a library error or something similar14:08
PiciMjuksel: #winehq can help you get specific applications running under Wine.14:08
Mjukselok cool14:08
JoshyFoxGuys, any help why the flash broadcasting issue?14:09
paulmcateeWhat flash are you running?14:09
bihariJoshuaL,  ? whats the issue? can you tell me your problem ?14:09
JoshyFoxThe newest one, adobe14:09
JoshyFoxWell, whenever I broadcast, it is horribly pixellated14:10
paulmcateeAre you running 32 or 64 bit?14:10
JoshyFoxThat is broadcasting anything, not just webcam14:10
paulmcateeSo you are using Flash 10.1??14:10
magicstuffhey everyone...14:11
magicstuffso I tried to do a dual boot with win7...and its not working14:11
magnetronneo__: well, you haven't given anymore info so router problems is the most likely cause here14:11
TommyThaGunI just got a bunch of these "N: Ignoring file 'google-chrome.list.distUpgrade' in directory '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/' as it has an invalid filename extension" when I ran an update. They were all for different files.14:11
TommyThaGunhow do I fix it?14:11
chilli0Does anyone know how I can change my mouse pad ( laptop) input to a midi input. ( trying to use it as a crossfader mixxx)14:11
magicstuffchilli0: i like that idea...interesting14:12
paulmcateeWhat kind of connection do you have?14:12
chilli0magicstuff, Thanks. Any clue how =P14:12
red2kicTommyThaGun: My assumptions were that you upgraded to Lucid. All third-parties PPA are disabled when you do that. Invalid filename extension -- (distUpgrade).14:12
magicstuffnope, sorry :d14:12
paulmcateeAnd your graphics card?14:12
TommyThaGunred2kic, I upgraded from Lucid almost 2 months ago14:12
tiergeHello everyone! sorry for my english, but i need ur help. i need to know how can i find out what happens when i am oppening exe file, actually i do know that exe is trying to open some txt file,that can not be found on my pc, but i need to know where exe is looking for that file. hope u understood me( thx14:13
red2kicTommyThaGun: In other words, fix your PPA (from Karmic to Lucid, perhaps?) then try and "sudo aptitude update"14:13
TommyThaGunred2kic, that was the first time I have had this error14:13
PiciTommyThaGun: What version of Ubuntu are you running now?14:13
TommyThaGunred2kic, excuse me, actually, I upgraded from Lucid to Maverick14:13
JoshyFoxGraphics card, hmm14:13
paulmcateeAre you running on a laptop?14:13
JoshyFoxLemme find out14:13
JoshyFoxI am, yes14:13
soreautierge: Are you using wine to run this exe?14:13
neo__magnetron: actually, you're right. but in the system log there's nothing. only one time it logged something about /build/buildd/linux-2.6.32/net/mac80211/tx.c14:13
TommyThaGunred2kic, but that was about a montha nd a half ago. This was the first I've seen this error though14:14
neo__magnetron: and the relative call trace14:14
tiergesoreau, no - mono14:14
red2kicTommyThaGun: It's not errors -- but -- notifications. You could have overlooked it in the past.14:14
paulmcateeOK, I did notice a few posts about wireless problems on the Ubuntu forums have you had a look through them?14:14
soreautierge: Then use strace14:14
PiciTommyThaGun: Then you should be asking in #ubuntu+114:14
TommyThaGunred2kic, I couldn't have overlooked 20 of them14:14
JoshyFoxIt isn't a wireless problem, it happens even on a wired connection14:14
ooAnyone here know anything about OpenVPN? I have a VERY simple question: What is the point of the routes I see?14:14
magnetronneo__: wait, you are torrenting via wifi? you didn't tell me14:15
tiergesoreau: mono strace exe.exe ? sry once again ( i am nnob14:15
Mostafai install fdupes where i can find it to run?14:15
Gneaoo: what routes?14:15
paulmcateeOK, graphics card?14:15
neo__magnetron: yes14:15
JoshyFoxJust finding out for you14:15
cognitiaclaevessystem came up this morning without window decorations.  I recall having a blue icon that I could use to fix this.  I don't remember what it was called.  It allowed me to switch from 3d to metacity and reload.  Anyone know what it was?14:15
TommyThaGunPici, I asked there, but it's been quiet. And I figured this may be a problem seen on different Ubuntu versions14:15
TommyThaGunI guess I'll just wait patiently14:16
erUSULcognitiaclaeves: fusion-icon14:16
cognitiaclaevesYes, that was it.  Thanks!14:16
neo__magnetron: i saved the log with the call trace but i dont't kwnow who to send it to14:16
JoshyFoxIntel, mobile 945GM/GMS14:16
ooGnea: I'm testing a bunch of VPN services and they all do the "push" configuration, they always have a route like       UG    0      0        0 tap014:16
magnetronneo__: there are a millions of reasons your wifi could go down. for instance, some other wifi user could be using an overlapping frequency14:16
tesujisoreau, i tried all your suggestions regarding my laptop with intel video and none work, the display dies when X is launched. ALSO, I edited the boot options to show progress messages and I can see it griping about missing broadcom drivers.  are these not included on the cd?14:16
ooGnea: that being Destination, Gateway, Genmask14:16
TiKquestion: how do I unzip *.zip in console ? in the gui it puts them all in seperate folders and I don't want that14:16
paulmcateeOK, let me take a quick look at something.14:16
soreautesuji: No proprietary drivers are installed by default14:17
Mostafawhere i can run fdupes?14:17
soreau! broadcom | tesuji14:17
ubottutesuji: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx14:17
erUSULTiK: unzip *.zip14:17
Gneaoo: oh, that's probably just a sample configuration. no serious sample would use real ip information.14:17
JoshyFoxOk :D14:17
TiKerUSUL: doesnt work14:17
erUSULTiK: error message ?14:17
soreauMostafa: Did you ever pastebin the output of apt-get install fdupes?14:17
Gneaoo: the point is so that it won't screw your network up while testing14:17
tesujisoreau, this laptop has no internet access without wifi so downloading is impossible if wifi does not work14:17
soreauMostafa: Try running fdupes in your terminal14:17
TiKcaution: filename not matched: for all the zip files14:17
skellllhello hello14:17
jmspeexI just did an upgrade to Lucid and near the end, the "upgrade manager" just told me it was aborting the upgrade (and leaving me with an inconsistent state) just because some irrelevant package couldn't be upgraded.14:17
Mostafasoreau,  how?14:17
jmspeexWhere do I go from here?14:17
llutzTiK: for i in *.zip; unzip "$i";done14:18
amir``is there a way to mirror a signle webpage with all the css and content?14:18
TiKerUSUL: caution: filename not matched: for all the files14:18
jmspeexI removed the offending package, but it's not clear how I can resume the upgrade14:18
soreautesuji: Yep, that is why hardware mfgrs that do not cooperate with OSS suck14:18
erUSULTiK: for file in *.zip; do unzip "$file"; done14:18
llutzerUSUL wins14:18
neo__magnetron: if this is a problem that would stand also with windows so i don't think because this problem issued only with ubuntu14:18
soreauMostafa: Open your terminal and run fdupes14:18
erUSULTiK: ok llutz was faster ;P14:18
red2kicamir``: wget --help  (See --mirror)14:18
llutzmissing "do"14:18
paulmcateeWhen did you last update the flash package?14:18
cognitiaclaeveserUSUL: That did the trick.  Thanks!14:18
amir``pavok is good?14:18
erUSULcognitiaclaeves: no problem14:18
skelllli have a problem , i my / partition i have 0 bits avaible , even if the used space is less than the available space , so i can boot but not log on14:19
TiKllutz: do I put that in a bash script?14:19
ooI am really stupid and don't know much about NAT, but I can't figure out why they always add a route for when that is one of those formerly reserved blocks14:19
erUSULTiK: in command line14:19
llutzTiK: why, just one line at cli14:19
Gneaoo: again, it's just a *sample*14:19
JoshyFoxLast updated it, hmm14:19
TiKllutz: bash: syntax error near unexpected token `unzip'14:19
JoshyFoxI think it is the most recent one14:19
TiKed1703: ill try yours14:19
llutzTiK: missing "do"  see erUSULs14:19
neo__magnetron: before instead, the screen became black and i was forced to switch it off pushing the button14:19
Gneayou don't use a sample in a real configuration, you're supposed to modify it to suit your needs14:19
erUSULTiK: llutz version had a mistake14:19
paulmcateeOK, wanna try reinstalling it?14:19
tesujisoreau, well, that's a headache but i can load the drivers on a thumbdrive IF i can get it to boot.  any other ideas?14:19
Gneaoo: if you're new to networking, then maybe #networking can help you out14:20
neo__magnetron: that's why i thought about a kernel errore14:20
magnetronneo__: i thought you said your network went down14:20
ooThe reason I ask is that I'd like to make it so that only traffic to certain IP ranges goes trough the tap interface14:20
paulmcateeApplications/Ubuntu software center/ internet14:20
chilli0How do I install  gtk+-2.0 ?14:20
neo__magnetron: recently yes14:20
TiKerUSUL: thanks worked14:20
soreautesuji: I think that the reason it does not boot is because of the intel drivers though that is just a guess. Other problems could be you have not enough ram to load the livecd or that the machine is just old14:20
coz_chilli0,  are you on gnome right now?14:20
tesujisoreau, to recap, it works ok with xvesa drivers on another distro, are they included on the livecd and if so how to use them?14:20
chilli0coz_,  Yeah.14:21
erUSULTiK: no problem14:21
Mostafasoreau,  i can't run it, whyy14:21
* TiK bows to the master14:21
chelitocould any of you know how to forward web traffic to a private server using iptables?? I've been looking for something but nothing work for me, help14:21
Mostafacan you told me the command?14:21
coz_chilli0,  gtk2 is already installed...are you trying to compile something?14:21
JoshyFoxWhat am I looking for14:21
tesujisoreau, it works with other distros just not ubuntu14:21
soreautesuji: Right, my guess is to boot with video=vesa or whatever14:21
JoshyFoxShould I search for adobe?14:21
chilli0coz_, Yes.14:21
ooGnea: That makes sense....sorry I just had huge latency there so I didnt se your message. Thanks a lot!14:21
paulmcateeif that doesn't work try in system/ Administration/ Synaptic package manager14:21
coz_chilli0,  ok then it is going to ask for .dev files    which is is asking for?14:21
neo__magnetron: maybe that error was fix in a kernel update, but now there's another one14:21
neo__magnetron: *was fixed14:22
chilli0coz_, checking for PACKAGE... configure: error: Package requirements (gtk+-2.0 >= 2.4.0) were not met:14:22
coz_chilli0,  ok hold on14:22
paulmcateeApplications is at the top left of your screen, in the drag down menu you'll find Ubuntu software center at the bottom14:22
JoshyFoxI know, I changed into synaptic because I prefer it :B14:22
red2kicpaulmcatee: (or bottom left for me) ;)14:23
paulmcateeShould be under Adobe Flash Player14:23
paulmcateeNo worries14:23
JoshyFoxRight, its reinstalled14:23
magicstuffcan anyone take a few minutes to help me fix this dual boot?14:23
paulmcateeAny luck?14:23
JoshyFoxShould I restart Chrome?14:23
bihariJoshuaL,  why dont you download it from synptic package manager14:23
chilli0coz_, What I'm trying to do is use my mouse track pad ( on the laptop) as a midi controller. And the program needs this, or is there any other programs you know that can do this?14:23
JoshyFoxOk :D14:24
magicstuffchilli0: not that this helps..but did you see that turntable made out of a mouse?14:24
paulmcateeAll good?14:24
JoshyFoxJust checking14:24
KrimZonin Lucid, the gui forgets all my shared folder settings (as in i choose 'sharing options' on a folder menu and the resulting dialog looks the same as an unshared folder) - but my shares are still accessible via the network. how do i fix this so the gui remembers?14:24
chilli0magicstuff, Yeah i did haha.14:24
coz_chilli0,   try sudo apt-get install  libgtk2.0-dev14:24
bihariJoshuaL,  go and install it from synpatic package manager14:24
litelhey, sometimes with firefox some web sites are bugy, i only get a white page with lines of "?"14:24
JoshyFoxNo, no change at all14:24
chilli0coz_,  Doing it now.14:25
KrimZonalso, the folder icons have no emblems to indicate being shared14:25
coz_chilli0,  also...what are you trying to compile?14:25
chelitosomeone that can work with iptables?14:25
chilli0coz_,  http://home.earthlink.net/~gmoonlit/raton/raton.html14:25
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.14:25
neo__magnetron: who can i send the kernel trace to?14:25
coz_chelito,  there are probably man that can but if not try ##linux channel14:25
bihariSystem ->administration->synpatic package manager14:25
chelitothank you coz_14:25
paulmcateeOK, so its not the synaptic package, does it change with different sites?14:25
coz_chilli0,  did that work for you?14:26
JoshyFoxNo, on chatroulette it is terrible and also on places like watchtail14:26
JoshyFoxWatchtail is like... Ustream14:26
chilli0coz_,  I have slowish internet. Still downloading =P14:26
coz_chilli0,  ok14:26
dirk_whats ur prob, paulmcatee?14:27
xckpd7any verdicts on that new maverick font? I'm on jaunty jackalope and wondering if I can take advantage14:27
paulmcateeHow about on just a simple game site ,eg. mouse breaker?14:27
=== guest is now known as tuesday03082010
chilli0coz_, Yeah it did. But now getting alsa issues =S14:28
JoshyFoxI've not killed it have I? D:14:28
chilli0coz_, configure: error: ** Couldn't find ALSA library libasound. **14:28
coz_chidge_,  right you will need  alsa development files  hold on14:28
JoshyFoxHe quit ; ;14:29
JoshyFoxI needed him14:29
AviMarcusCan anyone reccomend  a good imaging/backup program for ubuntu?14:29
chilli0coz_,  I think I need jackd =P14:29
coz_chilli0,   try  sudo apt-get build-dep alsa14:29
JoshyFoxAha, he's back!14:29
paulmcateeSorry, got lost.14:30
JoshyFoxDid your internet cut out too?14:30
chilli0coz_,  I was wrong =P14:30
paulmcateeNo, other probs.14:30
JoshyFoxAah, well, you're back now14:30
neo__magnetron: i go, thank a lot for your time. bye14:30
chilli0coz_, E: Unable to find a source package for alsa =O14:30
neo__magnetron: +thanks14:30
paulmcateeany luck with simpler flash sites?14:30
coz_chilli0,  mmm14:30
erUSULMostafa: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-unix-finds-duplicate-files-in-given-directories/14:31
JoshyFoxWatchtail is a very simple flash site, as is chatroulette14:31
JoshyFoxIn terms of what's going on14:31
coz_chilli0,   sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev14:31
tiergestrace -s config.txt mono exe.exe . will this work?14:31
chilli0coz_, Thanks a ton.14:31
Zeus__hello! I try to install Linux Mint menu on my Ubuntu 10.04 and I get the following msg Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: mint-common. How can I fix that?14:32
paulmcateeBut they are rather intense on the video, I'm just guessing it might be the connection rather than flash.14:32
coz_chilli0,  no problem... if you get stuck like with compiling  simply go to google   type  ubuntu and then the error message... you should get hits14:32
PiciZeus__: We do not support Mint here. Please use their support channel in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org14:32
JoshyFoxIt isn't the connection, I assure you14:32
Zeus__Pici, thank you!14:33
paulmcateeOK, I'm running to the end of my knowledge dude.14:33
chilli0coz_,  you wouldn't happen to know anything about raton would you? I need to try to specify against different mouses.14:33
JoshyFoxOn my windows laptop it is crystal clear, but my windows laptop is a lot older than my current one14:33
littlepenguinhi i have a question concerning network settings...i have an configured wired eth0 interface...when i put a mobile usb hsdpa stick in it f**ks my settings and i have no internet anymore on any device..i found out that udev rule 70 sets the hsdpa stick to eth0 ..is it enough to change the udev rule to eth1 or sthg similar to hold my wired settings?14:33
paulmcateeBTW, I lost the thread what graphics and chip etc are you using?14:34
coz_chilli0,  sorry I dont  ... although I do recording here I generalldy use windows for that... and I never use midi14:34
coz_chilli0,  although there should be channels for that  on irc14:34
chilli0Oh. coz_ For what? Mapping mouse to midi?14:34
JoshyFoxIntel Corp Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller14:35
coz_chilli0,  well I know nothing about this unfortunately14:35
chilli0coz_, its fine, you have helped heaps thanks.14:35
JoshyFoxUbuntu 10.0414:35
paulmcateeSorry, computer and CPU?14:36
JoshyFoxOh :D14:36
sektorNBAhi is sshd enable by default on ubuntu 10.04?14:36
coz_chilli0,  good luck on that... you could go to the #alsa channel ,,, if they dont know there they may be able to suggest other support channels for that  although it may take time for someone to answer in that channel so hang out there14:36
chilli0Yeah thanks.14:36
JoshyFoxDell LATITUDE D620, Dual core 1.6GHZ CPU14:36
JoshyFox1.67, rather14:36
=== tuesday03082010 is now known as ubuntu03082010
paulmcateeOK, I'm out of ideas. Your gonna have to get one of the pros to help, sorry mate.14:37
JoshyFoxThanks for the help though!14:38
AviMarcusany suggestions for backing up my entires system? I think I'd like to manage home seperately , though14:38
tesujisoreau, i tried "video=vesa" and have googled, all out of ideas, can you point me to any resources?14:38
paulmcateeNo worries.14:38
AviMarcusand certainly not backup /media14:38
dirk_JoshyFox, can you summ pu the problem again14:38
bareegoAviMarcus, for a whole partition your can use dd14:38
bareegoAviMarcus, otherwise you can just backup relevant folders14:39
AviMarcusbackup how? I got grsync, but it won't let me exclude folders/subfolders14:39
mateuszjest ktos14:39
chilli0Anyone here know how to go from mouse to midi?14:40
cmpsalvestriniwoohoo I got PCBSD on an usb stick14:40
mateuszzte 636?14:40
jamdatadudeI've gotta buy a laptop from bestbuy, but I want to get something that will run well with ubuntu14:40
bareegoyou  could move home to a seperate partition14:40
littlepenguinmouse to midi??i know devices like music keyboards to midi converter or sthg like this14:40
cmpsalvestrinijamdatadude: any good old laptop will do14:40
soreautesuji: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions14:41
chilli0littlepenguin, Yes mouse to midi.14:41
bareegootherwise find out which folders you don't need to backup then just make a lil script with cp14:41
AviMarcushome is on it's own partition. grsync simulation grabbed that too for /14:41
littlepenguinbut mouse to midi never heard for what reason to do this??14:41
jamdatadudecmpsalvestrini: are their brands that tend to be more friendly?14:41
littlepenguin @chili14:41
AviMarcusor do you mean a separate partition in some other way, bareego ?14:41
chilli0littlepenguin, So I can use my mouse on the laptop as a fader for mixxing songs.14:42
soreautesuji: Try F4->safe graphics mode14:42
sektorNBAhow do i turn off default firewall on ubuntu 10.04 ?14:42
chilli0DJING @ littlepenguin14:42
bareegowith dd you can make a bitcopy of a whole partition, then zip it to make it small14:42
cmpsalvestrinijamdatadude: Dell, Acer and Toshiba are linux friendly AFAIK the rest work reasonably well but have their own quirks14:42
soreautesuji: or keep pressing esc at the screen till it goes into test mode14:42
littlepenguinchilli but for what mouse to midi=?=?14:42
blunderwhat is the repo for adobe acrobat14:42
jamdatadudecool there are several toshibas at the local store14:42
chilli0littlepenguin, For what I just said?14:42
cmpsalvestriniblunder: ubuntu-restricted14:43
bareegoso the emtpy space gets compressed14:43
ssureshot does mailutuls need to be installed for the php mail function to work properly with postfix?14:43
AviMarcuscool, didn't realize zip would do that. I'm gonna look at some more gui's first14:43
edbianbareego, It's a bit more complicated than that.  The file gets smaller is the bottom line.14:43
cmpsalvestrinijamdatadude: I recommend a clean install, dual boot is a pain14:43
sektorNBAsudo ufw allow 2214:43
sektorNBAsudo ufw allow 2214:43
sektorNBAops. sorry14:43
tesujisoreau, further digging says option have to be added AFTER the -- at end of boot options14:44
edbianjamdatadude, Dual boot is harder than a clean install.  Dual boot is not that hard imho.14:44
jamdatadudeI do not plan on dual booting14:44
soreautesuji: Yes, I told you at the end of the kernel line14:44
littlepenguinyes chilli i understand what you want but what for the midi?14:44
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cmpsalvestrinijamdatadude: welcome to the future then :D14:44
jamdatadudeI've already got vm workstation to deal with the few things that require windows14:44
chilli0littlepenguin, So I can connect it to Mixxx.14:46
jamdatadudeI think the M645 looks pretty good14:46
bjhaidi installed wifi on my pc yesterday, rebooted and it worked, now i start up my pc and i cannot access it, the driver is not included in the proprietary driver list, can anyone help?14:46
winmuttanyone know how to use valgrind in htere14:47
littlepenguinchilli but what in detail you want to do with the mouse movement?you want to use it like some one who juggles and changes between channels?14:47
winmutti get it running my app launched and then it just sits there14:47
abhijitcan someone tell me whats the difference between using backup software and doing backup by simple copy paste?14:47
sektorNBAgot it. sudo ufw disable14:47
bjhaidi installed wifi on my pc yesterday, rebooted and it worked, now i start up my pc and i cannot access it, the driver is not included in the proprietary driver list, can anyone help?14:47
winmutti checked the strace and its just trying to access the callgrind.cmd* files14:47
chilli0littlepenguin, That's what I said , use it as a cross fader.14:48
=== claudio is now known as Guest97710
Guest97710alguem entende portugues?14:48
Pici!pt | Guest9771014:48
ubottuGuest97710: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.14:48
serkusесть русские14:49
Pici!ru | serkus14:49
ubottuserkus: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:49
littlepenguinok chilli now i understand...14:49
bjhaidi installed wifi on my pc yesterday, rebooted and it worked, now i start up my pc and i cannot access it, the driver is not included in the proprietary driver list, can anyone help?14:50
serkus меня там послали14:50
npopei'm running 'x11vnc' and kubuntu 10.04... i can connect to my kubuntu box and see my kde screen saver running but I can not unlock it with my kubuntu box password.  is there an option in KDE that does not allow x11vnc to play nice with KDE ?14:50
littlepenguin@chilli i used this prog some time agho i think it has this feature http://www.mixxx.org/14:51
npopei'm thinking something about remote login's (even though I understand x11vnc to make it look local)14:51
tesujii need to use broadcom drivers on a machine running off a liveCD - it seems to be a catch-22 - i have to reboot after loading them and of course then they are gone14:51
magnetrontesuji: your only option is to make a custom live-cd14:52
serkus ты русский14:52
sektorNBAI wanna install some codecs. Is there any codec pack for ubuntu 10.04 ?14:52
edbiantesuji, Yeah, because it's a live CD you can't save your changes from session to session.  USB key might be a better solution.14:52
=== Illuminatus is now known as IlluminaOFF
bjhaidtesuji: i am suffering the same problem, the drivers do not come on, 9.10 is installed into my drive14:53
littlepenguinyes nba the bad and ugly gstreamer pakets14:53
tesujiedbian, that's it - so how do i get it work with a usb?14:53
edbiantesuji, Use the USB creator in the System Menu.14:53
magnetronsektorNBA: easiest is to install ubuntu-restricted-extras. but if you try to play the media in Totem it will download the codecs automagically14:54
bjhaidi installed wifi on my pc yesterday, rebooted and it worked, now i start up my pc and i cannot access it, the driver is not included in the proprietary driver list, can anyone help?14:54
davidtim i littel stuck how do i get the compiz pref on14:54
soreau! compiz | davidt14:54
ubottudavidt: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz14:54
sektorNBAmagnetron thanks14:54
=== kuba_ is now known as Guest50411
ArtelI finally installed Ubuntu on my rig with Windows 7, but now I'm worried about something14:55
tesujiedbian, i just installed it with apt-get but it isn't on any menu14:55
soreaubjhaid: What driver are you looking for? ie. what is not working?14:55
ArtelBefore installing, i resized my windows partition until it's really small, with only 10GB free space14:55
davidttesuji restart14:55
Artelthen I installed the ubuntu partition over all the unaccolated space14:55
tesujiDavidt restart what?14:56
soreau! enter | Artel14:56
ubottuArtel: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:56
abhijitbihari, pm14:56
edbiantesuji, I'm not on an ubuntu machine right now.  It isn't in System -> Admin -> USB Creator  or something like that??14:56
davidtthe pc14:56
davidtthen it shows up14:56
tesujidavidt please be explicit i have no clue what you are talking about14:56
davidtrestart the pc n boot in to linux it will be there14:57
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:57
serkushi Rissian14:57
soreautesuji: Hey, you have it booting now?14:57
ArtelI have windows in one small partition, and ubuntu in an extended partition. My HDD has no extra space, just the two partitions. I have a GB NTFS partition that I use to store my media, but it's inside the extended partition that ubuntu is in.14:57
soreau! broadcom | tesuji14:57
ubottutesuji: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx14:57
ArtelIf one day I need to remove and reinstall ubuntu, what should I do?14:57
tesujidavidt don't tell people to reboot their pc in order to make a menu option show up - that's a windows fix :)14:57
tesujisoreau, yes!!!!14:57
soreautesuji: You can load the broadcom firmware and drivers without rebootings14:57
=== erik_ is now known as Guest89397
Piciserkus: #ubuntu-ru for russian14:57
kerebrusI accidently removed my top bar how do I get the menu back?14:58
ArtelI can't move the 300GB partition outside the extended partition or anything?14:58
soreautesuji: Well, you are welcome :P14:58
Guest89397Hai gais! Plz develop amore stable Flash plugin. Kthnx!!14:58
tesujisoreau, i found the info with google but thanks for all your time to help me try various options :)14:58
serkus Pici: b xnj&14:58
davidtsome times it dont show untill reboot im telling u14:58
uRockArtel, Artel, I Windows and Ubuntu are working, then what is the issue? Free space?14:58
=== Guest89397 is now known as Boromir
soreautesuji: What ended up doing the trick?14:58
serkus Pici:и что??14:58
serkus Pici: там народу мало14:58
tesujisoreau, add "i915.modeset=1" after the "--" and up she comes14:59
soreautesuji: Gah, I forgot the intel kernel module is called i915 and not intel :|14:59
skumarais there any program that can tweak my laptop fan ?14:59
Piciserkus: #ubuntu is english only.14:59
ArtelWell, basically, my question is this: How do you resize an extended partition?14:59
tesujisoreau, np - you will remember next time14:59
BoromirBut sersiously.. Adobe Flash plugin is the best around at the moment?15:00
soreautesuji: But, it should already have had modesetting on with any recent version of ubuntu15:00
tesujisoreau, apparently 10.04 dropped support for intel15:00
serkusPici однако ты русский понимаешь15:00
abhijitanyone uses keep here?15:00
soreautesuji: Where did you read that??15:00
Piciserkus: No. I don't.15:00
* abhijit not expecting !anyone factoid!15:00
uRockArtel, the only wat to resize is to first shrink the ubuntu partition within it. You will have to shrink it to the right, which will make space on the left.15:00
Artelso I shrinked it the wrong way15:01
hdon_Hi everyone! :) I have a wireless NIC. Broadcom chipset BC4318. I installed a driver from the "Hardware Drivers" dialogue located on the System/Administration menu, but I can't connect to my unencrypted wireless network, although I see it listed on iwconfig. can anyone help?15:01
tesujisoreau, it works fine with all previous versions and i am not the only one having this problem - at 10.04 intel is no longer autodetected15:01
ArtelAlright, thanks, uRock!15:01
Artelis there any partition editing software installed on ubuntu?15:01
hdon_sorry not iwconfig, i meant iwlist wlan0 scanning15:01
Artelor do I have to boot up on partedmagic?15:01
sid3khi all. I've installed wmii -an alternative desktop environment- from its source code, but gdm doesn't display an optionbox for it15:02
sid3kwhat should I do?15:02
soreautesuji: well for the record, ubuntu has not dropped support for intel. But if modesetting is off by default that just means they built the kernel wrong or have it off for any other ignorant reason15:02
sektorNBAis there something like google sketchup for ubuntu ?15:02
serkusPici: ну ну15:02
abhijithello please help?15:02
uRockArtel, if you only just installed ubuntu, then it may be easier to just use the LiveCD to delete the ubuntu and extended partition, then create the extended one again, but make it smaller to the right, so you can make the Windows partition larger.15:02
jiffeafter reboot I am now getting errors saying 'ureadahead-other main process (xxx) terminated with status 415:03
jiffeit looks to be related to mounting disks, I just added some lines to fstab its possible something may not be right, but I can't boot now to fix it15:03
uRockArtel, in the Ubuntu menu on the LiveCD there is Gparted, which is the best partition editor around.15:03
abhijitcan someone tell me whats the difference between using backup software and doing backup by simple copy paste?15:03
serkusPici: ты наверное меня через translite.google.com переврдишь15:04
bareegoabhijit, amount of effort ?15:04
mahioohello all15:04
abhijitbareego, ok15:04
Piciserkus: Yes.15:04
soreauabhijit: typically backup software has some kind of structured way to use it while cp/mv is your own show15:04
mahioois there any way to run multiple apt-get in same time15:04
ubuntu03082010 Artel: /media/Data - for music and media My partitions are: http://itmages.ru/image/view/47492/52c27e6215:04
ManDaySirs and Madams, can anyone tell me whether I can set up something like an UNCOMPOSE key which prevents the following keystroke, if it is a composable char, to be composed?15:04
bareegobut you might want to use cp instead of just copy/paste if you want to preserve attributes and such15:04
FloodBot2ManDay: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:05
magicstuffmanday: relax15:05
Picimahioo: Not multiple processes, but you can do: apt-get install package1 package2 package315:05
ManDayFloodBot2 got me15:05
bareegouhm, permissions I mean15:05
serkusPici: бабушка на двое сказкла15:05
abhijitsoreau, bareego actualy i want that the backup should be synchronised. you know any such software? i justry trying keep.15:05
magicstuffI tried to do a dual boot with win7 today...win7 being installed first...and something is not working right15:05
serkusPici: ты же меня понимаешь15:05
magicstufffirst I shrunk the win7 partition inside of win7...then ran the lucid live cd...15:06
mahiooPici: yes i know this solution , but this command mean install package1 and when finish install second15:06
ubuntu03082010serkus: hello15:06
abhijitManDay, I was trying for 4 days. and still no solution.15:06
thune3jiffe: i get the impression that ureadahead failure is just a "symptom" of your problematic fstab. You will need to launch livecd (or another os) and fix fstab.15:06
edbianmagicstuff, What went wrong?15:06
Picimahioo: No it doesn't, it will install all of the packages in one go.15:06
serkusubuntu03082010 хай15:06
ManDayabhijit: right. why do you tell me, and what is that about?15:06
magicstuffedbian: I don't have a win7 option in the menu when the comp starts15:06
mahiooPici: thank you15:07
Piciserkus: Please move to #ubuntu-ru15:07
ubuntu03082010serkus: здесь незя in russian15:07
abhijitManDay, referenced to your demand of immidiate response15:07
thune3jiffe: or you could try emergency/recovery boot from grub2 selection15:07
edbianmagicstuff, Boot into Ubuntu and run this command "sudo update-grub"15:07
ubuntu03082010Pici: we are happy to stay here cause there are a lot of people15:07
edbianmagicstuff, It will automatically search for OS's on all hdd's connected to the system and re-write the grub menu for you.15:07
serkusubuntu03082010 а что забанить моут как злобных терористов15:07
magicstuffdo I need int connection for that?15:07
Piciubuntu03082010: This channel is english only.15:07
magicstuffI'm on a diff comp15:08
edbianmagicstuff, If that doesn't work you're going to have to dig deeper and make an entry in the grub menu yourself.15:08
Piciubuntu03082010: I will be forced to kick serkus if he continues,15:08
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:08
ubuntu03082010Pici: we're usin' it15:08
serkus Pici: сам ты двигай #ubuntu-ru15:08
abhijitsoreau, bareego actualy i want that the backup should be synchronised. you know any such software? i justry trying keep.15:08
magicstuffedbian: do I need an int conncetion for that?15:08
edbianmagicstuff, Nope15:08
magicstuffah ok15:08
ubuntu03082010Pici: it's better for us to stay here - it is the best ubuntu channel15:09
soreau! backup | abhijit15:09
ubottuabhijit: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning15:09
Piciubuntu03082010: You're free to use this channel if you speak english. #ubuntu-ru exists for a reason.15:09
ubuntu03082010it's ok15:09
abhijitsoreau, ok15:09
uRock!hi > root__15:11
ubotturoot__, please see my private message15:11
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magicstuffedbian: just did that...the output I got was15:11
=== claudiomf is now known as Claudiomf
magicstufffound linux image: /boot/yada yada, found initrd image: /boot/yada. found memtest86+ image: /bot/yada, found windows 7 (loader) on /dev/sda215:12
edbianmagicstuff, So it saw windows that time!  Great.  Any errors?15:13
magicstuffits always shown teh win 7 loader..when I try the loader...I get "no such partition"15:13
sektorNBAI am installing a lot of tools using apt-get. Did it store all packages? Which dir?15:14
edbianmagicstuff, Have you ever tried this command before?15:14
magicstuffstill had that win7 problem15:14
magicstuffI think I screwed up on the dual boot to begin with15:15
mahnGreetings. I no longer have sound, and attempting to force a reload of Alsa, i get this: http://pastebin.com/zm9qCR5c15:15
magicstuffloading up the livecd, to see if I can get something working..15:15
abhijitsoreau, now using grsync. thanks15:15
soreauabhijit: great.15:16
BentSpaceI'm on Ubuntu 10.4 and have Intel Integrated Graphics Media Accelerator 950 GM in my Dell Inspiron 6400 laptop. Video playback on youtube is smooth, unless I try to watch HD in fullscreen.  The 720p is watchable but studders and is really annoying.  1080p only puts up about 1 frame per second.  Doesn't have to do with download speed as I can let it download completely and then play with the same results. Any ideas what the p15:16
BentSpaceroblem might be, please?  Thank you.15:16
edbianmagicstuff, Try and reboot and see if it fixes it.  What is /dev/sda2?  Use the live CD and look at the hdd using gparted.15:16
mahnedbian, magicstuff: or you can terminal 'sudo fdisk -l'15:17
edbianmagicstuff, The only thing you need to get working to dual boot is to have grub launch the windows bootloader.  There is nothing else going on really than this.15:17
magicstuffmahn: what does that do?15:17
edbianmahn, But but it is hard to tell windows 7 from windows 7 recovery from windows 7 boot partition etc etc.15:17
ooDoes anyone know of a good repository for apparmor profiles?15:17
edbianmagicstuff, It lists all the partitions on all the hdd connected to the computer.15:17
edbianmagicstuff, Handy command. but like I said difficult to tell the difference between partitions.15:17
ooIt seems awesome but as far as I can tell Ubuntu doesn't come with a working repository15:17
edbianmagicstuff, sudo fdisk -l15:17
tesujii have questions about USB-creator - i am running ubuntu but i want to make usb to use xubuntu15:18
ooBentSpace: Right click in a flash window, disable "hardware acceleration" in the settings15:18
ooBentSpace: Also that sounds like a horrible bug, would you like to try a more recent video driver as a possible workaround?15:18
sektorNBAI am installing a lot of tools using apt-get. Did it store all inatallation packages? Which dir?15:19
magicstuffok...in gparted...I hvae my dellutility part...(sda1), ntfs (recovery) sda2, os (ntfs) with a yellow exclamation point by it...extended (sda4)...sda5 (ext4)...and 3 gigs unalloacted (swap?)15:19
m41n1hello guys15:19
Lazy^Hi, i have nfs share which owner is x123:x123 and i need to give access to user x124 to that share, is it enough if i add user x124 to group x123 ?15:19
ooBentSpace: Try this PPA, maybe it will solve your problem https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat/+archive/x-updates15:20
jiffeah, problem must have been the length of the label I made for the filesystem15:20
=== ubuntu03082010 is now known as qwerty
edbianmagicstuff, Is dell utility /dev/sda2  ??15:21
edbianmagicstuff, What is /dev/sda2 ?15:21
magicstuffyeah I think it is15:21
magicstuffits the recovery part15:21
m41n1i am trying to get Ubuntu 10.04 working on the Xbox360. I downloaded the source of the matching kernel 2.6.33 and applied the patches. Then I compiled so I have now the vmlinux file15:21
=== qwerty is now known as Guest67078
edbianmagicstuff, What partition in windows 7?15:21
m41n1What should i do next to include this file in the livecd/dvd?15:21
BentSpaceoo, thank you, I tried to disable the hardware acceleration, but that didn't seem to solve it.15:21
ddavidshi, pls can anyone help me with the command to install LAMP using the CLI?15:22
BentSpaceoo, I will try the PPA15:22
bareegom41n1, you can run linux on xbox360 ?15:22
=== oo is now known as peepingtom
jiffewhich apparently takes a max of 16 characters15:22
abhijit!lamp | ddavids15:23
ubottuddavids: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)15:23
wazzuphello can i just install ubuntu 10.4 next to windows 7 ?15:23
peepingtomwazzup: yes you can15:23
edbianmagicstuff, So now I have to look up how to edit grub 2...15:23
wazzupbecause i read there were some problems with the dual boot menu15:23
mahnedbian, magicstuff: what are you tring to do?15:23
wazzupor was that fixed in 10.4 ?15:23
edbianwazzup, No, it's called dual boot.15:23
BentSpaceoo, so my specs should be capable of smooth HD playback, right?15:24
magicstuffedbian: when I right click on sda3 (win7) in gparted I get (ntfsresive...etc...cluster accounting failed at 633392....ntfs is inconsistent...etc15:24
edbianmahn, grub-update finds windows 7 on partition /dev/sd3 but really it's on /dev/sda2.  How can we manually tell it that?15:24
peepingtomwazzup: It generally goes pretty smoothly. There are 2 methods, using "Wubi" or a standard install where you repartition your drive15:24
magicstuffmahn: I tried to setup a dual boot today..messed it up somehow..15:24
edbianmagicstuff, Not a huge deal.  Ubuntu will put up a stink about it because there is some problem with the disk but windows will happily chug along pretending it doesn't notice that problem.  Let's fix grub first than handle the cluster count.15:25
peepingtomBentSpace: Honestly its hard to say with Flash :) I have an i5 and it still lags sometimes15:25
magicstuffis there a way to totally delete my ubuntu installation, and then try to do it again with the livecd?15:25
magicstuffok thanks15:25
peepingtomBentSpace: but not 1fps like you're seeing15:25
wazzupso i can just install ubuntu 10.4 next to windows 7 without any problems with teh dual boot menu ?15:25
edbianmagicstuff, The partition will still boot.  We just have to point grub at it.15:25
mahnedbian, magicstuff: looking15:25
edbianmagicstuff, Not really.  Deleting Ubuntu still leaves the boot loader on the hdd.  The bootloader is grub.  Grub can't find windows.  BAsically if you delete ubuntu you won't have any working OS on the system.15:26
dayofswordsok, heres my issue. when i do the command 'java -version | head -n1'   i get the full 3 lines which it would normally output. i tried 'java -version | wc' and i got 0 0 0 , no lines, no words, no chars. . i tried less and more and they worked to get the text. but i can do 'java -version | cat | head -n1 | less', it displayed all 3 lines. shouldn't the text from java- version have been piped into wc, head (did it with awk too)?15:26
=== Guest67078 is now known as on_my_own
Emanonhola all, so i'm on 10.04 with an encrypted system, and everything works great until i apply my proprietary nvidia driver, then the encryption key entry screen (on bootup) has the wrong resolution (which it didnt before) any fixes come to mind?15:26
edbianmagicstuff, Be patient.  I know you feel like you're 2000 ft in and falling but we're very close.  The answer / problem is quite clear to me.15:26
peepingtomwazzup: probably, it only becomes complicated when people have "recovery" partitoons on laptops, where grub misdetects a recovery partition as a windows installatio. For example, look at edbian's conversation in this room15:26
magicstuffok thanks!15:26
edbianmagicstuff, I assure you this is the easiest way.15:26
serkusмне кто нибудь ответит кто всё эти люди?15:26
CkhiKuzad!ru _serkus15:26
peepingtomerr I meant magicstuff. ogod, hilighting. sorry, both.15:26
soreaudayofswords: What are you ultimately trying to accomplish with this?15:26
wazzupok i will15:26
CkhiKuzad!ru | serkus15:27
ubottuserkus: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:27
tesujisoreau, using the directions for livecd at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx it says to install bcwm-kernel-sources using synaptic - but synaptic says required files are missing from the cd.  i think i willl have to use apt-get on an internet-connected machine and just download - but i don't know what all packages will be downloaded and i have to be sure they don't get accidentally installed - is there another way to fetc15:27
tesujih them so they don't get intermixed on a live system?15:27
chrisw2hey all, I'm working with an Ubuntu 8.04 machine where /tmp appears to only be 1Mb in size and doesn't appear in /etc/fstab, what could cause that?15:27
Picidayofswords: Sounds like the information is coming out of stderr instead of stdout, try: java -version 2>&1 | wc -l15:27
edbianmagicstuff, See what peepingtom just said?  Exact thing happened. wazzup I'm fixing that problem right now for somebody else.15:27
serkus а что там есть?15:27
peepingtomtesuji: yes, you can grab the packages from packages.ubuntu.co15:27
edbianmagicstuff, gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub15:27
soreautesuji: packages.ubuntu.com15:27
dayofswordsjust get one line with the java version, just the first line, but 'java -version | head -n1' doesn't work15:27
abhijitserkus, type /j #ubuntu-ru15:27
magicstuffjust a second edbian:15:27
edbianmagicstuff, wait, don't run that command.  Wrong file anyway.15:28
magicstuffok good..didn't want to launch the missles towards Cuba ;)15:28
serkus а что это15:28
dayofswordsPici: that worked..... but why would it come out of stderr...15:28
magicstuffserkus: no15:29
abhijitserkus, Тип / J # ubuntu-RU15:29
CkhiKuzadSerkus, vă rugăm să vizitaţi #ubuntu-ru acum, nu vorbim rusă în acest canal. numai în limba engleză.15:29
CkhiKuzad(woot for google translate)15:29
mahnmagicstuff: can you use pastebin.com and copy all of /boot/grub/grub.cfg into it?15:29
soreautesuji: There is not an easy way to do this. I recommend getting the fw files from an internet connected ubuntu15:29
PiciCkhiKuzad: Except that you translated it into romanian, not russian.15:29
CkhiKuzadD: damn it!15:30
tesujisoreau, gah!  i don't know what category to look under nor the name of the package15:30
magicstuffnot sure mahn:15:30
magicstuffI can15:30
magicstuffI can't get a connection on this computer...15:30
Picidayofswords: I don't know why its coded like that.15:30
serkusвот это я понимаю15:30
CkhiKuzadSerkus, пожалуйста, перейдите на #ubuntu-RU сейчас, мы не владеющих русским языком в этом канале. только на английском языке.15:30
serkusнаш человек15:30
soreautesuji: and even now that I think about it, fw-cutter downloads the firmware, it doesnt actually have the firmware in the package itself15:30
tesujisoreau, but they must not install on the internet connected machine or it will be toast15:30
edbianmahn, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#/etc/default/grub%20%28file%29  custom menu entries...15:30
magicstuffwhen I right click on connections...I can't enable wireless15:30
dayofswordsPici: ok, thank you15:30
soreautesuji: What will be toast?15:30
magicstuffI'm on lucid btw15:30
on_my_ownCkhiKuzad:  what you sa?15:30
th0rCkhiKuzad: please don't feed the troll15:31
tesujisoreau, the internet connected machine uses wifi15:31
magicstuffok..enabled wirelss15:31
mahnedbian: yea, you can use /etc/grub.d/40_custom for that15:31
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magicstuffwireless, but it says "device not ready"15:31
CkhiKuzadth0r, i am not exactly sure what he is saying. so i wasnt aware of my feeding of the troll.15:31
=== Guest21651 is now known as raKsa
th0rCkhiKuzad: several people have already invoked the bot for the russian link, he is ignoring it15:32
soreautesuji: Yes but you need to install the firmware on ubuntu with internet then grab the firmware files from /lib/firmware IIRC15:32
ManDaySirs and Madams, can anyone tell me whether I can set up something like an UNCOMPOSE key which prevents the following keystroke, if it is a composable char, to be composed?15:32
CkhiKuzadah. i see.15:32
ManDaybe ware im going to explode if no one answers my question now!15:32
fizk_hey guys, little GUI annoyance here15:32
* CkhiKuzad actually forgot what he came on the support channel for... 15:32
magicstuffno you can't manday"15:32
mahnedbian, magicstuff: but all your grub headers point into grub.cfg. so you can see why it's not finding the correct Win7 Partition15:32
hihihi100hi can anyone gimme a hand regarding a verbatim external hard drive?15:32
tesujisoreau, can you be sure that installing the wrong drivers for my box on my box won't kill my box?15:32
ManDaymagicstuff: who says that? kernel.org?15:32
magicstuffI say that15:33
hihihi100the question is, are verbatim external hard drives compatible with ubuntu?15:33
ManDaywhy do you say such thing?15:33
=== on_my_own is now known as shadow
soreautesuji: No, it will not kill anything. Worse case scenario is they will fail to load15:33
CkhiKuzadoh. i remember. is there a way to install a lexmark 2600 printer in ubuntu 9.04? lexmark's useless support said it would /only/ work on 8.0415:33
peepingtomtesuji: you can carefully install this package using dpkg, but you will need to resolve the dependencies yourself. http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/bcmwl-kernel-source   It will be very annoying and difficult, you should probably updae using ethernet instead.15:33
fizk_since Ubuntu 10.4, the text colours of programs in the system tray are too dark to see15:33
tesujisoreau, cuz if this box doesn't come back up i have no way to get on xchat to ask for help15:33
=== blackxore is now known as blackxored
fizk_basically the text is black and the background colour is also black15:34
fizk_not good15:34
salimhow i can to recover windows in the bootloader15:34
ManDaymagicstuff: MAGIC-STUFF!?15:34
ManDaywhy do you say that15:34
mahnsalim: use your win7 recovery cd15:34
hdon_My WNIC chipset from Broadcom (BC4318) usually reports a corrupt ESSID: wlan0     IEEE 802.11bg  ESSID:"\xBC\xF7\xED\xDE\x13\xEF\xE5 \xC7\xE2\xAB\xDD\xA4M\x81\x88\x1CS\x1A\xEE\xEBf$L;y\x1E\xA8\xAC\xFBjh"15:34
kyenteisalim: You mean put Windows in your GRUB, or restore the windows bootloader?15:35
hihihi100can anyone tell me if verbatim external hard drives are ubuntu compatible?15:35
hdon_i can't connect to my unencrypted wlan. please help15:35
magicstuffmahn: this is the only instance of windows 7   memuentry "Windows 7 (loader) (on /dev/sda2)" { insmod ntfs set root='(hd0,2)' serach --no-floppy --fs-uuid etc...etc"15:35
bareegohdon_, you use the native driver or ndiswrapper ?15:35
Slarthihihi100: I've never seen an external hard drive that didn't work with ubuntu15:35
mahn but yet, win7 is actually on /sda3, correct?15:35
getoohi guys i have a little problem , trying to change my passwd , i get that it went well then when i type the old passwd goes tru15:35
hdon_bareego, i assume the native driver, but i don't really know. i just used Ubuntu's "Hardware Driver" dialogue under the System/Administration menu in the Gnome desktop15:36
getooi have the latest ubuntu15:36
peepingtomhdon_ does your WLAN have a strange name, maybe a character from a non-english language?15:36
Slarthihihi100: special stuff like "instant backup"-buttons and such might not work.. but the hard drive itself should be ok15:36
hdon_peepingtom, no, it is "leo"15:36
mahnok, so OS-prober isn't picking it up.15:36
magicstuffyeah its sda315:36
kyenteigetoo: Could you clear that question up for me? I don't understand the last part of your question.15:36
getooi want to change the passwd15:36
hihihi100thx slart, but I ask the question cause the vendor (verbatim) has a "compatible with" section that includes windows and mac, but no ubuntu nor linux15:36
kyenteigetoo: have you tried 'sudo passwd username' (username being your username..)15:36
getoowont work15:36
getookyentei: nope15:37
getooi will try it15:37
kyenteigetoo: Try that in terminal :)15:37
Slarthihihi100: I would ignore that15:37
magicstuffmanday: yes its fm (freaking magic)15:37
mahnmagicstuff:  okay, try this:  'sudo gedit /etc/grub.d/40_custom15:37
hihihi100thx slart15:37
CkhiKuzadoh. i remember. is there a way to install a lexmark 2600 printer in ubuntu 9.04? lexmark's useless support said it would /only/ work on 8.0415:37
hdon_if i execute "iwconfig wlan0 essid leo" about 4/5 times, any subsequent invocation of "iwconfig wlan0" will show a corrupt essid looking like apparently random data15:37
soreautesuji: even if your computer does explode and burn down your house, we still arent responsible.15:37
CkhiKuzad(secondtimeasking, do not !patience)15:37
mahnmagicstuff, let me use pastebin15:37
peepingtom!paste hdon could you please paste the output to pastebin?15:37
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:37
soreauI have a feeling that is not plausible though15:37
bjhaidi just got the ubuntu 10.04 cd from a friend yesterday, i want to upgrade from 9.10, any advice15:38
magicstuffmahn: only problem15:38
tesujisoreau, i think i fingered it out15:38
magicstuffI can't copy paste into the machine..15:38
magicstuffI'm on two computers right now15:38
hdon_apparently the essid can be changed to this random garbage data without my executing any iwconfig commands15:38
soreautesuji: You see, most wifi chips like atheros and intel already have open source drivers that work OOTB, even on a live cd15:38
xangua!alternate | bjhaid15:38
ubottubjhaid: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can  also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal15:38
mahnmagicstuff, you're on a live CD, correct?15:39
magicstuffactually no..15:39
magicstuffI restarted to my ubuntu installation15:39
soreautesuji: The problem is you have broadcom which is a company that doesnt release hardware specifications or help to provide an open source driver in any way15:39
xanguabjhaid: you need the alternat to upgrade from cd15:39
tesujisoreau, i can plug the laptop into an ethernet for long enough to fetch that stuff - making a live usb now - this should solve all problems15:39
soreautesuji: Yes, perfect.15:39
=== damn3d is now known as Damn3d
bjhaidxangua: what's alternate and how do i get that15:40
xangua!update | bjhaid15:41
xanguafrom the ubuntu web15:41
ubottubjhaid: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade15:41
ManDaySirs and Madams, can anyone tell me whether I can set up something like an UNCOMPOSE key which prevents the following keystroke, if it is a composable char, to be composed?15:41
ManDaymagicstuff: you know what they say about people without trustworthy sources?15:41
* hdon_ can't wait to tell his boss that Linux held him up15:41
kyenteixangua: I like that piping when you ask the ubuntu bot something =)15:42
magicstuffthey call them the media15:42
ManDaymagicstuff: ok i hope you dont want to be like the media15:42
magicstuffso you're saying that I am trustworthy because I haven't become like the media, right?15:43
magicstuffmahn: this might be easier if I could get a damn connection on this lappy15:43
Kenjirogood morning/afternoon15:44
kyenteiKenjiro: Hi :-)15:44
Kenjiroguys, if I want to upgrade an Ubuntu server 9.10 to 10.4, a simple "apt-get dist-upgrade" would do the trick?15:44
Kenjiro(it is a testing server, not production)15:45
kyenteiKenjiro: You could modify your sources.list too...15:45
PiciKenjiro: No. Use sudo do-release-upgrade15:45
mahnmagicstuff: sorry about the delay, had something to do15:45
Pici!dist-upgrade | Kenjiro15:45
ubottuKenjiro: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. Please see !upgrade for the proper way to upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu.15:45
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade15:46
PiciKenjiro: The upgrade for servers is just 'do-release-upgrade'15:46
Kenjiroubottu: thanks15:46
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)15:46
mahnmagicstuff: so are you re-installing ubuntu, or what is going on?15:46
Beroguys i am having a serious problem with my nvidia video card driver on my laptop http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=153284715:46
magicstuffmahn: I installed ubuntu..tried a dual boot15:46
magicstuffobviously didn't do it right :d15:46
KenjiroPici: thanks too15:47
mahnmagicstuff well, there's some reason grub isn't picking up windows. but you can manually add an entry for it15:47
KenjiroPici: I guess you are not a bot, right?:P15:47
blah_sphemermy 8.04.1 live cd shows no errors in the integity check but while installing or running live shows 'panicked Kernel' error15:47
magicstuffthats what I figured15:47
PiciKenjiro: Not today ;)15:47
aa__ Hello! I can't get any audio on SKYPE, any clues?15:48
mahnmagicstuff: it's just a matter of identifying your windows and plugging it in15:48
magicstuffmahn: mind running me threw this?15:48
mahnmagicstuff: that's what i've been trying to do, but we can start at step 1 :P15:48
magicstuffok good :D15:48
mahnmagicstuff: let me look up one command15:49
abhijit!pm | Bero15:49
ubottuBero: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.15:49
BentSpaceoo, I added that PPA and then through Synaptic upgraded to xserver-xorg-video-intel, and reset, however no change in playback.  Did I do that right or is their something else I need to do, like uninstall xserver-xorg-video-i128 and xserver-xorg-video-i740 packages?15:49
magicstuffok thanks15:49
warzhi all, when i do 'ps -e', most of the columns that show processor usage time (i think) look like '00:00:32', for example. but one looks like this: 7940 ?        1-06:17:07 python15:49
warzwhat does the '1-06' mean15:49
aa__ Hello! I can't get any audio on SKYPE, any clues?15:49
k0shubuntu test page prints ok, but when i try to print anything else on that printer it tells on it that job was canceled, even tho in printer queue its listed as printed, any idea WTF?? printer-hp2300 with network attachement15:50
djdarkmanHy, how can I disable plymouth? it makes 2 out of 3 boot attempts fail for me, probably because I have the proprietary NVidia driver....15:50
gartralaa__: do you have multiple sound cards?15:50
lighter234hi all!15:50
aa__nope, just the onboard one15:50
kyenteiaa__: Skype uses the settings that you set in your System>Preferences>Sound. Switching around in the skype options usually doesn't do the trick ;-)15:50
gartralaa__: lshw | grep audio15:50
Mjukselhello again :p15:50
abhijit!register | Bero15:51
ubottuBero: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode15:51
thune3warz: according to ps manpage: cputime   TIME   cumulative CPU time, "[dd-]hh:mm:ss" format.15:51
salimi want to recover my windows can you help me pleeeease15:51
lighter234I have a question about hash . Anyone familiar with the subject?15:51
warzoh wow15:51
warzthats a lot of cpu time15:51
acegiakAnyone know why my wacom graphire3 seems to be stuck on clicking mode?15:51
Lars_GIs there an ubuntu specific (or not) gnome way to setup a quick personal web server for sharing files like there's in kde?15:52
Slartlighter234: depends.. what do you want to know?15:52
k0shubuntu test page prints ok, but when i try to print anything else on that printer it tells that job was canceled, even tho in printer queue its listed as printed, any idea WTF?? printer-hp2300 with network attachement15:52
spookyLars_G: Apache?15:52
trongthanhmy xubuntu lucid install seems to be growing, without me doing anything15:52
trongthanhit started at 2.5GB, now is 3.1 GB15:52
shadowsalim: what kind of windows?15:52
Lars_Gspooky: "quick and easy" I know how to setup apache but it's too long a set for this quick use15:52
abhijitsalim, if you are talking about ms windows then ask in ##windows15:53
kyenteisalim: I already asked you. Put windows in you GRUB or restore your windows bootloader?15:53
Lars_GAh well15:53
aa__ Hello! I can't get any audio on SKYPE, any clues?15:53
footohi, how can i use unmount without being root?15:53
thune3warz: it does look like an out-of-control process, something I personally would consider killing (after i figured out what it was exactly)15:53
Lars_Gspooky: I give up, I'll throw in some virtual host into lightty. thanks15:53
lighter234hi Slart, I've ran a test and got outlook passw. , that look like hash (7 and 8 digits long) and have no idea, how are they encrypted... ?15:53
tesujitrongthanh, what do you mean by growing?15:53
trongthanhI mean I check the used space15:54
Slartlighter234: outlook password? I have no idea how that is generated15:54
trongthanhused space on disk started at 2.5GB, 3 days ago, now it is 3.1 GB15:54
zjkhi, how can i tar -xf myfile.tar.gz -C /home15:54
Slartlighter234: but it's probably stored as a hash, yes15:54
tesujitrongthanh, by how much is it growing?15:54
warzthune3, yea, i killed it. it's an irc client i wrote in python.15:54
Picilighter234: Try ##windows or ##security, this doesn't have anything to do with Ubuntu.15:54
warzim thinking i may need a sleep procedure in the main loop or something.15:55
trongthanhno update, already clean temporary file, /home in a different partition15:55
zjkbut extracting files in the archive directly in /home and not in /home/myfile ?15:55
mahnanybody know the fdisk option for viewing the uuid?15:55
lighter234yes, but it doesn't look like md5 hash, so which is it?15:55
gartralhow do i remap the borked telnet in ubuntu?15:55
lighter234(I know Pici, sorry for that).15:55
footowhy cant i unmount anything without being root?15:55
trongthanhtesuji, can you help, do you have any idea15:55
minhI have a reallz stupid question, but where can I get the source of the basic toolchain (ls, cat,...)?15:55
blip-any idea how often the Mozilla Thunderbird package get's updated for 64-bit Kubuntu 10.4 ?    I'm trying to know if it's worth simply downloading the binary from the website rather than using the repo version15:55
tesujitrongthanh, hang on i have to research15:56
kyenteifooto: There's no need for normal users to be able to unmount. GDM has permission to do so though. ;-)15:56
footokyentei: i need to use it in a script, so gui/sudo solutions wont work..15:57
lubulubumahn, blkid15:57
gartralblip-: generally.. never.. they update with new release of ubuntu15:57
trongthanhI only use Firefox and Thunderbird (profile folder already in another partition), and Gnumeric, Abiword15:57
thune3warz: sounds like you need to block waiting for some input, or at least sleep for 50ms when there is nothing to be done.15:57
schlaftierminh: http://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/15:58
blip-gartral: ooh I see.   would've thought mail client classifies as important security updates15:58
jigalhow do i refresh the reference to my alias file?15:58
kyenteifooto: Perhaps you can mount to a location you have access to ?15:58
gartralblip-: only when theres an important security fix do they update in repos15:58
trongthanh#xubuntu doesn't have anyone :(15:58
lubulubujigal, source your-alias-file15:58
kyenteifooto: Seems not.15:59
Picitrongthanh: Have you done any updates?15:59
footocan't normal users mount/unmount anything they like as long as they have full permissions for the mount point?15:59
thune3trongthanh: look in /var/log and see if your logs are getting crazy big.15:59
trongthanhPici, no update15:59
erUSULjigal: source it ? « source aliasfile »15:59
minhschlaftier: alright...thank you very very much!15:59
bareegofoota and permissions in fstab15:59
abhijitafter messing with ubuntu one, all files in my /home are now filename.<originlaextension>.ubuntuone   how to remove that u1 extention in bulf for all files?15:59
abhijitHELP PLEASE15:59
trongthanhthune3, oh yes, it is 700 MB16:00
bareegofoota and permission to mount16:00
schlaftierminh: you're welcome16:00
Picitrongthanh: You can use the cli tool du to figure out what is using disk space: sudo du -h --max-depth=1 /16:00
trongthanhthune3, is it safe to empty /var/log16:00
tesujipici trongthanh there is a utility that tells you how much of your disk is taken up by various directory trees, but i would do it would du and sort the output, also find16:00
bareegofoota, I found best way for me around such was using dolphin16:00
Picitesuji: Yes, but I don't know if its installed by default in Xubuntu.16:00
footobareego: so i need to set up an entry in fstab if i want to use a script to mount/unmount a network share?16:01
Kyuusai-Sanhello once again today, could someone help me please im converting .raw files to .jpg files and you see theres an absolute load of them to do is it possible to do a select all facility like in windows where you would navigate to a folder via cd and then do a *.* which would reference all of the files contained within the folder16:01
Kyuusai-Sancan i do that in ubuntu16:01
tesujipici it's not and i can't find the silly thing on my menu now16:01
magicstuffmahn: back in a few...grabbing some chips..pm me when you get back...16:01
thune3trongthanh: removing the .# and .old files is safe. but you need to figure out what is causing the problem, what is causing the logs to be huge.16:01
Picitesuji: Its title is Disk Usage Analyzer, but the executably is boabab iirc.16:01
trongthanhthune3, ok i understand16:02
bareegoKyuusai-San, is it a raw file from a camera ?16:02
Kyuusai-San.nef from a nikon d6016:02
mahnmagicstuff: sorry having a hard time finding something16:02
bareegoyou can get a raw plugin for gimp and also script gimp, so I think you should be able to do it with that16:02
magicstuffnp take your time..brb16:02
tesujipici which menu is it on?  not "system utilities" and not "system administration"16:02
Kyuusai-Sanyeah but everything ive seen bareego requires me to select them one by one16:02
bareegomight take some reading though16:02
Kyuusai-Sanwhich is alright16:03
trongthanhhow about kern.log ~ 210 MB, in /var/log, what is this file16:03
bareegoyou can script gim16:03
Picitesuji: Its in Applications>Accessories I beleive.  I don't have a graphical system in front of me though.16:03
JPeezyAnyone familiar with editing the compiz bin for blacklist workaround?16:03
Kyuusai-Sanunless youve got loads, ive spent ages searching and found nothing lol16:03
Kyuusai-Sanbut i havent the know how to script it16:03
bareegoneither do i ;)16:03
BluesKajKyuusai-San, in the folder edit there is a "select all" option, maybe that can help16:04
PiciMinas: Is there something I can help you with?16:04
Danielcan anyone help me with my smartctl problem: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/zDgeyxRM16:04
trongthanhand syslog ~ 168 MB, I installed Bleachbit and I remember it try to delete these log file but unable to16:04
Kyuusai-Sanomfg it works right bareego back to my question is there a way of selecting a load of files in a command line16:04
tesujipici like i would look under accessories for a sysadmin tool :)  yes there it is16:05
Kyuusai-Sanso if you wanted to go from DSC_001 onto DSC_100 could you put in a refernce16:05
jean_anyone who can tell me how I need to run a patch file? I have a *.patch file that is supposed to update the vim source to be compatible with ruby 1.9 but I don't know how to run it.16:05
thune3trongthanh: a lot of the logs have the same info in them. You need to look through them and see if you can determine what is "spamming" your logs16:05
erUSULjean_: patch < file.patch16:05
blip-hi, does the ubuntu liveCD 10.4 have memory checker on it ?16:06
erUSULjean_: you have to be in the source code directory you want to patch and is a good idea to try first with --dry-run16:06
erUSULjean_: patch --dry-run < file.patch16:06
maxxerih. anyone experienced with pam and password expiration?16:06
trongthanhthe internet has something about logrotate and "it's safe to empty /var/log"16:06
thune3trongthanh: my point is that you will have to clean this thing out every 3 days, if you don't figure out what the root problem is.16:07
=== jcdury is now known as dury
jean_erUSUL, it says "18 out of 24 hunks failed", so I guess I need to go in and manually add all changes?16:07
erUSULjean_: it means that the patch is for another version of the sources.16:08
bareegohunks ?16:09
=== [NNUser] is now known as Mjuksel
erUSULjean_: suppose the patch is for vim 7.0.1 or so if you apply it in 7.1 sources it will fail16:09
jean_erUSUL, thanks, I'll go see if I can find a solution to this, I want to use vim compiled with ruby  1.9 but the patch is a year old and not included in the vim release yet :(16:10
trongthanhhow to hide the message saying someone joining and leaving #ubuntu16:11
trongthanhI'm using xchat16:11
erUSULjean_: find a version of the patch that applys to the sources you have16:11
bareegotrongthanh, I want to know that, too16:11
jigalcan someone please explain me this http://pastebin.com/H1nBCJ2z with 'sudo' it works but without 'sudo' it gives an error16:11
erUSULtrongthanh: right click on the channel name16:11
abhijitbareego, trongthanh me too ;)16:11
jean_erUSUL, it appears only one patch exists, I'd expected more people to run into this problem, too bad16:12
abhijiterUSUL, next?16:12
Danielany help with smartctl? http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/zDgeyxRM16:12
trongthanherUSUL, yes it works, thanks16:12
erUSULabhijit: should be an option to hido join part quit messages in the menu16:12
abhijiterUSUL, hurray!!! done. thanks :)16:13
khalid_ I do not want to install Ubuntu using Grub and I have tried various methods of trying to install the Ubuntu 10.04 LTS using Wubi within Windows 7 but without avail. Can anyone help me?16:13
durycan anyone drive me to copy files using ssh I would really appreciate it :)16:13
=== khalid_ is now known as khalidmian
abhijit!scp | dury16:14
ubottudury: SCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/16:14
trongthanhI'm using xubuntu lucid, and SCIM doesn't work16:14
abhijittrongthanh, dont use it. use ibus.16:14
trongthanhbut does ibus take up a lot of disk space and RAM16:15
abhijittrongthanh, dunno. but its really nice.16:15
trongthanhcan I uninstall scim then16:15
duryabhijit: only with linux16:15
jigalcan someone please explain me this http://pastebin.com/H1nBCJ2z with 'sudo' it works but without 'sudo' it gives an error16:15
abhijit!ssh | dury i dunno see this16:15
ubottudury i dunno see this: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)16:15
abhijittrongthanh, no first install ibus try it. if it works for you then uninstall scim16:16
trongthanhabhijit, ok thanks, I've been wanting to install ibus for days, just need a push16:16
mattgyverjigal, is /bin/zf in your $PATH variable for your user?16:16
abhijittrongthanh, go ahead!!!16:17
blip-anyone know if ubuntu liveCD has memtest ?16:17
Slartblip-: yes, it has16:17
jigalmattgyver: echo $PATH16:17
=== taka is now known as Guest15020
blip-Slart: thanks16:17
jigalsorry for two lines16:17
trongthanhgo for xubuntu lucid everybody, I hate social whatever/empathy/evolution/gwibbler on ubuntu lucid16:17
bareegolubuntu !16:18
trongthanhis that a real distro16:18
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:18
bareegonot canonical yet, but I use it16:18
bareegoubuntu with lxde16:18
mattgyverjigal, add that entire location to your $PATH variable and try running 'zf' again.16:19
bareegoerUSUL, thanks so much16:20
richвсем привет16:20
jigalmattgyver: i did: sudo export PATH=$PATH:/bin/zf and then i did zf but same error16:21
=== WhiteKIBA is now known as [WhiteKIBA]
Picijigal: Don't use sudo for that command.16:22
trongthanhsome on the net say that I need to be focusing on what cause /var/log to grow so much16:22
mattgyverjigal, sorry dont use /bin/zf, use your full path, /var/www/Zend/ZendFramework-1.10.7/bin/zf (or wherever the zf binary is truly located)16:22
trongthanhbut I just start ubuntu for a week, I'm not that pro16:23
trongthanhcan someone give me a direction, how to start investigating16:23
Richard123I'd like to install ubuntu on my desktop but I only have a copy of Ubuntu Netbook edition.  Can I install from that and then convert or must I download the desktop edition?16:23
KittyBootsHello, I am trying to configure my workspaces to have different backgrounds, how can I achieve this?  I am using compiz and desktop wall.  I can find tutorials to do it with desktop cube, but I am using desktop wall.16:23
mattgyverKittyBoots, it can be done with the 'wallpapers' plugin via compiz16:23
=== e-jat is now known as ejat
trongthanhmaybe cron job and empty /var/log every week ?16:24
tesujisoreau, the install of the broadcom drivers crashed :( dunno how to recover16:24
Akashaahi, in gedit I can change the character encoding to the current locale with "save as". Could someone tell me how to achieve the same in the command line for all the files in a given directory?16:24
magicstuffmahn: any luck?16:24
tesujitrongthanh, there are utilities to rotate logs - let me check how to configure16:24
bareegofor one16:25
jigalPici: mattgyver http://pastebin.com/5nCqSDLg16:25
kyenteiAkashaa: Such as es_VE en_US ?16:25
Picijigal: you executable is called zf.sh, not zf16:25
soreautesuji: sorry, not sure I can help without additional information16:25
kyenteiAkashaa: perhaps https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf is what you are looking for.16:26
frojndDid the installation CD 10.04 changed from the very beginning till now? Is it the same kernel version the same intel drivers?16:26
Akashaakyentei: no, such as utf-8 or iso-8859-216:26
kyenteiAkashaa: I could be mistaken though16:26
mattgyverjigal, ok i didnt know zf was not a directory, remove the zf portion; /var/www/Zend/ZendFramework-1.10.7/bin/16:26
tesujitrongthanh, the command is "logrotate" - open a terminal and do "man logrotate" - are you comfortable at the command line?16:26
kyenteiAkashaa: iconv --from-code=ISO-8859-1 --to-code=UTF-8 iso.txt > utf.txt16:26
benkevanhow do I install an ubuntu16:27
gogetafrojnd: i dont think they put up new isos of lucid yet16:27
tesujisoreau, i did a reinstall and it just only says "trying to recover from package failure"16:27
trongthanhtesuji, yes I'm ok with CLI16:27
AndrossI've got a dilly of a pickle. It seems the xserver wants to cause a hard freeze of my entire system when it starts with the nvidia driver. I checked logs and it said the nvidia driver could not be found. I checked lsmod and there nvidia was, so I did modinfo nvidia and it said there was no nvidia module. I've purged and reinstalled nvidia drivers, xorg, and kernel modules to no avail. Anyone think they can help me?16:27
* khalid_ is looking for assistance on wubi install of ubuntu under Win7. Currently i get no video during Ubuntu installtion nor any video after boot menu if i choose to boot into ubuntu16:27
tesujitrongthanh, i have been away from the console for awhile - how did you decide the problem is growing log files?16:27
SARCCan someone give me a little guidance on unattended install of mysql-server?  do you use something like debconf-set-selections first?16:28
kyenteiAkashaa: Did that work for you?16:28
gogetakhalid_: sounds like a video driver issue16:28
trongthanhtesuji, well someday I remember syslog was only 70MB, now it's 160 MB16:28
tesujitrongthanh, what is your system doing that would create 500megs of logfiles a day?16:28
PunXtaRHey there, anyone knows if my wifi board can inject?, its an realtek and use the rtl8192se driver (i think)16:28
khalid_gogeta: how do i reslove that16:28
trongthanhnot 500 MB a day, it's around 200 MB16:28
Riddelljcrigby: has the binary package names in the linux-linaro upload been OKed by the kernel team?16:28
bareegoAndross, did you ever try actually running the package you can download from nvidia ?16:28
PunXtaRsorry for my english xD16:29
Richard123Anyone know if I can install Ubuntu Netbook Edition on my desktop pc and then convert to ubuntu standard?16:29
gogetaPunXtaR: well most can these days16:29
tesujitrongthanh, do you read your log files?  something is logging a lot of information - you may need to configure syslog too16:29
Androssbareego, couldn't hurt, I guess16:29
mattgyverRichard123,  you probably can manually.  It looks like netbook is the same thing just with a different UI for smaller screens16:29
Akashaakyentei: actually, I don't know the from-code, even though gedit recignizes it fine16:29
benkevanRichard123: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ?16:29
trongthanhtesuji, I'm afraid of opening a file that big, maybe I have to now16:30
gogetaPunXtaR: they did brake the atros chipset on the new kernels16:30
tesujitrongthanh, use less16:30
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kyenteiAkashaa: Okay... Perhaps you can check the file properties in your Window Manager?16:30
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SARCCan someone give me a little guidance on unattended install of mysql-server?  do you use something like debconf-set-selections first?16:30
tesujitrongthanh, less can read a file of any size16:30
=== abhi_nav is now known as abhijit
prakritiIs it possible that the ata_piix driver is picking up my hd's before ahci can?  Is there a way to disable ata_piix and see if ahci will get my drives?16:30
Richard123mattgyver: ok going to try it now thanks16:30
benkevankyentei: what properties are you saying he/she should check? why can't you do via ls -l? or check acl's16:30
jigalmattgyver: how do i do that16:30
Androssbut in my experience installing things with downloadable installers vs the package manager always leads to dependency hades16:30
trongthanhtesuji, thanks I'll try now and tell you what's in it16:31
=== antoniocs is now known as Acs
biharican any one tell me the diffrence between #include "a.h" and #include <a.h>16:31
tesujitrongthanh, you move around in the file with same commands as vi, eg G to end of file16:31
PunXtaRgogeta: yes, but i did aireplay --test to check it but it said: 0/30 (0%) or something like that16:31
trongthanhtesuji, well syslog contain a lot of this: Aug  2 10:28:43 trongthanh-pc kernel: [ 6439.087787] vc032x: I2c Bus Busy Wait 2c16:31
gogetakhalid_: well its a known issue with nevu and newer nivida cards im not to shure how to fix it without going into bash and installing nividas driver by hand16:31
tesujitrongthanh, and 1G to top of file16:31
gogetaPunXtaR: then its not working16:31
bareegotrongthanh, do yourself a favour and install mc16:31
tesujitrongthanh, i cannot interpret your file16:32
bareegoit has a nice editor and will make your life a lot easier16:32
Acshey! I am trying to compile hip-hop (facebooks php converter). I have followed all the steps to compile but in one instruction I am getting this error:  libmemcache is too old, found 0 and we need 0.3916:32
PunXtaRgogeta: yeah i guess16:32
mattgyverjigal, the only way i can think is to echo your path, and then manually enter in the old path settings, i dont know how to remove an entry easily from it.16:32
AcsI can't seem to find libmemcache. Not even in google. Anyone know what I can do here?16:32
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »16:32
tesujisoreau, ok, installation bombed and i do not know how to find the errors - are they logged somewhere?16:32
trongthanhbasically it's just "vc032x: I2c Bus Busy Wait 2c"16:32
minhWhat Hash-Algorithm is used in Lucid for the /etc/shadow ?16:33
gogetaPunXtaR: i think your chipset needs a patched driver16:33
kyenteiAcs: apt-cache search libmemcache16:33
khalid_gogeta: the issue is that i have a blank screen when i try to boot in to im not sure how to resolve the video issue16:33
mattgyverjigal, you can add 'export PATH=${PATH}:/var/www/Zend/ZendFramework-1.10.7/bin/' to your ~/.bash_profile, that would make it easier to edit16:33
=== laza is now known as blobworks
soreautesuji: I have no idea.16:33
soreautesuji: I know a little about linux graphics and kernel options etc but not a lot about ubuntu. Please ask the channel16:33
tesujisoreau, dpkg.log only reports it failed but not why16:33
mattgyverthat would load that entry into your path on each login which would do the same thing really.. just add it at the very bottom of the file.16:33
jigalmattgyver: so i just add that line to the bash_profile on the bottom of the file?16:34
mattgyverjigal, yes but fix your current path variable first just so you dont have that bad location floating in it.16:34
trongthanhnow kern.log also contain a lot of "vc032x: I2c Bus Busy Wait 2c", I need to find out what this is16:34
gogetaPunXtaR: they do make live cds just for aircrack16:34
gogetaPunXtaR: with all the patched drivers16:34
PunXtaRgogeta: i searched but i could not find one16:34
jigalmattgyver: but my ~/.bash_profile is all empty, can that be16:35
shadow minh: I read about shadow in russian in book of Kris kaspersky16:35
PunXtaRgogeta: a live cd? mmm, backtrack 4 for example?16:35
mattgyverjigal, yeah it can be.  hang on a sec16:35
khalid_gogeta: im going to try boot via live cd see if that works16:35
tesujican anyone tell me how to find out what went wrong when a package install fails?  i was using synaptic16:35
benkevantesuji: error?16:36
stracegood bacon all16:36
erUSULjigal: ~/.profile16:36
tesujibenkevan, yes16:36
bareegobacon and eggs16:36
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:36
benkevantesuji: can you paste your errors in pastebin or something?16:36
gogetaPunXtaR: thers a few of them16:36
tesujibenkevan, it says only that an error occured it does not tell me what the error is, that is what i am trying to find out16:37
gogetaPunXtaR: http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=links#live_distributions16:37
benkevantesuji: can you try via cli? sudo apt-get update or sudo apt-get install <the package>16:37
=== dury is now known as jcdury
tesujibenkevan, i will try it with apt-get16:37
gogetaPunXtaR: backtrack being the largest will all patched drivers16:37
bareegothere is /var/log/apt/term.log16:38
benkevantesuji: iirc synaptec may use aptitude.. so you can use that if you wish too16:38
jigalmattgyver: erUSUL this is how mi file looks like now. http://pastebin.com/kUvPdc2p but still the same error after using the zf command16:38
bareegoaptitide logs better iirc16:38
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »16:38
PunXtaRgogeta: i see... ok i will try with those live cds, but if they doesn't work i will buy an usb wifi... which one do you recommend me?16:38
Picispino: Please stop that.16:38
gogetaPunXtaR: well backtrack is the most widely used its a live dvd16:39
PunXtaRgogeta: someone told me that anyone with chipset atheros will work to inject16:39
gogetaPunXtaR: being it supports pretty mutch all wifi cards16:39
PiciPunXtaR: Its also not supported here. Please use their channel for support: #backtrack-linux16:39
erUSULjigal: maybe the dir is not readable for your user?16:39
gogetaPunXtaR: used to but it got broken in the new keernel16:39
gogetaPunXtaR: so only backtrack works now16:39
PunXtaRPici: ok, im new here sory xD16:40
PunXtaRgogeta: isee, thanks gogeta!16:40
gogetaPunXtaR: my old belking g+ pcima stil works16:40
SimonP86hello, how do I change to my CD drive in terminal? I thought it was cd /media/<CD NAME> but that isn't working16:40
tesujibenkevan, i am trying to load the broadcom drivers on a system that is running of a usb.  it is complaining that cp can't find /vmlinuz - that may be the whole problem16:41
=== Ibrahim-kasem is now known as Bero88
red__ one know how to delete files from ubuntu one, cloud?16:42
Acskyentei: Thanks16:42
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erUSULred__: #ubuntuone16:42
jigalerUSUL: http://pastebin.com/NkX1YE6x16:42
tesujibenkevan, that is the problem - it is symlinked to a nonexistent file16:42
Ace_Phey im on an compaq CQ-61 i ned last.fm is not liting  me get it16:42
racethesunliveAce_P: do you have adobe flash player installed?16:43
Ace_Pnot web last.fm16:43
Ace_Pthe app for liunx16:44
Tivenhello, how can i make ubuntu to reload the fstab file?16:44
Tivenfor example, i have /tmp set as noexec, i removed noexec from fstab, how can i make it reload it ?16:44
AcsI tried sudo apt-get install libmemcache016:44
Acs and also a few other and I always get 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.16:44
Acsbut when I try to run cmake . I contiue to get CMake Error at CMake/HPHPFindLibs.cmake:37 (message):16:44
Acs  libmemcache is too old, found 0 and we need 0.3916:44
tesujibenkevan, there are several files named vmlinuz - should i just change the symlink to something that exists?16:44
FloodBot2Acs: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:44
straceTiven, sudo umount /tmp && mount /tmp16:44
stracewell suso mount /tmp16:44
stracesudo* (can't type today)16:45
Tiventhanks strace :)16:45
benkevantesuji: what does your grub say it's pointing too?16:45
Tivenumount: /tmp: device is busy.16:45
benkevanTiven: sudo lsof | grep tmp16:45
stracetry sudo umount -o remount /tmp16:45
=== Afrix2 is now known as Afrix
KittyBootssoreau, Do  you know where Ubuntu keeps the defauld desktop images?16:45
Ace_Pso can i get it im on an compaq Presaio CQ-6116:45
benkevanTiven: if nothing is using it, then you can do sudo umount -l /tmp (if what strace recommends doesn't work)16:45
bareegotry sync16:46
SnakkahIs there ANY way to get Compiz working on the Intel 82845G integrated chipset, or no? :(16:46
straceSnakkah, glxinfo | grep Direct16:46
Tivenbenkevan php-cgi and xcache is using it16:46
Tivenstrace that didnt work16:46
soreauSnakkah: You can use old version of ubuntu to get old intel drivers16:46
tesujibenkevan, which file is that?16:46
jigalppl i have a very strong feeling that my 10.04 installation is crap. It just doesn't do what by other so goes well. Things happen without an clear reason. I use my 10.04 mainly for programming php. should ik downgrade?16:47
khalidmiani have video card issues for ubuntu install under wubi any advise?16:47
benkevanTiven: either A.. you can stop those apps.. or B, you can do the umount -l and remount it..16:47
mbeierlthis is so annoying!!! how do I stop the empathy/evolution indicator applet from grabbing key press meta-m?  I've got it defined in my ccsm as a different command, but that annoying indicator applet thing is hijacking my keyboard and taking over!16:47
straceTiven, are you able reboot the machine?16:47
KittyBootsDo  you know where Ubuntu keeps the defauld desktop images?16:47
benkevantesuji: which version of grub are you using? if grub 2, then it's the /etc/default/grub16:47
Ace_Pis ok fanx for ur help :P ty16:47
Tivenstrace yea but its a server so if i want to do it it would be better to do it later that there's no use16:47
benkevantesuji: if grub is pointing to vmlinz-`uname-r` then you don't really need to have vmlinuz pointing to anything16:48
Snakkahstrace: I tried that, and it gave me no output.16:48
tesujibenkevan, i have created a bootable usb from usb-creator, source xubuntu, that is what i am running on - it doesn't use grub so far as i know, but i found vmlinuz as /cdrom/casper/vmlinuz and symlinked it back to /16:49
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straceTiven, well php-cgi handles php for the httpd daemon, so if you kill off php-cgi you break the web server handing out php files, so if it can wait, it would be prob best to do this on off peak hours16:49
benkevantesuji: ah ok.. i didn't see that you weren't running local.. that should work for you..16:49
tesujibenkevan, there is no /boot/grub/grub.cfg file16:50
Tiveni guess the best way is to wait until off peak hours and reboot16:50
benkevantesuji: yeah.. if you're on a live cd(or usb) it may not.. I haven't one set up to test.. sorry .. just a full installation16:50
benkevanTiven: you can just kill httpd and not reboot.. once httpd is dead (apache in ubuntu maybe) then you should be able to umount16:50
tesujibenkevan, trying to breathe life into dead hardware - no harddisk on this old laptop :)16:51
Karen_mhow do I figure out if i install 32 or 64 bit ubuntu?16:51
benkevanKaren_m: uname -i16:52
tesujikaren_m do you know what cpu it has?16:52
Karen_m686 is what it says.. 32 woot16:52
PunXtaR PunXtaR register usmcn1 pun_x_tar@hotmail.com16:52
benkevanKaren_m: Yup.. not a problemo16:53
shadowHave anybody installed Tomcat on Ubuntu?16:53
Karen_mwhen i open a terminal, how do I setup the default size of that window?  it always opens with like 80x2416:53
benkevanKaren_m: it depends on what terminal you're opening16:53
PiciPunXtaR: You should probably choose a different password now.16:53
stopher123Goodmorning all.  My network devices only use the GMT offset for NTP.  I installed the Ubuntu NTP Server, but I'm not sure how to put in my offset in the server so that instead of the devices getting GMT, they get the -7 time.16:54
benkevanif you're using something like rxvt-unicode then it's in your .Xdefaults16:54
guampaKaren_m: right-click -> profiles -> profile prefs16:54
benkevanif you're using gnome-terminal.. then I'm sure it's in one of the settings.. but I don't use gnome-terminal so couldn't help you there16:54
kyenteiKaren_m: add --geometry=80x24 at the shortcut. Depending on your terminal emulator that is the syntax you want to use.16:54
tesujiKaren_m, check the options to the terminal - you can set a profile and give a title and a screen size16:54
bareegoyou can either set it in the config file of the terminal or in a switch you're giving in the properties of the icon/menu entry16:54
Karen_mthis is so fun, thank you guys16:54
PunXtaRPici: xD... can you help me to register my nick?16:54
JibeGoodmorning! So I used this computer to install ubuntu onto another hard drive via usb (this hard drive was to go in another computer so it could boot Ubuntu), I figured I could just unplug the external hard drive then choose my Windows 7 main hard drive from the boot loader, but apparently thats not the case because not my computer is constantly looking for Ubuntu's boot loader on startup. Is there a way I can switch it back to the windows boot loader?16:55
PiciPunXtaR: /join #freenode for registration help16:55
benkevanKaren_m: how do you know we're guys? my name could be short for Benjamina (but it's not.. jk)16:55
PunXtaRPici: thanks16:55
tesujibenkevan, female geeks and go players are rare as hen's teeth16:56
benkevanJibe: depends how you installed the boot loader.. did you install into MBR? also, you can still chainload your grub to point and boot your windows installation16:56
shadowGalaxy2000: что ты последней командой найти хотел ? (там походу | пропущен, проискал весь компьютер и итог: http://paste.ubuntu.com/472704/16:56
benkevanPunXtaR: or you can google nickserv which will register..16:56
benkevanshadow: !english16:57
khalidmianpls help if possible16:57
tesujihelp!  i've done an apt-get update/upgrade on a live usb and it is asking me about kernel boot options - i have no clue16:57
shadownkevan: !inderstood16:57
shadownkevan: !understood16:57
Jibebenkevan: The boot loader was installed with Ubuntu 10.04 Netbook, I don't know if that makes a difference16:57
benkevantesuji: I don't think you can upgrade a live usb like that..16:57
tesujibenkevan, then how do you upgrade it?16:58
econdudeawesomeAnyone have a preferred guide for setting up command-line email?16:58
tesujibenkevan, it is not possible to install, i have no harddisk16:58
benkevantesuji: I've always done an install to usb / flash.. not a usb creator.. so I'm not 100% sure what you've really done..16:58
benkevantesuji: you can install to usb (although I've only done with SUSE / Arch).. sorry16:58
tesujibenkevan, explain how to do that?16:58
tesujibenkevan, no harm if it doesn't work i guess16:59
benkevanecondudeawesome: google has many guides, although many people will have a different preferred one.. I like mutt though16:59
benkevanok.. back to work..16:59
econdudeawesomebenkevan thanks!17:00
lasermanI have two versions of ubuntu loaded on a laptop, partitioned. Where can I get instructions to remove the partition and uninstall one of the versions. This is strictly linux, no Windows17:00
=== me is now known as Guest49472
donner_need help with xorg.config17:00
shadowI need to know about options in file server.xml in Tomcat. can anybody help me?17:00
tesujilaserman fdisk17:01
khalidmianis there an option in laptop to switch video adapters?17:01
tesujilaserman or gparted17:01
abhijitwhats the command to install all .deb at once after restoring from aptoncd?17:01
abhijit!cn | Guest4947217:02
ubottuGuest49472: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk17:02
khalidmianis there an option in laptops to switch video adapters? under bios that is17:02
Jibebenkevan: so how would I go about chainloading grub to point and boot the windows installation17:02
soby anyone help me in fixing my audio on my laptop....its not working.17:03
abhijit!sound | soby17:03
ubottusoby: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.17:03
jigalello I am having trouble to get zf tool working i did (ubuntu) sudo ln -s /var/www/Zend/ZendFramework-1.10.7/bin/zf.sh /usr/bin/zf but when i do zf i get the error message bash: /var/www/Zend/ZendFramework-1.10.7/bin/zf: No such file or directory. I followed this tutorial http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.tool.framework.clitool.html17:03
AviMarcusabhijit: is there a list of those auto-responses? Might be helpful :)17:04
Failicanhey, how do I change the log in sound on ubuntu?17:04
abhijit!bot | AviMarcus17:04
ubottuAviMarcus: Hi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins17:04
abhijit!factoid | AviMarcus17:04
ubottuAviMarcus: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots17:04
tesujijigal this is ubuntu support - you will need to find a zend/php forum17:04
AviMarcusthanks abhijit17:05
abhijitAviMarcus, welcome! :)17:05
Picijigal: Er, It sounds like you have an invalid path in your $PATH17:05
abhijitBero88, why are you sending me ctcp?17:05
Jibehow would I go about chainloading grub to point and boot my windows installation?17:05
abhijitwhats the command to install all .deb at once after restoring from aptoncd?17:05
abhijiti.e. need to install all .deb in one single folder at once? how?17:06
Piciabhijit: sudo dpkg -i *.db17:06
Piciabhijit: sudo dpkg -i *.deb   rather17:06
abhijitPici, thanks17:06
donner_trying to remove vga moniter and only use svideo to tv17:07
shubbarusb printer port on virtualbox appears, but not usable = i cannot select it, how to fix this? Is the usb port locked?17:10
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jigalPici: probably someone told me i should use an alias. Tried an alias but same error. THats why i think that my ubuntu installation is f*ckd up17:11
Picijigal: What does your $PATH look like now?17:12
* dddw dinner17:12
jigalPici: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/bin/zf:/bin/zf:/var/www/Zend/ZendFramework-1.10.7/bin/zf.sh17:12
tesujican anyone tell me how to install a bootable ubuntu onto a usb?  this is not a job for usb-creator - it does make a bootbale usb but directories that should be owned by root are instead owned by user 1000 so that you don't have to sudo, and that is gonna cause problems down the road17:14
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Picijigal: Can you open a new terminal and check the value of $PATH in there?17:14
jiffeI've added a couple network cards to a running ubuntu virtual machine, is there a way to get them to show up without rebooting?17:15
jigalPici: there i see /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games17:16
Picijigal: Can you run zf rom that?17:16
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Picijigal: 'from that' rather.17:16
jigalyep works17:16
jigalPici: what did i do wrong, dont understand / need to know17:17
Triple-zanyone can help me with video problems? i cant see any avi/mkv even with vlc17:17
Picijigal: You had a number of weird entries in your $PATH that you had added by using export PATH=$PATH;/stuff/ , such as /bin/zf and /var/www/Zend/ZendFramework-1.10.7/bin/zf.sh17:18
jigalPici: ok so now it would be ok always even after reboot if i understand correct17:19
Picijigal: Correct. You put an executable into a directory that is already in your $PATH, so it will work properly always now.17:19
picard1421hey i have GDM-2.20 installed now (the themeable one)...17:20
picard1421i dont have a full desktop though.. only GDM... how do i go about changing themes without the full desktop..17:21
picard1421i add hte theeme folder to /usr/gdm/themes ... but i need to edit a config file somewhere to tell it to use the new themes installed??? i have no idea where to go and i have searched google for a while trying to find the answer??17:21
econdudeawesomepicard1421 whats the question?17:22
picard1421how do i change the login theme17:23
picard1421i have GDM-2.2017:23
picard1421which is the themable one...17:23
picard1421i have added the theme folder i want to usr/share/gdm/themes/17:23
Curtstrange, I installed ubuntu just fine from my optical drive, yet my optical drive doesn't seem to work in ubuntu...17:23
econdudeawesomepicard1421 ah. Um, you can try googling it--I found a command that opened the gnome "change background" when gdm started17:23
picard1421i just do know how to tell the system to use that theme when logging in17:23
picard1421i have googled for a while and i cannot find a single thing related to this..17:24
abhijitThis page is not updated: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins17:24
mostolof|2picard1421: gdm2setup pkg17:24
econdudeawesomepicard1421 then the theme options are available there. I'm using command-line on a different comp right now or else I'd provide direct link. Try "change background gdm ubuntu"17:24
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=== Ono is now known as Guest84638
vivek243how to work php programs without sudo command??17:24
vivek243can anyone help?17:25
picard1421i have tried that17:25
picard1421its hte not background image..17:25
abhijit!patience | vivek24317:26
ubottuvivek243: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.17:26
picard1421its the theme.. i have a folder with the XML files and pics and .desktop file stored in usr/share/gdm/themes17:26
vivek243how to work php programs without sudo command??17:26
econdudeawesomepicard1421 I found a site that opened the program to change all that--probably when you open that program you could install the theme, as with regular ubuntu "change background" options17:27
picard1421but there has to be a config file somehwere that tellls which theme to use.. and i cannot find that file.. or a guide to manually change the theme.. Remember i dont have a desktop installed17:27
kyenteivivek243: You mean execute them on your PC?17:27
abhijit!repeat | vivek24317:27
ubottuvivek243: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.17:27
zamanianHas anyone on the dev channel gotten chromium-browser 6.0.472.14 in their repositories? I see it in the PPA at launchpad, but aptitude can't seem to find it.17:27
picard1421i dont have programs etc... like the desktop version all i have is the GDM login screen (:17:27
vivek243kyentei yes right..17:27
kyenteivivek243: sudo chmod +x file.php && sudo ./file.php17:27
vivek243ubottu i need to do each and every action with sudo command..17:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:28
vivek243kyentei no..17:28
kyenteivivek243: Then I don't know.17:28
econdudeawesomepicard1421 when you log in, what happens?17:28
vivek243kyentei i used to save program at location www by sudo command..17:29
cegnerI'm looking to convert a GKR keystore to JKS, anyone have any suggestions on good tools for ubuntu?17:29
picard1421it goes to GDM login17:29
picard1421then goes back to CLI in xterm17:29
vivek243kyentei why it is necessory to use that one?17:29
duffydackzamanian, i take it you added the ppa?  updated?   I personally use the stable version, too many quirks with bleeding edge dailys17:29
picard1421i dont want the full blown Gnome desktop.. only GDM17:29
kyenteivivek243: Because a normal user does not have write permissions in /var/www ;-)17:29
vivek243kyentei but i am admin na at my pc?17:30
econdudeawesomepicard1421 this is by choice? Ah, I see. Well, I'm not sure what program handles that. You might check out the LXDE wiki to see if you can find the LXDE analogue, and figure out what gnome program controls that17:30
zamanianduffydack: Yep, sudo add-apt-repository'd it. Updated. I love the bleeding edge. :) But all of a sudden the latest package won't arrive. :/17:30
kyenteivivek243: That does not matter. Rights are rights ;-) You're the admin, so you have sudo permissions.17:30
Failicanhow do I change the log in sound?17:30
vivek243kyentei see i have administrator previledges..17:30
riktaHi, is there ocaml in ubuntu DVD release ?17:30
kyenteivivek243: But you need to change the files in /var/www as root. ;-)17:31
guntbert!sudo | vivek24317:31
ubottuvivek243: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with  superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli ) . Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For  graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with  sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo17:31
picard1421yea i do not want a full gbnome desktop or any desktop of any kind17:31
picard1421just a GUI login.. its a strange request.. i know.. but still.. lol that is what i am lookin for..17:31
duffydackzamanian, chromium-browser 6.0.484.0~svn20100803r54673-0ubuntu1~ucd1~lucid17:31
vivek243kyentei but if u type once, then why it is not suffecient?17:31
fecalpattiescan anyone recommend a solid text editor for ubuntu that will let you edit files live from FTP sites17:32
econdudeawesomepicard1421 I understand. I reference the LXDE wiki since it clearly delineates all functions included and their purposes17:32
FoolsRunHi, where does Ubuntu store its default Applications menu? I have a program that I uninstalled but new users keep seeing it in their applications menu.17:32
vivek243kyentei i mean to say, if i type sudo once, then it has to execute several times na?17:32
kyenteivivek243: Why don't you try alt+f2 and enter 'gksu gedit' (or 'gksu kate' if you use KDE instead of gnome) and then modify your files?17:32
vivek243ubottu i knw about sudo..17:32
econdudeawesomepicard1421 I figured you could look there and find the ghome equivalent17:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:32
zamanianduffydack: Is that the daily? I'm on the dev channel ppa:chromium-daily/dev. I'm interested in bleeding edge but I don't want daily updates of that many megabytes. :)17:32
shadowkdesu kate17:33
kyenteishadow: ah, I'm not experienced with KDE ;-)17:33
vivek243kyentei ok i will try it..17:33
r15hi, i converted few rpm files to deb format, while installing .deb file, i have few post scripts which is calling /bin/sh17:33
vivek243kyentei to goto KDE i need to log out and select the session na?17:33
kyenteivivek243: Then you start gedit/kate as root. So you can modify these files.17:33
r15i checked /bin/sh is a soft link of /bin/dash17:34
shadowbut gksu (not sudo gedit) was absolutly right :)17:34
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kyenteivivek243: why would you want to use KDE instead of GNOME? ;-)17:34
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econdudeawesomepicard1421 you might right Gstyle or perhaps gconf-editor17:34
r15i manually tried to modified those, changing shabang to /bin/bash but they get changed to /bin/sh17:34
econdudeawesomepicard1421 *try, not right17:34
r15any idea?17:34
duffydackzamanian, thats daily yes.  you need to be in #chromium I guess17:34
r15thanks in advance17:34
vivek243kyentei u said above "use KDE instead of gnome"..17:34
picard1421that is w gconf-editor?17:35
zamanianI asked there but nobody listens. :/17:35
kyenteivivek243: No, I meant to say "IF you do that, then the command changes" ;-)17:35
zamanianduffydack: I asked there but nobody listens. :/17:35
vivek243kyentei ok alright..17:35
kyenteivivek243: You can use GNOME.. ;-) just do alt+f2 and type 'gksu gedit'17:35
econdudeawesomepicard1421 no, it sounds like a separate program17:35
vivek243kyentei let me try and inform u...17:35
econdudeawesomepicard1421 do you have a gconf-editor available?17:36
duffydackzamanian, well it wont hurt to not update it for 30 seconds :)17:36
picard1421no.. but i think i got it maybe..17:37
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picard1421all i did was go to17:37
picard1421all i di was do etc/gdm/gdm.conf and edited17:37
zamanianduffydack: You mean ask again?17:37
tesujianyone here familiar with xubuntu?  apparently no one is reading the #xubuntu channel17:37
vivek243kyentei thanks its working..17:38
kyenteivivek243: ;-) Goodluck :)17:38
vivek243kyentei now i need to type my password only once na?17:39
brimestonehey guys... i have notice some wackiness on uBuntu Server 10.x where Apache stops or ssh sessions gets cut off...17:39
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vivek243kyentei after pressing alt+f2 it asked me to run a program(i.e. dialogbox)..17:39
vivek243kyentei then i type gksu gedit at program name, then it asked password..17:40
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vivek243kyentei now i saved my program prg.php at www location easily....17:41
vivek243kyentei thanks again...its working...now i will inform my all friends..17:41
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zamanianduffydack: Ah, wow. Okay. I think I got it: the i386 packages of these new versions are still waiting in the build queue, while the packages I was seeing are the amd64 versions. I guess I'll just have to wait for the build bot to do its thang.17:44
frxstremhow do you kill a process that won't terminate?17:44
Slartfrxstrem: a zombie?17:44
erUSULfrxstrem: sometmes you can't17:44
chris535I've added a panel background image to my Gnome-Panel, and some of the items like the clock, still show the previous background. I've tried a killall gnome-panel as well as re-added the items in question and they still display the old background.  Anyone know how to fix this?17:44
erUSULfrxstrem: reboot is the only solution17:45
frxstremSlart: yeah...; erUSUL: I have to reboot? :(17:45
Slartfrxstrem: if kill -9 doesn't work you usually have to reboot to get rid of it.. but it won't use any memory/cpu anyways so you could just leave it there17:45
oldude67frxstrem, try doing ps -e look at the # and kill #17:45
zamanianfrxstrem: You tried kill -KILL <process ID> or pkill -KILL <program name> ?17:45
frxstremzamanian: yes, of course17:45
chris535frxstrem, a killall foo -s9 might do it too17:45
zamanianfrxstrem: Alrighty..17:45
erUSULfrxstrem: first check that indeed that's the case. unkillable processes are zombie processes ( Z ) or the ones waiting for io ( D )17:46
frxstremSlart: well, performance is not the problem, it's that it is using a mounted directory which I cannot unmount for some reason..17:46
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frxstremerUSUL: how do I check that?17:47
Slartfrxstrem: hmm.. perhaps there is a way to unmount it even though that process is still "using" it.. aren't there some force-options for mount?17:47
erUSULfrxstrem: ps aux | grep processname17:47
loneI have a rather old computer that I've installed Ubunto 10.04 on. I've seen others having bootsplash image when starting up... But, I don't have that. I'm a bit unsure what to install here?   (I've tried to enable splash in startupmanager, but that has no effect at all)17:47
erUSULfrxstrem: state is the 8th column17:48
frxstremerUSUL: it's a "D" there17:48
erUSULfrxstrem: then reboot is probably the only solution...17:48
Wiesshundlone nothing to install per say, is grub set to boot with splash?17:48
frxstremokay :/17:48
T-ViRuSCan someone help me17:49
McPelsHow can I upload Compiz new versions?17:49
T-ViRuSr00t@root:~$ sudo gem update --system17:49
T-ViRuS[sudo] password for r00t:17:49
T-ViRuSUpdating RubyGems...17:49
T-ViRuSERROR:  While executing gem ... (Gem::RemoteSourceException)17:49
T-ViRuS    HTTP Response 30117:49
FloodBot3T-ViRuS: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:49
T-ViRuSWhy do i get that17:50
econdudeawesomepicard1421 I was afk did you get your problem solved?17:50
picard1421kind of17:50
picard1421im getting XML errosr now17:50
mudnickheyall. looking for help. new ubuntu user. having trouble with archive manager not showing up in applications menu. trying to zip up some photos for transfer to a friend.17:50
picard1421idk if its because of what im changing or the theme are bad?17:50
loneWiesshund: iirc that should be in /boot/grub/menu.lst... I don't even have that file...17:50
picard1421the problem is i do not have any programs installed.. if there is a theme changer pacakge i can install that would be awesome!!!17:51
loneWiesshund: Is that somewhere else in Ubuntu ?17:51
econdudeawesomepicard1421 dunno--try another default theme?17:51
xanguamudnick: install p7zip17:51
stevendepphi everyone17:51
mudnickxangua. must I use another program? it says i have archive manager installed in the ubuntu software center17:51
Wiesshundlone 10.04 uses grub2 there is no more menu.lst , the setting your looking for is in /etc/default/grub though17:51
loneWiesshund: Ok, I have "GRUB_GFXMODE=640x480", else I'm a bit unsure what to look for here ?17:52
zamanianmudnick: If you're fine with a quick solution, you can do ALT+F2, then type in "file-roller", which will open the archive manager, then browser for the file you want.17:53
loneWiesshund: and "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash""17:53
rhodanDamn I watched this "support" channel for five minutes now.17:53
Wiesshundlone see a line that ends in splash or quiet or quiet splash ?17:53
rhodanI am grossed out.17:53
loneWiesshund: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"17:53
guntbertrhodan: what is your problem with the channel?17:53
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Wiesshundlone try removing the word quiet, save file then do a update-grub17:53
zamanianmudnick: Otherwise, if the archive manager is not in the applications menu, you might want to edit it by right-clicking on it or running the program "alacarte"17:53
Picimudnick: Installing p7zip will add 7zip compatibility to file-roller (the default archive tool).17:53
rhodanxangua: Use the menu editor to unhide the archive manager or just pack those files from the context menu.17:54
xanguamudnick: sorry is o7zip-full17:54
xanguarhodan: ¿¿17:54
UbufruitHi, i have a problem in Ubuntu17:54
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econdudeawesomeis there anyway in irssi to hide people when they join a channel?17:54
econdudeawesomethis is ridiculous!17:55
Pici!quietirssi | econdudeawesome17:55
ubottuecondudeawesome: To ignore joins, parts, quits in irssi:  /ignore #ubuntu +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS17:55
loneWiesshund: Ok, how can I double-check the theme is actually installed ?17:55
racethesunlive!ask | ubufruit17:55
ubottuubufruit: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:55
Ubufruit#ubuntu +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS17:55
mudnickzamanian: right clicking on it from where? from inside the software center? does archive manager already work with .zip? do I need 7zip? i am unfamiliar with 7zip.17:55
zamanianmudnick: Right-click right on the menu itself17:56
econdudeawesomePici, you rock17:56
rhodanThis channel looks like a bunch of mentally impaired children in a fast food restaurant.17:56
Wiesshundlone ubuntu comes with one animated boot scrren by default, its purplish says ubuntu and has 4 dots that light up17:56
zamanianmudnick: You shouldn't need 7zip to unzip .zip files.17:56
UbufruitI wanted to install World of Warcraft but i got a Problem to copy the DVD to my harddrive. There are invinsible Files17:56
uRock!troll > rhodan17:56
ubotturhodan, please see my private message17:56
loneWiesshund: Yeah, I've seen other people having that... It looks fine... I just have it as pure text - not as graphics...17:56
oCean_rhodan: why not leave it?17:56
mudnickhow do I message people individually in red? i added archive manager to the menu now. thank you.17:57
Picimudnick: Sorry, I misread your question, feel free to ignore my suggestion.17:57
oCean_mudnick: just start the line with that person's nick17:57
shu_hello I seriously need with Xmonad17:57
Slartmudnick: you just put their name at the start of the line you write.. you can press TAB to autocomplete17:57
loneWiesshund: I'll reboot and see it that did the trick... bbl17:57
rhodanSee, the offensive people always give the best advice.17:57
Wiesshundlone on some machines having it set to quiet spash makes the logo disapear too fast or not be seen at all, not sure why17:57
shu_hello there!17:58
uRockrhodan, I think you are the one here trying to offend others. Please stop.17:58
racethesunliveubufruit: you may have better luck making a .iso file from the cd and then mounting that17:58
Picirhodan: If you're not using the channel you are free to leave. If you continue your attitude you may find yourself outside the channel anyway.17:58
Wiesshundrhodan i think godzilla is looking for you17:58
mudnicknext step. how do I create a .zip?17:58
rhodanmudnick: Right-click the folder and zip-it!17:59
UbufruitI still see the join and left annoucements17:59
kyenteimudnick: Isn't ubuntu able to zip into a .zip file right away?17:59
Sander_can someone help me?17:59
SlartSander_: just ask your question17:59
kyenteimudnick: right click > compress > .zip ?17:59
loneWiesshund: Well, that didn't quite do it... I still just have it as textmode... :(17:59
Sander_I were trying to run ./start.sh17:59
Sander_but i get18:00
Wiesshundlone ok 1 sec18:00
oCean_lone: you did install the desktop version?18:00
Sander_ubuntu server 9.0418:00
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SlartSander_: what application are you trying to run?18:00
mudnickkyentei I am trying to package a set of photos18:00
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rhodanlone: Could you nopaste both your grub.cfg and $SYSTEMCONFIGDIR/default/grub?18:00
Sander_A gameserver app18:00
loneoCean_: Yes - well, it's upgraded from a 9-something to 10.0418:00
kyenteimudnick: Put them in a folder, compress the folder?18:01
lidI have a machine that normally had a different ethernet adapter in it, which I replaced with another (for reasons too long and not necessary to explain). The card shows as having a kernel module loaded for it with lspci -k, and I'm configuring the network with the /etc/network/interfaces file to just use DHCP, but I can't get it to work because the card doesn't show up with ipconfig -- i.e., it doesn't have a name like eth0 or anything. How can I get it to work?18:01
SlartSander_: then you might need to ask the people who support that gameserver..18:01
Sander_itś my own VPS18:01
Sander_maybe does it mean the process needs to much ram?18:01
tesujii have just done a proper install to a thumbdrive and it won't boot - any suggestions?18:01
rhodanlid: That's no surprise. ipconfig is a Microsoft Windows NT® command.18:01
kyenteimudnick: or right click somewhere on an empty space, select "create document" and then enter the filename.zip ?18:02
kyenteimudnick: Then drag your photo's in it.18:02
lidrhodan: silly me, I meant ifconfig18:02
rhodanlid: ifconfig -a18:02
lidrhodan: I did try ifconfig18:02
SlartSander_: start.sh is probably just a bash script.. we don't know what is inside that script... perhaps it's just a line that prints out   "Killed"..18:02
lidrhodan: only the loopback interface showed up18:02
pyghasseni got a situation right here, I open the browser on localhost and instead of opening the the php file he download it, i'm stuck for hours now18:02
rhodanlid: Then do -a18:02
Sander_it bash to cod4_lnxded-bin18:02
rhodanpyghassen: /etc/init.d/apache start18:02
Sander_And there is 1 of it already runnig18:02
Sander_but it should be possible to run 2 of them18:03
tesujii have just done a proper install to a thumbdrive and it won't boot - any suggestions?18:03
lidrhodan: it showed up with that, so I guess I just use /etc/network/interfaces to use eth1 (which is what it shows up as) instead of eth0?18:03
pyghassenrhodan,  apache is running of course18:03
Picipyghassen: Is php installed?18:03
mudnickkyentei do I need to use archive manager to make a zipped folder? should I have that application open. i started using ubuntu two days ago and feel like a child.18:03
loneWiesshund: Sure, grub: http://pastebin.com/hu6CB1dW   and grub.cfg: http://pastebin.com/LSQjEKGF18:03
rhodantesuji: Let grub2 install a MBR onto it.18:03
pyghassenyes php518:03
kyenteimudnick: Mind if we continue through PM?18:03
tesujirhodan, can you tell me how to do that?18:03
pyghassenwhat else is missing?18:03
rhodanlid: You have a stale udev rule.18:03
Wiesshundlone ok go to query window while i look at those18:03
Picipyghassen: Did you enable the php5 module? sudo a2enmod php5 ?18:03
mudnickkyentei if you initiate. i dont know how18:03
rhodantesuji: grub-install /dev/sdX18:04
rhodanWhere X is a letter from the latin alphabet, corresponding to your thumb dribe.18:04
rhodantesuji: Or does this thing use syslinux?18:04
pyghassenit told me it's already enabled!!18:04
lidrhodan: thanks for the help, I got it working18:04
tesujirhodan i installed xubuntu (not that it matters) from a cd with the thumbdrive as the target18:05
pyghasseni'm desprate really18:05
piglithow can i past ascii codes in gedit?18:05
pyghasseni'm stuck like this for hours18:05
tesujirhodan, grub should have installed an MBR automatically18:05
Picipyghassen: What are the permissions of the php file that you're trying to access?18:05
pyghassen-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  368 2009-05-06 13:19 index.php18:06
rhodantesuji: head /dev/yourdrive18:06
UbufruitThe ignore command wont work it says unknown command18:07
sid3khi all. x11 began to raise "fatal: no screen found" error and I don't have xorgconfig app, apt-cache search returns no result, any ideas?18:07
rhodanDoes it display some garbage and fuck up your terminal? That's normal. But look for strings like "GRUB MBR" or "No operating system found"18:07
oCean_rhodan: watch your language in this channel please18:07
SlartUbufruit: are you running irssi?18:07
SlartUbufruit: it seems you are using pidgin at the moment18:08
Ubufruiti use pidgin irc18:08
SlartUbufruit: then /ignore might not work..18:08
sid3krhodan: It just doesn't start x system, I can use terminal18:08
bronchmxhow can i redirect all subdomains of youtube.com to a specific ip18:08
rhodanbronchmx: /etc/hosts18:08
SlartUbufruit: there might be a setting somewhere else18:08
bronchmxi tried youtube.com in etc hosts18:09
bronchmxbut subdomains are not working18:09
tesujirhodan /dev/drive is not a text file - i don't understand what you mean18:09
rhodansid3k: mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf* /root/18:09
bronchmxonly youtube.com's ip changes18:09
freaxhi... can anyone help me please? I have Ubuntu 10.04 and i need to run Win XP with KVM but after first install restart i have black screen. i read some topics about it, but nothing helped :-(18:09
duffydackbronchmx, use wildcards?18:09
bronchmxnot working18:09
bronchmxi tried18:09
rhodantesuji: What's your drive's /dev/sd -letter?18:09
arunkumar413hi friends i want to upload my contacts from mail and calenders to the googles contacts.Where are the contacts stored in the ubuntu18:09
oCean_bronchmx: no, wildcards don't work in /etc/hosts18:10
tesujirhodan, /dev/sdb18:10
bronchmxyes they don't work18:10
sid3krhodan: why?18:10
rhodantesuji: syslinux /dev/sdb18:10
bronchmxso how do you redirect subdomains?18:10
bronchmxis it possible?18:10
oCean_bronchmx: you would have to add all subdomains, or setup your own nameserver maybe. There's no easy fix18:10
Picipyghassen: Hm.  Can you restart apache2 and try again?18:10
rhodansid3k: Xorg should start fine if you remove all configs.18:11
bronchmxoCean_, o really? now i am uninstalling ubuntu and switching back to windows18:11
bronchmxbye bye18:11
Epsilon987hey, quick q, how do i figure out the eth mappings, eg. eth0 is mapped to netgear, eth1 is mapped to intel card, etc...18:11
tesujirhodan, syslinux is for a fat filesystem - this is a regular ubuntu install, ext4 filesystem18:11
rhodantesuji: Do it.18:12
rhodanIt will tell you whether there is an MBR.18:12
mbeierlI'm happy 64 bit running on a laptop with 4gb of ram.  problem is I keep running out of memory very quickly (eclipse and jboss development).  If I switch to 32 bit would I use less memory18:12
rhodanbronchmx: /etc/hosts.18:12
Slartmbeierl: I don't think the difference will be that big18:12
Adam_lookin for help with an etherpad install, any takers?18:12
mbeierlSlart: k thanks!18:13
tesujirhodan, "syslinux: this doesn't look like a valid FAT filesystem"18:13
Slartmbeierl: try slimming down eclipse or jboss.. adding swap might work even if it makes it a bit slower18:13
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rhodantesuji: Do you have qemu installed?18:13
tantivFor some reason only partimage-i386 (not amd64) is in the Ubuntu respository.... two years ago there was an amd64 bug which is probably why it was never put into amd64.  However the most recent version (including the source in the Ubuntu repository) fully supports amd64 and I tested it after running dpkg-buildpackage myself.  Who should I go to, to get it released into the amd64 repository?18:13
kermitawayecondudeawes sounds like a horrible disease18:13
mbeierlSlart: done both :(18:13
rhodan                recent version (including the source in the Ubuntu repository) fully supports amd64 and I tested18:13
kermitoops wrong channel18:13
tesujirhodan, i do not know what ubuntu install puts on there, how can i get the answer to that question?18:13
Slartmbeierl: and those two apps use 4GB of memory between them? sigh.. talk about bloatware18:14
rhodantesuji: aptitude install qemu-kvm, if you don't mind.18:14
rhodanIt's an emulator.18:14
rhodanThat way you can try if it boots in a VM.18:15
mbeierlSlart: exactly.  memory hogs indeed18:15
tesujirhodan, ok now what?18:15
rhodanJust do kvm -hda /dev/sdb -m 400M as soon as you have installed it.18:15
TommyThaGunis there a way to make my system automatically backup certain folders on a network directory?18:15
rhodanBut unmount the stick, first.18:15
abhijit!backup | TommyThaGun18:15
ubottuTommyThaGun: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning18:15
rhodanIs there an !rtfm18:16
ubottuAcronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.18:16
kiwi___My Problem: Ubuntu dont find the mount point!18:16
rhodanOh those four-letter statements. fsck them, tail and head and more!18:17
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rhodantesuji: If it doesn't show any boot prompt, you don't have a valid MBR.18:17
Adam_anyone have experience with etherpad running on ubuntu 10.04?18:17
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abhi__i want to do VB under ubuntu18:18
rhodan19:18 < abhi__> i want to do VB under ubuntu18:18
kiwi___Ok sorry rhodan i want to install World of Warcraft i worked on the guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft my problem is that i got a WOW DVD and it got invinsible files i want to make them visible so i can copy them18:18
abhi__which alternative i can use?18:18
magnetronAdam_: probably, what do you want to know about it? just ask straight out into the channel, if anyone knows they will answer18:18
Slartabhi__: don't.. try something else.. python is popular, I believe18:18
tesujirhodan, says "open /dev/kvm: No such file or directory18:19
tesujiCould not initialize KVM, will disable KVM support18:19
tesujipci_add_option_rom: failed to find romfile "pxe-rtl8139.bin" then a window opens and says "booting from harddisk" and nothing happens18:19
erUSULabhi__: gambas2 is the closest thing to VB618:19
erUSUL!info gambas218:19
ubottugambas2 (source: gambas2): Complete visual development environment for Gambas. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.19.0-2 (lucid), package size 99 kB, installed size 132 kB18:19
rhodantesuji: AMD or Intel?18:19
abhi__@start but i need to work on VB for class project18:19
alketcan AptOnCD be used in USB ?18:19
tesujirhodan i am doing this on an amd18:19
rhodantesuji: Just curious. Doesn't change a thing ;)18:20
abhi__i need something similar to VB 818:20
rhodantesuji: grub-install /dev/sdb, then try it again.18:20
Slartabhi__: I feel your pain.. but I can't help you18:20
erUSULabhi__: see how well mono supports VB.net18:20
Somelauwabhi: "Teaching basic should be considered as a criminal offence" (Dijkstra)18:21
rhodanabhi__: Run a potentiall pirated copy of a Windows operating system in VirtualBox.18:21
Somelauwahi_: Visual basic is based on VB18:21
oCean_rhodan: suggestions about piracy etc are not welcome here18:22
abhi__@rhodan i hate windows, even in virtual PC :p18:22
jguzikowskiIs there some type of Peerblock alternative in Ubuntu?18:22
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abhi__dont wan't to install windows18:22
tesujirhodan, we're making progress - when i tried to boot before i got on a flashing cursor, now i get "error: no such device (long hex number) grub rescue>"18:22
abhijitabhi__, can you repeat your question for me?18:22
rhodanjguzikowski: You mean for blocking bad peers while filesharing?18:22
jguzikowskirhodan, yup18:22
rhodanjguzikowski: suggestions about piracy etc are not welcome here18:23
rhodantesuji: fdisk -l /dev/sdb and nopaste18:23
jguzikowskirhodan, peer to peer is not illegal18:23
freaxhi... can anyone help me please? I have Ubuntu 10.04 and i need to run Win XP with KVM but after first install restart i have black screen. i read some topics about it, but nothing helped :-(18:23
abhi__@abhijit how to do VB under ubuntu? that was my Question18:23
rhodanjguzikowski: You wouldn't need to block bad peers if you were just seeding fedora isos;)18:23
tesujirhodan, what is nopaste?18:23
rhodanjguzikowski: KTorrent, Transmission etc. have built-in filter lists.18:24
abhijitabhi__, you cant. but you can do some dot net i think i have mono you also check that18:24
_jesse_abhi__: try mono18:24
jguzikowskirhodan, is that some type of 'If you have nothing to hide, why are you hiding?' type arguments? :P18:24
YadiraHi Guys,,Dows Anyone Knows How To Star OpenOficce Main Welcome Screen With All Apps to Choose ?18:24
jguzikowskibecause that IS flawed logic18:24
rhodantesuji: Just fu^W^W Please use google.18:24
slinker1NoPaste is a service that allows you easy uploading of source code to show it to other Internet users by giving them a URL, like you can share video using YouTube or images using ImageShack. Just paste your code, enter your nickname, description, choose programming language and send it to get a link to your code, which you will be able to show to others. There is no need to register! Script provides syntax highlighting and line numbering. Use it instead18:24
slinker1of pasting long sources on IRC or instant message applications.18:24
_jesse_Yadira: run openoffice.org18:24
abhijitabhi__, monodevelop.com18:24
Yadiraok let me see18:24
rhodanslinker1: You should habe nopasted it18:24
slinker1hehe indeed18:25
abhi__@abhijit mono-basic?18:25
rhodanabhi__: Mono is going to be much to complicated for you, and the incompatibilities will cost you much time.18:25
rhodanabhi__: Try running this VB IDE under Wine.18:25
abhijitabhi__, you just visit that web site. i installed it. but i never used it till date. may be i will also need to use it in coming weeks. :)18:25
thune3freax: black screen after installing ubuntu? or black screen in KVM after setting up XP?18:25
shadowYadira: make in your Ubuntu menu a launcher with a commnd:    openoffice.org18:25
abhi__@rhodan :( what can i do then?18:26
abhijit!wine | abhi__18:26
ubottuabhi__: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu18:26
YadiraYeap Thats The One   Thanks : )  Ohh Yes I will18:26
tesujirhodan, ubutto will explain about pastebin if asked - you don't need to get snippy with me.  if you are going to do support then expect people not to know as much as you do and be patient with them.  explain in detail, don't give cryptic commands and expect them to know what they you are talking about18:26
abhi__i already tried wine, works well for VB 6, but not for VS 200818:27
abhi__i need to run VB 818:27
abhijitabhi__, why are you not running windows for programming windows?18:27
tesujirhodan, http://pastebin.com/eMP9wiYk18:27
jiffethe default ubuntu kernel doesn't support pci hot plug does it?18:27
rhodantesuji: I was remarking that your explanation text was unusually long and that it appeared very ironic because that was quite contrary to what the text itself suggested the user to do.18:27
abhi__@abhijit i only need to work on windows programing 4 exam18:28
rhodanjiffe: It does support it.18:28
=== IPNixon_ is now known as IPNixon
abhi__@abhijit rather than this i hate all kind of windows things18:28
rhodanabhi__: Tell your prof that you are being discriminated.18:28
abhijit!virtualbox | abhi__18:28
ubottuabhi__: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox18:28
jifferhodan: hmm, so if I add a NIC to an ubuntu virtual machine, any idea how I go about getting it up and running?18:28
abhijit!vm | abhi__18:29
ubottuabhi__: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications18:29
rhodanabhi__: Tell him you don't have own any copy of Microsoft Windows and you refuse to buy one. Tell him he should not teach proprietary BASIC-dialects to innocent children.18:29
rhodanjiffe: qemu?18:30
Astrohi, I'm trying to install Ubuntu in lxc18:30
Astrois there a way to pass the tty number to gdm?18:30
abhi__@rhodan he will give me only a C for sure if i tell this to him :p18:30
abhijit!tab > abhi__18:30
ubottuabhi__, please see my private message18:30
oCean_rhodan: abhi__ Please stay on topic18:30
tesujirhodan the usb-creator made a bootable thumb - do you think it would work if i used usb-creator again, the used dd to copy off the first however so many bytes, and use dd again to copy that block to my other thumb?18:30
rhodanabhi__: It's the only way things are going to change. You could still use Windows but tell him that you don't like it. That's how Ubuntu will prevail!18:31
rhodantesuji: Did you use usb-creator now or did you do a real install?18:31
tesujirhodan, this time i did a real install18:31
abhi__rhodan, :)18:31
abhi__ubottu, thnz for private msg. i'm using tab now18:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:32
tesujirhodan, usb-creator makes a bootable device, real install does not18:32
rhodantesuji: Why would a real install not do that?18:32
rhodanIt would install GRUB2 into the MBR and booting would be no problem.18:33
rhodanIt's usb-creator that can't even handle partition tables.18:33
tesujirhodan, if i knew that i wouldn't be here asking for help :) but my guess is that something different is needed to boot of a thumb than off a harddisk18:33
rhodantesuji: Nope, GRUB2 is perfectly fine.18:33
tesujirhodan, the fact remains that it won't boot...18:33
jifferhodan: it is a vmware virtual machine18:34
alketis there any Ubuntu Games Remix , or an ubuntu that comes only with games ?18:34
rhodanBut that partition table seems suspect. My recommendation to you is to dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=1M count=118:34
rhodanThen you fdisk it, creating a new MBT partition table18:34
rhodanBut no partitions. Then usb-creator should succeed in making it bootable.18:35
rhodanIf you do a real install, partition the drive manually.18:35
rhodanYou really don't want swap there.18:35
cmpaycHello. How do I install G++-4.4 and libstdc++-dev ? They have circular dependencies.18:35
rhodanAnd probably only one single partition.18:35
abhijitcmpayc, sudo apt-get buil-dep g++ (may be)18:36
rhodancmpayc: Shouldn't you use the developer-metapackages?18:36
rhodanfreax: freax18:36
tesujirhodan, ok you are saying to reintall and partition manually...18:36
Laughing_GodI want to know how to create shells in VPS.Is there any tutorial for ir?Please give me the link.18:37
rhodantesuji: Nope, I'm saying to wipe that table.18:37
cmpaycabhijit: I cannot use apt-get, the computer has no Internet connection, I bring debs on a portable disk.18:37
rhodantesuji: *telling18:37
tesujirhodan, let me explain again: i do not want what usb-creator makes; i want a real install18:37
cmpaycrhodan: thanks, I will.18:37
tesujirhodan then i will have to reinstall18:37
PoshlykovВсем прив!!!18:37
abhijitcmpayc, okay18:37
Pici!ru | Poshlykov18:37
ubottuPoshlykov: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:37
rhodantesuji: because those GUI tools pussy away silently when the partition table isn't germ-free and pre-warmed.18:37
abhijit!offline | cmpayc18:38
ubottucmpayc: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD18:38
thune3tesuji: does your USB stick have a CDFS partition (like sandisk sansa with U3 apps)?18:38
rhodanthune3: Good call.18:38
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rhodanthune3: But no, doesn't look like that.18:38
thune3rhodan: it doesn't, but it is worth a ceck18:39
tesujirhodan, i let the install partition for me - wasn't thinking about swap (silly me) - dunno about that screwy CDFS partition how would i find out?18:39
vonguardmy ethernet port is not working, and the only thing in my /etc/network/interfaces is loopback and eth0 dhcp18:39
vonguardeee HA1005 asus netbook18:39
vonguardaanyone got any idea why my interfaces config is empty18:39
rhodantesuji: Your table is b0rked.18:40
rhodantesuji: You're best off starting clean.18:40
EvilPhoenixhow do you unzip a zip file from the terminal?18:40
EvilPhoenixwhat commands18:40
datacrusherhey, look at this site nice logo - www.musikar.com.br, can someone take an attitude?18:40
rhodantesuji, may I send you a private message?18:40
PiciEvilPhoenix: unzip file.zip18:40
rhodanEvilPhoenix: zip, unzip18:40
vonguardanyone got any idea on why my ethernet port isnt working/18:40
tesujirhodan, sure18:40
vonguardthe lights are on on the hub18:40
thune3tesuji: i also did read something about (maybe this was back on karmic), but installer putting GRUB in the wrong place when installing to USB stick. (i've done full install to usb, but I unplugged all other drives when doing so)18:40
vonguardbut the os won't authenticate on ethernet18:41
vonguardand wireless works fine18:41
vonguarddead ethernet? anyone?18:41
tesujithune3, i installed this on a machine that has only a cdrom, no harddisk, no other usb devices18:41
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thune3tesuji: i missed the discussion, but your hardware supports usb boot? and usb is in the boot list?18:42
thune3tesuji: in bios?18:42
MarcNvonguard: what does sudo mii-tool say?18:43
blackswanhi. i would like to find a way to fax via voip. are there any sip clients that support this kind of thing? and where's a better irc channel to ask questions about voip stuff?18:43
cmpaycrhodan: Where to get the developer-metapackages?18:43
LichurecHi.. got a weird situation lately.. I have found that my /etc/resolv.conf got somehow "locked" (chattr +i ) with DNS like &
vonguardmarcn: eht0: negotiated 100basetx-fd flow-control, link ok18:44
LichurecI am 1000% sure noone manually locked nor set such DNSs anywhere..18:44
Edward123something very odd going on - i just upgraded to the latest version. i can ping external hosts (e.g. www.google.co.uk) fine. however i can't seem to access the web via firefox anymore?18:44
rhodancmpayc: Dunno, search for develop in synaptic.18:44
ToxicsgPending purchase, Intel or AMD?18:44
MarcNvonguard: so the kernel sees the NIC and thinks it is okay.  has a link (ie cable is plugged in)18:44
Lichurecnetwork has always been configured automatically via DHCP..  does anyone have any idea on "what" could lock it like that/18:44
vonguardlights on and everything18:44
cmpaycrhodan: Thanks for nothing.18:44
Edward123i tried w3m on google.com - it starts to receive cookies then it quits: 'can't load www.google.com'18:45
Picicmpayc: build-essential is the meta package you want.18:45
Edward123any tips?18:45
vonguardwhen i use the network menu to select the ethernet, it tries to sign on and get an address, then stops18:45
vonguardmarcn: correct18:45
kbrosnanEdward123: do you have a pending restart from the upgrade/18:45
MarcNvonguard: sing on? to what?18:45
blarggHow do I stop this chat from automatically connecting here every time I open it?18:45
Edward123kbrosnan, nope - this is many reboots later18:45
vonguardsign on18:45
vonguardmarcn: to get a dhcp lease18:45
blarggX-chat GNOME18:45
=== fipu_ is now known as fipu
MarcNvonguard: ok, there is no authentication going on.  DHCP is just a broadcast request18:46
blarggOK, found it, nevermind18:46
vonguardmarcn: ok18:46
MarcNvonguard: try:   sudo ifup eth018:46
vonguardmarcn: done that18:46
vonguardmarcn: it comes up18:46
vonguardmarcn: says it gets dhcp18:46
MarcNany message?18:46
vonguardmarcn: then still nothing18:46
rhodan!gratitude cmpayc18:46
vonguardmarcn: ifup messages are completely normal. says it gets an ip18:47
MarcNvonguard: take a look at /var/log/daemon.log   what does the dhclinet say?18:47
[V13]AxelLOL So get this, I went to install Lucid yesterday... And I had burned a Karmic disk by accident. XDD18:47
aeon-ltd[V13]Axel: lol. but you could just do a dist upgrade anyways]18:48
vonguardmarcn: no msgs about eth-18:48
vonguardmarcn: only about wlan, which is all old18:48
vonguardmarcn: nothing in the log cept stuff from yesterday18:48
[V13]Axelaeon-ltd: Well, I could've, but I prefer to start from scratch each time I install, because so many things change~18:48
ShapeshifterSo on this laptop I have the latest ubuntu installed and there's a problem with the WLAN. Whenever the laptop resumes from standby, the connection won't automatically be reestablished. I have to untick "wireless activated" and re-tick it. Then it connects just fine. It's a bit annoying. Any ideas?18:49
MarcNvonguard: in one window do    sudo tail -f /var/log/daemon.log and in another sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart18:49
[V13]AxelShapeshifter: Not a clue. What wireless chipset is it?18:49
vonguardmarcn: doing it18:50
BoromirDudes and dudettes: I need to backup my cell phone contact list. On windows I would use Nokia PC Suite, but I don't think they got any Linux apps. Any suggestions?18:50
vonguardmarcn: what am i looking for in this tail now?18:51
rezoluteDudes and dudettes?18:51
tesujiwhat app does jabber?18:51
vonguardmarcn: says some stuff about avahi not being configured i think18:52
duffydackBoromir, tried gammu/wammu ?18:52
MarcNvonguard: should see lines about dhclinent -- bound to, DHCPACK, DHCPREQUEST18:52
MarcNvonguard: using network manager?18:52
erUSULtesuji: empathy pidgin  etc ...18:52
Shapeshifter[V13]Axel: mhh, actually I can't find out which it is. It's an intel chipset (945GM) so I assume it has an intel wlan chip but I don't see any hints in dmesg or lspci and I don't see any loaded modules (iwl3945 or so) in lsmod.18:52
vonguardmarcn: a little yeah18:52
Boromirduffydack: Nope, thougt I should ask for suggestions here instead of trying and failing alot. Thnx :o)18:52
vonguardmarcn: it looks like tail shows it getting dhcp18:52
[V13]AxelShapeshifter: Tell me your output from "iwconfig".18:53
vonguardmarcn: and avahi is disabling itself18:53
thune3Lichurec: very strange. it is not possible that you ran a script for setting up some network thing that might have done that?18:53
duffydackBoromir, does your provider offer a sync option?  I`m with orange and mine does.. There is also ubuntuone contact sync18:53
Shapeshifter[V13]Axel: wlan0     IEEE 802.11bg,  blablabla. There's nothing specific to the chipset. The rest is just about the connection18:53
[V13]AxelShapeshifter: Okay. Hm.. Google the model of the computer, and see if there's a specifications list from the manufacturer.18:54
Boromirduffydack: Not sure. Never heard of it before, I live in Norway. Dows it automatically upload your contacts from the SIM card?18:54
MarcNvonguard: avahi is some adhoc network naming, not a problem.18:54
vonguardmarcn: figured18:54
duffydackBoromir, syncs with a server, from your phone.18:54
vonguardmarcn: well it says its getting a dhcp lease18:54
vonguardmarcn: but nothing goes through18:55
MarcNWhat is your DHCP server? a linksys router or such?18:55
urzkhi.  if i copy the .thunderbird directory, and then restore it after system reinstall - will all the settings and mail be preserved? can i quickly restore all my mail this way? (this works for windows)18:55
vonguardmarcn: yes18:55
MarcNvonguard: and that IP is not showing up on eht0?18:55
vonguardmarcn: but this hasn't worked on any router18:55
Lichurecthune3: nope..18:55
duffydackBoromir, some providers offer one.. look it up, see if you can configure one in your phone.18:55
MarcNvonguard: what kind ow hw?18:55
Shapeshifter[V13]Axel: do you know which scripts are run upon resume? I looked in /etc/acpi/ but I couldn't figure out which one was responsible for wireless18:55
vonguardasus eee 1005ha18:55
Boromirduffydack: Cool.. I'll check it out just in case :) I think my SIM card is about to die, so it's pretty urgent :oP18:55
vonguardnetbook marcn18:55
Shapeshifter[V13]Axel: because I could just '(sleep 10; <wlan-stuff>) &' it, maybe that helps.18:56
duffydackBoromir, no phone memory to back up to ?18:56
Shapeshifteror rmmod/modprobe the module18:56
[V13]AxelShapeshifter: Not a clue, man. The only script I know that's ever run automatically is /etc/rc.local. That's the only one I've ever heard of.18:56
MarcNvonguard: strange.  try turning off the wifi from network manager.  by default network manager should switch to the writed connection if it sees both wifi and wired.  assumption is it is faster18:56
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urzkhi.  if i copy the .thunderbird directory, and then restore it after system reinstall - will all the settings and mail be preserved? can i quickly restore all my mail this way? (this works for windows)18:56
vonguardmarcn: nope, just uses wifi18:56
vonguardmarcn: it's been like this for a while. wireless is fine, wired lights, but won't send any [packets or recieve them18:57
vonguardmarcn: is there some reason dns wouldn't work for wired but only for wireless/18:57
MarcNvonguard: does it support PXE? maybe try booting and ask for PXE/network boot.  if you get an IP you knwo the hw is working.18:57
Lichurec it just got locked.. the weirdest thing is that are some Level3 DNSs not commonly (at all?) used in (especially clients configuration) my area18:57
vonguardmarcn: good idea18:58
Guest39109hi guys. i started installing an application in ubuntu; the install was interrupted while incomplete.. now when i try to install, it says it's already installed, but when i try to remove, it's not there.18:58
MarcNvonguard: that is why they pay me the big bucks ;-)18:58
Lichurecthe only "suspect" I might have is Oracle VM VirtualBox (the non-open source version) messing with etc/resolv.conf cos problems started about the time it got configured here18:58
vonguardlusl marcn18:58
cmpaycubottu: Synaptic on the internetless machine has no list of existing packages, ant the site apt.alturl.com is down. How do I get the list to the machine?18:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:58
vonguardthanks for the help. i bet i return later18:59
Boromirduffydack: Brilliant.. Never thought of that! Thanks alot :)18:59
Boromir(Feel a little stupid, though :P )18:59
theoctagonlatest lucid update messed up mysql-server-5.1 package somehow anyone else got that issue?18:59
Tagknifebut mine was for fun19:00
=== Guest39109 is now known as helpmeplease
helpmepleasehi guys. i started installing an application in ubuntu; the install was interrupted while incomplete.. now when i try to install, it says it's already installed, but when i try to remove, it's not there. anyone have any suggestions?19:01
ubottudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.19:02
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)19:02
thune3Lichurec: is this inside or outside the vm?19:02
rhodanhelpmeplease: Which application, which exact error message, have you tried turning it on and off again?19:03
salimhow to fix grub error 17 pleasse help me19:03
[V13]AxelCall me "late to the party scene," but I just installed Lucid on my primary computer... And I was amazed by one main thing: My dual monitor setup worked without any tweaking necessary.(Besides orientation and position.)19:03
HamidRezahi . I need to setup my wireless modem .!!! but I can't.19:03
salimhow to fix grub error 17 pleasse help me19:03
rhodanhelpmeplease: Oh noes !!1!19:03
[V13]AxelHamidReza: Are you talking about a wireless card, or an external cable modem with wireless capabilities?19:04
YadiraHi Guys,,i want to burn a DVD i create with styler and is a 4.4G project i went to burn that image and i get this = http://imagebin.org/10797919:04
HamidRezawireless card19:04
HamidRezain laptop19:04
kyle6513_http://grub.gibibit.com/Journal speaks of a graphical grub in the grub2 experimental branch, anyone who can help me to get this?19:04
rhodansalim: You messed with your partitions, didn't you.19:04
rhodankyle6513_: grub is legacy, stale and rusty.19:05
kyle6513_rhodan, grub2 i mean (:19:05
rhodangrub2 isn't experimental.19:05
Lichurecthune3: outside.. happend on machine running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS - Lucid Lynx.. needed the VM to run WinXP (for some gfx works)19:05
kyle6513_rhodan, read the website and you will understand19:05
rhodankyle6513_: Switch to the grub2 in the current repos.19:05
rhodanvbe console comes for free.19:05
[V13]AxelHamidReza: What kind, as far as manufacturer?19:05
rhodanWouldn't do it, though, since that costs you one additional modeset.19:06
HamidRezaAtheros 5007 EG19:06
|Robert|hello all19:06
kyle6513_rhodan, I have grub2 running ubuntu 10.04 RC the main thing is it speaks of grub2-graphical which gives you pictures instead of a console to choose what OS you want to run, alot prettier (:19:06
salimrhodan : i can-t now fix thies error or what ?19:07
[V13]AxelHamidReza: Sorry, I'm not familiar with Atheros as a manufacturer, only NETGEAR and Linksys. :/19:07
rhodankyle6513_: There is no sich thing. ANd if it is, it's frickelei.19:07
rhodansalim: Did you mess with your partition table19:07
HamidRezano problem19:07
kyle6513_rhodan, frickelei?19:07
rhodanHamidReza: ath9k. Well-supported.19:07
[V13]Axelkyle6513: http://grub.gibibit.com/ Try that out :)19:07
rhodanCan do injections, promicious, monitor, ap-mode.19:07
|Robert|have an laptop whit a 160 gb hhd and i want to moove ubuntu to other one 500 gb how can i make this ? thanks.19:08
thune3Lichurec: those dns used to be some common "generic" dns servers to use before opendns and googledns19:08
salimrhodan : what i can do now ?19:08
Lichurecthune3: so it basically messed whole network configuration..19:08
HamidRezano . I have a problem . ubuntu in lspci -v shows another thing19:08
rhodan|Robert|: How is backup fromed? How disk get tarnsfer?19:08
jguzikowskiAccessing my windows hard drive from Ubuntu is fairly easily, but is the opposite possible?19:09
rhodan!adnauseam salim19:09
HamidRezaAtheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter19:09
Ace_Pmy windows exit have gon  HELP ME19:09
rhodanThat should be ath5k, then, IIRC.19:09
helpmepleaserhodan, app is wine. 'apt-get remove wine' told me to run 'dpkg --configure -a' which i did.. not sure what to do now.19:09
Lichurecthune3: I know.. but am sure that /etc/resolv.conf used to be ok (checked connection logs with my ISP ) bout a month ago.. and since then "something" changed it and locked the conf file19:10
kyle6513_jguzikowski, It is possible, certain drivers are around the internet to allow windows to read ext4, google is a good place to start19:10
rhodanhelpmeplease: Do dpkg --configure -a19:10
rhodanLichurec: Locked?19:10
Lichurecthune3: am sure noone did it manually / on purpose..19:10
=== BlueLotus is now known as given
=== given is now known as hfjklhjklhadsjk
Lichurecchattr +i /etc/resolv.conf19:11
salimrhodan : i don't inderstind what do you mean19:11
Ace_Phelp me my butins on ym windows have gone im on 10.0419:11
HamidRezaknow any one about wireless modem ? Atheros Family19:11
Ace_Pmy mouse icon is an x19:11
rhodanHamidReza: Modem? You sure?19:11
Ace_Pi do not noe wat to do19:12
HamidRezayes. I have a laptop19:12
theclawhi. is the name of the LVM volume group important when encrypting my root filesystem? i.e., does it have to be "ubuntu"?19:12
LichurecI fixed the conf by: chattr - i /etc/resolv.conf && rm /etc/resolv.conf && rm /etc/resolv.conf* (there were some .tmp files created by the NetworkManager hence it could not edit the main file)19:12
thune3Lichurec: i have searched an found nothing, except a couple people who couldn't edit /etc/resolv.conf, and had no idea how it got +i attribute. Seemed like they just chattr -i, and went about their business. But it is curious.19:13
HamidRezaAce_P : How do I know?19:13
Lichurecthune3: been there, did that.. that's why I'm talking with U now ;]19:13
Ace_Pto fix my boutins they have gon form my windows19:14
T-ViRuSAss N Titties19:14
Ace_Pand my moes19:14
Ace_Pis an x19:14
gsp2009Hello folks.19:14
IdleOne!language | T-ViRuS19:14
ubottuT-ViRuS: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:14
|Robert|rhodan bouth are sata drive... i want to change de actual 160 gb whit the new 500 gb but i dont want to install ubuntu and all on it again....19:15
Ace_Pi run 10.04 and windows 719:15
jguzikowskithank you kyle6513_19:16
edbHello. What is the tangible difference between netbook remix and normal desktop edition for end users?19:16
kyle6513_jguzikowski, no problem, I myself had that problem not too long ago, be wary of dodgy drivers though!19:16
rhodanAce_P: The X means your screen is dead.19:16
rhodanNo, really, it means there is no WM staring.19:17
edbis there a package they can install to change between them - eg ubuntu-netbook to ubuntu-desktop?19:17
Ace_Phow do i get it fixed19:17
edb( I have no installed version yet to check this against )19:17
gsp2009can someone tell me if they have found a tut on tweaking nvidia on 10.04... the proprietary drivers give me very low glxgears frames19:17
Ace_Phow do i fix my x19:17
rhodan!ginab gsp200919:17
jguzikowskikyle6513_, oh christ, i see some bad stuff happening from this :P19:17
gsp2009rhodan, what is ginab?19:18
rhodangsp2009: glxgears is not a fscking benchmark.19:18
rhodanAce_P: You might as well try next:19:18
Lichurecthune3: funny part is that Aplet NetworkManager showed proper config all the time.. just kept it somewhere in temp. file.. so it actually did take us a month to figure out WTF is wrong19:18
Ace_Pyea How19:18
rhodanAce_P: Rename your home directory19:19
rhodanAnd make a new one that is free19:19
borisalguien conoce clear os19:19
gsp2009rhodan, what would be the best way to test fps?19:19
rhodanSo when you start your login manager19:19
rhodanYou have no stale confs to crash or challenge her.19:19
Lichurecthune3: as I do not normally edit any config files with bare hands..19:19
|Robert|<rhodan>  booth are sata drive... i want to change de actual 160 gb whit the new 500 gb but i dont want to install ubuntu and all on it again....19:19
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)19:19
rhodangsp2009: Phone that guy from moronix.com19:20
rhodan|Robert|: Then you have to copy it.19:20
ashrafhow do i do disk clean up on Xubuntu 10.0419:20
Ace_Phow do u it19:20
rhodanAce_P: Do you know how to use a tty?19:20
|Robert|rhodan, and the system ?19:20
rhodan|Robert|: And?19:20
gsp2009rhodan... nice... you survive on irc... i remember why new users don't use irc... must be 12 years old.19:21
rhodangsp2009: survive?19:21
Richard123Can anyone help me troubleshoot my vpn connection?19:21
rhodangsp2009: I'm talking about that guy who does totally meaningless benchmarks.19:21
Richard123I have followed this tutorial http://vpnblog.info/ubuntu-pptp-strongvpn.html19:21
ashrafis there a disk clean up app on Xubuntu 10.0419:21
thune3Lichurec: it would have been interesting to see the modification time on the file, to get an idea of when it was probably made immutable19:21
rhodangsp2009: You probably want to verify whether the Nvidia drivers are actually being used.19:22
rhodangsp2009: Do glxinfo | grep render19:22
Richard123logs are at http://pastebin.com/ViiWB7CP19:22
GrimmjowJhow do i change my windows workgroup in ubuntu?19:23
gsp2009rhodan.. my apologies... I thought you were being insulting19:23
Lichurecthune3: was like a week ago.. but we had the problems for like a month (and as I've mentioned - ISP confirms connections to that DVS from like a month or so)19:23
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aeon-ltdGrimmjowJ: if you meant your samba workgroup its in the config file19:23
rhodangsp2009: I was.19:23
rhodanBut not to you.19:23
Lichurecthune3: so it seems that sth IS actually overwriting the file.. just can't figure out what..19:23
ashrafCan someone help me with disc clean up for Xubuntu 10.0419:24
gsp2009ah. ok.. I think I am just a little sensitive... rhodan, I am suffering from a caffeine deficiency19:24
xinminghmm, How do I use 'cat blabal | dpkg --set-selections ' with aptitude ?19:25
Ace_Pi have no butting now19:25
xinmingthere is 'apt-get dselect-upgrade' for this, But It seems aptitude we don't have that.19:25
Ace_Plik the eixt19:25
Ace_Pi got my pc to work wiw goner19:25
gsp2009rhodan... this is the result of that command. http://pastebin.com/WSY04JT419:25
ashrafCan anyone help me with Xubuntu 10.0419:25
aeon-ltdashraf: what do you mean disk cleanup?19:26
Ace_Prhodan:i have not butings19:26
nulis it possible for samba on linux to support both local user accounts and LDAP accounts simultaneously? it's not workign for me19:26
Ace_Plik the Exit19:26
ashrafaeon there is a disk clean up software on ubuntu 10.0419:26
ashrafthere is only 172 mb left on my hard drive19:27
aeon-ltdashraf: how big is your hdd?19:27
Ace_P rhodan can i pm u19:27
ashrafit has 18 gb19:27
edbmy question has been discussed elsewhere, so please dno't spend any effort on it19:27
edbthank you, bye19:28
Boromirduffydack: You got any experience with wammu/gammu and Nokia?19:28
Boromiror anybody else19:28
aeon-ltdashraf: then to free up space you can delete some of your files or uninstall unused packages in syanptics19:28
ashrafoh ok19:28
Yadirawhy i get a error telling about canot burn a 4.4G iso in a 4.7 blank DVD19:28
ashrafaeon do u have any experience with XP19:29
aeon-ltdashraf: be careful what you unistall19:29
aeon-ltdashraf: yes i have some experience with xp however you should really ask in #windows19:29
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EvilPhoenix!ask | Ace_P19:29
ubottuAce_P: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:29
Ace_Pi did ask19:29
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milen8204why openoffice separeadsheet can`t open excell-s files ?19:30
ashrafreason im asking is because ... on Xp u have to do disk clean up once in a while to clean up tmp files. Is Xubuntu similar to that in anyway?19:30
rhodangsp2009: Looks fine.19:31
=== gsp2009 is now known as gsp2009_away
ashrafIm very new to Xubuntu19:31
gsp2009_awayrhodan, thanks.19:31
duffydackashraf, sudo apt-get clean19:31
erUSULmilen8204: i can; last time i tried19:31
YadiraBurning error here  !!! HELLO19:31
duffydackashraf, is it an ext filesystem?19:31
rhodangsp2009_away: Try alienarena or something.19:31
milen8204erUSUL, why i couldn`t ?19:31
Yadiraa 4.4G iso dont fit on a 4.7 DVD how is that possible ???19:31
rhodanOr Quake. Or Doom 3.19:32
ashrafyeah i think so  duffy dack19:32
rhodanYadira: !SI19:32
ubottuKanal za podporo slovenskim uporabnikom Ubuntuja je #ubuntu-si. Če potrebujete pomoč v Slovenskem jeziku, prosimo da se nam pridružite in probali vam bomo pomagati. Slovenian language support channel is #ubuntu-si19:32
duffydackNexiuz has a nice timdemo option.....19:32
xanguaashraf: you can use bleachbit19:32
milen8204any ideas ?19:32
erUSULmilen8204: dunno; what error you get? maybe it has complex macros? dunno how it handle that...19:32
Yadirawhat u mean ?? SI ??19:32
ashrafXanga, whats bleach bit?19:32
duffydackashraf, do you know which /dev its on?  /dev/sd3 for exanple19:33
Yadirableackbit is a tool that clean up ur PC19:33
milen8204erUSUL, it`s opends a file whit wired simbols19:33
soadkombuchaOK I got back into windows19:34
aeon-ltdashraf: no, cache files are stored in ~/.cache. flash cache files are stored in ~/.macromedia/Flash Player (you can manually delete these), packages are stored in /var/cache/apt but you can clean it up with 'sudo apt-get autoclean' those are the only files that are cached (unless you use a application that also regularly caches its contents), a fonts cache won't need to be cleaned as often19:34
ashrafok i will try that19:35
erUSULmilen8204: dunno what's wrong ... maybe ask in a openoffice channel.19:35
ashrafaeon i will check that19:35
duffydackashraf, sudo tune2fs -m 0 /dev/sdaX  replace X with your partition number19:35
ashrafduffydack, I installed Xubuntu 10.04 using Wubi on XP19:36
milen8204erUSUL, thanks19:36
rhodanduffydack: Way to get a fragmentet file system.19:36
erUSULmilen8204: well not been very helpfull to be fair ;) but yw19:37
duffydackrhodan, I`d have thought freeing up space when its so low would be more important..is to me.19:37
rhodanWhat's next? Ubuntu Optimizer Suite 2011 Home Edition?19:37
NEOS_PRESHAWmy buttons r gone19:37
erUSULNEOS_PRESHAW: which ones ?19:37
=== AviMarcus_ is now known as AviMarcus
Yadirai cant burn a 4.4 iso in a 4.7 blank DVD  how is that possible19:37
rhodanduffydack: Trust me, you don't want to go that route.19:37
NEOS_PRESHAWbuttons lik Exit minas19:38
PureSinehello I'm trying to instal away.pl in my ubuntu xchat but couldn't till now, I have copied the files in usr/lib/xchat/plugins and usr/share/doc/xchat-common/script-perl but neighther worked and this script isn't loaded at start up. can some one help please ? where is the xchat directory ?19:38
soadkombuchaOk I got into windows19:38
rhodanYadira: Fscking units, how do they work?19:38
ashrafand so when i open system monitor. i get 2 devices /dev/loop0  and also /dev/sda1. The first is ext4 the latter is fueblk19:38
soadkombuchaMichealH_: I got into windows.19:38
duffydackrhodan, Its the first thing I do, even with 250gig free space... its 0.1% fragged.. thats a cats whisker and wont make a damn difference to performance.19:38
rhodanduffydack: If you really want to save space, use a squashed root fs.19:38
NEOS_PRESHAWall the windows buttons19:38
rhodanduffydack: If you have enough space, why do you disable it?19:38
duffydackrhodan, why not19:39
Yadirai dont know what u mean,,,and did u just curse at me boy ??19:39
rhodanduffydack: Because you lose security and gain nothing.19:39
AviMarcusHeya. Before I upgraded my kernal (and did lots of stuff :x), the system|admin|printing showed my hp officejet printer. Now, it says "not connected" when I try to connect to localhost, it says "CUPS server error" - 'failed to connect to server.' Did I uninstall it or something?19:39
shane2peruin crontab I put    0 8 * * * /usr/bin/firefox http://www.ubuntuforums.org     and it doesn't work, when I run it from command line, it works?  Why not with crontab???19:39
vincentwhat's the command for getting all the files in a directory with FTP?19:39
vincentget * doesn't work :(19:39
xanguaNEOS_PRESHAW: alt+f2 > metacity --replace > enter19:39
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MichealH_soadkombucha, Good :D19:39
soadkombuchaMichealH_: So how do I go about fixing this now?19:39
NEOS_PRESHAWi cant get F219:39
rhodanYadira: How many Megabytes are in a Gigabyte?19:40
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duffydackrhodan, security how.. so the root user cant login if its all full up?  big deal..19:40
MichealH_soadkombucha, How did you boot it19:40
rhodanduffydack: No, security for your system's performance.19:40
Yadiraif u know will u tell me ??19:40
Yadirabecause i dont know19:40
rhodanduffydack: Once you fill your FS up to 90%, you get thrashing.19:40
soadkombuchaMichealH_: windows disc --> bootrec.exe /Fixboot and bootrec.exe /FixMBR19:40
NEOS_PRESHAWhelp buttons r gone19:40
rhodanAnd then you'd have to reformat since e2fsdefrag is vaporware.19:40
MichealH_soadkombucha, Okay you can always boot windows now19:41
Yadirai understan that a computer is capable of tell me that a 4.8 iso cant fit on a 4.7 DVD  that make cense to me19:41
rhodanAll it takes is a mad driver spamming dmesg, and syslog-ng will fill up your drive in no time.19:41
MichealH_soadkombucha, Take your Live CD19:41
Yadirabut a 4.4 iso in a 4.7 DVD  how is that ?19:41
NEOS_PRESHAWis an way to fix my button  my pc is runing 10.04#19:41
rhodanYadira: 4.4 what? 4.4 little white mice?19:41
Yadirayes is a way to fix buttons19:42
duffydackrhodan,  its muchness about nothing in my case.  I`ll live with my brave decision.19:42
duffydacklolz, I gotta run..19:42
soadkombuchaMichealH_: Yeah?19:42
Yadiraok give me a second and i tell u19:42
soadkombuchaMichealH_: Do you think it would be easier just to reinstall linux?19:42
rhodanBehold duffydack, the great one, for he does not fear the curse of fragmentation nor does he ever need to run fsck!19:42
Yadirai give u a web page that have instructions19:43
NEOS_PRESHAWYadira:pm me19:43
Yadirarhodan u are a very smat guy19:43
MichealH_soadkombucha, Probably19:43
dave305i need some help with Ubuntu server 10.04, as its my 1st time every using it...can anyone help?19:43
soadkombuchaMichealH_: Oh joy.19:43
rhodanYadira: Look, what does your computer tell you about your DVD's size?19:43
soadkombuchaMichealH_: At least that's a short process.19:43
rhodan4.7 ??19:43
MichealH_But you could run your CD19:43
rhodanGB? GiB?19:44
Yadiraand u very desrespectfull19:44
Yadiradont worried about my pc19:44
ubottudave305: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:44
Yadirai get help from other people here19:44
Yadirathank u anyways19:44
Docteh_oh it does work without spaces, thats good to know19:44
theBlueSageanyone here deep into TCP?19:44
androidJonathanHey when you type ls -l what is the 2nd column for?19:44
Docteh_theBlueSage: doubtful, theres a ##networking on freenode19:44
NEOS_PRESHAWYadira: plz mp me wiw how to do it19:44
wrekthey does anyone have a gaming mouse that works well with 10.04 and can recommend it?19:45
theBlueSageoh cool - thanks Docteh_19:45
dave305I installed Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS. Now it comes up with command line interface, how do I get to the graphical interface?19:45
rhodanYadira: I am trying to make you find the solution yourself.19:45
Docteh_wrekt: any mouse that doesn't require special drivers should work well19:45
rhodanYadira: But you have to cooperate :319:45
Grouperhi, I need some help19:45
rhodan!ask theBlueSage19:45
thune3shane2peru: cron doesn't run with much in the way of environment variables, you have to explicitly define them in the crontab. PATH= DISPLAY= . Still i'm not sure if gui-app would work.19:46
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kyenteirhodan: Don't forget your piping sign :-P19:46
Mr_SonomaandroidJonathan,  the 2nd column is owner, thrid is group so when it shows file --rw-----r-------r---- jonathan jonathan blah blah blah the first jonathan is showing you as the owner19:46
kyentei!ask | theBlueSage19:46
ubottutheBlueSage: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:46
golgar1Hi, I've got a problem using Teamspeak 3 on Ubuntu 10.04. I can hear what people are saying, but if I say something, it's almost never possible to understand something. Other programs work, I also tested a different microphone.19:46
YadiraNEOS_PRESHAW here it is http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/13535/move-window-buttons-back-to-the-right-in-ubuntu-10.04/19:46
ilovefairuzdave305: well you're support to manage the server using the command line interface, install the desktop if you want  graphical shell and you can still install server software on it19:46
rhodan!ask | Grouper19:46
ubottuGrouper: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:46
aeon-ltddave305: you have to install X, a WM/DE, configure your xinitrc then startx19:46
androidJonathanMr_Sonoma: I'm talking about after the permissions column there is a number. What is it for?19:47
ilovefairuzdave305: you're supposed *19:47
Yadirai wont PM because here peolpe can make sure im not making a mistake19:47
Yadiraand can also help too19:47
Mr_SonomaandroidJonathan, ah crap LOL sorry19:47
rhodanMr_Sonoma: I think your OS is b0rked.19:48
kyenteiandroidJonathan: You mean when executing ls -l?19:48
Grouperso. I have this cheap Asus Wifi card - it's RT2860. It's 802.11n (2.4GHz only) and so is my router which is running DD-WRT. My laptop connects at 150mbps fine. This desktop would only connect at 54mbps so I downloaded the latest drivers and compiled them, then unloaded the kernel module, ran "sudo make install" and reloaded the kernel module. then brought up the interface but networkmanager doesn't show that i have a wifi card anymore19:48
rhodanNo way is that POSIX19:48
dave305ilovefairuz: can I install the File & Print server & DHCP server on the Desktop version?19:48
androidJonathankyentei: Yes19:48
Yadirarhodan if i find a solution myself u thik i have to come here for help19:48
Mr_Sonomarhodan, why?19:48
rhodandave305: You already have a pront server.19:48
kyenteiandroidJonathan: Isn't that the size? ;-)19:48
ilovefairuzdave305: you can install ANYTHING on the desktop version19:48
PiciandroidJonathan: The number is the file size in bytes.19:48
GrouperALSO, the connection is now listed as ra0 instead of wlan019:48
dave305ok thanks alot for the help19:49
dave305keep well19:49
kyenteiandroidJonathan: If you execute ls -lh (h of human) you get the size in MB, GB, etc ;-)19:49
rhodanYadira: No, I am trying to give you the neccessary hints so you develop more skills than you would if I simply told you the reason.19:49
Grouperi tried installing wicd, which seems to work but when i try to connect the entire computer just freezes at the point where it says something about generating a WPA file in wicd19:49
rhodanGrouper: Did you stop networkmanager first?19:50
ilovefairuzGrouper: pastebin: lshw -C network19:50
androidJonathankyentei: I dont' think you guys see it. Like you have permissions, some number, owner group, size, date, and name. What is 'some number' for?19:50
TechMiXandroidJonathan: the count of directories19:50
Mr_Sonoma-rw-r--r-- 1 chris chris    131072 2010-07-30 23:02 brasero.iso i think he's meaning the 1 after the permissions. well that's obviously not the file size19:50
rhodanYadira: You still moping? ;)19:51
kyenteiandroidJonathan: what is the command you are giving?19:51
Grouperthat was my first thought, so i rebooted and stopped nm-applet but i still get the same problem, so i tried turning network manager off in the Startup Applications but I still get the same problem19:51
androidJonathankyentei: ls -l19:51
dave3051 more question: when I boot from the Ubuntu cd, whats the diff between the Ubuntu Server & Ubuntu Cloud?19:51
rhodanMr_Sonoma: What are you trying to do again?19:51
Grouperfirst I just tried rebooting but wifi still wouldn't show up in networkmanager19:51
kyenteiandroidJonathan: Ah, I'm understanding you now.19:51
Yadirawell my pc it says 4.4G what do i need to understand,,i dont fit on a 4.7DVD thats all my screen tells me so far19:51
Mr_Sonomarhodan, sorry talking about andriodjonathan's question19:51
rhodanYadira: Does it say 4.4G? I doubt that.19:51
rhodanYadira: Right click the DVD symbol.19:52
rhodanWhat does it say, exactly?19:52
Yadirai send u a screenshot NOW so u can see19:52
ilovefairuzdave305: use ubuntu server, cloud computing is a whole different topic19:52
Yadiragive me a secdon19:52
ilovefairuz!who | Yadira19:52
rhodanYadira: Sure, if you can't type :P19:52
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ubottuYadira: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:52
androidJonathanTechMiX: is that count recursively of all subfolders?19:52
laxativehi everyone.  i've just started up a new blog on new developments in the world of linux.  would anyone like the link?19:52
laxativeit's pretty sweet.19:52
Grouperilovefairuz, http://pastebin.com/he2H4zmk19:52
ilovefairuz!ot | laxative19:52
ubottulaxative: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:52
golgar1when i talk on TS3, only garbage is recorded, other programs with voice recording work, please help19:52
TechMiX androidJonathan: i think so19:52
androidJonathankyentei: Yeah. Now you see it. It seems to be almost random19:53
rhodanandroidJonathan: du -hs gives you the total size of a directory including the tree below it.19:53
sudiptahow to play a video in the icon like mac?19:53
shane2peruthune3, ahh, ok, that helps explain it, even if I script it out?  I put in the script firefox webpage  then call that script via cron?19:53
SeySayuxHow do I set up a wifi connection from the command line?19:53
rhodansudipta: mac-who?19:53
SeySayuxsudipta: Forget about that, and oh yea, welcome to 199919:54
rhodanSeySayux: I can help.19:54
AviMarcusif "printing" says "not connected" and "can't connect to cups" then should I start/restart CUPS? How do I do that?19:54
SeySayuxrhodan: then, by all means, please proceed19:54
rhodanSeySayux: Make sure to stop all networkmanager-stuff and all that bloated cr@p.19:54
androidJonathanTechMiX: Why do i get 2 for bin if i do 'cd /; ls -l'19:54
SeySayuxAviMarcus: sudo /etc/init.d/cupsd restart19:54
Mr_SonomaandroidJonathan, did i have your question understood correctly. googling to find the answer i cant remember what that number is supposed to stand for19:54
SeySayuxrhodan: 5 sec19:54
TechMiX androidJonathan: for . and ..19:54
ilovefairuzGrouper: did you turn of networkmanager SERVICE not APPLET?19:55
Grouperilovefairuz, I'm not sure how to do that19:55
dave305Can you do website filtering/bandwidth monitor on Desktop version?19:55
SeySayuxrhodan: please, go on19:55
androidJonathanTechMiX: ahh, I see. Thanks a lot. I wasn't counting those19:55
AviMarcusSeySayux, sudo: /etc/init.d/cupsd: command not found19:56
TechMiXandroidJonathan: u're welcome19:56
sudipta<rhodan>in leopard i have seen that a video can be played in the icon.In ubuntu .mp3 can be played in the icon but no video!19:56
AviMarcuscupsd is there19:56
YadiraHere is and take a good look at it  http://imagebin.ca/view/TLcN25A.html19:56
SeySayuxAviMarcus: weird19:56
rhodansudipta: You mean preview-on-hover?19:56
AviMarcus$ cupsd -h19:56
AviMarcusUsage: cupsd [-c config-file] [-f] [-F] [-h] [-l]19:56
rhodanYadira: See, it says GB.19:57
rhodanNot G19:57
Yadirathats what i told u19:57
rhodanWhich is totally bullshit.19:57
SeySayuxsudipta: You are really expecting Ubuntu to be equivalent to Mac OS X or any other operating system? Oh, you are deluded, my friend.19:57
AviMarcus$ sudo restart cupsd --- restart: Unknown job: cupsd19:57
Yadiraits what i bees sayng all day19:57
SeySayuxrhodan: I disabled nm, what's next?19:57
Yadirawhy dont fit 4.4G on a 4.7 DVD19:57
rhodanAnd I want to strangle Mark S. with my own hands for that.19:57
rhodanYadira: You said 4.4G.19:57
thune3shane2peru: i think that would work19:57
rhodanThere, you said it again.19:57
ilovefairuzGrouper: sudo service network-manager stop19:57
AviMarcusSeySayux, the service has been disabled or something? So I should set it back up?19:58
AceNeosPhey now is the menu19:58
rhodanIt's like saying you're running at six million a dy.19:58
shane2peruthune3, doesn't like that either though, sorry, I should have explained that I tried that. :)19:58
SeySayuxAviMarcus: try /etc/init.d/cups restart19:58
=== MichealH_ is now known as MichealH
SeySayuxI don't know the name by heart19:58
=== dean is now known as deanimean
rhodanThe dialog says 4.4GB.19:58
Yadirawhats the diference19:58
AceNeosPis now the menu19:58
rhodanBut that is plain wrong.19:58
Yadiraa B19:58
AceNeosPis gone19:58
AviMarcusyey, SeySayux it's open now19:58
rhodanA single-layer DVD is 4.4GiB.19:59
golgar1I'm not able to talk in Teamspeak 3, the recorded voice is incomplete, nobody can understand what I say, what can I do?19:59
Yadirawhy is no fitting on the DVD19:59
rhodanYadira: See, when you buy a 1TB HDD, it has one TB.19:59
SeySayuxrhodan: I shut down network manager, how do I connect to wifi now?19:59
dave305ilovefairuz: can I install a web filtering service on the desktop version & internet usage monitoring?19:59
AviMarcusSeySayux, do I need to add it to my config somewhere? it wasn't worked, I rebooted, and it still didn't work.19:59
rhodanSeySayux: iwlist wlan0 scan19:59
ilovefairuzGrouper: to disable it from startup:   sudo update-rc.d -f network-manager remove20:00
rhodanYadira: Your OS tells you the Drive is 931.3GB. Which is bullshit.20:00
ilovefairuzdave305: yes you can20:00
trismAviMarcus: does: runlevel; output unknown?20:00
SeySayuxAviMarcus: okay, strange. Which version of Ubuntu are you using, and which printer?20:00
rhodanThere's the kilobyte, that is 1000 bytes or 8000 octets.20:00
rhodanAnd there's the kibibyte, which is 1024 bytes.20:00
Lichurecthune3:  nah.. will have to live with the doubt and the lack of knowledge.. in any case - thanks for your support20:00
AceNeosPmy is windows menu20:01
AviMarcustrism, $ runlevel unknown20:01
rhodanThis retarded GNOME UI tells you that the DVD is 4.4GB big. But it's in fact 4.4GiB.20:01
Yadiraso my iso is not actually what it says it is ?20:01
dave305ilovefairuz: So basiclly I can setup the whole desktop version up as a firewall/server? that has 2 network cards in for my internal traffic & outgoing traffic?20:01
rhodanYadira: What does GNOME say about the ISO's size?20:01
AviMarcusSeySayux, ubuntu 10.04, updated the kernal to 2.6.34 because of video/hibernate issues, and must have happened then20:01
rhodanTry the contect menu, right click, then properties.20:01
ilovefairuzdave305: yes, and any other additional servers20:01
Yadirahow i know that ?20:01
Yadiratermianl ?20:01
SeySayuxrhodan: That command gives me a list of available networks....20:02
rhodanYadira: You can do it that way, too.20:02
sudipta<rhodan>can u say anything on that?20:02
rhodanSeySayux: Good.20:02
SeySayuxrhodan: So, I want to connect to one please?20:02
rhodansudipta: whare?20:02
ilovefairuzYadira: right click > properties will give you the exact size20:02
theBlueSagewhy do people warn about using ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle as a TCP stack modification? What is the danger in a closed network environment?20:02
AceNeosP!nick I\I I I\I JA20:02
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:02
trismAviMarcus: if runlevel is unknown, it is probably related to this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/554172 there is no fix yet but it is being worked on20:02
ilovefairuzAceNeosP: it's / not !20:03
Yadira4753377280  this is it here20:03
AceNeosPhelp i ned help in ~GOME20:03
sudipta<rhodan>in lucid?20:03
dave305does ubuntu have something like IPCOP or smoothwall?20:03
Yadirais that more than 4.7GB20:03
AviMarcustrism,  so I need to manually restart the service each boot? can I add it to an autorun?20:03
rpj8so apache is failing to start. nothing is showing up in the error logs for apache. using apache 2.2.14-5ubuntu820:03
rhodansudipta: What in lucid?20:03
trismAviMarcus: sudo telinit 2; will start the missing services if it happens, it shouldn't happen every boot20:03
rhodanYadira: That is 4753377280*10⁻⁹ GB.20:03
sudipta<rhodan>can a video file be plyed in the icon?20:03
trismAviMarcus: there are workarounds in the bug thread, but they don't work for everyone (and it is hard to tell if they really work for anyone, since it occurs randomly)20:04
rhodan~534MB too much, regardless of UBUNTU SI FSCKUP20:04
rhodanYadira: What kind of ISO is it?20:04
AviMarcusrhodan, what kind of crappy resolution video do you have that you want to play it in the icon?20:04
Yadirais a movie i create with manu using DVDStyler20:05
rhodanAviMarcus: ?¿20:05
rhodanI don't want that.20:05
Yadiraim running low on disk space so im burning and deleting20:05
dave305ilovefairuz: does Ubuntu have something like IPCOP or SMOOTHWALL?20:05
rhodanYadira: You'd be better off buying a new mechanical drive.20:05
AviMarcushmm, sudipta want that? <nick> confusing me20:05
rhodanThose DVDs will rot away on you over the course of only a few months.20:06
SeySayuxrhodan: Erm, so how do I connect?20:06
AviMarcusok, this is great, my hp officejet is test-printing blank pages20:06
Yadirai just didnt know how this meassures work on pc about space20:06
rhodanSeySayux: Is your network wpa?20:06
Yadirathats crazy20:06
NEOSPRESHAWi not have an Windows manager20:06
sudipta<AviMarcus>i just want to play a video file in the icon part.Thats all20:06
NEOSPRESHAWhow do i get one20:06
SeySayuxrhodan: yup20:06
rhodanYadira: See, you learned something.20:06
rhodanYadira: A single-layer DVD is 4.4GiB which is about 4.7GB.20:07
NEOSPRESHAWi not have an Windows manager  how do i get one i have the netboo20:07
rhodanAnd I have 3GiB RAM.20:07
statue2Hello. I seem to have no sound, after upgrading from xubuntu 9.04 to 9.10. I've been lurking for hours trying to find solutions, tried out many, and still have no sound. Could someone please help me?20:07
rhodanSeySayux: Can you use nano or vi?20:07
SeySayuxrhodan: 5 years of Linux experience20:08
rhodanOr emacs or ed or ex?20:08
kc7zzvI'm trying collect information about bug 601159 using apport, but the bug I'm reporting causes the ethernet card to not work.  I can fix the ethernet card with a workaround, but I'm worried that will change the information apport will collect.  Any advice?20:08
khalidmianhi i need assistance20:08
dshbusinessHello everyone. Now, I'm using fedora13, but I want to install a ubuntu 10.04 now. Could somebody tell me how to install it via a usb-disk?20:08
SeySayuxrhodan: I can even use sed and awk if you need it20:08
rhodanSeySayux: Oh, just create a foo.bar with a valid wpa_supplicant configuration.20:08
sudipta<AviMarcus>forget it20:08
Yadiranot good for me20:08
khalidmianIt appears that your graphics driver does not support the necessary extensions to use this tool.  Do you want to use your graphics driver vendor's tool instead?20:08
AviMarcuswell, printing from open office worked. so, I guess I'm good for now.20:08
Yadiraand dvdstyler make movies bigger20:08
SeySayuxrhodan: okay, nevermind. I'll just google it20:09
NEOSPRESHAWi not have an Windows manager  how do i get one i have the netbook REMX and gmoe20:09
nascentmindhi. How do i know if fancontrol support is present?20:09
NEOSPRESHAW i not have an Windows manager  how do i get one i have the netbook REMX and gmome20:09
Yadiranascentmind is the fan working20:09
IdleOne!repeat | NEOSPRESHAW20:09
ubottuNEOSPRESHAW: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.20:09
rhodanSeySayux: http://nopaste.info/095a5fe830.html20:09
khalidmiani am getting the foloowing message how do i rectify the issue: You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.20:09
nascentmindYadira, yes20:09
Yadirathere u  go20:09
xanguaNEOSPRESHAW: alt+f2 > metacity --replace20:10
nascentmindYadira, I meant user fancontrol.20:10
Yadirafancontrol coul be what u need to control it20:10
rhodanSeySayux: Just adjust SSID and PSK, then you do wpa_supplicant -i wlan0 -c foo.bar, and possibly dhcpcd on that interface later.20:10
wrektkhalidmian, just do i.20:10
SeySayuxrhodan: okay, thanks20:10
NEOSPRESHAWrun it?20:10
Yadirau have to installed20:10
chris_osxkhalidmian: just sudo nvidia-xconfig20:10
SeySayuxrhodan: and you probably mean dhclient ;)20:10
wrektkhalidmian, in a terminal sudo nvidia-xconfig20:11
dshbusinessCould somebody help me? I want to install ubuntu. But I don't konw how to install it via usb-disk.20:11
Yadirau can keep asking here pal,,i heard about here,,,,try updating ur bios20:11
khalidmianchris_osx: newbie here how do i sudo20:11
Yadiraso u dont have to worried about that20:11
rhodanSeySayux: Dunno I don't use Ubuntu.20:11
Sidhey is gnome-shell supports compiz?20:11
chris_osxkhalidmian: you type it in the terminal20:11
Yadirais it a laptop20:11
wrektkhalidmian, open a terminal via applications > accesiores > terminal20:11
SeySayuxrhodan: It's called dhclient on any OS I know (except windows)20:12
xanguakhalidmian: sudo what¿20:12
rhodanSeySayux: There are actually multiple DHCP implementations, you know …20:12
nascentmindYadira, no it isn't20:12
khalidmianxangua: i am getting the following error You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.20:12
rhodanYadira: fancontrol? Why?20:12
rhodankhalidmian: What is your question=20:13
rhodanI don't see no question mark. This can not be a question.20:13
wrektkhalidmian, you were answered several times. open a terminal and simply type the words "sudo nvidia-xconfig" and when it is finished restart20:13
chris_osxkhalidmian: start the terminal application. just type into the terminal sudo nvidia-xconfig20:13
rhodanYou must be either insane or making up verses.20:13
SeySayuxrhodan: yea, I know, but I think this is the one that ships with ifconfig or whatever. I haven't built a system from source in a few years, so I don't know what is in each package20:13
rhodanSeySayux: ifconfig is util-linux, afaik.20:14
Yadirahe want to know he's fan is working20:14
khalidmianrhodan: i just installed ubuntu and my display isnt the best and this is the eroor message that i get20:14
chris_osxkhalidmian: you found the irc app, i guess you will find the terminal, too20:14
rhodanSeySayux: dhclient is the ISC's official client. It goes with dhcpd.20:14
khalidmianchris_osx: i found the terminal20:14
nascentmindrhodan, how do i know if i can control my fan using fancontrol?20:14
chris_osxkhalidmian: good20:14
khalidmianchris_osx: i wrote what you told me20:14
rhodannascentmind: You don't. find -name "*fan*" /sys20:15
chris_osxkhalidmian: now he asks for the password20:15
rhodanfind /sys -name "*fan*"20:15
rhodanI mwan.20:15
khalidmianchris_osx: did that20:15
khalidmianchris_osx: now what20:15
rhodanThat should spit out some sysfs controllables where you can change your settings.20:15
kyenteiWhat is it with this MetaBot joining and leaving all the time...20:15
rpj8If some of my startup scripts in init.d are working only sometimes, how would i go about trouble shooting this?> nothing relevant appears in any log files i can find20:15
chris_osxkhalidmian: restart20:15
Sidhow to write sql in lucid?20:15
acephow  do u get up20:15
rhodanrpj8: Sounds like race cond. Did you write those yourself?20:16
rpj8apache desides not to start on bootup sometimes, but there doesn't seem to be a specific instance which makes it fail or succees20:16
rpj8rhodan: one of them, yes. one it apache.20:16
acephow do i get the windows mnmu20:16
rpj8rhodan: the one hand-written is a samba mounting script20:16
nascentmindrhodan, i can find bind , uevent and unbind20:17
Piciacep: Please ask your question using complete sentences. We don't understand what you are saying.  Alternatively, if English is your native language, we can try to suggest a more appropriate channel for you.20:17
rhodannascentmind: then do the same with /proc20:17
acephow do i get the windows manager back20:18
nascentmindrhodan, there is nothing in fan directory20:18
rhodanacep: @ECHO OFF20:18
rhodanPROMPT $p$g20:19
xanguaacep: alt+f2 > metacity --replace > enter20:19
rhodanand so on.20:19
rhodannascentmind: Hmm?20:19
acephow do i do it#20:19
Picirhodan: Please don't joke around with users who may not know better.20:19
rhodanDid you do ls on that directory?20:19
rhodanPici: You have to admit, it's fun if you do it occasionally :<20:20
rhodannascentmind: Did you do ls on that directory?20:20
nascentmindrhodan, yes20:20
rhodanWhich hardware are you trying to control?20:20
SeySayuxrhodan: that just keeps spitting out WPA_AP_AVAILABLE20:20
wrektacep chill out. what windows manager are you reffering to20:20
rhodanSeySayux: wpa_supplicant?20:21
SeySayuxrhodan: yes20:21
rhodanOK, kill it.20:21
rhodanAnd do killall wpa_supplicant.20:21
rhodanthen ps -A | grep -i netwo20:21
krachnyHi, when I resize a LVM Volumen, do I need to unmount it and resize the fs too?20:22
Piciacep: Did you try what xangua suggested?20:22
acepdid not see it20:22
rhodankrachny: Which FS are you using?20:22
krachnyrhodan: ext320:23
SeySayuxrhodan: okay, I found a hidden network manager daemon, I killed it, but that still doesn't give any results20:23
=== dgtl|screen is now known as dgtlchlk
acepPici: did not see it wat was it20:23
Piciacep: <xangua> acep: alt+f2 > metacity --replace > enter20:23
rhodankrachny: ext3 can't be resized online.20:23
rhodanAt least not be shrunk.20:23
krachnyrhodan: and grown?20:24
rhodankrachny: What are you trying to resize? A physical volume?20:24
nascentmindrhodan, so i cannot control the fan?20:24
rhodanOr a vg? or lv?20:24
krachnyrhodan: i think lv20:24
rhodannascentmind: > Which hardware are you trying to control?20:25
hodgesDoes anyone know where I can get a list of harddrive partition flags and their meanings?20:25
HammerFallgood evening20:25
rhodanhodges: Wikipedia.20:25
hodgesrhodan, under what?20:25
nascentmindrhodan, i don't want to control anything. I want to just monitor. I want to throw fancontrol if I can.20:25
SeySayuxrhodan: I killed all that stuff, now what?20:25
emilioeduardobhi! wht's the best way to disable or enable services on ubuntu server?(like samba, openssh-server) etc20:25
emilioeduardobis there something like chkconfig?20:25
rhodanSeySayux: ifconfig wlan0 up; wpa_supplicant -i wlan0 -c foo.bar20:26
Picihodges: The manpage for mount and mount.filesystemname lists them.20:26
Yadirais there any way of compressing a iso so it can fit an a 4.7GB DVD is actually this big 4753377280 bytes20:26
SeySayuxrhodan: 5 sec20:26
rhodanPici: That one lists mount parameters, not partition flags.20:26
zdraviOh, looks like I came in at the right time.20:26
Picirhodan: You're right. I misunderstood the question.20:26
khalidmianhow do i use pastebin i would like to show my screen for help and assistance20:27
aeon-ltdemilioeduardob: its all managed by upstart20:27
SeySayuxrhodan: no change20:27
ilovefairuz!screenshot | khalidmian20:27
ubottukhalidmian: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.20:27
aeon-ltdkhalidmian: go on pastebin's website then post the link20:27
zdravirhodan: quick question. wpa_supplicant wants a driver, the default is wext. Is there an easy way to check which kind I have?20:27
Yadirauploade a image they give u a link20:27
emilioeduardobaeon-ltd, yes but wht if i have an application that is not migrated to upstart(like firebird sql)20:27
Yadirapaste that link here20:27
ilovefairuz!who | Yadira20:28
ubottuYadira: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:28
hodgesPici, those are filesystem types, not partition flags.20:28
rhodanzdravi: lspci | grep -i wireless20:28
golgar1when i use Teamspeak 3 on 10.04,  only parts of what i say are recorded, does anybody know how to fix it?20:28
Picihodges: Yes, rhodan corrected me already :)20:28
rhodanIn almost every case, leave at default20:28
zdravirhodan: I tried, but it doesn't seem to be working. I'm in the odd position of having Network Manager work, but wpa_supplicant doesn't seem to be.20:28
ssureshotwhen I execute dpkg --get-selections > installed-software a few of the packages say deinstall instead of isntalled.. how do I clean that up ?20:29
nascentmindrhodan, i don't want to control anything. I want to just monitor. I want to uninstall fancontrol if I can.20:29
Sid123i am new to sql programming.Can anyone tell me how to write sql in oracle in lucid?20:29
benjoldersma_does anyone know of a rss/atom feed reader that shows items via NotifyOSD?20:29
ilovefairuzSid123: ask in #oracle20:29
rhodanzdravi: You stopped networkmanager for real?20:29
Yadirais there autocomplete for peoples name here so i dont have to write names,,im not good at it20:30
SeySayuxrhodan: what now?20:30
Sid123join #oracle20:30
ilovefairuz!tab | Yadira20:30
ubottuYadira: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.20:30
rhodanjoin #sun20:30
rhodanCome to the bright side of computing ;(20:30
zdravirhodan: It's running atm, or I wouldn't be on IRC. wpa_supplicant doesn't work even when I don't have Network Manager running, though (trying to get wireless up and running without having to start gdm/X up)20:30
ilovefairuzSid123: /join20:30
=== starcraft is now known as starcraftman
mkanyicyhow do I unset the HTTP_PROXY environment variable in BASH?20:30
rhodanzdravi: You can have NM without X, too.20:30
ilovefairuzmkanyicy: unset20:31
rhodanJust set it to be system-wide in the nm-applet20:31
zdravirhodan: That may be a heck of a lot easier. What's the cli command?20:31
rhodanilovefairuz: It's all so straightforward, isnt't it? ;)20:31
ilovefairuzrhodan: not in bash, no.20:31
rhodanzdravi: None. Just start X and open the network settings.20:31
rhodanzsh for the endsieg20:31
mkanyicybash: unset: `http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:yyyy/': not a valid identifier20:32
zdravirhodan: That's what I'm trying to avoid. I want to be able to do everything without X to conserve battery life, and Network Manager is the only thing getting in the way.20:32
Yadirais not working for me the name thing20:32
mkanyicyilovefairuz, bash: unset: `http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:yyyy/': not a valid identifier20:32
ilovefairuzmkanyicy: unset VARIABLE_NAME_HERE20:32
rhodanmkanyicy: unser HTTP_PROXY20:32
rhodanYadira: WAT20:32
mkanyicyrhodan, without the $20:32
Edward123so hey20:32
ilovefairuzYadira: type first couple of letters and press tab20:32
ilovefairuzmkanyicy: yes20:32
mkanyicyrhodan, ilovefairuz, thanks it worked!20:33
Edward123any tips on why i can't access the web? DNS seems to be fine (i can ping google.com)20:33
Yadirai did just now20:33
Yadiraim using X chat20:33
rhodanYadira: What was it again?20:33
ilovefairuzYadira: press TAB not enter20:33
zdraviEdward123: force-refresh and make sure you actually can hit google20:33
rhodanEdward123: Turn FF to online mode.20:33
Yadirarhodan, ok i see now20:33
rhodanDeinstall NetworkManager.20:33
ShactGuys, I'm only on day 3 of Ubuntu and my laptop says things like "[206.160005] [<c01033ec>] syscall_call+0x7/0xb" all over the screen. What should I do?20:33
rhodanThen curse the devs.20:33
zdraviShact: Is it only showing it when you boot up?20:34
rhodanShact: Do a backtrace and post a bug on lkml.org20:34
Edward123zdravi, tried that - i'm defo getting icmp responses20:34
Sid123ilovefairuz: hey i ask there but it says "#oracle :Cannot send to channel"20:34
Edward123rhodan, checked that - it is defo in online mode20:34
Edward123rhodan, was that tip for me?20:34
Shactzdravi: well it stops there and doesn't get any further20:34
zdraviEdward123: can you hit isitdownforeveryoneorjustme.com ?20:34
Yadiraare any customizable laptops available,,like to put any video cand i want and stuff like that ??20:35
ilovefairuzSid123: http://www.orafaq.com/wiki/IRC20:35
Edward123zdravi, no, no icmp response for that20:35
rhodanEdward123: Do you have a HTTP proxy in your network?20:35
nascentmindrhodan, any suggestions?20:35
SeySayuxrhodan: what now?20:35
zdraviEdward123: sorry, take the "is" off the front of that20:35
zdraviEdward123: Also, are you at work behind a firewall of some sort?20:35
xangua!ot > Yadira20:35
xanguai don't think so20:35
ubottuYadira, please see my private message20:35
Sid123ilovefairuz:ok i'll check taht20:35
rhodannascentmind: Please repeat your question ;)20:36
k0shis there such thing in evolution as 'show me all the mail on all accounts' and 'show me all *unread* mail on all accounts" ?20:36
Shactzdravi: the number at the start changes every few minutes by about 50 (numerically). Is it broken already?20:36
Edward123rhodan, i'm at home - i have a router, there's no http proxying on my network here. my isp does do nasty transparent http proxying, but this machine (winxp) can see the web fine, and so could the ubuntu one until a couple of days ago, shortly after a dist-upgrade20:36
rhodanSeySayux: Did you do it as root?20:36
nascentmindrhodan, i don't want to control anything. I want to just monitor. I want to uninstall fancontrol if I can20:36
rhodanEdward123: What is in /etc/resolv.conf?20:36
Sid123can Netbeans be used to design Uml or ER diagrams?20:36
zdraviShact: It sounds like it might be. My first guess was that you just don't have it set to boot quietly anymore, but if it's not booting at all, I'm not sure what the root problem is :x20:36
YadiraI PM someone and it was bad,,why people PM me with out permission20:36
Shactrhodan: I don't know what a backtrace is20:36
SeySayuxrhodan: no, as santa claus. Yes, of course I did it as root, as soon as the "no permission" warnings started popping up, I realised I had to do it as root20:37
rhodannascentmind: Then tell me which hardware you have.20:37
ilovefairuzSid123: ask in #java and stop asking offtopic questions20:37
nascentmindrhodan,dell studio.20:37
Edward123rhodan, the router's ip (same as this xp laptop) - and a comment, # Generated by NetworkManager20:37
ilovefairuz!pm > Yadira20:37
ubottuYadira, please see my private message20:37
rhodanecho nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf20:37
rhodanTry again. Your ISP is a nameserver molestor and a terrorist.20:37
rhodanShact: Than you can do nothing about it. Perhaps apt-get dist-upgrade and try a new kernel.20:38
SubCooli am setting up a VPN, and while following the directions, it is directing me to change my entire network ip range to the range of what im giong to use in the field. - i thought i would aquire a second network by setting up this vpn, - my 192.168.1 local addy, and a field addy of whatever. most likely 10.5.something -20:38
millerdFor some reason when I'm trying to connect to a printer shared on a Win 7 computer, it won't authenticate my login, has anyone had this problem?20:38
k0shis there such thing in evolution as 'show me all the mail on all accounts' and 'show me all *unread* mail on all accounts" ?20:38
SubCoolcould anyone explain to me my confusion?20:39
Yadiramy HDD LED is not working so is the CapsLock,,,,how to get it to work ?20:39
SubCoolYadira, go in the box and plug them in20:39
SeySayuxrhodan: any other suggestions20:39
Shactzdravi: it's ok it's finally come up :) Hmm. I'm don't think I like not knowing how to fix disasters :S20:39
stercorIs there any music player that supports hierarchical playlists, like a folder called 'Classical', under that 'Mozart', and under that 'Symphonies'?20:39
zdravirhodan: any other thoughts on wpa_supplicant not working? It's a broadcom on an hp netbook, if that helps.20:39
Edward123heh rhodan my isp is indeed both of those things20:39
smileycustomerhow do set bind/named to start automatically on boot?20:39
Yadirais a laptop im gona have to strip this thing down then20:39
zdraviShact: practice makes perfect :P20:39
chris_osxYadira: solder in some replacement leds20:39
rhodanSeySayux: SSID is in quotes?20:39
Yadirathey work on other OS20:40
SubCoolYadira, then it probaby a dead LED- you can try to manually send command to force it to blink- but i wouldnt waste time20:40
rhodansmileycustomer: /etc/init.d/bind9 start20:40
ilovefairuzstercor: indexed by the 'genre' tag? rhythmbox has a nice track browser20:40
SubCoolOh- Yadira .. then u have to have them programmed.. out of my league20:40
rhodanIt should automatically be started after reboots, then.20:40
pharasothhello peoples and non peoples20:40
smileycustomerrhodan: thx20:40
rhodanzdravi: ifconfig -a says what?20:40
Jordan_U!hi | pharasoth20:40
ubottupharasoth: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!20:40
Yadirait work on other OS ther work just fine,,,wireless LED work fine20:41
SubCoolpharasoth, dont say hi to the non-peoples...20:41
stercorilovefairuz: I'm using rhythmbox...I was thinking of the play queue vs. play list.20:41
millerdFor some reason when I'm trying to connect to a printer shared on a Win 7 computer, it won't authenticate my login and I get a tree connect failed error, has anyone had this problem? Google can't solve =/20:41
zdravirhodan: eth1 is my wireless, which bit of info do you want20:41
rhodanzdravi: can you do iwlist eth1 scan?20:41
Edward123rhodan, ok i tried that, i can still ping hosts.... so, now i'm confused20:41
zdravirhodan: Yes20:41
FabParmai overwritten an important file on an ext4. any suggestion?20:41
rhodanEdward123: can you aptitude install bind-tools?20:41
stercorMy geekbook starts with my account open.  It doesn't present a login screen... what to do?20:42
Jordan_UFabParma: What type of file?20:42
rhodanFabParma: Cut off power, immediately, no shutdown.20:42
SeySayuxrhodan: okay, i had a typo in my ssid... now I'm getting a connection timeout, it says "device busy" and "could not identify with 00:00:00:00:00". I'm sorry I can't relay the exact error message20:42
ilovefairuzstercor: try http://code.google.com/p/clementine-player/20:42
SeySayuxI believe it doesn't send the password?20:42
pharasothim having some trouble with the cursor in 8.04; it's causing xruns when it move it, and also causes a graphical glitch in open gl20:42
Edward123rhodan, can't find that package. are you suggesting i try running a local caching nameserver on the machine itself?20:43
rhodanSeySayux: kill wpa_supplicant again.20:43
rhodanAll of them20:43
rhodanNuke it from orbit to be sure.20:43
pharasothim using the nvidia driver, i have tried disabling composite, triplebuffer, different window managers, Hardware cursor, tried different mice. can't shake it20:44
SeySayuxrhodan: bash: nuke_from_orbit: command not found20:44
smileycustomerEdward123: are u on cable or dsl service?20:44
opijif I use andLinux, on windows, will it still be possible to catch windows viruses, trojans and malware while running Linux programs?20:44
SeySayuxanyways, ps -e does not show any wpa-supplicants20:44
Edward123smileycustomer, dsl20:44
martianAnyone happen to know if you can set a Putty session title via a commandline switch?20:44
Piciopij: You should ask in their support channel.20:44
FabParmaJordan_U: was a text file without extension ....20:44
Jordan_U!undelete | FabParma20:44
ubottuFabParma: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel20:44
pradeephey everyone20:44
zdravimartian: You should be able to, I don't know the title character offhand though.20:44
Edward123martian i'm not sure about that but let me have a look, i think i might have a clue20:44
opijPici, this is their support channel. andLinux IS ubuntu. :)20:45
pharasothim wondering if my xruns and opengl glitching is caused my the mouse driver, the video driver, or something else20:45
Edward123hrm damn the link is at work, sorry martian20:45
khalidmianok so my display is fubar how do i resolve that20:45
* dddw getting beer20:45
SeySayuxrhodan: wpa_supplicant and NetworkManager seem to have some kind of watchdog, as soon as I kill them, they launch again20:45
* pharasoth drinking corona20:45
Piciopij: Its not an official supported derivative.20:45
rhodanSeySayux: /etc/init.d/networking stop20:45
rhodanthen killall wpa_supplicant20:45
opijPici, lol its not a derivative.20:46
rhodanLinux is just a cheap Ubuntu ripoff.20:46
Edward123martian,   ah ha found it - not sure of your setup but this might help. if not, it might give you a clue as to how achieve your goal: http://www.tenshu.net/screen_ssh/20:46
smileycustomerEdward123: go here, pick a reverse :http://traceroute.org/ ...dos it work?20:46
SeySayuxrhodan: nope20:46
XuMuKHi there! I installed windows 7 os guest OS in VirtualBox and there is no sound there... Any idea how could I fix it?20:46
smileycustomerEdward123: go here, pick a reverse :http://traceroute.org/ ...does it work?20:46
ilovefairuz!mint > opij20:46
ubottuopij, please see my private message20:46
millerdFor some reason when I'm trying to connect to a printer shared on a Win 7 computer, it won't authenticate my login and I get a tree connect failed error, has anyone had this problem? Google can't solve =/20:47
pharasothdoes anyone have a working nvidia 71.86.xx driver working in ubuntu?20:47
SubCoolanyone? its supposed to be an easy one> i thought i knew the answer.20:47
opijandLinux is not an ubuntu "derivative"20:47
martianEdward123: oh of course; that makes sense that it would be server side and not a client option, as the title changes throughout your session.. thanks :)20:47
ilovefairuzmillerd: what's the EXACT error?20:48
FabParmaubottu: i red the guide, but no ext4. they say "This guides applies to Ubuntu 7.04, 7.10 and 8.04. "20:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:48
Dr_Willisandlinux is a neat little tool :)20:48
millerdilovefairuz: It says tree connect failed NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED20:48
Jordan_Uopij: http://www.andlinux.org/forum/index.php for andlinux support. AndLinux is not supported here, "derivative" or not.20:48
Dr_Willismillerd:  can you connect to any 'shares' on the windows 7 box?  Try connecting via the machines ip, not hostname also.20:48
rhodanOnly genuine Ubuntu® can provide you with the UbuntuExperience®.20:48
ilovefairuzopij: is there an option in any canonical supported ISO images to install andLinux? No. Take it elsewhere.20:48
SubCoolDr_Willis, i didnt see u here- could u answer my question quick? :-) i thought i was on the right page, but these instructions are directing towards something else. Would u like me to repeat?20:48
Dr_WillisSubCool:  since i have no idea what your problem is . yes. :)20:49
rhodanmillerd: Active Directory?20:49
Piciopij: Try ##linux if you'd prefer IRC support, but I can't guarantee that you'll get an answer there either.20:49
rhodanGet a kerberos ticket and/or join the domain.20:49
millerdrhodan: Yeah using Windows Server 200320:49
FabParmaJordan_U: i found these http://linux.softpedia.com/dyn-search.php?search_term=ext4&x=0&y=0  do you know someone?20:49
millerdDr_Willis: I'll try that20:49
rhodanmillerd: Google Active Directory Ubuntu.20:49
SubCooli am setting up a VPN, and while following the directions, it is directing me to change my entire network ip range to the range of what im giong to use in the field. - i thought i would aquire a second network by setting up this vpn, - my 192.168.1 local addy, and a field addy of whatever. most likely 10.5.something -  Dr_Willis20:50
XuMuKDr_Willis, you know a lot) any idea how to fix my problem I sad above?20:50
pharasothanyone know why my mouse cursor could be causing xruns and opengl glitching in ubuntu 8.04 lts?20:50
khalidmian_still getting display issues20:50
rhodanSeySayux: Hmm?20:50
rhodanNetwork killed, nm killed, wpa killed?20:50
ilovefairuzmillerd: http://swiss.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=858452420:51
SubCoolXuMuK, ever try vmware? just asking.20:51
SeySayuxrhodan: okay, seems I managed to disable the nm watchdog and the remote claims a connection, let's test20:51
XuMuKSubCool, is it freeware?20:51
khalidmian_t appears that your graphics driver does not support the necessary extensions to use this tool.  Do you want to use your graphics driver vendor's tool instead?20:51
SubCoolXuMuK, you can get the server for free i think.20:52
rhodanSeySayux: Cool, dhcp-stuff, then.20:52
deanimeanvmware player is free and has the ability to create vms now.. I`d go for that personally.20:52
SeySayuxrhodan: okay, dhcp-stuff launched, and I've got a ping20:52
SeySayuxNow, to make this stuff work on startup :P20:52
ilovefairuzkhalidmian_: what are you trying to do?20:52
=== lakowasi is now known as artin
SubCoolXuMuK, the nice thing about them- is although with new releases they do update settings and such, but mostly graphical- so its ok to go a couple versions back and just update.20:53
LucidGuyWhy is it not simple to create a simple dos boot usb thumb drive?20:53
=== artin is now known as artinstartin
pharasothdoes anyone have nvidias legacy 71.86.xx working in any version of ubuntu20:53
SubCoolLucidGuy, if u get it to work- msg me.. i gave up20:53
rhodanSeySayux: Great. Doesn't that make you happy? Spending hours on getting a WiFi connected because Ubuntu is too damn complicated to manage it without a GUI?20:53
SeySayuxGet rid of all symlinks to /etc/init.d/network-manager and add the wpa-supplicant and dhclient lines to /etc/rc.local20:53
ilovefairuzLucidGuy: http://wiki.fdos.org/Installation/BootDiskCreateUSB20:53
rhodanNetworkManager doesn't even have an official command line interface.20:53
XuMuKSubCool, could you give me a link? cause I've been looking for and only found share versions... thanks in advise xD20:53
chris_osxrhodan: do you think suse does it better?20:54
Dr_WillisSubCool:  ive rarely ever used a vpn. last one i tried. it was just a few clicks amnd it worked. :) (some free vpn service)20:54
rhodanSo it's either manually controlling DBUS or using the disaster that cnetworkmanager is.20:54
SubCoolXuMuK, sure ill look for what i use to use.20:54
ilovefairuzrhodan: nmcli20:54
SeySayuxrhodan: Oh, did you ever try connecting from the command line on Mac OS?20:54
rhodanchris_osx: You must be joking.20:54
rhodanSeySayux: Shouldn't be so hard.20:54
phaidrosboot problem with karmic: initrd doesn't ask for pass to decrypt disc before trying to mount, falls back to console, then I have to do it manually (crptsetup + vgchange) .. later in bootprocess I see passwordrequest, but thats too late then. any hints how to solve that?20:54
CkhiKuzadis there an alternative to xsane for scanning?20:54
rhodanThey have a pretty slick subsystem.20:54
LucidGuyilovefairuz, tried a number of articles from google already .. no luck.20:54
SubCoolDr_Willis, ya- i just dont get y its telling me to set it up with the new IP. its instructing me to identify the BOX witht he Ips settings, not just the tunnel-20:54
Dr_WillisCkhiKuzad:  i thougut 10.04 came with a 'simple scanner' tool.20:54
SeySayuxrhodan: any idea if this is possible at boot time?20:54
phaidrosCkhiKuzad: simple-scan imho or named alike20:55
ilovefairuzLucidGuy: i've used this exact link to create one a few days ago20:55
rhodanSeySayux: Using wpa_supplicant?20:55
SeySayuxrhodan: using whatever20:55
khalidmian_ilovefairuz: im trying to fix my display on my laptop as its all garbled20:55
SeySayuxI just don't want to use NM20:55
phaidrosanyone any hint how to fix order of scripts within initrd ?20:55
CkhiKuzadDr_Willis, Phaidros, i dont use 10.04. i use 9.0420:55
LucidGuyilovefairuz, which method did you try?20:55
SeySayuxor a script or something I can use20:55
SubCoolXuMuK, not to be a smarta$$- http://www.vmware.com/products/server/20:55
rhodanSeySayux: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26313620:55
phaidrosCkhiKuzad: imho gimp came with an scan import, but I have idea if that falls back to xsane then20:56
chris_osxrhodan: what do you mean i must be joking?20:56
ilovefairuzLucidGuy: "Using Makebootfat on Debian/Ubuntu"20:56
rhodanSeySayux: If you don't want to use NM, why are you on Ubantu anyway?20:56
CkhiKuzadok good. then i know how to get it working with gimp.20:56
rhodanchris_osx: Hmm? OSX has neat technology.20:56
phaidrosrhodan: wicd is nice and works on ubuntu as well ;)20:56
SeySayuxrhodan: Ubuntu just happens to be installed20:56
Edward123what's nm?20:56
SubCoolDoes anyone have experience setting up a VPN Server? i have a couple stupid questions- before i mess up my box.20:57
chris_osxrhodan: i am not on os x anymore, it's just my old registered nick20:57
phaidrosSeySayux: try wicd, has a curses cli as well :)20:57
XuMuKSeySayux, try what rhodan sad... it's light weight and works pretty fine for me in archlinux...20:57
rhodanEdward123: NetworkMangler.20:57
SubCoolThe directions are mis-leading20:57
ilovefairuzLucidGuy: PM me if you get stuck at any step20:57
Edward123uh huh20:57
XuMuKSubCool, thanks!20:57
Edward123got any more tips for me rhodan?20:57
soadkombuchaMichealH: OK I can fix windows, but then when I reinstall ubuntu and try to boot into it through grub, I get an "error invalid signature" thing20:57
zdraviHm. Okay, oddity. Pulling up the detailed debug info on wpa_supplicant, it's not attaching to my set network because "non-WPA network not allowed", despite the fact that it's most def. a wpa network.20:57
SeySayuxrhodan: okay, to be honest with you, the computer I'm talking about is a laptop with a broken screen... Broken as in I can only see the upper left corner. That's enough to launch a terminal, but not enough to see the NM dialog asking me for my key each time20:57
Edward123rhodan, seems sort of like ubuntu isn't even reading my resolv.conf perhaps?20:58
MichealHsoadkombucha, No idea20:58
soadkombuchaMichealH: Damn it20:58
khalidmian_how do i install windows drivers20:58
Edward123wild.... rhodan i install bind9, pointed my resolv.conf to localhost and now it works. how odd!!20:58
chris_osxkhalidmian_: on windows?20:58
SubCoolXuMuK, np-20:58
khalidmian_chris_osx: in ubuntu20:58
rhodanEdward123: Wat.20:59
trojan_spikeSeySayux, hook your laptop to a t.v or pc screen??20:59
rhodanEdward123: You installed bind9?20:59
zdravikhalidmian_: linux doesn't usually work like that. What drivers?20:59
phaidrosSeySayux: then again, try wicd-curses .. it is like nm, simple to use and is the ncurses gui (terminal) for wicd20:59
rhodanYou could have told.20:59
Edward123rhodan, yeah - just this very second20:59
deanimeanSeySayux, use the interfaces file, if you dont want a tool to manage wifi20:59
MichealHkhalidmian_, Computer> RightClick > Manage>Device Manager> Look for Device> RightClick> Update Driver Software20:59
rhodanEdward123: Bind uses the official root servers by default.20:59
stercorI want to install clementine_0.4_amd64.deb pkg in Ubuntu.  I got debi.  Now it says that it ``cannot find readable debian/changelog anywhere!''.  What to do?21:00
phaidrosinitrd ask to late for password for the encrypted disk, anyone familiar how to fix the order of scripts in initrd?21:00
rhodanSeySayux: You can tunnel X11 over ssh and do it that way.21:00
SeySayuxtrojan_spike: Let me rephrase that. It's a broken MacBook, and I don't have a connector. I'm going to buy one soon though, probably21:00
MichealHkhalidmian_, Oh Ubuntu?21:00
ilovefairuzstercor: no option to ignore?21:00
MichealHLook for the deb and install, khalidmian_21:00
chris_osxkhalidmian_: what drivers do you want to install? generally speaking, you have to install linux drivers not windows drivers on linux21:00
SeySayuxrhodan: Yes, I can tunnel X11 over ssh. Oh erm, that does require a network connection, right? Like the very one we're trying to set up here?21:00
SubCoolanyone VPN? stupid Q- before i mess up my network.21:00
stercorilovefairuz: I'll try that.21:00
rhodan22:00 < SeySayux> rhodan: Yes, I can tunnel X11 over ssh. Oh erm, that does require a network connection, right?21:00
SubCoolrhodan, ya- lol21:01
rhodanSeySayux: Ubuntu has zeroconf enabled by default.21:01
rhodanSeySayux: So as long as you had a patch cable …21:01
=== _NG is now known as _ng
chris_osxkhalidmian_: ubuntu linux is a linux21:01
SubCoolchris_osx, no- its mac21:01
rhodanIf they don't have auto-neg., you'd need a crossover patch cable21:01
rhodanUbuntu is a DOS tool.21:02
eshello to all, I've a 64bit system and having problem running nspluginwrapper for flash. i've read all the info and tried everything suggested on the forums and I'm running out of ideas. the main problem is that pluginreg.dat doesn't get updated and about:plugins shows no flash installation even if all the package are installed21:02
rhodanIt still has the DOS prompt, you see.21:02
SeySayuxrhodan: I have cables... just no more free spots on my hub, afaik. and setting up a static IP with only an effective resolution of 480x320 isn't really my definition of "fun"21:02
smileycustomerrhodan: ; ]21:02
rhodankhalidmian_: You best be joking.21:02
rhodanes: Use 32-bit FF and 32-bit FF.21:03
ilovefairuzkhalidmian_: that's for network drivers only21:03
HammerFallhow do i add an init script into default runlevel, plaese?21:03
rhodanFirefox and fscking Flash.21:03
stercorilovefairuz: Same result.21:03
khalidmian_that sucks21:03
rhodanHammerFall: rc-update add <script> default21:03
artinstartinI have a HD webcam, but under lucid I cannot record in this resolution. The film is later just a second long and everything is black. How can I record in HD?21:03
esrhodan: do I need a chroot?21:03
ilovefairuzrhodan: be respectful of people new to ubuntu21:03
rhodanes: Nope.21:03
khalidmian_so there is no solution do my video being crappy under ubunu?21:03
Zeus__hi! im trying to install ubuntu and im getting an error on the partitioning process. What is wrong?21:03
deanimeanSeySayux, dude, just setup /etc/network/interfaces.  its simple21:04
ilovefairuzkhalidmian_: what's wrong with the display driver you already have? looks fine in the screenshot?21:04
chris_osxkhalidmian_: have you installed your video drivers?21:04
HammerFallrhodan: in ubuntu?21:04
zdraviZeus__: what kind of error are you getting?21:04
KasgeckI downloaded Unetbootin installer but when I try to open it it says "Couldn't display "/home/max/unetbootin-linux-471". There is no application installed for this file type" what to do?21:04
rhodankhalidmian_: What's that problem again?21:04
rhodandeanimean: I already told him.21:04
stercorrhodan: Why not just suggest LFS? :)21:04
Zeus__zdravi. Error. fail to read sda 621:04
SeySayuxWhatever, it's in my history file now, I can recall the commands21:04
zdraviKasgeck: Depending on what you downloaded, either add a .exe or a .zip to the end of it. Check which one you got first, though.21:04
ilovefairuzkhalidmian_: did you answer yes when it asked if you want to use vendor driver ?21:04
rhodanWHY? WHY, Kasgeck?21:05
Kasgeckzdravi:  I think it's .bin21:05
zdraviKasgeck: then add the .exe.21:05
MrJWi need helpcompiling something, anyone experienced care to help?21:05
khalidmian_rhodan: my display sucks ive tried xconfig-nvidia to no avail plus Desktop effects could not be enabled21:05
Kasgeckzdravi:  How?21:05
zdraviKasgeck: Unless you downloaded a version that's not for your OS, which is possible if it didn't come with an extension. I'd double check that first.21:05
rhodanSo a display sucks without wobbly windows?21:05
Zeus__zdravi, do you think it is a hardware problem? But it can boot just fine from the live CD21:06
rhodanKasgeck: I wouldn't execute that if I were you.21:06
khalidmian_no in gegenral i am getting errors21:06
Kasgeckrhodan:  To make a backtrack live installation21:06
ilovefairuzkhalidmian_: pastebin the output of: lshw -C display21:06
ilovefairuz!paste | khalidmian_21:06
ubottukhalidmian_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:06
khalidmian_i dont know where it saves xconfig files but i did save error logs21:06
ilovefairuzkhalidmian_: from a terminal (applications > accessories > terminal)21:06
zdraviZeus__: If you boot from the CD, can you read that partition? It could be hardware, or just a wonky partition setup21:06
rhodanKasgeck: You don't need unetbootin for that, for sure, and even if you did, you would better be off using the version in the repos, if they have it.21:06
Kasgeckrhodan:  That's what they recommend on the backtrack website21:06
smileycustomerms win doesnt have wobbely windows and it sucks21:06
Kasgeckrhodan:  I don't think there is one21:07
chris_osxsmileycustomer: haha21:07
MrJWi have source code, it contains no make/makefile or configure file, the folder only contains *.h *.c and one *.rc file, how do I compile this?21:07
khalidmian_works fine when connected to external display21:07
erahi, what's the url for the launchpad build queue?21:07
Kasgeckrhodan:  Then how do you suggest I do it?21:07
rhodanZeus__: Probably Ubuntu automounting again and then forgetting about it. Don't mount any stuff on sda while partitioning. If you can, wipe the partition table and make it one big partition.21:08
Zeus__zdravi, I cannot get into some of the partitions on the hard drive. Do you think I should use g-parted on the live session?21:08
oCean_MrJW: maybe ask in ##programming?21:08
zdraviZeus__: Are you going to be saving information from the hard drive or are you partitioning from scratch?21:08
Zeus__rhodan, I have the same problem when i try to use the entire disk.21:08
smileycustomermrjw maybe u need those files into a ide?21:08
Zeus__zdravi, partitioning from the scratch21:08
guntbertMrJW: ask the developer(s)21:08
MrJWoCean_ i dont know i was hoping i can figure out what going on with it... it might have possible came form MS21:09
Buttons840hi, i would like to make my window boarders have a resize margine wider than 1 pixel?21:09
rhodanZeus__: We already had that one today.21:09
oCean_MrJW: so it has nothing to do with the topic of this channel?21:09
rhodangparted is completely pussy-whipped.21:09
zdraviZeus__: Then I'd use fdisk or gparted to wipe it clean and try to make a full partition out of it from there21:09
rhodanZeus__: You have no important data on that drive?21:09
zdraviFormat it and see if it starts yelling errors at you21:09
MrJWoCean_ i can't connect to #ubuntu-help it requires an invite21:09
chris_osxrhodan: sounds cool21:09
Dr_WillisButtons840:  try a different theme, or customuize the theme part under the 'window border' selections21:09
k0shany idea how to copy all root from vm to a machine on the lan with all permisions in place intact?21:10
Zeus__rhodan, no I have no important data on that drive21:10
rhodanzdravi: I would zero out the first few MBs.21:10
oCean_MrJW: what does your issue have to do with ubuntu?21:10
Dr_Willisk0sh:  i belive 'tar' with a few options is often used for that.21:10
rhodank0sh: qemu?21:10
khalidmian_can anyone guide how to use nvidia xserver settings21:10
stercorwhomever:  Thanks for the `lshw' command!21:10
facthello ,  want to install all packages in a dir but see this error how to solve it ? http://pastebin.com/DpycT7mP21:10
Zeus__zdravi, Thank you for the advice, I will try gparted now and get back to you soon :) thank you21:10
rhodanDr_Willis: No way.21:10
rhodank0sh: If qemu, then qemu-nbd.21:10
MrJWoCean_I'm trying to compile source in Ubuntu 9.10 and don't know how, please help me:)21:10
zdravirhodan: If it's complaining about sda6, it sounds like if it's a HW error it's later in the drive. And Zeus__, np :321:10
rhodanMounts that image as a network block defuce.21:10
k0shrhodan: virtualbox21:11
Edward123another quick quezzie, less diagnostic more stylistic - what's the quickest way for me to switch window manager?21:11
Dr_Willistar is commonly used to 'clone' a whole drive to another drive.. yes.. keeping all file permissions/oqnership and things in tact.. been used that way for years.21:11
khalidmian_can anyone tell me how to run nvidia xserver settings21:11
Note-bookHow do I bring text to the exact center of a cell in a table in open office? I can bring it to the center from left to right but not from top to bottom21:11
Note-book sorry, wrong place to ask I believe but I thought someone might know21:11
histokhalidmian_: did you install it?21:11
rhodanEdward123: killall metacity; twm21:11
Dr_Williskhalidmian_:  you mean the 'nvidia-settings' tool ?21:11
Kyle__I'm going through an expert install, and it ran out of space, so I flipped to another VT and expanded.  Now I went to continue, and it's still failing.  Any ideas?21:11
oCean_MrJW: you are trying to *compile* ..that has nothing to do with ubuntu. Find the documentation on whatever it was that you downloaded, or contact the programmers21:11
esrhodan: I don't see any 32bit package in the repo and the one download from mozilla.com is 64bit automatically do you have a suggestion where to get it and how to make it work?21:11
MrJWoCean_, I've read through a few tutorials online about compiling source on the internet, but they don't seem to connect with the source i have.. there is no make or configure files anywhere21:11
rhodanDr_Willis: Good luck.21:11
rhodanDon't forget to use numeric IDs.21:12
Edward123rhodan, permenantly?21:12
khalidmian_Dr_Willis: yes pls21:12
rhodanAnd have fun extracting those files.21:12
Dr_Williskhalidmian_:  err.. open terminal type 'nvidia-settings'21:12
MrJWoCean_, i know the programmer, he made a game engine (EXE) and released the source code, I'm trying to compile it in Ubuntu 9.1021:12
rhodanSequential or nothing. TAR is useless for backups.21:12
Destructohello all.21:12
rhodanFor a quick backup, use squashfs.21:12
histokhalidmian_: you need that package to run it. You can also find it in system > admin I believe21:12
Destructoone quick question. when i do iwconfig . my pcmcia card shows up. why doesnt it give me internet21:12
ilovefairuzMrJW: pastebin the output of: ls -al21:12
Kyle__rhodan: I seriously disagree.21:12
MrJWoCean_ the programmer doesn't use Linux.21:13
Dr_WillisKyle__:  yea.. i was going to also.. but dident feel its wiorth the argument. :)21:13
oCean_MrJW: that makes no difference. It's offtopic here. Contact the programmer. Stop asking here21:13
rhodanKyle__: Show me how to selectively extract some files in a TAR without seeking the whole thing first.21:13
factany opinion ?21:13
ilovefairuzMrJW: it all depends on the build system, regardless of GNU/Linux or Windows. Is there a CMakeLists.txt ?21:13
khalidmian_Dr_Willis: You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.21:13
Dr_Williskhalidmian_:  so did you run 'sudo nvidia-xconfig' ?21:14
rhodanes: I'm sure there is a 32-bit version in the repo.21:14
khalidmian_Dr_Willis: i have run sudo xconfig-nvidia under terminal various times no chng21:14
MrJWPastebin of the source: http://pastebin.com/vN6xPm4621:14
Kyle__rhodan: If you're having problems based on the seek time in a tarball, prehaps you need to look at how you're creating them.21:14
oCean_MrJW: stop it now21:14
Dr_Williskhalidmian_:  its possible you dont have the drivers installed or they are the wrong version.  check your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and the X logs.21:14
Frankiitaasome body knows how to get trasnmision 1.0.3 in ubuntu 9.04?21:14
rhodanKyle__: Seek time?21:15
Kyle__Anyway.  Anyone know how to restart the installer without rebooting?21:15
jcxlhey guys, I'm having trouble installing BackupPC21:15
Kyle__rhodan: the time to seek through the tar-file.21:15
rhodanYou know anything about TAR?21:15
deanimeanFrankiitaa,  a ppa ?21:15
aeon-ltdFrankiitaa: look for a ppa21:15
MxyzpltkI just installed ubuntu 10.04 netbook edition on a very old thinkpad, works just fine but the interface lists things backwards from my acer netbook, and the scrolling with the mouse is backwards, if I move the mouse down it scrolls up, where do I start looking?21:15
OpenBluntSurgeryrhodan: what u need to know about tar?21:15
Kyle__rhodan: From your statements, more than you.21:15
MrJWilovefairuz there is no CMakeList.txt, or even a readme, it was programmed by a weekend coder :)21:15
Dr_WillisFrankiitaa:  theres PPA's for transmission, but not sure if they support 9.04 or not. Been using the latest transmission in 10.04  lately.. but im going to dump it and try Deluge for a while.21:15
thune3fact: fetch the .debs (that's what they are right?) to local computer and run dpkg *.deb . I'm sure there is some way to create a mountpoint for sftp, but that's getting complicated.21:15
rhodanOpenBluntSurgery: It has no effing index.21:15
thune3fact: dpkg -i i mean21:15
MrJWoCean_, could you direct me where i could get some compiler help then?21:15
rhodanYou have to seek from the start forward to find a file.21:15
crankharderwhy the sam hell does apt-get install vim-ruby install all of gnome.  that makes no sense :(21:16
oCean_MrJW: I did21:16
Frankiitaawhat is ppa?21:16
Dr_Willis!ppa | Frankiitaa21:16
ubottuFrankiitaa: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.21:16
rhodanTAR is used for streamers! Tapes! Magnetic tapes!21:16
siteswapperHi everyone!   I want to use postfix on my notebook.  How can I instruct it to send mail via an external smtp-server?21:16
Mxyzpltkfor example, in System it lists first the administration icons and then preferences...21:16
OpenBluntSurgeryrhodan: --index-file=FILE      send verbose output to FILE21:16
rhodanOpenBluntSurgery: That's a hack.21:16
Dr_Willisare we haveing a 'targument' in the channel? :P21:17
rhodanAnd you can't even mount it. SquashFS is much more suited.21:17
esrhodan: copy&paste 'aptitude search firefox' i don't see any marked 32b and other version looks like are just virtual21:17
MrJWoCean_, i must have missed your helpful advice,21:17
OpenBluntSurgeryrhodan no a hack is using sticky keys to get a command prompt in windows =)21:17
rhodanInstead of TAR I could just use dd and then use losetup.21:17
purplefooli had been running a mobile broadband usb stick on my computer until the motherboard fried.  now i am trying to run the stick on an older (and slower) computer but it won't even recognize the stick, let alone connet with the net.  does anyone have any ideas as to how to troubleshoot this?21:17
* Kyle__ sighs.21:18
OpenBluntSurgeryrhodan my sound dissappeared21:18
stercorHow do I determine the scripts used at power-on,21:18
rhodanOpenBluntSurgery: It's a Hörsturz.21:18
oCean_MrJW: contact the programmer, does not matter if he uses windows. Or visit channel ##programming.21:18
rhodanYou should get your Pulse checked.21:18
Dr_Willisstercor:  scripts to do what? theres dozens if not hundereds of them21:18
OpenBluntSurgeryI CANT SEE MY SOUND! lmao ;)21:18
MrJWoCean_, thanks21:18
rhodanThe computer does not work!21:18
rhodanWhat doesn't work?21:18
rhodanIt doesn't work at all!21:19
esbtw i described better here and attached a little of report info there if anyone is so kind to take a look i'm going crazy http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9674780#post967478021:19
stercorDr_Willis: My computer comes up into my userid.  This is not good.  No login screen.21:19
OpenBluntSurgeryNothing Is working guys!! I think ninjaz are in my tubez!21:19
Dr_Willisstercor:  'into my userid' ?  You mean to say it 'auto logs in' to your user?21:19
stercorDr_Willis: yes.21:19
Zeus__rhodan, I tried g-parted and it says that it cannot detect any devices. Again, I can boot the live CD and everything seems fine. Any ideas?21:19
artinstartinI can take pictures in HD with the webcam, but not videos (only 320x240) any ideas?21:19
rhodanWhat the hell.21:19
thune3purplefool: does it show in "lsusb"? is it showing up as a cdrom?21:20
ilovefairuzMrJW: he's using visual studio, .dsw21:20
rhodanZeus__: fdisk -l21:20
Dr_Willisstercor:  so? theres settings to change that. - system -> admin -> login  (i think)21:20
OpenBluntSurgeryZeus__: gparted sucks21:20
oCean_OpenBluntSurgery: move on please, get serious21:20
OpenBluntSurgeryZeus__: parted magic21:20
Zeus__will do that now.21:20
OpenBluntSurgeryoCean_: yawn21:20
sandkingto anyone in the future asking about wifi in asus eee - wicd installation helped me21:20
khalidmian_Dr_Willis: http://imagebin.org/index.php?mode=image&id=10800021:20
zdraviZeus__: all the liveCD booting means is that it can access your ram, it's not really related to your hard drive21:20
jcxlso guys, I tried to install BackupPC, uninstalled it, and then tried to install it again, and now it won't start21:20
rhodanOpenBluntSurgery: Very gutsy of you.21:20
MrJWilovefairuz, thank you for the information :)21:20
rhodanRepeating my rants.21:20
histoZeus__: what are you trying to do?21:20
MrJWi love fairuz, though she killed my router :P21:20
kyenteiIs anybody familiar with another way of stopping "Recent Documents" to show up in places under GNOME? (I now remove .recently-used.xbel and create a folder with that name, but that gives gtk errors)21:20
rhodanZeus__: Don't listen to him21:21
Zeus__when I fdisk -l I get nothing21:21
histokyentei: I would look in gconf maybe21:21
purplefoolthune3 yes it does...well, i haven't used ls yet, but through the system test, usb was definitely shone...21:21
jcxl" Can't create a test hardlink between a file in /var/lib/backuppc/pc and /var/lib/backuppc/cpool. "21:21
Dr_WillisZeus__:  'sudo fdisk -l'21:21
deanimeankyentei, make it readonly?21:21
histoZeus__: you need to use sudo21:21
kyenteihisto: Searched a lot, can't find anything21:21
rhodanDr_Willis: Thank you.21:21
OpenBluntSurgeryI think if you are new to linux you need to start with gentoo21:21
rhodanDr_Willis: Seriously, I wouldn't have thought about that.21:21
kyenteideanimean: Tried, GDM sets it back. Remember that GDM has permission to do so.21:21
histokyentei: i'm sure someone on the forums has posted a way to get rid of recent documents21:21
deanimeankyentei, i did your method years ago but now I just dont care about it enough :)21:21
OpenBluntSurgeryubuntu is too easy that doing something like checking your drives becomes hard21:21
rhodanOpenBluntSurgery: No way!21:22
Zeus__Dr_Willis, histo, I used sudo but I still get nothing21:22
OpenBluntSurgery"Linux is hard, lets go shopping."21:22
histoOpenBluntSurgery: checking drives isn't hard21:22
oCean_OpenBluntSurgery: this is not a discussion channel. Take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic please21:22
Destructohey again.i diconnected21:22
histoZeus__: what type of controller do you have?21:22
sandkingnow - can someone tell me how to make UNR look like normal Ubuntu distro?21:22
Zeus__histo, what do you mean?21:22
Zeus__histo, I use the terminal21:23
kyenteideanimean: Well... no luck :-P Not on the forums either btw.21:23
khalidmian_no wonder ppl dont install ubuntu21:23
Dr_Willissandking:  install the 'ubuntu-desktop' package. and select ubuntu/gnome at teh GDM login screen.21:23
stercorDr_Willis: Perfect.  Now to do a power-on reset.21:23
Frankiitaamaybe i cant use transmission 1.9.2 en ubuntu 0.9421:23
deanimeansandking, choose ubuntu standard desktop from login screen.21:23
FunnyLookinHatCan I use tar to add three specific files to a .tar.gz ?21:23
Dr_Willissandking:  or select 'netbook' at gdm for teh netbook interface21:23
rhodanIf those little chicken start invading #gentoo screaming "hey how do i get my windwos menu back i did dfisk but it didnt do anything you're disrtibutoin sux!"21:23
FunnyLookinHati.e. tar -czvf file./tar.gz file1 file2 file321:23
Mr_Redhatis it possible to set up an ad hoc network with ubuntu?21:23
zdravikhalidmian_: ubuntu bashing's 3 chanels that way21:23
histoZeus__: what type of hardware are you using perhaps its not supported by whatever kernel you are running21:23
deanimeansandking, or whatever its called : I forget.. but its there to use, thats why they ditched the desktop switcher tool21:23
rhodanThen I'm going to keel you.21:23
oCean_rhodan: please move on21:23
purplefoolthune3 ok, just read you question again and i honestly don't know if it comes up as cd...if it does, what do i do with that?21:23
sandkingi got automatic login and no login screen21:23
sandkingwhat's gdm ?21:24
kyenteisandking: gnome display manager21:24
sandking[what does it stand for]21:24
deanimeansandking, log out after you logged in then.21:24
Dr_Willissandking:  the login screen. YOU have it set to autologin. You can tell it to not autologin.21:24
zdravisandking: the service that starts your GUI up when you start your computer.21:24
Zeus__histo, I have no Idea about the internal HDD of the laptop. I was able to see its details when I was trying to install21:24
rhodanZeus__: So the live CD detects the disk but the other system does not?21:24
zdraviZeus__: how handy are you with a command line?21:24
Dr_Willissandking:  for the 2nd time -> system -> admin -> login screen21:24
rhodanWhat is the other system?21:24
JoeMaverickSetti was to apply a this patch: http://www.mail-archive.com/dri-devel@lists.freedesktop.org/msg01446.html to Linux 2.6.35-rc, now 2.6.35 has been released and i'm wondering, if i updated to 2.6.35 will the bug be fixed?21:24
histoZeus__: again what are you trying to accomplish here?21:24
sandkingk, thx21:24
Dr_WillisJoeMaverickSett:  you would have to check teh changelogs -21:25
rhodanhisto: Installing Ubantu. But it won't let him because the partition tables aren't tidy enough.21:25
Zeus__histo, I am trying to format the HDD and try to install Ubuntu. Because in the installation I get an error msg on the partitioning21:25
Dr_WillisJoeMaverickSett:  or just try the newer version and see if its been fixed.21:25
rhodanZeus__: Which system do you have booted now?21:26
Mr_RedhatZeus_ what is the error if you can recall it?21:26
khalidmian_so long and thanks for all he fish uninstalling ubuntu as there no point as i cant fix my display21:26
JoeMaverickSettDr_Willis, the thing is i don't know how to read this: http://www.kernel.org/diff/diffview.cgi?file=%2Fpub%2Flinux%2Fkernel%2Fv2.6%2Fpatch-2.6.35.bz2;z=301421:26
rhodanMr_Redhat: See above.21:26
zdravikhalidmian_: Bye.21:26
Zeus__rhodan, the installation detects the HDD and the GParted does not21:26
rhodanDon't make him repeat himself.21:26
thune3purplefool: you choose "eject" from desktop cdrom icon right-click menu. Installing usb-modeswitch should do this automatically.21:26
ilovefairuzFunnyLookinHat: http://www.gnu.org/software/automake/manual/tar/append.html21:26
Dr_WillisJoeMaverickSett:  i dont either. I dont bother with ekrnels much any more.21:26
Zeus__zdravi, I am not that handy21:26
rhodanZeus__: Gparted from where?21:26
lewis_my sound card does not work, how to i fix it21:26
rhodanFrom the ubuntu cd?21:26
JoeMaverickSettDr_Willis, okie. might try the latest one then. thanks.21:26
Zeus__rhodan, gparted from the live session21:26
ilovefairuz!sound > lewis_21:26
ubottulewis_, please see my private message21:26
zdraviZeus__: Boot up the installation and hit Ctrl+Alt+F1, it should drop you into a command line that you can fdisk -l from21:26
rhodanZeus__: OK, so what do you have started now?21:26
stercorDr_Willis: It worked perfectly.  There was this here check box that said it all.  And I got rid of the login sound as well.21:26
rhodanAlso, do what zdravi says.21:26
Dr_Willisstercor:  what worked perfectly? :)21:27
Zeus__rhodan, the Xchat and the gparted.21:27
Zeus__zdravi, should I Ctrl, alt, f1 now?21:27
stercorNot having it automatically log me in --- without a password.21:27
rhodanZeus__: You can come back with ctrl-alt-f721:27
Dr_Willisstercor:  so the tool did the job it was designed to do. :)21:27
zdraviZeus__: Neg, start up with the installation CD, the one that can see your partitions21:28
rhodanzdravi: We would have lost him.21:28
OpenBluntSurgeryoCean_: my pipes are broken.. =)21:28
ejvim trying to add the byobu PPA, i've added the neccessary entries into sources.list, but how do I load the GPG Signing Key, so that apt sees it?21:28
stercorDr_Willis: yep.  I just didn't know where to go to find it.21:28
zdravirhodan: I assumed he was on another computer, since he's talking to us while booting his computer around ><21:28
chris_osxOpenBluntSurgery: maybe you have one in the oven21:28
ejvim trying to add the byobu PPA, i've added the neccessary entries into sources.list, but how do I load the GPG Signing Key, so that apt sees it? - http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xCF5E7496F430BBA521:28
Zeus__zdravi, I went out and typed the sudo fdisk command and I got many errors21:28
purplefoolthune3 now i understand what you meant.  ok, no, the usb stick is just red (light that shows it is getting power, but that is it) and there is no entry of the stick in the entire computer...as if it isn't there.  before, it would appear as a massive storage thingy (i know, very technical...)21:28
Frankiitaai cant use my dvd drive in ubuntu 10.0421:28
OpenBluntSurgerychris_osx: mebee21:28
Dr_Willisstercor:   You may want to check out a tool called 'gdm2setup' also - it has a few more settings/tweaks21:29
rhodanOpenBluntSurgery: ¦ know ¦-¦ow you fee¦.21:29
zdraviZeus__: It sounds like it's a hardware issue then21:29
ilovefairuzejv: use add-apt-repository21:29
stercorDr_Willis: I admit to ignorance in Linux; but try me on MVS...21:29
zdraviZeus__: What were the errors, exactly? Malformed parition tables, partitions ending and starting in odd spots?21:29
OpenBluntSurgeryZeus__: what kind of drive? 2.5 /3.5 sata?21:29
rhodanpurplefool: unplug, plug, dmesg | tail -n 10021:29
dshbusinessHi! could someone tell me how to write a iso file into a usb-disk?21:29
OpenBluntSurgerydshbusiness: dd21:29
Zeus__OpenBluntSurgery, 2.5 sata21:29
ilovefairuzejv:  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:byobu/ppa21:29
Frankiitaait works if i had the disc inside when i turn on the pc21:30
rhodanpurplefool: Nopaste that so we can see what your kernel thinks about that little device.21:30
Zeus__zdravi, let me check again21:30
zdravidshbusiness: Do you want the iso on the usb, or the contents of the iso on the usb?21:30
Dr_Willisdshbusiness:  unetbootin, or the usb-disk-creator tool to generate a bootable live flash drive.21:30
ejvilovefairuz: will that solve this: W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY CF5E7496F430BBA521:30
red2kicejv: Use Software Sources? :(  Right-click under Authentication -- Add key from pasta data. :(21:30
OpenBluntSurgeryZeus__: how many drives are in the box21:30
artinstartinI can only record webcam vids in 320x200 but not higher, why?21:30
ejvred2kic: command line only available21:30
Frankiitaaut if i change the disc i have to reboot again to can use it21:30
ilovefairuzejv: how about you try yourself? and remove the entries you added manually21:30
Zeus__zdravi, error on device sda logical block.21:30
Zeus__OpenBluntSurgery, one inside the laptop machine21:30
phaidrosboot problem with karmic: initrd doesn't ask for pass to decrypt disc before trying to mount, falls back to console, then I have to do it manually (crptsetup + vgchange) .. later in bootprocess I see passwordrequest, but thats too late then. any hints how to solve that?21:30
phaidrosargh .. lucid21:31
Frankiitaaany ideas?21:31
zdraviZeus__: Yeah that's sounding a lot like a hardware ish. When's the last time you used it successfully?21:31
rhodanZeus__: Sounds like a broken drive to me.21:31
Frankiitaais ubuntu 10.04 a bad sistem ?21:31
red2kicejv: "sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com KEYKEYKEYKEY" -- Make an alias for it if you use this often.21:31
purplefooli have the jockey log file with me (am somewhere else so i have internet now) and the files that it refers to with regards to the stick...will they do?  otherwise i need to go get them...21:31
rhodanZeus__: How big is that drive?21:31
OpenBluntSurgeryZeus__: throw it in a enclosure load up ubuntu live cd and plug it in21:31
Zeus__zdravi, a week ago21:31
OpenBluntSurgeryZeus__: via usb21:31
zdraviZeus__: and then it stopped booting?21:31
Zeus__rhodan, 250GB21:31
dshbusinessYes, I want to create a bootable live flash drive. But now, I'm using fedora... How can I create it? Unetbootin seems do not work on my system21:31
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Zeus__zdravi, that is right21:32
purplefoolrhodan sorry, did you get my response?  forgot to put your name there^^21:32
=== [SW]Dodge is now known as [SW]Dodge`oFF
zdraviZeus__: sorry to say, but I think your HD's a goner.21:32
rhodanpurplefool: What was it about?21:32
rhodanZeus__: Seagate?21:32
Zeus__zdravi, so I'm going for a replacement21:32
purplefoolrhodan i have the jockey log file with me (am somewhere else so i have internet now) and the files that it refers to with regards to the stick...will they do?  otherwise i need to go get them...21:32
stercorzdravi: What about the old stick-it-in-the-freezer trick?21:32
rhodanstercor: No.21:32
Zeus__rhodan, No but I ll buy one from them21:33
ejvPreparing to replace byobu 2.68-0ubuntu1.1 (using .../byobu_3.0-0ubuntu1~ppa4_all.deb) ...21:33
stercorzdravi: Or am I speaking out of turn.21:33
rhodanThat can work for stuck heads.21:33
zdravistercor: That only works when drives overheat. It shrinks the bearings and gives you a bit of time to save your data. But if it's at that point, you're going to need to replace it anyways.21:33
OpenBluntSurgerydshbusiness: dd21:33
rhodanzdravi: You made that up.21:33
zdraviAnd if it's not been in use, it's not overheating21:33
zdravirhodan: nope :x21:33
rhodanIt has nothing to do with overheating.21:33
Zeus__zdravi, rhodan, OpenBluntSurgery, thank you for your help I guess I am going for a new drive :)21:33
OpenBluntSurgeryZeus__: new drive? dude thats extreme21:34
dshbusinessOpenBluntSurgery: I have used dd command. But still can't install it.21:34
rhodanThing is, sometimes the heads get stuck on the platter becaus power is cut off while they are falling.21:34
stercorzdravi: Thanks for the info.  I thought of it as a cure-all for hard drives,21:34
OpenBluntSurgeryZeus__: do what I say, go buy a 3$ enclosure, pop the drive out and see if it works via usb21:34
OpenBluntSurgeryZeus__: if it does, then the drive is good.21:34
ikoniaroknir: Zeus__ keep in mind this is "ubuntu" support please, not hardware support21:34
rhodanAnd once they're stuck they're damn hard to get off.21:34
MxyzpltkI just installed ubuntu 10.04 netbook edition on a very old thinkpad, works just fine but the interface lists things backwards from what they should be, and the scrollbar with the mouse is backwards, if I move the mouse down it scrolls up, where do I start looking?21:34
thune3purplefool: the purpose of the dmesg output is to see what the kernel is doing with the device, and if it is getting properly registerd to a tty. if you pastebin the jockey file, it might help *if* the process got far enough21:34
Lap-topHow do I bring text to the exact center of a cell in a table in open office? I can bring it to the center from left to right but not from top to bottom21:34
Lap-top sorry, wrong place to ask I believe but I thought someone might know21:34
ejvcool command ilovefairuz  ;)21:34
Zeus__ikonia, of course :)21:34
zdravirhodan: If the head is on the platter you've got a crash and you're pretty much already fucked ><21:34
ikoniamaybe take this conversation to a better channel21:34
ikoniaLap-top: if you know it's the wrong place, please don't ask21:35
Zeus__OpenBluntSurgery, will do it thank you :)21:35
stercorMxyzpltk: you remember mxyztplk?21:35
rhodanLap-top: Yes you can, and no, I won't tell you.21:35
stercorMxyzpltk: Mee, too.21:35
OpenBluntSurgeryZeus__: when you try installing from the cd, what does it say? cant find drive?21:35
zdravistercor: most of the time it's a "Well, nothing else is working" hail-mary deal :P21:35
Lap-toprhodan, Okay. Thank you.21:35
ikoniarhodan: then don't say anything instead of teasing people21:35
rhodanOpenBluntSurgery: Never say a drive is good.21:35
rhodanLap-top: Hint: Format.21:35
purplefoolthune3 ok, will past the jockey file and wait to see what you think and them do the dmesg thing and bring it in tomorrow for further review.  btw, how do i pastebin?21:35
stercorzdravi: :)21:36
ikoniarhodan: stop talking about physical drive hardware, take it to ##hardware21:36
OpenBluntSurgeryrhodan: its over 9000?21:36
zdravistercor: just remember, hard drives go in the freezer and video cards go in the oven, not the other way around21:36
rhodanikonia: You may have noticed that I solved more problems in the last few hours than you, BY YOUR POWERTS COMBINED!21:36
ikoniaOpenBluntSurgery: please stop discussing hardware, this is the last time I'll say it21:36
ikoniarhodan: I don't care, please stop discussing hardware support21:36
stercorzdravi: ...I confuse those all the time... ;-)21:36
thune3!pastebin > purplefool21:36
ubottupurplefool, please see my private message21:36
ikoniarhodan: ##harware of #ubuntu-offtopic is a better place21:36
rhodanikonia: Thank you, I didn't talk about hardware since the first time you highlighted me, did I?21:37
dshbusinessWell, now, I have a ubuntu iso file. How could I install it via a usb-disk? Now, I'm undering fedora.21:37
muddtuskI'm trying to create a launcher and add it to a panel.  The launcher links to a .jar file, but it won't launch.  I have already change the permission on the file to allow it it execute.21:37
rhodanLap-top: You can change the cell formatting.  It's in the context menu. A bit hidden, but you should find it.21:38
TechMiXmuddtusk: java -jar YOURFILE.JAR21:38
rhodanmuddtusk: java -jar thatfile.jar21:38
rhodanTechMiX: Screw you!21:38
purplefoolthune3 & rhodan http://pastebin.com/rdS4j04721:38
oCean_rhodan: hey, be nice21:38
IdleOnerhodan: please watch the language and attitude21:38
TechMiXrhodan: what's u're problem?21:39
mrman208is this channel just for regular Ubuntu or for Ubuntu Server as well?21:39
rhodanSry, goodbye.21:39
thune3purplefool: i didn't see any helpful information in there21:39
Lap-toprhodan, Couldn't find it. Alignment only has it for left/right :(21:39
stercorDoes rhodan know enough to warrant his attitude?21:40
zdravistercor: yep.21:40
mrman208is this channel just for regular Ubuntu or for Ubuntu Server as well?21:40
stercorzdravi: OK, thanks.21:40
IdleOnemrman208: both but there is also a #ubuntu-server21:40
=== timmillwood_ is now known as timmillwood
purplefoolthune3: man, i was so proud of myself for finding that thing too!!!  ok will work with dmesg.  is there anything else i should do when i have that?21:40
matrixwhere is login screen setup21:40
oCean_mrman208: there is a specific #ubuntu-server, but lots of questions go here too..21:40
guntbertmrman208: for server related problems #ubuntu-server will be better suited21:40
matrixi want to login screen theme  change21:41
matrixhelp me pls21:41
mrman208IdleOne: ok, I think i will go there. Thanks!21:41
kyenteiAre there any advantages in using Ubuntu Server instead of Debian?21:41
stercorWell, if it's difficult on the outside, it's many times worse on the inside.21:41
oCean_matrix: see http://somedom.com/?p=2121:41
qubodupI was wondering: how to get a software package into the official repository?21:43
matrixi want to change login screen21:43
matrixgdm login screen21:43
oCean_matrix: see the message i send you21:43
matrixit s screen has not logiin screen21:43
IdleOne!packaging > qubodup21:43
ubottuqubodup, please see my private message21:43
oCean_matrix: see the url, there is exactly how to change gdm login screen21:43
qubodupIdleOne: thanks21:43
thune3purplefool: as the advice was. plug the device into usb, wait 10-20 seconds, and then save off the "dmesg | tail -n 100 > saveme.txt. Getting lsusb info would be good. Either way, the advice you get will probably just be one more step, it would be easiest if you could figure a way to get help while connected to that machine.21:44
mrman208no one is at #ubuntu-server :(21:44
matrixsudo -u gdm dbus-launch gnome-appearance-properties21:44
matrixthis not change login theme manager21:45
oCean_mrman208: you could try your question here21:45
oCean_matrix: YES21:45
tensorpuddingmaybe no one uses ubuntu for a server21:45
mrman208oCean_: ok, thanks!21:45
matrixi want to gnome login screen theme change21:45
oCean_matrix: it is EXACTLY as the url says21:45
kyenteioCean_: You are aware of the fact thatyou cannot modify the theme from within GNOME anymore. Right?21:45
mrman208are there any good mouse daemons for pure server (no X) that support the scroll whell?21:45
oCean_kyentei: nonsense21:45
oCean_kyentei: http://somedom.com/?p=2121:45
tensorpuddingI think FreeBSD's moused supported the scroll wheel, maybe it has been ported?21:46
deanimeanmrman208,  I find it just 'nicer' to ssh into a server.. just is that way..21:46
kyenteimatrix: Log out of your gnome session. Then switch to TTY1 by pressing CTRL+ALT+F1. Then login as root adn type "export DISPLAY=:0.0", that done, type "sudo -u gdm gnome-control-center"21:47
mrman208tensorpudding: I will look it up real quick21:47
tensorpuddingAh, there's gpm21:47
tensorpuddingmaybe gpm supports it?21:47
kyenteimatrix: And then switch back to TTY7 by using CTRL+ALT+F721:47
oCean_kyentei: WHY whould you tell that, while the URL solution exactly fixes the issue?21:47
mrman208tensorpudding: I tried with gpm and no scroll wheel support21:47
guntbertmrman208: just a small advice: if you ask a question in some channel don't leave again within one minute (not that it would have made any difference in this case :-))21:47
kyenteioCean_: Because I have experienced the same problem, not being able to change my login from within GNOME.21:47
kyenteioCean_: I told you just that21:48
mrman208guntbert: Ok, thanks21:48
oCean_kyentei: so you have not tried what is in the url?21:48
kyenteioCean_: Now if it works for you, that's great. But it obviously does not for matrix.21:48
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=== I_am_eating_pizz is now known as I_b_eating_pizza
IdleOne!nickspam > I_b_eating_pizza21:49
kyenteioCean_: Okay, your version works for me too. Does that not require an .Xauthority file though?21:49
ubottuI_b_eating_pizza, please see my private message21:49
oCean_kyentei: maybe. Sorry if I was a little annoyed..21:50
frxstremwhat are the recommended and minimum system requirements for Ubuntu?21:50
mrman208tensorpudding: I can't seem to find anything about FreeBSD mouse support ported to Linux21:50
ubottuHardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu21:50
kyenteioCean_: That's okay. I get the feeling of telling somebody how things work 5 times without them listening ;-)21:51
TechMiXmrman208: have you tried ncurses ?21:51
kyenteioCean_: I'd be annoyed just as much.21:51
jooflHey guys i need help with something21:51
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:51
[V13]AxelI was upgrading from Ubuntu 9.04 to Lucid, and I used the dpkg --get-selections command. Now, I can't figure out how to use the set-selections option... I'd really like to be able to restore my package selections. Help?21:51
oCean_kyentei: thx.21:51
kyentei!ask | joofl21:51
ubottujoofl: please see above21:51
Frankiitaano body knows21:51
mrman208TechMiX: No I have not, I will check it out though.21:51
kyenteiI hate hitting enter insteaf of the piping sign. =/21:52
jooflI need to burn just audio to a regular DVD-RW disc that will play on regular DVD players, any program suggestions?21:52
kyenteijoofl: Are you using GNOME or KDE? Gnome: brasero, KDE: k3b21:52
[V13]Axeljoofl: GNOME: devede is a good one.,21:52
khalidmianok so my ubuntu install works fine with external display but not my laptop display any help pls21:52
jooflOkay, i'll get brasero, ty.21:52
mrman208TechMiX: I tried sudo apt-get install ncurses and got the no instalation canidate error.21:53
Black_Prince!package ncurses21:53
jooflIt doesn't give me an option for audio DVD, just CD21:53
ilovefairuzkhalidmian: open a terminal, type lshw -C display and copy and pastebin21:53
Black_Prince!package libncurses21:53
Black_Prince!package libncurses521:53
jooflCan i just use audio CD and put a DVD in? :S21:53
[V13]Axeljoofl: Use Devede. It's a good program.21:53
Frankiitaawhat linux do u use ?21:53
mrman208holy crap, I have been on the computer too long. I keep seeing the lines of text flash xD21:54
kyenteiFrankiitaa: What channel are you on? ;-) :-P21:54
kyenteiThere's your answer.21:54
Frankiitaawhat ubuntu do u use?21:54
mrman208!package curses21:54
mrman208how do you do that thing with the !'?21:55
fcnHi. I'm running ubuntu 9.10 as live cd now and i can not see the cdrom itself. Iş21:55
zdravimrman208: libncurses521:55
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal21:55
zdraviIncidentally, apt-cache search ncurses21:55
IdleOne!info curses > mrman20821:55
fcnIs this the normal situation?21:55
mrman208zdravi: I will try that21:55
khalidmiansorry got dc21:55
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:55
[V13]AxelLike that, mrman20821:55
sizzlefireWhen I do an FTP transfer with nautilus, it often hangs and never finishes the transfer, anybody know why it would do this?21:55
Frankiitaazdravi i have a similar issue whit ubuntu 10.0421:55
ilovefairuz!info lib32ncurses5 > Black_Prince21:56
khalidmianissue is that my laptop display doesnt work aswell as external display21:56
mrman208ok, so it is redireced at only one person?21:56
ilovefairuzkhalidmian: open a terminal, type lshw -C display and copy and pastebin21:56
zdraviFrankiitaa: what "similiar issue"?21:56
Frankiitaai cant see my dvd drive21:56
mrman208apparently libncurses5 is already installed21:56
mrman208but the ncurses command does nothing21:57
humboltHow can I copy a bunch of symlinks and end up with a copy of the files they are linking to, instead of another bunch of symlinks?21:57
Frankiitaait work but only if i have de disc inside when i turn on the pc21:57
khalidmianilovefairuz: Hardware Lister (lshw) - B.02.14 usage: lshw [-format] [-options ...]        lshw -version  -version        print program version (B.02.14)  format can be -html           output hardware tree as HTML -xml            output hardware tree as XML -short          output hardware paths -businfo        output bus information  options can be -class CLASS    only show a certain class of hardware -C CLASS        same as21:57
ilovefairuz!paste | khalidmian21:57
ubottukhalidmian: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:57
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:57
Frankiitaazdravi and just for that disc21:57
ilovefairuzkhalidmian: just type 'lshw' and copy that to the paste page21:58
mrman208any ideas?21:58
jooflGuys Devede doesn't burn audio DVD's :/21:58
mrman208when i do the command ncurses i get nothing and libncurses5 is installed21:58
IdleOnejoofl: gnomebaker21:58
[V13]Axel!info ncurses > mrman20821:58
jooflTried gnomebaker that doesn't burn audio dvd's either21:59
matrixthank you guys21:59
matrixthat s os is very nice21:59
mrman208!package ncurses > mrman20821:59
erUSULmrman208: libncurses is a lib it has no program named ncurses21:59
erUSULmrman208: what are you tryin to do ?21:59
TechMiXmrman208: what about imwheel ! (i'm just finding these by googling!)21:59
Frankiitaawhat ubuntu is better?21:59
Frankiitaais 10.04 bad?21:59
mrman208erUSUL I am trying to use the mouse in pur ubuntu server (as in no X) with support for the scroll wheel22:00
I_b_eating_pizzaFrankiitaa, the one you like is better22:00
IdleOneFrankiitaa: Please ask your real question.22:00
Frankiitaais ubuntu something in u can trust ?22:00
majnoonis ndswrapper installed automatically ??22:00
IdleOnemajnoon: no22:00
jooflDoes noone know of any program that lets me burn SOLELY AUDIO to a standard DVD-RW for play in a normal dvd player22:00
I_b_eating_pizzaFrankiitaa, is Windows?22:00
mrman208TechMiX: I have tried imwheel but I think you need X for it.22:00
erUSUL!info gpm | mrman20822:00
ubottumrman208: gpm (source: gpm): General Purpose Mouse interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.20.4-3.2ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 210 kB, installed size 548 kB22:00
Frankiitaaat least windows has work better for me22:00
humboltHow can I copy a bunch of symlinks and end up with a copy of the files they are linking to, instead of another bunch of symlinks?22:00
thune3joofl: a lot relatively new dvd players (5 years) will play mp3 or wav file on a "data" dvd. (assuming you get the filesystem parameters right)22:00
IdleOne!details | Frankiitaa22:00
ubottuFrankiitaa: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:00
mrman208can you pipe stuff to yourself?22:00
khalidmianilovefairuz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/472805/22:00
Frankiitaain a few days whit ubuntu i have more problems22:00
kyenteijoofl: Can't you just create a data DVD for that? If so, use brasero or k3b.22:00
jooflOkay, i'll try that22:01
mrman208!info ncurses | mrman20822:01
ubottumrman208: Package ncurses does not exist in lucid22:01
Frankiitaamy dvd drive not work22:01
mrman208i guess you can :P22:01
Frankiitaai can see it22:01
khalidmianbtw im usung external display at the moment not laptop display22:01
I_b_eating_pizza!doc | Frankiitaa22:01
ubottuFrankiitaa: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com22:01
mrman208!package libncurses5 | mrman20822:01
matrixi like this ubuntu22:01
mrman208!info libncurses5 | mrman20822:01
ubottumrman208: libncurses5 (source: ncurses): shared libraries for terminal handling. In component main, is required. Version 5.7+20090803-2ubuntu3 (lucid), package size 184 kB, installed size 440 kB22:01
IdleOne!msgthebot > mrman20822:01
ubottumrman208, please see my private message22:01
erUSULhumbolt: use readlink22:01
mrman208how do you see private messages?22:02
AviMarcusAny suggestions for an irc client that will let me spread out the channels in one window.. like mirc?22:02
Frankiitaaso in that way i can remake the os22:02
IdleOnemrman208: you should have a new tab named ubottu22:02
Frankiitaai don think so22:02
guntbertmrman208: in its own window22:02
mrman208I am using irssi22:02
I_b_eating_pizzaFrankiitaa, It helps to read the manual before starting something new.22:02
Black_PrinceWhat is Wide Character Support22:02
erUSULBlack_Prince: utf16 and the like22:02
mrman208guntbert: I am using irssi22:02
Frankiitaayea but its seems to be something like a error22:02
=== I_b_eating_pizza is now known as uRock
IdleOnemrman208: /window #  where # is the number22:03
Frankiitaano something in a manual22:03
kyenteiFrankiitaa: If you type "eject" in terminal, does it come out? :)22:03
IdleOnemrman208: example /window 122:03
mrman208ok thanks22:03
Frankiitaalet me see22:03
=== Afrix2 is now known as Afrix
matrixhow can i change my22:03
matrixuser picture22:03
erUSULmatrix: System>Preferences>About me22:04
kyenteimatrix: System>Preferences>About Me22:04
IdleOnematrix: click on your username (top right) then click on the picture22:04
uRockThe documentation also has troubleshooting techniques.22:04
id10tany ideas as to why i can't do X over ssh?  using ssh -CY user@remotehost  i then log in and try to launch an app but it claims it can't open my X display - remote box is headless22:04
matrixthank you22:04
kyenteiid10t: use -X too.22:04
mrman208id10t: try ssh with -X option22:04
guntbertmrman208: probably <alt>+arrow -- see http://linuxreviews.org/software/irc/irssi/#toc622:04
ilovefairuzkhalidmian: the card is very very new22:04
erUSULid10t: maybe you have to modify xhost access permissions22:04
id10tkyentei, tried -X as well mrman20822:04
ilovefairuzkhalidmian: try: nvclock -i`22:05
kyenteiid10t: ssh -X user@remotehost application22:05
mrman208guntbert: I got the /window command working thank you though22:05
ilovefairuzkhalidmian: -i22:05
mrman208guntbert: and <alt>+arrow brings me to a login screen22:05
kyenteiid10t: You need the app you want to run at the end of the syntax. ;-)22:05
kyenteiid10t: err, command.22:05
AviMarcusI have a CD with windows software, but to install with wine it says I need an executable bit on.  How do I make the cd executable?22:06
khalidmianilovefairuz: The program 'nvclock' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing: sudo apt-get install nvclock22:06
guntbertmrman208: :) I don't use irssi myself - thats why I said "probably " :-)22:06
id10tkyentei, i typically can ssh in with -CY args and then launch an app via command line once i've logged in22:06
kyenteiAviMarcus: Copy the content to your local disk. Then use chmod +x filename.exe22:06
jooflOk my dvd player can't play mp3's on a data disc22:06
id10toh well22:06
AviMarcushmm, I'll try that kyentei22:06
id10ti can use a text browser just as well22:06
kyenteiid10t: I have no experience with that. The command I just gave you does the trick for me.22:06
ilovefairuzkhalidmian: then install it22:07
kyenteiid10t: Once again: "ssh -CX username@remotehost application"22:07
khalidmiannvclock-i: command not found22:07
ilovefairuzkhalidmian: there's a space before the -22:07
khalidmiankhalidmian@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get nvclock [sudo] password for khalidmian:  E: Invalid operation nvclock22:08
ilovefairuzkhalidmian: sudo apt-get install nvclock22:08
prince_jammyskhalidmian: apt-get install22:08
prince_jammysapt-get takes a "sub-command" argument, since it can do so much stuff.22:09
AviMarcuskyentei, it's installing. Thanks!22:09
kyenteiAviMarcus: You're welcome :-)22:09
mrman208I have another question: On my machine, whenever it beeps it gives me a visual beep instead of an audible one, any ideas on how to make it audible?22:09
=== slidinghorn is now known as [-slidinghorn-]
ilovefairuzmrman208: use KDE or GNOME?22:10
mrman208ilivefairuz: None, it's ubuntu server, pure command line22:10
mrman208ilovefairuz: None, it's ubuntu server, pure command line22:10
click170__Hey does use their xbox360 controller with ubuntu lucid lynx? I tried getting it to work but im having calibration problems and the doc say it should just plug in and be a mouse.22:10
AviMarcuskyentei, the console chocked on the spaces in the folder, so I just right clicked and the permissions was there. just wondering, how do I access folders with spaces from terminal?22:11
kyenteiAviMarcus: add a \ before the space22:11
mrman208AviMarcus: Escape them with backslashes, eg: my\ dir22:11
erUSULAviMarcus: or use " " around the names22:11
kyenteiAviMarcus: If you partly type the folder name, and then hit TAB, it does that for you. (TAB finishes everything by the way)22:12
mrman208I have another question: On my machine, whenever it beeps it gives me a visual beep instead of an audible one, any ideas on how to make it audible?22:13
AviMarcuswhat folder am I in when I open a terminal?22:13
kyenteiAviMarcus: So you could use: cd my\ folder  or  cd "my folder"   or just type cd my [TAB]22:13
mrman208AviMarcus: Your home folder22:13
WaaChey is there a e-mail server built into ubuntu server edition?22:13
kyenteiAviMarcus: Per default, you are in your home directory.22:13
erUSUL!mta | WaaC22:13
ubottuWaaC: A Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) is the server software that sends and queues mail. The default MTA (and !MDA) on Ubuntu is !postfix ("exim" is also officially supported). See also !MailServer and !MUA22:13
mrman208AviMarcus: at /home/username where username is your username you entered when installing ubuntu22:13
Frankiitaakyentei yes it does but take a time22:14
AviMarcusah, I put a / at the beginning and apparently that was unnecessary22:14
WaaCthank you22:14
ubottuUbuntu supports the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and provides mail server software of many kinds. You can install a basic email handling configuration with the "Mail server" task during installation, or with the "tasksel" command. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/email-services.html22:14
AviMarcuscool. Tab. but case sensitive. I need to get used to that..22:14
kyenteiAviMarcus: Hehe ;-)22:14
AviMarcusWow, seriously, I had no idea you could just run windows programs in linux22:15
ilovefairuzmrman208: set bell-style  audible (could be also 'visible' or 'none')22:15
mrman208AviMarcus: Have you always used Ubuntu or are you coming from another OS?22:15
AviMarcuswindows. as of 3 days ago.22:15
ilovefairuz!hi | slow-motion22:15
ubottuslow-motion: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!22:15
EndafyI got a HP Pavilion m7750n the video card is an NVidia 6150 LE and there is no vga when I boot the Ubuntu 10.04 CD22:15
AviMarcusxp machine got full of crap over the last 3 yrs, it wouldn't run anymore. Had to reinstall.. something. figured I'd give this a try.22:15
Endafyplease help22:15
mrman208ilovefairuz: I am sorry, but how do you do that?22:15
kyenteiAviMarcus: It doesn't take long until Ubuntu get's comfortable. From that point, you barely want to go back to Windows.. ;-)22:15
ilovefairuzmrman208: type in bash22:16
AviMarcusI'm looking at my ram usage. It22:16
AviMarcusit's like 500mb22:16
ilovefairuz( add to your .bashrc if you want it to persist)22:16
AviMarcusone program used to use that, when you counted the page file22:16
Endafyplease someone else with the Nvidia 6 series that knows a work around pst me22:16
Frankiitaakyentei why did u ask me that?22:16
mrman208ilovefairux: when i type bell-style it gives me command not found22:16
kyenteiFrankiitaa: Sorry, I think I forgot..22:17
AviMarcusOnly time so far it ran slow was using a backup script.. that was running too slow. Any suggestions for backing up the whole machine to an external HD?22:17
kyenteiFrankiitaa: What was it again?22:17
kyenteiFrankiitaa: Oh, right - your DVD player..22:17
Frankiitaamy dvd drive dont work under ubuntu 10.0422:17
ilovefairuzmrman208: 'set bell-style'22:17
aeon-ltdAviMarcus: look up rsync22:18
Black_PrinceShould I install *-pae kernel on 32bit system if I have under 3GB memory?22:18
Endafyyall at canonical need to include closed source drivers for the video cards, specifically for having things functional22:18
Endafythis is seriously pissing me off22:18
AviMarcusaeon-ltd, is there a gui for that? :)22:18
Frankiitaakyentei and yes eject comand work but take a time22:18
Edward123chaps is there some app i can use to switch windows manager in ubuntu?22:18
click170__Does anyone use their xbox360 controller in lucid lynx?22:18
aeon-ltdAviMarcus: not that i know of22:18
kyenteiFrankiitaa: Open a terminal, and log in as root by typing "sudo su" then type "cd /media" followed by "mkdir cdrom", then type "mount /dev/cdrom ./cdrom"22:18
kyenteiFrankiitaa: Does that work? ;-)22:18
Frankiitaakyentei ok22:18
mrman208ilovefairuz: so 'set bell-style audible'?22:18
Endafyugh an no help at all22:18
ilovefairuzmrman208: yes22:19
Frankiitaakyentei give me a second to try22:19
incogyes, hello22:19
mrman208ilovefairuz: i did that and pressed ^G and it still gives me a visual beep22:19
mrman208!info bell-style | mrman20822:20
ubottumrman208: Package bell-style does not exist in lucid22:20
Gerrinanybody know anything about the amsn program22:20
mrman208!info bell-style | Gerrin22:20
ubottuGerrin: Package bell-style does not exist in lucid22:20
kyenteiGerrin: It looks terrible but has okay webcam support. Why?22:21
brummbaergerrin: it's chat for MSN22:21
pipegeekhow is it that canonical has the right to redistribute sun's java?  Do they have a special agreement with oracle?22:21
mrman208!info amsn | Gerrin22:21
ubottuGerrin: amsn (source: amsn): An MSN messenger written in Tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.98.3-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 410 kB, installed size 1256 kB22:21
ilovefairuzmrman208: are you accessing it with ssh and  terminal emulator ?22:21
=== Eskimo is now known as TheEskimo
Gerrinim having problems sending/recieving webcam22:21
erUSULpipegeek: obviouslyM; that's why it got moved to partners repo22:21
mrman208not ssh, locally22:21
pipegeekerUSUL: ah22:22
erUSUL!java > pipegeek22:22
ubottupipegeek, please see my private message22:22
Frankiitaakyentei it say that that file or directory does not exist22:22
click170__pipegeek:  in some cases the package in the repositories isn't actually the closed source program but is a program to retrieve said program. Such as is seen with flash.22:22
erUSULpipegeek: it was in multiverse in previous versions22:22
kyenteiFrankiitaa: So you don't have a /dev/cdrom? Ugh..22:22
Gerrintrying to figure what the problem with it is22:22
pipegeekclick170__: I knew that was true with flushplugin-nonfree, but I thought the sun .deb was the real deal22:22
pipegeekokie dokie22:22
Drone4fouri've got major frame buffer problems.  full error details can be found in this ubuntu forum thread which no one replies to: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=153687522:22
kyenteiFrankiitaa: how about you change /dev/cdrom into /dev/sr0 ?22:23
Gerrinis there anything i have to do, to make send/receive webcam work on amsn22:23
kyenteiGerrin: Make sure your webcam works first. ;-)22:24
Gerrinit does22:24
kyenteiGerrin: Then... it should?22:24
ilovefairuzGerrin: it's been very messy lately with MSN servers, use something else22:24
ilovefairuzGerrin: skype supports webcams too22:24
Gerrini can see myself fine, its when i try to connect with someone it messes up22:24
deanimeanGerrin, apart from opening ports (6881 - 6900? or something) or use emesene which I think tries to be a more complete msn. Or just use xmpp and be done with it.22:25
kyenteiGerrin: Yes, use skype indeed.22:25
Frankiitaakyentei do i write that in the terminal?22:25
kyenteiFrankiitaa: yes.22:25
sharrisHello, I installed ubuntu on my Alienware Area-51m laptop a few days ago and it keeps freezing up... So I tried ubuntu studio on it and I'm still having the os freezing, any ideas?22:25
Gerrini use skype, the person i wanna chat with dosent lol22:25
Benkinoobythis question may be asked very oft. how can i increase the performance/responsiveness of my ubuntu? i use a lenovo ideapad s12, fluxbox, some gnome softwer22:25
Gerrinok how do i open ports22:25
Frankiitaabegin whit change ?22:25
Benkinoobysoftware but still it is quite slow22:25
ilovefairuzsharris: pastebin /var/log/messages and lshw22:25
Frankiitaakyentei begin with change ?22:26
Benkinoobyand not resopsive. also when i move windows, it doesn't go fluently22:26
kyenteiFrankiitaa: Ohh.. no.. ;-) Ehh22:26
kyenteiFrankiitaa: The commands I gave you before, with the mount command. use /dev/sr0 instead of /dev/cdrom22:26
sharrisI'm a Linux noob, how do I do that? >.<22:26
urzikcan anyone tell me the default font setting in ubuntu?22:26
ilovefairuzsharris: open a terminal, type lshw, copy and paste all output to the paste page22:27
ilovefairuz!paste > sharris22:27
ubottusharris, please see my private message22:27
urziki'am not on it right now but i'd like to make fonts look like in ubuntu22:27
kyenteisharris: That's more likely because of your kernel. ;-)22:27
ilovefairuz!terminal > sharris22:27
ilovefairuzkyentei: could be a display or wlan driver22:27
kyenteiilovefairuz: So that could be fixed by booting without using any display manager, right?22:28
tensorpuddingurzik: look like them how?22:28
kyenteiilovefairuz: or.. tested, that is.22:28
ilovefairuzkyentei: it depends on what driver or if it's a driver at all, i've had that happen because of faulty hard disks22:29
ilovefairuzkyentei: that's why /var/log/messages is important too22:29
kyenteiilovefairuz: I see. Thanks, I like learning :-)..22:29
Jordan_UDrone4four: Don't "bump" your posts, it doesn't actually get you support any faster and is annoying.22:29
urziktensorpudding: could you please make 2 screens of the fonts tab in appearance preferences - fonts tab itself and of the details tab22:29
=== [-slidinghorn-] is now known as slidinghorn
AviMarcusby chance, I opened "disk utility" and it says "disk has a few bad sectors". It says there's 197 sectors that have been remapped, but otherwise, everything else is good. How big of a concern is this??22:30
Dr_WillisAviMarcus:  not very big.22:31
Dr_WillisAviMarcus:  just rember that disks are the weakest link these days. always have backups22:31
Gerrinhow can i install libmimic22:31
Dr_Willis!find libmimic22:31
ubottuFound: libmimic-dev, libmimic-doc, libmimic0, python-libmimic22:31
AviMarcusindeed. Recommendations for a good fast, gui backup system, Dr_Willis ?22:31
urziktensorpudding: like this - http://s54.radikal.ru/i146/1008/de/914b9ee29c84.png22:31
Dr_WillisGerrin:  its in one of those packages.22:31
Dr_WillisAviMarcus:  i just copy my impornt files over to external usb drives.22:32
urziktensorpudding: i'd be really grateful to you for that22:32
AviMarcuswas looking for something... more automated22:32
ilovefairuzAviMarcus: deja-dup22:32
Dr_WillisAviMarcus:  its all about the details. theres dozens of backup tools out there.22:32
Frankiitaakyentei could you give the full line to write please :)22:32
kyenteiFrankiitaa: May I PM you?22:33
picard1421hey guys is there any way to edit Plymouth themes22:33
tensorpuddingurzik: you mean, you want to know the default hinting and smoothing settings for ubuntu?22:33
picard1421for example if i want to use hte solar one but istead of it saying Ubuntu its says ... w.e i want it to say (;?22:33
Dr_Willispicard1421:  thers has to be ways to make them. so yes.. but it may not be trivial.22:33
urziktensorpudding: right )22:33
tensorpuddingit depends on the machine22:33
picard1421well i wnat to keep everything the same just change it from saying Ubuntu to something else?22:33
AviMarcusDr_Willis,  so I see. I tried a few. One wouldn't back up the whole system w/o trying to mirror the external hard drive too, and another went sooo slow22:34
picard1421Dr_willis where are the plymouth themes stored on the machine?22:34
tensorpuddingi don't think subpixel smoothing is used if it knows that you're on a CRT22:34
ilovefairuzpicard1421: sudo plymouth-set-default-theme solar --rebuild-initrd22:34
Frankiitaakyentei yeas22:34
Frankiitaaof course22:34
Dr_Willispicard1421:  no idea. check some wiki/gides/google (i just googled and found) --> http://www.ubuntugeek.com/quick-tipplymouth-themes-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html22:34
tensorpuddingIf you have an LCD screen definitely use subpixel smoothing22:34
Drone4fourJordan_U, if i don't bump my posts, how else is it going to get exposure?22:34
slidinghornpicard1421, check these out: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/quick-tipplymouth-themes-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=148080722:35
tensorpuddingreally if you have a sane linux the defaults will be find22:35
Jordan_UDrone4four: People explicitly look for unaswered posts on the forums.22:35
Dr_WillisDrone4four:  i actually use the feature of the forums that look for 'unanswered posts' so you just anseered your own basically.. so i wont see it now22:35
SolowHow do I access folders I've set to shared?22:35
ilovefairuz!hi | nomike22:36
Dr_WillisSolow:  you mean how does the remote box access teh share? it should show up as a samba/windows share.22:36
ubottunomike: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!22:36
slidinghorn!hi | nomike22:36
* slidinghorn curses ilovefairuz 22:36
AviMarcusok, this is ridiculous. the dropbox icon in the panel opened the folder in another workspace. How do I get everything to open in the PRIMARY display of the workspace I'm on?22:36
picard1421nono i see that im talking about physically22:37
Dr_WillisAviMarcus:  you using 2 monitors? or are you meaning it opened in one of the other 4 virtualdesktops?22:37
^peanut^AviMarcus: Move the dropbox window back to the primary and then close and reopen it22:37
urziktensorpudding: i'm on an lcd. not sure how sane opensuse is on this machinhe, but i never liked its the default setting. so i;d like to try to change them so that i could work calm )22:37
kyenteiAviMarcus: That should not be happening. Do you ever use these other workspaces? I tend to remove the other 3.22:37
AviMarcusDr_Willis: both22:37
tensorpuddingurzik: tune down the hinting22:37
tensorpuddingfull hinting is too harsh22:37
jguzikowskiAnyone know why my USB flash drive isn't showing up?22:37
picard1421edit the Plymouth theem so it instead of like on the sloar rise or w.e. saying ubuntu it says22:37
Dr_WillisAviMarcus:   for my nvidia theres a 'set as primary monitor' check box.22:37
picard1421something lese22:37
SolowDr_Willis: no... I've set a folder as shared folder on ubuntu, and I wish to access the folder on my laptop, also running ubuntu.22:37
AviMarcuswell I played with #2. how do I add/remove them?22:37
kyenteiFrankiitaa: Got the messages? :-P22:37
profanephobiaIm running ubuntu 9.04 and everytime I try to start system-config-printer it locks up. When ran in the terminal it returns this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/472818/22:38
Dr_WillisSolow:  it should show up on the network as a 'windows share'22:38
AviMarcusDr_Willis,  I don't see that in the monitor preferences. But it always shows the panels on the correct screen22:38
Dr_WillisSolow:  for ubuntu to ubuntu, you could aslso use sshfs, or scp/ssh.  or the nautilus 'connect to server' feature that uses ssh22:38
Dr_WillisAviMarcus:  its in my nvidia-settings tool. I dont use the normal monitors perferances with nvidia cards.22:38
AviMarcus^peanut^, it opened a second time fine, ty22:38
nomikeI have 2 computers which have the same level of hardware (CPU speed, RAM size, etc.) but different models of hardware (mainboard chipset, HDD size, etc.). One machine is set up with Ubuntu 10.04 and is well configured to our needs. The second one should be equally configured. Is it a good idea to boot up the second machine with an USB drive and rsync the whole filesystem of the first computer to the second one?22:39
Benkinoobywill compiling my own kernel give me a noticeable performance boost?22:39
jguzikowskiAnyone know why my USB flash drive isn't showing up?22:39
^peanut^AviMarcus: Cool. gj.22:39
SolowDr_Willis: it's in windows share yeah. thanks )22:39
gartralprofanephobia: erm.. 9.04 has manymanymany x0based bugs, get 10.0422:39
AviMarcusDr_Willis, I'm using ATI. After updating the kernal and getting new X, it's working fine.22:39
AviMarcusother than this, heh.22:39
Benkinoobyjguzikowski, not showing up? where? in file manager? or in /dev/ directory?22:39
nomikeI was thinking of modifying the UUID's in fstab, changing the hostname, regenerating the ssh-host-keys and that's it. Anything else I need to be aware of or just "BAD IDEA"?22:39
AviMarcuswindows xp did it sometimes, too..22:39
aeon-ltdnomike: do you really have that many configs and setups that a fresh install will be that much of a problem?22:40
jguzikowskiBenkinooby, I'm not sure where to look to be honest22:40
^peanut^nomike: why not just to a fresh install?22:40
profanephobiagartral, thats not an acceptable solution to a problem22:40
slidinghornpicard1421, the links I sent you should answer the question you asked...if those aren't helpful then what are you trying to do?22:40
gartralBenkinooby: only if you really understand what your doing, and feel comfortable with potentially irrecoverablr frying your computer and anything connected too it22:40
slidinghorn!pm | picard142122:40
ubottupicard1421: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.22:40
gartralprofanephobia: 9.04 is known as the bug-monster release... your only real option is a total upgrade.. even that might fail spectacularly22:41
nomikeaeon-ltd, ^peanut^: well its a relatively complex setup with kerberos and some PAM modules where users home directories lie on an openAFS share22:41
Benkinoobyjguzikowski, open a terminal and type "ls /dev/sd*"22:41
AviMarcuskyentei, how do I remove some of those workspaces?22:41
urziktensorpudding: ok. going to install ubuntu on a virtual machine. thanks anyway. just hate the default settings i have right now22:41
^peanut^nomike: you can just scp over configs that you would like to remain in tack on a new host. like apache, etc. etc.22:41
hareshhello which  msn do u guys recommand22:41
picard1421ok so basically lets take the solar rise as an example..22:41
Benkinoobyjguzikowski, then remove the pendrive, type the same command again, and see if you get a difference22:41
kyenteiAviMarcus: By default, there's an applet on your panel. (bottom right) Right click it, select something like preferences and lower the amount of workspaces to 1.22:41
picard1421at hte bottom the words Ubuntu appear.. si there anyway to change that text?22:41
profanephobiaIm running ubuntu 9.04 and everytime I try to start system-config-printer it locks up. When ran in the terminal it returns this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/472818/22:41
jguzikowski/dev/sda   /dev/sda2  /dev/sda5  /dev/sdb22:41
jguzikowski/dev/sda1  /dev/sda3  /dev/sda6  /dev/sdb122:41
jguzikowski is what comes up22:41
nomike^peanut^: Yes, I'm considering that as an option too. I was just wondering if copying over "/" would work. Why not?22:42
slidinghorn!paste | jguzikowski22:42
ubottujguzikowski: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:42
^peanut^nomike: so can't you just copy over the krb5 stuff that you need along with the pam stuff? that's how I've setup my ldap systems.22:42
hareshhelp me when i trying to install emesene:22:42
haresh  Depends: python (>=2.6) but 2.5.2-0ubuntu1 is to be installed i get this how to slov this22:42
AviMarcuskyentei,  preferences. No clue why I didn't see that before.22:42
Benkinoobygartral, can i really physically damage my computer with a wrong kernel?22:42
ilovefairuzharesh: aMSN is the closest to the official client but looks ugly, emesene looks nicer but not as many features22:42
nomike^peanut^: of course I could, cloning the whole system was just an idea...22:42
^peanut^nomike: yeah, copying / would be a bad idea. Tho, you could dd your primary disk if all you have is 1 drive to the new drive for the new host.22:42
kyenteiAviMarcus: That's okay ^^ You know now though.. :)22:42
ilovefairuzharesh: pastebin the whole output22:43
ilovefairuz!paste > haresh22:43
ubottuharesh, please see my private message22:43
Benkinoobyjguzikowski, so now remove the pendrive... is tere still something with sdb?22:43
hareshokie sorry22:43
^peanut^nomike: if the disk is say a few hundred gigs in total space, then it could take a couple of hours.22:43
slidinghornharesh, that's probably a better question for the emesene support forum, but it appears that there's a python dependency that isn't met.  post the entire output to http://paste.ubuntu.com22:43
hareshhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/472823/ its here22:44
nomike^peanut^: I don't know if dd is such a good idea as the harddrives are different. I don't know if todays file-systems and disks still have to deal with that C/H/S stuff22:44
jguzikowskiBenkinooby, /dev/sdb and /dev/sdb1 are missing now22:44
^peanut^nomike: personally I use kickstart for all my servers and realy only use ubuntu for my work desktop, I don't have any ubuntu servers setup yet. but I will be doing that shortly.22:44
ardianHi, what's the name of the log file that I can see who SSH last time into my server ?22:44
nomike^peanut^: I did not think about using "cp" but using "rsync" which keeps permissions and special files (e.g. device nodes safe).22:45
ilovefairuzharesh: that's not ALL of the output22:45
Dr_Willisardian:  /var/log/access perhaps22:45
Dr_Willis!info logwatch22:45
ubottulogwatch (source: logwatch): log analyser with nice output written in Perl. In component main, is optional. Version 7.3.6.cvs20090906-1ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 391 kB, installed size 2604 kB22:45
profanephobiaIm running ubuntu 9.04 and everytime I try to start system-config-printer it locks up. When ran in the terminal it returns this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/472818/22:45
=== jan is now known as Guest87702
Dr_Willisardian:  check out logwatch also.22:45
Yadirawhere can i get some support for mandvd,,is playng a movie while making me a DVD,,like in the background i cant even see the movie22:45
^peanut^nomike: yea they do. so if your primary drive is say 60 gig, and your new drive is say 250 gig, then only 60 of space will be used on the new disk with more space for partitioning etc. if it's reverse then no it won't work.22:45
ardianDr_Willis, logWatch ?22:45
hareshthats all i get when i install from the synaptic package installer22:45
Benkinoobyjguzikowski, ok, this means, that the pendirve is physically reconized22:46
gartralprofanephobia: im sorry, but the only way for you to fix that is upgrade.. i went through a similar issue.. there _is no fi_22:46
Benkinoobyjguzikowski, are you uing gnome?22:46
Dr_Willisardian:  thats the name of the tool.. see what the bot said abou it 4 lines up.22:46
ilovefairuzharesh: aha, well then continue, it22:46
jguzikowskiBenkinooby, yes22:46
slidinghornpicard1421, no one got your question because you put it on more than one line & spaced it out by like 5 minutes.  please ask *detailed* questions, and all on one line -- see !details and !paste22:46
ilovefairuzharesh: it's not an error, proceed with install22:46
Benkinoobyjguzikowski, did it work before?22:46
picard1421kk one sec..22:46
^peanut^nomike: before I started using kickstart the engineers here were using dd for our product dev systems. they thought it was ok, until I introduced them to kickstart. =)22:46
Guest87702hoe is ubuntu22:46
jguzikowskiBenkinooby, no, this is the first time trying to find it22:46
ardianok thank you22:46
ilovefairuz!screenshot > haresh22:46
ubottuharesh, please see my private message22:46
jguzikowskiBenkinooby, i just want to see its contents in an explorer window22:46
nomike^peanut^: wasted/insufficient space is not that much of a problem as I could resize the filesystems22:47
profanephobiagartral, i cant update, it was functional before, this is a new development. im sure there is a fix22:47
picard1421ok basically what i want to do.. is take a plymouth themee.. ( i like the solar sunrise..) and after the sun is rising the words ubuntu appear.. I want to change those to different words.. what would have to config/edit to do that?22:47
^peanut^nomike: totally.22:47
* nomike is googling for kickstart22:47
hareshwhen i use terminal i get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/472824/22:47
Benkinoobyjguzikowski, when you open nautilus you don't see it?22:47
gartralprofanephobia: im sure you get intermittent functionality.. but honestlyh, the way to permafix it is up to 10.04.. im sorry22:47
slidinghornpicard1421, find the configuration file within the theme package and edit it22:47
blakanybody got expierence with the b43's?22:48
^peanut^nomike: kickstart is used mostly on redhat based systems. I believe ubuntu uses preseed files that work similar to kickstart yet alot more work is needed from what I've read.22:48
jguzikowskiBenkinooby, i dont think so..maybe im doing it wrong, how should i be opening it?22:48
slidinghorn!anyone | blak22:48
ubottublak: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:48
slidinghornpicard1421, wherever you installed the theme to.22:48
ilovefairuzharesh: what ubuntu version are you using? did you upgrade  or did you add any external repositories ?22:48
AviMarcuswhat is "nice" column in the system monitor?22:48
deanimeanblak, sup.22:48
meerawhat can I do when chat is too fast? how can I set up the right way that colours can be sanned by xsane image scanner?22:48
hareshhow do i check that please guide thanks22:48
Dr_WillisAviMarcus:   scheduling priority22:48
MarkSSI am trying to listen to my voicemail messages.  It says I need a plugin for a text/html decoder.  How do I fix this so I can listen to my voicemail messages?22:48
Dr_WillisAviMarcus:  see 'man nice' :)22:49
hareshi installed gos 3.122:49
slidinghornmeera, I don't know about xsane, but if this channel is too fast for you, you can also try #ubuntu-beginners -- it's a lot quieter22:49
blakDeanimean: i've tried all the b43 topics in the forums, fwcutter, everything ( i think) and i still get nothing from my b4312 wireless card22:49
Dr_WillisAviMarcus:  also see --> info coreutils 'nice invocation'22:49
AviMarcusso negative is good22:49
slidinghorn!details | MarkSS22:49
ubottuMarkSS: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:49
AviMarcusheya blak !22:49
Dr_WillisAviMarcus:  depends on your needs.22:49
AviMarcusI have a b431122:49
ilovefairuzharesh: we only support ubuntu here22:49
sandkingcan someone tell me about this one http://linuxon1001p.blogspot.com/2010/03/fixing-brightness-controls.html ?22:49
AviMarcusI got it working yesterday22:50
sandkingit says i need to add the line to the options22:50
hareshyeah but its running ubentu22:50
deanimeanblak, doesnt the STA driver work with it?  Thats the only one I use.. I get nothing but hassle from the fwcutter version22:50
slidinghorn!enter | sandking22:50
ubottusandking: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:50
hareshok nvm about it how can i check the version22:50
nomikeok...I'm currently working on the machine i need to reinstall. So I'm going offline to experiment with it. But as it's midnight here I don't expect to be finished today. So thank you for your help. CU soon22:50
AviMarcuserm Dr_Willis I was distracted. I meant to say negative is high priority22:50
sandkingslidinghorn, i didn't used that22:50
Dr_WillisAviMarcus:  yep I think so. ive rarely needed to mess with those.22:50
ZykoticK9haresh, "lsb_realease -a" will show what version of Ubuntu you are using, not sure aboug gOS22:50
MarkSSI go to SmartZone communications center. Go into inbox and listen to my voicemail.  Won't listen to my voicemail.  Asks me to search for suitable plugin.  Asks me to find a text/html decoder.  Using Firefox as browser22:50
blakyup, I've had the sta up the whole time, but never has it worked, i've tried reinstalling it from the broadcom site as well22:51
ilovefairuzharesh: version of what? do you have ubuntu or gOS?22:51
Dr_Willisblak:  on my wireless on my laptop the sta driver dident work. had to use the older b4322:51
deanimeanblak,  Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g thats mine..  using STA driver.22:51
Dr_Willisblak:  which is weird.. because i was SURE the sta driver worked in beta.22:51
hareshok i am running Linux haresh-desktop 2.6.24-19-generic #1 SMP Wed Jun 18 14:43:41 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux22:51
Gerrinanybody know how i can open ports on a Belkin Router22:51
ilovefairuz!version | haresh22:52
ubottuharesh: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »22:52
slidinghornsandking, that page is telling you to modify your kernel mods...if you don't know what/how to do it, chances are you shouldn't do it at all.22:52
ilovefairuzharesh: lsb_release -a22:52
hareshhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/472826/ this is what i get22:52
Dr_Willisdeanimean:  mine is a --> Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g (rev 01)22:52
sandkingslidinghorn, that's why i'm asking here - it's quite essential for me to have brightness control on laptop22:53
deanimeanDr_Willis,  dont understand why it wont work... :(22:53
=== jenkins is now known as ubuntujenkins
ilovefairuzharesh: sudo apt-get update; and try installing again22:53
Dr_Willisthe hardware-drivers tool installed sta for it.. but dident work.. later i installed the b43 driver by hand.22:53
=== ubuntujenkins is now known as jenkins
blaki've got the driver, and my iw shows up eth1 w/ 802.11 device, quality 522:53
Dr_Willisdeanimean:  no idea. It could of been some issue with the switch on my wrireless/laptop it likes to be off.. and hard to turn back on at times.22:53
slidinghornsandking, well I would advise against it, but make absolutely sure you backup anything you edit.  That post is for Karmic -- are you running Lucid?22:54
=== carlos is now known as Guest15994
SomelauwI downloaded an installer but it comes as a "sh". What program should I open it with? "gnome-terminal"? "bash"?22:54
will`help, as a work around for pidgin crashing so often i want to add a user cron job that checks if pidgin is running and executes it if not, but if i just execute 'pidgin' from the script the stdout goes to the terminal that appears22:54
Guest15994boa noite22:54
deanimeanblak, so whats the problem.22:54
sandkingslidinghorn, yes22:54
will`how do i run pidgin like you would by pressing alt-f2 or whatever22:54
blakmy wireless doesn't work22:54
will`is there like a gnome-execute <command>#22:54
ilovefairuzwill`: gksu ?22:54
deanimeanblak,  how so....22:55
ilovefairuzwill`:  why do you want to run this way (as root?)22:55
red2kicWhy? :(22:55
will`ilovefairuz it's a user job22:55
Dr_Williswill`:  perhaps you may want to try newer versions of pidgin, from a PPA perhaps. they may fix the crashing bugs.22:55
will`Dr_Willis sadly the PPA has not been updated :/22:55
blaki can't do anything with it, network manager shows wireless disabled, i've tried manually install the b43 drivers, ndis'ing the drivers ...22:55
red2kicSomelauw: chmod +x whatever.sh... then ./whatever.sh22:56
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ilovefairuzwill`: what are you trying to run ?22:56
will`ilovefairuz pidgin22:56
will`i just want it to run properly in the desktop environment22:56
hareshsorry i wrongly rr my computer lol22:56
will`so it picks up the right environment variables etc22:56
ilovefairuzwill`: so why not use alt + f2?22:56
MintMichaelAnyone got any idea why the Synaptics xorg module initiates a downward scroll whenever I left click using the mouse buttons below the trackpad on 10.04?22:56
nosajdraw_How do I make ubuntu 10.04 join this channel with the thing in the online chat thing in top right hand corner, rather than having to download Xchat which is what Im on now?22:56
slidinghornsandking, what problem are you having when you try what that page tells you to?22:56
deanimeanblak, sudo modprobe wl22:56
hareshi did a update and still getting the same error22:56
will`ilovefairuz because i wrote a thing to check every minute if it has crashed or not, and executes it automatically if so22:57
sandkingslidinghorn, nvmd i figured it out22:57
Frankiitaai have a problem whit my dvd drive22:57
blakdeanimean: not found22:57
deanimeanblak, I dont use any app to manage wifi, i just use interfaces file22:57
blakdeanimean: the only wireless extension iwconfig shows is eth122:57
Somelauwred2kic, I didn't think of that. I was trying to lauch it from firefox, which asked what program I should open it with.22:57
deanimeanblak,  clear everything out, and reinstall the sta driver22:57
Frankiitaanobody have can solve22:58
blakdeanimean: did that, rmmoded, blacklisted22:58
hareshilovefairuz:  how please help me22:58
deanimeanblak, well thats right.. eth1 is wifi22:58
slidinghorn!ask | Frankiitaa22:58
ubottuFrankiitaa: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:58
nosajdraw_How do I make ubuntu 10.04 join this channel with the thing in the online chat thing in top right hand corner, rather than having to download Xchat which is what Im on now?22:58
ilovefairuzharesh: i'm checking it up22:58
ilovefairuzharesh: pastebin: apt-cache policy emesene22:59
Frankiitaaslidinghorn what ?22:59
blakdeanimean: and modprob shows fatal: not found22:59
ZykoticK9nosajdraw, i'm guess you mean Empathy, and it's terrible for IRC, xchat is MUCH better.22:59
Frankiitaaslidinghorn my dvd drive dont work under ubuntu 10.0423:00
slidinghorn!doesntwork | Frankiitaa23:00
ubottuFrankiitaa: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.23:00
deanimeanblak,  modprobe -l | grep wl23:00
deanimeanblak, is it even in there23:00
ilovefairuzharesh: you added a ppa23:00
deanimeanblak, b43 driver still loaded maybe?23:01
hareshwhat should i do now ?23:01
merniliois  there  a off-topic ubuntu channel?23:01
Frankiitaaany idea?23:01
nosajdraw_zykotick9 I think I do mean empathy, but I never liked IRC (used it several times over the years) so don't want a special client for it, will hardly ever use it.  But I wanted to come here and talk about some form of login server for my network, then I will be gone.  But got stopped cause Empathy just keeps saying "network error" meaningless.23:01
ZykoticK9!ot | mernilio23:01
ubottumernilio: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:01
slidinghorn#ubuntu-offtopic mernilio23:02
blakdeanimean: the wl.ko? i just threw it back in 10 minutes ago but it's not showing the straight "wl.ko"23:02
deanimeanblak, updates/dkms/wl.ko ?23:02
blakdeanimean: yeah, that ones in there23:02
ZykoticK9nosajdraw, you NEED to add another chat protocol and successfully login before you can use IRC with Empathy (it's terrible for IRC as I said before)23:03
ilovefairuzharesh: remote it from /etc/apt/sources.list (or from its file in sources.list.d) and run apt-get update23:03
ilovefairuzharesh: remove *23:03
deanimeanblak, does iwscan show any AP`s?23:03
hareshremove which one23:03
sandking_how is called this thing in the menu that when i type something list of apps and files appear instantly?23:03
ilovefairuzharesh: pastebin sources.list23:03
sandking_i have this in Mint and want it on UNR23:03
nosajdraw_ZykoticK9 are you sure?  Documentation on Ubuntu website says since 9.10 nothing needs to be installed to make it work23:03
Dr_Willissandking_:  you mean where you hit win-space and type stuff? or are you refering to the mint 'menu' they use instead of the ubuntu main menu?23:04
ZykoticK9nosajdraw, it's a BUG that Empathy developers have said they won't even bother to fix, because empathy's IRC support is so bad...23:04
LicuadorDoes Ubuntu detects if a CPU is multithreading, or do you have to compile it?23:04
blakdeanimean: when i did it by hand though i did a cp to /kernel/...wireless/ and then since reinstalled the common sta driver. scanning shows none of my interfaces support scanning23:04
deanimeanblak, a few people seem to have issues with NM, so try wicd..  or the interfaces file..dont know what else to suggest if you have the driver installed etc.23:04
sandking_Dr_Willis, yes - i heard i can do the same in Ubuntu23:04
LicuadorCause i read somewhere that some OS did not reckongnize Multithreading23:04
Dr_Willissandking_:  err.. yes to what part? Try gnome-do for the win-space thing23:04
sandking_  Dr_Willis: typing part :]23:05
soosfarmanyone know where I could find some racoon support?23:05
deanimeanblak, maybe installing and playing around with other drivers has hosed it..23:05
blakdeanimean: k, thanks man ... *flippin' dells*23:05
UmlautBananaI have a question about internet connection on 10.04, query me if you can help please.23:05
nosajdraw_Zykotick9 wow!  Not at Empathy developers, but at Ubuntu... like why foist crap on their users and say it works (its kinda lieing to them) when it will infact never work.  Huh, not your fault I know, your just someone trying to be helpful, but boy, thats really bad.23:05
deanimeanblak, I have a dell, and I love it ;)23:06
blakdeanimean: true, but it's not working any less than it has before, roflmao23:06
hareshthanks alots23:06
UmlautBanana I have a question about internet connection on 10.04, query me if you can help please.23:06
ilovefairuzharesh: worked?23:06
tripelb!ask UmlautBanana23:06
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ZykoticK9nosajdraw, thus my recommendation at the very beginning NOT to use Empathy and to use xchat instead ;)  Good luck man.23:06
Dr_WillisUmlautBanana:  you should state the question.. very few people will 'pm' to hear the actuial question23:06
supercom32When I run an executable, it shows up as a process but doesn't necessarily tell me where that executable is located on disk. how can I figure that out?23:07
Dr_Willissupercom32:  'which executablename'23:07
deanimeanblak, it was a simple process for me.. same make etc...23:07
hareshyeah but now its saying protol not supported by server23:07
tripelbQuestion: what is there is terminal so I can use IRC without having to install anything? thanks23:07
ilovefairuzsupercom32: which executable-name-here23:07
Dr_Willistripelb:  weechat, irssi, ircii23:07
supercom32Dr_Willis: That only works if the executable name is in your path.23:07
Dr_Willistripelb:  ior others23:07
UmlautBananaOkay, I have a dell inspiron 1545, and a linksys router. Whenever I try to connect on Ubuntu, it doesn't show up in the list and I can't connect. Amos DeFamos tells me I need a driver, but he or I don't know what driver.23:08
Dr_Willissupercom32:  so? you are some how typing the full path to the executable and you dont know where its at?23:08
mernilioactually, being good att baking a good bread is a good ubuntu-quality! :-|23:08
ilovefairuzsupercom32: 'which' is a command23:08
ilovefairuzsupercom32: 'ps aux' would also tell you23:08
ilovefairuz!hi | indio23:08
ubottuindio: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:08
supercom32Dr_Willis: Many people may be launching processes on a server. I would have no idea what processes came from where.23:08
indioHow do I manage Compiz Fusion plugins? TIA23:09
mernilioindio: hi but say you can bake a good bread!23:09
hareshwhich msn will u guys recommand me to use ?23:09
UmlautBananaSo can anyone help me?23:09
deanimean!ccsm | indio23:09
ubottuindio: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz23:09
Dr_Willissupercom32: Now you are being mroe clear.  ps has  options for that info i recall. and theres the info in /proc/ as well I recall  from explioring it ages ago.23:09
ilovefairuz!best | haresh23:09
ubottuharesh: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.23:09
indioI can bake break with a machine23:09
=== LjL is now known as Guest11197
kb9tuiCan anyone tell me what a message displayed on startup that reads:"[9.851351] Unexpected IRQ trap at vector d8" means?23:09
Dr_Willisharesh:  the 'best' msn - is no MSN. :)23:09
supercom32Dr_Willis: Ah ha! /proc/ Thanks!23:09
Dr_Willissupercom32:  thats where ps and other tools get their info from23:09
hareshhaha ok23:10
nosajdraw_Anyone able to talk to me about pro/cons login server for my network?  I'd like one login across all my installs (much like I would with Windows and Active Directory).  Should I use LDAP?  Is there a beginners guide to how to setup an OpenLDAP as a login server?23:10
kyenteiharesh: I either use emesene as client. Or just Bitlbee for insice IRC.23:10
kyenteiharesh: Inside*23:10
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mernilioindio: hm.. that's somewhat okay!23:11
=== LjL^ is now known as LjL
ilovefairuznosajdraw: do a small deployment to evaluate if something would work for you as you intend23:11
LicuadorDoes Ubuntu detects if a CPU is multithreading, or do you have to compile it?23:11
hareshemesene cant connect23:11
Frankiitaaharesh amsn is very similar to messenger23:11
ilovefairuzLicuador: multi-threarding or multi-core?23:12
Frankiitaaharesh i use that one23:12
Dr_Willissupercom32:  like the following . (i got the pid via ps ax | grep wee) (for weechat)23:12
Dr_Willisls -l /proc/2193/exe23:12
mernilioi dont like machines .. but my mum uses machines.. so . i cant .. yeah..23:12
Dr_Willislrwxrwxrwx 1 willis willis 0 2010-08-03 15:38 /proc/2193/exe -> /usr/bin/weechat-curses23:12
deanimeanharesh, try the emesene ppa.  its the most msn like ther eis.23:12
deanimean* there is23:12
indiomernilio: I have a book with lots of types and of breads. Good if I would have to go on a diet23:12
Licuadorwell, i'll buy a Core2 Quad23:12
hdon_Hello everyone! I am trying my Linksys WNIC based on na Broadcom BC43xx series chipset! I am using Lucid Lynx, but the only driver available seems to be the FOSS driver -- but that isn't working well (haven't been able to connect to my WLAN at all!) I have enabled restricted, but I still do not see the proprietary driver. What am I doing wrong? How can I make my BCM4318 chipset work?23:12
ilovefairuzdeanimean: not available for hardy (his version)23:12
Licuadorilovefairuz: It is going to be a Core2 Quad23:12
deanimeanilovefairuz,  ah. doh.23:12
mernilioindio: for the record.. i lost almost 40 in a 3 year per23:13
ilovefairuzLicuador: yes the linux kernel supports multi-core (SMP)23:13
hareshhow do i do that ?23:13
ilovefairuzharesh: it's what cause you problems23:13
Licuadorilovefairuz: But, do i have to compile it?23:13
nosajdraw_ilovefairuz: I actually need to know where to start, I have looked at the OpenLDAP site, but its not got documentation aimed at what I want to do, its way too general and talks about features that I am (as yet at least) not interested in.  This is why I came here.23:13
indiomernilio: Nice23:13
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ilovefairuzLicuador: no23:13
Licuadorilovefairuz: Cause i do not nothing about that! thats why i choose Ubuntu... remember? Linux for humans??23:14
ilovefairuzLicuador: yes Ubuntu supports it23:14
indioHow do I run 'compizconfig-settings-manager' ?23:14
hareshso how can i go about it ?23:14
Dr_Willisindio:  the binary name is 'ccsm' i think23:14
indioThanks Dr23:14
deanimeanindio, its in your system menu23:14
mernilioharesh: it's simple .. eat the same breakfast and lunch everyday. Ur nerds right? That way you cover around 66 percent of the calorie intake. .. actually its not that difficult..23:16
indioThanks dean23:16
ilovefairuz!ot | mernilio23:16
ubottumernilio: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:16
merniliooki ubottu :-)23:16
magicstuffhey everyone23:17
ilovefairuz!hi | magicstuff23:17
ubottumagicstuff: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:17
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nosajdraw_Anyone able to talk to me about pro/cons login server for my network?  I'd like one login across all my installs (much like I would with Windows and Active Directory).  Should I use LDAP?  Is there a beginners guide to how to setup an OpenLDAP as a login server?23:17
ilovefairuz!ldap | nosajdraw23:18
ubottunosajdraw: LDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information, installation instructions and getting clients to authenticate via LDAP see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer23:18
ilovefairuznosajdraw: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/openldap-server.html if you use lucid23:19
Gerrinanybody know how i can change ports on a belkin router23:20
icerootnosajdraw_: if you only want unix/linux login use ldap, if you want also windows-logins, so linux is the pdc, use also samba with ldap as backend23:21
Mjukselhey yall23:21
indioHow do I get the OS X like taskbar?23:21
indioI dunno the name23:22
enavhi i tried gnome-shell  just for few minus but i cant fallback to y normall gnome anymore23:22
brummbaerindo: docky; cairo... there's a bunch23:22
enavneed some help on it23:22
indioThank brumm23:23
tensorpuddingindio: you mean a dock?23:23
ikoniaenav: gnome shell is not available in the ubuntu repos, how did you install it23:23
aguitelwhat is the best way to build custom live cd with my system ?23:23
ugliefrogis there away to unlock colors in..... Apperance Preferences --->customize theme--->colors.............the tooltips colors are locked23:23
ikoniaenav: gnome-shell is part of gnome 323:23
nosajdraw_ubottu and Ilovefairuz: So thats a no then, pointing me at documents Ive already looked at doesnt help.  My question was "can anyone talk to me about..."  Thanks, but no thanks, I am confused by the documenation and cannot find what I think I need, so either I am wanting to do something I shouldnt with LDAP or I am asking the wrong questions... which is why I wanted to talk with someone.23:23
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:23
brummbaeraguitel: remasterysys23:23
nosajdraw_iceroot: linux only23:23
enavi did:  sudo apt-get install gnome-shell23:23
enavnext: gnome-shell --replace23:23
indiotensorpudding: I rolling taskbar23:23
indio*I mean23:23
magicstuffI tried to do a dual boot yesterday with win7...and something horrible happened!23:23
Mjukselhey guys23:23
aguitelbrummbaer, but is not working fine in ubuntu23:23
enavi just want my desktop in normal mode with compiz23:23
Mjukselanyone here who has call of duty modern warfare 2 running ?23:24
alecjwhey, i'm trying to view a webm video in firefox nightly build, but its telling me i need flash player. what am i doing wrong?23:24
ikoniaenav: I see, I'm mistaken, it is in the ubuntu repos23:24
ilovefairuznosajdraw_: you asked for a tutorial and that's why i pointed you to the links23:24
brummbaeraguitel, what is not working fine23:24
Gerrinim trying to open ports on my router, can anyone help me23:24
ikoniaGerrin: contact your routers support, this channel is for ubuntu support only23:24
Gerrinok thanks23:24
neverl3sscan i run install a gnome shell and run it successfully on a kde distro.. konsole is blah..23:25
magicstufffor some reason...for my dual boot..grub has the windows loader at dev/sda2 - thats either my dell utility or my recovery partition...sda3 is my win7 partition...23:25
magicstuffhow can I fix this?23:25
ilovefairuznosajdraw_: and i mentioned earlier that the only sure way to know if a piece of server software fits your requirements is to do a small experimental deployment, and build on that23:25
icerootnosajdraw_: then openldap is ok23:25
ikoniaenav: have ou done compiz-fusion --replace ?23:25
enavlet me try23:25
ikoniaenav: sorry, compiz --replace23:25
tripelbDr_Willis: I tried all of those and I got command not found. For irssi it gave me installation instructions. -- resulting in -- ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install irssi23:25
tripelbE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.23:25
kb9tuiCan anyone tell me what a message displayed on startup that reads:"[9.851351] Unexpected IRQ trap at vector d8" means?23:26
nosajdraw_ilovefairuz: OK, how do I install OpenLDAP as a login server for Ubuntu installs?23:26
tripelbIs there a default irc client in terminal from the LiveCD that does not need to be installed? plz23:26
deanimeanmagicstuff, the loader is your windows boot partition..23:26
ikoniakb9tui: it means your hardware is fighting for irq resources23:26
GigaWarcomo estan??23:26
mrman208GigaWar: Hi23:26
ilovefairuznosajdraw_: have you checked the second link? which step are you having trouble with?23:27
dexihey all23:27
ikonia!es | GigaWar23:27
ubottuGigaWar: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:27
magicstuffdeanimean: so it shouldn't be pointing to the recovery partition then, right?23:27
aguitelbrummbaer, i cannot login in my account for exp23:27
ugliefrogis there away to unlock colors in..... Apperance Preferences --->customize theme--->colors.............the tooltips colors are locked23:27
mrman208!en | mrman20823:27
ubottumrman208, please see my private message23:27
kb9tuiikonia: what do you mwean fighting for?23:27
GigaWargracias ubuttu23:27
ikoniakb9tui: both wanting23:27
enavikonia:  thanks so much it solve the problem so far23:27
SomelauwI installed both netbeans 6.8 and netbeans6.9. When I enter netbeans at the terminal it starts netbeans 6.8. How can I start netbeans 6.9?23:27
nosajdraw_ilovefairuz: I only saw one link from you :/ maybe I missed something23:27
ikoniaenav: that's great23:28
dexiis there a built-in hotkey for switching between the 4 desktops?23:28
deanimeanmagicstuff,  if its detected the windows loader on sda2 then it must be..23:28
mrman208Simelauw: KDE or GNOME?23:28
Picidexi: ctrl+alt+left/right arrow23:28
ikoniadexi: super+arrows left/right23:28
enavikonia:  i hope the changes keeps permanet23:28
ikoniaenav: should do23:28
mrman208Somelauw: KDE or GNOME?23:28
deanimeanmagicstuff, I removed my recovery partitions but from what I remember, it was the first partition wasnt it...23:28
[V13]AxelCan anyone tell me why I can't use the command 'dpkg --set-selections /home/package.selections' where package.selections is the output file of get-selections.23:28
dexiPici: that worked, thanks23:28
ilovefairuznosajdraw_: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/openldap-server.html23:28
aguitelbrummbaer, and what about ubuntu customization kit ?23:28
Somelauwmrman208,  gnome23:28
brummbaeraguitel; no experience with tat23:29
magicstuffdeanimean: my rec partition is sda2...23:29
dexiPici, followup, when im moving a window between desktops i drag it halfway and then pick it up again, is there an easier way?23:29
mrman208Somelauw: Is the most recent version under Applications > Programming?23:29
magicstuffthe dell utility is sda123:29
aguitelbrummbaer, but is same apps?23:29
nosajdraw_ilovefairuz: ok thanks, that looks more like the stuff I think I want, I will take a little time to read it.  Sorry I missed it first time you posted.23:29
kb9tuiikonia: I'm not aware of what irq resources that would be.23:29
magicstuffeither way...when I start the computer up...I don't have an option to go into win7...so something is wrong23:29
Picidexi: same thing as the hotkey I gave you, except hold shift, and it'll bring along the in-focus window.23:29
deanimeanmagic_ninja,  so its utility = sda1 and recovery = sda2 ....and its picking up sda2 as your windows boot loader which is sda3?23:30
magicianlordwill there be a fix for the plymouth ugly boot after you install graphic drivers? this is supposed to be an LTS23:30
mrman208Somelauw: Is the most recent version under Applications > Programming?23:30
deanimeanmagic_ninja, sorry, that was for magicstuff23:30
Somelauwmrman208, no it still shows netbeans6.8.23:30
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ikoniamagicianlord: there are a few bugs logged for it that are being worked on23:30
ilovefairuznosajdraw_: that's why people hire sysadmins23:30
kb9tuiikonia: would it be a messaging system?23:30
magicianlordikonia: ok. this is a pretty big problem23:30
augdawgdoes anyone use perl in here?23:31
ikoniamagicianlord: I'm well aware23:31
mrman208try uninstalling (with sudo apt-get remove netbeans) and re-installing (sudo apt-ger install netbeans23:31
magicstuffdeanimean: I assume the loader is on sda3..thats where I have win7 installed23:31
ikoniakb9tui: no, it's hardware requesting resources23:31
mrman208Somelauw: try uninstalling (with sudo apt-get remove netbeans) and re-installing (sudo apt-ger install netbeans)23:31
dexioh thats so cool23:31
dexipici ^23:31
deanimeanmagicstuff, win7 is installed on a seperate partition.23:31
Somelauwmrman208, the installer for netbeans 6.9 wasn't one specific for ubuntu since I installed the old version by the software centre.23:31
nosajdraw_ilovefairuz: I am a sysadmin, but my skills are databases, MS Windows and networking.  *nix is a big learning curve for me23:31
kb9tuiikonia: what's the fix?23:32
mrman208Somelauw: Can you remove it via the software centeR?23:32
deanimeanmagicstuff, its got a 100mb boot partition.23:32
tripelbI'm on the LiveCD 9.04 and want to use IRC in terminal without installing anything. This will be helpful say with 10.04 and if I have a goof and cant get into the gui.23:32
ikoniakb9tui: is it causing you a problem ?23:32
kb9tuino not yet...23:32
ikoniakb9tui: then ignore it23:32
SomelauwI installed netbeans 6.8 from the software centre. I installed netbeans 6.9 by a shell script. I don't know how to start netbeans 6.9.23:32
tripelbHow can I make the typeface in pidgin smaller?23:32
ilovefairuznosajdraw_: i'm not one, but I charge ahead when i just have to23:32
kb9tuiikonia: ok, thanks!23:32
mrman208tripelb: I do not think you can with the LiveCD if you can install it on a USB drive you could23:32
magicstuffdeanimean: thanks..I'll be back later..gf needs to use her computer...gonna try to reinstall win7..hopefully it works23:33
deanimeanmagicstuff, does it boot ok ?23:33
AviMarcusheya. when I run "export" I see:   declare -x DISPLAY=":0.0"  which is probably why my windows show up on my secondary, LEFT screen. How,and what do I change it to, for making it show on my second screen?23:33
mrman208Somelauw: What was the script?23:33
Somelauwmrman208, does that mean I can't have multiple versions.23:33
kb9tuiikonia: hardware in revolt! :-)23:33
mrman208Somelauw: I believe so23:33
Somelauwmrman208, netbeans-6.9-ml-javase-linux.sh23:33
mrman208AviMarcus: I think you need it to be :1.0 or 1.123:33
tripelb(10:32:56 PM) mrman208: tripelb: I do not think you can with the LiveCD if you can install it on a USB drive you could  --- I am not clear about your answer. I am NOT asking IF I can install something. I want something to use that I do not have to install. Esp since 10.04 has no gui client.23:34
AviMarcusprobably. 1.0. where do I change it, mrman208 ?23:34
mrman208Somelauw: Would the contents be to long to put here?23:34
Somelauwmrman208, yes, it is very long23:34
dexiwhenever i try to download something, (firefox) I get a "could not be saved because the source file could not be read" error... ideas?23:34
mrman208AviMarcus: export DISPLAY=:1.023:34
mrman208AviMarcus: type that in a terminal window23:34
[V13]AxelWhen I use the command, "dpkg --set-selections /host/package.selections"(package.selections is output from get-selections), I get the error, "Set-selections takes no arguments." If this is the case, how do I restore them?23:35
kb9tuiikonia: tnks agn bye-bye23:35
tripelbI need a smaller typeface in Pidgin because this goes by so fast.23:35
mwhudsonis there a channel for talking about ubuntu netbook edition specifically?23:35
tripelband my name is not colored23:35
mrman208triplelb: I do not believe it comes with a built in IRC client. Sorry.23:35
Somelauwmrman208, it can be downloaded from http://netbeans.org/downloads/index.html (I chose java SE)23:35
tripelbmrmann208 this is stupid23:35
ilovefairuzdexi: did you try other browsers?23:35
brian__I'm using 10.4,   AEGIR_HOST=`uname -n`23:35
brian__  resolveip $AEGIR_HOST23:35
brian__, it's retruning 127.0.1..1 and not 127.0.01. How can I change?23:35
AviMarcuswell mrman208, it changed it. now.. how to test..23:35
[V13]Axeltripelb: Go to Ubuntu Software Center, and install "XChat IRC Client." it's the best one I've found.23:35
augdawgtripelb : i use xchat and love it23:36
mrman208AviMarcus: Alright, good luck!23:36
dexiilovefairuz, not yet, I was trying to install chrome which caused the error, lol23:36
AviMarcusis that going to persis to next reboot, mrman208 ?23:36
magicianlordxchat is fine for gui, or irssi for cli23:36
mrman208AviMarcus: If you put it ~/.bashrc it will23:36
coz_xchat and irssi are the 2 top irc clients in my opinion23:36
deanimeanxchat <323:37
kyenteimeh, you can't run xchat in a screensession. I prefer to have irc open on my servers.. so irssi it is23:37
mrman208AviMarcus: To put it in ~/.bashrc, type sudo nano ~/.bashrc in a terminal window and add export DISPLAY=:1.0 anywhere in the file23:37
ilovefairuzdexi: wget http://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_i386.deb23:37
coz_dexi,  or install chromium23:38
dexi coz_ chromium?23:38
magicianlordapt-get install chromium-browser23:38
coz_dexi, ` it is the free licensed version of google chrome I believe23:38
magicianlordthey're both free. chromium is just unbranded and more up to date23:38
[V13]AxelI don't like Google Chrome. Too insecure with your personal information.23:38
ilovefairuzcoz_: same version, just branded23:39
coz_magicianlord,   ah I see23:39
mrman208[V13]Axel: It is? in what ways?23:39
Samus_AranI am trying to load the PiTiVi video editor from apt, but it gives me the error "can't initialize module gst" which happens while loading a module "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/gst-0.10/gst/__init__.py" on line 193, which is "from _gst import *"23:39
syslqIf i open network location trough gnome gui, where is it (mounted location in filesystem), cat /etc/mtab does not show it, but I can access data23:39
Samus_Aranany suggestion of how to get it working?23:39
dexicoz_, i'll try that if ilovefairuz's doesnt work23:39
coz_dexi,    here is the ppa    https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa23:39
ilovefairuz[V13]Axel: you can turn all this stuff off in options23:39
tripelbthis goes buy so fast, pidgin, can I make the typeface smaller?23:40
ikoniasyslq: believe it's done through fuse23:40
[V13]Axelmrman208: Google's whole "Google Ads," campaign uses your personal information such as history and even your name, address, etc. that you put in sites to give you ads more centric to your likes and dislikes. It also sells this information to companies.23:40
deanimeandont like daily`s.. autoscroll doesnt work, its crashed while watching tube vids.. et cetera23:40
red2kictripelb: Change your font size? (Maybe under Appearances)23:40
dexihaha is it bad if i forget which bit i installed? *blush*23:40
ScalaHey, I'm having problems getting sound to come out of my headphone jack on my laptop. It works fine on the speakers but when I check alsamixer the column for 'headphone' looks disabled.  What can I check to fix it?23:40
ikonia[V13]Axel: is that anything to do with ubuntu support discussion ?23:40
syslqikonia: and it does not need a mountpoint under /?23:40
mrman208[V13]Axel: Yes, but doesn't that happen on all browsers?23:40
[V13]Axelikonia: It has to do with what was being stated earlier.23:40
ilovefairuz[V13]Axel: you're talking non-sense, read google chrome privacy policy23:40
ikonia[V13]Axel ilovefairuz please drop it23:41
ikoniasyslq: look in ~/.gvfs23:41
[V13]Axelmrman208: Sort of. It doesn't happen as often, nor does Mozilla sell your information :)23:41
dexiilovefairuz, what is the 64 bit rather than "i386"?23:41
ikonia[V13]Axel: please drop it23:41
tripelbred2kic: I cant find it. I looked everywhere inc under Preferences. That's why I want a terminal command IRC but noe seems to come installed.23:42
magicianlord[V13]Axel: is this true?23:42
mrman208[V13]Axel: What about Safari?23:42
dexigosh it's been so long since i used linux lol23:42
dexii forget almost everything haha23:42
[V13]Axelmrman208: Anyway, this is an off-topic subject.23:42
* Lt-Elmo reaches for my foil hat23:42
ikoniamrman208: [V13]Axel magicianlord take it to #ubuntu-offtopic please23:42
[V13]Axelmagicianlord: I wouldn't lie to you.23:42
mrman208[V13]Axel: Ok, sorry23:42
mrman208ikonia: Sorry23:42
ikonianot a problem23:42
brian__how do I change from to
ikoniabrian__: you don't, why do you need to23:42
mrman208Is there any way to scroll up in irssi?23:42
red2kictripelb: Right-click -- Change Desktop Backgrounds --> Fonts?23:42
ikoniamrman208: page up/down23:42
syslqikonia: thanks a lot23:43
red2kictripelb: On the desktop.23:43
ilovefairuzdexi: 'amd64'23:43
kyenteimrman208: page up23:43
mrman208ikonia: thanks23:43
dexiilovefairuz, thanks23:43
[V13]Axelbrian__: is your loopback address, meaning your own IP address. What are you trying to change?23:43
mrman208AviMarcus: Did it work?23:43
brian__ikonia, the install script im running says it should be 0.0.1 http://git.aegirproject.org/?p=provision.git;a=blob_plain;f=docs/INSTALL.txt;hb=provision-0.4-alpha923:43
ikoniabrian__: it's mapped in /etc/hosts, but I strongly advise you not to change it23:44
AviMarcushmm. the edit did, mrman208 . I'm still not sure that helps everything though. It seems to re-open windows where they were last closed.23:44
oalCan you recommend a project planning/project management software? I prefer an installable linux application, but web apps might also work. Help?23:44
mrman208AviMarcus: Can you move them between monitors though?23:44
Samus_Aranmrman208: you can set how many lines it scrolls as well23:44
mrman208Samus_Aran: Cool, thanks23:44
antibodyhi. in 10.04 the pulseaudio daemon always starts with /etc/pulse/daemon.conf or stuff in user home space?23:44
kyenteibrian__: Instead of changing it. Just add a new line with the one you wanted to change into.23:45
AviMarcusyes mrman208 . The issue is I don't always turn the second monitor on23:45
Samus_Aranmrman208: /set scroll_page_count ...23:45
Samus_Aranmrman208: if you put in /2 then it scrolls by half a page, /3 by one third page.  if you enter a whole number, it is how many lines.  I use 3.23:45
mrman208AviMarcus: Ahh, I do not think there is a way to make them open where they weren't closed23:45
brian__kyentei: im not sure I follow...im trying to get the resolveip to return the server ip23:45
AviMarcushmm. can I set a keyboard shortcut to move it from the left screen to the right? I didn't notice one for that.23:45
ilovefairuzaol: "Planner" ?23:45
mrman208AviMarcus: If you were on a Mac I could give you an AppleScript to do it :P23:45
ilovefairuzoal ^23:46
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AviMarcuswinsplit on PC did it :)23:46
mrman208AviMarcus: Move all windows to one monitor, that is23:46
deanimeanAviMarcus,  use compiz config23:46
Samus_AranAviMarcus: ICEWM has that feature (using the numeric keypad to represent where to place a window, it's handy.  e.g. 5 centers, 9 in the upper right corner)23:46
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deanimeanAviMarcus, ah.  well, no idea.23:46
dexiilovefairuz, that wget worked and chrome seems to download things just fine... I wonder what firefox's problem is :-/23:46
oalilovefairuz, yea, an application that can be used for planning, drafts, mind maps etc. I'd like to get a more organized planning solution before starting to work on a new project23:47
magicianlordwhat's better: gnome or kde23:47
mrman208dexi: Firefox's problem is is that it uses gecko :P (Not really)23:47
mrman208magicianlord: In terms of ease of use, IMHO, GNOME is better.23:47
magicianlordfirefox is still good23:47
ilovefairuzoal: there's an actual application called 'planner'23:47
magicianlordwhat about blackbox?23:47
=== spyrosebastos is now known as spiros
mrman208magicianlord: I have never used that one.23:48
LicuadorAnyone knows an OVERCLOCK channel?23:48
oalilovefairuz, ah, haha, thought you didn't understand my question. Will have a look23:48
Somelauwmrman208, I uninstalled netbeans 6.823:48
mrman208magicianlord: But Firefox is crazy slow for me. (compared to webkit, that is)23:48
mrman208Somelauw: Try running sudo apt-get install netbeans in a terminal window23:49
mrman208!info netbeans | Somelauw23:49
ubottuSomelauw: netbeans (source: netbeans): Extensible Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.8-0ubuntu5 (lucid), package size 1403 kB, installed size 3252 kB23:49
Somelauwubottu, I want to install netbeans 6.9. In fact I already did.23:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:50
hdon_hi all :) i have solved my BC43xx problem with apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source, but the new module is not loaded automatically. how can i do this?23:50
Somelauwubutto test23:50
mrman208Somelauw: ubottu is only a bot. It isn't a human23:50
Pici!bot | Somelauw23:50
ubottuSomelauw: Hi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins23:50
hasanhow can i work my .py file with double click23:50
mrman208hasan: You cannot23:50
mrman208hasan: Do you have experience with using the Terminal?23:51
hasanman208> why23:51
mrman208hasan: Because you could use the terminal to run it23:51
SomelauwAnyway, when I uninstalled netbeans, it also uninstalled the jdk?23:51
mrman208Somelauw: It should not have23:51
dexihey whats the name of that crazy gui addon with a million features for gnome?23:52
prabhhi everyone, just a quick question: how do i install h.264 codec on my isadora mint? minitube seems to keep complaining about this missing codec :( thanks in advance! :)23:52
mrman208!info compizconfig-settings-manager | dexi23:52
ubottudexi: compizconfig-settings-manager (source: compizconfig-settings-manager): Compiz configuration settings manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.2-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 623 kB, installed size 4068 kB23:52
ilovefairuz!mint | prabh23:52
ubottuprabh: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)23:52
mrman208dexi: That should do it :)23:52
dexiaw mrman208 thats exactly what i meant, thanks23:52
mrman208dexi: no problem23:52
prabhoh ok23:53
yesyesyallprabb: does mint use synaptic?23:53
soosfarmhmm has anyone seen this in regards to racoon? 2010-08-04 00:45:56: NOTIFY: the packet is retransmitted by xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx[500]?23:53
prabhyes it does sir23:53
mrman208yesyesall: Yes, it does23:53
=== fipu_ is now known as fipu
yesyesyallif it does you can probably find the codec there23:53
prabhyesyesall: i cant seem to locate it :(23:53
ilovefairuzhasan: you can, make them executable23:53
yesyesyallthat sucks23:54
prabhi know :S23:54
ilovefairuzhasan: and then you'll be able to launch them with double click, it's in right-click > properties23:54
mrman208ilovefiruz: Oh yea, I forgot about that.23:54
mrman208ilovefairuz: Oh yea, I forgot about that.23:54
yesyesyallprabb: maybe look and see if you can find it as an rpm package and then get alien23:54
mrman208is there any easier way to do the username: thing?23:55
mrman208to prevent misspellings23:55
magicianlorduser add23:55
prabhyesyesyall: ive been searching all over the net still no luck23:55
=== spiros is now known as spyrosebastos
ilovefairuzmrman208: as long as the first line (shebang) is correct, it will work with any file23:55
prabhyesyesyall: maybe medibuntu repos have it?23:55
mrman208ilovefairuz: Neat.23:56
yesyesyallthats as good a place to look as any\23:56
magicianlordwhy is nouveau's 2d text less crisp than nvidia's?23:56
tripelbwell the system font got smaller. but the pidgin font remained the same23:57
tripelbis there an irc client on the liveCD, say in Terminal?23:57
mrman208tripelb: No23:57
magicianlordhow do you install wireless tools as part of the ubuntu base install?23:57
tripelbmrman208: I cant seem to install one either.23:57
mrman208magicianlord: They should be installed by default23:58
tripelbIMHO this is a big error.23:58
magicianlordmrman208: they are not23:58
tripelbIF wirelesstools are important, IRC is more important23:58
mrman208magicianlord: What kind of wireless tools do you mean?23:58
magicianlordi had to download two packages separately23:58
mrman208magicianlord: Which ones?23:58
magicianlordiwconfig and dhclient23:59
mrman208magicianlord: I used the very basic server install and those both were installed by default23:59
yesyesyallprabb: so I just checked synaptic and I have x264 and libx264-6723:59
magicianlordnot here, mrman20823:59
yesyesyallif that helps at all23:59
tensorpudding!cn | smannue23:59
ubottusmannue: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk23:59
mrman208magicianlord: Is wpa_supplicant installed?23:59
mrman208!info wpa_supplicant | magicianlord23:59
ubottumagicianlord: Package wpa_supplicant does not exist in lucid23:59

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