
Niglophow can I edit my theme in xfce?01:00
schlaftierNiglop: you mean really edit a particular theme or just choose between themes? And are you referring to window decorations or the GTK theme?01:05
Niglopum schlaftier I have 'shiki-wise' as my theme01:06
NiglopI want to change the color of the text in my panel01:06
SysiNiglop: you can propably edit gtkrc in folder where theme is, but you have to know how to01:27
RJ_F1how do I change keybindings? More specifically, I am on a HP laptop with the Volume Up-Down buttons, and I read an article on how to set them to virtual F-buttons, F21,22,and 2301:36
RJ_F1but the article I read was for openbox.01:37
Niglopyeah Sysi  I just don't know what syntax to enter01:41
RJ_F1does anybody know the answer to my question? or should I try a different channel?01:46
picard1421hey guys can i install GDM themes on xubuntu04:26
picard1421like not the GDM2 which you cannot theme the login screen.. like login screen themes for GDM1 ? etc..?04:26
picard1421i was thinking about installing Xubuntu instead of Gnome ubuntu.. beccause the new gnome has the GDM204:27
picard1421i want to install the normal style GDM themes... for the login.. can xubuntu 10.04 do that?04:28
picard1421any xubus out there?04:33
NiglopHow can I edit the color of the font in my panel?05:02
Niglophow can I change the color of my font on my panel?05:05
picard1421anyone here?06:04
picard1421i had a question about installing XDM06:05
picard1421i want to use GDM themes ... but obviously a very light GUI login screen06:05
picard1421xubuntu 10.04 is not GDM its GDM2 correct? im trying to install XDM on a regualr karmic server install..06:05
picard1421so i intalled x with sudo apt-get install xinit and also install xdm.. but whenever i boot it goes to CLI???C?C?C?06:06
pleia2ii  gdm                                   2.30.2.is.2.30.0-0ubuntu3                       GNOME Display Manager06:52
pleia2looks like gdm 2.306:53
picard1421i dont want that06:53
picard1421want GDM106:53
pleia2you'll have to use an older version of ubuntu for older packages06:53
pleia2but even 8.04 from over 2 years ago ships with 2.206:54
pleia2gdm1 is pretty old :\06:55
pleia2there are a number of themes for gdm in the repository, what problem are you having exactly?06:56
picard1421pleia2: are you  tehre07:08
picard1421i want to use this theme07:09
picard1421in XDM07:09
picard1421or GDM doesnt matter07:09
picard1421im not sure how to do it..07:09
pleia2I think you'll have to use gdm07:09
pleia2but I really don't know much about theming, might want to ask in #ubuntu07:10
pleia2just ask how to install a theme from gnome-look07:10
Graciasfidelhi all11:36
Graciasfideli've installed a fresh xubuntu 10.04, and i have a little problem with qt4-theme11:37
Graciasfidelon session xubuntu the theme gkt is not used with application qt, but on session xfce the theme gkt is used11:40
Graciasfidelwhy ?11:40
Sysixfce uses gtk11:40
Sysiqt-programs use qt11:41
Graciasfidelok but why on session xubuntu the theme gkt is not used with application qt, but on session xfce the theme gkt is used11:41
Sysiqt-apps don't use gtk-theme11:41
Sysi(of course there are exeptions)11:42
Graciasfideli speak a seesion with gdm11:43
Graciasfidelyou want a screenshot ?11:43
Sysiit maybe makes things more clear11:44
Graciasfidelfirst screenshot is on xubuntu session with qjackctl11:50
Graciasfidel2 on xfce session with qjackctl11:51
Sysioh right, now i got it11:53
Sysithey're handling them differenly for some reason, but at least they work in other :P11:54
IledenHi! Ubuntu/gnome has a nice way of moving windows around workspaces, but pressing ctrl-shift-alt with arrow keys. Is there a way to duplicate this in xubuntu?13:21
TheSheepIleden: yes, you can set the keys in window manager setttings13:22
IledenTheSheep: really? I thought I had looked there...13:28
Iledengah, apparently not.13:29
Iledenoh well, thanks for helping this silly person :D13:29
tesujican someone tell me how to change boot options with livecd?13:31
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brain_hi good morning people14:17
br41ng33khi good morning people15:24
knome!hi | br41ng33k15:24
ubottubr41ng33k: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!15:24
vinnlGood afternoon :)15:24
knomeoh hai vinnl15:24
vinnlHey knome :)15:25
charlie-tcahey, vinnl15:27
knomehoi charlie-tca15:27
charlie-tcaHello, knome15:27
Sysiohai ppl15:27
vinnlHey charlie-tca en Sysi :)15:28
vinnlGetting busy around here :)15:28
charlie-tcaHello, Sysi15:28
tesujican anyone tell me how to install a bootable xubuntu onto a usb?  this is not a job for usb-creator - it does make a bootbale usb but directories that should be owned by root are instead owned by user 1000 so that you don't have to sudo, and that is gonna cause problems down the road17:13
Sysiyou want real installation to the stick?17:14
Sysitake off your hdd and do normal installation from cd17:14
tesujicharlie-tca, it helps if you read the ques before you give the answer :)17:16
charlie-tcaMaybe the question was not clear, then?17:17
charlie-tcaIt also helps to answer questions asked, if you want help.17:17
tesujicharlie-tca, i said explicitly i cannot use the solution you gave17:19
Sysihow about mine17:19
tesujisysi i give it a try17:19
charlie-tcaI am sorry. I will not attempt to help you again17:21
tesujicharlie-tca, i apologize for barking at you, completely undeserved17:25
tesujicharlie-tca, fyi - if a person is going to run off the usb he needs a rela install on the usb - what usb-creator makes is just a livecd on the usb - not the same17:27
charlie-tcaThat was the question asked by Sysi that never got an answer. I could not read what you were thinking.17:28
tesujicharlie-tca, it was the answer i was looking for - in the process of trying that right now17:29
charlie-tcagood to hear. I am glad you got an answer then.17:29
tesujii am using xubuntu because my machine has limited memory - will the system be lighter if i dump the gnome compatibility stuff, and if so, how do i do that?17:35
tesujiSysi, i installed to the thumbdrive as you suggested but it doesn't boot...18:01
Sysiyou put grub there too? it should boot, if you have set it in bios18:06
tesujiSysi, i just ran the install, whatever the install does, doesn't it always install grub?18:06
Sysiit does18:07
tesujiSysi, this computer will boot off the thumbdrive, have done it many times18:07
Sysido you get *anything*?18:07
tesujiSysi, no18:07
tesujiSysi, flashing cursor, that's all18:07
Graciasfidelbye all19:17
Sysi(just do it :)20:07
statue2Hello. I seem to have no sound, after upgrading from xubuntu 9.04 to 9.10. I've  been lurking for hours trying to find solutions, tried out many, and still have no  sound. Could someone please help me?20:08
statue2Just as a note, I'm on a ~9yr old laptop20:09
statue2Any help would be greatly appreciated.20:09
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.20:16
statue2charlie-tca: thanks. I've been to 2/3 of those, but I guess it's time to check the third :p20:18
charlie-tcaYou are welcome20:18
charlie-tcaI got about 4 installations running at one time, so a little busy here20:18
statue2such an annoying problem20:18
statue2that's okay. I can wait/check stuff out first20:18
Sysi9.10 had lots of sound problems20:19
statue2it seems so20:20
statue2and when I tried to switch to 10.04 (a while back), all hell broke loose20:21
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sjjhhi, I've problems with a fresh installed xubuntu 10.0420:41
sjjhfor the German speaki20:41
sjjh*ng people: I've followed this howto: http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/System_verschl%C3%BCsseln/Alternate_Installation20:41
sjjhIn english: I've used the alternate CD to create a encypted installation using LVM20:42
sjjhbut now I can't boot my notebook.20:42
sjjhI can enter my passphrase, but after an ok-message I only get an empty screen20:43
sjjhanybody know what to do?20:43
sjjhbooting the rescue system with the alternate CD is no problem. but I didn't found any usefull stuff in /var/log/20:44
charlie-tcaswitch using Ctrl+Alt+F2 and then back to Alt+F7 sometimes works20:48
sjjhhere not. :-/20:50
sjjhstill only a blank screen.20:50
sjjhis it possible to see the messages, what the laptop is atm doing?20:51
sjjhI mean, I don't get a spash-screen, but nervertheless there should be some more messages after "cryptsetup: sda_crypt setup successfully", shoudln't?20:52
charlie-tcayes, but they may on tty1 or 6 instead of the one it is on20:53
charlie-tcaSometimes switching through the ttys will show them20:54
sjjhwell STRG+ALT+F1 ... F8 didn't show anything20:54
charlie-tcaand you are sure you used the correct passphrase? They are case sensitive, you know.20:55
sjjhyes, I'm shure.20:55
charlie-tcathat's a bug then20:55
sjjhI get the "cryptsetup: sda_crypt setup successfully" message20:55
sjjhso it should be correct. And I can start the rescuesystem (using the alternate cd), and there I can mount my encrypted /20:56
sjjhwell, it's an fujitsu siemens lifebook S7010, it's an older one. so no brand new (not yet support) hardware.20:57
sjjhand here it sais, that it is (better "was") supportet in ubuntu https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptopsFujitsu20:59
charlie-tcaMight be an issue with the video card instead of the encrypted file system21:02
sjjhbut I can see the passphrase enter-dialog. so I should be able to see some text messages what'S going on on tty 1 to 8, shouldn't I?21:04
sjjhIs there anything I can check/edit with the rescue system? I can mount / so I would be able to edit X11 config or so...21:05
charlie-tcano, because it switches to a framebuffer after that21:05
sjjhok. any log I should check?21:06
charlie-tcaTry holding the shift key during the boot, and see if the grub menu will come up. then you can edit the boot line and remove splash quiet to see what is happening21:06
charlie-tcaIt will be before the passphrase is asked for21:06
charlie-tcaErrors should show up in /var/log/syslog21:07
sjjhdeleting quit splash was good.21:08
charlie-tcaThat's a one time boot thing. To make it permanent, you remove them in /etc/default/grub21:09
sjjhnearly... I just turned around my head an all messages were gone. blank screen again. No messages any more on tty1-821:09
sjjhbut there where some lines, so it is actually doing *anything*.21:09
charlie-tcavideo card issues.21:10
sjjhI'll use the altrnate cd again and have a look in /var/log/syslog21:10
charlie-tcahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/ might help you21:11
sjjhthx "blank on startup issuses" sounds familiar21:12
charlie-tcaThey don't specifically address encrypted drives, but it should be the same after you entered the passphrase21:15
sjjhyeah, I can enter the correct passpharse, thats realy not the problem, and without "quiet slash" I still see something hppening. It will be a problem with the video card21:16
sjjhFYI: syslog is 0 byte21:17
sjjhin https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/BlankScreen they suggest to log in at tty1. But I don't get so far, I don't get a text login prompt.21:17
sjjhI tried to collect some xrandr data like toled here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/NonGraphicalBoot -- blank screen again, need to reboot...21:22
sjjhmh, I tried to create the xrandr-file in /tmp, but after reeboting there is no file...21:26
sjjhanother try in /root21:27
sjjhno luck again21:43
sjjhstrange no xorg.conf in /etc/X11/21:47
sjjhafter creating an xorg.conf with only the section "Device" with using the vesa driver (like here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/BlankScreen) I was able to boot...21:52
sjjhcharlie-tca BIG thx for your help!21:52
charlie-tcaYou are welcome21:52
sjjhno I can go to bed with a happy smile on my face. :-D21:54
sjjhbut strange, that the xorg.conf was missing completely, and that creating a nearly empty one did the trick.21:56
knomesjjh, it's normal to not have xorg.conf in the new ubuntu releases21:56
charlie-tcaxorg.conf is no longer created by default. Most systems will work without one. If you create it, it will then be used21:56
sjjhmh I don'T have the heart to delete it... :-D21:57
sjjhmaybe tomorow.21:57
charlie-tcaKeep it, it won't hurt anything21:58
knomeexcept the HD and CPU >:)21:58
sjjhcharlie-tca do you know the defult permissions that the xorg.cof should have? because I gave it 777 to make sure that missing permissions are no problem...21:58
sjjhwell, therefor I chose Xubuntu and not Ubuntu, to have some HD and CPU in spare ;-)21:59
knomeand probably owned by root21:59
sjjhit is root:root22:00
charlie-tcapermissions are 64422:00
sjjhthx. will change that22:00
sjjhwow WLAN access without preoblems - didn'T have that with my desktop pc22:02
sjjhbeside I liked cable better (for a desktop)22:03
sjjhbut wireless is cool for a laptop :-D22:04
sjjhhi slow-motion22:20
slow-motionhi sjjh22:20
sjjhif yo've got a question/problem just start asking :-)22:20
Sysis-m is oldie :)22:21
sjjhokay, even better when you are here without a problem - than you can help people like me. :-D ;-)22:22

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