
pooliedoc patches welcome :)00:17
mgzlifeless, bug 613247 may interest you.00:20
ubot5Launchpad bug 613247 in Bazaar "TestCase instances may not be collected till selftest finishes (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61324700:20
lifelessmgz: I saw, it scared me. \o/ qa.00:20
mgzshould have found the time to work that one out fully ages ago, given how annoying it's been and easy it is to fix.00:21
mgz^ah, this is a special new bug filed for the underlying testing thing, rather than just the logging module related fallout00:21
MethsShould bzr just work with 2.7 or only some versions?  Is there a list somewhere or compat matrix of some sort?00:25
mrjazzcatlifeless: sorry to be dumb.  I updated to https://edge.launchpad.net/~bzr-beta-ppa/+archive/ppa, but it doesn't include the bzr package, so how do I get that package to 2.2?00:26
mgzMeths: there are some bugs, but it's not far off working. I've got another five or so to file with bzr and/or python00:26
Methsmgz: Okay, thanks.00:27
lifelessmrjazzcat: I'm not sure, I'm not really up on the bzr ppa story these days.00:27
mrjazzcatlifeless: makes sense.  I'd rather point this customer to a package than to source, that's all.00:28
lifelesssure; spiv or poolie may have more answers00:29
mrjazzcatlifeless: I see the answer.  bzr beta package is here; https://edge.launchpad.net/~bzr-nightly-ppa/+archive/ppa00:31
pooliemrjazzcat: it's only in the nightly for now00:32
pooliewe should get it in the beta ppa soon00:32
mrjazzcatpoolie: hey Martin.  Got it.  Thanks.  Good luck with it all.  cheers00:33
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LeLutin_hello. I'm working on an external tool (a git remote-helper for interacting with bazaar) and I'm having difficulty with figuring out some things about how to use bzrlib..00:37
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poolieLeLutin_: what in particular?01:58
pooliehi spiv01:58
LeLutin_poolie: for now, I'm trying to discover branches that can be found on a URL. I think I may have found what I needed (BzrDir.open_containing) but I'm not sure yet..02:07
poolieyes, that's where you should start02:08
LeLutin_poolie: oh.. also, I was wondering what made urls like "lp:something" work. I checked out the code from the bzr-fastimport plugin and it seems to automatically receive a "canonical" url02:08
pooliethere's a directory service02:08
pooliei think looked up by get_transport02:08
pooliethat ends up asking lp what actual url it should use02:08
LeLutin_hmm ok. I tried giving Branch.open an "lp:.." url and it raised an exception saying that $pwd/lp:.. is not a branch02:10
poolieyou may need get_transport/open_transport02:11
pooliewhat are you trying to build?02:11
LeLutin_oh wait.. must be a plugin that's responsible for handling those then02:12
poolieyes, the lp plugin does them02:12
pooliecalling bzrlib.initialize should register it02:12
LeLutin_oh ok. I'll try that02:13
pooliehm, i'm not sure if that loads plugins by default02:13
LeLutin_to answer your question: I'm trying to build a remote-helper script for git that will make it possible to add bzr branches/repositories as native git branches02:14
LeLutin_poolie: is it possible to selectively load bzr plugins?02:15
poolieprobably, i don't recall how02:15
poolieif you look in plugin.py something like calling _load_plugin_module should do it02:17
LeLutin_poolie: oh ok.. well... thinking a bit more about it, maybe it's a bad idea. people could have other transport plugins that implement different types of urls02:19
poolieunless you specifically expect some plugins to cause trouble, i'd just load everything02:20
pooliemost of them should only register their capabilities and not actually do anything until asked02:20
LeLutin_hmm.. AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'initialize'. ipython to the rescue02:27
LeLutin_hmm. the bzrlib installed on my laptop doesn't have an initialize function02:33
LeLutin_I'm at bzr 2.1.1-1 (in lucid lynx)02:35
poolieLeLutin_: ah in that case you have to set up some things manually02:50
poolieprimarily set up the ui_factory and load plugins02:50
LeLutin_poolie: is it possible to find the API documentation for another version than the last one?02:56
poolieLeLutin_: hm02:57
LeLutin_for now, I have this: http://people.canonical.com/~mwh/bzrlibapi/bzrlib.html -- but it's reffering to the latest revision of bzr02:57
poolieyou can run 'make apidoc' in a tree02:57
LeLutin_oh.. have to d/l the whole 2.1 branch then03:05
LeLutin_aha, there's a bzr-doc package :) should be faster to d/l than having to wait for launchpad03:08
LeLutin_poolie: good, bzrlib.plugin.load_plugins() seems to have added the necessary.03:24
LeLutin_I thought using BzrDir.find_branches(..) would get me a list of branches, but I don't know where to find the transport object that I need to give to it :\03:24
poolieLeLutin_: transport.get_transport()03:51
LeLutin_oh, good. I had found BzrDir.root_transport but it spit out an error about list_dir not being implemented for http :(03:53
GungaDinhow do I bzr log commit made by a specific committer?04:34
mwhudsonspiv: hi, did you get anyone to land your codebrowse-oops branch yet?04:44
spivmwhudson: not yet04:51
mwhudsonspiv: ok, let's see if i have the necessary bits set up then :-)04:54
mwhudsonspiv: can you add a commit message?05:00
spivI'm not really here today.05:02
mwhudsonok, i'll think of something05:03
poolieGungaDin: i'd either use grep or maybe write a log formatter that does it05:33
pooliehi spiv05:33
BjornT_poolie: hi. could you get someone to look at bug 613066? it's currently blocking work on a branch, although i hope that recreating the branch and copy over the files will work around it (haven't had time to test it yet)07:11
ubot5Launchpad bug 613066 in Bazaar "IndexError when running bzr status (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61306607:11
pooliehi BjornT_08:14
poolieBjornT_: can you tar up that tree and put it on eg chinstrap?08:24
BjornT_poolie: sure, just a minute08:26
poolieit sounds a bit like a dupe but i don't think we've hit exactly that08:27
pooliealso if you recall what you did in this tree that would help08:27
BjornT_poolie: the tree and repository (it's a lightweight checkout) is in ~bjorn/bug-613066 on chinstrap08:31
BjornT_poolie: i'll look through the command history to see if i'll find something special. the only thing i can remember is that i used bzr-pipeline and switch pipes just before doing changes, and then getting this error when trying to run bzr diff08:32
BjornT_poolie: more specifically, before the error i did: bzr pump; bzr lp-propose; bzr switch-pipe :next08:36
BjornT_after that i modified some files, and got this error running bzr diff08:36
knittlhi. how does bzr handle the case when one branch adds a file 'test' and another adds a dir 'test'?10:47
fullermdIt would be a conflict, just like if two branches both added files 'test'.10:52
svakshai have registered a branch on LP and did an initial commit. later i've added more files to the local dir and tried to push them to LP with 'bzr diff' which was unsuccessful. any idea what am i missing here? TIA.12:18
parthmsvaksha: i am not sure i understand. is 'bzr push' failing?12:29
svakshaparthm: i'm only able to push the diff's for the old commit. the newly created files dont get pushed.12:35
parthmsvaksha: are you seeing an error message on 'bzr push'?12:37
abeaumontsvaksha: you need to add the new files to the repo with 'bzr add'12:37
ddaathen commit, then push that12:37
ddaaunless the files are added, they show as "unknown" in "bzr status", and don't show up in the diff12:38
ddaabzr add w/a argument adds all unknown files in the tree12:38
svakshaabeaumont: that gives the error,  ERROR: No WorkingTree exists12:39
ddaasvaksha: the add needs to be done wherever you do the commit12:39
* svaksha checks again12:40
ddaaa working tree is the stuff with the actual content files, when you can make changes, run the code, commit, produce diffs, etc.12:40
svakshaddaa: i repeated the process --bzr add, diff,commmit and push, but it only commits to the local dir and push/add does not push new files into LP12:46
* svaksha is missing something12:46
parthmsvaksha: what does 'bzr push' say?12:49
svakshaparthm: ssh: bazaar.launchpad.net: Name or service not known12:50
svakshabzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist.12:50
svaksha^^ latest ..earlier i didnt get this error12:50
parthmsvaksha: looks like a transient network error. i have seen this sometimes but it works when i trying again.12:51
svakshaparthm: i hope so. /me will check later then. thanks for the help12:53
svakshaddaa: thanks12:53
svakshaparthm, it worked just now. probably was a network issue afterall :)12:56
parthmsvaksha: :)12:56
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LeLutinis it possible to set options for bzr-grep in the bazaar config file?16:47
jelmerLeLutin: You can set an alias16:48
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LeLutinjelmer: yes of course :)18:02
LeLutinjelmer: hmm well in fact I can't really set an alias for a command with a space in it.. alias 'bzr grep'=.. is not valid18:05
jelmerLeLutin: Don't include the 'bzr ' bit, that is implicit.18:05
LeLutinI already have an alias for grep but bzr-grep doesn't use it18:07
jelmerLeLutin: not when invoking "bzr grep"  ?18:12
Ddordahey there, i'm looking for a way to check what's the current revision i use18:15
LeLutinjelmer: right. the alias is defined as "alias grep='grep --colo=auto'". when I do a normal "grep something" the color argument is there but when invoking "bzr grep ..." it's not activated18:18
LeLutinDdorda: "bzr revno" inside the workdir18:19
DdordaLeLutin: awesome, thanks18:19
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jelmerLeLutin: is this in ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf ?18:21
LeLutinjelmer: nope. this is in my .bashrc :P I don't know how to add the necessary config in bazaar.conf18:25
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LeLutinjelmer: nm, I've found a web page about how to setup bzr command aliases and it works fine.18:50
LeLutinjelmer: thanks for your help18:50
mtaylorFAIL: ShortReadvError: readv() read 0 bytes rather than 6046 bytes at 4096 for "d33aaa4aea5de86f6370880d52c949f5.cix"19:22
lifelessmtaylor: shoot your file system20:18
fullermdRight between the inodes?20:20
mtaylorlifeless: ok21:38
mtaylorlifeless: well, my local solution was to delete the shared repo, recreate it and re-branch21:38
mtaylorlifeless: but, tbh - that's still sort of fail21:38
lifelessmtaylor: your file system only wrote some of the file to disk. It is epic fail.21:40
mtaylorlifeless: indeed. but I'm not sure I have any control over that filesystem ... so I'd sort of like the thing on top of it to re-fetch from remove if local file is ass ...21:43
lifelessmtaylor: it doesn't have a clue where remote is at the point it finds out that failure21:43
lifelessmtaylor: it would be like drizzle going back to an appserver a week later and saying 'hey, can you give me that users full name again? thanks!'21:44
lifelessmtaylor: or are you saying this happened without a crash of some sort in the middle?21:44
mtaylorlifeless: it is possible there was a disk-full situation on the machine21:45
lifelessmtaylor: and your fs didn't tell userspace. win.21:45
lifelessmtaylor: you might like to put that in the 'perhaps we should fsync' bug21:45
mtaylorah. that explains it - we're running xfs there21:45
* mtaylor shoots stewart 21:46
lifelessbzr assumes, reasonably, that when it writes and closes a file, the fs considers it 'ok'21:46
mtaylorlifeless: just for my edification - in the future, is there any way to say to bzr "hey, could you just delete any corrupted shit you've got" so that on a subsequent pull operation it would just fetch unknown objects as usual?21:49
lifelessrm -rf :(21:49
lifelessit would be nice to have a fsrepair thingy21:49
mtaylorwell, that's what I did this time21:49
mtaylorand then I was like "wow, I haven't branched drizzle from scratch in a VERY long time"21:49
thumperLeLutin: there is also a 'bzr alias' command that operates very similar to the bash alias command21:58
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jelmerabentley: Hi!23:17
jelmerabentley: I've had another look at implementation infrastructure for custom merge directives in bzrlib, and was wondering if you could have a quick look to see if my approach is reasonable, when you have a moment.23:18

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