
CIA-98[ubuntu-sso] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100803231822-qxa4kggx32tde8n7 * (12 files in 3 dirs) No more linking against kwallet && gnomekeyring support && as a result ::clear() is broken && less kde in the upper levels (still we need quite some KDE foo for the build)00:19
gnomeloggermy Qt implementation is now officially superior00:21
=== gnomelogger is now known as supremeDalek
RiddellQuintasan: hmm kdebindings goes boom here too00:31
CIA-98[ubuntu-sso] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100803233140-wdxzzrhwz5nvbcy0 * src/ (AccessToken.cpp AccessToken.h) fix clear again00:31
yofelhm, oxygen-molecule looks cool, now if it would have a dark variant ~.~00:36
CIA-98[ubuntu-sso] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100803234742-aw3tkh4rcrvvjm9r * src/ (AccessToken.cpp HttpDaemon.cpp main.cpp) warning--00:47
yofelhrhr http://imagebin.ca/view/753bn3.html00:48
=== supremeDalek is now known as apachelogger
CIA-98[ubuntu-sso] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100803235033-1p56mkon2z4b75ek * src/plugins/SecretsInterface.h add copyright notice00:50
CIA-98[ubuntu-sso] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100803235654-pdb1ce3mn3zkm9jo * debian/ (4 files) Add backend packaging and build-dep on libgnome-keyring-dev00:57
Riddell4.5 release moved back to Thursday (probably)01:00
=== apachelogger is now known as supremeapachelog
ScottKWell we've got it, even if no one else does ...01:47
claydoha selling point maybe :D02:01
rbelemhi Riddell02:35
rbelemRiddell, do you know if agateau returned from the holidays? :-)02:36
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CIA-98[muon] jmthomas * 1158907 * trunk/playground/sysadmin/muon/src/ (MainWindow.cpp MainWindow.h) (log message trimmed)03:49
CIA-98Subclass MuonMainWindow's errorOccurred function so that we can properly return03:49
CIA-98from errors (Such as the UserCancelError, or AuthError). This occurred when I03:49
CIA-98[muon] jmthomas * 1158908 * trunk/playground/sysadmin/muon/src/MainWindow.cpp Very unnecessary QString construction--03:50
CIA-98[muon] jmthomas * 1158909 * trunk/playground/sysadmin/muon/src/MainWindow.cpp Clean up the software-properties-kde launching code03:57
nixternalhow is knr in mav?04:45
=== hrw|gone is now known as hrw
Tm_Tsupremeapachelog: son, I have a small build issues09:16
MamarokRiddell, claydoh: giovanni_re is at it again. one more post like this and he is moderated again, as will be all those who continue09:30
RiddellMamarok: where's this?10:39
RiddellMamarok: hmm, that thread should be stopped at least, as being woefully rambling and off topic10:42
Tm_Twhy they think attacking back at list-operator would help their cause?10:51
Tm_T...other than playing a victim10:51
=== supremeapachelog is now known as apachelogger
apacheloggerTm_T: how did that happen?10:55
Tm_Tapachelogger: something like... this:  *** No rule to make target usr/share/dbus-1/interfaces/com.ubuntu.sso.xml', needed by rc/api/ComUbuntuSsoInterface.cpp'. Stop.10:57
apacheloggerTm_T: https://code.launchpad.net/~apachelogger/ubuntu-sso-client/gsoc10:58
apacheloggerupstream thought it a good idea split off the authentication10:58
Tm_Tsounds... fun10:58
apacheloggerhence ubuntu-sso is now a new buildep10:58
Tm_Tshame cmake didn't yell it at me10:58
apacheloggeralso my implementation is superior in but every aspect anyway :P10:58
apacheloggerTm_T: I did not come around to implement proper checking for it10:59
Tm_Tapachelogger: makes sense (:11:00
Tm_Tapachelogger: bzr/ubuntu-sso-client/src/AccessToken.cpp:45: error: ‘class QOAuth::Interface’ has no member named ‘networkAccessManager’11:01
apacheloggerOTOH that should fail11:01
Tm_T"libqoauth-dev is already the newest version." so yes11:02
apacheloggerthat is odd11:02
apachelogger    QNetworkAccessManager* networkAccessManager() const;11:02
apacheloggerpublic interface11:02
apacheloggerTm_T: any other useful information?11:03
Tm_Tapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/473031/11:03
* apachelogger is wondering why his qt creator has so large fonts11:04
Tm_Tthere's plenty of more if I go and do make -iks11:05
Tm_T...have to install some gnome-keyring -dev package I suppose11:06
apacheloggerTm_T: yeah11:06
apacheloggernot conditional as of now11:06
apacheloggerTm_T: also I did  not push my latest changes it seems11:06
apacheloggeror maybe I did :O11:07
apacheloggertry again11:07
apacheloggerTm_T: are you sure you do not have an old version of qoauth floating around?11:07
Tm_Tapachelogger: apparently not, as locate couldn't find any other ones11:09
apacheloggerTm_T: in CMakeCache.txt in your build dir what does PC_QOAuth_VERSION:INTERNAL contain?11:11
Tm_Tapachelogger: 1.0.011:12
Tm_Tlibqoauth-dev_1.0-0ubuntu1~lucid1~ppa1_i386.deb is the package I have installed11:12
Tm_Tlet me quess, I should be using Maverick?11:12
apacheloggerrequires 1.0.1 now I suppose11:12
apacheloggerTm_T: yeah, I am targetting maverick now as to reach release quality11:12
apacheloggerTm_T: but as long as you get the qoauth source from mav and have KDE 4.5 installed your are fine too11:13
apacheloggeractually not11:13
apacheloggerTm_T: that upstream change to ubuntu-sso broke backwards compability of authorization completely :(11:13
Tm_Tand version number rised with ..1 ?11:14
apachelogger.+1. I think11:16
apachelogger!info ubuntuone-client11:16
ubottuubuntuone-client (source: ubuntuone-client): Ubuntu One client. In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.2-0ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 23 kB, installed size 476 kB11:16
apachelogger!info ubuntuone-client maverick11:16
ubottuubuntuone-client (source: ubuntuone-client): Ubuntu One client. In component main, is optional. Version 1.3.5-0ubuntu3 (maverick), package size 23 kB, installed size 148 kB11:16
apacheloggerTm_T: 1.2 to 1.311:17
apacheloggerstill not sufficient IMHO11:17
apacheloggerbut it is pyth0rn, one must be happy to get any visible bump at all11:17
apacheloggeropinions on http://www.hp.com/united-states/campaigns/envy/pdf/envy14_datasheet.pdf ?11:18
Tm_Tapachelogger: right, thanks (:11:20
apacheloggerTm_T: you could of couse backport the ubuntuone-client too ;)11:21
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~apachelogger/ubuntu-sso-client/gsoc/annotate/head:/src/plugins/GnomeKeyringSecretsInterface.cpp <-- I am now becoming gnome developer too muahhaha ^^11:23
Tm_Tapachelogger: let me get my kmail working first (;11:32
Tm_T...been without it since 4.5 development cycle started11:32
* apachelogger gets depressed over the crap notebooks on the market right now -.-11:33
apacheloggerTm_T: uhhh, did you upgrade to kdepim 4.5? :P11:33
Tm_Tapachelogger: I've been with trunk since year... can't remember11:34
apacheloggerTm_T: poor mom ^^11:34
apacheloggerhp envy 14 seems to come with broken bios11:34
apacheloggerfor free11:34
* apachelogger kicks it off the list of potential notebooks11:35
apacheloggerRiddell: I consider the authentication to be 1.0 beta11:40
apacheloggeronly proxy support is really missing and I doubt the python client does that either11:40
Riddellapachelogger: congratulations11:54
Tm_Tapachelogger: I think my kdepim works now, after I cleaned up old resources from use11:54
RiddellI'm applying the Dolphin fixes to kdelibs in bzr and lucid12:16
dpmhi Riddell, we've got a template approval conflict in Launchpad:12:23
dpm  * kdgantt in Ubuntu Maverick package "kdepim";12:23
dpm  * kdgantt in Ubuntu Maverick package "koffice".12:23
dpmdo you happen to know to which package kdgantt belongs?12:24
sheytanHi there :)12:26
sheytanRiddell and all you guys, take a look now: http://a.imageshack.us/img534/9735/joinus.jpg12:26
Riddelldpm: hmm, that rings a bell, let me check12:28
dpmcool, thanks12:33
Riddelldpm: both kdepim and koffice use internal copies of that library, upstream only ships kdgantt.po in kde-l10n not in koffice-l10n so we should follow upstream and import it from kdepim and ignore it from koffice12:34
dpmRiddell, great, I'll move the template from koffice to kdepim. Thanks!12:36
QuintasanRiddell: seems like we are almost ready with 4.512:41
* Quintasan is taking up plasma-addons12:42
Sputis kubuntu gonna ship kdepim-4.5?12:42
QuintasanI think we decided to use the old pim Sput 12:42
QuintasanKMail2 might eat ur mails12:43
QuintasanBut we will package it and make sure that everyone interested will know where it is12:43
Sputthat makes a lot of sense12:44
Sputthough I must say, KMail-2 has progressed a lot lately12:44
apacheloggereclipse is quite the unlovely12:44
Sputit's approaching usable12:44
Sputnot quite there yet... but already much more fun to use than Thunderbird :>12:44
apacheloggerSput: it is too risky at any case, epsecially since 10.10 will be released mid october instead of end12:45
Quintasanapachelogger: isnt eclipse that crappy ide written n java?12:45
Sputapachelogger: certainly is... Gentoo is skipping the whole 4.5.0 release because of pim12:45
* apachelogger is on the outlook for a sensible ruby IDE12:45
apacheloggerno good thing available12:45
* apachelogger falls back to vim again12:45
Quintasanstill no kubotu?12:46
apacheloggerSput: that is scary though ^^12:46
apacheloggerI should go on lunch break I think :S12:46
apacheloggerah wellz12:46
Sputapachelogger: don't forget, we are not bound to a release cycle for the distro, so we can easily push out 4.5.1 when it's done12:46
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Sput(plus we do offer experimental builds for 4.5.0)12:47
apacheloggerRiddell: I'll do the shares KCM today and then that stuff is also 1.0 beta12:47
Quintasanapachelogger: Go eat something12:47
apacheloggerSput: yeah still I would not want kdepim 4.5 at 4.5.1 times either :P12:48
apacheloggerevery time I used kdepim from trunk it ate my data ^^12:48
Sputit did?12:48
Sputnever happened to me12:48
apacheloggereven before that whole 4.5 business12:48
apacheloggerSput: well, it also did in the stable releases12:49
apacheloggerI have a theory that kdepim likes to eat data on new setups12:49
Sputhmmm, in any case, the pimsters have managed to not make KMail hog the CPU anymore (via virtuoso)12:49
Sputwhich is a huge improvement, because only a few weeks ago, I had this mysqld process running constantly12:49
Sputtaking up a sizable amount of CPU12:49
Sputall gone.12:49
apacheloggerRiddell: wip on what we need in dolphin -> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~apachelogger/ubuntuone-client/gsoc/annotate/head:/dolphin.txt12:50
* apachelogger is somewhat confident that everything will be done in time for penciles down ... if upstream hurries and merges the kwallet patches -.-12:50
apacheloggerthat said12:50
apacheloggerRiddell: are you ok with uploading patched packages after alpha freeze?12:50
apachelogger-> break12:51
Riddellapachelogger: probably.  kenvandine said he'd talk to them about the merges though12:51
Riddellevening shadeslayer 12:59
shadeslayerhey Riddell :)12:59
shadeslayerRiddell: the kdelibs neon import plugin is is fixed, thanks to jelmer, and we can use it when lp has a new release13:00
shadeslayerwhich is sometime this weel13:00
Riddellshadeslayer: yay13:03
shadeslayerRiddell: in light of the dolphin crashes, should we enable nepomuk indexing ?13:03
Riddellug, no13:03
shadeslayer->flippin idiot...13:07
shadeslayerwondering why my phone isnt charging.. and just noticed i didnt switch the charger one -.-13:08
shadeslayersheytan: freeze design at http://a.imageshack.us/img534/9735/joinus.jpg13:13
shadeslayerand start actually building it13:13
sheytanshadeslayer yep, i'm already on the way i want the new site to be :)13:19
shadeslayerawesome :D13:19
QuintasanRiddell: kdeplasma-addons uploading13:20
QuintasanI think we are mostly done except kdebinding13:21
sheytanshadeslayer, glad you like it. will show you guys all ive done so far today's evening ;)13:21
QuintasanRiddell: why don't we copy python-{qt,kde} stuff from maverick to lucid and retry the build?13:21
RiddellQuintasan: I don't get an error in pykde when compiling kdebindings, I get it in smoke13:22
RiddellI'll probably try recompiling the RC 3 kdebindings to see if that has the same problem13:22
debfxkdebindings fails because it's built with --Wl,--no-undefined13:23
debfxdebian/rules contains "DEB_KDE_LINK_WITH_NO_UNDEFINED := no" but that's only supported by pkg-kde-helper 0.9.213:24
debfxpkg-kde-tools 0.9.213:24
Quintasandebfx sure knows his stuff13:25
Quintasanlet me check that13:25
shadeslayerhehe 13:25
Quintasandebfx: should I remove that line?13:25
* shadeslayer goes back to coding projects13:26
debfxI hope we can just backport pkg-kde-tools without breaking anything else13:26
Quintasanthat would be better instead of doing the rules13:26
Riddellpkg-kde-tools should be backwards compatible13:27
debfxokay I'll upload it13:27
Quintasandebfx: oh, I wanted to do it but if you insist13:27
debfxQuintasan: go ahead :D13:28
Quintasanoh well13:34
txwikingerIn KNR, is there a power management daemon?13:38
Riddellthere's a battery applet in our plasma netbook setup13:38
debfxRiddell: could you please sponsor http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/synaptiks13:40
debfxit's the debian synaptiks package with the binary package renamed as it's called kde-config-touchpad13:40
txwikingerRiddell: the battery applet does not show anything anymore when I click on it13:41
Riddelltxwikinger: no sliding out box?13:42
txwikingerIt only has a black battery and Power Management13:42
txwikingerAll the contents is gonew13:42
txwikingeri.e the buttons for sleep and hibernation13:42
txwikingeroh.. that is a hidden feature or what?13:43
txwikingerwhen you click on the battery it slides up and down ?13:43
RiddellI think you're confusing the tooltip with the actual applet13:44
Riddelldebfx: onto it13:44
txwikingerRiddell: no.. not the tooltip13:45
txwikingerthe tooltip only gives you information, right?13:45
txwikingeranyway.. I got again what I need :D13:46
Riddellright it shows a black battery and your charged level13:46
txwikingerRiddell: click on the black battery in the left top corner13:46
Riddellooh, it goes all small13:47
Riddellthat's random13:47
txwikingeryes.. and it stays small13:47
txwikingerso the next time you open it, you wonder where all the information and the button are gone13:47
Riddelltxwikinger: you should file a bug upstream about that13:47
txwikingerSomehow I think his is superfluous13:47
txwikingerRiddell: ok13:47
apparleguys ubuntu is gettting a new font? ?13:59
Quintasanand TBH I do not like it14:00
apparlekubuntu is not changing right?>14:01
QuintasanWe have considered that but AFAIK decision has not been made yet14:01
QuintasanRiddell: ^14:01
Tm_TQuintasan: why you do not like it?14:05
shadeslayerQuintasan: dude the font rocks14:07
apparleanyone know where can I get pics of that font14:07
shadeslayerapparle: here : http://imagebin.ca/view/doSTPp9G.html14:08
apparleshadeslayer: its looking nice but I don't see much difference14:13
shadeslayermuch difference ? 14:13
fldcso what font is it, and where can i get it? :)14:16
apparleshadeslayer: I meant its not a drastic change between kubuntu font and the new font14:18
QuintasanTm_T, shadeslayer: Well, do I need any particular reason not to like it?14:21
QuintasanI just don't like the way it looks14:21
QuintasanThat's all to it14:21
Tm_TQuintasan: no you don't need, but I like to know if there's any good argumentation against or for it14:22
QuintasanThat's why I use Droid Sans and Liberation14:22
shadeslayerapparle: dude.. it is a drastic change14:22
shadeslayerit looks flippin awesome on KDE14:22
QuintasanTm_T: I'm not an expert on fonts so I can't give you any explanation for me not liking it14:22
shadeslayerTm_T: i guess it depends on person to person14:22
RiddellI'm doing kde-l10n with new tars14:23
Riddellfor maverick then for lucid14:23
apparleshadeslayer: only thing I liked is that it has less spacing in between diff characters14:23
apparleRiddell: so is kubuntu going to get that font?14:24
* Quintasan pours away all soda drinks14:25
QuintasanI need to stop drinking that crap14:25
apparleQuintasan: send that crap to me14:25
Quintasanapparle: You want some Mountain Dew?14:26
apparleQuintasan: sure14:26
Quintasanoh my god14:26
Quintasandouble K14:26
apparlewhat happened14:26
Quintasanapparle: where are you from?14:26
QuintasanToo much hassle then, the postal fee would buy you three liters of it14:27
shadeslayerhehe... 14:28
CIA-98[muon] jmthomas * 1159130 * trunk/playground/sysadmin/muon/src/DetailsTabs/DependsTab.cpp Fix a string typo. OK'd by kde-i18n-doc CCMAIL:kde-i18n-doc@kde.org14:29
Riddellshadeslayer: does http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring/ work for you in launchpad ?14:44
QuintasanRiddell: well, it is not backwards compatile14:46
Quintasandep-wait :)14:46
QuintasanMissing build dependencies: libdpkg-perl14:46
Riddellso quick hacky workaround14:47
Riddellin kdebindings debian/rules14:47
Riddellinstead of "include /usr/share/pkg-kde-tools/makefiles/1/variables.mk"14:47
Riddelljust copy and paste the contents of that file14:48
Riddelland remove the offending line14:48
Riddellthen test that14:48
shadeslayerRiddell: as in opens?14:49
CIA-98[libqapt] jmthomas * 1159137 * trunk/playground/libs/libqapt/CMakeLists.txt Bump version for 0.5.0 (1.0 RC)14:49
shadeslayeri.e does the page open?14:49
shadeslayerin rekonq no14:52
Riddellshadeslayer: right14:52
QuintasanRiddell: dirty hack is dirty ;P14:53
Quintasanat least it should work14:54
CIA-98[muon] jmthomas * 1159141 * trunk/playground/sysadmin/muon/src/DetailsTabs/ChangelogTab.cpp Fix a bug where the busy overlay would not go away if a changelog could not be found.14:54
CIA-98[muon] jmthomas * 1159142 * trunk/playground/sysadmin/muon/src/main.cpp Bump version for 0.5.0 (1.0 RC)14:55
shadeslayerRiddell: dude14:58
shadeslayerrekonq(6489) AdBlockManager::block: ****ADBLOCK: BLACK RULE Matched: ***********14:58
dpmRiddell, there are a bunch of po/desktop_.pot files in the imports queue at https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+imports?field.filter_status=NEEDS_REVIEW&field.filter_extension=pot&batch=90 What are those? Can I block them safely?14:59
shadeslayersee if you disable adblock then it works14:59
apacheloggerdpm: seems breakage in the build tools occured15:02
ScottKColor me stunned.15:02
Riddellmm, yes15:02
ScottKRiddell: 4.5.0 is as built as it can get on all archs until NCommander fixes bindings on armel.15:03
ScottKNo idea what other armel build failures might be higher in the stack, since we've never gotten to where we could try them.15:03
ScottKTm_T: If I can get powerpc images for Alpha 3, can you test the live CD?15:04
Tm_TScottK: sure15:05
ScottKTm_T: OK.  I'll let you know if/when we have something.15:05
ScottKRiddell: Are you anticipating Kubuntu respins at this point?15:07
stalcupJontheEchidna: libdebconf-kde is ack'd15:07
RiddellScottK: no, although I've been slow at testing due to netbook and/or usb drive playing up but I think kubuntu is fine15:08
RiddellScottK: however 4.5.0 is being delayed until next Tuesday15:08
=== ubuntu_ is now known as EagleScreen
Riddellso alpha 3 now has 4.5 release candidate in it15:08
ScottKRiddell: So we should anticipate more tarball updates....15:08
NCommanderScottK: so some progress with kdebindings. I will probably have an upload this week15:08
ScottKNCommander: Excellent.15:09
EagleScreendo you plan replace kcm_touchpad by synaptiks ?15:09
JontheEchidnastalcup: thanks15:10
stalcupno problemo :)15:10
JontheEchidnasilly standards version, changing after I made the package ;)15:10
apacheloggerRiddell: desktop_.pot comes from makefile scope issue ... any objections on turning KUBUNTU_DESKTOP_POT into a makefile scope variable rather than shell var?15:11
apacheloggerif [ -z $${KUBUNTU_DESKTOP_POT} ]; then \15:11
apacheloggerfi; \15:11
apacheloggerthis code part 15:11
stalcupJontheEchidna: I thought the same thing15:11
Riddellapachelogger: what's changed that breaks it?15:12
apacheloggerRiddell: the order of the shell sequence which is now missing at least one ; \15:12
apacheloggerquite honestly I find this a bit of a dirty hack anyway because that pot var can be overridden via a makefile scope variable, so only setting it on shell scope using that if is sort of horrible IMHO15:13
Riddellgo ahead and change it15:13
RiddellI do dislike shell, I especially dislike it mixed with makefile15:14
apacheloggerfortunately dh7 and the KDE buildsystem support make it so much nicer15:15
ScottKRiddell: Could we have a Kubuntu powerpc respin in ~30 minutes (after the current publisher run completes) so maybe Tm_T can have something to test?15:16
debfxQuintasan: are you working on a fixed pkg-kde-tools backport?15:17
apacheloggerthis seems to work very nicely :)15:17
apacheloggeralso KUBUNTU_DESKTOP_POT ?= $(DEB_SOURCE_PACKAGE) is shorter ^^15:17
RiddellScottK: can do15:22
EagleScreenKubuntu uses kcm-touchpad for touchpad configuration tool, there is a newer and more complete tool called synaptiks, it is used in Debian and it is giving me better results then kcm-touchpad, i think it is hour to switch to synaptiks15:23
Riddellsynaptiks is currently in our New queue, we should evaluate it and see if it should replace kcm-touchpad15:24
EagleScreenok Riddell, where can I follow that evaluation?15:24
apacheloggerRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/473118/ looks good?15:29
RiddellEagleScreen: here?15:29
EagleScreenhere 15:29
Riddellapachelogger: this presumably means packages which export KUBUNTU_DESKTOP_POT need to be changed?15:30
apacheloggeroh :O15:31
apacheloggerthey do it via export?15:31
Riddellextragear packages do15:32
Riddelle.g. rekonq15:32
apacheloggera bit scary though15:32
* apachelogger thought they used makefile vars, but oh well15:33
apacheloggerRiddell: I'll try working around that ... though we need to reupload everything anyway15:33
Riddelland you've only done cdbs and the old dh7 include, not the other dh7 one? /usr/lib/kubuntu-desktop-i18n/debhelper/kubuntu-debhelper-langpack-generate.sh15:33
Riddellwhich isn't a makefile at all..15:34
apacheloggerwell, for the dh7 ones we cannot use that approach15:34
apacheloggerso I suppose export makes more sense anyway15:34
Riddellyofel: quick response with that printing bug there :)15:36
Quintasandebfx: nope15:37
Quintasandebfx: care doing that?15:37
QuintasanRiddell: That quick and dirty hack made it even worse15:38
Quintasanit's smoke15:38
apacheloggerRiddell: arent makefile vars expanded to environment anyway?15:38
apacheloggerah beauty15:39
apacheloggerindeed they are it seems15:39
Riddellapachelogger: I don't know, are they?15:39
Riddellmakefile is weird15:39
apacheloggerRiddell: $() always expands to environment IIRC15:39
* apachelogger does some reading to make sure15:39
apacheloggerit certainly does work if I change my test rules to use an export instead of setting the var itself15:40
* Quintasan has to go out15:42
RiddellQuintasan: what's the status of kdebindings?15:43
Riddellnot that it matters now I suppose, new tars due15:43
apacheloggerRiddell: http://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html#Environment15:45
apacheloggeradditionally it seems export in make is not really what export in a shell is15:45
apacheloggerwhile it also exports the variable it has the primary use of making variables of one recipe available to a sub-make called from within the recipe15:46
apacheloggerwhich works because make turns every evnrionment var into a make var15:46
QuintasanRiddell: oh15:47
QuintasanRiddell: well, without "hack" it fails15:48
Quintasanat linking15:48
Quintasanwith the hack it fails at smoke15:48
=== EagleScreen is now known as Guest20902
apacheloggerRiddell: just tried both .mk files with exports, works flawless15:48
Riddellapachelogger: so no need to change rekonq etc?15:50
Riddellwell, rekonq doesn't use the .mk files it uses --with kde15:51
apacheloggerwhat doesnt change then anyway15:51
apachelogger--with kde uses the independent shell scripts15:51
Riddellright, and that doesn't have any problems currently?15:51
apacheloggershouldn't ^^15:52
sheytanhttp://a.imageshack.us/img707/3338/newsji.jpg | http://a.imageshack.us/img84/1636/whatiskubuntu.jpg | http://a.imageshack.us/img138/9479/kubuntu.jpg | http://a.imageshack.us/img534/9735/joinus.jpg <~ all so far. Need feedback :)15:52
Guest20902rekonq should install flash plugin by apt:flashplugin-installer or so (from package manager) when it is prompted15:52
RiddellGuest20902: rekonq was patched to call the notifier recently15:53
Guest20902oh very good15:53
apacheloggerRiddell: disadvantage of shell only script is that you do not get to see the code lines before they get excuted ^^15:56
apacheloggerso I cant tell from the build log if it worked completely and entirely15:56
* apachelogger tests with his test package15:56
apacheloggerRiddell: I am thinking about creating unit testing for pkg-kde-tools15:56
apacheloggercertainly a tricky thing to implement but better than having to reupload all of KDE because apachelogger changed things again ^^15:57
* Riddell quite confused by https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kernel-team/2010-August/011990.html15:59
yofelmaverick: /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches = 819216:01
ofirkI'm back!16:09
Riddellit's.... ofirk!16:09
Riddellbeen anywhere nice?16:09
ofirkkind of...16:10
ofirkI finished my exams term16:10
ofirkso I feel free16:10
Riddelldid you pass?16:11
ofirkI got grades for 3 out of 5, and I passed those 316:11
davmor2Riddell: should I be dropped into low res gfx?16:30
Riddelldavmor2: no16:31
davmor2Riddell: I'll prod the image and make sure it's not a bad burn16:32
davmor2Riddell:  This is on my all intel box16:32
apacheloggeroh, I have broken shares  ^^16:42
apacheloggeroh dear oh dear16:42
apacheloggerRiddell: http://imagebin.ca/view/I1BYF_o.html16:43
apacheloggerwhat do you think?16:43
* Riddell spots ScottK being optimistic about debian's release schedule :)16:43
ScottKRiddell: No, that was more about risk culture in different distros.  If it's too insane for us or Fedora, no way should Debian even think about.16:44
ScottKRiddell: Is the powerpc image still in progress or did it fail?16:52
CIA-98[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100804155510-6921jropes9c96js * src/libs/ (Share.cpp Share.h) introduce proper Share::Type enum (can be inbound or outbound)16:55
* apachelogger loves how one can crash konqueror by pressing ctrl+w too often too quickly ^^16:59
ScottKagateau: You'll want to look at http://reviewboard.kde.org/r/4898/17:02
* agateau clicks17:02
sheytanhey guys. is there any planet Kubuntu site?17:07
apacheloggerRiddell: http://imagebin.ca/view/c22aFo.html17:07
apacheloggersheytan: planet.ubuntu.com17:07
ScottKRiddell: Nice catch on the dependency graph.17:08
sheytanapachelogger thank you:)17:08
agateauScottK: commented17:09
ScottKagateau: OK.  Just wanted to make sure you were aware.17:09
sheytanapachelogger btw: http://madsheytan.blogspot.com/2010/08/ikona-ubuntuone.html17:09
sheytansill needs some love :D17:09
agateauScottK: sure, thanks for this, I would probably have missed it otherwise.17:09
apacheloggerand a SVG17:09
sheytanapachelogger yep, will be :D17:10
apacheloggersheytan: the cloud looks odd though IMHO17:10
sheytanapachelogger that's why i said it needs more love :D17:10
apacheloggerI mean, oxygen is photo realistic but not that much ^^17:10
macoapachelogger: i think the translations are funny17:11
sheytanapachelogger i will repleace it with the ubuntu one cloud17:12
apacheloggermaco: how are they funny? :P17:14
apacheloggersheytan: I think that will also stick out, because their icon is not oxygen enough :S17:14
sheytanapachelogger hmm, maybe i create a whole new one, but i'm kinda busy right now :)17:15
sheytani'll inform you about it, when i release new version :)17:15
apacheloggerok, cool :)17:16
=== hrw is now known as hrw|gone
macoapachelogger: the buttons are done but the text isnt. 17:22
* apachelogger does not follow17:23
macoapachelogger: your screenshot. english text, german (??) buttons17:26
apacheloggersince the frame around is a containment coming from KDE that is to be expected ;)17:27
RiddellScottK: ug forgot about the powerpc image17:35
Riddelllet me try now17:35
Riddellapachelogger: ooh pretty shares17:36
=== nigelbabu is now known as nigelb
CIA-98[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100804163831-uysw146nxu5q6ioz * src/libs/introspection/com.ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.xml properly type get_shares17:38
CIA-98[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100804163845-jlegt4cyk8j7hhmt * src/libs/ (SyncDaemonShares.cpp SyncDaemonShares.h) shares() renamed to shared() (since that is really what it yields) && introduce proper shares that lists the inbound shares17:39
CIA-98[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100804164022-ctswea9sj76u8mcs * src/kcmodule/ (ShareInfoWidget.cpp ShareInfoWidget.h CMakeLists.txt) ShareInfoWidget++17:40
CIA-98[ubuntuone-kde] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100804164046-wcp8pu7u7e0h50a8 * src/kcmodule/ShareModule.cpp Fill share module with ShareInfowidgets for both inbound and outbound shares17:41
RiddellScottK: powerpc livefs done, cds building18:09
ScottKRiddell: Cool.  Thanks.18:35
Riddelldone building ScottK 18:35
RiddellTm_T: ^^18:35
ScottKA bit largish yet.18:36
ScottKTm_T: Can you burn to a dvd or boot to usb?18:37
* Riddell puts a file in kdebase-runtime to increate the inotify limit19:01
* Quintasan is back19:14
sheytanhey guys20:09
sheytanwe need a 3 community projects for kubuntu20:09
sheytan1. ubuntu one, 2. muon20:09
sheytanand one more20:09
sheytananyone? :)20:09
QuintasanProject Neon?20:10
sheytanQuintasan it's about what in few words?20:11
Tm_TScottK: IIRC I cannot burn dvds and no idea about usb, would need to find one first20:18
ScottKRiddell: How would you feel about a kubuntu-meta upload to shrink powerpc?20:18
Tm_TScottK: but I can try with USB, sure, that works similarly than with other arcs?20:19
ScottKNo idea.  Ask rgreening for details.  I think you need a i386/amd64 machine to run usb-creator-kde, but I think you can feed it any arch's ISO.20:20
ScottKRiddell: If you're OK with it, I've adjusted the seeds, it just need -meta done.20:22
Tm_TScottK: thanks (:20:27
Quintasansheytan: nightly build of KDE and Amarok20:49
Quintasanand in future other stuff20:49
Quintasanmaybe KOffice?20:49
QuintasanWho know20:49
sheytanOk, thanks :)20:49
Quintasansheytan: what are you plotting btw? :320:50
sheytanQuintasan for the new Kubuntu site :)20:51
sheytanYep, new baby: http://a.imageshack.us/img529/9206/community.jpg20:51
QuintasanMore fame for me <insert evil laugher here>20:52
debfxkdebindings for lucid uploaded, hope it builds :)20:53
Quintasandebfx: thanks20:53
Quintasandebfx: what was the cause exacly?20:53
Quintasanfist python-kde then smoke20:53
* Quintasan has to write few entries for his Planet blog20:54
QuintasanI wonder how do people get so many to topics to write about20:54
QuintasanWhenever I think of something I consider it "Meh, who wants to read about that?"20:54
ScottKQuintasan: I suspect they skip the step of having that thought.21:02
macosheytan: shouldnt it say chinese in chinese?21:03
sheytanmaco what do you mean?21:04
macosheytan: it says chinese in english..21:04
sheytanmaco but what is it related to?21:05
sheytani don't get it, sorry :D21:05
macosheytan: your screenshot you linked 10 minutes ago21:05
sheytanmaco where is there something about chinese?21:06
macosheytan: "kubuntu in chinese"21:06
sheytanYes, it should, but sorry, i don't know how to :D21:06
sheytanBut before the release of the page, i'll take care of it :)21:07
sheytanThank you :)21:07
sheytanok, i'm out, bye :)21:07
ScottKRiddell: pitti said -met upload was OK, so I'm going for it.21:10
Riddellnew 4.5.0 tars are up21:57
Riddellquestion is do I just upload them en-masse to the ninjas PPA21:57
Riddellor do we individually compile and check them21:57
claydohMamarok: I agree, I haven't been online since we replied to that thread, the john_re experiment will probably have to come to an end :/22:09
ScottKRiddell: I think libkonq got a soname bump, so at least some checking is in order.22:10
* claydoh wishes he had a netbook/smartphone/laptop with teh intarwebs in them 22:10
ScottKRiddell: New meta uploaded too.22:10
Mamarokclaydoh: sigh, just seen the others... Basil could need some moderation as well, he is incredibly aggressive22:12
claydohMamarok: :(22:12
claydohMamarok: I wish there were a good way to increase membership  in the ml as well as more individual posters than the same 5 or 6 all the time22:13
debfxQuintasan: kdebindings sets a variable which tells pkg-kde-tools to not add "-Wl,--no-undefined" to the linker flags22:13
debfxbut only pkg-kde-tools >= 0.9.2 understands it22:14
Mamarokclaydoh: well, Ric Moore is somebody I wanted to moderate for quite some time, besides "metoo" and offtopic oneliners he doesn't contribute22:14
MamarokI will answer politely once more and everybody who continues to post on this will be moderated, period. Some only understand the hard way apparently22:16
Tm_T...I still wait moderation notification when mailing to k-c-d22:16
claydohtbh a number of 'regulars' don't even use Kubuntu22:16
Mamarokand that, yes22:16
claydohwe can't ban on that though :)22:16
MamarokTm_T: you wait for what?22:17
claydohmoderate rather22:17
MamarokI never banned somebody so far, only spammers22:17
Mamarokwho don't complain :)22:17
Tm_TMamarok: notification that my mail is in moderation queue, as nowadays they apparently don't end up to be there22:17
MamarokTm_T: and you are sure you are subscribed?22:17
claydohyup, you sure are the list 'cop' lol22:17
Tm_TMamarok: talking about kde-core-devel22:17
MamarokTm_T: ah, not me :)22:18
Mamarokclaydoh: the problem is that we have to be cops, sinc epeople can't respect the ML conditions22:18
claydohMamarok: you are aleays weilding your nightstick ready to pounce on those nasty top-posters and all </sarcasm>22:18
Quintasandebfx: oh, thanks22:19
Mamarokclaydoh: I top-posted on purpose, I didn't want to go down all the long silly thread22:19
claydohhehe I don't care about top posting in a lot of cases22:19
claydohI mostly care about on-topic topics, let the list members self-regulate that part22:20
claydohlet the members self-regulate the rest of the rules22:21
QuintasanRiddell: do you have powers to accept ppl at kde-packagers?22:30
RiddellQuintasan: no22:31
RiddellQuintasan: what's your status?22:31
Mamarokclaydoh: mail sent22:33
QuintasanRiddell: beats me, I sent a request at least few days ago22:36
RiddellQuintasan: oh then you just have to be patient22:38
RiddellScottK: libkonq didn't get an soname bump and the binary incompatible change was in january22:39
ScottKAh.  OK.22:39
Riddellso we've already had a KDE release with the change, no point doing it now22:39
Riddellhowever I did see debian people talkign about patching it so we should watch out for that22:39
ScottKRiddell: Also looks like Debian will likely switch to 4.5 for Squeeze, so doubly so.22:39
RiddellI'm going to go for the en-masse upload to kubuntu ninjas23:20
QuintasanI'm doing some nasty stuff23:38
QuintasanWell, not worse that I have received23:38
ScottKDid the RSS feed for Kubuntu News change on the new web site?23:51
RiddellI suspect it's not set up23:54
Riddellneed to poke ofir or ryanakca about that23:55
ScottKOK.  Done.  Thanks.23:59

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