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kathenot directly kubuntu, but not getting much response in ubuntu, any know how to solve a booting problem here?01:11
senfmanHow can I make kubuntu rerun hardware detection and rebuild xorg.con after connecting a new monitor?01:12
macoyou shouldnt need an xorg.conf01:13
macosystemsettings -> display should allow you to configure multiple monitors01:13
James147senfman: depends on the grapihcs card... also kubuntu dosnt have an xorg.conf by default anymore01:13
senfmanJames147: where is it configured now?01:13
senfmanI replaced my old monitor by the new one, which supports a higher resolution.01:14
James147senfman: same place, just isent needed (xorg can now auto detect settings)01:14
senfmanJames147: how can I make autodetect them?01:14
James147senfman: remove the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file (or rename it)  but telling us your graphics card will lead to better help as they can be configured differently01:15
senfmanI have an nvidia card01:15
senfmanGeForce 7300 LE01:16
James147senfman: then its best to install teh proprity drivers (if you havent already) and you can run "kdesudo nvidia-settings" to configure xorg.conf01:16
senfmanJames147: Ah ok. I considered this already. I am sure this will work...01:17
senfmanJames147: I just wondered wether there is a way to have the same hardware recognition as at initial installation.01:17
James147senfman: removing /etc/X11/xorg.conf  should take you back to the default settigns (after restarting x). You can also regenerator the xorg.conf  by running "sudo nvidia-xconfig"  which is whats run after you install the proprity drivers I beleasve01:19
senfmanJames147: I tried nvidia-xconfig already. Funny thing is, that this still assumes my system to have the old monitor.01:21
James147senfman: I take it you have rebooted since you replaced the monitor?01:21
senfmanJames147: yes.01:22
James147senfman: then your best best would be to use nvidia-settings01:22
senfmanJames147: like 5  times. What I did not do yet was trying to remove xorg.conf01:22
senfmanJames147: this is probably the best way.01:24
guesti need some help01:24
James147!help | guest01:24
ubottuguest: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:24
guesti got problem with my ubuntu 10.04 log screen settings i cant unlock01:25
guestwhat shoul i do?01:25
James147guest: ubuntu or kubuntu?01:25
James147guest: you should ask in #ubuntu then01:26
guestokey thanks anyway01:26
gnomefreakoh sure throw him our way01:28
James147gnomefreak: ^^ dont know anything about the gnome screen saver... how are we ment to help :S01:28
gnomefreakJames147: good point01:29
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cato37can someone explain just what kwallet is, and why a program like okular would want to use it?02:44
Elenchcato37: it stores passwords and stuff in an encrypted form02:47
cato37Elench: i am opening a pdf that i just downloaded... why would it have okular want to open kwallet? should i deny or say yes?02:48
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ElenchI can't think of a good reason for that02:49
cato37me neither. lol.02:49
ElenchI'd deny and see what doesn't work02:49
cato37ah, the pdf is encrypted.... i have to use the key that they sent to my email.02:53
cato37i had been using ms for so long that i was paranoid...02:53
ElenchAh, then it was wanting to check if you had stored it in your kwallet before02:53
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teb_Hi there, anyone here want to assist a failure n00b?04:22
xenthralwhats wrong teb_?04:22
teb_Well, I'm kinda new with Kubuntu04:22
teb_And I added alot of widget on my desktop, and suddenly (i dunno if I clicked someting or) they are gone...04:23
xenthralgo on04:23
teb_guessing I hidding it04:23
teb_but dunno how to get them back04:23
teb_if you understand what I mean04:23
xenthralyes, but I'm unsure what would cause that04:23
xenthralI'm stumped :)04:24
xenthralmaybe try adding them again?04:24
teb_I can try04:24
teb_lol, think I found it out :D04:25
teb_I just [removed activity desktop or something]04:25
xenthraloh right!04:26
xenthralthe top right thing04:26
teb_Thanks for listning04:26
xenthralyou can have 'virtual' desktops, yep04:26
xenthralyou just jumped to a new one04:26
teb_But how do I know how many "destop" i have, and how can I switch between them?04:27
xenthraltop right04:27
xenthralzoom out04:27
xenthralto zoom back in on one its the magnifying glass04:27
teb_Thank, and thanks for taking your time04:27
xenthralglad I could help a little!04:28
teb_Aint easy with something that new :D04:28
xenthralyou'll be comfortable with it in no time04:29
xenthralI had a lot of issues when I shut down my panel once :P04:29
teb_Well, I love Linux, just need to learn it04:30
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mcurranStill trying to keep my desktop icons in one place after every reboot...  :(  [KDE - SUCKS!!!]05:38
nixternalmcurran: yeah, that's the way to stick around here. watch what you say please05:43
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eagles0513875hey guys is anyone else experiencing random crashes with the nvidia-current driver to where u have to do a hard reboot and the drive fails to load and you end up in low graphics mode? restarting x gets me to the gdm since i also have gnome installed. rebooting system gets me back to using kdm06:52
carybIn Maverick I get low graphics mode every boot & when I select restart x it starts fine (i'm using the current prop nvidia driver)06:55
eagles0513875!maverick | Carnage\06:55
ubottuCarnage\: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+106:55
eagles0513875caryb: see above join ubuntu+1 for 10.10 support06:56
carybnot asking for support was drawing out from eagles.... what his setup is & whether the nvidia driver might be causing this06:57
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michidutais there a way to easily install all dbg packages fot currently installed packages?08:56
Guest43350do you mean something like install *-dev?08:56
michidutai don't know what that command does so i wouldn't know08:57
michidutaI only want to have the debug packages installed but without having to mannualyy hunt each and evry one down and install08:57
Guest43350michiduta, I'm searching.. but please remember that it will be a huge amount of software08:59
michidutaso could i do something like apt-get install "installed"-dbg? With installed being something for the system to recognize all currently installed packages?08:59
michidutasudo apt-cache search *-dbg09:04
michidutaE: Regex compilation error09:04
michidutaIs this normal?09:04
Guest43350michiduta, I'm trying this and I get this error, too..09:05
Guest43350I don't know what's wrong09:05
Guest43350try wrapping in single quotes '09:05
michidutaRunning kubuntu 10.04 x64 if it matters09:05
Guest43350to prevent shell expansion.. No, it doesn't matter :D09:05
michidutasudo apt-cache search '*-dbg'? Same error09:06
michidutasame with double quotes "09:06
Guest43350so try apt-cache search -- -dev09:08
michidutaBut i don't want dev09:08
michidutai want dbg09:08
michidutaand the command on the link you gave me works09:09
Guest43350then substitute dbg!!09:09
michidutaIt shows me a lot of dbg packages09:09
michidutaActually it shows so many that my terminal can't show the entire list :O09:10
michidutaI'm guessing this shows all available dbg packages not just the ones for the packages i currently have installed, right?09:13
Guest43350michiduta, yep, you can try adding the --names-only switch, and i'm looking for other switches09:14
michidutaok thanks09:14
Guest43350michiduta, i don't think there's an easy way to get what you want, maybe you need to set up a little shell script09:17
Guest43350because you must have a list of all installed packages, then append the -dbg suffix, then see if <pkg>-dbg exist09:18
Guest43350michiduta and if it exists, install it09:18
michiduta.... i'm not good with shell scripts.... don't even know how to make one ..... so .... thanks for your help...09:18
Guest43350bye bye :D09:18
lyhana8_salut, j'essai de configurer une imprimante epson epl-6200l en réseau mais je ne la trouve pas avec l'outil de configuration09:37
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ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.09:38
lyhana8sorry I though I was on ubuntu-fr09:39
lyhana8I'm trying to set up a network epson printer (epl-6200L) but it's not detected by the GUI09:40
smoophno problem just don't be sad when nobody answers ;)09:40
lyhana8looking from windows told me the ip is (which is my router o_O) on port 9100 and with RAW protocol09:40
smoophis it a network printer ?09:41
smoophor connected via usb ?09:41
lyhana8smooph: it's connected to the router so I guess it's a network one09:42
lyhana8ok it's a USB cabnle that connect it to the routeur09:42
smoophbut is it connected to the router via ethernet cable or usb?09:43
smoophthan your router must have some function like a print server if it doesn't this is the reason why its not working09:44
smoophwhat kind of router do you have09:44
lyhana8smooph: Dlink, I manage to print from windows09:44
lyhana8it's a Dlink DI-524UP smooph09:45
smoophdid you install the driver for the printer?09:47
smoophdoes the printer work when connected to the pc directly?09:47
lyhana8smooph: no Idea I'm doing an internship and I'm not really comfortable unplugging everything in front of my boss :P09:48
smoophok i understand09:49
smoophi think your problem might be that the correct driver is missing09:49
smoophmight help09:49
smoophlyhana8: or even better http://tinyurl.com/2v2empa09:51
smoophI hope this helps09:51
Andrew9what's the fcking deal with hibernation in kubuntu?10:01
Andrew9can't it ever be fixed by the devs?10:03
lyhana8smooph: ok I compile .tgz10:10
smoophlyhana8: is it working ?10:27
lyhana8smooph: no idea how to use this10:38
lyhana8ok I compiled it but then what ?10:38
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pa1983Is there som known problem with ext4 where processes get stuck in D STATE if say you make a file transfire of 500Gb of data over Gbit lan to say /dev/sda3 and at the same time run dpkg and it get stuck in D STATE indefenetly until what ever program is sued to make the file trasfire finishes?10:55
pa1983I noticed this problem on a 10.04 kubuntu machine to day. Also manadged to replicate it on a gentoo machine wit a ext4 formated disk.10:56
pa1983dam anoying problem.10:56
pa1983seems to ext4 that causes it after som googeling but Im no expert10:56
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freinhardhow do i get openoffice with gtk? looks somehow ugly with qt widgets/styling13:43
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freinhardare the openoffice.org-style-* packags just for icons or more then that?13:45
James147freinhard: not sure, but changing that might help13:45
James147freinhard: also system settings > appearnce > gtk+ styles might help13:46
freinhardJames147: works for everything besides openoffice13:47
James147freinhard: try changing openoffice.org-kde with openoffice.org-gnome13:48
* freinhard wonders who released that unfinished piece of software.13:49
jussiprobably someone who worked very hard on it...13:50
freinhardi appreciate the effort to port it to qt, but that's just not ready for production13:51
freinhardremoving openoffice.org-style-oxygen did the trick. back to gnome icons but at least i can read the menu txt13:52
freinhardmaybe that's just another symptom of intel driver brokeness13:52
eagles0513875is there anyone here on the nvidia current driver, cuz im having some super nasty issues with the video driver as well as plasma randomly crashing13:57
* James147 think hes on that one...13:58
ping__lucehi. I want to buy an Asus x5dij notebook. how can I verify if kubuntu 10.04 supports it ?14:07
BluesKajeagles0513875, you have that fancy 9400 right, which does have some bug reports on launchpad iirc.14:08
eagles0513875BluesKaj: 8800gt14:09
BluesKajoh. ok\14:09
BluesKajstrange eagles051387514:12
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derdondo I have to restart KDE after installing kde-l10n-XX? can I do this without having to exit my KDE session?14:30
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BluesKajkde-l10n-XX ?14:53
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computergeeksjwin aptitude, I typed + when on kubuntu-desktop under Tasks so I would have KDE available. Now the startup screen says kubuntu. I want my orange ubuntu back during the startup phase.15:19
computergeeksjwHow do i get it?15:19
James147computergeeksjw: try removing plymouth-theme-kubuntu-logo15:20
wastrelsudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm   maybe15:21
James147computergeeksjw: to get gdm back I think you have to run "sudo update-alternatives --config gdm"15:21
computergeeksjwIt's the boot animation, not gdm vs kdm15:21
wastrelah right bootsplash15:22
James147computergeeksjw: wasn't sure if you wanted that as well ^^15:22
computergeeksjwI was given a choice to set either gdm or kdm as my defaule15:22
computergeeksjwI just wanted kdm available15:22
computergeeksjwbut thx15:22
wastreli never reboot anyway :]15:23
James147wastrel: I wouldent but sleep dosent work on my desktop :(15:23
apparlehey guys has the rekonq crashing issue fixed ?15:34
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santhusthi everyone. I have just installed kubuntu-desktop on ubuntu 10.04. but Amarok is not playing any music :(. please help.15:44
santhustanyone there?15:45
James147santhust: any music, or just mp3s?15:45
James147santhust: you might need to install kubuntu-restricted-extras  if thats the case15:46
santhust@James: any music15:46
santhust@james: unable to play any music15:46
santhust@james: but music plays fine in Rhythmbox ..!!15:47
James147santhust: wont play, or no sound?15:47
santhust@james: wont play.15:47
James147santhust: try installing the above and see what happens (need to resart amarok after)15:48
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santhust@james: when i press the play icon, then momentarily (less than a second), it tries to play, then stop.15:48
santhust@james: ok. i'll try.15:49
santhust@james: ok trying...will catch up later. Thanks :)15:50
santhust<james> i installed kubuntu-restricted-extras... restarted amarok. it didn't play still. then i removed and reinstalled it. shut down and restarted computer. now amarok playing fine. :) thanks a lot :)16:15
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BluesKajsanthust, you might also consider medibuntu for other media16:24
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org16:24
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caropHello. I have a computer and a knoppix CD with which I can boot the computer and then access the (currently blank) hard drive as well as the internet (so I can retrieve files from the web etc). I'd like to install kubuntu on this computer. Can I avoid burning a CD ? (Actually I even have two hard drives on this computer. I'd be happy if I could just write the iso image to the second hard disk and boot from it but I guess it won't work...)17:43
pucko-carop, actually, you can do something like that.. might not be completely newbie friendly though.17:57
pucko-oh he left17:58
masnun_Hello all!18:06
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SanTahhello my ethernet is not working properly18:18
SanTahdo i have to install chipset drivers18:18
SanTahi have a sg31g2b an the inet needs sometimes extremly long to load the page18:19
SanTahsometimes it is away and sometimes it cant load the page18:20
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DarthFrogSanTah: If it loads a page, it's working and you don't need new chipset drivers.  Likely the problem is with the network.18:26
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SanTahin windows everything function so what should be with the network18:34
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Kubuntu-User10ich hab da zwei Fragen die KDE betreffen. 1.) Warum vergisst KDE immer meine Auflösung bzw wie kann ich das verhindern?18:45
Pici!de | Kubuntu-User1018:45
ubottuKubuntu-User10: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.18:45
Kubuntu-User10My kde desktop doesn't keep my resolution. How can I fix this isue?18:56
troopperiKubuntu-User10: wich graphic card you have?19:00
phoenix_hello everyone19:04
j___Hi there phoenix]#19:04
phoenix_hello j19:05
phoenix_i have removed my nvidia graphics card and i am using the internal graphics device in my intel 915GAV board. i replaced the x.org.conf with the xorg.conf.failsafe for using the xserver initially. now i want to install the driver for  igd19:07
phoenix_i run this command "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel", it said it was already installed, but i purged and reinstalled it. it has not changed the xorg.conf. is there a command to detect the hardware installed?19:09
PiciYes, delete xorg.conf and it will attept to use udev to detect the hardware automatically.19:10
phoenix_i will try that thank you pici19:12
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bobywhen there will be ubuntu 10.04.119:23
bobyit shoul be relesed 3 months after 27.4 (10.04 relese date)19:24
bobydoes anybody know?19:25
cuzntwhen it is ready i would assume19:25
cuznttry ubuntu.org19:25
Piciboby: Scheduled for Aug 12th.19:25
PiciSee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule19:25
phoenix_Pici: the xorg.conf is not created19:27
Piciphoenix_: Thats correct.19:27
Piciphoenix_: Its not needed to start Xorg.19:27
phoenix_Pici: but i am not able to get graphics acceleration19:28
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Piciphoenix_: I'm not familiar with how the menu layout is in KDE, its probably best if someone else gives you a hand checking if you can enable any restricted drivers.19:29
phoenix_Pici: i tried the jockey program, it is not able to detect the hardware19:29
torsten_hello. just recently Kontact starts with summary. And then there no click has an effect in Kontact. I can't switch to calendar, news or mail. How can I get Kontact working again?19:49
mfraz74i had that too, not sure how i sorted it though19:52
mfraz74still doesn't seem to be working properly either19:53
torsten_hm... really annoying...19:53
phoenix_Pici: i tried the command "Xorg -configure" it created xorg.conf.new file. i then moved the file to the X11 directory and uded this command "sudo X -config /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:56
phoenix_Pici: it worked19:56
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torsten_has no one an idea how to solve that problem?20:13
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xzasedHi. In Kubuntu Lucid, how can I make my wireless connection active even when I logout?20:42
macoxzased: in the connection's setting, mark it as a system connection20:42
mfraz74is it possible to configure a printer for every user on the one computer?20:43
xzasedmaco: The system connection option is greyed out.20:46
macoxzased: i know that configuring it in /etc/network/interfaces would do it too, but that shouldnt be necessary :-/20:47
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torsten_hello. just recently Kontact starts with summary. And then there no click has an effect in Kontact. I can't switch to calendar, news or mail. How can I get Kontact working again?20:54
mfraz74torsten_: you might have to remove all the settings for kontact in .kde/share/config20:58
torsten_will give it a try21:01
torsten_no, doesnt help. process kontact doesnt react furthermore21:04
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hstefanis there some terminal program to count file lines?21:28
torsten_hstefan: wc -l [file]21:34
hstefantorsten_: thanks21:38
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torsten__hello. just recently Kontact starts with summary. And then there no click has an effect in Kontact. I can't switch to calendar, news or mail. How can I get Kontact working again?22:05
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fidelixWhat's ubuntu 10.04 sound server?22:33
well_laid_lawnisn't it pulseaudio?22:35
fidelixHow do i change the default sound server on Kubuntu?22:46
fidelixI guess pulseaudio is not detecting my mic.22:46
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well_laid_lawnalot of ppl just remove pulse - it is problematic22:54
fidelixWell, if i remove pulse my whole kde installation goes with it22:55
well_laid_lawndoes alsa see the mic?22:56
well_laid_lawnlook in   alsamixer   in konsole22:57
fidelixno it doesnt22:57
fidelixit does22:57
well_laid_lawnis it a usb mic?22:57
fidelixFront Mic Boost and Mic Boost22:57
well_laid_lawnk :]22:57
fidelixIts a laptop22:58
fidelixBut i'm with an external mic22:58
well_laid_lawnthey turned up in alsamixer?22:58
well_laid_lawntop left in alsamixer has a button to hit for capture cards - f4 I think22:58
fidelixF5 actually22:59
well_laid_lawndoes the mic show in there?22:59
fidelixyes, it is in /proc/asound/devices23:00
well_laid_lawnin f5 it should show the capture volume not just a boost or something23:01
fidelixYes, its there23:02
fidelixAnd its 100%23:02
well_laid_lawndoes   ffmpeg -i plughw:1,0 -acodec libmp3lame -ab 192k out.wav   give you any capturing?23:04
well_laid_lawnoops does   ffmpeg -i plughw:1,0 -acodec libmp3lame -ab 192k out.mp3   give you any capturing?23:05
fidelixill install ffmpeg23:05
well_laid_lawnit is ubuntus ffmpeg so there is no mp3 support23:07
fidelixI dont get it, libmp3lame0 is installed23:08
well_laid_lawnlook at the config options at the start of ffmpegs output23:08
well_laid_lawnno libmp3lame23:09
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:09
fidelixI have restricted formats installed23:10
well_laid_lawnwhen ubuntu built ffmpeg they on purpose chose not to include mp3 in it23:11
fidelixi know. But i dont understand the relation23:11
well_laid_lawnbut since the mic is found by alsa you need to get around pulse or make pulse work with the mic23:11
well_laid_lawnwhat is the lappy model?23:12
fidelixPhilco 1500823:12
well_laid_lawnI'll have a google23:12
fidelixNow, making pulse work with the mic will be something.23:12
well_laid_lawneverything in google about that lappy is in spanish...23:13
well_laid_lawnot portugese23:14
fidelixPortuguese, actually. hehehe23:14
fidelixI'm from Brazil.23:14
well_laid_lawnthere's a portugese channel23:14
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.23:14
well_laid_lawnthey might know the hardware better23:14
fidelixThe hardware is generic.23:14
fidelixIt works on windows out of the box23:15
well_laid_lawnlspci and look for what the mic is23:15
well_laid_lawnno finding much with google23:21
well_laid_lawnseems it mostly works for people23:21
fidelixIf i could remove pulseaudio23:21
well_laid_lawnis it one particular app you want it to work with?23:23
well_laid_lawnI've seen alot of folk have trouble with sound and skype - let me try another google23:24
fidelixIts not working in qarecord either23:25
fidelixCheck if you see anything strange on its output23:26
well_laid_lawnWriting to file /home/fidelix/New1.wav - is that file there?23:29
fidelixYes. But if i write to a new one its the same.23:30
well_laid_lawn/home/fidelix/New1.wav already exists, renaming old file to /home/fidelix/New1.old2.wav - is that one diff?23:31
fidelixThey're all diff23:33
fidelix(3126) KSycocaPrivate::openDatabase: Trying to open ksycoca from  "/var/tmp/kdecache-fidelix/ksycoca4"23:33
fidelixThis seems suspicious23:33
fidelixBus::open: Can not get ibus-daemon's address.23:33
fidelixIBusInputContext::createInputContext: no connection to ibus-daemon23:33
fidelixThis too23:33
well_laid_lawnlots of app do that23:34
well_laid_lawnso qarecord does record diff wavs23:36
well_laid_lawnso hopefully it is a just a skype setup thing23:37
fidelixqarecord only recorded diff wavs because every time i hit record it creates a new file23:37
fidelixAnd renames the old onde to .old23:37
well_laid_lawndoes it record sound?23:38
well_laid_lawnfidelix: try in console   arecord test.wav   and speak into the mic - ctrl+c to stop23:44
fidelixhow do i play with console the sound?23:44
fidelixDid it23:46
fidelixthere is some noise23:46
fidelixBut no voice23:46
well_laid_lawnwhat does   arecord -l   return then?23:47
fidelix**** Lista de Dispositivos CAPTURE Hardware ****23:49
fidelixplaca 0: Intel [HDA Intel], dispositivo 0: ALC269 Analog [ALC269 Analog]23:49
fidelix  Dispositivo secundário: 1/123:49
fidelix  Dispositivo secundário #0: subdevice #023:49
FloodBotK1fidelix: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:49
well_laid_lawntry in konsole   arecord -v test.wav   and speak into the mic - ctrl+c to stop23:50
well_laid_lawnit seems to see the mic23:50
fidelixJust noise23:51
well_laid_lawnthe -v option was to get some terminal output from arecord to check for errors23:53
fidelixIf u want i can pastebin it23:54
fidelixIts a lot of info23:54
well_laid_lawnany obvious errors?23:56
well_laid_lawnand have you got the pcm or master selected in the kmix23:56
well_laid_lawnas the master23:56
fidelixill check it23:57
fidelixMaster = Master23:58
well_laid_lawntry using the pcm as master23:58

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