
wgrantmars: I don't understand your assertThat suggestion.00:10
wgrantI've not seen it before.00:10
marswgrant, it's something newish that testtools ported from Java.  You write a custom matcher and pass it into the assertThat() method along with the object to be asserted00:10
marswgrant, so you would write a matcher that does the "assertEqual(expected, list(object._myMethod()))" dance for you, as if you were writing a helper function or something00:12
marsthen you pass that matcher and the object under test into assertThat:  assertThat(myobject, PassesMyTest(foo))00:12
wgrantAh, I see.00:13
marsThe Java guys came up with it as a hack because assertEquals in Java just prints "True" or "False", which is really lame.  So they created the assertThat() method so that it can actually print nice test failure messages.00:14
marsHowever, it also serves as a nice way to pull common custom test conditions together as readable wrapper for helper functions00:14
marswgrant, here's the code: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~testtools-dev/testtools/trunk/annotate/head:/testtools/matchers.py00:17
wgrantI see it's not used anywhere in LP.00:19
wgrantI'm not sure how to write a matcher.00:19
marswgrant, ok, maybe don't worry about it.  I'm just reading the code now, and you have to define a new class to do it.00:21
wgrantmars: Do you object strongly enough to NascentUpload's conditional __init__ that I should change the several dozen callsites which pass in a path?00:21
lifelesswgrant: give me a few minutes and I can help; or you can look at at testtools.matchers, bzrlib.test.matchers, or james' external matcher project00:21
wgrantI suppose it's nicer.00:21
pooliehi mars, wgrant00:22
wgrantMorning poolie.00:22
marslifeless, I was thinking it was a nice way to wrap a repeated one-line assertEquals(), but I don't think the matchers are light enough to do that yet00:22
marsGood morning poolie00:22
pooliei've been meaning to try joining up multiple related assertions under an aggregating matcher00:23
poolieso you get a better message when they fail00:23
marsA decorator to somehow turn a helper function into a matcher would do the trick, but it's just a fancy way of writing a self.checkThat(foo) method.00:24
lifelessmars: wgrant: whats the MP that this is being discussed on ?00:26
pooliei think there's a social effect here that we don't normally have tests failing very much00:26
wgrantlifeless: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/test-ddeb-matching/+merge/3148200:26
poolieso having nicer failures is only a transient benefit00:26
marspoolie, here as in Launchpad, or here as in Python?00:26
pooliein bzr, and probably in lp00:30
pooliemaybe you get more failures in buildbot in lp00:30
lifelesswgrant: ok, matchers will definitely be cleaner. let me sketch you a story00:30
wgrantlifeless: Cleaner than a domain-specific assertion method?00:31
poolieyeah, they would be00:31
pooliedefinitely cleaner than inventing a per-test way of factoring it out00:31
lifelesswgrant: you also have some dead code AFAICT00:33
wgrantHm, there's an 'except KeyError' that probably shouldn't be there any more.00:34
wgrantBut what else?00:34
wgrantOh, no, that should be.00:34
wgrantWhat's dead?00:35
lifelesswgrant: http://paste.ubuntu.com/472863/00:39
lifelesswgrant: I didn't quite get the intent of your function initially00:39
lifelesswgrant: thats a sketch of a matcher : use it as self.assertThat(self.changes, HasCorrectDebugDebs())00:40
lifelessit has the following properties; it is itself testable00:40
wgrantlifeless: Um, matchDDEBs is production code.00:40
wgrantNot just for tests.00:40
lifelesswgrant: thats interesting :) this can still fit in that context - matchers are not test-only code.00:41
lifelessanyhow, if it fits - great; if it doesn't, thats fine too.00:42
marslifeless, poolie, in your 'switchable sandbox' workflow, does 'bzr push' still work as normal from within the tree'd branch you are working in?00:46
james_wwgrant, lifeless, mars: there will be lp.testing.matchers landing very shortly00:46
marsor do I have have to cd out and into the branch I am switched to?00:46
james_wI would encourage lp.<app>.testing.matchers or similar too00:46
marsjames_w, cool, be sure to write the list when it does00:46
marsvery nice00:47
james_wI think it's either in PQM's queue, or got lost between ec2 and pqm00:47
thumperI want to update the pre-requisite branch of a merge proposal00:49
* thumper tweaks todo list00:49
* mwhudson waves at james_w 00:54
lifelessUrsinha-afk: doh, I misse dyou00:55
james_whi mwhudson00:55
mwhudsonjames_w: i was going to ask how things were going, but maybe we should do that in #linaro00:56
wgrantHow is stable ever going to get deployed in the new QA model?00:58
wgrantIf it has to be fully QAd...00:58
james_wwhere do I find launchpad pqm's web interface?00:59
marsjames_w, https://pqm.launchpad.net, but it won't help you much01:00
marsjames_w, you might have to grep the server logs to find your branch01:00
marsoh, or not01:00
marsthe branch is in the queue01:01
lifelesswgrant: a specific rev of stable is fully qa'd, not tip.01:04
lifelesswgrant: I'll make that clearer01:04
wgrantlifeless: Ah, I see.01:04
lifelessmars: yes, it still works.01:04
wgrantlifeless: flacoste's email this morning confused me.01:05
wgrant>      Is there a facility to roll out just the QAd stuff?01:05
wgrantNo. Un-qaed revisions blocks deployment.01:05
lifelesswhat he means is01:05
wgrantIt'll roll out an earlier revision.01:05
lifelesswe can only rollout qa'd stuff; and that means we can't skip a revision01:05
lifelessif you have ABCDEF and A,C are QA'd we can only deploy A01:05
lifelessB needs to be either rolled back, or QA-ok.01:06
lifelessanyone seen ImportError: No module named debian on ec2 recently ?01:08
wgrantThat rev was just rolled back.01:08
wgrantBut I thought buildbot was broken -- not ec2.01:08
marswgrant, he may have fired up ec2 before the fix landed01:09
jelmerlifeless: You need to merge in a more recent lp:launchpad/devel, which adds me to the list of valid image owners. Though it's not relevant anymore since that revision has indeed been reverted.01:11
lifelessjelmer: into where - the ec2land running branch, my branch being submitted, or the target ?01:13
jelmerlifeless, the ec2land running branch01:13
lifelessbut ok01:13
lifelessis there a bug about the hot bugs list not updating bug status ?01:26
poolielifeless: yes, is memcache misuse bug01:26
lifelesspoolie: yes, but whats the bug #01:27
wgrantThe milestone view is still broken too :(01:27
* poolie looks01:27
poolieah bug 599614 is the milestone page01:28
_mup_Bug #599614: bad caching in milestone page <qa-ok> <trivial> <Launchpad Registry:Fix Released by sinzui> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/599614>01:28
wgrantIt's a lie.01:28
wgrantAh, different bug.01:28
poolielifeless: i wonder if we should 1- just turn them all off; 2- turn them right down to be unobjectionably low; 3- push expiry; 4- force browser refresh01:28
wgrantBug #601051 is one.01:30
_mup_Bug #601051: Caching of primary data sources reduces utility <Launchpad Registry:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/601051>01:30
poolieso this is an interesting case to use approximation01:30
poolieif you say "about 200 open bugs" it's a bit more tolerant of being out of date,01:30
pooliebut not really, because i could speedily close many of them, and then it would still be wrong01:31
pooliewgrant: that's a nice description of a general cause01:31
poolieis it really a registry bug?01:31
wgrantWell, the problematic cases are mostly Registry.01:32
wgrantBut possibly not.01:32
pooliebug 604530 too01:32
_mup_Bug #604530: brower refresh button should refresh TAL caches <Launchpad Foundations:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/604530>01:32
james_wis http://paste.ubuntu.com/472894/ not broken?02:29
wgrantI'd say so.02:31
wgrantIt's been BPPH for yeeeears.02:31
* mwhudson hasn't internalized the soyuz model well enough to say off hand02:31
james_wthere's no distroarchseries on BinaryPackageRelease or its interface02:32
* thumper has connection issues02:32
james_wmake that three classes that don't implement the interface02:32
thumperthere are people outside messing with wires02:32
wgrantjames_w: The idea is right. It's joining BPR to DAS via BPP.02:33
wgrantExcept that BPP is BPPH and has been for a long time.02:33
james_wdoes this imply that the "packages" attribute isn't used anywhere?02:34
wgrantI would hope that was the case.02:34
mwhudsonjames_w: is it in the interface?02:35
james_wmwhudson: yes02:35
james_wdelete it or write tests for it?02:36
james_wI'm inclined to delete it02:37
mwhudsondelete it02:37
mwhudsonif it's not used02:37
mwhudsonwhich it seems like it can't possibly be02:37
lifelessthumper: telecomnz seems to have had an outage02:38
spmsomeone let that wet string dry out again?02:45
james_wthe first set of changes to wean SoyuzTestPublisher off the sampledata is now in ec2 to generate a list of fallout for me to work through02:58
wgrantThat could be amusing.02:58
james_wI'm doing it piecemeal02:58
wgrantI'm considering demolishing parts of builder.txt.02:59
james_wthis doesn't just make it ignore sampledata. There's one pipe to make the SoyuzTestPublisher back on to the factory, and another to give an API to avoid sampledata, with minimal changes to existing test paths.03:00
wgrantSoyuz tests seem to be getting a bit of a makeover at the moment.03:00
wgrantAh, excellent!03:00
james_wthat will allow us to gradually migrate03:00
james_wif it turns out there isn't much fallout then I'll just switch the existing code paths. The branch I just sent to ec2 does this for all the tests in test_publisher, just to get a feel for the fallout.03:01
lifelesswgrant: so, I think I've captured what you wanted in bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/60105103:04
_mup_Bug #601051: memcache is used as a bandaid for responsiveness <Launchpad itself:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/601051>03:04
lifelesswgrant: if instead you meant to say 'page X is cached and shouldn't be', please change it to say that and put it on the right product.03:04
wgrantlifeless: Indeed, thanks.03:05
wgrantThere are a few around now, so your changes sound good.03:05
thumperOMFG, my code is actually working03:13
spmthumper: that's the beauty of statistics; eventually that million to one chance comes up!03:14
spm(I am *so* dead at the next allhands...)03:14
thumperfcuking aussies think they are better than the rest of us03:14
spms/think/know/ ;-)03:15
thumperI was amused to read an article on the sydney morning herald website03:15
thumperabout how australia was going to beat the all blacks last weekend03:15
thumperone of his 10 reasons was "because australians are better than kiwis at everything"03:16
spmah yes. The SMH. Purveyor of Kwality Journalism.03:16
wgrantExcellent reasoning.03:16
thumperanother was "because it is about time"03:16
thumperand "we have too good a coach to lose to the all blacks 8 TIMES IN A ROW"03:16
spmI gather the AllBlacks won then?03:17
thumperheh, by lots03:17
spmha! nice.03:17
thumper49 to something small like 1403:17
spmwas it a decent match depsite the score diff? or just embarrassing?03:17
thumperwallabies got someone red carded for the first time ever against the ABs03:17
spmAhh. Biased ref eh?03:17
thumperstupid player03:18
spm(zing. trolled!)03:18
thumperABs had a player yellow carded for not using arms in a tackle (read as shoulder charge)03:18
thumperWallabies got a player yellowed for exactly the same reason with 5 minutes03:18
thumperref warned both captains to stop slowing the ball down and he would move to yellow cards for anyone who continues03:19
lifelessI wonder03:19
lifelessfor tag clouds03:19
spmhrm. ok, It's been about 25 years since I last played rugby; but we were taught to more or less hit with the shoulder and wrap the arms around to pull 'em down. that no longer the case?03:19
lifelessif using just the last 10K modified or something to summarise would be good03:19
lifelessrather than 'all open'03:19
thumperwallaby player gets yellow carded for slowing the ball down, but it was the same guy, 2 yellows = red03:19
lifeless(which we don't even do today)03:19
thumperspm: that's kinda OK as long as the arms are up and out at the time of shoulder contact :)03:20
spmlifeless: I'd suspect it would be  - if only for 'most recent ~= most relevant'03:20
wgrantlifeless: Don't we use 'all open' at the moment?03:20
wgrantlifeless: Apart from the dupe bug.03:20
spmthumper: roight03:20
lifelesswgrant: bug 404*** - tags from closed bug sshow in the cloud03:20
lifelesswgrant: that might be dupe related, I dunno03:20
lifelesswgrant: check your bug mail ~ 2am03:20
* thumper is making bzr push lp:project work when there isn't yet a trunk03:21
lifelessthumper: orsum03:21
wgrantlifeless: Ah.03:23
lifelesslosa ping03:26
lifelesswhats the unit on https://lpstats.canonical.com/graphs/MemcachedServersAll/03:26
lifelessrequests per ??? ?03:26
* lifeless trouts spm03:26
thumperspm: there is something I'm supposed to be talking to you about...03:26
* thumper thinks03:26
spmlifeless: I think it's seconds tbh.03:27
lifelessspm: and https://lpstats.canonical.com/graphs/MemcachedTotal/03:27
lifelessspm: does that mean, as I think it does, that we're getting 20% hit rate?03:27
spmlifeless: 5 min average, or possibly 1 min avg; per second.03:27
spmlifeless: I guess so - I'd suggest verifying with stub tho; he's more across the fine details of those than me03:28
lifelessmeh, I'll shoot my foot off, its fine.03:29
spmfwiw, the serversall is a tad busy, but somewhat by (my) choice. was thinking that if we note server X is showing numbers wildly different to A, B & C, then there is "A Problemâ„¢"03:29
spmbut by and large, they all track fairly close together, which is a good thing03:30
thumpermwhudson: please tell me that if the xmlrpc server returns a fault it aborts the transaction03:31
mwhudsonthumper: i think so, you should be able to confirm by looking at the publication code03:33
thumpermwhudson: where is the xmlrpc publication code?03:33
thumperdo you know?03:33
mwhudsonthumper: otp03:40
thumperlp.codehosting.inmemory is going to make my life hard03:45
* lifeless sets up a flamefest on lp-dev03:47
thumperlifeless: about?03:48
mwhudsonis the set up you need to pqm-submit launchpad branches documented somewhere?03:49
mwhudsoni know it used to be on launchpad.canonical.com03:49
lifelessif this is wgrant's stuff, use ec2land ;)03:50
mwhudsonit's just generally trying to recover my set up03:50
mwhudsoni didn't lose much data, but i hadn't backed up lots of configuration :(03:50
lifelesshere is what I used:03:51
lifelessecho "star-merge bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lifeless/launchpad/malone  bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/devel" | gnome-gpg --cl | mail launchpad@pqm.canonical.com -s "[r=mwhudson,thumper][ui=none][bug=607776] Further trade off ideal dup detection for speed, with an eye to bring back in ideal detection soon."03:51
lifelesswhen I had something that I needed to do directly :P03:51
thumperI just use the pqm-submit plugin, and have an alias for db-submit03:52
thumpermwhudson: you need (or should have) the canonical smtp server set up for outgoing email03:52
thumpermwhudson: [/home/tim/repo/canonical/launchpad]03:53
thumperpqm_email = Launchpad PQM <launchpad@pqm.canonical.com>03:53
thumpersubmit_branch = /home/tim/repo/canonical/launchpad/devel03:53
thumpermwhudson: and set a public location for the submit branch03:53
mwhudsonthumper: ta03:54
lifelessmy memcached mail seems to have gone awol ?03:57
lifelesseither that or lp list handling has gone boom ?03:58
lifelessspm: ^?03:58
spmI've got your email. ?03:58
spm"So, we've got a partial deployment of memcache in place..."03:58
lifelessok cool. just gmail being stupid I guess03:59
lifelessnot showing me what I sent ...03:59
mwhudsonthumper: the publication code is in canonical.launchpad.webapp.servers04:00
james_wmwhudson: please add to https://dev.launchpad.net/LandingChanges04:00
mwhudsonthumper: and yeah, inmemory doesn't support transactions04:00
mwhudsonjames_w: actually maybe i am just being very antiquated in wanting to use pqm-submit04:02
wgrantlifeless: One concern: as of 10.08 the front page makes requests to the blog to retrieve the feed. That's stored in memcached.04:04
wgrantI'm not sure if that's going to be a problem, though.04:04
lifelesswe can keep that one page I guess.04:05
lifeless(that said, the blog is local in the DC isn't it ?)04:05
wgrantI think so.04:05
lifelessremember that right now memcache isn't 'production available' - its not rated as a sev 1 when its down.04:06
lifelesspoolie: you said the other day that we could talk feature flags04:07
lifelesspoolie: did we? I forget04:07
pooliei did say that; we didn't talk; talking now could be good04:08
pooliethis is a good time for me actually04:08
lifelesspoolie: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug-show-similar?title=lifeless%20is%20excited%20by%20the%20speed04:19
j24is there any doc howto install and configure launchpad dev?04:21
pooliej24: dev.launchpad.net04:22
j24I've read it but not clear04:25
j24I've install it04:25
j24poolie: I've install by apt-get04:28
j24and now want to run it04:28
j24but it never start04:28
pooliewhat did you install?04:29
j24$ co04:32
j24& co04:32
poolieand what are you trying to accomplish04:33
j24I want a local launchpad04:33
j24to manage our own projects04:33
pooliethe "launchpad-integration" package isn't the launchpad source04:34
j24I've install this04:34
poolieyeah, that's not actually launchpad04:35
poolieas the name says, they're the dependencies and integration code04:35
j24how can I install it so?04:37
j24I want to install how own launchpad server04:37
poolieread that wiki page04:37
j24is there any package that can do it on ubuntu?04:38
j24with have to install the source04:38
j24I've read the wiki but they always talk about manual settings04:38
j24not howto install your own launchpad04:39
j24poolie: if I download the source ok04:47
j24it work if I run make run04:47
j24but to setup a server it not good04:47
j24poolie: how can people will use bazar for them self when it's not friendly at all05:03
j24and ditto for launchpad05:03
wgrantj24: Launchpad's not designed for you to install it yourself.05:09
wgrantWhat is the prolbem that you have with Bazaar?05:09
* mwhudson can't remember if he used to use gnome-gpg or seahorse05:09
thumperj24: I use bzr locally without launchpad for most of my work, what is it you are trying to do?05:12
thumperStevenK: ping05:14
lifelessspm: yo! OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/lock/launchpad-codeimportdispatcher.lock'05:22
StevenKthumper: Pong05:42
cody-somervilleIs this how adapters are intended to be used?: http://www.muthukadan.net/docs/zca.html#adapters05:43
thumpercody-somerville: not necessarily how we do it05:45
thumpercody-somerville: you might want to take a look at BranchTarget as an example of how lp.code does it05:46
cody-somervilleDoes launchpad use invariants, handlers, or subscription adapters?05:49
mwhudsoni don't know what a subscription adapter is05:50
mwhudsoni don't think we use invariants05:50
mwhudsonwhat do you mean by handlers?05:50
mwhudsonwe do use zope.event a bit05:50
spmlifeless: huh. so I see. two of 'em on diff servers. curious....05:50
cody-somervillemwhudson, handlers are subscription adapter factories that don't produce anything.05:50
cody-somervillemwhudson, http://www.muthukadan.net/docs/zca.html#subscription-adapter05:51
lifelesscody-somerville: no, we use a somewhat simpler thing05:51
lifelesseven implements some IFoo05:51
lifelessand things that have register(IFoo) get called back05:51
mwhudsoncody-somerville: ok, no i don't think we use subscription adapters05:54
lifelessthey look like a solution looking for a problem, to me ;)05:56
wgrantWe probably use them for publication hooks, but that's all I know of.05:59
StevenKlifeless: O hai, no review?05:59
lifelessurl me up05:59
lifelessI shall do05:59
StevenKlifeless: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/move-ifp-from-idistroseries/+merge/3152005:59
lifelessStevenK: so06:01
lifelessINSERT INTO is one case06:01
StevenKI've since converted these calls to store.execute(), by the by06:02
lifelessStevenK: I'm looking at store.execute on the merge page :P06:03
* StevenK kicks his browser06:03
lifeless_copy_lucille_config can be done with the GenericCollection stuff06:03
lifelessits a set-wide mutation, which it supports.06:03
lifelessso - INSERT INTO needs a storm feature, please file one (it needs INSERT INTO support, which AFAIK is not yet available)06:04
lifelessthe UPDATE can be done already without writing SQL.06:05
StevenKI'm suprised Storm can't do INSERT06:06
lifelessINSERT yes06:06
lifelessINSERT INTO no06:06
lifelesssorry, I should be clear INSERT INTO ... SELECT06:07
StevenKlifeless: So it's an insert with a sub-select?06:07
lifelessit performs a query and inserts the result into a table06:08
StevenKlifeless: Bug filed, #61330006:10
_mup_Bug #613300: Storm needs to support INSERT INTO ... SELECT <Storm:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/613300>06:10
mwhudsonsetting up the functional layer takes 25 seconds on this machine :(06:36
StevenKlifeless: Anything else, re: that MP?06:38
lifelessnot at the level you were asking about06:38
StevenKmwhudson: What is it, a coal-fired 486?06:38
lifelesswhich was just 'why the raw sql'06:38
mwhudsonStevenK: netbook06:39
StevenKlifeless: Well, the other question was is the ducking underneath and all that still necessary?06:39
lifelesswhat do you mean 'ducking underneath' ?06:40
StevenKlifeless: In regards to the comment at line 108 in the MP diff06:40
lifelesswell while INSERT INTO...SELECT is used; yes.06:42
lifelessspm: how about rt 40685 - is that blocked ?06:54
wgrantmwhudson: What sort of hardware is that?06:56
mwhudsonwgrant: it's an aspire one, some atom thing at 1.66 ghz06:56
cody-somervillehttps://code.edge.launchpad.net/django <-- the first branch lists two series, one of the series doesn't even belong to the django project - is that a feature or a bug?06:57
spmlifeless: only on resourcing afaict06:58
lifelessspm: ok.06:59
lifelessspm: wanna bikkit!06:59
lifelessspm: you might like to eyeball https://dev.launchpad.net/LEP/ReleaseFeaturesWhenTheyAreDone06:59
wgrantmwhudson: Haha.07:00
* mwhudson having defeated zope again for the moment, retires for the evening07:01
wgrantmwhudson: Did you get around to sending those branches off, or did the Atom defeat you?07:02
mwhudsonwgrant: i didn't send your branches, sorry07:02
wgrantmwhudson: No worries.07:02
lifelesswgrant: Are they all totally good to go /07:05
* StevenK kicks IArchiveSet.getByDistroPurpose()07:06
wgrantlifeless: All except test-ddeb-matching are reviewed. I should probably get that one re-reviewed, since there were some changes made.07:08
wgrantStevenK: Why?07:08
wgrantStevenK: ArchiveCollection may interest you.07:08
j24wgrant: thumper: I want a local bazarr management tool07:08
j24and take a look on launchpad07:08
j24it look good07:08
j24but it's seems impossible to use for local projects management07:09
StevenKwgrant: Because I'm calling it from a doctest, and it's printing a security proxied IArchive, and it gets called from the script, and it's None07:09
wgrantStevenK: Awesome.07:09
StevenKwgrant: FSVO07:09
lifelessspm: any concerns about that wiki page from your perspective ?07:20
spmlifeless: in stage 1, it might be worth raising the idea of switching app servers in/out of the pool of available services on the LB's07:24
lifelessspm: isn't that whats done ?07:24
spmtbh, short of config file changes and reloads of the LB's, it may not even be possible.07:25
lifelessI'm going to ostrich this one07:25
lifelessif it fuads07:26
lifelesswe'll stop moving through the process and address it07:26
spm@ $job-1; we were able to switch servers on/off in the web ui; but as we only had 3 app servers to worry about; and rollouts were light; it wasnt hard to do so.07:26
spmheh, and the idea of automated config changes to the running config of the LB's gives me the willies. switching set A in; out; B in etc. It may work; but *wince*.07:29
spmit'd be nice if haproxy (it may, i just don't know) had some sort of remote push notify that a service was going down. vs it's current detect that service is down.07:30
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
adeuringgood morning08:32
wgrantbigjools: Morning.09:15
wgrantbigjools: Any progress on the log parser setup?09:24
bigjoolsI asked for it to be re-instated09:24
bigjoolsabout a week ago in fact09:25
bigjoolsnot sure if it got done though09:25
StevenKwgrant: O hai?09:30
StevenKwgrant: I'm working on moving initialiseFromParent() out of IDistroSeries, and I've stopped it creating archives that don't exist. What should it do if the debug archive doesn't exist?09:31
wgrantStevenK: Hi.09:31
wgrantStevenK: Why would iFP be creating archives?09:31
StevenKIt currently does09:32
bigjoolsit's bogus code09:32
StevenKFor example, ArchivePurpose.PARTNER09:32
wgrantAh, I guess it's designed to work cross-distro.09:32
wgrantAnd it will need to soon... but I'd just drop that code until we know what it actually needs to be extended to do.09:32
StevenKwgrant: I'm not sure I follow. Have iFP ignore debug archives?09:33
wgrantStevenK: iFP is currently used within a single distro.09:34
wgrantIf there's no archive to publish to, there isn't one to copy from either.09:34
wgrantThe current code is reasonable, though.09:36
StevenKwgrant: Have you seen my MP?09:36
wgrantStevenK: I looked at it around 6am this morning, so didn't really take in much...09:37
* wgrant looks again.09:37
wgrantDoes it really belong in scripts/?09:38
wgrantWe have stuff like the copy infrastructure in there... but then we call it from outside. I think it should be somewhere else.09:38
wgrantBut anyway.09:38
bigjoolsit's a script09:39
bigjoolsit should live in scripts09:39
wgrantStevenK: Ah, so you're fixing it to not blindly copy PARTNER any more?09:39
wgrantIn that case, yes, whitelist DEBUG along with PRIMARY.09:40
wgrantThey need to be copied together at all costs.09:40
bigjoolsdebug doesn't exist yet though does it?09:40
wgrantIt doesn't, no.09:41
wgrantOh, blah. That creates it even if there are no publications.09:41
wgrantOh, no. It doesn't.09:42
wgrantSo that's fine.09:42
bigjoolsso the script should only copy ddebs if the debug archive exists09:42
wgrantThere are only ddebs to copy if the debug archive exists, so it won't copy them unless it exists.09:42
bigjoolsexactly :)09:43
wgrantbigjools: Ah, thanks for fixing that.10:58
bigjoolsyou're such a stalker :)10:58
wgrantI just subscribe to (db-)devel!10:59
lifelesswgrant: ping11:15
lifelesswgrant: Can you find more memcaching bugs - I can't find a solid list of them.11:15
wgrantlifeless: Grep the tree for tal:cache, take most of the results!11:25
wgrant(I can't do it myself right now, sorry)11:25
lifelesshah, lol, thanks.11:26
jtvsinzui, hi!  Say, would you mind having a look at how the FakeLibrarian currently installs itself and say whether I'm on the right track?  Whether we want layers or test resources to take care of actually invoking it is for later.  WIP MP: https://code.launchpad.net/~jtv/launchpad/fake-librarian/+merge/3090711:36
lifelessanyone from bugs around ?11:40
lifelessjml: you wanted to catch up on testr; was there other stuff? should we have a brief call?11:40
jmllifeless, just testr. need coffee before call.11:41
jmllifeless, hello11:49
wgrantlifeless: I received an email about one of those branches, but not the other two.12:00
lifelessno idea why :)12:00
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lifelessjml: this is a core example of the sort of thing I was talking about re: storm etc - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+bug/25128412:34
_mup_Bug #251284: Building a representation of one entry should not take more than 1 database request <api> <Launchpad Foundations:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/251284>12:35
deryckMorning, all.12:39
jelmerhey Deryck!12:41
derycklifeless, you around?12:45
deryckso I'm a little aggravated that the caching of the hot bugs list as been held up as the poster boy for the horror of memcached.  But I certainly don't mind if the caching is removed.12:46
lifelesssorry :( its only one case12:46
deryckFor the record, I did not do it to fix performance problems on the bugs home page.  You can see two MPs for bug 590992, where I fixed the root cause of that issue first and then added caching to try to buy overhead in times of trouble again (i.e. back when the db was on fire).12:48
_mup_Bug #590992: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu times out consistently <qa-ok> <timeout> <Launchpad Bugs:Fix Released by deryck> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/590992>12:48
deryckSo I don't appreciate the "developers don't know how to cache" meme going around the bugs and email thread.12:48
lifelessIt has definitely got overpersonal and a bit insulting12:49
lifelessand thats sad, because I don't feel that way about our team12:49
deryckI agree there are problems with memcached usage currently.  And perhaps it's better to focus our efforts on root cause of timeouts than getting the memcached infrastructure where it needs to be....12:49
deryckand fixing specific bad uses of caching, of course, fine....12:50
deryckbut we'll never get memcached working if we don't try somehow.  and I think it is useful if used well.12:50
lifelessI totally agree12:51
lifelessI had tried to make that clear; its a tricky subject :(12:51
deryckYes, I agree it's tricky.  And I agree with your perceptions, but not your conclusions.  In other words, yes, we have issues, yes, we need to do better, and priorities need to be accessed.  But I don't think backing out the facility completely, thereby preventing any further use, is the right approach.12:53
lifelessI've just re-read the thread, and I'm unhappy that you're unhappy - neither of my mails talks about motivation or knowledge at all.12:53
derycklifeless, "message and developer actions are mismatched" in response to memcached not being about timeouts implies developers motivations are just to fix timeouts....12:55
deryckin the bug on this hot bugs issue you quote the great unsolved quote as if I don't know that and tell me to fix performance some other way12:55
lifelessderyck: for that one I apologise wholeheartedly12:56
deryckno worries, I'm not *that* upset about it. :-)  and look, I'm not trying to be a cry baby about it.  It's not that big a deal in the end....12:56
lifelessderyck: it was out of line, I was a bit unhappy at it being low I think.12:56
deryckfair enough.  I would rather us fix the memcached infrastructure to have some basic invalidation capabilities, rather than revert the usage.  I could use a feature flag to cache for edge now, when I couldn't before.12:57
lifelessderyck: so, I have a few things I want to ensure; I want to ensure that root causes are fixed first. Its great that you're doing that; I know via direct observation that it is not universally the case.12:57
derycktotally agree that we should fix that first.  I've not chatted with anyone to know others are doing differently, but I certainly believe you :-)12:58
deryckAnd I'm happy to have this one case reverted if it makes everyone happier.12:59
lifelessI want to ensure that we don't have coherency issues that users percieve - I'm all for decreased consistency to increase performance - but we can get a lot of mileage from just a little inconsistency12:59
lifelessbah, perc*ei*ve - its midnight13:00
deryckright.  Sorry to get you so late.  I appreciate you chatting with me about it.13:00
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lifelessI have a concern - possibly entirely unjustified - that we're missing a huge slab of infrastructure to do invalidation at all well : rabbit may help, but its pretty tricky knowing *all* the places that something can have been cached in.13:01
lifelessanyhow, I'm not talking about pulling the plug from memcached in the datacentre; I'm talking about making sure that where we use it, its transparent to the user, and beneficial to us: we should be saving more time than we spend putting stuff in it during our current peak-load events13:03
deryckok, if we're talking about "let's use it better, here's how..." then I'm completely supportive of that.  I read "propose to turn memcached off Friday" as taking away the facility completely.13:04
lifelessslightly hyperbole, and I didn't talk implementation details - I should have.13:04
lifelessI think memcache is a wonderful tool (I'm upstream on squid FWIW - I *really* like my caches)13:05
bigjoolsjml: I'd like a chat with you later about derived distros so I can bounce some issues off you if you're ok with that13:05
jmlbigjools, sure. a bit later though, not really feeling 100%13:06
lifelessderyck: while we're talking13:06
bigjoolsjml: no prob, me neither tbh.13:06
lifelessderyck: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+bugs - search for 'caching' then click on next to get to the second page.13:06
deryckok, looking....13:07
lifelessderyck: I see the first bug listed twice13:07
lifelessand the 10th and 11th rows are duplicates too13:07
derycklifeless, because you're searching on a project group and the project is different.  See the project column.13:08
lifelessis that deliberate?13:08
deryckHonestly, I'm not sure.  It's been that way awhile, so I don't know.  There's a bug about duplicates in series or package listings, but not about project groups, I don't think.13:09
lifelessif you don't consider it a feature, I can find-or-file a bug on it tomorrow13:09
derycklifeless, yeah, I think it would be better to list the bug individually, and have each project affected listed in the project column.13:10
lifelessthat would be really nice13:11
deryckit makes no sense for us to list multiple projects, since we're mostly one project.  But for other project groups, it could be nice to see a bug affects multiple projects.13:11
lifelesshave you looked at the LEP/Search yet and made sure your use cases are well listed ?13:11
lifelessI realise you're flat out :), but I do hope to move that forward soon.13:12
lifelessderyck: I don't know if you've heard this, but apparently many users in the distro do their bug searching via +filebug13:13
* jml -> lunch13:14
derycklifeless, I did look at it.  I thought it was well covered but will look again.  I did know the distro used filebug.  I often do the same. :-)13:14
lifelessderyck: how would you feel if I put up a patch consolidating the search logic for them at some point ?13:15
* deryck thinks....13:15
derycklifeless, I think that would be fine.  My only concern is that filebug can be a bit aggressive and show odd results sometimes that make you think "now how is that related?"13:16
lifelessderyck: I think we've pretty much fixed that :)13:16
deryckah, right :-)13:16
derycklifeless, so then, yeah.  Please do it! :-)13:16
lifelesswell, ECycles, but I'll keep it in my scratch list13:17
lifelessby which I mean, I won't commit to it, because that would impede someone else doing it, but if I happen to have some slack I'd certainly like to shrink the code base a little and that seems like a place with some overlap13:18
deryckyeah, definitely.  I'm happy for it to be done, and fine if anyone does it.  I doubt another bugs team dev would have time for a while either.  Unless there own itch itches. :-)13:21
lifelesswho runs http://twitter.com/launchpadbugs ?13:21
stubderyck: Should https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~stub/launchpad/bug-602936-hotbug-caching/+merge/31735 be rejected? I see no other way of addressing the bug in the short term, so it depends if you think the solution is better or worse than the problem (low priority, so I guess not much of a problem)13:22
lifelessit seems very selective about what it retweets13:22
derycklifeless, hmmm, I didn't even know that existed.  Not sure who runs it.13:23
lifelessthe miracles of doing a search to see if anyone complained about the filebug change13:24
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lifelessmatsubara: hi13:24
lifelessman, this is great, If only it wasn't 12:3013:24
matsubaralifeless, hi there13:24
deryckstub, no, I think reverting the memcached usage there is fine.  For some reason, I thought you were still working on memcached in the sense of trying to get a simple invalidation mechanism....13:25
deryckif not, then yes, we should clearly remove this usage.13:25
lifelessmatsubara: have you seen the fresh https://dev.launchpad.net/LEP/ReleaseFeaturesWhenTheyAreDone13:25
matsubaralifeless, nope13:25
lifelessmatsubara: if I can divert you for a few minutes13:25
lifelessand ask you to look at it13:25
* matsubara reading now13:25
stubI don't think we have gotten as far as deciding on an approach for invalidation, let alone ready to code.13:26
stubI'm in favour of seeing what we can do with what we have, because that is less work ;)13:26
deryckheh, fair enough :)13:28
matsubaralifeless, ok. do you need any specific feedback on it?13:37
lifelessmatsubara: yes; where are you guys up to with respect to the shepard ?13:37
matsubaralifeless, mars is leading that. Last I heard there's: https://dev.launchpad.net/QAShepherd and mars registered https://edge.launchpad.net/qa-shepherd13:40
lifelessI shall chat with gary and mars then13:40
deryckbigjools, hi.  6 or 7 of the QA items for bugs are my markAsDuplicate work that was reverted, so I'm trying to get that back in today and qa'ed ASAP....13:41
lifelessthat seems rather more than I had expected.13:41
deryckbigjools, as for the rest, I'll chase them up or nudge others today.13:41
marslifeless, have had a day or two of coding on it, and also hammered out a list of stories outlining the minimum viable feature set.13:41
bigjoolsderyck: thanks man.13:41
lifelessderyck: for that thing, you need a new storm; danilo says our custom one is just a few commits from trunk13:42
bigjoolsand the thought of QA makes me hungry13:42
lifelessderyck: so grabbing the latest release if it has the caching bug fixed will do it13:42
* bigjools -> lunch13:42
lifelessderyck: I'd say ask jkakar but hes on a plane, therve may know.13:42
lifelessmars: well, its nearly 1am, but perhaps you gary matsubara and I can have a call right after the team leads meeting ?13:43
derycklifeless, ah, ok.  I will.  I was also experimenting with other ways to force the update.  transaction.commit() works, muhahahah! ;)13:43
* deryck kids obviously13:43
lifelessderyck: it was a pita - spent the whole day tracking the thing down :(13:43
lifelesstook a bit of demonstrating to convince the storm guys :)13:44
marslifeless, that is at 1400?13:44
derycklifeless, yeah, sorry.  I thought it was well tested and working well when I left it.   When you say "the caching bug," is there a bug number for storm?13:44
lifelessderyck: oh, I dunno if we got that far13:44
lifelessderyck: uhm, ask therve, its my best advice13:44
derycklifeless, ok, thanks.13:44
lifelessmars: I don't know my 7am. Its nearly my 1am now.13:45
marslifeless, oh, ok.  So we should talk in 6-8 hours then.  Perhaps your 9am, depending on matsubara's EOD13:46
marsTL call is 2pm here13:46
matsubaramars, lifeless: after the TLs meeting sounds good to me13:46
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lifelessthanks, that will be great.13:49
lifelessmars: < 9am would be good, asiapac reviewers meeting is at 93013:49
lifelessanyhow, ciao, sleep13:49
marsUrsinha, good morning!  I had a question about the qa-tagger/shepherd handoff: the shared DB would contain revno/branch URL, right?13:50
Ursinhamars, yes, and mentioned/linked bugs, if possible13:51
Ursinhawell, that's possible :)13:51
marsUrsinha, so branch name and a list of linked bugs?  Or the revno and branch name?  (I can get the list of linked bugs from the branch, can't I?)13:54
Ursinhamars, revision number, linked bugs and branch name13:54
Ursinhamars, yes, you can, but I think we could avoid requiring checking the branch again if the tagger can do that already13:54
marsok, thanks13:55
Ursinhas/can do/will do/13:55
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gary_posterbenji___ (________!) mars matsubara Ursinha (stub): kanban now, mumble in 214:28
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wgrantmars: When you have a moment, could you look at my changes to https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/test-ddeb-matching/+merge/31482 and land it?14:31
marswgrant, certainly14:31
maxbDo the Canonical ISD hackers have any IRC presence? I was hoping to poke them about potentially making their workalike to launchpad-dependencies public14:32
wgrantI've looked for one several times, but have always failed.14:33
wgrantAFAICT they do not have a public presence of any kind.14:34
marsmaxb, maybe ask flacoste about if they might open it up?  He knows all :)14:36
flacostemars, maxb: i'll tell stuartm14:37
maxbflacoste: thanks - I believe I have located the project: https://code.launchpad.net/canonical-isd-web-framework - and by subtle hints in the UI I can tell there's a private branch there :-)14:40
Ursinhalifeless, hello14:40
james_wHow would I test that a row was removed from the DB?14:48
james_wremember it's id and then try and get it and catch NotFound?14:48
jelmerjames_w: that seems like a reasonable approach14:49
Ursinhabigjools, hi :)15:39
Ursinhabigjools, have you seen this before/do you know what this means? https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=OOPS-1672EA437015:39
bigjoolsthat's an odd one15:41
bigjoolsUrsinha: I suspect he had the page open for a while and it finished building in the mean time15:42
bigjoolsbecause if you go to the page now it redirects back to the build15:42
Ursinhabigjools, I've seen some of those last days, but couldn't reproduce15:42
bigjoolsUrsinha: yes, that's exactly what I see15:43
Ursinhabigjools, want me to file a bug?15:43
marswgrant, I haven't forgotten your branch, but I have been bound by meetings15:43
bigjoolsUrsinha: yeah, we can make a nicer message to the user15:43
Ursinhabigjools, bug 613480, sorry for the poor bug title15:51
_mup_Bug #613480: CannotBeRescored OOPS instead of a more friendly message <oops> <Soyuz:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/613480>15:51
bigjoolsthat's cool, thanks15:51
Ursinhabigjools, np :)15:52
bigjoolssinzui: is "version" mandatory for a distroseries?15:54
sinzuiI think so15:54
sinzuibigjools, remember that version is is in the URL, it is what we traverse to see the istroseries15:56
bigjoolssinzui: the name is in the url not the version15:56
bigjoolssinzui: I am wondering if it could be optional for derived one-shot distroseries15:57
sinzuibigjools, I think we need to answer this in the context of bug 547082 and bug 41978816:00
_mup_Bug #547082: LTS series are not designated as such <Launchpad Registry:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/547082>16:00
_mup_Bug #419788: Display name for distribution series doesn't follow vendor conventions <Launchpad Registry:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/419788>16:00
sinzuibigjools, some of the discussion to address these bugs imply version is guaranteed. If we are certain version is optional in these cases, then we can make the field optional16:01
bigjoolssinzui: that latter bug only applies to Ubuntu16:02
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sinzuinot so16:02
bigjoolsthe way it's written makes it sound like it's for all of them16:02
sinzuithe issue apparently related to debian16:02
sinzuiI am wary of making series parent None per another bug. I think we should admit the Lp is for Ubuntu and sometime debian.16:02
bigjoolsI can't believe that all distros we'd ever host would somehow want to change from a codename to a version when released16:02
bigjoolswell, the changes I am making is going to make it for Ubuntu and a metric asshat load of derivatives :)16:03
sinzuiLets be honest. We host one distro. There are several derivative distros like baltix that do little because we do not let them do anything16:04
bigjoolswe should not allow ourselves to be painted into a corner by Ubuntu16:04
bigjoolsat some point in the very near future we will be hosting more derivatives16:04
sinzuiWe are still getting complaints from fedora and gentoo user that they cannot register a sourcepackagename. We should remove these distros we registering in our exuberant maddness thinking we could support them in a few months of creating Ubuntu16:05
sinzuibigjools, We have IDerivativeDistribution now because I refused to let Ubuntu dictate how other distros work16:06
bigjools /o\16:07
bigjoolssinzui: can you please take a look at https://dev.launchpad.net/LEP/DerivativeDistributions16:07
bigjoolsand if you have time, https://dev.launchpad.net/LEP/DerivativeDistributions/UserTestingRound116:07
bigjoolsbut I am currently making mockup changes based on user feedback16:08
bigjoolsI feel a great disturbance in the Force around making this fit for Ubuntu-derived distros, and Ubuntu's derivation from DEbian16:08
jelmergary_poster: Hi!16:22
jelmergary_poster: As promised yesterday I've just sent an email to the list about the PPA, EC2 images.16:23
barrybigjools: hi16:33
bigjoolsbarry: hi16:33
barrybigjools: i'm happy to talk about anything you want, including the net-snmp builder hang.  i'd like to get some lunch first though.  will you be around for a little while?16:34
bigjoolsbarry: I leave in 1.5 hours16:34
barrybigjools: ok.  i will ignore the rumble, if this is a good time for you16:35
bigjoolsbarry: one thing though, for your FTBFS display, you should use the "show builds" page16:35
bigjoolsyour "want to know newer versions" is an interesting one16:35
barrybigjools: is that the "view all builds" link, i.e. +builds?16:35
bigjoolsand I can see why you were interested in my work on derivatives :)16:35
bigjoolsyes, +builds16:35
bigjoolsit will fit your use case perfectly16:36
bigjoolsbarry:  see https://dev.launchpad.net/LEP/DerivativeDistributions16:36
deryckadeuring, r=me, with minor changes.16:36
adeuringderyck: thanks!16:37
bigjoolsbarry: BTW are you the one making lots of calls to getBuildRecords on the API at the moment?16:37
bigjoolsI see thousands of soft oopses :(16:37
barrybigjools: it's close, but not perfect.  i.e. i really want a !successfully-built view, but currently there are a number of failing states you'd have to select individually.  with the script i can see all the failures and (optionally) the reasons16:37
bigjoolsbarry: ah ok interesting16:37
bigjoolswe should fix that16:37
bigjoolscan you file a bug please!16:37
barrybigjools: i read that LEP, and indeed i'm very interested in that :)16:37
barrybigjools: will do!16:37
barrybigjools: re: gBR.  could be.  i only run those scripts once in a while though (< 4 times a day at most)16:38
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barrybigjools: bug 61350116:42
_mup_Bug #613501: Wishlist: one !successful-built status for a ppa's +build page <Launchpad itself:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/613501>16:42
barrybigjools: do you want to look at the net-snmp builder hang?16:44
bigjoolsbarry: I suspect it's a bad job, it stuck on 2 arches16:45
bigjoolswe reset the amd64 one, let's see if it repeats16:45
barrybigjools: cool, thanks.  is there anything i should do about stuff like that in the future, other than ping you or a losa?16:45
bigjoolsbarry: so ideally not me in the future, but I appreciate there's not many people with the knowledge :)16:46
barrybigjools: :)16:46
bigjoolsif a losa would like to look at this problem with me now we can do some knowledge transfer16:46
barrybigjools: cool.  just let me know what the s.o.p. is and i'm happy to follow it16:47
bigjoolsI don't think this has a sop :)16:47
barryawesome.  i love to blaze trails, in both senses of the word :)16:48
bigjoolsbarry: you mean leaving a smoking mess behind you? :)16:49
Chexbigjools: I can work with you on this16:50
barrybigjools: i seem to be (too) good at that16:50
bigjoolsbarry: :)16:50
bigjoolsChex: great!  So, we have a problem where a build was on a builder for 2 days.  In this case that's not expected so we need to work out what's going on.16:50
bigjoolsbarry: how long would you normally expect it to take?16:51
barrybigjools: i'm not sure.  i haven't built that package locally (it was a resync request).  let me do that and see how long the sbuild takes16:51
bigjoolsChex: therer are 2 builds that look stuck, we reset the amd64 one to see if it does it again.  The i386 one is here: https://edge.launchpad.net/~pythoneers/+archive/py27stack4/+build/190103516:51
Chexbigjools: ok, looking there16:52
bigjoolsChex: there's usually one of three outcomes to this problem: 1. the job really does take a long time, 2. the job is stuck, 3. the builder has got stuck16:52
Chexbigjools: I have to break soon for a shortish meeting, but can pick up with you uafter that16:53
bigjoolsChex: ok ping me when you're back.  I will be gone in an hour though.16:53
Chexbigjools: ok, so how do I know its one of the 3?16:54
bigjoolsChex: for (1) we can ask a packager how long he expects it to take normally16:55
bigjoolsChex: for the others, the first thing is to reset the builder which forces the build onto a different builder.  If it does it again, the job is a bad one and we need to kill it.  That needs SQL at the moment until we do some UI work.16:55
bigjoolsit's nearly always a bad job.16:56
bigjoolsChex: do you know how to reset the builders?16:56
barryChex, bigjools i'm building net-snmp locally now16:57
Chexbigjools: no I dont find any wiki notes on how to do that16:57
barryChex, bigjools oh shit, i know what the problem is16:58
barryChex, bigjools you might as well kill the build, it will never finish16:58
Chexbigjools: I need to step away for my meeting now, but I will pick up with you again in a bit, hopefully before you leave16:59
bigjoolsChex: ok, if it's a non-virtual builder we have to get a GSA to reset it.  if it's virtual (a PPA builder) we can run the same reset script that the buildd-manager runs.16:59
bigjoolsChex: ok16:59
barryChex, bigjools i saw this on monday, but doko has not yet fixed it.  'apt-get install python-pkg-resource' from ppa:doko/toolchain will hang forever.  i think it's waiting for stdin.  this is clearly my biggest priority to fix16:59
bigjoolsbarry: ewwwwww :/16:59
barrybigjools: indeed. :( :(17:00
barryit's basically a blocker now for everything else i need to do17:00
barryso... i'm going to get some lunch, and then work on this as a top priority.  it's possible other py27stack4 and py27stack5 builds will hang for the same reason.  feel free to kill them all, and i will not request retrys/resyncs until i've fixed this particular problem.  i may request a priority bump on this package at that point, or get doko to do so17:01
* barry -> lunch17:03
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bigjoolsbarry: I'm going to disable your PPA until we kill the builds17:05
bigjoolsthe farm is DOSed with stuck builds17:06
barrybigjools: do the losas know how to re-enable it?17:06
bigjoolsbut we'll also need to kill all the builds17:06
barrybigjools: cool.  yes, kill them all.  i've emailed doko (he's not online atm).  i'll ping the losas when i know i have a fix for this blocker17:06
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Ursinhabigjools, hey, I have another oops question for you17:18
Ursinhabigjools, I've seen timeouts in DistroSeries:EntryResource:getBuildRecords, I wonder if you're aware of those17:20
Ursinhabigjools, https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=OOPS-1676EB950 and17:23
jmljelmer, hello17:24
jelmerjml: Hi17:24
jmljelmer, you might want to try out the testrepository branch https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jml/testrepository/show-failures-incrementally-613152/+merge/31765 to see if it addresses your bug 55324017:24
_mup_Bug #553240: Please provide --passthrough / --tee option to 'testr run' <testr-run> <Testrepository:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/553240>17:25
jelmerjml: ah, nice!17:25
jelmerjml: I'll give it a whirl.17:25
jmljelmer, thanks.17:26
bigjoolsUrsinha: yes, the foundations team are fixing it, there's a performance issue in lazr.restful17:27
Ursinhabigjools, ah, nice17:28
Ursinhabigjools, last oops for you:  https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=OOPS-1676K71617:28
marscould someone please lp-land lp:~wgrant/launchpad/test-ddeb-matching ?  My lp-land command is busted :(17:28
jelmermars, sure17:29
marsthanks jelmer17:29
jelmerjml: I guess it doesn't display anything for successful testruns?17:30
jelmerfor individual tests I mean?17:30
jmljelmer, right. that's the current behaviour of "testr load"17:30
jmljelmer, the difference in this branch is it displays errors/failures as it gets them.17:31
bigjoolsbarry: before I enable your PPA again we need to kill all those pending jobs, sorry.  I can't take the chance of it DOSing the farm again.17:31
jelmerjml: Yeah, I agree that's a big improvement over what we had previously.17:32
jelmerjml: Like that one time I ran "testr run" on lp only to find out I had broken the testfactory *after* about an hour of running tests...17:32
jmljelmer, :(17:32
jelmermars: It seems busted here as well17:33
jelmermars: ValueError: Cannot determine Bazaar host. "https://api.edge.launchpad.net/1.0/" not a recognized Launchpad API root. is what I get17:33
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marsHeh, I get AttributeError: 'Entry' object has no attribute 'source_branch'17:33
jelmermars: You're specifying the branch URL rather than the MP URL perhaps?17:34
marsjelmer, yep, that might do it17:34
marsargh, and now ec2 test -b lp:~wgrant/launchpad/test-ddeb-matching breaks too17:35
marswhy don't all of our commands take the lp:~foo form by default?17:36
jelmermars: why the -b ?17:36
marsjelmer, because it is not my branch.  I want to test William's branch.17:36
=== nigelbabu is now known as nigelb
jelmermars: IIRC I've run "ec2 test lp:~wgrant/..." without problems before.17:37
jelmer-b seems to be for including extra branches in sourcecode/17:37
marsargh, yep17:38
james_wanyone seen http://paste.ubuntu.com/473160/ during test setup?17:38
marsjelmer, I would have preferred '-s', for '--sourcecode-branch='17:39
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
marsjames_w, might be related to some work with the twisted logger henning did recently?17:40
jelmermars: I agree that'd make more sense, given the -b option to "ec2 land" also takes a branch but has a different purpose.17:41
james_wmars: I think it's environment as it just started happening in two different branches at the same time, without me merging in anything.17:41
james_wit's just that the output is so damn unhelpful17:41
marsjames_w, yes.  Check /var/tmp for librarian pidfiles and the like17:42
henningemars, james_w: that is not related to my work because that just changed buildd-manager.tac.17:42
james_wI can run daemons/librarian.tac under ./bin/twistd without an issue17:42
marsjames_w, and maybe kill the librarian log files too, and check your process tree for dead librarians17:42
marshenninge, ok, thanks for the clarification17:42
james_wmars: stale librarian process apparently, thanks.17:43
james_wany idea where I would look to get it to say "port already in use" rather than the junk you get now?17:44
marsstart with the librarian.tac file, see if you can work down through the callstack17:44
jmljames_w, I'll race you :)17:44
marssomething must be catching and masking the real error17:44
jmloh man, TacHandler17:46
jmlwhat's happening is it's spawning a subprocess and then looking for a magic token in the logfile17:48
jmlwithout regard to what the process dumps to stderr/out17:48
jmltachandler should be completely destroyed and rewritten as a series of good patches to Twisted.17:49
james_wjml: tachandler runs a subprocess?17:51
jmlit spawns "twistd" directly17:51
james_wthat does read something from stdout/stderr though17:52
jmljames_w, yeah, it does17:52
jmlbut only oncee.17:53
james_wjml: something like http://paste.ubuntu.com/473176/?17:56
jmljames_w, that ought to do it17:57
bigjoolsbarry: ping18:00
bigjoolsbarry: going to nobble all outstanding builds in your 2 PPAs18:00
bigjoolslast chance to stop me18:00
barrybigjools: do it18:01
* bigjools hits the red button18:01
bigjoolsbarry: it's done18:04
bigjoolsyou can re-enable your PPAs yourself18:04
bigjoolsin the +edit page18:04
barrybigjools: nod, and g'nite!18:05
bigjoolsand don't break the build farm again or I'll break your legs!18:05
james_wjml: didn't fix it18:06
jmljames_w, a shame.18:06
james_wtwistd returns 0 and doesn't print anything?18:07
jmloh, huh.18:07
jmlit might.18:07
jmleasy enough to check, I guess.18:07
jmlactually, it definitely would18:07
jmlit daemonizes before opening the port.18:07
james_wah, it daemonizes18:09
jmlyeah, that's what the -y is for, also why tachandler does crazy logging stuff18:10
james_wso we need to wrap the .tac in a big try/except and try and log the exception before raising it?18:13
james_wtwistd doesn't have any support for backchannel fds after it has forked or anything?18:13
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jmljames_w, no, I don't think it has such support.18:32
james_wusing twisted.python.log and calling log.error in an except block around the entire .tac doesn't work18:33
james_wso I'm at a loss18:33
jmljames_w, I'm sorry :(18:38
james_wit only means that we will have to continue to scratch our heads when daemons fail to start18:39
jmlthe _real_ solution to all of this is to give Twisted more APIs to do what twistd does.18:41
jmljames_w, on another note, do you need a hand landing https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~james-w/launchpad/no-more-sampledata-1/+merge/3149318:41
Ursinhasinzui, hello18:42
james_wjml: nope, just about to do that now the prerequisite is landed18:42
jmljames_w, cool :)18:42
Ursinhasinzui, do you have a clue on why are we having lots of timeouts in MailingListApplication:MailingListAPIView recently? on staging, that is18:42
Ursinhasinzui, I also see a bunch of informational oopses, DisconnectionErrors, related to MailingListApplication:MailingListAPIView, but no idea if they're related18:43
sinzuiUrsinha, recently? They go back months18:44
sinzuiThere are timeouts syncing large numbers of users18:44
Ursinhasinzui, I meant much more than usual18:44
sinzuiUrsinha, Reduced the number in a branch he landed a few weeks ago18:45
Ursinhasinzui, I saw lots of timeouts like this one, two days ago: https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=OOPS-1675S147818:45
sinzuiyes, I see those everyday18:46
Ursinhamy question is, is this raise in the number "expected" somehow18:46
sinzuiI am ignoring them18:46
sinzuiThey are not a high priority at this time18:46
sinzuiI did ask an engineer to fix the issue, and he did take 3 days to reduce the issue18:47
sinzuiUrsinha, We see a rise because we decided that syncing staging to lpnet is a priority. We used to sync once a month, (every 6 weeks in reality) We now sync every week18:48
Ursinhasinzui, ah, that explains18:53
sinzuiUrsinha, it is a scary explanation though...it means staging has never been able to deal with the sync18:54
Ursinhasinzui, I see that, I see those timeouts since I joined canonical, I guess18:55
sinzuiUrsinha, This is the second implementation of the sync. This one is designed to recover from timeout failures because we believe timeouts were happening in lpnet and that would block all other mailman sync procs18:55
sinzuiUrsinha, There was a proposed spec (salgado maybe) about getting efficient user sets. I think it was intended to address situations like this18:56
Ursinhasinzui, hm, I see18:57
Ursinhahey lifeless19:00
lifelesshey Ursinha19:01
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lifelesssinzui: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+bug/74680 is the only accountmerge bug I can see atm19:15
_mup_Bug #74680: +accountmerge page should present the option to discard the merge request <Launchpad Foundations:Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/74680>19:15
sinzuiOh sweet, a new bug for me to move into launchpad-registry19:16
jmllifeless, please review my testr branches :)19:21
* jml runs away19:21
lifelessjml: thanks19:22
lifelessjml: also for the reminder to look at incremental and unblock you19:22
jmllifeless, I've actually already come up with a patch19:22
sinzuilifeless, I am reporting a new timeout bug for person merge. I think the one I care about was marked as a dup and some aspect of the master bug lead someone to mark it as closed.19:23
lifelessoh cool19:23
lifelesssinzui: makes sense to me.19:24
lifelessso, gary_poster, mars : I want to catch up on the qa shepard stuff; there's now a calendar slot for a voice call in a bit; or would now be better?19:24
lifelessI had thought to have matsubara or Ursinha there too, given its for qa :)19:25
gary_posterlifeless, mars: now is fine with me19:25
marslifeless, either for me19:25
marslifeless, mumble?  Foundations channel?19:25
lifelesswe'll give mumble a shot, though NZ + mumble generally equals epic fail19:25
gary_posterskype is fine too19:26
UrsinhaI'm there already19:26
marslifeless, I thought you were in Perth?19:26
lifelesscan you hear me ?19:26
lifelessI can hear you ok :P19:26
Ursinhalifeless, gary_poster, huge echo19:30
lifelessI've turned my mic off for now19:30
Ursinhathanks :)19:30
lifelessproject exists19:32
lifelessmars: ^19:32
matsubarafor some weird reason I can't connect on mumble19:33
derycksinzui, ping19:36
lifelessgary_poster: mars: https://dev.launchpad.net/LEP/ReleaseFeaturesWhenTheyAreDone <-19:38
lifelessstage 2 there is what we're looking at19:38
sinzuihu deryck19:39
marslifeless, Ursinha, gary_poster, https://dev.launchpad.net/QAShepherd19:42
lifelessgary_poster: please do19:50
lifeless(avoiding my mic for your sanity)19:51
lifelessgary_poster: small lemma; its a revision we have, not a branch right? because buildbot lands stuff in stable asynchronously from qa happening ?19:53
lifelessmars: right19:55
lifelessmars: thats exactly what I was thinking19:55
lifelessmars: for now, I only want to *aim* at being able to tell the losas what to deploy19:57
Ursinhalifeless, mars, gary_poster, matsubara's internet just dropped20:02
Ursinhaand he's back, it seems :)20:02
matsubara_and it's back again. minor hiccup it seems20:02
gary_postermars, Ursinha, matsubara_ mumble is a Zope question fwiw20:02
gary_posterI don't think you need to hang around unless you want to20:03
Ursinhaah, ok gary_poster20:03
lifelessyeah, new topic :)20:10
lifelesssorry guys20:10
marslifeless, first two items in place.  The old list didn't have end-user concerns first: oversight on my part.  https://dev.launchpad.net/QAShepherd20:15
lifelessI think thats great20:16
lifelessI'd be happy with just a number coming back from a DB :P, but having it as html is ok too - we can screen scrape to get the revision20:16
lifeless[mostly teasing there, the use cases are fine]20:17
marslifeless, regarding the project: yes, it's set up.  I'm waiting on getting a shared branch so we can use the LP merge workflow.  The other alternative is to run Tarmac locally.20:17
lifelessmars: what do you mean ?20:17
lifeless[what is a shared branch in this context]20:18
marslifeless, I have ownership of mainline right now.  It would be nice if launchpad-pqm owned it instead20:18
marsand if Tarmac could handle landing20:18
marsSince there will be three people hacking on it20:19
lifelessok, so you're blocked on two things20:19
marsbut I can see about running Tarmac here instead20:19
lifelessa) a branch for 'trunk'20:19
lifelessand b) a tarmac in the D/C20:19
lifelessif I may suggest somethinhg20:19
lifelesscreate a team - lp-qa-shepard-committers20:20
marswe already have that: lpqateam20:20
lifelessIn that team, put everyone that should be able to *bzr push* to trunk.20:20
lifelessand make the trunk branch yourself, owned *by the team*, not by *launchpad-pqm*20:21
lifelessthat gives you a)20:21
lifelessand the branch url will be stable when you get a tarmac instance in the D/C20:21
lifelessbecause launchpad-pqm will be part of the team, you simple take yourself, Ursinha & matsubara_ out of the team at that future date20:22
lifelessits a bit of a bug our current lp branches are owned by launchpad-pqm, rather than by a team20:22
lifelessoversight some years back20:22
marsIt might easier for now if I just set up Tarmac locally.  That way it is automated, but there are also no accidental overwrites from multiple pushers.20:23
lifelessit should be clear why its not the lpqateam20:23
lifelessmars: bzr won't permit overwrites20:23
lifelessmars: you can do what I suggest *and* setup tarmac locally.20:24
marslifeless, so not reusing lpqateam - is that so commit access can be controlled later via team membership?20:24
marsso a hack then20:25
lifelessusing the model20:25
lifelessis lpqateam a private team ?20:25
marsjust restricted20:26
lifelessright, its moral owner, not committers20:26
marscommitters actually20:27
lifelessI don't think its a hack, given LP's branch permission model, to have a -committers team : many many projects do this.20:27
lifelessmars: there is a bot in there20:27
marslifeless, yep, but you also need to be a member to work on a few of the QA projects20:28
marsI have no idea why the bot is in there20:28
lifelessmars: anyhow, its a suggestion. Its what I'd do - if its not helpful, thats ok, don't do it :)20:28
marsok, well if overwrites from multiple team members are not a problem, the great - that's what I would have liked to do in the first place20:29
marsthanks lifeless20:29
lifelessmars: set append_revisions_only=True in the branch.conf20:30
lifelessand it will also prevent mainline wobbles20:30
lifeless(bzr help configuration)20:31
lifelessUrsinha: lp-oops being openid is nice, but its a _very_ short timeout - like only an hour or so : can we make it something reasonable, like LP? (several months would be nice :P)20:33
matsubara_lifeless, losas control that20:34
lifelessmatsubara_: ah20:34
=== EdwinGrubbs is now known as Edwin-lunch
lifelesssinzui: I've linked the bug in the oops for you20:38
marsmatsubara_ or Ursinha, are you able to push code to the ~launchpad-qa team space?20:45
Ursinhamars, yes20:45
matsubara_mars, I don't think I tried, but I assume I can20:46
Ursinhaif you're subscribed to the branch, I guess you can20:46
Ursinhadon't remember trying to push to a branch without being directly subscribed to it20:46
marsok, I'm trying to push a branch, lp:~launchpad-qa/qa-shepherd/devel, and it spits it back at me saying "you don't have permission to do that"20:47
marseven though I am a member of the team20:47
lifelessmars: its because of the branch policy20:49
lifelessmars: you need the right permissions on qa-shepard20:49
lifelesslosa ping20:49
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Ursinhalifeless, which would be the right permissions in that case?20:59
lifelessUrsinha: you need a private branch policcy that permits anyone in the launchpad-qa team to make a new branch; but we're about to open it so that won't matter at all in a few minutes21:03
lifelessUrsinha: as soon as my losa ping is answered ;P21:03
Ursinhalifeless, hehe, right21:04
mbarnettlifeless: hellos21:04
lifelesswe have a project, qa-shepard21:07
lifelessthat is currently canonical-private, we'd like to open it please ;)21:07
mbarnettlifeless: when you say open, you mean set the default branch visibility to public?21:13
lifelessyeah, remove all the privacy-bits21:13
lifelessopen bugs, open branches21:14
mbarnettlifeless: i am not seeing that project21:20
lifelessmbarnett: https://edge.launchpad.net/qa-shepherd21:20
mbarnettlifeless: Default branch visibility for all branches in qa-shepherd  is Public.21:21
lifelessmbarnett: great, thanks.21:22
lifelessmars: should be good to push now.21:22
marslifeless, cool, thank you21:23
Ursinhathat gives us the ability of using lp:qa-shepherd again :)21:30
lifelessis there a wiki page that documents db patch workflow ?21:49
marsno idea21:50
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mwhudsoni'm not the only person who gets mails from ec2 with attachments doubly gzipped am i?22:24
mwhudsonthumper: good morning22:25
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
wgrantmwhudson: Morning.22:43
mwhudsonso wifi doesn't entirely work on this laptop, apparently22:43
wgrantmwhudson: You reviewed https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/per-archive-build-debug-symbols/+merge/29671 yesterday, but didn't click the button, apparently.22:43
wgrantIs it using iwlagn? I find that flakes out sometimes for me.22:43
wgrantBut normally only once it's been up for a week or so.22:44
mwhudsonhow do i tell?22:44
mwhudsonthis had been up for a few days with a few suspends22:45
wgrant'lsmod | grep iwl' should give you the driver, assuming it's Intel, which it probably is.22:45
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
mwhudsonwgrant: reviewed22:46
wgrantmwhudson: Thanks. Can you ec2 it yet?22:46
* ajmitch had that happen last night with iwlagn, had to rmmod & modprobe again22:46
mwhudsonwgrant: it's ath9k22:46
mwhudsonso that explains the flakiness probably22:46
mwhudsonwgrant: yes22:47
mwhudsonwell maybe22:47
mwhudsonboto.exception.BotoServerError: BotoServerError: 500 Internal Server Error22:47
mwhudsonseems a bit better now22:53
james_whi mwhudson23:03
mwhudsonjames_w: hi23:03
james_wdid you see that the vostok branch failed?23:03
mwhudsonwgrant: ec2 is headless23:04
mwhudsonjames_w: yeah23:04
mwhudsoni guess i should do something about that23:04
wgrantmwhudson: Thanks.23:04
james_wthe failures didn't mean a lot to me23:04
james_wwell, the second did, but the first didn't23:05
mwhudsonwebapp-publication was pretty clear23:07
mwhudsonsome of the others were pretty mysterious23:07
mwhudsoni haven't re run them locally yet23:07
wgrantmwhudson: 25 seconds? :P23:08
wgrantCan someone please ec2 https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/bug-612157-ppa-quota-ddebs/+merge/31471, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/test-ddeb-matching/+merge/31482, and https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/bug-241129-queue-binary-scaling/+merge/31604?23:14
lifelesswgrant: Didn't I do those ?23:14
wgrantlifeless: Two of them, but they vanished.23:14
wgrantWell, you did three, two of which are in that set because they vanished.23:14
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james_wwgrant: I will23:16
wgrantjames_w: Thanks.23:17
james_wwgrant: ppa-quota-ddebs might want a merge with devel23:18
james_wmy apologies for that23:18
lifelessthumper: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jml/testtools/patch-310770/+merge/3166623:19
lifelessthumper: that used to have a diff; I think perhaps we're updating diffs after things merge now? So you can't see what was merged :(23:19
wgrantjames_w: Heh, yes, true.23:21
wgrantjames_w: Is the other one going to land soonish?23:22
james_wwgrant: my next sampledata branch?23:23
wgrantjames_w: That's the one.23:23
james_wwgrant: the next is in ec2 now23:23
james_wI'm currently churning through fallout from making STP return proxied objects23:23
lifelessaaron is about to land a 'make it optional' patch23:25
james_wone of the things that I'm sad about is requiring more tests to be in LPZopelessLayer, where DBFunctional was fine before.23:25
wgrantI think james_w is about to squash most of the remaining warnings, though.23:25
james_wwgrant: does each SPR require a PackageUpload?23:25
wgrantjames_w: Only for some purposes.23:26
wgrantLots in production don't.23:26
wgrantSo we know it works.23:26
wgrant(gina doesn't create them)23:26
james_wok, Julian said it should23:26
james_wI'll probably revert that change to the factory, but leave it in STP, and then maybe go through another time and push it up in to the tests23:26
wgrantIt doesn't.23:27
wgrantIt'd need to forge a changesfile, for one thing.23:27
james_wsorry, I meant that Julian said that all test code should ensure that each SPR had a PU23:28
james_wthough I may have misread23:28
wgrantjames_w: Conflict resolution pushed, and the other two are OK.23:29
wgrantjames_w: Most tests don't need a PU, so I don't see the point.23:29
james_wok, I'll back that change out of the factory, but leave the behaviour of STP the same23:30
james_wthis branch is already big enough as it is23:30
lifelesswgrant: so packagepublication23:32
wgrantlifeless: You mean publishedpackage?23:32
lifelesswgrant: can you suggest, in bug ..23:32
lifelesswgrant: yes23:32
_mup_Bug #602360: timeout on source package bug filing page <timeout> <Launchpad Bugs:Triaged> <Ubuntu:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/602360>23:32
_mup_Bug #609012: +distrotask timeout <timeout> <Launchpad Bugs:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/609012>23:33
_mup_Bug #608037: timeouts in Question:+edit <oops> <timeout> <Launchpad Answers:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/608037>23:34
lifelessall on the same unmaterialised view23:34
lifelessstub says 'nuke the use, or we have to materialise it.'23:34
wgrantSo, anyone using that is probably buggy.23:34
mwhudsonwgrant: my recipe build didn't build yesterday23:34
mwhudsonit says 24 minutes to build now though!!23:35
wgrantlifeless: I need to leave in a sec, but I'll look on the train.23:35
wgrantmwhudson: Isn't the build farm great?23:35
mwhudsonwgrant: it's certainly popular23:35
lifelesswgrant: thanks!23:35
james_wI have yet to have a recipe build23:36
james_wsorry, an automated recipe build23:36
mwhudsonyeah certainly none of them23:36
* wgrant → uni23:37
sinzuilifeless, I think the answers bug can be addresses by snapshots. I was going to work on it this or next weekend.23:38
lifelesssinzui: snapshots ?23:39
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sinzuion a creation or change event objects  are snapshotted (copied) so that we can report changes to the object in logs and emails....23:40
sinzuilifeless, We often see non-intrinsic data, often lists in the snapshot that we know cannot have been changed.23:41
lifelesssinzui: oh right, so to paraphrase 'look at less data when snapshotting'23:41
lifelessnot 'add a snapshotting facility'23:41
sinzuiright. as a rule anything we export as a collection field should not be snapshotted23:41
lifelesssinzui: that would be cool23:42
lifelesssinzui: I was simply correlating the same view showing up in lots of places23:42
lifelesslots of timeouts, I mean23:43
sinzuidoNotSnapshot() is needed on lots of fields that cannot be directly modified on a object. We also use it when we see a shortlist exception23:43
lifelessis that a decorator ?23:44
sinzuino, it is a function we wrap around field23:45
* sinzui looks for example23:45
lifelessI'll grep23:45
lifelessand follow my nose - thanks for telling me about it23:45
sinzuiI used it recently to stop api timeouts working with teams23:45
lifelessshould collections auto-do-this ?23:47
thumperlifeless: it shouldn't be updating the diff after it is merged23:50
lifelessthumper: I agree23:51
thumperlifeless: as in the code says it shouldn't23:51
thumperlifeless: so something strange happened23:51
thumperlifeless: probably a race condition23:51
thumperlifeless: branch pushed, update diff job created, merged, pushed, diff job runs23:52

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