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lamontwgrant: sorta here, passing through on the way to bed05:20
wgrantlamont: I'd like your blessing for https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/multi-arch-builders05:24
wgrantlamont: master + slave changes to allow the master to tell the slave which arch to be. At the moment the switch is manual, though.05:24
wgrantWhen you have a moment to look at it, that would be great.05:24
lamontwgrant: when I dig through the backlog tomorrow, I'll add that to the things to look at this week05:26
lamontthanks muchly - this would be a good thing for all of us05:26
* lamont sleeps05:27
wgrantlamont: Thanks. LP 10.08 freezes on Friday, so it would be nice to have your blessing before then, if it's feasible.05:27
lamontI'll see what I can do.. digging out from 7 workdays gone, and stuff to have done before I travel again on saturdya05:28
lamontbut I WANT this, so we'll see what can be made to fit in the day05:29
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bilalakhtarshadeslayer: Hi, join #omg!ubuntu!06:49
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igii have some problem lately posting bug, related to referrer headers10:48
igican anyone support me?10:48
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bpeelcan I make a package in a PPA that depends on packages in other people's PPAs ?11:46
bpeelor maybe I can just copy their packages into my ppa ?11:46
bigjoolsbpeel: click on the "Edit PPA dependencies" link11:48
bigjoolsand on the next page you can add someone else's PPA11:48
bpeelbigjools: oh neat, thanks11:48
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lamontwgrant: merge conflict with top of /devel atm, but otherwise looks reasonably sane, assuming it's been locally tested and all that12:12
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wgrantlamont: True. Conflict resolved.12:17
lamontthis would help greatly for swapping ppa builders around12:20
lamontthough the next step is that list of valid architectures for the DB12:20
lamontbefore that, I'll need to go through the builders and note which ones can never do 64-bit in the descriptions'12:20
wgrantI was thinking you could just update the display names with the real archs, yeah.12:21
wgrantI'm not sure whether having a list of supported architectures is best, or whether we should be able to declare compatibility between processors.12:22
lamontit's possible, I suppose, that we would have at least one builder that was amd64-only, though I'm having some challenges picturing when we would want that12:37
wgrantlamont: Right.12:42
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=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | Help contact: bac | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
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philip_stoevguys, do you particularily care about the size of the files being uploaded as attachments to bug reports?13:26
philip_stoevI mean, Launchpad accepts attachment sizes into the tens of megabytes, are you OK with people uploading such attachments routinely?13:26
deryckphilip_stoev, we have to allow large file uploads because of some of the files apport uploads to bugs it reports.13:39
deryckwe could perhaps restrict large uploads to apport, though.13:39
deryckphilip_stoev, do you have a concern about this?  Or just wondering?13:39
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philip_stoevderyck: I am doing QA for the Maria project, which is a MySQL clone. So, I may need to file say a maximum of a dozen or so bugs a month with 100Mb attachments each13:49
philip_stoevderyck: and I wanted to know in advance if it will be OK with you, so that it does not turn out that we will need to delete attachments after the fact13:50
deryckphilip_stoev, shouldn't be a problem.14:00
philip_stoevderyck: thanks14:01
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keith2392Anyone having trouble pushing change to Launchpad?14:33
jelmerkeith2392: It's working fine here for me, although staging appears to be down.14:36
jelmerkeith2392: We're looking into what's going on with staging.14:36
keith2392jelmer: What does staging affect?14:36
keith2392I was able to push to my development branch just now with a problem, but am unable to push changes to our main trunk14:37
keith2392also noticed that source-code viewing is not functioning on lp.net14:37
jelmerkeith2392: It's a test environment that can be used for demos, etc. It does not affect what you would be doing if you're not explicitly connecting to staging.14:37
keith2392at least for our project,14:37
keith2392ah okay. That should not affect us then14:37
jelmerkeith2392: Are you getting an error pushing to trunk, or a timeout?14:39
keith2392oh wait14:39
keith2392it is working again14:39
keith2392What was happening,14:40
keith2392was that it would begin the push, get to 29/45K, and then stall there until I forced it to cancel14:40
keith2392even after waiting 5 minutes14:40
keith2392I would then have to do bzr break-lock.. trying again would have the same result14:40
keith2392Perhaps it was just a temporary server issue..14:40
lamontwgrant: there's a part of me that wants the slave to notice what architectures it's capable of, and report that to the master.  another part of me wants to punch the first part in the face, though15:28
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oubiwannbac: ping (maybe you're at lunch now...)16:41
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lamontwgrant: the uploader's habit of stopping the world for eternities angers me.19:58
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mxpxpodI've been noticing that some PPA owners are uploading with ~10.04 instead of ~lucid... when did that change go into effect and why can't I find documentation on it?22:01
micahgmxpxpod: it's subjective22:02
mxpxpodmicahg: I figured both work ;) I was confused for a bit, though22:03
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wgrantlamont: I believe jelmer has a fix for that.22:35
jelmerI do.22:35
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lamontthat fix will make me most happy22:41
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jenkinswhy are pages such as https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/+settings change able by anyone? Also is it possible to get e-mails when they are changed?22:47
jenkinsand who chnaged the settings22:47
wgrantjenkins: They're not changeable by anyone.22:48
jenkinswgrant: what is the requirement to change them, before I was a group admin i could do it22:48
wgrantjenkins: You need to be in the owning team or a Launchpad Translations admin.22:50
jenkinsso i guess its only possible to make it more restrictive by restricting the team entry? it keeps getting changed and we don't know who by.22:51
jenkins448 members in the team22:52
wgrantWhy does such a huge team own a project?22:53
jenkinsthats just the way it has worked out, we are a popular team.22:54
wgrantIt may indicate that your structure needs a rethink.22:54
jenkinsis it possible to change it so that all those people can contribute but have a smaller team that owns it?22:54
wgrantIn general, yes. What privileges do they need?22:57
wgrantIt's not completely flexible, but it's not too bad.22:57
jenkinsto be able to translate and push to branches22:58
wgrantBranch access is completely unrelated to the project owner.22:58
wgrantAnybody can push a branch, and they can write to an existing branch if they're in the team that owns it.22:59
jenkinsthats what i thought, would it be the maintainer field on here https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual that changes?22:59
wgrantFor Translations, have a look at https://help.launchpad.net/Translations/YourProject/PermissionPolicies22:59
wgrantYes, I believe so.23:00
wgrantThe owner has privileges to change project metadata, basically. If only a few people need to do that, only a few people should be the maintainer.23:00
wgrantNormal contributions do not require those privileges.23:00
jenkinsright thanks very much wgrantI will have a look and suggest a change23:01
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