
VolkodavI can't get vlc installed from day one I installed maverick00:06
dupondjeerror ?00:07
Volkodavis there a way to upgrade  libmpcdec3 that does not allow to install vlc ?00:12
Volkodavvlc-nox: Depends: libmpcdec3 which is a virtual package00:12
yofelVolkodav: vlc is on the todo list to be rebuilt https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vlc/+bug/61102400:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 611024 in vlc (Ubuntu) "Rebuild for libmpcdec3 → libmpcdec6 transition" [Undecided,New]00:26
Volkodavcool - will that come with GPU acceleration too ?00:26
gnomefreakanyone here that can reproduce a bug for me and confirm the bug report?01:52
gnomefreakPici: bug 61327101:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 613271 in e17 (Ubuntu) "E17 is not installible due to unmet depends" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61327101:54
PiciLet me update my package list first01:55
gnomefreakk thanks01:55
Picignomefreak: http://dpaste.com/224808/01:56
gnomefreakthat is your output?01:56
gnomefreakPici: please update bug01:57
gnomefreakit seems E* has always had this problem01:57
gnomefreakthat ut a crimp in my night01:59
dmI am attempting to try out unity in 10.04, but It will not install, it's giving me unmet dependencies: libclutk-0.3* libunity0 unity-place* Is there a ppa I am missing? I followed most the guides online, but they all say the same thing02:25
DanaGHmm, if gwibber shows absolutely nothing going on, does that just mean nothing is happening, or is it a bug?04:13
=== billybigrigger_ is now known as billybigrigger
sghHi guys ! ..... something happenend yesterday on my maverick-installation. Every 10 seconds kslow000 or kslow001 wakes up and hog the cpu for a short while making the mouse freeze. It's only a short while but still. It happenens even if I am in console mode and have kdm and kde itself closed. Could one of you guys confirm that behavior or tell me what kslow is? thanks.07:45
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lelamalhas anyone's pointer disappeared after yesterday's updates?09:05
sghlelamal: no not disappeared.09:45
lelamalsgh: hmm, I must be the only one. I even uninstalled unclutter through shell, but no joy. I can use my laptop only via keyboard09:48
lelamalit's like invisible, when it hovers on objects they highlight, and I can click on them, but just can't see it09:49
sghlelamal: strange ...... what if you boot from the latest image.10:02
lelamalsgh: sorry, what do you mean by latest image?10:04
Ian_cornedaily live cd10:04
sghlelamal: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/10:04
lelamaloh I see, thanks. and is it different from a system with the latest updates?10:06
Ian_corneit will tell you if it's your specific configuration of software at this point10:15
Ian_corneor everyone10:15
lelamalIan_corne: I see it now, thanks. I will give it a try now! thanks everyone10:24
vishlelamal: can you join #ubuntu-x ? the devs there are trying to debug your same issue10:28
vishoh lovely net split!10:28
lelamalvish: thanks for that, I am going to do it10:29
gnomefreakany work on nvidia + kernel?11:57
gnomefreakhow  do i add a scanner?12:03
gnomefreakit seems it cant read my scanner fir some reason12:05
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* BUGabundo_remote stabs NX13:24
* BUGabundo_remote waves at akgraner13:24
funkyHatKMS ♡13:55
bennie_hey all15:42
bennie_who here has seen this new patch http://lkml.org/lkml/2010/8/1/40 , it has been suggestion it may fix the IO hang15:43
bennie_do you think it would be possible to get the kernel devs to have a nose at it and see if it could be added into at least backports for maverick?15:43
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teolicyHi. Other than the Maverick blueprints, is there a condensed resource listing the main features accepted into 10.10?16:17
charlie-tcateolicy: as of each milestone, this is updated - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickMeerkat/TechnicalOverview16:29
teolicycharlie-tca, ah! Thank you.16:30
charlie-tcaIt gives a few things, anyway. I don't know how complete it is16:30
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oalThere's a typo in the Norwegian bokmål installer for the 10.10 alpha2, where do I report it so that it can be fixed before 10.10 comes out?17:43
oalI guess it's here somewhere, but is it debian-installer? https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+lang/nb17:55
Picioal: The live CD or the alternate/server installe?17:57
oalThe livecd installer17:57
Picioal: That would be Ubiquity then17:57
oalOk, let me see if I can find it there17:58
oalPici, correction submitted :)18:04
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Guest46619I have discovered an error in the new version of ubuntu18:29
Guest46619can I tell you guys or are you not interested in improving your product?18:31
PiciGuest46619: Have you concidered filing a bug?18:32
Guest46619Pici how do I do that?18:33
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots18:33
Guest46619where <package> being 2.6.32-24-generic?18:34
dutchieGuest46619: do "ubuntu-bug linux"18:35
dutchiethat will magically gather all the kernel stuff required18:35
Ian_cornend 2.6.32 isn't in this version18:36
PiciGuest46619: You mean the kernel is giving you issues? Or is there some other part of the install?18:36
Ian_cornethat's lucid18:36
Guest46619Pici: the printing is going awry18:38
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Ian_corneGuest46619: for lucid support, go to #ubuntu18:39
Guest46619* ubuntu-bug :Unknown command18:42
PiciGuest46619: #ubuntu would be better place to discuss your issue.  #ubuntu+1 is only for the in-development version of Ubuntu.18:43
IdleOneubuntu-bug is installed by default, if you don't have it installed you are either not running ubuntu or you removed it and have larger issues then you think18:44
Ian_corneor he's not running apport18:44
IdleOnelike I said18:44
Ian_cornewhich would mean he's not on a development release18:44
IdleOnelarger issues18:44
Ian_cornenah, he's just on lucid :D18:45
IdleOnelucid doesn't have apport?18:45
Ian_corneit's not running18:45
Ian_corneonly pre releases have it running18:45
Ian_cornebut I don't think it has to be running hmm18:45
IdleOneI see18:46
Ian_cornedoes ubuntu-bug work in kubuntu?18:46
IdleOneI believe18:46
PiciI think he was trying it in IRC anyway.18:46
IdleOnethat would do it18:46
yofelIan_corne: there's not kubuntu-bug command, we either use ubuntu-bug or go directly to bugs.kde.org18:51
yofeland no, apport doesn't have to be running to file bugs18:51
yofelonly to catch crashes18:52
yofelIdleOne: ^18:52
IdleOnethank you yofel18:52
IdleOnegood to know18:52
coz_hey guys... I am running edubuntu /lucid and downloaded the edubuntu maverick dvd...is there a way to upgrade from the iso without burning it?  I have tried several options i found online with no success20:33
ZykoticK9coz_, i believe you can only Upgrade using Alternative CDs, not sure about the DVD - good luck.20:34
coz_ZykoticK9,  ok  thats  what I had gathered20:34
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