
rsalvetirobclark: now my monitor is on but I get nothing at the screen00:04
rsalvetiwill try to get a console at the image, oem-config is turned on by default00:04
robclarkhmm..  can you add omapdss.debug=1 to bootargs.. and send me bootlog and /sys/devices/omapdss/display0/edid?00:04
rsalvetiomapdss DISPC error: SYNC_LOST_DIGIT00:04
rsalvetithis is the only error message I'm getting00:05
rsalvetisure, 1 min00:05
robclarkthis is with L24.7_panda-hdmi-patches branch?00:05
rsalvetiL24.7_panda-hdmi-patches yep00:06
rsalvetitested with ubuntu's config file00:06
rsalvetijust removed the commit 109fd14008275c9be56562612e3f8d8628e444b0 as it didn't compile with it00:06
rsalveti"add support for external tracing"00:07
robclarkok, that won't matter..00:07
robclark(I need to update that one.. but I guess ubuntu config enables trace..)00:07
rsalvetilet me get the kenel log with debug00:07
robclarkk, thx00:08
rsalvetiGrueMaster: do you know from top of your head how to disable oem-config?00:08
GrueMasternot off hand.  Never really tried before.00:08
GrueMasterI'm sure there is a way to get it to run oem-config instead of oem-config-gtk.00:09
* rsalveti will just remove it to see if works00:09
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GrueMasterMy brain is fried.  bugging out for the evening.  Ping me if you need me.00:29
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rsalvetirobclark: I'm now finally able to get a console! will send you the logs in a minute00:41
rsalvetirobclark: sent00:47
robclarkok, got it.. lets see now00:47
robclarkrsalveti: does it seem reasonable for it to be trying to pick 1680x1050?00:48
rsalvetihm, it's a full hd monitor00:49
rsalvetibut it should work, I guess00:49
robclarkit sees a couple 1920x1080 resolutions.. but doesn't like them for some reason..00:49
robclarkmaybe pixel clock isn't matching.. I have to compare to the all_timings table..00:50
robclarkok.. mythripk had one more patch.. that disregards exact timing (backporch/frontporch/syncwidth)..  as long as the sum of them still matched..  with that patch, your monitor would pick 1920x1080..00:52
robclarkI'm not sure if that would help with the sync lost.. but let me see if I can find the patch..00:52
rsalvetirobclark: ok, I can test it here00:53
robclarkrsalveti: do you mind doing a bit of surgery to apply patch, or do you want me to quickly rebase it first?00:54
rsalvetirobclark: just send me the patch, I can try change it here00:54
robclarkit looks like it won't directly apply, but mostly of a result of nearby changes in debug printouts..00:54
robclarkok, sent..  if you have any trouble with making it apply, let me know.. it's not a problem to rebase it on latest branch00:55
rsalvetirobclark: ok, thanks00:56
robclarkbasically instead of doing a straight memcmp() of the contents of the timing struct, it is checking if the sums of the h or v fields matches00:56
robclark(I'm not entirely sure if that is a valid thing to do or not.. so it would be interesting to know if it works)00:57
rsalvetiok, give me a minute00:58
robclarkok, no prob00:59
rsalvetirobclark: Timing Info pixel_clk                      = 14850001:16
rsalvetiXresolution            =192001:16
rsalvetiyresolution            =108001:16
robclarkok.. is that working any better?01:16
robclarkor same behavior, different resolution?01:16
rsalvetiit seems to be better, let me just try with the full X11 image01:18
robclarkok..  I think then it should work w/ x11 as long as the monitor is detected before x11 opens the framebuffer and reads the resolution..01:19
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rsalvetirobclark: hi01:50
robclarkhi rsalveti01:50
rsalvetirobclark: X11 is able to find the correct resolution but I get nothing on the screen01:50
rsalvetijust a black screen01:50
robclarkhmm..  console is ok, but X11 is not?01:50
robclarkthat is a strange one..01:50
rsalvetirobclark: nops, console seems not to work fine either01:50
robclarkhmm.. what changed between now and the one that was working?01:51
robclarkdo you still have omapdss.debug=1 in your bootargs?01:51
robclarkif so you should be able to unplug and replug the monitor, and it will re-detect and print out all the same info about what resolution it picks and so on..01:52
rsalvetithe other one is not working, I thought it worked because my monitor turned on and so on01:52
rsalvetibut when I changed to get the console messages I got nothing :-(01:53
robclarkoh, but you never actually saw anything on screen with will X11 fs or with console only fs?01:53
rsalvetirobclark: nops, my monitor shows the resolution and etc and tuns on, that's why I thought it would work better01:54
robclarkoh.. darn..01:54
rsalvetibut while testing it better I found that I can't see anything in the screen01:54
robclarkdo you have parse-edid?  If so you can check whether your monitor is requiring negative hsync or vsync pulse..  (which isn't implemented yet)01:55
robclarkif you don't, I will check in a couple minutes01:55
rsalvetirobclark: nops01:55
rsalvetiwhere can I find it?01:56
robclarksudo apt-get read-edid :-)01:56
rsalvetieasy :-)01:56
rsalveti1 sec, let me install this package01:57
rsalvetiinstalled on the target, easier, let me just boot it again02:04
robclarkrsalveti: don't need to reboot02:05
robclarkjust run:02:05
rsalvetiI removed the card to install the package, that's why02:05
robclarkparse-edid /sys/devices/omapdss/display0/edid02:05
robclarkoh, ok02:05
rsalvetirobclark: http://paste.ubuntu.com/472889/02:06
rsalvetirobclark: nops, it seems fine02:07
robclarkrsalveti: hmm, weird..02:09
robclarkwell, let me fwd your boot log and edid to mythripk and see if she has any suggestions when she wakes up02:10
rsalvetirobclark: ok, thanks02:11
robclarkhang on.. I'll drop off momentarily when I login to vpn02:11
robclarkrsalveti: ok, well I think if you revert mythripk's patch that I fwd'd, and my "better support for DVI monitors" patch, that you should at least get a good picture at 640x480...02:14
robclarkone other thing to try first, if your monitor has both HDMI and DVI ports, you and you have an HDMI->DVI adapter, you could try the DVI port..02:15
rsalvetirobclark: I'm trying it now02:15
robclarksometimes you will get a different EDID on DVI vs HDMI port..02:15
robclark(and might be worth to forward to mythripk and myself the edid file and bootlog on DVI port too, just for good measure)02:16
rsalvetirobclark: do I need to use omapdss.hdmimode=0 omapdss.hdmicode=35?02:16
robclarkno.. those will be ignored now with mythripk's patches to configure the resolution based on EDID..02:16
robclarkalthough you could still try to echo different values to the custom_edid_timings file under sysfs.. and see if there are some other working resolutions..02:17
rsalvetioh, true02:17
robclarksee http://omapedia.org/wiki/Bootargs_for_enabling_display02:17
rsalvetiyep, my monitor doesn't even turns on02:17
rsalvetiwith dvi port -> hdmi->dvi adapter02:18
robclarkfor ex, echo 350 > custom_edid_timings... will be equiv to hdmimode=0, hdmicode=3502:18
robclarkhmm, ok..02:18
robclarkwell, I guess since you had a scrambled picture when it was falling back to 640x480, at least that resolution should work..  it is just a matter of figuring out why it doesn't like the higher resolutions..02:19
robclark(but try this with a console only build.. the console driver will handle the resolution switch when you write different values to custom_edid_timings.. but X11 won't)02:20
rsalvetirobclark: so, back to the older kernel02:20
rsalvetito many new issues with this tree :-)02:20
robclarkI take it 1280x1024 was working ok when you hard-coded it?02:21
rsalvetirobclark: never actually tried with dvi, was mainly debugging hdmi02:22
rsalvetithis is the combination GrueMaster is using, that's why02:22
robclarkoh, ok02:22
rsalvetifirst day I'm actually trying to make the panda display work02:22
robclarkwell, fwiw if GrueMaster has a different monitor, his issues could be different... but sending a boot log with omapdss.debug=1 and edid file to mythripk and myself are a good idea for everyone who is having hdmi issues02:23
rsalvetilag is also using a lg monitor (different version) and he's getting the same issues I'm getting with mine02:25
rsalvetiso ti seems that some lg monitors may have this issue02:25
robclarkhmm.. I thought lag's monitor was working after one of mythripk's patches.. or was that only the monitor he was using at the sprint?02:26
* robclark is wondering whether he missed one of mythripk's patches?02:26
rsalvetirobclark: could be the one he was using at the sprint02:27
robclarkhmm, ok02:27
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rsalvetirobclark: echo 161 > /sys/devices/omapdss/display0/custom_edid_timing sets to the correct resolution with the older kernel02:58
rsalvetiand it works fine, I can log in the console successfully02:58
rsalvetijust need to debug why the first resolution is wrong02:58
rsalvetithe kernel I'm using is the maverick one plus http://gitorious.org/~robclark/pandaboard/robclarks-kernel-omap4/commit/c6019735b852b625918c9f3788058f7b0fd5f60703:00
rsalvetiand http://gitorious.org/~robclark/pandaboard/robclarks-kernel-omap4/commit/1e8b137986d8f53a393e5e0e44baa8fc62bcd25403:00
rsalvetihm, shit03:00
rsalvetithere's one other change that I had to add to this kernel03:00
rsalveti+       mdelay(500);03:00
robclarkwhat was it using when you added mythripk's patch?  820?03:00
rsalvetimaybe this is the cause of not working with the latest tree03:00
rsalvetiat least mythripk said that without this patch it wouldn't work03:01
robclarkoh.. hmm, I have mdelay(50) instead of mdelay(500)..03:01
robclarkmaybe I pulled that from an earlier version of her patch03:01
robclarkcould you go back to my branch plus mythripk's patch, but change 50 to 500?03:02
robclarkand if that doesn't work, cat /sys/devices/omapdss/custom_edid_timing03:02
robclarkthat will tell if it is picking 820 instead of 16103:02
rsalvetiyep, will recompile it here and grab a beer03:03
robclarksure, sounds like a good plan :-)03:03
rsalvetibeer is always a good plan :-)03:04
rsalvetirobclark: nops, same result :-(03:29
robclarkcan you cat custom_edid_timings?03:29
robclarkI'm curious if it is picking 820 instead of 160..03:29
robclarkand you should be able to manually overwrite by writing 160 to that file03:30
robclark(sorry, I mean 161)03:30
rsalvetiroot@beagle-maverick:~# cat /sys/devices/omapdss/display0/custom_edid_timing03:33
rsalvetidefault with your kernel + mythripk's patch03:33
robclarkhmm, ok.. odd.. same timings and it is working with the old kernel..03:33
robclarkand this is with mdelay(500) instead of 50?03:33
rsalvetirobclark: yes03:35
robclarkhmm.. ok, so not a matter of picking which timings..  and not an mdelay() issue..03:35
robclarkso I guess there must be some other patch missing.. or one of the new patches breaks something.. hmm03:36
robclarkhmm, I don't see any other patches if I look in the commitlog of ubuntu kernel..03:38
rsalvetiprobably a new patch that breaks something03:38
rsalveticause the ubuntu kernel is still using a quite old hash03:39
robclarkwell, most of the patches are related either to resolution switch (which shouldn't matter in this case, because you are still picking 1920x1080 which is the default startup resolution).. and EDID parsing..  so it must be something more subtle..03:40
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dyfetwhat a lovely morning10:13
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lagrcn-ee: Are you around?11:36
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ogralag, a bit early for the US11:51
lagogra: He as proxy - I'm sure he'll ping me when he's had his breakfast :)12:09
rsalvetilag: I don't like binaries, send me the code! :-)13:23
lagrsalveti: Just try that first - if it works I'll send you the code13:26
rsalvetilag: yep, it works with yours13:58
rsalvetilag: now send me the code! :-)13:59
lagrsalveti: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=lag/ubuntu-maverick.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/mythripk-patch14:00
rsalvetilag: this patch? http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=lag/ubuntu-maverick.git;a=commitdiff;h=f6c95ac85cfa087a84cd82564dcaea8ce4a6c867;hp=7e32c02207fe99010175845996f4dfa6b817312114:00
rsalvetilag: ok, the only thing that you have on your kernel that I don't is the changes at hdmi_get_code function14:03
rsalvetithat's the one that gets the correct resolution for this monitor by default14:03
lagrsalveti: You'll also need http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=lag/ubuntu-maverick.git;a=blobdiff;f=drivers/video/omap2/dss/hdmi.c;h=0830bbc6baed30e04afca7b1c1a5b83ec298c890;hp=a8bedb1facd324eb6d2f07767ae6399f7c24ec3a;hb=76dd0768b77f731bbe6ad4df55379734f3a38770;hpb=f6c95ac85cfa087a84cd82564dcaea8ce4a6c86714:03
rsalvetilag: yep, I already got this14:03
lagThen you shouldn't see any difference14:04
lagDo you have console=tty2 when you use your kernel?14:04
rsalvetilag: sure14:04
lagrsalveti: There should be no difference then14:05
rsalvetilag: I got the patch from a different source, as I said at the email, applied both patches from mythripk and added the mdelay 50014:05
lagShouldn't be a problem then14:05
lagYou should get the same results from your kernel and the one you built14:05
rsalvetithe only thing you have that I don't have is the changes at the  hdmi_get_code function14:05
lag... from the one I sent you14:05
rsalvetilag: nops because I'm missing one patch, but I already found it14:06
rsalvetilag: but the main problem I was fighting yesterday with robclark is that the monitor doesn't work at all with the latest tree14:06
rsalvetiI tested with L24.7_panda-hdmi-patches and got nothing at the screen14:07
rsalvetiso you could merge these patches now, get it to work but then later on you'll have to debug to see why it stopped to work14:07
rsalvetiwhen you merge their latest patches14:07
lagWhich tree did you build from?14:08
rsalvetirobclark's one14:08
rsalvetihe added some patches to make it to work better with some monitors14:08
lagThen you need to tie up with him and figure out why it's not working14:09
lagThe current Ubuntu tree along with mythripk's patches work14:09
robclarkrsalveti: if you have time, it could be interesting to apply the hdmi patches one by one on ubuntu kernel to isolate where it works and where it doesn't.. but keep in mind that one of the early hdmi patches from mythripk removes the bootargs to hard code monitor mode, so you'll have to use custom_edid_timings sysfs file..14:10
robclarkif we knew where it broke, that would help to debug.. but probably best to do on top of ubuntu kernel in case it is some other difference between the two kernels14:10
robclark(but to build that many variants, I hope you are cross compiling and not building kernel natively)14:11
robclarkok, be back in a bit14:12
rsalvetiyep, it seems that the only way is to bisect it14:12
rsalvetilag: do you have plans to merge these patches?14:14
lagmythripk has sent them for review14:15
lagThey should be out in TI's kernel soon14:15
lagWhen they are either me or cooloney will initiate a pull request from them14:15
rsalvetithe problem is that I also think the robclark's patches will be inside14:15
rsalvetiat current robclark's tree all these patches are already included14:15
lagYou'll have to find out what the differences are between yours and mine14:16
lagI'm sure robclark will be happy to help you :14:17
lagrsalveti: How does the client use bip.pem?14:18
rsalvetilag: mine doesn't have any differences from yours, the question is more which patch from robclark's tree broke the display14:19
rsalveticurrently my tree is the same thing as yours14:19
rsalvetiI was missing one patch14:19
lagHave you added that patch?14:20
rsalvetiOMAP4:DSS:HDMI:Get code update to match timing of vsync hsync as whole instead of as hsw hbp and hfp respectively14:20
rsalvetiI got this patch from robclark directly by email, but the url should be somewhere :-)14:21
lagSo is that one that you have and I don't - or one that I have applied and you don't?14:23
rsalvetilag: the one you had I just applied now14:25
rsalvetiI had a working one with wrong resolution14:25
rsalvetithis patch basically helps setting the correct resolution at the first time14:25
rsalvetiso everything works14:26
lagYou've tested it?14:28
rsalvetilag: not yet, but I tested this patch with the other tree and it helped getting the correct resolution14:33
rsalvetilag: and looking at the diff is the only thing that makes sense14:33
rsalvetirobclark: do you know if your patches were also sent for review and will be published at the next TI release?14:33
robclarkrsalveti: they were sent.. and at least most will be in next release..  some of the last few about EDID parsing, I'm not sure if there is time to get them in..14:34
rsalvetirobclark: ok14:35
rsalvetirobclark: do you know when it will be released?14:35
robclarkbut, fwiw, my hdmi-patches branch is based on a slightly older release..  so I'm wondering if all those patches on top of ubuntu kernel works, maybe it is a difference in the kernel those patches are on top of?14:35
rsalveticould be, I can try to bisect later14:35
robclarkwell, the kernel team will make their handoff soon, I think.. or at least their code-freeze soon..14:35
rsalvetiafter applying the patches at the ubuntu kernel14:35
robclarkbut I guess it takes another month by the time the patches make their way to ubuntu kernel..14:36
robclarknext release will be based on 2.6.35.. fwiw14:36
rsalvetihm, probably lots of things will change14:36
robclarkso takes some time for all teams to rebase, test with it, figure out everything that broke, etc :-)14:36
rsalvetirobclark: ok then, will try to apply and bisect the patches later, as it's quite time consuming14:38
mythripkrsalveti: I can send the patch set for HDMI that will go on top of out tree this friday14:46
rsalvetimythripk: nice, that would help14:46
mythripkrsalveti: sent14:49
rsalvetirobclark: will try mythripk patches on top of the current ubuntu tree to see if it works better14:55
robclarkok.. thx14:55
rsalvetithen we can try your patches on top, if it works14:55
robclarkok, that should be a good plan14:56
mythripkrobclark : i guess it should not matter for non acii EDID encoded DVI monitors or HDMI monitors rt ?14:57
mythripkk drop a mail with the log whether it works or not :) ,please enable the debug on ...14:58
robclarkyeah, I think if your monitor isn't falling back to 640x480 when it should be able to do better, my patches shouldn't matter..14:58
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jcrigbyplars: rcn posted a work around for 588243 to the omap-linux list but it was rejected see here for details: https://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/101907/16:20
plarsjcrigby: right, saw that.  Iirc it just concealed the problem for now16:20
jcrigbyyes, Toni says that the fix belongs in the panel driver16:21
jcrigbythe other thing I see on XM but not C4 are three WARNINGS about clocks16:22
plarsjcrigby: unfortunately that was >2months ago, but I think cooloney is looking at it now too16:22
plarsjcrigby: if you are up for it, I'm sure he would appreciate the help :)16:22
jcrigbyI might do that16:22
plarsjcrigby: yeah, I don't remember seeing that on my c4 either, don't have an xm to test with right now16:22
jcrigbyI googled and all I found was a pastebin from yesterday16:23
jcrigbyposted by Voodoo16:23
GrueMasterplars: I am not able to reproduce bug 588243 on my C4 beagleboard with the 20100802 image and 2.6.35-14-omap kernel.16:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 588243 in linux-ti-omap (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "kernel BUG at /build/buildd/linux-ti-omap-2.6.33/drivers/video/omap2/dss/core.c:323! (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58824316:25
jcrigbyGrueMaster:one thing is you have to wait 10 minutes for some PM event to kick in16:27
jcrigbyif you reboot immediately it does not happen16:27
ogra_cmpcyou have to wait for dpms16:28
ogra_cmpcand iirc its a duplicate16:29
ogra_cmpcof a bug that mpoirier recently closed as non reproducable16:30
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ogra_cmpcwould have been nice if that bug would have been triaged properly so we dont work on it without coordiantion between the teams16:32
GrueMasterWell, my system has been idle overnight, and I just issued sudo reboot from a serial login (screen was off and locked).  Screen refreshed and showed proper shutdown sequence and rebooted.  Nothing appears in any of my log files.16:32
GrueMasterHence the reason the other bug was marked as unreproducable.16:32
ogra_cmpcGrueMaster, right, thats what i think mpoirier saw as well16:32
ogra_cmpcits just bad to have two bugs about the same issue and two teams working on it without any communication16:33
ogra_cmpcthats a waste of manpower16:33
GrueMasterSo mark one of the bugs as duplicate.16:33
ogra_cmpcplars, dont you guys subscribe ubuntu-armel to bugs anymore ?16:33
GrueMasterBut until it can be readily reproduced, it will be difficult to debug.16:34
ogra_cmpcwell, it would be good to know why its reproducable for some16:34
plarsogra_cmpc: I do, but I guess I didn't see the dup, do you have a bug#? It's certainly reproducible, and easily16:34
plarsogra_cmpc: according to cooloney, he could see it on some boards, but not others (not on c3 for instance)16:35
plarsogra_cmpc: all I have at the moment is a c4, jcrigby was able to reproduce it there also, and on the xm too16:35
GrueMasterIs it possibly a difference in x-loader or u-boot?16:35
ogra_cmpci'm not sure with what mpoirier tested, i think GrueMaster uses a C416:35
ogra_cmpcplars, with which kernel do zou boot the XM ?16:36
mpoirierogra_cmpc: tested what ?16:36
ogra_cmpcmpoirier, the DPMS hang on reboot/shutdown16:36
plarsGrueMaster: did you have your kernel messages going to serial console?16:36
ogra_cmpcmpoirier, iirc we decided to close it because nobody could reproduce anymore16:36
GrueMasterNo, but I had before during the sprint (when we were trying to reproduce it).16:36
mpoirierogra_cmpc: I have news on this problem.16:37
ogra_cmpcmpoirier, and we have another bug open about it apparently16:37
mpoirierI was able to reproduce with a minimal file system built by rootstock16:37
ogra_cmpcbug 58824316:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 588243 in linux-ti-omap (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "kernel BUG at /build/buildd/linux-ti-omap-2.6.33/drivers/video/omap2/dss/core.c:323! (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58824316:37
ogra_cmpcmpoirier, oh, cool16:37
mpoirierI was never able to reproduce with UNR image16:37
mpoiriertherefor don't know how relevant to us it is,.16:38
ogra_cmpcwell, its clearly a kernel bug even though we dont seem to trigger it in the UNR image16:38
mpoirierbut seems of a lesser issue since it is not in UNR.16:39
mpoirierI'm back on SDHC16:39
mpoirierI actually found this while working on SDHC16:39
ogra_cmpcthe MMC/SDHC stuff is way more important16:40
ogra_cmpcit currently blocks the XM nearly completely16:40
mpoirierwe could check in a temporary fix...16:40
mpoirierlike we did with the daisy chains.16:40
mpoirierI didn't 'cause no one asked.16:40
ogra_cmpcwell, afaik rcn-ee has patches for all issues that would work as temp fixes16:41
ogra_cmpche worked a lot on mmc issues recently he said16:41
ogra_cmpci think lag is in conversation with him about the patches already16:41
ogra_cmpcbut afaik they are not "upstreamable quality"16:42
mpoirierwho is afaik ?16:42
ogra_cmpc"as far as i know" :)16:43
prpplagueogra_cmpc: know anyone using distcc to do native compiles on arm?16:49
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mpoirierogra_cmpc: by temporary fix I meant turning off some of the flags that are known to cause problem16:52
GrueMasterprpplague: NCommander had a setup on babbage systems last cycle iirc.16:53
prpplagueGrueMaster: ahh thanks for the info16:59
prpplagueNCommander: ping17:00
edgeis this a channel for using ubuntu on an arm processor, or using ubuntu to program to arm?17:07
rsavoyedeveloping ubuntu for the ARM17:07
GrueMasterDeveloping Ubuntu on Armv7 based systems to be more specific.17:08
edgeDoes anybody do the latter? I have a few questions i'm having difficulty resolving17:08
rsavoyeask and we'll see... :-)17:09
edgeI want to start a project and use the ARM processor. Does C or C++ get compiled to run on the ARM? and are there different vendors for compilers? is that where my confusing is steming from17:09
rsavoyeright now the Linaro/Ubuntu toolchain or the Code Sourcery versions are probably the best to use17:10
prpplagueedge: yes there are aw wide range of compilers that can be used, most of the ones that people will recommend are basedd on gcc17:11
edgeare they for C or C++?17:11
edgeor both?17:12
prpplagueedge: yes you can use a compiler directly on the arm device17:12
prpplagueedge: you can get them for both17:12
prpplagueedge: many people use what is known as a cross-compiler to do their builds17:12
rsavoyeedge: all the code I deal with is C++17:12
GrueMasterYou can run an entire development environment (Like Ubuntu) on arm.17:13
edgecross compile referes to using an ARCH like x86 to compile to ARM?17:13
edgeJust using my normal C++ ide?17:13
edgeand use a differnt GCC flag or something17:14
rsavoyeedge: yes, I do it all the time17:14
rsavoyewhen configuring a package for a cross build, configure with --host=17:14
edgeah ic17:14
edgei assume then that to program for the arm i would need to import a class or something to get in touch with the inputs/outputs?17:15
rsavoyeedge: if you go to here: http://wiki.gnashdev.org/Gnash#Building you can see my notes on cross compiling and configuring17:16
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edgeI think i understand. Thank you guys very much17:21
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rsalvetimythripk: robclark: yep, with the patches I got by email the screen works fine18:16
rsalvetishows the console and gets the correct resolution18:17
GrueMasterrsalveti: nice.18:19
rsalvetirobclark: it seems that I'm missing just "OMAP4:OMAPFB: register callback to get notified of resolution change" and "OMAP4:DSS:HDMI: better support for DVI monitors" from your tree18:21
rsalvetiI can apply both and test if you want18:22
GrueMasterrsalveti: If you get the dvi patches, send me a test kernel as well.  Preferably in package form (easier to muck with).18:22
rsalvetiGrueMaster: sure18:23
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rsalvetirobclark: "OMAP4:DSS:HDMI: better support for DVI monitors" needs rework to apply it on top of the other patches19:01
rsalvetimythripk changed a lot of stuff in the same file in another patch19:02
robclarkrsalveti: ok.. if I get some time this afternoon I'll rebase on the patches that mythripk sent.. got a mtg in a few, so it will be later today19:19
rsalvetirobclark: sure, np19:20
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jimqodeHello people. When is the ubuntu netbook edition 10.07 coming out? Where can I get the beta version?20:13
GrueMasterUbuntu 10.07 was scrapped as the hardware it was intended for (Beagle XM) was delayed.  If you are looking for an up-to-date image for the beagle, use either 10.04 or the 10.10 (Alpha 3) images.20:25
jimqodeNot beagle but a random chinese ARM tablet. Will 10.10 alpha3 work on it?20:25
GrueMasterIt might, depending on the SOC.  The preinstalled images are currently designed for omap3 and omap4, but we can't test on every system using these parts.20:26
GrueMasterDo you know what the tablet is using for a cpu?20:27
armin76wonder if its an epad :D20:37
armin76but i'd bet its an armv5 via proc20:38
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jcrigbyNCommander or ogra: ping21:40
jcrigby^^how does /etc/flash-kernel.conf get created?21:41
GrueMasterjcrigby: It is created by the flash-kernel install scripts, I think.  Let me check.21:42
GrueMasterYes, it is in the postinst script for the deb package.21:43
GrueMasterWhat's up?21:43
rsalvetiGrueMaster: does your ethernet port works at panda?21:52
rsalvetihm, mine it doesn't seems to recognize it21:52
GrueMasterI've been posting bugs, so I think it is ok.21:52
GrueMasteresb1 or 2?21:52
GrueMasterDo you have the pig tail plugged into the otg port?21:53
rsalvetirobclark: as I got this board from you, do you know if it was working before?21:53
rsalvetiGrueMaster: yep21:53
rsalvetiGrueMaster: I have the normal usb ports working21:53
rsalvetijust not the ethernet one21:53
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rsalvetinice, just got more 3 sd cards :-)21:57
rsalvetiGrueMaster: did you test any class 6 sd with panda?21:58
GrueMasterYes.  The one I gave you.21:58
GrueMaster(I've since replaced it).21:59
rsalvetinice, so it should work :-)21:59
GrueMasterI have tested class 2,4,6 on it.  Seemed ok.  This was when I first got my system, so I haven't tested recent images yet.22:00
GrueMasterRight now I am using a 16G class 4.22:00
GrueMasterAnd it has failed to resize.22:00
jcrigbyGrueMaster:thanks for the info22:00
rsalvetiyep, saw the bug22:01
GrueMasterjcrigby: There is a bug in update-initramfs that makes it fail to call flash-kernel after rebuilding initrd or installing a new kernel.22:01
GrueMasterShould be fixed in the next package release.22:02
robclarkrsalveti: ethernet should work22:03
jcrigbyGrueMaster:yes saw you and ogra talking about that but linaro images have a different problem22:04
robclarkkernel needs to enable MUSB host mode, and some other stuff..22:04
jcrigbyflash-kernel.conf does not exist22:04
jcrigbyon linaro images22:04
GrueMasterIs flash-kernel installed?  That is what creates the file.22:05
rsalvetirobclark: hm, if it works for GrueMaster it should work for me, I guess22:06
rsalvetiand I'm using the default ubuntu kernel now22:06
robclarkhmm.. you have the "tail" plugged in to musb connector?22:06
rsalvetirobclark: I can get the normal usb to work, just not ethernet22:06
GrueMasterrsalveti: are you using today's image?22:07
robclarkahh.. bootargs.. hang on..22:07
rsalvetiGrueMaster: not today22:07
rsalvetibut the kernel didn't change22:07
robclarkrsalveti: you have: musb_hdrc.use_dma=022:07
* rsalveti will try22:07
GrueMasterrobclark: That isn't on the default image, and ethernet works for me.22:08
robclarkthere was an issue w/ DMA and USB ethernet, from what I remember..22:08
robclarksome zero len packet issue22:09
robclarkbut maybe it is disabled in some other way22:09
rsalvetirobclark: nops, didn't change22:11
robclarkhmm.. if you want I can send you a uImage... one that I was using.. just to rule out if something broke on hw in transit.. (ESD damage, etc)22:12
rsalvetirobclark: oh, is this the usb0 one?22:13
robclarkrsalveti: yes, it should show up as usb0, not eth022:13
* GrueMaster detects a doh! moment.22:14
rsalvetirobclark: I thought it was related with usbnet or something like that22:14
rsalvetisorry, was looking for a "normal" eth* adapter22:14
robclarkahh..  yeah, I made that mistake the first time22:15
GrueMasterNormal and arm hardware should not be combined in the same sentence.  :P22:15
rsalvetiGrueMaster: :P22:15
robclarkI don't think this is anything to do with arm... isn't it the same if you use usb ethernet on x86?22:15
robclark(at least the usbnet is all pretty generic)22:16
rsalvetiit should be22:16
rsalvetirobclark: and do you know the reason for this magic micro usb cable in loop?22:16
GrueMasterrsalveti: That's easy.  First proto fubar'ism.22:17
robclarkbasically ;-)22:17
rsalvetihahah :-)22:17
robclarkthe ES2 panda's don't have this..22:18
GrueMasterThink that is odd, you should have seen some of the odd wiki-ups we did at Intel during the P4.22:18
rsalvetihehehe, can imagine22:19
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GrueMasterrsalveti: For fun, since you are mucking with kernel patches, want to see if this patch improves performance on either omap3 or omap4?  http://lkml.org/lkml/2010/8/1/4023:31
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rsalvetiGrueMaster: nice, would also like this patch to be applied on my host machine23:36
rsalvetiI'm facing similar problems all the time I decide to write stuff on external drives23:36
rsalvetilike sd, usb hd and etc23:36
GrueMasterWell, if it works, we can beg for it to be added before freeze.23:36
rsalvetiGrueMaster: yep, can givet it a try, but they will probably ask for performance numbers and etc23:37
GrueMasterIt should apply fairly cleanly to the omap kernel.  Not so sure about omap4, though.23:37
GrueMasterMake oyu a deal.  If you see any improvement, send me a kernel package and I'll provide some benchmarking data to validate the backport.23:38
GrueMasterIf I get time, I'll add it to an x86 kernel here and test it separately.23:39
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rsalvetiGrueMaster: nice, will apply and test it here to see if we get any improvement23:45

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