
duanedesigncat /etc/apt/sources.list > ~/savedsources.list00:07
duanedesignyou can change the name of where you want to save it00:07
duanedesign >    sends the output of the command to a file00:08
duanedesignso   ~/savedsources.list    is where you want to save it and what you want the file to be named00:08
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hobgoblinhi zacinfinite08:30
zkriesseHello zacinfinite08:30
zkriessehey hobgoblin how goes the war of middle earth today?08:31
hobgoblinzacinfinite: did you follow the link in my sig?08:31
hobgoblinzkriesse: slowly08:31
zkriessehobgoblin: At least it's going right?08:31
hobgoblinslow is always best08:32
hobgoblinwho wants to eat a green sloth08:32
* zkriesse shakes swoody 's hand08:34
* swoody slaps zkriesse upside the head 08:34
* zkriesse drifts into darkness and shadow08:35
* zkriesse appears behind swoody and assassinates him!08:35
zkriesseI REIN SUPREME!08:35
zkriesselol how's it going Steve08:35
hobgoblinrein? how do you rein supreme?08:40
hobgoblinI reign supreme :)08:40
swoodyI think he means he rains supreme08:40
zkriesseQuit teasing me!08:41
swoodyvery wet fellow... o.O08:41
swoodyso how's life treating ya, hobgoblin ? :)08:42
hobgoblinbetter now I been awake a while :)08:42
swoodyit's good to see you around these parts more frequently now08:42
hobgoblinswoody: I never stopped coming here :)08:43
hobgoblinI just stopped being in that 'team'08:43
hobgoblinwhich was not one at the time - I hope it's better now08:43
swoodyhobgoblin: can't say too much myself, I'm usually on after work now, so it's a bit quiet in here08:50
hobgoblinI had noticed you missing08:51
swoodyhobgoblin: yeah, between taking care of some stuff, and then nearly a month w/o a modem at home wasn't too producive to my online life ;)08:52
hobgoblinI also read the m/l from time to time08:52
swoodyvery cool :)08:52
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duanedesign'lo all13:11
smeag0lanybody seen Silver_Fox_ lately14:58
IAmNotThatGuynot for the last 3 hours smeag0l14:59
smeag0lthank yoy IAmNotThatGuy :)14:59
smeag0lit's just that hes my so called mentor15:00
smeag0land i need pm with him15:00
smeag0lpersonal stuff ;P15:01
IAmNotThatGuyhmmmm memo him smeag0l15:02
smeag0ldunno howto15:02
smeag0land i am in relapse15:02
IAmNotThatGuysmeag0l: /msg memoserv help15:03
IAmNotThatGuythat will help you (:15:03
smeag0lthank you IAmNotThatGuy ;D15:03
IAmNotThatGuyno thankz (:15:04
smeag0ljust trying to be polite15:04
IAmNotThatGuyhe he :D15:04
Silver_Fox_Good Afternoon15:45
IAmNotThatGuySilver_Fox_: smeag0l was asking about his mentor :D15:53
Silver_Fox_IAmNotThatGuy,   Oh? Looking for me is he?15:54
IAmNotThatGuySilver_Fox_:  I am not his mentor :P15:55
duanedesignhowdy Silver_Fox_15:55
Silver_Fox_IAmNotThatGuy,  I am his mentor. I wanted to know if he was looking for me15:55
Silver_Fox_duanedesign,  Hey15:55
IAmNotThatGuySilver_Fox_: I think he memo'd ya15:56
IAmNotThatGuy<smeag0l> and i need pm with him15:56
IAmNotThatGuy<smeag0l> *to15:56
IAmNotThatGuy<smeag0l> personal stuff ;P15:56
smeag0lhi Silver_Fox_  i am right here15:56
morriI have a problem with the microphone configuration16:06
morriI am using ubuntu wubi 1004  and I am using a headset, I can hear alright , but the microphone works badly16:08
morriWhen I speak into it it seems to echo every sound. so : test 1,2,3 turns out : test, test, 1,1,2,2,3,3.16:08
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morri<morri> I have a problem with the microphone configuration  I am using ubuntu wubi 1004  and I am using a headset, I can hear alright , but the microphone works badly  When I speak into it it seems to echo every sound. so : test 1,2,3 turns out : test, test, 1,1,2,2,3,3.16:19
Silver_Fox_How close is the  mic to the speaker?16:20
Silver_Fox_Thinking you have a nice loop going on16:20
morriit works alright in windows, and it is a headset#16:21
Silver_Fox_Okay, hmm16:21
morriit also is literally an exact repetition of the said word, and not an echo which may be cut off, more or less nooisy16:24
morriI have a problem with the microphone configuration  I am using ubuntu wubi 1004  and I am using a headset, I can hear alright , but the microphone works badly  When I speak into it it seems to echo every sound. so : test 1,2,3 turns out : test, test, 1,1,2,2,3,3.17:08
raubvogelNewbie question: I want to modify a package (add lpk  support for openssh) that will only be used locally. So, I got the source, patched it, compiled using dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc , and installed using dpkg -i. So far so good. What is the proper way of renaming this package (openssh-lpk) so I will not conflict with the proper openssh package?17:29
paultag_raubvogel: it depends. I'd use a ~lpk against it17:29
paultag_raubvogel: so that you replace current versions, so when a CVE passes thru you catch the update, but otherwise it sits fine17:30
paultag_raubvogel: it's what we do for Ubuntu and PPAs17:30
paultag_raubvogel: that's what I'd use for you. Just match the source pkg's major version so you catch updates17:31
raubvogelpaultag_: you are talking about in debian/changelog, right?17:32
paultag_raubvogel: you will have to match it there, too17:32
paultag_raubvogel: because the ~raubvogel1 will let you bump the version number without kludging the major version number17:33
paultag_raubvogel: and you can also go ~raubvogel2 for another update17:33
raubvogelWhere else then? I was hoping to have the package named like openssh-lpk, kinda like sudo-ldap.17:33
paultag_raubvogel: but it's not a new package17:33
raubvogelI see your point17:33
raubvogelBut I do not want it to conflict with the official openssh one17:34
paultag_raubvogel: you should -- they conflict17:34
raubvogelAfter all, it will only be internal17:34
paultag_raubvogel: you can't have both installed and have the system be useful17:34
paultag_raubvogel: just keep up with the major versions with your diversion and you will be fine :)17:34
raubvogelBut, in the case of sudo-ldap, I can do `export SUDO_FORCE_REMOVE=yes; apt-get install sudo-ldap` and it will install sudo-ldap and replace the normal sudo with it17:35
paultag_raubvogel: that's not what you want, if the package is from the same source dsc then it's the same package17:35
paultag_sudo-ldap != sudo ( source pacakges )17:36
paultag_if you re-wrote openssh, then yeah, you could call it whatever17:36
paultag_but this is the same package, call it openssh-x.y.z-1~raubvogel117:36
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paultag_so it will replace openssh-x.y.z-1, but not openssh-x.y.z-2, or openssh-x.y.z+1-117:37
paultag_because that is a security issue17:37
paultag_raubvogel: still with me?17:40
raubvogelNot really17:40
paultag_raubvogel: where did I loose you?17:41
raubvogelThe part that sudo-ldap and openssh + lpk are not similar in principle17:41
paultag_raubvogel: OK, what they did there was dumb. I looked it up. They just set it to conflict with eachother17:43
paultag_raubvogel: That's not up to snuff IIRC. Ask in ubuntu-motu17:43
paultag_raubvogel: they do packaging, and they know the standards a lot better then me17:43
raubvogelWell, but it allows people to choose whether they get ldap or not17:43
paultag_raubvogel: Well the idea is you are deploying this deb to systems by hand, right?17:44
paultag_raubvogel: I mean you can do it your way, but it would only make sense if it's in an apt repo17:45
paultag_raubvogel: otherwise it's going to be an issue17:45
raubvogelThe idea is to add the package to our depository so we can add it to each machine (as in apt-get install openssh-lpk). So, yes.17:45
paultag_raubvogel: You can do it that way, but just be sure to set up the control conflicts to conflict with openssh17:45
raubvogelI still do not know how to do that, but does it make sense what I am trying to do?17:46
paultag_raubvogel: I'll BRB. I need to walk back to work17:46
raubvogelNo worries17:46
paultag_raubvogel: yes, hang on 20 minutes or so17:46
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paultagraubvogel: Still here?17:57
paultagraubvogel: so if you're using it internally, call it what you want :P17:58
paultagraubvogel: just be sure to keep up with security patches, releases etc17:59
raubvogelBut, where do I change the name of the package and how do I set the control conflicts to, well, conflict?17:59
paultagraubvogel: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html18:00
paultagraubvogel: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html18:00
paultaghttp://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html#s-conflicts in particular18:00
morripaultag can you solve my problem? I described it earlier don't know if you still got it. anyway my problem is than that everything that I speak into my microphone get echoed at the output(of the receiver, )18:16
morriit does not get simp;ly a faint echo18:16
paultagsec morri, I'm doing some kernel work. Post everything again and someome might come around18:17
paultagmorri: sorry :(18:17
morricould not be helped by the #ubuntu people so far as I only got as far as checkng the alsamixers out..18:18
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shahanNeed some more performance in UBUNTU video show.. That is It seems in Windows I got more advanced performance(the quality of video).19:18
shahanIt seems ubuntu is giving me poor video quality19:19
raubvogelshahan: when you say video show, which program are you using?19:26
shahanraubvogel: it seems that in Windows I got much better video quality.19:26
raubvogelCould be a codec issue19:27
raubvogelOr you may need one of the vlc plugins19:29
shahanraubvogel: no... everything is going ok. I have tested through Totem too19:30
shahanraubvogel: only video quality issue19:30
squaregoldfishshahan: What video card do you have? Are you using the correct drivers?19:36
shahanya.... I hve no external card19:36
shahanits built in19:36
shahansquaregoldfish: My motherboard is GIGABYTE G3119:36
hobgoblinshahan: do lspci |grep VGA19:38
squaregoldfishshahan: Looks like you have intel gma 3100 graphics chip.19:38
shahanhobgoblin: http://pastebin.com/QmgyHTxf19:40
squaregoldfishshahan: Check SYSTEM > ADMINISTRATION > HARDWARE DRIVERS (or something like that) to see if you can load and Intel driver19:47
raubvogelpaultag: how is the debian/files created?20:00
morrimy mic which is part of my head set keeps reverbing everthing once. (not to me but to the output(the speakers, if you record it; the receiver on the other end of skype)21:34
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DJLOUDnPROUDhello All22:21
DJLOUDnPROUDneed an answer to a question22:21
phillwDJLOUDnPROUD: don't wait to be asked. Just ask your question, if someone can help, they will answer you :-)22:22
DJLOUDnPROUDI am seriously thinking of installing ubutu and I am wondering what about all the programs i have now will they run on Ubuntu22:22
phillwDJLOUDnPROUD: that depends on what programmes you have on your existing system22:23
DJLOUDnPROUDpower chute for my UPS SAM4 paltalk22:24
phillwthere are variants of, say, Microsoft office.22:24
DJLOUDnPROUDfor a start22:24
phillwfor others you can look them up to see if there are linux versions, or for quite a few windows programmes there is WINE, you can also run windows environment totally under a ubuntu system22:25
hobgoblinvery doubtful that all your existing progs will run - they are made for windows - might be better to see what alternatives there are and then concentrate on the ones there are not alternatives for22:26
DJLOUDnPROUDi use this pc for DJ`ing and editing songs and promos22:27
hobgoblinDJLOUDnPROUD: look into ubuntustudio22:27
DJLOUDnPROUDi use SAM4 for radio station DJ work22:27
DJLOUDnPROUDinternet radio22:27
hobgoblinDJLOUDnPROUD: while we are all happy to help - we are not a search engine :)22:28
DJLOUDnPROUDnot wanting search engine22:29
DJLOUDnPROUDi am wondering what happens after i install the OS as to what will work and what will not work22:29
DJLOUDnPROUDI am tired of Microscrap22:30
hobgoblinnone of your windows progs will work as they are - some might work using wine - some might not - some might have alternatives - some might not22:30
DJLOUDnPROUDso it is trial an error22:31
DJLOUDnPROUDwhat if i decide to go back to xp how much trouble is it22:31
hobgoblinit could be - ubuntustudio would be a good place to start looking and also if Puck` is about they might well be able to give you specific advice22:32
hobgoblinDJLOUDnPROUD: what I would do to start with is dual boot22:32
hobgoblinbut I think you'll be better of with ubuntustudio - but that is just a guess based on what you've said you use pc for22:33
DJLOUDnPROUDso linux based software will run ok on it sweet22:33
hobgoblina dual boot will let you run both - don't go the wubi way22:33
DJLOUDnPROUDi can get SAM4 in linux22:33
hobgoblincan you?22:34
hobgoblinif you read up on dual boot's you'll see wubi mentioned - I would ignore it :)22:34
DJLOUDnPROUDspacial audio offers in linux22:34
DJLOUDnPROUDlol ok22:35
hobgoblinoh well that is a good start then :)22:35
DJLOUDnPROUDsweet thank you all  you have been much help now to think and try it all out22:35
hobgoblinwubi is good for a quick look - but I am not at all sure you'd be good going for it - download the ubuntustudio iso and do a dual boot - hang on for a link22:36
DJLOUDnPROUDhave link22:37
hobgoblinhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/GraphicalInstall    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot22:37
DJLOUDnPROUDlooking at it now22:37
DJLOUDnPROUDaaahh that yep22:37
hobgoblinhave a good look at those - when you are in the livecd you can access web so can get here again if you need to ask questions22:38
hobgoblinhave fun22:38
hobgoblinoh and the forums are a good place to look for help - there is a specific sub-forum which you should visit - http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=33522:39
DJLOUDnPROUDi have several pc' an laptops if i need that extra help along the way to access web22:39
DJLOUDnPROUDjust have to sort which is the first victim err guienni pig22:40
hobgoblinthe best one of course - it's been wasted up till now :D22:41
DJLOUDnPROUDnetworking vista an xp is not fun22:41
DJLOUDnPROUDchuckles true22:41
hobgoblinword of advice - start with one that has an ethernet port22:41
DJLOUDnPROUDport ??22:42
hobgoblinand I am only joking - while I do not and have not for a long while used windows - any os is only any good if it does what you require :)22:42
DJLOUDnPROUDall are connected to router22:42
hobgoblink cool - wireless can be problematic sometimes22:42
DJLOUDnPROUDsome via wireless22:42
DJLOUDnPROUDsome wired22:43
hobgoblingo for wired tostart with then22:43
hobgoblinso the best wired one :)22:43
DJLOUDnPROUDthat is this one22:44
DJLOUDnPROUDthe first victim22:44
DJLOUDnPROUDhar har har22:44
hobgoblinwell - good luck - and remember that when it is all going wrong - you are not the first :)22:44
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DJLOUDnPROUDhope bill has takin the time to teach windoews to swimm22:45
hobgoblinI don't do the fanboi thing I'm afraid :)22:45
hobgoblinI am pragmatic about it all22:46
DJLOUDnPROUDlater ppl thanks for the help22:46
DJLOUDnPROUDtime to frankinstien a pc22:46
hobgoblinwelcome - cya22:46
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raubvogelHow to detect if a drive uses mbr or gpt?23:18
JoeMaverickSettcan i just remove a compiled kernel with the command "rm" (those 2 image and header .deb files)?23:38

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