
Pendulumdoctormo: meeting?00:40
=== paultag is now known as crabbytag
=== crabbytag is now known as paultag
* nigelb waves to kim006:51
nigelbgood morning :)06:51
jussiwhat the heck! I just emailed to googles enterprise sales, and got permanent failure, on the address they gave me to send to!!! ???06:58
* jussi doesnt get it06:58
kim0nigelb: Morning man :)07:10
* kim0 waves hi to everyone07:10
nigelbjussi: irony :/07:11
kim0gmail fails too much07:12
sensegood morning07:48
dholbachgood morning07:53
sensemorning dholbach07:56
dholbachhey sense07:57
nigelbmorning dpm, dholbach :)08:09
nigelband sense too08:09
sensemorning nigelb, dpm08:10
dholbachheya nigelb08:10
senseI keep trying to autocomplete 'morning', but apparently XChat doesn't recognise that nick.08:10
dpmgood morning all!08:10
dholbachhey dpm08:12
jussisense: hehe, I do that often :P08:14
sensejussi: But you're supposed to know how IRC works!08:15
jussisense: :D08:15
vishnoosense, hey08:16
sensejussi: Now I've got your attention. vishnoo has been busy with a bug concerning the default IRC server in Empathy, which was set to Freenode. But there is also the Ubuntu Server in the list of IRCs ervers.08:16
sensejussi: What do we want to use?08:16
=== vishnoo is now known as vish
jussiirc.ubuntu.com port 800008:17
vishsense, yeah , already asked about that on -irc :) , hence filed the bug08:17
sensevish: OK, but then we don't want Freenode as the default IRC server in Empathy, right?08:17
vishsense, well , if that is what every documentation refers to , seems ok08:18
sensejussi: not 8001?08:18
jussisorry, typo.08:19
nigelbvish: why the nick change, vishnoo looks better :)08:23
sensenigelb, vish: Yeah, use you're real name, like I did!08:24
senseProfessionalise your online presence.08:24
vishsense: nigelb: well , my cloak is registered for vish and actually  something crashed and all my xhcat config got wiped out :/08:24
sensevish: You can register multiple nicknames to one account on Freenode.08:25
vishsense: yeah , but now i'm trying to figure out what went wrong ;)08:26
senseReport a bug!08:26
* jussi likes vish... 08:27
vishsense: looks like you accidentally milestoned the metacity last bug to jaunty-updates :)08:58
sensehuh? :P08:59
sensevish: Thanks for noticing!08:59
aramorning all!09:01
dholbachara: hola Señorita09:01
dholbachsalut huats09:07
huatsmorning dholbach09:07
czajkowskiALOHA folks09:31
huatsmorning czajkowski09:32
dpmmorning czajkowski10:10
dpmhey huats, how's it going? :-)10:11
huatshello dpm !10:12
huatsI am fine thanks !10:12
huatsyou ?10:12
huatsnot too heated in spain ?10:12
dpmno, no, today it's fine actually :)10:14
sensemorning czajkowski10:20
* jussi shivers, quite cold here10:21
nigelbits sorta perfect here :)10:25
senseGUADEC group picture: <http://www.flickr.com/photos/nikslor/4859930116/in/set-72157624526513347/>.12:30
dpmsense, nice!12:34
sensedpm: Are you on it?12:35
dpmsense, yeah, right under the O and G from Hogeschool :)12:37
dpmat the back12:38
senseI see you!12:38
kim0flickr accepts photos in tar files ?!13:19
paultagthat's nifty13:30
paultagDo they take tgz ?13:30
nigelbmaybe you want bzip too :D13:31
paultagI'm going to be honest. For a second I thought you said rwar popey13:36
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
paultagakgraner: have a sec?14:18
paultagHas to do with News'ey things14:18
sensedpm: How often does Launchpad import translations from GNOME?15:02
dpmsense, on every package upload, so the frequency depends on how often new packages are released. This is going to change, though, and soon translations will be imported directly from bzr branches mirrored from GNOME git, so it will be more like daily or so15:03
sensedpm: OK15:04
sensedpm: thanks! I'll pass that on to Ubuntu NL/GNOME NL15:04
dpmsense, there's more info on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/TranslationLifecycle as well15:04
sensedpm: Great, thanks!15:04
dpmand here: http://danilo.segan.org/blog/launchpad/automatic-translations-sharing :)15:06
sensedpm: Do you pronounce the double ll in your last name as the 'j' sound in the French wordt 'vanille', or not?15:08
dpmsense, it's not exactly like a j, but close, yes.15:12
sensedpm: Not the English/French j, of course. My bad, was thinking of Dutch here.15:12
dpmyeah, yeah, I got it when I saw the 'j' :)15:13
dpmsense, there is a (rather scary) sound sample here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palatal_lateral_approximant :-)15:14
sensedpm: I think that was about the sound I was thinking of!15:15
dholbachhey jono15:47
jonodholbach, hey15:47
highvoltagehowdy community-team!15:48
highvoltagehallo sense, hoe gaan dit?15:57
sensehighvoltage: Alles goed hier, hoe gaat het met jou?15:58
highvoltagegoed, dankie!15:58
senseIt is possible!15:58
senseWe've made contact!15:59
jonodholbach, jcastro, dpm, kim0 about ready?15:59
dholbachjono: yep15:59
* kim0 plugging inmic15:59
dpmjono, all set here15:59
highvoltagehave you met Mark van der Borre? we communicate quite easily :)15:59
kim0let's mumble15:59
sensehighvoltage: Never met him, or at least was aware that I was meeting him. Let me google him.16:00
sensehighvoltage: How's your French coming along? :)16:00
sensehighvoltage: Nope, never met him.16:00
senseThe drawings at his website do look familiar, though.16:01
highvoltagesense: slowly but surely :)16:01
jonohmm mumble problems16:01
dholbachjono: we can hear you16:02
dholbach…not… again…16:02
kim0crank up the volume16:02
kim0does alsa still default to being muted :)16:03
kim0jono: yes16:03
dholbachjono: we can hear you16:04
kim0pulseaudio -k ; pulseaudio16:04
* kim0 timing jono's boot speed16:06
scott-workjono, with all the talk about severed fifth's second album i went back and have been listening to the first one, i'm guessing most overlooked it but but the bass sound was really good i thought and the bass playing on 'kickback' and espeically 'war' were extremely enjoyable16:12
jonothanks scott-work :)16:14
akgranerhey paultag are you free now?16:34
vishhehe , Ben suggested OMG for a default bookmark ;)16:51
nigelbvish: right, you can make it a wishlist :p17:02
vishnigelb: huh! so you accept it as a wishlist?  o.017:03
vishnigelb: "opinion" ;p17:03
nigelbvish: yes.  In your dreams will it be done though.17:03
paultag_In the spirit of backhanded comments: vish why don't you ask someone who really knows how to get stuff finished?17:04
* vish confused!17:04
vishpaultag_: " how to get stuff finished?" ??17:04
paultag_I was making fun of nigelb vish17:05
* nigelb kicks paultag_ 17:05
paultag_vish: I was trying to insinuate nigelb does not get anything done by a subtle backhanded comment17:05
vishpaultag_: heh, not to worry , i never ask him though ;) he is like a black hole ;)17:05
nigelbvish: you missed yesterday's backhand "kinda" useful comment about paultag_ :D17:05
paultag_nigelb: I seem to get that a lot17:06
nigelbpaultag_: speaking of which, I did remind of you of something earlier today ;)17:06
paultag_"I was going to ask jon[o] but he is not around, so the loco council might be second best"17:06
paultag_that was said to me in locoteams one day17:06
paultag_nigelb: I think, if it's what I think you're thinking17:06
paultag_czajkowski: PING! :)17:06
czajkowskioh dear17:06
nigelbAlanBell: #blamealan(s)17:07
czajkowskipaultag_: yes..17:07
paultag_czajkowski: I love that we have that on ping :)17:07
paultag_czajkowski: Oh no, nothing dear :)17:07
paultag_( I'm trying to avoid ma'am )17:07
czajkowskiactuallly I have loco-council not loco council17:07
paultag_Perhaps I will use czajkowski dearest17:07
* czajkowski frowns at paultag_ 17:07
paultag_czajkowski: Oh noes, well that does not work well, eh?17:07
czajkowskipaultag_: so help me I'll fill your inbox up so fast17:07
* paultag_ sits back down17:08
paultag_my phone was almost dead yesterday because of you17:08
paultag_it was ringing all day17:08
czajkowskipaultag_: give it a week shall do the last 817:08
czajkowskipaultag_: you have mail17:10
paultag_czajkowski: sounds good to me :)17:11
paultag_czajkowski: I'll reply on thread17:11
akgranerpaultag, you also have a PM from me :-)17:13
paultag_akgraner: woo! Wrong nick, though!17:13
akgranerpaultag, no musical IRC nicks :-P17:13
akgraner(just teasing you)17:14
paultag_I'm down at starbuck on my lunch break and my server is screwing with me today :)17:14
czajkowskipaultag_: at least you're not cranky17:14
czajkowskihmm to gym or not to gym17:14
paultag_Nah! Check this out: I was at my local starbucks and they have useless trivia17:14
paultag_and I'm nothing if not a lover of usless stuff17:15
paultag_so I always know the ( easy ) answers and get free coffess17:15
paultag_today it was what cryto did the nazis use in WWII. Bloody easy! :)17:15
nigelbpaultag_: well, if they let you use internet then its a #fail17:24
paultag_No wai!17:24
paultag_They watch you17:24
paultag_and if you touch your computer or phone they won't let you say anything17:25
nigelbEnigma right?17:26
paultag_that was what I said the second I got in17:27
paultag_you can only win once an hour and I get it every time. It's like people don't pay attention17:27
czajkowskihttp://twitter.com/Historyday intersting one to follow17:31
randa_thanks czajkowski17:33
=== randa_ is now known as randa
czajkowskiranda: hey there!17:33
randaczajkowski: On this day in 1996 "The Macarena" reached the top of the U.S. pop charts & would spend a record 60 weeks on the Billboard Hot 100.17:33
czajkowskinow I have that song in my head17:34
* AlanBell is doing the dance17:34
randaoh noooo! so sorry czajkowski17:34
AlanBell(not really)17:34
randahahah, OMG17:35
czajkowskiranda: playing in Canonical land might wake them all up17:35
randawell you can play it during UDS, and all dance with it17:36
* randa would pay to see that17:36
czajkowskithat could be a lot of fun!17:36
czajkowskiranda: I say we get JFo to sing!17:37
=== nigelbabu is now known as nigelb
randaczajkowski: please record it for me!17:37
* JFo reads back17:37
JFooh yeah, I'll totally sing that17:37
JFoI have a hat just for it too17:38
randaanyway, czajkowski Macarena is better that "asereje"17:38
JFoplus I was thinking the All Stars could do a live RickRoll :)17:38
nigelbranda: I would as well, especially if JFo is going to sing17:38
randa:) cool17:38
JFoI even know the words :)17:38
* JFo sees a potential revenue opportunity :-P17:39
paultag_We're no strangers to lovvvvvve17:39
nigelbJFo: lol17:39
paultag_If canonical gets me out to UDS, I'll dress up like rick for the assist17:39
* nigelb points this conversation to akgraner 17:39
JFonice paultag :)17:39
* akgraner reads17:39
czajkowskiranda: asereje ?17:40
nigelbczajkowski: ketchup song17:40
nigelbranda: did I guess right ^ ? :)17:41
czajkowskiohh that's an evil song!17:41
highvoltagewow now that's something I haven't heard in a long time17:42
nigelbI got hooked to george michaels recently17:43
=== randa_ is now known as randa
czajkowskiluisbg used to play this to drive me insane http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwTZ2xpQwpA17:43
nigelbHouse - some of the music featured in it is addictive17:44
randaczajkowski: sorry my computer crashed. Yes nigelb was right the ketchup song17:44
czajkowskiranda: EVIL song17:44
nigelbI used to like it17:44
randalol, true!17:44
nigelbonce upon a time, before I saw it :/17:44
akgranerJFo, has to sing "the song that never ends"17:48
czajkowskigah doing tech support over the phone for the princess may drive me insane17:48
JFoakgraner, :)17:48
nigelbczajkowski: haha17:48
JFoakgraner, only if the Music Mafia are there :)17:48
akgranerJFo, they are planning on rolling in last I talked to them17:49
JFoyeah, so it could be on the agenda17:49
akgranerand I believe they will have Becca and Matt in tow as well17:49
JFothat is my understanding17:49
akgraner(you would think I would know that considering they are my kids - right?)17:49
JFoyou mean my kids?17:49
czajkowskinigelb: http://pix.ie/czajkowski/554129/in/album/322424 that is my sister on the right17:49
akgranerwhatever - you bribed them - now they don't claim Pete or I17:50
akgranerthey told us we were too geeky the other day17:50
JFoI have no idea what you are talking about akgraner17:50
nigelbakgraner: sounds like your kids17:50
JFoI just know that if you ask them they will tell you that they are my kids :-P17:51
nigelbczajkowski: pretty :) Now at least the pricess is justified17:51
JFoand that i am single, etc. ;)17:51
akgranernigelb, wait - one day you will meet them17:51
akgraneroh and JFo agreed to do a podcast with me17:51
czajkowskinigelb: she's obsessed with pink. we're very different. it's amusing at times. and frustrating at other times17:51
JFoyep, I reserve the right to wear funny hats17:52
nigelbakgraner: ok, that should be fun17:52
akgranernigelb, it will probable have absolutely nothing to do with Ubuntu17:52
nigelbczajkowski: siblings are always fun17:52
JFoakgraner, you have yet to provide me a contract for said podcast so I reserve the right to change the terms :-)17:52
nigelbakgraner: haah, doesn't have to17:52
akgranerwell maybe a little but ramblings most of the time17:52
czajkowskiakgraner: http://pix.ie/czajkowski/1722674/size/80017:52
nigelball ubuntu folks will hear it though17:52
akgranerczajkowski, too cute!17:53
akgranerJFo, contact - you don't need no stinking contract!17:53
czajkowskiakgraner: she;s a right messer is Caoimhe she wanted the hat them kept pulling at it.17:53
JFo\o/ free-form podcast FTW!!!17:53
akgranerPete and the kids will be popping in and out in the middle of the cast I am sure to interject something17:54
JFooh naturally17:54
akgranerJFo, we need to figure out a day and all that good stuff17:54
JFoone that ends in Y of course17:54
nigelbyou still have that bird cam that everyone  watched to listen to fight at home?17:54
akgranerwe have the camera  - but it's not broadcasting at them moment17:55
akgranerthe rather not them17:55
czajkowskiakgraner: yer not well at times :p17:56
* JFo searches for some fake teeth17:56
JFoand a monocle17:56
* nigelb wonders if JFo wants more than 32 teeth17:57
akgranerJFo, haha fake teeth, monocle, overalls, and a smoking jacket17:57
JFo42 would be nice, but then my teeth would be the meaning of... oh, you know17:57
JFoakgraner, shhh17:57
JFodon't give it all away17:57
dholbachok my friends - calling it a day17:58
dholbachsee you all tomorrow17:58
JFoenjoy dholbach17:58
macodholbach: have a good one17:58
* dholbach hugs you all17:58
dholbachyou too17:58
nigelbdholbach: g'nite17:58
akgranerI need to run as well17:58
akgranerI have a call in 2 mins17:58
macobe back in a .... fire? friday? fortnight?17:58
nigelbfedora? :D :D18:00
macoi think nigelb wins18:00
JFofrog? as in reincarnation?18:00
macoJFo: festivus for the restofus?18:00
* JFo wanders back to bug alley18:01
* czajkowski is loving bugzilla! 18:01
* czajkowski hugs paultag 18:01
* paultag hugs czajkowski 18:01
* JFo would rather be using bugzilla18:01
JFobut No18:01
JFoI must use the pile of launchpad18:01
JFoyes, that's right18:01
* paultag is not an lp fan18:01
* nigelb <3 LP18:02
paultagit was nonfree for the longest time, and that made me cry inside18:02
JFoit isn't that18:02
JFoit is the lack of bug management features18:02
JFothat I have asked for18:03
paultagI'm convinced someone could fork LP and get it running killer in a few days18:03
nigelbJFo: yeah, I've asked for a few too, which got postponed18:03
nigelbpaultag: hardly18:03
paultagthey're petrified of breaking old systems18:03
paultagnigelb: no, they reject changes because they think it will break it18:03
JFonigelb, I have a direct line to the top on my requests ;)18:03
paultagnigelb: so if someone forked it and hacked it to something nice, then it's game over ;)18:03
JFowith buy in from bigwigs18:04
nigelbJFo: you heard what I wanted at UDS.  It was mostly what you wanted too18:04
JFopaultag, it is a massive mess on the inside18:04
JFonigelb, yep and mdz agrees18:04
paultagWell that's what you get for bootstrapping it as closed source18:04
JFosabdfl was there as well in one of the sessions18:04
nigelbJFo: Oh!18:05
paultaghttp://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/infrastructures.png <-- obligatory xkcd18:05
JFonigelb, he didn't speak much, but he listened and did not disagree18:05
nigelbJFo: I liked the idea of locking it so that noone can do anything on the bug report18:05
JFothat is on the list18:05
paultagJFo: Oh, update on my kernel issues. I tested arch again for fun, it booted this time (?). I might close the bug this weekend after I test18:10
JFoany relevant updates that you might have seen?18:10
nigelbJFo: \o/ thats awesome :)18:10
paultagJFo: It's really bugging me that it's so inconsistant. I'd feel better if my system was straight borked18:10
JFoyeah, I see tons of those18:10
paultagJFo: No, but something funny -- I matched Ubuntu kernel versions with the Debian kernel and it worked18:11
JFoI hate that there is no good way to capture tham18:11
JFoodd that18:11
paultagJFo: so it might be an upstream module debian strips out that ubuntu keeps in, that arch also keeps in18:11
czajkowskiJFo: I'll send you my laptop!18:11
JFoczajkowski, ok18:11
JFobut be warned, there are 6 in front of me now18:11
JFopaultag, did you put that into the bug?18:11
JFoI find that really relevant18:12
paultagJFo: Yeah, I'll dump it in, let me boot it up and get exact version numbers etc18:12
JFocool, thanks paultag18:12
paultagthank you :)18:12
JFobrb, need a new drink18:12
JFomy pleasure paultag :)18:12
czajkowskiJFo: leave the JD alone at this hour18:12
czajkowskior there'll be 6 very sick laptops in front of you18:13
paultagczajkowski: 5:00 somewhere, mitite!18:13
czajkowskipaultag: 18:12 here buddy18:13
paultagczajkowski: It's 5:00 over there right now18:13
paultagOh dur +118:13
czajkowskipaultag: only a few more weeks and you can have you 5 hrs ok18:13
czajkowskiso we can have a week long is the meeting on now, oh feck it was an hour ago till folks cop DST18:14
* JFo isn't drinking JD czajkowski it is Sailor Jerry Rum ;)18:14
czajkowskiCaptin Morgan!18:15
czajkowskinyommy nyommy18:15
paultagJFo: wait, I lied to you -- it's an old kernel :(18:15
paultagJFo: 32-518:15
macosomeone call for my dad?18:15
paultagmaco: Ha!18:15
JFopaultag, that is very interesting18:15
JFoI'm not sure exactly what to do with that info other than to ask the team18:16
JFobut there is obviously some change at play18:16
paultagJFo: Someone tried to get me to apport collect an unbootable system, d'oh18:16
dpmsee you all tomorrow, have a nice rest of the day!18:16
paultagJFo: yeah, one "Charlie Kravetz". I don't think he's kernel18:17
JFoah, he is a good triager though18:18
paultagJFo: he marked it incomplete. Should I bump back to new or what?18:18
JFoprobably missed the unbootable bit18:18
paultagYeah, I mean, at least he got to it18:18
paultag+1, he's 5 a day so he must buzz thru them18:18
nigelbpaultag: all kernel bugs are incomplete without testing with mainline kernel I think.18:18
JFopaultag, I'd respond, plus your findings on old kernel and set to confirmed18:18
JFopaultag, he is one of my saviors18:19
nigelbJFo should be able to comment on that though18:19
paultagJFo: Just put the old kernel note up, I'll set to confirmed18:19
paultagbug #61012418:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 610124 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel locks up with no feedback on initrd passoff (affects: 1) (heat: 493)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61012418:19
JFoexcellent thanks18:19
JFonigelb, all bugs go incomplete when we ask for information18:19
nigelbJFo: I know (Im bug control after all :D)18:20
JFoany info request is put to incomplete18:20
JFonigelb, :P18:20
vishJFo: yeah , he is useful member in BC, kinda ;)18:22
* vish looks at paultag :D18:22
* paultag looks left, right18:22
JFovish, I'm thankful for you too18:22
JFoas well as nigelb18:22
paultagvish: :)18:23
* JFo hands out pats-on-the-back and attaboys18:23
JFoakgraner, just sent you some e-mail18:51
akgranergot it...18:52
akgranerthanks +1 from me18:53
czajkowskiits rather disturbing seeing comments in the Ustream channel for jono " Jono I wan to have your babies"18:58
akgranerczajkowski, that's tame19:00
czajkowskifeckin' odd19:00
highvoltageczajkowski: it's probably a guy anyway19:03
* highvoltage listens in19:06
czajkowskiteam reports are on !19:07
czajkowskion his show!19:07
senseah! just in time for Jono19:13
highvoltagethere/win 2919:15
cyphermoxpaultag, re: your bug with booting your mini on lucid, maverick; I've seen the exact same message on a mini 500. usually removing 'quiet splash' makes it behave better, somehow. actually, even just a space in the cmdline may be enough21:55
cyphermox^but it's still not 100% successful, more like 70-80%21:55
paultagcyphermox: I removed splash from it and tested, but never tried quiet21:59
paultagcyphermox: I'll test that through and post my results accross a few distros, thanks :)21:59
cyphermoxwell, if you get the PCI message, you're in verbose, though, no?21:59
paultagcyphermox: Yeah -- but I never tried killing quiet on Ubuntu, just Debian and Arch21:59
paultagcyphermox: FYI, an old kernel ( as I threw in the report ) works really well with my hardware22:00
paultagNot sure if you can do the same22:00
paultagcyphermox: It's a really flaky bug. I'm convinced it's a race condition22:00
cyphermoxpaultag, not unreasonable, given there is another thing b43 is supposed to do right after that IRQ part ;)22:01
cyphermox(and b43 is buggy)22:01
paultagcyphermox: I'm thinking about getting the dsc / origs for the kernels, and doing a diff against them all to try and get it to about 10,000 lines or so of changes22:02
paultagAnd see if I can't work out where this is going on, really annoying22:02
cyphermoxwell, if you know which kernels worked during lucid development, and when it started to fail, roughly, then we can search for a commit upstream22:03
paultagcyphermox: aye, I've been testing different kernel versions to find the minior release number22:03
paultagcyphermox: I'm going to ( this weekend ) try out some mainline kernels and see if I can't track down when it went south22:03
paultagsudo apt-get install linux-image*22:04
sensegood night everyone!22:05
paultagnight sense :)22:05
paultagcyphermox: got your mail. I'll post in thread22:12
paultagthanks :)22:12
cyphermoxthe what?22:12
cyphermoxah, the comment on your bug22:12
cyphermoxpaultag: if it helps your research: http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git&a=search&h=HEAD&st=commit&s=b4322:13
paultagcyphermox: Ah, killer! Thanks, yeah, there looks like a few bits of b43 work on there, time to start digging :)22:14
czajkowskijono: nice show22:31
jonothanks czajkowski!22:43
czajkowskiyou have mail, one that will make you smile22:44
jonoczajkowski, nice!22:46
jonoso sweet :)22:46
czajkowskiI know22:46
czajkowskiNEW TOYS!22:46
czajkowski<---- so easily pleased22:46
czajkowskijono: also asked the CC about their monthly reports, they now have an action item for it22:47
czajkowskiSubtle as a sack of potatoes22:47
czajkowskinn folks23:10
czajkowskitis rather errie quiet in here23:10
czajkowskimorning team is more fun :p23:10

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