
robert_ancellchrisccoulson_, are you still getting the system delays you were having at the sprint?00:00
chrisccoulson_robert_ancell, yeah, i seem to be. are you still seeing it?00:00
robert_ancellchrisccoulson_, yes, I'm getting the error "JBD2: Detected IO errors while flushing file data on sda1-8" on dmesg, about to buy a new HD, are you getting anything similar?00:01
chrisccoulson_robert_ancell, i don't think i've got errors like that, but i just grepped my kern.log, and it seems my filesystem gets remounted quite frequently00:03
RAOFchrisccoulson_: Associated with plugging/unplugging power?00:09
chrisccoulson_RAOF - i'm not sure. i had that issue last cycle though00:09
RAOFOk, so I don't need to point you at it, then :)00:09
chrisccoulson_i assume that the pm-utils script that got disabled last cycle has been reenabled again00:10
=== fta_ is now known as fta
chrisccoulson_RAOF - so, the script that causes my ATA errors is /usr/lib/pm-utils/power.d/sata_alpm, but i still get remounts when i disconnect the power cord, even with that disabled00:21
chrisccoulson_but i get no errors :/00:21
chrisccoulson_i just see "EXT4-fs (sda1): re-mounted." every time i pull the power cord out00:22
chrisccoulson_ah, /usr/lib/pm-utils/power.d/journal-commit is the culprit00:23
chrisccoulson_oh, that script actually does the remount00:24
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=== fta_ is now known as fta
micahgaganice: hi01:33
aganicemicahg, hey.01:36
micahgaganice: just wanted to let you know that someone from Red Hat posted a patch for the clipboard issue in Firefox for the 3.6.x branch01:37
=== fta_ is now known as fta
aganicethat's wonderful01:37
micahgaganice: so, one less for you to focus on, BTW, how goes the battle with that?01:37
aganicewasn't able to get it working myself - too much of a struggle to get firefox to compile with debug symbols for each and every component loading01:38
micahgaganice: no, I meant the rest of the packages :)01:38
aganicemicahg, alright. i struggled with firefox for way too long :p I'm seeing what i can do about fixing it up at the gtk end as a sort of proof of concept now. Not sure if they'd want that though01:39
aganiceany suggestions on apps to tackle next? :)01:39
micahgI'd suggest anything in the default install01:40
aganicefair :) epiphany and empathy should be taken care of. I'll bug the tomboy devs again about that patch01:44
aganicei spent a week near the beginning trying to learn openoffice development, but i'm pretty sure that's beyond me for this month because it's just so different01:45
pittiGood morning06:59
TheMusoHey pitti07:00
* nigelb waves to TheMuso and pitti :)07:16
robert_ancellpitti, hey, do you know anything about this glib problem on the build servers?07:28
pittirobert_ancell: "this glib problem"?07:32
robert_ancellpitti, :) builds that use glib are failing when the dependencies are uninstalled, e.g. http://launchpadlibrarian.net/53029622/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-i386.gir-repository_0.6.5-6ubuntu2_BUILDING.txt.gz07:33
robert_ancellit's the schema trigger complaining that the schema dir has been removed, but this directory is in .dirs so it should always exist right?  And this stuff used to work07:34
robert_ancellI'm wondering if glib-compile-schemas is trashing the directory when the last schema is uninstalled...07:34
pittirobert_ancell: (will get back to you in a minute)07:37
robert_ancellpitti, np, just wondering if you knew of it.  I'm looking into it now07:38
pittirobert_ancell: oh, that's actually a failure in the triggers, indeed07:43
pittirobert_ancell: well, apparently some package removes the directory07:43
pittirobert_ancell: but the trigger should just silently exit in that case07:43
pittito be on the safe side07:43
robert_ancellpitti, I think glib-compile-schemas is doing the safe thing and returning 1 if the directory does not exist... what would be removing it?07:45
robert_ancellrunning a chroot build here to see if I can reproduce07:45
pittirobert_ancell: right, that sounds fine, but the trigger should do an || exit 007:45
robert_ancellpitti, should triggers always return 0?07:46
pittirobert_ancell: grep /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.{post,pre}rm for the dir and see if anything purges it?07:46
pittior .postrm07:46
pittirobert_ancell: maintainer scripts should only fail in really really rare and justified conditions, where it is really dangerous to install/remove the package07:46
pittiso they often need those "|| true" things, indeed07:47
robert_ancellpitti, the glib2.0-0 postrm deletes it, that should be run after triggers?07:47
robert_ancelland is that required - the directory is in libglib2.0-0.dirs so dpkg will clean it up for you?07:48
pittiit's cer/url 107:48
pittiit's certainly not necessary to remove the dir itself, but just its contents07:48
robert_ancellpitti, hmm, it appears the build server replaced an older glib with a newer one, would that case the postrm of the first one to be run (i.e. delete the directory) so when the trigger on the second one occurs the directory may be gone already?07:53
pittirobert_ancell: depends; it'll run postrm upgrade, not postrm remove07:53
robert_ancellpitti, ah, the script doesn't check $2 so it would have removed the directory anyway07:54
robert_ancell$1 rather07:54
pittiyou mean $1?07:54
pittithat'd be it then, yes07:54
pittianother nice bug :)07:54
robert_ancellso once it's been fixed the build servers need to update their base install - when does that get done?07:55
pittinot sure07:55
pittirobert_ancell: but we could work around it with the || exit 0?07:55
robert_ancellactually I guess it wont matter if I make the trigger to be safe anyway07:55
pittiit seems like a safe thing to do anyway07:55
pittiGMTA :)07:55
pittirobert_ancell: but I think lamont or someone else occasionally update them on demand07:56
robert_ancellpitti, so the weird thing is the trigger already has || true... maybe it is the module trigger?08:00
didrocksgood morning08:12
robert_ancelldidrocks, hello08:13
pittihey didrocks08:14
pittirobert_ancell: there's another trigger?08:14
robert_ancellpitti, there's a trigger for the gio modules, but I just checked and it always returns 0.  trying to reproduce on my machine08:16
robert_ancelldamn, pbuilder doesn't do the uninstalls so it's not occuring here08:16
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pittirobert_ancell: you could pbuilder login, and then manually purge?08:17
robert_ancellpitti, that needs root right?  Will the changes I make affect my default chroot?08:18
pittirobert_ancell: unless you specify --save, no08:18
pittiit's only temporary08:18
pittijust as normal pbuilder08:18
pittiyou just get a shell in it instead of a build08:18
robert_ancellhow come it needs root to run?08:19
pittirobert_ancell: it needs to chroot()08:19
pittiand within the pbuilder shell you are root, too08:19
pittirobert_ancell: but normal pbuilder build also needs root08:19
pitti(same reason)08:19
didrockshey robert_ancell, pitti08:21
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robert_ancellpitti, so in my chroot /usr/share/glib-2.0 doesn't exist at all - does this need to be added to .dirs as well as /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas?08:25
pittirobert_ancell: depends -- will the program that creates contents in that just create the dir as well if it's missing?08:25
pittiI expect that you don't need the .dir08:25
pittisince packages shipping files in it will just create it themselves08:25
robert_ancellpitti, no, because it scans the directory you provide and output as cache file08:26
robert_ancellI have to go, is seb128 around today?08:27
didrockspitti: attach the log from ubiquity I guess? (for the OEM stuff not installed in the CD). Do you still need them as you reinstall in a VM?08:27
pittididrocks: I'm almost through with my test case08:27
pittididrocks: I'm in oem-config now, so far it's flawless08:27
didrockspitti: ok, thanks :)08:28
pittididrocks: I'll follow up in the bug in 3 mins08:28
pittididrocks: followed up08:33
pittiworked fine here08:33
robert_ancelllater all08:33
didrockspitti: ok my bad so, I saw all the OEM mode, but I didn't have at reboot oem-config-prepare command as last time I tried (a couple of release ago)08:34
pittihm, I saw that on the desktop08:35
pittijust clicking it worked08:35
pittididrocks: ok, seems we need your logs then08:35
didrockspitti: let me see if I still have this version installed08:35
didrockspitti: oh, I had made a offline installation is that can be important08:35
pittiperhaps; I installed online08:36
* didrocks reboots his crashbox08:36
* pitti offline for a bit to test-boot CD08:36
didrocksdefinitively nothing on the desktop08:36
didrockssalut seb12808:44
seb128lut didrocks08:44
seb128c'était bien ta soirée ?08:44
didrocksc'était sympa, pas mal de monde au resto, mais je crois que rick et sa femme ont apprécié :)08:45
pittibonjour seb12808:47
didrockspitti: answer and log attached08:48
and471morning all08:48
seb128hey pitti08:48
and471mvo, from 11:00 GMT I am working with nessita on the login stuff, so I shall see you then :)08:49
mvoand471: cool08:51
mvoand471: because of my spotty network yesterday I missed some of the discussion. so the plan is to use your UI code and use the dbus backend?08:51
mvokiwinote: I merged your app-install-data branch, many thanks08:52
kiwinotemvo: thanks08:52
mvokiwinote: a lot of the removal got auto picked up, but still a lot of good stuff in it08:52
mvokiwinote: I submited the typo fixes to debian too08:52
and471mvo, pretty much, my ui code, their backend, and call the dialog using dbus from software-center (but the code is in ubuntu-sso-client, if this makes sense)08:55
and471mvo, we just need you to call the dbus from software-center (just as a client), but that is when we have it all finished :D08:56
mvoand471: yeah, that shuld be the easiest part (famous last words ;)08:57
and471mvo, well I shall go and then be back for my appointment with the Argentinians XD08:57
and471mvo, see ya08:57
mvosee you09:00
senseseb128: What to do with the many bug reports about desktop (alignment) problems? Some of them seem to be about multiple issues and generally speaking I think it would be better to have something like a design sprint on it in the future to sort out the many problems. Meanwhile, we still have those many bug reports, which more or less deal with overlapping, but not exactly duplicate issues.09:01
senseConsolidate them into one: "the desktop is broken"?09:02
pittididrocks: merci; followed up09:04
seb128sense, I would just let them this way, maybe that them as well09:04
senseseb128: that them as well?09:05
seb128"tag them"09:05
sense:) nvm09:06
senseseb128: Seems like a good idea. I'll come up with a tag for desktop problems and mail the bugsquad mailing list.09:06
seb128sense, thanks09:07
seb128huats, lut09:07
huatshello seb12809:08
didrocksseb128: just FYI, we have a bootstrap issue with glib/dconf. dconf need libglib2.0-dev to build, and libglib2.0-dev dep on libglib2.0-bin which dep on d-conf :) Don't know if you want to deal with that or not (I just removed the dep on d-conf for the UNE ppa this morning).09:10
seb128back to the sprint discussion on how to pull dconf in09:11
didrocksexactly :/09:12
seb128brb, need to restart09:12
pittididrocks: "le cédérom" .. you French are serious about avoiding English, are you..09:15
didrockspitti: heh, most of people are using CD rather than "cédérom" to be honest. But people translating seems to like avoiding all English words when possible :)09:16
pittithis just looks quite hilarious09:17
pittiit's by and large the English pronounciation anyway, isn't it?09:17
didrocksyeah, especially in logs! :)09:17
* pitti imagines how "fatal hard disk failure" sounds in French, and that it would probably sound very elegant and charming09:18
didrocksthis is just to make your day better, even when giving you bad news :)09:18
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seb128didrocks, hey09:27
seb128didrocks, is the clutter in the ubuntu-desktop ppa going to move to maverick later on?09:27
didrocksseb128: tomorrow, I just wait for A3 to be released09:27
didrocksyw :)09:29
senseseb128: The new tag is 'desktop-icons'.09:29
seb128sense, is that nautilus specific?09:29
senseseb128: yes.09:30
senseseb128: Maybe desktop-nautilus would be better?09:30
senseseb128: alright09:30
senseI'll change it to that.09:30
alf__slomo: Hi! I have updated the packaging proposal at debian #587771.09:42
ubot2Debian bug 587771 in cairo "Package cairo-perf utilities" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/58777109:42
asacso i can install the build-deps of netbook-launcher-efl. not sure if there was a main promotion missing a few minutes ago etc.09:44
asacanyone can update me what the current lead is?09:44
asaci saw that mterry uploaded a liblauncher etc.09:45
asacnot sure if that was related at all09:45
ArneGoetjeHey guys, since I updated my laptop with Maverick two days ago, my mousepointer is invisible... :( That makes navigating the desktop a bit difficult. Does anyone have the same problem? Can anyone give me a hint which package might be the culprit?09:46
seb128asac, let me check09:47
seb128ArneGoetje, do you have unclutter running?09:47
asacseb128: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/53034741/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-i386.netbook-launcher-efl_0.3.2-0ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz09:48
seb128asac, liblauncher is in universe09:48
asacliblauncher-0.3-0 | 0.3.6-0ubuntu3 | http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick/main i386 Packages09:49
asacliblauncher | 0.3.6-0ubuntu3 | http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick/main Sources09:49
asacliblauncher-0.3-dbg | 0.3.6-0ubuntu3 | http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick/main i386 Packages09:49
asacliblauncher | 0.3.6-0ubuntu3 | http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick/main Sources09:49
asacliblauncher-dev | 0.3.6-0ubuntu3 | http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick/main i386 Packages09:49
seb128asac, it has just been promoted09:49
seb128I guess it was still in universe at the build time09:49
ArneGoetjeseb128: yep09:49
seb128I've retried the build to see now09:49
seb128ArneGoetje, uninstall it09:50
ArneGoetjeseb128: ok, thanks09:50
ArneGoetjeseb128: still doesn't work :(09:57
seb128ArneGoetje, did you stop unclutter or restarted your session?09:57
ArneGoetjeseb128: I removed the package and rebootet09:58
seb128ok, so that's not it09:58
seb128do you have a cursor on the login screen?09:58
ArneGoetjeseb128: no09:58
seb128I guess it's an xorg issue if that's not unclutter...09:58
seb128maybe #ubuntu-x has an idea09:58
ArneGoetjeseb128: ok, thanks09:58
seb128asac, hum10:00
seb128  liblauncher-0.3-0: Depends: libwncksync0 (>= 0.2.2) but it is not installable10:00
seb128asac, is the issue now10:00
seb128asac, wncksync is in universe10:00
seb128asac, it also has been superseded by bamf no?10:01
seb128didrocks, ^10:01
didrocksseb128: yes, it's definitively superseeded10:02
didrocksnot sure that liblauncher can talk to bamf though, as there is a namespace change10:02
seb128didrocks, can we get wnckdaemon and bamf running at the same time?10:02
didrocksseb128: yes, I've done that already and didn't notice any issue10:03
seb128asac, I can promote wncksync for now if that unblocks you10:03
seb128asac, but somebody needs to migrate liblauncher to bamf rather10:03
asacwas libwnchksync in main before?10:04
asacseb128: ?10:05
didrocksyeah, but it's buggy and unmaintained now10:05
seb128asac, yes, but it has been replaced by bamf in unity this cycle10:05
didrocksogra: did you see my remark yesterday about the .desktop session file which should be in the settings package and not in the n-l-efl one?10:05
asacseb128: pleaese repromote ... we can take care of bugs latest10:05
seb128asac, ok10:05
seb128asac, wncksync was a dx project and bamf is basically wncksync210:06
asacwhat is liblauncher 0.3?10:06
seb128asac, ie rewritte of the codebase to fix design issues in the first version10:06
asace.g. unity doesnt use it anymore, why do we have that? (previous nb-efl used 0.1)10:06
seb128asac, a lib used by the old UNE10:06
seb128it has been deprecated in the unity world10:07
asacok so in lucid the UNE used 0.3 and the efl used 0.110:07
didrocksasac: unity used it for some weeks in the maverick dev cycle10:07
asacah ... just wonder where it come from and why mterry moved to it at all10:07
asacrather than staying on 0.1 ;)10:07
seb128asac, wncksync promoted now10:08
didrocksport to it wasn't really hard (I made it at some point for netbook-launcher as well). The only annoying thing is that I think you don't use the wncksync functionnality of liblauncher 0.3, so it's not useful for you10:08
asacseb128: does it take an hour before we can try? or is that instantly available?10:08
seb128asac, take another publisher cycle10:09
seb128ie 1h45 now I guess10:09
seb128since we just missed the 11:03 one10:09
asacpublisher really needs to be rewritten10:09
asaccant be true it taks 1h45 to get something moved from universe to main10:09
asacseb128: wncksyncdaemon10:10
asacdid you also promote that?10:10
seb128pitti, ^ promotion needs publishing right?10:10
asacseems that is also pulled in10:10
asacseb128: i assume so because you had this good publisherhistory link10:10
pittihello asac10:10
seb128asac, I promoted the source and the 3 binaries10:10
pittiseb128: right10:11
pittiI promoted liblauncher this morning10:11
pittiand gave back n-l-efl now10:11
seb128asac, wncksyncdaemon libwncksync0 libwncksync-dev10:11
pittiseb128: weird, why was wncksyncdaemon in universe?10:11
pittiI thought unity used it10:11
asacpitti: i think it was given back multiple times this morning ;)10:11
seb128pitti, not enough, I promoted libwncksync now which is a depends of liblauncher10:11
asacyou, seb and ogra in between most likely ;)10:11
pittiasac: was me10:11
pittisomehow my liblauncher promotion this morning took two cycles10:12
seb128pitti, wncksync has been rewritten and renamed bamf10:12
seb128wncksync is the old unmaintained one10:12
asacpitti: sure that it was liblauncher? we think it was just wncksync10:12
asacof course it was liblauncher this morning ;)10:12
seb128The following packages have unmet dependencies:10:12
seb128  liblauncher-0.3-0: Depends: libwncksync0 (>= 0.2.2) but it is not installable10:12
seb128in my pbuilder10:12
asacanyway. i am also convinced that we should poke mvo to improve error output10:12
asacto include more depends ;)10:13
asacso you dont need to go step by step ;)10:13
seb128mvo, the "unmet dependencies" in build log are often not clear enough to figure what is wrong10:13
asacyeah. you have to run apt-get install PACKAGE locally in a chroot to figure out more. hard to solve though. especially for main/universe problems10:14
asaclets just kill main/universe split. how is that? :-P10:14
seb128I'm sure the security team will love it ;-)10:14
pittiasac: component-mismatches output will tell you10:15
pittiseems wncksync is enough10:15
didrocks+1 one that, on build log, it's not even most of the time ;)10:15
asachow often is component-mismatch updated?10:17
pittievery hour, after publisher10:18
asacalways thought it was too delayed source of output for this10:18
asacgood to know ;)10:18
pittinah, like 5 minutes after10:18
pittiGenerated: Wed Aug  4 09:41:02 BST 201010:18
pittiin fact, it's 20 minutes _before_ the archive.u.c. mirror is updated10:18
asaccool. good info10:18
chrisccoulsonwell, today is going good. 1 X crash and 1 hard lockup since 9am ;)10:33
asacfor me only firefox hung ;)10:35
asac(so far)10:35
asacmvo: when i run apt-get update i get:10:39
asacHit http://archive.ubuntu.com maverick-updates/restricted i386 Packages10:39
asacError org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ChildExited: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 110:39
asacis that some packagekit hook or something?10:40
seb128<Company> but yeah, looks like the usual server-side gradients10:51
seb128 seems cairo 1.9 is the only one using it and intel the only one supporting it10:51
seb128<Company> seb128: in theory, you can easily work around it (with a one-line patch), but then noone will ever work on fixing it, because it works well enough, doesn't it?10:51
seb128 10:51
asacso company is working for RH now i saw :-P10:51
seb128mvo, about your cairo slowness on ati and nouveau10:51
seb128asac, yes ;-)10:51
mvoasac: is that all you get?10:52
asacmvo: yes. i think i am now completely screwed ;)10:52
asace.g. no indexes are updated10:52
asacis that aptdaemon?10:52
mvoseb128: thanks, can we patch it out for a3 at least?10:52
* asac purges aptdaemon10:52
asacwho needs language-selector and software-center anyway ;)10:53
mvoasac: good luck10:53
asacand sessioninstaller ... also completely obsolete ;)10:53
asacthe purge failed with this thing10:53
asacProcessing triggers for python-central ...10:53
asacError org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ChildExited: Launch helper exited with unknown return code 110:53
asaci could have thought about that before10:53
asachmm. at least the purge seems to have properly finished10:54
asacun  aptdaemon10:54
mvoasac: so its not aptdaemon10:55
mvoasac: can you run a strace -f -e trace=execve on it?10:56
asacmvo: so it was packagekit ... purging that fixed it10:56
asac(most likely the apt backend)10:56
mvoasac: *cough* PK *cough*10:56
asaccan we remove packagekit from archive maybe ;)?10:56
seb128mvo, interested to do a cairo build to test that slowness issue?10:56
asaconly kubuntu-debug-installer was purged from my system10:57
mvoseb128: sure, if you have a patch i can test it10:57
asacwhen removing that ... so seems its luckily not that important10:57
asaconly packages named *packagekit* seem to be in rdepends here10:57
asacbut ok. i dont care as long as its not on my system by default ;)10:58
seb128mvo, http://paste.ubuntu.com/473028/10:58
seb128mvo, I can upload to the ubuntu desktop ppa for testing if you want10:59
asackenvandine: someone said that gwibber has sqlite now ... when will that end up in archive (i have beam again peaking in top)11:01
seb128asac, it has been uploaded last week11:02
mvoseb128: building it now11:03
seb128mvo, thanks11:03
asacwhy is beam still looping here then ...11:12
* asac goes and kills it and restarts gwibber11:12
asachmm. maybe its actually still used by something else like ubuntuone etc.11:12
asacfiled bug 613393 and assigned to mterry11:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 613393 in liblauncher (Ubuntu) "port liblauncher from wncksync to bamf (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61339311:19
* asac goes and gets some breakfast parts11:20
seb128asac, thanks11:21
ogradidrocks, yes, i saw it, removing it from the launcher package would make it impossible for users to use the launcher standalone, thats why i kept it in there11:22
didrocksogra: they still can launch netbook-launcher-efl directly from the command line11:22
ograbut not from gdm11:22
didrocksogra: for netbook-launcher, the rational was:11:22
didrocks- you either want the full session, with the settings11:22
didrocks- or you want to launch the launcher in your GNOME session, without any tweak settings11:23
ograthe latter doesnt work11:23
ogranautilus will always steal the desktop11:23
didrocksI was able to launcher netbook-launcher and n-l-efl even once nautilus started11:23
didrocksin any case, nautilus will start in you "UNE 2D" session if you don't have the settings package :)11:24
ograbut at some point (if nautilus gets the foxus) it will be covered by the other desktop app11:24
didrocksso, it's still in favor of pushing the .desktop file in the settings pkg, like we did in UNE, mythbuntu or xubuntu11:25
ograright, the launcher should ship a settings package that doesnt start the panels by default and depend on gnome-session11:25
didrocksthat makes sense too, in any case, it's not a real issue, just a FYI and what others are doing11:25
ograyeah, i understand why others do it11:26
seb128mvo, still building?11:27
seb128pitti, still libwncksync11:27
pittiah, needed another publisher, right11:27
seb128pitti, I promoted it at 11:08, next published was 12:03 I guess it's still running11:28
pittiright, sorry11:28
pittiok, will check in my chroot11:28
pittiI get the error as well11:28
seb128I've already checked in my pbuilder11:28
seb128don't bother11:29
seb128just wait for the publisher11:29
pittiseb128: right, I mean checking when to retry the build11:36
DavieyIs it known that the recent upgrade of libdrm seems to be blocking lucid->maverick upgrades?11:41
=== asac_ is now known as asac
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* seb128 kicks the publisher11:57
seb128still not done?11:57
pitti~ 5 more mins until archive.u.c. updates11:58
seb128pitti, it takes a full hour?11:58
pittiit's probably on syncproxy a bit earlier than that11:58
pittibut let's take no chances, the buildds are slow enough as they are11:58
pittiseb128: yes :/11:58
pittiseb128: that's why I'm testing apt-get update && apt-get install liblauncher-dev in my chroot11:58
seb128pitti, ok, publishing done12:01
seb128apt-get install liblauncher-0.3-0 works12:01
* pitti retries12:01
ograwhat a nightmare12:01
pittiogra: so netbook-armel is still in the game of the race with ubuntu-server installability :)12:03
pittididrocks: release-noted the oem problem, thanks for finding12:03
didrockspitti: yw12:03
Davieyogra: You know we'll win :)12:06
ograDaviey, well, i didnt make the mess, so i can lean back but still its keeping me from having images to test and finalize12:07
mvoseb128: no, lunchtime :)12:09
seb128hum, lunch!12:10
seb128" i386   Successfully built"12:10
ograwho cares for i38612:11
seb128asac, ^12:11
seb128lunch, bbl12:11
ograpray that it builds on arm too :)12:11
* asac dances12:12
asacnow it just needs to work (and build on armel) ;)12:12
asacnext thing is enabling efl opengl ES acceleration ;)12:13
ograasac, i assume you tested it ?12:13
asacmterry tested it ;)12:13
asacand he is a good guy12:13
asacso i am optimistic ;)12:14
* ogra didnt want to debate that :)12:14
asaci didnt tough the way the desktop session is done etc.12:14
asacand the fallback etc. probably doesnt work anyway atm?12:14
ograwhich fallback ?12:14
asacogra: whats the status? or did you drop unity for now from the armel image?12:14
ograno, TI wants to use it12:14
asacogra: the unity -> efl fallback12:14
asaclike the une session spec we had at some point :-P12:15
ograthere is no fallback, currently the 2D session is the default12:15
asacright. thats what i wanted to know12:15
ograi'm working on a oem-config plugin12:15
asacif i am just not installing unity, does everything still work?12:15
ograthat will enable the PPA, install all packages from there and show EULAs etc12:15
asacoh. interesting12:16
ograi think i'll integrate a switch in that tool that switches the default to 3D12:16
asacogra: how long does oem-config run on beagle ;)? did you find time to test that?12:16
asacjust want to have a number if people come to me and say its still taking 40 minutes ;)12:16
ograon panda the whole thing now takes about 20min from first boot of a virgin dd'ed SD card to getting gdm12:16
asachmm. thats sloww12:17
ograi havent tested on a C4 and we still have issues with the XM kernel12:17
ograslow ?12:17
asacif panda is 20min, beagle probably is > 20min12:17
ograit's 2-5min for resizing, then it reboots into oem-config which takes between 10 and 15min for all it does12:17
asacyes. 20 minutes is really slow compared to putting in sdcard and just booting12:17
asacogra: what is "all it does"?12:18
asacincludes downloading unity etc. and installing that?12:18
ograsetting up the system, then removing a ton of packages and then running all related triggers12:18
ogradonwloading unity ?12:18
asacton of packages == jaster and oem-config etc.?12:18
ograright, about 25MB of stuff iirc12:19
ograrunning the triggers alone takes 5min or so12:19
asacwhat time is setting up the system vs. removing packages?12:19
ogralocale-gen takes a lot of time too12:19
pittiyay, built on armel and amd64, too12:19
ograand generating all the keymaps12:19
asacyeah. locale-gen ... i see12:19
ogra20min is a real record12:19
ogradont say its slow12:19
asacyeah. sorry. it definitly is a big win ;)12:19
ogravs ~1h it surely is :)12:20
asacdidnt mean to play it down. just thinking that 2 minutes is what we would love to see :-P12:20
ograhow would you do that and still properly configure the saystem12:20
asaclets say 2 minutes on top of resizing12:20
asacmaybe pregenerate the default locales during fs building12:21
ograit would be cool if the removal stuff etc could run in the background12:21
ograi cant12:21
mvoseb128: fix works fine, I upload http://pastebin.com/Pa1DsaVT if you don't mind12:21
asacogra: whats the problem with generating locales on fs builder?12:21
ograubiquity needs to run first, how else would i know which locales i need12:21
asacogra: you just decide to install one or two locales by default and do those. then user can use the preferences etc. to change his locale ;)12:22
asacand wait 20 minutes then ;)12:22
ograthats not ubuntu :P12:22
ograthe configuration has to be proper on first login12:22
ograwe ship en_GB by default btw12:22
asacmaybe then selecting default locales and if use doesnt change them during install, just dont do anything12:23
asacand removing packages could be done by marking them for removal. i think with some tricks next time update-manager kicks in it would remove those.12:24
ograthats not how it works :)12:25
ograthe packages all ship their initramfs scripts/hooks12:25
ograto have a clean initramfs on next boot they need to be removed and update-initramfs needs to be called12:25
ograas long as we have that design we need to remove the packages12:25
asaci dont think they really hurt ... at least they can be made so they dont hurt and once the update-manager removes packages they would be gone anyway.12:26
ograwe should look at improving all that in M12:26
asacbut ok. just thinking that we might want to think about it ;)12:26
ograits definitely not M material anymore12:27
seb128mvo, go for it12:27
ograand i'm happy with 20min12:27
asacright. i wasnt talking about M for ubuntu ... i am talking to myself to see how we can share more code/boot/install procedure in long run12:27
seb128mvo, thanks for testing12:27
mvoseb128: thank *you* for the fix! makes my life a lot easier now12:27
* asac remembers and goes and files a RC bug against packagekit for the error he saw before12:29
kenvandineasac, evolution uses couch too, if you use that12:33
bcurtiswxvish, kenvandine: bug #613012 was accepted and merged upstream.  Ken were you planning on doing this with lucid empathy as well?12:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 613012 in empathy (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Remove "Ubuntu servers" from irc channel list (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61301212:39
seb128hey kenvandine, woke up early today ;-)12:41
bcurtiswxhmm, it is early, even for me.12:42
* bcurtiswx cooks breakfast for the channel12:42
and471hey mpt, thanks for working on that mockup for us12:56
mptand471, which mockup?12:57
and471(08:50:28 AM) johnlea: nessita; I've just had a quick chat with MPT and I will send a revised wireframe that we are both agreed on as soon as I have had lunch12:57
and471mpt, ^12:57
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mptand471, right. Sorry that it will obviate a bunch of your hard work on layout, but much of the stuff about showing progress, making the submit button insensitive, etc should still be useful.13:01
and471mpt, no problem13:02
mptjohnlea will do a rough wireframe now, and I'll refactor the spec later. (Yay for shorter USC specification.)13:02
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Chipacaand471: mpt: qué?13:04
and471Chipaca, johnlea is doing a wireframe of what nessita and I will implement13:04
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mptChipaca, I thought you'd decided this yesterday, but johnlea said otherwise13:05
nessitaChipaca: I found out this morning an eamil from john lea with a new sketch13:05
mptand he made the good point that with sign-in details being remembered by default, most of the time when you see the dialog it'll be for creating an account, not signing in to an existing one, so it should emphasize that.13:06
nessitaChipaca: which was not compatible with what we were planning to do, so I asked to make their main (I was very polite though :-P)13:06
Chipacanessita: "make their main"?13:06
nessitaChipaca: sorry, too early13:07
nessitaChipaca: you can read the chat in #desktop+13:08
mptChipaca, if you are screaming right now while looking at an August 2010 calendar, then feel free to ignore everything that's happened today, and we can revisit it after the 12th.13:08
pittididrocks: now that we have a working -efl again, do you plan to add it to the i386/amd64 netbook CDs as a 2D fallback?13:08
pittior is that generally out of the question?13:09
Chipacampt: my heart is screaming, my mind is serene. Usually a bad sign.13:09
didrockspitti: I'm not sure… -efl is now very different from unity, not talking about efl libraries and CD space13:09
mptand471, have you gotten familiar with the kind of automated tests that nessita writes for these interfaces?13:10
pittididrocks: wrt. libs and space it's by and large the same situation as before, though; I agree to the completely different optics, though13:10
and471mpt, no not at all, but I am interested in learning13:10
didrockspitti: yeah, I think it can be unclear for the user13:11
nessitampt: I'm just in the process of teaching him :-)13:11
mptnessita, wonderful.13:11
nessitampt: but first we're trying what we have so far13:11
pittididrocks: question is whether "unclear" << or >> "broken" :)13:11
didrockspitti: well, we got that for quite a long time in UNR/UMR before lucid, but yeah, I understand. One of the issue is that the detection can only be in mutter or a script launched before and so, delaying boot time and such…13:13
pittididrocks: that worries me as well, yes13:16
pittididrocks: we might get away with a "works 90%" quick check, like [ -x /dev/dri/card* ]13:16
didrockspitti: I'm waiting first on the -egl work done in clutter/mutter by alf__ and asac, maybe we will have a good 2D support, but that can be an option :)13:17
pittididrocks: sure; I was just curious, I'm not pressing for it13:18
pittiit's not a real issue on netbooks out there, and folks with weird hardware could just install standard Ubuntu13:18
didrockslet's see how it goes, in any case, the backend thing can be really quickly implemented13:18
didrocksright, and they still get it with UNE in any case (there is the desktop session)13:18
pittididrocks, seb128, Riddell: anything new since alpha-2 in netbook/KDE/GNOME which we should mention on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickMeerkat/TechnicalOverview ?13:27
didrockspitti: I'll have a look later what to add for UNE13:28
Riddellpitti: KDE Platform 4.5.0, switch to rekonq web browser13:28
seb128pitti, nothing really fancy for GNOME that I can think of right now13:29
pittiRiddell: I'll add a blurb13:29
seb128didrocks, pitti: UNE got unity updates, datetime won a calendar widget, f-spot got replaced13:29
pittiRiddell: is that 4.5.0 RC3?13:30
seb128pitti, I guess you could list some of the software-center improvements, like "what's new"13:31
Riddellpitti: 4.5.0 final13:31
pittiRiddell: oh, I don't see an announcement for that13:31
pittiok, thanks13:31
Riddellpitti: no, it's not out yet, that's how fast we are at Kubuntu :)13:32
seb128pitti, new gwibber using sqlite might be worth mentioning as well13:33
pittiRiddell: *grin*13:34
pittididrocks: ah, and global menu bar is now the only menu, so I'll drop that sentence13:34
didrockspitti: right, and shotwell by default13:35
pittiRiddell, didrocks: KDE/Unity updated13:36
seb128pitti, not sure if you want to mention that gdk-pixbuf got packaged which unblocked the work to get get gtk updated13:37
pittiseb128: I think that's a too technical detail, but if you think it's interesting, please go ahead13:37
didrockspitti: thanks for the update, sounds great13:37
pittimvo: would you like to add a blurb about the new software-center features to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickMeerkat/TechnicalOverview ? I think you know them better than me13:37
pittimvo: I'm happy to edit it afterwards, but if you could add the facts, I'd love you forever13:37
seb128pitti, I think it's rather technical as well, was just trying to find something to get there ;-)13:38
pitti(not that I wouldn't already do)13:38
mvopitti: that requires me to remember what we had in a2 :)13:38
pittimvo: relative to lucid is fine13:38
mvopitti: aha, nice. that is easier13:39
pittiwe keep piling up news since lucid, and those will eventually become the final maverick stuff13:39
pittimvo: charlie-tca currently has the wiki lock, FYI13:39
mvopitti: ok13:40
charlie-tcaI am done, mvo13:43
pittibah, http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/maverick_probs.html just updated13:46
pittiand n-l-efl is still on the list, WTH?13:46
pittididrocks: now that -efl uses current liblauncher, I assume it's alright with you if I remove liblauncher-0.1 from teh archive?13:47
didrockspitti: yes please, proceed cleaning :)13:48
* pitti makes a flushing noise13:48
didrockshah :-)13:48
pittimvo, charlie-tca: thanks all for the edits!13:51
charlie-tcaYou are welcome13:52
* pitti re-categorizes them for *buntu headers13:52
pittiasac: can you please reupload n-f-efl14:02
pitti netbook-launcher-efl : Depends: libevas-svn-05-engines-x but it is not installable14:02
vishseb128: regarding https://bugs.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bugs?field.status%3Alist=FIXCOMMITTED , bugs , is there anyway , we can get them fixed?  would it help if someone picked them out and got the patches ready?14:02
pittiasac: it's spelt "libevas-svn-06-engines-x" now (new ABI)14:02
vishseb128: there are about 5-6 nautilus/gtk+ bugs there , was thinking about them.. :)14:03
seb128vish, I will review the list but I pretty much backported all the nautilus ones we could backport the previous time14:05
vishseb128: neat thanks :)14:05
seb128vish, the pathbar change was buggy and leaded to issues there, the replace dialog rewrite requires lot of upstream change, they refactored the code14:05
seb128vish, I will backport those we can get and comment on others14:06
vishseb128: sure , no probs .14:06
mptmvo, have you had time to have a look at the USC add-ons branch?14:11
mptIt gives me a deb822 import error, like other branches recently, so I guess it's time for me to upgrade to Maverick14:11
mvompt: yes, I looked at it, its mostly good, just needs a bit of tweaking to not slow down the details view page14:12
asacpitti: kk14:13
pittiasac: ah, I'm two seconds away from dputing the fix14:14
pittiasac: shall I upload, or do you want to?14:14
pittithere is no Vcs-Bzr:14:14
and471mpt, no need to upgrade14:14
asacpitti: go ahead14:14
and471mpt, replace     from debian import deb82214:14
pittiasac: uploaded14:14
pittiasac: want the debdiff for bzr commit? or is it not in bzr?14:14
asacthats fine14:15
and471mpt, with http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/473089/14:15
* asac slaps himself one more time on all this ;)14:15
and471that is in softwarecenter/view/historypane.py and softwarecenter/apt/apthistory.py14:15
asacand goes doing something else14:15
mptthanks and471 :-)14:16
and471mpt, np, had the same issue14:17
mptwhee, this looks pretty cool14:20
and471mpt, can I ask why we don't have the hover effect in the category view/ application details view ?14:21
mptand471, because it's not necessary. Hover effects should be used only when you can't elegantly show enough affordances the whole time. Here, we can.14:22
and471'show enough affordances the whole time'?14:22
and471mpt, sorry I am on vacation, brain is hibernating ^ ?14:23
mptand471, http://www.motive.co.nz/glossary/perceived-affordance.php14:34
mptand471, i.e., if we can make it obvious that something is clickable, without giving it a hover effect or making the whole screen look too busy, we should. Because if we do manage that, we reduce distraction from momentary hover effects when you pass over something on the way to something else.14:35
and471mpt, so how do we make it obvious it is clickable?14:36
charlie-tcapitti: I have bug 599880 with a valid StacktraceTop but invalid stacktrace from Apport retracing14:38
ubot2charlie-tca: Bug 599880 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/599880 is private14:38
charlie-tcaThe retracing service stacktrace has no debug symbols in it14:38
seb128charlie-tca, it might just means it didn't have ddebs for that version14:39
seb128charlie-tca, 3.6.3 is an outdated one14:39
charlie-tcaHow could it have them in the stracktrace top then?14:39
seb128they are not?14:40
seb128the same symbols are in http://launchpadlibrarian.net/51409112/Stacktrace.txt14:40
charlie-tcaThe they are in the StacktraceTop but not in the Stracktrace itself14:40
seb128which ones?14:40
seb128did you read under "#3  <signal handler called>"?14:40
charlie-tca#3  <signal handler called>14:41
charlie-tcaNo symbol table info available.14:41
pitticharlie-tca: the long one has everythign the StacktraceTop has14:41
pittiit's derived from StackTrace, and I promise that apport doesn't invent symbols14:41
charlie-tcai know that, but the files I am looking at do not have those symbols. It is all "no symbol table info available" for some reason14:43
seb128http://launchpadlibrarian.net/51409112/Stacktrace.txt has those14:44
chrisccoulsonthat's all fairly irrelevant for firefox crashes, as i'm likely to mass close them all this week anyway ;)14:45
charlie-tcawell, okay14:46
seb128charlie-tca, not sure what you are missing there, did you found them now?14:46
charlie-tcanope. Is firefox somehow giving me the wrong report?14:46
seb128where do you click on the bug?14:47
seb128did you open the url I gave before?14:47
seb128line 9 and 11 on the webpage14:47
charlie-tcaoooh, I gave the wrong bug number14:48
charlie-tcait should be bug 59987814:48
ubot2charlie-tca: Bug 599878 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/599878 is private14:48
seb128charlie-tca, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/51409446/Stacktrace.txt has those?14:49
seb128starting to #5 and on14:49
mptand471, in these screens there's very little that *isn't* clickable, and the things that aren't are separated by borders. So just using a pointing-hand cursor is probably enough.14:49
seb128ie the comment #3 url14:49
and471mpt, ok thanks14:49
mptvish, if this branch <http://imgur.com/2NOVK> gets merged, there'll be a whole lot more metadata bugs to fix -- improving the first lines of add-on package descriptions so they make sense as checkbox labels :-)14:51
vishoh noes!14:52
and471mpt, that looks awesome, who is doing that work?14:53
mptand471, https://code.launchpad.net/~ilidrissi.amine/software-center/addons/+merge/3094614:54
vishmpt: looks like the first line is usually from .desktop comment , right?14:54
vishmpt: ah , devildante!14:54
vishi thought it was and471's branch ;)14:54
and471vish, hehe thanks, but no :)14:55
and471mpt, I hope you are looking forward to some gui tests :-)14:56
vishmpt: how far do you expect debian to change the package descriptions for SC?14:56
vishsome maintainers seem a bit resistant to make the changes :(14:57
mptvish, and this will be (as far as I know) the first time that Recommends: and Suggests: has ever had a GUI, so there *might* be an influx of bugs about inappropriate Recommends: and Suggests: that nobody has noticed before (e.g. "Why does KMess offer a file manager as an add-on?"), in the same way that we discovered inappropriate categorization of applications when 2.0 introduced subcategories.14:58
mptvish, this is why it's important for Debian Software Center to exist. :-) We can attach screenshots and say "See, this looks silly"14:59
mptThat'll be an easier argument to make for Recommends/Suggests than it is for descriptions, I think15:00
vishmpt: are we merging that for Maverick?15:00
mptvish, don't know. That's up to Mohamed to finish it, and mvo or tremolux to decide whether it's ready.15:01
vishmpt: do you want to? he usually hangs out in -bugs.. we can push him to finish it :)15:03
mptvish, I'm writing a branch review now15:03
* mpt discovers Evolution's 'The following plugins belonging to the "base" set are included' WTF15:04
pittiogra, asac: so is all the new stuff and -efl supposed to fix bug 600487 ?15:05
ubot2Launchpad bug 600487 in netbook-meta (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 3 other projects) "system fails to launch netbook-launcher-efl on arm system (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60048715:05
pittior was that a dupe of the netbook-efl-default-settings change?15:05
ograoh, sorry, i was slacking on that one15:06
* ogra closes15:06
Laneydidrocks: http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.db.sqlite.general/58588 might interest you15:08
pittiasac: uploadedhttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+bugs?orderby=status&field.milestone%3Alist=27561 as well15:08
vishand471: devildante is the culprit ;)15:10
* devildante hides15:10
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and471devildante, great work well done!15:16
devildanteand471: thx15:16
vishand471: i think i found an ftdau bug!  can you try and install simple backup? and see if it does any backup?15:16
and471vish, sure tho I am just about to head out for 30 mins, I will do it when I am back tho15:17
vishmy system is a bit borked now , i so really not sure where the problem is15:17
vishand471: sure , try this , after install , set it up and hit "backup now" , it says a process is running  , but does nothing.  if you close the dialogue boxes , those processes just quit.15:18
mptvish, I posted my review, so if you want to chase up Mohamed you're welcome, I need to get back to networking stuff :-)15:21
vishmpt: devildante is he ;)15:22
devildanteokay, hi mpt :)15:22
devildantejust saw your review15:23
mptI have just discovered a thorny example15:24
mptCgoban (a board game) Suggests: gnugo, imagemagick | netpbm15:24
mptThe description explains this: "Some sort of image converter is needed if you wish to use the utility provided to capture 'screen shots' of a Cgoban game."15:25
mptBut neither imagemagick nor netpbm have any clue that they're going to be used for Cgoban, and nor should they15:26
mptSo their checkboxes couldn't have meaningful labels in the Cgoban screen.15:26
mptMaybe that means we have to exclude add-ons that are Recommended/Suggested by more than one package?15:28
devildanteyeah... Could do that easily15:28
devildantethis, and your other suggestions in the review :)15:29
mptI don't know how much damage that would do15:29
devildanteremove those add-ons, and see if the users have problems with that?15:30
devildanteif this is a big problem, we could just re-enable them15:30
mptdevildante, ok, let's try that. I thought that might cause a problem with adblock-plus, but that's there because of Enhances, not because of Suggests, so I think we're ok15:33
didrocksLaney: thanks for the link, looking at it15:33
devildantempt: ok, will do that15:34
Laneydidrocks: If I were you, I'd consider reverting until it's fixed15:34
didrocksLaney: let me look how we got last version15:34
devildantempt: but about the language-selector bit, I don't know if we can remove the language add-ons15:34
devildantempt: should ask someone else15:35
didrocksLaney: ok, we are in sync with debian, we can maybe revert to the debian testing version15:35
didrocksLaney: in any case, that will be post alpha315:35
seb128didrocks, Laney: what is broken?15:37
mptdevildante, spec updated. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter?action=diff&rev2=411&rev1=41015:37
Laneyseb128: there's a big performance regression in the new sqlite15:37
Laneywhich affects banshee15:37
seb128oh ok15:37
seb128use rhythmbox ;-)15:37
* seb128 runs15:37
didrocksseb128: that was easy :-)15:37
Laneyit might affect other apps too…15:38
seb128joke aside the way forward seems to fix it, not to downgrade15:38
didrocksI think gwibber will suffer as well15:38
Laneyupstream will fix it for 3.7.115:38
didrocksthe issue is that we don't know when it will happen15:38
didrocks"I recommend you stick with until15:38
didrockswe get 3.7.1 out the door later this month."15:38
didrocksok, so we can maybe wait15:38
devildantempt: seen that, taken note :)15:38
didrocksLaney: maverick is still unstable… so not good for production, and performance issue is not data cluttering issue15:39
Laneyapparently it affects query accuracy too15:40
Laneyfor example play queue mode is broken15:40
and471vish, what is the package name?15:41
vishand471: install from SC , search backup and you will have listed there Simple backup config and restore.15:42
vishand471: install the config one , it will install both15:42
didrocksLaney: let's wait for A3 in any case and decide later on, shall we?15:42
Laneydidrocks: OK, it's up to you. You could release note it (if they exist for alphas)15:43
didrocksLaney: we will, I've just opened the page :)15:43
Laneyok then15:43
and471vish, where is it in the menu?15:44
and471vish, dw found it15:44
vishand471: it doesnt get listed in the menu , its in sys > admin15:44
vishah . :)15:44
didrockskenvandine: gwibber is using sqlite3 as well, isn't it? (I don't see a dep on it?)15:48
LaneyI don't think the bug is universal15:49
and471vish, yup I can confirm it doesn't do anything, even when I create /var/backup it does nothing15:49
Laneybanshee probably just happens to trigger it15:49
didrocksLaney: ok, added to the release note and link to the bug report in any case.15:49
vishand471: yay! , writing up bug report :)15:49
* Laney nods15:50
and471vish, well not 'yay!' it ftdau ;P15:50
kenvandinedidrocks, indeed, sqlite315:52
kenvandinewhich means it doesn't need a new dep15:52
kenvandinecomes with python15:52
chrisccoulsonheh, i'm glad firefox uses it's own sqlite. i wouldn't want performance to be even worse than it is now ;)15:54
didrockskenvandine: ok :)15:55
vishand471: bug 613486 ;)15:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 613486 in sbackup (Ubuntu) "Does not backup (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61348615:59
and471vish, hehe the bug title makes me lol15:59
asacnetbook-launcher-efl installable here :)16:05
asacogra: i installed it and started it from command line. seems to work16:07
mptdevildante_, is it possible to write a script that counts (a) the number of add-ons USC would show for all Ubuntu packages in total, and (b) how many of those add-ons have their own icon? If hardly any do, maybe we shouldn't bother showing icons for add-ons at all.16:07
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devildante_mpt: Idk16:08
pittiseb128: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+source/gnome-python-desktop/2.30.0-1ubuntu1 is depwait on libevince-dev, which doesn't exist16:09
devildante_mpt: problem is, I struggled with showing a possible icon16:09
pittiseb128: is that meant to be libevview-dev/libevdocument-dev ?16:09
devildante_until I just abandoned and showed a generic icon16:09
mptand471, btw, "backup" is a noun, the verb is "back up" (I just noticed that in a description fix you did)16:09
seb128pitti, right16:09
and471mpt, yikes! thanks16:09
seb128pitti, debian didn't split the libs for some reason16:09
mptdevildante_, oh, so right now you're showing the generic icon for every one even if it has a custom one?16:09
pittiseb128: should we re-merge them at some point?16:10
devildante_mpt: yes16:10
mptI see16:10
devildante_mpt: should I just remove it?16:10
pittiseb128: want me to upload?16:10
seb128pitti, we did remerge but we disagree on the split16:11
seb128pitti, if you want yes please16:11
kiwinotedevildante_: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/473131/ should help a bit16:12
mptdevildante_, I guess there are two ways we can test it then. One way is to work out how to write that script. The other way is to figure out the code to show custom icons, so we can test it manually.16:12
devildante_kiwinote: thx16:13
devildante_mpt: I'll see what I can do with kiwinote's suggestion16:14
kiwinotedevildante_: if you need any help just give a shout and i'll see what i can do16:15
devildante_kiwinote: okay16:15
devildante_I love you guys :p16:15
pittiseb128: ugh, seems robert didn't rebuild debian/control; what a mess..16:19
pittiah, this drops some obsolete packages; /me checks rdepends16:19
pittididrocks, asac: can I ask you to fix the netbook-launcher dependency of go-home-applet?16:24
didrockspitti: sure, let me have a look16:25
pittiasac: oh, and n-l-efl still recommends: netbook-launcher16:25
asacogra: is that a problem? or do we need a new round?16:26
pittiasac: the recommends? no16:26
didrockspitti: do you see that on a component-mistmatch page btw?16:26
pittididrocks: NBS16:26
pittiI removed it now16:26
pittigo-home-applet has no rdepends16:26
didrocksok, thanks :)16:26
pittiso it doesn't break anything16:26
vishpitti: for Bug #550261 , its waiting an sru , but does not have a package uploaded in -proposed16:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 550261 in sbackup (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Backups cannot be started through the GUI (affects: 35) (dups: 7) (heat: 197)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55026116:26
asacoh cool16:26
pittididrocks: unless you want me to remove go-home-applet as well16:27
* asac waits with the push after a3 then16:27
pittivish: hm, can you please subscribe sponsors?16:27
didrockspitti: it can still be useful for n-l-efl, but doesn't need to dep on it16:27
pittididrocks: right, seems strange for an applet to depend on a desktop16:27
vishpitti: sure thing , thanks16:28
didrockspitti: yeah, I didn't notice that previously16:28
didrockswas done last year apparently16:28
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pitti. o O { ugh: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS/libedataserver1.2-11 }16:31
seb128pitti, yes?16:40
pittiseb128: hm?16:41
seb128pitti, libedataserver, those just need a rebuild16:41
pittiright, doing ATM16:41
seb128pitti, I was going to ask if I should do it16:42
seb128I've some spare cycles today16:42
seb128but if you want to do it feel free ;-)16:42
pittiseb128: perhaps you can do the libpoppler5 transition?16:42
pitti(didn't check how many are left)16:42
seb128pitti, ok16:43
pittior NBS in general really, it's really helpful16:43
seb128I will try to clean some of those16:43
pittiseb128: perhaps in some cases we should just sync a new version from Debian16:43
pittiI'm currently doing that for giggle, instead of doing another no-change upload16:44
pittibut doesn't matter that much, I guess16:44
pittigiggle was a case were "ubuntu1" was a fakesync16:44
seb128right, for some of those, ie inskscape, uploads are waiting for sponsoring so that will do for a rebuild16:44
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seb128mvo, could you mark https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~dylanmccall/ubuntu/lucid/gdebi/bug-591470/+merge/30971 merged? I don't have access to it18:17
pittiseb128: hm, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/53049752/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-amd64.evolution-exchange_2.30.2-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz18:22
pittiit built fine on i38618:22
pittiwhich is weird, because the errors look like it should fail everywehere18:22
pittioh, didrocks uploaded that18:22
pittididrocks: can you please have a look? might just be a missing include18:23
didrockspitti: sure, let me see,18:23
didrockspitti: argh, fail due to new gtk, let me remove fail on deprecated method18:24
pittikenvandine: can you please have a look at http://launchpadlibrarian.net/52712930/buildlog_ubuntu-maverick-armel.ido_0.1.11-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz ?18:24
pittikenvandine: looks like it's doing something dirty there, casting an int into a pointer or so18:25
mvoseb128: sure18:25
didrockspitti: I'm puzzled it wasn't built before…18:25
pittididrocks: "wasn't"?18:25
didrocksI haven't done an upload for a while18:25
didrocksthe amd64 evolution-exchange18:25
kenvandinepitti, sure18:25
pittididrocks: I gave it back a few hours ago18:25
seb128pitti, kenvandine: bratsche has a merge request pending review from ted for the ido issue18:26
pittididrocks: thought that the amd64 built against a broken GTK or so18:26
pittiseb128: oh, nice18:26
seb128pitti, it's rather weird that the gtk issue didn't happen on i38618:26
kenvandineido seems to have this sort of problem often18:26
* pitti sighs at ibus; tons of modifications and we need to merge18:26
pittiseb128: that's what I wondered about18:27
pittianyway, running out of time today, need to go18:27
pittihave a nice evening everyone!18:27
seb128pitti, have fun, see you tomorrow!18:27
didrockspitti: have a good night!18:28
vishseb128: bug 15495 seems a bit of an extra one , we fixed most of the issue , the window title alone is the problem , if it /cant/ be changed , maybe we can mark it as fixed?18:35
ubot2Launchpad bug 15495 in file-roller (Ubuntu) (and 3 other projects) ""Archive Manager" doesn't mean anything if you don't know what an "archive" is (affects: 7) (dups: 1) (heat: 51)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1549518:35
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seb128vish, well things always can be changed, it's only code18:36
seb128vish, btw I commented on a few nautilus ones saying we will not get the changes this cycle, not sure if you want to drop the hundredpapercuts milestone for those18:36
vishseb128: yeah thanks, noticed the comments , atleast its easier to have them committed somewhere :)18:37
vishelse someone will ask why we havent released ..18:37
seb128we will get those next cycle anyway18:39
vishyeah, sounds good.18:39
seb128didrocks, can you add bug #105093 to your review list?18:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 105093 in evolution (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) ""Submit Bug Report" should be removed from the menu options under "Help" (affects: 10) (dups: 6) (heat: 80)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10509318:48
seb128didrocks, there is a patch that needs sponsoring18:48
bratschekenvandine: ido has these issues often because I have it set to treat warnings as errors.  This is nice to do on my architecture, but apparently not a good thing to do on ARM. :)18:48
didrocksseb128: sure18:48
seb128didrocks, thanks18:48
didrocksseb128: btw, do you know what happen to the evolution thing? the ABI was broken?18:49
seb128didrocks, reading your evolution-exchange changelog you either forgot to build-depends on dh-autoreconf or to write it in the changelog18:49
Sarvattmvo: that cairo patch disabled server side gradients completely for everyone not just affected cards didn't it? also your test case went from 0.54-0.56 to 0.49-1.6 seconds here on intel18:49
didrocksseb128: urgh… you're write :/18:50
seb128didrocks, ;-)18:50
didrocksgetting tired ;-)18:50
seb128Sarvatt, no, we didn't filter on cards18:50
seb128Sarvatt, what are those numbers?18:50
kenvandinebratsche, indeed18:51
mvoSarvatt: right, the patch globally disabled it. it was a measure of desperation as I don't want to get all the bugreport against update-manager in a3 that its unusable slow18:51
seb128Sarvatt, only intel handle server side gradient it seems18:51
ubot2Ubuntu bug 595845 in cairo (Ubuntu) "libcairo2 1.9.10 makes Ubuntu 10.10 slow (affects: 16) (heat: 76)" [Medium,Fix released]18:51
mvoSarvatt: that is quite a bit of variance18:51
seb128Sarvatt, nouveau nvidia ati have issues for sure18:51
Sarvatti was under the impression they were going to try to make nvidia always use image to work around it for the 1.10 release18:51
seb128Sarvatt, well, we wanted something which work for a3, ie today18:52
seb128Sarvatt, but we can refine the change before maverick, we have time18:52
* Sarvatt nods18:52
vishseb128: what do you think of : https://code.launchpad.net/~sense/ubuntu/maverick/evolution/fix-588298/+merge/30212  ?18:57
vishseb128: upstream is not gonna make the change anytime soon ;)18:57
seb128didrocks, ^ could you please get the other sponsoring request and that in an upload this week?18:58
seb128vish, let's just upload18:59
seb128upstream is going to discuss for ages about it18:59
didrocksseb128: sure, the evolution one?18:59
vishdidrocks: thanks :)18:59
seb128didrocks, yes, the one vish listed and the bug I pointed before18:59
* didrocks opens tabs18:59
seb128didrocks, should be 2 easy changes for an upload ;-)19:00
didrocksseb128: heh, great to make the sponsoring list lower!19:00
didrockstime for dinner, bbiab19:01
seb128dinner, bbl19:03
bcurtiswxah right, Europe = dinner time.. heck i just finished lunch19:04
vishbratsche: hi , could you review: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=615451 ?19:50
ubot2Gnome bug 615451 in gtk "Tooltips stick when switching desktops using compiz" [Normal,Unconfirmed]19:50
vishbratsche: the patch was updated..19:50
pittiah, an unexpected extra 1.5 hours -- our gym is closed this week20:10
sshawquick question, when is 9.10 EOL?20:17
micahgsshaw: April 201120:18
sshawmicahg: so, are all releases supported for 18 months (other than LTS?)20:18
micahgsshaw: yes20:18
sshawah ok.  For some reason I thought it was less.  Thanks20:19
JamesMRIs there a comprehensive reference of the python appindicator module anywhere?20:36
JamesMRI have been unable top find one.20:36
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didrocksok, enough for today! have a good night everyone!21:05
tremoluxsee ya didrocks!21:05
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