
johanbrhi... on the first suspend after a cold boot, my laptop suspends immediately after the hard drive is parked00:38
johanbrbut on subsequent suspends, there's about a five-second delay after the hard drive is parked... does anyone know why this might happen?00:39
* manjo out 00:43
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amitkhey smb 07:49
ikepanhcgood morning .eu :)07:56
cooloneymorning guys07:56
cooloneyamitk: one short question for you, need i use external powered usb hub for beagleboard, right?07:57
amitkcooloney: yes07:57
amitkhi ikepanhc 07:57
cooloneyi got an external powered usb hub to my BB's usb host port.07:58
cooloneyamitk: but doesn't work. so weird.07:58
amitkcooloney: which port did you connect it to? the ehci (standard) port or the OTG port?08:00
cooloneyamitk: the standard EHCI port08:01
amitkcooloney: nothing is detected?08:01
cooloneyamitk: i am trying to install the system from SD card, so no chance to get the dmesg08:02
cooloneyamitk: but i can change the bootargs to see from serial maybe08:02
amitkcooloney: ohh, you have C3 right?08:03
* ikepanhc updating maverick and praying08:03
cooloneyamitk: yeah C308:03
amitkcooloney: Hardware issue on rev C3 - the EHCI port on some rev C3 boards is unstable and will disconnect hubs/devices. Symptoms are: devices are disconnected from the port and cannot be reconnected without a reboot. It appears the shared 1.8V rail between the OMAP3530 and the power chip was getting noisy. Suggested solution (works on many boards) is adding a 22 uF 0805 package SMT capacitor atop the existing cap on C97. If SMT parts 08:04
amitkcooloney: http://elinux.org/BeagleBoard#EHCI08:05
amitkcooloney: time to get out the soldering iron ;)08:05
cooloneyamitk: oh yeah. i need 22uF 080508:08
* ikepanhc updated, looks great :)08:14
amitkikepanhc: you updated yourself?08:15
ikepanhcamitk: ahah, update my machine, not my brain :)08:16
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* apw has to shift locations13:00
tgardnerapw, have you run into 'Cannot make directory '/var/run/screen': Permission denied' ? Seems that the /var/run/screen directory isn't correctly created at boot time.14:08
apwtgardner, no ... is that something to do with you using screen as your default on login ?14:09
tgardnerapw, nope, just running jobs on remote servers. I rebooted tangerine this AM and found screen no longer worked.14:09
tgardnerthere must be a service startup rule somewhere.14:10
apwahh ... not a bit screen user so i'd probabally not hit it14:10
tgardnerapw, really? I thought everyone was seduced by the wonders of screen14:10
apwtgardner, i am a little supprised it uses /var/run/ ...14:10
apwtgardner, i use it on zinc, thats about it14:11
apw/etc/init/screen-cleanup.conf <-- tgardner 14:11
JFoI <3 screen14:12
apwJFo, yeah its great other than not being able to access scrollback, so i use it for things where i have to, otherwise i tend to run and log locally to a file and tail the file remotely style14:12
JFosame here14:13
JFoI tail from a non-screened term14:13
apwdon't get me wrong it rocks for those where you need it14:13
JFooh yes14:13
apwtgardner, so thats an upstart job ... so ask upstart if its started14:13
tgardnerAll of my build scripts log locally so I don't have to deal with the lack of scroll back14:13
JFoespecially for things that run forever and would suffer from unexpected failure14:13
tgardnerapw, I just ran it by hand. I'd actually already tries it with 'restart', but its not well coded and did nothing14:14
apwtgardner, hrm ... sounds like a bug ... cirtianlyu it exists on my maverick boxes ok14:14
tgardnernow I can't remember what the hell I started out to do14:14
apwtgardner, now that i can relate to14:15
tgardneroh, updating maverick schroots14:15
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tgardnerapw, ok grubmaster, tell me why emerald boots 2.6.32-21.32-server ? /boot/grub/grub.cfg looks right. nothing in /etc/default/grub, etc14:19
apwtgardner, looking#14:20
tgardnerapw, I think it should be booting linux-image-2.6.35-14-server14:21
apwtgardner, the config does say 'default = 10' and if i count from 0 that is the 32-21 kernel14:21
apwso i think its doing what the config says ... now why thats not default=0 i am not sure14:22
apwon my other machines the default = 014:22
tgardnerapw, well then, I shall set the default to 014:22
apwtgardner, it seems that the default is set in /etc/default/grub and to 1014:23
apwwhich to my mind is oddness indeed14:23
smbapw, Maybe someone tried to set a timeout and hit the wrong line...14:24
apwsmb, or maybe they wanted to move to an older one, and it tracks it somehow14:26
tgardnerapw, I'm betting smb is right, someone (perhaps pgraner) wanted a grub menu timeout14:26
smbCould be, too. I am also not sure how the save default feature would work14:26
apwyeah something mad14:28
pgranertgardner, yea that way me, when emerald was wedged I wanted to throw up grub for 10 sec14:28
pgranertgardner, looks like I got the wrong entry14:28
pgranertgardner, just flip it back14:28
tgardnerpgraner, you used the wrong option14:28
apwand until you get to 10 in the menu it suddenly means something14:29
pgranertgardner, no duh14:29
tgardnerpgraner, well, she's bouncing.14:29
pgranertgardner, thanks14:29
tgardnerpgraner, ah, much better14:31
apwlag its as likely my end14:33
tgardnerapw, you're_rally_ quiet14:33
apwtgardner, thanks14:34
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lagapw: Connection failed. Error: (336151568) error:14094410:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert handshake failure14:52
apwlag, lovely helpful error message14:53
lagapw: If I disable SSL I get "Connected. Now logging in..." then nothing14:54
lagHow does bip know which channels to save logs for?14:54
apwheh proper handy14:54
apwlag, all open ones i think14:54
apwit tracks where you open in your client14:55
lagArh okay14:55
lagSo you don't need to tell it14:55
lagThat's good at least14:55
apwlag, i think you can give it a list to open by default when it reconnects, otherwise it tracks (or in addition) it tracks places your clients ask for14:56
apwnote that more than one client can be connected14:56
lagapw: I can't even get one to connect :(14:57
apwlag, there must be a simpletons quide out there somwhere15:03
lagSeemingly not15:04
lagapw: http://www.mindforge.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=70&Itemid=4515:05
lagI've done all this15:05
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lagapw: Sorted!15:13
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ikepanhcJFo: I am interested in bug 612454, shall I change the status myself or you perfer you triage first?15:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 612454 in linux (Ubuntu) "[Packard-Bell EasyNote] asus_laptop problem: wifi (affects: 1) (heat: 3411)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61245415:26
JFoikepanhc, I am fine with you changing it as you see fit15:27
ikepanhcJFo: thanks :)15:27
JFono problem. you guys are the only ones I don't second guess if I can help it :)15:27
ikepanhcJFo: change done, just want to make sure I wont let you hard to track those bugs15:32
JFono, it isn't a problem15:32
=== lag is now known as Guest96571
manjodrm-intel-next kernels (2.6.35-997 and 999) also give me a blank screen on boot under lucid,16:20
ubot2Ubuntu bug 561802 in linux (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "[lucid] [i915] blank screen on Latitude E6410 (affects: 27) (heat: 166)" [Medium,In progress]16:21
smbbjf, git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/smb/linux-2.6.32.y-drm33.z.git16:32
bjfsmb ack16:32
ogasawaraapw: bug 589439 is linked to our config blueprint and I've reviewed it and commented on the config options we have changed as requested.  There is no way I'm going to change the whole lot of them without proper justification.16:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 589439 in linux (Ubuntu) "configuration gotchas with Maverick 2.6.35 kernel... (affects: 1) (heat: 63)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58943916:33
ogasawaraapw: is there a way for the bug to remain open and linked to the blueprint but not show up as an open action item on our release page?16:33
ogasawaraapw: maybe if I set the milestone to ubuntu-later?16:34
apwogasawara, i don't think there is right now, if you put it ubuntu-later i think it'll just show up16:37
ogasawaraapw: maybe I'll unlink it from the blueprint and then write it down as an actual work item that I can mark DONE16:37
apwogasawara, yeah i've been known to do that too ... its not ideal16:38
* apw waves to balbir 16:38
apwogasawara, essentially you are saying that the work item is smaller than the bug open life, so actually a manual work item is appropriate in that context16:40
* balbir waves back16:40
manjoapw, is this correct ? git checkout lucid debian 16:40
manjoapw, is this correct ? git checkout lucid debian.master 16:41
apwogasawara, and on the original point ... you are sane to not change the ones which you don't need16:41
apwmanjo, if lucid is your remote then likely its16:41
manjoapw, yes.. thanks16:41
apwgit checkout lucid/master debian debian.master16:41
bjfsmn, when reviewing your new combined tree we are reviewing everything after, correct?16:43
manjogit remote add lucid1 git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-lucid.git16:43
manjomanjo@tangerine:~/linux-2.6.34.y.561802$ git checkout lucid1/master debian debian.master16:43
manjoerror: pathspec 'lucid1/master' did not match any file(s) known to git.16:43
manjoerror: pathspec 'debian' did not match any file(s) known to git.16:43
manjoerror: pathspec 'debian.master' did not match any file(s) known to git.16:43
manjomanjo@tangerine:~/linux-2.6.34.y.561802$ 16:43
manjoapw, ^^16:44
bjfsmb, when reviewing your new combined tree we are reviewing everything after, correct?16:44
apwmanjo, did you fetch your remote ?16:44
smbbjf, yes correct16:44
manjono :)16:45
* manjo is wondering if stefan is building on tangerine :) 16:48
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apwmanjo, he has a tendancy to make the load hit about 90 ... most annoying16:50
manjoapw, absolutely!16:51
tgardnermanjo,  16:51:39 up  3:01,  6 users,  load average: 0.58, 0.58, 1.5116:51
manjotgardner, hmm... so my connection has a lag possibly ... should have done top before blaming smb :)16:52
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smbI am innocent this time16:53
manjoapw, do I have to do something special for FAIL: value CONFIG_DEFAULT_SECURITY_APPARMOR Y ?? 17:03
apwmanjo, zap the enforce configuration17:03
JFoI really wish chromium would quit crapping its pants17:15
vanhoofJFo: seems to be worse lately17:15
JFoit does indeed17:15
JFonigh unusable on my netbook17:15
JFoI just opened it and it was up all of 10 seconds17:15
JFosegfaulting it seems17:16
JFochromium-browse[29554]: segfault at 0 ip 08619d0f sp bfde07a0 error 4 in chromium-browser[8048000+2214000]17:16
JFolooks like it has been reported to google though17:16
JFodid you and I ever come to some satisfactory decision on the QA bugs vanhoof?17:17
JFomy brain is still fuzzy from sickness17:17
pgranerJFo: is that what they are calling hangovers these days?17:17
JFonope, but I wonder if that would help at all17:17
JFonot the hangover, more the drinking17:18
JFopgraner, someone has requested we re-enact the dogs playing poker next time we do photos17:18
JFoI'm up for it17:18
lag_Any ideas: http://paste.ubuntu.com/473148/17:18
lag_apw: --^17:19
apwlag_, nope17:19
lag_apw: :(17:19
vanhoofJFo: we did, do you have some?17:20
vanhoofJFo: from you -> project17:20
lag_apw: It's weird how the complicated one works and the "just works", "open" one doesn't!17:20
JFono, just trying to follow up on our chat and my notes17:20
JFoah yes, I remember that now17:20
vanhoofultimately, if QA can make that call, then from QA -> project17:20
apwlag_, perhaps some config options are leaking over17:20
vanhoofJFo: getting my bits in place, should have it setup soon17:20
JFojust wanted to make sure my notes were complete17:20
JFook cool17:20
JFoI'll do some quick and dirty write up for my notes then17:21
JFosince I remember now17:21
JFothanks for the reminder vanhoof :)17:21
lag_apw: What's to leak?17:21
lag_network {17:21
lag_        name = "freenode";17:21
lag_        server { host = "irc.freenode.net"; port = 8001; };17:21
vanhoofJFo: cool17:22
apw8001 ?17:24
apwlag_, ^^17:25
manjolag_, server { host = "irc.freenode.net"; port = 8001; };17:25
manjothat is what I have too17:25
lag_It' what I've always used17:25
lag_So shouldn't be an issue17:25
lag_It's so annoying!17:25
manjolag_, you are setting up bip ?17:25
lag_I've been through the conf 100 times17:26
lag_manjo: Yes17:26
apwlag_, so i have 6667 in mine17:26
lag_I've tried that too17:26
manjolag_, I can send you mine try to compate ? 17:27
lag_pgraner is email me his17:27
JFosconklin, I just blew soda all over my laptop17:27
vanhooflag_: try irc.us.freenode.net17:28
apwlag_, perhaps you could put your config as is somewhere17:28
vanhooflag_: see if its a problem where you're being sent to17:29
lag_vanhoof: Sure - 1 mo17:29
manjoapw, zapping enfore causes other errors ... 17:30
manjoapw check-config: /home/manjo/linux-2.6.34.y.561802/debian.master/config/enforce: open failed -- No such file or directory -- aborting17:31
apwzap the contents not the file17:31
apwie make the file empty17:31
manjoapw, finally getting it to build 17:43
manjoapw, thanks beer++17:43
smberror overflow17:43
apwsmb, no asuch thing, its a 256 bit integer17:51
smbapw, That is, if he gives you enough beer tokens you end up to give him beers17:53
smbThats bad17:53
JFooh no, I took the beer++ as multiple beers rather than coding addition17:55
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ckingis beer a unsigned int or signed int? I'd hate it to wrap to -ve17:58
JFocking, it is a Long17:58
ckingunsigned or signed long?17:58
JFoeither way, it is big ;)17:58
ckinga big negative is bad for the beer gut17:59
JFoprobably unsigned17:59
JFogiven memory during its use17:59
ckingstruct lame_beer { unsigned int beer:1; };  knowing my luck18:01
apwcking, thats all you can take anyhow18:11
manjoapw, processor LNXCPU:00: registered as cooling_device018:25
JFocking, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WESUiQ07ibY18:26
ckingJFo, that's an old TV ad18:27
rsalvetiguys, I have some patches I got from TI in my tree and I wanted to publish it somewhere, and kernel.ubuntu.com seems to be the best place to go18:37
rsalvetiis there an easy way to get access to it?18:38
rsalvetiotherwise I can just push it elsewhere18:38
manjorsalveti, you could send a request pull to the mailing list18:57
* tgardner lunches18:58
* manjo getting lunch will be back soon 18:58
rsalvetimanjo: I know, but is not only the kernel team would take use from it, it's useful to send to the TI guys also, and our team if anybody wants to test them18:58
rsalvetiit's just a working branch, before sending to review and etc18:59
manjorsalveti, you could also try asking in #linaro19:02
manjoI assume they might be the right people to deal with it19:02
rsalvetiwell, it's just a bunch of patches for arm19:05
ogasawararsalveti: I believe tgardner (who just went to lunch) is the gatekeeper for adding accounts to kernel.ubuntu.com/git19:06
rsalveti ogasawara: thanks, will try to ping him later then :-)19:09
vanhoofapw: ping19:28
apwvanhoof, ^^19:28
vanhoofapw: did that bug match what you were after?19:31
apwvanhoof, yeah i think so19:32
vanhoofapw: what grapevine did this come through :)19:34
* apw calls it a day20:03
ckingit's a wrap20:07
JFopgraner, http://failblog.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/098d342c-a365-44f7-a35f-aa398398404f.jpg20:19
pgranerJFo, rofl20:41
* jjohansen lunch20:53
vanhoofJFo: http://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/cto/1879395238.html22:15
* manjo out for the moment 23:24
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