
=== vishnoo is now known as vish
thorwilthere goes the noo08:17
nisshhthorwil: huh?08:17
thorwilnisshh: * vishnoo is now known as vish08:18
nisshhah, lol08:18
nisshhthought you had gone insane and was rambling :)08:18
vishthorwil, something just messed up my xchat config and got logged in weirdly!08:19
thorwilmaybe it's a bit like the power rangers and noo will fight for justice on his own for a bit now!!08:19
hannieAnother question about manual e1 and e216:15
hannieWe translated 70 % in e1 and 53 % in e216:15
hannieShould we stop translating the 30 % of e1 and continue with e2?16:16
=== zkriesse is now known as The_Wiki_Ninja
=== The_Wiki_Ninja is now known as zkriesse
jenkinshello nisshh I have made a start on the quickly chapter, with some help from didrocks blog. He said i could use it as a base (I asked), it was so well written I am adjusting it to fit our use. I am writing any missing bits as well.20:06
jenkinsAre we using the same latex commands as the ubuntu manual?20:06
jenkinsI have not just coppied and pasted his blog :P20:06
nisshhjenkins: hey20:12
nisshhwasnt looking at IRC for a minute there20:12
jenkinsno worries20:13
nisshhjenkins: yea, just use the same stuff as in the ubuntu-manual20:13
jenkinscool, some of didrocks blog covered what we want very well and I did not see the point in me rewriting it20:13
nisshhjenkins: but, i was talking to godbyk the other day, and he told me not to use the /code command for code, he said to use the /terminal command instead20:13
jenkinscool, glad you told me I was about to look that one up20:14
nisshhjenkins: thats cool, as long as it fits with the sample app and the other chapters20:14
nisshhjenkins: yea, according to rick i have foresight20:14
jenkinsyea we still need to work out the whole sample app thing, quickly create ubuntu-aplication <name of sample app> is all that needs to be covered for this chapter20:15
nisshhjenkins: there is some stuff about releasing the sample app using quickly, its one of the last chapters20:18
jenkinsyep I was am going to leave quickly package and release for that capter20:19
nisshhjenkins: iv finished tafe for the week, so ill be busy tommorrow doing some stuff around the house, but on fri, sat, sun, are you available so we can hopefully catch up with rick sometime and talk about what we are going to do?20:21
nisshhwith the sample app i mean20:21
jenkinsI think I will be around sometime then20:22
nisshhhe is currently at some conference somewhere, but he should be back this week20:22
nisshhi hope...20:22
jenkinsright sounds like a plan20:22
nisshhok good20:22
nisshhgetting all my shit sorted tonight, so i know what im doing this week :)20:23
jenkinsI should go and tidy my room20:23
nisshhjenkins: ok20:23
jenkinsbye o/20:24
jenkinsfrom #ubuntu "(22:21:25) elitexray: Oh I just wanted to tell them great job on Ubuntu's manual -- it's a very good read" I said I would pass it on22:23
askhl_Hi.  The default ubuntu-manual offered for translation is the lucid-e2 one.  Has this recently changed?  I'm asking because for some reason we have more translated strings (*and* more suggestions) for lucid-e1.22:31
askhl_Also, even the maverick edition has more translations and suggestions.  Surely something has gone wrong, no?22:31
godbykaskhl_: The default translation should still be lucid-e1, afaik.  If that's changed recently, it's probably in error.  (Or I'm just out of the loop.)22:36
godbykLaunchpad will notice the same strings in lucid-e1, e2, and maverick, and copy the translations from other branches and projects.22:37
godbykBut most of those strings will be changing a bit from one edition to the next.22:37
godbykThe e2 translation template hasn't been uploaded yet (again, as far as I know), so those strings will be old and out-dated.22:37
dutchiei keep getting worrying emails that the e2 pot is getting uploaded22:38
jenkinsI changed the default to lucid-e1 about 9 days ago who changed it back to lucid-e2?22:40
dutchienot me22:40
jenkinsben changed it to lucid-e2 in the first place but we can't update it as po4 is being anoying so i put it back to lucid-e1. and we are still working on editon 222:41
jenkinsits not frozen22:41
* jenkins sets it back22:42
jenkinsI have just had a chat to wgrant in #launchpad, I think it might be an idea to make up an ubuntu-manual-admins groups and make them the owner of the project, currently we have 448 members who can change https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/+settings , as long as we set the branches to ubuntu-manual owned everyone in the ubuntu-manual-team will be able to contribute still but not able to change setti23:05
jenkinsthey can also change other setting pages23:05
dutchiejenkins: sounds good to me23:06
dutchiedo you have enough rights to do that all yourself?23:06
jenkinsI can indeed should i run it past ben first?23:06
godbykmeh.. I vote for doing it. :)23:07
dutchienot that he's around or anything23:07
godbykEspecially since those notice emails don't give us enough info to know who made the change or why.23:07
jenkinshe has not responeded to my last e-mail, is he away?23:08
* godbyk votes for doing it before humpreybc comes back! ;-)23:08
godbykHe was on last night.23:08
jenkinsyea i just checked the info on his nick23:08
jenkinsI think I will tell him first as I don't want it to be changed back23:09
jenkinsI think I will change the ppa to be owend by the new team if we do it, that way less people can upload to it.23:13
jenkinsgodbyk: did you get any where with why my indexes had Japanese letters?23:13
godbykjenkins: good idea.23:14
godbykjenkins: no, I haven't.23:14
jenkinsit will break the latex ppa but that has that bug in it at the moment so I am not too worried.23:14
godbykbut they're going to be releasing TeX Live 2010 in the next month or so.  Just a heads-up.23:14
jenkinsI am thinking ubuntu-manual-maintainers for the team. I better look at packaging that, it will be fun uploading it all to launchpad at home23:15
godbykno doubt.23:16
jenkinsit will take days :/23:16
godbykjust pop into campus and upload from there.23:19
godbykthat's what I always do.23:19
jenkinsI can't I will not be there for nearly a year :( as I am no placement23:19
jenkinse-mail sent23:24
godbykso you have a full year of nothing but ubuntu manual project to keep you busy?  nice!  ;-)23:29
jenkinsI wish that was the case I now have loads of scout stuff, and living at home has its distractions :( . I still have a ton of quickshot stuff to do23:30
jenkinsI am commuting 90mins a day23:30
jenkinsI will be doing my best to help though23:31
askhl_godbyk, thank you for the answer, and sorry for running away so suddenly23:32
askhl_also, will you do a new build of the manual soon? :)23:34
godbykaskhl_: oh, sure.  I'll download the translations a bit later this evening and upload new PDFs.23:37
godbykjenkins: scout stuff?23:37
jenkinsyea, I am a scout leader here http://www.scouts.org.uk/ my home group needs alot of help /work to keep it going23:38
godbykah, cool.23:40
askhl_godbyk, great, thanks23:40
askhl_Say, if you don't mind the endless questions, how many languages has the manual been released in?  Only Greek doesn't have a checkmark next to it on the builds page, while a few others are at 100%.  Some of them also have warnings etc.23:42
godbykOnly Greek and German have been released.23:42
jenkinsgerman and english thats all so far23:42
godbykI haven't heard from the other translation editors yet.  I assume they're still editing/proofreading, but I don't know.23:42
askhl_Okay, but they could expect you to release the manuals.  That's how things normally are with programs23:43
godbykaskhl_: Yeah. I'm going to email the list later this week or this weekend to ask for status reports from the translation editors.23:44
askhl_All right.  Is it the launchpad mailing list?  I'd better join23:44
askhl_The thing is, since I haven't joined, it can't be assumed that they have either :)23:44
godbykYeah, the mailing list hosted on Launchpad.23:44
godbykIt's certainly possible that they haven't.23:44

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