
bdrungari-tczew: main is frozen00:01
dupondjewhen is universe frozen ?00:01
tumbleweeddupondje: feature freeze00:01
Laneysome time after final freeze00:01
Laneydepending on what you mean by frozen00:02
ari-tczewfrozen? wtf?00:02
dupondjenot accepting new merges/syncs :)00:02
ajmitchari-tczew: just for alpha 300:02
ari-tczewajmitch: it will be unfrozen?00:02
LaneyThe method of the upload doesn't matter, just the content of the changes therein00:02
dupondjefreezes are boring :) we want to live on the edge !00:03
tumbleweeddupondje: if they are important, they are accepted after feature freeze00:03
dupondjehmz ok :)00:03
ari-tczeweven fix ftbfs won't be uploaded?00:03
tumbleweedwell, not important so much as "probably safe"00:03
Laneytumbleweed: you are looking for "bug fixes"00:04
bdrungari-tczew: in two days after the alpha 3 release00:04
tumbleweedLaney: thanks :)00:04
ajmitchari-tczew: alpha freezes just last 2-3 days, and generally uploads of things that fix problems on the CDs can be uploaded00:04
ajmitchit's just a chance for the archive to settle down a bit so that an alpha can be released in an installable state00:04
LaneyFreezes aren't boring, they are nice. Unfrozen things break.00:04
LaneySay hello to dpkg and autoconf recently00:05
ajmitchit's not like you actually wanted anything in your binary packages anyway00:05
Laneyvacuous bug-freeness?00:05
LaneyI like the idea00:05
ajmitchwe were discussing this in #ubuntu-nz yesterday00:06
ajmitch10:46 < thumper> snail: there are no bugs in no code00:06
ajmitch10:46 < snail> there are an infinite number of bugs in no code00:06
ajmitchwhich is true, I do not know :)00:06
ajmitchthough the code in question was LP, which changes things somewhat00:07
bdrungfirst it's always possible to strip one line of source code and second your program contains at least one bug.00:07
bdrungtherefore you can reduce your program to one faulty line. :D00:08
Laneythe second one is breaking my brain00:09
LaneyI don't think it's right00:09
bdrungan other maxim: software is either buggy or outdated.00:09
bdrungLaney: you have to apply induction00:09
Laneynot yours00:10
Laneythat's just plain wrong :P00:10
dupondjebdrung: beta2 of audacious came out 2 days ago. Will you package it ? :)00:11
bdrungdupondje: i will put it on my todo list. it will be processed after vlc.00:11
dupondjenice nice :)00:11
dupondjecause new version is kinda sweet00:12
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ari-tczewI've got ftbfs: /bin/sh: libtoolize: not found00:30
ari-tczewwhat's the problem?00:30
dutchieit didn't find libtoolize</obvious>00:31
ari-tczewwhat's the package?00:32
jpdsari-tczew: libtool.00:33
jpdsari-tczew: I suggest using apt-file for looking for files within packages.00:33
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bdrungdupondje: i am working with -j2. i am compiling audacious. next step: audacious-plugins.00:38
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bdrungdupondje: i am faster than i thought. i am uploading audacious01:26
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micahghighvoltage: you sitll around?01:47
highvoltagemicahg: yep01:49
micahghighvoltage: saw your post on u-d@l.u.c about an official PPA finder, wanted to say the Mozilla team has been kicking around the idea for a tool like that for a while now, if someone ever writes one, I can let you know01:50
micahghighvoltage: I actually discussed it at one of the UDS sessions, but the focus seems to be more on the blessed new apss for stable release01:51
highvoltagemicahg: great! yeah some people aren't so crazy about the idea but I thinkit could have some value to many people01:53
bdrungDktrKranz: ready for uploading u-t-d 0.101 to unstable?01:58
RAOFA simple thing like having a PPA associated with a project would cover a lot of that, I think.01:59
micahgRAOF: well, the problem at least for the Mozilla team is switching back and forth between stable/beta/daily/archive on demand02:00
highvoltageRAOF: *nod* and it does02:02
RAOFmicahg: Well, a trivial generalisation of my idea would be to display all the PPAs of the user/team which owns the project.02:03
micahgRAOF: ah, that might work, we're grouping all our PPAs under the mozillateam team and kubuntu-ppa has all theirs groups02:04
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micahgI forget, are we supposed to leave the builders free in case of emergency, or can we upload unseeded packages?04:13
RAOFmicahg: "Unseeded packages can be uploaded as normal"04:17
micahgRAOF: did I just not read the notice well enough?04:17
* micahg apparently did :-/04:17
eagles0513875hey shadeslayer06:56
DktrKranzbdrung: did you do your changes? Yesterday, I committed changes to Maintainer and Uploaders07:33
eagles0513875hey guys is there a channel that deals with xorg and video card drivers?07:41
tumbleweedeagles0513875: #ubuntu-x07:42
eagles0513875ty tumbleweed :)07:42
dholbachgood morning07:53
eagles0513875morning dholbach07:57
dholbachhi eagles051387507:57
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bdrungDktrKranz: yes. it's ready for realease09:43
DktrKranzbdrung: releasing, and uploading10:26
DktrKranzI'll do in Debian first, then immediately sync10:26
bdrungDktrKranz: yes, thanks10:26
bdrungDktrKranz: there was an merge request: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/ubuntu-dev-tools/trunk/+activereviews10:37
DktrKranzbdrung: I didn't finalize it yet, want to merge it first?10:39
bdrungDktrKranz: looks sane. can you check it and merge it? i have to leave now. bbl10:40
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DktrKranzbdrung: all done11:18
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vishcould someone upload bug 550261 to -proposed?  the bug was on SRU queue for nearly 2 months  without an upload to -proposed17:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 550261 in sbackup (Ubuntu) "Backups cannot be started through the GUI" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55026117:10
CarlosRodI need some help packing an aplicattion and making a makefile17:10
CarlosRodCan you help me in this room? I'm in the correct place?17:10
CarlosRodCan you please tell me the correct room to get some help for my questions? :)17:12
micahgCarlosRod: try #ubuntu-packaging17:13
tumbleweedvish: is ubuntu-sponsors subscribed?17:13
vishtumbleweed: just subscribed now , apparently the nssbackup team didnt know the procedure17:13
CarlosRodThanks you micahg17:13
vishtumbleweed: they only subscribed the SRU team ..17:14
tumbleweedvish: I'll look at it later (if nobody else has yet)17:14
vishtumbleweed: neat , thanks :)17:14
CarlosRodjust one question, if I install a program, where is the binary of the program installed? at /usr/bin/?? where is the data used by the program?? For example if the program needs images, logs or something17:25
dutchieCarlosRod: the binary goes in /usr/bin, the data normally ends up in /usr/share17:26
dutchieCarlosRod: you can see what files a package installs by issuing the command "dpkg -L <package>"17:26
CarlosRodThanks you and one more question...17:26
tumbleweedCarlosRod: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard17:27
CarlosRodIf I put my binary on bin and the data on share, when programing the source, Should I call these data files with the /data/share/ at the beginning?17:27
CarlosRodOr the system asumes that?17:27
CarlosRodThe problem is that Im making code source for both windows and linux... And I dont want to change the path of the data used by the program17:28
CarlosRodthanks you tumbleweed, I will take a look :)17:28
tumbleweedCarlosRod: make the path configurable at compile-time17:28
tumbleweedlook for the gnu coding standards, if you want to see what teh conventions are17:28
CarlosRodOk, thanks you :)17:29
tumbleweedbtw, you'll never have /data/ on a standard system17:29
CarlosRodAnd, then, how I should include images and more?17:29
tumbleweedCarlosRod: btw, this is off-topic for this channel. images are data (most of the time) so /usr/share/<packagename> (or /usr/local/share/<packagename> if installed from source)17:30
CarlosRodOk, thanks you :)17:31
CarlosRodI will try your suggestions :)17:32
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ari-tczewcan package from universe build-depends on package from main?18:54
tumbleweedvish: looking at your sbackup bug18:54
vishtumbleweed: neat!18:56
tumbleweedvish: has it been fixed in maverick? it doesn't look like it...18:56
vishtumbleweed: no , not uploaded anywhere :(18:57
tumbleweedok, policy is to do that first18:57
highvoltagetalking about SRUs?18:58
tumbleweedhighvoltage: yeah18:58
tumbleweedbug #55026118:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 550261 in sbackup (Ubuntu) "Backups cannot be started through the GUI" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55026118:58
ari-tczewI've got ftbfs: dh_install: python-evince missing files (debian/tmp/usr/lib/python*/*-packages/gtk-2.0/evince.so), aborting18:59
ari-tczewwhat happened?18:59
tumbleweedari-tczew: recreate it :)19:00
ari-tczewtumbleweed: what recreate ?19:00
tumbleweedI mean try and build it, see what went wrong19:00
tumbleweedwhere that file actually is19:00
ari-tczewtumbleweed: I build it with pbuilder19:01
tumbleweedari-tczew: I use the C10shell hook so I can debug failures19:01
ari-tczewtumbleweed: I remember some situations when change *site to *dist-packages fixes ftbfs19:06
tumbleweedari-tczew: yes, but that was *-packages19:06
tumbleweedpython 2.6 uses dist-packages, < 2.6 uses site-packages19:06
ari-tczewtumbleweed: so I can't reproduce it and can't fix it.19:07
tumbleweedari-tczew: I'll have a look19:07
ari-tczewtumbleweed: maybe should I change to /*dist-packages?19:08
tumbleweedari-tczew: no, that glob you pasted in th eerror looked correct19:08
ari-tczewtumbleweed: sorry, too hard for me19:09
tumbleweedari-tczew: it just built in my pbuilder19:14
ari-tczewtumbleweed: which package?19:16
tumbleweedari-tczew: gnome-python-desktop_2.30.0-1ubuntu319:19
tumbleweed(was that not the ftbfs you were talking about?)19:20
ari-tczewtumbleweed: ah, 1 hour ago fixed19:21
ari-tczewtumbleweed: I got on my disk package from yesterday19:21
tumbleweedalways nice when someone else fixes the bug :)19:22
ari-tczewwe need perl 5.12 in ubuntu :(19:26
ptingi'm trying to push up to launchpad a package that requires sun-java6-sdk, but it's complaining about the missing dependency. how do i specify to include the partner repo?19:59
tumbleweedpting: you can't depend an partner in main/universe. Does it not build with openjdk?20:01
ptingtumbleweed, possibly, but i haven't tried20:16
ari-tczewplease look, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/opendrim-lmp-dns/1.1.0-0ubuntu1/+build/189206420:41
ari-tczewwhy it's ftbfs? Missing build dependencies: sfcb20:41
ari-tczewbut it's available: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sblim-sfcb/1.3.8-0ubuntu1/+build/185033220:41
geserari-tczew: look at the compontents20:46
gesersfcb is in multiverse and opendrim-lmp-dns is in universe20:46
ari-tczewgeser: so it never be built?20:47
geserno, unless the components get fixed20:49
geserari-tczew: opendrim-lpm-dns needs to get moved to multiverse (like the other opendrim-* packages)20:49
geserand I see that the opendrim-lpm-* binary packages are also in the wrong component: they are in universe while their source is in multiverse20:50
ari-tczewgeser: my observation: FTBFS is gigantic chain of packages.20:50
geserwhat you mean with "gigantic chain of packages"?20:53
ari-tczewgeser: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/red5/0.9.1-1/+build/173070720:53
ari-tczewfollow for missing packages20:53
ari-tczew1package missing of second -> second package missing of third package -> etc..20:54
ari-tczewbut there is a closed while20:54
geserah, yes, that happens sometime20:54
ari-tczewlook on this: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tiles/2.2.1-2/+build/1731810 and https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libspring-2.5-java/2.5.6.SEC01-10/+build/180271120:54
geseryes, some -java packages have cyclic build-dependencies or even build-depend on themselves :(20:55
macowait what?20:55
ari-tczewhow we can fix it?20:55
macohow can a package build-depend on itself?20:56
hyperaircompilers need to get compiled too.20:56
ari-tczewmaco: no itself20:56
ari-tczew1st package depends on 2nd, but 2nd depends on 1st20:57
macoari-tczew: yeah thats circular, but read what geser said20:57
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ari-tczewI understand you think that 1st build on the same (1st)20:57
hyperairoh fun stuff.20:57
geserari-tczew: I wanted to ask the Debian Java maintainers for input how to solve this bootstrapping problem for some java packages but didn't found time to do it20:58
ari-tczewI'd ping for this micahg and ttx20:58
micahgari-tczew: why me?20:59
ari-tczewmicahg: because I think that you're familiar with java packages :)20:59
micahgari-tczew: ah, that would be a mistaken assumption :)  I consume java packages, might have more luck with bdrung21:00
micahgari-tczew: my extent of maintaining java packages only had to do wtih their xul components21:00
ari-tczewhmmm, I think that MoM has been hanged21:02
ari-tczewit didn't update some time21:03
tumbleweedari-tczew: you could retry grab udd-udd-merge21:03
ari-tczewtumbleweed: did you any updates?21:04
ari-tczewtumbleweed: could you give me a changelog?21:05
tumbleweedari-tczew: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~stefanor/ubuntu-dev-tools/grab-udd-merge/changes21:06
ari-tczewtumbleweed: one suggest to code21:09
ari-tczewauthor='Change Me <mom@ubuntu.com>',21:09
tumbleweedari-tczew: that will be automatically changed if the user uses dch21:09
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ari-tczewcould is it possible to getting an user variables from Ubuntu? e.g. dch -i using this21:09
ari-tczewah, so it;s done?21:10
tumbleweedno, I mean the developer is supposed to edit th echangelog with dch, so they sohuld never see that21:10
micahgari-tczew: dch -e edits that away21:10
tumbleweedI was going to make it say "use dch -e <foo@example.com>" but that'd probably be even more confusing21:11
ari-tczewtumbleweed: I will try your updated script, but it not fix a problem with MoM - I'd like to see a packages for merging.21:20
tumbleweedari-tczew: obviously, but it's a workaround to a broken mom21:21
ari-tczewtumbleweed: there is also lucas merges: http://people.ubuntuwire.org/~lucas/merges.html but there aren't a numbers21:22
tumbleweedari-tczew: aah. I meant for quick grabbing of the sources you need to do / look at a merge21:24
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bdrungDktrKranz: thanks22:39
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ari-tczewbdrung: are you familiar with java packages?22:52
bdrungari-tczew: not that much.22:53
bdrungari-tczew: is it debian-related? then ask nthykier in #debian-java22:54
ajmitchjava packages can be a little tricky & annoying at times22:54
bdrungajmitch: especially if the source name is 'eclipse'22:54
ajmitchsorry, I don't have enough RAM to think about that one22:55
ari-tczewbdrung: we are in the same zonetime, please look on 21:5722:55
ajmitchouch, cyclic build-depends22:57
bdrungari-tczew: go to #debian-java on otfc and ask nthykier22:57
* ScottK once tried to build eclipse on a machine with 256MB RAM. It didn't end well.22:58
bdrungajmitch: you need only 2 GiB for the compiling process. with 5 GiB RAM you can compile it in tmpfs22:58
geserScottK: for you, the machine or both?22:59
ScottKThe machine.22:59
ajmitchScottK: I only tend to give my maverick & sid VMs 512MB RAM22:59
ajmitchthey'd have no hope22:59
ScottKThis was ~gutsy, so it was less insane then.23:00
bdrungajmitch: it takes 10 mins with enough RAM23:00
ajmitchnot as bad as some23:00
bdrungajmitch: on my laptop with only 2 GiB RAM and encrypted hard drive it takes ~ 80 mins23:01
ari-tczewdidrocks: ping on bugs: bug 609634 ; bug 595499 ; bug 60975423:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 609634 in fetchmail (Ubuntu) "Merge fetchmail 6.3.17-4 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60963423:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 595499 in gnu-efi (Ubuntu) "Please merge gnu-efi 3.0i-3(main) from debian unstable(main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59549923:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 609754 in acct (Ubuntu) "Merge acct 6.5.4-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60975423:20
ajmitchari-tczew: fetchmail debdiff looks to be for exim423:21
ari-tczewajmitch: yea, human mistake. thanks!23:22
ari-tczewajmitch: correct file uploaded.23:24
ajmitchit's sad that I saw fetchmail, remembered merging it in recent times & seeing that it was in 200623:24
ari-tczewajmitch: 2006? o_O23:25
ajmitchmain is still frozen for now, isn't it?23:27
ajmitchok, I'll hold off on uploading then23:28
Laneyhave these changes been sent to debian?23:29
* ajmitch is just looking back to see why they were made23:29
ajmitchbug 25425423:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 254254 in fetchmail (Ubuntu) "Still uses multiuser argument to dh_installinit" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25425423:29
ajmitchlooks to be the closest23:30
Laneylooks merged even23:30
Laney   * Not explicitly stop daemon on runlevel 0 and 6 (Closes: #498427).23:30
ajmitchmight be the wrong bug, I was just reading from the changelog23:30

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