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gnomefreakanyone notice the context menu changed a bit from 3.6* and 4.0*. it seems open in tab is the second choice in 3.6*. in 4.0 it is the first choice13:31
asacmicahg: someone on twitter asked about tbird 3.1 ;)15:05
yofelwas the search bar intentionally moved to the left in 3.6? http://imagebin.ca/view/H_GDBXXi.html15:05
yofelmaverick with 3.6.9~hg20100803r34478+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd115:05
asaci dont think so. might be related to your personal customizations you had before15:06
yofelindeed, it's on the right in a new profile15:07
yofelnow how did this get moved there o.O15:07
* gnomefreak thought micahg planed on pushing it to Maverick or at least trying to15:09
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gnomefreakthe feature that lsts a pugin crash but not the browser (dont recall teh name of it) but is 3.6 getting it15:23
chrisccoulsonasac - about tb 3.1, micahg has plans to get that in to maverick after the a3 release ;)15:24
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micahgchrisccoulson: will you have a chance to look at enigmail-locales for Lucid today?16:20
chrisccoulsonmicahg - sure, can do16:20
micahgthanks, that way we can hopefully get a fix in before most people upgrade16:20
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micahgchrisccoulson: I need to drop a patch from the daily, were you planning on releasing an ubuntu2 to maverick or just push 3.6.9 to -security for testing when ready?16:36
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i was planning to do a ubuntu2 release after the a3 release16:36
chrisccoulsonwhich patch do you want to drop?16:36
micahgchrisccoulson: I need to drop the symlinks patch since it was accepted upstream in 3.6.916:37
micahgchrisccoulson: I can wait another day, the build will just fail tonigght16:37
chrisccoulsonah, ok16:41
micahgchrisccoulson: BTW, I have the maverick note in /topic :)16:41
chrisccoulsonoh, yeah ;)16:42
chrisccoulsonxchat truncates that though ;)16:42
chrisccoulsonmicahg - are you on the ubuntu-desktop ML?16:42
micahgchrisccoulson: no, would you like me to be?16:42
* micahg has signed up for almost every other relavent list16:43
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yeah, can do. i posted a mail there a couple of minutes ago to discuss default bookmark suggestion (as it was something that somebody bought up on here a few weeks back)16:43
chrisccoulsonand i got a response straight away from humphreybc, with a single suggestion....16:44
chrisccoulsonto omgubuntu ;)16:44
micahgchrisccoulson: yeah, but I think we should stick to official or mostly official Ubuntu links in ubufox16:44
chrisccoulsonyeah, i agree16:45
micahgsigning up for list now16:45
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i'm starting to merge some of the changes in firefox-3.6.head in to firefox-4.0.head now (they've diverged quite a lot). that will include using the internal xulrunner too16:46
chrisccoulsoni really think we should auto-generate the versioned debhelper files at build time, it's a pain trying to compare diff's when all the files are named differently16:47
micahgchrisccoulson: if you want to, go for it16:47
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'll probably look at that over the next week or so16:48
micahgit makes reversioning a snap as well, change in 2 places (rules/changes)16:48
micahgchrisccoulson: might as well use control.in then if that will work too16:48
chrisccoulsonyeah, it would be much simpler16:48
micahgchrisccoulson: just make sure you're still using dh6 logic :)16:48
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's no problem16:49
chrisccoulsoni don't know how dh7 works yet ;)16:49
micahgheh, I cut the rules file for thunderbird-locales in half and then realized that I had switched to dh7 :)16:49
chrisccoulsonthat's pretty impressive!16:50
micahgsoon...we can switch to dh7 soon...:)16:51
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micahgchrisccoulson: will it be so bad if Thunderbird 3.1.2 isn't in maverick until Sunday?20:17
micahgfta: will you be available on Sunday for a bot change re TB3?20:48
ftamicahg, probably not until the evening, my time20:49
ftaand assuming i still have my adsl cnx working, it's getting worse20:50
micahgchrisccoulson: miro webkit building in maverick \o/20:55
micahgchrisccoulson: or at least queued20:55
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=== micahg changed the topic of #ubuntu-mozillateam to: Welcome to the Ubuntu Mozilla Team: | Mailing List: http://is.gd/83fnr | Firefox 3.6.8 in Hardy-Maverick | Thunderbird 3.1 (Now in Mozilla Daily PPA) Coming to Maverick after Alpha 3 | Firefox 4.0 Beta PPA coming Mid August | Report Mozilla PPA bugs here: http://is.gd/dPMLv | Help test Mozilla prerelease updates http://is.gd/dsudW | Next Meeting: TBD
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