
hot_wheelzhi guys even if you had an error say like a week ago it should still be in your logs when you pull the logs with log graber right?10:21
hot_wheelzcan somone please check https://bugs.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/+bug/56766910:49
Zinn[bugs.launchpad.net] Bug #567669 in Mythbuntu: “Irrecoverable recorder error”10:49
hot_wheelzZinn yes i posted my log file to help out10:50
ZinnHi hot_wheelz, something I can help you with today?  I am a bot, use !help to see what I can do.10:50
Zinn!help For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].10:50
hot_wheelztgm4883 are you there?10:58
hot_wheelzalso what version of the Afatech11:02
hot_wheelzships with 10.04?11:03
hot_wheelzby default11:03
hot_wheelzis it lower than 4.95.011:04
dewmanrhpot1991, no update yet.....13:25
rhpot1991dewman: you can apply it yourself14:32
dewmanrhpot1991, yep.... just pulled the official release from google and just applied it.15:43
extasyanyone here?18:15
rhpot1991!ask | extasy18:16
Zinnextasy: Please don't ask if anyone is around or if it is alright to ask a question.  Many people check back periodically and may answer your question when they see it.  IRC is not normally an instant fix so check back often for an answer.18:16
extasyit had to do with an environment problem.18:18
extasyUsing runtime prefix = /usr18:18
extasyUsing configuration directory = /.mythtv18:18
extasyCannot locate your home directory. Please set the environment variable HOME18:18
extasyeven thou I start my mythtv with export HOME=/home/mythtv ; mythbackend -l /var/log/mythbackend.log -d18:19
extasywhy is home varible not set in system itself?18:23
superm1extasy, why aren't you using the upstart job?18:24
superm1and you are missing the user parameter18:25
extasyI start my backend from script..18:25
extasywhat upstart job?18:26
superm1it comes in the backend package18:26
superm1it should be able to manage the backend for you18:26
superm1and restart it if it dies etc18:26
extasyshould this conf be loaded by starting mythtvbackend without my help?18:27
superm1it should be started automatically when you booted the system actually18:27
superm1okay lets do this... start over from the beginning.18:27
superm1what version of the OS18:28
superm1what version of the packages18:28
superm1and what problem pre-empted you to try to write a custom script to start the backend18:28
extasyI'm on 9.1018:28
superm19.10 mythbuntu, or 9.10 ubuntu18:28
superm1and are you using autobuilds?18:29
extasyPlease attach all output as a file in bug reports.18:29
extasyMythTV Version   : 2549618:29
extasyMythTV Branch    : branches/release-0-23-fixes18:29
extasyNetwork Protocol : 2305618:29
superm1okay so yes, autobuilds18:29
superm1so it should have installed an upstart job to /etc/init/mythtv-backend.conf18:29
superm1do you see that there?18:29
extasyyes I have it written by no less then you! :)18:29
superm1okay, so make sure no backend is running  first, and then try running "sudo start mythtv-backend"18:30
superm1that should start the backend18:30
superm1if it doesn't, then check /var/log/mythbackend.log and it should tell you exactly what went wrong..18:30
=== tgm4883 is now known as marty_mcfly
=== marty_mcfly is now known as tgm4883
extasysuperm1, when running the script nothing hapens18:36
extasyI killed the backend..18:36
extasyI have the log in tail -f18:36
extasyno acction when doing a sudo start mythtv-backend18:36
extasyI get this message : mythtv-backend start/running, process 1841818:37
tgm4883that looks good?18:37
tgm4883looks like it is running to me18:37
extasybut there is no process running on that number18:37
tgm4883thats odd18:38
extasy/etc/init.d$ sudo kill -9 1841818:38
extasykill: No such process18:38
tgm4883sudo stop mythtv-backend18:38
extasysudo stop mythtv-backend18:38
extasystop: Unknown instance:18:38
tgm4883and doing a start again gives you the same message?18:39
extasyhenrik@mythtv:/etc/init.d$ sudo start mythtv-backend18:39
extasymythtv-backend start/running, process 1847318:39
extasyohh sorry18:40
extasyfound it in another log file18:40
extasy2010-08-04 19:39:14.506 Using runtime prefix = /usr18:40
extasy2010-08-04 19:39:14.556 Using configuration directory = /.mythtv18:40
extasy2010-08-04 19:39:14.606 Cannot locate your home directory. Please set the environment variable HOME18:40
extasy2010-08-04 19:39:14.656 Failed to init MythContext, exiting.18:40
extasythat is why it's exeting..18:40
tgm4883superm1, where do we set HOME?18:41
extasyso I have been using the 'export HOME=/home/mythtv ; mythbackend -l /var/log/mythbackend.log -d' as startup18:41
extasyjust to get the backend working18:41
tgm4883extasy, pastebin the output of 'env'18:42
superm1extasy, do you have an /etc/default/mythtv-backend file?18:42
superm1if so, can you please rename it temporarily and try again?18:42
extasyI have renamed it..18:42
extasyshould I try agan to start it?18:44
tgm4883superm1, at the very least, shouldn't it be using /home/henrik as the base there?18:45
superm1tgm4883, not when started from upstart i dont think18:45
tgm4883ok, but he can't start it as his user either?18:45
tgm4883from command line18:45
superm1well he wasn't using the --user parameter18:45
tgm4883so it doesn't default to the current user?18:46
extasy sudo start mythtv-backend18:46
extasystart: Job is already running: mythtv-backend18:46
superm1well stop the job first, and then start it18:46
tgm4883odd that it says that though. Shouldn't it try to restart itself?18:46
rhpot1991make sure /etc/default/mythtv-backend doesn't exist before you start it18:47
extasynow it started :)18:47
superm1so something in there was causing a mess18:47
superm1what's it's contents?18:47
extasylet me pastebin it for you18:48
extasyor its a small file18:48
extasy# User as which to run18:48
extasy# Replace all arguments to mythtv-backend18:48
extasyARGS="--logfile /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log"18:48
superm1ah ha18:49
superm1the ARGS was missing --user18:49
extasyI have not changed these files..18:49
superm1fortunately, you can just remove that file and all will be well and good in the world again18:49
extasyshould I in rc.local just write start mythtv-frontend?18:52
extasynot service etc etc?18:53
extasylike 'service start /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend'18:53
extasysuperm1, do you have a good answere?18:55
superm1extasy, are you using gnome or xfce?18:55
superm1then if you go into mcc, you should be able to just check the start up automatically thing18:55
superm1and it will do it for you18:55
extasybut I need it to be started in script.. I have other things started in sequal18:56
superm1then set up a .desktop file in ~/.config/autostart that starts a shell script to do it all sequentially18:56
superm1what are the other things?18:56
extasythen it sleeps for 10 seconds18:57
extasythen it starts the backend18:57
Zinnsasc-ng is a method to ILLEGALLY receive cable or satellite broadcasts via a fake software dvb-s/c device.  It is forbidden from being discussed in #ubuntu-mythtv, #ubuntu-mythtv-dev, #mythtv-users, and #mythtv.  If you would like to learn more about it, please refer to its developers and keep any and all discussions about it there.18:57
superm1can't really help you much more in here18:57
extasywell I just want to know how to start mythbackend18:57
extasyfrom script18:57
extasyI am not about to discuss it..18:58
superm1considering that's what you're workign with, we can't really help you more in here18:58
extasyju just asked me what I was starting before.. It has nothing to do with my question.18:58
superm1we're not about enabling people to use it thought18:58
superm1the developers for it should be able to help get you up and running if you want to go that route18:59
extasymy provider has no problem with it.. it's not wrong here..18:59
extasywell I have no problem with it18:59
extasyI only have problem with getting enviroment working for backend18:59
extasyso starting your script from rc.local18:59
extasylets keep it to that18:59
superm1regardless what your provider see it as, you won't get any help from us for something related to it19:00
extasyokej.. next question19:00
extasysince some time ago I lost alot of my pictures in video19:00
extasylooking at themovedb19:00
extasythey are all there..19:00
extasyAnd the video plugin gets the right information about the movie the meta text19:01
extasyso I get the plot of the movie19:01
extasybut the pictures are not downloaded as front any more19:01
extasyit still works gr8 with tv epps but not with movies19:02
kcormierHi all.  Is anyone else having trouble accessing mythbuntu.org?19:36
tgm4883kcormier, yep, thats not good. thanks for the warning19:38
kcormierwell.  I have a lot of other questions.  but I was going to try and figure some of them out myself.  Now you guys are my only resource, really not good. ;)19:39
tgm4883there are the forums too19:40
tgm4883but ask away19:40
rhpot1991extasy: using storage groups?19:41
Zinn[arstechnica.com] How do you get movies and/or music into your home theater?19:42
rhpot1991everyone go represent ^19:42
kcormiermythbuntu.org is back19:47
tgm4883kcormier, mythbuntu.org is back up19:47
tgm4883yea we restarted the server19:47
kcormierI guess my biggest question is, how can i get involved in mythbuntu, and what kind of environment can I expect to be working in.  I'm a talented enough developer and system/server admin.  I am young though, wet behind the ears so to speak.  More than anything I'm looking for a mentor.19:51
rhpot1991kcormier: http://www.mythbuntu.org/gettinginvolved19:52
rhpot1991lots of ways to contribute19:52
tgm4883kcormier, great news. Join us in #ubuntu-mythtv-dev and check that site rhpot1991 linked19:53
tgm4883while those pages are great, if you don't have a particular area of interest let me know what you are good at and I can give you stuff to work on19:54
kcormierthanks tgm.19:54
rhpot1991kcormier: ok so you have a motorolloa dch 320021:33
rhpot1991tune it to a local channel21:33
kcormierby local channel you mean?21:33
rhpot1991ABC, NBC, Fox, something21:34
rhpot1991they are less likely to be encrypted, so you want to test those first21:34
rhpot1991after you do that, you are going to hit power then quickly hit ok/select and hold it21:35
rhpot1991it should boot into a diagnosis screen (black and white)21:35
rhpot1991now its gonna get rough cause I haven't been in here in a long time, can you list the menu choices?21:37
kcormiercurrent channel status?21:38
rhpot1991see whats in there, that might list the encryption21:39
kcormiercci: 0x0021:39
rhpot1991yes good21:39
rhpot1991that means 5c is not on for this channel21:39
rhpot1991currently at least21:40
rhpot1991(more on that later)21:40
kcormierwhen i look at port status for 1394 it says "5c implementation: no"21:41
kcormieris that significant?21:41
rhpot1991kcormier: surf around the menus and look for something that says either firewire: active or 1394 active21:41
rhpot1991or maybe words about disabled or enabled21:41
kcormieractive: yes, enabled: no21:41
kcormierenabled: yes, active: no21:41
rhpot1991ok so it says 1394 is active?21:41
rhpot1991err enabled21:42
kcormierconfused us both.  yes it is enabled21:42
rhpot1991ok good21:42
rhpot1991so now you can exit out of here21:42
rhpot1991launch mythtv-setup from the menu21:43
kcormierok.  I don't have the cable box hooked up to my myth box yet.  I'll have to order another cable box first.  I just wanted to see if it was going to be worth it.21:43
kcormierIf I could expect it to work correctly.21:44
rhpot1991kcormier: well, thats a bit of a loaded question firewire isn't the most reliable option IMO21:44
rhpot1991but it works sometimes, and can get channels that other tuners often can't21:45
rhpot1991kcormier: I would try hooking it up and messing around with it21:45
rhpot1991you can still use it for watching tv, just not both at the same time21:45
rhpot1991the next 2 steps would be to set it up as a tuner in mythtv-setup21:46
rhpot1991then after that you need to setup a primer, I'd recommend using: /usr/share/doc/mythtv-backend/contrib/user_jobs/firewire_primer.pl21:46
kcormieryou said sometimes the firewire will get you channels that other methods won't.  Why is that?21:46
rhpot1991and then tell me I need to put that into the wiki21:47
rhpot1991kcormier: well before we had tuners that could do component, firewire was the only way to record HD channels that weren't your locals21:47
rhpot1991I hardly use my firewire anymore now that I have a HD-PVR 1212 though21:48
rhpot1991I do use firewire for tuning channels, just not for recording, unless all my other tuners are used21:48
kcormierwhen you say tuning, you mean you use firewire to change channels rather than an ir blaster or something like that?21:49
kcormierbut then use the hd tuner to record it (circumventing c5?)21:49
kcormierhave you ever heard of soc?22:05
Gibbymy PS3 is recognizing my backend however it does not see any of the videos, I am able to stream them from a normal front end..... any help?22:25
mrandGibby: http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/mythtv/users/438651#43865122:40
Zinn[www.gossamer-threads.com] UPnP, ripped DVD's, and the PS3 | MythTV | Users22:40
Gibbymrand: thanks I will check it out in a few, filling a complaint against my ISP22:49

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