
=== gnomelogger is now known as supremeDalek
=== supremeDalek is now known as apachelogger
=== apachelogger is now known as supremeapachelog
gnomefreakpeople dont listen01:36
jpdsgnomefreak: http://www.n3kl.org/sun/noaa.html01:39
gnomefreaki like01:41
gnomefreakbe back i need to figure this out01:42
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 475 bans)07:34
jussitonyyarusso: about still?07:49
tonyyarussojussi: yeah07:58
jussitonyyarusso: As you may have noted in #u, I remove a few bans of yours that were covered by a blanket ban you set.07:59
jussiJust wanted to give a heads up07:59
tonyyarussorighto, thanks07:59
tonyyarussoWhatsisname from earlier this week.08:00
jussicould you take a look at anything else thats in there, banlist needs cleaning again.08:00
tonyyarussosure, probably have two or three more08:01
ubottuThe operation succeeded.08:01
tonyyarussoall set08:05
jussiexcellent. If anyone else is about, please go through your bans.08:14
ubottuxangua called the ops in #ubuntu (inkk)08:44
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 469 bans)09:18
elkyWhy... are there still vanity factoids?10:16
jussielky: ?10:16
elky!lies and !nixternal10:17
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:17
ubottuMostly just statistics and mc44, but yeah.10:17
ubottuOh no!  The pointy-clicky Windows7 lover has arrived!  He's rumoured to be giving out free money, and help on the MIRC client too! <nixternal> I LOVE MIRC!!!10:17
jussielky: and Tm_T, if you havent already, please check your bans in #u - bazhang also10:17
elkymostly !lies though10:17
jussi!forget lies10:17
ubottuI'll forget that, jussi10:17
Tm_Tjussi: will do as soon as I get desktop session back10:18
jussi!forget nixternal10:18
elkyjussi, i already did. I removed the whole of 4 bans. The floodbot lists are the problem, not ops10:18
bazhangjussi, just the two I'd like to keep10:18
jussiif someone has extra time, please go through some of the old ones.10:18
elkyNot before I've eaten. Been asleep all day thanks to sinuses, now I want bacon.10:19
jussielky: ++10:19
jussibacon ftw10:19
elkyBut still can't decide if I want $20 bacon in a pizza box, or $5 bacon that I have to go outside for.10:19
jussielky: the 5$ one, its likely to be better10:20
bazhang* dhanesh (~Dhanesh.n@ has joined #ubuntu up to more nonsense as freak10:20
elkyYeah. But it /does/ involve going outside. And more cleaning up. Though, I could get a $2 pack of paper plates and absolve the latter with microwave usage...10:21
ubottujoaopinto called the ops in #ubuntu (TFK)10:21
Tm_Tjussi: I have only one ban in #u ?10:40
ikoniaI'm sorry to say this but #ubuntu is not a good support place at the moment10:43
bazhangdhanesh is asking how to /ignore ops was banned earlier as bnmk and just removed as 'freak'10:45
ikoniachum_chum is back as professor_g too10:46
bazhangaka nerml bolt etc10:46
ikoniaI think we need to look at maybe using #ubuntu-irc-helpers more to try to get people to help others well, rather than just giving them blind answers10:46
Tm_Tikonia: yup10:48
ikoniasomeone installing netbeans because he doesn't know how to install a .sh file should not be just given ./netbeans.sh as the changes that makes at install time is not good10:48
=== supremeapachelog is now known as apachelogger
bazhangubiman aka dhanesh bnmk freak vbmn (and others) in PM he was quieted in #ubuntu for repeatedly offtopic/piracy type behaviour, not responding any more and appears to be trying to quit and rejoin to get around the quiet11:39
ikoniaworth noting11:40
bazhanggo him back again now11:40
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines12:01
ubimanUNMUTE ME12:02
elkyWhy are you muted?12:02
jpdsPrehaps the usage of caps was contrary to our interests.12:03
ubimanelky:i played in irc.but i said that i will not repeat it again then also they muted me iam very sad now12:04
ubimangive one more chance12:05
jpdsbazhang: ↑12:07
elkybazhang? Is there more than in the BT?12:07
ikoniaelky: look under Dhanesh too12:08
knomeelky, see his message about half an hour ago12:08
ikoniamany chances have already been given12:08
knomeelky, "-- bnmk freak vbmn (and others) --"12:08
ubimanone more chance12:09
ubimanunmute me12:09
ubiman i dont repeat again12:09
ubimangive an answer12:12
knomenot being patient now won't help your situation much12:13
elkyubiman, I think your mute stays for a while. You can still read the channel and you can still ask on the forums.12:13
elkyAnd PMing me isn't going to change my decision12:14
jpdsQuite right.12:14
elkyPMing others and asking for phonecalls isn't going to change my decision either. You can come back in 48hrs and ask again, but the mute stays for now.12:15
elkyStop PMing me, ubiman, the negotiation belongs here, and only in 48hrs time.12:17
elkyIn 2 days, return and ask for a review. Until then, you should /part this channel.12:17
elkyYou know the difference between PMs and channels. Don't be...12:19
ikoniahe'll try to dodge in a minute12:19
ikoniathat's his standard practice12:19
bazhangsorry was away12:41
Pici!helpersnack | jrib15:29
ubottujrib: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!15:29
jribikonia: just getting frustrated in #ubuntu15:29
PiciI was getting frustrated just watching.15:30
ikoniaI missed it15:30
Picijpds: do you have a moment?16:07
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from adamramadhan)18:52
rwwFYI, hoober in #ubuntu has the same hostmask as that Prosper_ idiot from #ubuntu-offtopic the other day who was asking people to track down some woman he met on Diablo.20:12
rwwI don't think he's actually banned, but I'd keep an eye on him.20:14
Picijussi: around? Looks like http://apt.alturl.com/ is failing now, did you happen to change anything with apache/trac?20:33
Picijussi: thats http://jussi01.com/ljl20:34
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (banlist filling up: 472 bans)22:08
rww14:19:07 -!- Aragon [10809ara1@wenn.du.schluckst.leck.ich.dich.auch.mein.engelchen.info.tm] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]22:21
rwwGoogle Translate turns that into "I lick you if you swallow my engelchen tm info", and I get the impression that if Google Translate were perfect, engelchen would translate as something problematic.22:22
Tm_Twhich channel that was?22:23
Tm_TI'll banforward here22:25

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