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smoserslangasek, or pitti can someone post http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/server/maverick/20100803.2/ to tracker ?01:57
smoserslangasek, wrote lp:~ubuntu-archive/ubuntu-archive-tools/trunk/post-amis-to-iso-tracker.py to aid in doing that. it takes input from http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/server/maverick/20100803.2/published-ec2-daily.txt01:58
slangaseksmoser: done01:58
smosercan someone (slangasek?) populate the UEC images for iso testing ? use 20100803.203:34
pittiGood morning06:58
* pitti promotes liblauncher to main, so that we can build the new -efl07:05
pittiogra: ^ FYI07:05
pittidarn, 2 minutes after publisher07:06
ttxpitti: do you have the keys to nominate UEC images into the ISO testing tracker ? They are still missing...07:30
ttx"Ubuntu Server UEC amd64" and "Ubuntu Server UEC i386"07:31
ttxwe want them to point to 20100803.207:32
pittioh, I thought slangasek did that last night07:32
ttxhe did the EC2 ones07:32
ttxnot the "UEC" flavour07:33
pittihm, so I never did that, but let's have a look at Steve's new script07:33
ttxthere is no publication to do, just an entry to the ISo tracker07:33
ttx(but I have no idea how to trigger that)07:34
pittittx: so how do I get the AMI numbers?07:36
ttxthere is no AMI number for the UEC cloud images07:36
pittiah, os it's literally just 20100803.2 ?07:36
ttxI think so -- it's the tarballs that are at the bottom of http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/server/maverick/20100803.2/07:37
ttxI just need the entries on the tracker so that we can register test results -- they just need to say "20100803.2"07:37
ttxtest cases describe where to find them07:38
pittittx: ok, sorry for the confusion; how is that?07:38
ttxso it should really just be two SQL entries07:38
ttxperfect !07:39
ttxI might bug you in a few to bump the build score for eucalyptus (when it is uploaded) so that we respin at the earliest possible07:39
ttxDaviey is still running a few tests07:39
pittittx: buildds are idle, though07:40
Davieywithin an hour, it should be uploaded07:40
Davieypitti: Hmm.. i tried a PPA build and that seems to be doing badly.. been uploaded +25mins, wait time let est. 24mins07:41
pittiright, PPAs are clogged07:42
pittilet me know if you need a PPA build score bump07:42
Davieyit would help :)07:42
pittiI just looked at the ubuntu builders07:42
pittiDaviey: url?07:42
pittinext in line now07:42
ttxpitti: got a question for you. the new eucalyptus adds a recommends:tgt, a mir was filed and accepted for tgt. If we rush build->publish->respin would tgt be blocked in component-mismatches and not reach the cd ?07:56
pittittx: no, recommends just get ignored07:56
pittithey would appear in c-m, but wouldn't render it uninstallable07:56
ttxapparently there is another one for which MIR wasn't processed yet07:57
ubot4Launchpad bug 609992 in libcrypt-openssl-x509-perl (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "[MIR] libcrypt-openssl-x509-perl (affects: 1) (heat: 432)" [Wishlist,New]07:57
ttxpitti: so it would not reach the CD ?07:58
pittittx: no07:58
pittioh, is that a dependency?07:58
ttxno it's a recommend as well07:58
ttxDaviey: right ?07:58
pittittx: I can pre-promote it, looks relatively harmless07:58
ttxpitti: that would be great.07:59
* pitti does and updates the bug07:59
Davieyttx: yes07:59
Davieypitti: I just pinged lool, asking for a MIR review08:00
DavieyI assume he's be working shortly.. hopefully he'll be able to look at it.08:00
ttxpitti: since the tgt mir was accepted, is there any way to pre-approve it so that it's accepted on the CD as well ?08:01
pitti"accepted" == "approved"?08:01
pittittx: can do, yes08:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 594372 in tgt (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 7 other projects) "MIR: tgt (affects: 1) (heat: 85)" [Medium,Fix released]08:01
pittittx: ah, sure08:02
pitti"released"? oh08:02
pittiso, it's released now, promoted08:02
pittiright in time for this publisher08:02
ttxhm, looks like I shouldn't have fixreleased it08:03
ttxwe should have waited for the dependency to show up08:03
ttxpitti: ok, so now if we upload the new eucalyptus that has those new recommends, build/.publish/respin, the CD should magically get all of those without further human interaction ?08:04
ttxcool, thx08:07
ttxpitti: ok, uploaded, "Start in 4 seconds" for the last minute or so08:21
pittibuildds are very slow again unfortunately08:22
pittiI mean, the queue builder to actually assign a build to a buildd08:22
ttxah, ok08:22
pittittx: how long does it build?08:22
ttx~20 min08:22
pittiah, should be fine08:22
pittiwe have 40 mins until next publisher08:22
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wgrantpitti: That slowness should be pretty much fixed in a week, FWIW.08:31
wgrantAlthough some of it will remain until the next LP release.08:31
pittiwgrant: ooh!08:31
pittiwgrant: do you know what causes it?08:31
pittisome days ago they were fast again, and now they are back to slow; I didn't quite see a pattern there08:32
wgrantIt's possible it won't get merged in time, but it should.08:32
pittithere is no large build queue right now08:32
wgrantpitti: It's mostly to do with the number of builds that have finished since the last scanning cycle.08:32
pittiwell, PPAs have, but they are always full anyway08:32
wgrantA few days ago most of the PPA builders were gone, so there weren't many builds finishing.08:32
wgrantSo it scanned quickly.08:32
pittiright, that was it08:32
wgrantBut now there are lots of builds finishing, and the upload processor takes ~15s per upload, and runs synchronously.08:32
wgrantSo then it doesn't scan for ages... leaving time for lots more builds to finish.08:33
ttxpitti, Daviey: packages built, willbe picked up by next publisher run08:47
ttxtime for coffee, then !08:48
pittittx: so, once they are published, I'll rebuild server ISOs and re-post08:48
pittittx: do we also need to update the UEC/EC2 images?08:48
ttxpitti: no08:48
ttxonly the ISO08:49
ttxthe ISOs08:49
Davieypitti: If you notice it's published before I do, would you be kind enough to ping me please? :)09:00
pittiDaviey: I set up a trigger to respin server ISOs as soon as it's published09:00
pittiDaviey: but if you need to do anything in between, I can stop it and ping you instead09:01
Davieypitti: oh, interesting.. it's not a curl + grep + if statement + ./spin_cd.sh .. is it? :)09:02
pittiDaviey: something like that, yes09:02
Davieynice :)09:02
pittiit checks antimony's local mirror09:03
pitti$ wait-for-package eucalyptus-cloud_2.0~bzr1218-0ubuntu1 && for-project ubuntu-server cron.daily09:03
Davieyahh.. much better :)09:06
ttxpitti: 20100804.1 is up on cdimage, could you bump the ISo testing tracker reference ?10:12
pittittx: already at it10:12
pittittx: UEC, too?10:13
pittiDaviey: ^10:13
ttxjust ISO/amd6' and ISO/i38610:13
pittittx: done10:13
ttxpitti: thanks !10:14
Davieyah, super - thanks10:20
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ttxhm, the UEC install fails. Missing tgt deps on CD11:01
ttxlibibverbs1 librdmacm1 libconfig-general-perl11:02
ttxpitti: looks like those also need to be cleared, they are in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tgt/+bug/59437211:03
ubot4Launchpad bug 594372 in tgt (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 7 other projects) "MIR: tgt (affects: 1) (heat: 85)" [Medium,Fix released]11:03
Davieyttx: Hmm11:04
Davieyi got the same results11:04
ttxDaviey: they have not been promoted yet, only tgt was11:04
pittittx: right after publisher start :-/11:05
ttxarh :)11:05
* pitti promotes11:05
Daviey:(... pitti, did those depends show in CM?11:05
ttxpitti: it needs to be picked up by a publisher run ? arh!11:06
pittiI now verified that those three don't have any further universe depends11:06
pittisorry, but http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt is a real mess right now, not easy to see what's relevant11:06
pittia lot needs to be fixed in packages themselves11:06
Davieywow, just looked at CM.. it's huuuuge11:06
ttxpitti: so ETA is like... 90min ?11:07
pittittx: more like 2 hours11:07
Davieypitti / ttx: I trust the ant CM won't be an issue?11:08
pittino, most there aren't11:08
ttxpitti: could we mark the two ISO entries as "rebuilding" so that nobody wastes any ISo tseting effort ?11:08
pittireport.html on the cdimage directories is the interesting part11:09
pittittx: sure11:09
pittisorry, we should have checked that right away11:09
ttxno problem, I didn't intend to do that much testing over lunch hour anyway :)11:10
* Daviey has some admin he should be doing anyway.. :)11:10
Davieypitti: Thanks for sorting that out.11:10
pittilet's see who wins first - netbook armel or server :)11:11
pittilooks like they could both make it at the same time now11:11
Davieyttx: Is that likely to put us oversize?!11:11
ttxthere is some risk11:11
pittion amd64, could be11:11
ttxfor some reason hplip is still in there11:11
* Daviey files a remove from archive bug report.. that'll teach it a lesson! ;)11:12
ttxI wonder why though11:12
ttxhttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/ubuntu.maverick/print-server shows it's no longer in the seed11:12
Davieyttx: is hplib on both i386 and amd64, or you've only seen it on amd64?11:13
ttxUbuntu.Maverick server-ship seed11:13
ttxit was in duplicate places11:14
Davieyttx: If you can modify the seed before this is spun, then we should be ok on size?11:14
ttxI can modify the seed, not sure if that will be taken into account in time for the spin though11:14
ttxpitti: ^ ?11:14
Davieypitti: Does the spin process re-germinate?11:14
pittithe publisher runs germinate11:15
ttxok, lets try this then11:15
pittibut ship doesn't have a Task: header11:15
pittiso I think this should get effective immediately on CD image build11:15
pittittx: do the server-ship seed change now, and I'll rebuild a test image to verify that hplip is gone11:16
pittiTask: ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-mobile, kubuntu-netbook, edubuntu-desktop, xubuntu-desktop, ubuntu-netbook11:16
pittiit seems gone from the print-server task, anyway11:16
pittithat's the bit which needs 2 publishers11:16
ttxchanged, committed and pushed11:17
* ttx greps for hplip to make sure it's really dead now11:17
ttxpitti: in unrelated news I'll soon polish and propose an alternative chart for the work-items-tracker11:20
ttxit skips weekend days and concentrates on work done and velocity11:21
pittiah, nice11:21
ttxsee before: http://people.canonical.com/~ttx/before.svg11:21
ttxand after: http://people.canonical.com/~ttx/after.svg11:21
ttxit looks better in cases where work items keep being added during the subcycle11:21
pittibut isn't that what you should avoid usually?11:22
ttxin agile, I'd say yes11:22
pittiit would stop showing you when you have to postpone stuff or involve more people because you are running behind11:22
ttxsince feature creep is bad11:22
pittirunning over trend line has been very useful11:22
pittishowing it, I mean11:22
ttxwell, my graph still shows that11:22
ttxif you don't postpone enough, the dotted line will look unrealistic11:23
ttxthis one avoids you having to reset the trends line after you postpone stuff11:23
Davieyttx: burn up chart :)11:23
ttxit concentrates on your velocity, which is hard to derive from the before.svg11:24
ttxpitti: anyway, it should be opt-in11:24
ttxthe default should still be the "regular" one11:25
pittiI guess I first need to convince Clint Byrum to reduce the per-user charts11:25
pittithey take awfully long11:25
ttxheh, I'm not surpised by that11:25
ttxnot even surprised11:25
* ttx goes to lunch while the publisher sleeps11:26
ttxpitti: how did your  test image rebuild go ? No more hplip ?11:27
pittibuilding now; sorry, was looking at n-l-efl11:27
ttxok, back in ~1h11:29
pittittx: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/20100804.2/11:49
pittilooks good11:49
pitti682M amd6411:49
pittipublisher done \o/12:01
pittiso, one more publisher to go to for the tgt dependencies to propagate to main12:02
Davieypitti: splendid!12:03
arapitti, ogra: are these two builds supposed to be in the tracker?12:03
araNetboot arm dove (20100803)  0/1  None  12:03
aradownload info Netboot arm imx51 (20100803)12:03
pittiara: no12:03
pittiara: still fighting to get netbook-laucher-efl built12:04
ograwe still build them, but they are not tracker worthy12:04
pittiara: ETA 2.5 h12:04
pittiara: the current images are uninstallable12:04
ograpitti, add another 2-2.5h for the image builds12:04
pittioh, oops; I accounted .5 h12:04
pittiso, 4.5 h then12:04
arapitti, ok, thanks for the update, can you mark them as "rebuilding" so people don't get confused?12:05
ograwell, the armel buildds have USB disks12:05
pittiogra: that's quite long -- I thought image builds would by and large need IO, and not much CPU12:05
ogradont expect high speed :)12:05
pittiara: I didn't think I added them in the first place?12:05
pittiara: ah, sorry; "netboot"12:05
pittiI misread as "netbook"12:05
ogranetboot should vanish from the tracker completely12:05
pittiara: done12:05
pittiogra: no netboot for arm?12:05
pittiok, I can disable them12:05
arapitti, thanks12:06
pittiogra: done12:06
ograpitti, as long as they dont break d-i buiulds i'm happy to keep them building, but they dont need to be on the tracker12:06
pittiFTR, I went to all the red bugs and triaged/commented them; wubi and offline OEM are broken, the rest looks good so far12:07
pittiev: if you have some minutes, could you have a look at bug 613288 and bug 600578? do we need any further information?12:08
ubot4Launchpad bug 613288 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "wubi installation failed - boot configuration store could not be opened (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61328812:08
ubot4Launchpad bug 600578 in wubi "installer drops into grub shell after rebooting from windows. (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60057812:08
pitti(they might be duplicates, but hard to say for me)12:08
pittiev: especially the latter confuses me -- I thought wubi would always start right out of windows, and not touch grub etc.?12:10
arapitti, it does add an entry in the grub menu, so it looks like another partition, when it is not12:15
pittiara: ah, thanks12:15
* pitti never saw it12:15
pittithen again, I just ordered a new laptop, which will come with the unavoidable win 712:15
pittiso for the first time in years I will actually have an otherwise useless windows to test those bits :)12:15
pittiI'm out for a quick lunch; can't do anything for the next 40 mins anyway12:20
araenjoy your meal!12:22
pittiara: I did, thanks13:05
pittittx: ok, tgt seems happy again, triggering images13:06
ttxpitti: heh, holding my breath :)13:06
* ara -> lunch13:14
ttxpitti: published, looks ok at first glance13:16
ttxpitti: if they look ok to you too, please promote to ISO tracker13:16
pittittx: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/20100804.3/report.html looks spotless13:17
pittiso it should be fine13:17
pittittx: congrats, you won the race against netbook/armel :)13:17
ttxserver wins again13:17
pittiadded to tracker13:17
pittittx: anything new in server-land which should be mentioned on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickMeerkat/TechnicalOverview ?13:27
ttxpitti: I'll have to think about that. smoser will probably have a blurb abour kernel upgrades in cloud images13:28
charlie-tcapitti: Can we have a note that Xfce4 was upgraded to the current 4.6.2 release?13:30
charlie-tcaAlso, the systray bug is gone in Xubuntu. Should I update the notes?13:31
pitticharlie-tca: oh, that bug is still open13:31
pitticharlie-tca: I'm currently editing some GNOME parts, but please do afterwards; I'll ping you13:31
pitticharlie-tca: please go ahead13:37
charlie-tcaThank you13:37
Davieyttx: Trying the new iso now13:37
ttxDaviey: I'm on topology1 as well13:38
Davieyttx: I just noticed it was published, so you have a head start13:38
* Daviey contemplates a cron job to check for new ISO's and email him.13:38
ttxDaviey: you mean you are not subscribed to the new candidates yet ?13:39
davmor2pitti: was the log I added to the wubi bug any use to you?13:41
pittidavmor2: not sure; I pinged ev about it13:41
pittidavmor2: it didn't show any error, anyway13:41
Davieyttx: The subscribe button on iso.qa.ubuntu.com doesn't seem to work13:42
ttxara: ^ ?13:42
davmor2Daviey: are you logged in?13:42
DavieyIt's showing that i am.13:42
Davieyi can try cycling13:42
davmor2Daviey: hang on a second13:43
davmor2Daviey: it's working here13:43
ttxDaviey: so the all-in-one installs now13:43
Davieyhttp://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/4389 -> hit Subscribe -> nothing shows in "My Subscriptions"13:44
ttxDaviey: rebooting to see if it starts13:44
davmor2Daviey: have you selected the test to subscribe to the checkbox on the right?13:44
Davieyttx: groovy.. is it worth me replicating that... ISO has just finished burning13:44
Davieydavmor2: err, "no comment"... /me sulks away thinking about moaning to mpt about usability :)13:45
ttxDaviey: registration fails, might be the bug you ran into13:46
davmor2Daviey: you need to select the tests with the checkboxes and then click on subscribe.  The person icon will change to colour when you click on subscribe13:46
Davieyttx: In that case, i'll give it a spin13:46
Davieysee if i get the same result13:46
* ttx reboots to see if that's transient13:46
ttxI'm pretty sure it is13:46
davmor2Daviey: At the time it was the only it could be setup, there are possibly better ways now13:46
Davieydavmor2: Oh aye.. i just thought i could go to the page and hit subscribe.. I've mastered it now :)13:47
DavieyThanks davmor213:47
davmor2Daviey: np's13:50
ttxDaviey: beh, it looks very brittle13:55
Davieyttx: Did it work that time?13:56
ttxcrptic "can't register, log in through admin interface and check cloud status" error message13:56
DavieyHmm.. i saw that before13:57
ttxthat's a useless catchall error.13:59
* pitti tries a btrfs install from desktop13:59
pitti netbook-launcher-efl : Depends: libevas-svn-05-engines-x but it is not installable14:01
pittigar, what now??14:01
pittiogra: ^ not our day14:01
pittiit's libevas-svn-06-engines-x now14:02
* pitti pings asac14:02
ttxDaviey: we should move that discussion to #ubuntu-server14:02
ograpitti, hmm14:18
pittiogra: I uploaded a fix14:19
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ograjust a dependency issue i guess ?14:19
pittihardcoded -05- abi in depends:14:19
evpitti: replied to both Wubi bugs.  I'm going to be a bit difficult to reach today as Debconf is going on a field trip and the hotel wifi is spotty at best.  Give me a ring on my cell if any further issues arise.14:33
pittiev: ah, thanks; I just documented it for now, I don't think we shold block the release on it14:34
pittiev: enjoy debconf!14:34
pittiev: ah, thanks for the replies14:35
evsure thing, and thanks!14:36
pittiah, btrfs desktop install works flawlessly, great job cjwatson/ev14:44
pittiogra: do we need bug 600478 for alpha-3 really?14:49
ubot4Launchpad bug 600478 in livecd-rootfs (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 2 other projects) "livecd.sh should remove foreign subarch headers during livefs build (affects: 1) (heat: 127)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60047814:49
pittiogra: the description makes it sound like an optimization thing, so we could also defer it?14:49
ografine for post A314:50
pittiogra: also, bug 60597214:50
ubot4Launchpad bug 605972 in jasper-initramfs (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "Need to set hostname to ubuntu during first boot. (affects: 1) (heat: 246)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60597214:50
pittiogra: this sounds a bit strange -- isn't that something that should be done server-side on image cration?14:50
ograthat could be done at creation time too, but given that jasper functions similar to casper the logical solution would be to set it the same way14:51
ograits cosmetic anyway and you only see the buildd hostname if you swithc to a console while oem-config runs14:52
pittiogra: ah, oem-config will fix it, too14:52
ograi was actually planning to fix both before A3 but that was at a time when i thought i'd have images on monday :P14:52
pittiok, moving to beta then, thanks for the heads-up!14:52
ograthanks for notifying :)14:53
pittiogra: bug 600359 looks more serious -- sounds like it could seriously break armel boots?14:54
ubot4Launchpad bug 600359 in ureadahead (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "ureadahead generating oom messages during boot. (affects: 2) (heat: 16)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60035914:54
pittiperhaps we should disable ureadahead on armel as a workaround, WDYT?14:54
pittior isn't it that common?14:54
ograwell, it doesnt break but kills the splash14:54
ograits common on all beagle C series boards (256M)14:55
pittiah, it could kill just about anything, no?14:55
ograon the XM (512M) i havent seen it yet since we have more serious errors there14:55
ogra(cant boot at all atm due to MMC issues)14:55
ograi havent seen it on the omap4 boards and i suspect it also wont happen on the XM once we can verify14:56
ogra(i had actually hoped tim gardners fix would make it go away)14:57
pittiogra: that's what I initially thought, but I asked on the bug, and it still seems to happen14:59
pittiogra: I'll move bug 605831 to beta as well then?15:03
ograunlikely that we get it fixed today15:05
pittiogra: sorry for all those pings, but I'm cleaning up teh alpha-3 checklist to ensure that we didn't forget anything really serious15:07
ograyeah, dont worry, i usually do that on friday before the release team meeting15:08
ograjust ping away as needed :)15:08
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davmor2pitti: I've added a reply to ev, with set debug=all inplace it's still droping straight into grubshell with no text other than the standard Gnu Grub Shell info.15:19
pittidavmor2: thanks15:21
* pitti looks at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=status&field.milestone%3Alist=27561 and is much more satisfied now15:42
* pitti release-notes the last one15:43
ograpitti, btw, seems n-l-efl is in the archive now15:47
ograso we should be able to build images15:47
pittiogra: yay!15:47
pittiit indeed just dropped from there15:47
pittiogra: it still needs a bit to propagate to syncproxy etc.15:47
ograi see it on ports already15:47
pittioh, nice15:47
* pitti checks on antimony15:48
pittiogra: ARCHES='armel+omap armel+omap4' daily-preinstalled running15:53
ograthanks !15:53
pittiso, this will take 2.5 h?15:53
ograguessed, i just changed the build scripts to speed them up15:53
pittiok; I need to leave at 19:3015:53
pittiso it might just about make it on time15:53
pittiso that I can add it to the tracker15:53
ograit used to be 3.5h should be 2 or max 2.515:53
pittibut I guess more people can15:54
ograi think GrueMAster can take care for that15:54
ograhe will also do most of the testing15:54
ograso dont worry, arm team will take care15:54
* ogra goes afk and tries to find something better than waiting for images15:59
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ScottKRiddell: According to rmadison, when you promoted libdigest-sha-perl yesterday, you promoted the binaries, but not the source ...17:11
RiddellScottK: rmadison is quite right, fixed17:34
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pittittx, Daviey: TBH I don't quite understand bug 613033; should this be release-noted?17:44
ubot4Launchpad bug 613033 in eucalyptus (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 2 other projects) "eucalyptus-cloud: cloud fails to start on separate install (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61303317:44
Davieypitti: I would say it does.. basically if you have a topology of having all componets (except nodes) on one server, and then other servers just being nodes - we are ok17:45
DavieyIf you split the components (which should be supported), we are running into problems17:46
Davieyttx, Has gone home for the delay, and i'm reluctant to speak on his behalf on this.  What is the deadline that you need the text by?17:46
pittiDaviey: tomorrow around noon in Europe17:48
pittii. e. in about 18 hours?17:48
Davieyoh.. that is ok then.. I'll catch up with ttx when he's back online, although he'll probably see this scrollback17:49
Davieyeither way.. i'm sure he'll be around before then17:49
GrueMasterara: ping - can you add http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/ports/daily-preinstalled/20100804/ images to the ubuntu arm testing for Alpha 3?  Not sure why it isn't there.18:10
pittiGrueMaster: wow, did it already build?18:11
pittimust have finished minutes ago18:11
GrueMasterApparently.  I was getting worried we wouldn't have an image to test.18:11
pittiGrueMaster: so did we; it took more than a day to get this installable :)18:11
pittiGrueMaster: added to tracker18:12
pittigood night everyone, and happy testing!18:27
ScottKRiddell: Thanks.18:35
GrueMasterGrrr.  Ok, we have Beagleboard ARM Image Testing on iso.tracker but not Pandaboard.  Need one for Pandaboard (omap4).18:37
lamontthere will be a brief disturbance in the armel buildd world shortly.  shouldn't last very long19:28
GrueMaster???  Care to elaborate?19:38
pittiGrueMaster: hm, I did add an omap4 image, didn't I?20:09
GrueMasterHere's what I am seeing:  http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/439220:10
GrueMasterNo actual testcases.20:10
pittilet's see whether I can do that20:10
GrueMasterIf I knew how, I'd fix it myself.20:10
GrueMasterI'll make it a point to bring up at the QA sprint.20:11
lamontarmel buildds are back online/auto20:15
pittiGrueMaster: better now? (first time I added one)20:16
pitti(DSL reconnect, I might have missed some messages)20:16
GrueMasterLooks right.  Thanks.20:17
ttxpitti: yes, should be releasenoted20:25
ttxWe'll come up with something tomorrow morning, based on the current state of affairs20:26
pittittx: sonne bien, merci Monsieur20:26
* ttx crawls back in his cave20:29
pittiargh, forgot about DVDs20:33
* pitti builds20:33
highvoltagehi! could we get a re-spin of the Edubuntu DVD iso?21:55
highvoltageour build failed due to a bug in the artwork package and we'd like to have an alpha 3 release :)21:55
pittihighvoltage: already queued21:59
pittiUbuntu DVD finished, posted to tracker22:01
highvoltagepitti: thanks!22:01
pittihighvoltage: I'll go to bed now, so I won't be able to add it to the tracker22:01
pittiif someone else here can, that'd be great; otherwise I'll do that tomorrow morning22:01
GrueMasterpitti: Give me the steps and I can try to add it.22:03
highvoltagepitti: ok!22:03
pittiGrueMaster: you are logged into the ISO tracker?22:03
pittiGrueMaster: Administration menu part, "Add a build set"22:03
pittiGrueMaster: first section ther is edubuntu22:04
GrueMasteryes, I see it, along with check boxes.22:04
pittiGrueMaster: mark the two DVD builds, scroll down, enter "20100805" (or whichever) as the version number, and press "add build(s)"22:04
pittiGrueMaster: you need to check the build number on cdimage.ubuntu.com/..22:04
GrueMasterRoger that.  Will do, thanks.22:05
highvoltagethanks pitti, sleep well. you'll get your beer at UDS :)22:05
pittigood night everyone!22:05
pittihighvoltage: :)22:05
stgraberjust got an e-mail from antimony saying that the edubuntu failed because the server ran out of disk space23:21
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