
=== mrjazzcat is now known as mrjazzcat-afk
MTecknologyis kill built into the kernel?00:42
MTecknologyit can't be.. but I can't figure out how the command is available in my chroot00:42
jpdsMTecknology: procps00:43
MTecknologyjpds: thanks00:44
MTecknologythesheff17: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jailkit/+archive/ppa/+builds?build_state=pending00:59
MTecknologythesheff17: it progressed to the next step... already....01:00
thesheff17MTecknology: nice01:00
thesheff17MTecknology: I'm really new to the launch pad stuff...how did you get that in there?  or can you link me to how to?01:01
MTecknologythesheff17: made a team, project, registered an upstream import, created a recipe, told the recipe to build01:03
MTecknologythesheff17: kind of a lot of stuff - you'd want to start with building your own packages in your own ppa - #ubuntu-packaging can help with that01:04
thesheff17MTecknology: ok cool...I will have to take a look thx01:04
MTecknologythesheff17: if the package works nice and perfect - I'll look into getting it into debian/ubuntu01:05
thesheff17MTecknology: excellent I think a chroot implementation through apt-get would be excellent.01:06
MTecknologythesheff17: this thing is already amazingly easy.. my how to is going to make it even easier :)01:07
thesheff17MTecknology: nice01:07
MTecknologythesheff17: I'll add two things that were missing and expand. I feel like I have a clue now. :)01:07
MTecknologyI'm going to start on homework thouhg. :'(01:08
MTecknologyThis'll be the worst 5 hours of the day01:08
MTecknologyprobably longer actually01:08
thesheff17MTecknology: yea I'm in class right now :(01:08
MTecknologypaying attention I see01:08
thesheff17MTecknology: hehe yea01:08
MTecknologythesheff17: thanks again - I'll ping you when I get somewhere01:08
* MTecknology runs off now..01:09
thesheff17MTecknology: np ttyl01:09
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Roxyhart0hi there, somebody know how to stop tcpdump automatically? when i do crl -c it stop but the process still appear in the system02:58
thebwtRoxyhart0: can you get it's pid and `kill -9` it?03:02
Roxyhart0yes, but is not the idea as when i try then to merge files that i got with tcpdump give me errors as the file was cut03:29
papertigersRoxyhart0: tcpdump is staying open?03:30
Roxyhart0when i do crt C, still is running...03:31
Roxyhart0i woudl like to stop with some condition03:31
papertigersRoxyhart0: are you giving it an option to run in the background at all03:31
Roxyhart0no, i just do tcpdump -i van2 scr portrange 2000 -6553503:33
papertigersyou have an interface named van2?03:35
Roxyhart0it is running ok03:35
papertigersRoxyhart0: interesting so when you run that and you hit ctrl c it continues to run03:38
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papertigersRoxyhart0: how are you checking for it? ps aux | grep tcpdump03:39
Roxyhart0i do ps -fea |grep tcpdump and still ahow me the pdid03:39
papertigersdo a ps aux | grep tcpdump03:40
Roxyhart0i did and still shows me the pdid from tcpdump03:41
papertigersis it there?03:41
papertigerspastebin the output to me03:41
papertigersps aux | grep tcpdump | grep -v grep03:43
papertigersyoure not seeing the grep output and thinking its tcpdump are you03:43
Roxyhart0i know was i did wrong i did cr z and not cr c, but still i would like to stop it automatically as i am running the comand with cron each 5 minutes for 1 minute03:44
Roxyhart0and i just can stp with killall -9 tcpdump03:44
papertigersyeah ctrl z will let you type bg to background it03:45
papertigersor fg to forground it03:46
papertigerstcpdump -G will let you rotate files03:47
Roxyhart0i tried to use that, i will check a little bit more03:49
papertigersRoxyhart0: if not the best bet it to run it from a script that will run it record the pid and kill it after a min03:49
papertigerseasiest way03:49
Roxyhart0yes, i did it03:50
papertigersokay sweet03:51
Roxyhart0thanks :)03:56
reversebladeIf i wanted to setup up central authentication for a small company network from scratch, which way should I go,  openldap, samba, kerberos, or samba 4 ?03:58
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smoserDaviey, i dont see a eucalyptus release or build, were you still expecting one ?04:24
MTecknologyHow can I chain SSH logins? Like.. ssh user1@domain1.com ssh user2@domain2.com04:39
MTecknologyI do it - but then I can't type anything04:39
MTecknologyI can see I get logged in through the chain04:39
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MTecknologyheh.. got it04:42
smoserMTecknology, what did you find ?04:50
smoseryou can do it 2 ways.04:50
smoserrobably by forcing the terminal on the first 'ssh -t user1@domain1.com ssh user2@domain2.com'04:51
MTecknologysmoser: -t is what I found04:51
MTecknologysmoser: is there something better?04:51
smoserhold on04:51
smoserin .ssh/config04:52
smoserHost domain2.com04:52
smoser    ProxyCommand ssh user1@domain1.com nc -q0 %h %p04:52
smoserthat Proxies you through the domain1 to get to domain204:53
MTecknology.ssh/config has a lot of little gems, huh?04:54
tagetI am having a problem configuring my interfaces, i have a block of static ip's and 2 netowrk cards in my server. one has a internal ip in the 192.168.2. subnet and the other is in my public pool of addresses. the problem is i cannot access my interface with the public ip outside of my local network. any ideas ?04:54
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thesheff17taget: sounds like a route problem05:04
tagetthats kind of what i thought also, but i am unsure of how to fix it05:04
thesheff17taget: can you server ping the outside?05:04
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thesheff17taget: you can adjust your route by doing "route del default gw x.x.x.x" and "route add default gw x.x.x.x"05:05
thesheff17taget: first get your box to reach the internet.05:06
thesheff17taget: and the private network shouldn't have any routes.05:06
tarvidfound TraceEnable Off in security.dpkg-dist but I think TRACE is still enabled05:06
tagetsorry, i was disconnected05:07
tageti can ping the outside, but i hace not tried disabling the internal network interface05:07
thesheff17taget: you shouldn't have to disable the private network interface05:08
tagethow can i be sure i am accessing outside of my network with the correct interface ?05:08
thesheff17taget: as root type route and is that IP in the same subnet as the public network?05:09
tagetthesheff17: the first destination is in the correct subnet, but the gateway is an *05:10
tagetafter the first entry i have a dest to * entry and a default to entry05:11
thesheff17taget: can you paste all the output to pastebin05:12
MTecknologythesheff17: oh ya.. it built - https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jailkit/+archive/ppa05:14
thesheff17MTecknology: nice05:14
thesheff17taget: so this is the private network?
thesheff17taget: your route should be something on the public side.05:15
thesheff17taget: which is the last entry05:15
tagetthats kind of what i was thinking but i am unsure of how to change it05:16
thesheff17taget: /etc/network/interfaces controls your interfaces05:16
tagetbut just adding the interface will not adjust the routing, correct ?05:17
thesheff17taget: correct05:17
thesheff17taget: I will pastebin my dual network /etc/network/interface05:17
tageti have eth0 configured for static with all of the correct info05:18
thesheff17taget: so all you should need for the private network is ip and subnet05:20
thesheff17taget: and when you type route the only entry in gateway should be the IP of your public gateway.05:24
tagetthanks for the help, i will make some corrections and try it. i am looking at my interfaces file right now and for some reason while using nano it removed all the text that wasnt currently in view of the terminal05:24
tagetand one of the lines it cut out was the gateway05:25
thesheff17taget: yea be careful if you only have remote access.  also vim is a great text editor05:26
tagetthat is what i have heard, i just have never taken the time to learn how to use it. also the server is only 15 minutes away from my home :)05:27
tagetso i ma fortunate in this case05:27
thesheff17taget: cool yea most of the machines I manage are hours away if not states away :)05:31
tagetthesheff17: i hear you on that, i am fortunate in this case, id hate to have to jump in the car to go and reset a server in this instance.05:34
tagetOn another topic, i am looking for a solution for a web based file access with a nice login and ui for downloading and uploading files to  a server. (family file server)05:36
tagetany ideas ?05:36
thesheff17taget: what I do is create a cronjob that runs every hour and restores the original network config regardless of what I do.....so if and when I do break it I know within the hour it will be fixed.  Just remember though when the hour comes around your config file will change regardless of what you do.05:37
thesheff17taget: I would use apache with php05:37
tagetthesheff17: good idea.05:38
thesheff17taget: apache can easily do https/login/download... php is good for uploads and moving the files around where you want them.....though there is a couple of places to adjust php in order to upload big files but it is well documented.05:40
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thesheff17MTecknology: so that built package is that a manually approved process or is that automatic?05:40
tagetthesheff17: i will look into that in the morning. thank you for the help05:41
thesheff17taget: no problem I should be around if you need more help05:41
Roxyhart0somebody know any good solution to block P2P traffic?05:42
thesheff17Roxyhart0: I have create a linux based router and then you can forward all the traffic through that box and filter what you want and don't want.05:42
MTecknologythesheff17: that's just a normal build. It could keep building there forever and never make it into ubuntu. There's a couple different processes that you need to go through to get it included05:43
Roxyhart0thesheff17, do you post that solution in somewhere?05:45
thesheff17Roxyhart0: http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/home-router-howto.xml this one is based on iptables that I have used and you have to adjust for ubuntu but it is pretty straight forward05:45
Roxyhart0thanks a lot05:46
thesheff17Roxyhart0: np05:46
thesheff17Roxyhart0: you don't have to anything with the kernel...that is all built into ubuntu05:47
Roxyhart0ok, thanks ..i will have a look05:47
thesheff17Roxyhart0: I actually just let all the traffic through on the router and then install a monitoring tool on the private interface to see what clowns where using P2P stuff...because sometimes I would use bittorent stuff to download ISO and other important data.05:50
thesheff17MTecknology: well I hope it makes it into universe...but I can tell you I have no clue how all this works :)05:52
MTecknologythesheff17: me either :P05:52
MTecknologythesheff17: I think only about 1 or 2 actually do :P (or a few more-but it's not a lot that really understand it all)05:52
MTecknologythesheff17: 1) if it gets into debian, it'll be in ubuntu 2) if not, then you need to get it into ubuntu directy 3) sometimes debian realizes it's good and then brings it in05:53
thesheff17MTecknology: ah ok05:54
MTecknologythesheff17: all three ways are a different process and have pros/cons05:54
MTecknologythesheff17: I'm actually considering just helping the developer get it into debian - they're so close to being able to do it easily05:55
MTecknologythesheff17: for now.. You can install from that PPA I linked you to05:56
thesheff17MTecknology: excellent yea I feel like I haven't contributed much to ubuntu yet...hopefully that will change :)05:56
MTecknologythesheff17: I feel the same :P05:57
MTecknologythesheff17: You offer support in here which already helps a lot. You could also check out https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu (and also https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad - a lot get incorrectly put here)05:59
thesheff17MTecknology: I haven't been in a irc chat room since the early 90's of the aol days for who knows what.  Its great to be back.  I also feel like the forums for ubuntu aren't great...most of the questions go un answered which is disappointing.  When I was big into gentoo (before I found ubuntu) I would answer as much as I could on the forums.06:00
thesheff17MTecknology: it could though just be the sheer volume of ubuntu users vs gentoo users.06:01
MTecknologythesheff17: it is indeed. Ubuntu is geared toward easing the enterance barrier where Gentoo is absolutely not out to do that.06:02
thesheff17MTecknology: haha I know...gentoo was the first linux distro I found and I thought all linux distos where like that :) how wrong I was.06:03
MTecknologythesheff17: Ubuntu and Fedora are usually the first distros a person tries. That comes with "Where did my Start button go?" and "Where is my Outlooks?" which are so obviou to us, but not someone who's never tried something different. (I hate the pluraization of outlook) I don't think it's possible to eliminate most of the support without looking and acting exactly like windows. Problem is that the efforts to do that wound 06:05
MTecknologythesheff17: #ubuntu, #ubuntu-server, answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu, and ubuntuforums.com and the bestest best places to help new users.06:06
MTecknologythesheff17: You helped me out a massive amount today. Where did that go? The tool you showed me to may now wind up in the repositories. :D06:07
MTecknologytoday and yesterday*06:07
thesheff17MTecknology: yea I have no problem helping as much as I can...because I wouldn't know anything without the help of everyone else....I never touched a linux machine in college and I graduated with a comp sci degree which is sad06:08
MTecknologythesheff17: oh.. and if you really want to get ambitious... https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+questions?field.search_text=&field.sort=RELEVANCY&field.sort-empty-marker=1&field.actions.search=Search&field.language=en&field.language-empty-marker=1&field.status=OPEN&field.status-empty-marker=106:08
Roxyhart0hi thesheff17, sorry my question i did capture package with tcpdump and then analyze with wireshark and i got some pakages that are recognized by wireshark as bittorrent, but the port that shows me for that oacjages are > 50000 usually, and the rule that your shows me iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 6881:6889 -i ${WAN} -j DNAT --to
Roxyhart0the port say 6881:6889, maybe i am confuse?06:09
MTecknologythesheff17: that's about how my university is. <20 people actually understand linux at any depth in the entire university including both faculty and students06:09
thesheff17Roxyhart0: all ports over 1024 are unprivileged ports and P2P can run on all of them...so only enable what you want.06:10
thesheff17Roxyhart0: I think :)06:10
Roxyhart0yes, i think so...just was confuse with the rule that said for bittorent, why say port 6881:688906:11
thesheff17Roxyhart0: prob just what is standard but feel free to adjust.06:11
Roxyhart0ok, thanks a lot!06:16
Roxyhart0do you know ipp2p?06:17
Roxyhart0im wondering how as good it is?06:17
thesheff17Roxyhart0: I do not...reading a little about it now06:18
thesheff17Roxyhart0: sounds like that is still under massive development and has moved to http://www.ipp2p.org/06:23
Roxyhart0so, still wait to use it06:24
thesheff17Roxyhart0: well I would just do extensive testing before moving into production where ever you are using it.  Though that is pretty much anything I use on linux :)06:26
Roxyhart0thanks :)06:26
Davieyttx: Don't suppose you are around yet? :)06:37
rdw200169Roxyhart0: with my experience with ipp2p is that you just can't keep up with the tricks p2p software will throw at you07:02
rdw200169Roxyhart0: instead, go about it another way: use HTB+SFQ to throttle subscribers (tc) and keep track of heavy abusers by logging b/w per IP in some way.  if someone is downloading (anything really) too much, blast them @ tc07:03
rdw200169Roxyhart0: p2p software, or any software for that matter, can't download through a pipe bigger than the one you give it, so its most reliable to manage your problem that way07:04
ttxDaviey: I'm here07:13
Roxyhart0sorry drw200169, i was away ...im interested in your sugestion, do you know some page how to?07:35
blackstar256does anyone know if its possible to      │07:53
blackstar256                      | connect to an ssl vpn on a headless      │07:53
blackstar256Does anyone know if it is possible to connect to a ssl vpn on a headless linux box?07:53
* Roxyhart0 slaps Roxyhart0 around a bit with a large trout08:01
rdw200169Roxyhart0: haha, i'm looking for something for you;)08:02
rdw200169Roxyhart0: see, the problem with doing traffic shaping, is that there is no easy way to do it08:05
rdw200169Roxyhart0: i ran into the same problem(s) with p2p traffic in the past, and ended up using traffic shaping to do all my dirty work08:07
rdw200169Roxyhart0: you may be interested in reading http://voxel.dl.sourceforge.net/project/htbinit/HTB.init/0.8.5/htb.init-v0.8.5 , the man pages for tc, tc-tbf, tc-htb, tc-sfq, and of course the manual on http://lartc.org08:16
rdw200169Roxyhart0: note, also, that iptables and tc can work together using fw marks (which means tc filtering can be endless ...)08:18
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Roxyhart0somebdy know how i can copy from a server to another files and folder preservating permisions?08:41
\shrsync with preserve permissions08:42
Roxyhart0do i need to install that tool?08:42
\shif it's not already installed, then yes08:42
Roxyhart0thanks a lot08:43
cwillu_at_workxserver on windows machine, or rdp server on the linux server?08:47
Roxyhart0thanks a lot sh..it work perfect..08:56
* cwillu_at_work feels an urge to introduce sh to \sh, and watch the fireworks fly08:58
cwillu_at_work-> #lesswrong :)08:58
cwillu_at_workalthough he doesn't seem to be around at the moment :/08:59
StefanMonovHi. Is there a difference between doing "ifconfig ... up" in /etc/rc.local, and having "auto eth0..." in /etc/network/interfaces?09:49
\shcwillu_at_work: hmm?09:51
sorenStefanMonov: Yes.10:01
sorenStefanMonov: Numerous differences.10:02
cwillu_at_work\sh, other sh10:09
_rubenifconfig .. yuck10:12
ttxsupposedly-final Maverick alpha3 server ISO candidates posted at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/ubuntuserver/all10:14
ttxlet's test the heck out of them !10:14
* Daviey grabs his heck removal tool.10:21
maswanttx: do you have a netboot environment too (pxe stuff), then I might try them.10:22
maswanI have a few lucid annoyances that I wouldn't mind testing to see if they are gone10:23
ttxWe have some netboot tests in http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/ubuntuserver/all10:23
ttxthey are not that well documented though10:24
maswanah, excellent. let me see if I can get the time this afternoon to do an intsall test, or not.10:24
Davieymaswan: We are all very keen to get PXE booting solid, so if there are some quirks you have discovered - do please raise them :)10:25
\shhmm...why don't we install ifenslave-2.6 during server install? bonding is not that uncommon for servers...10:26
Daviey\sh: I think we'd need to drop something else to get that on there.. but you could raise a blueprint for maverick+1,  "Making bonding rock" meaning it's at least proposed for discussion.10:29
maswanthe most annoying lucid (and karmic before that) bug for intsalling for me is certainly 415353/571872.10:29
\shbug #41535310:29
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 415353 in linux "karmic installation slow on "detecting network hardware" with bnx2x" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41535310:29
Davieybug #41535310:29
Davieyhah, \sh you are as lazy as me :)10:30
\shbug #57187210:30
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 571872 in debian-installer "bnx2x drivers take 100 seconds to initialize" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57187210:30
\shDaviey: I'm sysadmin, I have to be lazy ;)10:30
maswanIt makes install's "detecting network hardware" step for me take ~20 minutes.10:30
Daviey\sh: http://twitter.com/Daviey/status/1592697213110:31
\shmaswan: these are not those new HP Flex10 NICs for the new blade server series?10:31
maswan\sh: uip10:31
maswanyup even10:31
\shmaswan: oh shit10:31
maswan\sh: booting them when installed isn't that bad, but the installer part is rather annoying.10:32
maswananyway, I was going to relocate myself. bbiab.10:32
\shmaswan: also during PXE boot and nfs root mounts? I mean, ipconfig inside initramfs is hell alone...10:33
maswan\sh: dunno, haven't tried that. but it takes a couple of minutes to get the interfaces up during a normal boot.10:33
maswan(after the console gets to the login: prompt you have a minute or two before networking)10:34
maswanugh, really should run, back in 3010:34
\shmaswan: lovely...that sounds like fun for me during the next couple of months of HW testing10:36
ttxDaviey: starting a UEC/amd64/topo1 test10:41
Davieyttx: Same here.. having to use a CD-R - as my usual pendrive for this is U/S10:42
ttxDaviey: arh, its broken11:00
ttxtgt deps not on CD11:01
ttxISO testing news: looks like we'll have to respin again11:06
ttxETA for new spin is ~2 hours11:08
maswan\sh: yup. it's "slightly" annoying when you run into disk numbering issues and grubs that fail to boot, which you "just" need to boot a rescue environment to fix.11:10
psteynHi.  I'm porting my mailserver from centos to ubuntu server, but one of my scripts use 'passwd --stdin' functionality which ubuntu's passwd command doesn't have.  Is there any alternatives? / A way to get the same passwd functionality?11:34
Jeeves_psteyn: Ehm, usermod, IIRC11:36
Jeeves_But that only takes the crypted user11:37
Jeeves_But that only takes the crypted password11:37
Jeeves_Just a sec, I should have it somewhere11:37
Jeeves_I only have versions where a crypted password is used11:38
Jeeves_chpasswd worked for older Ubuntu's11:39
Jeeves_usermod -p is needed for > karmic11:39
psteynI see, how would I encrypt the password?  I tried with mcrypt..but it doesn't seem right.11:45
psteyn usermod -p `mkpasswd -H md5 newpass` username11:49
DavieyHmm.. i had a script for just that purpose.. just looked it up..  and it's not as clean as i had hoped either :)11:56
Jeeves_Daviey: That looks like a wrapper around passwd, what's the use?11:58
DavieyJeeves_: being able to set the passwd from a script12:01
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maswanHm. Maverick looks much better, only 5 seconds per interface. Still takes a bit over a minute for the installer to cycle through them all, but much better.12:05
Jeeves_maswan: The installer?12:07
Davieymaswan: Can you mention that on the bug report please?12:07
maswanYeah, I am going to12:07
maswanI'm just busy runnign through a full install first. The boot screen was weird, I had to hit F1 for help before I could hit enter to boot the installer, and there were no "Advanced" choices either12:08
Davieyhmm.. interesting12:09
maswanYeah, I was wondering if I had messed up my download of the ubuntu-installer directory, but I could hit F1 for the normal help and then enter to install from that screen..12:11
maswan\sh: so, good news, assuming you're planning on running the maverick instead of the lts. ;)12:13
maswanoh, wait, my mistake12:14
maswanI had messed up, the wrong pxelinux.cfg file.12:14
Genk1is there a way to force postfix to use only TLS in his communications ?12:19
ttxETA for new Maverick Alpha3 ISO candidates for server: 30min12:41
uvirtbotNew bug: #613414 in dhcp3 (main) "package dhcp3-server 3.1.3-2ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed pre-removal script returned error exit status 2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61341412:52
=== oubiwann is now known as oubiwann-away
\shmaswan: no...it has to be lucid for the next 2 years until next LTS release ;)12:58
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zulttx: goody i can slack off then :)13:08
ttxzul: for 5 more minutes :)13:09
maswanHm. Is there a reason why vmbuilder wgets files one by one instead of grabbing a big set of them at once? The second is much likely to get large tcp windows and throughput...13:13
ttxISO testing update: supposedly-final Alpha3 candidates posted on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/ubuntuserver/all13:18
ttxlet's get crackin13:18
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ttxDaviey: about the registration failure14:03
ttxyou reported one test ok and one test failing14:03
Davieyttx: Reproducing here14:03
ttxwas it under the same conditions ?14:03
ttxor one was netbootpreseeded and one was ISo ?14:03
ttxit's quite steadily failing now14:04
ttxso I wonder if there is not something else taht regressed14:04
ttxthe web UI says it's already registered14:06
ttxDaviey: then I deregister them in the web UI and restart...14:07
ttxand now it says it's already registered in the euca_conf calls14:07
* ttx sighs14:07
Davieyttx, oh joy14:08
* ttx logs in again on the web UI for fun14:08
ttxand sure, it's registered again14:08
ttxDaviey: so actually it looks like though there are errors in registration.log, the registration succeeds14:10
ttx... as long as you log in on the web UI ?14:11
* ttx tries to make some sense out of that14:11
ttxDaviey: could you try adding a node ?14:12
* ttx will restart to test14:13
* Daviey notes that CD's are much slower than USB sticks.14:13
DrPoOhow do I prevent a process such as apache or mysql from starting next time I reboot my computer?14:16
csdcoanyone have experience with DoS on ubuntu server?14:17
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hggdhttx, Daviey: so auto-registration is failing? It failed on my all-in-one install14:20
Davieyhggdh, Will confirm in a few mins my results14:21
ttxhggdh: well "failing" might not be the right word14:21
ttxhggdh: euca_conf seems completely borked and reports crap14:21
ttxand since we trust it to assess success/failure...14:21
Davieyttx, Have you succeed in registering an image before there is an NC avaliable?14:22
ttxI did nothing and it fell into place14:22
ttxDaviey: hav,'t tried14:22
hggdhoh joy, joy, joy14:22
ttxunfortunately I'm completely useless due to major headache today14:23
DavieyI had that yesterday aswell.. but it fixed itself14:23
hggdhttx: in my case it actually failed to register on install (registration.log shows the failure). manually --register-* succeeded14:23
hggdhweirdest thing is the SCS *did* get registered, even without a cluster14:23
hggdhof course, it was not reported registered until I registered the cluster14:24
DavieyI'm thinking it's pot luck, at the time you fire the command :(14:24
ttxhggdh: in my case registration.log shows a failure, euca_conf says "can't register, login on web UI, web UI says "it's registered"14:24
hggdhoh different14:24
hggdhDaviey: pot luck, with replacements, and many options14:25
ttxI'm not that sure. If you consider euca_conf reports incorrectly success/failure, it makes (some) sense14:25
hggdhI agree we cannot trust euca_conf right now, but the registration log *does* show the failure14:25
hggdhif the reg.log maintained by euca_conf?14:25
ttxhggdh: I'm starting to suspect it actually registers, despite registration.log showing failure14:25
hggdhttx: ack14:26
ttxno, it's maintained by the uec-component-listener scripts14:26
ttxit just reports the return code of euca_conf14:26
hggdhyeah, so it is unreliable as well14:26
Davieyhggdh, I'm sure we'll get a fix :)14:29
ttxhggdh: apparently "registered" means different things to different pieces of the eucalyptus puzzle14:30
hggdhDaviey: yes. Pigs *do* fly, only catch is when they land14:30
ttxthe UI says "yes", euca_conf says "screw you"14:30
Davieyttx, On your NC install... did you get grub asking you to check the "Linux command line" it apparently extracted from /etc/default/grub?14:30
Davieyentry = blank14:31
ttxhaven't installed NC yet, reinstalling all-in-one14:31
hggdhDaviey: on install?14:31
Davieyhggdh, yes, from the iso span today14:32
Daviey(not preseeded)14:32
ttxstarting one right now14:32
hggdhwill look at the serial cons of all NCs14:32
Davieyhggdh, during debian-installer14:32
DavieyThis registering an image is interesting...14:33
ttxand then... registration works14:34
ttxit's one of those days I should really consider working from hoime shouldn't prevent me from calling sick14:34
smoserttx, ping.14:35
hggdhweird. I am opening a console on all, all all show me at a d-i screen "Configuring grub-pc"14:35
smoserso you want some little blurb about kernel upgrades ?14:35
Davieyttx, Agreed - me and hggdh can keep cracking on. "Go Home" :)14:35
ttxhggdh, Daviey: so the workaround seems to be: keep trying14:35
ttxsmoser: can be done tomorrow14:35
ttx... I think14:36
ttx... I hope14:36
Davieydammit.. i intended to make the registration.log more useful in the last upload14:36
smoserttx, well, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-on-ec2/ubuntu-on-ec2/ami-pages/annotate/head%3A/maverick-i386.body.html14:36
ttxhggdh: so the onoly thing I did differently this time was to login immediately and keep doing netstat -tl to check services going up14:36
smoserhas something (See 'Changelog')14:36
smoserDaviey, so what is up with grub causing problems ?14:37
ttxmaybe it slowed down the stuff sufficiently to win whatever race14:37
smoseri'm thinking this is likely related to my addition of dependencies in eucalyptus-nc14:37
hggdhttx: I had a similar thingy yesterday -- of the 6 installs I did, 4 worked OK, two failed to register14:37
ttxhggdh: did they actually not work ? Or you supposed they were broken by looking at euca_conf output and ergistration.log ?14:38
hggdhI trashed all my NCs installs, and I am reinstalling & monitoring the serial console. All of them got stuck in d-i on grub14:38
Davieysmoser, not entirely sure.. doing a fresh install to check14:38
Davieysmoser, certainly *not* the changes you introduced.. So don't worry14:38
* ttx wonders if everything does not come from the new "I need walrus up first" type of constraints14:39
Davieyhggdh, Oh good.. it's not only me14:39
* ttx finishes his test and preps a long pause14:39
DavieyI think grub is poorly. :(14:40
hggdhttx: they all worked after *manually* registering the cc, walrus, and sc14:40
ttxhggdh: but not before ?14:40
Davieysmoser, Actually.. i take that back.. it could be the depends change.. i was thinking in code changes.14:41
hggdhttx: but not before (these two I pointed as failing)14:41
hggdhthe other fours worked perfectly with auto-reg14:41
AndyGraybealsamba  isn't in my /etc/init.d .. i selected to install samba from the ubuntu server install.. i'm wondering what i'm doing wrong.14:43
Davieyttx, Seems my walrus and cluster failed to auto register14:43
ttxDaviey: got that grub-pc question as well14:44
AndyGraybealah is it called smbd ?14:44
Davieyttx, oh good14:44
hggdhDaviey: see if they got registered in secret14:44
Davieyttx, In a few steps.. see if grub fails to install14:44
ttxDavidLevin: does entry=blank work ?14:44
ttxDaviey: ^14:44
Davieyttx, I just pressed return14:45
ttxDaviey: ok14:45
Daviey(which didn't work)14:45
ttxDaviey: please check netstat -tl14:45
smoseri dont understand though.14:45
ttxto see if you have 8773 8774 8443 and 900114:45
smoserwouldn't grub-pc have been installed before as the boot loader ?14:45
Davieydammit, i've just euca_conf --registered14:45
smoseri wouldn't have thought that would have been a new dependency there.14:45
Davieysmoser, i agree14:45
Davieysmoser, I don't know if it's a recent change with our stuff.. or foundations14:46
ttxsmoser: any clue what I should answer to that boot line question ?14:46
smoseri didnt see it.14:46
ttxit wasn't there yesterday14:46
smoserwait. whats the question ?14:46
hggdhDaviey: did you get a similar Q when installing the CLC/Walrus/etc? I did not14:46
ttxLinux command line:14:47
Daviey<Daviey> ttx, On your NC install... did you get grub asking you to check the "Linux command line" it apparently extracted from /etc/default/grub?14:47
Davieysmoser, ^^14:47
smoseri think you can probably leave it blank.14:47
Davieyi left it balnk14:47
ttxDaviey: I somehow regret that we introduced that version with new depends now14:47
ttxDaviey: and it failed, right14:47
Davieyttx, That might not be the issue.. ofc14:47
smosermy functional laptop has: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=""14:47
Davieyttx, yes.. grub didn't handle the question well asking me which device to put it on14:47
hggdhttx: on the single install I let proceed, CMDLINE="" also14:48
hggdhand it booted oK14:48
hggdhwhatever is it being asked for now14:48
ttxDaviey: ok, so that's another issue, trying with empty14:48
smoserhm.. that is strange.14:48
ttxDaviey: could you file a bug about that, we need to find a way to not have that question asked14:48
smoseri get annoyed by that in cloud images also14:48
hggdhttx: why did I *not* get this Q on the CLC install?14:49
Davieyttx, yup14:49
Davieyhggdh, I didn't either14:49
ttxhggdh: it's a NC dep14:49
hggdhttx: what dep?14:49
smoserso, seriously, grub-pc is not installed on your CLC ?14:49
* hggdh doubts14:50
smoserthat question is coming from grub-pc14:50
DavieyHmm grub != grub-pc14:50
hggdhsmoser: it *is* installed, 1.98+20100722-1ubuntu114:50
ttxsmoser: grub-pc is installed later in the process, by making the NC depend on it you force earlier install14:50
smoserah. thats what i was thinking.14:51
smoseri'm sorry for the pain.14:52
Davieysmoser, don't be14:52
smoseri'm going to run, thoguh, if i am needed, please call me.14:52
hggdhsmoser: makes life interesting ;-)14:52
smoserand if the solution is "drop out smoser's changes", i wont cry too much.14:52
Davieysmoser, Before you go..14:52
smoserso this is on preseeded install that we're hitting it ?14:52
Davieysmoser, What would happen if grub was removed from a depends?14:52
Davieyjust assume it's already installed?14:53
Davieysmoser, and ISO14:53
smoserwell, grub-mkrescue will fail.14:53
hggdhnow, I did not get Q-ed on the linuxc cmdline, but on whether I wanted or not to install grub14:53
csdcois there any addtl firewall on top of apache in an ubuntu server?14:53
smoseri dont know.14:53
smoseri mean if everything is truely there, then it should have no problem.s14:53
Davieysmoser, ok, cheers.14:53
ttxDaviey: I can't make it install14:53
Davieyttx, same here :(14:53
smosersilly me thought that putting it in depends was right, since it depended on it :)14:53
ttxI'm stuck at the grub-pc "upgrade"14:53
Davieyi just started my NC install again to see14:54
smoseryou can probably put anything in that string14:54
Davieyttx, Keeps telling you that you have chosen not to install grub?14:54
smoserits just going to get onto the linux command line14:54
smoserwhich, who cares.14:54
Davieysmoser, That is isn't the killer issue14:54
ttxDaviey: yes14:54
smosergrub-pc/install_devices is your issue?14:54
ttxDaviey: that's actually a problem. The NC is completely uninstallable14:55
Davieysmoser, Near the end.. grub asks you waht device you want it on14:55
smoserwell, you can tell it.14:55
ttxor maybe not14:55
Davieyyou select a device14:55
Davieyand press continue14:55
Davieygrub then returns "Are you sure you don't want to install grub?"14:55
smoserwell, i'm sorry for this. i have to run. again, if "back out those changes" is the solutuion, then thats fine.14:55
DavieyI thought i was being a plum, so started the install again to reproduce..14:56
Davieyseems ttx has just hit the same behaviour14:56
ttxDaviey: apparently if you let it continue it works14:56
smoseri admit to not ever tested an full install with those packages.14:56
hggdhttx, Daviey: the NC *is* installable, I just installed two of them14:56
Davieysmoser, Well it's not terribly easy to test packages at install time..14:56
ttxhggdh: I was fearing it was not installable from ISO14:56
ttxhggdh: apparently it's just a misleading message14:57
Davieyi made a seperate local repo for doing this.. and it's not ideal14:57
ttxDaviey: could you file a bug ?14:57
Davieyttx, yes14:57
hggdhyes. I tried to say I did *not* want grub, and it kept on hapilly14:57
ttxDaviey: so that the message is in english :)14:57
ttxrigth, we need to document that14:57
Davieyhggdh, crikey14:57
Davieywell it's not as bad as we were thinking then14:57
ttxDaviey: in fact the last install step catches back and installs it14:57
Davieyi just killed the install and started again14:57
* ttx runs an instance14:58
Davieyttx, good luck.14:58
Davieyoh noes, robbiew is here.14:58
* hggdh crosses fingers and toes14:58
ttxeveryone, make as if eucalyptus was working !14:58
* hggdh starts behaving nicely14:59
ttxhggdh: I'm using your registration bug to as a metabug15:00
hggdhttx: roj15:00
ttxinstance running15:01
Davieyi'm still getting the traceback15:02
Davieywhen registering an image15:02
ttxworks for me15:02
ttxwhat iumage are you using ?15:02
ttxDaviey: have a bug number for the grub-pc issue ?15:03
ttxI'll mention it on my test report15:03
Davieyttx, I'll generate one now15:04
Davieyttx, Are both issues the same bug IYO?15:04
ttxboth ?15:05
DavieyLinux Command Line one and the "Sure you don't want grub?"?15:05
ttxyou just shouldn't get prompted15:05
ttxso its the same issue15:05
hggdhthey do sound related, but I did not get the cmdline15:05
ttxfile just one, we'll fix it by removing that depends15:05
* ttx really needs a pause now15:06
ttxDaviey: let me know the bug number when its in15:08
* ttx pauses15:08
MTecknologyAny ideas how I can make ssh log into a user so it has all the users aliases and functions defined for it?15:08
MTecknologyso then I can do ssh server.com bash_alias15:09
pmatulisMTecknology: search for 'environment' in sshd_config man page15:09
thesheff17MTecknology: if you put your public key inside their authorized_keys you can go right into that account.15:10
Davieyttx, Sorry for the delay.15:11
Davieybug #61346315:11
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 613463 in eucalyptus "[10.10 - Alpha 3 (candidate)] Prompts misleading grub dialogs during UEC Node installation." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61346315:11
hggdhDaviey: no errors registering (lucid|maverick) (amd64|i386)15:12
hggdhI mean, images15:13
DavieyI experienced this yesterday, and it fixed itself15:13
MTecknologypmatulis: I must be missing it. I tried AcceptEnv *15:13
Davieyttx, Ok.. i've been infront of the computer for 9 hours now.. i need a break :/15:14
MTecknologyI also tried out PermitUserEnvironment15:14
hggdhDaviey, ttx: I will go now for a (CLC+Walrus), (CC+SC), (NC)+ install. Who knows, the "Walrus first" may have been fixed...15:17
ttxhggdh: or you might get lucky, if you do the right dance15:17
* ttx will lay down a little longer to let the meds calm down the fever15:18
* hggdh picks up the "Great Book of Magical Dances"15:18
ttxI plan to run a UEC image on the cloud I luckily got running15:18
MTecknologyoh... it's trying to execute the alias on the local system instead of the remote system....15:18
ttxand a tomcat6/amd64 test15:18
ttxmathiaz_: I'll let you coordinate the rest of regular ISO testing15:19
ttxmathiaz_: with zul and spamaps15:20
mathiaz_ttx: okdiko15:30
mathiaz_ttx: good luck with your dinosaurs battle15:30
* ttx is back, fully drugged.15:38
smoserttx, Daviey s were ok15:39
Davieysmoser: ?15:39
smoser? with a wierd workaround?15:39
smoserso we're ok? on euca-nc install15:39
Davieyso no kittens have been killed :)15:40
smoserhs any one done euca\15:40
smosererr  uec-provisioning?15:40
* Daviey gives smoser a new keyboard15:40
Davieysmoser: yesterday, not today15:41
Davieysmoser: But that isn't a concern for A315:41
smoserif you just took the 2 month old from my arm i might not need anothr keyboard :)15:41
smoseralright. me is off again. later15:42
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
ttxDaviey: I'm going to scrap my working UEC setup, unless you need it for some tests15:42
Davieyttx: sounds fine with me.15:43
Davieythanks for jumping in ttx !15:43
ttxI'll run a few regular ISO tests, then be back with i386 topology1... and maybe more details on that strange registration issue15:43
ttxI want to be able to clearly point to euca_conf behaving strangely, keep the autoreg stuff out of the equation15:43
ttxso that we can push it upstream15:44
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
ttxDaviey: tomorrow morning we'll have to come up with release notes for those funny bugs15:49
Davieyfunny release notes for the bugs.. got it!15:49
tesseracterim going nuts trying to setup a NFS server that osx 10.6 can connect to. is there some sort of magicial param that i'm missing?15:54
papertigerstesseracter: nfs3?15:59
papertigersgive it the insecure option in exports15:59
papertigersthe insecure option in this entry also allows clients with NFS implementations that don't use a reserved port for NFS.16:00
MTecknologythesheff17: You available for a little help?16:00
tesseracter/home/steven    foo.bar.0.0/16(rw,sync,no_subtree_check,insecure) is the line16:00
tesseracterpapertigers, ^16:01
thesheff17MTecknology: yup16:01
MTecknologyjk_cp -f /jail /usr/bin/{vim,vim.basic,vimdiff,vimtutor}16:01
MTecknologythesheff17: ^ I run those commands and then vim is available - but broken16:01
papertigerstesseracter: try this on mac sudo mount -o -P server:/exported/path /local/path16:03
papertigersI used to have to do that16:03
thesheff17MTecknology: haha I think because vi isn't an alias to vim :)16:05
MTecknologythesheff17: hm?16:05
thesheff17MTecknology: so vi is really vim16:05
MTecknologythesheff17: I never typed vi without the m right after16:05
thesheff17MTecknology: right I wonder where they make that alias16:05
MTecknologythesheff17: I'm considering making a really big chroot... then using that16:06
papertigers'which vi'16:06
toddvi != vim16:06
zulyay! bacula 5.0.3 next week...WOHOO!16:07
MTecknologyright.. which is why I always type vim16:07
thesheff17MTecknology: I would just create an alias from vi to vim16:07
ttxhggdh: you mind if I rewrite the desc. for bug 609112 to talk about component resgitration rather than node registration ?16:07
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 609112 in eucalyptus "[maverick] Registration unreliable" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60911216:07
papertigersthesheff17: /etc/alternatives/vi and that is vi -> /usr/bin/vim.basic16:08
ttxhggdh: I think the current desc is misleading16:08
MTecknologythesheff17: did that - no difference16:08
binBASHsomeone knows what could be wrong?16:08
binBASHmodprobe kvm_intel16:08
binBASHFATAL: Error inserting kvm_intel (/lib/modules/2.6.32-24-server/kernel/arch/x86/kvm/kvm-intel.ko): Operation not supported16:08
papertigersbinBASH: sudo?16:08
binBASHI'm root ;)16:08
DavieybinBASH: see if $ kvm-ok , gives an insight16:09
binBASHthx Daviey16:09
thesheff17MTecknology:  /usr/bin/vi -> /etc/alternatives/vi16:09
binBASHSo that provider disabled virtualization in BIOS, bwarg :D16:10
thesheff17and then /etc/alternatives/vi points to  /usr/bin/vim.basic16:10
MTecknologythesheff17: the problem is a lot of undefined functions inside vim16:10
thesheff17MTecknology: what function isn't working16:12
papertigersthesheff17: I just gave you that vi link, it goes to vim.basic16:12
MTecknologythesheff17: E388: Couldn't find definition <- one - but I get a lot of them16:12
MTecknologythesheff17: and the display is pretty mucked up16:12
RoyKthesheff17: perhaps vim-nox has more16:12
RoyKpapertigers: ^^ that was for you16:13
pmatulisMTecknology: maybe try vim-tiny16:13
MTecknologypmatulis: spiffy idea..16:13
thesheff17MTecknology:  /usr/bin/vi -> /etc/alternatives/vi ->  /usr/bin/vim.basic16:13
tesseracterpapertigers, just hangs, are there logs i can tail to see if the mac is hitting the server?16:14
MTecknologypmatulis: still messed up - but much better16:15
RoyKtesseracter: nfs?16:15
MTecknologypmatulis: I keep thinking I'm probably missing some files that it wants16:15
pmatulisMTecknology: yes, probably some libraries16:16
papertigerstesseracter: from the mac when you mount give it the -v16:16
papertigersfor verbose see what its waiting on16:17
=== mathiaz_ is now known as mathiaz
thesheff17MTecknology: /usr/share/vim/ you might want to copy all this into the chroot env16:19
thesheff17MTecknology: I wonder though how much of that is symlinked around :(16:19
MTecknologythesheff17: easy enoguh...16:21
papertigersWhy not take the vim tar ball and compile it in the chroot :) haha16:21
pmatulisMTecknology: use ldd to determine what libraries you need16:21
MTecknologythesheff17: find /usr/share/vim/ -exec jk_cp -f /jail {} +; :D16:21
thesheff17papertigers: that is what I was thinking...maybe even add sudo and apt-get into chroot and could you apt-get vim :)16:21
MTecknologythesheff17: if you had the tools in there to do that :P16:22
tesseracterpapertigers, 1. -P wasn't considered a valid option, 2. v, vv ,vvv aren't giving any text at all, 3. it returns mount_nfs:cannot access /home/steven: Permission denied when it did return after the hang.16:22
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
tesseracterpapertigers, although without -v, -P seemed to work, thats when i got permission denied.16:22
MTecknologyI just made a really hefty chroot - we'll see how that works16:22
papertigerstesseracter: hmm you are on server, do you ahve a gui or just cli16:24
tesseracterpapertigers, just GUI on server.16:24
papertigerstesseracter: okay go to finder16:24
tesseracterpapertigers, heh, i meant to say just cli16:25
papertigersand then go to file connect to server and do nfs://myip:/path/to/share16:25
tesseracter /facepalm16:25
papertigerstesseracter: ahh okay, I was gonna say I know the gui way works on my mac16:25
tesseracterthats frustrating...16:26
MTecknologythere we go.....16:28
tesseracterpapertigers, now youve got me confused. the server is on ubuntu, the client is a mac. the finder connect to server thing hasn't worked....although it worked a while ago with a different guys laptop. it just hasnt been consistent between macs.16:28
MTecknologythesheff17: pmatulis: Fixed... debootstrap lucid dir; chroot dir; aptitude install vim16:28
thesheff17MTecknology: sweet :)16:28
MTecknologyless secure chroot becuase you can do more in it.. but...16:29
MTecknologyit's working16:29
MTecknologywhat's the stable version of debian?16:30
MTecknologylenny.. there we go16:30
MTecknologyIf I go with a complete chroot, I may as well go with one that doesn't change much16:30
RoyKis there anything in the works for making ubuntu virtualisation work like vmware or hyper-v where you can setup 2-3 boxes and have them work as a HA-cluster without anything in front?16:31
MTecknologyAny ideas how to stop these messages?  http://dpaste.com/224964/16:37
MTecknologyheh... simple enough16:38
MTecknologypmatulis: still doesn't work exactly right - vim acts more like vi16:40
MTecknologypmatulis: actually.. it acts more like some of the keys are messed up.. I press I, Delete and the position turns into a ~ and then the letter I was on comes back and the case of the previous letter changes16:41
pmatulisMTecknology: why not set up a machine for this express user-login purpose?  i still don't know much details of what you're doing16:43
MTecknologypmatulis: hm?16:44
MTecknologypmatulis: just setting up user jails16:44
pmatulisMTecknology: seems like it not working out16:44
MTecknologypmatulis: my question about ssh is completely different16:44
MTecknologyIt seems like it's something with escape sequences of special chars16:45
MTecknologyI like Delete but if I can't use it I guess that's fine - it seems like that's the only issue with it16:47
ttxmathiaz: is kirkland with you today ?16:49
ttxmathiaz: see why I want a presence tool :)16:49
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
thesheff17MTecknology: I wonder if vim is just confused on what keyboard you are using.  I have seen del and backspace both break on vim before16:51
mathiazttx: yes - he is busy16:53
=== jj-afk is now known as jjohansen
ttxmathiaz: right, he synced with me16:53
mathiazttx: good :)16:53
MTecknologythesheff17: any ideas hwo to fix it?16:54
ttxDaviey: got my i386 setup working the first time I tried16:56
Davieyttx: you should enter the Lotto16:57
Davieysounds like your numbers came in!16:57
ttxSpamapS: please coordinate with mathiaz to get some ISO testing coverage today16:59
* ttx completes one last test and jumps directly to bed to heal that headache16:59
mathiazSpamapS: I'd suggest you to start with the i386 images17:00
mathiazSpamapS: as I'm testing amd64 right now17:00
ttxmathiaz: we'll need coverage on the upgrade and netboot side as well17:00
mathiazttx: upgrade?17:01
mathiazttx: we're already testing upgrade in alpha3?17:01
uvirtbotNew bug: #613309 in cloud-init (main) "upstart scripts do not wait for 'cloud-config' status" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61330917:01
ttxmathiaz: dunno, it shows up in http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/ubuntuserver/all17:01
mathiazttx: I thought upgrade started to be tested at beta time17:01
ttxmathiaz: see with ara if it's superfluous ?17:01
mathiazttx: ok - I'll sync up with ara17:02
mathiazttx: have a good night17:02
ttxnot before I can start an instance on that UEC :)à17:02
Davieyupgrading uec from lucid was known to be broken17:02
DavieyThe recent upload has hopefully addressed this, but i haven't tested it17:03
thesheff17MTecknology :fixdel does that help at all?17:05
ttxinstance automatically shutting down17:06
MTecknologythesheff17: *blink* :D17:07
ttxlet's say its a dupe of bug 61047917:07
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 610479 in eucalyptus "Instance fails to start" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61047917:07
thesheff17MTecknology: so del is the only key not working?  Sorry a developer was bugging me about something :)17:09
MTecknologythesheff17: I think so.. that's kinda interesting17:09
thesheff17MTecknology: http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Backspace_and_delete_problems17:10
MTecknologythesheff17: thanks :)17:11
hggdhttx: nope, you cannot manually register the walrus on a separate install -- euca_conf requires the CLC to be running17:12
hggdhttx: so... this really breaks eucalyptus on distributed installs17:12
qman__yeah, I've run into those issues with backspace and delete on solaris, though I've never run into them on linux17:13
qman__good document there17:13
ttxhggdh, Daviey: ran into bug 613514 trying to start instances on my i386 UEC setup17:16
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 613514 in eucalyptus "Instance does not start" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61351417:16
ttxand now eod17:16
hggdhttx: I am going back to an all-in-one, and will check it17:18
DavieyRegistering images would be nice :)17:23
nicetryHello, I'm trying to install php5-mcrypt in ubuntu server 10.04 - but I'm getting this message: The following packages have unmet dependencies: php5-mcrypt: Depends: phpapi-20060613+lfs -- However http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/php5-mcrypt says the phpapi-20090626+lfs is a virtual package provided by packages I already have... So whats going on here?17:27
nicetryCan anyone help me install php5-mycrpt?17:32
jetoleDoes anyone know how I can query a DHCP server without having any of the settings take effect on my system but where I can have it display everything it says?17:33
MTecknologyI forgot a hard link can't cross partitions17:39
MTecknologyfooye :P17:39
SpamapSmathiaz: ok, will start i386 stuff. :)17:45
mathiazSpamapS: hm - well - I'm about start i386 tests17:46
mathiazSpamapS: I'll be finished in 30 minutes17:46
mathiazSpamapS: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/ubuntuserver/all17:46
hggdhDaviey: still awake?17:47
mathiazSpamapS: netboot seems to be the main part missing test coverage17:47
Davieyhggdh: sadly17:47
mathiazSpamapS: I'd suggest to take the amd64 netboot tests17:47
mathiazSpamapS: and check whether you can run them17:48
Davieymathiaz: I'm pretty sure ttx said netbooting isn't a priority for A3 tests17:48
hggdhDaviey: have you ever heard of a programme called 'bttrack'? I see an error in the cloud-debug.log stating it cannot find it17:48
nicetryCan anyone help me figure out why ubuntu server refuses to install php5-mcrypt?17:48
hggdhnicetry: what is the exact error you get? pastebin it if necessary17:49
Davieyhggdh: interesting.. that is a torrent client17:50
SpamapSmathiaz: I don't have any way to test net boot17:50
SpamapSBTW was there some email I missed saying the iso's were out?17:50
Davieyhggdh: I suspect that is a new feature he hadn't yet heard of17:50
hggdhDaviey: I know of 'bttrack.bittorrent', but not of just 'bttrack'17:51
hggdhat least we are not packaging anything with this name right now for Maverick17:51
Davieyhggdh: hmm.. it's provided with both bittornado and bitttorent packages17:51
nicetryhggdh:  http://pastebin.com/VZdkYmgb17:52
Davieyhggdh: Thankfully, they are both main - so it's not a biggy if we need to add them..17:52
Davieyhggdh: I sort of expect it's a feature of distributing the images via torrent to the nc's.. but this is nothing more than a hunch17:53
mathiazSpamapS: I'm subscribed to test cases in the iso tracker17:53
mathiazSpamapS: that's how I get notified whenever new images are waiting to be tested17:54
DavieySpamapS: The ISO's aren't out.. we are testing the candidates :)17:54
mathiazSpamapS: http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/NetBoot17:54
mathiazSpamapS: ^^ this outlines net boot17:55
mathiazSpamapS: it turns out that netboot is actually about testing the mini.iso17:55
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nicetryhggdh: Any ideas?17:56
DavieyI guess mini.iso is pretty close to a PXE enviroment, if you can't change your dhcpd settings17:56
DavieyAlthough.... a valid test could be using gpxe17:56
SpamapSmathiaz: ah17:57
SpamapSI have a laptop17:58
SpamapSnothing else17:58
SpamapSnot really interested in risking accidentally wiping it with a pxe install. ;)17:58
DavieySpamapS: virtulisation baby!17:58
Davieykvm and virtualbox can both PXE boot :)17:59
zulSpamapS: time to get some more hardware18:00
SpamapSzul: I spent years kicking all the hardware out of my house18:01
mathiazDaviey: right - we should add some pxe testing as well18:01
SpamapSits nice and quiet18:01
SpamapSand cool18:01
mathiazSpamapS: I hear you ;)18:01
zulSpamapS: heh....well different career path requires different hardware :)18:01
SpamapSI do have an old G5 mac but I doubt people care about powerpc testing. :)18:01
mathiazSpamapS: I was able to setup a netboot installation environement using vm only and libvirt18:01
Davieymathiaz:  i can't, over the noise of these servers18:01
mathiazSpamapS: I have a virtual network within libvirt where i have an pxe server running18:02
mathiazSpamapS: that how I can test network installation within my laptop18:02
SpamapSzul: true, I have the whole cloud at my fingertips though.. who runs real servers anymore anyway? ;)18:02
hggdhnicetry: what version of Ubuntu?18:02
zulSpamapS: umm...when you are needed to test isos perhaps? ;)18:02
SpamapSIts an interesting idea to create a virtual netboot test env.18:03
SpamapSseems like cheating. ;)18:03
nicetryhggdh: 10.0418:03
nicetryhggdh: but this also happend before I upgraded in 9.1018:03
SpamapSmathiaz: so I shouldn't bother downloading the i386 iso then?18:05
* SpamapS only has the amd64 isos18:05
mathiazSpamapS: nope18:05
mathiazSpamapS: if you have amd64, you could also run through the raid1 install: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/result/4389/28618:06
mathiazSpamapS: and report it to http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/438918:06
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hggdhnicetry: phpapi-20060613+lfs does not exist on Lucid18:07
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hggdhnicetry: but there is phpapi-20090626+lfs18:08
hggdhnicetry: are you sure you are using the Lucid repositories?18:08
SpamapSRead maverick-server-amd64.iso. Target 41.7% complete.18:09
SpamapSWow we changed a lot. ;)18:09
nicetryhggdh: no! the universe/multiverse were still karmic for some reason18:11
nicetryhggdh: thank you - that did it18:12
hggdhnicetry: welcome, glad to be able to help18:14
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thesheff17would anyone suggest a reverse proxy?  I know there is squid, pound, apache, nginx and basically just looking for high performance active checks on the backend and sticky persistence.18:17
Jeeves_nginx doesn't do sticky persistance, IIRC18:21
thesheff17Jeeves_: thx18:21
Jeeves_Oh, wait.18:22
Jeeves_It does18:22
Jeeves_It was varnish that didn't18:22
thesheff17ah ok...I just actually started looking at that.18:22
SpamapSvarnish is really high performance18:30
SpamapSand I believe while it doesn't do session persistence, it does utilize keepalives on the backend connections18:30
SpamapShaproxy is also really nice18:30
SpamapSIMO, needing sticky persistence means limiting your application quite a bit.18:31
SpamapSthesheff17: Do you really need sticky persistence, or just think it will improve performance?18:31
thesheff17SpamapS: well I did in the past but the developers might have fixed their crappy cache system on the code side :)18:35
MTecknologyI get this http://dpaste.com/224992/ from doing this --> sudo -s /bin/dash -n -H -u demo.kalliki.com -i -- yes y | /usr/local/sbin/drush/drush -r /jail/home/demo.kalliki.com/drupal -l demo.kalliki.com up18:35
SpamapSthesheff17: www.memcached.org :-D18:36
MTecknologythesheff17: I'm trying to make something happen outside of the chroot as that user18:36
thesheff17SpamapS: thx I sent it to the developer...I'm sure he will love that link :)18:37
thesheff17MTecknology: what are you trying to do?18:38
SpamapSthesheff17: honestly, if they are in a web environment, and they haven't heard of it yet.. they're fired. ;)18:39
MTecknologythesheff17: I want to run a php process as that user - but I want to not be confined to their chroot18:39
MTecknologythesheff17: if I could change their shell to /bin/bash and their home dir to /jail/home/user instead of /jail/./home/user it might work..18:40
SpamapSMTecknology: -f you drop -H, you won't inherit the user's whole login environment, you'll just get their uid/gid18:41
thesheff17MTecknology:  you could write some script to check for something within the chroot to let them run something on the main server.18:42
MTecknologySpamapS: I tried without the -H too18:42
MTecknologyroot@incipio:~# sudo -s /bin/bash -n -u demo.kalliki.com -i -- "/usr/local/sbin/drush/drush -r /jail/home/demo.kalliki.com/pressflow -l http://demo.kalliki.com up"18:44
MTecknology/bin/bash: demo.kalliki.com: No such file or directory18:44
MTecknologyI'll have to finish fighting this when I get back.18:58
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axisysis there a channel to discuss type 1 virtualization with ubuntu ?19:10
pmatulisaxisys: type 1?19:11
axisyspmatulis: like xen .. hypervisor.. not virtualbox (type 2)19:12
pmatulisaxisys: try #ubuntu-virt for any "types"19:12
axisyspmatulis: thanks19:12
hggdhDaviey: rejoyce! I ran 81 instances on an all-in-one + 5 NCs, and 78 succeeded!19:20
Davieyhggdh: \o/19:20
hggdhyeah... who would have said...19:20
Davieyhggdh: what was your sleep interval between starting instances?19:20
hggdhDaviey: the usual ramdon between 5 and 11 seconds19:21
Davieyok, thanks19:21
Davieyhggdh: If you fancy testing it when you go to bed, fancy leaving it at ~60 seconds?19:21
hggdhon my rig, this guarantees I will be usually getting all possible instances to run19:21
Daviey(or more)19:21
hggdhDaviey: yes, no prob. Any special reason?19:21
Davieyhggdh: I am interested to see if it's just a bad timing issue, or if spawning too fast causes it19:22
Davieyi suspect it's the luck of the draw issue we've been experiencing with a few parts of the stack19:22
hggdhDaviey: oh. OK. I will change the test not to do a -n on euca-run-instances19:22
hggdhDaviey: how many? Fancy 1000?19:23
hggdh(we will be sleeping, after all)19:23
Davieyhggdh: while true:19:25
Daviey99999999999999999999 should cover it.. the kill it when you start tomorrow19:26
Davieyis that ok?19:26
hggdhyes, no prob (but I could never run more than 10k before having som many errors that I would kill it19:27
hggdhMAX_INT64 it is19:27
DavieyOh, sorry - pick a suitable value then :)19:28
hggdhrunning the beast now, Daviey19:37
hggdh(we actually will not get much done, one every 60sec == 1440 in 24 hours)19:38
Davieyyeah :/19:40
Davieythanks hggdh !19:40
hggdhDaviey: my pleasure. I believe you ar now due for bed, correct ;-)?19:43
Davieyhggdh: yeah right!19:43
Davieysleep is a commodity that Ubuntu doesn't like :)19:44
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Kaffienhow can you resize a XFS partition?20:41
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ivoksyou can only extend it20:44
ivoksand, notice that XFS is file system, not a partition20:44
Sander_can i use ftp client on a ubuntu server?20:53
iowahchy there. anyone know how to configure tomcat on 8.04 to listen in ipv4? it only listens on ipv6 :(20:53
iowahcSander_: there is the ftp - CLI client20:53
iowahcso why not?20:53
ivoksSander_: lftp is a great CLI client20:53
Sander_apt-get lftp ?20:54
ivoksiowahc: it should listen on ipv4 by default20:54
ivoksiowahc: if you have ipv4 address20:54
ivoksSander_: you already have ftp client installed20:54
ivoksSander_: just type ftp and hit enter20:54
iowahcivoks: well. should :D it doesn't20:54
Sander_but i don understand that ftp client :$20:55
Kaffienyou cannot shrink the xfs filesystem?20:55
ivoksKaffien: nope20:55
Kaffienthat is retarded20:55
ivoksSander_: open ftp.server.com20:55
Sander_thanks <3 ;p20:56
ivoksftp --help would help20:56
ivokser... man ftp20:56
ivoksiowahc: i have 0 experience with tomcat configs :/20:57
iowahcnp. thx anyway :)20:57
AlexMaxWhere can I find the Sun JRE package for Ubuntu Server?  I thought it used to be in the repos as sun-java-jre-whatever but I don't see any sign of it in karmic20:58
iowahcAlexMax: sun-java5-jre20:59
AlexMaxmake that lucid20:59
ivoksapt-cache search sun jre20:59
iowahcor sun-java6-jre20:59
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.20:59
AlexMaxpartner repos20:59
guntbertAlexMax: you need the partner repo enabled21:00
ivoksi don't have it enabled21:00
ivoksbut i have sun jre21:00
ivoksoh, i have :D21:00
hggdhDaviey: I just noticed you applied for bug-control last year (!!)21:04
Davieyhggdh: Yeah.. probably did21:05
AlexMaxheh reason i said karmic was that this box has been upgraded from karmic to lucid and parts of the sources (commented out) still said karmic :P21:05
hggdhAlexMax: this hould not have happened on a kosher upgrade21:05
Davieyhggdh: Decided to just be a member of ~ubuntu-dev instead :)21:06
hggdhand got your -control as bonus :-)21:06
hggdhDaviey: OK. I am considering cleaning up the cruft on the -control proposed list... I will start by declining you (since you have it via -devs)21:07
Davieyhggdh: feel free :)21:07
* hggdh goes on. One down, 300 to go21:07
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hggdhDaviey: interestingly, with interval betwee submissions ~60 sec, I already got 11 failures in 81 tries21:11
Davieyhggdh meet LP-API21:13
Davieyi'm pretty sure could could auto decline if left idle for 30 days :)21:13
hggdhyes... but we did not have it, and there are requests pending from 2008 or earlier...21:14
hggdhI am considering writing a hack to clean it up21:14
Davieyhggdh: Oh aye.. i'm just saying rather than spend the time declining them manually.. the same time on a little python.. :)21:14
idlemindhello. i'm running 10.04 server i'm wondering if there is any issue with running ACL's on my filesystems. i'm using the server as a web-hosting server. in particular LAMP services21:17
RyanPI have a setup with users authenticating via LDAP. How can I force a password change on first logon?21:21
sorenRyanP: Set the "lastChanged" field to 0.21:44
soren...or whatever it's called.21:45
RyanPsoren, Thanks. What would you consider to be the easiest way to do that?21:47
sorenRyanP: Using whatever tool you use to deal with other aspects of user management.21:49
idlemindwhat user does apache run as in ubuntu 10.04 lts server by default/21:49
idlemind* ?21:49
idlemindnm it's www-data21:50
sorenidlemind: www-data21:50
mathiazSpamapS: any progress on the raid1 iso test?21:54
SpamapSmathiaz: My internet connection went down 2 hours ago, just came back up so I am just now finishing the download and starting on it. :(21:55
mathiazSpamapS: ok - cool21:55
mathiazSpamapS: are you doing amd64 or i386?21:55
SpamapSmathiaz: I have the amd64 iso downloaded... so I'll start there. i386 has 11m left on the download21:55
mathiazSpamapS: 11 *months* - where do you live?21:56
SpamapSmathiaz: Alpha Centauri21:56
SpamapSmathiaz: once the bits start flowing, it will be over in 5 minutes.. but the latency is AWFUL21:56
mathiazSpamapS: no wonder that your internet connection breaks down once in ahiwl21:56
comronAnyone have experience with http://libslack.org/daemon/ ?22:16
EvilPhoenixcomron:  guess not22:17
comronEvilPhoenix: heh. It was worth a try :)22:17
n00b3rzHey all22:19
n00b3rzI was wondering if anyone had some thoughts for me...I have a Dell Rackmount server (2850) and it's on the network with two IPs and receives pings, ssh, etc, but cannot connect out, no ping, looks like no dns22:21
n00b3rzcan't even hit the gateway22:22
guntbertn00b3rz: can it ping itself? both IP adresses?22:23
n00b3rzguntbert: Yes it can22:24
guntbertn00b3rz: please pastebin the output of: ip ad   and of: ip r22:26
n00b3rzI'm using static IPs, under /etc/network/interfaces I have auto eth022:27
n00b3rziface eth0 inet static22:27
n00b3rzshould the first line have static eth0 ?22:27
guntbertn00b3rz: no, those are actually commands you should enter22:27
guntbert!pastebin | n00b3rz22:28
ubottun00b3rz: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:28
n00b3rzthanks BTW22:30
n00b3rzI've been googling around and haven't run across anything that seemed to describe my situation, my google-fu must be weak :-|22:30
guntbertn00b3rz: 1) whats the idea of 2 nics in the same network? 2) you should always have only one default route22:33
SpamapSguntbert: I don't believe that #2 is true. its perfectly fine to have multiple routes to any destination22:34
SpamapSas long as the gateway knows how to get to the destination22:35
n00b3rzguntbert: 1) No point right now, only one network to work with and I believe one is unplugged. 2) I can see about disabling the second default route if necessary22:35
n00b3rzthat could be it though, if one cable isn't connected and that default is used first...I did try swapping cables and it still had no connectivity22:35
guntbertn00b3rz: could be :-)22:35
SpamapSif one is down, the routing layer won't use it.22:35
SpamapSn00b3rz: why is one disconnected?22:36
n00b3rzyea, that fixed it, thank you guntbert and SpamapS22:36
guntbertSpamapS: in my experience multiple default routes lead to trouble22:36
guntbert!yay | n00b3rz22:37
ubottun00b3rz: Glad you made it! :-)22:37
SpamapSguntbert: yeah, it doesn't do what most people think it does, but it should work fine.22:37
n00b3rzSpamapS: I only have one place to connect the server to22:37
SpamapSn00b3rz: you can put two IP's on one interface, if you need both IP's22:37
n00b3rzonly one network here at work, only need one IP too22:37
guntbertSpamapS: not with default route - it doesn't22:38
SpamapSwell then stop doing weird stuff with two IP's ;)22:38
n00b3rzhehe, good to know!22:38
guntbertI'm on my way to bed - glad it works now :-)22:38
n00b3rzif I want to disable the second interface would the best place be under /etc/network/interfaces?22:39
n00b3rzremoving the entry for that connection?22:39
SpamapSn00b3rz: yes22:39
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SpamapSwe gotta fix stuff like that :-P23:38
klaasI would like ubuntu without plymouth as a possibility23:40
SpamapSor a "server mode" for plymouth23:40
klaasespecially cause I never see my server boot anyways :)23:40
SpamapSWhen you are watching your server boot..23:40
SpamapSits usually because something hit the fan23:41

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