
davmor2morning all11:02
aramorning davmor211:35
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hggdhmorning all12:53
=== vivid` is now known as vivid
hggdhthe server ISO is going through the third iteration, correct?13:13
arahggdh, that's what I heard, yes13:15
* ara -> lunch13:17
hggdhara, thank you13:21
zulyes it should be available now13:30
hggdhzul: great, thanks13:41
charlie-tcaxubuntu images tested done; now testing Ubuntu alternate images14:25
* ara hugs charlie-tca 14:27
* ara starts the "optional" test cases14:28
* hggdh enters hell while testing UEC14:43
hggdhabandon hope, etc, etc14:43
bladernrHey... does anyone know if there's a way to use testdrive against local ISO copies instead of having it rsync every time?14:53
charlie-tcaI think so14:56
charlie-tcacopy /etc/testdriverc to ~/.testdriverc and change lines at about line 4814:57
charlie-tcaComment "u = rsync://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage"14:58
charlie-tcaadd a new line starting with "u = " and the location you want it to use locally14:58
charlie-tcaThis u = "file://mnt/whynot-maverick_meerkat-1010/xubuntu" lets it use my local downloaded iso14:59
charlie-tcaand since there are 4 iso images there, it even asks which one I want14:59
bladernrcharlie-tca:  yeah, I just pinged kirkland and he pointed out the glaringly obvious...15:07
davmor2ara: so the wubi issue is across all the desktops16:24
aradavmor2, do you know if they are they going to respin because of that?16:25
davmor2ara: I wouldn't of thought so ev is debconf with a crap connection16:25
fader_Howdy folks17:19
* fader_ starts syncing ISOs.17:19
davmor2fader_: hello slacker where you been sciving off to?17:21
fader_davmor2: Traveling... had some family issues that necessitated me going back home for a bit17:22
bladernrhrmmm  are there special video settings necessary for KVM and Maverick?  Both my 64bit Kubuntu installs ran fine, but once I get logged in via KDM I get nothign but a blank white screen and a mouse pointer.17:40
arabladernr, it looks like a bug17:51
arabladernr, it should work out of the box17:51
araRiddell, ^ any idea?17:51
* ara takes a break before the IRC meeting17:52
bladernrara... I was wondering if it was that, or just me.  For A3 I'm trying to make the switch from Virtualbox to KVM17:52
Riddellshouldn't be but it's always possible kwin's compositing doesn't work with it17:53
Riddellbladernr: I take it gnome works ok?17:53
araRiddell, it works for me17:53
Riddellbladernr: what happens if you press alt-f2 ?17:53
bladernrRiddell:  I'm doing a Ubuntu install now to verify that.  My last two were Kubuntu Alternates so no GUI until after install...17:54
Riddelli just did a alternate amd64 kubuntu install and it's fine, so it'll be something about the video driver usage probably17:54
bladernrRiddell:  FWIW, the GNOME session on the Live CD works fine17:55
bladernrRiddell:  That's what I thought.  Someone else did one of the kubuntu alternate tests earlier and didn't mention issues...17:55
bladernrbut as this is the first time I've really used KVM (I'm an old Xen guy) I'm learning by doing :/17:55
Riddellthe other possiblity is plasma crashing or not starting which is what the alt-f2 test is for17:55
Riddelldavmor2: hmm, I'm also getting the low video mode dialogue on live CD startup18:06
Riddellalthough it then starts in perfectly good video mode with compositing18:06
davmor2Riddell: How are you getting to that bit mine is just dropping into terminal18:21
RiddellI just click OK a couple of times18:22
* davmor2 tries again18:22
Riddelldavmor2: no problem on an installed machine though18:28
davmor2Riddell: resorted to typing startx to get it up and running again18:31
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davmor2Hey Riddell you know the Recent Devices icon will it not get confused with USB ?18:34
Riddellwith USB what?18:34
davmor2Riddell: the icon used is very similar to the one for USB18:35
Riddellwith a USB socket? I wouldn't think so, one is a physical part of the computer and the other is an icon :)18:35
davmor2Riddell: I was thinking more that it would only list what was connected via USB :D18:36
Riddellmaybe, I agree it's not ideal, but you get a large panel popping up when you insert anything (e.g. CD) so it's pretty obvious when you need it18:37
charlie-tcaI can not do the alternate image LTSP server installs; I don't have the setup for it19:09
Riddelldavmor2: ubuntu desktop CD is fine, I wonder if KDM is crashing19:10
bladernrRiddell:  From our earlier discussion... alt-f2 does nothing.  alt-f3 DOES open a window menu, but I can't do anything with it (the VM seems VERY sluggish). GNOME worked perfectly19:12
bladernrRiddell:  kubuntu amd64 in KVM ^^19:12
Riddellbladernr: are you able to get to a linux terminal?19:13
RiddellI'm curious to know if plasma is running19:13
bladernrRiddell:  yep... plasma-desktop is running19:16
Riddellbladernr: well that's weird19:21
Riddellbladernr: what happens if you start another app?   export DISPLAY=:0; konsole19:22
Riddelldavmor2: log is complaining about kdm timing out, I wonder if it's just sensitive to the CD being slow19:22
bladernrRiddell:  ibus errors, the last one being "no connection to ibus-daemon"19:24
Riddelldavmor2: I reported bug 61357419:24
ubot4Launchpad bug 613574 in kdebase-workspace (Ubuntu) "kdm times out on live cd (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61357419:24
Riddellbladernr: that's fine, does it appear on the X server?19:24
Riddellcuriouser and curiouser19:27
Riddellbladernr: is it an installed system?19:28
bladernrinstalled via alt...  let me boot the regular kubuntu image and see what happens19:28
Riddellbladernr: can you put this into ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc19:28
Riddellsee if that helps?19:28
* Riddell out for a bit19:29
bladernrhrmmm yeah.19:29
bladernrRiddell: with that, the KDM login box disappears after I log in, but the KDM background remains and I get no desktop at all...19:36
bladernrRiddell:  just tried the kubuntu desktop live cd and I get the same thing19:38
fader_bladernr: kubuntu alts are looking good for me under virtualbox19:44
bladernrRiddell:  actually, with the live CD, I get the blank white screen/pointer, then it cycles to a KDM login, the login box disappears after a few seconds and nada19:45
bladernrfader_:  yeah, I just HAD to go to KVM this week... but it only happens with KDE in KVM for me... Gnome is find19:45
bladernrsigh... I should have just stuck with VBox19:45
bladernrNow I've gotta go disentangle all this KVM stuff out of my system because they can't coexist...19:46
fader_bladernr: IIRC you can just rmmod kvm and insmod whatever vbox's module is19:46
fader_vboxdrv IIRC19:47
bladernrhrmmm... I'll give that a shot...19:47
bladernryay, fader_ is my hero19:49
fader_Aw, shucks.19:49
bladernrstill gonna rm -rf kvm though...19:49
davmor2Riddell: thanks I've subbed to it give me a ping when you think you have a fix for it and I'll try it out :)19:56
charlie-tcabladernr: I have never been able to make KVM work for me. I still use VBox here19:58
bladernryeah, I'm moving back, have VBox running now...19:59
davmor2bladernr: don't make fader_ head swell he has enough trouble getting through doors as it is20:00
bladernrdavmor2:  it's not his he.... oh... nevermind... ;-)20:00
charlie-tcaqa meeting time - #ubuntu-quality20:01
fader_I have a minor bug here... kubuntu OEM mode doesn't display the desktop folder on first boot but does on subsequent boots.  (Before running oem-config)20:16
fader_Any guesses as to where I should file that? :)20:16
fader_I don't *think* it's a ubiquity thing...20:16
fader_And in fact it's not, as it hits the installed user as well.  Weird.  Maybe this is expected behavior?20:19
KE1HAHello all. For ISO-testing, what bug-tag should we use if we need to submit a correction to the test-document?20:39
fader_KE1HA: Just so I am clear on what you are asking, do you mean there is a mistake in the test case itself (rather than a bug in Ubuntu)?20:40
KE1HArrr Yes, there's a step that happens during install that does nto appear on the test document.20:41
KE1HAIn this particula case, ISO-Testing for KUB-ALT-AMD64, Debian-Installer Encrypted LVM Drive, Case ID: del-001, Im prompted for "Partition Disks" after step 8, but the test doc does not include the step. There's also a "Configure the Closk" step that is missing.20:44
fader_KE1HA: To be honest the best thing to do is to edit that document and add the missing steps yourself :)20:45
fader_KE1HA: It's on a wiki so you can create an account if you don't have one and modify the test case20:45
fader_KE1HA: If you're not willing/able to do that then you would need to file a bug, but I'm not sure against what :/20:46
KE1HArr. Yes, I've ket a local version with the edits, but jsut wanted  to know how I shold go about gettign it updated. I should try editign the wiki I suppose. TNX fer the input.20:46
fader_KE1HA: Great, thank you!20:47
fader_I'll keep trying to figure out where to file a bug, just in case you're not able to update it :)20:47
KE1HAI'm also posintg the observations in the test comments.20:47
KE1HAThis is kind of fun actually, first time I'vedone the ISO-testing.20:47
sbeattiefader: qa website is probably the closest project.20:47
fader_KE1HA: Excellent!  Thanks for helping out! :)20:47
fader_sbeattie: Yeah, that's the project I was trying to find in launchpad, thanks!20:48
KE1HANext step is checkbox testing, will be a bit of a challange fer me on that one :-)20:48
fader_I kept trying variations on "qa wiki" instead of "website" :/20:48
fader_KE1HA: That one at least I can tell you to file bugs against the "checkbox" project ;)20:48
hggdhKE1HA: was you had requested membership in the cug-control?20:49
KE1HAyes, I subniited a request to bug-squad, but not accepted yet.20:50
hggdhbug-squad or bug-control? I have one pending for -control20:50
KE1HAHmm, Let me look.20:50
KE1HABug-Squad .. maby should ahve been to bug-control ?20:51
KE1HAas Im certainly not a code developer.20:51
hggdhKE1HA (ke1ha) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Bug Control (...)20:51
hggdhKE1HA: the point is you have to follow the requirements as in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugControl20:52
KE1HAI just want to help with Bugs as best I can' but Im not a developer, which one should I have requested to join?20:52
hggdhinitially it should be bug-squad20:52
hggdhbug-control requires experience on triaging20:52
KE1HAI "think" I followed the requirments, but maybe not. Im in Launchpad, and subscribed to the mailing list, and have signed the COC.20:53
hggdhyou do (but not for bug-control). Please submit a request for bug-squad, and I will approve it20:54
hggdhKE1HA: meanwhile, I am rejecting the request for -control; when you have some bugs under your belt, please reapply20:54
KE1HArr no problem, so to hep out with bugs I should join Bug-Squad ?20:56
hggdhyes,please. This tells us you want to help20:56
hggdhKE1HA: and: (1) you do not need to be a code developer to help; (2) THANK YOU for helping20:56
KE1HArr, TNX, I'll go read the req's and if I run into troubles, will pop back in for assistance.20:56
hggdhKE1HA: the best place for triaging help is #ubuntu-bugs20:57
KE1HArr. TNX20:57
KE1HAhggdh, I went to https://launchpad.net/~bugsquad  and asked to join, this is the cottrect sites yes ?21:23
hggdhKE1HA: yes. we should receive an email in a few... let me check21:26
hggdhKE1HA: done21:33
bladernranyone else seen the aubergine splash screen when booting Kubuntu ISOs? I've just booted the 32 bit one twice, and I got the aubergine color splash during boot (though it DOES boot the Kubuntu installer)21:43
bladernr^^ the screen that says Ubuntu with the blinky dots21:43
KE1HAhggdh, TNX21:45
KE1HAbladernr, yep, saw the same thing here with the Encrypted LVM install.21:46
bladernrKE1HA:  ok... so I'm NOT going crazy (at least not today)21:46
KE1HALOL.. well if so, we both are :-)21:46
bladernrthat or we're both having the same delusion21:46
charlie-tcaUbuntu's splash takes over for everybody, even xubuntu21:53
KE1HAI wish it wouldn't, it's crashing my D400 i855 chipset.21:58
ubot4Launchpad bug 613034 in xubuntu-artwork (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu splash screen is showing Ubuntu 10.10 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]21:58
charlie-tcaI had it against plymouth, but the devs decided it is not plymouth doing it22:00
KE1HAcharlie-tca, I dont know what it is that's crashing mine D400. I tried all the i8xx work-arounds, to no avail.22:02
charlie-tcaThat one is harder to give answers to22:03
KE1HAI got the installer to at least go through, but then on re-boot, no joy. Will keep plugging away at it.22:03
charlie-tcaWell, I done all the testing I can do today. Good luck with the rest :-)22:04
KE1HAYep, have a few more to complete. back to it now.22:05
KE1HAQuestion, when doing an OEM install, during the Username / Pssword section, does the system default to username=OEM? as it passed this section and went stright to "enter PW / Confirm PW"22:35
KE1HANVM found the answer, it does mand the initial user OEM but it's skipping the option to Encrypt the home direcoty. I suppose that's logical.22:41
fader_KE1HA: Yep, you're seeing expected behavior on the OEM setup22:53
fader_Which as you say is logical, since it's a temporary user that will be removed when the install is completed by the end user22:54
KE1HAfader_, one thing Im not seeing, once rebooted, in the top-left-corner is the Tool-Box, and Im not find a way to switch to a temporary user to prepare for oem shipment.23:09
fader_KE1HA: You shouldn't need to switch users... it should log you in as the oem user automatically23:10
fader_There should be an icon that says something like "prepare for shipping to end user"23:10
KE1HAfader_, Ahh, ok, was following the test do. Also, after doing the prepare for install, should it go back to the Install screen?23:11
fader_KE1HA: No, I believe at that point it should just act as a normal desktop until you reboot23:12
fader_After you reboot it should present you with the user setup questions23:12
fader_KE1HA: If the test case is not correct this is another one that will need updating :)23:12
KE1HAfader_, rr, it's put me back at the Install screen, which is explained in the Test-Doc. Will follow this trhough and see where it leads. RR on another updae to the test-Doc :-)23:12
fader_KE1HA: Okay, I could be wrong as I was going from (old) memory :)23:13
KE1HArr. no worres. Will see where it goes.23:13
* fader_ gives up for a while and goes to find some food.23:14
KE1HAQuestion: What is the fiffrence between: Alternate OEM Install and Desktop OEM Install (Ubiquity) ?23:49

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