
mrman208very interesting00:00
magicianlordyou see00:00
mrman208also, whe i installed regular ubuntu dhclient was installed by default00:00
magicianlordlucid is getting very sneaky00:00
magicianlorddont know if i like this00:00
AviMarcusoh. I can retrieve a windows from the other screen. Just use "move". My mistake was I thought I need to click-drag. But no, just click move, drag, then click to let go. sweet.00:01
magicianlordgonna reinstall00:01
AviMarcushmm. Maybe that was my problem in windows too :')00:01
mrman208magicianlord: Go for it. Good luck!00:01
mrman208AviMarcus: You can also drag windows by holding alt and draging them from anywhere, even inside the window.00:01
AviMarcusit's alt-click, and sometimes that hits a button and kills it00:02
punkmexichello how can i know what virtualbox i have installed? puel or ose?00:02
AviMarcusalt-f7 is fine though00:02
franc_punkmexic: changes are it's ose00:02
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tensorpuddingpunkmexic: if you installed it via aptitude it's almost surely OSE00:02
punkmexichow can i have the puel franc_ ?00:02
AviMarcusI thought I needed to click drag. that's why it didn't work for me.00:02
mrman208MushroomCloud: Hello00:02
punkmexici installed from .deb package from virtualbox site00:03
tensorpuddingYou can get PUEL using Oracle's PPA00:03
ilovefairuz!hi | MushroomCloud00:03
ubottuMushroomCloud: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!00:03
franc_punkmexic: type "dpkg -l | grep virtualbox", check to see if it poped out.00:03
tripelbmibbit will not connect me here for an irc channel. Ubuntu has no IRC for 10.04 and only pidgin for the livecd. I dont have a HD and I cant install any other client, tried terminal clients irssi and ircii00:03
tensorpuddingpunkmexic: then you have PUEL00:03
MushroomCloudis it true that xbuntu is the smallest ubuntu distribution?00:03
uRockpunkmexic, how did you install it? Did you download and install the deb or install via repositories?00:03
AviMarcusnight folks00:03
punkmexicfranc_ ii  virtualbox-3.2                        3.2.6-63112~Ubuntu~lucid                        Oracle VM VirtualBox00:03
tripelbubuntuforums finds no irc client on the new liveCD http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4352600:04
punkmexici doanloaded the .deb from virtualbox site uRock00:04
punkmexicis there a command that notify me that i have puel or ose?00:04
uRockpunkmexic, sorry I was a bit late, what are you trying to get it to do?00:04
alazyworkaholicMy Dolphin Wii emulator (got it through a ppa) stopped working correctly. It's under development still but used to work so I figure an update broke it. Is there an easy way to go back to the subversion I had a week or two ago?00:05
punkmexici know that puel is for using usb in the emulation00:05
punkmexicthats why i want puel00:05
uRockose is the version in the ubuntu repos00:05
antibodyhi. in 10.04 the pulseaudio daemon always starts with /etc/pulse/daemon.conf or stuff in user home space?00:05
RamboRockHi, Quick question - I'm trying to use gparted to resize my partition but the problem is the free space is not located next to the drive I want to resize its as this ntfs partition -> extended partition -> free space, I want to be able to add the free space to the ntfs partition is this possible?00:05
tensorpuddingpunkmexic: if you downloaded the .deb from Oracle's site it is PUEL00:05
punkmexicok tensorpudding00:06
punkmexicpuel rules00:06
punkmexicthey should remove ose00:06
tripel-webchatOK I did get on from webchat.freenode.net but I had to ask to join twice and so needed to know /join00:06
ilovefairuzRamboRock: you'll probably need to move data and delete/reconstruct00:06
augdawgRamboRock ; as far as i know, you have to resize partitions on the internal drives from a flash drive00:06
ilovefairuzRamboRock: because of the extended partition00:07
RamboRockaugdawg: yes I've booted using the gparted live cd00:07
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newuserboa noite00:07
augdawgRamboRock ; what i do is just use full ubuntu on a live cd ; it has gparted00:08
newusertem algum brazuca ai00:08
RamboRockilovefairuz: I thought that might have been the case just thought there might have been another way00:08
uRockRamboRock, if you turn the free space into NTFS, then WIndows will be able to see and use it.00:08
dexiis there a way to get the file browser to display a text path rather than named icon bubble things?00:09
punkmexicmy ubuntu friends!!: do anyone knows a program to videobroadcast my webcam using my own ip.... a program similar to webcamxp? i have looked in google and i cant find any00:09
root52Good Day All. I screwed up. I want to remove the hardy package openssh-server and build from source (just need a slightly newer version) I did that apt-get remove openssh-server and built it from source. now it seems I have two ssh servers running and no clue how to start stop the one I built from source. Any thoughts?00:09
bdacanay#EvolvedGames for exclusive chat with developer Yamagushi00:09
RamboRockuRock: Yes but I need to add it to the system drive as VS2010 needs to install required files there....00:09
uRock!spanish > newuser00:09
ubottunewuser, please see my private message00:09
masenpunkmexic: have you tried using VLC media player00:10
MaRk-I!br | newuser00:10
ubottunewuser: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.00:10
ilovefairuzroot52: pastebin" ps aux | grep ssh00:10
alazyworkaholicIs there any way I can make synaptic download & install the program version that would have been on a ppa a while ago instead of the default one?00:10
punkmexici havent masen..maybe i will00:10
punkmexicany other sugggestion?00:10
augdawgdoes anyone use perl in here?00:10
bdacanayjoin #EvolvedGames00:10
YankDownUnderAnyone using RGBA on 10.04 and having issues with videos (Chrome, FF, any video viewer, TV, etc) ?00:11
uRock!webcam > punkmexic00:11
ubottupunkmexic, please see my private message00:11
r15hi, on a ubuntu server SWAP=2xPhysical RAM, is it correct?00:11
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!00:11
masenr15: that's generally the rule00:12
YankDownUnderr15, Depends on what you want to do with the server - however, either X1.5 or X2 is usual00:12
root52ilovefairuz: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d26W4k7V00:12
masenr15: what are you serving/how much physical ram is going to be in it00:12
r15masen: actually one server is going on high load, and i checked, physical ram is 2gb and allocated swap is around 500mb00:12
Frankiitaamy dvd drive dosnt work, i think that maybe i found the answer but i need that somebody more expert than me take a look to a web page00:12
ace241i have an old computer it doesnt have a video card, its 768 proc, 128 ram... i was wondering if there was a snes emulator that runs without opengl or x1100:13
YankDownUnderr15, Database serving, file serving, VM serving - eh?00:13
r15and nfs mount points stops responding due to some reason, everyday, files being served are over http,00:14
ilovefairuzroot52: hmm why do you suspect you have to sshd? didnt you remove the first ?00:14
masenif disk space is not an issue i think 4gb swap would probably be sufficient00:14
YankDownUnderr15, NFS and not SMB?00:14
root52ssh -v shows old version00:14
Frankiitaai am newbie actually, ¿ who is familiarized whit fstab, i have to paste aline in there but i dont know in which part00:14
Jinxzsis it normal it is not asking password in logging in?00:14
r15currently i can see a lot of ssh connections, scp going on, NFS (from filer)00:14
r15ro,tcp, vers=3,intr,bg,retry=100,tcp00:15
=== spyrosebastos is now known as spiros
YankDownUnderr15, load balancing on the ethernet card in the server...? Checked that?00:15
kwtmHi! Can't "apt-get upgrade" due to packages not being authenticated.  Google says Ubuntu now using SecureApt --good.  Where do I find the correct keys to authenticate, and how do I authenticate those keys?00:15
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r15and second nfs is mounted with the options, tcp,vers=3,intr,noatime,rsize=32768,wsize=3276800:15
root52ilovefairuz: also I want to make sure the self compiled version comes up at boot. the server is in a diffrent place from the ubuntu package. Where can I look for that?00:16
r15no load balancing, only one interface00:16
Frankiitaanobody knows ?00:16
idiot_qim unable to install ubuntu unity on lucid 10.04 netbook remix00:16
idiot_qdependency problem00:16
kyenteiFrankiitaa: I guess you can just add that line beneath the other lines that have to do with mounting something00:16
YankDownUnderr15, That's what I meant - one network card - tweak out the settings for it - tweak out the settings in /etc/sysctl.conf - etc etc etc...00:17
kyenteiFrankiitaa: At the very end, that is.00:17
kwtmFrankiitaa: I've used fstab a bit. What question about fstab are you asking, that you need to show what your fstab output is?  Can you paste the whole thing in a pastebin?00:17
idiot_q unity: Depends: libclutk-0.3-0 (>= 0.3.6) but it is not installable00:17
idiot_q         Depends: libunity0 but it is not going to be installed00:17
kwtmFrankiitaa: Oops, looks like I missed part of your question because I just got here.00:17
Frankiitaabut can u look that page please<?00:17
=== spiros is now known as spyrosebastos
ilovefairuzroot52: 'make uninstall' the new stuff, clean up well, reinstall with checkinstall00:17
Frankiitaaplease take a look00:18
Frankiitaau can learn somethin too00:18
root52ilovefairuz: reinstall the package version with checkinstall? Sorry I am not sure where to run that command.00:18
r15YankDownUnder: vm.mmap_min_addr=6553600:18
kwtmWhy does sudo apt-get upgrade say this? "WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!"00:18
idiot_qhello guys... can anyone help me install unity on a  netbook 10.04 :S00:19
Bridge|By default when i ssh in a ubuntu terminal it will try to connect to the host on port 22 right?00:19
kyenteiFrankiitaa: I can help you with that.00:19
ilovefairuz!compile | root5200:19
ubotturoot52: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)00:19
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Jordan_UI have a video file from a digital camera which is using the mts container format, "a52" for the audio codec and h.264 for the video codec. It plays fine in VLC and totem but I'd like to distibute it in a more standard format. Is there any way to put it in an mp4 or quicktime container withought re-encoding the video?00:19
kwtmBridge|: Yes, unless you say "ssh -p 12345" for port 12345.00:19
Frankiitaadid u see it ?00:19
YankDownUnderr15, Check this out - I use this on server installs all the time: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/performance-tuning-with-system-control-sysctl-in-ubuntu.html00:19
RamboRockilovefairuz: I think i'm going to copy the partition into the free space and then delete the original partition, I can't see anything wrong with this method00:19
FrankiitaaKyentei , did u see it ?00:19
Bridge|kwtm: great thats what i needed to knowgreat00:19
root52ilovefairuz,and bot: thanks!!00:19
r15YankDownUnder: Thanks, Checking.00:20
kwtmJordan_U: You want to keep the codecs but change the container?  Can you do that with "mencoder -oac copy -ovc copy"?00:20
ilovefairuzRamboRock: pastebin fdisk -l00:20
Jordan_Ukwtm: I'll try that now, thanks.00:20
macokwtm: a few possibilities 1) you added a PPA without adding the matching key 2) the package downloaded doesnt match the one the computer expected. that can be for two reasons A) havent run "apt-get update" recently enough and a new version came out since last time B) man in the middle attack00:20
kwtmJordan_U: You may need to add a few other options or go over the mencoder docs; I'm just giving you a starting point.00:21
kyenteiFrankiitaa: Check our personal chat.00:21
idiot_qhello guys... can anyone help me install unity on a  netbook 10.04 :S00:21
idiot_qim getting these errors00:21
idiot_q unity: Depends: libclutk-0.3-0 (>= 0.3.6) but it is not installable00:21
idiot_q         Depends: libunity0 but it is not going to be installed00:21
Jordan_Ukwtm: Thank you, having those options to start with is very helpfull.00:22
kyenteiidiot_q: why not upgrade to 10.10 alpha? unity is not available for 10.04.00:22
ilovefairuzRamboRock: with 'sudo'00:22
kwtmmaco: Thanks.  Just ran apt-get update 1 minute prior (I have been getting this error for past few weeks but ignored and skipped update due to NoTimeToDealWith).  MITM unlikely but of course that's why we have GPG in the first place.  Where can I find the correct GPG key for the standard repositories (these are packages like "base-files" and "apt").00:22
idiot_qkyentei, ? is it buggy?00:23
kyenteiidiot_q: Not that I know of. It's still in it's ALPHA stages though. ;-)00:23
idiot_qkyentei, ;)00:24
kyenteiidiot_q: You want unity, 10.10 gives you just that.00:24
macokwtm: that should be there by default...  :-/00:24
idiot_qkyentei, so no way i can get unity working under ubuntu netbook 10.04?00:24
RamboRockilovefairuz: 1 sec need to boot into ubuntu00:24
kyenteiIf you follow a tutorial, perhaps.00:24
Gibby1313I am using xchat, but it won't show me the userlist, please help!00:25
kwtmmaco: Yeah, maybe it got misplaced.  (Also my KNetworkManager suddenly stopped working, something about a misplaced config file, so I'm guessing something messed up during some upgrade.)  Would you mind checking where your GPG keys are?  I'll go have a look in the same place in my corresponding directory.00:25
sanderHi. Can anyone tell me what I need to do, to make sure my memory stick is bootable when installing an .iso with unetbootin?00:25
kyenteiidiot_q: http://digitizor.com/2010/05/10/how-to-install-unity-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx/00:25
macokwtm: sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 437D05B5 FBB7545100:25
idiot_qkyentei, i tried all that but im getting these errors00:25
idiot_q unity: Depends: libclutk-0.3-0 (>= 0.3.6) but it is not installable00:25
idiot_q         Depends: libunity0 but it is not going to be installed00:25
sanderIt says: THis is not a bootable disk. Please insert a bootable floppy and press any key to try again..00:25
sanderWHen I try to boot from the memory stick.00:26
George_eIf I was going to discuss creating packages for Ubuntu, what channel would I go to?00:26
kyenteiidiot_q: Then it's not working anymore. 10.10 it is ;-)00:26
kwtmmaco: Or, do prove that it's not a MITM, can I try a different repository?  Is there a list of ubuntu repositories?  (I keep wondering if someone's rooted by DD-WRT router.)00:26
idiot_qfunnny thing is libclutk is installed00:26
idiot_qok gonna give it a shot00:26
macokwtm: yep, if you go to system > administration > software sources, you can choose a new mirror00:26
kyenteiidiot_q: goodluck00:26
idiot_qkyentei, have you tried unity?00:26
kyenteiidiot_q: Yes, I have. :-) It's quite awesome.00:26
kyenteiidiot_q: If you just want to try it, why not use a Virtual machine?00:27
idiot_qkyentei, ok dude... trusting you and ubuntu developers big time :)00:27
kyenteiidiot_q: haha :-P It's on your own risk ;-)00:27
idiot_qkyentei, this is for my netbook anything on it is  disposable...00:27
Gibby1313I am using xchat, but it won't show me the userlist, please help!00:27
idiot_qkyentei, i'll say a prayer nwo... that the upgrade has started00:27
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idiot_qkyentei, thanks mate btw00:27
kwtmmaco: using KPackageKit, so will try to find the equivalent on there...00:28
macokwtm: oh right sorry you said knm before00:28
kyenteiidiot_q: Goodluck! :)00:28
macokwtm: last option on the left sidebar00:28
macokwtm: and then i forget where because i dont use kpk all that much00:29
kwtmmaco: Really?  I know you use KDE, so do you do command line?  Anyway, I found it on Kpk.00:29
RamboRockilovefairuz: http://pastebin.com/dwB9CDCG00:30
macokwtm: yeah im a command line person00:30
=== corey_ is now known as coreyn
ilovefairuzRamboRock: and where's the free space, again?00:32
kwtmsander: Not sure if I know enough to help you, but since no one else seems to have replied: I think there are certain USB sticks that aren't bootable; there are others that you have to do funny things to them to make them bootable.  Also of course you have to tell your computer to boot from USB.00:32
root52One more thing. When installing from source using checkinstall will that put all the files in the default place like the ubuntu package would? Or would I still have to add the arguments like I would with make install?00:32
RamboRockilovefairuz: after the extended partition00:32
RamboRockit is also larger then the partition that is being expanded00:32
kwtmmaco: Aarrrgh, I can see why: Kpk is frozen, and I can't tell if it's busy doing something, or just not responding.  KDE4 has been doing that a lot to me. :(00:32
Jordan_Ukwtm: Any USB stick can be bootable as long as the BIOS supports booting from USB.00:33
soadkombuchaHow can I set it up after an installation so that I can have partition mount on boot?00:33
root52sorry I mean the same arguments as I would with the ./configure script.00:33
macosander: some machines you need to hold down ctrl during boot to make them boot from usb00:33
ubottupong is an old atari game. It's fun!00:33
ilovefairuzRamboRock: ah, ok00:33
kwtmJordan_U: Really?  I thought I read somewhere on Ubuntu forums that you have to do something to it, but I didn't pay attention since it wasn't related to anything I was doing.00:33
enthdegreeWhat is the ping cycle?00:33
red2kic!fstab | soadkombucha00:33
ubottusoadkombucha: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions00:33
tripelbFound: how to get to this channel if you are using the 10.04 liveCD or there's a pidgin problem.  http://webchat.freenode.net/  ----- that will work. Mibbit wont work. XS4ALL wont work.00:33
ubottupong is an old atari game. It's fun!00:34
sandermaco, I figured how to be able to choose device to boot from.. and when I do it.. I get "not bootable error".00:34
tripelband irssi wont install - io error00:34
red2kic!fishing | enthdegree00:34
enthdegreeI'll ask in #social00:34
ubottuenthdegree: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".00:34
macosander: maybe edit the partition table on it to set the bootable flag?00:34
macosander: you can do that with fdisk (command line) or gparted (graphical)00:34
enthdegreered2kic: Thanks00:34
sandermaco, already done.00:35
ilovefairuzRamboRock: so yeah, create a parition after, the extended one, move stuff there, delete from inside extended, and resize both00:35
sandermaco, which type of filesystem do I need?00:35
=== dexi is now known as Guest75537
macosander: a FAT one. dont know beyond that00:35
macosander: or at least, its FAT before the image goes on....00:35
Jordan_Usander: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo dd if=/dev/sdX count=1 | od" where sdX is your flash drive.00:36
sanderJordan_U, I got told to do: dd if=/your/image of=/whole/usb/device00:37
sanderLet me see if it works first.00:37
=== corey_ is now known as coreyn
Jordan_Usander: That will destroy all data currently on the flash drive.00:37
kathegot a problem...  other computer won't boot.  ubuntu 9.10 on HP G71, just happened this morning.  computer immediately goes to grub, choosing any kernal choice results in the same, starts boot.  Splash screen shows up, when splash screen fades screen goes blank no further progress00:37
kathecan get to recovery mode00:37
sanderJordan_U, dosn't matter.00:37
sanderJordan_U, I have a backup :-)00:37
Jordan_Usander: It also won't work with most iso files.00:37
sanderJordan_U, OH.. ok.00:38
texastwisterStrange laptop wireless problem... If I boot with radio off via hardware switch and then enable it after login, it works.  If I boot with radio ON, I can't it network manager to enable in any way I've tried.  What have I misconfigured? Ubuntu 9.10 on Dell Precision M4300 with Intel Pro Wireless00:38
kathewatching behind splash screen result in curser just blinking00:38
texastwisterOops... wife says supper is ready, will ask again later... sorry!00:38
kathewhere it says gave up waiting for root device00:38
kwtmmaco: What the Hotplace!? -- switching repositories worked.  Does that mean mirrors.us.kernel.org has been compromised!?  Aaanyway, hope this fixes a bazillion errors I've been getting on this KDE4 setup. :(00:38
RamboRockilovefairuz: thanks, thats what I had planned to do, there are a few read errors on the disk I have to fix up first though....00:38
MathuinI am interested in binding keystrokes to menu items -- Meta-L to lock screen, Meta-X to open a Terminal window, that sort of thing.  Is there an elegant way to do this?00:39
kathefinal message is ALRT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/776df918xxxxxxxxxxxx00 does not exist00:39
ilovefairuzMathuin: system > preferences > keyboard shortcuts > very awesome00:39
katheplease tell me my hard drive didn't just die00:40
Jinxzsi just installed testdisk i cant see it in my machine00:40
Mathuinilovefairuz: quick and to the point.  Awesome.  Thanks!!00:40
Dr_Williskathe:  is it making funny noises? Try a live cd - see if that can access it.00:40
kathegood call dr willis, i'll see if i have one00:41
katheno funny noises00:41
ilovefairuzkathe: check cables? boot live cd? run diagnostics CD from vendor?00:41
sanderJordan_U, http://pastebin.com/8Kp2jexa00:41
Jordan_Usander: Ok, that's clearly wrong for a bootable drive.00:42
sanderJordan_U, thats after I did the abow dd command.00:42
sanderI'll try again after using unetbootin.00:42
macokwtm: could be that kernel.org is just outdated00:43
kwtmmaco: Don't mean to pester you with more questions, but the #kubuntu channel isn't that helpful.  Is your flash working on Firefox or do you get a "the plugin has crashed" message?  ALl my online banking has ground to a halt because of this,. :(00:44
MrDudleflash in online banking?00:44
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macokwtm: works for me. you could try deleting the flash plugin and reinstalling i guess... a copy of it may reside in ~/.mozilla/somethingorother or it could be up in /usr/... um i forget the path00:45
hydesteri am having problems with rdiff-backup running for a bit, then returning:  "Fatal Error: Lost connection to the remote system".00:45
=== corey__ is now known as coreyn
NoOovaHi all!00:46
NoOovahtop shows me 290 tasks00:46
NoOovais this too many?00:46
Dr_WillisMrDudle:  yea. that is a little scary :)00:47
Dr_WillisNoOova:  why would you think that?00:47
NoOovabecause i have a lags00:47
sosaitedDoes anyone know a bit of Awk here?00:47
Dr_WillisNoOova:  you could have 2300000 tasks.. if they are not using the cpu.. then they are not the issue.00:47
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Dr_Willisall it takes is one  task going crazy however...00:48
NoOovadont understand... why all is so slow00:48
sosaitedor even sed will do I guess :(00:48
NoOovaopening nautilus - 3s00:48
George_eIf I was going to discuss creating packages for Ubuntu, what channel would I go to?00:49
NoOovaduall core 3.5+3.5 GHz00:49
Sonderbladehow can you temporarily kill pulseaudio without having it immediately respawn?00:49
Jordan_Ukwtm: I'm getting a lot of errors from "mencoder -oac copy -ovc copy -of avi source.mts result.avi" http://pastebin.com/VBrQgYgQ00:49
Jordan_USonderblade: Use pasuspender.00:50
PiciGeorge_e: #ubuntu-packaging00:50
SonderbladeJordan_U: how?00:50
Dr_Willis!find pasuspender00:50
katheilovefairuz and Dr_Willis it's a laptop so i reseated the drive to verify, i also did the hard drive diagnostics and it passed, don't have a live cd right now00:50
ubottuFile pasuspender found in pulseaudio-utils, pulseaudio-utils-dbg00:50
picard1421super quick question...If i stick in my USB thumdrive and choose that on install00:50
picard1421as the main HD.. will it install normally and work as a HD or do i need to do stuff to make it bootable00:51
picard1421basically put in my Ubuntu disk into my computer.. and install it to the Flashdrive or do i need to do things to the drive before i dod thatt?00:51
Dr_Williskathe:  whats the cpu load that htop is saying?00:51
Jordan_USonderblade: "pasuspender foo" will suspend pulseaudio, run the command foo, and resume pulseaudio when the command foo exits.00:51
Dr_WillisYou can install to a flash drive picard1421  however on the LAST 'dialog' of the install. therens an 'advanced' button. You NEED to tell it to install grub to the flash drive. or else it may default to the internal hard drive.00:52
ilovefairuzkathe: you can't reinstall grub without a livecd, except if you have another bootable OS00:52
katheDr_Willis um can i get htop in recovery mode, because past that, can't see squat00:52
Jordan_USonderblade: Why do you need to suspend pulseaudio?00:52
Dr_Willispicard1421:  if you dont do that. then the flash drive may not be bootable00:52
picard1421ok THanks Dr-WILLIS00:52
katheilovefairuz, so i am likely going to need to reinstall grub00:52
aeon-ltdkathe: why no just use regular 'top'00:52
Condoulook, I replaced the drive I had GRUB installed on. =/ sooo.... how exactly would I reinstall GRUB?00:52
Dr_Williskathe:  htop is a console/terminal app. it should work find in  recovery console00:52
red2kic!grub2 | Condoulo00:52
ubottuCondoulo: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub200:52
SonderbladeJordan_U: the program wants to write to /dev/dsp00:52
ilovefairuzkathe: it seems so, yes00:53
Jordan_USonderblade: Then use "padsp foo"00:53
Dr_Williskathe:  i may be getting questions and people confused again. :)00:53
greglis anyone using ssh to access a win 7 machine?If so what package's  are you using an a guide if one is available..00:53
Jordan_USonderblade: Pulseaudio has OSS compatability.00:53
aeon-ltdgregl: look up cygwin00:53
Dr_Willisgregl:  You have a ssh server for windows?00:53
greglaeon thanks00:54
aeon-ltdgregl: or regular ssh if you meant th other way round00:54
katheilovefairuz i'll be back with a live cd00:54
Jordan_Ukathe: I don't think that your problem is at all grub related.00:54
SonderbladeJordan_U: well it says device /dev/dsp is busy which i know is pulseaudios fault00:54
Jordan_USonderblade: Use "padsp foo".00:54
greglDr_Willis, no but i would like to..00:54
=== thursday is now known as uncleBez
sosaitedThere has to be someone who knows either sed or Awk???00:56
Jordan_U!anyone | sosaited00:57
ubottusosaited: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?00:57
Jordan_Usosaited: Also please avoid extraneous punctuation.00:57
Picisosaited: There actually is #awk00:58
sosaitedOk. I have a very large text file with pattern "Some Text|Other Text|Delete Text|Extra Text" on every line. I want to remove the third "|" separated field "Delete Text" and write to another file00:59
sosaitedPici: Thanks. I'll post there also.01:00
Picisosaited: cut -d"|" -f3 somefile > other file01:00
g-Bomy /lib/modules/{uname -r} directory does not get the build and source subdirs when i install linux headers, thats why i cannot compile a kernel module... does anybody know how to get the linux headers installed correctly?01:01
sosaitedBut that will cut the third field and write THAT. I want to remove ONLY that01:01
tom_<--- installation troubles.01:02
skipylooking for tmw channel....i have no clue what im doing01:02
katheJordan_U and ilovefairuz i am back, i have an ubuntu 9.10 cd  Jordan you were saying my problem wasn't grub01:02
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chronIKcan i install ubuntu to external usb hard drive? without losing the data on it?01:03
Picisosaited: cut -d"|" -f1,2,4- somefile > other file01:03
ace241i installed zsnes, i was wondering how to open it without terminal01:03
g-BochronIK: try resize the existing partitions, create a new primary one and install ubuntu on that, after that install grub on that external disk and you are all set if your computer can boot off ext. drives01:04
kathejorand_U and ilovefairuz i am using ubuntu 9.10's disk check now to see what it comes up with01:05
chronIKthanks alot g-Bo :)01:05
g-Boyar welcome01:05
goal-disorientedIs there a trick to importing OpenVPN Config files into Network Manager? I have the plugin installed. (Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit)01:06
chronIKjust dont want to risk losing the data01:06
tom_i cant seem to get usb or cd to work on toshiba intel i3 m330 @2.13 cpu with 4gb ram.  it lockes up at 0.601088.  and I know that usb and cd both do work from testing on other machines.  ideas?01:06
sosaitedPici: Thanks man. That works. But will it be comparable to speed to awk? Cause the file is about 50MB01:06
chronIKi'll give that a go01:06
g-BochronIK, you can also try a usb flash disk01:07
g-Boi did that with a 2gb one01:07
chronIKdont have one handy atm :P01:07
g-Boworked like a charm01:07
g-Bothey cost just a few bucks01:07
=== tuizim is now known as ney
Picisosaited: It should be pretty fast, cut is made for doing those things01:08
Jordan_Usosaited: I would expect it to be faster if anything, since cut is more speciallized for exctly this.01:08
kathealright i'll try again, can't get a good boot, during normal boot, goes to splash, splash goes away blank screen, when looking under the splash screen, it ends with can't find root device ...  can't find device /disk/yadadada going to shell...   did two drive checks for integrity they both pass01:08
g-BochronIK: also check out wubi, with that you wont need to resize your partition01:08
chronIKi think, i'll wait and just grab a flash drive then for my laptop01:08
g-Boyou dont change a thing on your hard drive at all01:09
chronIKwubi isnt that the windows installer?01:09
chronIKu can do from a windows pc?01:09
PicichronIK: Yes.01:09
blarggI mistakenly did "sudo modprobe --remove p4-clockmod", then tried "sudo modprobe p4-clockmod" to re-enable scaling, but the scaling menu in the panel now says scaling is unsupported, even after I restart.01:09
chronIKah yeh i was reading about this before i joined here01:09
g-Boyeah you just install complete ubuntu on a windows drive01:09
ace241i know ubuntu 5.1 isnt supported where is the best place to look for help?01:09
chronIKubuntu 5.101:10
blarggScaling works when I do "cpufreq-selector -f <frequency>", so I know it's supported. Did I disable a daemon or something?01:10
chronIK? wat the hell is that lol01:10
sosaitedPici: Thanks a lot man. That was lightning fast :).01:10
katheJordan_U you said you didn't think my problem was grub, what do you think it is01:10
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sosaitedJordan_U: Yeah it was... Thanks buddy01:10
macoace241: breezy?  you need to upgrade to a current version01:10
macochronIK: ace241 means 5.10, a *very* old version01:10
ace241i tried to install 9.10 but it was too slow01:11
Jordan_Ukathe: I'm not sure, but since the kernel is loading and you're even getting to the splash screen grub has suceeded in its job and is long gone by the time you get that error.01:11
ace241and wouldnt load, even the "without installing"01:12
chris_osxace241: what cpu have you got and how much ram?01:12
macoace241: how old is the machine?01:12
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macoace241: you may be better off with xubuntu or lubuntu01:12
chronIKace241: are you trying to install ubuntu on old a machine?01:13
ace241it had me on it01:13
ace241but my gma put xp on it, which didnt work01:13
chronIKtry crunchbang :p01:13
acalbazaanyone know why i am able to perform an nslookup on a host but not ping it?  the suffix on the domain is ".local"01:14
chronIKi found ubuntu to be very slow on this p4 :/01:14
ace241so i put ubuntu 5.1 not knowin it was ancient01:14
chronIKwell it felt kinda slugish:/01:14
ace241now i have installed zsnes01:14
goal-disorientedIs there a trick to importing OpenVPN Config files in Network Manager? I have the plugin installed.01:14
ace241and the colors rgb are there but red isnt visable01:14
macoace241: xubuntu and lubuntu are made for older systems01:14
ramviI put gnome-shell as default wm and did an upgrade. Now I only get a white screen when logging in. How can I return to the regular wm when I can't open gconf-editor?01:14
ace241it works fine, cept it work let me use windowed mode01:14
chronIKheh ace241 try crunchbang or xubuntu like maco said01:14
ace241i know but i wont have to install all these dependencys again?01:15
=== WhiteKIBA is now known as [WhiteKIBA]
Jordan_Uace241: You've come in here a few days now asking for support for Ubuntu 5.10. You are not going to get it, upgrade to 10.04.01:15
ace241and i might not have sound...01:15
chronIKjust risk it dude :p01:15
ace241i dont even have any more cds01:15
chronIKis it possible to control MPD from windows pc via the http local network?01:16
chris_osxi wonder if apt-get upgrade would work in your case^^01:16
gnomefreakace241: use update-manager to upgrade or download a current one. Lucid <10.04> is recommended01:16
tagetmpd has a gui client you can install01:16
ace241no internet 10.04 isnt gonna work if 9.10 doesnt01:16
gnomefreakit would be release by release01:16
macognomefreak: thatd be even more downloading01:16
ace241i might try xubuntu, but do i need any dependencys to run zsnes on it01:17
chronIKi am using sonata for the gui and popcorn music serach for terminal01:17
Craig_DemI'm pretty sure an upgrade via apt get over like 10 releases is a bad idea.01:17
nolan_I need to get into alsaconf in the terminal.  What's the command for it?01:17
gnomefreakmaco: its either download or upgradee. download is the less net useage01:17
chronIKbut what i need, is something i can control... from my web browser?01:17
gnomefreakCraig_Dem: he would have to get to at least 6.06 than he should be able to skip releases up to LTS01:18
chronIKtaget did u mean gui web browser client? yh01:18
katheJordan_U seems like your right, not grub, it's an upgrade/update bug01:18
tagetiNo it was a gtk based windows executable01:18
macoace241: a cd upgrade is going to be the least downloading... "dpkg --get-selections > packages"  on the original, then on thhe new install "dpkg --set-selections < packages"   and then "sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade"   thatll automatically reinstall everything you had installed before01:18
Craig_DemI would backup then clean install.01:18
gnomefreak5.10 -> 6.06 -> 8.04 -> 10.0401:18
nolan_How do I reconfigure ALSA to run a Realtek id270?01:18
ace241i dont have internet on the pc i am trying to fix01:19
macognomefreak: oh yeah lts jumps do help....01:19
chronIKtaget: whats the name of that one bro?01:19
gnomefreaknot sure if you can skip LTS releases01:19
tom_i have 10.04 and am having trouble testing/installing on my newest machine.  any ideas.  Intel i3 @ 2.13 4gb ram and win 7.01:19
macognomefreak: no, cant do 6.06 -> 10.0401:19
ace241so i was wondering if the is a way to apt-get GRAB or something01:19
Jordan_Umaco: Can you really do a dpkg --get/set-selections between releases?01:19
tom_it lockes up at kernel_thread_helper01:19
gnomefreakupgrade that way is a whole lot less net than downloading a 688 MB Image01:19
chronIKor do u mean built into the MPD server it's self?01:19
gnomefreakmaco: i thought not :)01:19
tagetchronlK mpd.wikia.com/wiki/cClients01:19
tagethave you looked there01:20
Craig_DemErr. The iso is like 2.5 GB compressed. You would need to download that for each update.01:20
macoJordan_U: itll complain about packages that went away, such as old kernels, but itll at least get you close01:20
ace241no problem downloading the image, where can i get xubuntu, or w/e might work without downloading any more dependcys01:20
Lt-Elmois VLC the best player for video in buntu?01:20
Jordan_U!best | Lt-Elmo01:20
Baxniehow can i see the temperature of my motherboard? i can only see gpu, hd and cpu01:20
ubottuLt-Elmo: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.01:20
macoCraig_Dem: the iso includes the live system and lots of debs that arent installed by default and wubi and some windows software though01:20
gnomefreakthey are ~688MB per image but during install it will get to ~2gig01:21
chris_osxace241: what dependencies are you talking about?01:21
macoace241: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu i think01:21
Craig_DemStill a ton of extra files to download. Times 3.01:21
nolan_Does anyone know about ASLA?01:21
Lt-Elmosrry just was seeing if it was the best option01:21
shaunoIf the size is an issue, it might be worth pinging your loco and seeing if they have any disks from the previous versions.  you might get lucky01:21
=== Guest75537 is now known as Dexikiix
nolan_The sound system.01:22
maconolan_: depends what you want to knowo01:22
gnomefreaknolan_: alsa and what is needed to know01:22
tagetchronIK i cant remember the name of the program, it was quite a while ago. :(01:22
maconolan_: i might know a bit, but #alsa would know better01:22
nolan_I need to know how to reconfigure ASLA so it can run my Realtek ID270.01:23
ace241i am currently using ubuntu 5.1 and i am considering updating, and i want a snes emulator, so i need to know i install "xubuntu" will i have to install the dependcys libpng,zlib,opengl(no videocard..),x11 or will it magically run01:23
ace241or which it will magically work on01:23
TheRufuscan anyone help with an rtorrent/xmlrpc issue? I'm getting the same issue as this guy when compiling xmlrpc --> http://paste.lisp.org/display/60544,1/raw01:24
macoace241: youll need to reinstall dependencies if you install from cd, but it should figure out dependencies for you when you tell it to install zsnes01:24
gnomefreakaskhl_: install xubuntu-desktop should help maybe01:24
ace241doesnt have01:24
TheRufusand yes, i'm also in #rtorrent asking them01:24
ace241teh internet01:24
Mr_Sonomaace241, my suggestion is download the xubuntu live cd, put it on a flashdrive and try it see what works and what doesnt01:24
maconolan_: if you know the quirk needed, then simply add:   options snd-hda-intel model=FOO         to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf01:24
macoace241: oh then yes you need to download them. have you heard of AptOnCD?01:25
DexikiixSo, i have ubuntu on 1 IDE drive and Win7 on another drive (sata if it matters)... is there an easy way to run dual boot rather than switching the drives back and forth?01:25
* gnomefreak perfers alternate installer :)01:25
ace241damnit, i just deleted all of them01:25
maconolan_: where FOO is replaced by the quirk you need01:25
maconolan_: if you dont know, then #alsa people could help you figure it out01:25
ace241so, where can i find dependcys for xubuntu01:25
maconolan_: or is it simply a configuration problem?01:25
gnomefreakace241: apt-cache show xubuntu-desktop01:26
macoace241: packages.ubuntu.com lists the dependencies for all packages01:26
gnomefreakthat will give you a list of them01:26
ace241what versions better for slow old pcs01:26
ace241xubuntu or nubuntu01:26
Mr_SonomaDexikiix, Grub or Grub2 can do that01:26
macoace241: nubuntu? never heard of it01:26
gnomefreakace241: xubuntu is the better way to go since we support it01:26
macoace241: xubuntu traditionally though lubuntu is the new version and a bit lighter weight01:27
DexikiixMr_Sonoma, is it easy to get running? Im kind of nervous I'm going to fubar windows01:27
* gnomefreak kind of likes lubuntu01:27
macoace241: by "new version" i mean its a new not-yet-official derivative01:27
ace241i hope i have a cd01:27
ace241so much effort...01:27
ace241gonna lose sound01:27
ProjektGhostHi, can anyone tell me which is better for PERFORMANCE?  Enabling/Disabling Sync to Vblank and Allow Flipping in NVIDIA X Server Settings.01:28
=== matt__ is now known as matt74
ace241what version of xubuntu should i use ubuntu 9.10 wouldnt run on mine01:28
ace241i only have 768 proc and 128 ram01:28
ace24120 gig harddrive01:28
Mr_SonomaDexikiix, yes. your ubuntu drive should already have grub(2) loaded as its the default boot loader for ubuntu. so if its your primary boot device when you hook up both you should be be able to update grub and have dual boot with no issues. give me a second and i'll get you a link on updating grub01:29
guestmy os ubuntu 10.04 login scree settings not operate01:29
aguitelace241, use lubuntu01:29
=== matt__ is now known as matt74
guestwhats a problem of this?01:29
katheJordan_U watch out for this one since it seems like your often here, but this is from an upgrade bug apparently that hits some users, it f's the kernel, i am loading a side by side  to recover my files...  i figure there is a better way, but whatever01:29
gnomefreakxubuntu is better for older PCs im going to assume you dont know how to use blackbox, openbox, ect..01:29
DexikiixMr_Sonoma, thanks much01:29
guestany help?01:29
guestor assestance01:30
ace241what version tho01:30
gnomefreakguest: how are you doing it now01:30
gnomefreaksystem>admin>login screen?01:30
ace241can u give me a link01:30
=== _Techie_ is now known as _Techie_|_Away_
TheRufusnobody can help me?01:30
* dddw sleep01:30
guestnow i cant remove software from software center01:30
gnomefreakTheRufus: give us time we are a bit backed up atm01:31
hdon_hi again all :) upon startup, pidgin pegs one of my CPUs in perpetuity and the GUI never shows!01:31
Dexikiixguest set to automatic login?01:31
gnomefreakguest: you dont have admin priv.01:31
Jordan_Ugnomefreak: lubuntu / LXDE makes openbox quite usable for new users.01:31
TheRufusthanks for the acknowledgement :)01:31
Dexikiixthat would cause your settings to grey-out01:31
gnomefreakJordan_U: true01:31
Mr_Sonoma!grub | Dexikiix01:31
ubottuDexikiix: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.01:31
Mr_Sonoma!grub2 | Dexikiix01:31
ubottuDexikiix: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub201:31
Mr_Sonomathere you go Dexikiix01:32
ace241bout to get dapper01:32
DexikiixMr_Sonoma, I assume since they are separate drives, I can't possibly destroy my windows installation, can I?01:33
gnomefreakace241: upgrade or installer?01:33
guestnow i cant remove software from software center01:33
ace241if ubuntu 9.10 what version should i download01:33
ace2419.10 didnt work01:33
guestseems like my screen lock01:33
ace241lubuntu 10.04, should work??01:33
ace2419.10 wouldnt even install01:33
Mr_SonomaDexikiix, i wouldn't think so the risk should be fairly low. because with grub your only writing to the MBR.01:33
guestlogin screen doesnt activate01:33
Mr_SonomaDexikiix, back-ups are NEVER a bad idea though01:33
LicuadoraI was gonna change my "splash screen", but in the web page, it tells me to install the Start-up manager, but i cant find it in the Ubuntu Software Central01:34
guesti dont what happened01:34
guestany suggestion01:34
gnomefreakguest: go to system>perferences>screensaver  once it open look at the lower portion and uncheck the second one (i think its second one)01:34
Dr_WillisLicuadora:  some of the docs and info on the splash stuff is out of date. 10.04 did a lot of changes in that area01:34
gnomefreakas for your admin priv. that is a different situation01:34
ace241where can i find dependcys for lubuntu01:34
gnomefreakan i bit harder to correct.01:34
gnomefreakace241: apt-cache show lubuntu-desktop01:35
=== roszak_ is now known as rufensis
chronIKfluxbox users > how can i show mpc controls in the menu? cant seem to find jack on google..01:35
LicuadoraDr_Willis: well, where do i change my screen spalsh?01:35
aguitelLicuadora, =batidora?01:35
Licuadoraaguitel: na01:35
Licuadoraaguitel: Licuadora=Blender01:35
ace241omg theres no way this will work, i am trying to install zsnes for lubuntu on a pc without internet, where can i get the depencys i need for it01:36
DexikiixI need to go find a jumper grabber... guh01:36
aguitelsorry for my letters01:36
LicuadoraDr_Willis said since 10.04 everything changed01:36
tom_when someone gets a min.  i am trying to test 10.04 on my 3rd machine and it is not working.01:36
Licuadorasudo apt-get install startupmanager?01:36
Dr_WillisLicuadora:  which 'splash' are you refering to exactly?01:37
=== dgtl|screen is now known as dgtlchlk
Licuadorasome i found in gnome-look.org01:37
Dr_WillisLicuadora:  now days its the kernel -> plymouth -> gdm -> user logs in.    usplash and so forth are not used any more01:37
aguiteli think you are talking about plymouth01:37
Dr_WillisLicuadora:  i would imagine they are not going to be useable01:37
DexikiixMr_Sonoma, well here goes! lol, if i don't come back... you know what happened :p01:37
Dr_WillisLicuadora:  ubuntu no longer uses that 'splash' system.01:37
Dr_WillisLicuadora:  Unless those 'things' say they are Plymouth themes.01:38
LicuadoraDr_Willis: so, there is no way to change my screen?01:38
Licuadorai get it01:38
vonguardso, my laptop's ethernet port is just not working. i get a dhcp lease, both sides have connection lights, but the network manager menu tries to connect, gets to 2 dots, then stops01:38
Mr_SonomaDexikiix, read the docs before you go into it. its been a while since i messed with grub at any time other than a fresh install. that's a problem i just havent had much in recent years01:38
ace241i got lubuntu.iso, and need to know where i can download libpng,zlib,nasm,opengl... for it01:38
macoace241: packages.ubuntu.com01:38
aguitelace241, from repo01:39
vonguardsays my ethernet device is not managed01:39
ace241which lucid?01:39
vonguardwhat does that mean?01:39
ace241i want to put them on a cd01:39
sanzkyhi. anyone tried 10.04 on a intel i3? do you recommend 32 or 64 bits?01:39
onlinemy ubuntu 10.04 login screen not activate01:40
macoace241: yes, lucid is 10.0401:40
onlineany help01:40
Dr_WillisLicuadora:  WHICH screen exactly..01:40
onlinei cant remove software from software center01:40
tom_sanzky : i am trying to test 32 bit on intel i3 and it is locking up on me.01:40
macoace241: AptOnCD lets you make a repo on a cd. there are also companies that sell sets of the entire repositories on like 5 DVDs01:40
ace241lucid is lubuntu?01:41
Dr_WillisLicuadora:  theres some ways to change plymouth and the GDM loigin screen.. but its not really wiorth the hassle01:41
onlinehow to put private admin back?01:41
Dr_Willisace241:  Lubuntu is ubuntu + lxde,01:41
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100401:41
=== alfred is now known as Guest97983
ace241alright cool01:41
LicuadoraDr_Willis: I was reading in Ubuntu SC, that those screens do not correctly display system info, or checking error handling01:41
Dr_WillisLicuadora:  Ubuntu SC? whats that01:42
LicuadoraDr_Willis: So... i guess is not safe to install them?01:42
sanzkytom_ thanks. any luck with 64b?01:42
Dr_WillisLicuadora:  install what?01:42
LicuadoraDr_Willis: So... SC (SoftwareCenter) install the plymouth themes01:42
LicuadoraDr_Willis: So... such as solar flare01:42
Dr_WillisLicuadora:  I dont worry too much about Plymouth.01:42
LicuadoraDr_Willis: I want variety in my boot01:43
Dr_WillisI do recall setting solarflare on one box ages ago.01:43
guesti already uncheck the box but still the same01:43
Dr_WillisLicuadora:  you see the plymouth screen for like 10 sec... its not worth the hassle01:43
guestany help?01:43
kuckerdoes anybody know how to download all pdf files under this website http://www.51cnnet.com/ebook ,i want to download all pdf files in /ebook/,what should i do ?01:43
dexiMr_Sonoma, Ok so both drives are there, now time to update grub i supposoe01:43
ace241if i put a .deb on a flash drive, will it just run itself like an exe01:43
Dr_WillisLicuadora:   You can set to use the Other themes. i even edited them some back in beta days..01:43
LicuadoraDr_Willis: I wanted to show off to my friends, so they know is better than Windows01:44
Dr_Willisace241:  no. a deb is an archive01:44
darksmokehi guys01:44
Dr_WillisLicuadora:  so a fancy splash screen is better?  or is it better that you never need to defrag or scan for viruses.. :)01:44
guestubunutu 10.04 login screen not activate,any help?01:44
darksmokesomebody knows how to make the recovery partition available/visible on ubuntu of a lenovo s10e PLEASE?01:44
Guest97983everyone here01:44
LicuadoraDr_Willis: I thought Linux didnt had any virus01:44
guestanybody know to solve this problem?01:44
Guest97983I'm a new guy01:45
LicuadoraBut all right....01:45
ace241so how can i get zsnes and its dependencys on my flashdrive01:45
LicuadoraDr_Willis: What about BURG?01:45
macoace241: you can download them from http://packages.ubuntu.com  you're going to want the versions for lucid not for breezy01:45
Dr_WillisLicuadora:  yes. thats right.. so linux is better then windows because of the no virus stuff..  showing off the 'splash' screen is like showing off your fuzzy dice on a  Race Car. :)01:45
Guest97983who  can tell me what is this?01:45
Dr_WillisLicuadora:  never used burg..  i dont worry too much about eyecandy01:45
ace241the "depends on" list01:46
LicuadoraDr_Willis: MMMMMH.. eyecandy01:46
ace241i got to download those..?01:46
ace241and then, i have to download all those from all those and all those???01:46
Dr_WillisLicuadora:  eye candy causes ocular cavaties.01:46
Mr_SonomaGuest97983, what is what?01:46
darksmokesomebody knows how to make the recovery partition available/visible on ubuntu of a lenovo s10e PLEASE?01:46
ace241i mean, its not a never ending list?01:46
macoace241: packages.ubuntu.com is really the easiest site because it lists the dependencies and links to their download pages01:46
LicuadoraYou have conviced me Dr01:46
Dr_Willisdarksmoke:  theres guides out on altering the grub2 configs to  hide specifi things like that.01:47
Dr_Willis!grub2 | darksmoke01:47
ubottudarksmoke: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub201:47
macoace241: many of the dependencies will be part of a default install too, dont foret01:47
macoace241: like, youll never need to get libc6 for example. thas default installed01:47
darksmokethe thing is this01:47
ubuntugrassi use grass in ubuntu and the software crashes without any warning. what to do?01:47
Dr_Willisdarksmoke:  or disable the /etc/grub.d/30_osprober and add just a custome entry for the one windows os you want to boot to the 40_custome config file01:47
darksmokei know that if i put windows xp on flashdrive, install it on the laptop. the recovery partition will be available again01:48
darksmokebut i want a quick way to do it01:48
Dr_Willisdarksmoke:  I dont follow how you can put xp on a flash drive.. but thats not really ubuntu related. :)01:48
ace241well in the zsnes readme it says nasm,libpng,opengl,zlib,curses, and x11 does opengl work without a video card01:48
Dr_Willisace241:  how are you going to play a game without a video card?01:48
ace241a super nintendo game??01:49
gnomefreakcarefully is my guess Dr_Willis :)01:49
Dr_Willisace241: zsnes is a SNES emulator.. so.. howare you going to play it without a video card?01:49
Mr_Sonomaace241, i find it hard to believe you don't have a video card on that computer01:49
Dr_Willisace241:  why not tell the channel what you are actuially trying to acomplish?01:49
ace241mario is like 8 colors01:49
ace241my zsnes wont show red, out of rgb01:50
Dr_Willisace241:   zsnes is more then 8 colors...01:50
ace241any ideas,01:50
ace241maybe 6401:50
ace241at most01:50
Alazareanyone know if there is a way to have ubuntu/mint auto mount a hard drive without fstabing because i swap hard drives alot and fstab causes a stall if a harddrive in its list isnt found01:50
FloodBot1ace241: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:50
Dr_Willisace241:  theres emulatorsz other then zsnes out there.01:50
ace241red yellow blue and green white black...... light blue??01:50
ace241well whats an emulator that doesnt use opengl01:51
macoAlazare: you can put noauto in fstab so it doesnt try to mount at boot and then make yourself a button that calls "gksudo mount /dev/foo" to mount it when its present....01:51
ace241or one that will work on old linux01:51
Dr_WillisAlazare:  as a dirty work around. you could put some commands in rc.local to mount them. if they fail. they will just print out an error.. not hang the whole os.01:51
macoace241: how are you going to see the game if you dont have a graphics card?01:51
ace241dude, i have it working01:51
ace241but it wont let me window it01:51
Dr_Willisace241:  last i checked zsnes had several different output/displays it could use.. but i havent uised it in ages.01:51
ace241it does01:51
ace241but only one visable is 640x48001:52
ace241full screen01:52
Alazarethe only problem im having is that if i dont have it in fstab01:52
ace241says u need opengl, and i have glut3 and all that01:52
Alazarerythmbox if i dont moutn the ahrd drive in like nautilus01:52
Alazarebefore running rythmbox01:52
Alazareit wipes all my library :(01:52
Alazarethen i have to rescan my library01:52
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Dr_WillisAlazare:  there is the 'noauto' option in fstab also. But rythmbox will get confused if the drive suddently vanishes on the next boot anyway..01:52
ace241so most likely lubuntu wont fix it, cuz of the vid deal01:52
Dr_Willisace241:  we are not even sure what your actual problem is..  You have been jumpiong about  too much.01:53
Dr_Willisace241:  what 'vid deal' ?01:53
ace241is there not a snes emulator that just uses 8 colors01:53
Piciace241: Are you still running 5.10?01:53
AlazareDr_Willis: what will no auto do exactly01:53
ace241considering updating if it isnt completely pointless and a waste01:53
ace241more than what im doing anyway01:53
dexiShould Frets on Fire be using 100% of both cores of my 3.0ghz dual core cpu?01:54
macoace241: nes itself didnt even do that01:54
chronIKfluxbox users > how can i show mpc controls in the menu? cant seem to find jack on google..01:54
ace241didnt have 8 colors, ur kidding01:54
bullgard4'man 7 environ: The  variable  environ points to an array of pointers to strings called the "environment".' Why does '~$ echo $environ' display an empty line only?01:55
ace241not blue01:55
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ace241so there isnt a miniopengl for ancient ubuntus01:56
Piciace241: If you're still using 5.10 we cannot support you. Period.01:56
ace241i have lubuntu on iso01:56
jcxlhey can anyone help me set up the web interface for BackupPC?01:56
ace241doooooo shheeee01:56
glickwow kdenlive requires a lot of packages01:57
Piciace241: excuse me?01:57
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ace241support, thx01:57
Dr_WillisAlazare:  it will (should) mount it on access i think..  somthing to try i guess.01:57
Piciace241: What version of Ubuntu are you running right now?01:57
ace241if i installed lub, then zsnes, and all deps, without a video card i am screwtated?01:57
Dr_WillisAlazare:  then as part of your users startup - have 'nautilus /media/theplace' :) so it mounts when you login01:58
Dr_Willisace241:  the statement 'without a video card' is a little.. odd...01:58
AlazareDr_Willis oooo I never thought of that01:58
Dr_WillisAlazare:  :) it pays to be sneaky01:58
ace241i bought it for a dollar01:58
Piciace241: Enough with the insults.01:58
Pici!codeofconduct > ace24101:59
ubottuace241, please see my private message01:59
AlazareDr_Willis see nautilus sees the drive without fstabing, so i could just have a shortcut to the drive in my startup so long as its there bam moutned on login01:59
Dr_Willisace241:  I think you need to  start from the begining and write up a clear statement of your problem and what you are trying to do.01:59
=== _Techie_|_Away_ is now known as _Techie_
ArtelI have issues with compiz-fusion. "Composite extension not available," yet my GPU is not listed on the blacklist. Wat do plz? D:01:59
AlazareDr_Willis your a lifehacker reader huh? :P01:59
dexiI seem to have sub-par quality coming from media players but i don't notice anything wrong with the quality when playing from pandora over the web... that sound conceivable to anyone?01:59
Dr_WillisAlazare:  :) every so often.01:59
chronIKi read that Alazare :)02:00
ace241okay, i have lubuntu. on a cd. in iso format, and, zsnes, and all of its dependencys, on a flash drive02:00
chronIKnice read ^^02:00
ace241okay, and install it... and extract02:00
ace241will i see the color red, in zsnes02:00
ArtelHow do I get Ubuntu's special effects to work? It says "Composite extension not available."02:00
ace241"without a video card"02:00
ArtelI use a Radeon HD 4890. it's not on the blacklist. My mobo is a p55 chipset02:01
Artelcan anyone help?02:01
Dr_Willisace241:     how are you going to 'see' anything without a video card?02:01
ace241its integrated02:01
Dr_Willisace241:  so.. you DO have a video card...02:01
ace241yes i have an integrated vcard02:01
ace241that doesnt view red02:01
Dr_Willisace241:  does it show 'red' in teh bios, or desktop or other OS's ?02:02
ace241in paint yes02:02
Mr_Sonomaace241, ok lets get something straight. you have a video card on your computer, weither intergrated into the MB or not its there or you WOULD NOT have a display on a monitor at all. period. your "without video card" comment is ONLY causing confusion.02:02
ace241and on xp02:02
ace241or me02:02
ace241maybe 9802:02
FloodBot1ace241: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:02
Pici!enter | ace24102:02
ubottuace241: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:02
Dr_Willisace241:  and the video card chipset is?02:02
jcxlso somehow I created a file called '-f'. How can I delete it?02:02
Dr_Willisjcxl:  ione way  rm '-f'02:03
Dr_Willisjcxl:  just like you had it quoted :)02:03
ace241almost helpful02:03
Picijcxl: or rm - -f02:03
Dr_Willisjcxl:  aniother way  rm -- -f02:03
jfilippoi have an issue with grub, is someone available?02:03
ace241do they make motherboards without integrated vids02:03
jcxlit's still there02:03
Dr_Willisjcxl:  the trick of that is anything after a -- does Not get parsed as arguments.02:03
Picijcxl: sorry, Dr_Willis's second suggestion was what I meant.02:03
jcxlah, that last one worked02:03
Dr_Willisace241:  they make all sorts of motherboards.02:03
Mr_Sonomaace241, yes i'm sure they do.02:03
tagetwoo hoo02:04
Artelhow do I get the visual effects working?02:04
ArtelIt says "composite extension not found"02:04
ace241oh, well i dont have a video "card" but it is integrated not sure what kind it is surely it isnt new02:04
TheRufusmid to high end boards from most manufacturers have no onboard video02:04
PiciArtel: Are there any drivers listed in System>Administration>Hardware Drivers?02:04
ace241anyway to get red in "teh" bios02:04
Dr_WillisHmm i wonder why '-f' dident work. Im sure that worked in the past.02:04
Dr_Willisace241:  you DO have a video card.. and you NEED to determine its chipset.02:05
IRCXBMCHello, Everyone02:05
IRCXBMCHello, Everyone02:05
IRCXBMCHello, Everyone02:05
FloodBot1IRCXBMC: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:05
TheRufusDr_Willis: would lspci identify the chipset?02:05
ArtelPici: Okay, the visual effects WERE working...until I installed the ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver. So yea, I have that listed currently.02:05
Dr_WillisTheRufus:  proberly. but he sort of said he diodent even have ubuntu installed... (i think)02:06
ace241i686 ... pentium3 ... thats all i can think of02:06
lemonade_anyone can tell me the default fonts setting for ubuntu 10.04?02:06
Mr_SonomaTheRufus, yea i'm certain it would.02:06
TheRufusace241: can you boot off a live CD?02:06
Dr_Willisace241:  for starters inastall Lubuntu on that thing.   then come back here.02:06
ace241no, not with 9.10 anyway02:06
lemonade_anyone can tell me the default fonts setting for ubuntu 10.04?02:07
PiciArtel: Is fglrx in use?02:07
TheRufusace241: take the side panel off your case and tell us your mobo model02:07
ArtelPici: Yea, fglrx is in use.02:07
TheRufusunless it's a dell02:08
TheRufusthen throw it in the bin and buy another computer02:08
TheRufusum, ok, how about a model number, like on the side or front or back of the case02:08
BookmanAre there any reasonably priced online backup services that are Ubuntu friendly?02:08
macoTheRufus: be nice about other people's stuff...02:08
mrpoundsignquick Q... I am running ubuntu server in a virtual box an I don't want ot to use a vga text display, because it's extremely slow. Is there a way to amke it never go graphical?02:08
ace241its at my house i will try installing lubuntu02:09
ace241and these, and get back02:09
ace241hopefully not lol02:09
ace241for the sake of pito02:09
PiciArtel: hm02:09
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rdw200169mrpoundsign: of course there is.  just run it without graphics, i.e. plug into it with SSH, Serial, etc...02:09
mrpoundsignrdw200169: I want the console to not be vga. not talking about X02:10
TheRufusace241: is the computer you're intending on running ubuntu on actually in windows at the moment?02:10
ace241im on 9.10, but i have 5.1 at my house02:10
ace241this one is 80 gigs, with 20 gig ub02:10
rdw200169mrpoundsign: i know exactly what you're talking about.  what i mean is, completely disreagard the 'monitor' that VirtualBox gives you, and use your host terminal to access the VM image02:10
mrpoundsignrdw200169: but I don't want to completely ignore the monitor. especially when doing a dist upgrade.02:11
ArtelCan anyone else help me with my problem involving getting visual effects working on Ubuntu?02:12
ace241opengl should run on an integrated vid right?02:12
jcxlhey can anyone help me set up the web interface for BackupPC?02:12
rdw200169mrpoundsign: regardless, i don't think you're gonna escape the VGA-ness of VirtualBox... performance depends directly on what VirtualBox is telling ubuntu, and vice-versa.  if you set up a fake-serial connection, you could dist-upgrade there without issues02:13
j3rgnayone know how to test a power supply if its giving off to much power02:13
ace241whats the name of the opengl dependcy like the main one02:13
ace241i ought to downgrade ub02:15
tom_j3rg: power supply testers only cost about 5 bucks.  But I would open it up and look for popped capacitors.  If you see as much as one, then trash it and head to the store.02:15
mrpoundsignrdw200169: prior to 10.04 (9.04 specifically) it wasn't in vga mode.02:15
Mr_Sonomaace241, you ought to downgrade ub?02:16
j3rgthanks tom_02:16
ArtelCan anyone help me with my problem involving getting visual effects working on Ubuntu?02:16
j3rgI'll take your advise02:16
ArtelIt says "composite extension not available"02:16
rdw200169mrpoundsign: are you referring to the host or the vm? (as far as which is 10.04)02:16
ace241better chance itd work02:16
mrpoundsignrdw200169: the vm02:16
mrpoundsignthe host is mac.02:17
digitxpHey, I have a quarrel to settle on Twitter.02:17
digitxpDoes Ubuntu by default install with 2 partitions or 1?02:17
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ubuntufooso I just rm -rf *'d my home directory. what can I do to get my files back?02:18
Mr_Sonomadigitxp, not counting swap 1 by default for the linux os.02:19
ubuntufooI'm on ext402:19
Mr_Sonomaubuntufoo, you did rm -rf * on your /home from command line?02:19
ubuntufootried extundelete, didn't recover all of my files.. trying scalpel, it is taking a very long time to work though..02:20
ubuntufooMr_Sonoma: yes, by accident. it was in my history and I up+entered accidently02:20
ubuntufooit was my /home/username/ folder02:20
bullgard4'~$ aplay  /home/detlef/.irssi/sounds/beep_1.au; Playing Sparc Audio '/home/detlef/.irssi/sounds/beep_1.au' : Mu-Law, Rate 8000 Hz, Mono'.But why do I not hear a sound from the built-in T43 Thinkpad loudspeakers?02:20
ubuntufooe.g. cd ~02:20
Cybersoldathi all02:21
Mr_Sonomaubuntufoo, afraid there's not much i can help you with aside from to remind you to be careful with the -f switch :(02:21
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mrpoundsigna lot of things are referncing /etc/default/grub, but that doesn't exist on my install. hmmm02:22
ace241well does anyone know why zsnes wont show red?? or a reason it wont02:22
ArtelCan anyone help me with my problem involving getting visual effects working on Ubuntu? It says "composite extension not available"02:23
mrpoundsignhazaah, I have done the impossible! http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=148438502:23
Dr_Willisdigitxp:  by default it makes a extended partition and uses / and swap  - last i checked02:25
ThomasB2kwhy would you compile PHP02:25
Dr_Willisace241:  do other programs on linux show 'red' ?02:25
mrpoundsignThomasB2k: I wouldn't. But more importantly, I no longer have the console going into vga mode.02:25
excess^I'm having a problem with Remote Desktop and TightVNC Viewer. When I connect to my desktop I cant interact with my desktop even though I have "Allow users to control your desktop" checked in my Remote Desktop Preferences.02:26
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mrpoundsignThomasB2k: but if I were a php developer, or developing an extension, i might compile php. or if I wanted to make some enhancements. I mean, I think that's one of the points of open source. dpkg does not solve all problems :)02:27
Dr_Willisace241:  You have installed the proper drivers for your video card? It could be your desktop is set to too few colors.. there is ANOTHER snes emulator in the repos also. snes9x I think its called. You could try02:27
digitxpMr_Sonoma: So without changing any options, Ubuntu uses a swap partition, instead of a file?02:27
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Dr_Willisdigitxp:  swap partition by default - yes.02:28
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digitxpthat means I lost :(02:30
tom_ubuntu website suggests against 64 bit version.  is this really an issue or is it ok to use?02:30
RandyRKellyHow do I change kernels?02:30
tensorpuddingIf you know that your machine can run a 64-bit OS, and you don't mind that you have to use a half-way solution with Adobe Flash, I don't see any downsides.02:31
tensorpuddingtom_: ^02:31
shaunotom_: it's a debatable issue.  32bit has better support for awkward closed-source products.  64bit is the way forward eventually.  which one is right for you really depends on what you need out of it02:31
tensorpuddingYeah, there are some projects that depend on i386 assembly code that haven't been updated in years that won't work.02:32
tom_but the 32 bit wont even boot on my machine02:32
tensorpuddingZSNES is one02:32
TheRufushow can I tell what ubuntu i'm running?02:32
SeppozUsing dash as /bin/sh causes various subtle build problems, please use bash instead.02:32
tensorpuddingTheRufus: lsb_release -a in a terminal02:32
dexiI have a theme ready to go in Emerald, but I can't seem to figure out how to get it to take affect02:32
Seppozhow can i make sure the shell isnt linked as bash02:32
mrpoundsignor cat /etc/issue02:32
Dr_WillisSeppoz:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure sh   (i think)02:33
tensorpuddingSeppoz: I believe when you call bash as sh it tries to emulate sh02:33
RandyRKellyInstalled Linux mint02:33
tensorpuddingbut in any case, if a script designed for sh can't use dash, it is probably violating POSIX02:33
tensorpuddingand should be called using bash explicitly02:33
PiciRandyRKelly: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org02:34
Seppozsudo dpkg-reconfigure bash?02:34
RandyRKellyO know02:34
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RandyRKellyI know02:34
khalidmianst ran updates deconf on ubuntu asking me if i want to continue without installing grub. P.S: I installed ubuntu using Wubi..pls advise02:34
tensorpuddingSeppoz: Change the #!/bin/sh to #!/bin/bash02:35
tensorpuddingin the script02:35
tensorpuddingwhy do you think it doesn't work with dash anyway?02:36
Seppozits bitbake02:36
Seppozif i do reconfigure02:36
Seppozbash iss till linked to dash02:36
excess^I'm having a problem with Remote Desktop and TightVNC Viewer. When I connect to my desktop I cant interact with my desktop even though I have "Allow users to control your desktop" checked in my Remote Desktop Preferences.02:36
PiciSeppoz: no. sh is linked to dash.02:37
tensorpuddingthe symlink of /bin/sh to dash is done by dash02:37
tensorpuddingyou can rm /bin/sh, then ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh02:37
Dr_Willistensorpudding:  bad programing on their part from what ive seen with bash/dash isshds02:37
tensorpuddingthis is a dumb idea and you should not do it02:37
khalidmianI just installed ubuntu and ran updates. Something called deconf on ubuntu asking me if i want to continue without installing grub. P.S: I installed ubuntu using Wubi..pls advise02:37
tensorpuddingjust change the shebang02:37
Dr_Willistensorpudding:  that 'dpkg-reconfigure' or update alternatives is the proper way to change the default system shell from dash to bash02:37
Dr_Willistensorpudding:  ive seen some scripts also call 'sh  wjhatever' later in the script THAT can also cause issues02:38
Seppozwhat do i do now?02:38
Dr_WillisSeppoz:  check out the 'update-alternatives' system you could set it that way also02:38
Seppozupdate-alternatives and then?02:39
texastwisterStrange laptop wireless problem... If I boot with radio off via hardware switch and then enable it after login, it works.  If I boot with radio ON, I can't it network manager to enable in any way I've tried.  What have I misconfigured? Ubuntu 9.10 on Dell Precision M4300 with Intel Pro Wireless02:39
Dr_Willisyou change the alterantive4 for sh to be bash from dash02:39
tensorpuddingDr_Willis: it's still the programmer's fault02:39
Dr_Willistensorpudding:  Yes.. i agree02:40
Dr_Willistensorpudding:  bad programing on theior part02:40
Dr_Willisim not even sure sh is in the 'alternatives' stuff02:40
ubuntufooanyone ever used Scalpel?02:40
Dr_WillisSeppoz:  'sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash'02:41
tensorpuddingIt seems to be encouraging people to write scripts using bash as #!/bin/sh which are secretly non-portable because they aren't POSIX-compliant02:41
SubCoolCan anyone answer a quick question about VPN? the instructions i am following are instructing me to make the BOX's IP the VPN Server IP. I thought i could have a local network addy and a VPN addy.02:41
Dr_Willistensorpudding:  the isssue for years has been that 'bash' called as 'sh' has not been flagging a error/warning when people use non-sh 'features'02:42
Dr_Willistensorpudding:  many years of bad habbits.. that came to light when ubuntu decided to use dash instead of bash for sh a few years back. and there was MUCH flamfesting going on about it back then02:42
texastwisterIs there another channel better to ask about wireless configuration in?02:43
shadowhelp with bash http://paste.ubuntu.com/472898/02:43
tensorpuddingWas bash originally designed to be used as a drop-in for /bin/sh?02:43
Valengot an install behind a corporate proxy, it blocks byte range requests however. As such any hickups in an update and I get "416  Byte-Range Requests Not Allowed" errors, any idea how to tell apt to download from the start rather than trying to resume? (atm I manually delete the partials from the cache)02:43
tensorpuddingThe GNU-centrism is annoying and a source of unportability02:45
lol_ ?DCC SEND "isla" mis dumb02:46
DanDaretensorpudding why ?02:46
dexier... uh oh... In terminal i typed "emerald --replace" after closing the terminal I now have no toolbar at all. how do i set it back to gtk?02:46
tensorpuddingBecause you need the GNU tools to actually use the things.02:46
DanDareits vague for me02:46
tensorpuddingFor example, the vast majority of Makefiles seem to require GNU make02:47
tensorpuddinglots of scripts that are otherwise portable that break because they call a command using GNU-only options02:47
prince_jammysdexi: metacity --replace &02:48
shadowdexi: I have to check the command in Compiz Settings manager02:48
DanDaretensorpudding, can you rewrite the scripts ?02:48
tensorpuddingSure, if I install the GNU ports, and change the names right02:48
shadowdexi: http://ubuntologia.ru/images/stories/ubuntu/the-way/compiz-fusion/emerald/command-after.png02:49
dexiprince, how do i make that permanent?02:49
prince_jammysi know not.02:49
shadowdexi: http://ubuntologia.ru/images/stories/ubuntu/the-way/compiz-fusion/emerald/command-before.png02:49
tensorpuddingThis is something that people who live in Linux don't know/care about, because every Linux system comes with the GNU versions of the tools02:50
shadowdexi: have you compizconfig settings manager  INSTALLED?02:50
DanDaretensorpudding, and isnt good ?02:51
tensorpuddingIt's not good if you're one of the people who doesn't use Linux.02:51
texastwisterStrange laptop wireless problem... If I boot with radio off via hardware switch and then enable it after login, it works.  If I boot with radio ON, I can't it network manager to enable in any way I've tried.  What have I misconfigured? Ubuntu 9.10 on Dell Precision M4300 with Intel Pro Wireless02:51
tensorpuddingIt's not Microsoft-lockin bad, of course02:51
iqbal_try android sdk02:52
zazananyone help me02:52
khalidmianDr_Willis: i have something to show u an error message that i have when i try to run ubuntu on my laptop screen . something that i dont get when using external screen02:52
shadowhelp with bash http://paste.ubuntu.com/472898/02:52
DanDaretensorpudding, whats the universal stuff that can replace GNU tools for universal portability  ?02:52
* DanDare went curious02:52
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:53
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shadowDanDare:  GNU Hurd?02:54
dexikiixshadow, yes i have that installed02:54
zazani need help02:54
shadowdexikiix: open it02:54
dexikiixshadow, sorry, i had to log-out and back in, i made ubuntu go comatose02:54
dexikiixshadow, ok its open02:54
zazani need help02:54
texastwisterzazan: ask your question02:54
zazanhow to install icons in ubuntu karmic koala02:55
texastwisterzazan: please clarify?02:55
zazanusing terminal or wat02:55
shadow dexikiix: option "WINDOWS DECORATION"02:55
khalidmianany help ref http://paste.ubuntu.com/472901/02:56
kisukekhalidmian: you try runniga reconfig on x.org?02:56
dexikiixshadow, ok02:56
zazanin new using ubuntu02:57
shadowdexikiix: http://itmages.ru/image/preview/47595/2e7eb4da02:57
texastwisterzazan: Can you be more specific on what you're trying to do?02:57
khalidmiankisuke: not yet just installed ubuntu newbie here can see ubuntu using external device but not on laptop screen02:57
Dr_Williszazan:  take the icon theme.. copy to the .icons directory is oen way02:57
kisukekhalidmian: reboot with the vesa argument02:58
shadowdexikiix: the 6th option from the top -- "Command" Can you see it?02:58
khalidmiankisuke: sorry you lost me there02:58
macokhalidmian: well thats a switch. im often hearing the other direction. perhaps thers a button on your keyboard to switch outputs?02:58
dexikiixshadow, "/usr/bin/compiz-decorator"02:58
dexikiixoh change THAT to compiz --replace ?02:59
shadowEnter in this field command to start emerald: emerald - replace.02:59
shadowemerald --replace02:59
khalidmiani have shift f7 which works under window to duplicate or extent other then that no02:59
kisukekhalidmian: when you boot up (im assuming liveCD/USB) if you hit Fx and it will give you diffrent options, you need to hit F5 or some other function key and type in vesa03:00
dexikiixshadow, that will run emerald on startup, right?03:00
shadowdexikiix: what you want for every time you using ubuntu YES03:00
Dr_Willis!info unp | zazan03:00
ubottuzazan: unp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.15 (lucid), package size 10 kB, installed size 76 kB03:00
dexikiixshadow, thanks03:00
shadowdexikiix: emerald --replace03:00
_pr0t0type_Hi everyone.  I have this Java process that keeps popping up on my process window (HTOP).  I kill it with: kill -9 <pid> but it keeps popping back.  How do I prevent this from happening?03:00
zazanim using karmic03:01
zazanis it the same?03:01
Dr_Williszazan:  if  its an icon theme, you can extract it to the .themes diorectory03:01
dexikiixdo i have to log out to make that take effect shadow ?03:01
tuliohmHi people, there is any way to send messages to Notification OSD via dbus?03:01
khalidmiankisuke: sorry can u guide me step by step im new to all this03:01
Dr_Willistuliohm:  ive seen bash commands to send a message to the  Notify thing03:01
tuliohmDr_Willis, actually, my problem is to find the function name...03:02
Jordan_U_pr0t0type_: What is it's parent (look at the "PPID")/03:02
acalbazawhat is the deal with ipv6 on ubuntu?  i experienced really slow dns resolution and i suspect its v6 related...03:02
Dr_Willistuliohm:  i just use this alias/command i found to do it in my own scripts03:02
kisukeok i have a PC, with a 200 GB and a 1.5TB HD, i put ubuntu on the 200 gig HD, so 1.5TB HD=/dev/sda 200g=/dev/sdb/ ubiquity put grub 2 as the root of sda correct?03:02
kisukekhalidmian: you are using a liveCd correct?03:03
kostkontuliohm, check the "D-Feet" app.03:03
Dr_Willistuliohm:  heres what i use --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/472904/03:03
kostkon!info dfeet | tuliohm03:03
ubottutuliohm: Package dfeet does not exist in lucid03:03
kostkon!info d-feet | tuliohm03:03
ubottutuliohm: d-feet (source: d-feet): A D-Bus object browser, viewer and debugger. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.1.10-2ubuntu3 (lucid), package size 34 kB, installed size 332 kB03:03
tuliohmKoshie, Dr_Willis I will take a look03:03
_pr0t0type_Jordan_U: how do I find the PPID?  I only see the PID03:03
guestDr_Willis: check it please http://paste.ubuntu.com/472898/03:03
magicstuffaloha everyone..03:03
magicstufffinally got the dual boot to work :D03:03
kisukekh sorry if you said that before, i missed it.03:04
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution03:04
kwtmkostkon: Hey, is d-feet useful for browsing?  Better than qdbusviewer?03:04
Jordan_U_pr0t0type_: Easiest way is to run "pstree"03:04
kisukekhalidmian: try looking in the link that ubottu just put out.03:04
kostkonkwtm, i havent used qdbusviewer so i dont know if dfeet it's better or not :)03:05
=== guest is now known as shadows
shadowsmagicstuff: with what?03:06
kwtmkostkon: Is d-feet useful for semi-noobs like me who want to browse around, see what dbus signals are there that could be useful in bash scripts?03:06
kostkonkwtm, yes03:06
magicstuffI thought the dual boot was working...now I'm getting a "no module name found"03:06
magicstuffdoesn't even load the loader03:06
dexikiixanyone know if there is an easy way to merge a gnome theme with emerald? I just want change the buttons but leave everything else03:07
khalidmian_sorry got dc could you pls provide xconfig help link again03:07
taulusHI, are Gigabyte Mobos compatible with Ubuntu?03:07
zazanhow to innstall new themes in emerald03:07
shadowsmagicstuff: try livecd to see the situations03:07
tyler_dI am running ubuntu desktop 10.04 (64) and recently my power supply crapped out on me, I replaced it and now booted the system and I get thrown into an initramfs prompt, it states that mounting /dev/disk/by-uuid/blahblahblah on /root failed: Invalid argument.....03:07
kwtmkostkon: Installing now, and it's installing a python dependency.  Cool!  Is it python based?  Could peruse the code and write up some python code if it were.  :)03:07
_pr0t0type_okay I managed to kill it with the parent, thanks Jordan_U03:08
Jordan_U_pr0t0type_: You're welcome.03:08
kwtmtyler_d: Wow, sounds bad.  Unable to help you but I'd like to know the answer, too, for future reference.03:08
magicstuffshadows: what should I be looking for?03:08
shadowszazan:  http://translate.google.ru/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=ru&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fubuntologia.ru%2Femerald&sl=ru&tl=en03:08
kostkonkwtm, i think it's a python app, yes. to download its source, just give:  apt-get source d-feet03:08
Jordan_U!pm | zazan03:08
ubottuzazan: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.03:08
kwtmkostkon: Well, it's not compiled, is it?  The app *is* the source?  Or am I mistaken?03:09
tyler_dhow do I get to the grub loader from boot in 10.04?03:10
kostkonkwtm, yes03:10
IdleOnetyler_d: hold the shift key while booting03:10
Jordan_Utyler_d: Hold shift.03:10
shadowsmagicstuff: This situation? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#Recover%20Grub%202%20via%20LiveCD03:10
shadowsWhere did my Grub2 boot menu go!?!?! read my link I hope it will help03:11
magicstuffthanks.back in a few03:12
shadowsmagicstuff: anyway I collected this links when I was solving my dual boot problem (all the links beginning from the 2nd are in english :) ) http://mywaytolinux.blogspot.com/p/grub2-atb-9-pm-till-i-come.html03:14
IdleOne!hi | Deist03:14
ubottuDeist: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!03:14
DeistSorry, in a bitt of a mess.03:15
Deistwith c++ programing.03:15
IdleOnetry #C++ ?03:15
DeistYeah, tried but can't type.03:15
DeistSome kind of reg process.03:15
IdleOne!register | Deist03:15
ubottuDeist: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode03:15
kk9822good morning03:15
Deistah, I have.03:15
Patrickdkhmm, since I rebooted (after installing my bluetooth keyboard), I can't get my usb mouse to work at all in X03:15
matrixbluekk9822: morning03:16
IdleOneok now you need to identify with /msg nickserv identify passwrod03:16
kk9822i have one relieance netconnet i want to connect to lapy03:16
kk9822pl help me how to do03:16
Deistthere we go.03:16
IdleOnePatrickdk: unplug and plug it back in, try a different usb port also03:17
kk9822i m in india03:17
PatrickdkIdleOne, ya, tried that, tried rebooting 4 times also, tried different kernel options, as many ubuntu forms suggested03:17
kk9822it was working fine ubuntu 9.103:18
Patrickdkactually, when at the login prompt the mouse does work, it moves 3 pixels, then locks03:18
kk9822but in 10.04 it has prob03:18
Patrickdkmoved mouse to new usb port, moved it 3more pixels, then locks again03:18
IdleOnePatrickdk: got me :/03:19
hhasseyWhere are the x Server configuration files?03:19
Patrickdkin /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:19
hhasseylet me cat it....03:19
zazanim from malaysia03:20
RxDx[off] alguem aqui manja de atualizar gps? (pvt) =x03:21
khalidmiani have another question under update manger setting there is an option for prereleased updates and unsupported updates should i tick those or not?03:21
Patrickdkunplugged bluetooth dongle and usb mouse03:21
Patrickdkplugged mouse back in, it worked03:21
Patrickdkpluged bluetooth dongle in, it breaks03:21
MaRk-I!br | RxDx03:22
ubottuRxDx: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.03:22
Patrickdklogitech trackman marble usb mouse03:22
Patrickdkand logitech mx5000 keyboard+dongle (not using bluetooth mouse)03:22
RxDxMaRk-I, sry, was on wrong channel =x03:22
MaRk-IRxDx: np03:22
kk9822hi any help03:22
Patrickdkthis is so annoying, I may use a keyboard or mouse, but not both :(03:23
hhasseyRecently I sshed into my ubuntu box with a higher resolution computer, now every time i start my ubuntu box i get a  message like cannot display required resolution or something like that then starts perfectly, but the message is annoying.03:23
hhasseyany thoughts?03:23
khalidmianalso under administration settings i have an Nvidia Xserver setting icon how to i run that03:23
kk9822why cant a software be added so that u plugin it works03:24
kk9822how do i fix this pl help me03:24
cdaviswhere are the config files for the gnome menu located in lucid?03:25
LicuadoraHELLO, AGAIN03:26
LicuadoraI downloaded some .ttf fonts03:27
LicuadoraI move them to /usr/share/fonts/truetype folder03:27
LicuadoraBut in Oppen office, i cant see them03:27
Licuadoraat least not the Open logos.ttf03:27
kwtm<sigh> so I'm about to help this kk9822 guy, then I find out he's logged off.03:27
Licuadorakwtm: help me instead03:28
doofyI'm trying to mount an ext4 partition from the live cd (repairing grub), i do sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt but it complatins about needting the filesystem type. I can't seem to find one forext403:29
magicstuffshadows: going to ask you some ?'s more than likely while I am doing this03:30
LicuadoraAnyway... Does anyone here has installed the Openlogo.ttf file?03:30
LicuadoraFor some strage reason, my ttf are not showing in Wordproccesor03:30
D-coym4v, o0o03:30
LicuadoraWhy not?03:32
arunshi, i'm trying to setup a cross-compiling mingw toolchain on ubuntu. and i'm following along on some tutorials. but i see two packages - 'mingw32' and 'gcc-mingw' and they are not compatible. any idea which one i should use ?03:32
mao12345necesito ayuda en español03:32
LicuadoraYo soy el indicado03:32
mao12345i need help in spanish someone can redirect me03:32
mao12345oo gracias03:32
Patrickdkheh, how odd03:33
hhasseyQue paso mao12345?03:33
sweetpi!es | mao1234503:33
ubottumao12345: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:33
Patrickdkplugged bluetooth dongle into *different* motherboard usb port, and it's working03:33
maco!es | Licuadora, hhassey, mao1234503:33
ubottuLicuadora, hhassey, please see above03:33
Patrickdkbefore I had both plugged into same usb hub, and it was working03:33
mao12345que tengo un problema instalando adobe cs4 en wine, me sale este error uxtheme.dll.ServerClearStockObjects, aborting03:33
shadowsmagicstuff: what happened?03:34
mao12345que tengo que hacer con ese parche uxtheme03:34
Licuadorashh...English only, or they will get maaaad03:34
macomao12345: va a #ubuntu-es por favor03:34
magicstuffhaven't done anything yet...wanna make sure I am doing everything right03:34
shadowsmagicstuff: something wrong?03:35
magicstuffdo I mount the linux part first?03:35
khalidmian_can anyone advise me how to use nvidia x server settings03:35
Licuadoramao12345: en privado03:35
Licuadoramao12345: checa a tu izquierda03:35
UrdaQUESTION: Why would 10.04 x86 DESKTOP install perfectly fine on an average DELL desktop, but the 10.04 x86 SERVER fails to run after initial reboot following the install?03:35
shadows cdavis:  /home/USER/.config/menus03:36
magicstuffshadows: mind if I pm you? want to make sure I am doing everything right03:36
shadowsmagicstuff: what d'you mean?03:36
=== Redalqaeda is now known as Ladron_de_Corazo
khalidmian_how do i restart xserver03:37
=== _Techie_ is now known as _Techie_|_Away_
sweetpikhalidmian_: sudo service gdm restart, or ctrl+alt+backspace03:39
bonhofferi am totally locked out on my windows pc, but i have grub installed03:40
jebbluekhalidmian_ usually log out and back in restarts it, restarting otherwise will knock others on your server off, if there are other accounts logged in03:40
bonhoffercan i boot from cd with grub03:40
smackmanicis there a way to create folders with the same names as .zip files...like quit a few zip files.. from the terminal?03:40
smackmanice.g. say you have 20 or so .zip files, could extract them each to a folder named after the zip file03:41
smackmanicwithout having to manually create said folders03:41
=== spiros is now known as spyrosebastos
* smackmanic twiddles his thumbs03:42
=== marc__ is now known as Guest34520
Guest34520Help! Made a newb mistake and need help. I use chown incorrectly and now sound/networking wont work03:43
cvdtmsEarlier I asked about my new ubuntu installation freezes on me so much and I was told to read the error log, I can't because it freezes before I have a chance to get into terminal, sometimes even before I even click login :(03:43
=== Guest34520 is now known as Marc128000
=== Marc128000 is now known as Marc01
ubuntu__Can someone help me with this? I attempted a dist-upgrade of kubuntu 9.10 to 10.04 and apt-get can't upgrade the firefox package.  Here is a pastebin. Please someone help!! http://pastebin.com/Q3JHQ36r03:44
jebblueGuest34520 restore from backup03:44
=== tgall_x86_64 is now known as Dr_Who
Marc01okay, how do I do that?03:44
Marc01<--- Guest3452003:44
cvdtmsSometimes it's completely frozen and other times I can hit my power button and the shutdown menu comes up and counts down to shutdown03:45
khalidmianhttp://imagebin.org/108030 any help wit this?03:45
matrixblueubuntu__: Try running sudo03:45
jebblueMarc01 do you have a backup? I use rsync, so Ijust copy from my backup medium back. in this case I guess you could just renew the tree you chown'ed otherwise the whole disk03:45
matrixblueubuntu__: Try running sudo dpkg-reconfigure firefox03:45
Marc01I don't have a backup sadly.03:46
IdleOnekhalidmian: sudo nvidia-xconfig03:46
jebblueMarc01 otw you could ask a friend and check the permissions on the tree you chown'ed and change the owner back, or the permissions back03:46
ubuntu__matrixblue: I ran the dpkg-reconfigure command on firefox and nothing happened.  the command completed successfully I suppose....03:46
Marc01I started at /, I was able to fix most of it03:46
=== cvdtms is now known as sharris
ubuntu__matrixblue: Still getting the error in that pastebin03:47
khalidmianIdleOne: WARNING: Unable to locate/open X configuration file.  New X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'03:47
Marc01I've got my other computer right here03:47
Marc01and thats how I've gotten it back to running gdm again03:47
vIpçàáûë ïàðîëü ÷òî äåëàòü?03:47
bstutesununtu__: If all else fails you could uninstall firefox and do a clean install of 10.10 Firefox.03:47
matrixblueubuntu__: run sudo apt-get purge firefox03:48
Marc01All thats left now is networking/sound and shutdown permissions03:48
magicstuffI tried a dual boot today with ubuntu lucid and win7..win7 installed first...when I boot the computer up I get a "no module name found Aborted"03:48
jebblueMarc01 well you're on the right track except you should have had a backup but I'd keep on that track, do a ls -l on the good system then on the bad one and check where threre are differences, or reinstall, but leave home intact03:48
vIpêòîíèòü ïî ðóñêèè ãîâîðèò03:48
arrrghhhmagicstuff, that's right after the lucid install?   do you see grub at all?03:49
ubuntu__matrixblue, bstutes: tried both, I attempted a remove and a purge to no avail.  Same error03:49
jebblueMarc01 did you do  /dev yet?03:49
matrixblueubuntu__: then do sudo apt-get autoremove then sudo apt-get clean after this try the dist-upgrade again03:49
magicstuffI did see it for a second..03:49
Marc01Yes /dev seems to be correct03:49
magicstuffloaded into win7 to test..shut down...then blammo, no grub menu03:49
sharrisI installed ubuntu on my Alienware Area-51m laptop and it keeps freezing randomly, so I installed ubuntu studio and does the same, can somebody tell me how to boot the command line so I can read the log, it freezes too fast for me to even login :(03:49
jebblueMarc01 have you rebooted the hosed system?03:49
arrrghhhmagicstuff, that's inconsistent...03:49
Marc01It seems as though dbus has issue03:50
ubuntu__matrixblue: I think that did it... we will see03:50
Marc01has issues*03:50
jebblueok well proceed with the ls -l  comparison is all I can suggest at this pint03:50
Marc01I was hoping for something less tedious03:50
magicstuffarrrghhh: I'm not that good with this stuff...just need help to get this dual boot working03:50
Marc01That'll teach me to be liberal with root and chown03:50
bstutessharrris: add the word "single" to the end of vmlinux command line03:50
arrrghhhmagicstuff, did you do some reading before you setup the dual boot?03:51
jebblueMarc01 :)03:51
magicstuffI did a little bit..03:51
sharrisCan somebody please help me?03:51
arrrghhh!ask | sharris03:51
ubottusharris: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:51
magicstuffI asked in here...I actually tried to have someone manually walk me through it..as I didn't want to screw anything up03:51
rjune_arrrghhh, he did ask.03:51
rjune_scroll up.03:51
jebblueMarc01 maybe someone else has a better solution. that's all i can come up with tonight, those are powerful commands, like editng the registry on doze03:51
Marc01Haha, I'm in a hotel on the road and the connection sucks otherwise I'd just reinstall lucid lynx real quick03:51
bstutessharris: add the word "single" to the end of vmlinux command line03:51
Marc01Yeah, I know better, just tired and bad mistake03:52
magicstuffit seems like this error has happened a few times before with people..something about windows re-writing the mbr03:52
arrrghhhrjune_, either way he may need to be more patient03:52
rjune_sharris, When the grub screen comes up, you need to boot single user,03:52
shadowsmagicstuff: follow my pm link - after that livecd and recover grub in ubuntu03:52
rjune_arrrghhh, that's valid. but not your first response.03:52
arrrghhhmagicstuff, did windows "fix" anything?03:52
MBG1987Can some body answer my question here? http://bit.ly/cjrGN203:52
sharrisSorry, I'm a Linux noob lol can youexplain how to do that?03:52
arrrghhhmagicstuff, i forgot what it's called... windows restore or something.03:52
rjune_sharris, http://www.debuntu.org/recover-root-password-single-user-mode-and-grub  <-- that may be helpful.03:52
magicstuffarrrghhh: there were two updates it had to finish methinks03:52
shadowsmagicstuff: yes but it is offtopic03:53
arrrghhhmagicstuff, well updates *shouldn't* break it...03:53
rjune_magicstuff, you need to rewrite the mbr in windows?03:53
sharrisOk thx :)03:53
Marc01Just had a good idea, I'm going to use find03:53
magicstuffrjune_: not sure..just wanna get this damn dual boot working03:53
rjune_Generally it's install windows, install linux, done.03:53
Marc01"find / -user <name> >>a.out" Checking for files that the user shouldn't own03:53
MBG1987Can some body answer my question here: http://bit.ly/cjrGN203:53
arrrghhhmagicstuff, either way, if you don't see grub you'll need to reinstall it.  grab that livecd and boot from it.03:53
jebblueMarc01 there you go sounds solid03:54
magicstuffarrrghhh: whats the chance that I'll have to do this more than once?03:54
arrrghhhmagicstuff, i've never had to redo this on a proper install.  i have several win7 & lucid machines doin just fine.03:54
jebblueMarc01 you know they make these small drives for travelers, you could use one as a back...oops ;-)03:54
kisukethe grub boot loader is saved in the MBR of /dev/sda right?03:54
magicstuffthen I should try to just do a proper install, no?03:55
matrixbluekisuke: Normally, yes03:55
* gewt lol03:55
arrrghhhmagicstuff, well we need to figure out what is wrong.  did you say you saw a grub prompt or not?03:55
magicstuffis that the one with linux, memtest, etc?03:55
kisukematrixblue: even when the main os is stored on /dev/sdb?03:55
shadowsmagicstuff: if only problem in mbr and grub - no03:56
arrrghhhmagicstuff, yes.  if you installed win7 first & lucid second, you shouldn't have an issue & it *should* have created a link to win703:56
Marc01hahaha very funny ;-)03:56
magicstuffwin7 was installed first..installed ubuntu afterwards03:56
arrrghhhmagicstuff, ok so do you see grub when the system boots?  what are the entries?  what works, what doesn't?03:57
matrixbluekisuke: it depends on how the disks were at the installation and which options were set. You can install Grub to any disk you want with a live cd rather easily though03:57
asarchHow can I avoid blank screen in console?03:57
arrrghhhmagicstuff, if you're not seeing grub, we'll need to reinstall it basically.  you don't need to 'redo' the whole OS, just the bootloader/mbr which can be done from the livecd.03:57
magicstuffarrrghhh: nothing shows now...I only see "no modules found"03:57
shadowsmagicstuff: anyway you need a DVD with windoz to repair mbr03:57
Marc01I made it especially bad because I used root:root03:57
kisukematrixblue: i just left it at the defaut values, with the exception of installing to /dev/sdb03:58
Marc01so the groups are &#(!ed too03:58
arrrghhhmagicstuff, so you reboot the machine and what does it do before that.03:58
magicstuffjust sees that error03:58
arrrghhhmagicstuff, sometimes it flies by in 3 seconds, and you have to hit esc03:58
arrrghhhmagicstuff, that's the FIRST thing you see when the computer boots?03:58
matrixbluekisuke: So I'm guessing you want to find out where the bootloader is?03:58
Jordan_Umagicstuff: Hold shift during boot to get to the grub menu.03:58
arrrghhhah didn't know that trick.  thanks Jordan_U03:59
Jordan_Uarrrghhh: You're welcome.03:59
kisukematrixblue: im tring to figure out if i need to mess wiht my BIOS, /dev/sdb went in first, and is the one i want to use for OS03:59
magicstuffjordan_u: tried that... "grub loading...no module name found...aborted"03:59
=== hdon_ is now known as hdon
matrixbluekisuke: Normally its stored on the first hard disk (sda) because thats where the BIOS would boot from first in most cases03:59
shadowsmagicstuff:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=134385103:59
matrixbluekisuke: What is sda used for?04:00
jebblueMarc01 i messed up the chown command once, I tried to fix things manually, it sounds like you made it further, I gave up and restored from ... saved my bacon and my sanity, on doze I used a great tool from Acronis but on Ubuntu I use rsync, my own small rsync script - there are also supposed to be some good backup tools but I prefer my script, short, sweet and solid04:00
arrrghhhmagicstuff, do you have a dell or hp laptop?04:01
Marc01I think from now on I will backup lol04:01
magicstuffarrrghhh: look at the link that shadows: just posted..sounds like a problem with dell04:01
magicstuffdell laptop..think its the dell datasafe program04:01
kisukematrixblue: heree a bhasic time line for you, PC gets built, 200 gig hardrive gets full, add a 1.5 terabyte hdd, *nix maps it as /dev/sda for no reason i can figure.04:01
arrrghhhmagicstuff, indeed.  you need to remove it.04:01
magicstuffto remove it I need to get into my win7 machine, right?04:01
arrrghhhmagicstuff, yes.04:01
magicstuffis it possible to use my livecd to fix something just so I can get into win7, and then remove dell datasafe stuff?04:02
matrixbluekisuke: It gets mapped that way because of which Sata controller you have it plugged into04:02
patcitois it possible to move a launcher I create on my desktop to the gnome panel?04:02
arrrghhhmagicstuff, that's exactly what you're going to have to do.04:02
kisukematrixblue: figured that much, bios has been set to boot from /dev/sdb though, so i just nee to switch04:03
matrixbluekisuke: sda is the first one it detects04:03
jebbluepatcito drag and drop04:03
matrixbluekisuke: So the OS is on the 200 GB?04:03
kisukematrixblue: yes04:03
p1und3ranyone know what a good deal on a dedicated server is monthly? 1Gbs connection etc04:04
matrixbluekisuke: and the 1.5 TB didn't exist when the OS was installed?04:04
kisukebot initaly and survived 2 reinstalls of windows.04:05
Jordan_Umagicstuff: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide04:05
kisukematrixblue: not initaly and survived 2 reinstalls of windows.04:05
matrixbluekisuke: I/m assuming after these windows re-installs you had to re-install Grub manually04:06
Wolfwalker_PrimeI need a way to access an internal hard drive via USB.  I want an enclosure (because they seem more reliable than hdd-usb adapters in general) but I want something that will work with both 2.5 and 3.5 drives.04:06
Wolfwalker_PrimeAre 2.5 and 3.5 IDE drives the same as far as connection points?04:06
Wolfwalker_PrimeDitto for SATA 2.5 and 3.5.  Are the connections the same?  In other words, could I mount a 2.5 drive in a 3.5 enclosure?04:06
matrixblueWolfwalker_Prime: No04:06
Jordan_Umagicstuff: Unfortunately removing Dell "DataSafe" will likely clobber grub one last time so you'll have to restore grub twice. Please complain to Dell about this as it's IMHO completely unnacceptable for a backup program to cause your computer to fail to boot.04:06
kisukematrixblue: it just got religated from desktop to home server, so now installing ubuntu, and getting winxp boot loader error messages04:07
magicstuffyeah it some bs04:07
matrixbluekisuke: I didn't quite understand your last message04:08
maurer_Is there any way to install the old vulnerable 64-bit flash? It worked on a number of files that the current setup does not, and I run noscript and pick trusted flash apps only, so I don't need to worry about the vulnerability...04:09
kisukematrixblue: it was as of about 2 days ago, my main PC, how ever sence i got a new one, the position of the PC in question got changed to "home server" and as part of the jop change it gets ubuntu installed,  *looks at sentence* taht loook clearer to you, or is my horrible grammer getting to me?04:09
TheRufusi have a /home/user/torrents directory chmodded to 777 but my rutorrent webpage can't get read write access04:11
TheRufushow can I fix this?04:11
dexiI was editing button images for emerald and it seems like Compiz has completely stopped working... the whole thing... im so lost04:11
matrixbluekisuke: It wasn't grammar or anything. Just wasn't sure what you meant exactly. Does it boot as is right now?04:11
dexiIf i type "emerald --replace &" into terminal it just replies "10300"04:11
Jordan_U!emerald | dexi04:12
ubottudexi: emerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.04:12
dexiJordan_U, ok04:12
magicstuff  also, when I installed ubuntu should I have used ext3 or ext4?04:12
dexiJordan_U, more importantly -Compiz- is not working at all04:12
dexithe commands are all set, and enabled, but none of them function04:12
kisukematrixblue: no, because it tries to go to a nonexitant windows install. probably go away if i switch boot order in BIOS settinggs now that i think about it.04:12
matrixbluekisuke: I agree04:13
kisukematrixblue: kk thanksa04:13
arrrghhhmagicstuff, the differences to you won't be great.  but ext4 is fine... i've seen a few people run into bugs with nfs and the like, but i haven't had any issues yet.04:13
kisukearrrghhh: you know if the missing data bugs with ext4 got fixed?04:14
arrrghhhkisuke, not sure, like i said i haven't run into any issues with ext4.04:15
dexishadows, any idea what could cause ccsm to completely stop functioning?04:15
arrrghhhkisuke, do you have any bugs for references?04:15
tom_I'm running new install Ubuntu 206.32-24 and the X system seems to crash a lot, only keys that function are Control-Alt-Delete, happens especially with regard to screensavers, anyone have a clue how to fix it ?04:15
kisukearrrghhh: its been nearly a year sence i looked,i beleve it was right around the time karmic came out, ther was a sticky about it in the forums04:16
shadowsdexi: videocard. you can't use compiz cube? Try to turn the settings on again.04:16
ubuntu__matrixblue: I am still getting that error04:16
dexiyes, cube and emerald both stopped running as well as the rest of the settings, which all appear to be turned on04:16
shadowsdexi: honestly probably I have no exact ideas04:17
arrrghhhkisuke, i don't see it....04:17
matrixblueubuntu__: This is odd04:17
dexishadows, maybe i'll restart, see what happens04:17
shadowsdexi: turn them on again04:17
kisukearrrghhh: let me see if i can dig it up again.04:17
dexishadows, i unchecked and rechecked the boxes, still nothing04:17
matrixblueubuntu__: send the pastebin again please04:18
arrrghhhdexi, any reason you're trying to use emerald?04:18
shadowsdexi: can't say anything04:18
ltgghave a printer problem:  CUPS print spooler not running after boot up. How to fix? Printer troubleshooter says to find service under Sys>Admin>Services, but Services not in my menu.04:18
dexiarrrghhh, It's all i know of, lol. Do you have a better suggestion?04:18
maurer_ Is there any way to install the old vulnerable 64-bit flash? It worked on a number of files that the current setup does not, and I run noscript and pick trusted flash apps only, so I don't need to worry about the vulnerability...04:18
arrrghhhdexi, well what does ubuntu use default... metacity?04:19
matrixblueubuntu__: try running sudo apt-get purge firefox-3.5-branding04:19
dexiarrrghhh, i believe04:19
arrrghhhdexi, you could use the dark side and run kwin :D04:19
xanguamaurer_: https://launchpad.net/~sevenmachines/%2Barchive/flash04:19
AegNuddelLast night....04:19
matrixblueubuntu__: try running sudo apt-get purge firefox-branding04:20
kisukearrrghhh: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/linux/+bug/317781  looks like it got fixed though04:20
dexiarrrghhh, dark side? lol im not familiar with much in the way of linux so i probably won't get the reference you're making there04:20
AegNuddelI was talking to someone about translating freevial04:20
AegNuddelHis name here was tim04:20
xanguadexi: using emerald¿¿ then Alt+F2 > write > emerald --replace > hit enter04:20
Ddordais it possible to install mymedia on Lucid?04:20
arrrghhhdexi, sorry.  kde vs gnome, always been a polarizing argument.04:20
shadowsarrrghhh: I  will ask you to respect KDE04:20
arrrghhhshadows, i prefer it.04:20
xanguaDdorda: is that a linux program¿04:20
shadowsarrrghhh: yes yes not so ideal04:21
dexiarrrghhh, ah, yeah ok that much i understand, lol, so KWIN is a KDE themer?04:21
Ddordaxangua: it's a python2.4 program04:21
TheRufusi have a /home/user/torrents directory chmodded to 777 but my rutorrent webpage can't get read write access04:21
TheRufushow can I fix this?04:21
arrrghhhdexi, it's the default one kde uses for window effects since they just started using them in kde4.04:21
dexixangua, nothing happened04:21
xanguaDdorda: you will need to manualy install python 2.4 i believe04:22
xanguadexi: are you running compiz¿¿04:22
xanguayou can't use emerald without compiz04:22
dexixangua, yes04:22
Jeatoni'm trying to create a virtual host under apache, but i'm getting cannot bind to address error04:23
dexiside-note my audio works fine but the quality is very distorted... that wouldn't be a driver issue, would it?04:23
Jeatoni don't want to make it public or anything, just want to keep it locally04:23
xanguadexi: and you have already installed/selected an emerald theme¿¿04:23
dexixangua, yes, it worked for a bit, then while editing the theme .png file, compiz/emerald crashed and just stopped working04:24
arrrghhhdexi, that's random.  so how is your audio working fine then?  :P  anyhoo, do you mean internal laptop speakers?  there could be many things, does the audio sound fine in other operating systems?04:24
xanguadexi: then try other them or reinstall your current one04:24
xanguaand leave it as it is04:24
ZykoticK9!emerald | dexi04:25
ubottudexi: emerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.04:25
magicstuffjordan_u: thanks, first part done...getting into windows now04:25
dexiZykoticK9, someone already said that04:26
sweetpiJeaton: is it the vhost thats giving you that error?04:26
arrrghhhdexi, you're going to get that a lot.  emerald is very unsupported, so don't expect support for it.04:26
ZykoticK9dexi, sorry i didn't notice it04:26
dexiarrrghhh, yes the audio sounds fine on windows, and its through a creative pci-e to external 5.104:26
arrrghhhdexi, almost certainly drivers then.04:26
matrixblueubuntu__: I have to go now. But try removing the firefox branding package and try all the steps I gave you earlier again. Best of luck!04:26
Jeatonsweetpi - when im trying to reload apache after I try to create a vhost04:26
Jeatonapache was working fine before04:27
dexiits cool arrrghhh and ZykoticK9, i see how it goes. any known alternatives (granted the info says not)?04:27
arrrghhhdexi, already gave you my suggestions.04:27
sweetpiJeaton: how are you specifying the vhost?04:27
dexiI remember seeing KWIN lol04:27
tom_I'm running new install Ubuntu 2.6.32-24 and the X system seems to crash a lot, only keys that function are Control-Alt-Delete, happens especially with regard to screensavers, anyone have a clue how to fix it ?04:27
dexithat was a serious suggestion?04:27
arrrghhhdexi, if you want to check out kde, do "sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop"04:28
ubuntu__matrixblue: it gives a pretty nasty warning. Should I go ahead with it?04:28
dexiKDE has never worked for me... it seems to make everything fail04:28
dexivisually ^04:28
dexiI prefer gnome04:28
pedroI installed Ubuntu "over" Windows XP through Wubi. Then I installed "xubuntu-desktop" package, later downloading updates avaiable for Ubuntu itself. Now, whenever I boot up, a menu shows up enabling me to choose between Ubuntu and Windows XP. If I choose Ubuntu, it displays another menu with 4 avaiable "Ubuntu's", Windows XP and Vector Linux. I wish I could reduce all this to the first menu and change the time required to choose autom04:28
pedroatically to 4 secs instead of 20+ secs.04:28
arrrghhhdexi, uh... ok?  then deal with metacity.04:28
pedrohope it were clear enough04:29
sweetpiJeaton: pastebin your vhost config, sounds like something is already running on 80 though. maybe try stop/start instead of restart04:31
RoastedIf I'm setting a static IP via network manager, do I need "search domains" filled out?04:31
ltgghave a printer problem:  CUPS print spooler not running after boot up. How to fix? Printer troubleshooter says to find service under Sys>Admin>Services, but Services not in my menu  10.0404:31
dexiOk so, forgetting emerald, is compiz itself still "Supported"?04:31
ZykoticK9dexi, yes compiz is fine.04:31
RPG-MasterMy laptop04:33
arrrghhhRPG-Master, not your laptop!04:34
RPG-MasterMy laptop's display looks really blue. How do I go about changing it's color tempature?04:34
RPG-Masterarrrghhh: Stupid enter key :P04:34
dexiZykoticK9, so... that, after a restart, is still broken04:34
arrrghhhRPG-Master, haha sorry.  trying to think what's in the default display settings... usually very little.04:34
ZykoticK9dexi, in a terminal see if "compiz --replace" gives any error.  sounds like it might be a graphics card issue.04:35
arrrghhhRPG-Master, check this out - http://www.ubuntufieldmanual.com/?q=node/3804:35
dexiZykoticK9, that got it running04:35
dexiZykoticK9, but if i close the terminal itll break again, right?04:35
ZykoticK9dexi, don't think so04:36
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ZykoticK9dexi, you might want to install fusion-icon to get a try icon to select and/or restart compiz/metacity04:36
ZykoticK9s/try icon/tray icon04:36
dexiZykoticK9, no we're back up and running, thanks tho that sounds useful04:37
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xanguadexi ZykoticK9 Alt+F2 > emerald --replace04:37
xanguacompiz --replace ***04:37
dexixangua, thanks but everything is fuctioning now04:37
xanguadexi: i am just saying use the launcher instead the terminal04:38
dexiZykoticK9, i did an apt-get for that, i dont see anything though04:38
ZykoticK9dexi, in a terminal try "apt-cache search fusion-icon"04:39
dexiZykoticK9, sorry, bad phrasing, the apt-get worked, but afterwards, i see nothing04:39
steve-ohhlive CD gui crashed when chrooted into existing install and doing a dist-upgrade... wtf?04:40
ZykoticK9dexi, Applications / System Tools / Fusion icon or "fusion-icon" from Alt+f2 or terminal04:40
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texastwisterStrange laptop wireless problem... If I boot with radio off via hardware switch and then enable it after login, it works.  If I boot with radio ON, I can't it network manager to enable in any way I've tried.  What have I misconfigured? Ubuntu 9.10 on Dell Precision M4300 with Intel Pro Wireless04:40
steve-ohhanyone ever experienced that?04:41
dexiah thanks04:41
steve-ohhtexastwister: I've noticed hardware switches always act a bit funny04:41
nconradsIs there a keyboard shortcut that can be used to get the console output during startup of a 10.04 LiveCD?04:41
dexiZykoticK9, do you by chance know if theres a way to get programs to launch on startup and go to a specifc desktop?04:42
nphasewhy does it say 64-bit ubuntu is not recommended for daily desktop use?04:42
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RealOptyhow do i reinstall the bootloader grub?04:43
ZykoticK9dexi, to launch on startup - system / preferences / Startup applications -- but no way i know of to determine virtual desktop sorry.04:43
dexinphase, it used to not be, but so far it seems fine to me (as of 10.04)04:43
nphasedexi: aha. cool, thanks04:43
RealOptyi just installed ubuntu and i dont think that it installed the bootload onto the correct drive...04:43
texastwisternphase: probably mostly a legacy recommendation from when 64-bit was a little buggy with spotty driver support, etc.04:43
nphasetexastwister: sure04:43
texastwisternphase: I've been on 64 bit only for over a year with no complaints04:43
ZykoticK9nphase, in my opinion it's a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website-content/+bug/58594004:43
dexiZykoticK9, thanks, i guess i just need to learn where the executables are04:44
ZykoticK9dexi, where is less important then the fact that they are in your PATH ;)04:44
RealOptycause the boot flag was on for the wrong hdd04:45
RealOptyand wasnt on for the one i installed it onto04:45
RealOptyany suggestions?04:45
RoastedIf I'm setting a static IP via network manager, do I need "search domains" filled out?04:46
dexiZykoticK9, haha well either way, i dont know what to do on the "Command" line in the startup apps window04:46
ZykoticK9dexi, what are you trying to run?04:47
dexipossibly xchat, and banshee, but those are secondary04:47
ZykoticK9dexi, use the "which" command like, "which gwibber" or "which google-chrome"? or "which chromium-browser" to find full paths to stuff.04:48
econdudeawesomeHowdy! What is required for chmod -x to work? I tried running it with wildcards "chmod -x filename{0,1,2,3,4}" to batch change the files, but didn't seem to work04:48
Patrickdkchmod a-x filename*04:48
econdudeawesomePatrickdk is that what's missing?04:49
econdudeawesomewhat is chmod -x then?04:49
ZykoticK9econdudeawesome, Patrickdk's command is correct, just be aware that "a-x" is All or Everyone - executable04:49
Patrickdkwell, -x does nothing04:49
Patrickdkyou need a flag to change, user=u, group=g, other=o, a=all04:49
rezolutewill 10.04/64 recognize my NEC usb3 ports? (I have a gigabyte P55-USB3 motherboard for what its worth)04:49
econdudeawesomeZykoticK9, Patrickdk, it didn't work. Root is the owner--do I need to run as sudo?04:50
ZykoticK9econdudeawesome, yes, if root owns it04:51
ZykoticK9econdudeawesome, is this a file or a directory BTW?04:51
econdudeawesomeZykoticK9 I'm attempting to apply it to files... is this only for directories?04:51
ZykoticK9econdudeawesome, just be aware that if it's a directory that executable mean you can enter the directory (kinda important)04:52
ZykoticK9econdudeawesome, it's for both04:52
kisukei ctrl,+alt+Fx to a terminal, and when i do ctrl+alt+F7 i get just a black screen, its still there after restarting, any idea whats wrong?04:52
dexiI love how desktop cube interprets speed and will have a rubber-band effect if you hold the button and spin it fast then let go... ha04:52
econdudeawesomeZykiticK9 okay. It's still not working though... guess I gotta do files individually :-)04:52
ZykoticK9kisuke, what about F8 instead of F7?04:53
ZykoticK9!tab > econdudeawesome04:53
ubottuecondudeawesome, please see my private message04:53
ZykoticK9econdudeawesome, "for file in *; do chmod a-x $file; done" might work - if you want EVERYTHING04:53
kisukeZykoticK9: didnt try that, how ever i only had one sessions ope, so should not have worked, let me reboot and try that, i would kill for a KVM switch right now04:54
econdudeawesomeZykoticK9: thanks04:54
magicstuffok my dual boot is working once again...stupid dell software breaking stuf04:54
econdudeawesomeZykoticK9: for the tab shortcut04:54
abhijitGood Morning!! :)04:54
econdudeawesomeZykoticK9: what is $file exactly?04:54
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ZykoticK9econdudeawesome, that is a variable that will be replaced by each filename/directory in the present directory04:55
tesujihi - i am trying to make ubuntu on a usb stick and i need to actually install on the stick (as a real system, not as a livecd).  trouble is, it doesn't boot...  i have tried every trick with grub i can think of and it still won't boot.  however system created with usb-creator does boot.  any clues or suggestions?04:55
Niglopdoes anybody know a small but easy 'microsoft paint like program' for ubuntu?04:55
econdudeawesomeZykoticK9: never mind, makes sense :-)04:55
tesujiNiglop, there are half a dozen - go to software centre04:55
xangua!usb | tesuji04:56
ubottutesuji: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent04:56
ZykoticK9tesuji, to "truely" install onto USB, one of the last options during install is to customize GRUB, and you need to point it manually to the USB drive (it will point to HD by default)04:56
tesujiNiglop, that's "applications"->"ubunto software centre"04:56
xanguahave you tried persistent''04:56
tagetI am having a problem configuring my interfaces, i have a block of static ip's and 2 netowrk cards in my server. one has a internal ip in the 192.168.2. subnet and the other is in my public pool of addresses. the problem is i cannot access my interface with the public ip outside of my local network. any ideas ?04:57
xanguaNiglop: http://code.google.com/p/gnome-paint/04:57
tesujixangua i cannot use persistent, it has to be a real install04:57
Niglopoo thanks xangua04:57
tesujiZykoticK9, i don't recall that option, where would it be?04:58
xanguathere is also gnu paint in the repository Niglop04:58
ZykoticK9tesuji, "Advanced" maybe?  I'm not sure of the wording actually.04:58
Niglopthanks guys04:59
tesujixangua that link is for putting a livecd on a stick - that doesn't work for me - i need a real install05:00
magicstuffnow I want to access the internet with my lucid installation...05:00
magicstuffon 9.04 it would find connections..but my lucid install won't find any wireless connections05:00
ZykoticK9magicstuff, System / Admin / Hardware Drivers - does it show anything for your wireless?05:01
kisukeZykoticK9: gives me the last of the tty output when ubuntu boots, and it looks like im gonna have to reinstall to get a working graphics end at any rate05:01
ZykoticK9kisuke, what does "sudo service gdm start" say/or do?05:01
kisukemagic stuff you have a dell netbookk?05:01
magicstuffzykotick9: says no prop drivers found05:02
kisukemagicstuff: you have a dell netbook?05:02
taulusLooking to get new 1156 motherboard to run ubuntu on, any tips05:02
magicstuffyes I do kisuke:05:02
ZykoticK9magicstuff, what wireless card/chip are you using "lspci | grep Wireless" might work05:02
kisukemagicstuff: what ZykoticK9 said05:02
tesujiZykoticK9, ok i try again.. thx05:03
magicstuffjust did that..didn't show anything05:03
kisukemagicstuff: gan you pastebin the outpu from lspci -v >> ~/lspic.txt?05:03
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ZykoticK9magicstuff, "lspci | grep -i network" but it will show all network, not just wireless05:04
texastwisterStrange laptop wireless problem... If I boot with radio off via hardware switch and then enable it after login, it works.  If I boot with radio ON, I can't it network manager to enable in any way I've tried.  What have I misconfigured? Ubuntu 9.10 on Dell Precision M4300 with Intel Pro Wireless05:04
magicstuffzykotick9: that i network only shows one controller05:04
magicstuffbroadcom corp bcm4312 802.11b/g (rev 0)\05:05
ZykoticK9magicstuff, that's your wireless.05:05
kisukeZykoticK9: i know th fix for this, want me to feed it to him?05:05
magicstufffire away kisuke: :D05:05
ZykoticK9kisuke, sure - cause i have nothing ;)05:05
tesujiZykoticK9, the usb-creator sets up a fat32 file system on the stick (and that boots) - do i have to use fat for a real install or should it work with ext4?05:05
ZykoticK9tesuji, you don't need FAT for a real install you can use ext4 if you want.05:06
ilovefairuztexastwister: 3945ABG? I have similar issues. Install rfkill and rfkill list' or 'rfkill unblock' as necessary05:06
tesujiZykoticK9, does it make any sense to use swap on a stick?05:07
eduardoHi somebody can help me about drivers or similar for my sound??05:07
kisukemagic stuff, open up gedit, make the file /etc/modprobe.d/b43.comf and place the text "options b43 pio=1 qos=0" in the file05:08
ilovefairuztexastwister: you could also try putting 'rfkill unblock wlan' in /etc/rc.local  It mostly works (but you'd have to turn hardware switch on yourself)05:08
kisukemagicstuff, open up gedit, make the file /etc/modprobe.d/b43.comf and place the text "options b43 pio=1 qos=0" in the file05:08
ZykoticK9tesuji, if you want hibernate then yes, if you have enough RAM and don't need hibernate then you could try without it...05:08
texastwisterthanks ilovefairuz, I'll try that.05:08
magicstuffwithout the quotes I assume?05:08
ZykoticK9tesuji, swap will shorten the life of the stick05:08
mfilipewhere is the better file to set enviroment variables?05:09
kisukemagicstuff: yes05:09
mfilipe~/.bashrc ?05:09
tesujiZykoticK9, i am going to be using it on a laptop that has no harddisk and only 384M ram05:09
magicstuffso the file name is b43.comf, right?05:09
ilovefairuzmfilipe: yeah stick them there05:09
kisukemagicstuff: b43,conf actually05:09
ZykoticK9tesuji, that isn't a whole lot of memory...  you "might" want some swap - it's up to you though.05:09
mfilipeilovefairuz, thanks :)05:09
kisukemagicstuff: b43.conf my fingers are off today05:10
magicstuffok did that05:10
magicstuffdo I have to restart?05:10
kisukemagicstuff: yes05:11
tesujiZykoticK9, ok i found the boot loader option.  it is asking "device for boot loader installation" - i presume this is where to write the boot loader?  should it be /dev/sdb or /dev/sdb1 ?05:11
kisukemagic, that should be it, un less im missing the step to actually load the module05:11
ZykoticK9tesuji, assuming the USB is sdb then /dev/sdb --- the sdb1 is a parition you DON'T want that, you want it on MBR of drive.05:12
magicstuffabout to test it..here goes05:12
texastwisterilovefairuz: Should that be in the repositories?  Not finding it...05:12
ilovefairuztexastwister: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/rfkill05:12
magicstuffkisuke: now there is no wireless thing in the dropdown menu05:12
tesujiZykoticK9, well i didn't do that last time...  fingers Xed this works now05:13
texastwisterilovefairuz: thanks.05:13
kisukeZykoticK9: what all do you have to do to get a module to load on boot?, just put <module name>.conf or am i missing a step?05:13
ZykoticK9kisuke, sorry i don't know for sure - not something i typically have to do.  good luck man.05:13
kisukemagicstuff: goto  a terminal and enter "sudo modprobe b43" i missed a step,05:13
magicstuffI'm there05:14
kisukeZykoticK9: i got him fixed except for5 loading the module on boot.05:14
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kisukemagicstuff: did that fix it?05:14
codeshahhey guys, hwen I remote into my ubuntu machine, the second time the keybard / mouse start acting funny until I restart. i.e. Mouse clicks of buttons do not register and typing in the terminal start running commands instead of typing... what could be happening?05:14
ZykoticK9kisuke, perhaps it just has to be added to /etc/modules05:14
vishalI wanting to hide files/directories in my USB flash drive, so as when I plug it on Windows platform, the hidden content not to be shown by-default... I knew adding a dot (.) at the starting of file/directory name, but it works with Linux only! :(05:15
codeshahi.e. typing "f" in termainl opens the file menu hrrmpf05:15
kisukeZykoticK9: thanks, i dont remember what i did to do that yet.05:15
codeshahseems like alt is pressed in?05:15
kisukemagicstuff: you there?05:15
magicstufffatal: error inserting b43 (/lib/modules/2.6.32-21-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/b43/b43.ko): unknown symbol in module, or unknown paramter05:15
rezolutethats a nice wallpaper05:16
ilovefairuzvishal: you could do some stenography tricks  (like stuffing a rar inside a JPG)05:16
rezolutepost just the wallpaper05:16
kisukemagic, what does the /etc/modprobe.d/b43.conf say? just copy and paste it here.05:16
Patrickdkheh, I shove all kinds of stuff inside of mp3's and other things05:17
Patrickdkin the audio of mp3's05:17
magicstuffoptions b43 pio=1 qos=005:17
kisukemagicstuff:   what does the /etc/modprobe.d/b43.conf say? just copy and paste it here.05:17
Patrickdkvishal, the easy way to hide stuff on windows, using usb drive, is to just use any partition other than partition 1 :)05:18
kisukemagicstuff: check to see if you have compat wireless installed.05:18
magicstuffkisuke: here options b43 pio=1 qos=305:18
Patrickdkwindows only mounts and looks at the first partition on flash drives05:18
randomseedUbuntu has a command to list the uuid's of my partitions but I forgot what is was, can anyone help me out?05:18
magicstuffhow do I do that?05:18
kisukemagicstuff: NVM change the 3 to a 105:18
ilovefairuzrandomseed: blkid05:18
SubCoolCan anyone answer a quick question about VPN? the instructions i am following are instructing me to make the BOX's IP the VPN Server IP. I thought i could have a local network addy and a VPN addy.05:19
slangevianyone else having choppy flash video on ubuntu 10.04 with the nvidia drivers and an ION video card?05:19
kisukemagic excuse me 005:19
magicstuffand save the file as b41.conf as well, or doesit not matter?05:19
kisukemagicstuff:  excuse me 005:19
vishalilovefairuz, Yep, it's the optional way though... But I wanting the method of modifying file, so as on windows, the file will be not shown directly before showing it manually...05:19
randomseedilovefairuz, thanks05:19
magicstuffoptions b40 pio=1 qos=0 ?05:19
vishalPatrickdk, on USB or on hdd?05:19
ZykoticK9slangevi, choppy flash video is not limited to either nvidia or Ubuntu 10.04.  Best of luck man.05:19
kisukemagic, it needs tto be saved as /etc/modules/modprobe.d/b43.conf05:20
Patrickdkon any usb flash drive05:20
Patrickdkwindows will only mount the #1 partition05:20
Patrickdkso that leave you with #2-4 to use as you wish, and windows will never be able to access them05:20
ilovefairuzvishal: security by obscurity is a huge fail05:20
slangeviI figured as much.  Thanks ZykoticK905:20
syslqZykoticK9: not so sure, I run 10.04 and nvidia and my flash is about the same as on windows05:20
syslqZykoticK9: as in good05:21
Patrickdkilovefairuz, I use it a lot, mainly so I can have stuff on my flash drive, like a ubuntu live boot, but still use it in windows, without worry of a *user* messing it up05:21
ZykoticK9syslq, trust me, flash on Linux is NOT as good as on Windows/Mac/or even Solaris... sad but true :(...05:21
slangevisyslq was that an ION nvidia card?05:21
kisukeSubCool: only if you are using a psudo- network adapter for the VPN05:21
ilovefairuzPatrickdk: well that's not security, just noob-proofing05:21
syslqslangevi: nope, 8400gs05:21
kisukemagicstuff: got it?05:22
magicstuffkisuke: just tried a sudo gedit /etc/modules/modprobe.d/b43.conf05:22
magicstuffwont let me write to a file05:22
syslqZykoticK9: I can not notice a difference but then I only use flash to watch youtube05:22
syslqZykoticK9: and redtube and gitporn05:22
ZykoticK9syslq, personally i'm ok with my flash on 10.04 64bit even...05:22
kisukemagicstuff: use gksudo in this case, it will open a gui gedit with superuser priviledges05:22
vishalilovefairuz, oh, anyway thanks sir!05:22
syslqZykoticK9: html5 will take care of that issue anyway :)05:23
magicstuffkisuke: didn't work  "could not get info for file://"05:23
ZykoticK9syslq, i've used Youtube's HTML5 - it's ok.05:23
magicstufferror stating file 'path' not a directory05:23
slangevisyslq do you notice high cpu usage when viewing flash?05:23
ZykoticK9slangevi, i certainly do05:24
kisukemagicstuff: just use "gksudo gedit" and open the file through gedit05:24
syslqslangevi: lemme check05:24
RealOptyhow can i use the ubuntu install cd to reinstall grub?05:24
slangeviI get over 80% and that doesn't seem right.05:24
RealOptyplz :)05:24
ZykoticK9kisuke, FYI you can use "gksu" instead of "gksudo" to save 2 letters each time you type it.  a good admin, is a lazy admin ;)05:24
iflemamagicstuff you should be right to go if you install the bcmwl-kernel-source package. Moreover if you have no internet connection its on the install cd, add it as a repository......05:24
sharrisok, here's a screenshot of my /var/log/messages after a reboot from ubuntu freezing on me http://imagebin.org/108037 any ideas?05:24
magicstuffkisuke: is it a problem that there is no modules directory?05:24
ilovefairuzRealOpty: boot live cd and pastebin: sudo fdisk -l05:25
xanguaRealOpty: you can try supergrub disk, they have a beta version that may work with grub205:25
vishalkisuke, nano is best instead of opening any GUI-based editor, eh?05:25
slangeviI'm thinking it's not using hardware acceleration for some reason05:25
RealOptyilovefairuz, tell me command plz :) i can figure out what hdd it is05:25
eduardoGood night ... I have problems with my notebook I have installed Xubuntu 9.10 and when I start I only can access the screen in recovery mode, does somebody know what can be wrong??05:25
kisukevishal: im not cli savy enough to have used it.05:25
RealOptyif u wanna know its /dev/sdb05:25
Jordan_Uxangua: RealOpty: Super GRUB2 Disk is not beta :)05:25
kisukemagicstuff: the folder is modprobe.d05:25
ZykoticK9slangevi, no hardware acceleration for flash in linux yet05:25
syslqslangevi: yes, it's 30%05:26
magicstuff"kisuke>magic, it needs tto be saved as /etc/modules/modprobe.d/b43.conf"05:26
RealOptyubuntu installed grug to the wrong hdd05:26
slangeviZykoticK9 oh really?  Crap.  I thought flash 10 added it05:26
RealOptyi dont wanna have to reinstall agian for the 4th time lol05:26
ZykoticK9slangevi, for mplayer you can use VDPAU for nvidia-hardware for videos05:26
ilovefairuzRealOpty: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20from%20LiveCD05:26
kisukemagicstuff: one sec, i need to double check the directory on my ubuntu box05:27
ZykoticK9slangevi, not sure about the flash 10 part - but i know this isn't a linux supported feature yet.05:27
slangeviThat won't help me for hulu unfortunately05:27
RealOptyilovefairuz, thanks for doing the grunt work for me. i just dont have the patients to search any more... (im starting to feel like those people on the bing commercial)05:28
syslqRealOpty: bing, bing, bingle the internet kids you mean?05:28
ilovefairuzRealOpty: you're welcome, i walk people through these steps here a lot05:28
RealOptynah that stupid microsoft search engine commercial05:28
vishalkisuke, just give a try to it, it's great! You can use navigation keys to navigate through the file which is been opened for editing, as well it displays different color as per for different language/script styles, for saving ctrl+o and for quiting ctrl+x.... Try any document using "eg. nano test"....05:29
syslqvishal: vim ftw05:30
syslqvishal: nano is for kids05:30
vishalsyslq, extended version of vi, right?05:30
syslqvishal: yeah sure, vi it'self is boring05:31
sharrisok, i installed ubuntu on my Alienware Area-51m Laptop and it keeps freezing, so i installed ubuntu studio on it now and its still freezing, heres a screenshot of the lshw after a reboot http://imagebin.org/10803705:31
tensorpuddingvim is vi improved05:31
sharrisany ideas?05:31
tensorpuddingThough the improved part is arguable05:31
syslqvishal: vi is in posex btw, you'll have it in any unix system05:31
ilovefairuzsharris: pastebin the output of lshw05:31
syslqvishal: posix, sorry05:31
kisukevishal: more likly to try vim again05:31
F2KnightAnyone have experience working with WebDAV?05:31
ArtelCan someone help me with an issue involving virtualbox? Its a little complicated.05:31
kisukevishal: im a keyboard monkey05:31
ilovefairuzsharris: as text not an image05:31
codeshahhey guys, my cronjob is not working.. . it works on two machines but not on the 3rd. I have edit the /etc/crontab file the exact same way and cron seems to be urnning hmm05:32
F2KnightArtel, whats your issue? I use VirtualBoX all the time.05:32
r4z0rw0lfArtel, Whaddya need?05:32
codeshahsomething is supposed to be done every 5 minutes but nada05:32
kisukemagicstuff: sorry about the wait, my VM is taking forever05:32
ilovefairuzsharris: lshw | pastebinit -05:32
ArtelI installed Oracle Virtualbox (not open source version) from their website, and it was working05:32
Artelbut then some stuff came up and I ended up stupidly deleting the vboxusers group or something05:32
tensorpuddingvi is less omnipresent than ed05:32
sharrisim a linux noob, how do i do that?05:32
Artelso then I tried to add it back and it still wouldn't work05:32
disturbedcan anybody help me with booting windows xp from a external usb with grub?05:32
Artelso I installed Virtualbox-ose and it removed the Oracle virtualbox or something05:32
ilovefairuzsharris: use the command i've just type05:33
Artelthen I reinstalled oracle virtualbox and now I'm getting some weird error05:33
Arteleven after reinstalling several times.05:33
Artelwat do? o.O05:33
r4z0rw0lfwhats the error?05:33
ArtelIt worked before05:33
Artelbut I did something to screw it up and I don't know how to fix it...heh05:33
magicstuffkisuke: no problem05:33
ilovefairuzArtel: please, all in one line05:33
ArtelIt said like05:33
vishalsyslq, kisuke: Yeah, I used to use vim though... But I'm impressed w/ this nano nowadays bit more... Btw, thank you folks! :)05:33
Artelfailed to open session, and then Kernal driver not installed05:34
ArtelIt tells me to type in the command '/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup' but when I do it gives me "No such file or directory." Any suggestions on where to go from here?05:34
RealOptyilovefairuz, worked like a charm05:34
RealOptythanks =agian05:34
F2KnightArtel, First things first. Decide on if your using OSE or the "normal" version05:35
r4z0rw0lfArtel: does executing "locate vboxdrv" do anything?05:35
ArtelI currently have the normal version installed05:35
jeromegnanybody knows what to do when you get an exit status 254 when trying to connect via ssh? (logs you out immediatly)05:36
F2KnightArtel, do you have the linux headers installed for your current kernel05:36
ilovefairuzcodeshah: what's the output of 'atq', also check, man at05:36
tesujiZykoticK9, it booted!! but i have to interrupt the boot to feed it a grub option - i pressed esc and e repeatedly and it didn't hear me - what do i need to do?05:36
Artelr4zorw0lf: I type that in and it doesn't do anything. just gives me a new line05:36
ArtelF2Knight: What is that?05:36
F2Knightsudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`05:36
vaibhavhow to read .ocf extension file in ubuntu 9.1005:36
kisukemagicstuff: ok my fingers went crazy is what it was (i need more coffee :D) the full path for the file is: /etc/modprobe.d/b43.conf05:36
ArtelF2Knight: Yes, it is installed05:37
disturbedis there a channel for dual booting?05:37
disturbedor grub?05:37
kisukemagicstuff: and the contents of the file should be (with out the quotes): "options b43 pio=1 qos=0"05:37
F2KnightArtel, when a kernal update is done you are required to run the vboxdrv setup, it recompiles the kernel, if you do not have the CURRENT headers installed it will complain about missing stuff. this is a common error on a new install05:37
tesujican anyone tell me how to interrupt a boot so as to use a boot option?05:37
kisukemagicstuff: got all that?05:37
ilovefairuzvaibhav: what program did you use to open them before?05:38
murlidharvaibhav have you done a google search about how to open ocf extension in ubuntu ?05:38
magicstuffjust a second05:38
RealOptywhats that desktop manager called thats really lightweight?05:38
abhijit!pm | stein_05:38
ubottustein_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.05:38
sharrisok, here's the pastebinit url for the freezes: http://pastebin.com/8wGLSaXT05:38
ilovefairuz!details | disturbed05:38
ubottudisturbed: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."05:38
ArtelF2Knight: It said I have the headers installed on the terminal. What should I do from here?05:38
magicstuffkisuke: thats what I did the first tiome05:38
vaibhavmurlidhar: ya i googled but not able to find05:38
tesujican anyone tell me how to interrupt a boot so as to use a boot option?05:38
Yadiraany videojoiner available for linux ?05:38
ilovefairuztesuji: press shit and wait05:39
disturbedI'm having problems booting windows xp off a external hd using grub05:39
RealOptyilovefairuz, is it possible to disable compiz? and/or make gnome more lightweight?05:39
F2KnightArtel, what is the error you get exactly ,, pastebin the output please05:39
magicstuffI'm going to reboot to see if anyting magically happened kisuke:05:39
vaibhavilovefairuz: i didn't opened any file with .ocf as extension05:39
Yadirau can disable options in compiz05:39
ilovefairuzRealOpty: i use metacity not compiz (and with the 'reduced_resources' option enabled)05:39
vishalYadira, pitivi is given by-default with Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx version, give it a try...05:39
ilovefairuzvaibhav: what are these files about? what do you use them for?05:40
ilovefairuzsharris: sudo pastebinit /var/log/messages05:41
RealOptyilovefairuz, the other machine im using only has 512mb ram so i wanna try and conserive as much resources as possible. whats the desktop manager name that starts with 'x' or somethin lol?05:41
vaibhavilovefairuz: it's an ebook format05:41
RealOptynot gnome, not kde, hmmm05:41
tesujiilovefairuz, ok it says "error: hd0,1 out of disk.  grub rescue>"  now what?05:41
kisukemagicstuff: let me know if it works now.05:41
vishalRealOpty, use metacity or openbox, if your hardware not supporting compiz, though it's the best than anyone!05:41
ilovefairuzRealOpty: so use metacity then05:41
ArtelF2Knight: http://pastebin.com/z4Kvg6qB05:41
magicstuffwhen I click on the wireless thing at the top right corner...I just see wired network05:41
syslqYadira: kdenlive is the only "decent" non  linear video editor on linux as far as I'm concirned and runs fine in gnome too05:41
magicstuffthere isn't even a enable wireless tab anymore05:41
ilovefairuztesuji: what are you trying to do ?05:42
syslqYadira: pitivi has no effects/transitions it's only cut/cut05:42
RealOptyoh now i remember05:42
RealOptyits called xubuntu05:42
ArtelF2Knight: When I execute the code on a terminal, it says: bash: /etc/init.d/vboxdrv: No such file or directory05:42
RealOptywhat was the gdm it used>?05:42
Yadirai dont want to cut05:42
kisukemagicstuff: try "sudo modprobe b43" in a treminal again please.05:42
Yadirajust add05:42
F2Knightlist the output of this command sudo ls -l /etc/init.d/v*05:43
magicstufferror inserting b43 uknown symbol in module, or known paramter05:43
F2KnightArtel, list the output of this command sudo ls -l /etc/init.d/v*05:43
tesujiilovefairuz, i have created a running system on a stick by installing to the stick.  when it boots, i have to interrupt the boot and feed it a video option or i will boot to a blank screen.  which is what just happened and the only thing i could was power cycle which destroyed the stick.  now i have resinstall from scratch.  so it would help a lot if i knew how to stop the boot properly05:43
whompapotamusilovefairuz: Exactly what I was thinking!05:44
sharrisilovefairuz: http://pastebin.com/Vxsr7zsw05:44
ArtelF2Knight: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 11116 2010-06-25 09:11 /etc/init.d/vboxdrv.dpkg-bak05:44
vishalsyslq, I'm having openshot, avidemux also with pitivi, but not so impressed with anyone of these apps... Could you suggest any other best rather than these ones for my Lucid?05:44
ArtelF2Knight: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 11116 2010-06-25 09:11 /etc/init.d/vboxdrv.dpkg-bak05:44
magicstuffkisuke: "error inserting b43 uknown symbol in module, or known parameter"05:44
ArtelF2Knight: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  6160 2010-04-15 23:54 /etc/init.d/virtualbox-ose05:44
ArtelF2Knight: (pasted the first line twice. oops)05:45
ilovefairuzwhompapotamus: regarding what?05:45
RealOptymetacity is installed05:45
RealOptyilovefairuz, how do i change over to metacity05:45
F2KnightArtel, looks like you have the OSE installed05:45
kisukemagicstuff: open up synaptic and search for compat wireless05:45
tesujiilovefairuz, and the reason why i have to do that is ubuntu does not autodetect intel video :( :( :(05:45
whompapotamustesuji: Edit your grub menu.lst and add "VGA=733" to the end of your kernel line05:45
ArtelF2Knight: But I just uninstalled it from the software center.05:46
vishalRealOpty, Applications -> Other -> Metacity05:46
tesujiwhompapotamus, i MUST interrupt the boot process or it will never get booted!  please tell me how to interrupt the boot05:46
magicstuffkisuke...couldn't find compat wireless05:46
whompapotamusilovefairuz: Was a little late responding - but relating to ilovefairuz question05:47
RealOptyvishal, its not there ;p05:47
kisukemagicstuff: one sec and i will get the ppa,05:47
F2KnightArtel, Linux / apt is kinda odd,  doing an apt-get remove will remove the program but leave the config files behind, doing a apt-get purge will delete the program and its config files.05:47
RealOptyand when i run it from the cmmand line it says that somethings in use'05:47
bruno24Hi, I've been using ubuntu for over a year now and everything worked nice. Now, I try to start my computer and ubuntu can not boot, it brings me to a busybox prompt (command line), someone knows this problem ?05:47
ArtelF2Knight: Is there a way I can simply clean everything to the way it was before I messed with Virtualbox, so I can just reinstall it? Because it worked before I messed around with the groups and installed multiple versions of it.05:47
tesujican anyone tell me how to interrupt the boot so i can enter an option to grub?05:47
ilovefairuztesuji: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Command%20Line%20and%20Rescue%20Mode05:47
kisukemagicstuff: you on lucid?05:47
vishalRealOpty, If you not find it in other, then right click on Applications menu and select edit option and check over metacity in other sub-menu, and then try the procedure given above...05:47
ilovefairuzwhompapotamus: i had no questions05:48
magicstuffyeah I'm on lucid05:48
F2KnightArtel, your best bet is to purge the software at this point.05:48
RealOptyvishal, just did that05:48
RealOptyvishal, and once agian nothin happens05:48
RealOptyherses the message05:48
ArtelF2Knight: How do I purge it?05:48
F2KnightArtel, make sure you get the right stuff first do a aptitude search virtualbox05:48
RealOptyscreen :0 already has a window manager05:49
kisukemagicstuff: "sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-wireless-lucid-generic" in a terminal please05:49
* RealOpty trys replace optionm05:49
whompapotamusilovefairuz: I fat fingered my phones irc name list - was meant for another user - sorry05:49
ArtelF2Knight: I have alot of results. do I purge them all one by one?05:49
RealOptykk  that worked.05:49
RealOptyso will it always revert to metacity?05:49
sharrisilovefairuz: here's the pastebin http://pastebin.com/Vxsr7zsw05:49
ilovefairuzsharris: i'm looking into it05:49
sharrisok :)05:50
magicstuffcould not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock05:50
vishalRealOpty, my suggestion worked or not?05:50
bruno24Can someone help me find the cause of my boot problem please ?05:50
RealOptyvishal, i got it working05:50
RealOptyvishal, how do i make it the 'default' ??05:50
magicstuffunable to lock the admin directory (/var/lib/dpkg), is another proc using it?05:50
=== spyrosebastos is now known as spiros
F2KnightArtel, any of the virtualbox apps installed purge. ( an 'i' in the first coloumn means it is installed) and yes you purge each one or if you are sure you want to purge everything you can do a sudo apt-get purge virtualbox*05:50
kisukemagic close synaptic and try it again.05:50
kisukemagicstuff:  close synaptic and try it again.05:50
F2KnightArtel, the usual backup your data warnings apply05:51
magicstuffoh no kidding :D05:51
kisukeGAAAAAAAAAAHHHH! MY TAB KEY IS ON VACATION!!!!! /vent ok im done05:51
vishalRealOpty, It's by-default for now afterwards until you change it others like compiz or openbox!05:51
* darkstar hehe05:51
F2Knightkisuke, tell it to send a postcard05:51
magicstuffcouldn't find package linux-backports-modules-wireless-lucid-generic05:51
=== DarkJuju is now known as [J]
vishalRealOpty, [...]change it **to** [...]05:52
kisukemagicstuff: open software sources and make sure all the boxes checked.05:52
ArtelF2Knight: Purging. Thanks :D05:52
=== [J] is now known as DarkJuju
ArtelF2Knight: I'm relogging. I might come back later if it doesn't work.05:53
magicstuffkisuke: every single box...on updates sa well?05:53
F2KnightArtel, no prob. just check the /etc/init.d/ folder first to make sure the files are removed. if not you will have to remove them by hand05:53
kisukemagicno just the 4 on the first pagoe really, universe, multiverse, and the other 2, source code is up to you.05:54
kisukemagicstuff: no just the 4 on the first pagoe really, universe, multiverse, and the other 2, source code is up to you.05:54
magicstuffok checked everything05:55
RealOptyilovefairuz, how do i use the lightweight option u were saying?05:55
ilovefairuzsharris: i can't put my finger on anything in particular, but i suspect nouveau is the culprit, have you install the blob nvidia driver?05:55
RealOptyps aux | grep05:55
RealOptymm wrong keyboard05:55
marks256RealOpty, lol05:56
kisukemagic, close it, it will ask you about reloading, dont remember the exact text right this minutes, just click no, we will do that in the next step.05:56
RealOptyvishal, i logged out and back in and compiz is now running ;p05:56
kisukemagicstuff: lest me know when you have that done05:56
magicstuffthats done05:56
ilovefairuzRealOpty: install gconf-editor, then open apps > metacity > general, you'll find it listed05:56
sharrisilovefairuz: i havent installed any drivers yet. I thought thats what the problem was when i had regular ubuntu installed05:56
RealOptyilovefairuz, ty05:56
marks256Can i have a PCI Express Nvidia 8600 GT and a nVidia MX4000 (PCI) running on the same system? They use two different driver versions, so i'm thinking i won't be able to use Twinview?05:57
ilovefairuzsharris: well try the closed driver and see05:57
sharriscan you tell my noobness how to do that? :D05:57
kisukemagicstuff: in a terminal: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-wireless-lucid-generic" this will update you package lists, update the packages on you system to the newest avalible, and install compat-wireless.05:58
ArtelF2Knight, It works! Thank you!!05:58
F2KnightArtel, NP Glad to help05:58
ArtelF2Knight, I was frustrated because I thought removing would remove everything. I didn't know about purge.05:58
ilovefairuzsharris: system > administration > hardware drivers05:59
ArtelF2Knight: One other thing though. My USB devices on Virtualbox are grayed out. How do I fix that?05:59
F2KnightArtel, Add your user name to the vboxusers group05:59
kisukemagicstuff: and let me know when that finishes.05:59
vishalRealOpty, Look, at the time of Logging, you can see a bar at the bottom at the time of time of typing password, choose your session manager as metacity and you'll done... If this not work, then you nedd to take help of other! :)05:59
ilovefairuzsharris: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia has many tips if something went wrong06:00
F2KnightArtel, you will have to logout and log back in afterwards06:00
kisukemagicstuff: might be a couple minutes06:00
sharrisilovefairuz: i cant get to the desktop... it will freeze before i can do anything, that is if i can actually make it to the desktop before the freeze beats me to it :P06:00
RealOptyvishal, thanks06:00
RealOptyim just gonna uninstall compiz06:00
RealOptysee if that works :)06:00
MACscrok, so i have a really old game that i want to try ot play in wine. I currently have the iso mounted to try to install, but wine is complaining about the file not being executable. I am not sure how I am supposed to change any perms since its a non writable iso06:00
magicstuffkisuke: don't think it worked06:00
bruno24Can someone help me find the cause of my boot problem please ?06:01
sharrisilovefairuz: im in recovery mode right now... only way i can run these commands, lol06:01
magicstuffbunch of failed to fetches...and "couldn't find package information"06:01
marks256bruno24, what's the problem?06:01
kisuke magicstuff why?06:01
magicstuffwhy what?06:02
bruno24marks256: it always booted right for one year, and today, it brings me to a busybox shell06:02
ilovefairuzsharris: well then follow the commands in the 'common issues' section06:02
kisukemagicstuff: dont you thik it worked?06:02
bruno24marks256: it says my file system doesnt exist06:02
marks256bruno24, which file system does it say doesn't exist? root?06:03
bruno24marks256: now I was able to boot with the live cd, and I would like to know what  I have to do to fix it06:03
magicstuffkisuke: for one, there is no compat wireless in the package manager06:03
RealOptywow. removing compiz gave me all my memory back :)06:04
RealOptynow my machine is running like it should06:04
bruno24marks256: maybe I should try to boot and write down what it says, then come back and show it to you ?06:04
marks256bruno24, mind if i start a private thread?06:04
chris062689I'm having trouble setting up samba 3 to act as a domain controller for Windows 7, could anyone guide me through the process?06:04
bruno24marks256: no problem06:04
chris062689I thought I setup my smb.conf correctly, but when I try to join the domain Windows 7 is saying that there's no DC06:04
marks256bruno24, k. if i remember how... haha06:04
kisukemagicstuff: compat-wireless is the catch all name for the program, ubuntu knows it as linux-backports-modules-wireless-lucid-generic06:04
RealOptywhy in the hell is compiz the default window manager?06:05
RealOptyit eats like 400mb ram :/.06:05
magicstuffits not there..just checked linux-backports...06:05
magicstuffdoesn't even find that06:05
alazyworkaholicI'm having trouble with a program. (The Dolphin Wii emulator) I installed it using a PPA repository (so I got fairly recent SVN builds) which worked fine for a while until something went wrong after an update. So I got rid of that & went for the fairly old stable release - let's just say significant progress has been made, so I ditched that. Then I installed from source using the very very latest SVN, worked fine - un06:05
kisukemagicstuff: and something stupid just occored to me, does the machine you are tring to get wirelessworing on have any internet connection working right now?06:05
magicstuffI was going to ask you that :D :D06:06
kisukemagicstuff: can you connect it?06:07
ArtelF2Knight Work'd like a charm. Once again thanks a lot. ^^06:07
kisukemagicstuff: via wired i mean06:07
magicstuffnope, borrowing wireless from landlord06:07
magicstuffcan I download the source on the win7 installation...and save it to my ubuntu installation/partition?06:07
F2KnightArtel, your welcome. Enjoy I use virtualbox a lot replaces all my VMware systems with it and run them headless on many servers. it is a wonderful product.06:08
vishalRealOpty, I'm having just 512MBs of RAM and even I've installed many features like extra animations and others within compiz, but it eat my 2.5% of CPU and only 30MBs of RAM..06:08
mudgeyour mom06:10
kisukeyou could, but i dont know how well it will work, you might just need compat-wireless, or compat-wireless may need librarys that you dont have or it needs a neewer version of, let me see if i can find a .deb of the file floating around06:10
kisukemagicstuff: you could, but i dont know how well it will work, you might just need compat-wireless, or compat-wireless may need librarys that you dont have or it needs a neewer version of, let me see if i can find a .deb of the file floating around06:10
RealOptymaybe a bug06:10
RealOptybut at least now i have some free ram06:10
alesanis there a way to see if a specific file belongs to a package?06:11
alesanfor example, /usr/lib32/libgphoto2/2.4.8/ptp2.so06:11
WiesshundRemote desktop. what would cause the viewers screen not to update? can move mouse around click things etc but cant actualy see what your doing06:12
Jordan_Ualesan: dpkg -S file06:12
prince_jammysalesan: dpkg -S filename ,if it's a file in your system.06:12
tripel-webchatI cant install chrome on a 9.04 liveCD because dependencies are not satisfied -- what' sup with this?06:12
wrenny_can someone help me get full screen going while running ubuntu in VB06:13
alesania32-libs has /usr/lib32/libgphoto2/2.4.8/ptp2.so ??? and the whole /usr/lib32/libgphoto2 in general??06:13
kisukemagicstuff: are you on a 32 bit or 63 bit linux?06:13
wrenny_i know i have to install guest additions06:13
avisinvest all on microsoft06:13
vishalRealOpty, anyway it's okay, as you've got rid from the ram-eater-monster (yeah, compiz, but ONLY for YOU!)... Enjoy that light-weight but boring metacity manager! :P06:13
avishugz Flannel06:14
wrenny_in termian;06:14
avisShuttleworth is back with ubuntu06:14
avisfor Africa to save the world06:14
Jordan_U!ot | avis06:15
ubottuavis: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:15
bazhangavis, stop that06:15
kisukemagic you need http://launchpadlibrarian.net/51455277/linux-backports-modules-wireless-lucid-generic_2.
kisukemagicstuff: you need http://launchpadlibrarian.net/51455277/linux-backports-modules-wireless-lucid-generic_2.
alesanShuttleworth is the guy that went to the space???06:15
alesanand Antarctica?06:15
avislove you Mark -- i'm out of here06:15
tesujiilovefairuz, hi, i am at the grub edit screen.  the directions say to NOT press the enter key until done editing however i can't figure out a way to insert a line?06:15
bazhangalesan, that has nothing to do with ubuntu support; please stay on topic06:15
ix_it's good that there aren't too many problems06:16
kisukemagicstuff: you get that?06:16
alesanbazhang, do you have an answer to my question then?06:16
ilovefairuztesuji: move cursor to select line and press e06:16
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alesania32-libs has /usr/lib32/libgphoto2/2.4.8/ptp2.so ??? and the whole /usr/lib32/libgphoto2 in general?? why is that06:16
glickhas anyone done any video editing using kdenlive?06:16
magicstuffthankis kisuke: gonna try this now06:17
kisukemagicstuff: good luck06:18
MACscr|dohok, so trying to launch an old game in wine screwed up one of my x window sessions. How can i restart the session or somehow fix it without restarting gnome and losing all my open windows, etc?06:21
magicstuffkisuke: hopefully this works06:22
tripel-webchathi ActionParsnip   I cant install chrome on a 9.04 liveCD because dependencies are not satisfied -- what' sup with this?06:22
bazhangDeist, dont spam here06:22
MACscr|dohi killed the wine app, but i cant seem to get my mouse to go to the middle or far left monitor. Nothing is even showing on the third monitor06:22
Deistbazhang, why would I spam?06:23
DeistIts a funny image.06:23
ActionParsniptripel-webchat: add the chromium daily ppa and you'll be fine. Please don't pounce on users like that06:23
bazhangDeist, this is ubuntu support only.06:23
Deistbazhang, Aha sorry! Thought it was just an ubuntu channel.06:23
mcnellisI've set up an Amazon EC2 instance and have successfully ssh'd in to the computer using -i and supplying my key. But how can I use SFTP to upload some files to it since it doesn't have a password?06:23
ActionParsnipbazhang: got my membership :)06:23
sirninjamacscr|doh. may not work, but try switching to a virtual terminal (ctrl +alt + f1), then switch back to gnome (ctrl + alt + f7). It's worth a shot06:23
tripel-webchatsorry I had asked a bit ago, looked in and gotten no reply. then I saw you and you know me.  I apologize. ActionParsnip06:24
DeistAlthough it really explains the sudo command in a propper way.06:24
ActionParsniptripel-webchat: no worries dude06:24
prince_jammysmcnellis: use scp.06:24
bazhangDeist, #ubuntu-offtopic for chat etc06:24
bazhangActionParsnip, congrats!06:24
Deistokay. tnx!06:24
magicstuffkisuke: dependancy is not satisfiable : linux-backports-etc...etc..06:24
WiesshundAnyone know a way to make compiz play nice with VNC? or is it simple dead in the water?06:24
sharrisilovefairuz: i updated the nvidia driver and now it's asking me to login as root... the ubuntu studio installer nerver asked me to setup a root password06:25
magicstuffcan ANYONE help me to get my wireless working06:25
MACscr|dohsirninja: only affected my one working screen =P06:25
tucemiuxmcnellis, if you can ssh into the computer, can you mount a drive on the computer using sshfs?06:25
prince_jammysjust scp.06:25
ilovefairuzsharris: what's asking you to login as root?06:25
mcnellisah I think I'll go with prince_jammys suggestion.06:25
prince_jammysor rsync06:26
ActionParsnipmagicstuff: run: sudo lshw -C network ,websearch for the product line of the wireless to find guides06:26
MACscr|dohsirninja: i basically have 2 sreens going. 1 for one monitor (the one thats working) and 1 for two monitors (the ones screwed up)06:26
mcnellisoh rsync is a good idea too...I just need to upload a 1MB tar.gz heh I'm planning on setting up git soon...bah i should prob just set up git first and then use git to upload all my server files06:26
badbanditanyone installed starcraft 2 on ubuntu 10.04?06:26
ActionParsnipmagicstuff: it may be already working. If you run: sudo iwlist scan ,and it finds access points then its working06:26
tucemiuxmagicstuff, people will help you if you ask all in one line and mention the model of the laptop/desktop and the type of card06:26
sirninjamacscr|doh. Ah, I see. Sometimes I get weird issues with my monitors, and when I open up the monitors program under system -> preferences it does something that gets them working again06:27
sharrisubuntu is... when it boots06:27
octaviocan anybody help me delete a folder in my desktop that gots a lock on it06:27
magicstuffsays doesn't support scanning..06:27
magicstuffonly show lo and eth006:27
krowtenoctavo: you ,musst change permissions06:27
krowtenoctavio: set the permissions06:27
octavionautilus i try that06:27
ActionParsnipWiesshund: if you are remote connecting then why bother? Its just some eyecandy06:27
tucemiuxoctavio, you can right click on the folder, choose "properties"06:28
sharrisilovefairuz: now it boots into "atudiolt login: _"06:28
tripel-webchatI cant install chrome on a 9.04 liveCD because dependencies are not satisfied -- is there a way I can get chrome?  (ActionParsnip suggested I use a ppa but after searching I cant get into it. )06:28
ActionParsnipmagicstuff: ok then use the product line to find guides06:28
magicstuffactionparsnip: its a broadcom bcm431206:28
WiesshundActionParsnip ? if i remote connect to your machine may i disable all your stuff?06:28
ActionParsnip!broadcom | magicstuff06:28
ubottumagicstuff: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx06:28
MACscr|dohgrr, stupid #radeon channel doesnt even work without being registered =/06:28
octavioi did and am getting a errow still06:29
ActionParsnipWiesshund: I don't use crappy vnc. Its vulgar06:29
xanguatripel-webchat: https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/%2Barchive/stable06:29
chris062689Does creating a PDC under Samba 4 work well under Ubuntu yet?06:29
MACscr|dohwhich i have main irc client running in my non working screen =P06:29
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octaviotucemiux     i did still getting error06:29
ZizzyI installed it from my thumb drive, and it appears to be in the program list, but it doesn't show me when I boot up my computer...what do I do to run Unbuntu?06:30
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ActionParsnipmagicstuff: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-chromium-google-chrome-web-browser-in-ubuntu.html06:31
tucemiuxoctavio, open up a terminal, "accesories-->Terminal", then get a listing on the permissions of the folder and show us what is looks like, it should look something like this:  drwx------ 5 tucemiux tucemiux  4096 2010-08-03 12:08 Desktop06:31
WiesshundActionParsnip well aside from ssh which doesnt work either, what would you like me to use?06:31
tesujiilovefairuz, i don't want to change an existing line, i want to add a new line, how do i add a line without pressing enter?06:31
magicstuffactionparsnip: that won't help, I have no connection...and I can't get a wired one either06:31
ActionParsnipMACscr: register then, its free06:31
magicstuffcan't get wired because I have no wa yto access one06:31
ActionParsnipmagicstuff: then why do you need a browser?06:32
magicstuffI don't need a browser...06:32
MACscr|dohActionParsnip: i am registered with my other account, i guess i could setup another06:32
magicstuffI need to get wireless working06:32
ActionParsnipWiesshund: why do you vnc over and maybe I can suggest an alternative?06:32
ActionParsnipmagicstuff: the guide also says how to install using the livecd too06:33
tesujiilovefairuz, the docs say emacs editing is supported but i don't know an emacs from a bulldozer.06:33
magicstufflooking at that06:33
octavioi got it thanks        tucemiux06:33
ActionParsniptripel-webchat: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-chromium-google-chrome-web-browser-in-ubuntu.html06:33
WiesshundActionParsnip because i need to see the persons desktop. cant help them with school work etc if i cant see it06:33
ActionParsnipmagicstuff: wrong target for link earlier. D'oh06:33
magicstuffthis is driving me freaking nuts!06:34
ActionParsnipWiesshund: I see, then its needed. Log a bug is all I can suggest. Ask in #compiz too. They may know a thing or three06:34
MACscr|dohis there a way to save everything i have open (even unsaved txt files) as some sort of temporary session, etc, and reboot and bring it all back up?06:34
tesujican anyone tell me how to edit grub options while booting once you get into the grub menu?  the docs say not to press the enter key but how else can you add a new line?  the docs say not to press the enter key but there is no information how to insert a line06:34
tucemiuxmagicstuff, why cant you get a wired connection?06:34
magicstuffI'm not by a wired connection06:35
DiploCattesti, press 'e'06:35
DiploCattesuji, , press 'e'06:35
WiesshundActionParsnip trust me, i wouldnt be using anything vnc related if i didnt need to actualy see the screen ;)06:35
ActionParsnipmagicstuff: there are debs on the cd you can use. You can then get wifi and upgrade them. I do advise a wired link06:35
tucemiuxmagicstuff, i would help but if you dont do as i asked you to do i cant help you06:35
ActionParsnipWiesshund: understood. So when you connect it stops compiz and fails over to metacity?06:36
octaviocan anybody help me replacing a file with the same file am getting error function not implemented06:36
magicstufftucemix: I thought I said the card was a broadcom bcm4312 on a dell inspirion 154506:36
prince_jammysoctavio: give us some details.06:37
ActionParsnipOctavio: what is the error you are getting and what is causing it?06:37
WiesshundActionParsnip no when you connect compiz causes the host screen to not visualy update to the guest06:37
tenochslbguys i need advise with grub, i need help to add a frugal install of puppy linux06:38
tripel-webchatxangua OK I'm working on it. I had found a similar but different page. and had not noticed that I could scroll through the pop up help and get many lines of instructions to follow. That should keep me busy.06:38
octavioreplacing the same file can we do that in ubuntu06:38
ActionParsnipWiesshund: gotcha, sounds like a bug then. Is one logged for this sort of behaviour?06:38
prince_jammysoctavio: explain exactly what you mean by "replacing the same file".06:38
ActionParsnipoctavio: no reason why it can't06:38
tesujiActionParsnip, i have been thru the broadcom run around myself today - despite what the docs say, there are not all the files you need on the livecd and it doesn't work06:38
WiesshundActionParsnip you can blindly do stuff, but you cant see what your doing, screen never updates, and its a pain having to tell the kids how to disable and then reenable the stuff constantly06:39
ActionParsniptesuji: I see06:39
ActionParsnipWiesshund: maybe compiz isn't suitable for the situation then. I'd log a bug either way06:39
octavioi know but am getting this error function not implemented it work before06:39
WiesshundSaddly, the flaming close windows etc was the only way i got them to move to linux (and now i dont have to remove 10 viruses per week)06:40
tenochslbhelp with grub.cfg file06:40
ActionParsnipWiesshund: hahaha nice06:40
octavioaction parship            am getting this error function not implemented06:40
WiesshundActionParsnip it may not be, but since ubuntu is shipping compiz stock in 10.04, well ya know youd think it would play nice06:41
tesujiActionParsnip, synaptic does list the kernel-source file for it, but when you go to install there are missing deps - basically, you either gotta have a wired connect or you have to figure out how to satisfy the deps manually and copy all those files to portable media - which means a wired wonnction.... :(06:41
tesujimagicstuff, i have been working on that same problem myself today and there is no way to do it without a wired connection06:42
magicstuffok I got the proprietary driver to work in livecd...06:42
tucemiuxmagicstuff, all the stuff im seeing requires you to have a wired connection so youre out of luck, you need to install the drivers for it06:42
magicstuffWhat can I do now?06:42
magicstuffcan I download the everything I need on the livecd, copy to my ext hd...restart linux, and try to install them?06:43
tucemiuxmagicstuff, you know how to use paste bin?06:43
tucemiuxmagicstuff, first i want to make sure youre not making a clumsy error, let me know what you get from "iwconfig"06:44
tesujitucemiux, how can he do that if his machine isn't on the net?  i am confused what his problem is06:45
sharrisugh, installing that nvidia driver F'd my comp up... gonna have to reinstall the OS, gonna try a diff OS i guess :(06:45
ubuntu_tucemix: here06:45
=== ubuntu_ is now known as magicstuff2
magicstuff2here http://pastebin.com/pCGfGTSE06:45
tucemiuxtesuji, apparently he cant get access to a wired connection but he can connect to an AP wirelessly, if you want more details ask magicstuff06:45
magicstuff2tucemix: I couldn't get access to a wireless connection on a non livecd...06:46
magicstuff2I just activated the broadcom sta wireless drivers from the top right menu bar (install drivers)06:47
tesujimagicstuff, are you saying you can get wireless to work on the livecd?06:47
tucemiuxmagicstuff2, good news, your wireless card is detected, drivers look good -- you just need to configure it O_o06:47
Fudgeanyone have any ideas why i cant get a hdr drive to boot, its set bootable, bis deetects as primary master only other drive is a cd drive. filesystems in tact06:47
magicstuff2yes, thats what I'm on right now..I'm actually on chatzilla on the lappy...was on my gf's comp a minute ago06:47
wwkdanyone here good with tunneling traffic via vpn connection?06:48
tucemiuxmagicstuff2, you do know how to configure a wireless card, right?  Step 1.  you know the things that you need?  Step 2.  you need any help on how to configure anything on ubuntu from step 1?06:48
tenochslbhelp with grub.cfg on 10.04 how do i change the loading time?06:48
magicstuff2tucemix: not in the least big06:49
magicstuff21 no...2 yes, a ton06:49
prince_jammystenochslb: edit /etc/default/grub, and then ''sudo update-grub''06:49
prince_jammystenochslb: do NOT edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg directly, it's generated by update-grub.06:50
tenochslbprince_jammys, thanks i want to see if a new entry i made is there but ubuntu just starts06:50
tucemiuxmagicstuff2, youre going to need the information from the wireless router that youre going to be using, you need the "SSID" and if it's using any security you need to find out what type of security it is using then configure the password according to the security settings on the wireless router06:50
tenochslbprince_jammys, i think i just did it manually06:50
tenochslbprince_jammys :((06:50
prince_jammystenochslb: don't. edit the file i mentioned, look for timeout. it's ok, then just update-grub.06:51
magicstuff2tucemix: I might try rebooting into my actuall ubuntu installation...and seeing if I can just activate the broadcom sta wireless driver...06:51
magicstuff2hopefully it'll work as easy as it just did06:51
tucemiuxtenochslb, have you try cheating an using startup-manager?06:54
bvleurHi. I'm configuring dnsmasq on a machine with two ethernet adapters06:55
tenochslbtucemiux, no06:56
bvleurEven though I've explicitly bound dnsmasq to one interface, a dhclient on the other interface keeps finding the local dnsmasq for DHCP06:56
bvleurhow can I prevent this?06:56
hahhahahaIs Avant still the default standard to create the Mac Look in Ubuntu.. or is there any new stuff which has popped up06:56
tenochslbok i will reboot and see what happens06:57
tucemiuxtenochslb, sudo apt-get install startupmanager06:57
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xanguahahhahaha: docky 2, cairo dock06:57
tenochslbtucemiux ok what is that?06:57
prince_jammystenochslb: you changed GRUB_TIMEOUT and did ''sudo update-grub'', correct?06:57
prince_jammysGRUB_TIMEOUT at /etc/default/grub, that is.06:57
tenochslbprince_jammys yes but there are two time outs on the file on with -2 value and the other value 1006:58
prince_jammystenochslb: show the lines.06:58
tenochslbtucemiux what is that app for?06:59
tucemiuxtenochslb, what was your question again?06:59
tenochslbtucemiux i added a new os puppy linux i want to be able to load it07:00
tucemiuxtenochslb, just update grub07:00
tenochslbtucemiux, i just thought that may be i did not see the entry because timeout did not allow me to see it07:00
tenochslbtucemiux ok i did taht let me restart and see what happesn07:01
tripel-webchatI need to "add these two lines to my system's software sources"  (the two lines start with deb and have to do with installing a chrome PPA. How do I add these lines to my systems software source?07:02
awkhi, stupid question but why after people report flash-plugin to not work in ubuntu 9 its still not working in ubuntu 10.. and a simple download from macromedia and installing by hand fixes this... shouldn't the package be maintained better?07:03
tucemiuxtenochslb, reboot your machine, if you have any more problems, come back and ask07:03
prince_jammystripel-webchat: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list07:03
tenochslbtucemiux yeah thanks07:03
tucemiuxawk, flash isnt maintained by ubuntu07:03
matrixi need a topology writer software07:03
prince_jammystripel-webchat: that's a plain text file. just add whatever repos you want.07:03
matrixfor linux07:03
matrixi mean microsoft visio like07:03
matrixdo you know another one07:03
awktucemiux: who maintains flashplugin-installer then ?07:04
tucemiuxawk, adobe? "adobe" flash ?07:05
matrixhelp me07:05
tucemiuxawk, ok hold on07:05
matrixi need network topology writer07:06
rdw200169matrix: inkscape?07:06
slidinghornmatrix, ArgoUML, Kivio, Dia............   see: http://www.osalt.com/visio07:06
cristiancome state raga?07:06
tucemiuxawk, flash is software by adobe, if you want to use adobe use their software, if it works then great, if not then you can use the open source flash software, just use whatever works, just because it's from adobe doesnt mean it will necesarrily work, i used to never use it but now I do07:07
slidinghorn!it | cristian07:07
ubottucristian: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)07:07
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ArtelI got my favorite game to work on Virtualbox ^_^07:08
iammiscokay so I'm trying to install ubuntu from the alternate cd (need lvm) and I get the error saying please insert disk .... I tried taking the disk out and putting it back in but nothing happens. Can I just edit /etc/apt/sources.list to install from online?07:08
Artelnow i can be on linux forevarrrrr =D07:08
dexiArtel, I wish i could do that. i was trying to get simcopter to work for the longest time07:09
magicstufftucemix: I actually downloaded the driver for my machine..going to test it out..hopefully all goes well07:09
tucemiuxmagicstuff,  ok if you need anymore help just remember what I asked you to do, do it all on one line and whoever is around will help you07:10
iammiscDo the netboot images support lvm??07:10
magicstuffthanks bro07:10
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tenochslbtucemiux this is my grub file it did not work on the reboot http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/vfxPSCjj07:10
cristianchi siete ?07:11
iammiscAre the netboot images basically the alternate installer?07:12
tripel-webchatOK about installing this PPA. Now I've done everything up to "now you are ready to start installing the software" which is the END of the help page.  I see three packages listed (the chrome browser, chromium-codecs-ffmpeg, and gyp  --- what do I do to install these. (I'm on the liveCD - learning how)07:13
ActionParsnipiammisc: not used it myself (so you don't feel ignored :))07:13
ActionParsniptripel-webchat: sudo apt-get install chromium-browser07:14
Sc00t3rtripel-webchat, You cannot install anything to the liveCD, if that's what you're saying.07:14
tucemiuxtenochslb, do you know on what partition you have puppy installed?? Puppy is trying to boot up from (hd0,1) -- the first partition on your first hard drive07:14
Sc00t3rActionParsnip, Wow I feel dumb now.07:14
Sc00t3rActionParsnip, By the way, Wasssuppp!07:14
ActionParsnipSc00t3r: sure you can. You can do anything in the livecd you can on an installed system except reboot ;)07:14
tenochslbtucemiux that is the partition.07:14
ActionParsnipSc00t3r: gots my membership baby! Hola07:15
ActionParsnipSc00t3r: you ok?07:15
Sc00t3rActionParsnip: Well, I thought he was asking how to install the things seperately, and you understood he meant to install Chromium Browser. Lol.07:15
=== Sam_Fisher is now known as Guest62835
ActionParsnipSc00t3r: yeah install anything you like in livecd, you are just limited to the size of your ramdrive07:16
Sc00t3rActionParsnip: Well, that doesn't really count as installing in my opinion.. it's still temporary.07:16
ActionParsnipSc00t3r: true, but the app is usable during the session07:17
dexiis there a distinct difference between "chromium browser" and "google-chrome"?07:17
Sc00t3rActionParsnip: Point taken. I suppose about 3.5GB is great then. xD07:17
Sc00t3rdexi, Not really sure. Try installing one and the other and see what happens?07:17
ActionParsnipdexi: chromium is a bleeding edge opensource google-chrome07:17
mintAny have tried video editing using linuxmint?07:17
ActionParsnipdexi: the bugs logged in chromium go into the chrome development etc07:18
=== lit3l is now known as litel
Sc00t3rmint, Honestly, I haven't. But considering Ubuntu has Ubuntu Studio, which has so many freaking things for that... I'd be looking at that if you're looking to actually video edit in Linux.07:18
ActionParsnipmint: mint isn't supported here07:18
ActionParsnip!mint | mint07:18
ubottumint: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)07:18
tucemiuxtenochslb, can you show me the output of "fdisk -l"?07:18
ActionParsnip!mintsupport | mint07:19
ubottumint: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org07:19
tucemiuxmint, for video editing I would use ubuntu studio, I would also download the appz and install the latest and greatest, linux is yet not so great at video editing07:20
tenochslbtucemix, i do not have other partitions fyi, stand alone ubuntu trying to run a frugall install of puppy linux07:20
Sc00t3rWell, time for me to get off. Was just hanging around waiting for Lubuntu to install to my netbook. Peace out, ActionParsnip.07:20
ActionParsnipSc00t3r: peace07:20
tucemiuxtenochslb, what you just said does not make sense07:21
dexiActionParsnip, does the blade have a shiny design and enhanced cutting ability, or is it just the newest version of the same old sword?07:21
ActionParsnipdexi: weird and wonderful featured, one is in google image search for one07:21
tucemiuxtenochslb, it doesnt work that way07:21
tenochslbtucemix ok thanks07:22
dexiah, ActionParsnip, i believe that feature went live... the like 140921-354123049 billion images to 1 page?07:22
krowtenwill a ddr3 motherboard support ddr ram? but ddr will not support ddr3?07:22
tenochslbtucemix, i need to have a partition for the other os?07:22
ActionParsnipdexi: erm not sure07:22
tucemiuxtenochslb, if you ask the real question -- what you are trying to do -- someone might be able to help you07:22
ActionParsnipkrowten: ask in ##hardware07:22
ActionParsnipkrowten: this is ubuntu support only07:22
dexii'll check it out online i spose07:22
ActionParsnipdexi: you can have both installed. They us a different config folder and use different launchers so makes sense07:23
tucemiuxkrowten, go to ##hardware or #ubuntu-offtopic07:23
dexiActionParsnip, I suppose I might... Chromium is official/released by google?07:23
ActionParsnipdexi: the ppa I'm unsure of but the code certainly is07:24
tesujii need to edit the grub menu you get during booting (SHIFT -> e) once I am in the menu how do I add a line to it?  ppl keep telling me to press 'e', I already pressed 'e', I'm in the menu, I need to alter the menu, can anyone help?07:24
tenochslbtucemix, sorry I am new at this thinng of linux. So i tell you what i need to do.  My computer has ubuntu 10.04. I want to be able to have puppy linux in the same computer. Puppy linux has an install called frugal dont ask me what that is.07:24
tucemiuxtesuji, what is it you are trying to alter and why?07:25
ActionParsniptesuji: highlight the kernel you want to edit and press e to edit it07:25
krowtenok thnx07:25
tesujiActionParsnip, i already got that far, now i need to alter it07:25
ActionParsniptesuji: that's fine, add the boot options you need07:25
tesujitucemiux, i need to add a modeset option, how do i do that and where does it go?07:26
tenochslbtucemix, a mode of installation called frugal, which is different than a full hd install of puppy linux, again sorry for the confusion and thanks for the help you provided.07:26
ActionParsniptenochslb: frugal in Puppy means "bare minimum"07:26
tesujitucemiux, ActionParsnip when editing the grub bootline there is a "--" on the end and this option is appended after the "--" but here there is no "--" so where does my option go?07:26
tucemiuxtenochslb, that's what I figured, if you want to install puppy on a hard drive -- say a frugal installation with minimum compoenents you need to acquire space on the hard drive07:26
ActionParsniptesuji: then press end and it will put the cursor at the end, are you troubleshooting the blackscreen at boot bug?07:27
=== keastes is now known as kisuke
tesujiActionParsnip, i know how to solve it, i just need to get the grub option in there07:27
kisukeis ther any way to force gdm to use a particular video out?07:28
kisukeand how do i open a file browser with root priviliges?07:28
tesujiActionParsnip, do i need to add a "--" to the end of the "linux" line?07:28
ActionParsniptesuji: then go to the end of the line and type the option07:28
melfykisuke: sudo nautilus from terminal07:29
ActionParsnipmelfy: gksudo nautilus ,sudo is NOT for nautilus07:29
ActionParsniptesuji: if the guide you have says you need -- then do it07:30
tesujiActionParsnip, apparently that wasn't the right way to do it :( :( it boots to a blank screen.  when i add that option to the end upon booting the livecd it works just fine07:30
ActionParsniphttp://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-ubuntu-10-04-lts-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup.html tesuji07:30
tesujiActionParsnip, there is no guide, i am just going by the way the livecd works07:30
tesujiActionParsnip, that doesn't work for me i already tried it07:31
ActionParsniptesuji: ok that's cool07:32
tesujiActionParsnip, my hardware is not the same07:32
ActionParsniptesuji: try without the -- then, its free to try :)07:32
tesujiActionParsnip, when the grub boot options are all on one line then i know what to do but i am clueless with this menu, it does not work as expected07:32
Sc00t3rtesuji, Are you trying to just get GRUB to boot your OS?07:33
ActionParsniptesuji: could ask in #grub07:33
tesujiActionParsnip, well, yeah, when it boots halfway then my stick doesn't work anymore and i have to reload it from scratch.  i am beginning to think it is not possible to run ubuntu off a stick07:33
Sc00t3rtesuji, If you are, just run update-grub. Should automatically configure your GRUB to every OS on your system.07:33
kisukedoes any one know how to tell GDM/xorg to use a specific video out?07:33
tesujiSc00t3r, tried that07:33
Sc00t3rtesuji, Are you running off Live CD right now? You have to specify the HDD when you are on a LiveCD.07:33
Sc00t3rtesuji, Or, you could try the install-grub from the LiveCD. I can't remember the full command though, you'd have to look that one up on google.07:34
tesujino Sc00t3r i have installed a REAL ubuntu on a stick and trying to run off it, but the video comes up blank07:34
kartheeHi .. can someone advice if I can use logwatch for monitoring the logs of my webapplciations ( JAVA/ Python) ?07:34
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution07:35
Sc00t3rtesuji, That's odd. I can't really tell ya' why.07:35
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:35
Sc00t3rkisuke, He can't see anything at all, not even terminal.07:35
kisukeSc00t3r, sorry wrong tab, thought i wwas /msging ubottu07:35
Sc00t3rkisukie, Lol, it's fine.07:36
Sc00t3rActionParsnip, By the way, I couldn't resist the urge to return to the #ubuntu. =P07:36
DiverdudeI have a game called exult running, but i cannot shut it down by pressing the cross in the window, so i wanted to kill it manually in the terminal. But i need to 1 find its pid and 2 kill it. How do i do that?07:41
kisukeDiverdude, do you have a terminal?07:42
dr0idcan someone help me with setting up cron ? :P07:42
kisukedr0id, try looking at man chron in a terminal07:42
dr0idI have07:43
wx9jI would like to save a web video but rather than a flash file in /tmp. it makes a folder with several xml flies, how can I save a video like this ?07:43
dr0idI setup a cron like this -> * * * * * /home/projects/public_html/ind/cron.php > /home/projects/public_html/ind/cron.log but it doesn't works07:43
dr0idI mean the php file is meant to send mails, but NO, its not sending any mails07:43
lunix_guruhow do i delete all files of size zero in the current directory07:43
kisukedr0id, is the job running?07:43
lunix_guruwith bash i guess07:43
=== IlluminaOFF is now known as Illuminatus
dr0idhow do I know that ?07:44
kisukedoes any one know how to tell GDM/xorg to use a specific video out?07:44
dr0idkisuke: ?07:45
Diverdudekisuke, yeah07:46
kisukedr0id, not sure, all  i know about chron, you could right on my right thumbnail :) id imagine you could do it by the connand and a flag07:46
brain_hi brain clon07:47
kisukeDiverdude, run top that will tell you the pid, then use kill <pid>07:47
kisukeDiverdude, or pidof <program>07:48
TiKkisuke: or ps aux |grep program07:48
TiKor if it's gnome just hit alt f2 type in xkil and click on it07:48
CocoabeanHello, I have a desktop computer with 2 IDE drives. The first one, Primary Master on my IDE bus, shows up as /dev/sda and has a Debian sid install. I have a second drive, Secondary Master, /dev/sdb, for a Windows XP installation. I recently installed Ubuntu on the drive with Windows XP, letting the installer do the resizing. I have grub installed on /dev/sda to boot Debian sid by default, but since installing Ubuntu my machine boots from 07:49
CocoabeanSecondary Master and uses Ubuntu's grub config. I have no options in the bios, so I renamed /boot/grub on /dev/sdb hoping it would boot from the primary master like it used to, but it doesn't. What can I do to make my Primary Master boot first?07:49
kisukeTiK, whats aux again?07:49
TiKkisuke: lists al running programs07:49
kisukeCocoabean, gointo your bios and make sure you are set to boot first from the master.07:49
Cocoabeankisuke: there's no options for that, just boot "Harddrive C:\" is how it is notated with USB and PXE options.07:50
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution07:52
Diverdudekisuke, can i du something like: kill < pidof exult07:52
kisukeCocoabean, do you have an option to select boot order?07:52
Diverdudekisuke, to pipe the pid into kill07:52
Cocoabeankisuke: I do, but it does not give me fine-grained enough control for me to select which IDE bus gets booted first07:53
ylmf 大家好!07:53
kisukenot sure what < does on the command line, but the worst it will do is make you need to reboot.07:53
jussi!cn | ylmf07:53
ubottuylmf: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk07:53
dr0idkisuke: would'nt * * * * * mean every minute ?07:53
kisuke!jp | ylmf07:53
ubottuylmf: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい07:53
* jussi hugs kisuke07:53
foureight84i'm having but if a problem building gnome-shell with jhbuild. when i get to dconf it complains about vala not at version 0.9.4...  problem is that the git only has vala 0.9.307:53
* kisuke hugs jussi back07:54
jussiylmf: /join #ubuntu-cn07:54
iliasanEnter text here...07:54
iliasanhello there07:54
kisukejussi, just missed him07:54
iliasananyone from korea07:54
kisuke!kr | iliasan07:54
littlepenguinhi have a question concerning an usb hdspa stick and the automounting in udev07:54
iliasankisuke ^_^07:55
dr0id!jp | ylmf07:55
ubottuylmf: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい07:55
iliasansorry this is my first time here07:55
kisukeiliasan, try #ubuntu-kr07:55
endusrhi guys07:55
straehi all07:55
ubottu도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko07:55
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ07:56
straeanyone know how to incrase the printer buffer?07:56
kisukehuh thought the  korean code was kr.07:56
kisukeiliasan, try /join #ubuntu-ko07:56
Dextralusthe code for korean language courses at my university is KORN07:56
kisukehmm i wonder,07:57
tesujican someone tell me how to boot to a console, not start x?07:58
magicstuffso still trying to get wireless working...07:58
magicstuffI'm trying to use the following guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#b43%20-%20No%20Internet%20access07:58
littlepenguintesuji have you tried the recovery console?07:58
magicstuffeverything goes good until I get to the last command which is "sudo b43-fwcutter --unsupported -w /lib/firmware broadcom-wl-"07:58
kisukemagicstuff, did you have any luck?07:58
magicstuffsays cannot open input file broadcom-wl-
magicstuffnope kisuke:07:59
kisukemagicstuff, what went wrong?07:59
tesujilittlepenguin, explain?07:59
endusrhi guys, i was looking at htop and discovererd that root was running svn update by itself, nothing i started etc. could i be hacked? what are my options? how can i verify?08:00
littlepenguintesuji when you start the pc and grub boot menu appears there should be an entry named recovery08:00
littlepenguinwith it you only get a console08:00
tesujilittlepenguin, and that will boot to a console? excellent08:00
littlepenguinendusr have you checked cron jobs?08:00
kisukeis there an xorg chanel?08:01
mast`is there a specific channel for Wubi-specific discussion?08:01
tesujilittlepenguin, ok one more: i need to disable whatever process automatically mounts removeable media, how do i did that?08:01
littlepenguintesuji not sure about this but i think it is done with udev rules08:01
endusrlittlepenguin: yeah, saw anacron, munin and munin-node, a few stuff nothing that spawned svn08:01
tesujilittlepenguin, i would be happy just to kill the process if i knew what was doing it08:02
endusror atleast nothing that said "svn"08:02
tesujican anyone tell me how to temporarily dsiable the process that automatically mouts removeable media?08:02
=== Bridge|A is now known as Bridge|
kancermanwhat config file can I modify to change up the console ??08:03
littlepenguinendusr have you started it manually maybe and it runs along..nmaybe you try stopping svn and then reboot08:03
tesujilittlepenguin, it aint udev - udev creates the device file, it doesn't mount what's plugged in08:03
Bridge|where would one change system sounds? in prefs==>sounds it only likes u change one08:03
endusrso nothing that said it called svn update08:04
sticky_mmmm unban floods08:05
endusrmaybe i am hacked08:05
endusr/etc/crin.d was the first thing i checked08:05
endusrbut grep didt show svn08:05
sticky_crontab -e?08:06
endusrhow can i list all the svn repositories on my computer08:06
littlepenguintesuji gnome-volume-properties and disable mount removeable08:06
sticky_ps aux -> post to pastebin?08:06
sticky_netstat -nap | grep tcp -> post to pastebin?08:07
sticky_endusr, do those things if you want my help ;)08:07
endusrsticky_: i rebooted08:07
endusrsticky_: should it still be there?08:07
Jordan_Uendusr: Do you have etckeeper installed?08:07
sticky_I wouldnt have rebooted...08:07
endusrsticky_: oh08:08
endusrJordan_U: ill check08:08
endusrbooting up08:08
Bridge|anyone know about changing ubuntu system sounds08:10
endusroh and i dont have sound anymore too08:10
sticky_endusr, Page 14 - what does it say to do? http://usa.visa.com/download/merchants/cisp_what_to_do_if_compromised.pdf08:10
endusrJordan_U: dont have that08:11
littlepenguinqbridge gnome-volume-control08:11
sticky_endusr, I know your machine probably has nothing to do with PCI compliance, but it's good to follow regardless ;-)08:12
littlepenguintesuji automount disble: open up gconf-editor ->open apps ->nautilus->preferences->media_automount08:14
zkriesseHello dissrom08:16
dissromhi zkriesse08:16
simbadAfter changing my theme color gnome-session and gnome-settings-daemon are going beserk and overgeating my cpu what can i do?08:17
endusrsticky_: here?08:17
littlepenguini want to use wired and wireless network..when i plug wireless stick in it however grabs eth0 as device for the usb stick...is it enough to change the mount in udev rule to wlan0 or sthg?08:18
FriktionHey i see that my glext file in usr/include/GL is really old how do i update it to the one that is available on opengls website ?08:18
endusrsticky_: have08:19
endusra few connections to port 9001 on diff ip's08:20
Friktionis it ok to copy paste the content of the new glext.h file to the old ?08:22
endusrsticky_: www.codepad.org/7xCWViHj08:23
Friktionis x11 linux or what ?08:26
=== puppetMaster is now known as puppetMaster__
JonSmithi'm having trouble with my wired network connection08:28
littlepenguinwhat trouble jonsmith08:28
=== puppetMaster__ is now known as nexus6__
JonSmithwell ok08:28
JonSmithso it seemed to have been working up until today08:28
JonSmithbut as of today i cannot even ping my router08:28
JonSmithnetwork manager doesn't recognize a connection even though there is a wire plugged into it08:29
JonSmithifconfig returns eth0 and lofine08:29
JonSmithlo fine*08:29
JonSmithi've been reading through the forums and trying stuff and come up with nothing08:29
littlepenguinok jonsmith open console: put ifconfig in and tell me which interfaces are shown.--normally eth0 and lo08:30
JonSmithi recently took the nuclear option of copying all of my important files to a flash disk and reinstalling 10.408:30
JonSmithyup, etho0 and lo08:30
magicstuff_damn...this is driving me freaking nuts!08:31
zkriesse!language | magicstuff08:31
ubottumagicstuff: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.08:31
sunmanssjxHi,my system is ubuntu 9.10, how to restart my network ?08:31
magicstuff_ok its driving me mad!08:31
zkriessesunmanssjx: Meaning?08:31
JonSmithbut even after re-installing, and by that i mean wiping the hardrive, installing 9.10 and downloading the upgrade to 10.4, wired connection doesn't work in 10.408:32
=== magicstuff_ is now known as magicstuff
sunmanssjxI want to restart my network.08:32
pkkmIs there a way to reinstall core system, leaving home folders alone?08:32
zkriessesunmanssjx: meaning your internet connection?08:32
littlepenguinsunmanssjx sudo service networking restart08:32
magicstuffcan anyone please help me to get my wireless working?08:32
littlepenguinjon smith what gives "ip r"08:33
tensorpuddingis there a sane way to backup your home when you're using ecryptfs?08:33
endusrno help08:33
sunmanssjxsunman@sunman-ubuntu:~$ sudo service networking restart08:33
sunmanssjxrestart: Unknown instance:08:33
littlepenguinok jonsmith are u using dhcp??08:33
magicstuffcan anyone please help me..I've been going at this for a few hours now..going insane08:34
JonSmithyes i should be08:34
sunmanssjxI don't know why.08:34
RemmazeHey guys, is there any good DVD player that can i download that is not from "Ubuntu Software Center"???08:34
JonSmithnetmanager just says i'm disconnected08:34
littlepenguinjonsmith ok try setting the network manually in the same network as your router and try the connection..maybe the dhcp does not work..08:34
littlepenguinjonsmith check cable08:35
sunmanssjxAnybody help me ?08:35
littlepenguinsunmanns are interfaces shown thorugh ifconfig?08:35
JonSmithit isn't router or cable08:35
JonSmithit works in 9.1008:36
JonSmithi booted from dvd08:36
cybrocopHi all, how do I justify I plain text file in Ubuntu08:36
littlepenguinsunman put "ifconfig" in a console08:36
cybrocopor do other formatting changes08:36
littlepenguinok jonsmith..just need to check..so..08:36
Minashi there, for 32 bit ubuntu.iso I need CD or DVD to write on it?08:36
taulusWhere can I find out about hardware compatibility for 10.04?08:36
cybrocopFor instance, the text file I have is long and is too wide to be properly formatted, I'd like to format it to be 40 chars wide08:37
sunmanssjxeth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:22:15:62:a8:d608:37
sunmanssjx          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
sunmanssjx          inet6 addr: fe80::222:15ff:fe62:a8d6/64 Scope:Link08:37
sunmanssjx          UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:108:37
sunmanssjx          RX packets:54561 errors:1 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:108:37
FloodBot1sunmanssjx: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:37
sunmanssjx          TX packets:50143 errors:56 dropped:0 overruns:56 carrier:008:37
sunmanssjx          collisions:3 txqueuelen:100008:37
zkriesseMinas: meaning you want to make a LiveCD?08:37
zkriesse!pastebin | sunmanssjx08:37
ubottusunmanssjx: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:37
tensorpuddingMinas: you can put an Ubuntu installer on a USB pendrive too08:37
Minaszkriesse I mean simple CD memory is enough or I need DVD?08:37
littlepenguinsunman looks good08:38
zkriesseMinas: for a Ubuntu Live CD?08:38
Minasmine is notebook08:38
zkriesseMinas: A regular CD should contain enough memory for a Live CD08:38
Minasis it better by USB ?08:38
=== zeitgeist is now known as musashi
littlepenguinjonsmith u use network-manager of gnome to config your interface?08:38
JonSmithyeah i have been08:38
Minaszkriesse the file is 700 MB08:38
Minasiso file08:39
littlepenguinok jon try to set setiings of network manually08:39
JonSmithit is just weird that it is so stubbornly broken after working fine for months08:39
sunmanssjxBut I can not use "sudo service networking restart"08:39
zkriesseMinas: Yes I know...a regular cd should be fine. That's what I've used08:39
jasonwryansunmanssjx: try sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart08:39
littlepenguinjonsmith had those issues also..dunno where it came from..i solved thorugh ifdown eth0 && ifup eth0 after that everything was fine08:39
Minaszkriesse :)) which version do you use?08:39
littlepenguinsunman also "sudo service network-manager restart08:40
magicstuffcan anyone please help me..I'm trying to get my wireless working on my dell 1545 (broadcom bcm4312)...08:40
zkriesseMinas: I use the Ubuntu 10.04 Full Desktop Version08:40
=== Bridge| is now known as Bridge|A
Minaszkriesse is it 64 bit or 32?08:41
JonSmithok i'll try some more stuff08:41
=== root is now known as Guest47744
sunmanssjxIt's OK,thank you.08:41
taulusAnyone running ubuntu 10.04 on a Gigabyte board?08:42
xanguainkk is spamming me in PM08:43
JonSmithi give up08:44
xangua!ops | inkk08:44
ubottuinkk: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!08:44
JonSmithi'll just install fedora or  something08:44
taulusOr anybody?08:44
zkriesse!anybody | taulus08:45
ubottutaulus: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:45
Seppozwhere is the .Trash folder located?08:46
taulusWill ubuntu run on gigabyte boards?????08:48
bazhang!trash | Seppoz08:48
ubottuSeppoz: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash08:48
bazhangtaulus, why would it not?08:48
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MinasI think linux is the best OS in the world08:49
taulus:) I am just trying to check before a purchase.08:49
magicstuffcan anyone PLEASE help me to try to get my wireless working?  I've been at this for hours08:49
soreaumagicstuff: Which chipset is it?08:49
bazhangmagicstuff, this is a broadcom?08:49
magicstuffyes it is bazhang08:49
soreau! broadcom | magicstuff08:49
ubottumagicstuff: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx08:49
mementomorihi all08:50
MaRk-Itaulus: purchase?  just download the .iso burn it to a cd and try the livecd mode if everything works then you can install08:51
mementomoriwhere can I find a repository (or a PPA) with Qt4.6?08:51
magicstuffsoreau: I'll try that stuff again..been at that page for a while now08:51
taulusMark-I I am buying the mobo not ubuntu.08:51
littlepenguinmementomori launchpad08:52
mementomorilittlepenguin, sure. but which PPA should I use?08:53
MaRk-I!hardware | taulus08:53
ubottutaulus: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection08:53
tesujimagicstuff i may have the answer to your question...08:54
magicstufftesuji: what may this be :D08:54
mementomorilittlepenguin, I'm searching it but I find repo only with "qt4-x11" while I was expecting all the libs08:54
littlepenguinmementoi ok i see your prob ..ppa:gezakovacs/qt is only for jaunty08:54
tesujibut you need either a thumbdrive or a site where you can upload to08:55
magicstufftesuji: I've got that covered08:55
pkkmIs there a way to reinstall core system, leaving home folders alone?08:55
tesujimagicstuff, ok, boot into the livecd and start the wifi - that works right?08:55
nexus6__why is installing LAMPP so complicated? creating symlinks hard or softlinks... and so on08:55
magicstuffyeah...I've gotta use the sta wireless driver ....08:56
tesujinexus6__, there's a way to have it all done automatically - i have done it but i don't remember the commad - google "ubuntu lamp"08:56
tensorpuddingnexus6__: there's totally a LAMP metapackage08:56
bazhang!lamp | nexus6__08:56
ubottunexus6__: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)08:56
tesujimagicstuff, use my name when replying to make sure i see it08:57
magicstuffah ok...my bad08:57
nexus6__to be honest LAMP is the only reason why i switch back to windows most of the time...08:58
mementomorilittlepenguin, I've found this: https://launchpad.net/~mapopa/+archive/qt4.6/+packages08:58
magicstuffso tesuji: I can get wireless working via the livecd...08:58
tesujimagicstuff, yes08:58
mementomorilittlepenguin, but it has buil issues08:58
mementomorilittlepenguin, but it has build issues08:58
littlepenguinmemen what issues?08:58
PythonPuppkkm, For some people, the answer is yes.  Is this a hypothetical, or is it something you need to do?08:58
tesujimagicstuff, so you get wifi up.  then at the command line do "apt-get update"08:59
magicstuffok did that...08:59
magicstuffdone tesuji:08:59
IledenHi! Any ideas why has my Ubuntu UI has become unbearably laggy after upgrading to 10.04? I initially thought it was about my video card, but I changed that and problem persists. Everything was working ok and very fast on 9.04. Any ideas how to debug this?08:59
damesЗдравствуйте, кто-то может мне помочь?09:00
tesujimagicstuff, then "apt-get install -d bcmwl-kernel-source"09:00
bazhang!ru | dames09:00
ubottudames: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke09:00
tesujimagicstuff, you are gonna need a thumbdrive on second thought, no way around it09:00
magicstufftesuji: is already the newest verision09:00
magicstuffok I have a drive09:01
mementomorilittlepenguin, lpia09:01
tesujimagicstuff, hang on09:01
xanguaIleden: upgraded from 9.04 to 10.04 ¿¿09:01
Iledenxangua: via 9.1009:02
magicstufftake your time tesuji: doing some stuff really quick09:02
littlepenguinwhat are the issues you get?mementomori09:02
Seppozrm: cannot remove `tmp-angstrom_2008_1/deploy/glibc/sources/GPL/quilt-native/install.patch': Too many levels of symbolic links09:03
Seppozhowto delete that09:03
mementomorilittlepenguin, https://launchpad.net/~bausparfuchs/+archive/qt4.6-release/+packages this had successfully build an all platform09:03
pkkmPythonPup, My Ubuntu doesn't boot, I asked many times and noone knows how to fix it. I've got many inportant files on it. I want to reinstall Ubuntu, but preserve files and configs.09:04
pkkmtaulus, I've got a GIGABYTE motherboard and everything works fine09:04
Iledenpkkm: what happened to it?09:04
YankDownUnderSeppoz, why not cd to the location, rename the file the link refers to, then try to delete the link from that directory...?09:04
tesujifolks can someone help me with apt-get - what i want is to force it to download but not install a package that is already at the latest version.  i think it would be "apt-get -d --reinstall" does that sound about right?09:04
tauluspkkm Which one?09:04
mementomorilittlepenguin, but it's for karmic!!! I need it for lucid...09:05
pkkmIleden, it was broken during an update09:05
PythonPuppkkm, Some people put the home directory on a separate disk partition.  If you did that, it is fairly straight-forward to keep your old /home.  Did you do that?09:05
tesujitaulus, the broadcom drivers and it's a long story, i just need to know how to do this09:05
hateballtesuji: just apt-get -d should do it09:05
pkkmPythonPup, no, one partition for everything09:05
lxsysright click has died on my firefox, can't get the context menus to appear :( was working a couple of hours ago before I went to bed. any ideas other than a ninja has tried to annoy me?09:06
magicstuffthanks so much tesuji: this has been a huge pain in the rear09:06
pkkmtaulus, EP45-DS3L09:06
tesujihateball, no, then it takes the packagename as an option09:06
taulusThanks pkkm thats two now :)09:06
tesujimagicstuff, i gotta get some help how to do this09:06
littlepenguinmementomori you could try ..sometimes karmic packages work fine09:07
PythonPupOK, then your only option is to backup that directory before you reinstall and restore it afterwards.  Have you checked to see how big that directory is?  If not, open a terminal shell.  Cd to /home and type du -h09:07
magicstuffok take your time...I'm gonna clean up before my gf cntrl-alt-deletes me ;)09:07
pkkmtaulus,Ubuntu works with most motherboards09:07
Iledenpkkm: how much data you have on home? would it be easy to backup somewhere, then attempt reinstall?09:07
tesujifolks can someone help me with apt-get - what i want is to force it to download but not install a package that is already at the latest version.  i think it would be "apt-get -d --reinstall" does that sound about right?09:07
Minasplease tell me the steps to install ubuntu09:07
YankDownUndertesuji, Um...did you read the help for apt-get yet?09:07
pkkmIleden, 5-10 GB (many text files and scripts)09:08
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tesujiYankDownUnder, yes and it's not quite clear to me09:08
bazhang!manual | Minas have a read first09:08
ubottuMinas have a read first: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/09:08
IledenMinas: Mostly it's: Insert ubuntu cd. Boot computer. Click on "install"...09:08
classicalhello ppl i wonder is there any security issue if a run crontab on server wit root permissions ? :-)09:08
YankDownUndertesuji, So have you TRIED that option with apt-get yet?09:08
tesujiYankDownUnder, by my understanding of the man page that should do it but it doesn't work09:08
classicalhello ppl i wonder is there any security issue if a run crontab on server with a root permissions ? :-)09:09
YankDownUndertesuji, Have you tried to remove the package and re-install the package again?09:09
gnubieMinas;  http://easylinux.info/wiki/Ubuntu:Lucid       you might look here09:09
hateballtesuji: well I dunno, I only use aptitude... "aptitude download <package>"09:09
lxsysok, nevermind right click seems to have come back now.. i smell ninjas.09:09
Minasthank you09:09
PythonPuppkkm, do you have a USB drive large enough to backup that data?  Or, another computer on your network?09:09
* YankDownUnder thinks Ninjas abound09:10
Iledenpkkm: What I would do is back that up with a live cd to another disk, then try reinstalling and looking around the reinstall process if it asks if you want to keep your existing home directory. If not, just reinstall, and restore /home from the backup over it. (Not optimal answer by far, I know.)09:10
tesujiYankDownUnder, the package contains drivers for a wifi - if i remove it, will it kill the wifi?09:10
KhannzHello! Can you tell me, guys, what services for MySQL should be started during boot? watching my runlevels I found only mysql-ndb and mysql-ndb-mgm but no mysql. is it OK for 10.04 ???09:11
YankDownUndertesuji, Can't you plug into ethernet whilst you do this?09:11
tesujiYankDownUnder, no09:11
magicstuffyankdownunder: nope, I don't have connection to a wired connection09:11
pkkmPythonPup, Ileden, Thanks,I'll reinstall now.09:11
tesujiYankDownUnder, i am helping someone else who has been wrestling with it for hours and i figgered out a way but the deb has to be downloaded09:11
soreautesuji: Removing driver packages shouldnt unload the driver from memory09:11
Iledenpkkm: ok. I do hope it works! No guarantee, though, but nothing you can mess up either, if you have all the data backed up. :)09:12
YankDownUndertesuji, See above09:12
tesujimagicstuff, are you there?09:12
soreautesuji: AFAIK, the driver should still work until you unload it or reboot09:12
YankDownUndertesuji, What's the driver?09:12
tesujiYankDownUnder, the broadcom stuff09:12
PythonPuppkkm, I would probably backup everything.  Depending on what problem you have with the system, I might recommend you don't restore any of the directories starting with .09:12
classicalSomeone give me a advice plz :(((09:12
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YankDownUndertesuji, Gads...lovely....did someone uncomment the BCM drivers in the /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf ??09:13
tesujiYankDownUnder, i have not a clue what you are on about09:13
magicstuffyes I am tesuji:09:13
tesujimagic, start up synaptic09:14
magicstufflivecd or the real thing?09:14
YankDownUndertesuji, a lot of times, in order to get the broadcom drivers working properly, you have to uncomment the driver in the /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf file, reboot, connect, then use the "Hardware Drivers" to find a more suitable driver - doesn't make sense, but it works most of the time.09:14
Iledenclassical: People most probably aren't ignoring you, only they aren't confident enough to provide an answer. No need for sadfaces :)09:14
soreau! cron | classical09:14
ubottuclassical: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm09:14
magicstuffsorry, tesuji: open pack manager in livecd?09:15
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tesujimagicstuff, hang on09:15
adamramadhanis there a gui or something that can change ico to svg atau png for icon usage09:15
soreauclassical: AFAIK, cron is run on a per-user basis, including the root user. So root programs should be in root crontab and user programs in user crontab09:15
adamramadhansomehow ubuntu cant read ico files09:15
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tesujimagicstuff, i am gonna try this on my own system before i tell you to do it :)  i am having similar probs but fortunately i have a hardwire09:16
adamramadhanor maybe converting ico to png or svg ?09:16
KhannzGuys, what services for MySQL should be started during boot? watching my runlevels I found only mysql-ndb and mysql-ndb-mgm but no mysql. is it OK for 10.04 ???09:16
magicstuffok thanks a ton!09:16
PythonPupclassical, running crontab as root will setup the cron jobs for the root user.  That is not recommended for most things, but by no means unheard of.  It depends on what you are trying to do.09:16
YankDownUnderadamramadhan, Um...have you tried GIMP yet?09:16
adamramadhancan i use it for mass convert a ico folder ?09:16
YankDownUnderadamramadhan, Um...have you read the dox for GIMP yet?09:17
adamramadhani want to use .ico for icons . :)09:17
adamramadhanor a converter is ok .09:17
jukebox-zeroDoes anyone know if there's a way to require a key combination like ctrl+alt+delete at startup/login on 10.04? All google can find for me is how to re-enable restarting the xserver with it.09:17
Iledenclassical: from what I know, it should be run as the user that you want to be executing the task. If you're doing root tasks, then root is the right user. If not, maybe not.09:17
classicalIleden, soreau ubottu thx you guys :-)  but If i run a some script wit root is there any secure  vulnerability ?  :-)09:17
YankDownUnderadamramadhan, You should think about checking out www.gnome-look.org to see if someone's already converted the icon package(s) you desire...easier than doing it yourself...09:17
Iledenclassical: depends on the script, of course. Yes, it's a vulnerability. But a perfectly secure system is one that isn't powered up at all...09:18
spookyadamramadhan: Use Imagemagick, command-line: convert image.ico image.png09:18
YankDownUnderjukebox-zero, Um...linux, which is based on unix - usually requires merely a username and a password...CTRL-ALT-DEL is a key combo that Microsoft initiated...09:18
classicalIleden, Okay thank you :-)09:19
jukebox-zeroYankDownUnder, Yes, I realize it doesn't serve any linux purpose. I'm intentionally trying to make my system more of a pain in the ass so friends will stop asking to use my internet. Somehow, I don't think they'll buy it if I say the only browser I have is elinks.09:20
tensorpuddingThis is not to say that, on occasion, Ubuntu has chosen to emulate some behaviors of Windows.09:20
adamramadhanspooky: is there a gui for it ?09:20
Iledenclassical: Just think of it in the way that that script can then do whatever it pleases with your system. And if someone gets to modify that script, he can then do anything with the system. Or if that scripts ask initiates some other process, that process (or anything that has managed to modify it) can do whatever they want with your system.09:20
YankDownUnderjukebox-zero, Hehehehehehehe....coolbeans....09:20
Kartagiswhat environment variable do we need to set in order to change the general language? LANG?09:20
tensorpuddingLANG controls the locale09:20
YankDownUnderjukebox-zero, What about forcing yer system to boot to a cli login...that's scary...09:20
spookyadamramadhan: Using a GUI seems like taking a long road to a short destination...why not just do it from the terminal?09:21
soreauclassical: You should recognize what commands should be run as user and which to be run as root. Rule of thumb is, you should always know why you need to run a command with superuser privileges before running it. Otherwise, always use user09:21
adamramadhanspooky: then how do i convert a hole folder of .ico to png ?09:21
rousingI'm looking for all OS where sudo is used, anyone have an idea ?09:21
Iledenrousing: "all OS"?09:21
soreauclassical: In addition to security issues, running user commands as root can potentially cause permissions issues09:22
bazhangrousing, including your home ?09:22
jukebox-zeroYankDownUnder, I'm all ears. I've never done any such thing though. Can you give me a brief description of what that's like? I'm sure google-foo can tell me how to implement it.09:22
YankDownUnderjukebox-zero, Hang on a tick...09:22
rousingbazhang: what distros are using sudo09:22
bazhangrousing, this is Ubuntu support. Ubuntu uses sudo09:22
rousingIleden: all linux distro09:22
tensorpuddingPretty sure sudo has been available on several Unices, and several Linux distributions09:22
spookyadamramadhan: someone already figured this out, http://superuser.com/questions/71028/batch-converting-png-to-jpg-in-linux09:22
Iledenrousing: and what exactly do you mean by "sudo"? most operating systems have a concept of temporarily elevating rights by providing admin credentials to access restricted resources.09:22
tensorpuddingOSX has sudo doesn't it?09:23
bazhangrousing, if you are polling, then please don't09:23
spookyjust dont use .jpg, use .ico and .png in the snippet09:23
Iledenrousing: ah, ok. you mean the "sudo" command itself and linux distros. Thing is, there are a gazillion of linux distros...09:23
classicalIleden, soreau Yep :-)   but if i need a root privilege to run scripts ? there are some scripts which does not run with simple user :-)09:23
tensorpuddingsu is probably specified in some Unix specification, maybe POSIX09:23
rousingIleden: i meant that yes09:24
YankDownUnderjukebox-zero, Mate - simple solution => http://andrew.org/index.php/archives/2010/05/07/ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx-boot-in-text-mode/09:24
soreauclassical: Like I said, you should understand why any command needs to be run as root and that includes scripts09:24
PythonPupclassical, What do you need to run as root?09:24
jukebox-zeroYankDownUnder, Thanks, cheers man.09:24
YankDownUnderjukebox-zero, Makes me want to muck with the girlfriend now...heheheheh....BTW, use "startx" to start up XWindows mate...09:25
bazhangrousing, did you have an ubuntu support issue?09:25
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rousingbazhang: seriously :) ?09:25
bazhangrousing, yes09:25
Iledenclassical: well there are two approaches. Give the user that should run the script enough privlidges to run it, or let root run the script. Well, there's a third option too, to lower the required rights of the system the script uses, so any user gets to run it, but that's not a good idea.09:25
jukebox-zeroYankDownUnder, nod nod. Good call.09:25
rousingbazhang: i have a lot, and i doubt youi can help in any09:26
classicalPythonPup, simple users does not have privilege to execute some scriots09:26
FattyTheDorkUbuntu? the linux with left-handed window trigger set (like on mac)?09:26
soreauclassical: and you need to understand why. What script are you referring to in this case?09:26
PythonPupclassical,  Can you be more specific?  Is there a single program, or 300 programs. The specifics can help me give you a better answer.09:27
bazhang!controls > FattyTheDork09:27
ubottuFattyTheDork, please see my private message09:27
classicalsoreau, backup for example09:27
IledenHi! Any ideas why has my Ubuntu UI has become laggy after upgrading to 10.04... I initially thought it was about my video card, but I changed that yet the problem still persists. Everything was working ok and very fast on 9.04. Any ideas how to debug this?09:27
classicalPythonPup, there is a single program one or two bash command09:28
littlepenguinhow to tell an usb hsdpa stick not to use interface name eth0 on automount???09:28
soreauclassical: As long as your user has write access to wherever you are backing up *to*, then you should be able to run it as user09:28
PythonPupclassical,  What do they do?  I am trying to gauge how dangerous they are.09:28
YankDownUnderIleden, Graphics driver, xorg configuration, stale .debs hanging around....the list goes on...09:28
Guest30165hi all ..09:29
tesujimagicstuff, haha mine doesn't work either - back to the drawing board09:29
PythonPupclassical, If there is one or two programs, and they are relatively benign, you could add them to you sudoers file.09:29
FattyTheDorkwell I'm on Windows myself, but there was a wave of raging linuxers...09:29
classicalIleden, its seems the best solution to give users enough privilege for executing scripts but does not allow to edit it09:29
IledenYankDownUnder: Graphics driver would affect two different video cards? xorg conf I've reseted. How do I detect stale .debs? And how does the list go on? :D09:29
nexus6__how can i get the sound working on my usb headset?09:29
erUSULIleden: check /var/log/Xorg.0.log for errors or warnings09:29
mast`Anyone tried to install 10.04 using Wubi and an ISO file previously downloaded? Even after putting the ISO in the same directory, or burning the ISO to a CD, Wubi would refuse to recognize that I had Ubuntu already and just downloaded a new version09:30
Iledenclassical: "does not allow to edit it"?09:30
classicalIleden, for users09:30
classicalnot for root09:30
FattyTheDorkI tried ubuntu (gnome edition) back at 8.4, but it was a bone club. Couldn't even setup inet.09:30
magicstufftesuji: haha, this is a pain for both of us...what was yankdownunder: saying about the blacklist.conf file?09:31
bazhangFattyTheDork, any current ubuntu support issues? if not then please chat in #ubuntu-offtopic , thanks09:31
YankDownUnderIleden, Firstly, upgrading usually sucks. Secondly, a way of doing the xorg reset is to literally delete (or rename) the /etc/X11/xorg.conf. Thirdly, you may have old crap in your ~/.config and ~/.cache and ~/.local that are dragging Gnome down (assuming you're running Gnome)09:31
YankDownUndermagicstuff, Are you using the BCM43 driver at the moment?09:31
IledenerUSUL: How do I notice errors or warnings? (Do they start with (!!) or such?) There doesnt seem to be any...09:32
tesujiYankDownUnder, i am looking at that file - now you want me to uncomment what?  it is already uncommented, i don't understand your directions09:32
erUSULIleden: (EE) or (WW)09:32
littlepenguinwhere to tell an usb hsdpa stick to take the interface name??09:32
tesujiYankDownUnder, this was really simple under earlier versions of ubuntu, just install a driver and it magically worked09:32
nexus6__any idea how i can force my usb headset to work?09:32
magicstuffyankdownunder: I think so...09:33
classicalOkay anyway thx all for replay :-))))09:33
magicstuffI'm typing to you on a diff computer..09:33
YankDownUndertesuji, If it's already UNcommented, then do the SYSTEM / ADMINISTRATION / HARDWARE DRIVERS => let Ubu detect the drivers, and install the latest mods09:33
tesujiYankDownUnder, i have the same problem09:33
magicstuffI only get a wireless connection on ubuntu via livecd using hardware drivers thing09:33
FattyTheDorkWhy lie that it's "free"? it seems that Ubuntu must be sold for internet access stations with internet setup being part of the service.09:33
IledenYankDownUnder: did xorg reset exactly like that. yup running gnome. the old crap sounds like a viable cause... how do I detect it?09:33
tesujiYankDownUnder, it says "no propritary drivers in use" and that's just crap09:34
bazhang!ot | FattyTheDork09:34
ubottuFattyTheDork: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:34
IledenerUSUL: no relevant warnings or errors (only about input devices)09:34
magicstufftesuji: I get the same thing while not using the livecd09:35
andy__hi, I have ubuntu 10.04 and when I come in some mornings, X seems to have restarted itself. It asks me to log instead of just unlock the screen.09:35
tesujiYankDownUnder, i followed directions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx and installed the bcmwl-kernelsource package09:35
YankDownUnderIleden, I'd go through the stuff manually - get rid of crap that doesn't jive - gconf, the guts of Gnome, freaks and frogs on some of the outdated stuff - and in that case, you can even literally go so far as to rename the ~/.config and logout, login and just re-customise Gnome (and some other apps) again...have done this with a high level of success...have also gone so far as to create a new user, and just copy stuff over f09:35
YankDownUnderrom the old user to a new dir09:35
PythonPupandy__, When that happens, see how long it has been up?  Maybe the power went out overnight.09:36
YankDownUndertesuji, Roger that - so then, if you've done that, what's the issue? This is clear is mud at the moment...09:36
tesujiYankDownUnder, my network manager is not detecting the wifi09:36
YankDownUndertesuji, Roger that....right...but the module is loading, and you're able to connect - whether or not the Network Manager is working?09:37
andy__<PythonPup>: it says it's been up 2 days, so no power outage.09:37
tesujiYankDownUnder, iwconfig says only "lo  no wireless extensions"09:37
zcat[1]Is there any way to replicate the feature in windows where you middle-click and the mouse cursor becomes a scroll thing, and you move the mouse up and down to scroll? I're run into someone who wants that feature.. (Ugh!)09:37
tesujiYankDownUnder, no this is a different system09:37
tesujiYankDownUnder, i have two machines side by side - the one i'm typing this on works fine :)09:38
YankDownUndertesuji, Um...ok...I reckon I'm not fully clear about the situation...09:38
adamramadhanGreat! , thanks.09:38
IledenYankDownUnder: Ah, unfortunately I don't have enough knowledge to go through them manually. :) Recustomization sounds tedious... but I could try if that fixes the problem. It's safe to simply rename .config? Should I do the same for .local and .cache too?09:38
tesujiYankDownUnder, i have just installed a brand new ubuntu and the wifi does not work09:38
adamramadhananyway mogrify -format jpg *.png works09:38
adamramadhanbut i have another problem09:38
PythonPupandy__, Is it a laptop or a desktop?09:38
IledenYankDownUnder: oh, and would logging in as a new user give the same result?09:38
adamramadhani mean mogrify -format png *.ico09:39
tesujiYankDownUnder, it uses broadcom - i installed bcmwl-kernel-source package and rebooted but system->admin->hardware drivers does not detect any drivers09:39
adamramadhanthe problem is how can we just convert to high res .ico ?09:39
YankDownUnderIleden, You can always delete what's in ~/.cache/ => it's just temp stuff...however, if you want to test, just create a new user, login as that user, see what difference there is in performance...then you'll know...09:39
andy__<PythonPup>: Desktop .. There's the following in messages file:  could not associate with desktop session: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-UDUOCqGWTk: Connection refused09:39
adamramadhanit convert to many .png09:39
classicalcrontab -e   its opens with nano  sudo crontab -e   its opens with nano  and sudo su then crontab -e opens with vi editor why ?09:39
tesujiYankDownUnder, magic has the same situation09:40
PythonPupandy__, I don't know what would cause that.09:40
YankDownUndertesuji, Ok...what about putting a comment in front of the driver in the /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf, and then seeing if the driver is found with the SYSTEM/ADMINISTRATION/HARDWARE DRIVERS utility...?09:40
IledenYankDownUnder: thanks, I'll try that! Somehow didn't come across me to think it could be user config related.09:40
nexus6__can anyone please help me? CAN ANYONE ACTUAL READ THIS?09:41
SwedeMikenexus6__: yes, we can read you.09:41
littlepenguinwhats up tho09:41
soreaunexus6__: Nope, cant see it09:41
nexus6__great that it can be read09:41
YankDownUnderIleden, I had the issue with a client - it ended up being Compiz, Gnome and Emerald crap that blew out the performance...09:41
jasonwryannexus6__: ask a question...09:41
nexus6__i have a usb headset plugged in (xubuntu) how can i activate it?09:41
andy__<PythonPup>: also got this on Xorg.0.log.old (file was updated at the same time) Fatal server error:Failed to submit batchbuffer: Input/output error .. not sure if that helps09:41
frojndDid the installation CD 10.04 changed from the very beginning till now? Is it the same kernel version the same intel drivers?09:41
PythonPupandy__, Do you have that computer connected to a KVM switch?09:41
littlepenguinwhat model nexus?09:41
classicalsoreau, PythonPup Ileden crontab -e   its opens with nano  sudo crontab -e   its opens with nano again  and sudo su then crontab -e opens with vi editor why ?09:42
littlepenguinlogitech ..some more details please09:42
MaRk-Inexus6__: just click the volume icon go to properties and select the usb headseat as output09:42
Iledenclassical: because root has "vi" as the designated editor program (i guess)09:42
soreauclassical: VISUAL=$TEXT_EDITOR crontab -e where TEXT_EDITOR is your test editor of choice09:42
andy__<PythonPup>: no, not connected to KVM switch09:42
zcat[1]nexus6__:  plug it in, in the programs you want to play/record through the headset there will be a way to change the sound settings audio device.. the headset should appear on the list of devices.09:43
littlepenguinnexus : http://linuxowns.wordpress.com/2008/07/08/how-i-got-my-usb-headset-to-work/09:43
tesujiYankDownUnder, do i need to reboot after i do that?09:43
classicalIleden, then sudo -e must be  opened with vi09:43
nexus6__ok i will try that09:43
Iledenclassical: and sudo doesn't run the command as root, but with root privlidges (as far as I understand), so it still uses the user's designated editor config, while sudo su enters actual root mode, using the root's config.09:43
PythonPupclassical, typing nano sudo crontab -e is weird.  Don't do that.09:43
YankDownUndertesuji, Yep...09:43
soreauclassical: For example, to use gedit as your test editor, run: VISUAL=gedit crontab -e09:44
tesujiYankDownUnder, there's nothing in syslog about drivers not found since i installed the bcmwl-kernel-source - before that there were tons of errors09:44
zcat[1]nexus6__:  or you can go to the sound control panel and make it the default device and everything will use it, but usually you only want to redirect one program, like skype...09:44
magicstufftensuij: let me know how it goes09:44
agronholm_hi! are there backports of kernel 2.6.34 or 2.6.35 available for 10.04, or do I have to wait for maverick?09:44
nexus6__where is the sound control panel?09:44
PythonPupandy__, I am going through a launchpad bug that seems related.  You might look at it, too.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bonobo/+bug/29397009:44
zcat[1]little speaker, top right by default09:44
bazhangagronholm_, you have the backport repos enabled?09:45
littlepenguinnexus gnome-volume-monitor09:45
nexus6__btw in the programm there are no settings for choosing devices (vlc and totem video player)09:45
YankDownUndertesuji, IF the kernel drivers are installed, then commenting out the broadcom driver in the blacklist.conf might resolve what appears to be a "conflict between drivers" - which would therefore keep the system from properly discovering the driver/card09:45
agronholm_bazhang, I can enable them if there's a kernel 2.6.34 or similar09:45
littlepenguinsry nexus gnome-volume-control09:45
classicalIleden, i guess you are right :-) PythonPup why ?09:45
nexus6__where shall i copy paste this?09:45
bazhangagronholm_, ah okay; if you had them enabled you could apt-cache search them; might want to check in packages.ubuntu.com09:46
zcat[1]nexus6__:  little speaker icon near the top right corner, right-click it and choose properties09:46
agronholm_bazhang, I did, found nothing09:46
agronholm_no kernel backports for lucid09:46
bazhangagronholm_, then next release09:46
agronholm_bah :(09:46
agronholm_I have btrfs on one of my disks and its- showing -64 zettabytes of free space09:46
zcat[1]nexus6__:  sorry, no.. norlam-click it and choose Volume control ;)09:46
Iledenclassical: maybe - just an educated guess, I'd like to know it myself too :)09:46
dreamlifingI am freshman,09:46
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agronholm_so I wanted to get it working09:47
KhannzGuys, what services for MySQL should be started during boot? watching my runlevels I found only mysql-ndb and mysql-ndb-mgm but no mysql. is it OK for 10.04 ???09:47
dreamlifingIt's hard to use09:47
bazhangdreamlifing, using ubuntu or ylmfos09:47
zcat[1]nexus6__:  actually ignore me.. that's not what you want at all ;)09:47
tesujiYankDownUnder, this time it spent some time searching for avail drivers but didn't find any and the wifi is still kaput09:47
nexus6__eek i copy paste gnome-volume-control into the left click command09:47
classicalsoreau, haha its opens with gedit09:47
PythonPupclassical, The command starts with nano, and then follows with sudo.  So, it will just edit a file called sudo with nano.  It won't actually edit your cron job list.09:48
nexus6__now i even cant open the normal settings anymore09:48
classicalsoreau, nice :-)09:48
StefanMonovHi. Is there a difference between doing "ifconfig ... up" in /etc/rc.local, and having "auto eth0..." in /etc/network/interfaces?09:48
andy__<PythonPup>: Thanks, looking at it now, it certainly seems very similar to what I'm experiencing.09:48
zcat[1]nexus6__:  System > Preferences > Sound should be where you want to go09:48
xerox1hi, is there a good alternative to the programm "dia"? dia seems to be buggy...09:48
bazhangdreamlifing, that is not supported here09:48
agronholm_xerox1, if there is, haven't found any09:48
nexus6__i dont have this sound menu in xubuntu09:48
agronholm_the UI is horrible09:48
soreauclassical: That is the whole point ;)09:48
PythonPupxerox1, I have been looking for something like dia, but better.  I don't think it exists under Linux.09:49
classicalPythonPup, yes i know this im not going to write nano then sudo :-)09:49
dreamlifingwell,where will I go to09:49
bazhangdreamlifing, no idea09:49
zcat[1]Hmmm, I have no idea where to configure sound in xubuntu...09:49
xerox1agronholm_, PythonPup bug is annoying, there seems to be a problem with alpha-channels when exporting to png e.g.09:49
zcat[1]Is there any way to replicate the feature in windows where you middle-click and the mouse cursor becomes a scroll thing, and you move the mouse up and down to scroll? I've run into someone who wants that feature.. (Ugh!)09:50
PythonPupclassical, That is what you said and it was the only thing I could respond to.  If you have another question, please ask.09:50
littlepenguinnexus xfce-mixer09:50
soreauclassical: Using sudo, you would do something like this: VISUAL=gedit sudo -E crontab -e09:50
Iledenzcat[1]: I want the feature! :)09:50
classicalPythonPup, no i have not yet :-D09:50
YankDownUndertesuji, Have you tried to "rmmod" the loaded driver and see again if it's found?09:50
magicstufftensuij: any luck?09:50
classicalUbuntu has a very nice support an community09:50
zcat[1]Ileden:  I can't stand the feature... it's one of the things that really annoy me any time I have to use a windows machine09:51
classicaland Philosophy of course09:51
agronholm_xerox1, I recall that I exported my images by exporting to svg first and then saving to png from inkscape09:51
Iledenzcat[1]: although the windows implementation is ugly and annoying. the concept is nice, though, and Opera browser has executed it very pleasantly.09:51
PythonPupdia, Inkscape has some of the same capabilities.  I use dia for circuit diagrams and org charts and find it much faster to get a drawing done.  If you are just doing a feature or two, try inkscape.09:51
xerox1agronholm_, thx, will try that09:51
nexus6__ehm well now my sound settings got non accessable because you said i should copy paste the command in there09:52
nexus6__what now?09:52
Iledenzcat[1]: is it a windows, or internet explorer feature, though, I'm not sure?09:52
PythonPupxerox1, I meant that last message for you.09:52
soreauclassical: The amount and quality of support you get largely depends on what you ask and how you ask it, revealing the knowledge you have already09:52
littlepenguinnexus you should have a menu for configuring the soudn hardware somewhere in the menu09:52
zcat[1]Ileden:  I'm used to middle click to open a link in a new tab... and it gets me every time I have to use doze..09:52
nexus6__i dont have in xubuntu09:52
xerox1PythonPup, thx, installing it right now ;)09:52
MaRk-Izcat[1]: post looks old but might work http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47841809:53
classicalsoreau, yep :-)09:53
zcat[1]Ileden:  I think it might just be MSIE.. perhaps I'll suggest they use opera09:53
Iledenzcat[1]: :D that'd be a nice workaround :)09:53
ShazooHi , I need a project tools under ubuntu 10.04 . like MS project 2003 under windows . any suggestion ?09:54
MaRk-Izcat[1]: that post also mentions how to edit firefox configuration for middle click09:54
Iledenzcat[1]: although the linux version of opera isn't as nice as windows... but if they like it in IE, there's not much worse to go...09:54
zcat[1]I've already suggested that they seem to be fishing for excuses not to use Ubuntu and they probably should just go back to Windows ;)09:54
littlepenguinnexus look system->Preferences->Sound is it available?09:54
ShazooGantt project is java based and too simple . any another suggestion ? thx09:54
bullgard4What language designates the value entry 38 in gconftool  > /GNOME/Spell Name=language0 Value=38?09:55
soreauShazoo: A quick google search http://www.osalt.com/project09:55
nexus6__i dont have prefrences in system either09:55
littlepenguinnexus what gives aplay -l09:55
zcat[1]anyway, GTG. Thanks for suggestions09:55
Iledenzcat[1]: sounds like it, if middle button scroller thingie is considered a key feature :D09:55
IledenMaRk-I: thanks for the link!09:56
MaRk-IIleden: yw09:56
nexus6__Karte 1: Headset [Logitech USB Headset], Gerät 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]09:56
Shazoosoreau : thx .09:56
littlepenguin@nexus that seems your headset has been found09:56
tesujican anyone tell me how to force the download of package that is already installed?  i need it for a different system that is not on the net09:57
rambo3recommend me a good ftp client09:57
soreauShazoo: It would seem that osalt.com is a site for OSS alternatives to proprietary software09:57
IledenYankDownUnder: Yup, seems like my performance went up with the new user.09:57
bazhangtesuji, just use aptoncd09:57
magicstufftesuji: this thing is a huge frekaing pain09:57
bazhang!aptoncd | tesuji09:57
ubottutesuji: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline09:57
littlepenguinnexus install "pavucontrol"09:57
Shazoosoreau: thx . It's very helpful .09:57
IledenYankDownUnder: So I guess that means I need to clean up the gnome configs, and redo all the customizations. :( Well, there aren't _that_ many I guess.09:58
littlepenguinnexus: sudo apt-get install pavucontrol09:58
nexus6__thx :)09:58
tesujican anyone tell me how to force the download of package for a different architecture?  i am running on a 64 and i need to download a 32 bit package09:58
littlepenguinnexus there you can choose hardware for in and out09:58
Shazoosoreau : I will try openprj later . but it looks like java based ... :(09:58
littlepenguinnexus run pavucontrol09:58
IledenYankDownUnder: So the simplest way to clean all gnome config is to remove .config, .local and .cache?09:59
bazhangtesuji, just get it from packages.ubuntu.com09:59
nexus6__ahh its working09:59
soreauShazoo: Java works in linux just fine, AFAICT09:59
littlepenguin:) nexus09:59
nexus6__littlepenguin, but how shall i figure that out myself as linuxs/ubuntu/xubuntu noob?09:59
littlepenguinnexus i know but thats the thing in linux..you need to teach yourself10:00
littlepenguinor ask someone who knows10:00
nexus6__you mind if i add you to friendlist littlepenguin ?10:00
Shazoosoreau: I don't like java based program , in fact . I think the java vm middleware is a little slow .  what ever , I will try it later . thx10:01
PythonPuptesuji, you should just use a web browser.  The biggest problem is you may not know what dependencies to get.10:01
Shazoosoreau: btw , the website you gived is very helpful10:01
tesujiPythonPup, this is a ctach-22.  you want me to use a web browser of a machine that is not on the net to fetch the packages that will allow it to get on the net :)10:01
zhuyunwho can help me?10:02
littlepenguinnexus see priv message10:02
amanita_Where can  I edit the XFCE menus in Xubuntu?10:02
littlepenguinzhuyun question it10:02
bfkDoes anyone know how to install ppp and chap so it becomes selectable in the Advanced VPN settings in Gnome Network Manager. I am running Ubuntu 10.410:02
bazhangzhuyun, with?10:02
zhuyunwho can help me?10:02
PythonPuptesuji, I don't think it is a catch-22, but it is a problem.  You need a system somewhere that has access to the internet to get the package.  Unless you know that the package is already installed on some system where you can retrieve it.10:03
bazhangzhuyun, did not see an actual question; please ask one10:03
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frojndDid the installation CD 10.04 changed from the very beginning till now? Is it the same kernel version the same intel drivers?10:03
tesujiPythonPup, that is what i am doing...10:04
IledenYankDownUnder: Oh my, even the very crappy flash video performace has become a lot better! :)10:04
PythonPuptesuji, what are you doing?  You are not clear enough.10:04
Iledenamanita_: how about #xubuntu?10:04
YankDownUnderIleden, Ok...so mystery resolved.10:05
PythonPupfrojnd, The CD has not changed.  There are kernel updates that have come in since the CD was produced.  Probably video driver updates, too.10:05
IledenYankDownUnder: yup, clearly. :) Thanks a lot! This has been bugging me quite a bit. :)10:06
bfkDoes anyone know how to install ppp and chap so it becomes selectable in the Advanced VPN settings in Gnome Network Manager. I am running Ubuntu 10.410:06
PythonPuptesuji, The computer you are on now must have internet access.  You are using irc.10:07
magicstuffpythonpup: no wireless...10:08
magicstuffhe's trying to help me as well10:08
PythonPupSo, who need the package?  Is it magicstuff or tesuji?10:09
magicstuffboth I assume10:09
tesujiPythonPup, the lesson here is never remove the network drivers from a system that is running on a stick when it has only one usb - there is no way to put them back but to reinstall the stick :) so i will be back in another 45 mins when that is done :)10:09
erUSULbfk: network-manager-pptp ? or another of the various NM vpn plugins ? « aptitude search network-manager »10:09
bfkerUSUL, pptp10:10
PythonPupmagicstuff, What version of ubuntu and what package do you want to install?10:10
IledenYankDownUnder: Just to be clear, there are no other config dirs I should be aware of, just .config .local .cache?10:11
magicstuffthe latest..10:11
magicstuffI cna't get wireless to work...10:11
PythonPupThe latest package of what and what version of Ubuntu?10:11
magicstuffnot sure what package I need..sometjhing for the broadcom wireless (bcm4312)10:11
erUSULmagicstuff: b43-fwcutter10:11
erUSULmagicstuff: sudo aptitude install b43-fwcutter10:12
erUSULmagicstuff: you have to be connected to internet via wired for that to work10:12
Ileden"<user> is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported."... but where exactly?10:12
magicstufferusul: I have NO connection...no wired on that compy...10:12
magicstuffI downloaded it on thisa machine..and put it on there...just not sure how to install it10:12
dr0idwhat does >> /dev/null 2>&1  do in a cron job entry ?10:12
erUSULmagicstuff: search the net " b43 fwcutter offline "10:12
BeeBuuhow can i install the "add-apt-repository" command?10:12
YankDownUnderIleden, Right10:12
bfkerUSUL, Never mind I figured it out10:13
joaopintoBeeBuu, that command is already installed (assuming you are using a recent ubuntu version)10:14
sharperguyIs it possible that the new live cd could format your drive without asking?10:14
MaRk-IBeeBuu: you keep typing the same error.... again.... its    "apt-add-repository"10:14
joaopintosharperguy, is not likely, but if you have importand data you should have backups before doing an install operation10:14
BeeBuujoaopinto: it's not included in my machine10:14
joaopintoMaRk-I, not really, the command is add-apt-repository10:15
BeeBuujoaopinto: how can i install it?10:15
joaopintoBeastmode, open a terminal and type: add-apt-repository10:15
joaopintopastebin the result10:15
joaopinto!pastebin | BeeBuu10:15
ubottuBeeBuu: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:15
sharperguyjoaopinto, There was an error with my friends disk, it must've entered the install process somehow and reformatted straight from boot. And then gave an error and loaded the desktop10:15
PythonPupGet the package from some machine by typing    wget http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/b/b43-fwcutter/b43-fwcutter_012-1build1_i386.deb10:15
BeeBuuno such command!10:15
joaopintoBeeBuu, please pastebin the output from: lsb_release -a10:16
MaRk-Ijoaopinto: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/CommandLine#Adding Launchpad PPA Repositories10:16
PythonPupmagicstuff, open nautilus and navigate to the directory.  Then double click on the .deb file.10:16
MaRk-Isudo add-apt-repository ppa:<repository-name>                     AGAIN10:17
BeeBuujoaopinto:when i install ubuntu,i choiced minisetup10:17
joaopintoMaRk-I, and what's your point ? that link mentions "add-apt-repository"10:17
joaopintoBeeBuu, ah, minimal setup, you are not expected to get add-apt-repository there :)10:18
magicstuffpythonpup: no connection on the computer other than livecd10:18
BeeBuujoaopinto:so how can i install that command now?10:18
TFKýé òóò êòîíèòü åñòü?10:18
joaopintoBeeBuu, that command is provided by the "python-software-properties" package10:19
TFK÷¸ òû ìíå ïî àíãëèéñêèè ïîìîðèøü?10:19
FloodBot1freak: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:19
BeeBuujoaopinto: thanks.10:19
PythonPupmagicstuff, use a USB drive to move the file to that computer.  Or a floppy10:19
bazhang!ru | TFK10:19
ubottuTFK: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke10:19
BeeBuuTFK: what's wrong with you?10:19
TFKýé ó¸áêè10:20
bazhangTFK, /join #ubuntu-ru10:20
dhaneshtim:are you there10:20
joaopinto!ops | TFK10:21
ubottuTFK: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!10:21
PythonPupI don't think Russian rulez sound like they are very family friendly.10:21
bazhangTFK, stop that now10:21
MaRk-Ijoaopinto: oops my bad re read it... yesterday he was using it the other way guess I remembered backwards, sorry10:22
PythonPupmagicstuff, Did you see my reply earlier?10:22
joaopintoMaRk-I, you could easily confirm by opening a terminal and trying the command ;)10:22
IledenYankDownUnder: this is working very nicely! Not even all that much I have to reconfig. Thanks again!10:22
MaRk-Ijoaopinto: not on ubuntu ATM10:22
joaopintoah ok :|10:23
magicstuffabout the cutter thing? pythonpup:?10:23
PythonPupmagicstuff, about how to get the driver to your computer.  Use a USB drive, or a floppy drive.10:24
bazhangdhanesh, respond to PM please10:24
magicstuffsomeones gonna hvae to run me through it..been going nuts trying to do this stuff10:25
magicstuffI already downloaded the driver...was having problems with that cutter program10:25
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PythonPupmagicstuff, you have downloaded it to the computer where you want to install it?10:26
YankDownUnderIleden, Yer welcome mate...enjoy...10:26
Ibrahim-kasemhow can i make sure that downloaded iso file is okay and not corrupted ?10:27
magicstuffpythonpup: finding the driver on my ext hd10:27
tesujimagicstuff, it works10:27
magicstuffwhat does?10:28
magicstuffoooh tell me how to do it! :D10:28
tesujimy laptop - i'm up on wifi10:28
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit10:28
MaRk-I!md5 | Ibrahim-kasem10:28
ubottuIbrahim-kasem: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows10:28
knxvilleDo anyone know how to open teamviewer?10:28
tesujimagicstuff, r u still there?10:28
magicstuffyeah I am tesuji:10:28
Ibrahim-kasemMaRk-I: thank you10:29
magicstuffwas about to pull my hair out ;)10:29
MaRk-Imagicstuff: the broadcom help page even tells you how to install off line10:29
MaRk-IIbrahim-kasem: yw10:29
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KrisDouglashey everyone, is there any reason the main menu applet for the gnome panel loads so slowly first time?10:29
Guest18785I want to move my Documents and Download folder so I can access it from Windoze. I even want it on another hard drive. How do I do it?10:30
magicstuffmark:i: whats the page?10:30
MaRk-Imagicstuff: bazhang posted you that link hours ago heh....10:30
MaRk-I!broadcom | magicstuff10:30
ubottumagicstuff: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx10:30
tesujimagicstuff, but i did it with a wired connection *sigh* you are gonna have to just take a shot in the dark with this - go to http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/allpackages search for bcmwl-kernel-source and download the pkg for whatever architecture you have (32 or 64)10:31
dhaneshwhat tesuji i didnt understand10:31
tesujimagicstuff, put that on your thumbdrive10:31
MaRk-Imagicstuff: 32 o 64bit?10:31
magicstuff32 bit10:32
PythonPupMaRk-I, It depends on your kernel.  Do a   uname -a10:32
MaRk-I!pm | dhanesh10:32
ubottudhanesh: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.10:32
MaRk-Imagicstuff: http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/restricted/b/bcmwl/bcmwl-kernel-source_5.60.48.36+bdcom-0ubuntu3_i386.deb10:33
Guest18785How do I move my Documents folder to a different hard drive?10:33
MaRk-Imagicstuff: just save that to a thumbdrive and install it on the other pc10:34
PythonPupGuest18785, the mv command will move the files.10:34
dhaneshmark-1:are you there10:34
magicstuffmark-i: thanks, downloading it now10:34
MaRk-Idhanesh: NO stop PMing me10:34
PythonPupGuest18785, You probably want to do more than that.  Where do you want to move them.10:35
NeverCastHey guys!!10:35
MaRk-Imagicstuff: still read the broadcom page you might need more stuff10:35
NeverCastI have a problem10:35
NeverCastan annoying Networking Problem!10:35
NeverCastSimple thing is Network Manager is doing my networking for me10:35
dhaneshmark-1:are you vlc10:35
NeverCastI would rather it didn't10:35
magicstuffthis is one of the biggest pains in the rear that I've dealt with on linux..other than sound that is :D10:35
Guest18785PythonPup, I am dual boot and when I go back to the dark side I can't access my recent downloads10:35
NeverCastWhat I want is to be able to kill any networking utilities and have ubuntu let me set up my own routing10:36
dhaneshthe best irc chat tool10:36
NeverCastconfigure my own interfaces.10:36
NeverCastAnyone able to help?10:36
Guest18785NeverCast, PLease ask in one long question10:36
MaRk-Imagicstuff: well if you had wired connection to that pc would be easier10:36
magicstuffyeah I know10:36
dhaneshhow can i ban people in irc who disturbs me10:36
chrispinHey guys! could anyone out there be knowing the default login credentials for Lemon POS version 0.9.1?10:36
PythonPupGuest18785, Tell me more about your disk layout.10:37
Guest18785dhanesh, click exit and leave the chat area?10:37
bazhangdhanesh, that has nothing to do with Ubuntu support10:37
NeverCastI have a networking issue, Network Manager is doing all my networking. Controlling my default route over Wireless or Ethernet. Changing my route tables and what not. I would like that it didn't do anything. Kill it if needed. I've tried just killing NetworkManager but it gets restarted. Anyone able to help me kill the Auto networking in Ubuntu so I can do it myself?10:37
Guest18785PythonPup, 2TB with photos,movies, software and booting from 500GB w/ 3 partitions: Ubuntu, Win7 and Data10:38
=== ryaxnbuntu is now known as ryaxnb
erUSULdhanesh: 7ignore them ?10:38
erUSULdhanesh: /ignore them ?10:38
bullgard4What language designates the value entry 38 in gconftool  > /GNOME/Spell Name=language0 Value=38?10:39
ayekat_NeverCast: but removing NetworkManager is not an option for you?10:39
salvatorehi how can install netbeans on my pc?10:39
Guest18785NeverCast, you are brave. I want the help they give me! Wicd is what we use but some how I think you are way beyond that.10:39
PythonPupGuest18785, so there are a total of 3 partitions on the disk drive.  Is that right.  The Windows one is NTFS and you can't you that.  What are the other 2?10:39
ikoniasalvatore: it's in the repos, open the package manager, search for it, click "install"10:39
NeverCastayekat_, I would remove it if I knew how, and if NetworkManager is the only application controlling my networking.10:40
ayekat_salvatore: or "apt-get install netbeans-ide" as root10:40
salvatorei want to install the 6.9 version10:40
NeverCastGuest18785, Well if I could get NetworkManager to work the way I like. I would keep it around. But it doesn't.10:40
Guest18785PythonPup, on 500GB boot drive. Ubuntu is ext4 and yes Ntfs for Win 7 and NTFS for my Data.10:40
salvatorei get it fron official site in file.sh10:40
PythonPupNeverCast, if you don't want Network manager, don't let it startup everytime you boot.10:41
salvatorehelp me10:41
ikoniasalvatore: get it from the repo's10:41
NeverCastPythonPup, Right.. so will it be in init.d or some other Ubuntu startup option?10:41
PythonPupGuest18785, Then, you can't move the directories.10:41
Guest18785PythonPup, whatchyoutalkingbout Willis!10:41
classicali set crontab   here is source 40 13 * * * /usr/bin/firefox10:42
classical  at 13:40 firefox should be opend but nothing happens why ?  :-(10:42
salvatorehow can install a .sh file???10:42
PythonPupNeverCast,   Go to System/Preferences/Startup Applications.10:42
Guest18785PythonPup, Darn. How about a script to copy it's contents or mirror?10:42
classicali use crontab -e command10:42
ikoniasalvatore: install it from the repos, so it's supported10:42
dhaneshthe best irc tool10:42
ikoniasalvatore: open the package manager, search for netbeans, mark it for install then hit install10:42
tesujiPythonPup, i have an installed, working system on a thumbdrive.  can i clone it by using dd to a file (dd if=/dev/sdb of=thumdrive.img) ?10:42
salvatoreok thanks i make it10:42
ayekat_NeverCast: on my system, I have "network-manager-gnome" installed...10:42
Guest18785salvatore, Are you trying to use an App and all you got was a file named .sh?10:42
ayekat_probably you can remove this package with "apt-get purge network-manager-gnome" as root10:43
Professor_Gsalvatore,  in terminal cd into the directery then run [filename].sh10:43
NeverCastayekat_, PythonPup, Okay removed it.10:43
PythonPuptesuji, I don't think so, but I have not tried.10:43
Guest18785PythonPup, What if I made a new partition?10:43
NeverCastPythonPup, I need to ask one last thing, using iwconfig. How do I connect to an AP?10:43
salvatorethanks prof g10:43
tesujiJordan_U,  i have an installed, working system on a thumbdrive.  can i clone it by using dd to a file (dd if=/dev/sdb of=thumdrive.img) ?10:43
classicalIleden, i set crontab   here is source 40 13 * * * /usr/bin/firefox10:43
classical  at 13:40 firefox should be opend but nothing happens why ?  :-(10:43
PythonPupGuest18785, your goal is to be able to share the directory with Windows and Linux.  Is that right?10:44
Guest18785PythonPup, yes10:44
classicali set crontab   here is source 40 13 * * * /usr/bin/firefox10:45
classical   at 13:40 firefox should be opend but nothing happens why ?  :-(10:45
PythonPupNeverCast, I barely deal with wireless, because I don't trust it.  I can't help you with that.10:45
Misterioclassical: Don't repite please10:45
ikoniaclassical: crontab will not have a display environment setup, so there is nothing to open to10:45
ubimanthe best tool for converting .au to.mp310:45
PythonPupGuest18785, What directories did you want to move again?10:45
=== Guest62226 is now known as LjL
NeverCastPythonPup, Okay thanks10:46
tesujiclassical, it needs a console10:46
Guest18785PythonPup, thanks I know you are busy. Documents and Downloads (TV shows etc)10:46
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classicalikonia, tesuji how to make sure that crontab works ?10:46
ikoniaclassical: crontab does work10:47
classicali just wanna to make sure that everything works fine10:47
Guest18785PythonPup, I am 99% Ubuntu now thanks to this IRC group! So helpful. I spend as much time here helping what little I can.10:47
ubimanthe best application used for playing .au audio file10:47
soreauclassical: When you run commands in crontab, they are in a sterile environment as ikonia suggested. You will need to set the DISPLAY environment variable to whatever X session you want an X program opened in10:47
soreauclassical: Typically, DISPLAY=:0 will suffice10:47
PythonPupGuest18785, If you are careful about the file names you put there and are willing to take a little risk, it should be possible.10:47
ikoniaclassical: it does10:47
ubimanplease answer me anyone10:48
geirhaclassical: You want gnome-schedule for running X apps in cron10:48
tesujiclassical it won't work10:48
Guest18785PythonPup, If it's that hard it's not worth it. Maybe Windoze will catch up and it will be able to read EXT some day10:48
PythonPupGuest18785, The risk is because Linux is not perfect when writing to NTFS drives.  The newer drivers are pretty good and you may not have a problem, but I would not do it.  But, you decide your own risks to take and I'll try to help you.10:49
soreau! best | ubiman10:49
ubottuubiman: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.10:49
PythonPupGuest18785, It is not hard so much as a little risky.10:49
classicalsoreau, my firefox is running now in background ?10:49
PythonPupGuest18785, I have heard of NTFS filesystems becoming corrupted.10:49
Guest18785PythonPup, How do I do it? I will try it and see how it works.10:50
soreauclassical: No, it failed to start. For example, run it from a tty and see what it says10:50
magicstuffdriving me nuts!~10:50
soreau! tty | classical10:50
ubottuclassical: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.10:50
ikoniaclassical: just do touch /tmp/myfile.txt10:50
erUSULubiman: cat file.au > /dev/dsp10:50
ikoniaclassical: that is a test of crontab easier than firefox10:50
ikoniaclassical: however I do assure you, crontab works fine10:50
magicstuffhad to install dkms just to be able to install the bcmwl-kernel-source...10:51
traveleri have a problem with my ubuntu 10.0410:51
magicstuffthe bcmwl-kernel-source is not installing...10:51
PythonPupGuest18785, Will you do a sudo blkid and show me the output?  Put the output in a pastebin, since it will be several lines.10:51
ubimanerUSUL:tell correctly10:51
Misteriotraveler: Ask here your problem10:51
Kwpolskasorry for jumping10:51
PythonPupGuest18785,  please also do a   fdisk -l10:52
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erUSULubottu: ? if you want use  « aplay file.au »10:52
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:52
erUSULubiman: ? if you want use  « aplay file.au »10:53
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!10:53
PythonPupGuest18785, Do you understand what I am asking you to do?10:53
ubimanerUSUL:playing .au audio file inubuntu10:53
erUSULubiman: i have told you two different ways of doing it ...10:54
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classicalsoreau, ubottu ikonia i understood :-)   i will try something non graphical :-)10:54
PythonPupubiman, vlc should play those.  If not, use sox to convert them.10:54
Guest18785PythonPup, yes10:54
ubimanPythonPup: what is sox10:54
* e-DIO-t how hey!10:54
PythonPupubiman, sox is a handy tool for manipulating audio files.10:55
PythonPupubiman, sox can definitely handle au files.  I have converted some files with it.10:56
PythonPupGuest18785, , so you will post the url to the pastebin when you run those two commands.10:56
PythonPupGuest18785, It should only take a few seconds to do, so I am kind of wondering.10:57
Guest18785PythonPup, sorry. I did it just trying to remember my short cut to paste bin10:58
ubiman PythonPup:give a link10:59
PythonPupjust go to pastebin.com.  Any pastebin will do, but that is easy to remember.10:59
PythonPupubiman,   http://pastebin.com10:59
traveleri have a fresh installation of ubu 10.04 and it fails to download any packages form apt-10:59
travelercan anyone help me out?10:59
MaRk-Itraveler: pastebin the error you get11:00
travelerMaRk-I:  ok11:00
Guest18785PythonPup, no output from fdisk -l11:00
ubiman PythonPup: thanks11:00
magicstufftraveler: hope you don't have my same problem :D11:00
ubiman:-*  PythonPup:good11:00
PythonPupGuest18785, you need to run both commands using sudo11:01
Guest18785PythonPup,  doh!!! Sorry it's 5 am here11:01
magicstuffoh my frekaing god...I finally have the net!11:01
magicstuffthat only took..like...forever :D11:01
PythonPupGuest18785, It is 5AM here, too.  I am going to bed soon.11:01
PythonPupGuest18785, I am in Addison, Texas.  Where are you?11:02
ubiman   PythonPup:dont go i have some more doubts11:02
Guest18785PythonPup, Huntsville but the one in Alabama!11:02
PythonPupubiman, I can't stay until you have no doubts.  But, I can stay for a bit.11:02
travelerMaRk-I: http://pastebin.com/JPM9qeCg11:03
Guest18785PythonPup,  bed sounds good about now. My Misses will catch me sneaking in late again :-(11:03
Guest18785slow-motion, Hi how can we help?11:03
MaRk-Itraveler: did you try: sudo apt-get update and/or sudo apt-get  --fix-missing  ?11:04
PythonPupubiman, My Maverick machine is still updating and I want to see that through until the end.11:04
travelerMaRk-I: yep i tried them11:04
PythonPupGuest18785, Are you close?11:04
Guest18785PythonPup, yes11:05
Guest18785PythonPup, http://pastebin.com/BKt3zk9a11:05
ubimanPythonPup: oh i see11:05
Guest18785PythonPup, http://pastebin.com/tPqJvjs011:06
Guest18785PythonPup, sorry I was so slow.11:06
MaRk-Itraveler: hmm try changing mirrors see if that helps11:07
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ubiman Guest18785:how can i play .au file in vlc media player:-D11:07
PythonPupGuest18785, Lets first test to see if it mounts OK.  Create a dummy directory under home.  Something like   mkdir ~/ntfstest11:07
Guest18785ubiman, Sorry I don't know that extension.11:08
ubiman PythonPup:what is maverick machine11:08
soreau! maverick | ubiman11:08
ubottuubiman: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+111:08
ubiman Guest18785:ok ok:'(11:08
Guest18785PythonPup, ok done11:08
travelerMaRk-I: y know i believe it has something to do with the way the data is stored on my disk cause sometimes it tells me that the package i was looking for was not found , and sometimes that the hash sum check failed11:09
PythonPupubiman, Maverick is the next release of Ubuntu.  It comes out in October, but people test it as it is developed.11:09
ubimanPythonPup:is it a sucess11:09
PythonPupGuest18785, There were 2 ntfs partitions.  Do you know which one you want to use?11:09
PythonPupubiman, Good.11:09
travelerMaRk-I: but can u tell me where to look for the mirrors so i can change them? cause i have never done that before11:10
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nandoHi my system take to much time to boot, this happens when I install my graphics card driver.11:10
nandoCan anybody help me?11:10
ubimanPythonPup:can you send an .mp4 file11:10
MaRk-Itraveler: while i find you the link... try with aptitude:   sudo aptitude upgrade   or safe-upgrade11:10
Misterionando: nVidia? ATI? Intel...?11:10
Guest18785PythonPup, yes /dev/sda3: LABEL="500GB data" UUID="2FC59918250CE4D2" TYPE="ntfs"11:11
travelerok thnx11:11
Misterionando: And how many is "too much"11:11
ubimanPythonPup:can you send an .mp4 file11:11
nandomore than a minute11:11
nandomy laptop is compac f50011:12
Guest18785ubiman, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Au_file_format11:12
ubiman PythonPup:can you send an .mp4 file:'(11:12
MaRk-Itraveler: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Download Server      <<<< select "other" and select "best server" it'll take a while11:12
travelerMaRk-I: http://pastebin.com/ASKwvrHr aptitude failed11:12
nandocompaq f50011:12
Misterionando: And before installing worked fine?11:13
Khannzwhy mysql still starting on boot even after I deleted in from /etc/rc*.d/ and /etc/init.d/ ???11:13
PythonPupGuest18785, Then try   sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda3 ~/ntfstest11:13
nandoso quick11:13
ubimanGuest18785:just send a .mp4 file to me by chat client11:13
MaRk-Itraveler: yup 404 not found sounds like your repo mirror is down11:13
Misterionando: And what appear in screen while your PC "waits" to boot?11:14
bazhangubiman, an mp4 of what?11:14
Guest18785ubiman, for what purpose? are you having trouble playing certain file types? You probably need to install codecs.11:14
ubimanbazhang:video file11:14
bazhangubiman, which video file?11:14
ubimanbazhang: .mp4 or .mp311:15
nandoa black screen which turns to green for a second then turns back to black11:15
travelerMaRk-I: ok it is trying to find the best server11:15
traveleri'll get back to u11:15
Guest18785ubiman, It's in your email. I just sent it11:15
bazhangubiman, what does that have to do with Ubuntu support? are you asking others to send you mp3 and mp411:15
PythonPupubiman, try  http://blip.tv/file/get/Pycon-SevenWaysToUsePythonsNewTurtleModule310.mp411:15
Guest18785PythonPup, ok that seemed to work11:15
MaRk-Itraveler: ok11:16
Misterionando: That happens me too, but only for a second, then works fine; anyways it's after booting, that happens while loading nvidia driver11:16
PythonPupGuest18785, So, when you look in that directory you see the contents of your windows drive?11:16
soreaunando: Do you have splash disabled in xorg.conf?11:16
ubimanGuest18785:send to dhaneshnalanda@gmail.com11:16
Misterionando: Your nvidia is gForce 5* FX, isn't it?11:16
bazhang!ot | ubiman11:16
ubottuubiman: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:16
MaRk-Ibazhang: ubiman's been trolling for a while he's dhanesh11:16
* MengXingHun is away: ****努力工作,赚钱娶老婆....****11:17
Misterionando: Model?11:17
soreaunando: Try disabling it11:17
Misterio!away > MengXingHun11:17
ubottuMengXingHun, please see my private message11:17
Guest18785PythonPup, I see what was already there yes.11:17
nandoI have geforce 610011:17
* MengXingHun is back (gone 00:00:21)11:17
soreau! who | nando11:17
ubottunando: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)11:17
bazhangMengXingHun, disable that11:17
nandookay ubottu11:18
Misteriosoreau: Bah, don't worry, I read fine :)11:18
PythonPupGuest18785, That was the first step.  Nowlets see if you can make a directory.  I assume that is your C: drive.  Where do you want the Downloads to go on the drive, from a windows perspective?11:18
Misterionando: Did you try reinstalling drivers?11:18
ubimanMaRk-I:who are you to say that11:18
travelerMaRk-I: i have found the best server but when i tried to reload the sources it stuck trying to download some new packages.... and some of them failed too.... how can i show it to u???11:18
nandono difference11:19
Misterionando: And unistalling completty and trying to reboot if problem continues?11:19
bazhangubiman, please stop11:19
ubimanMaRk-I:who are you to say that i will tell operator:-D11:19
Guest18785PLEASE boot Ubiman!11:19
PythonPupGuest18785, That was the first step.  Nowlets see if you can make a directory.  I assume that is your C: drive.  Where do you want the Downloads to go on the drive, from a windows perspective?11:20
nando<Misterio>without the drive yes the problem goes11:20
MaRk-Itraveler: hhmmm odd, check this link then http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75686411:20
travelerok w811:21
Taevhey guys what exactly does the command "make clean" do?11:21
Misterionando: Well, let's try a thing11:21
soreau! attitude | ubiman11:21
ubottuubiman: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines11:21
Misterionando: When you are going to install driver from ubuntu, there are 2 versions, right?11:21
soreauTaev: make clean does whatever is in the makefile for target clean11:21
Misterionando: Try installing the older version, and try rebooting, maybe with that works fine11:22
PythonPupGuest18785, I guess you got it all solved.  Good luck.11:22
soreauTaev: Typically, it cleans the source directory so you can start a fresh compile11:22
nando<Misterio>one marked as (recmmended)11:22
voidhi guys ... How can I install clamAV on PC running ubuntu live ?11:22
Misterionando: Yes, I know, but it fails for you, right? Then try the other one11:22
nando<Misterio> and the other onr is the older one11:22
voidor are there any distro ment to clean windows from viruses ?11:23
nando<Misterio> and the other one is the older one11:23
Misterionando: No, is for that model too, but it's an older driver11:23
Misterionando: What do you prefer? Trying a older driver or using new one which fails?11:23
nandoyea I know that.11:23
Guest18785PythonPup, Hey thanks for the help. It's late/early maybe we can finish another time.11:23
Taevok guys I just got an error compiling it says "/usr/bin/ld: can not find -lperl11:23
Taevwhat is lperl?11:23
Guest18785PythonPup, I opened disk utility to figure out how the disk is laid out.11:24
Misterionando: Anyways, it isn't a forced-installation, you'll be able to reinstall the newer if you want ;-)11:24
TechMiXTaev: it's a library11:24
soreauTaev: You are missing perl -dev package most likely11:24
llutzTaev: you need libperl-dev11:24
nando<Misterio>I'll take ur advice thanks alot11:24
Misterionando: You're welcome11:24
oskar-void:  yes, some antivirus vendors offer live cds with their product on. there is also "knoppicillin" and maybe other similar11:25
PythonPupGuest18785,   For your own exercise, once the windows drive is mounted, you move the stuff from your current drive to the windows drive and then make a symlink to the new directory.11:25
nando<Misterio>I have another small problem.11:25
Taevyeah I have Libperl5.10 installed, but not libperl-dev11:25
Taevyou think thats it?11:25
Misterionando: Feel free to ask11:25
nandothe brightness applet is not working fine.11:26
Taevit worked11:26
Taevthanks guys11:26
nando<Misterio>the brightness applet is not working fine.11:26
Taevman this is weird this program uses ccmake for compile11:26
TaevI've never used it before. so used to the standard ./configure make, make install11:26
jon__hi need some help migrating mysql users from one server to another11:27
Misterionando: About that I can't answer you now, I'm sorry, but I'm under KDE and never used that applet11:27
jon__is there a way to transfer mysql users from one server to another?11:28
bullgard4What language designates the value entry 38 in gconftool  > /GNOME/Spell Name=language0 Value=38?11:28
nando<Misterio>thank u anyway.11:28
TaevI don't know jon__. I'm happy I could even get my mysql dependent programs to run.11:28
Taevsome one else can surely help you.11:28
travelerMaRk-I: i tried changing to the Main server and it worked11:29
jon__Taev: hmm. okay. i would have gone to the mysql channel but i dont have a IRC client here so im using freenode's webchat11:29
TaevIf you want I could relay your question11:29
jon__Taev: oh that'd be great!11:29
traveleri don't know what was wrong but now it works11:29
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MaRk-Itraveler: some servers dont update at the same time or some go down even if the ping comes good... weird but at least it worked11:30
TaevI posted your question jon__11:30
TaevI will let you know if I get an answer.11:30
travelerthnx for your help11:30
jon__Taev: Thanks!11:30
Misterionote; Use main server, 99% of time works and it's always updated11:31
TaevNobody appears to be talking in #mysql jon_11:31
classicali wanna to sent e mail using bash11:33
Taevwait I found some one jon_11:33
classicalhere is code11:33
Taev"dump and import mysql.* user and priv related tables" jon_11:33
ani__when will NVIDIA 256.44 driver be available in Ubuntu official packages ?11:33
classicali executing this but there is no mail in my inbox11:33
Misterioani__: I am not Canonical worker, but I think when it's tested by community and users will be ready11:34
nexus6__how can i create a link to an application in the panel?11:34
Taevjon_ mysqldump -A > dumpfile.sql then later on new machine mysql -u root -p < dumpfile.sql11:34
Taevjon__, "but you must "flush privileges" before the copied stuff takes effect"11:35
jon__Taev: hmm11:35
TaevDoes that help?11:35
ani__<Misterio> but most of distro already have have that11:35
jon__Taev: how do i flush priv?11:35
Iledennexus6__: right click on panel, choose "add to panel", choose application launcher.11:35
erUSULnexus6__: right clcik on panel choose add to panel- click the launcher button- choose app from menu11:35
MaRk-Inexus6__: go to menu, select application, right-click and "add to panel"11:35
Iledennice timing there :)11:35
Misterioani__: Ubuntu is different11:35
classicalIleden, http://pastebin.com/yUHkVUPb this does not works why ?  :-(  i executing this bash script but no email in my inbox :-((11:35
nexus6__it looks like i dont have a right click option in the menu. i have xubuntu11:36
Taevjon_ "you just FLUSH PRIVILEDGES as a query"11:36
Misterioani__: Here updates only install patches, new versions of packages are in complete-distro-updates11:36
Taevapparently Im told to tell you to google it. its a simple procedure.11:36
ani__<Misterio> u mean dist-upgarde11:37
jon__Taev: hmm i actually tried using phpmyadmin to flush privileges but im still not getting the permission to view/write to tables11:37
MaRk-Inexus6__: try asking in #xubuntu then11:37
Iledenclassical: I'm not much familiar with /usr/bin/mail... but I'd guess your mail configuration isn't correct.11:37
nexus6__i thought xubuntu and ubuntu just divers in performance11:37
Iledennexus6__: try #xubuntu11:37
TaevI asked the expert to come here jon_11:38
classicalIleden, haha its works but sents a "mail" in a /home/classical by creating textmail.txt11:38
sid3kyou guys have to check out development release of crunchbang linux, it's really, really promising11:38
daviddcant you connect for real to the mysqld?11:38
Misterioani__: Yes11:38
jon__davidd: emm what do you mean?11:38
daviddwith a real mysql-client11:38
bullgard4What language designates the value entry 38 in gconftool  > /GNOME/Spell Name=language0 Value=38?11:38
daviddi missed half the story11:39
jon__davidd: is importing the relevant data into mysql.user from phpmyadmin sufficient to get the users over?11:39
Taevi guess he means opening a terminal and typing mysqld11:39
ani__Misterio thanks .. last Q: ^_^' Is there any ISO only for openbox ubuntu ?11:39
llutzclassical: do you have a mailserver (mta) running?11:39
piasdomgood morning11:40
jon__davidd: oh basically i want to move selected users from another server to my server. what i did was export some rows using phpmyadmin and import in into mysql.user11:40
daviddtables_priv is needed too11:40
jon__davidd: then i used phpmyadmin to flush privilliages but i still dont see the appropriate users being granted the permissions.11:40
elitexrayWhat does it mean when my screen goes blank/black whenI run OpenArena?11:40
classicalllutz, nope i don't :-(11:41
piasdomhow do i change resolution at the prompt in hardy ?11:41
jon__davidd: tables_priv is empty for me11:41
jon__davidd: if it helps, im using directadmin control panel too11:41
llutzclassical: you'll need one, at least configured for local delivery11:41
daviddotherwise add the users the classical way11:42
daviddand copy the passwords etc later11:42
daviddi never use phpmyadmin11:42
daviddi always type my queries myself11:42
jon__davidd: oh so i need to import stuff into mysql.db as well?11:43
daviddjon__ there is this channel on this server11:43
daviddcalled #phpmyadmin11:43
daviddmaybe that is a good place to ask11:43
daviddwhenever i do it11:43
daviddi completely import mysql.db11:43
ani__can't find e17 on synaptic or can't install via apt-get. How can i obtain that Window manager?11:43
daviddnot just 1 table11:43
daviddthan flush privileges11:44
jon__davidd: any idea which are the tables?11:44
classicalIt does not matter this bash scrip creates textmail.txt file in /home/classical but when i want to run this bash script using crontab nothing happens11:44
classicalcrontab -l11:44
classical42 14 * * * /home/classical/mail.sh11:44
fooli tried to install nvidia restricted drivers, it didn't install properly....i manually d/led instally ?binary? drivers.. and now xconfig won't properly configure for opengl settings??11:45
classicalmail.sh is a file where this bash scrip is written http://pastebin.com/yUHkVUPb11:45
ani__fool u need fackroot && patch11:45
foolwhat the fack?11:46
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daviddjon__ all of the tables in the " mysql" database11:46
jon__davidd: thanks! i'll head over to give it a try11:46
piasdomfool   i think he means fake11:46
foolhow do i confirm raid use of swap partitions?11:47
ani__Ohoo yes fake^_^'11:47
fooli see it's allocated but i want to know how it's useing it and test it11:47
classicaldavidd, why this does not work ?11:48
ani__Fool u install this one GLX Version 3.3.0 NVIDIA 256.44 ?11:48
fooli need 173..to 185...hang on i don't think this is the quadro one..173... i may have d/led the wrong drivers11:49
foolhow do i re-install 173?11:49
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alkemanndo i need to reboot after adding an alias to .profile?11:50
fooli had jockey installed but that didnt work right11:50
Super_aniX<fool> sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-17311:50
daviddclassical, crontab has a different path than normal users11:50
Super_aniXfool NVIDIA 256.44 great its has several fix11:51
daviddthe executable probably is in a path not specified11:51
piasdomanyway to change the resolution at the prompt in hardy?11:51
classicaldavidd, so what i must do to run some bash script from /home/classical11:51
fool255?? probably does not support nvidia fx 5500 or qudro 60011:52
Super_aniX 256.4411:53
mahioohello guy11:53
fooldo i run autoremove before restart or after?11:53
Super_aniXfool did u check the card list there .11:53
foolto remove to incorrect version so there is no conflict..11:53
foolcard list where?11:54
piasdomfool   apt-get autoremove11:54
ilyekkakaihi I have an audio issue. I get stuttering audio playback if I try to enable 5.1 hardware.11:54
Super_aniXfool when download the driver nvidia will give u a summary of the version and supported card list did u check that11:54
matrixa1256.44 only has Fermi fixes..11:55
xnixanwhy vnc is soo slow compared with rdesktop?11:55
matrixa1if he has a fermi then fine11:55
foolyou don't download the oem drivers for ubuntu...11:55
erUSULfool: if both swaps have the same prio they are raided ( raid0 stripping ) automatically « cat /proc/swaps »11:55
Super_aniXmatrixa1 inculde physix fix sterio vision fix ..11:55
Super_aniXsorry for bad English.11:56
matrixa1Super_aniX, i see, fair enough11:56
adamramadhanis there a way on displaying our full name ? on bash ? ive found how to display username with $user but not the full name11:57
adamramadhananyone ?11:57
adamramadhani can do that with $logname too, but still no hope on full name11:57
Super_aniX<adamramadhan> u mean host name.?11:57
Super_aniXani@agani:~$ ??11:58
adamramadhan$user = adam11:59
_Techie_Super_aniX, i think he means the real world name11:59
adamramadhanmy full name is adam ramadhan11:59
ilyekkakaimy audio is nVidia CK804 AC'97 Audio rev a2 ... it gives broken stuttering playback if I pick 5.1 from hardware in sound prefs... it will only work if I select stereo duplex but then only through 2 speakers. How do I fix?11:59
fool255 might support the quadro..11:59
adamramadhanon the top right of the ubuntu its shows adam but what im finding is how to display the adam ramadhan ( click it once then youll see your full name )11:59
foolbut i gotta check if this one is setup right11:59
adamramadhani somehow can print my username with $user but not my full name12:00
adamramadhanadam = my username adam ramadhan = my full name. ( click on you username on the top right of ubuntu ) if you dont know what i mean12:01
erUSULadamramadhan: getent passwd $USER | awk -F: '{ gsub(",","",$5); print $5 }'12:01
adamramadhanthats what im trying to echo12:01
erUSULquick and dirty oneliner12:01
adamramadhanwork  perfect12:01
adamramadhanthanks erUSUL.12:02
Sandkingi was wondering if there's an app that when i press shortcut a small window would appear to quickly send gmail mail?12:02
Sandkingi don't want firefox to open or evolution but to have a small window12:03
lux`I've got a problem with dpkg/apt-get12:03
lux`I can't install a package it blocks at unpacking12:03
lux`Preparing to replace python-django 1.1.1-2ubuntu1 (using python-django_1.1.1-2ubuntu1_all.deb) ...12:03
lux`Unpacking replacement python-django ...12:03
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:03
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foolok i've run auto remove, i restarted and still get the same opengl errors and poor gfx speed12:05
foolxconfig i suspect is not configured right...12:05
adamramadhaneraSUL: btw is there another way so i can put it on a variable = $displaythefullname ?12:05
Super_aniXfool auto remove the pak which no need or there no deps install for them ..12:05
erUSULadamramadhan: fullname=$(getent passwd $USER | awk -F: '{ gsub(",","",$5); print $5 }')12:06
Super_aniXfool what u get when run sudo nvidia-xconfig12:06
foolnope 185 was installed with 173 as well...12:06
adamramadhanerUSUL: thanks mate12:06
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foolUsing X configuration file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf".12:06
foolBacked up file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' as '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup'12:06
foolNew X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'12:06
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:07
fooli removed 18512:07
foolSuper_aniX, !help12:07
Super_aniXfool >gksudo nvidia-settings12:08
alkemannwhat to do when an apt-get install didnt install the latest version?12:08
foolyou do not appear to be using nvidia xconig driver12:09
Super_aniXfool if not installed>sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings12:09
foolshould i re install it?12:09
Super_aniXfool can i pm u?12:09
foolexcuse me, yes super12:09
jon__davidd: thanks david12:11
manawhy the hell ubuntu have updates for ksplice free ?12:11
jon__davidd: i got it fixed (:12:11
elitexrayI need to get my ati radon express 200m graphics card working on ubuntu12:12
blackhi when i go to outlook .com,it tells me that secure connection failed. the certificate is not trusted because the issuer certificate is unknown12:13
blackthis could be someone trying to impersonate the server?12:13
blackwhat is this12:13
blackhi when i go to outlook .com,it tells me that secure connection failed. the certificate is not trusted because the issuer certificate is unknown,this could be someone trying to impersonate the server?what is this12:15
ilyekkakaihelp me! My audio does not want to work in 5.1 surround :( Details about my question are here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9677213#post967721312:16
moshisushihello i can't find this package in 10.04 https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/amd64/insight/6.7.1.dfsg.1-10.1ubuntu212:18
moshisushiis it deleted?12:18
ilyekkakaiI can't stay up any later to discuss my audio problem, but if anyone is interested in helping me, please visit my forum post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9677213#post9677213 - it is about audio problem in 64bit Ubuntu 10.04.12:20
erUSUL!find insight12:20
ubottuFound: insighttoolkit3-examples, libinsighttoolkit3-dev, libinsighttoolkit3.16, python-insighttoolkit3, tcl8.4-insighttoolkit312:20
Super_aniXvivxone in small caps plzz and just say the problem ..if any one know that he will help u12:20
vivxoneduring my ubuntu 10.04 lts instalation i am facing no respond from my keyboard and mouse ,,,,i hav ps/2 keyboard and mouse12:20
Super_aniXvivxone can u ran that in live mode ..12:22
vivxonelive mode hav same problem12:23
Super_aniXvivxone boot from it and use F1 for boot option if its there ..12:24
vivxoneafter selecting any mode keyboard hang "not working"12:24
moshisushiwas insight debugger removed from ubuntu?12:24
papayaDo you have insight debugger for linux?12:25
vivxonei google this problem  and so many is there on net with this problem  and with no  solution12:26
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mornegood day12:26
cepot/var/lib/dpkg/status - open12:27
cepothow i to execute this12:27
mornecan anyone perhaps tell me why ecryptfs is using a ridiculous amount of space in my home directory under .private12:28
cepotcan tell me...12:28
cepotmy ubuntu don't to be update12:28
alketCan somebody tell me the channel for LoCo teams ?12:29
tilerenderinghi what is the home directory of vsftpd by default ?12:30
tilerenderingI mean the ftp server dir12:30
morneany ideas on the whole cryptfs space issue?12:35
SwedeMikemorne: that's where all your files really are.12:36
SwedeMikemorne: in your home dir...12:36
alexb3lypHi, is anyone a dell vostro user? My dvd drive won't mount within ubuntu, however will boot into a cd. Has anyone else experienced similar problems? Thanks.12:36
SwedeMikemorne: if you had googled for <ecryptfs ubuntu> the first hit would have been https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory which explains it very well.12:37
erUSULmorne: becouse all you data is in there encrypted ?12:37
CooldudeFuck Ubuntu. It sucks and makes me mad.12:37
CooldudeFUck u niggers.12:37
FloodBot2Cooldude: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:37
morneSwedeMike: I know this but it doesn't explain to me why its using this amount of space?12:39
kyenteiYesterday there was somebody in here who linked to a page how to change your GDM login. I was used to a different way of doing so, so I tried it out. However, I've had this "Universal Access Preferences" icon in my system tray ever since. Has anyone got a clue how to get rid of it?12:40
bortrebhow can I run a command from one directory, but make the command think it's being run from another directory?  something like (let [*current-dir* java-project-path] ant) or something?12:40
ikoniabortreb: that all depends on the command,12:41
xnixanis it possible to use rdesktop between 2 Linux boxes?12:41
icerootxnixan: sure12:41
bortrebisn't there a totally orthogonal way to so it for any command using environment variables?12:41
kyenteiNevermind. I found the solution12:42
bullgard4Configuration Editor 2.30.0 > /schemas/apps/gdm/simple-greeter/settings-manager-plugins/background/active=<schema>. What does the Value=<schema> mean?12:43
hsjohi all12:46
hshi all12:46
bortrebwhy can't I do, for example PWD="/" ls and have it print the contents of root from anywhere?12:46
hsi need help with IRC ..12:46
philips99Hi - am new to this channel. Have a *basic* question - just installed "lilypond" using "Ubuntu Software Centre" but can't seem to find a way to start the app (ie it doesn't appear in the "Applications" menu - can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong, or need to do next? Thanks12:47
Picihs: Depending on the question, this may not be the best place to ask, but go ahead anyway.12:48
somethingintereshi all I'm just about to install Lucid on a new 1TB HDD,  I want to partition my drive such that the /home dir can remain intact if I remove Ubuntu or upgrade it etc. I am wondering home to do this as well as what filesystem to use for the main OS, the /home dir and how big I should make the swap partition. Thankd12:48
bortrebphilips99: you may try opening a terminal and typing "lilypond"12:48
Iledenphilips99: I think you find it from the applications menu somewhere. Or open a terminal and run "lilypond"12:48
poltersomethinginteres, you could make swap 2X the size of your RAM and it should be fine12:49
actionParsnipsomethinginteres: use 10Gb for /, 1xRAM for swap (I assume you have more than 2Gb RAM) and the rest for /home12:49
polteroh, yeah, 2X RAM was an old rule for when we had less of RAM I guess12:49
actionParsnippolter: its still is the rule of thumb for less than 2gb ram12:50
actionParsnippolter: its not hard and fast though12:50
somethinginteresthanks guys. What about the filesystem types for each? ext3,4 etc?12:51
actionParsnipsomethinginteres: you can even cut up the remaining space and mount them in /home to hold different data on different partitions12:51
actionParsnipsomethinginteres: ext4 is fine12:51
actionParsnipsomethinginteres: make them all primary12:52
somethinginteresactionParsnip:: thanks a lot12:53
actionParsnipsomethinginteres: depends on your needs, 10gb for / is plenty though, the rest you will need to work out12:53
philips99Have tried using a terminal and typing "lilypond" but just get a "usage" instruction which is followed by a set of available options  - I thought that it would start up some GUI? but am I wrong?12:54
actionParsnipsomethinginteres: if you need more than 4 partitions, make the 4th extended, you can then make logical partitions and add as many as you like (within reason)12:54
somethinginteresactionParsnip: kk12:55
actionParsnipphilips99: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51293412:55
actionParsnipphilips99: not all apps have guis12:55
actionParsnip!info denemo | philips9912:56
ubottuphilips99: denemo (source: denemo): A gtk+ frontend to GNU Lilypond. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.10-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 1461 kB, installed size 4884 kB12:56
polterisn't Lilypond supposed to be launched through Rosegarden? That could explain why it hasn't got its own icon12:56
actionParsnipseems denemo is a gui for it12:56
polterah, look at that12:56
actionParsnipyeah, amazing what jeeves finds when asked12:56
Kartagiscan I ask about chromium here?12:57
actionParsnipKartagis: the browser or games, yes12:57
skeeter101I have interfaces file set to static both on eth0 and eth1, and when I reboot the machine, eth0 gets an ip from the dhcp server.  Why would it do that?12:57
actionParsnipskeeter101: can you pastebin your interfaces file please12:58
Piciphilips99: lilypond is like LaTeX, see http://lilypond.org/switch/howto for info.  (the top screeenshot is actually a pdf, not a graphical editor)12:58
KartagisactionParsnip the browser. it keeps crashing /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so12:58
actionParsnipKartagis: is the file the correct arch?12:58
ioccubuntu 10.04 LTS and a acer travelmate 2400 laptop... the mouse doesnt work. any ideas?12:59
KartagisactionParsnip I think so, how can I check that?12:59
actionParsnipiocc: try i8024.reset and/or i8024.nomux=1  as boot options12:59
actionParsnipKartagis: run:  file /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so12:59
skeeter101actionParsnip:  here ya go  http://pastebin.com/2xHMw9j8   and thank you12:59
ioccactionParsnip: oki thx12:59
KartagisactionParsnip /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so: ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, stripped13:00
ioccactionParsnip: ehm, where is grub.conf in ubuntu?13:00
philips99Thanks actionParsnip and ubottu: I've just installed denemo, and now have a workable gui which I'll now go off and explore some more :)13:01
gnomefreakiocc /boot/grub13:01
ioccgnomefreak: oki thx13:02
gnomefreakiocc: np13:02
actionParsnipiocc: you add them in /etc/default.grub    grub.conf doesn't exist. grub is generated using script files in grub213:02
Ragnarhey ppl13:02
actionParsnipiocc: you will need to run: sudo update-grub   to apply the changes you make13:02
ioccactionParsnip: oki.13:02
Ragnarrecently i made oem install and now my wireless is gone and no nm icon shown (13:03
iocc/etc/default.grub itself doesnt exist?13:03
gnomefreakiocc: corrent13:03
skeeter101actionParsnip:  did u see my pastebin?13:04
KartagisactionParsnip are you there?13:04
actionParsnipskeeter101: could try defining the broadcast and network address, seems weird it to pickup the dhcp. have you tried restarting the router so it doesn't have a dhcp entry for it13:04
actionParsnipKartagis: UK13:04
GuardfatherI'm curious as to why a program like Lacie's Lightscribe software would cause the system to bog so badly.13:05
actionParsnipKartagis: ok and is your ubuntu 32bit?13:05
KartagisactionParsnip yes13:05
actionParsnipKartagis: sounds fine then13:05
skeeter101actionParsnip:  will try adding that.....and no I have not restarted the router.....should I do that?13:05
actionParsnipskeeter101: can't hurt to try13:05
marelhey, i just bought a loptop with ubuntu installed, but when i put my win7 dvd in it says autorun not found, however this dvd works perfectly fine on this machine..13:05
actionParsnipKartagis: can you give the output of:  lsb_release; dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf    thanks13:06
jribmarel: what do you want to do with the win7 dvd?13:06
marelinstall win713:06
jribmarel: and do you still want ubuntu or are you just replacing it?13:06
actionParsnipmarel: you boot the the CD from power on, this is nothing to do with ubuntu13:06
marelI want to replace ubuntu completly13:06
jribmarel: ##windows can help you with that13:07
actionParsnipmarel: then you really are in the wrong channel, boot the CD. Windows support is in ##windows as jrib stated13:07
Guardfatherthen you need to make sure your BIOS is configured to boot from your optical drive first, and boot up with the win7 cd/dvd in the drive.13:07
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=== vivid` is now known as vivid
TecnaSomebody please tell me what's wrong with my samba server?  CLI output: http://pastebin.com/j3n4niis13:08
brezyo - I'm one of those unlucky ppl who have a messed up keyboard using 10.4 - I was wondering if there's a way to remove the 'keyboard layout icon13:08
prodigelhi all. My server had a short downtime period - about a minute. When looking in dmesg I saw this messages: device eth0 entered promiscuous mode; device eth0 left promiscuous mode, but I can't tell exactly if this happened now, or at an earlier time/date. Can I see somehow for each dmesg line the time also?13:08
KartagisactionParsnip http://suigeneris.pastebin.com/sGZryXst13:08
brez from the notificaiton area?13:08
ioccactionParsnip: i8024.* are never added in /boot/grub/grub.cfg after i run update-grub13:09
actionParsnipiocc: i know, I told you it was /etc/defaul/grub13:09
ioccoh ok13:09
somethinginteresHi all, I have a new hard drive I need to format just for storage purposes, what should I set as the "mount poiint"?13:09
actionParsnipKartagis: ok then try: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-installer; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree13:09
skeeter101actionParsnip: may I explain a lil further?  two nic cards, eth0 for internal, eth2 for external.  If I have eth0 up, I cannot ping eth1....I turn eth0 off, eth1 works.....I can provide whatever info you may need.....and thanks again13:10
Iledensomethinginteres: very good question :) I use /home/user/storage :)13:10
Tecnasomethinginteres: I'd suggest creating a mount new point under /mnt13:10
brezIs there anyway to remove the keyboard icon from the notification area?13:10
Tecna*new mount point13:11
=== Daltx is now known as Guest18494
actionParsnipskeeter101: you may need to define routes using the command: route13:12
KartagisactionParsnip flashplugin-nonfree installs flashplugin-installer too13:12
somethinginteresIleden: is there a special reason you mount there? (linux noob)13:12
actionParsnipKartagis: I think thats what was missing :)13:12
Iledensomethinginteres: not really. it's a nice location. :)13:12
somethinginteresthanks guys13:13
Iledensomethinginteres: I don't like /mnt/whatever myself, because it's semantically separated from all my other files, which seems really silly.13:13
Ragnarany help here guys?13:13
skeeter101actionParsnip: would you take a look at the output of "route -n" and let me know if it looks ok?13:13
IledenRagnar: what's the questions.13:13
KartagisactionParsnip it seems to have been fixed at the moment, I'll see what happens next. thanks13:14
RagnarIleden: i've made oem install recently, and now network icon doesn't appear, and wireless is not identified]13:14
ioccactionParsnip: it just says 1: i8024.reset: not found when i run update-grub .. :(13:14
actionParsnipKartagis: np man, always install that package to get flash in 32bit13:15
IledenRagnar: it's better to just repeat your question. people don't want to go browse what the question was. as for that question, I cannot help, and maybe nobody else can either, and that's why they aren't responding. or they are just busy. re-ask the question after a while.13:15
actionParsnipiocc: did you put the boot options in the quotes in GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"   line??13:16
littlepenguinragnar does ifconfig show all interfaces (eth0 and wlan0 fe)13:16
actionParsnipskeeter101: sure, pastebin away13:16
IledenRagnar: well, you could try running "sudo service networking start" but that's a long shot :)13:16
skeeter101actionParsnip: thanks so much.....here ya go   http://pastebin.com/5MC8iYmP13:16
Ragnarlittlepenguin: wlan0 is down13:17
RagnarIleden: right i could )13:17
KubaIf I add UNE repositories to my Ubuntu 10.04 can I then remove it and switch back to original without any problems?13:17
littlepenguinso ragnar try sudo ifup wlan0 (if its the name of the device)13:17
ioccactionParsnip: ehm no and now i guess i have written over the orginal file that had that line.13:17
Kubaby UNE I mean of course Netbook Edition ;)13:18
Ragnarlittlepenguin: which device13:18
some1onehi. how to check which package has given me some file on disk ?13:18
actionParsnipskeeter101: line 4 doesn't look right13:18
littlepenguinragnar..ok wait 1 moment...console: ifconfig shows what??13:18
actionParsnipskeeter101:   instead of
ioccactionParsnip: can you upload a default/grub somewhere?13:18
actionParsnipKuba: sure, you select the desktop at logon13:18
Ragnarok sec i'll restart from xubuntu13:19
brezIs there anyway to remove the keyboard icon from the notification area?13:19
skeeter101actionParsnip: you suggest I change that to 255.0?13:19
actionParsnipiocc: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2   click on the /etc/default/grub   to show the default file13:19
actionParsnipskeeter101: it should match the stuff in your interfaces file13:20
ioccactionParsnip: ok thanks13:20
skeeter101actionParsnip: it does13:20
vaibhavis there any command present on ubuntu like [ net send * "hi" ] which is from windows..?? or any alternate way??13:20
p0aHello whenever I try to download a package with apt-get I get this13:20
p0aGet:1 http://gr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid/main libsigc++-2.0-dev [110kB]13:21
p0a^ This line repeats many times (with the number 1 being 2,3,4 etc). In the end I get an error13:21
p0aAny package I try13:21
vaibhavI want to broadcast message on Ubuntu network...13:21
actionParsnipp0a: can you pastebin the output please13:21
skeeter101actionParsnip: I modified it in the interfaces files, and it changed the output of "route -n".  But I am still unable to ping or access via browser the static ip for eth1......13:21
polterp0a, you could try changing repository13:21
littlepenguinvaibhav "smbclient -M <host>"13:22
p0apolter, how do I do that?13:22
p0aactionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/9dVqayJ913:22
marelokay so when i put any drivers or os dvd/cd ubuntu says autorun not found13:22
marelhow do i fix that13:22
vaibhavlittlepenguin: can I send message across my network from this??13:23
polterp0a, System -> Administration -> Software Sources13:23
thune3Kuba: i could be missing something, but there aren't extra repositories for UNR. Installing ubuntu-netbook-remix only installs a few extra packages on top of an existing ubuntu installation. Selecting between them using login manager should be enough, removing shouldn't be necessary.13:23
littlepenguinvaibhav thats 1 possibility that should work..13:23
p0apolter, don't have "Administration" under System13:24
polterp0a, there's a dropdown box there for choosing which server to use. You could try to change to a different one, do an apt-get update and try again13:24
Kubathune3: https://launchpad.net/~netbook-remix-team/+archive/ppa13:24
AlphaWavesive just updtated to 10.0.413:24
vaibhavlittlepenguin: okie...13:24
AlphaWavesit goes well but ive a video problem13:24
polterp0a, well, that could be because of language settings, I don't know.. but it's in the same menu where you find user management and synaptic13:24
AlphaWavesseems the black color is not black under pictures and video13:25
AlphaWavesany ideas, welcoem13:25
actionParsnipp0a: download it manually ;) http://packages.ubuntu.com/pt/lucid/libsigc++-2.0-dev13:25
guzuhello all13:25
actionParsnip!hi | guzu13:25
ubottuguzu: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!13:25
p0aactionParsnip, I changed repository like polter suggested, I'll try again with apt-ge13:26
guzumy national ubuntu mirror is down. can i confgure apt to autmatically use another mirror?13:26
io!sources.list | guzu13:26
ubottuguzu: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories13:26
ioguzu: The sources are in "/etc/apt/sources.list", change those and "apt-get update".13:27
Seppoz_workis there a good link on how to install vmware tool? (guest aditions13:27
thune3Kuba: that's looks like a ppa to add UNR to Jaunty/Intrepid/Hardy (i'm not sure). You shouln't use that, unless you are on 9.04 or before.13:27
actionParsnipp0a: cool, if not just pull it down and install it with: sudo dpkg -i debfilename; sudo apt-get -f install13:28
ioSeppoz_work: The best support would come from them theirselves, #vmware exists I believe.13:28
ioSeppoz_work: No problem. :-)13:29
skeeter101actionParsnip: I modified it in the interfaces files, and it changed the output of "route -n".  But I am still unable to ping or access via browser the static ip for eth1......any ideas on where I can start?13:29
marelhow do I set CD/DVD as 1# boot ?13:29
erUSULguzu: System>Admin...>Software Sources13:29
actionParsnipskeeter101: not sure dude, could ask in ##networking13:30
littlepenguinmarel in bios boot order settings13:30
AlphaWavesi have a problem under 10.04, ive just upgraded from 9.10. The rendreing of black color has a problem, its not black. Its about pictures and video. How can i correct this. Thanks for the help!13:30
actionParsnipmarel: depends on BIOS. It varys wildly13:30
p0acrap! I somehow removed libxml2 and now half my software is gone13:30
p0abecause it used that package13:30
p0acan I undo that13:30
p0acan't even launch a terminal13:31
ubottuTo get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.13:31
actionParsnipp0a: boot to livecd then chroot13:31
p0aand then?13:31
p0ahow do I find out which software I accidentally removed by removing libxml2 so I can reinstall it?13:31
p0aholy crap I trashed my system13:32
polterp0a, you can most often get a functioning system by installing some meta-package like ubuntu-desktop13:32
TaevHey guys I can't seem to get my sound to work.13:32
actionParsnipp0a: dpkg -S filename13:32
p0awhere filename is?13:32
TaevIm running 8.04 and the speakers are good I've tested them on another box. I've made sure all the mixer inputs are on13:32
actionParsnipp0a: the filename you removed13:33
TaevIve even gone through and changed the sources from auto detect, alsa, enlightened, network, so on so forth13:33
Taevno sound13:33
ioccactionParsnip: very sad but it didnt work. Got any more ideas?13:33
Taevthe system is detecting the sound card13:33
=== 77CAA08UV is now known as Daltx`
Taevand I reinstalled pulseaudio, and alsa13:33
littlepenguintaev did you make sure the outputs are on as well??13:33
actionParsnipiocc: try using irqpoll as a bootoption too/instead of13:33
guzuTaev: alsamixer -c0 ?13:33
p0ano that's not it actionParsnip13:33
p0aI don't get the files that were removed13:34
p0awhy the fuck couldn't I stop apt-get like I normally do with ^C13:34
p0awhen I saw it removing all these13:34
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.13:34
Taevyes all 10013:34
guzuTaev: nothing <M>uted?13:34
kinygoshi...how would i automate the installation of a list of packages?  i don't know the complete set of packages i will need yet, and i'm looking for a way to manage the list over time...13:35
kinygosany ideas?13:35
ioccactionParsnip: Ok, I'll try13:35
littlepenguintaev when playing a sound file does it play but no sound is heard?13:35
p0amy system probably won't even reboot13:35
Taevyes littlepenguin13:35
TaevIve tried multiple players13:35
Taevand the settings/sound "test hardware"13:35
p0alibxml2 removed everything13:35
p0aholy fuck13:35
Picip0a: Please mind your language here.13:36
actionParsnipiocc: those are the 3 options I know to make touchpads nice13:36
erUSUL!clone | kinygos13:36
ubottukinygos: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate13:36
guzuTaev: the output, is digital or analog?13:36
p0aPici, unless I get help real fast I don't think I'll care anymore13:36
AlphaWavesdo you have a solution?13:36
Taevwhat do you mean?13:36
elitexrayAre there any ubuntu professionals in here?13:36
sipiorp0a: enough with the drama.13:36
p0ahow do I revert what apt-get just did by 'apt-get remove libxml2'13:36
erUSULp0a: switch to a tty console reinstall the ubuntu-desktop package13:36
p0athat won't revert anything13:37
Taevits connected to the onboard sound card using a standard audio jack13:37
Picip0a: Check your /var/log/dpkg.log for what was removed.13:37
kinygoswill i be able to edit the "my-packages" file to remove an offending package for example?13:37
littlepenguintaev under sound settings you can choose digital out or analog..have you tried different settings there?13:37
erUSULkinygos: yes13:37
kinygosawesome, thanks :)13:37
Taevwhat do you mean sound settings?13:38
actionParsnipTaev: you can always boot to hardy live cd and check the module options, then apply them to lucid13:38
TaevI've got settings/sound & multimedia13:38
Taevand theres no option for that there13:38
littlepenguinyes taev13:38
p0aPici, doesn't mention anything13:38
lupin_can you speak polish13:38
Pici!pl | lupin_13:38
ubottulupin_: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.13:38
TaevIve got a menu selection for Audio CDs, CDDB Retrival, Sound System, System Bell, System Notifications13:39
TaevI selected sound system, theres no option there for analog or digital13:39
p0asipior, Enough with noobs telling me to cut down on the drama while they don't know a single thing that could possibly help my situation here, how about that13:39
rgnrlittlepenguin: what was that again?13:39
TaevIm using 8.04 under KDE13:40
TiKTaev: system > pref > sound ?13:40
Taevif that helps13:40
littlepenguinrgnr ifconfig13:40
TiKoh no idea13:40
Taevi can log into gnome if it helps13:40
p0awho the fuck would guess that you could trash a system by sudo apt-get remove libxml213:40
sipiorp0a: a situation of your own making.13:40
testt!ir | testt13:40
ubottutestt, please see my private message13:40
p0asipior, wow thanks for pointing out the obvious13:40
littlepenguintaev install pavucontrol and adjust pulse with it13:40
ioccactionParsnip: neither is working :/13:40
TiKp0a: you gotta make sure yo are removing the correct packages :P13:40
thune3p0a: when you see a list as long as your arm is about to be removed, you choose N13:41
littlepenguinp0a: just always be careful when using sudo..13:41
polteryou could just use -s when running any apt-get operation. problem solved13:41
Taevwhen I run /usr/bin/pavucontrol from the terminal I get a pop up box saying Connection Failed: Connection Refused13:42
ioccactionParsnip: i guess I'll have to use an external usb mouse...13:43
Taevthen a 2nd box saying the same thing13:43
alkemannrunning a ruby command (installing Command-T plugin for vim) i get an error for missing "mkmf" ? any idea?13:43
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
littlepenguintaev which sound system you are using?13:43
testt!ir > testt13:43
ubottutestt, please see my private message13:43
actionParsnipiocc: just hunt round for more guides, just because 1 person doesn't know the answer doesn't mean all is lost13:43
TaevI've tried them all13:43
ioccactionParsnip: yep..13:43
Taevbut currently its set for "auto detect"13:43
testt!ru | testt13:44
littlepenguintaev you have the option to choose pulse=?13:44
actionParsnipiocc: jeez, if you look for the make and model of the lappy you may find guides with the boot options you need or there may be a bug logged for the model you have13:44
p0aI accidentally removed libxml2 and now apt-get has trashed my system by removing almost all my software. How can I revert this? dpkg -S libxml2 and checking /var/log/dpkg.log did NOT help.13:44
TaevIve got Open Sound System, ALSA, Enlightened, Threaded, and Network13:44
littlepenguinp0a reinstall ubuntu-desktop package or reinstall13:44
littlepenguinthe whole system13:44
littlepenguintaev choose alsa13:44
Picip0a: Not sure if you saw my pm, but check /var/log/apt/history.log or one of the logrotated files depending on how long ago you did it.13:44
Taevok i did and it restarted the sound system13:45
Guardfatherp0a you can probably find the solution to your problem in /wrists13:45
Taevstill no sound13:45
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal13:45
Picitestt: Please /msg ubottu13:45
p0aPici, Yeah I saw your PM and checked that file. It mentions all the packages I removed. How could I possibly reinstall them? Do I have to do it by hand?13:45
Taevi tried pavucontrol again, got the same error Connection Refused13:46
marelhow to open bios setting in ubuntu ?13:46
testtPici: ok, tnx13:46
ioccactionParsnip: yes...13:46
p0alittlepenguin, I'll probably reinstall the whole system.13:46
littlepenguintaev ok pavucontrol does not work with alsa..its for pulseaudio13:46
poltermarel, what do you mean, bios-settings?13:46
actionParsnipmarel: you don't its OS independant and is present before ANY OS loads. Ask in ##hardware13:46
Taevwell I have pulseaudio installed13:46
Taevshould I remove it?13:46
tyrosineSERIAL PORT -- I want to receive data (sent from a microcotnroller) that's not at a standard baud rate. Is this possible?13:46
littlepenguinp0a good choice and take it as a note to be carefull while doin anything with sudo ;D13:46
Taevmaybe they are conflicting13:46
kyenteiWhat's the difference between #ubuntu-unregged and #ubuntu ?13:46
Picip0a: Yes, or do a re-install.  Sorry, those are the only options you really have at this point.13:46
marelactionParsnip, its not presented when my pc loads :/13:46
Picikyentei: #ubuntu-unregged is where we forward people when we're having spam issues.  You're in #ubuntu right now.13:47
actionParsnipmarel: it is, the BIOS sets up the parameters for the hardwar which are then detected by your chosen OS13:47
littlepenguintaev if you installed it afterwords yes remove it..then reboot13:47
kyenteiPici: I just joined #ubuntu again. I'm in both13:47
Taevwell it was installed already, I just reinstalled it when I couldn't get it working.13:47
TaevI'll remove it and reboot. brb 2 mins13:47
actionParsnipmarel: you need to RTFM and see how to enter the BIOS to set it up13:47
Taevumm when I go to remove pulseaudio13:48
Picikyentei: You're not in -unregged.  Your IRC client may have gotten confused as '#ubuntu-ungregged' is one of the arguments to a mode we have placed on this channel.13:48
Taevit says it has to remove ubuntu-desktop13:48
abhijitis it compulsory to have dropbox installed in order to use it? or i can just use it only from their web site?13:48
littlepenguinno taev dont do it13:48
kyenteiPici: Ah, I see - my bad.13:48
Taevso now what?13:48
trongthanhI can't activate nVidia driver for xubuntu lucid, it says "You are not authorized to perform this action", can anyone help13:49
JoeMaverickSettwhat are the worse scenarios that can happen after installing a self-compiled kernel?13:50
guzusystem wont boot your kernel13:50
actionParsnipabhijit: you can use dropbox via website if you wish13:51
poltertrongthanh, try running jockey-gtk as root13:51
JoeMaverickSettguzu, what should i do if that happens?13:51
p0aDoes anyone know how I can delete everything between parenthesis () in a file?13:51
guzuJoeMaverickSett: boot an older kernel13:51
p0aand the parenthesis themselves13:51
llutzJoeMaverickSett: boot an old kernel and check your kernel-config13:51
abhijitactionParsnip, ok13:51
actionParsnipTaev: you can do that, its a hollow meta-package. It wont remove its content :)13:51
JoeMaverickSettcould you give me a guide? a website or a manual?13:52
actionParsnipabhijit: its a handy thing to have though, saves having to access the site each time but if you have no admin powers etc then http is fine13:52
trongthanhpolter, thanks, it's downloading the driver now13:52
abhijitactionParsnip, yah.13:52
daniel_treewhere can I find ubuntu karmic x64 to download ?13:52
guzu!kernel compile13:52
abhijit!download | daniel_tree13:53
ubottudaniel_tree: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Lucid, and help keeping the servers' load low!13:53
trongthanhthose ! things are good13:53
abhijitactionParsnip, thanks.13:53
llutzJoeMaverickSett: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile13:53
abhijit!bot | trongthanh13:53
ubottutrongthanh: Hi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins13:53
actionParsniptrongthanh: indeed, you can search them at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi13:53
actionParsniptrongthanh: many users ask the same thing so she makes things easier13:54
daniel_treeubuntu-9.10-alternate-amd64.iso.torrent this will work for an intel processor ?13:54
rgnrlittlepenguin: hey13:54
kartheeHi ..  How do I monitor a folder using swatch ?13:54
abhijitis dropbox opensource and is there any dropbox channel?13:54
JoeMaverickSettllutz, having a look at that. thanks. you too, guzu.13:54
llutzdaniel_tree: if your cpu is 64bit-capable, yes13:54
p0aPici, I gathered all the names of the packages in a single file, separated by newline. How can I tell apt-get to install these files?13:54
abhijitdaniel_tree, yes.13:54
p0aand hopefully fix my system again?13:54
karthee!swatch | karthee13:55
polterabhijit, the frontend stuff of dropbox is open source but there are some closed source components13:55
abhijit!factoid > karthee13:55
ubottukarthee, please see my private message13:55
Gneaabhijit: /usr/bin/dropbox: python script text executable13:55
RoyalBacondaniel_tree: don't you want the latest version?13:55
trongthanhpolter, now after downloading nVidia driver, it says "SystemError: installArchives() failed"13:55
RoyalBacondaniel_tree: you can find old releases there : http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/13:55
abhijitpolter, ok13:55
daniel_treeRoyalBacon, I have that installed ...but I experience some problems...13:55
abhijitGnea, hmm? what that about?13:55
RoyalBacondaniel_tree: hardware issues?13:55
daniel_treeRoyalBacon, I really enjoy it...but I think there are some kernel bugs or something..that acpi gives errors after a while13:56
trongthanhI've experience this before, everytime I tried to install nVidia driver on xubuntu lucid13:56
trongthanhbut on ubuntu lucid it works fine13:56
actionParsnipRoyalBacon: karmic isn't old, its still just as supported as Lucid13:56
abhijitdaniel_tree, thats the alternate cd. i think you need the original one. i dunno the difference but in first place you need original one not the alternate.13:56
poltertrongthanh, maybe this could help http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8973959&postcount=513:56
Gneaabhijit: you don't know what a python script is?13:56
actionParsnipabhijit: the alternative installs in text mode and doesnt give a liveCD desktop13:56
abhijitGnea, I know. but you provided me that script for what?13:57
poltertrongthanh, but I haven't tried it myself so I can't give guarantees13:57
p0aGuys, please help me. I have a file that lists packages separated by newline.  How can I feed it to apt-get ?13:57
p0aso that it installs them13:57
daniel_treeabhijit, what's the original one ?13:57
trongthanhpolter, thanks I'll try13:57
actionParsnipabhijit: you cannot do an offline upgrade with the desktop but can with the alternate13:57
RoyalBacondaniel_tree: try an older release, but if you experience the same problems, just try to fix them on the latest version ;)13:57
actionParsnip!clone | p0a13:57
ubottup0a: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate13:57
abhijitdaniel_tree, see actionParsnip msg give to me13:57
Gneaabhijit: I didn't provide it to you, just the information. it's a script that is deployed from dropbox, it's a script, therefore it's open source.13:57
abhijitactionParsnip, ok13:57
p0aactionParsnip, I don't want to clone, I described precisely my problem :P13:58
abhijitGnea, ohhh I see :) ok ok13:58
p0athere's probably some sort of format that sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages has that I don't have so your solution won't work13:58
daniel_treeabhijit, can u give me a link to the original one...I am puzzled13:58
ping__lucehi. I want to buy an Asus x5dij notebook. how can I verify if ubuntu 10.04 supports it ?13:58
p0aunless there's no such thing in which case I'll try it13:58
Euphushow do i clean the java.cache?13:59
abhijitdaniel_tree, you want karmin 64 bit? right? ubuntu or kubuntu?13:59
orioniwhich shell doesnt have a history of commands ?13:59
aeon-ltdping__luce: google the specs then check them against forums13:59
trongthanhwhat is the current version of nvidia driver13:59
daniel_treeabhijit, is this the original one ubuntu-9.10-desktop-amd64.iso   ?13:59
Seppoz_workhow do i get the kernel headers in ubuntu?13:59
RoyalBacondaniel_tree: http://www.ubuntu-fr.org/telechargement#13:59
trongthanhit just says nvidia-current, i need the version number13:59
RoyalBacondaniel_tree: for LL13:59
daniel_treeabhijit, ubuntu yes..x64 karmic 9.1013:59
abhijitdaniel_tree, torrent or mirror?13:59
daniel_treethe previous stable version13:59
RoyalBaconRoyalBacon: daniel_tree just feed the x64b checkbox13:59
trongthanhno need, I've got it13:59
Euphushow do i clean the java.cache?13:59
p0awow I have to install 1GB of packages :]14:00
actionParsnipp0a: read the factoid, it tells how to feed the list into apt, read what is output rather than what you thinnk it says14:00
p0aactionParsnip, I apologise, your solution helped much. I'm reinstalling everything and hopefully that will fix things. I really want my system back.14:01
abhijitdaniel_tree, see on this page http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ scroll down there is torrent link14:01
sebawhat would be the easiest way to install ubuntu server if I dont have physical access to the server? I'm used to install my systems via debootstrap normally14:01
Euphusi have to many bankID in my firefox, and i have to clean the java cache.. somebody help me?14:01
exorcimusi keep having these errors when i install package using apt-get or ssynaptic.. setting up ca-certificates-java.. error adding brasil.gov.br/brasil.gov.br.crt and many more the 'error adding' things.. does anybody know any solution?14:01
Seppoz_workhod o i install my linux kernel-headers?14:01
abhijitdaniel_tree, the one you need is "ubuntu-9.10-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent  "14:02
frxstremis it possible to install Internet Explorer, or something else that renders the pages the same way, for web development purposes in Ubuntu?14:02
actionParsnipfrxstrem: theres ies4linux but its pretty poor. The only real way is with a virtualbox14:02
JoeMaverickSettis it good to add the ppa source first before installing a package or there is no difference?14:03
daniel_treedownloading... :)14:03
abhijit!wine | frxstrem tried wine?14:03
ubottufrxstrem tried wine?: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu14:03
binaryflowfrxstrem: I just got IE7 running in Crossover Office.  It runs pretty well but you have to pay for the product...14:03
exorcimusany solution to my problem?14:03
abhijit!yay | daniel_tree14:03
ubottudaniel_tree: Glad you made it! :-)14:03
t4m1n0_Hi there. I'm having serious problems with new 10.4 ubuntu :\ I can't play videos xvid (despite installing the drivers) when I move the window it is so sloooow. I have intel VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02) graphic card. Also I have noticed if I move very fast mouse the cpu goes up up up... any ideas what might cause the video driver to be acting so slow?14:03
oskar-frxstrem: ies4linux uses wine and comes with preinstalled IE versions, afaik14:04
actionParsnipt4m1n0_: have you install ubuntu-restricted-extras14:04
daniel_treewill it recognize that I have opensuse on my machine too..or would I have to add it to the grub menu by myself ?14:05
frxstremactionParsnip, abhijit, binaryflow, oskar-: thanks :)14:05
exorcimusi think the 'ca-certificates-java' file is broken but i have reinstalled it but no luck for me14:05
abhijitdaniel_tree, after you install it it will automatically detect suse. (---**In Normal conditiosn**--)   ;)14:05
t4m1n0_actionParsnip: first thing I did14:06
jynnhi ppl14:06
chroniKhey jynn14:07
baconfrxstrem: you need to do it on a virtual machine imho14:07
jynnthis is my first time here!14:07
baconfrxstrem: there is a module for ie compatibility on firefox windows but not on linux14:08
actionParsnipt4m1n0_: then all i can suggest is the xorg-edgers PPA but its MASSIVELY experimental and will most likely cause issues. I'd only use it as a last ditch attempt. Try playing with an xorg.conf file to see if you can set better options than udev is detecting14:08
jinjonBooyo yo14:08
abhijit!welcome | jynn14:08
ubottujynn: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:08
daniel_treehttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9647276 this is the problem I have with the latest ubuntu release :(14:09
chrispinHello guys, any one who know the default login credentials for Lemon Point if Sale v0.9.1, please help14:09
daniel_treeand I looked over the internet for that problem..and I found out that many ppl with acer 5930g experience it14:09
t4m1n0_actionParsnip: can I remove xorg.conf so ubuntu will recreate it?14:10
abhijitdaniel_tree, i dunno the solution. but have you submitted the bug?14:10
sarawarai have trouble updating, is there anyone that can help me?14:10
actionParsnip!ot | chrispin14:10
ubottuchrispin: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:10
abhijit!details | sarawara14:10
ubottusarawara: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:10
jribsarawara: just tell the channel what the trouble is14:10
sarawarathis is the error message :http://pastebin.com/KERmLsxe14:10
actionParsnipt4m1n0_: if you rename xorg.conf then ubuntu will rely purely on udev14:10
daniel_treeabhijit,  I didnt submitted...cause I saw others with same laptop as mine did..14:10
sarawarasomeone suggested to do sudo apt-get update, which gives the same error message14:11
abhijitdaniel_tree, i suggest you, that you first look on launchpad if that bug is already submitted if yes then mark it as affecting to you too. and try to provide more details if you can. otherwise open new bug.14:11
sarawaraok i'm sorry, it's a bit faster here than in dutch, i'll start over again14:11
Wazzzaaasarawara: Or you just have to wait a bit ;) Sometimes they respond after several minutes14:12
t4m1n0_actionParsnip: will LTS get new intel drivers? I heard the new, faster drivers will come with 10.10, but I wanna have LTS14:12
SvendbennoHi. I just bought a Lenovo S12 laptop, with a 320gb harddrive. It get Windows 7 preinstalled, but i want to dualboot with Ubuntu. What size of partitions would you suggest?14:12
jman6495half and half14:12
Nikon_hi #ubuntu. im seeing a LOT of activity coming from port 4713 on localhost back to random ports on localhost. does anyone know what it is ? ive uninstalled pulseaudio, by the way, so it cant be that.14:12
Seppoz_workwhere are the kernel headers located?14:12
jman6495but ubuntu requires less Spacce14:12
chroniKdepends what u want it for Svendbenno  :)14:13
SvendbennoYa.. I'm going to use it for school mostly, nothing that requires tons of space14:13
=== sebi_` is now known as sebi`
sarawaraI have 9.10, troubles with updating and get the following error message : http://pastebin.com/KERmLsxe, I also needed to do 2 fsck two times over the last days (computer 1 year old). (and i'm obviously not an Ubuntu expert)14:13
chroniKwell there you go:)14:13
SvendbennoHalf, half?14:13
chroniKup to you :p14:13
actionParsnipt4m1n0_: the package review will occur on the Lucid packages and it will be upgraded eventually14:14
jman6495give them half each14:14
FloodBot2jman6495: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:14
oskar-Svendbenno:  ubuntu installation will have more than enough with 20G. the rest depends on what you want to store with linux permissions etc. or share between linux and windows14:14
Svendbennook :P I'll just make a 20gb root-partition, and the rest for /home.14:14
blueonyxhi, does anyone knows where the process flush:8-0 comes from? when writing some GB to harddisk it pops up and puts other processes on disksleep14:14
jman6495be a bit generous with windows ,14:14
MinasI have successfuly installed Ubuntu last version 10.4, how may I install 3G USB modem?14:15
bihariHow shud i know i having x86 or 6414:15
Svendbennook, i will :P I would prefer to remove Windows, but some software, that i have to use  quite simply isn't made for Linux, yet :-(14:15
DrPoOhow do I prevent a process such as apache or mysql from starting next time I reboot my computer?14:15
actionParsnipMinas: run:   lsusb   websearch for the 8 character hex ID identifying the device, you will find guides14:16
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto14:16
Nikon_DrPoO: startup programs?14:16
DrPoONikon_ do u know how to do that from command line14:16
Pici!zh | wooq14:16
ubottuwooq: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:16
oskar-bihari:  the processor capabilities can be read in /proc/cpuinfo, the running kernel's arch with "uname -m"14:17
wooqvery cool14:17
Nikon_PrPoO: afaik, 'startx' followed by system > preferences > startup applications14:18
biharioskar its i68614:18
Nikon_DrPoO: ^, sorry im no expert :314:18
biharioskar what does it mean?14:18
abhijitbihari, just do uname -a and patse output here14:19
oskar-bihari:  i686 can be called x8614:19
thune3lastlog blueonyx14:19
jribDrPoO: it depends on whether they use upstart scripts or not...14:19
DrPoOjrib, how do i tell the difference?14:20
jribDrPoO: look in /etc/init/14:20
thune3blueonyx: it appears flush:8-0 is part of noflushd package, which is installed by laptop-mode-tools14:20
aeon-ltdoskar-: not really it could imply it was i38614:20
bihari!uname -a14:20
DrPoOjrib, they are in /etc/init.d14:20
blueonyxthune3: but i dont have it installed :/14:20
bihariLinux root-0s 2.6.31-22-generic #60-Ubuntu SMP Thu May 27 00:22:23 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux14:20
DrPoOi was going to do an update-rc.d -f mysql remove14:20
jribDrPoO: ok.  Are they in /etc/init/?14:20
abhijitbihari, you dont have 64 bit cpu14:21
DrPoOjrib, yes14:21
guampabihari: that means you have a 32 bit kernel, doesn't say anything about your processor though14:21
abhijitI see14:21
abhijitbihari, then do cat /proc/cpuinfo and pastebinit its output14:21
jribDrPoO: edit the files in /etc/init/ and add "never" as a condition to start (or comment the present start conditions and just create a line that starts on never)14:21
Nikon_im seeing a LOT of activity coming from port 4713 on localhost back to random ports on localhost. does anyone know what it might be?14:22
Nikon_i uninstalled pulseaudio, and i am running wireshark14:22
StuckMojowhere do you go to get kbuntu and such? or are they on the alternative cd?14:23
jribStuckMojo: kubuntu.org?14:23
DrPoOjrib, would update-rc.d -f <process-name> remove do the same?14:23
jribDrPoO: no14:23
StuckMojoah. i was using kbuntu rather than kubuntu14:23
guampaNikon_: netstat -ltunp | grep 4713 may give you the pid of the process opening the port14:23
wesselhello I have a scanned ebook pdf, is it possible to enhance this pdf?14:24
Nikon_ive already done that, guampa14:24
daniel_treecan I install the latest gnome on ubuntu karmic ?14:24
Nikon_it doesnt show in netstat14:24
wesselI wish to crop the pdf14:24
wesselget rid of the borders14:24
thune3blueonyx: you sure? "dpkg -l | grep noflushd" or "ps aux | grep noflushd" shows nothing?14:24
DrPoOjrib, the processs i need to stop is mysql14:24
jribDrPoO: yes, you said this.14:24
Nikon_however this looks like its the same problem: http://www.mail-archive.com/desktop-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com/msg349725.html14:24
biharihttp://ubuntu.pastebin.com/iRmQBW2a abhijit14:24
StuckMojois it easy to turn the regular install into kubuntu? do you just have to install kde-desktop?14:25
jribStuckMojo: kubuntu-desktop14:25
abhijitbihari, you HAVE 64 bit cpu14:25
jrib!kde | StuckMojo14:25
StuckMojothat simple?14:25
ubottuStuckMojo: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde414:25
jribStuckMojo: yeah, then you'll have an option to choose your environment at the login screen14:25
StuckMojoso there's no need or reason to get the specialized kbuntu disk14:25
jribStuckMojo: well if you don't want gnome, but only kde...14:25
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages14:26
StuckMojojrib: i'm quite familiar with debian/ubuntu, but i've never actually tried the full kde desktop14:26
jribI hear people exist like that, but I don't know, sounds crazy14:26
ManDayis there some kernel channel?14:26
StuckMojowas about to install on an old laptop, was thinking of taking it for a spin for giggles14:26
abhijitStuckMojo, its simple to install and use. but if wish to install use and then remove then its not the simple. it creates loooooooootttttttsssssssss of problems. e.g. Look at me!!! :(14:26
NokioHi all, I have a fresh install (2 week old) of ubuntu 10.04. Cups does not start at boot time and i have tu run /etc/init.d/cups start. And this morning i just saw that when i type runlevel, i get unknown. Can someone hlep me fix this ?14:26
abhijitI mean to my issue. :)14:26
oskar-daniel_tree: sure, at least if you compile and install it yourself... but i would never do that14:26
jribabhijit: that shouldn't be the case anymore14:26
StuckMojoyeah this is a throwaway laptop, so no worries on getting rid of it14:27
abhijitjrib, help please? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154239114:27
ManDayI want to know what I will have to enable in the kernel so that my Ra2500 USB wireless usbstick works, as it works out of the box with ubuntu. I enabled RA2500USB but I dont know what I will have to enable in   USB Network Adapters --->    - can anyone help?14:27
StuckMojoi've run plenty of kde apps, with libs and such (just like gnome, which i don't run either)14:27
daniel_treeoskar-, so there is no such think as "one click" upgrade..or something..u have to compile the source...hm...14:27
jrib!here | abhijit14:27
StuckMojoi'm an openbox guy14:27
ubottuabhijit: Please give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience. If you have to use more than 3 lines, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com14:27
abhijitjrib, I am trying from 5 days now. no help. can you please just visit that link?14:27
StuckMojoabhijit: i ass-u-me you've tried aptitude purge kubuntu-desktop14:28
blueonyxthune3: totally sure, both outputs nothing14:28
jribabhijit: I did, but I'm asking you to give a summary next time14:28
abhijitjrib, ok14:28
abhijitStuckMojo, no see my issue here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154239114:28
StuckMojoyeah i'm looking14:28
jribabhijit: are those the only issues?14:28
abhijitjrib, yes.14:29
StuckMojotry a forced resinstall of wxwidgets14:29
oskar-daniel_tree:  maybe a third party repository offers a more recent gnome? maybe you also want to take a look the development version (#ubuntu+1 ?)14:29
StuckMojofor the pgadmin3 problem14:29
jribabhijit: and you're sure these issues did not exist before and that libwxgtk2.8-0 was the same version?14:29
mrphoebsHi guys, Just installed ubuntu 10.04 lts on a vps14:29
abhijitjrib, yes I am sure.14:30
mrphoebsalthough apparmor is installed and I execute /etc/init.d/apparmor start14:30
StuckMojoabhijit: although, this could be a excuse for you to learn to use psql and get off the pgadmin gui crutch ;)14:30
mrphoebsaa-status and apparmor_status say module not loaded14:30
oskar-ManDay:  i have a 2501 usb, will have a look at my .config14:30
daniel_treeoskar-, hm..14:30
jribabhijit: did you see the bug report?14:31
thune3blueonyx: i must be wrong then, still looking....14:31
StuckMojoabhijit: maybe try aptitude reinstall --force libwxbase2.8-0 libwxgtk2.8-014:31
StuckMojounless jrib has found there's a bug14:31
mrphoebsapparmor help anyone?14:31
jribStuckMojo: it's in the forum thread, linked by someone else14:31
abhijitStuckMojo, thats not the pgadmin problem its kde problem.14:31
abhijitjrib, yes i see. i also submitted two new bug reports.14:31
StuckMojojrib: yeah just followed it14:32
jribabhijit: did you follow what the comments provided as a solution?14:32
ManDayoskar-: thanks, i might have uterrly been mistaken tho, nvm14:32
abhijitjrib, no14:32
jribabhijit: so do that14:32
ManDaythe USB Network Adapters is for ETHERNET not Wlan14:32
ManDayoskar-:  ^14:32
abhijitjrib hey can you give me bug link?14:32
ManDayi misread that14:32
StuckMojoSapsan wrote on 2010-07-29: It's happened after yesterday system updates.14:32
jribabhijit: it's in the thread you linked us to14:32
StuckMojoabhijit: looks like a cooincidence14:32
abhijitjrib, I see14:32
StuckMojoabhijit: it just happened to break while you were using kde14:32
StuckMojoit's not related14:33
jribabhijit: it's not related to kde14:33
abhijitjrib, i just ddnt noticed that someone replied :(14:33
blueonyxthune3: thanks in advance :)14:33
jribabhijit: comment #9 provides a solution14:33
StuckMojoabhijit: you could go get the deb-src and rebuild it yourself14:33
StuckMojoyup, just what #9 says :)14:34
StuckMojoalthough their's easier instructions i think14:34
StuckMojoapt-get build-deps  no?14:34
StuckMojojrib: ?14:34
NokioIs there a reason that im booting in runlevel unknown in ubuntu 10.04?14:34
abhijitjrib, StuckMojo okk14:34
Karen_mmy ubuntu froze; window went darker and the 2 lights on keyboard are flashing above numpad.. what is going on?14:35
jribStuckMojo: yes, and he can just pass --build to apt-get too14:35
StuckMojoso apt-get source pgadmin3; apt-get build-dep pgadmin314:35
=== iFDH is now known as iFDHonWheels
daniel_treeimage burned to iso....guys..I am going in...see you on the other side !!14:35
oskar-ManDay:  in "Device Drivers", there is "Wireless LAN", "Ralink driver support" and there "RT2500USB" and "RT73USB". maybe that helps...14:35
StuckMojoah yeah14:35
StuckMojoisn't there an invocation for aptitude to do the same?14:36
abhijitjrib, StuckMojo can i apply the same rules to codelite?14:37
jribabhijit: probabaly14:37
StuckMojoabhijit: check it's bug reports14:37
abhijitjrib, now trying. thanks14:37
ZzeissI'm thinking of updating my old system (a Toughbook CF-18, with the slightly buggy i855 Intel video chipset).  The old (as in 8.10) drivers work.  What file is the x11 driver so that I can keep a copy of it and restore the old one if the new one asplodes?14:37
abhijitStuckMojo, okk14:37
StuckMojooh wait, yeah, it's also a wxwidgets problem, so probably yes14:38
StuckMojosudo apt-get source --build pgadmin314:38
StuckMojothen install the resulting deb14:38
jribStuckMojo: do you know if that pulls in build-dups automatically?14:38
StuckMojoand do it again for codelite14:38
sarawaraok, i'll ask again?14:38
jribdeps even14:38
StuckMojojrib: not sure14:38
StuckMojoi've rarely done it the easy way like that14:38
StuckMojoyou might have to apt-get build-deps pgadmin3 first14:39
sarawara I have 9.10, troubles with updating and get the following error message : http://pastebin.com/KERmLsxe, I also needed to do 2 fsck two times over the last days (computer 1 year old). (and i'm obviously not an Ubuntu expert). someone in the dutch chatroom found this one http://us.generation-nt.com/answer/bug-561852-apt-method-http-has-died-unexpectedly-undefined-symbol-help-168957491.html14:39
abhijitreinstall ubuntu seems good option. :'(14:40
liberatehi all, is there any way to restart the ssh-agent that is started on startup without having to resort to a complete restart.  Unfortunately it seems to have died after it got too many requests.14:40
sarawaraabhijit, you're talking to me? cause that was the guy's diagnose too14:40
PiciStuckMojo: I believe  there is a bug filed for that pgadmin issue.14:40
StuckMojoPici: yes there is, we were just looking at it14:41
abhijitsarawara, no not to you14:41
StuckMojoPici: in the bug report someone reports that rebuilding from source solves it14:41
StuckMojohmm...appears to only be broken on 64bit14:41
StuckMojoi've got pgadmin on my 32bit lucid laptop, but not my 64bit desktop14:42
StuckMojoi was going to break it and test it out ;)14:42
StuckMojoah what the hell...14:42
thune3blueonyx: sorry, apparently these kernel threads are part of the per-device flush architecture in kernels 2.6.32 and later. (i'm on 9.10 so i didn't have them). What is the problem?14:42
* StuckMojo installs it14:42
blueonyxcould there be a problem with ext4 on a 500GB parition? even the mkfs takes ages14:42
* abhijit prays to god for StuckMojo 14:42
StuckMojoblueonyx: it shouldn't take long at all14:42
liberateblueonyx, nope, should work fine14:42
StuckMojoi'm running ext4 on TB disks14:42
liberateI have over 3TB ext4 partitions14:43
bihariQuestion how to use passwords encruption keys option14:43
blueonyxso the problem with [flush:8-0] is that it produces disk load and puts other threads in disksleep mode (as htop calls it)14:44
bihariwhat is exactly the "passwords encrupton keys" option what are the uses and feature of it.14:44
thune3blueonyx: but what does that mean practically? what is the consequence?14:44
StuckMojohmph. pgadmin3 works fine for me14:45
SimonSayezHow do you download an flv video in Ubuntu Linux ?14:45
StuckMojommph. he left i guess14:45
blueonyxmy calculation are put to sleep and the system doesnt respond (it takes nano several seconds to save a 10 line file, apt-get uprade takes minutes for just one package,...)14:46
StuckMojoi just installed it and it worked fine. maybe the package has already been updated14:46
SimonSayezif you download Java from the Sun site it works better than OpenJava to me14:46
muthu_hi i got an error when updating thats "Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13: Permission denied)14:46
muthu_E: Unable to lock the list directory14:46
muthu_"   any one plz guide me .14:46
PerryArmstrongcan anyone tell me the command in which i can extract all the zip files which are in a directory and its corresponding sub-directories14:46
StuckMojomuthu_: sudo ...14:47
=== LjL is now known as Guest11755
SimonSayezmuthu_, close Synaptic Package Manager when you are doing command line installs14:47
jribPerryArmstrong: use find with -exec14:47
liberatethere must be a way to restart the xsession spawned ssh-agent14:47
liberatedamn you gpg, damn you!14:47
muthu_thanks SIMONSAYEZ:14:47
SimonSayezPerryArmstrong, tar -xvzf14:47
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.14:48
* StuckMojo debates whether to install XP on this lappy first, for dual boot14:48
PerryArmstrongjrib; i have nearly 5Gb files....and all the files are in zip format and there are nearly 300 files...so i need automation14:48
thune3blueonyx: are you running a heavy io job at the time?14:48
jribPerryArmstrong: what I told you is automated...14:48
thune3blueonyx: when running heavy io on the same hardware device, these sort of stalls happen. You could run the heavy i/o job with idle i/o priority using "ionice -c 3 <command>" to minimize this effect.14:48
SimonSayezmuthu_, You can never have Synaptic Package Manager open at the same time you are doing command line installs14:48
muthu_k simonsayez:14:48
oskar-liberate:  have you seen the -a option of "ssh-agent", documented in its manpage?14:49
SimonSayezGoogle Chrome works well on Ubuntu Linux14:49
uRockSimonSayez, you can have it open, but it can't be running when you start installing14:49
blueonyxthune3: no, iotop shows nothing (except flush:8-0 from time to time, for a split second) and my calculation just use cpus14:49
SimonSayezGoogle Earth keeps crashing on my Ubuntu System14:50
SimonSayezit keeps crashing on a signal 614:50
liberateoskar-, not sure if it would apply....may be able to do it that way14:50
PerryArmstrongjrib; ok...i am not so good with linux.....and i dont know the commands well.. so can you tell me the syntax14:50
sarawarano one? (my connection was interupted)14:50
jribPerryArmstrong: man page has syntax, if you're still confused after looking at the top of it, the -exec portion, and the examples for 5 minutes, I'll help you more14:51
liberateoskar-, the problem I have is the xsession spawned agent crashed and left all its artifacts about14:51
PerryArmstrongjrib; thanks i'll check out14:51
liberatelooks like removing the artifact and then doing that works14:52
SimonSayezTry this Google Chrome web browser http://www.google.com/chrome/index.html?hl=en&brand=CHMA&utm_campaign=en&utm_source=en-ha-na-us-sk&utm_medium=ha14:52
thune3blueonyx: can i pm?14:52
SimonSayezDo you know how to run Google Chrome in incognito mode ?14:54
SimonSayezon start up14:54
mrI have a problem thats related to ubuntu, can someone help?14:55
Black_Prince!ask | mr14:55
ubottumr: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:55
bredotoDoes ubuntu server ed. support mpp or RDAC driver for SAN storages?14:55
ikoniabredoto: no more / less than the desktop edition14:55
ikoniabredoto: I've check your cards support in the kenrel version of ubuntu14:56
bareegolol @ bredoto name14:56
* jrib doesn't get it14:56
SimonSayezI hope Google fixes Google Earth for Ubuntu real soon14:56
cfeddeI want to keep a package installed but tell apt not to update it.  Does anyone know how to do that?14:56
mrBasically I wish to remove ubuntu, But I cant use the windows 7 resore card. (I am wanting to remove ubuntu as the wireless will not work with my wireless card in ubuntu, install openSUSE, then reinstall ubuntu when they have fixed the problem)14:56
jrib!pinning | cfedde14:57
ubottucfedde: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto14:57
mrHow do I do this with minimum risk to windows 7.14:57
cfeddejrib++ # awesome! thanks14:57
ikoniamr: just install suse over ubuntu14:57
=== alerpiz is now known as alper
mrikonia, but thats impossable without deleting windows 7 as well i thought14:58
oskar-cfedde:  do you want to "hold" that package? http://www.debianadmin.com/how-to-prevent-a-package-from-being-updated-in-debian.html14:58
=== Nick_ is now known as Guest72927
ikoniamr: nope14:58
Black_PrinceThere is a question, when should I use kernel with PAE enabled.14:58
bredotoikonia, any ideas how to compile RDAC driver into iso image of ubuntu? =)14:58
ikoniamr: just install open suse to the ubuntu partition14:58
ikoniabredoto: have you checked the kernel support for it first ?14:58
SimonSayezI swear Grub2 was designed by the Devil14:58
mrHow do i know what one is the ubuntu partion and what ones the windows714:58
littlepenguinpae is for 32 bit systems to adress more than 4 gb ram..but im not sure14:58
liberatemr, no, basically you just need to know which partitions house ubuntu and which house windows and only install opensuse on the ubuntu partition14:58
SimonSayezGrub2 is too damn complicated14:58
Black_PrinceYes, I know14:59
ikoniamr: the installer should make it clear14:59
bredoto ikonia, how can i do that?14:59
liberatemr, try running gparted14:59
jribmr: check with the suse channel, but it should be fine14:59
liberateit should be able to identify the windows partition for you14:59
ikoniabredoto: researcher1 the drivers support in the kernel version ubuntu is running14:59
Black_PrinceI use 32bit Xubuntu and I have only 512MB of RAM14:59
littlepenguinblack prince u won t need it14:59
mrand another question (last one). Will the ubuntu devs generally fix problems like I am having with my wireless.14:59
Black_PrinceOk, thanks14:59
liberate(ie, the partition will either be a FAT or NTFS partition)14:59
ikoniabredoto: look in the 2.6.32 kernel support notes14:59
mrBecause i LOVE ubuntu =/14:59
jribmr: did you find a bug report?14:59
SimonSayezmr How old is your computer ?15:00
littlepenguinno mr I LOVE HER, the sexy ubuntu15:00
liberatemr, ubuntu doesn't really write the drivers for wireless cards, it is more down to the linux kernel team and such15:00
bredoto ikonia, tnx i am looking at the moment15:00
mrSimon, its a Dell mini 10, and its a common problem with my broadcom wireless driver.15:00
StuckMojoare there md5sums around for the cds?15:00
liberatemr, have you tried using ndiswrapper?15:00
bareegomr did you try ndiswrapper ?15:00
mrsorry liberate?15:00
ubottuSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.15:00
mrDo not know what that is.15:00
SimonSayezmr, If its a Dell its supported well in Linux15:00
liberatemr, ndiswrapper allows you to use the windows drivers15:01
bareegoit's a wrapper that lets you use the windows drivers15:01
StuckMojojrib: thx15:01
mrIf i connect to wired connection with ubuntu, can you help me do it from there15:01
mrOh no15:01
mrMy wireless driver works fine.15:01
StuckMojojrib: you know, they really hide some stuff on the site15:01
jribmr: so what doesn't work?15:01
SimonSayezmr, use the ndiswrappers15:01
mrthe connections pick up15:01
StuckMojojrib: there's no obvious links to the mirrors list either15:01
mrthey can not connect to WEP2 security15:01
Pici!enter | mr15:01
ubottumr: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:01
jribStuckMojo: usually the mirrors have a file called MD5SUMS (or similar) together with all the isos, but yes I don't think they are very easily found on ubuntu.com15:01
SimonSayezmr, connect to a wired connection and open synaptic package manager and search for ndiswrapper15:02
mrAnd my router only offers that sevice of encryption btw15:02
bredoto ikonia, seems it supports this feature15:02
bareegomr I found that even stuff like caps can stuff up the keys15:02
mrSimonSayez, my ubuntu already picks up the wireless signal, will it help with that or..?15:02
bareegotry to use a simple lowercase key15:02
jribmr: googling wep2 all I find is "insecure blah blah blah"15:02
mryeah its fairly insecure jrib, but I live nearly by myself in the wireless range15:03
eigentorHow do I prevent the darkening of the screen when I enter a passwort e.g. for software installation15:03
SimonSayezmr, did you do apt-get update on your system yet15:03
jribmr: so use wep :P15:03
mrLol jrib, I dont think my router can15:03
jribmr: that's weird, what router?15:03
mrAnd SimonSayez, let me go into ubuntu and xchat as its easier15:03
Nikon_hello #ubuntu, i have quite a serious problem that i know how to fix, but i need to bypass the boot fsck and drop into the root shell prompt login. ive done it once, but i dont remember how15:04
eigentorI read this has to do with kwin15:04
mrAnd jrib a  netgear router, shaped as a sky box, no other infomation.15:04
Nikon_does anyone know?15:04
eigentorbut appears to be 9.415:04
eigentoram using lucid lynx15:04
exorcimusdpkg: error processing ca-certificates-java (--configure) subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 115:04
bredoto ikonia, i understand how to do that if i have already installed system. But it is secret for me how can i do that if i have only iso image15:04
exorcimushave any idea how to solve it?15:04
mrI cant get into the wireless settings as it refuses my password and name (they are wrote on the side of the box so I am sure it is right, and I am using it for win 7 atm)15:04
exorcimusit appears everytime i install a package15:04
jribexorcimus: run sudo dpk --configure -a in a terminal, same thing happen?15:04
SimonSayezDont use OpenJava instead go directly to the sun site and get Java and install Java via the sh script15:04
bareegomr you should be able to reset it and then it should use default user/password15:05
jribexorcimus: run sudo dpkg --configure -a in a terminal, same thing happen?15:05
mrHow would I do that bareego?15:05
SimonSayezI mean Oracle site15:05
bareegothere should be some lil button you can press with a paperclip15:05
mrAnd would it affect my windows 7 wireless.15:05
Nikon_im pretty sure there is a key or shortcut that drops into the root shell while ubuntu is booting15:05
mrAhh I see the button.15:05
bareegooften user/password is admin/admin15:05
bareegoI'd google that first for your model15:05
mrOk mate, gimme 2 mins15:05
bareegofind out first what it is for your model15:05
exorcimusjrib : yah , same thing happens15:06
SimonSayezDell Mini 10 must have a Dell Ubuntu Linux Live disk search for it15:06
oskar-Nikon_:  append "init=/bin/bash" to the kernel parameters15:06
SimonSayezbecause Dell makes their own custom version of Ubuntu Linux for their PCs15:06
exorcimusthis is another error line.. Errors were encountered while processing: ca-certificates-java15:06
mrAHHA! I have found the default password and username15:07
jribexorcimus: go into /var/lib/dpkg/info , find the postinst script for that package and add "set -x" near the top, try again, pastebin results as well as the script15:07
mrWhats the browser code for wireless settings again?15:07
mrits numbers, someone gave it to me before,15:07
exorcimusi think th ca-certificates-java is broken , ive tried to reinstall it but still got the same error15:07
Destructohello all.15:07
jribmr: depends on the router... try and
bareegowhat jrib said15:07
sipiorNikon_: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword15:08
Destructoi have a pcmcia wireless adapter. when i do iwconfig it shows up as wlan0. how can i get it online ..?15:08
Nikon_sipior, that is outdated15:08
muthu_iam using ubuntu i want to install wvdial it ask for ubuntu cd is there any alternative method to do that ...15:08
SimonSayezmr, Didnt Dell send you a Dell customized version of Ubuntu Linux15:08
Nikon_i cannot access even the recovery menu15:08
Mano_Chaosalve galera!15:08
jribmuthu_: remove the cd from your sources.list15:08
mrNo simon15:08
oskar-Nikon_:  terminating the shell at the end will produce a kernel panic, as init has did. you may have to use "mount -o remount,rw /" for making the / writable, mount -a to mount  the rest, and "umount" as well as "mount -o remount,ro /" afterwards15:08
Nikon_thanks oskar- im trying to do that now15:08
mrI got the computer with Win715:08
SimonSayezmr Do you have an external USB DVDRW drive ?15:09
funkyweaselGood afternoon.  Firstly - thanks for the guidance a few weeks ago on sorting open office, it's now behaving in a pleasingly stable manner.15:09
mrYeah simon I got USB drive15:09
adamramadhanhow can i fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php5/+bug/573436 bug ?15:09
adamramadhanim on ubuntu 10.0415:09
funkyweaselSecondly - how do I restart the toolbar clock-applet?  It has crashed when I opened the calendar and tried to scroll back a month.15:09
muthu__iam using ubuntu i want to install wvdial it ask for ubuntu cd is there any alternative method to do that ...15:10
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jribadamramadhan: don't use the deprecated comment syntax?15:10
Nikon_oskar-: it still boots into x15:10
bredotoyet once. Does ubuntu server ed. support mpp or RDAC driver for SAN storages?15:10
mrRight guys15:10
sikilpaakeis anybody running ubuntu headlessly?15:10
adamramadhanjrib: i dont use anything15:10
bredotoand how can i enable it15:10
mrI am going to connect to my wired connection and start ubuntu, be right back15:10
adamramadhanjrib: its a bug but its fixed on the maveric15:11
adamramadhanbut i dont know how to get it15:11
adamramadhanget the update15:11
jribadamramadhan: your files do.  Anyway, the last comment gives you an automated way of changing '#' to ';' in the configuration files...15:11
muthu__iam using ubuntu i want to install wvdial it ask for ubuntu cd is there any alternative method to do that ...15:11
oskar-Nikon_:  you can also try to boot into single user mode with kernel parameter "S". i don't know if all this works with upstart15:11
jribadamramadhan: do you understand what the bug is?15:11
SimonSayezmr this is the link for the Dell customized version of Ubuntu Linux http://en.community.dell.com/support-forums/software-os/w/linux/ubuntu-9-04-dell-factory-recovery-iso.aspx15:11
adamramadhanjrib: no15:11
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wesselis someone here familiar with OCR tools? I converted a pdf to ppm files, and then used unpaper to remove borders and noise15:11
SimonSayezmr download the iso and burn to disk15:11
ManDayoskar-: thanks15:11
jribadamramadhan: you have configuration files that use '#' for comment.  The software doesn't like that anymore.  It likes ';'15:11
wesselNow I wish to convert the clean .ppm files back to a pdf again, but I wish to be able to text search my pdf afterwards15:12
exorcimusjrib: there is so many .postinst file , which one do i have to edit? sorry but i am new user in linux15:12
adamramadhanhow do i change it?15:12
jribexorcimus: the one for the package  you are having trouble with15:12
adamramadhanshould i update php useing Maverick reoi?15:12
SimonSayezmr Once you install the Dell version of Ubuntu Linux then just update to current ubuntu linux15:12
bareegojrib, and why did they have to change it ? grrrr15:12
adamramadhanbut how do i do that ?15:12
Nikon_oskar-: no dice15:12
jribadamramadhan: again, the last comment gives you a sed command to do it...15:12
tucemiuxadamramadhan, looks like theyre using ";" instead of "#" for comments15:12
adamramadhanwell im typeing php15:12
adamramadhanin my terminal15:13
funkyweaselAha, nevermind chap(ette)s - killing clock-applet  pops up a prompt asking if I want to restart it.  Nice!15:13
adamramadhanthen the error goes15:13
funkyweaselCheery bye! :)15:13
bareegoah... so # is for comments ; for stuff that actually does something15:13
adamramadhanand where did i type in # ?15:13
jribadamramadhan: you aren't reading what I tell you15:13
bareegothat does make sense15:13
sipiorNikon_: do you not have a "recovery mode" entry in your grub.cfg?15:13
Nikon_sipior-: fsck runs into an error every time ubuntu boots. i need to drop into the shell while its booting to fix that15:13
adamramadhanjrib: i dont know, about changeing the comment # to ; ? where did i type # ?15:14
jribadamramadhan: again, the last comment gives you a sed command to do it...15:14
wesseldoes Kooka run on ubuntu? http://kooka.kde.org/15:14
t4m1n0_After installing vlc, when I go to Places -> home vlc opens and not thunar?? explain someone :D15:14
muthu__iam using ubuntu i want to install wvdial it ask for ubuntu cd is there any alternative method to do that ...15:14
oskar-Nikon_:  i would try it with a boot medium like a cd or usb-stick15:14
Nikon_oskar-: i have none. that is the problem.15:14
adamramadhanive just installed php5 then when i want to check its alright ( typeing php in teermintal without php# or #php ) and the error goes15:15
bareegomuthu__, you have to take out the CD from your sources list15:15
adamramadhanwhere is the # that should i not type15:15
adamramadhanim reading15:15
jribadamramadhan: again, the last comment gives you a sed command to do it...15:15
tucemiuxadamramadhan, we dont know where you typed "#", maybe you know?  what are you doing?  it's php related stuff15:15
tweepcat_hi, could someone help me compile and install extundelete - i dont understand how to do it: http://extundelete.sourceforge.net/15:15
bareegomuthu__, edit the file /etc/atp/sources.list15:15
jribadamramadhan: it's nothing you type.  It exists in files in /etc/php5/cli/conf.d15:15
adamramadhan/etc/php5/cli/conf.d/mcrypt.ini on line 1 in Unknown on line 015:15
tweepcat_i need someone to explain it to me15:16
t4m1n0_Pardon. When I clck Places -> Home, vlc opens intead of nautilus. Why does vlc opens and not nautilus?15:16
jribmuthu__: or just use system -> administration -> software sources15:16
=== lag` is now known as lag
adamramadhanthe bug is /etc/php5/cli/conf.d/mcrypt.ini on line 1 in Unknown on line 0. i do nothing15:16
bareegomuthu__, there should be a line starting with deb cdrom, put a # in front of that15:16
littlepenguintweepcat first u need e2fsprogs and e2fslibs (dev) packages15:16
jribadamramadhan: you don't seem to understand what we tell you.  Is there a language you're more comfortable with?15:17
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computergeeksjwin aptitude, I typed + when on kubuntu-desktop under Tasks so I would have KDE available. Now the startup screen says kubuntu. I want my orange ubuntu back during the startup phase.15:17
jribadamramadhan: then read comment #11 in your bug report and do what it says.15:17
littlepenguin@tweepcat after that download the package from the site and extract it15:17
adamramadhanbut i dont understand what are you trying to say, change # to ;15:17
jribadamramadhan: ignore that, forget we ever said it15:17
POMY19 ­pon /server irc.irc-hispano.org15:17
littlepenguin@tweepcat change into the extracted directory and put ./configure15:18
SimonSayeztype this command to see what kind of Java you have on your system: sudo update-alternatives --config java15:18
tweepcat_littlepenguin, does it need to be -dev packages?15:18
tucemiuxadamramadhan, im going to believe you are trolling, that sed line instructs you on how to change "#" to ";" on your ini file, you just showed us the ini tile that is giving you a problem15:18
littlepenguin@tweep both15:18
tweepcat_or would 'e2fsprogs' be okay - there is no 'dev' package15:18
jribexorcimus: did you find teh file?15:18
adamramadhanok forget about the bug, how can i get the new update ?15:19
littlepenguin@tweepcat from the opage it says:you must first install the binary and development packages for e2fsprogs and e2fslibs.15:19
computergeeksjwin aptitude, I typed + when on kubuntu-desktop under Tasks so I would have KDE available. Now the startup screen says kubuntu. I want my orange ubuntu back during the startup phase.15:19
jribadamramadhan: that's not supported15:19
littlepenguinif there are none just go on15:19
tweepcat_i dont know how to install the dev package15:19
adamramadhanthere is Fix Released15:19
adamramadhanbut its not on lucid15:19
jribadamramadhan: you said it only hit maverick15:19
SimonSayezI just got Android working on my Ubuntu Linux system15:19
adamramadhanok can i just get the marveric php update15:20
jribadamramadhan: no15:20
adamramadhanredhat can do that15:20
littlepenguintweepcat for example : e2fslibs ->search in synaptic15:20
adamramadhanwhy not ubuntu15:20
jribadamramadhan: great...15:20
SimonSayezUbuntu is much much better than Redhat15:20
adamramadhanuse --enablerepo=remi15:20
jrib!sru | adamramadhan15:20
ubottuadamramadhan: Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates15:20
littlepenguin@tweepcat there you see both packages15:20
adamramadhanand its done15:20
littlepenguin-dev means thats the developemtn package15:20
tweepcat_they are installed15:21
littlepenguinok fine15:21
muthu__Bareeego: i cant understand  can u plz be brief ...15:21
adamramadhanbut it seems that ubuntu dont have a thing that can apt-get marvic php or something like that15:21
jribadamramadhan: you can do it, it's just neither supported nor recommended.  Especially in this current situation where it's a trivial thing to fix and you've been given a command to do it several times15:21
jribmuthu__: just use system -> administration -> software sources and disable the cd source15:22
bareegomuthu__, what jrib wrote15:22
SimonSayezI need an android phone in a bad way15:22
tucemiuxadamramadhan, why dont you just participate in the bug?  Mark yourself as affected and ask how to get the update?  You wont do what people already asked you to do, we cant solve the problem for you, that is clearly a bug --- that is how you solve bugs, by using launchpad, if you dont want to use launchpad for the bug then just wait until the fix is officially released15:23
adamramadhancant we change lucid to marvic in the deb http://kambing.ui.edu/ubuntu/ lucid-updates main restricted in /etc/apt ?15:23
adamramadhanthen apt-get update15:23
jribadamramadhan: if you want a broken system, sure15:23
adamramadhanthen change it again15:23
adamramadhanso i have to wait the backport?15:23
t4m1n0_When I clck Places -> Home, vlc opens intead of nautilus. Why does vlc opens and not nautilus?15:24
jribadamramadhan: you can either backport it yourself if for some reason you want to ignore what we tell you, do we told you to do, or wait for the backport, yes15:24
adamramadhanwtf noooooooooooo15:24
tucemiuxadamramadhan, im saying you can ask on the bug report on how to get the fix ***now***.  The people who responded to the bug are developers, I dont think there are any developers on right now otherwise they wouldve helped you already15:24
adamramadhanwhat whould i do ?15:24
adamramadhanremove the # again ? how do i do that ?15:25
adamramadhanwhere ?15:25
jribadamramadhan: comment #1115:25
Picitucemiux: The bug report already has the instructions to fix the issue.15:25
tucemiuxPici, can you please give me the link? I couldnt find it myself15:25
wesselwessel@wegumar7:~/Desktop$ rpm -i gscan2pdf-0.9.31-1.noarch.rpm15:26
wesselrpm: please use alien to install rpm packages on Debian, if you are really sure use --force-debian switch. See README.Debian for more details.15:26
Picitucemiux: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php5/+bug/573436/comments/1115:26
adamramadhanjrib: if i do that change when the backport came, would that brack the update ?15:26
jribwessel: ubunut uses deb not rpm15:26
wesselhow do I interpret this message?15:26
SimonSayezThis is how you run Apple iTunes on Linux http://www.ehow.com/how_5197743_download-itunes-linux-ubuntu.html15:26
ziggyi recently reinstalled ubuntu, and now i cant access the encrypted home directory, can anyone help?15:26
jribadamramadhan: no, it would be fine15:26
Piciwessel: gscan2pdf is in the Ubuntu repositories. sudo apt-get install gscan2pdf15:26
adamramadhanjrib: ok, why is that ?15:26
jribadamramadhan: why is what?15:27
tucemiuxadamramadhan, you can do 2 things: 1. fix the code using sed as people have told you already.  2. fix it now using the link Pici put out: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php5/+bug/573436/comments/1115:27
adamramadhanjrib: sorry just wanna know15:27
Yadirais there a openoffice support channel,i want to move templates to where they are stored in respective app so they show like the ones installed15:27
jrib!ooo | Yadira15:27
ubottuYadira: a free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". For (unofficial) repositories containing OpenOffice.org 3, see https://launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/+archive/ppa. User help available in #openoffice.org.15:27
adamramadhani mean explain why doing that #11 doesnt broke the update15:27
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muthu__Jrib: it shows when opening synaptic manager "15:27
muthu__This usually means that another package management application (like apt-get or aptitude) is already running. Please close that application first."15:27
jribadamramadhan: because you're just changing comments in a file from starting with '#' to starting with ';'15:27
jribmuthu__: do what it says, maybe you have update-manager running too15:28
Yadirathanks ubottu15:28
adamramadhanok that convince me engough15:28
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bareegoSimonSayez, interesting, bookmarked thatone for those itunes addicts15:29
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:29
marcelohablan español????15:31
jrib!es | marcelo15:31
ubottumarcelo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:31
ziggyi recently reinstalled ubuntu, and now i cant access the encrypted home directory, can anyone help?15:31
adamramadhanok fixed15:31
adamramadhangod speed15:31
Yadiraaqui no c habla espanol15:31
Nikon_oskar-: great news, it worked :D15:31
Yadirame puedes enviar privado a ver si te puedo ayudar15:32
tucemiuxmarcelo, vete a #ubuntu-es15:32
io!es | Yadira15:32
ubottuYadira: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:32
t4m1n0_When I clck Places -> Home, vlc opens intead of nautilus. Why does vlc opens and not nautilus?? any ideas?15:32
Nikon_oskar-: thanks, same sipior15:32
tucemiuxYadira, usemos el canal en espanol, de esa manera entre mas gente entra --- mejor15:32
Yadirai know is only english here,,,giva a brother a brake15:32
jribt4m1n0_: open nautilus, right click on a directory, open with tab, select nautilus15:33
adamramadhanphp_beautifier [error] Token  doesn't exists15:33
adamramadhanwonder why15:33
ziggynadie me ayuda en ingles tampoco15:33
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Yadirasiggy entra en el latino15:33
kyentei!es | Yadira15:33
adamramadhananyone have the same problem ? php_beautifier [error] Token  doesn't exists .15:33
ubottuYadira: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:33
Black_Prince!info gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse15:34
tucemiuxziggy, si no te ayudan es por que nadie tiene una respuesta, intenta preguntar otra vez en otro tiempo, puedes usar el foro mientras esperas15:34
ubottugstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse (source: gst-plugins-ugly-multiverse0.10): GStreamer plugins from the "ugly" set (Multiverse Variant). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.10.14-0ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 61 kB, installed size 180 kB15:34
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:34
ziggytucemiux, i figured as much, and ive already pured through forums15:34
StuckMojois the installer on lucid significantly different from the one on karmic?15:34
ziggybut will keep trying15:34
t4m1n0_jrib: I can't find "open with tab"15:34
StuckMojoit doesn't start in a text-ish mode for me, tries to go straight to X15:34
StuckMojodoesn't seem to like my video though15:35
jribt4m1n0_: did you right click on a directory and go to properties?15:35
tucemiuxziggy, try logging in to the channel at different times of the day and ask, try posting on the forum as well15:35
* StuckMojo tries to decide between a karmic install and safe-upgrade or the alternative lucid cd...15:35
fabricewhois fabrice15:35
StuckMojokarmic live cd booted fine15:35
jribt4m1n0_: never mind, I can't find it either.  That used to work.  I don't know15:35
iofabrice: "/whois fabrice".15:35
SimonSayezEntonces manna sin falta15:35
Black_Prince!info libc6-i38615:36
ubottuPackage libc6-i386 does not exist in lucid15:36
fabricearf sorrylol15:36
Black_Prince!info libc6-i68615:36
ubottulibc6-i686 (source: eglibc): GNU C Library: Shared libraries [i686 optimized]. In component main, is important. Version 2.11.1-0ubuntu7.2 (lucid), package size 1199 kB, installed size 2732 kB15:36
fabricefirst time using irssi15:36
io!msgthebot | Black_Prince15:36
ubottuBlack_Prince: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".15:36
t4m1n0_jrib: I did right click on the directory and then open with and add command: nautilus --no-desktop %U15:36
jribt4m1n0_: try just right click -> open with other application.  Select nautilus, mark the check box at the end15:36
SimonSayeztrying to configure WINE right now to run Apples iTunes15:36
fabrice [16:35] [fabrice(+i)] [2:Ubuntu/#ubuntu(+Lcfjnt)] [Act: 1]15:36
cablop i got this problem, i lost my board and now i'm rying to use an old one, the problem is, the old board does not recognize the full size of my disks, is risky to use that bard? will ubuntu write data in thw wrong locations?15:36
iofabrice: Most IRC clients identify commands with "/".15:36
tucemiuxStuckMojo, if you really really want to keep your settings and dont want to spend time reinstalling stuff then I would just upgrade, I prefer a clean install once I confirm the latest release works15:36
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littlepenguinwhy someone would need itunes??15:37
fabricelol ok io15:37
jribt4m1n0_: right, just check "remember this application" there15:37
Cyber_Akuma-LaptHello, how can I tell Ubuntu not to update grub anymore?15:37
Cyber_Akuma-LaptBut keep everything else up to date15:37
=== AaronMT_ is now known as AaronMT
tucemiuxlittlepenguin, that is off topic but itunes is used in windows to sync with your ipod, people who are new to ubuntu need to figure out what app in ubuntu does the same thing as itunes15:38
t4m1n0_jrib: did it like this but no... when I go to Places -> home it still tries to open vlc :S15:38
mrGuys, I am back15:38
littlepenguintucemiux but isn t there a better alternative as itunes available?15:38
jribt4m1n0_: hmm, does double click a directory in nautilus stay in nautilus?15:38
tucemiuxCyber_Akuma-Lapt, i always thought you told grub to update manually, not the other way around -- is grub updating automatically?15:38
mrAnd I got into my wireless settings, and I was wrong15:38
StuckMojotucemiux: me too, but like i said, the installer cd for lynx ends up in a black screen15:38
geirhat4m1n0_: Do you see any vlc in the output of this command, run in a terminal?  grep x-directory ~/.local/share/applications/mime*15:39
t4m1n0_jrib: yes15:39
StuckMojowithout me ever getting to answer any questions of any kind15:39
ioCyber_Akuma-Lapt: "apt-get hold <package>".15:39
StuckMojolike there's no place to choose a text install15:39
Cyber_Akuma-Lapttucemiux: yeah, but thats not the problem, the problem is grub breaks every time it updates15:39
mrI am using WPA-PSK encryption key instead of WEP2, would that be something to do with the reason why ubuntu cant connect to my wireless15:39
mrBut instead just pick the signal up15:39
Cyber_Akuma-LaptBecause I need to manually make some changes so it will work on my system15:39
StuckMojooh well.15:40
t4m1n0_geirha: no15:40
abhijitjrib, StuckMojo that solutions worked for pgadmin. thanks to you all. but it is not working for codelite. can you help?15:40
muthu_Jrib:i disabled cd source but i cant find wvdial in synaptic manager ...15:40
* StuckMojo downloads the alternative cd15:40
geirhat4m1n0_: Did you get any output at all?15:40
StuckMojoabhijit: you might have to wait for them to fix the package then15:40
tucemiuxCyber_Akuma-Lapt, if grub breaks then I would file a bug report, that is clearly a bug and you will have to deal with it every time you upgrade -- you do this by not upgrading your grub and only do the software update manually15:40
t4m1n0_geirha: yes15:40
littlepenguinmr i would try following: set wlan router without encryption try to connect...if it works use wep and try to connect..if it works change to wpa2 and try..15:40
StuckMojoabhijit: check it's bug reports15:40
jribmuthu_: pastebin your sources.list15:40
mrPenguin, Ok, let me try it now15:40
Cyber_Akuma-Lapttucemiux: Its not a bug, it has to do with my messed up system15:40
mrONE more question15:41
=== FreshPrince_ is now known as FreshPrince
Cyber_Akuma-LaptI need to force grub to use ata mode instead of bios mode to read my drives15:41
t4m1n0_geirha: /home/tamino/.local/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache:x-directory/gnome-default-handler=nautilus-folder-handler.desktop AND this one: /home/tamino/.local/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache:x-directory/normal=nautilus-folder-handler.desktop15:41
Cyber_Akuma-Laptit defaults to bios mode on install15:41
mrInfact d/w15:41
cablop i got this problem, i lost my board and now i'm rying to use an old one, the problem is, the old board does not recognize the full size of my disks, is risky to use that bard? will ubuntu write data in thw wrong locations?15:41
abhijitStuckMojo, no i mean you know in second step we need to install some extra lib for pgadming, so i cant find the equivalent lib for  codelite to be installed. if we found that then the solution might work15:41
StuckMojoi'm not missing something, like some what to get the lucid install cd to kick into text mode, am i?15:41
jribmuthu_: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list15:41
saymoowhy is ubuntu 10.04 broken?15:42
StuckMojoabhijit: sudo apt-get install build-dep codelite15:42
cablopok, if the board recognize a smaller disk size, but the disk has existing partitions, will ubuntu using those partitions in those boards corrupt the data?15:42
saymooand not fixed (iso)15:42
wesselI'm nearly running out of disk space, is there some tool to visualize the files on my pc relative to their size? I used sequoiaview on windows.15:42
geirhat4m1n0_: Hm. What about grepping for directory instead of x-directory?15:42
tucemiuxCyber_Akuma-Lapt, if grub is unable to boot up after an upgrade then I would consider it as a bug and let the developers know about it, you can ask about it in #grub15:42
StuckMojosaymoo: broken in what way?15:42
cablopwessel, i guess it's called baobab15:42
abhijitStuckMojo, ok let me try15:42
Cyber_Akuma-Lapttucemiux: its more that im using a bypass to make my system bootable in the first place15:42
StuckMojoabhijit: that automagically finds and installs them for you15:42
saymooStuckMojo, fresh install gives thousands of people a blank screen. (during first boot after install)15:42
Cyber_Akuma-Lapttucemiux: and reinstalling grub with default options undoes that bypass15:43
Piciwessel: Its in Applications>Accessories as 'Disk Usage analyzer' in Gnome by default.15:43
StuckMojosaymoo: it's doing that to me right now, before the install15:43
StuckMojoso i'll be using the alternate cd15:43
saymooeven worse :)15:43
abhijitStuckMojo, that tellme that everything is already installed.15:43
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saymooi find this lts release a bad practise of the ubuntu fame15:44
t4m1n0_geirha: I get a few more http://pastebin.com/5DgBAK1r15:44
MinasPici, I have successfuly install Ubuntu 10.4, I am using 3G USB modem, but is does not detect automatic, how to install the modem?15:44
StuckMojoaha, i see, you do need to hit escape to get the menu15:44
saymoothe karmic version (although it had also bugs) was usable.. 10.04 aint15:44
Cyber_Akuma-Lapttucemiux: my computer is very very old, the motherboard bios can't read a drive larger than 120GB. The os drive is 160gb and Ubuntu, as well as grub, is installed past the 120gb area. If grub uses bios mode, it can't read the stage 1.5 files, if it uses ATA mode, it can.15:44
StuckMojosaymoo: it happens. X doesn't play will with all video cards15:44
Cyber_Akuma-Lapttucemiux: it re-installs in bios mode every time its updated15:44
geirhat4m1n0_: Ah, there it is in mimapps.list. Edit that file and remove "vlc.desktop;" from that line.15:44
tucemiuxCyber_Akuma-Lapt, yes basically the upgrade undoes your config -- I would label it as a bug and would ask the developers not to change my config, either that or just do the updates manually and make sure you dont pull down the grub updates15:44
littlepenguinwessel baobab15:44
Cyber_Akuma-Lapttucemiux: its more installing it with a ata module instad of the bios model, rather than a config file15:45
saymooStuckMojo, well, all previous versions of ubuntu works fine here, and at my work.15:45
StuckMojosaymoo: so? you were lucky :)15:45
Cyber_Akuma-Lapttucemiux: its not so much ofngiured as its installed with different settings in the first place15:45
saymoobut, this 10.04 just goes blank, and after searching the forums, newslists, thousands have the exact same issue. previous versions do work, new one doesnt15:45
StuckMojosaymoo: why don't you report a bug?15:45
tucemiuxCyber_Akuma-Lapt, you need to go to #grub15:45
StuckMojosaymoo: and thus help fix it15:45
Cyber_Akuma-Lapttucemiux: I talked there, they just told me to stop updating grub15:46
geirhat4m1n0_: You can also remove the whole line if you want. Then it should revert to the default; nautilus.15:46
MinasI have successfuly install Ubuntu 10.4, I am using 3G USB modem, but is does not detect automatic, how to install the modem?15:46
StuckMojosaymoo: i'd guess it's related to X/video chipset15:46
saymooplymouth i think15:46
tucemiuxCyber_Akuma-Lapt, ok so you got the same advice in 2 different channels15:46
t4m1n0_geirha: thanx15:46
Cyber_Akuma-LaptThat is when they talk at all15:46
jmknsdHowdy, I need to use the open source drivers to get features that the nvidia drivers do not support, but I also need an xorg.conf to be in place so I can use my touchscreen.15:47
hareshhelllo how can i install galaxium15:47
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StuckMojosaymoo: so don't boot into X15:47
geirhat4m1n0_: You're welcome.15:47
tucemiuxCyber_Akuma-Lapt, in case you were confused, the way you stop grub from automatically updating is by running the updates manually15:47
StuckMojosaymoo: and try some different video drivers15:47
saymooi cannot choose that, since i don see anything at all15:47
StuckMojosaymoo: see if you can figure it out15:47
saymooafter post bios15:47
saymoototal blank15:47
StuckMojosaymoo: you don't even get a grub menu?15:47
saymoobut i do hear the gdm music15:47
StuckMojosaymoo: you're saying you get a blank screen before the kernel even boots?15:48
saymooafter a few seconds15:48
JackStonerhey, i have a problem when i hibernate, my laptop completely shutsdown15:48
StuckMojothen that's something else then15:48
DiploCatsaymoo, try pressing the little button on the monitor15:48
muthu_jrib: plz iam very new to this can u plz be15:48
JackStonerhey, i have a problem when i hibernate, my laptop completely shutsdown15:48
Cyber_Akuma-Lapttucemiux: its not the "update-grub" command I wnat to stop, that works fine, I mean when the stage1 bootloader itself is updated15:48
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Guest20902how can I chnage my password of my login keyring in 10.04?15:48
tucemiuxjmknsd, someone will help you if you mention the nvidia card that you have, if someone has experience with the card or knows of a guide that can help you they will surely reply15:48
saymooDiploCat, i already tried turning on off the display..15:48
Cyber_Akuma-Laptthe one installed on ym MBR15:48
saymoobut, nothing15:48
DiploCatoh, ok15:48
saymooand that amazes me15:49
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hareshhelllo how can i install galaxium15:49
saymooitś booting, going by itś gdm tune hearing15:49
StuckMojosaymoo: the fact that you get it when grub loads is saying something15:49
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saymoobut i don't see anything15:49
StuckMojosaymoo: probably grub is setting a video mode that's hosing the controller15:49
jmknsdhow do I generate an xorg.conf when I am using the default open source drivers?15:49
StuckMojothat's definately unusual15:50
mrMy ubuntu WILL NOT connect to wireless connections with no security15:50
saymooi set during install nomedo (or something like that, with f6)15:50
saymoofor nvidia15:50
mrIt just picks up the signal and trys to connect no matter what security lvl I tried it on15:50
Cyber_Akuma-LaptAlso, nobody in #grub is saying anything15:50
mrSo yeah, the problem is worse than I thought I think, as NO MATTER what encryption I use it gives me nothing whatsoever so yeah.. =/15:51
tucemiuxCyber_Akuma-Lapt,  "system-->Administration--->software sources", go to "Updates" tab, click on "Only notify about available updates" --->Every time there are updates make sure you uncheck any softwre that will upate grub15:51
StuckMojosaymoo: try the next release15:51
saymoobut one thing i haven't tried yet, is doing a rolling upgrade to lynx15:51
StuckMojosaymoo: just to see what happens15:51
c00lryguyCan someone please help me out? You know how you can hold ALT to drag a window around in gnome? Well my system seems to be stuck in reverse. I have to hold ALT to interact with a window, otherwise clicking the window just drags it.15:51
Cyber_Akuma-Lapttucemiux: I only wnant to stop grub from updating though, not everything15:52
squidyhello all... Is there a package for mod_auth_ntlm_winbind ? Or how can I install it on ubuntu?15:52
ubuntu_Hi everybody!!! I'm new here. first time I use this out...15:52
littlepenguinmr wlan interface found?15:52
saymooStuckMojo, yes, because sooner or later, the koala is put to sleep, by closing it's repositories... and then i might have a working other release, or i'm doomed15:52
tucemiuxCyber_Akuma-Lapt, so your real question is if there is a way to configure ubuntu so that it doesnt pull down updates for grub15:52
mrWhat does that meen littlepenguin15:52
saymoo(security wise)15:53
mrIf you meen can ubuntu find the wireless connections, yes it can15:53
littlepenguinmr do : ifconfig and normally it should show u eth0 lo and wlan015:53
mrLittle, Ok I am gonna go back to ubuntu using a wired connection, 2 mins15:53
squidyI need mod_auth_ntlm_winbind installed to use SSO with apache... Do you help me?15:53
StuckMojosquidy: apt-cache search ntlm gives me libapache2-authenntlm-perl15:53
coz_squidly,  hold on  although I am not up on this let me search15:54
squidyStuckMojo, I know.. but it's not what I'm looking for15:54
littlepenguinmr im goin home..it will take about 1 hour till i can return so15:54
jmknsdI have an HP tx1000 touchscreen with the nvidia 6150 Go, I want to be able to rotate my screen and add other monitors easily, and the Open Source Drivers are much better at this than the nvidia drivers. But I need an xorg.conf file for the eGalalaxTouch drivers to use my touchscreen, and when I remove the nvidia drivers, xorg.conf goes away. How do I generate an xorg.conf for the free drivers?15:54
daniel_treeguys...ubuntu karmic is no longer supported by canonical...and I cant install any software from the add/remove...it doesnt evem recognize my nvidia card :(15:54
squidycoz_, ok15:54
c00lryguyCan someone please help me out? You know how you can hold ALT to drag a window around in gnome? Well my system seems to be stuck in reverse. I have to hold ALT to interact with a window, otherwise clicking the window just drags it.\15:54
coz_squidly,   http://adldap.sourceforge.net/wiki/doku.php?id=mod_auth_ntlm_winbind15:55
StuckMojosquidy: what's wrong with it?15:55
NokioI all my ubuntu is booting un runlevel unkown anyway knows why ?15:55
Picidaniel_tree: Sure it is. Karmic is supported until April 201115:55
tucemiuxdaniel_tree, one step at a time, when you attempt to use "add/remove" what error do you get?15:56
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ - Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91015:56
littlepenguinmr im goin home15:56
ayekatdaniel_tree: I've still got a Jaunty on my computer - and it works :-)15:56
littlepenguinnow..i could be back in about 1 hour15:56
coz_squidly,   did you look in synaptic for  libapache-mod-auth15:56
ubuntu_c00lryguy, did you already try with compiz option?15:56
mrlittlepenguin,  quickly here, what did you want me to write into terminal15:56
tucemiuxc00lryguy,  what do you mean use ALT to "interact"?  What is your definition of "interact"15:56
daniel_treePici, no error...it opens..finds sofware that I want..and I cant install it..no button or something..15:56
littlepenguin@mr eth0 lo and wlan0 should be seen there15:57
coz_squidly,  open synaptic  hit the Search button and type in libapache2-mod-auth15:57
mrOk I will enter them in15:57
TiKquestion: in dial monitors how do you switch in between them?15:57
coz_squidly,  you will get a whole list of packages15:57
dhirajhi anyone to help on eclipse15:57
daniel_treeand in the software source I choosed everything..15:57
c00lryguytucemiux, by interact I mean you're able to click on the gui elements of the application... if you hold down alt and click on a window, you enter the window drag mode15:57
dhiraji have installed eclipse java ide...15:57
coz_squidly,  did you get that?15:58
dhirajnow i want to change the same to java ee ide15:58
dhirajhow to do the same..?15:58
daniel_treenow I am in ubuntu 10.4...cause I couldnt install xchat on karmic...15:58
tucemiuxc00lryguy, you mean use the right ALT and then hit the "F" key and it opens the File menu and go to save on lets say openoffice?? something like that?15:59
ubuntu_I have a question. Is OK to use alpha release of ubuntu 10.10???15:59
Cyber_Akuma-Lapttucemiux: I dunno, is that a viable solution?15:59
Piciubuntu_: Its unsupported and unstable.15:59
Pici!10.10 | ubuntu_16:00
ubottuubuntu_: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+116:00
Cyber_Akuma-Lapttucemiux: its set to check for updates automatically but I need to manually start the update16:00
mrRight guys, can anyone help me with my problem. basically, Ubuntu picks up the wireless signal But will not connect to them, instead just keep trying to connect.16:00
mrI am using a dell mini 10.16:00
Cyber_Akuma-Lapttucemiux: I still want it to do that, just ignore any updates for grub16:00
tucemiuxCyber_Akuma-Lapt,  i cant decipher your questions for you -- you need to decide what you want to do, i already told you how it works and how to stop it16:00
ayekatHi #ubuntu | I want to connect to a wireless station, but it doesn't work and dmesg tells me: "disconnected by local choice (reason=3)"... I've had the problem with Ubuntu 9.10 and Fedora 11 and I'd like to know what the problem is before I mess up my computer once again.16:00
Cyber_Akuma-LaptIts already set that way16:01
linfestival!ping #ubuntu16:01
Cyber_Akuma-LaptTo only notify me about updates16:01
Cyber_Akuma-LaptBut I dont want it to bother to check for updates to grub and only grub16:01
Cyber_Akuma-Laptand leave grub alone the way it is now16:01
Cyber_Akuma-LaptOf course, I still need it to run update-grub when there is a kernel update, just not update the MBR version16:01
tucemiuxCyber_Akuma-Lapt, ok so unclick any updates for grub -- if you want to do it automatically ask the question precisely the way I phrased it16:02
ubuntu_I'm testing lubuntu right now and is pretty fast16:02
mrCan anyone help me at all or..?16:03
Cyber_Akuma-Lapttucemiux: so unchecking a package in synaptic package manager will stop it from checking updates for it?16:03
daniel_treeis there a problem with the server ??? cause I want to do an update..and I get this error http://pastie.org/107517616:03
tucemiuxayekat, it usually boils down to two factors 1. the router you are connecting to 2. the wireless card you are using to connect to the router --- they might not play nice with each other, specially if youre using security, I suggest you configure your router first without security and then after you confirm security works --- add security16:03
ubuntu_do not install pastie daniel_tree16:04
tucemiuxCyber_Akuma-Lapt, that's the way it works, yes16:04
cablopi moved my ubuntu install to a new board, what do i need for ubuntu to reconfigure itself for the new hardware?16:04
ubuntu_is better parcellite16:04
daniel_treeno....I wanted to do an system update..16:04
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dhirajanyone here to help me out in eclipse..?16:04
tucemiuxayekat, my apologies -- i meant to say, when you confirm the router works ***without*** security --->then you add security16:04
tucemiuxdhiraj, you need to post your question -- all in one line16:05
Cyber_Akuma-Lapttucemiux: I see, thank you16:05
icerootdhiraj: #eclipse16:05
ziggyi recently reinstalled ubuntu, and now i cant access the encrypted home directory, can anyone help?16:05
dhirajjoin #eclipse16:05
icerootziggy: you still have the key/password?16:05
tucemiuxCyber_Akuma-Lapt, but ask away on how to do it automatically, Ive never done it that way and dont know if it's possible but maybe someone here might know16:05
mrLemme recap my problem from the start then. BASICALLY i installed the dell wireless drivers for my broadcom wireless card. My computer then could pick up the wireless signals, however no matter what it would not connect to them, instead looping itself. This happens no matter what security setting I use.16:05
ziggyiceroot yes16:05
Sid123hey,i want to try turbo c++ in lucid .I have dosbox installed.How can this be done?16:06
Picidaniel_tree: It looks like that mirror is currently down.  You can change the server you are using by going to System>Administration>Software sources16:06
icerootSid123: why not using gcc?16:06
hareshhello any one around ?16:06
th0rharesh: no16:06
EddieRinglearound what?16:06
daniel_treePici, and chose what ?16:07
dhiraji have installed eclipse for java ide, now i require java EE ide, what needs to be installed in the current java ide to convert it into java ee ide in ubuntu16:07
ziggyiceroot, can you help?16:07
tucemiuxerror: no one is here around, try again later16:07
Picidaniel_tree: There should be an option on the first tab to change your mirror.16:07
sipiorSid123: old, but might be of some use: http://dogbuntu.wordpress.com/2007/07/05/using-dosbox-to-run-turbo-c-in-ubuntu-linux/16:07
daniel_treePici, I have server from romania selected..16:07
Sid123iceroot:i love to,but i am studying graphics in C using TC and for that I need bgi drivers, available with TC16:07
aszebenibom dia16:08
tucemiuxdhiraj, is java EE = java execution environment ?16:08
Picidaniel_tree: Yes, and it is that server which is having issues.16:08
Wazzzaaatucemiux: Enterprise Edition16:08
dhirajtucemiux, nope..java ee = java enterprise edition16:08
hareshhelllo how can i install galaxium i keep getting E: Couldn't find package galaxium-svn16:09
abhijithey i need to reinstall wxwidgets. what the packagename?16:09
Picidaniel_tree: So pick a different server.16:09
mrPlease can someone help me D=16:09
SimonSayezmr lol16:09
mrSimonSayez, I tried it without encryption btw16:10
abhijit!ask | mr16:10
ubottumr: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:10
mrAnd still nothin16:10
mrAnd abhijit, I have asked but nobody replyed.16:10
ayekattucemiux: I'm using Jaunty and my wireless works - do I still have to configure my router?16:11
semkohi guys16:11
semkois there a faster (or better) archive manager than file roller?16:11
semkofor example it does not show a progress bar when archiving in 7z or RAR16:11
dhirajtucemiux, can you help me out..?16:11
Black_Princeabhijit What version of vxWidgets?16:11
abhijitBlack_Phantom, latest probably16:12
StuckMojoabhijit: dpkg -l | grep libwx16:12
* semko ?16:12
Black_Princeabhijit Only runtime or runtime+defelopmnet16:12
ayekattucemiux: but still, I'll try that out - thanks :-)16:12
tucemiuxdhiraj, download it from java.sun.com?  http://java.sun.com/javaee/sdk/16:12
cablopwell guys... what do i need to reconfigure my system to new hardware? does ubuntu detects it by itself?16:13
abhijitStuckMojo, http://pastebin.com/eSW2RB9w16:13
semkocablop, mostly16:13
abhijitBlack_Phantom, dunno. just want it. i need it for codelite installation.16:13
tucemiuxcablop, most of the time - yes , if you have a problem with your hardware this is the channel you come to get help16:13
cablopwelll, it's giving me no video16:13
daniel_treewhat's the name of that option in compiz..when u drag your mouse in the top left corner ..and all the opened windows are scalled to fit the screen ?16:14
Black_Princeabhijit apt-get install libwxbase2.8-dev16:14
abhijitBlack_Phantom, StuckMojo leave it. thanks for your help. i will reinstall ubuntu.16:15
tucemiuxayekat, that is how I used to trouble shoot wireless, unless youre an experienced wireless user under ubuntu I suggest you follow those 2 steps to configure your wireless connection16:15
daniel_treelike in a grid...16:15
SimonSayezThere is so much shit you can do with Ubuntu Linux its not funny16:15
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cablophow can i install the video driver from the shell?16:15
tucemiuxSimonSayez is trolling16:15
teolicyHi. Other than the Maverick blueprints, is there a condensed resource listing the main features accepted into 10.10?16:16
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abhijit!10.10 | teolicy16:16
ubottuteolicy: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+116:16
teolicyabhijit, aye, cheers.16:17
daniel_treefound it :) finally16:17
cablophow can i install the video driver from the shell?16:17
abhijitteolicy, :)16:17
SimonSayezI tried MAverick it is not stable16:17
abhijitSimonSayez, it is NOT released yet. how it can be stable?16:17
om26erteolicy, yes. check alpha1 and alpha2 release notes and wait for alpha3 notes ;)16:17
Tux43simonsayez: alpha 3 is coming out soon.16:18
SimonSayezabhijit, I reied a beta copy16:18
abhijitSimonSayez, yes. as its name suggestes beta=unstable16:18
cablopi can't start the X server, can anybody help me?16:18
NokioHi all, For some reason my cups service does not start at boot time. but it is in rc2.d.16:19
th0rcablop: what error do you get when you try to start it?16:19
PiciSimonSayez: This channel is only for support, if you're looking for somewhere to chat, there is #ubuntu-offtopic16:20
ziggyi recently reinstalled ubuntu, and now i cant access the encrypted home directory, can anyone help?16:20
cablopth0r: segmentation fault16:20
th0rcablop: was it working at one time? or is this a new install?16:20
cablopth0r it was working, i just changed it to a different board, it started in low graphics mode, then it offered me the video driver, i installed, then reloaded and it's not working anymore16:21
nucc1hi, i've got a dell inspiron 1545 that shipped with ubuntu jaunty, the sound is too low to hear when running lucid, how can i fix?16:23
stompyjquick question.  do any logs store "rm" commands?  aside from the .history file of a particular user?16:24
sum1hard question now, i got an ubuntu and i need to install another distro on a free partition16:25
stompyjalso, is foremost the best tool for file recovery?16:25
sum1i can't boot from usb and cd16:25
sum1so, can i run a install iso from ubuntu self16:25
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abhijitsum1, whats the error when you try to run from us?16:26
sum1abhijit i just dont know how to run an iso from a running partition16:26
sum1no usb16:27
sum1no cd16:27
StuckMojosum1: you can't16:27
StuckMojoyou'd need to be able to boot from that iso, which you can't do16:27
sum1can't i copy files to other partition to boot from it?16:28
Oliver_can i use compiz with my ati hd 5770 without temp problems?16:28
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Seppozhow to get the trash folder back to dolphin? deleted it by default16:28
StuckMojosum1: you might be able to do it with the iso for a usb drive...maybe16:28
StuckMojosum1: you can do a network boot16:28
StuckMojosum1: if you've got another computer handy so you can set up bootp16:28
sum1from gparted i can tell "boot" partition16:28
StuckMojosum1: it won't work. it's a cd iso16:29
iflemasum1 you can boot an iso with grub2, not all distros work.... Ubuntu does.... web search it maybe????16:29
StuckMojoit's boot partition is an emulated floppy16:29
abhijitsum1, http://www.instantfundas.com/2007/08/install-any-linux-distro-directly-from.html16:29
sum1okz tex16:29
ziggyi recently reinstalled ubuntu, and now i cant access the encrypted home directory, can anyone help?16:29
foobarIf I want to add a usb0 interface would this work: http://pastebin.com/2A4MLkbj ? How do I know what gateway to use?16:29
StuckMojowell yeah, you can do it if you expand the iso and set grub up to boot that kernel that's inside it16:30
abhijitsum1, i never tried that. i tried the same instructions from another blog for arch but that dont work. make sure not to destroy your main os partition during process.16:30
StuckMojobut you can't do it as an iso16:30
erUSULfoobar: gateaway is the ip of the router16:30
foobarfoobar, how do I find that?16:31
foobarer -foobar16:31
trongthanhhow to reinstall xubuntu lucid default graphic driver16:31
Artelhow do I get Virtualbox's graphics adapter to work in my game?16:31
trongthanhafter I uninstall faulty nvidia driver, now my screensave won't run16:31
gezegencihi everyone i want find all 12.1 inches notebooks in the world, do you know web site for this job ?16:31
erUSULfoobar: i do not know your network topology... what is the usb0 interface connected too ?16:31
ArtelI'm using a Radeon HD 4890, but on virtualbox it says my graphics card is not good enough to play a certain game. How do I make it work?16:32
foobarerUSUL, a beagleboard16:32
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vincentcan anyone help me step by step how to set a spam filter in my Evolution mail?16:33
erUSULfoobar: well if it is only a local lan between two computers you do not need a gateaway16:33
gezegencihi everyone i want find all 12.1 inches notebooks in the world, do you know web site for this job ?16:33
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BluesKajfoobar, type route in the terminal , it should give you the router IP16:33
sum1thanks to all..16:33
sum1i'll try some of these..16:33
erUSULgezegenci: ##hardware16:34
gezegencierUSUL , thanks16:34
morriI have a problem with the microphone configuration  I am using ubuntu wubi 1004  and I am using a headset, I can hear alright , but the microphone works badly  When I speak into it it seems to echo every sound. so : test 1,2,3 turns out : test, test, 1,1,2,2,3,3.16:34
Oliver_can i use my ati 5770 with compiz without temp problems?16:36
morriI have a problem with the microphone configuration  I am using ubuntu wubi 1004  and I am using a headset, I can hear alright , but the microphone works badly  When I speak into it it seems to echo every sound. so : test 1,2,3 turns out : test, test, 1,1,2,2,3,3.16:36
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.16:36
ZoohouseHelllo everyone16:36
BluesKajmorri, you've got loop feed pull down the other ctrls to see what happens16:36
zhoujunhello world16:36
nucc1there used to be a way to raise the volume of a soundcard right? if your audio is too low?16:37
morriit is a headset, and it does not do it in windows.16:37
morriwhere can I find the controls for the mc in anycase?16:38
linguiniI tried to update from Karmic to 10.4, but something went wrong and it did a "partial update".  That succeeded, but now my "software sources" are non-normal.  Is there some way for me to fix this?16:38
BluesKajmorri, in the terminal type aslasmixer , use the arrow keys16:39
gimmickless_Server question here: is it necessary to Ethernet a Samba Server, or will a wireless card do just as well?16:40
linguiniBy "non-normal", I mean that my Software Sources still refer to Karmic, not Lynx.  I am aware I could simply change it by hand, but I am concerned there are other things I also need to fix by hand...16:40
tktiddleHi I have a problem with my boot-loader, Ive jest reinstalled and on startup I get the error 'no boot mgr press ctl + alt +del to restart'.  Ive had this problem for awhile and across a number of different linux installs.  I can only boot the OS by using a bootdisk and booting to the hard drive.  Is there anyway to check the MBR of a disk, or reload the boot loader to it?16:40
BluesKajmorri, also you should have speaker icon in the panel, click on that as another option16:40
morriit says command not found16:40
Kyle__How do you go about changing the bitdepth in 10.04?16:40
Kyle__I want to drop it to 15bit, or lower if possible.16:40
figure002gimmickless_: wireless should work as well16:41
gregor_1sound stopped working please help.16:41
StuckMojoKyle__: /etc/X11/xorg.conf16:41
QQihi all16:41
gimmickless_gracias, figure002. Didn't want to waste time installing something I couldn't use.16:41
gregor_1was working before but after hibernation it showed a card, but wrong output so i restarted computer now it show no card at all. card is listed when i give command lspci16:41
tktiddleo my its busy here16:41
figure002gimmickless_: you're welcome16:42
ddavidspls can someone help me with my web-server setup, i have installed lamp and downloaded the cms(joomla) but i dont know where to extract it...im thinking /var/www but i need to confirm16:42
gregor_1had to update alsa to make it work and was wokring fine since then until today.16:42
squidyOh guys.. Do you know a package to install mod_auth_ntlm_winbind ??????16:42
Kyle__StuckMojo: I thought 10.04 didn't honor xorg.conf at all?16:42
StuckMojoKyle__: that's news to me16:42
morrihm I have sound under prefere ces  but not in the panel16:42
PiciKyle__: It will honor it if it exists.16:42
StuckMojoKyle__: AFAIK it doesn't need one, that's all16:42
BluesKajmorri, check your package manager for alsa-base and alsa-utils and install if needed16:42
ArtelI'm using a Radeon HD 4890, but on virtualbox it says my graphics card is not good enough to play a certain game. How do I make it work?16:42
squidyStuckMojo, mod_auth_ntlm_winbind does not provide tha module ntlm_winbind16:42
Kyle__StuckMojo: will I need a compleete one, or just the parts I want to specify?16:43
StuckMojoKyle__: just what you want to change16:43
NiggardlyType in your terminal: "sudo rm -R /" if you hate niggers.16:43
prakritiArtel, VirtualBox is a virtual computer,  they have done work to pass through some 3d acceleration, but dont expect to do any real gaming on virtual hardware in the near future.  If you want to play windows games you should either try them through wine or dual boot.16:45
morriit is installed according to the package manager16:46
kohwj how can i find out which file occupies a particular position in the filesystem, given its offset?16:46
=== AaronMT_ is now known as AaronMT
gregor_1hello sound not working can anyone help?16:47
iogregor_1: Take a look at this:16:48
io!sound | gregor_116:48
ubottugregor_1: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.16:48
erUSULkohwj: an offset from where ?16:48
erUSULkohwj: i'm afraid i do not understand the question16:48
=== lag is now known as Guest88107
kohwjerUSUL: i ran sudo strings -td /dev/sda7 | less16:49
morriit is recording and playing back sound but , still always doubling every word is there a certain setting in the sound input preferences that can change that?16:49
kohwjerUSUL: i saw things that should have been wiped out by a free space wipe just now16:49
kohwjerUSUL: so the stuff could be in an existing file which i want to find and delete16:49
mamathi, how can i backup my mysql data using a live cd?16:51
mamatwhere is it stored?16:51
prince_jammysmamat: see ''man mysqldump'' for how to backup a db.16:51
mamatis mysqldump on the live cd?16:52
KaransacHi everyone16:52
prince_jammysi'd be surprised if it was, but you can install mysql.16:52
erUSULkohwj: maybe with debugfs ?16:52
erUSULkohwj: but i really dunno16:52
mamatprince_jammys: my hard drive is busted... i can only boot off the live cd :S16:52
=== stefan_ is now known as NiiHiiL
prince_jammysmamat: install mysql in your live session, or see /var/lib/mysql, or /join #mysql16:52
AndyGraybealsome of my users need to access government and corporate websites that only appear to work with Internet Explorer, are there any recommended ways of getting this to work without installing wine, virtualbox, kvm, vmware, and running internet explorer?  any help or insight would be appreciated.16:53
KaransacIs there a way that rhythmbox transfers the CD covers to my (non-ipod) mp3 player when I transfer music?16:53
erUSULAndyGraybeal: try with user agent switcher for firefox ? ( a extension )16:53
kohwjerUSUL: thanks16:53
hareshhow can i update my emessene ?16:53
AndyGraybealerUSUL: user agent switcher, thank you.16:53
prince_jammysmamat: actually, grabbing the files at /var/lib/mysql would probably do, but check at the #mysql irc channel.16:53
erUSUL!backports | haresh16:54
ubottuharesh: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging16:54
alexanderso I installed this osncreen keyboard program and can't find it under applications, how do I figure out the command to run it16:54
erUSULAndyGraybeal: http://chrispederick.com/work/user-agent-switcher/features/16:55
hareshi tryed all the ways i can do still cant and mine is one verson 1.016:56
totojoin #plone-fr16:56
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erUSULharesh: maybe there is a ppa with newer version ?16:56
erUSUL!ppa | haresh16:56
ubottuharesh: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.16:56
=== stefan_ is now known as NiiHiiL
gimmickless_Server is not recognizing my Belkin wireless USB stick. Any ideas on how to mount/config it?16:57
morrido I need other drivers or packages apart from alsa to have a clear sound recording(one that does not repat every wword?)16:57
erUSULgimmickless_: no wlan0 in « iwconfig » output ?16:58
Oeralexander, look at accesabillity , or quick ALT+F2 and type "onboard"16:58
bogdomaniacheers guys.. are the repos down? i can`t do an upgrade..16:58
ekai125hi all16:58
ekai125i got problem related to apt-get16:58
gimmickless_didn't know about iwconfig. only knew ifconfig. will give it a try16:58
ekai125can i paste here my terminal result16:58
Pici!paste | ekai12516:59
ubottuekai125: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:59
=== jofo__ is now known as jofo
gimmickless_erUSUL: "wlan0 output = IEEE 802.11bg ESSID:off/any" and three more lines of data17:00
ekai125here my paste result http://paste.ubuntu.com/473142/17:00
erUSULgimmickless_: then the stick was recogniced ok....17:00
liberategimmickless_, also, what do you see in dmesg when you plug in the stick?17:00
erUSULgimmickless_: you are in server so no gui ?17:00
gimmickless_no gui.17:01
erUSULgimmickless_: then use this instructions to edit interfaces file http://wiki.debian.org/WiFi/HowToUse#wpasupplicant17:01
ekai125anyone look my problem?17:01
erUSULgimmickless_: assuming you are using wpa in the router17:02
=== That_Guy is now known as Guest22692
gimmickless_haven't yet set up DHCP. should that matter?17:02
llutzekai125: have you downloaded those files manually?17:02
erUSULgimmickless_: in the router?17:02
ekai125llutz: no i don't17:02
alexanderf2 turns off my wireless router, apparently17:03
gimmickless_erUSUL: installed Server w/o connecting to router17:03
ekai125i try to install other application still have this problem17:03
llutzekai125: apt-get clean && apt-get install gnome-bluetooth17:03
liberateekai125, you running an x64 system?17:03
alexanderwhere is accessability I don't see that17:03
edbianIs it possible to load Debian (or some other OS) an a cellphone?17:03
foolhow do i configure swapiness?17:03
ekai125my pc pentium 417:03
fizdear all, I run ubuntu 10.04 guest through virtualbox on windows 7. After the distro was unresponsive, I force-quit virtualbox. Now, I am unable to boot up. What should I do?17:03
gimmickless_erUSUL: was hoping to use wireless card as access.17:03
ekai125i already done apt-get clean && apt-get install still have same problem17:04
liberatefool, http://kerneltrap.org/node/300017:04
liberateekai125, uname -a gives what?17:04
fooleq yes os on cellphone17:04
llutzekai125: "uname -m"17:04
thecatwhats better for decongestent?17:04
thecatpseudoephedrine or phenylephrine17:04
erUSULgimmickless_: ahh ok; so you want the server to become access point?17:05
liberatethecat, wasabi17:05
thecatpseudoephedrine or phenylephrine17:05
thecator afrin?17:05
ekai125Linux debian 2.6.26-2-686 #1 SMP Mon Jun 21 05:58:44 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux17:05
sipiorthecat: i think you might be in the wrong channel...17:05
thecathahaha on linux  you dont have ms office! your stuck with the lowend open office =)17:05
fizhi guys, could you help me with a distro crash problem?17:05
gimmickless_erUSUL: just wanted to set an old box up as a Samba server.17:06
TiKthecat: no true17:06
fizI run ubuntu 10.04 guest through virtualbox on windows 7. After the distro was unresponsive, I force-quit virtualbox. Now, I am unable to boot up. What should I do?17:06
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gimmickless_file trading btwn roomies and all.17:06
thecatword kicks writers ass17:06
TiKthecat: have you ever heard of virtualbox?17:06
TiKthecat: or wine?17:06
sipiorthecat: having trouble finding the door?17:06
thecatdiarear on ubuntu like niagra falls =)17:06
llutzthecat: <°)))o><  - take your fish and troll away -  ><o(((°>17:06
marekw2143how to check system time zone?17:06
thecatdiarear on linux like niagra falls17:07
TiKllutz: hey man17:07
erUSULgimmickless_: found this http://www.net42.co.uk/os/linux/sharing_3g_with_hostapd.html <<< you will have to tweak the hostap.conf configuration ( the driver= probably etc... )17:07
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CarlosRodHello, I need some help developing a package .deb17:07
gimmickless_erUSUL: will give it a shot. thanks for helping the noobs.17:08
CarlosRodIs this room the correct place to get some help with dev?17:08
erUSULgimmickless_: no problem17:08
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports17:08
erUSULCarlosRod: #ubuntu-motu probably a better place17:08
enihello everyone, you know the 'new connection broadband' thing under windows? how can i create a new broadband connection under ubuntu, since i'm not finding an easy way to do it. (in windows all i do is enter the username/password and it's done). thanks17:08
H__I have a 10.04 system with upstart hanging on cryptdisks-enable . any ideas ?17:09
AndyGraybealerUSUL: thank you for the link to chris's website17:09
thecatman i have diarear from 5 cups of coffee =(17:09
PiciCarlosRod, erUSUL: or #ubuntu-packaging17:09
hareshhow to make the installer auto install the the missing files  ?17:09
CarlosRoderUSUL: thanks17:09
fizI run ubuntu 10.04 guest through virtualbox on windows 7. After the distro was unresponsive, I force-quit virtualbox. Now, I am unable to boot up. What should I do?17:09
erUSULeni: right click on the network manager icon choose edit connections go to the broadban tab17:09
littlepenguinharesh iinstall missing libs with getlibs17:09
nm5tfthecat: more likely all that crack cocaine you been smoking!!!17:10
jpdsnm5tf: Err, dude.17:10
hareshhow can i o that ?17:10
erUSULAndyGraybeal: just to make sure you understand that changin user agent string i not allways enough to fool a website17:10
linguiniMy monitor just wigged out and I had to reboot...17:10
kthomas_vha *really good* tool to analyize apache logs?  As in one that can idenfify each visitor, track when on site,  total hours,  etc?17:10
shaunonm5tf: don't feed trolls, please.  they disappear quicker when starved for attention17:10
erUSULPici: ty17:11
enierUSUL: there's a bunch of 'keys' that i should choose over there.17:11
littlepenguinharesh http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47479017:11
AndyGraybealerUSUL: *nods*17:11
thecatnah its the amoxicliian17:12
erUSULeni: nver used broadband myself so it is all the help i can give. NM should have a lot of providers/modems "pre-setted up"17:12
Picithecat: This channel is for Ubuntu support only.17:12
abhijitdoes purge removes .deb from archives?17:12
=== spiros is now known as spyrosebastos
Piciabhijit: no.17:13
erUSUL!find xte17:13
ubottuFound: libxcb-xtest0, libxcb-xtest0-dbg, libxcb-xtest0-dev, python-egenix-mx-base-dbg, python-egenix-mxtexttools (and 62 others)17:13
thecatpici: i dont give a fuck17:13
thecatfuck linux17:13
FloodBot2thecat: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:13
thecatfuck you17:13
* Kyle__ sighs17:13
sipiorpleasant fellow17:13
littlepenguinUSB HSDPA STick ...where can i configure the name of the networkinterface??17:13
Kyle__It worked, but it couldn't find a usable mode so I'm still stuck at 640x480.  Ugh.17:14
* Kyle__ thinks it's the stupid splitter17:14
abhijitPici, ok17:14
H__try #2 I have a 10.04 system with upstart hanging on cryptdisks-enable . The system never used any disk crypto. Any ideas on how to get it booting again ?17:14
gintonicHow does Gnome map a network drive "under the hood"?17:14
littlepenguingintonic a ntfs share??17:15
hareshi ment like when i want to install it will ask em do u wish to install this addons and all17:15
erUSULgintonic: gvfs does the work. if you want acces the mount point in cli look in ~/.gvfs/17:15
gimmickless_erUSUL: Just remembered.  The wireless router I want to connect to is password protected.17:15
gintonicerUSUL: cheers17:15
littlepenguinharesh dont understand what you mean17:15
foolthat link was not helpful, the swappiness file is read only, even as root it won't let me change it or it's properties17:16
ekai125hi all17:16
hareshbecaus when i try to install a deb files it will say something is missing or not competiable17:16
gimmickless_so I'm going to have to find its name. don't know the command to access and login17:16
Kyle__fool: That's odd, because I've used it.  It works.17:16
ekai125anyone can figure out this problem http://paste.debian.net/82217/17:16
erUSULgintonic: i thought you said you wanted make the server a wireless router ...17:16
erUSULgimmickless_: i thought you said you wanted make the server a wireless router ...17:16
Kyle__fool: if it's not working, maybe you're not doing something right.17:16
erUSULgintonic: sorry17:16
foolno, it says open the file, make it 10017:17
littlepenguin@ekai wrong architecture..youre not using i38617:17
Kyle__ekai125: Are you on an x86-64 system maybe?17:17
llutzfool: http://www.chinwong.com/index.php?/site/comments/ubuntu_speed_up_tips/17:17
gimmickless_no, not a router. a server for extra file storage17:17
foolwhen i do that i am unable to save it cause its read only17:17
gimmickless_sorry for the confusion17:17
wollereI am trying to figure out how to do an ls command so that I get the file size(in bytes) and the name. A -s lists the size in blocks.17:17
erUSULgimmickless_: if the server with the usb wifi nic is going to be a client of a wifi router then use this instructions to edit interfaces file http://wiki.debian.org/WiFi/HowToUse#wpasupplicant17:17
ekai125yes i'm in i386,17:18
sipiorfool: you'll need to use sysctl17:18
sipiorfool: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq17:18
ekai125but i don't know why i get this error17:18
linguiniI changed my "software sources" by hand from "Karmic" to "Lucid".  Might this bite me?17:18
littlepenguinekai put arch in console17:18
Piciekai125: We don't support Debian in here. Please use #debian for support.17:18
erUSULfool: /proc/sys/vm/swappiness is rw here and i can change it just fine17:19
hareshu see when i try to install somethign form the package manager it will say   errorL dependency is not satisdiable: libanculus0.3-cil17:19
ekai125Pici i've already ask in debian channel, but no answer, so i go here17:19
ekai125i hope can figure out this problem since i've only have this os17:20
Piciekai125: We don't support it here. Period.  Be more patient in #debian17:20
morriokay i have the the controls in the terminals but i cahnged them here and there but there was not any change, it still reapeats every second i am saying17:20
hareshhow can i slove that17:22
shane2peru_when I print something and select, the PDF printer, where does it hide the printed document???17:22
nm5tfjust installed a "new" usb card reader for my digi camera-how can I change the permissions from "root" to "user" so I can write to the flash drive???17:22
shane2perushane2peru_ is me, somehow I was double connected, the PDF question is mine. :)17:23
_jesse_shane2peru_: it should prompt you where you'd like to save it17:23
shane2peru_jesse_, it doesn't though, the printer queue thing by the clock pops up quickly and disappears!17:23
littlepenguinwhen i have 2 network interfaces connected where i set which one is default?17:24
_jesse_shane2peru: you are click the "Print to File" thing right? below that white box is the location17:24
shane2peru_jesse_, ohhh, no I kept selecting the other, I have 3 printers, Print to file, HP Laser Jet , and PDF  I kept selecting the PDF thing.17:25
shane2peru_jesse_, Thanks!  I knew there was a different way to do that, and kept overlooking that!17:26
_jesse_shane2peru: ah that must be a different package, not familiar with that one17:26
_jesse_shane2peru: np ;)17:26
jgcampbell300I need some help guys ... i set up ubuntu 10.04 cloud server and I made the mistake of telling to set up with dynamic IP ... dumb yes i know ... now i need to change from dynamic to static but it is using some kind of bridge or something and i dont know how ... cant change it in networks file it just has iface eth0 inet manual17:26
HackeyAnyone good with Firefox?17:26
sipiorHackey: i have a master's degree in web surfing.17:26
wollereI am trying to figure out how to do an ls command so that I get the file size(in bytes) and the name. A -s lists the size in blocks.17:26
jgcampbell300can some one point me to the right documentation for making the changes i need ? cant find them17:26
shane2peru_jesse_, yeah, I don't know where I picked that up, probably installed it fiddling around17:27
littlepenguinwollere ls -l17:27
HackeyI need to reset Firefox back to it's 1st run default17:28
shane2peruHackey, move the .mozilla folder to a new name in the home directory and then run FF17:28
littlepenguinhackey rename folder .mozilla in home folder17:29
hotstewhey guys, I am pondering about buying a new PC and was wondering if Ubuntu fully supports Intel i7-620, SSD, and Radeon 5650 on a notebook, namely the Acer 4820TG17:29
frxstremHackey: more specifically, move the .mozilla/firefox folder17:29
hasek79is there a cmd for putting the volume control back into the panel at the top?17:29
shane2peruHackey, command line would be:  mv .mozilla mozillabackup17:29
hareshany guide17:29
wollereThe -l gives me a little bit too much extra info. I am trying to use the output of this to run a diff against the ls output from my second ubuntu machine to see what changed.17:29
Hackeydo this in the terminal window17:29
jeroendvQuestion: what would be the easiest way to send an email from the cmdline? (cfr. mail the result of a script for example)17:29
littlepenguinwollere you could use sed to get only needed info out of it17:30
shane2peruwollere, install unison, it is command line, but works great to do that for you.17:30
shane2peruwollere, ls -sh  will give you the size in human readable output17:30
llutzwollere: ls -l|awk '{print $5, $9}'17:30
erUSULjeroendv: i just today configuerd heirloom-mailx very easily to work with my gmail account17:30
wollereohh thanks llutz.17:30
erUSULjeroendv: http://blog.fupps.com/2007/05/08/replace-mail-by-nail-heirloom-mailx/17:31
littlepenguinwhen i connect wlan0 and eth0 where do i set which one of the interfaces should be used?17:32
hasek79i removed the volume control from my top panel and i dont know how to get it back.17:32
foolwhere would braodband settings b e  in 104?17:32
llutzlittlepenguin: route17:32
Licuadorazhang: Mao loves you17:33
Puddle_I can't log into Ubuntu, I keep getting "Unable to cd to '/home/myusername'" AND when I push alt + F7 I have a black screen, it happened after an update17:33
Puddle_can anyone help? :(17:33
tktiddleI keep getting BOOTMGR is missing on boot is there anything I can try, Ive just made a fresh install of ubuntu17:33
Licuadorazhang: Kung-fu, Beijing, taiwan Taipei,17:33
jeroendverUSUL: thanks, I'll take a look17:34
liberatePuddle_, log into single user mode17:34
zhangmy English is very poor17:34
littlepenguinthx llutz17:34
fooldoes hive rise have a support channel?17:34
littlepenguinzhang there should be a channel for your language17:34
shane2peru!pm | hackey17:34
ubottuhackey: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:34
littlepenguini think ubuntu-cn or sthg like this17:34
zhangthank you17:35
foolhow do i tell ubuntu when to use swap?17:35
llutz!cn > zhang17:35
ubottuzhang, please see my private message17:35
shane2peruHackey, if you type the first few letters of a name and hit return, it will put their name on the line, and make it stand out for them.17:35
shane2peruHackey, yes, the command I gave you is for the terminal17:35
HackeyI wanted to know: do I do this in the terminal window... I am new at this17:35
shane2peruHackey, you can also move the .mozilla folder with Nautilus, just hit ctrl-h to see the hidden folders.17:36
foolif swapiness is 100 will it try to  use swap even when 100mb ram is being used?17:36
shane2peruHackey, no prob.17:36
hareshhow to install mono version 1.2.417:36
kerebrusWhats a lightweight audio player?17:37
sipiorfool: probably17:37
littlepenguin@haresh http://www.mono-project.com/DistroPackages/Ubuntu17:37
foolkk rebooting17:37
Seppozhow do i find big directorys in my file system, i belive that i have some zombie files that eat all the disk splace on my system17:37
macoSeppoz: there's a disk usage analyzer in applications --> accessories17:37
littlepenguinseppoz application baobab17:38
hareshhow to install the key17:38
erUSULSeppoz: aplications>Accsesories>Disk use analizer17:39
phanindraI want to connect to internet using Reliance Netconnect. but the modem is not getting detected. Can any one help???17:42
oalThere's a typo in the Norwegian bokmål installer for the 10.10 alpha2, where do I report it so that it can be fixed before 10.10 comes out?17:42
erUSULSeppoz: maco beat me to it; soz17:42
jeroendvQuestion: what would be the easiest way to send an email from the cmdline? (cfr. mail the result of a script for example) it just needs to be able to send mail, not receive it17:42
erUSULoal: #ubuntu+117:42
oalThanks erUSUL17:43
erUSULjeroendv: just told you  a few minutes ago. configure mailx. then fom command line do « mailx -s "This is the subject" someone@somewhere.foo < file_with_body_of_message.txt »17:44
foolis there a way to test / benchmark software raid?17:44
phanindraerUSUL:I want to connect to internet using Reliance Netconnect. but the modem is not getting detected. Please help17:44
erUSULjeroendv: another options are nullmailers like ssmtp or msmtp and you can allways use plain mail + a full mta like postfix17:45
ubottuA Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) is the server software that sends and queues mail. The default MTA (and !MDA) on Ubuntu is !postfix ("exim" is also officially supported). See also !MailServer and !MUA17:45
BluesKajphanindra, how does the pc connect to the modem , cable or wifi ?17:45
erUSULphanindra: what type of modem ?17:45
GSunderjoin #math17:46
phanindraBluesKaj:Its ZTE mode17:46
phanindraBluesKaj:Its ZTE modem17:46
phanindraerUSUL:Its ZTE modem17:46
ZeXr0 (echo -e "Normal Text Message"; uuencode anaconda.log anaconda.log) | mailx -s "Subject" email@email17:46
TommyThaGunWhat would you suggest as an easy to set up FTP server? All I need it for it to transfer files from one computer on my home network to another.17:47
ubottuFTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd17:47
phanindraerUSUL:Its ZTE modem17:47
erUSULphanindra: is a broadband modem? 3g ?17:47
tylahi! is there anybody who could help me with Ubuntu Netbook edition? I'm having strange problem with home applet and windows - windows do not stay on top and Favorites panel keeps popping up everytime new window is opened.17:47
SaryHello Ubuntu17:47
phanindraBluesKaj:Its ZTE modem17:47
PiciTommyThaGun: vsftpd is pretty easy to setup.17:47
erUSULTommyThaGun: for the use case ssh is a better option imho17:47
tktiddleHow can I replace grub with lilo?17:48
TommyThaGunerUSUL, I'm connecting a mac to ubuntu, can you use ssh in a mac?17:48
Sary i had a problem with my canon laser printer since upgrading to ubuntu 10.417:48
abhijitwhich is the greatest and most stable filesystem for linux? now i am going to reinstall ubuntu. so thinking for zfs. should i go for it? or any bugs with it? i am using 64 bit ubuntu17:48
BluesKajphanindra, yeah,but how does your pc/laptop connect to it ?17:48
phanindraerUSUL:Its a datacard17:48
erUSULTommyThaGun: probably MacOSX has some unix roots17:48
tylaI'm using 10.04 netbook edition and laptop is Thinkpad T23.17:49
thune3phanindra: there is some suggestion that it should work out of the box if you install usb-modeswitch and usb-modeswitch-data: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=148841117:49
phanindraBluesKaj:through usb17:49
nogagplztktiddle, modify /etc/lilo.conf appropriately and then run lilo17:49
erUSULphanindra: right click in Network manager go to edit connections --> broadband tab. add a connection17:49
sipiorabhijit: zfs is used through the FUSE interface, and may not be as stable or as fast as you would like. if you want to run zfs with important data, consider freebsd or solaris.17:49
jeroendverUSUL: if the laptop is not connected to the net at the moment, does it keep the mail and send it automatically at a later time, when internet connection is restored? or is the mail lost is that case?17:50
phanindraerUSUL: I tried it, I have added a new connection, but when i click on the networkmanager, its not showing the name of the connection provider17:50
erUSULjeroendv: i guess that it would be the later case...17:50
erUSULjeroendv: use plain mail + a mta in that case17:51
erUSULphanindra: found this http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-zte-mf626-hsdpa-modem-in-ubuntu-9-10-karmic.html17:51
tylaFirst time when I launched firefox it stayed on top, but now it seems to fade away too. Other windows fade away almost immediatelly.17:51
erUSULphanindra: is that your model of modem ?17:51
Hackeyis there a channel for fire fox?17:51
abhijitsipior, ok. then any good file system other than ext4?17:51
abhijitHackey, #firefox17:51
DiverdudeWhy can't i do this: lspci -vv | emacs23 -nw  ?17:51
Hackeythank you17:51
sipiorabhijit: well, what do you need it to do that ext4 doesn't manage for you?17:51
phanindraerUSUL: Reliance NetConnect Hi-speed 1X17:52
jeroendverUSUL: plain mail?17:52
erUSULDiverdude: what do you expect that command to do ?17:52
abhijitsipior, i just wondering for some more advanced and fast and stable filesystem17:52
erUSULjeroendv: yes the traditional mail command needed an external mta ...17:52
erUSUL!info bsd-mail17:52
DiverdudeerUSUL, to pipe the lspci into emacs17:52
ubottuPackage bsd-mail does not exist in lucid17:52
erUSUL!info bsd-mailx17:53
ubottubsd-mailx (source: bsd-mailx): simple mail user agent. In component main, is optional. Version 8.1.2-0.20090911cvs-2ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 151 kB, installed size 292 kB17:53
sipiorabhijit: xfs is an option, i suppose. or jfs, or btrfs, once it matures a bit.17:53
jeroendverUSUL: and the traditional mail command would be part of which ubuntu package?17:53
erUSULDiverdude: this works « emacs -nw --insert <(lspci -vv) »17:54
treeI want to use skype...how can I make pulseaudio the default ?17:55
phanindraerUSUL: Reliance NetConnect Hi-speed 1X17:55
erUSULjeroendv: bsd-mailx  i guess17:55
spasysheepI have an intel based iMac9.1, how do I install ubuntu on it?17:55
BluesKajphanindra, usb can be cable or wireless, it would help to know which it is .17:55
treespaceghost_, grab yourself a nice cd..burn ubuntu on it..plug in ..and ROCK !!17:55
savidHI, I upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04,  and now my graphics performance sucks (wobbly windows really slow, no transparent terminal, etc..).     My driver management thing says that I currently have nvidia drivers installed and active.  What might be the problem?17:55
erUSULphanindra: what does « lsusb » says about the modem ?17:56
abhijitsipior, ok then i stay on ext4.17:56
phanindraBluesKaj: Its a datacard17:56
sipiorabhijit: probably sensible :-)17:57
abhijitsipior, :)17:57
hdtdiif i am a normal user on a ubuntu box with quota, how can i check how much quota i have left?17:57
phanindraerUSUL:Bus 005 Device 002: ID 19d2:fffe ONDA Communication S.p.A.17:57
DiverdudeerUSUL, why cant i pipe it like normally?17:58
sipiorhdtdi: try "quota" at a prompt17:58
phanindraerUSUL:Bus 005 Device 002: ID 19d2:fffe ONDA Communication S.p.A.17:58
abhijitubottu dont know about ext4 :(17:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:59
hdtdisipior, quota tries to open quota.user, but quota.user is with 600 permissions. a normal user cant read17:59
hareshhow to slove this No package 'gstreamer-0.10' found17:59
treeI need a little help configuring skype ..:)18:00
sipiorhdtdi: try "quota <username>"18:00
abhijit!ask | tree18:00
ubottutree: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:00
hdtdisipior, its the same... i am performing this with normal user not with root18:01
sipiorhdtdi: complain to your system administrator; the machine is configured poorly :-)18:01
hdtdii am the system administrator :D18:01
treehow can I make pulseaudio to manage sound instead18:01
sipiorhdtdi: well, that makes it faster for you18:01
djolefolI'm painting walls. What could be a NCS colour code for Ubuntu orange (ff6309, f47421 or dd4814?) and yellow (ffb515?)?18:02
hdtdisipior, with su i can see quota user but i want if i have a user and he wants to see how much quota he have.. ? then what?18:02
Diverdudedjolefol, open ubuntu homepage with the logo in firefox18:02
sipiorhdtdi: is making the file readable not an option?18:03
Diverdudedjolefol, install a firefox plugin that enables you to read the colors18:03
djolefolNCS means Natural Color System.18:03
Diverdudedjolefol, its called colorZilla18:03
djolefolPaints are sold on the basis of NCS codes.18:04
hdtdisipior, well.. i am watching some LPIC sert and the guy there said - you MUST change the permissions to 60018:04
venkateshneed some support on boot screen resolution configuration18:05
sipiorhdtdi: and did he say why?18:05
hdtdiwell i guess security measure but he didnt say that18:05
Picidjolefol: #ubuntu-artwork or #ubuntu-offtopic would be a better resource.18:06
erUSULphanindra: http://www.idlecool.net/usb-modeswitch-issue-with-reliance-netconnect-zte-mg880-cdma-1x-ubuntu-linu/18:06
wildc4rdevenin' all18:07
sipiorhdtdi: does "quota -v" work for you?18:07
* sipior thinks it must be about fifteen years since he's used a system with disk quotas18:07
hdtdiwell i guess if its ro only for the root i cant see with normal user18:07
sipiorhdtdi: i assumed quota would be suid root.18:08
=== prumar is now known as mar69
Guest46619where can I write the new ubuntu's versions's errors to?18:10
tylaAnyone having any ideas why Favorites panel keeps popping up in netbook edition? I cannot do anything because windows do not stay on top.18:11
erUSULGuest46619: #ubuntu+118:12
tktiddleHi I keep getting BOOTMGR is missing, Ive tried everything including installing lilo, can anyone help me get this working?18:15
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amen51hi all, a question: I upgraded to Lucid and it seems that every once in a file the screen snaps in and out (like the signal is going off and on), has anyone experienced this. This is a thinkpad t40018:16
erUSULtktiddle: what is giving this error ? is when you try to boot windows ?18:16
=== Googlepop is now known as GGP0647
treehm...when I watch videos on youtube..I cant use the play/ pause buttons..full screen..all of them ..18:20
=== Bridge|A is now known as Bridge|
hdtdisipior, a its ok now :) i dont know really how but with user i can see just my own quota :)18:22
sipiorhdtdi: what did you change, out of curiosity?18:22
treeit seem to not work with the old video controls..18:22
treewith the new one...works fine18:22
hdtdiwell i dont know i wrote the mount options in the fstab, remount the partition and then it was ok18:23
Bridge|any fixes for Lucid on ThinkPad R50e (and other laptops), with the black screen(suspossedly cuz of intel hw & lucid kernel) i guess the karmic and maverick kernels don't have this prob18:23
sipiorhdtdi: oh well, that makes sense18:23
Bridge|anyone any ideas18:23
se_toolsanyone want to answer a question of how to set up a wireless card?18:24
macoBridge|: 1) is a bug filed 2) be more specific than just "intel" -- my intel 945, 965, and n450-onboard-graphics all work fine with lucid18:24
Bridge|i'll look for a more detailed forum thread, but so u can get a quick idea what happening:18:25
Bridge|thats one of the earlier threads started about it and actually on ubuntu's forum18:25
Bridge|i'll try to find out the url for the one with the most info18:26
Randolphhi all18:26
Bridge|i guess it has to do with the kernel and intel video chipset18:26
Segajahi, how can i boot ubuntu 9.10 without X? runlevel 3 does not work in grub18:27
macoBridge|: ah ok its for very old intel graphics, the 8xx-series. did you try the workarounds linked in that thread at  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Lucidi8xxFreezes  ?18:27
Bridge|http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx-and-intel-video-chipsets.html          &&         https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Lucidi8xxFreezes)18:27
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=== Misterio_ is now known as Misterio
macoBridge|: try the stuff in the "call for testing" -- those need confirmation of working so a proper fix can be added in an update18:28
Bridge|was kinda hoping there was an actual solution before trying all those out which most had been said not to really work18:28
Guest46619join @ubuntu+118:28
vivxonei am using mint 8 and i install vlc but its not working18:28
Bridge|like no video/audio etc etc18:28
rww!mintsupport | vivxone18:28
ubottuvivxone: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org18:28
macoBridge|: in the forum they said the workarounds were being ick18:28
Bridge|i might look into karmic or maveric if mav's avail18:28
macoBridge|: but above the workarounds there are actual code changes available as packages18:29
Ac1drefl3xanybody here know about wifi hacking??18:29
* Cahl-lith wonders what would happen if 90% of the users in here started talking.18:29
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Ac1drefl3xhaha lmao18:29
macoCahl-lith: itd look like #ubuntu-release-party18:29
=== mihalis is now known as mihalis_safras
Bridge|Acl maybe call it packet sniffing and get a better response18:29
macoBridge|: the "disable kms" one you can actually try from the boot menu and then just reboot to reset18:30
Ac1drefl3xso does anybody have any experience with hacking a wpa encryted router??18:30
sipiorAc1drefl3x: you have the wrong channel.18:30
Ac1drefl3xcheers mate....any you know of?18:30
Bridge|try not using the word "hack"18:30
Ac1drefl3xand sorry im new to irc18:30
troopperi!offtopic Ac1drefl3x18:31
macoBridge|: for that, youd hold shift during boot to get the grub menu, then hit "e" to edit the kernel config it was going to boot. arrow key your way to the line that says "quiet splash" at the end, then add "i915.modeset=0" on the same line, then ctrl+x to boot18:31
rwwAc1drefl3x: assuming that by WPA you mean WPA-PSK, look into aircrack-ng. It's packaged in Ubuntu, and their website -- http://www.aircrack-ng.org/ -- has tutorials. You're not likely to get much support for it here, though.18:32
Bridge|yea i cant even instal18:32
Bridge|maybe i'll have to install karmic then upgrade18:32
Bridge|then try this stuff18:32
macoBridge|: should be able to install from an alternate cd too18:32
Bridge|i tried ubunu reg 10.04 and netbook edition18:32
Bridge|same effect, black screen18:32
rwwAc1drefl3x: IRC lesson number 2: don't PM people from #ubuntu ;)18:33
rwwAc1drefl3x: glad to help, though :)18:33
Ac1drefl3xahhh lol18:33
Ac1drefl3xsorry xD18:33
Bridge|Acl join #kismet18:34
Bridge|no more hacking talk here18:34
Bridge|ok buddy18:34
Ac1drefl3xthanks, cya :)18:34
[zz]So I'm having this weird issue where networking on 10.04 seems to just suddenly stop for no reason. Icon disappears from the notification area and everything. Anyone know why that might be and how to prevent it?18:34
guest1join #kismet18:34
erUSUL[zz]: look into « dmesg » output18:35
xckpd7how do you navigate tabs in gnome-terminal?18:37
[zz]erUSUL, anything in particular I should be looking for in it?18:37
erUSUL[zz]: erro messages from wlan0 or so18:37
xckpd7I want to be able to go back | forth18:37
kwtmSIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory. <-- What does this mean, if I'm trying to figure out why wireless isn't working on Ubuntu 10.04?18:38
=== Bridge| is now known as Bridge|A
kermitwhats a quick way to see the license of all my installed packages?18:38
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KuroganeAny can help me with this error /usr/bin/python: /usr/local/lib/libz.so.1: no version information available (required by /usr/bin/python)18:39
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rwwkermit: There isn't a way to show the license for every package that I know of. Most (all?) install /usr/share/doc/packagename/copyright, though, so you can check individually.18:40
=== spyrosebastos is now known as spiros
adamramadhanhow can i add main menu ? i mean the Aplication Places System Mymenu ?18:41
adamramadhanim in lucid18:41
kermitrww: wow they're all different, i thought most things used one of just a few standard licenses18:42
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aeon-ltdadamramadhan: right click on gnome panel18:43
kermitrww: well, not all, but of 3200 packages, there are 1900 different files18:43
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots18:43
rwwkermit: that doesn't mean that the licenses are different. The files would be different if they contain notes about individual files, different authors, etc.18:44
Guest46619« ubuntu-bug 2.6.32-24-generic » printing a doc with an envelope in front of it gives me a column printed instead of the entire page width with printer HP710C18:44
kermitrww: i thought when i installed ubuntu there was some option about which licenses i wanted to install, so the data has to be more organized somewhere.18:44
kermitrww: oh18:44
adamramadhanaeon-ltd: where?18:44
=== The_Wiki_Ninja is now known as zkriesse
adamramadhani can add the sub menu18:44
aeon-ltdadamramadhan: right click then add applet, a main menu applet should be there18:44
adamramadhanlike inside Application18:44
sikilpaakei need somebody to test what happens when you boot ubuntu without a monitor.. i can't connect to remote desktop server running on a headless machine :(18:45
rwwkermit: Nope. There's an option for "Install free software only" on the LiveCD, but that just make it so that only main and universe repositories are active. There isn't more fine-grained control in the installer.18:45
kermitrww: i dont see any parseably standard format in these though18:45
aeon-ltdadamramadhan: right click on the panel where there usn't a applet present18:45
kwtmkermit: I think you can choose free vs non-free, but I don't think there's a setting for BSD license vs GPL v3, etc.18:45
adamramadhanaeon-ltd: pick what?18:45
kermitrww: ah, thats the option.. so can i list whats installed thats not from main and universe?18:45
aeon-ltdadamramadhan: right click on a empty spot on the panel and select add applet18:45
adamramadhanthere is no add applet18:46
adamramadhanadd oanelk18:46
adamramadhanadd panel18:46
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga18:46
adamramadhanadd to panel18:46
ubottuekiga is an Internet telephony application included with Ubuntu, which supports the SIP and H323 protocols. Information and help at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ekiga18:46
guntbert!askthebot  > erikja18:46
ubottuerikja, please see my private message18:46
xckpd7!askthebot > xckpd718:47
ubottuxckpd7, please see my private message18:47
jesus_Hi I have a few problems with my fresh install of ubuntu 10.04. We'll start off with a keyboard question.18:47
adamramadhanaeon-ltd: there no add apllet18:47
rwwkermit: one sec, there's a cmomand to do it but I always forget the search flag for repositories18:48
rwwcommand **18:48
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".18:48
jesus_All my keys work, except one. The up-arrow key. Where can I find the layout I'm using, change it, and load that custom layout?18:48
aeon-ltdadamramadhan: its under "add to panel"18:48
adamramadhanaeon-ltd: properties18:48
aeon-ltdadamramadhan: http://www.brighthub.com/computing/linux/articles/16690.aspx read please18:50
rwwkermit: aptitude search ~i~srestricted ~i~smultiverse18:50
adamramadhanaeon-ltd: yup add to panel ?18:50
aeon-ltdadamramadhan: yeah18:50
adamramadhanaeon-ltd: yes then what ?18:51
rwwkermit: (which translates to "show packages that are installed and from the restricted section, or packages that are installed and from the multiverse section", restricted and multiverse being our non-Free Software repositories)18:51
aeon-ltdadamramadhan: look for the main menu applet and add it18:51
adamramadhanaeon-ltd: yes im doing that from the begining18:51
adamramadhanaeon-ltd: we can olny add sub folders18:52
adamramadhanaeon-ltd: not like Myfolder Application Places System18:52
cmihaiIs there some way to purge all gcj & related packages from the repository, or ignore them or something? I really hate gcj, and a lot of Java stuff depends on it (eclipse, ant, etc). I'm using my Java SDK and it's setup up (with alternatives too), but installing most things from apt will result in gcj getting pulled (and most likely used).18:52
guntbert!enter | adamramadhan18:52
ubottuadamramadhan: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:52
savidHI, I upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04,  and now my graphics performance sucks (wobbly windows really slow, no transparent terminal, etc..).     My driver management thing says that I currently have nvidia drivers installed and active.  What might be the problem?18:53
adamramadhanaeon-ltd: i can add like a folder inside Applicaiton Places or System, like Application;accesoris, games myfolder, etc .18:53
cmihaiPretty much every java related package eventually pulls an ant and that pulls gcj for example.18:53
aeon-ltdadamramadhan: you can add a shortcut and have several under one menu18:54
adamramadhanaeon-ltd: cant i add a new menu ?18:54
kermitrww: wow i just learned a lot of useful htings from that command, thanks18:54
alfilhola a todos18:54
aeon-ltdadamramadhan: i'm not entirely sure18:55
oCean_!es | alfil18:55
ubottualfil: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:55
adamramadhancan anyone help me on adding a menu like {logo} Mymenu Application Places System ?18:55
macoadamramadhan: are you a programmer?18:56
adamramadhanmarco: php18:56
macoadamramadhan: no C?18:56
adamramadhanmaco: no18:56
macoadamramadhan: then no18:56
adamramadhanso we cant add a simple menu ?18:56
adamramadhanwhy some people on deviantart are doing it18:56
macoadamramadhan: you'd need to modify that panel applet, and its most likely written in C just like the rest of gnome18:56
pnfque paso18:57
adamramadhanmaco: please look at http://cf1234.deviantart.com/art/Ubuntu-02-12-2010-153812257?q=boost:popular+in:customization/screenshots/nix&qo=2118:57
kwtmubotu siocsifflags18:58
kermitrww: '?not(~suniverse) ?not(~smain) ~i' has 2267 lines!  how'd i get so much not free stuff?18:58
adamramadhanhow do they do that ?18:58
kwtmubotu, How do I talk to you?18:58
kwtmubottu siocsifflags18:58
abhijit!bot | kwtm18:58
ubottukwtm: Hi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins18:58
elitexrayI think I destroyed my ubuntu. I am unable to turn desktop effects back on18:58
abhijitkwtm, type /msg ubottu !hi18:58
elitexrayor run any software18:58
Black_PrinceCan anyone help me share connection18:59
kwtmAhh, would help to spell the name correctly. :P18:59
Black_PrinceI setup static IP on this computer, and on other18:59
Black_PrinceBut I can only connect from other computer to this18:59
adamramadhanhow can people add menu beside Application Places and System? anyone?18:59
kwtmDarn, need to figure out what this SIOCSIFFLAGS error is.  Anyone know?  It seems to have something to do with networking (or the lack thereof on this computer here)...19:00
abhijitkwtm, do that in pm. to do that type /msg ubottu !factoid19:00
rwwkermit: assuming that you included the spaces, that means "show packages if they're not in universe, not in main, or are installed"...19:00
rwwkermit: you probably want to remove the spaces, so it ANDs all of those instead.19:00
figure002adamramadhan: that's the menubar for the terminal what you see19:01
rwwkermit: (aptitude's syntax is arcane...)19:01
figure002adamramadhan: the terminal is selected, so it's menubar appears on the panel, just like in Mac19:01
adamramadhanfigure002: nono , wait let me give a screenshot19:01
kermitrww: hrm then http://algebraicthunk.net/~dburrows/projects/aptitude/doc/en/ch02s03s05.html is wrong, that would be 'and' not 'or'19:03
figure002adamramadhan: i'm 100% sure that's the case in _that_ screenshot19:03
kermitrww: it does the same without spaces19:03
adamramadhannooo, thats global menu, in lucid there nohing like that19:03
macoadamramadhan: those arent menus added next to existing ones.  thats the global menubar19:04
Piciadamramadhan: There are some third party packages that can do that.19:04
figure002adamramadhan: ues, global menu, in lucid there _is_ something like that19:04
figure002adamramadhan: there's a third party application for that19:04
adamramadhanfigure, global menu olny add one text.19:04
macoadamramadhan: it didnt only add one text...19:04
kermitrww: i think 'section' is something different than what you thought, because 'show' has htings like 'kde' with not 'main' or 'universe' or anything19:04
ikercbonsoir quelqu'un sait comment on vire les mises à jour automatiques en ligne de commande ?19:04
Pici!fr | ikerc19:05
ubottuikerc: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:05
sarawaraok, i'll try one more time before the inevitable. i have 9.10, problem with updating: this is my error message: Sub-process http received signal 7.Method /usr/lib/apt/methods/http did not start correctlyMethod http has died unexpectedly19:05
macoadamramadhan: read whats there! terminal, then all the terminal's menus in what looks like german19:05
ikerc /j #ubuntu-fr, sorry :)19:05
rwwkermit: oh, I remember now. ~s works for multiverse, restricted, and universe, but not main19:06
adamramadhanok look this one http://leonardomdq.deviantart.com/art/Dreams-162027268?q=boost:popular+in:customization/screenshots/nix&qo=4519:06
jesus_Every ~20 seconds my screen flashes. I run nvidia, compiz (as it comes with ubuntu), anyone who recognizes this and can point me in the right direction?19:06
adamramadhanthere is 6 menus ?19:06
ikercnobody know how to remove auto update with shell ?19:06
sarawarasomeone from the Dutch chat suggested it could be this someone from the Dutch chat suggested it could be this: http://us.generation-nt.com/answer/bug-561852-apt-method-http-has-died-unexpectedly-undefined-symbol-help-168957491.html19:06
adamramadhanthere should be 4 , Application , Places , System + Global menu ( shows where we are )19:06
sarawaraand also diagnosed my computer ready for a new install :(19:06
rwwkermit: because packages in those three have the section set to repository/actualsection for some reason I can't remember.19:06
sarawarai'm no ubuntu wizard, is there anyone who can help me?19:07
hardexHow do I correctly pack a SVG icon into DEB so that I can later access it with Gnome stock-id?19:07
figure002adamramadhan: that's the same thing19:07
Piciadamramadhan: Global menu is not 1 menu item. It contains the menu for the current application.19:07
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figure002adamramadhan: global menu19:07
macoadamramadhan: again, thats just the global menu19:07
rwwkermit: so that command essentially does (not in universe) AND (installed), because ~smain doesn't match anything19:07
tsoloxif i do two consecutive fetchmail via commandline, to a google gmail server, the second invocation will be ignored right? I mean, there's a mandatory delay imposed by google for pop319:07
macoadamramadhan: applications/places/system are *not* on those screenshots at all19:07
Picihardex: #ubuntu-packaging might be a better place to ask19:08
tylaHi! I'm having strange issue with Ubuntu Netbook Edition 10.04. When I open any window it disappear almost immediatelly and go-home-applet's Favorites screen fades in. I cannot find similar issues from forums. One guy at #ubuntu-fi said that he had similar problems with virtualbox. I have Thinkpad T23 laptop. Can anyone help me with this issue that makes me crazy?19:08
macoadamramadhan: global menu acts like OSX. it replaces the main menu with the application's menu when an application is in focus. when you click the desktop, it shows the main menu19:08
adamramadhanok i belive you guys. anyway global menu is not a ubuntu main repo isnt it ? we have to add the ppa ?19:08
figure002adamramadhan: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/global_menu19:09
adamramadhanfigure002: download it or from ppa ?19:10
nagendrai have to cut MP4 format video. Can u suggest any video cutter??19:11
yellabshi there19:12
arvind_khadrihi, where are the folders located which start with ~ , i always thought that ~ expands to /home of that particular user19:12
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jribarvind_khadri: ~ corresponds to the user's home, usually /home/username19:13
rwwarvind_khadri: it does19:13
yellabsi wanto install tux type, for education, in what package is it in ubuntu 10.04 ?19:13
sikilpaakei need somebody to test what happens when you boot ubuntu without a monitor.. i can't connect to remote desktop server running on a headless machine :(19:13
john38Anybody help me19:13
Piciyellabs: tuxtype19:13
john38Can you install third party video cards on dell systemes19:14
arvind_khadrijrib, rww thanks, i am setting up qmail actually, so when i do ~alias, it actually goes to /var/qmail/alias19:14
yellabshmm synaptic cant find it19:14
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jribarvind_khadri: presumably because alias' home is /var/qmail/alias19:14
figure002adamramadhan: don't know, never used it, you'll have to google some, and maybe look on Launchpad19:14
BluesKajjohn38, 3rd party ? by which maker?19:14
yellabsah found it19:14
yellabsthanks pici19:14
Piciyellabs: no problem19:14
arvind_khadrijrib, oh ok, thanks a lot :)19:15
danieleplease.. lista server film19:15
john38BluesKaj, Nvidia card19:15
alkisgIf I create a cron job that runs every minute, and then suspend my laptop for an hour, will that job be called 60 times when I resume? Or just once?19:15
jribalkisg: once19:15
alkisgThanks :)19:16
BluesKajnvidia isn't termed as a 3rd party card it's an optional pci card :)19:16
john38thats what i meant19:16
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ralliasI have a funny problem. The power button in the top right corner of the standard U-Desktop installation will not show and will not let me turn the computer off.19:17
BluesKajjohn38, well I have one installed on my HP , if it fits the slot then it should work with a kernel source driver , depending on the model of course19:17
john38BluesKaj, so yes19:18
markie-I updated my nvidia drivers to a restricted one via a hardware update and now x doesn't work, i tried to reconfigure and modified xorg.config and probably destroyed it, now i'm stuck in a terminal at start up, any help?19:18
danielelista server film19:18
yellabsmarkie wich version of ubuntu ?19:18
markie-yellabs: latest19:18
ralliasmarkie-: Running sudo shutdown -r now will bring you to the restore screen, where it has an option to restore the proper xorg.conf file.19:18
john38BluesKaj, i was told nvidia has a special tool unlike Ati that allows secondary monitor support?19:18
ralliasmarkie-: make sure to include the now19:19
markie-rallias: alright let me try19:19
ralliashow do you use irc from a terminal prompt?19:20
yellabssudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg19:20
yellabsto late19:20
erUSULrallias: with a terminal client like irssi19:20
Picirallias: irssi is a popular client19:20
danielezio come devo fare19:20
Pici!it | daniele19:20
ubottudaniele: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:20
erUSUL!it | daniele19:20
delancejohn38, Yes I use such NVidia driver to access via DMI my TV19:20
john38delance, you mean DVI19:21
delancejohn38, yes19:21
john38delance, are you talking about open driver or closed19:21
kermitrww: so the command i want wont be easy huh19:21
ashrafhow do i zip a folder on xubuntu?19:21
john38delance, so you have primary monitor via dvi and secondary display dvi to tv?19:22
kermitrww: basicly, i'd like to support truely free stuff, but i want to know how many exceptions i've made ;)19:22
BluesKajyes john38 if you have the 2nd monitor connected there should be options for it in system settings/Display19:22
sarawara_is there no one who can give me a last opinion? (http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/MW4QE4Kg)19:22
purplefoolwhere do i display larger files for you to look at?  i know i should know this, but i cannot remember...19:22
ralliasashraf: it should be that if you highlight all the files you wish to zip, and then right click, there will be an option called compress. Click that, and select zip from the drop down menu19:23
delancejohn38, proprietary driver version 17319:23
ann-christinI just updated my Ubuntu system and now firefox won't work.. Help?19:23
ralliasann-christin: is there an absolute need to use firefox?19:24
Prettodoes anyone had this problem using anjuta on ubuntu 10.04?? Assertion 'pthread_setspecific(t->key, userdata) == 0' failed at pulsecore/thread-posix.c:196, function pa_tls_set(). Aborting.19:24
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weelinuxPlease tell me where CONFIGuration files of  iptables are in Ubuntu?19:24
john38BluesKaj, i was having a problem with that because my Tv only supports S-video composite video and i have ATI Radeon card i heard Nvidia has no problem with S-video19:24
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ann-christinyes I can only do my bankerrands there19:24
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=== muthu is now known as vairam
ann-christinI can't see why it stopped working19:24
ann-christinGoogle Chrome runs fine19:24
ralliasann-christin: My only responce to that is to use a different web browser unless that could be an issue with what you are doing.19:24
ralliasfirefox, chromium, opera, Konquerer, etc are all fine browsers19:25
markie-rallias: didn't work19:25
ann-christinIs this a common problem?19:25
ann-christinI've had ubuntu for years19:25
delancejohn38, I have digital connection (not HDMI)  for main monitor and HDMI for TV, and it works currently19:25
ralliasmarkie- someone else suggested something... "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" without the quotes.19:25
ann-christinAnd never had any problems with firefox19:25
tylaI have problem with disappearing window in Netbook edition 10.04. I have thinkpad T23. This seems to be similar problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=150298019:26
john38delance, yeah thats the problem my tv only supports S-video19:26
vairamwvdial  and other packages are not available in synaptic package manager... anyone may you help me...19:26
ActionParsnip!info wvdial19:26
ubottuwvdial (source: wvdial): PPP dialer with built-in intelligence. In component main, is optional. Version 1.60.3 (lucid), package size 170 kB, installed size 456 kB19:26
ralliasann-christin: if you have a problem using a different browser, then don't follow this advice. In terminal, type in "sudo apt-get install chromium"19:26
rmrfslashIs there a command to check which partitions are encrypted for an lvm managed disk?19:26
ann-christinI've done that already19:27
ann-christinTo find answers to my problem I had to get on the internet19:27
savidHi, I upgraded to 10.4 and _seem_ to have lost hardware video acceleration.  I have nvidia drivers installed.  Any ideas?19:27
delancejohn38, with HDMI TV send its resolution to PC, I have no S-Video output, I presume you have to set manually correct resolution19:27
markie-rallias: alright did that19:27
trismann-christin: try: mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla-backup; then run firefox, in case it is a proble with your user config19:27
ActionParsnipvairam: its in the main repo so: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install wvdial ,will install it.19:27
ann-christinsavid: check proprietary drivers19:27
adi1hi all. i have bought i fujitsu siemens scenic n. for 50 euro:) i installed ubuntu karmic cause it was the only one that could boot on it. but i have a very low resolution 960X900. how can i fix this? thanks19:28
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adi1the graphic card is a sis i think..19:28
ralliasrmrfslash: i personally like "unmount *spesific partition*" then "mount *spesific partition*", then opening natulus. It has worked for me. If it gives a read error, you know its encrypted, and all you have to do to restore it is reboot.19:28
john38delance, you see i get no link with my card to tv via s-video19:28
john38BluesKaj, ?19:28
adi1anyone have any idea19:28
ActionParsnipadi1: run: sudo lshw -C display ,websearch for the product line to find guides19:28
rmrfslashrallias: yeeeah, I'm gunna go ahead and say there's a better way19:28
savidann-christin,  it looks like in my hardware drivers window that nvidia drivers are installed and in use.19:28
adi1guides for ubuntu?19:28
theoctagontrism: , ann-christin: shouldn't bookmarks been saved before?19:29
okaGoogle Chrome is really nice19:29
john38delance, i heard ati is notoriously bad with linux19:29
ActionParsnipadi1: well yeah, thought that was glaringly obvious19:29
trismtheoctagon: it isn't deleted, just moved to a different place, you can still get the bookmarks from ~/.mozilla-backup19:29
savidOh hmm.. I wonder if it's using nouveau instead?19:29
theoctagonwell a mv isn'19:29
ralliasrmrfslash: it works, wether or not its good is a different matter.19:29
ActionParsnipoka: +1 dude19:29
theoctagontrism: got it - parse error ;)19:29
losty627WHat ati are you using? the HD series?19:29
okai just got the upgrade19:29
vairam<ActionParsnip: OK... THEN  how do you see the other packages in synaptic package manager... please19:29
xanguaoka: better use crhomium, is opensource and it's already in the repository ;)19:29
purplefoollooking for the webpage where i can post larger files to display for others to help me with troubleshooting.19:29
sarawara_is the fact that no one notices me because i'm unlucky today or because no one can solve my problem and that a new install is all that is left to me?19:29
oka5.0.375.99 beta19:29
ActionParsnipvairam: I've never used it, I've always used apt-get19:30
okaxangua: no google logo? :)19:30
xanguapurplefool: pastebin¿19:30
okalets see19:30
adi1ActionParsnip : that comand gives me info about the SIS19:30
delanceno, the worst if Intel integrated chipset. I'm not specialized in video, there are problems with both ATI and NVidia19:30
ralliasana you can easily go into system monitor and click list dependencies. Go to the tree saying firefox, and right click->kill process. Then try starting firefox19:30
purplefoolxangua, thx!19:30
Picisarawara_: If no one knows how to help, they aren't going to answer.19:30
ActionParsnipoka: I use chromium daily so I get updates everyday19:30
adi1what to do with this now?19:30
NikonElitei have annoying file that i cant open/decompile...or anything else...anyone fancy a challenge! lol19:30
BluesKajjohn38, dunno , you have to make sure you have an s-video out on the card for tv viewing19:30
ActionParsnipadi1: then its a SiS video card19:30
okaActionParsnip, chromium-daily?19:30
ActionParsnipadi1: copy the product line and use it in websearches19:31
john38BluesKaj, my ati radeon card does have s-video19:31
adi1ActionParsnip : so how can i update the driver ?19:31
ActionParsnipoka: yes there's a daily build19:31
adi1aaa ok ..19:31
adi1thanks ActionParsnip.19:31
ActionParsnipadi1: your driver is in a stock install, you just need config19:31
markie-rallias: i don't think that worked either19:31
delancejohn38, do you have proprietary driver (system->administration->NVidia XServer setting) ?19:31
okai just installed chromium, it is a game!19:31
thune3sarawara_: yeah, you have a tough one. is it from disk corruption problem? or http://www.sp1r1t.org/networks/linux/common_issues_linux.php this guy had the problem and needed to free some memory before it worked. Your problem is HARD. that's the explaination.19:31
ActionParsnipoka: ahhh heehehheheheehehe19:31
john38delance, i got ati on this rig19:31
adi1ActionParsnip how can i config this in ubuntu?19:32
sarawara_yeah, that's what people told me thune319:32
okait looks really cool19:32
john38delance, im thinking of getting nvidia card19:32
sarawara_I indeed had 2 times problems to start up and did fsck19:32
okaor rather chromium-bsu19:32
ralliasmarkie-: at this point, run "shutdown -r now"19:32
ActionParsnipadi1: the guides you find will help / tell you. Sis can be a pain and I don't believe will give 3D accelleration (no compiz muck)19:32
ralliasmarkie-: i mean "startx"19:32
slinker1oka try chromium-browser19:32
markie-rallias: ok19:33
adi1ActionParsnip i dont want 3d19:33
adi1just a better resolution19:33
ActionParsnipadi1: ok that's cool19:33
delancejohn38, in this case, I can't help you, sorry19:33
randy_Hello,a have problem ,look this http://imagebin.ca/view/sBE-HIS7.html ,this the same sda6!19:33
ActionParsnipadi1: the guides will most likely give suggestions for details in xorg.conf19:33
purplefoolok, my problem from yesterday is that my new (very slow) computer will not recognize my mobile broadband usb stick.  it was asked if i would do a lsusb and a dmesg command and display that.  here it is: http://pastebin.com/LULqGkxU19:33
ralliasadil1: if you want to change monitor resolution, go to system->preferences->monitors and select the best resolution.19:33
sarawara_also had trouble upgrading Flashplayer, but no idea if it's related19:33
randy_I think is maybe a bug19:33
adi1ActionParsnip do you think this card can support higher resolution than 960X900?19:34
markie-rallias: fatal server error: no screens found19:34
ralliasmarkie-: reboot19:34
randy_I have talk in ubuntu-cn19:34
markie-rallias: kk19:34
randy_They tell to report19:34
ActionParsnipadi1: yes! You just need to configure it. Also depends what your screen can handle19:34
john38i just wanted to know if installing optional video card on dell system will work well19:34
randy_a have problem ,look this http://imagebin.ca/view/sBE-HIS7.html ,this the same sda6!19:34
BluesKajjohn38, there are cards with s-video , vga and dvi out , but they are hard to find19:34
sarawara_strange to have such a hard problem on such a young computer(1 year laptop)19:35
adi1ActionParsnip ok thanks19:35
john38BluesKaj, actually their plentiful \19:35
BluesKajdvi for HDTV, john38 , for that new tv in your future :)19:35
john38BluesKaj, newegg.com has19:35
=== mattias is now known as Guest44872
=== [SW]Dodge is now known as [SW]Dodge`oFF
randy_Anyone a atention?19:36
randy_a have problem ,look this http://imagebin.ca/view/sBE-HIS7.html ,this the same sda6!19:36
jhattaradoes someone know how to disable the FF3.6 startup query about updating bookmarks in Jaunty?19:36
ActionParsnipsarawara_: I can sort flash out easily. Use: http://pastie.org to give the output of; dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf; lsb_release -a ,thanks19:36
ralliasjhattara: why is it asking you to update bookmarks? Did you install xmarks?19:37
bharaniaudio suddenly not working in 9.1019:37
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sarawara_ActionParsnip, ok i'll do so19:37
Wavesonicshello fellow ubuntu-ers19:37
ralliasbharani: sudo apt-get upgrade19:38
sikilpaakei need somebody to test what happens when you boot ubuntu without a monitor.. i can't connect to remote desktop server running on a headless machine :(19:38
sarawara_are these seperate commands Actionparship (i'm not an expert, not even very good at ubuntu, so slowly for me please)19:38
WavesonicsI have a file server (no GUI), and I want to set it up as a torrent machine, meaning i want to be able to tell it to torrent files for me, any good programs to do this via command line? Or even better from some web interface ro something?19:38
ralliassikilpaake: what do you need to know/19:38
randy_I  can reciver bug?19:38
sikilpaakerallias: well.. first off, thanks for tending to me19:38
ActionParsnipsarawara_: copy it all as one, it will run one after the other due to the ;s19:38
Pici!bugs | randy_19:39
ubotturandy_: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots19:39
Guest74499rallias: will it solve the problem19:39
randy_http://code.bulix.org/88kq2n-75754 and http://imagebin.ca/view/sBE-HIS7.html19:39
markie-rallias: i rebooted and started x, but still same error.19:39
sikilpaakerallias: i start ubuntu headless.. and nmap tells me a machine is no19:39
sikilpaake*is on19:39
ActionParsnipWavesonics: transmission has a web interface19:39
sikilpaakerallias: but.. i can't vnc into it19:39
sikilpaakei've done this on other machine, and everything works19:39
WavesonicsActionParsnip, isnt transmission a GUI based app?19:39
sikilpaakerallias: i've done this on other *another machine, and everything works19:39
randy_ubottu, Thanks ,I We dont;t sure,ubuntu-cn said it may be19:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:39
ralliassikilpaake: X won't run without a monitor, and no VNC server that I know of will run without X on ubuntu19:39
jhattararallias, i just installed FF3.6 from repository (package "firefox") after my FF3.5 ("firefox-3.5") started acting funny19:40
ActionParsnipWavesonics: not if you only install transmission-daemon and transmission-cli19:40
markie-rallias: i deleted the main xorg file and replaced it with the failsafe one19:40
randy_Pici, Thanks ,I We dont;t sure,ubuntu-cn said it may be19:40
WavesonicsActionParsnip, fantastic, thanks :)19:40
sikilpaakerallias: i'm thinking about googling "running x without a monitor"19:40
ralliasjhattara: I don't know why it is doing that.19:40
sikilpaakerallias: is that a good idea?19:40
ActionParsnipWavesonics: my g1 phone contacts my torrent server when I click a torrent in the browser and tells my server to download it :D19:40
Guest74499rallias : will it rectify the audio problem19:40
purplefoolmy new (very old and slow) computer is not recognizing my mobile broadband usb stick.  the stick workds but no joy with broadband.  have attached dmesg | tail -n 100 & lsusb here --> http://pastebin.com/LULqGkxU.  can someone take a look and help me?19:41
ralliassikilpaake: replace your xorg.conf file with a failsafe. That way, X will run along with any vnc file19:41
ralliasGuest:74499: It should.19:41
WavesonicsActionParsnip, sex-tastic! How!19:41
sikilpaakerallias: thanks!!19:41
ActionParsnipWavesonics: there are tonnes of guides for headless transmission boxes19:41
ralliasGuest74499: If not, run a distro upgrade.19:41
sikilpaakerallias: wait, with a failsafe?19:41
WavesonicsActionParsnip, I got a Droid i want to set that up on19:41
ActionParsnipWavesonics: I use transdroid. Its awesome19:41
WavesonicsActionParsnip, fantastic, i will look into this :D19:41
ralliassikilpaake: yes, that way it will start wether or not there is a monitor attached19:42
ActionParsnipDo, its very pleasing :) I squealed the first time I did it19:42
sikilpaakerallias: you mean a failsafe xorg.conf? what do i do to make it failsafe?19:42
ralliasjust google xorg.conf failsafe.19:42
sikilpaakerallias: gotcha!19:42
sikilpaakerallias: thanks!!19:42
ralliassikilpaake: no problem19:42
markie-rallias: still need help here19:42
Guest74499rallias : I faced the same problem in ubuntu 10.04 so only I came to ubuntu 9.1019:42
ralliasmarkie-: what is the problem19:42
sikilpaakerallias: you saved me many hours of headaches :)19:42
markie-rallias: it didn't work, same no screen error19:43
sarawara_the only problem i have with Flash is that on facebook it says it needs updating, but when i do so, it says it has a more recent install already, but i have no idea if it is related with my real problem19:43
ralliasGuest74499: Check that the speakers are in working order on a different computer.19:43
ActionParsnipsarawara_: once you paste in pastie, copy the url your browser goes to and paste it here19:43
Guest74499rallias : just now it worked after i made a reboot it not working19:43
sarawara_i did so19:43
ActionParsnipsarawara_: can you repaste the link please19:44
sarawara_ no problem  http://pastie.org/107568819:44
ralliasguest74499: like i said, check on a different computer. Reboot can occasionally with poorly manufactured hardware cause an electrical surge to speakers which can damage them19:44
ActionParsnipsarawara_: ok looks like you downloaded the deb from adobe's site. This next command will fix you up:19:45
ralliasguest74499: another idea is to turn the plug 45 degrees in any direction19:45
markie-rallias: have other idea?19:46
ralliasmarkie-: uninstall the driver"19:46
markie-rallias: how?19:46
Guest74499rallias : no its a laptop speaker is inbuilt19:46
ActionParsnipsarawara_: sudo apt-get --purge remove adobe-flashplugin; sudo dpkg -P flashplugin-installer; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree19:46
jpetermanhey, i got a question...its not specific to ubuntu (though i am an ubuntu user) but my manufacturer told me they wont help because im running ubuntu19:47
ralliasmarkie-: sudo apt-search nvidia19:47
jpetermanand its pretty simple- my bios sits at the splash screen for about 2-3 minutes, before loading into grub and then ubuntu. any idea why it hangs?19:47
sarawara_ActionParsnip do you think this problem is related to my main problem? (http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/MW4QE4Kg)19:48
jpetermanit didnt used to19:48
purplefooljpeterman, that always happens because nobody wants to help with linux...sucks really^^19:48
jpetermanpurplefool, i agree, easy way for them to cop out of it when its obviously not a linux issue19:48
xanguajpeterman: your manifacturer lied to you, the only thing you lost when you delete windows and install ubuntu is the software support; you still have the hardware support19:48
ralliasmarkie-: then sudo apt-get uninstall any nvidia-## programs19:48
xanguajpeterman: don't let them to cheat on you and tell them to do their job19:49
markie-rallias: it says apt-search command not found19:49
purplefooljpeterman, true, your description is most definately not a linux prob.19:49
ralliasmarkie-: then try "sudo apt-get search nvidia19:49
jpetermanpurplefool, xangua ever heard of this issue?19:49
* rallias : Is it ok to leave or does someone need my help?19:50
purplefooljpeterman, don't know xangua...sorry19:50
markie-rallias: you can't leave on me19:50
tylaUbuntu Netbook Edition 10.04. Windows disappear constantly. Favorites tab opens. Anyone?19:51
markie-rallias: that was an invalid operation19:51
ralliasmarkie-: let me do a bit of research, do "apt-get moo" a bunch until i find what you need19:52
sarawara_rallias, can you do miracles? :)19:52
purplefooli am still looking for help with my mobile broadband usb stick.  please look at http://pastebin.com/LULqGkxU to see why the broadband stick is not recognized, but all others are.19:52
ralliassarawara_: no, and I don't pretend to.19:52
axisysi am trying to boot a desktop with ubunt 10.04 and it shows the ubuntu with the dots and just sit there.. booting from usb.. is there a lighter version of ubuntu may be? xubuntu or something even lighter that would work better? or should i get knoppix ?19:52
ralliassarawara_: it would be. a miracle if i can get to Railroad Tycoon 3 today19:53
markie-rallias: can't i just reinstall the xserver?19:53
xangua!lubuntu | axisys19:53
ubottuaxisys: lubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu19:53
axisysthis is just to retrieve data from a corrupted windows machine.. not to install19:53
sarawara_i have no idea what that is19:53
sarawara_sounds like a game19:53
axisysxangua: thanks19:53
ralliasmarkie-: you can try that...19:53
markie-rallias: how?19:54
ralliasmarkie-: umm... "sudo apt-get reinstall xserver-xorg" i believe should work19:55
sarawara_a pity i could use some magic, the only thing i heard today is that i beter do a new install19:56
ralliassarawara_: whats your problem?19:56
pengyangHi, how can I get rid of screen saver19:56
sarawara_rallias: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/MW4QE4Kg19:56
BluesKajrallias, sudo nvidia-xconfig19:57
pengyangeverytime I left the computer about 10 minutes,19:57
pengyangthen it ask me to enter the password to get access again19:57
ralliasmarcie-: what BluesKaj said19:57
acamargopengyang, menu system > preferences > screensaver19:58
markie-rallias: alright i removed and just installed it again, what now?19:58
ralliassarawara_: umm... reboot?19:59
ralliasmarkie-: "startx"19:59
pengyangthanks! it works19:59
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sarawara_it's been 11 days since I have been able to update20:00
sarawara_and 2 fsck too !!20:01
ralliassarawara_ you are using ubuntu 9.10? "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"20:01
sarawara_you think an upgrade could solve it?20:01
ralliassarawara_: yes.20:01
ubottuA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. Please see !upgrade for the proper way to upgrade to a new version of Ubuntu.20:01
ralliassarawara_: sometimes older versions of ubuntu contain older versions of the programs. I would always recommend doing a dist-upgrade if you are using an older version of ubuntu and having errors.20:02
shobhit56Does anyone know the reason behind making root account inactive by default in Ubuntu 10.04??20:02
ralliasshobhit56: because if there is no root account, the hacker has to guess both username and password, instead of just password20:03
sarawara_ok, i'll try that20:03
rwwshobhit56: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo20:03
erUSULshobhit56: all ubuntu versions not just 10.0420:03
erUSULshobhit56: one of the first design decisions about ubuntu20:03
sarawara_ubottu, is that !upgrade a command ?20:03
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:03
rwwubottu: upgrade | sarawara_20:04
ubottusarawara_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade20:04
rwwsarawara_: ubottu is a fact bot. Messages starting with ! are generally instructions to her.20:04
CrustyBarnacleAny howto for openGEO packages on Lucid?20:05
shobhit56rallias: erUSUL: thanks20:06
shobhit56rww: thnks for the link20:06
thune3i accidently hit some key combintation that inverted my colors in applications and panel bars.  Anyone know what this was or how to fix it?20:07
ralliasi changed my mind. My own comuter on't work20:07
octaviocan anybody tell me why when i download something folders got locks on them. do i own my computer or what.20:07
se_toolsanyone know how to connect a D-Link Wireless DWL-520 Rev. E1 chip20:07
octavioi dont think i do20:07
ralliasthune3: ctrl f10? that is what it is for mac's20:07
erUSULoctavio: where do you download them ?20:08
purplefoolthis is really frustrating.  i have been sitting here for about an hour waiting for SOME response to my question.  i know that you some of you are really busy and that i could go anywhere else for a solution, but i am using my bosses computer to get here and don't have time to search in internet and have no internet at home.  at least someone could say 'hey dude, that sounds bad...tough luck!"20:08
rwwthune3: Super-M or Super-M, if I remember correctly. Super is mapped to the Windows key on most keyboards.20:08
Picithune3: super-v iirc.20:08
octavioto the download folder20:08
sarawara_ok, rww, good to know (i feel like on a motorway here)20:08
weelinuxpurplefool: What a funny nick20:08
hooberhello i have a sincere question. How come the 64bit edition of ubuntu is not recommended for daily desktop edition? is it worse than 64bit edition windows?20:09
ralliasoctavio: they don't want you to run something that may harm your computer, so they automatically set execute rights to off. Other rights are set by the server if you downloaded an archive.20:09
|REM|hey everyone.  I just installed 10.04 from the alternate iso and it does not boot into the gui, but I can run startx and that works fine.  Is there some way I can just add that to the start up so that startx is the last thing to run?20:09
oskar-purplefool:  what is your question?20:09
purplefoolwell...at least my name is being seen20:09
erUSULoctavio: weird; run « umask » in a terminal20:09
guntbertpurplefool: I haven't seen your question - but you would not want 1200 people tell you that, would you?20:09
thune3rww: super-M ftw. Thanks all.20:09
ralliashoober: watch and learn from all these funky problems.20:09
purplefooli am still looking for help with my mobile broadband usb stick.  please look at http://pastebin.com/LULqGkxU to see why the broadband stick is not recognized, but all others are.20:09
hooberplease give me a straight answer20:09
hooberi want to use all my ram20:09
ralliaspurplefool: what model is it20:09
octaviothats everything in the internet erusul wow20:09
purplefoolguntbert, no, but one would be nice...then i know that i am not invisible20:09
zykl0nHey can anyone help me? I keep getting a message every time I log into ubuntu saying that the Power Manager failed to quit and It goes away after 15 seconds or so.20:09
rwwhoober: It works fine, the Ubuntu website people don't know what they're on about.20:10
hooberOk that sounds very bad then20:10
hooberbecause the ubuntu website people i assume put the site together20:10
hooberadn from the site i am getting the downloads20:10
octavioi regret erasing windows20:10
rwwhoober: Yes, there's a bug report open about it.20:10
purplefoolrallias, the stick?  made in china...the one given out in germany by 1&1 that connects to vodafon.  but i know that it works, because my other computer and this one both could use it.  my other burned out.20:10
zykl0nAlso, this keeps happening file:///home/bradley/Desktop/Screenshot.png20:10
hooberI don't understand, ubuntu is better than windows, why can't it compare in 64 bit?20:11
rwwubottu: imagebin | zykl0n20:11
ubottuzykl0n: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.20:11
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=== Misterio_ is now known as Misterio
ralliaspurplefool: can you host a high-def picture of the back side on an internet image sharing website, such as wikimedia commons or photobucket?20:11
Cockroach_what should i use for input device to stream with vlc from an audio capture card?20:11
hooberI want to run my Windows Virtual machine, and it is using 64bit, so i can use lots of RAM. Can ubuntu 32 bit allow the ram usage? because i want to use the hardware i paid for now20:11
hooberUbuntu = host, windows guest20:12
ralliaspurplefool: because we cannot help you if we do not know the model number for it to direct you to appropriate drivers20:12
llutz!pae > hoober20:12
ubottuhoober, please see my private message20:12
hoober"In general, a proper 64 bit system is recommended if you have 4 Gb or more memory and/or want to get the full benefit of the 64 bit architecture "20:13
purplefoolok, this will take a bit.  i am going into the web to find the stick that 1&1 use...that should be enough, yes?  or should i run home and get it to type in the model number...i am desperate enough to do either!!!20:13
hooberis there no other way20:13
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info20:13
hooberIf i want Ubuntu to be stable, i should go for 32bit and not 64bit20:13
hooberi just visted that link20:13
rwwhoober: 64-bit works fine; ignore the note on the download site.20:13
ralliaspurplefool: i would get the model number20:13
ActionParsniphoober: you can use the pae kernel to get up to 12gb ram under 32bit20:14
hooberok i trust you rww20:14
oskar-purplefool:  Huawei E169?20:14
llutzhoober: theres no difference in stability 32vs64 bit20:14
hooberso everything is functional and stable in 64bit like in 3220:14
ActionParsniphoober: some devs only make 32bit but 99% of the time you will be fine20:14
ActionParsniphoober: yes its the same stability20:14
hooberk good i will be using it for regular desktop usage then20:15
guntbertpurplefool: did you see http://www.x2on.de/2010/01/14/11-surf-stick-zte-mf110-unter-ubuntu-9-10/ ?20:16
jimqodeHello people. When is the ubuntu netbook edition 10.07 coming out? Where can I get the beta version?20:16
Cockroach_what is the audio device when it is hw:1;1 in arecord?20:16
rwwjimqode: There isn't an Ubuntu version 10.07. Do you mean 10.04.1 or 10.10?20:16
=== _Techie_|_Away_ is now known as _Techie_
elitexrayUbuntu is the best free thing i've ever used20:17
ActionParsnipjimqode: if you look at the number, you can see it would have been out last month (7) in 20(10). Hence 10.0720:17
troopperiCockroach_: how about, what saying aplay -L  typed in terminal?20:17
se_toolsanyone know how to get a D-link wireless chip to install and operate?20:17
troopperiCockroach_: and use pastebin if its long20:18
jimqodeActionParsnip, but it's not. That's why I'm asking. 10.07 would have been an ARM only release20:18
erUSULse_tools: tell us what chip it has inside. is  usb or pci?20:18
ActionParsnipse_tools: dlink don't make chips. You need to know the chip. If you run: sudo lshw -C network ,you will see the chip and can websearch foe guides20:18
tiinahej någon som vet vilket bildprogram man kan justera foton i Ubuntu 10.04lts20:18
se_toolsits a PCI it has the Intersil chip20:18
elitexraywhere do people learn all the special commands in ubuntu?20:18
ActionParsnipjimqode: its not an official release of canonical ubuntu so is offtopic here20:18
ubottuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se20:19
Wiebe"the special commands" elitexray ?20:19
erUSULse_tools: if you run « iwconfig » you see a wlan0 ?20:19
ActionParsnipActually, it is20:19
ActionParsnipI take it back20:19
elitexrayLike how do people know when to use "sudo apt-get" or any other variation20:19
Cockroach_troopperi: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/he5v8xLD20:19
jimqodeActionParsnip, it is an official release: http://theubuntunews.blogspot.com/2010/06/canonical-ubuntu-1007-for-arm-devices.html20:19
balr0ghello guys, what is the difference between /etc/syslog.cong and /etc/rsyslog.conf ?20:19
erUSULelitexray: the same way we know when to use a browser or a mail client20:20
se_toolsi ran iwconfig it claims i ahve no wireless extensions?20:20
rwwjimqode: I'm doing Google searching and not actually finding anything official (random blogs, obviously, don't count).20:20
guntbert!manual | elitexray start with that20:20
ubottuelitexray start with that: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/20:20
kavurtelitexray: when you use ubuntu for a while, you learn everything even if you don't want. :)20:20
elitexrayThanks ill do that right now!20:20
Wiebese_tools: use lspci to see what hardware you have inside20:21
sosaitedIs it fine to Install Lucid from Karmic via Unetbootin's Hard drive option?20:21
purplefoolguntbert, that was what i was looking for!!!  thx for your help, will try this out.  i forgot that i am using an older version of ubuntu since my 'GOOD' mechine died!  thank you!!!20:21
sosaitedI have a USB, but it is so darn slow.20:21
guntbertpurplefool: you're welcome :-) and Good luck :-)20:22
se_toolsit doesnt say anything about my chip when i run lspci.....it did earlier today?20:22
sosaitedAnd I dual-boot Karmic with XP. During the install of Lucid, do I need to mount the /boot to my current Karmic partition?20:22
ActionParsnipsosaited: usb is slow. Firewire is nicer :)20:22
nullsemhi all20:23
AndyGraybealis aptitude better than apt-get ?20:23
icerootAndyGraybeal: yes20:23
sosaitedActionParsnip: In my case, its the flash drive which is really slow. So I am thinking of using Unetbootin with HDD option20:23
alienkid10How can I find the current graphics card and use this information during bootup to chosse the correct x config?20:23
JoshuaLive heard ubuntu wants to remove aptitude20:23
JoshuaLcan be rumours :p20:23
rwwubottu: best | AndyGraybeal20:23
ubottuAndyGraybeal: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:23
ActionParsniprww: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Ubuntu_releases?wasRedirected=true20:24
rwwJoshuaL: It won't be in the default installation in Maverick, correct20:24
HobartJoshuaL -> in favor of ...20:24
ZykoticK9AndyGraybeal, only if you have a "Partial" upgrade being offered, the "sudo aptitude safe-upgrade" is better then apt-get Yes.20:24
Cockroach_troopperi: that help?20:24
rwwActionParsnip: which cites OMGUbuntu, which does not cite anything.20:24
AndyGraybealthx everyone20:24
rwwActionParsnip: Personally, I wouldn't consider OMGUbuntu at all reliable.20:24
troopperiCockroach_: its your operating system ubuntu?20:24
ActionParsniprww: its a fanboy site. May as well be called "omg twitter and some volume applet thing"20:25
ZykoticK9alienkid10, to find your graphics card you can use "lspci | grep -i vga"20:25
Cockroach_troopperi: Ubuntu 9.0420:25
icerootAndyGraybeal: aptitude has more advanced conflict/dependency resolution and will often find a solution where apt-get gives up.  It can be used from the command line like apt-get plus an interactive resolver makes it much easier to recover from broken dependencies.  It has advanced search capabilities (official text from debian)20:25
Cockroach_server version, but i doubt it matters20:25
alienkid10ZykoticK9: how can I use that once I have it? Also will that work on a laptop?20:26
ZykoticK9alienkid10, use that in a terminal20:26
purplefoolguntbert, one problem with your webpage...i have to have an internet connection for it to work...and the stick IS the internet connection.  do you have a workaround?20:26
* ActionParsnip has always resolved all issues with apt-get and never uses aptitude20:26
Rasasorhallo, wie heisst nochmal der raum für technische hilfe?20:26
rwwActionParsnip: Oh, I lie, it cites a video. Which is titled 10.7 but has only actually said 10.04 so far. Gotta love the blogosphere.20:26
ActionParsnip!de | Rasasor20:26
ubottuRasasor: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.20:26
icerootActionParsnip: i am just posting a text from debian without my personal opinion20:27
maxstirnerhello, i want a good 3G usb modem, I can't find any that just work, i've had a huawei E160 that keeps dropping and asking for pin, a 4G systems W14 that's not recognised at all, can anyone name a truly compatible one?20:27
alienkid10ZykoticK9: can I set the result as a var then see if it equals something then chosse the right x config20:27
ActionParsniprww: right with you dude. I always post to poke fun although they did list deadbeef right after the lubuntu mailing list had it mentioned. Hmmmmm20:27
sosaitedNow if I'll repeat my question, I'll get slapped back :(20:27
ActionParsnipiceroot: gotcha20:28
ZykoticK9alienkid10, that will just output what graphics card you have - it won't show you the correct driver or anything - but will allow you to google/post here with your card.20:28
ActionParsnip!hcl | maxstirner20:28
ubottumaxstirner: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection20:28
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q0_0pi broke my ? key.  how to i change that key to the right shift key?20:28
alienkid10ZykoticK9: I'm sorry at an internet cafe and running out of time bye20:28
rwwActionParsnip: oh, nvm. They mention it at 2:55.20:28
sosaitedIs it fine to Install Lucid from Karmic via Unetbootin's Hard drive option, on an already dual-boot machine?20:28
guntbertpurplefool: you can download the modeswitch software and what else you need now and take it home on your usb stick20:29
guntbert!offline | purplefool20:29
ubottupurplefool: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD20:29
ActionParsnipsosaited: you can upgrade from karmic to lucid, just mount the alternate iso and run the upgrade script20:29
ZykoticK9sosaited, is is possible to triple (or more) boot... if you wish.20:29
sosaitedI don't want to upgrade. I want a separate install. I have already made ext3 and swap partitions too20:29
purplefoolguntbert, thx again...good that it can work!20:29
ActionParsnipsosaited: sure then its like making any usb bootable to install from20:30
ZykoticK9sosaited, swap can usually be shared between installs (saves one parition)20:30
sosaitedAnd will I need to specifically mount /boot during installation?20:30
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purplefoolhttp://apt.alturl.com/ is an outdated url.  maybe someone can update it for ubottu?20:31
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:31
dexiIs there a driver/hardware support channel around here?20:31
troopperiCockroach_: pulseaudio --kill && rm -rf ~/.pulse* ;pulseaudio --start &20:31
Picipurplefool: I'll take a look20:31
ActionParsnipsosaited: if you have a /boot partition then yes. Use custom partitioning and mount the same partition as /boot but don't mark it to be formatted20:31
ZykoticK9dexi, ##hardware is a hardware support channel... dunno if that helps ya.20:31
ActionParsniptroopperi: no need for force there dude20:32
dexiZykoticK9, it might, thanks20:32
troopperiActionParsnip: ok. sry20:32
sosaitedNope. My grub is on my root partition here.20:32
sosaitedso should I just leave it at "install bootloader at sda" ?20:33
hooberthankyou guys. if all goes well, i will be installing ubuntu as my host os. any recommendations on how i should wipe my driver and setup stuff?20:33
Seppozi would like to have the close icons in the right side of the window, where can is et that?20:33
hooberin my testing of ubuntu, i never could figure out for my system, waht is best setup20:33
k0shhoober: from my experience it sets up drivers on its own20:34
hooberi mean drives20:34
dexiZykoticK9, What video card do you use?20:34
hoobernot driver20:34
mreichelthi there20:34
sosaitedActionParsnip: so should I just leave it at "install bootloader at sda" ?20:34
ZykoticK9dexi, nvidia 880020:34
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:34
dexiAnyone using a radeon 4800 series, here?20:35
mreicheltI am running Ubuntu 10.04 and I am getting a Segmentation Fault if I run glxinfo, glxgears or any other application that uses OpenGL20:35
sam555hello all!20:35
ZykoticK9mreichelt, ATI?20:35
sam555where can you find information that tells you the ip address of past wifi networks I've accessed.  I'm using ubuntu netbook 1020:35
* dirt looks around, unwarily20:35
AndyGraybealiceroot: thank you for that information20:36
mreicheltZykoticK9, no, in the moment it's Intel only (I have two graphic cards in my notebook: an ATI and an Intel one)20:36
Cockroach_troopperi: null \n Discard all samples (playback) or generate zero samples (capture)20:36
ZykoticK9mreichelt, sorry i have no suggestions.  I was more curious then anything.  Best of luck man!20:36
dexiZykoticK9, I get tears in the display when i rotate the cube, and it seems that minor graphic-intensive things are bypassing the GPU and utilizing all my CPU instead20:37
ZykoticK9dexi, sorry i have NO suggestion for ATI cards - i've avoided them for years.  best of luck.20:37
dexiZykoticK9, ha, no worries, thanks.20:37
mreicheltZykoticK9, in the moment only the Intel card is activated20:38
mreicheltsorry, my WiFI (iwlagn module) has a problem too, it is reconnecting sometimes :-/20:38
troopperiCockroach_: whats says fuser -v /dev/snd/*20:38
=== _Techie_ is now known as _Techie_|_Away_
Cockroach_troopperi: /dev/snd/controlC[1-5]:  iain      28059 F.... pulseaudio20:39
robyromaniahello. how do i make the window border transparent? what do i have to write in CCSM at opacity? like type= what?20:39
KE1HAI asked this in the ubntu-testing channel, but nobody home it seems, what bug-tags should we use to submit a bug to correct an ISO-testing document?20:41
Onclebenzc francais ou englais ici?20:41
iowahchy there. I wondered, if there is a way to let tomcat6 on ubuntu 8.04 listen on tcp4 instead of tcp620:41
Slartanglais, Onclebenz20:41
ZykoticK9!fr | Onclebenz20:41
ubottuOnclebenz: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:41
smerzcan someone help me to start booting from from a raid1 root("/") filesystem?20:41
KE1HANVM, if got a responce, TNX20:42
smerzare there any known bugs regarding this? (booting straigt from a raid1 in 10.4) ?20:42
lucenutCan someone help me install 7zip on ubuntu? (I'm a noob) :-(20:42
lucenutI see they have some packages for lot's of linux distros, but not ubuntu.20:43
ZykoticK9smerz, not sure about "bugs", but I know many have had issues boot RAID with Ubuntu Desktop - sorry i don't use RAID myself, so have never paid much attention.  good luck.20:43
smerzZykoticK9, thanks20:43
ZykoticK9lucenut, "sudo apt-get install p7zip-full" is one way - or use synaptic or Ubuntu Software Center20:44
lucenutHow do you find out stuff like that Z?20:44
guampahey what do you recomend to use ipod (nano) in lucid??20:44
ZykoticK9lucenut, just search for 7zip...20:44
ZykoticK9!tab > lucenut20:45
ubottulucenut, please see my private message20:45
smerzlucenut, it's always worth having a look into synaptic package manager looking for a program. Often it's already there ready to go20:45
guampazkriesse: thanks! that's the best one?20:45
lucenutSmerz, how do I get to the synaptic package manager?20:46
ZykoticK9lucenut, system / admin / synaptic20:46
smerzlucenut, System -> Administration -> synaptic package manager20:46
smerzlucenut, if that one is too confusing use the ubuntu software center under "Applications -> Ubuntu software center"20:47
Sander_is there a good FTP client for a ubuntu server 9.0420:47
hooberQuestion: What speed should i use to burn Ubuntu onto a DVD?20:47
hooberI have Roxio burning software20:47
ZykoticK9!ftp | Sander_20:47
ubottuSander_: FTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd20:47
Sander_I am trying to download some files to my VPS from another VPS20:48
rwwhow would I use grep to find lines in a file containing "has joined" and/or "has left"?20:48
Picirww: grep -E "(has joined|has left)"20:50
rwwPici: thanks20:50
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Sander_can someone help me?20:50
Sander_need some advise20:50
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ubottuSander: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:51
rwwPici: Can I use the same thing in the foo part of sed "s/foo/bar/"?20:51
ubottuiowahc: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:52
rwwPici: oh, it needs escaping. nvm, got it working.20:52
Picirww: Yes, but you'll need -E20:52
ZykoticK9iowahc, you might want to ask in #ubutnu-server if you don't get an answer here.20:52
smerzSander_, gui or console?20:53
troopperiCockroach_: ls -l /dev/snd/controlF*20:53
ZykoticK9Sander_, if both your VPS have SSH you could use that to transfer files perhaps...20:53
Cockroach_troopperi: No such file or directory20:54
troopperiCockroach_: try chancing F to different. Like ls -l /dev/snd/controlD*20:54
ZykoticK9Cockroach_, try "ls -l /dev/snd/control*"20:55
troopperiZykoticK9: thnx for help :)20:55
Cockroach_troopperi: ZykoticK9: crw-rw-rw- 1 root audio 116,  6 2010-07-05 09:45 /dev/snd/controlC[1-5]20:55
ZykoticK9troopperi, team work ;)20:55
CobaltHello. I have a huge bunch of files inside a directory called Downloads on a ext3 system, that I want to one way sync with a directory called Downloads001 on an ext4 system; I use: rsync -mav --include=*/ --include=*.[Hh][Tt][Mm]* --exclude=* Downloads/ /home/advise/mnt/Downloads001/ but each time instead of incrementally copying files, rsync copies the whole bunch. Am I doing something wrong here?20:56
luis_lopezHow do you obtain the list of packages that are NOT available under an specific architecture? i.e: partimage is not available on amd64, only i386...20:56
ZykoticK9luis_lopez, trying to answer MagicFab's Launchpad question?20:56
luis_lopezZykoticK9:  o.O ... checking launchpad...20:57
Cockroach_troopperi, ZykoticK9: i've just read this, maybe i need to do something different (this could be out of date)?: http://mailman.videolan.org/pipermail/vlc/2004-October/009149.html20:57
smerzCobalt, have a look inside the rsync manual. I think you need to specify an option for that20:57
Cobaltsmerz: Option for...? It works fine if I stay on the same filesystem, say, if my destination is /tmp/something/20:58
intokNothing I've tried will get a .toast DVD image file to burn properly! The image mounts fine and the video plays but brasero, gnome baker and infrarecorder all fail to burn a playable dvd!20:58
smerzCobalt, ouw :|20:58
Cockroach_intok: pretty sure .toast = .iso20:59
ZykoticK9luis_lopez, the question https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/119980 seem VERY similar to yours ;)20:59
stoyanovHello. How may I do apt-get install <some> to my /home/user dirrectory, with out root priveleges?20:59
smerzCobalt, check pm20:59
ZykoticK9stoyanov, you can't what are you trying to do exactly?20:59
smerzthat should do it20:59
oskar-Cobalt:  have you seen, to what command your shell expands that? write "echo " in front and check it. maybe the parts with the "*" are expanded in an unwanted way?21:00
intok Cockroach_ yah, but nothing thus far has made a dvd that will play in the DVD player, PS2 or the old mac21:00
hareshhello please help No package 'gstreamer-0.10' found21:00
ZykoticK9intok, PS2 can't play ripped DVD unless it has been modded.21:00
figure002haresh: have you tried installing that package?21:00
troopperiCockroach_: read this, maybe it will help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6589810#post658981021:01
Cobaltoskar-: rsync handles the wildcard, I think. Also, it works fine if the destination isn't the one on the ext4 system.21:01
Cockroach_intok: players also require AUDIO_TS to be there21:01
intokZykoticK9 I never said it wasn't...21:01
hareshi got this21:01
ZykoticK9intok, ok just checking.21:01
figure002haresh: are you compiling something?21:01
oskar-Cobalt:  first, your shell handles the wildcards, unless they are put into ""21:01
ZykoticK9stoyanov, in channel please.21:01
oskar-so you should check that21:01
hareshyeah the galaxium i want to install it21:02
Cobaltoskar-: Yes, it was enclosed in quotes, but I grabbed that back from ps aux, and the quotes had disappeared.21:02
ZykoticK9stoyanov, without root access you won't be able to install using either DEBs or APT21:02
oskar-Cobalt:  ah, ok21:02
karlois there any program (or plug-in for program) for controlling player with web camera ?21:02
figure002haresh: yes, you're missing a dependancy, so you need to install that first21:02
stoyanovZykoticK9 :( thanks21:02
hareshhow can i install that when i try to apt get it could not find it21:03
krowtenwhat is the best or most capable messenger on ubuntu?21:03
f|uHey guys, how do I 'tether' internet from Ubuntu?21:03
smerzkrowten, empathy or pidgin21:03
ZykoticK9stoyanov, you might be able to compile from source and install to Home directory - but that is outside the scope of this channel.21:03
hareshor can u recommand me any msn messenger to use21:03
figure002haresh: i'm actually not sure what the exact name of that package is, but try: libgstreamermm-0.10-dev21:03
sam555how does one manually set a static ip in ubuntu 10 netbook21:03
ZykoticK9haresh, for MSN you might want to try aMSN21:04
smerzkrowten, i use pidgin for chatting. But if you want more advanced stuff such as voice or video then i have no idea which one is better21:04
intokCockroach_ it has both audio and video ts, it's a video of my cousin's first MMA fight, he the promoter only gaave him 1 copy of it, it was made on a mac with iMovie, I used toast titanium 6 I think on my old mac to rip the .toast iso but it doesn't have a dvd burner, just a dvd player21:04
hareshwhen i use amsn it heng and alots of bugs21:04
stoyanovI will try unpack deb and settup "find paths"21:04
smerzi use pidgin with msn21:04
smerzworks nice21:04
tripel-webchatskype maybe21:04
hareshE: Couldn't find package libgstreamermm-0.10-dev21:04
figure002haresh: i think 'pidgin' is the best21:04
tripel-webchatpersonally, I like xchat. better than pidgin. better than the newer xchat-gnome21:05
smerzyeah i don't know why ubuntu comes with empathy nowadays. I keep using pidgin x)21:05
figure002haresh: if you're just looking for a msn client, then just install: pidgin21:05
Cockroach_intok: you can run it through toast or dvd2onex or something that will try to ensure it is in the valid format but not re-encode or anything. also it could be your dvd media ;)21:05
hareshhow about this Emesene!21:05
hareshbut when i use the apt get it onli installs the 1.0 verson21:06
figure002haresh: yes, there are more out there, just give them a try if you like21:06
Cockroach_troopperi: think that might on;y help with output21:06
=== muellisoft is now known as Muelli
hareshyeah but how can i do a update for Emesene!  to the 1.6.321:06
tripel-webchatSuggestion -- if you have no IRC client: http://webchat.freenode.net/  will get you here and http://mibbit.com will get you to other places.21:06
figure002haresh: the repositories often have older (but stable) versions of the software21:07
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.21:07
hareshyeah but  1.0 dose not support the server protocol any more21:07
figure002haresh: if you really want the newer versions, you'll have to either compile, or better, add another repo for that particular software21:07
intok Cockroach_ well the discs are old memorex 16x dvd-r will try dvd2onex21:07
hareshNOTICE - emesene 1.0.1 users: you must update to 1.6.3, servers don't support 1.0.1 anymore. this is what they say one the website21:07
ZykoticK9haresh, you could check for the updated version in a PPA21:07
haresh1.6.1 shipped with Lucid Lynx (10.04): apt-get install emesene21:08
hareshhow can i get that21:08
DynamicFail_I want to store path locations as shell variables so i can use them later something like mydocs = pwd21:08
DynamicFail_how would i do that21:08
Cockroach_intok: burning slower often helps if that's the problem (1-2x)21:08
hareshwhen  i try to install they say i need phyton-support21:09
figure002haresh: how are you installing it? with synaptic?21:09
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ZykoticK9haresh, there are some PPA with the 1.6.3 version, not sure about the author(s) search at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas?name_filter=emesene21:09
hareshi download it from the site a deb file21:10
pradeephi everyone21:10
f|uHow do I make Ubuntu into a wireless repeater?21:11
figure002haresh: it should resolve the dependencies, does it not do that?21:11
thune3DynamicFail_: export MYDOCS=`pwd`  and then you could: cd $MYDOCS   or whatever21:11
figure002haresh: well it should, which .deb did you download? link?21:12
meerahi, how can i install lugs on server to conact?21:12
f|uHow do I make Ubuntu into a wireless repeater?21:12
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figure002haresh: hmm, that's the right .deb21:13
hareshhow can i install the deb using terminal21:14
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heloubuntu one is down?21:14
ar0nichiya guys am trying to use universal usb install and got an error with "excuting syslinux on k:" then it said syslinux error 1 usb drive wont be bootable21:14
DynamicFail_thune3: that would create an environment variable correct??21:14
figure002haresh: lemme see21:14
ZykoticK9!repeat | f|u21:14
ubottuf|u: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.21:14
tripel-webchatwhen I'm on a liveCD (now, 9.04) and I download something, where does it go? and how can I delete it?21:15
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figure002haresh: i found the PPA with the newest version of Emesene: http://www.getdeb.net/updates/Ubuntu/10.04#how_to_install21:15
idlemindhello. question about 10.04 lts server. is it ok to enable acl's? are there issues with things like tar not being aware of them?21:15
figure002haresh: just add that PPA, and you'll be able to download Emesene with Synaptic21:16
ZykoticK9idlemind, you might want to reask in the server channel #ubuntu-server  good luck.21:16
helotripel-webchat: even if you delete the file, someone will always be able to find out what you did... you should be ashamed of yourself!21:16
idlemindthank you zykotick921:16
thune3DynamicFail_: right. you can show all environment variables with "env", if you want to check. But these will only exist in that shell and it's children. More permanent solution are possible.21:16
hareshthe problem is my deb install wont run21:16
figure002haresh: you won't need the deb if you use the PPA instead21:17
jinx_hello :)21:17
jgcampbell300can anyone recommend a good jpg compression tool for ubuntu 10.04 ... 10M per file is just way to much21:17
figure002haresh: if you use the PPA, Emesene will also automatically update itself21:17
ZykoticK9haresh, the DEB alone may require other programs (dependencies) that a PPA might look after for you.21:17
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sosaiteddoes anyone know Header/footer of ISO files for use with Scalpel?21:18
sosaitedOr how can I find out header/footers of files?21:18
balr0ghello guys, little help here please: having this C program to perform syslog() call: http://pastebin.com/KJWmyR0n and this terminal output information: http://pastebin.com/Jv4mJq1N  why the syslog() call isn't writing to the log file (/var/log/hist_04-AUG.log) ?  any clues please?21:18
hareshbut the thing is when i install it dose nto run the package installer21:19
ZykoticK9jgcampbell300, you might want to check out the CLI program imagemagick and see if it has the option(s) you're looking for.21:19
jgcampbell300Zykotick9; ok thanks21:20
figure002haresh: what package? getdeb?21:20
balr0gcan anyone help me? i have syslog() issue.. anyine please?21:20
hareshit will run the system package installer mine is not loading21:20
figure002haresh: then follow from step 221:21
bigdad1emy computer wont let me boot a windows install cd. how do i get it to boot one?21:21
pradeepharesh, sudo dpkg -r filename.deb21:21
figure002haresh: the manual way21:21
figure002haresh: or what pradeep said21:21
elitexraygeez the ubuntu manual book is 160 pages long21:22
hareshi am try guys21:22
hareshbut any ways i can check is my package installer is running21:22
michaelgambleso i have a question21:22
hareshnvm will rr my computer21:22
hareshthanks guys21:23
bigdad1elooking to see how i get my computer to boot from a windows install cd? it wont load the cd or usb21:23
michaelgamblewe just got a dell server with xenserver on it, and aparently the newest version of ubuntu isnt supported21:23
sosaitedSomeone please tell how I can recover ISo files. UnetBootin just deleted my 10.04 iso which took me 11 or so hours :(21:23
theoctagonphp make test is a mess21:23
michaelgambleso what would be a flavour of linux you guys would suggest that might work, i love ubuntu and am saddend to have to leave it, however im wondering whats the next best flavour21:24
red2kic!undelete | sosaited21:24
ubottusosaited: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel21:24
red2kicsosaited: Download it again (for 11 hours) -- One alternative choice. :(21:24
bigdad1eis anyone going to give me a hand?21:24
_jesse_sosaited: why would unetbootin delete it?21:24
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_jesse_sosaited: also the torrents are generally faster if you need to redownload it21:25
helois ubuntu one music in rhythmbox broken for everyone else? (Internal Server Error)21:25
DynamicFail_How would I use grep to search through all the files in my current directory?21:25
ZykoticK9bigdad1e, verify your BIOS boot order has CD before HD - otherwise you might ask in ##windows21:25
bigdad1emy boot order is correct.21:25
macoDynamicFail_: grep -r "phrase you're looking for" *21:25
HelloHello everyone . I need help with GDM theme installation in 10.0421:26
HelloCan somebody help me21:26
ZykoticK9Hello, honestly - best of luck (you'll need it)21:26
CrazyTI want to remove linux and install XP on this pc, because i just installed linux onto my laptop. How can i do this? Delete the Partitions, and then boot windows xp cd at boot?21:26
hareshhello back21:27
michaelgamblebest alternative flavour to ubuntu21:27
ZykoticK9CrazyT, just boot install media and install over linux21:27
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ZykoticK9!ot | michaelgamble21:27
ubottumichaelgamble: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:27
hareshguys i think i have some problm with my software installer21:27
rwwCrazyT: Yup. You should also be able to delete the partitions from within the Windows XP installer.21:27
michaelgambleyeah i know, but if you had to switch what would it be21:27
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michaelgamblebecause im forced to switch21:27
michaelgambleam sad about it21:27
michaelgamblecurious what the next best thing is21:28
Guest34616Hello everyone . I need help with GDM theme installation in 10.04 . Can somebody help me21:28
CrazyTZykticK9 || rww - Well i put the windows XP disk in at boot, just gives black screen, i know it works because i had to do it on another pc the other day but didnt have linux on it21:28
_jesse_DynamicFail_: you can also use a pipe e.g. find . -maxdepth 1 | xargs grep 'pattern'21:28
michaelgambledebian was suggested to me21:28
ndxtghttp://codepad.org/9l9I9lMK <----- Could anyone please tell me which version of Xorg I'm using? It may be 6.* or 7.* but I cant find from there at all. Thank you21:28
ZykoticK9CrazyT, ##windows for windows support questions21:28
CrazyTZykoticK9 i know but linux on this pc.21:29
Guest34616Hello everyone . I need help with GDM theme installation in 10.0421:29
DynamicFail_jesse_: that would find in the current directory 1 level (don't know what xargs does) then the pattern21:29
Dr_Willisndxtg:  use -->  X -version21:29
Dr_WillisGuest34616:  You have some gdm2 themnes? the older GDM 1 themes will not work.21:30
_jesse_DynamicFail: right, the find would find all files with depth 1, xargs feeds the results on the left of the pipe as arguments to the command on the right21:30
Guest34616Dr_Willis, where do I download them from. also If i download , how do I install ?21:30
_jesse_DynamicFail: i.e. it would throw that list of files as arguments to grep to search through21:31
Guest34616Dr_Willis, I have gdm2 installed - the application21:32
Guest34616Dr_Willis, But the theme tab is not active21:32
Dr_WillisGuest34616: only tool ive seen to alter gdm2 themes is 'epidermis' You can tweak a few other gdm2 se4ttuings to chagne its look a little (change wallpaper, and fonts) but over all its NOT as themeable as gdm1 was.21:33
doctor-demonHello All! I need you'r help with apache.. I created my php script in /home/username/.sites/sitename and added this location in vhosts. after that i updating file with script and can't read it after copy to /home/username/.sites/sitename/tmp. tmp is 777. but copied file has owner www-data and 777. So, after uploading I cant read that file..21:33
Dr_WillisGuest34616:  correct.. gdm2 is  very UNthemeable compared to the old GDM1 at this time.   all i do is change its wallpaper image21:33
digitigHow do I change my default boot OS -- using Lucid Lynx, and I don't have a file /boot/grub/menu.lst which is the key to all the stuff I've found online.21:33
Dr_Willisdigitig:  you need tolook up grub2 - not grub1 :)21:34
Dr_Willis!grub2 | digitig21:34
ubottudigitig: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub221:34
Guest34616Dr_Willis, ohk , well thats not good :) . It makes me feel like to downgrade or leave :P21:34
Guest34616Dr_Willis, Anyways thanks a lot :)21:34
Dr_WillisGuest34616:  i dont woory too much about login screens.. change wallpaper.. and move on.21:34
Guest34616Dr_Willis, wallpaper for the login screen ?21:35
ZykoticK9Guest34616, ubuntu-tweak will let you easily change GDM wallpaper/icon21:36
Guest34616ZykoticK9, yes , but I dont know there are some issues with the sizes21:36
Guest34616ZykoticK9, and I wondering how to change it in GIMP21:36
Kal_Zakathdistro de bléblés :p21:36
MaT-dghow can I record what's going trough my  soundcard?21:36
Dr_WillisGuest34616:  its just an image file.. edit it in gimp all you want21:37
ZykoticK9Guest34616, i haven't run into that issue sorry... good luck21:37
Guest34616okay thanks both :)21:37
hareshwho was i chatting to i worngly close the window21:37
Dr_Willisive seen scrips that sync the gdm wallpaper with the users selected wallpaper also21:37
pradeephow can i convert pdf to word on ubuntu21:37
lanael'lo all : got a 3D problem : driver radeon using KMS, everything OK ( 3D activated, compiz working ) but any random 3D app is a slide-show. glxinfo says "OpenGL renderer string: Software Rasterizer" : Any idea why ?21:38
Kal_Zakathpradeep : install windows 7, and buy Acrobat :)21:38
aguitelpradeep, are online in the web21:38
doctor-demonpradeep : buy windows 7, and buy Acrobat  :-/21:38
pradeepKal_Zakath, dis is an ubuntu forum the last time i checked pls21:38
jgcampbell300ok i have found my problem ... the resolution is way to high on my jpg's .... anyone know a easy way to batch multiple images to change the resolution ?21:39
pradeepKal_Zakath, dis is an ubuntu forum the last time i checked pls doctor-demon21:39
hsa2is having flash video sounds unsynced (like youtube) a common issue?21:39
Kal_Zakathpradeep: sure, but I give you the only valid answer :)21:39
Dr_Willisjgcampbell300:  the imagemagick tools have tools for doing that.21:39
pradeepKal_Zakath, there should be a way out21:39
ZykoticK9jgcampbell300, with imagemagick i think the tool you want is called mogrify21:40
Dr_Willispdf2dsc may be able to convert pdf to other formats..  (from what i am apt searching)21:40
Kal_Zakathpradeep: this is open source man, a poor's people world21:40
korisnikuseris there any minimalistic ubuntu iso that i can use for vmware21:40
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smerzkorisnikuser, there should be21:40
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bquadra/ #eucalyptus21:41
bquadraops :)21:41
korisnikuseri have installed it on 4-5 computers so far, but i want something small just for my practice because im real sucker in terminal21:41
OerKal_Zakath, installing windows7 is not an valid answer.21:41
Kal_Zakathof course it is :)21:41
c3lkorisnikuser: if you want something to tinker on, and that is lightweight, I suggest getting archlinux21:41
smerzkorisnikuser, or maybe not. Couldn't find one real quick21:42
Kal_Zakathto have professional features, you need professional tools21:42
korisnikusersmerz: any link? google just get me to xubuntu or mini instal21:42
Kal_Zakathwich ubuntu is not21:42
jgcampbell300Zykotick9: thanks again21:42
pradeepKal_Zakath, so you saying ubuntu is not a professional OS21:42
Dr_Williskorisnikuser:  lubuntu, xubuntu, are both minimal but 'full' desktoops21:42
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korisnikuserc3l:  i have 8 most popular distros, i want use something small based on ubuntu21:42
smerzkorisnikuser, 700mb i guess it is :/21:42
welinuxkorisnikuser: Lubuntu21:42
Kal_Zakathpradeep: of course it's not21:42
OerKal_Zakath, please DO not Hoax21:42
=== hsa2|gone is now known as hsa2
Kal_Zakaththis is only a fact21:42
korisnikuserok, im here, gonna google for lubuntu21:43
pradeepKal_Zakath, so you everyone in this room is joking then21:43
korisnikuserfeel free to higlight me21:43
pradeephow can you say that21:43
Kal_Zakathpradeep: something like that21:43
guntbert!ot | Kal_Zakath pradeep21:44
MaT-dganyone else experienced problems with compiz lately? Crashing and doing weird stuff to the colors even after reboot...21:44
ubottuKal_Zakath pradeep: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:44
pradeepKal_Zakath, please dont say that ubuntu is used in big organisations if you are not well informed ok21:44
SubCooldoes anyone have an iphone? - and what terminal do you use? mine keeps crashes21:44
c3lkorisnikuser: ubuntu is not a lightweight distrubution. it is based on debian. if you want something lighter from default than ubuntu  you should head to debian. I have no experience of debian, but I know archlinux is light powerful adn bleeding edge21:44
Kal_Zakathsure, it could be used in some botswana police offices21:44
pradeepok ubottu21:44
RyanPI have a setup with users authenticating via LDAP. How can I force a password change on first logon?21:44
guntbertKal_Zakath: please stop that21:45
korisnikuseri have archlinux puppy linux and damn small linux, to note of lightweight21:45
ar0nicguys im trying to figure out why i cant get this pc to boot, ive got live on a usb stick, both the hd pass and memtest as well21:45
aeon-ltdkorisnikuser: dude you'd only need one unless your using puppy and dsl on i386 only pcs21:45
ar0nicwhat tools should i run in ubuntu to test thsi drive21:45
korisnikuserc3l: its just that ubuntu is curently leading as my fav and i dont want full version for VmWare21:45
Kal_Zakathguntbert: sure21:45
Kal_Zakathsyaing the truth isn't allowed here21:46
pradeepar0nic, look closely at your boot order21:46
korisnikuseri dont need them to install, i need it for practice21:46
ar0nicpradeep i have man21:46
zc456@Kal_Zakath Then what's fact?21:46
ar0nici finally got it to load from the usb stick an dran memtest21:46
Kal_Zakathzc456: that ubuntu is not a professional tool21:46
c3lkorisnikuser: why are you running that many dists? wellwell, what are you looking for in particular? a lightweight ubuntu dist? ubuntu is not lighweight, as I said if you want something similar you should look at debian which afaik come shipped with fewer packages etc, and you have the option to install it withot a DE21:46
ar0nicthis bios has a boot device menu with a HD diagnostic21:46
ar0nicthe HD passed, but it will not let me boot from cd whatsoever21:47
c3lkorisnikuser: or, you could use ubuntu server edition, it comes shipped without a DE afaik21:47
Dr_Williskorisnikuser:  dont forget 'tiny core linux'21:47
ar0nicthe best ive gotten so far is via usb..21:47
guntbertKal_Zakath: no matter if its true or not -- those statements are off topic here21:47
zc456@Kal_Zakath Then I guess I shouldn't be programming on this "unprofessional" OS.21:47
ar0nici wonder if i should just put windows on the usb stick21:47
Kal_Zakathzc456: exactly21:47
korisnikuserzc456:  dont argue with him, someone ban him21:47
aeon-ltdc3l: ubuntu can be lightweight hence the minimal and server installs they offer21:47
Kal_Zakathwaste of time21:47
wobleanyone knows of a way to recieve blackberry ping's on ubuntu? I;d like to subscribe to a ping number, but dont have a blackberry21:47
korisnikusertiny core linux, never heard of it21:47
Dr_Willislightweight - the new 'buzzword' :)21:48
Oer!troll | Kal_Zakath21:48
ubottuKal_Zakath: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel21:48
c3laeon-ltd: is there an "ubuntu minimal"?21:48
aeon-ltdzc456: it may seem unprofessional but the whole linux architechture could pass as a professional product21:48
aeon-ltdc3l: yeag21:48
_jesse_woble: I don't think you can get a bb pin number w/o a blackberry21:48
korisnikuserDr_Willis: n1 :D21:49
woble_jesse_ so you do need a ping number to recieve pings hmmz..21:49
Guest46619I'm having problems with my keyboard, I selected the right one, but my accents and cedilles aren't working properly21:49
aeon-ltd_jesse_: spoofing21:49
c3laeon-ltd: oh, ubuntu minimal is just netinsall, its identical with ubuntu, just that packages are not on the install disc, but they are downloaded during the install21:49
aeon-ltdGuest46619: did you set the right location and language?21:49
ar0nicpradeep i know this isnt the right channel but how would you put a xp on usb stick21:49
Guest46619let me chekc aeon-ltd21:49
c3laeon-ltd: it is afaik not possible to get a more slimmed down ubuntu than the server version21:49
zc456aeon-ltd: True. Linux itself is simply a kernel. What you make out of it can be anything.21:49
aeon-ltdc3l: there a is a ubuntu minimal that is cli only but not the server editon21:50
_jesse_aeon-ltd: you can spoof it?21:50
th0rpradeep: you are correct, this isn't the right place21:50
c3laeon-ltd: could you link to that?21:50
pradeepar0nic, never tried before though but you could google it21:50
_jesse_woble: yes, you need a blackberry pin21:50
korisnikuseri did a mini install on one laptop21:50
woble_jesse_ but i know there is a samsung app available which connects with blackberry ping21:50
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korisnikuserobviously, on picking an OS i picked Ubuntu Desktop21:50
aeon-ltd_jesse_: hard to but it would involve essentially rebuilding a exactly identical logic board and nand21:50
korisnikusercould i pick something else from it21:51
_jesse_aeon-ltd: lol yeah I think that's a bitm uch21:51
_jesse_*bit much21:51
niccolihey everyone, I was wondering if/where I could get some drivers for my logitech C200 webcam?21:51
ar0nichmm it seems that maybe the disk drive is bad pradeep21:51
ar0nicits loading ubuntu just fine from the usb21:51
_jesse_woble: hmm, I see, never heard of that21:51
larsingeranyone know a program who i can manage my netbookbattery ?21:52
woble_jesse_ http://www.whatsapp.com  <-- so there must be a way..21:52
c3laeon-ltd: I actually think you got this minimal mixed up with netinstall, which is actually called minimal cd image21:52
korisnikuseryes, c3l21:52
korisnikuseriso of it is called mini.iso21:52
c3llarsinger: both gnome and kde has a tool for that by default21:52
aeon-ltdc3l: no iso is given but https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems21:52
Dr_Willislarsinger:  perhaps -> http://www.webupd8.org/2010/07/jupiter-ubuntu-ppa-hardware-and-power.html21:53
c3lkorisnikuser: aeon-ltd got you ther ;)21:53
_jesse_woble: that looks like a 3rd party service, not directly associated with bb messenger21:53
aeon-ltdc3l: more importantly this section https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems#Install%20an%20Ubuntu%20command-line%20system21:53
larsingerhmm thx :)21:53
Guest46619aeon-ltd well it says Netherlands SK-2500...21:54
woble_jesse_ i know its used with pings, but i'll dig into it. being able to subscribe would mean lots of free party tickets for me :D21:54
aeon-ltdGuest46619: is that correct?21:54
Guest46619I am in the Netherlands yes21:54
Guest46619but the keyboard might be built somewhere else21:54
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Guest46619it says made in China21:54
bkeating_what was the last server release to include MySQL 3.23?21:54
korisnikuserwhat got me to mini.iso is because every distro i tried crashed while starting gui because of bios bug who didnt give proper info for linux distros about laptop native resolution21:55
PayperBoyhow do i sort files by creation date?21:55
korisnikuserwhile doing install from mini.iso, ubuntu configured it right from the scratch21:55
PayperBoyi do ls- l does nto do it21:55
Dr_WillisPayperBoy:  ls has a dozen+ options  - one proberly does that.21:55
c3laeon-ltd: yeah cool, I wasnt aware of that something like this existed21:56
oskar-PayperBoy:  see the manpage of ls21:56
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th0rGuest46619: it is possible to redefine some or all of the keyboard at login. Look up (or google) the .xmodmap file21:56
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Karen_mmhello, I am wondering how do you burn a *.iso to a dvd?21:57
niccoliKaren_mm, youll need some program configured to burn ISO files21:57
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_jesse_woble: haha alright, good luck!21:57
MarkSSIs it possible to get a virus or trojan just by downloading and opening a PDF in Ubuntu?21:57
Karen_mmwhich program?  Is there anything like imgburn for ubuntu?21:57
_jesse_Karen_mm: brasero is a common program for that use21:57
erUSULKaren_mm: right click on the iso file select burn to disk21:58
_jesse_Karen_mm: should be preinstalled21:58
Karen_mmknow how winkey+e will open an explorer on windows, is there a shortcut for that on ubuntu?21:58
Karen_mmwinkey+e is pretty neat tho, shows all 4 desktops21:58
_jesse_MarkSS: it's certianly *possible* but unlikely21:59
MarkSSIs it possible to get a virus or trojan just by downloading and opening a PDF in Ubuntu?21:59
MarkSS_jesse_:  Why is it unlikely?21:59
Guest46619btw, it is a bit silly to have a 14 year old harddisk in your PC nowadays, isn't it?21:59
niccoliI was wondering if/where I could get some drivers for my logitech C200 webcam?; anyone?21:59
Dr_WillisMarkSS:  i would find that unlikely.21:59
_jesse_MarkSS: would require a vulnerability in the program opening the pdf21:59
Dr_Willis!webcam | niccoli22:00
ubottuniccoli: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras22:00
Dr_Willisniccoli:  normally for webcams. either they work from the start.. or are totally unsupported.22:00
_jesse_MarkSS: and the fact that barely any viruses are written for *nix22:00
Karen_mmwhat is XF86Explorer for the shortcut key?22:00
niccoliDr_Willis, where would it show my webcam in the menus?22:00
Dr_Willisniccoli:  in the menus? it dont.. run some app that uses the webcam..22:01
Dr_Willisniccoli:  like 'cheese'22:01
niccoliDr_Willis, thank you much22:02
Guest46619aeon-ltd you should check 'Hyper is mapped to Win/keys' shouldn you=22:02
Dr_Willisniccoli:  you HAve actually truied to use teh webcam?22:02
hdtdihi, i have a problem with my mic on ubuntu. i am currently in skype and i talk with a friend and everything is fine and then suddenly my mic stops working and in sound preferences when i check to see whats happening, there is "unamplified" and i need to reboot to "fix" it22:02
hdtdiwhy is this happening ?22:02
niccoliDr_Willis, I have on windows, works fine, atm its plugged in but I dont have any programs for it22:02
niccoliDr_willis, also according to the wiki I have support for it22:03
mcnellisif a user does not have a password assigned, is it impossible for someone to SSH into that account? if so why does ssh even prompt for the password if no correct answer is possible?22:04
Dr_Willisniccoli:  so basically  - you havent even tried the webcam on linux.. and you are assuming it dosent work. :)22:04
Guest46619is Hyper the accents above vowels?22:04
Dr_Willis!info cheese | niccoli22:04
ubottuniccoli: cheese (source: cheese): A tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component main, is optional. Version 2.30.1-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 62 kB, installed size 244 kB22:04
mcnellisI'm wondering because I booted an Ubuntu Server edition on AWS and by default sshd_config had PasswordAuthentication as no. SInce i've creatd new users i want them to be able to ssh in to the computer, so I chaned this to yes. But now ssh root@mysite.com prompts for password - ideally i'd like ssh off for root all the time22:05
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mcnellisand then I'd like it to not prompt for a password for my ubuntu user, since I want to be forced to use the -i keyfile flag to ssh ubuntu@mysite.com22:06
mcnellisbasically - I want users wh have a password to be prompted for it -but users that dont' have a password I'd like ssh to simply reject the request to ssh22:06
mcnellisat least that seems to be the most logically secure solution22:07
hareshhelp me how can i slove "Broken packages"22:07
hareshdid a sudo apt-get install python-gtk2-dev; but you're getting Broken packages" error22:08
rwwmcnellis: because refusing to prompt for the password discloses the information that the account doesn't have a password, whereas prompting for one anyway and then denying access doesn't.22:09
rwwIt prompts for a password for nonexistant users for the same reason22:10
comronAnyone have experience with http://libslack.org/daemon/ ?22:12
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mcnellisinteresting security theory rww seems sound heh22:14
mcnellisthansk for the explanation rww22:14
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kandikanekisseshi all, Im new to ubuntu.. can  I make gnomes panel transparent?22:15
n00b3rzautohide works the best22:16
magnetronkandikanekisses: yes.22:16
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kandikanekisseshow may I do this? please22:16
FishieFoo I was trying to fix audio in streaming video on my web browser by installing Flash (for some reason FireFox reports an older version is installed than Ubuntu reports) and ended up with two different but identical versions of Adobe Flash 10 installed, and now Ubuntu Software Center won't let me remove either of them. Why?22:16
n00b3rztransparency can get strange when you add stuff to the panel22:16
erUSULkandikanekisses: right click on it choose properties22:16
soreaukandikanekisses: yes. use alt+scroll if you use compiz with obs plugin enabled. You can also setup the panel to have a consistent transparency with obs compiz plugin22:16
FishieFooTD;DR: why can't I remove one of these two installed Adobe Flash 10's in Ubuntu Software Center?22:17
elitexraydo the inventors/developers of ubuntu support in this room?22:17
soreaukandikanekisses: If you come to #compiz, I will show you how22:17
kandikanekissesoh.. I meant the menu22:17
rwwelitexray: some of them, yes22:17
kandikanekissesoops sorry22:17
soreauyep, you can make that transparent the same way22:17
n00b3rzanyone around decent with Ubuntu server? I'm able to ssh into a server but it doesn't see anything on the network, nothing outbound.22:17
guntbertn00b3rz: there is #ubuntu-server too :-)22:18
kandikanekissesok im on my way22:18
n00b3rzok thx guntbert22:18
guntbertelitexray: but don't rely on that22:20
elitexrayOh I just wanted to tell them great job on Ubuntu's manual -- it's a very good read22:21
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jenkinselitexray: thanks I will pass it on to the rest of the team, we are all in #ubuntu-manual22:22
FishieFoowhy does Ubuntu say my version of Adobe Flash is 10, but Firefox says it's *Shockwave* Flash version 9?22:22
Guest41373ubuntu is top22:22
Alchimistai've updated grub, but now everytime there is a system actualization, i have one more ubuntu instalation, how can i fix it?22:22
lillemanHow do I change console resolution on 10.04 server?22:23
FishieFooflash 10 has been out for 2 years and yet for some reason mine is still version 9?! WHAT??22:24
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Guest42497So i'm trying to install the xorg-edgers ATI driver, the instructions say to update the PPA which i did, but then "Once you've done that, update the package information and upgrade the mesa and X packages offered." It doesn't say HOW to do that, though...22:27
rwwGuest42497: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade22:27
lillemanI'm stuck at 1024x768, wich is buggy as hell on my gfx. And nothing I do seems to have any effect. :S Google is running out of options... ideas?22:27
Guest42497rww, that's it? lmao... dangit why am i guest again...22:27
erUSULlilleman: vga= kernel options ? video= in grub ?22:28
lillemanerUSUL: I've tried vga=788 (I want 640x480) in /etc/default/grub22:28
lillemanand ran update-grub222:28
rwwGuest42497: yup :). It's basically clarifying that you should do an update and install /all/ the updates the PPA offers, rather than picking and choosing packages.22:28
lillemanrebooted.... and no effect what so ever22:28
lillemanCant I just kill the grafical console and just use plain old VGA?22:29
erUSULlilleman: sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup22:29
lillemanerUSUL: ty, trying :)22:29
Guest42497rww, did it on one line with ; just like you typed, good?22:29
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rwwGuest42497: that works, yes22:30
Guest42497rww, one last thing, my xorg.conf is missing... lol is that okay?22:30
gfx0hi. what tool can I use to measure the read/write performance of my RAID 5 setup?22:30
jaskjdkjfdshmm konversation or xchat22:31
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rwwGuest42497: yes, recent versions of Xorg autodetect and don't have a default xorg.conf. If you add one, it'll be read, but most people don't need one.22:31
lillemanerUSUL: didnt work :/22:31
Guest42497rww, cool thanks22:31
erUSULlilleman: :/22:31
gfx0hi. what tool can I use to measure the read/write performance of my RAID 5 setup?22:32
lillemanI think something is really wrong... Changing and modding the grub config should have SOME effect at least22:32
picachu /give op22:33
picachu /quit22:33
fidelixWhat's ubuntu's 10.04 sound server?22:34
erUSULfidelix: pulseaudio22:34
antonio_hey everyone...22:34
fidelixhmm... i tried adding my user to pulse-rt group but it doesnt exist22:34
theoctagongfx0: bonnie++22:34
erUSULgfx0: http://www.linux.com/archive/articles/13974422:35
theoctagongfx0: shoul be in the reps22:35
fidelixMy mic doesnt work, any tips?22:35
theoctagonhaproxy and ssl termination is a mess :(22:35
gfx0thanks guys22:35
antonio_I'm curious, how can I created a shared folder on a dual boot system between?22:35
picachu /exec cat /etc/passwd22:35
FishieFoowhy can't I uninstall Flash? it's not in Ubuntu, but firefox says it's there.22:35
picachuantonio_: make it FAT3222:36
cescHi there. Could you recommend me an app or plugin for firefox that allows me to translate a word with just a click over the word to translate?22:36
sandkingone quick question - how to disable asking for question after getting back from suspended?22:36
antonio_picachu: how would I go about doing that?22:36
picachuusing partition editor, but only if you have free space or ready to sacrifice with existing partition22:37
theoctagonantonio_: this isn't actually a folder what picachu recommends its a partition22:37
theoctagonantonio_: or if your dual is windows install ntfs support in ubuntu22:38
kaddiHi, I have an annoying problem with firefox: It automatically downloads txt-files instead of prompting me if I want to download it. The worse part is, however, that when I double-click a txt file in the download manager it gets opened in notepad with wine. How can I change that behaviour?22:38
mfilipeis possible I import a vcf file in Ubuntu One? I'm trying in Evolution Contacts but my app doesn't response :(22:38
theoctagonantonio_: the package ntfs-3g should help22:38
hareshhow to slove this python-gtk2-dev: Depends: libgtk2.0-dev (>= 2.13.6) but it is not going to be installed22:39
cach_newwat's the name of ubuntu br channel? #ubuntubr or not?22:39
rwwcach_new: #ubuntu-br22:39
cach_newrww tanks man22:39
theoctagontanks? ;)22:39
HMStarhow do i change screen res. for 600 to 80022:42
antonio_theoctagon: thanks.  I think I already have that package.  Now how do I go about creating a shared folder?  Can I start the process in Lucid?22:42
theoctagonantonio_: you just have to mount the ntfs partition22:42
theoctagonin ubuntu22:43
antonio_theoctagon: will I have to mount it everytime I want to use the share folder?22:43
theoctagonnot if you put it in fstab22:44
theoctagonantonio_: not if you put it in fstab22:44
dexirww, I broke something, lol. after reboot i got the first ubuntu splash screen then my monitor went into powersave and nothing else happened... had to run in failsafe graphics/low graphics mode after a package fix to get here22:44
theoctagonantonio_: give me a second22:44
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bastidrazortheoctagon: antonio_ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions22:45
theoctagonbastidrazor: that's what I have in my clipboard :P22:46
dexiis it possible to allow USB input during grub?22:46
theoctagonbastidrazor: hotel wlan isn't the fastest actually22:46
fidelixPlease, someone help me with my mic22:46
dexifidelix, you need to be specific on whats happening22:47
fidelixIts not working.22:47
fidelixHow more specific can i be?22:47
sandkingi need to install alsa generic drivers package but the computer i want it to be installed doesn't have internet - is there a way to get all needed packages for it before i start installing and realizing what more i need to download?22:47
theoctagonmy most favourite error is "it is not working"22:47
fidelixSkype is opened, i talk, and no voice goes the other way.22:48
dexi"I am trying to ___ but It wont ___ because ___. My mic is a ___ plugged into the ___ port and these are some of my settings: ______"22:48
fidelixIsnt that the same as "not working" ?22:48
Queuetipsandking: try getting a .deb file instead22:48
dexiwould be something better ^22:48
theoctagonfidelix: skype has a mic check wizard22:48
fidelixI'm using a laptop. Tried external mic and inbuilt mic.22:48
fidelixSame result.22:48
fidelixI tried making echo call with skype. Nothing.22:48
dexiAnyone on USB during grub?22:48
theoctagonfidelix: console -> type alsamixer22:49
rwwdexi: No idea about the graphics thing, but USB not working during GRUB is usually because your BIOS has USB legacy compatibility turned off.22:49
theoctagonfidelix: is it muted?22:49
fidelixAlready did that.22:49
fidelixIts on max volume22:49
theoctagonfidelix: and unmuted?22:49
dexirww, thanks. I'm just going to restart from here and see what happens then...22:50
fidelixThere is no option "muted" in alsamixer. The volume is 0% when muted.22:50
sandkingQueuetip: i got but one told me i need to install other driver with almost the same name22:50
Queuetip1: sudo mv /home /tmp   2: restart computer   3: ???   4: profit22:50
sandkingand i can't find it :/22:50
Oerfidelix select the mixer and press M22:50
theoctagonfidelix: yes there is you see a MM instead of 0022:50
fidelixUr right22:51
fidelixBut its not muted22:51
fidelixBecause the MM does not appear below22:51
NitzchONotHollo, any idea why my Numpad doesnt work ? I cant type any number even if NumLock its ON or OFF ... :/22:51
dexiwhats the erase file command?22:51
purveshhow to install cario-dock in ubuntu 10.04 ?22:51
theoctagondexi: rm file ?22:52
dexitheoctagon, thanks22:52
theoctagondexi: yw22:52
amsyshi all, quick question. if i can use tty's 1-6 and 7 is for x why do I have 63 different tty devices? /dev/tty1 - 6322:52
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sandkingi need this http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=names&keywords=linux-backports-modules-alsa-karmic-generic+ but those files are no good for me22:53
Oerpurvesh, install it tru synaptic, and enable desktop effect before using cairo.22:53
dexirww, i think i might just re-install the proprietary driver, but trying to activate it, it says "xorg.conf" is invalid, is there a way to repair it?22:53
Randolphgood bye all22:54
erUSULamsys: tty are used all over the place in unix. the fact that each VT uses one does not mean thats the only use for them ;P22:54
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fidelixAny tips? The mic has no mute option22:54
antonio_theoctagon: sorry, did you say something to me about the mounting a share folder and I missed it?22:54
anmli'm getting the common grub rescue error, where it says 'no device found' or whatever. I have a live disc of ubuntu, but when I try to boot from CD, it still gives me the error. even when I unplug my hard drives to boot from disc, I get a disc boot failure :|22:55
purveshOer, which effect i have to enable .... that normal , extra or None or something else ?22:55
theoctagonantonio_: [23:45:43] <bastidrazor> theoctagon: antonio_ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions22:55
matrixblueanml: try a different CD22:55
Oerpurestrain, i think normal is enough22:55
n00b3rzanml: Have you verified you are attempting to boot from the right devices via BIOS?22:55
Oerpurvesh, * sorry purestrain22:56
dexiI suppose there is a repair feature on the liveCD that won't completely erase the OS and re-set it, right?22:56
anmli've tried 5 CDs, and 2 dvds.22:56
theoctagongotta take a nap - it's late in germany - have fun folks and good night22:56
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rwwdexi: no idea. Xorg isn't really my strong point.22:56
Oerpurvesh, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CairoDock22:57
anmlnoobers, atm I have only one disc drive22:57
matrixblueanml: like n00b3rz said make sure you're booting from the correct device22:57
dexirww, alright.22:57
n00b3rzanml: It may be trying to boot from hard drive and not CD drive, regardless of if you have a disk in22:57
anmlI have tried booting from both hard drives, I get the same error22:57
Queuetipanml: cd drive != hard drive22:57
dexirww, this is why i should have been more careful and used copy instead of MOVE on my backup files, haha22:58
matrixblueanml: go into BIOS and set the CD drive as the first boot device22:58
amsyserUSUL: thx, I can't find out any info about what all these devices are used for/by, like lsof only shows 1-7 in use. why 63 of them22:58
anmlqueuetip, l2read. I did boot from my hard drives, both of them, as well as my CD22:58
NitzchONotHollo, any idea why my Numpad doesnt work ? I cant type any number even if NumLock its ON or OFF ... :/22:58
Queuetipif you're trying to boot from cd, why boot from both harddrives? what's the point?22:58
pupusera3e080can't find a toshiba m505d thats instock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!122:59
Queuetipif the cd isn't booting, then maybe you should burn a new one22:59
anmll2read again, I used 5 CDs and 2 dvds22:59
pupusera3e080is anybody really good at finding products online?22:59
anmlmatrix, I did set it as first boot priority as CD drive. even 2 and 3, and then I even disabled boot 2 and 3's option22:59
pupusera3e080cause I can't seem to find a few things22:59
Queuetipanml: nub22:59
Queuetipi know i am23:00
matrixblueanml: that means your ISO has to be bad. Download another one23:00
anmlI have23:00
Queuetipanml: can you boot anything from your cd drive?23:00
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Queuetipanml: try booting a bootable CD that you KNOW works23:00
Queuetipanml: like trying using a different computer even and try booting from one of those cds23:00
Queuetipanml: the point i'm trying to make is - figure out what the problem is23:01
anmlthe disc works on this laptop23:01
anmlbut not on the PC23:01
Queuetipanml: can you set the cd drive in bios to be the ONLY bootable option?23:01
anmluhh, the problem is I am getting the grub device error, and am unable to boot from a live disc to solve the problem23:01
matrixblueanml: sounds like you have a bad CD drive23:01
anmlmatrix, just went out and bought a new one :P23:01
Queuetipjust because you buy a new cd drive - doesn't mean it's working... cough cough FRYS ELECTRONICS COUGH23:02
matrixblueanml: is the ISO you got a 32 bit version?23:02
anmlqueutip, how are you going to tell me to learn to read if you yourself have no idea how to? I already said I disabled all other boot options besdies my CD drive23:02
pupusera3e080is anybody good at finding prodcuts online?.23:02
thune3NitzchONot: Not sure, maybe you could try different "Keyboard model" or layout in System->Preferences->Keyboard23:02
zenixLow skilled, in terms of Ubuntu One. There is a folder "Shared with me", if I create a separate folder, so I assume that this is not distributed by default to the public?23:02
Queuetipanml: maybe because i just signed on this channel and didn't wade through pages of your whining already?23:02
anml???? my whining?23:03
anmlwtf is your deal man lmao23:03
Queuetipfor one - your questions have nothing to do with ubuntu23:03
matrixblueanml: your processor is probably a 32 bit and can't boot the 64bit Live CD23:03
rwwzenix: correct. Ubuntu One stuff isn't shared with others unless you explicitly say it is (through the web interface and maybe somehow in the UI now, iono)23:03
anmlmy processor is 64 bit23:03
rwwzenix: i.e., the default is for things not to be shared23:03
anmlqueuetip, this probably stemmed from installing ubuntu23:03
Queuetipif the live cd boots on another machine, and doesn't boot on your desktop - is the problem with ubuntu?23:03
matrixblueanml: Try a 32-bit Live CD anyway23:04
zenixrww, thanks!23:04
anmlthe installation is 64bit though, doesn't it need a 64 to fix the issue if I reinstall?23:04
Queuetipno, you can run a lot of 32bity things on a 64bit architecture23:04
matrixblueanml: What are you trying to repair?23:04
Queuetipyeah, really, what's the root of the question23:05
fuzzybunny69yFor some reason whenever I startup my machine the mysql service isn't started and I have to manually start it. On startup if I go to one of my websites it gives the following error: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2). I have also tried moving the my.cnf file and rebooting and it doesn't seem to correct the problem. Does anyone else know of any other things I could do to try to23:05
fuzzybunny69yfix the problem?23:05
Queuetipfunnyzbunny69y: try #mysql23:05
anmlI installed ubuntu today. everything was working, even after several reboots. then I rebooted again after finishing the updates, and I got the error: no such device23:06
Queuetipfuzzybunny69y: also i've only ever seen that problem after moving the data directory and then not updating my.cnf correctly23:06
fuzzybunny69yQueuetip, I did and they told me to ask in here lol23:06
Queuetipheh well, funny of them, but why would you ask a question regarding mysql (and a common error at that) in ubuntu?23:06
anmlto fix it, i've read you just have to do some fixes from a terminal, but you need a live CD to get in. but I cannot boot from a live CD because it still gives me the no such device error23:06
Queuetip"no such device" as in the hard drive?23:07
dexirww, wow... restarted and its all dandy now. The proprietary driver is turned off, started up fine, no more tearing or graphics problems! huh.. i guess sometimes things just work out23:07
matrixblueanml: Sounds like your PC has problems booting anything. Possibly a bad IDE or SATA controller. Go into the BIOS and reset to default settings23:07
Queuetipanml: ^^23:07
=== ascott_tainer is now known as ascott_lt
myboringnicknamei have a question... i set UFW to default deny, and enabled it. Will this protect me in case i accidentally install a server program that opens ports?23:07
anmlno such device, as in, I have no idea what it is talking about. it gives me a long string of alphanumeric code23:08
Queuetipanml: no such device is a hardware problem23:08
erUSULmyboringnickname: yes23:08
Queuetipreset all of your bios settings and try booting to the master harddrive23:08
Queuetipyeah well obviously ubuntu is not hardware23:08
myboringnicknameerUSUL: so basically it will block everything incoming, even if something like apache is trying to listen?23:08
erUSULmyboringnickname: correct23:08
thune3anml: set cdrom before other devices in bios boot list. The problem with livecd is that bios is not booting cdrom before disk.23:08
anmlthis is the message I just got from booting the CD: disk boot failure, insert system disk and press enter23:09
myboringnicknameerUSUL: okay thanks :)23:09
astropirateWhen i boot up in my ubuntu, Plymout fails to initiate, it says: Plymout failed to init. killed by KILL signal.. or soemthing simillar23:09
anmlthune, I did do that.23:09
astropirateso bassicall i get a bunch of vorbouse information that i dont care abotu inste4ad of the ubuntu splash screen23:09
Queuetipanml: disk boot failure = bad harddrive or crappy ide connection to said harddive23:09
anmlatm my hard drives are unplugged so as to FORCE it to boot from disk lol23:09
anmlum? I jsut said my hard drives are UNPLUGGED23:10
anmlnot my hdds23:10
matrixblueanml: is the CD drive plugged n with SATA or IDE?23:10
n00b3rzanml: that sounds hardware, what if you unplug the CD too?23:10
anmlfor what?23:10
matrixblueanml: use a different port or use IDE if possible23:11
n00b3rzSATA? You might want to double check the BIOS for that, I once thought I was booting from it, but it had a different name. Dumb MB23:11
anmlwhat do you mean check the bios for it23:11
Queuetipanml: /join #hardware23:12
n00b3rzboot into bios, check the boot order, see if it's even using the CD on SATA23:12
zschallzapt-get upgrade comepletely borked my mysql installation, i think. Right now I'm trying to fix it, but is there any way to back up databases without the database server working? I can't launch mysqld even manually, and the only potential fixes i'm finding suggest to purge mysql completely23:12
n00b3rzyou can /msg me and I'll throw you more ideas23:12
Queuetipzschallz: try #mysql but .. those databases, are just files on your computer23:12
Queuetipcheck my.cnf as to where those files are located23:12
zschallzThat's what I was thinking...23:13
Queuetipwell, that's the answer23:13
thune3anml: the cdrom is a different error than the hdd boot right? i've had old computer stall on boot when usb device was plugged in, giving a similar message.23:13
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zschallzWould the files just "drag and drop" with a new installation, though?23:14
anmlno, I get the same error from cd rom even when I boot from CD/DVD. it only gives me this error if I unplug my hdds to force boot from CD23:14
anmli've tried different discs, different ISOs, all burned at the slowest speed etc.23:14
anmlI googled and did all of that troubleshooting23:14
matrixblueanml: Try using a different SATA port23:14
NitzchONotHollo, any idea why my Numpad doesnt work ? I cant type any number even if NumLock its ON or OFF ... :/ And now.. theres not a problem with Keyboard Model :/23:15
acovrigI am looking to install a webmail in ubuntu 9.04, I've tried squirrelmail without luck, ended up re-installing desktop suit; does anyone know about horde23:15
carophello. I tried installing kubuntu on a fresh PC with two harddisks following  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux    . I copied the contents of kubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso in /dev/hdb1 and installed grub on the MBR of /dev/hda. So far so good, but when I boot, kubuntu loads but then gives me the prompt in console mode (where I was expecting some kind of an installation process...). What's wrong??23:15
littlepenguin_nitzschonot have you tried a 2nd keyboard?23:16
caropfrom the prompt I can see that /dev/hdb1 is mounted as /cdrom. That's it. There's no error or anything, but it just doesn't install23:16
NitzchONotlittlepenguin, no actually. Didnt had any problems some days ago with this Keyboard. And i dont have a problem in windows too23:17
littlepenguin_ah ok..23:17
OerNitzchONot, kepp pressing 4 or 6, does your mousepointer move ?23:18
Oer*keep / c23:18
NitzchONotOer, yes... :$23:18
NitzchONotOer, even with Numlock On/Off23:18
Danger_heyo, i'm trying to set up ubuntu server, and i accidentally deleted courier's imapd.conf file. i tried apt-get remove and reinstalling, but it didn't work. suggestions?23:18
caropthe page I quoted says "If you already have a working linux system, installing without external media is easy. You need to create a new partition, copy the CD contents over to it, boot from the new partition, and proceed as if you were installing from a CD" but I am stumped in the last step ("proceed as if..." ?)23:18
Oerah nice, your numpad is mouse now, change it in keyboard23:19
=== carlos is now known as carod
carodwhat is the name of the channel of ubuntu packaing?23:19
Dr_Williscarop:  theres more to it then 'copy the cd contents over to it'   You need to set up some sort of bootloader to actually boot the cd coop23:20
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports23:20
caropDr_Willis, I've done that, I've set up grub, and it does boot on that partition. Then kubuntu starts up... and does nothing! it just gives me the prompt in console mode23:20
Dr_Williscarop:  one way is to copy the ISO file to a partition, and set up grub2 to boot the ISO file.23:20
ubottucarod: please see above23:21
carodthanks you23:21
carodI need the room of the irc23:21
carodabout packaging23:21
VampirePenguinwhat kernel is 10.4 geared towards?23:21
Dr_Williscarop:  the unetbootin tool can take an iso file and  make a 'live -cd' setup on a hard drive also. using syslinux as its  bootloader.23:21
NitzchONotOer, any ideas how i change it ? LOL23:21
caropDr_Willis, I used grub 0.95, not grub2, but I doubt it makes any difference since the kubuntu live CD copied to the partition does boot23:22
OerNitzchONot, yes, open keyboard in system-menu, 3th tab > unselect mouse23:22
acovrigcarod: #ubuntu-packaging maybe?23:22
Drakesonwhen I press shift + up in a tty (gnome-terminal) it types ;2A  what is that called?23:22
NitzchONotOer, i must be blind, i fount it. Thanks for that :D23:22
Oerhave fun :-)23:22
carodthanks you,  I dont know how I can forgotten the name :)23:22
Dr_Williscarop:  proberly some config setting in the bootloader is not getting passed on or set properly then.23:22
Dr_Williscarop:  i use the boot iso file feature of grub2 these days i rarely mess with the older grub123:23
acovrigI need help installing horde or squirrelmail23:23
UbunturocksEvery time, for some reason, when I add openbox --replace on start up it does not work. Metacity starts up instead. Does anyone know of a workaround? Your help is appreciated!23:24
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icerootacovrig: sudo apt-get install squirrelmail  or sudo apt-get install horde23:24
caropDr_Willis, it turns out that the only thing I have is a knoppix live CD, which has grub 0.95 on it. However, I used the exact same kernel parameters as in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux23:24
RamzesHello Guys. I have spend a few hours on getting my new external cd rom drive on the netbook and failed. It works on the xp vbox though. Anyone succeeded?23:24
antonio_aloha everyone...23:24
dexirww, ./configure doesn't do anything. i remember I need to get some packages or something to make it function properly, but forget exactly what to do23:24
acovrigiceroot: what else do I need, in a guide on squirrelmail, it said that I'd need a MTA, but I couldn't get one to work, so I was going to try horde23:25
VampirePenguinis 10.4 kernel compiled for i386, 486, 586 or 68623:25
antonio_I'm trying to install sharing on my lucid box (like when you right click on a folder...and you can share the folder)...I got a message about enabling windows sharing threw some package23:25
antonio_when I tried to enable the package I got  Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/samba/samba_3.4.7~dfsg-1ubuntu3_i386.deb23:25
icerootacovrig: sudo apt-get install postfix23:25
icerootacovrig: horde needs an mta too of course23:25
Dr_WillisRamzes:  what have you tried exactly? you should be able to just plug it in. (check dmesg output for any errors) and try mounting a cd by hand once you determine its /dev/sd## name. It may not be using /dev/cdrom by default23:26
pengyangdo you guys know what's this mean? :(<unknown>:3108): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead23:26
RedLanceUsing unetbootin, I accidently installed UBCD to my Ubuntu hard drive instead of my USB drive.  Can anybody here help me fix it, please?23:26
acovrigiceroot: so `sudo apt-get install postfix squirrelmail` should do it, 'horde' doesn't have an installation candidate23:26
ZykoticK9VampirePenguin, i386 is actually i68623:26
UbunturocksEvery time, for some reason, when I add openbox --replace on start up it does not work. Metacity starts up instead. Does anyone know of a workaround? Your help is appreciated!23:27
icerootacovrig: yes, also the courier daemons are good if you want to use a mail-client23:27
ZykoticK9Ubunturocks, can't you select Openbox as a Session in GDM?23:27
pengyang(<unknown>:3108): Gdk-WARNING **: XID collision, trouble ahead23:27
taffy-naythe internal webcam of my net book was working the last time I used it... now it is not? can anyone help me with this.. google has not been helpful23:27
OerUbunturocks, select openbox as displaymanager at login ?23:27
VampirePenguinZykoticK9, architectural wise... yes.. but processor wise.... it usually compiled based on processor23:27
pengyangwhat does that mean?23:27
ZykoticK9VampirePenguin, it's i68623:28
UbunturocksYes, but I want gnome/openbox. That doesnt work for some reason.23:28
VampirePenguinZykoticK9, ty sir... appreciate it23:28
tripel-webchatwhen I'm on a liveCD (now, 9.04) and I download something, where does it go? and how can I delete it?  --- ie is it taking up space in RAM23:28
dexican anyone tell me what I need to do to get ./configure to work?23:28
ZykoticK9antonio_, try just running "sudo apt-get update" then try again23:29
Dr_Willistripel-webchat:  its taking up space in ram.. yes.23:29
tripel-webchatwhen I'm on a liveCD (now, 9.04) and I cant install any programs. It fails each time. Is this normal?  (eg irssi, ircii, chrome, chrome PPA)23:29
Dr_Willisdexi:    you installed the 'build-essentials' package?23:29
dexiDr_Willis, i think that's what i was looking for, thanks23:30
Dr_Willistripel-webchat:  you can quickly fill  up your ram. yes.23:30
tripel-webchatDr_Willis: thanks. can I delete it from ram? How can I see it?23:30
acovrigiceroot: going by https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Squirrelmail - Postfix as MTA, Courier as MDA with Squirrelmail as Webmail; does it sound like a good combo?23:30
Dr_Willistripel-webchat:  if you used the package manager.. then use the package manager to remove.23:30
tripel-webchatI'm playing learning because I cant install my new HD.. waiting on a power cable.23:30
Dr_Willistripel-webchat:  installing  stuff on live cd can very quickly fill up   stuff.  - You can do a normal install to a usb flash drive.23:31
tripel-webchatDr_Willis: O'll look for that.23:31
dexiDr_Willis, ok i apt-get installed that... theres another step though, right?23:31
Gangosan ***  I am now away.  Reason: _____________HASHISH___________$~ + """] """] """].  ***23:32
=== Gangosan is now known as Onia
icerootacovrig: using squirrelmail is never a good idea :) i like horde much more but often horde is a overkill. horde is nice for groupware23:32
icerootOnia: disable that please23:33
=== cyberbeauce is now known as Exophonix
tripel-webchatI used downloads in the web browser for one thing. I used apt-get install for the failed. I did a bunch of things from the ppa site instructions.  ((truthfullly, I have never been able to get synaptic to work for anything. )lie: I instaled schat-gnome with it and had to remove it.( I consistently user terminal. ))23:34
acovrigiceroot: how do I install horde, 'horde' doesn't have an installation candidate as in `sudo apt-get install horde`23:34
RedLance_Using netbootin, I accidently installed UBCD to my Ubuntu hard drive instead of my USB drive...didn't even notice till I rebooted, and now it will only boot UBCD...is there anyway I can save this?23:34
icerootacovrig: sudo apt-get install horde323:34
tripel-webchatDr_Willis: mmm if I only had an empty flash drive that would be fun. Well I saved the PPA help files on the flashdrive and so I'll go shut down and mess with the jumpers on some old hard drives and see if I can get them recognized. Thanks23:35
acovrigiceroot: I'd assume I still need postfix and courier?23:35
icerootacovrig: yes23:36
SH-ChrisSeems freenodes irc counts as a proxy...23:36
acovrigiceroot: does it matter the inst order?23:36
Danger_how do i get a clean imapd.cnf for courier?23:36
RedLance_Using netbootin, I accidently installed UBCD to my Ubuntu hard drive instead of my USB drive...didn't even notice till I rebooted, and now it will only boot UBCD...I think my normal system is still in there, but I can't get it to boot.  I CAN get to a grub prompt though...can anybody help me fix it, please?23:37
antonio_ok I have a question..23:37
icerootacovrig: no23:37
SH-ChrisI seem to have a boot problem with ubuntu 10.4, not sure if its speciffically cause of taht but when i boot, and it shows a pinkish screen, but then my display cuts out on me and i cant seen to enter teh setup but teh pc is still on23:37
icerootacovrig: apt-get will handle the correct order (dependencies)23:37
Ramzesdr Willis how can I determine the dev/ of my CD ROM. lsusb shows the bus and device ID with the description IDE Adapter. In vbox after enabling this device xp sees the drive. I read that I may recompile the kernel to read the scsi devices23:37
antonio_I created a "shared" folder in lucid just now by right clicking and selecting "sharing options"..23:37
antonio_can I share this folder with win7?23:38
SH-ChrisThis channel seems to get too much traffic to have new problems attended to >.<23:38
icerootantonio_: with samba, yes23:39
RedLance_SH-Chris: Which version are you installing?23:39
SH-ChrisRedLance_: Lucid23:39
antonio_iceroot: I installed something called samba dfsg (something like that)...23:39
antonio_how do I use this?23:39
iceroot!samba | antonio_23:39
ubottuantonio_: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.23:39
SH-ChrisToo many joins and parts man...23:40
icerootSH-Chris: you can ignore them23:40
RedLance_SH-Chris: Ok, so after it shows you the post screen (where it lists what drives you have installed and what not) does it seem to boot the cd?  Does it show anything after the post screen?23:40
JoeMaverickSettcan i just remove a compiled kernel with the command "rm" (those 2 image and header .deb files)?23:40
deFryskRedLance_, righclick the #ubuntu channel and select hide join/part messages23:40
antonio_is there a gui version of samba, so I don't have to do a lot of manual editing?23:41
SH-ChrisRedLance_: Cd boots, i see a pinkish block with an image at teh bottom, then an underscore blinking, and then my display cuts out randomly. I also have W7 installed as well23:41
jimi_What does this mean? ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host23:41
RamzesHow can I add a module to the kernel that enables scsi devices?23:41
ikoniaRamzes: what module do you need to add23:42
ikoniajimi_: it means your remote host refused to offer / exchange ssl certificates with you23:42
jimi_ikonia, how can i see why?23:42
RedLance_SH-Chris: I would try the alternate install and use the command line installer.  It's available here: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download23:42
ikoniajimi_: contact the host provider to check the logs23:43
icerootjimi_: ssh user@host -vvvvv23:43
jimi_ikonia, i am the host provider, thanks23:43
SH-ChrisRedLance_: Doing so i still get to use ubuntu with all of its GUI goodness when its done right?23:43
jimi_iceroot, ok, its dying when it tries to send keys23:43
ikoniajimi_: what are you connecting to, a web server ?23:43
RedLance_SH-Chris: Yes you do.23:43
jimi_ikonia, no an ssh server23:43
SH-ChrisAllright, thanks23:43
icerootjimi_: /var/log/auth.log /var/log/daemon.log23:44
* SH-Chris is off to download anotehr iso and wait 4 hours for it once more :\23:44
ikoniajimi_: check out iceroot's command then, it should give a clue as to why, also turn debugging up on sshd23:44
jimi_iceroot, thanks, i will check that now... getting the same error on the remote host when i ssh localhost23:44
RedLance_Using netbootin, I accidently installed UBCD to my Ubuntu hard drive instead of my USB drive...didn't even notice till I rebooted, and now it will only boot UBCD...I think my normal system is still in there, but I can't get it to boot.  I CAN get to a grub prompt though...can anybody help me fix it, please?  I currently have a boot: prompt...23:44
SH-ChrisRedLance_: Oh, and i also tried teh Wubi installer, same thing. Says its finishing install and display cuts out23:45
SH-ChrisRedLance_: Ima lso using an nvidia built in GPU23:45
ikoniaRedLance_: did you install it to the same partition as your ubuntu partition ?23:45
RedLance_SH-Chris: What kind of video card do you have?23:45
Danger_hey, can someone with courier paste the contents of their imapd.cnf file plox?23:45
bsod1is there a environment variable to see if nautilus is intalled or not?23:45
SH-ChrisRedLance_: Lemme check23:45
RedLance_ikonia: Probably23:45
ikoniaRedLance_: probably gone then23:45
RedLance_ikonia: *sigh* Great...23:46
ZykoticK9bsod1, "which nautilus" should return "/usr/bin/nautilus" IF that helps23:46
c3lDanger_: for what program is that, its not present by default23:46
bsod1ZykoticK9: ty23:46
ariel_gi got a notice about [USN-966-1] Linux kernel vulnerabilities   ...can i upgrade affected packages with apt?23:46
c3lDanger_: sorry Im blind23:47
fuzzybunny69yhey guys how do you check to see if mysql is set to start on boot?23:47
SH-ChrisRedLance_: GeForce 6150 LE23:47
dexiugh... compiz keeps crashing... "compiz --replace" works but a minute later, it un-sets itself23:47
Danger_it's /etc/courier/imapd.cnf23:47
soreaudexi: Does it show any interesting output?23:47
dialtonehi, is anybody familiar with Ubuntu Amazon AMIs here?23:48
dexisoreau, yes, one second23:48
dialtoneI have a very simple question23:48
Oerariel_g, can't find it > http://www.ubuntu.com/usn23:48
ariel_gfuzzybunny69y you'd see a file like S19mysql in /etc/rc2.d23:48
dexisoreau, WARNING: Application calling GLX 1.3 function "glXCreatePixmap" when GLX 1.3 is not supported!  This is an application bug!23:48
dialtonebasically: where does the running user-data log?23:49
ariel_gOer: yeah, me neither, so I was kinda worried about that. where did I get this email from? Am I under attack?23:49
RedLance_SH-Chris: Hmmm...I have Ubuntu installed on a couple systems with that GPU...if the alternate install dosen't work, maybe you should try an older version, like Hardy, and then upgrade it once it's working.23:49
JoeMaverickSettcan i just remove a compiled kernel with the command "rm" (those 2 image and header .deb files)?23:49
SH-ChrisRedLance_: Allright :)23:49
soreaudexi: That is a harmless message and can be ignored. If you are sure compiz is crashing, Can you install compiz-dbg and compiz-fusion-plugins-extra then enable Crash Handler plugin in ccsm and crash it again, then look in /tmp for a back trace?23:49
Oerariel_g, found it > http://www.listware.net/201008/full-disclosure/13240-full-disclosure-idefense-security-advisory-080310-citrix-ica-client-activex-memory-corruption-vulnerabillity.html23:50
Ramzesikonia: sd-mod and sr_mod for the moment23:50
pil_Hello everyone - I just have a question - I am new to linux and ubuntu also - I want to deep into the system and I guess I have to learn the C language in order to do that - am I wrong or not? But I don't know where to start - could you tell me where shoul I start to deep into linux?23:50
ZykoticK9JoeMaverickSett, typically you'd uninstall a kernel using the regular "apt-get remove BLAH" or use Synaptic or Ubuntu Software Center.23:50
thune3RedLance_: i would recommend coming in from livecd to ubu partition to check. According to http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/unetbootin/wiki/howitworks , if everything is still there then you might only need to move grub.cfg.bak to grub.cfg in /boot (if grub2 is there). Not sure though, not at all.23:51
dexisoreau, ok i'll do that but I can't control when it happens23:51
JoeMaverickSettZykoticK9, i compiled it myself so, could you give me some more info on it? haven't installed it though.23:51
Oerariel_g, does this apply to you, ica ?23:51
IdleOne!manual | pil_23:51
RedLance_thune3: Ok, thanks man.23:51
ubottupil_: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/23:51
RedLance_thune3: Or lady??23:51
ZykoticK9JoeMaverickSett, if you manually installed it, i have no idea - best of luck.23:51
JoeMaverickSettZykoticK9, eh, okie.thanks anyways. :)23:52
ariel_gOer: the notice i got is more detailed and makes it look like I am affected.23:52
tsziklayanyone know how to change environment variables globally? (I barely even know what that means)23:52
pil_ubottu: thanks for the info23:52
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:52
tsziklayjust know I have to do it :)23:52
RamzesGuys, is there a way to build up a kernel to get more modules and where shall I get them from?23:52
fuzzybunny69yariel_g, hmmm there is nothing with mysql anywhere in there23:52
Danger_aight guys, all i need is a sample working courier imapd.conf file. please?23:52
TooluckyHey, can anyone help me out with this BusyBox error I get whenever I try to startup my computer with the latest Ubuntu distro installed on it?23:52
ZykoticK9!kernel | Ramzes23:52
ubottuRamzes: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages23:52
fuzzybunny69yariel_g, do you know how I would get mysql to startup on boot?23:53
sparrWWhy is this dependency not met? evolution: Depends: libgtkhtml-editor0 (< 3.31) but 1:3.29.6.is.3.28.3-0ubuntu2 is to be installed23:53
george_Hi All23:53
tsziklayguys, how do you change environment variables globally? and what does that actually mean?23:53
ariel_gfuzzybunny69y for runlevel 2....just put a symlink like S19mysql in /etc/rc2.d to /etc/init.d/mysql23:54
sparrWtsziklay: environment variables are a per-process thing, there is no such thing as "global" environment variables.23:54
Danger_le sigh, got to run. but... i'll be back!23:54
tsziklaysparrW: then when I run a python subprocess that calls grails and it tells me "grails: JAVA_HOME is not defined properly, cannot execute: java" what does that mean? someone told me something about environment variables being wrong or something23:55
sparrWtsziklay: child processes inherit the environment variables of their parent. you need to start python with the appropriate JAVA_HOME, or your python script must set it before launching java23:56
SH-ChrisRedLance_: Installing teh 32 bit edition on a pc with a 64bit processor wont matter at all right?23:56
RedLance_SH-Chris: Nope, that'll work fine.23:57
tsziklaysparrW: I see, then the next question would b how do I "start python with the appropriate JAVA_HOME"?23:57
pepper_hazewhats up ubuntu?23:57
Ramzesubottu: thanks for the links. I am afraid it will ruin my system. I am not IT just a finance guy with a bit of background. I just would like to plug the usb cd rom nothing more. i doubt it needs messing up with the kernel it is not a super extraordinary thing to do i reckon ...23:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:57
sparrWtsziklay: the simplest, "JAVA_HOME=/some/path/to/java/stuff python script.py"23:57
sparrWtsziklay: there are other options23:58
tsziklaysparrW: I would put that command into terminal? and the path you are suggesting, obviously you don't know my particular paths, but is that path supposed to be to my python script?23:58
ZykoticK9Ramza, a USB CDROM "should" work out of the box - mine does anyway.23:59
pepper_hazedoes anyone here know the date of 10.10?23:59
sparrWtsziklay: no, it's supposed to be to where all your java support files live, possibly /usr/local/something/java23:59
djstephenhello all23:59

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