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thorwildoes the application title ("Rhythmbox") in the new sound indicator menu have an action, or is it just a label?08:51
klattimerbratsche: I heard you fixed a bunch of bugs in indicators and the fixes are around somewhere it would probably be a good idea if I can test some things with them08:58
klattimerthere's a bunch of bugs which I think might be fixed but it's almost impossible to tell08:59
klattimerthis is the gtkmenu related stuff I think08:59
vishthorwil: it brings up rhythmbox09:05
klattimeris there a ppa I *should* be using?09:06
thorwilvish: good. that's what i would have proposed, otherwise. but i guess the track info is "dead"?09:06
klattimerhi mpt did you get my suggestions regarding ibus?09:06
klattimerhave a chance to peruse them yet09:06
vishthorwil: yeah , the track does nothing..09:07
mptklattimer, looking09:08
seb128klattimer, hey09:25
seb128klattimer, bratsche is probably sleeping right now, it's middle of his night, he should be up in some hours09:26
seb128klattimer, I don't think there is a ppa you should be using if you are on maverick no09:26
seb128maybe start on some other bugs until bratsche get up09:27
klattimerneed to wait for the fixes made to gtk to come down then?09:27
klattimeryeah well, I've got a bunch of things i'm looking at09:27
seb128I would like to clarify with him and ted what's the status on those bugs as well09:28
klattimerbut it's hard to see what's going to still be a problem after09:28
seb128let's grab them when they wake up later on09:28
seb128well you can probably work on the rhythmbox ctrl-W for example meanwhile I guess09:28
seb128davidbarth, did you review your team bugs to assign some extra ones to klattimer?09:29
davidbarthseb128: i've assigned him the keyboard indicator work, but no did not assign more than that09:50
klattimerI'm currently looking at the keyboard indicator stuff09:51
seb128davidbarth, I though that one was blocked on appindicator to support labels?09:51
klattimerI should really mark it in progress09:51
seb128we had a patch for it last cycle09:51
seb128did you read my comment on the bug?09:51
klattimerjust reading through the patch09:52
mptklattimer, just replied.10:06
klattimermpt: you seem to have missed the ibus related email I sent, with the attachment of filenames which would need themed icons10:08
mptklattimer, I'm a user interface designer.10:09
klattimeroh... you filed it in 'i don't care'10:09
klattimerthe question is about getting the art done I suppose10:10
mptSometimes I can tell which technical architecture is more likely to produce a good result, but I'm not an API designer or anything.10:10
klattimerif we get the art done, the code is fine10:10
mpt(The one time I did design an API, it was one that hopefully will never be implemented.;-)10:10
klattimerbut it's pointless to do the code without the art10:10
mptOk, so if you want art organized, ivanka is the person to ask10:11
klattimerI'll dig out the email and forward it10:11
ivankampt: what do I need to organise?10:12
klattimerivanka: email address I'll send it over10:12
klattimerart for ibus icons10:12
klattimercurrently they're ugly10:12
ivankaklattimer: ivanka@canonical.com10:13
klattimerand not styleable,10:13
mptivanka, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KeyboardMenu#Icons%20for%20layouts%20and%20input%20methods10:14
didrocksivanka: hey, who in your team should contact the telepathy guys for unity integration you talk to at GUADEC? was it done?10:20
ivankadidrocks: I was thinking David Siegel but he is at a sprint this week10:23
klattimermpt: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libgnomekbd/+bug/546240 appears to conflict with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KeyboardMenu#Icons%20for%20layouts%20and%20input%20methods10:50
ubot5Launchpad bug 546240 in libgnomekbd (Ubuntu Lucid) "keyboard indicator doesn't use number to differenciate variants (affected: 6, heat: 52)" [Low,Fix released]10:50
mptklattimer, hence, "(This algorithm needs experimental work from a designer and programmer working together.)" :-) Hi, I'm a designer, you're a programmer.10:51
mptklattimer, so, I didn't realize that it was as simple as XX, XX2, XX310:52
mptklattimer, where do the actual letters come from? Are they recorded for each layout, or are they generated at runtime?10:53
mpt(I have "USA2" in my panel right now, but I had assumed that was pre-recorded)10:55
klattimerwell, I think they're tied into what's shown in the keyboard layouts11:01
klattimerso probably generated at runtime11:01
klattimere.g. if you reorder them then the numbering changes11:01
klattimermpt: the previous assumption I made is not quite correct...11:09
mptklattimer, the one about the letters, or the one about the numbering?11:10
klattimerit appears the whole order of the list and the connection between the current item and the displayed label become incoherent11:10
klattimerwhen you re-order them11:10
mptWelcome to X keyboard hell11:10
klattimere.g. I have USA and UK mac and UK added11:10
klattimerif I reorder them USA becomes UK and UK mac and UK stay the same11:11
klattimerbut the label USA is tied to the UK layout11:11
klattimeroh dear :/11:11
klattimerbut anyway if I log out and back in, they layout numbering changes after a reordering11:12
klattimerso it is generated on the fly11:13
klattimerso in theory what we want is to be able to overlay the text atop an icon11:13
klattimer... this will be hard because of the colours of the underlying icon11:13
klattimermaybe a 0.5px stroke is necessary to create a visual separation11:13
mptklattimer, what I suggest is just a plain color rectangle (using the text color), with the text overlaid in the panel color. E.g. in Ambiance it would be black letters on a white background.11:14
mptMeanwhile: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KeyboardMenu?action=diff&rev2=10&rev1=911:15
ivankahi Vish11:54
vishivanka: hey11:55
ivankavish: how's things?11:55
vishivanka: going fine , sorta :)11:55
vishivanka: looks like we are about to hit 50 bugs fixed for this cycle and there are around 20 fix committed11:56
vishwe need to get them uploaded before UIF ..11:57
vishyup 51 !12:09
klattimerdavidbarth: just responded to your email12:13
klattimerI really think we can do this :D12:13
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* thorwil first replies to sender, not list, then replies on list to the wrong message. sometimes the user is the problem12:22
davidbarthmpt: the "symbol containing 2 symbols" is too custom for a generic protocol like app-indicator; and we're not going to do arbitrary icons that we can't style12:58
davidbarthmpt: but klattimer suggestion to have an inverted rendering for the label sounds more generic12:59
davidbarthmpt: could you get otto to check the style for that inverted flag: boundaries, padding constraints; what to do when the indicator is selected with the mouse, etc.?12:59
klattimerdavidbarth: it was mpt's suggestion, I was just wanting to clarify13:00
mptdavidbarth, those same icons need to be used for the items inside the menu, too. If you fake them using labels in the title, you won't be able to replicate them easily inside the menu.13:00
davidbarththen, why we don't pre-generate them?13:01
mptdavidbarth, that's fine by me. The only drawback is that they wouldn't follow the theme font, but that'd hardly be noticable.13:01
davidbarthmpt: yeah, anyway they're a bit special, the label is meant to represent somehing "keyboard", not necessarily identical as what you display on the screen13:03
davidbarthas -> to13:03
klattimermpt there isn't a menu currently for keyboard indicator13:03
klattimerclick it and it changes13:03
klattimeror well, there is a right click menu13:03
klattimerdur,,, missed that13:03
davidbarthklattimer: then you can apply the standard guildeines13:03
davidbarthfor porting app. indicators13:03
klattimerhowever there are no icons in the menu at all13:04
davidbarthie, turn the toggle behavior into a menu option13:04
mptdavidbarth, sorry, I don't understand13:04
davidbarthi'm sure it's on the app. indicator page13:04
davidbarthmpt: i meant, the font used to represent "keys" that this keyboard indicator represents doesn't necessariliy have to be the same as the font used to "print" text on the display13:05
davidbarthmpt: they are "semantically" different to me13:05
davidbarthone is the font used for "output", while the keyboard indicator could use a distinct font to represent elements that are related to the input system13:05
davidbarthor more simply13:06
davidbarththe font used for physical labels on your keyboard is usually different from the font you're using on your screen, at least the size is different, if not the font itself13:06
klattimerdavidbarth: you've lost me too13:07
LaserJockif I remove the Me & Messaging menus is there any harm done to indicator-session or notifications?13:16
mptdavidbarth, exactly, it's not important that it be the same font.13:23
bratscheHey klattimer13:38
bratscheHow's it going dude?13:38
klattimerhanging in there :)13:38
klattimerwas wondering when these gtkmenu fixes are likely to land in maverick13:39
bratscheWhich fixes are these?13:39
klattimerit's making testing a lot harder not knowing what does work and what doesn't13:39
klattimervarious signal issues related to bluetooth and others13:39
bratscheOh right.. I think sense made this patch yesterday.13:40
senseAny problems?13:40
bratscheNo, I think we just need to get it into a place where klattimer can use it.  So we need to get it into a PPA until we can get it in Meerkat.13:41
bratscheseb128, can we put this in the desktop PPA since that's where you were putting my other patches?13:42
seb128hey bratsche13:43
seb128yes, sure13:43
seb128bratsche, does anybody plan to try to get that one upstream?13:43
seb128sense, thanks for your work on that13:43
seb128does it fix any current open bug? just for changelog reference13:43
senseseb128: You're welcome!13:44
bratscheSince it's menu related maybe it would be better if someone other than me tries. :)13:44
senseseb128: it partially fixes the bug that prevented me from writing an AppInd for Deluge.13:44
seb128the bug is listed on the review page so ignore that question ;-)13:44
senseseb128: next step is to fix the AppInd part: i.e. make it use the correct signal13:44
seb128sense, since you wrote it, can you send it to GNOME as well?13:44
senseseb128: Sure.13:45
senseI hope to be able to fix the AppInd part of the bug today as well, so klattimer has actually something working.13:45
sensetomorrow morning I'll be leaving for a two weeks holiday, you see. ;)13:45
seb128enjoy your holidays!13:46
bratschesense: I'd recommend not linking up to Ubuntu bugs when you file it upstream.13:47
sensebratsche: Why?13:47
bratscheJust post a bug saying you want to be able to find out when submenus are being attached and add a patch.13:47
bratschesense: Just my experience in posting bugs to upstream since I joined Canonical. :)13:47
senseWill do it!13:48
bratscheYou can do it however you like, this is just my suggestion. :)13:48
klattimerwell this all sounds dandy13:50
klattimerwhat's the ppa address?13:51
bratscheI think it's this one: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/ppa13:51
Cimi_MacSlow: raico blur rocks ;)15:56
Cimi_I'm adding blur capabilities in murrine15:56
Cimi_the new theme will rock15:56
MacSlowCimi_, the power of OpenSource :)))15:57
MacSlowCimi_, glad you like it!15:57
bratscheCimi_: Do you have the desktop PPA installed?15:57
Cimi_bratsche: I'm in lucid now15:57
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davidbarthklattimer: hey, is all clarified btw now on app. indicator? ie the pre-generation of icons (for both radiance and ambiance btw)?17:35
davidbarthklattimer: ping me if there is still something that is blocking17:35
sensejcastro: I won't be able to finish the bug. I'm stuck at the segfault issue and have a few other things I want to do today. I've attached the code I've got so far to bug #608219 and bug #584669, together with some instructions.17:35
ubot5Launchpad bug 608219 in Application Indicators "Submenus not added when done so with Glade (affected: 1, heat: 10)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60821917:35
ubot5Launchpad bug 584669 in deluge (Ubuntu) "indicator for deluge (affected: 5, heat: 30)" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58466917:35
davidbarthklattimer: i haven't been able to triage more tasks for you today yet17:35
jcastrosense: ok I'll send those along to klattimer17:38
jcastrothanks for your work on them!17:38
senseThank you for looking after them!17:39
jcastrodavidbarth: is there a group I can be put in to enable assigning bugs to klattimer for ayatana-related gear?17:40
jcastrothat way I don't have to ask you for each one17:40
davidbarthjcastro: let me check that, but yeah, that'd be cool, because i'm sprinting this week, and next week as well so that won't really help18:09
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