
lifelessyou want to file the bug, or shall I ?00:00
lifelessthe lower our latency the more often this will happen00:00
james_wwgrant: all in ec200:04
lifelessdoes anyone else see  lp.registry.windmill.tests.test_person_picker.TesPersonPickerWidget.test_person_picker_widget failing ?00:05
lifelessWindmillTestClientException: {u'suite_name': u'PersonPickerWidget', u'result': False, u'starttime': u'2010-7-4T10:26:38.547Z', u'params': {u'xpath': u'//div[contains(@class, "yui-picker ") and not(contains(@class, "yui-picker-hidden"))]', u'timeout': u'20000'}, u'output': None, u'endtime': u'2010-7-4T10:26:59.337Z', u'method': u'waits.forElement'}00:05
lifelessbranch is a few days old00:05
thumperlifeless: running locally or through ec2?00:24
thumperI'll try it here00:26
thumperis it really TesPersonPickerWidget, not Test... ?00:26
lifelessI have a few other failures00:27
lifelessand similar00:28
thumperlifeless: works for me00:28
wgrantjames_w: Thanks.01:14
wgrantlifeless: Looks like we can destroy PublishedPackage easily.01:14
lifelesswgrant: \o/01:15
lifelesswgrant: Nuke It, Nuke It, Nuke It01:15
wgrantParticularly if we don't care about create-debwatches.py, which probably doesn't work anyway.01:15
lifelesswhat doth that do ?01:15
wgrantIt imports Debian's bugs into LP.01:15
wgrantBut it might be easy enough to port.01:15
wgrantIt's never been used, and is several years old.01:16
lifelessso, does it have tests ?01:16
lifelessactually let me rephrase.01:16
lifelessdoes it have any reason to be in the LP core rather than an API client ?01:16
wgrantIt probably impersonates.01:16
lifelessok, so we need impersonation in the API eventually01:17
lifelessbut not now01:17
wgrantThere are no tests that I can see. So I'll just port it and pretend that it works.01:17
lifelessthank you _very_ much for doing this01:17
wgrantThe other PublishedPackage callsite only needs ~6 of the 13 tables.01:18
lifelessmars: still up ?01:18
wgrantSo I'll replace it with another method, and drop the view.01:18
wgrantAnd hopefully get it landed tonight.01:18
* mwhudson gets ready to run some windmill tests01:18
mwhudsoni wonder if i can get to the shop and back before they're done01:18
lifelessmwhudson: 'yes'01:19
mwhudsoni guess everything will time out01:21
lifelessspm: hey, so, where on your queue is the +icing rollout tweak ?01:26
spmlifeless: it's not on mine tbh; still working on the next phase of the slony1 roll; getting some LS stuff done; and some 'fit in the cracks' U1 more trivialish scripting stuff. and packing at some point.01:28
lifelessspm: ok; you're sprinting or something ?01:28
spmyup all next week01:29
lifelessdo you guys deliberately do these on release weeks ?01:29
spmthe release we did for LP in barcelona last year was ... instructive for the rather large collection of observers and sympathisers I felt.01:30
spmprobably freaked the hotel staff out a tad I'll bet :-)01:30
spm15 folks all hanging aournd 2-3 laptops....01:30
lifelessspm: if you have the opportunity to do the icing thing, and wanted a bribe... well, just let me know :)01:31
mwhudsonyes, my machine is too slow to run the windmill tests01:33
mwhudsoncan i get someone to run some tests for me?01:34
lifelessmwhudson: yes; you could use ec2 though, FWIW01:34
mwhudsonyes, that's true01:34
mwhudsonlifeless: could you get01:34
mwhudsonand run01:34
spmlifeless: we had a brief discussion some weeks back in losa land around some topics we could present at various other team sprints; i'll give you the brief synopsis of each one? it may help with your previous question?01:35
spm* "Why Cake is Good For Keeping LOSAs Onside" - Well. Dur.01:35
spm* "Let Them Eat Cake" - a discussion around various types of Cakes enjoyed by the losas, accounting for cultural variations across the team. Mudcakes, Cheesecakes, Pavlova, Poutine Cake etc01:35
spm* "Haz Cakez, Willz Patchz Youz Servicez" - we are open to bribery to apportion RT priorities more ... appropriately. A look at proposed cake:priority bribe ratios.01:35
spm* "Not Cake" - a free flowing discussion around other non cake foods - eg brownies, fudge; and how they may be treated as an acceptable substitute when Cake is not as easily forthcoming.01:35
spmlifeless: ^^01:35
mwhudsonpoutine cake?01:36
lifelessspm: so, courier, or pickup from the bakery?01:36
spmwe just come back from Montréal, poutine cake seemed appropriate at the time.01:36
lifelessmwhudson: does it need a make schema ?01:36
mwhudsonlifeless: no01:36
lifeless:!testr run -- --load-list mwhudson.list01:37
lifelessplease wait ;)01:37
mwhudsonhm, it seems i didn't have the wadl built locally, does that affect using the api over js?01:38
lifelessni idea01:38
pooliespeaking of speed, is it really recessary to spend 15s rebuilding js at the start of 'make run'?01:38
lifelesswindmill.server.proxy: INFO     Could not fullfill proxy request to http://www.google.co.nz/+icing/rev10721/MochiKit.js01:39
lifeless ?01:39
lifelessmwhudson: test_results: ERROR    Test Failure in test {'version': '0.1', 'suite_name': u'Commit message editing.', 'result': False, 'starttime': u'2010-7-5T6:8:14.422Z', 'output': None, u'params': {u'xpath': u'//div[@id="edit-commit_message"]//textarea[@class="yui-ieditor-input"][1]', 'uuid': 'b99e4c88-a029-11df-8e6c-5254002410b3'}, 'endtime': u'2010-7-5T6:8:27.487Z', u'method': u'waits.forElement'}01:39
wgrantmwhudson: It doesn't, AFAIK.01:39
lifelessid: 197 tests: 22 failures: 1 skips: 101:40
mwhudsonlifeless: ok thanks01:41
lifelessmwhudson: that google.co.nz error worries me :)01:41
mwhudsonyes, does look pretty dodgy01:41
mwhudsonlifeless: can you run it in trunk too?01:42
lifelessmwhudson: what do you mean?01:42
mwhudsonlifeless: does the test fail in trunk for you too?01:42
lifelessdevel or db-devel01:42
mwhudsonlifeless: devel01:43
lifelessyes it fails01:45
mwhudsonwell i did what the test does by hand in a real browser and it worked, so...01:51
wgrantlifeless: Since those two are the same bug (Distribution.guessPackageNames is slow), should I dupe them and move to launchpad-registry?01:53
lifelesswgrant: sure01:54
lifelesswgrant: though I would have said it was a soyuz problem :P01:54
wgrantAlthough both bugs seem to cover other issues too..01:54
lifelesswgrant: do what you think makes the most sense.01:54
lifelessmake a third bug even.01:54
* wgrant does so.01:54
wgrantOh look, PublishedPackage is now unused.01:57
* wgrant drops.01:57
wgrantIt looks like the view's main user was removed for 3.0.02:03
wgrantThe distribution package listing was eliminated.02:03
lifelessseeking feedback on https://help.launchpad.net/Oops02:03
mwhudsonlifeless: looks pretty good to me02:05
lifelessmwhudson: care do to a small review for me? see #lp-r02:07
james_wmwhudson: if you are having trouble running problematic tests then feel free to drop me an email and I can take a look tomorrow02:09
mwhudsonjames_w: i might do that thanks02:10
wgrantI have a slave query returning an object that gets passed around and eventually dies when some code tries to link it to a master object.02:15
wgrantWhere's the right place to do the IMasterObject adaption?02:15
mwhudsoni think it's basically impossible to say on this much information :-)02:16
mwhudsoni guess in the linking place, maybe?02:17
wgrantYeah, but it's a reasonably complex stack, so I decided to omit the messy description.02:17
wgrantSome Bugs views use Distribution.guessPackageNames to retrieve a sourcepackagename and binarypackagename.02:18
wgrantI've just moved that query to a slave.02:19
wgrantEventually the view calls Bug.addTask with one of those two slave objects.02:19
wgrantThis then tries to create a DistributionSourcePackageInDatabase, which crashes with a WrongStoreError.02:20
mwhudsonwgrant: i guess addTask would be a reasonable place?02:21
wgrantAh, hm. The problem is actually when it generates the DistributionSourcePackage (not the DistributionSourcePackageInDatabase). I guess Distribution.getSourcePackage should make sure that its sourcepackagename is from the right store.02:23
wgrantI wonder if there's an easy way to do that (get an object from the store of another object).02:24
wgrantNyeh. i guess I'll just IMasterObject it before I call getSourcePackage.02:27
lifelesswhats an IMO ?02:36
mwhudsonlifeless: it's a thing that lets you ensure that a database object is from the master store02:36
mwhudsonmaster_object = IMasterObject(master_or_slave_object)02:37
* mwhudson afk briefly02:37
* wgrant stabs canonical.widgets.02:42
wgrantNasty code, evading my grep.02:43
spmwgrant: that sounds suspiciously like the Bad Workman Blaming The Tools???02:53
lifelessthis from a sysadmin?02:53
spmpoint, veritable good point. 1/002:54
wgrantspm: Well, I expect stuff to live in lp.*, or canonical.launchpad.* at worst...03:04
lifelesswgrant: bzr-grep ?03:06
wgrantlifeless: grepping the whole LP tree on a cold cache is slow.03:06
lifelesswgrant: :<03:06
wgrantlifeless: Can I have a patch number for the PublishedPackage drop?03:11
mwhudsonwgrant: grepping everything can't be much slower than grepping lib/lp and lib/canonical/launchpad surely?03:13
mwhudsonat least if you use bzr-grep or bzr ls | xargs03:13
mwhudsongrepping all the eggs and sourcecode does take a while03:13
wgrantmwhudson: Right, eggs and sourcecode takes a while.03:13
wgrantI should probably install bzr-grep.03:13
lifelesswgrant: except when stubs on leave, he should be the one handing them out03:15
lifelesswgrant: it is a little more latency, but I think its better to have no confusion in this area ;)03:16
wgrantAh, so a longer-term definition of 'not available' than I thought.03:16
lifelesswell, thats my understanding03:16
wgrantyeah, you're probably right.03:16
lifelessI'll check with him that that is our shared understanding, and tweak the wiki page to be clearer one way or another03:17
wgrantI was just remembering the email from a couple of days ago.03:17
mwhudsonsomeone could write a webservice to hand out patch numbers!03:17
* mwhudson runs away03:17
lifelessmwhudson: slap!03:17
lifelessthe lp login pages to the list is really quite entertaining03:18
mwhudsonor stub and lifeless could use some kind of distributed voting algorithm03:18
lifelesswe do03:18
lifelesshe votes03:18
lifelessI don't.03:18
lifelesssee, distributed.03:18
wgrantlifeless: Which login pages?03:19
mwhudsonwgrant: i typed "bzr ls --versioned --recursive --null --kind file | xargs -0 grep" once and have a super huge bash_history file :-)03:19
wgrantmwhudson: Heh.03:19
mwhudsonlifeless: :-)03:19
lifelesswgrant: the thingy ones03:19
lifelesswgrant: team oops summaries03:19
wgrantlifeless: Ah.03:19
mwhudsonwgrant: we get oops summaries to the internal mailing list03:19
lifelessand they are baaaagggered03:19
mwhudsonexcept for the last couple of days, the bodies of the mails have been openid login pages03:19
mwhudsoni don't even really understand how this is possible03:20
wgrantIt certainly leaves me concerned as to how they are generated...03:20
lifelessmwhudson: cron. Datacentre. \o/03:23
lifelesswgrant: the main oops reports work ok, its the team summaries that are being pulled from a web service that are booming03:26
wgrantmwhudson: I'm guessing you have a PQM rejection for my branch?03:27
wgrantIt probably conflicted with james_w.03:27
wgrantYes :(03:27
mwhudsonwgrant: mail.canonical.com is being administered, so i don't have any mail at the moment03:28
wgrant'administered'. Nice euphemism.03:28
wgrantI wonder if lack of MTA means the three other branches that have just succeeded will fail to submit...03:29
mwhudsonat worst they'll just get queued03:30
wgrantI doubt it, though.03:31
mwhudsonwgrant: it's planned maintenence03:31
wgrantmwhudson: But doesn't pqm-submit use mail.canonical.com:25, which is currently timing out?03:31
wgrantOh, maybe smtp.canonical.com, which works.03:32
mwhudsonmail.canonical.com:25 gets eaten by the firewall i imagine :-)03:33
lifelessanyone got a few minutes to point me at a good example of a pyunit browser test ?03:45
spivmwhudson: thanks for landing the codebrowse-oops branch!03:55
mwhudsonspiv: np, have you looked at lp-production-configs yet?03:55
spivno, I was about to ask about the production config stuff03:55
spivI'd be happiest if it was just SEP ;)03:56
lifelessspiv: mail losas@c.c asking for the config details to use03:56
lifelessthen edit the lp-production-configs branch to make the change, and propose a merge03:56
spivlifeless: well, more specifically, I was asking if mwhudson had taken care of that already, as he'd landed the branch03:57
lifelessspiv: I know that that would make you happiest :)03:57
mwhudsonspiv: i haven't done anything in that regard03:58
lifelesswgrant: hi03:59
spivmwhudson: ok.  I might look into that tomorrow then.04:05
thumperwasn't there going to be an email outage?04:16
mwhudsonthumper: only if you're an imap user maybe?04:16
wgrantlifeless: Fail. I forgot to add the DB patch.04:18
lifelesswgrant: so does my suggestion make sense04:18
lifelesswgrant: recommit your branch against devel04:18
lifelessdo *just* the db-patch against db-devel04:18
lifelessand do that after the other branch has landed04:19
wgrantlifeless: Hm, I suppose, but we freeze in 24 hours so there's no point.04:19
lifelesswgrant: oh, fair point.04:19
lifelessanywhich way is good for me04:19
wgrantlifeless: DB patch pushed.04:20
thumperStevenK: ping04:27
lifelesswgrant: url ?04:28
wgrantlifeless: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/destroy-publishedpackage/+merge/3181304:29
lifelessspm: An updated diff will be available in a few minutes. Reload to see the changes.04:38
lifelessspm: after 10 minutes...04:38
mwhudsonis merge-proposal-jobs stuck again?04:39
thumperI hope not04:39
thumperit is possible it is a big job...04:40
thumperspm: sync logz plz?04:40
lifelessthumper: mwhudson: does code have pyunit based browser using tests ?04:41
lifelessnot windmill, the zope mechanise thingy04:41
mwhudsonlifeless: yes04:41
mwhudsonlifeless: grep for getUserBrowser iirc04:41
lifelessmwhudson: please point me at some as per my plea for help above ;P04:42
wgrantlp.code.browser.tests looks relevant.04:42
lifelessmwhudson: thanks04:42
thumperBrowserTestCase in lp.testing I believe04:43
* thumper is smacking his head against inmemory xmlrpc implementation04:43
spmthumper: syncing in progress04:44
thumperspm: ta04:44
thumperspm: merge proposal jobs is stuck again04:49
thumperspm: plz kill04:49
spmlogs resynced04:50
spmthumper: looks like a couple of bodgy branches from that shyster wgrant again. any chance of you and me flying down to his place and ... trying some attitude adjustment? :-P04:52
thumperspm: you book the flights, I'll approve them ;-)04:52
spmoki, brb. one sec.04:52
spmwgrant: so that destroy-publisher one was first off - should be good now04:53
wgrantspm: destroy-publishedpackage? Sounds good.04:53
wgrantI hope I'm not destroying the publisher itself!04:53
spmwgrant: destroy-publishedpackage yup. too lazy to select and paste :-)04:55
wgrantlifeless: diff's there now.04:56
spmlifeless: fwiw, that's bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/605772 (tongue firmly in cheek) you may be able to get the priority on a fix raised?04:57
_mup_Bug #605772: merge-proposal-jobs is "hanging", apparently with nothing to do <canonical-losa-lp> <Launchpad Bazaar Integration:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/605772>04:57
j24did someone known whereis the admin interface of launchpad?04:59
mwhudsonif that's the same bug as was hanging the branch mirror script once upon a time, it's a complete mystery04:59
spmj24: it doesn't really have one. some pages have extra features if you have admin access is about it05:00
j24how can I remove projects?05:01
j24how can I manage user right?05:01
thumperj24: set them inactive05:01
thumperj24: what type of user rights?05:02
j24thumper: read write acces to projects05:02
spmcreate a team; give that team project ownership; add them to the team05:02
thumperj24: the owner needs to be set to a team that the users are members of05:02
wgrantj24: Have you used Launchpad before?05:03
wgrantYou probably shouldn't be trying to run your own if you haven't.05:03
j24I'm looking for a solutoin to manage bazar and hear that launchpad will the good one05:03
j24for now we use redmine05:03
j24I'm evalluating bazar as a replacement05:04
j24I'm evalluating launchpad as a replacement05:06
lifelessspm: asking for a backtrace05:12
j24patch-2207-51-0.sql has not been applied to the database. You probably want to run 'make schema'.05:12
lifelessspm: it may help shed light, though the unhandled error is a pretty good hint05:12
spmlifeless: some more context?05:12
j24but when I did sudo -u postgres make create05:13
j24the patch is reported apply05:13
lifelessspm: 15:57 < spm> lifeless: fwiw, that's bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/605772 (tongue firmly in cheek) you may be able to get the priority on a fix raised?05:13
_mup_Bug #605772: merge-proposal-jobs is "hanging", apparently with nothing to do <canonical-losa-lp> <Launchpad Bazaar Integration:Incomplete> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/605772>05:13
j24any idea?05:13
spmlifeless: Oh right.05:13
lifelessj24: well, launchpad is *intended* to be a hosted solution, so the easiest thing you can do use use launchpad.net. However I realise that isn't answer your question, so let me have a guess05:15
lifelessj24: you appear to be running make create, not make schema.05:16
lifelessj24: the 'make' targets are meant for developers, not for production rollouts / upgrades05:16
lifelessj24: so, probably, you need to run 'make schema'05:16
j24lifeless: I did first05:16
j24lifeless: but I nned to run the create as postgres05:17
wgrantmwhudson: Could you resubmit https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/per-archive-build-debug-symbols/+merge/29671, please? The conflict is fixed.05:20
j24lifeless: is ther any easy way to create your own host of launchpad?05:21
mwhudsonwgrant: ok05:22
wgrantmwhudson: Thanks.05:22
lifelessj24: so, If you have run 'make schema' (*not* make create), as postgres, and you are now running the appserver as a different user, I suspect postgres permissions will be stopping it reading the db properly05:24
lifelesshmmm, byebye wave05:27
wgrantlifeless: Well, they don't say it's being shut down.05:28
wgrantJust that they're ceasing development...05:29
lifelessthey say end of year shutdown05:29
wgrantDidn't see that.05:29
j24lifeless: I've to run make schema as potgress to fix it05:29
j24lifeless: how can I've a empty database ?05:29
j24lifeless: no projects05:30
wgrantlifeless: Ah, there it is.05:30
lifelesswgrant: its not quite 'turn off', but the option is well implied05:30
wgrantlifeless: And thanks for the review.05:30
lifelesswgrant: de nada05:30
wgrantlifeless: Serious WTFery at that link in #launchpad.05:49
wgrantLooks like the TAL caching being strange...05:50
wgrantHe sees three of one milestone, while I see two of each.05:50
* ajmitch sees nothing wrong05:50
wgrantajmitch: Refresh a couple of times.05:50
wgrantOr it may require the addition of some more.05:50
wgrantAha, yes.05:50
wgrantI initially viewed it when there were only three.05:51
wgrantNow there are six, and I see the first three repeated twice.05:51
wgrantHe initially viewed it when there was one.05:51
wgrantThen added two more, and saw three of the first one.05:51
thumperwgrant: what is the A reference?05:53
wgrantthumper: Hm?05:54
thumper<wgrant> [A205:54
lifelessso, thats the milestone caching I would like to disable05:54
lifelessas one of the examples of we're-not-ready-yet memcached use05:55
wgrantthumper: That was some network lag converting my up arrow (which would normally revive the previous irssi command) into some garbage.05:55
wgrantNot sure why it does that.05:55
wgrantlifeless: No, this is a bug.05:55
wgrantlifeless: Something's wrong in the caching infrastructure.05:56
lifelesswgrant: tell me more05:56
wgrantlifeless: It's using the cache for the wrong object, somehow.05:58
wgrantHmm, interesting.05:59
wgrantAh, got it.05:59
wgrantWell, not entirely, actually, as it turns out.06:02
wgrantBut the way it handles tal:cache in loops seems a bit odd.06:03
lifelessI need a another test hint06:04
lifelessI want to exercise an API06:05
lifelessis doing a single browser request to the relative URL the OOPS shows sufficient ?06:05
lifelesse.g. https://api.launchpad.net/beta/~ubuntu-dev/participants06:05
lifelessor is there a better way ?06:09
lifelessmy goal is:06:09
lifeless - exercise the web request that is blowing up06:09
lifeless - measure its query count06:09
lifeless - fix it06:09
mwhudsonlifeless: there's something called a WebserviceCaller somewhere i think06:10
wgrantlifeless: So, the TAL memcached stuff adds the loop index to the key.06:14
wgrantlifeless: What goes wrong is that the indexes change...06:14
wgrantI'm not sure whether this is a Registry or Foundations bug.06:15
lifelessso the key is host/object/template/loopN (or something)06:17
wgrantPretty much, yes.06:17
lifelessyes, clearly thats a problem06:17
lifelesscache at canonical url only basically06:17
lifelessmwhudson: newInteraction called while another interaction is active.06:36
lifelessmwhudson: I have a feeling you know about this06:36
lifelessmwhudson: http://pastebin.com/pkBkT68i06:37
* mwhudson clicks, waits06:37
mwhudsonlifeless: has pastebin.com fallen over?06:38
wgrantlifeless: Log out before you log in again.06:38
mwhudsonah there it is06:39
mwhudsonlifeless: yes, you need to logout before doing web requesty type stuff06:39
mwhudsonTestCaseWithFactory.setUp() logs in as anonymous06:40
mwhudsonlifeless: all of this is fairly horrible06:40
lifelessoh, it _fail_06:40
lifelesshow unexpected06:41
lifelesshow much would die if that got fixed?06:41
mwhudsoni'm not even sure what a fix would be like06:41
lifelessdon't log in as anonymous06:41
mwhudsonoh right06:42
mwhudsonwell, dunno06:42
mwhudsonprobably plenty06:42
lifeless  File "/home/robertc/launchpad/lp-branches/working/lib/lp/testing/factory.py", line 434, in makePerson06:42
lifeless    person, email = getUtility(IPersonSet).createPersonAndEmail(06:42
lifelesslike that :P06:42
lifelessits odd that anonymous can createPersonAndEmail, or is that just me ?06:42
mwhudsonlifeless: there's a special case somewhere06:43
mwhudsonyou have to be able to create person records without being logged in ...06:43
stubIs anyone landing https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/per-archive-build-debug-symbols/+merge/29671 ?06:46
mwhudsoni think i'm trying to06:46
mwhudsonit's in ec206:46
wgrantstub: It was rejected by PQM a few hours ago due to a conflict, but should land in a couple of hours.06:47
lifelessits very surprising to have 'url = "/~%s/participants" % team.name' fail if you don't have something logged in.06:49
lifeless_not python anymore_06:49
lifelessand now06:50
lifelessresponse 'Anonymous requests must provide a User-Agent.06:50
lifeless'401' ><06:50
wgrantlifeless: You know there are a couple of webservice wrapper utilities, right?06:51
wgrantThere's the old one, and then there's launchpadlib.06:51
mwhudsonhaha, after 5 or so days, my recipe build fails with a stupid typo06:52
lifelesswgrant: I'm using LaunchpadWebServiceCaller06:53
lifelesswgrant: I want to do exactly one http request, and launchpadlib is very not-geared-to-control-that.06:53
wgrantlifeless: Shh.06:54
lifelesswgrant: its peanut butter jelly time06:55
wgrantstub: Thanks.07:02
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
* mwhudson creates a mercurial import, optimistically07:40
mwhudsonwow, it completed in 60 secs07:43
wgrantmwhudson: Successfully?07:44
mwhudsonwgrant: yeah07:44
wgrantDid it have any revisions?07:44
mwhudson662 apparently07:44
adeuringgood morning08:00
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
lifelessI am in a maze of unfinished toolchains08:18
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
lifelesswgrant: just building up my normal test flexability08:21
lifelessthe next thing will be make_query_checker(LessThan(20))08:22
wgrantExcellent idea.08:22
lifelesspart 1 is up for testtools review already08:24
lifelessjml: hi08:37
lifelesstesttools trunk has UTF8_TEXT in news and PLAIN_TEXT in content_type08:38
lifelessmrevell: hello09:04
thumperdoes loggerhead stay running for anyone else using `make run_codehosting`?09:24
lifelessjames_w: btw, have you seen testtools.matchers.Annotate ?09:26
poolielifeless: what does that do?09:47
lifelessadds : LITERAL to the mismatch09:47
lifelesswhich some of james new code in lp.testing.matchers does as well09:47
lifelessjml: hi, awake?10:17
wgrantbigjools: Hi. lamont's fine with https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/multi-arch-builders/+merge/31740 -- how 'bout you?10:23
lifelesswgrant: http://pastebin.com/B72J7fuA10:26
wgrantlifeless: Hmm?10:26
lifelessthats what the test infrastructure I just finished putting together reports10:27
wgrantlifeless: Oh, right. I just looked at the two tracebacks at the top and wondered what I'd broken :P10:27
lifelesslp.registry.tests.test_person.TestAPIPartipication.test_participation_query_limit is the only interesting bit10:28
wgrantLooks good.10:29
=== adeuring1 is now known as adeuring
jmllifeless, am now.10:44
stubMonster storm coming through. If I'm gone its a power outage.10:44
lifelessjml: hi10:59
lifelessjml: i added another matcher10:59
jmllifeless, approved10:59
lifelessjml: and found a glitch in testtools trunk - UTF8_TEXT doesn't exist, but NEWS claims it does.10:59
jmllifeless, oh right. easily fixed.11:00
jmlalthough a shame that glitch is in a release11:00
lifelessjml: I haven't uploaded the release to debian11:00
lifelesscause I've been lazy11:01
lifelessjml: +111:03
lifelessjml: you might like https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~lifeless/launchpad/registry/+merge/3183011:07
jmlPython's warnings filter doesn't work the way I expected.11:07
jmllifeless, nice.11:08
jmloh, this might not be Python11:09
jmlle sigh11:14
jmlheh. lifeless, I've got five branches that you alone can review.11:21
jmljelmer, I've got one branch that you can review: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jml/subunit/move-ls/+merge/3176911:21
lifelessjml: testrepository ones?11:22
jmllifeless, yeah.11:23
lifelessI'm sorry.11:24
lifelessI suck11:24
lifelessI want to review them, honest.11:24
jmlthat's ok.11:28
jmleach of them is a usability improvement (imo), so keen to get them landed :)11:29
jmlthen all I need to do is add native --load-list support to zope.testing and trial and then that branch of depth-first traversal of my hacking problems will be finished11:30
jelmerjml: I'll see if I can do a review during an evening this week.11:32
jmljelmer, thanks. it really is a very simple change.11:32
jelmerah, ok - I haven't looked yet11:32
lifelessjml: cool.11:32
lifelessjml: I'm still bootstrapping myself to proper effectiveness in lp's code base11:32
jmllifeless, me too!11:33
lifelessjml: har har har11:34
lifelessjml: I'm fairly sure you know where all the skeletons are by now :)11:34
jelmerjml: +1 on the user side of your MPs, though I wonder if it's always a good idea to initialize on load if there's no .testrepository directory.11:40
jmljelmer, what possible harm could there be in doing so?11:41
jelmere.g. me running "bzr selftest --subunit | testr load" but in the wrong directory11:41
jmlI guess the harm there is you "lose" a test run to another repo & don't know about it11:42
jmlvs the harm of pissing me off every single time I make a new branch.11:43
lifelessjml: fwiw testr init returns 0 if there is already a repo11:46
lifelessjml: to allow testr init; testr run/load/whatever11:46
lifelessjml: I did this to permit both styles of work11:46
lifelessI think.11:46
lifelessETired. really gone.11:46
jmllifeless, ok, good night.11:46
deryckMorning, all.12:01
jmlderyck, good morning.12:05
deryckhi jml.  Do you have some time tomorrow that you and I could chat?  Just to catch up a bit for one, and then I have some LEP and LEP-like things to chat about.12:06
jmlderyck, sure.12:07
jmllemme consult my calendar12:07
jmlderyck, how's 1400UTC?12:08
deryckjml, perfect.  Thanks!12:09
deryckheh, we double calendared.  I'll accept yours, jml.12:10
jmlderyck, ta.12:10
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jmlthis wireless card dropping thing is amazingly disruptive. I might as well have my computer spontaneously reboot on me.12:52
marswgrant, ping, got a failure running ec2 land last night: lib/lp/archiveuploader/tests/nascentupload-ddebs.tx13:08
wgrantmars: Yeah, fixed and landed already :)13:09
marswgrant, ok13:09
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jtvdanilos, henninge: I filed bug 613821 for the approver failure, and an incidental bug 61382313:29
_mup_Bug #613821: Approver violates unique constraint <Launchpad Translations:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/613821>13:29
_mup_Bug #613823: Approver should log oopses <Launchpad Translations:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/613823>13:29
danilosjtv, thanks, 613923 is not very useful unless we plan to start working on it, and we don't13:32
jtvdanilos: well I admit fixing it would be bad from the zero-oops perspective…13:32
danilosjtv, (because the same holds for language-packs, po exports, pofile stats,...)13:32
jtvOTOH it's basically saying we're accepting oopses as a matter of course.13:33
danilosjtv, no, it's just that it's a known problem with most of our old scripts13:33
jtvDefinitely.  But in this case, it's hiding oopses.13:33
danilosjtv, it's not, that's why we have it logging with full detail13:34
jtvdanilos: do you check those logs regularly?13:34
danilosjtv, OOPSes are hidden for those parts where we have to dig through a million-OOPS count, this is all in easy to look at log files13:34
danilosjtv, yes13:34
jtvOkay, then this falls under "time-saver" not under "oopses."13:35
jtvHow long had we been having that approval conflict I posted about?13:35
danilosjtv, well, not really, since at the moment oops tools could only provide us with *another* email instead of aggregating it into one13:35
danilosjtv, we've had it appear and go for a few days already13:36
danilosjtv, you were mostly tracking them though13:36
danilosjtv, or maybe I am talking about a different approver bug13:37
jtvI don't see how the approval conflict could go away.  We had a different traceback a few days ago, for which I cleaned up the data.  And now we're having a different kind of traceback.  But as a third problem, there's the KDE approval conflict where it's been logging that there were two templates with the same domain.13:38
jtvI hope that will stay as unusual as I find it now: we find 3 completely different approval problems in 1 week.13:38
jtvgrrr staging buildfarm hurry up13:39
danilosjtv, yeah, this one was hitting us for 3 days now13:39
jtvdanilos: 3 days is about the maximum time for this approver problem.  If the older entry is still in the way after that time, chances are it's in Failed state and will stay around for much longer.  :(13:51
* jtv updates bug report with this note13:51
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stubWhat is our preferred mock logger?14:04
deryckmrevell, ping14:06
marsstub, for launchpad?  I've used mocker elsewhere, but not for logging.14:06
mrevellHi there deryck14:06
stubThere are three or four mock loggers for tests in the tree I believe, and I can't find any of them (including the one I wrote)14:06
marsabentley, ping, any idea why this project /still/ insists that there is no default branch, even though the website says I did? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~launchpad-qa/qa-shepherd/devel14:07
abentleymars, default for what?14:07
marsabentley, for this qa-shepherd project14:08
marssorry, default for the project14:08
abentleymars, do you mean "development focus"?14:08
stublp.testing.logger defines MockLogger14:09
marsabentley, no idea.  All I know is that I tried what our website says, "bzr branch lp:qa-shepherd", and bzr returns an error saying "bzr: ERROR: Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:qa-shepherd": qa-shepherd has no default branch."14:09
marsabentley, here is the project page: https://edge.launchpad.net/qa-shepherd14:09
marsabentley, everything looks OK to me on that page14:09
marsstub, then I would take the fact you can't find the other three instances as a good thing :)14:10
stubThere is a comment from 2007 in there pointing to one of the others (launchpad.scripts.logger.FakeLogger)14:11
stubMaybe it is a daisy chain - I don't want to look.14:11
abentleymars, no, I've never heard of a problem like this before.14:13
marsabentley, it sounds like a branch policy violation.  I wonder, could the branch policy for the project still be 'private by default' or something?14:14
marsabentley, hmm: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/qa-shepherd - the development focus is stacked on my branch, and my branch is private14:15
abentleymars, I would not expect the branch policy to matter.  I would expect only the branch privacy to matter.14:15
marscould that do it?14:15
abentleymars, that sounds possible.14:15
marsabentley, and it works now.  Shall I file a bug?14:16
abentleymars, please do.14:16
abentleymars, did you do anything to fix it?14:16
marsabentley, I changed my branch (the stacking base) to a public branch14:17
marsfrom a private one14:17
marsthat allowed the project branch, which was stacked on top of mine, to start working14:18
abentleymars, so the bug here is that you shouldn't be able to set a branch public without also setting its stacked-on branch public.14:18
abentleyProbably some better diagnostics would be good too.14:19
bigjoolsjml: I've been trying to break the new buildd-manager in dogfood and it's coped with everything I can throw at it so far.  I'm shocked.  I even saw it resetting one builder at the same time as dispatching to another, which is a first.14:59
bigjoolstime to land it I think14:59
marsabentley, bug filed: 61384115:04
* jelmer wonders why dev.launchpad.net doesn't let him subscribe to pages15:07
abentleymars, we only use the development focus branch for stacking on.15:07
abentleymars, so your recipe implies "2.5 make lp:~me/theproject/devel the development focus of the project"15:08
marsjelmer, our custom Moin theme dropped a few wiki features, like subscribing to pages and smilies.  I have no idea why though.15:08
bigjoolsjelmer: you have to url hack15:08
bigjoolsjelmer: ?action=subscribe15:08
marsbeat me to it15:08
jelmerbigjools, mars: thanks!15:08
marsabentley, you are right, that is what I did, yet15:09
marsyes even!15:09
marsAh, text searching - that feature was dropped too15:10
marsSo you have to do a title search, then click the 'do a text search' button on the title search results page15:10
jmlbigjools, cool :)15:12
bigjoolsjml: but given that we have nothing like a production environment to test with, I'm still scared :)15:13
bigjoolsso I just did a full test run for the first time in a while, and I'm astonished at the fact that the output is basically doubled in size with all the "warnings" at the end15:36
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jmlbigjools, yes. you may have noticed some complaints about this on the list :)16:12
bigjoolsjml: complaints? really? :)16:13
marsgary_poster, ping, I have a buildout question for you when you have a moment16:16
gary_postermars, ack, on call.  will ping when off16:17
sinzuimrevell, ping16:30
mrevellyo sinzui16:30
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bigjoolssinzui: so, where are distroseries.title, displayname, summary and description all used?  I want to fix the crappy descriptions on the addseries page.17:11
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sinzuibigjools, I think they are used on ds+index, ds+series, milestone+index. I think you need to grep for series\.(title|displayname|summary)17:31
bigjoolssinzui: yeah I did, I can't work out why we have a separate summary and description17:32
bigjoolsdo you know of any hysterical raisins?17:32
sinzuibigjools, There is also an calculated attr (named_version) That is more often used. I regret creating it. I think the lts/name/version issue could have been solved if I really made displayname calculated17:33
sinzuibigjools, summary may only be useful on +series17:33
bigjoolssinzui: yes, the difference between Display Name and Title eludes me a bit too17:33
sinzuibigjools, I also believe that mpt was right in suggesting we abandon title17:34
bigjoolsyeah, it seems redundant17:36
bigjoolsperhaps now is the time, while I am redesigning the addseries page17:37
sinzuiI think so17:37
bigjoolsok, I'll exclude it from the mockups17:37
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mtaylorsinzui: hey - don't mean to be a pest, but any luck figuring out why that guy isn't getting mailing list mail? he's starting to get frustrated18:56
sinzuiI have no power in that regard. I asked an admin to look at the error and vette log for evidence of problems18:56
mtaylorsinzui: excellent. thanks!19:12
sinzuimtaylor, when staging gets a copy of production data in 3 days, I will have some power to see what has happened. So if and Admin has not solved the issue, I can at least look for problems19:13
mtaylorsinzui: cool. don't you love odd problems like this one? :)19:14
Ursinhasinzui, hello. do you know what is a ProfilingOops? https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=OOPS-1676S10019:47
sinzuiUrsinha, lp.services.profile. lifeless created it recently19:48
Ursinhaaha, I was suspecting19:49
sinzuiUrsinha, is is manually enable-able on staging to do research into timeouts. This looks like it did not work19:49
Ursinhait seems19:49
UrsinhaI see ~20019:50
UrsinhaI also see a lot of DisconnectionErrors...19:50
sinzuiprofiling is one and it is for everything. then you turn it off. you are trying to get exclusive use of staging to do a test. But...this example shows the xmlrpc polling by mailman was running during the test19:51
UrsinhaI see19:55
Ursinhasinzui, about the accountmerge timeouts... is there a bug for that? I only found one bug, a very old one19:59
Ursinhaand doesn't seem related19:59
sinzuiAccount merge (profile merge) is 40 steps. the oopses can mutate. The same code is also used for person and team, for user requested and admin requested. one code, 160 kinds of oopes20:00
sinzuiUrsinha, we agree we cannot fix the timeout by changing the code shown in the oops we need a new process.20:01
sinzuiI created a bug tag to help see the problem20:01
Ursinhasinzui, right20:02
sinzuiUrsinha, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+bugs?field.tag=merge-deactivate, The real problem will be fixed with bug 16251020:03
_mup_Bug #162510: Person merging needs to be done asynchronously <chr> <feature> <merge-deactivate> <tech-debt> <timeout> <Launchpad Registry:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/162510>20:03
deryckhurrah.  I have a fix for my mysterious storm caching bug.  My duplicate_of changes can now land.20:15
deryckgary_poster, would you have time for a review of this?  Since I think you chatted with lifeless about this duplicate_of caching issue when it was discovered.20:18
gary_posteron calls, for afternoon :-/  can tomorrow20:18
deryckah, no worries.  Thanks anyway, gary.20:19
lifelessderyck: excellent20:29
derycklifeless, hey.  Glad you up.  Let me paste you a diff for now and see if you think I'm sane, or not. :-)20:30
derycklifeless, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/473667/20:31
lifelessthat seems like a decent workaround if storm trunk doesn't have a fix20:32
lifelessI'd *prefer* a new storm and no cruft, so perhaps you can add a XXX: and a bug reference there ?20:33
lifelessjkakar: hi20:33
lifelessjkakar: ^20:33
derycklifeless, sure.  I never could connect with anyone yesterday on storm, but the latest release on Launchpad is a few months old.20:33
deryckSo I can XXX until there's a fix in Storm.20:34
lifelessI know it broken in the latest release as of 2 weeks ago20:34
lifelessit might be fixed in trunk20:34
derycklifeless, I can report a bug if you didn't, but since you worked it out initially, if you have more to explain about it, feel free to report it. :-)20:35
jkakarlifeless: Hi. :)20:35
deryckunless it's fixed20:35
lifelessderyck: ah rev 361 in trunk20:35
lifelessjkakar: hiya. Has there been a storm release since rev 361 ?20:35
lifelessderyck: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~storm/storm/trunk/changes20:35
* deryck looks20:35
jkakarderyck: Nope, I'm waiting for a branch to land (for you guys).20:35
jkakarlifeless: ^^20:36
jkakarlifeless: Then I'll prepare an 0.17 release.20:36
lifelessok, well we can use a snapshot20:36
lifelessjkakar: whats the branch ?20:36
jkakarlifeless: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jkakar/storm/sqlobject-is-empty/+merge/3156520:36
jkakarlifeless: If you can take a peek and review that today, I can prepare 0.17 tomorrow.20:36
lifelessjkakar: I'm with stub, it looks good20:37
deryckinteresting.  hi, jkakar, btw :-)20:37
jkakarlifeless: Cool.  I'll prepare the release tomorrow.20:37
jkakarderyck: Hi! :)20:37
derycklifeless, so should I hold on my changes here?  Or for now it's ok, until we get on latest storm?20:37
lifelessderyck: latest storm is < 24 hours away20:38
james_whi lifeless, are you landing an updated version of testtools in to launchpad?20:38
lifelessjames_w: yes, if my merge is approved20:38
james_wlifeless: great, I'll try and remember to make the Annotate change after that then20:39
lifelessjames_w: is my merge approved? Is that my cow?20:39
derycklifeless, yeah, but pqm closes tomorrow.  And I want a little time for QA with these changes.  Maybe I'm rushing too much, though.20:39
james_wlifeless: you know about lp:lp-source-dependencies?20:39
lifelessderyck: so, I'd be happy about you doing it via a versions.cfg change with a storm snapshot of trunk20:39
lifelessderyck: because then your malone model code doesn't need to get all ugly at all ;)20:40
deryckfair enough.20:40
lifelessderyck: if you've done that before its very straight forward20:40
lifelessjames_w: lets pretend I don't20:40
derycklifeless, I haven't for storm.  But for lazr-js several times.  I assume it's similar.  Roll the egg, update versions.cfg, profit.20:40
lifelessderyck: yeah20:41
lifelessshove it in the download cache20:41
deryckok, branching now.20:41
lifelessderyck: you can put the versions.cfg change in your branch for simplicity ;)20:41
lifelessjames_w: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~lifeless/launchpad/registry/+merge/31830 is my new testtools referencing version20:41
james_wlifeless: cool, thanks20:41
derycklifeless, so off tip, i.e. r365 of storm trunk?20:41
lifelessderyck: looks like it should be sane to me20:42
deryckcool, thanks!20:42
lifelessde nada20:43
lifelessI'm sorry I lost touch with where the fix was20:43
lifelessor I could have said this on wed20:43
deryckno worries.  Lot going on lately.20:44
lifelessoh, thats steadystate for me :)20:53
deryckThe life of a TA :-)20:54
lifelessno, *me*20:56
lifelessthis may mean I am a good fit for ta :P20:56
lifelessjcsackett: so, I have https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~lifeless/launchpad/registry/+merge/31830 landing now21:00
sinzuihigh lifeless, jcsackett and I started looking at the pathological cases of +participation21:00
sinzuiThe same people keep getting listed, each has more than 150 teams21:00
lifelessjcsackett: and if you look at that webpage I have the test I've written to show when the bug is fixed21:00
lifelesssinzui: wheee21:00
lifelesssinzui: so there may be rather different things for the /participation and +participation cases?21:01
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lifelesssinzui: thanks for your thoughts-on email, I think its a very good question to raise21:02
sinzui+participation can die iterating over a large number of teams. The timeout can happen getting the icon, mailing list, or the path of the indirect team21:02
jcsackettsinzui: and you said there's not a whole lot of people who are bringing this problem up, right?21:03
lifelesssinzui: I'm just looking at one of the oops again now21:03
sinzuipitti, sabdfl and mdz appear through this month. pitti every day21:04
lifelessok, I'm back up to speed21:04
lifelessthe /participation and +participation bugs are different but similar21:04
lifelessfrom what I see they both are doing a lot of individual attribute lookups, with single backend sql queries happening as a result21:04
lifelessthe individual queries are fast21:04
sinzuithe mailing list query is death by a 1000 cuts21:05
lifelessbut the overhead of doing those queries is substantial, and when hundreds of queries show up, the page will be in trouble21:05
lifelesssinzui: yes21:05
lifelessso, jcsackett - I have not been working directly on +participation; I can offer thoughts about it, but if you're already dived-into it, you probably have more thoughts than me already :)21:06
lifelessjcsackett: also, first time we've spoken - welcome to the team!21:06
* sinzui really wanted to know who was subscribed to lists.21:06
jcsackettthanks, lifeless. glad to be on it.21:06
derycklifeless, can I get a rubber stamp please?  https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~deryck/launchpad/update-storm-r365/+merge/3188121:07
lifelessderyck: r=lifeless21:07
derycklifeless, thanks!21:07
lifelessderyck: however, do you want the bad news :)21:08
lifelessderyck: its may conflict with my versions.cfg change21:08
deryckah, that's not so bad then :-)21:08
deryckyou had me scared :-)21:08
deryckI'm running through ec2 test now, so I'll merge trunk later tonight before lp-land'ing it.21:09
deryckand resolve then21:09
lifelesssinzui: ok, so do you / jcsackett have a plan, or do you want to talk about strategies to fix it?21:09
jcsackettlifeless: i think sinzui and i are circling around a plan.21:09
lifelessjcsackett: cool! I'm interested - I'm new to my role too :) - and trying to get a good feel for how things are fixed and improved21:10
jcsackettlifeless: cool! yeah, i'm still getting a handle on things myself.21:11
sinzuilifeless, we are exploring 1 batching for pathological cases, 2 make mailing cheap...possible get everything on one query, 3, consider the cost of building the path of indirect teams...we do extra work to avoid showing private teams21:11
lifelesssinzui: 2 is what I would reach for first21:13
lifelesssinzui: getting things down to a constant number of queries will help a great deal across the system21:13
flacostesinzui: are the mailman integration tests still off?21:24
=== lifeless changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Launchpad Development Channel | Week 3 of 10.08 | PQM will be closing 22:00 UTC Friday | firefighting: testfix mode | buildbot/pqm has been switched to watching the *lucid* builders | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Get the code: https://dev.launchpad.net/Getting | On-call review in irc://irc.freenode.net/#launchpad-reviews | Use http://paste.ubuntu.com/ for pastes
rockstarWe need to teach mup about testfix mode.21:26
lifelessflacoste: I will land poolies missing patch today21:26
flacostelifeless: thanks21:26
flacostesinzui: this might be problematic for the Lucid upgrade21:27
flacostesinzui: your team should run the tests manually on Lucid and probably do a smoke test on staging (which is now on Lucid)21:27
sinzuiflacoste, we can enable them, but they never ran reliably. I ran them two months ago successfully, but bac or edwin got failures21:27
rockstarflacoste, what are the ramifications of testing through ec2 now?21:28
flacostesinzui: i think running them once is fine, no need to enable them for all test runs21:28
flacostesinzui: if you get one succesful test run, it's likely to be fine21:28
flacosterockstar: i don't understand the questions, and how are you feeling btw?21:28
sinzuiflacoste, I will do that in a few hours then on two machines to verify21:29
flacostesinzui: it's not urgent, there are still many machiens to update, i've told mthaddon to hold on the mailman box until he gets confirmation from you that it's fine21:29
rockstarflacoste, still feeling ill, but need to work to maintain my sanity.  Since Lucid failures can put us in testfix, how can I prevent my changes from doing so if the ec2 machine is on hardy?21:29
flacosterockstar: run "relevant" tests locally on lucid?21:30
flacosterockstar: that's no silver bullet, but i don't have any better suggestion until mars gets to update the ec2 image21:30
flacosterockstar: or someone else beats him to it21:30
rockstarflacoste, ack.  I guess we'll just deal with the pain and embarassment of breaking the build when it happens then.  :)21:31
sinzuijcsackett, look at https://edge.launchpad.net/~pitti/+participation21:42
thumperjcsackett: morning22:10
thumperjcsackett: welcome to the team22:10
jcsackettthumper: good afternoon. :-) and thanks.22:10
sinzuijcsackett, https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=OOPS-1678EC121422:25
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wgrantCan someone please land https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/multi-arch-builders/+merge/31740?22:40
james_wwgrant: yep22:43
wgrantjames_w: Thanks.22:43
james_wwgrant: sbuild really takes the arch twice in its arguments?22:43
wgrantjames_w: sbuild-package is a wrapper. It does some stuff (and needs to know the architecture to do that), then passes the rest of the args through to sbuild.22:44
james_wah, ok22:45
wgrantBut it'll be gone once I land my system sbuild branch.22:45
james_wwgrant: if you could cashttps://code.edge.launchpad.net/~james-w/launchpad/soyuz-factory-improvements/+merge/31890 and https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~james-w/launchpad/no-more-sampledata-2/+merge/31891 that would be greatt an eye over22:48
james_wwgrant: that branch has detached in to ec222:54
wgrantjames_w: Thanks. Looking at yoursnow.22:54
wgrantjames_w: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/destroy-publishedpackage/+merge/31813 would also like to be landed, if you could.23:13
wgrantjames_w: In no-more-sampledata-2, you seem to prefer rSP over logging in as the right user.23:14
wgrantI'm not sure if that's right.23:14
james_wwgrant: in any particular place, or all over?23:15
wgrantjames_w: Setting parent_series is the most obvious so far.23:15
wgrantYou could also probably use BPR.override on line 201 of the diff.23:15
james_wwgrant: I assumed that wasn't a normally allowed operation23:16
wgrantjames_w: It's exposed on DistroSeries:+admin.23:16
wgrantSo someone's allowed to do it.23:16
james_wI'm happy to change if it's the right thing to do, I thought that in test setup it didn't really matter, as it's the results rather than the method that you care about23:16
wgrantWhat do all those .sync() calls do?23:19
wgrantI wonder if they're irrelevant now that [SB]PPH isn't a view23:19
james_wwgrant: that's possible23:28
james_wI'd be tempted to just delete them and run the tests23:29
wgrantjames_w: I think that's probably a good idea.23:41
wgrantjames_w: Did you fire off that second ec2 instance?23:41
james_wwgrant: second branch in ec223:41
wgrantHeh, thanks.23:42
james_wwgrant: I'll give it a go23:42
james_wmust go and cook now though23:42
wgrantThere's still lots of code around that is redundant now that S[SB]PPH are gone.23:42

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