
lifelessEdwinGrubbs: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~lifeless/launchpad/registry/+merge/3180501:27
lifeless(if you're still oncall)01:27
mwhudsonlifeless: looking02:10
mwhudsonlifeless: you've seen TestCase.assertStatementCount ?02:14
mwhudsonit's sort of a bit like but not quite like QueryCounter02:15
lifelessI looked for it02:19
lifelessbut found QueryCounter02:19
lifelessoh yay two totally different ways of doing the same thing.02:19
lifelesssigh, thanks.02:20
lifelessI think my refactoring is not harmful02:20
lifelessin fact, I think QueryCounter is useful because its aimed directly at the request, not at the storm layer02:20
lifelessso its useful for 'is this page request going to be ok'02:20
lifelesswhich, record_statements on allmembers is not a good answers for02:21
mwhudsonah, i just commented on the mp02:21
mwhudsonlifeless: looking at the implementation, the two things are actually doing very similar things02:23
mwhudsonalso this makes me wince:02:23
mwhudsondef clear_request_started():02:23
mwhudson    """Clear the request timer.  This function should be called when02:23
mwhudson    the request completes.02:23
lifelesswhere is that ?02:23
lifelessoh heh02:24
lifelessnasty file that02:24
mwhudsonlifeless: anyway, perfectly happy to approve branch as is, just wanted you to know about the other way02:26
mwhudsonlifeless: approved02:27
lifelessmwhudson: thanks!02:29
lifelessmwhudson: I think its ok to have two semanticly different things02:29
lifelessmwhudson: because I can imagine as we get more event driveny that they will be rather different02:29
mwhudsonlifeless: i guess i'd be happier if get_request_statements did something closer to what its name suggested, it's not reaaaaaaally tied to the request at the moment02:31
mwhudsonit's just 'queries issued in this thread between beginPublication and endPublication' or whatever02:32
mwhudsonno getting around that with an implicit database connection i guess02:32
lifelessso I can see that getting fixed02:32
lifelesse.g. if we get more twisted into the appservers (long poll!)02:32
lifelessor whatever02:32
=== EdwinGrubbs changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: - || reviewing: - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
wgrantjtv: Hi.05:34
jtvhi wgrant!05:34
StevenKwgrant: Stalker!05:34
wgrantjtv: Thanks for the review yesterday.05:34
wgrantjtv: But you approved but didn't approve it.05:35
jtvwgrant: ah yes, sorry… that's something we often do for ourselves.05:35
wgrantjtv: Yeah, I can't do that :)05:35
jtvI sort of got in the habit of letting the author set the status for themselves after they process any review suggestions I give them, but since I didn't do that either...05:36
jtvStevenK: if you say william's stalking me, note I'd been online for several hours.  Wouldn't be very efficient stalking.05:36
jtvwgrant: there, done.  Now I suppose you'll want me to land it as well?05:37
wgrantjtv: I want to run it past bigjools again this evening.05:37
wgrantSo, please don't.05:37
wgrantJust in case, you know.05:38
jtvwgrant: so… just the sort of thing you want to defer the Approved status for?05:38
wgrantjtv: hmmm.05:38
lifelessso, approved should mean05:38
lifeless'the reviewer does not need to see it again'05:38
jtvsay mwhudson, would you be free for an oversized review?  Couldn't get anyone yesterday and it's starting to hold me up.05:38
lifelesswhich is != 'it is ready to land'05:39
jtvlifeless: an approved _vote_ means the reviewer doesn't have to see it again.  But multiple people are involved in an MP.05:39
lifelessjtv: that too is true05:39
jtvSo the Approved status comes about when everyone who's planning to say anything about the branch, including the author, feels it's ready to ladn.05:39
lifelessjtv: that does not match the model the code team have.05:40
jtvwhat do they do?05:40
lifelessthe approved status is /intended/ to mean 'the branch is approved from the point of view of the approval policy for the project, whatever that may be'05:40
jtvlifeless: I should amend what I said to: anyone who's _supposed_ to say anything about the branch.05:41
lifelessthe 'queued' status is used for 'land it now' - but is disabled in the web UI for a few reasons.05:41
jtvlifeless: I didn't even know that state existed.  What's wrong with defining approval policy the way I said?05:43
lifelessjtv: it implies a blocking transition where one may not be needed05:44
jtvMay not.  If that needs to be established, you've got a blocking transition.05:44
lifelessso, on a per project, per review basis - sure05:45
lifelessyou can say 'this proposal is not ready to approve' and approve it when it is ready.05:45
mwhudsonjtv: i should probably do some linaro stuff really, is it large and complicated or just large?05:45
jtvmwhudson: ah yes, I forgot about linaro.  It's reasonably complicated, so I'll find some other suc^H^H^Hhelpful soul05:46
lifelessI was told when I did a bunch of reviews that the LP policy is 'approved status + needs-fixing vote' to say 'fix this up and then land it', and so on.05:46
jtvlifeless: I wasn't aware of that—I thought "needs fixing" meant "fix it and then come back to me."  Seems to match the privileges better: only the reviewer can change that vote but the engineer can usually change the status.05:48
jtvthumper, are you someone I can bother for an oversized review at the moment?05:51
thumperjtv: no05:51
* jtv puts up the it's-alright-I-understand act05:51
thumperlifeless: if I say fix it and land, I vote approve with 'conditional' or something05:52
jtvSame here.05:52
thumperlifeless: to me needs-fixing means get back to the reviewer05:52
jtvlifeless: you know I hate to lean on you so heavily but is this oversized review something you could do?05:54
jtvIt's this one: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jtv/launchpad/recife-traits/+merge/3172905:55
lifelessjtv: I'm playing catchup myself today :(05:55
lifelessjtv: is it mechanical05:55
jtvAlas, no05:55
lifelessjtv: or does it require thought?05:55
jtvAlas, yes05:56
jtvso that leaves… jml?05:56
lifelessjml, stub, danilo, all of eastern europe05:56
jtvI don't see any of those right now05:57
lifelessright, I'm talking candidates-while-you'l;-be-awake :)05:57
=== jelmer changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: is On call: jelmer || reviewing: stevek || || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
lifelessjelmer: jtv has a big patch he's begging for a review of09:51
lifelessjtv: ^09:53
jtvlifeless: thanks otp10:10
wgrantjelmer: Could you review https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/destroy-publishedpackage/+merge/31813, when you have a moment?10:18
jelmerwgrant: yes, of course10:18
lifelesswgrant: I reviewed it from a code angle fwiw10:18
=== jelmer changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: jelmer || reviewing: stevek || queue: [jtv, wgrant] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
jelmerlifeless,wgrant: what other angle does it need review from?10:20
lifelessnone AFAIK10:21
wgrantlifeless, jelmer: Ah, sorry, I'd assumed that was a DB review.10:21
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: jelmer || reviewing: stevek || queue: [jtv] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
wgrantlifeless: Can you land that, then, please?10:21
lifelesswgrant: e-rather-late; jelmer can :)10:21
jelmersure, no problemo10:22
jtvjelmer: thanks for putting me on the queue.  Overweight branch, with apologies.10:23
=== adeuring1 is now known as adeuring
jelmerStevenK: You mention in your MP that IDistroSeries.initialiseFromParent() has nothing to do with DistroSeries in general, which puzzles me a bit.11:28
jelmerit seems like a reasonable thing to have on IDistroSeries, if only as a convenience method11:29
StevenKjelmer: It looked to bigjools and me as completly seperate ...11:32
lifelessit looks to me like its conceptually a class method11:33
lifelessas in11:33
lifelessit creates a new type X from another type X11:33
lifelessthats kindof like __new__11:33
lifelessif you squint11:33
jelmerlifeless: Yep, though it's called on a freshly created DistroSeries, it doesn't create one itself.11:34
bigjoolsi-f-p is a soyuz function that acts on a registry object11:34
bigjoolsit's *nothing* to do with Registry and should not live on IDistroSeries11:35
lifelessso IDistroSeries has nothing to do with registry ?11:36
jelmerlifeless: IDistroSeries is owned by registry, i-f-p is sozuz11:36
lifelessjelmer: I *still* don't get why11:37
lifelessbut its late, and I'm this || far away from trolling by mistake11:37
lifelessso I'm going to stop work :)11:37
bigjoolslifeless: you're twisting what I said11:37
jelmerbigjools, StevenK: Thanks. I still think it makes sense conceptually to have i-f-p or a convenience method that calls out to i-f-p on IDistroSeries, but I can understand why it's not there.11:38
bigjoolsi-f-p initialises a distroseries in a soyuz context11:38
bigjoolsour model objects are too big already11:38
lifelessbigjools: see above, really, epically tired and there is stuff I need to learn here but I won't after being up for 17 hours11:38
bigjoolslifeless: !11:39
bigjoolsgo to bed11:39
lifelessI *don't* want to troll by accident11:39
lifelessWhen I troll, I want to mean it :)11:39
bigjoolsgo to your bed under that bridge over there11:39
jelmerStevenK: r=me11:55
=== henninge changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: jelmer || reviewing: stevek || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
henningejelmer: I took jtv's branch11:56
jelmerhenninge: ah, great - thanks11:57
=== jelmer changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: jelmer || reviewing: - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
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* jelmer lunches12:33
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jtvhenninge: any luck with that review?13:27
jtv(I'm pretty much EOD at this point)13:27
jtvSo if you're stuck on anything, do say so soon!13:27
henningejtv: sorry, still working on it.14:43
jtvNo worries.  I'll eod then.14:43
henningejtv: what's the purpose of MessageSideHelper?14:46
henningejtv: couldn't those methods be simply on Translationmessage?14:47
jtvhenninge: it's a bit legacy: it's where I extracted the Traits from.  One thing it does though is provide a place where the incumbent messages can be cached.14:47
jtv(Can't do that in the TM model class of course)14:47
henningejtv: sorry, POTMsgSet, I guess.14:47
jtvCan't do it in any model class.14:48
jtvI'd like to avoid relying automatically on a method that queries for incumbent messages.14:48
jtvAt the moment we do check that in makeCurrentUpstream and makeCurrentUbuntu; I'd prefer to have that check a bit higher up somewhere, or at least let the traits go to a lower-level setter.14:49
jtvThat also means we won't need the duplication between those two methods—it'd be a single traits-based implementation.14:50
henningejtv: we will have to continue that tomorrow morning. I still have to switch locations for the rest of the day.15:08
jtvhenninge: and me for the night.  :)  Bis dann!15:09
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james_wjelmer: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~james-w/launchpad/stop-publishing-nagging/+merge/31851 please16:34
jelmerjames_w, yessir16:35
=== jelmer changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: jelmer || reviewing: james_w || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
james_wjelmer: oh, second revision pushed to remove the import too16:37
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EdwinGrubbsjelmer: can you review this branch for me? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~edwin-grubbs/launchpad/bug-602385-register-project-from-sourcepackage-page/+merge/3185617:17
jelmerEdwinGrubbs: yes, sure.17:18
jelmerEdwinGrubbs: great to see a fix for that bug.17:18
jelmerEdwinGrubbs: There seems to be a (unnecessary?) conflict in that branch17:19
jelmerEdwinGrubbs: lib/lp/testing/factory.py17:19
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
EdwinGrubbsjelmer: I fixed the conflict and pushed it up.17:39
jelmerEdwinGrubbs: Thanks17:40
jelmerEdwinGrubbs, lib/lp/registry/model/sourcepackage.py has a print statement in it, is that intentional?17:42
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EdwinGrubbsjelmer: no, that was a mistake, the changes I just pushed should have removed that.17:51
=== jelmer changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: On call: - || reviewing: - || queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ || https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad/+activereviews
jelmerEdwinGrubbs: I'm off soon, once but I'll finish the review of your branch.18:21
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jelmerEdwinGrubbs: I've just followed up18:31
abentleyrockstar, I can has rubberstamp? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bzr-loom-devs/bzr-loom/trunk/+merge/3187319:57
rockstarabentley, rs=me19:57
abentleyrockstar, I can has rubberstamp? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bzr-hg/bzr-hg/trunk/+merge/3187620:14
rockstarabentley, rs=me20:14
abentleyrockstar, how long does a branch upgrade usually take?20:29
rockstarabentley, depends on the size of the branch.20:30
rockstarabentley, in most cases, a few minutes maximum.  In other cases, hours.20:30
abentleyrockstar, this branch is taking longer than I would expect: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/bzr-loom/trunk20:30
abentleyrockstar, takes ~2 seconds locally.20:31
rockstarabentley, it might have other branch upgrade jobs in front of it.20:36
rockstarabentley, all it's really doing is copying the tree over a local file transport, and upgrading the branch.  I can't imagine it would be that slow.20:37
abentleyrockstar, it's done now, but it did take 10 minutes or so.20:38
rockstarabentley, yeah, we need some better logging.  There's an open bug about that.20:39
rockstarabentley, maybe it's small enough that I can get to it sometime today.20:40
james_wif anyone is up for a review https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~james-w/launchpad/soyuz-factory-improvements/+merge/3189022:02
james_whttps://code.edge.launchpad.net/~james-w/launchpad/no-more-sampledata-2/+merge/31891 is a follow-on from that one22:15
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rockstarthumper, i can has revyooz?  https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rockstar/launchpad/recipe-build-table/+merge/3188223:04
* mwhudson also has a review request, for a bug that's breaking staging and will break edge: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mwhudson/launchpad/disable-vostok-when-not-configured/+merge/3190123:05
rockstarmwhudson, we just talked about this on our standup.23:06
rockstarmwhudson, r=me23:06
mwhudsonrockstar: thanks23:08

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