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* GrueMaster is finding it very hard to concentrate on release testing with the aroma of grilled babyback ribs waifing in through the office window from the grill on the otherside.01:52
jcrigbyNCommander or ogra:is flash-kernel for maverick in bzr?  I can apt-get source it but I have not been able to figure out the bzr lp: url for it.02:00
jcrigbyor GrueMaster:^^02:01
GrueMasterjcrigby: bzr get http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/flash-kernel/ubuntu02:02
jcrigbyGrueMaster:in the interest of not bugging you next time.  How could I figure that out myself?02:03
* GrueMaster is getting a contact hunger buzz from the grill smoke outside his office.02:03
jcrigbyI was able to find it on launchpad for lucid but not maverick02:03
NCommanderjcrigby: generally, its set in the control file and apt-get source will tell you if you call it02:04
GrueMasterNCommander: did you get my SMS?02:04
NCommanderGrueMaster: not yet02:08
GrueMasterantimony is df.  Can you do a little cleanup and kick edubuntu dvds?02:08
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NCommanderGrueMaster: I can't. :-/02:35
NCommanderbut I can poke those who can02:35
GrueMasterIf they are available.  elmo already tried earlier on #ubuntu-release.02:35
NCommanderGrueMaster: looks like osmething happened in scratch02:38
NCommanderI'm looking02:38
jcrigbyNCommander: I found a couple small annoyances in flash kernel today.  Here is a patch: http://paste.ubuntu.com/473344/02:47
jcrigbys/flash kernel/flash-kernel/02:47
NCommanderjcrigby: the patch looks good, butr I can't merge it into the repo02:48
jcrigbydo you want me to do a bzr push and a merge req?02:48
jcrigbyfor ogra?02:48
NCommanderjcrigby: yes pelase :-), post ogra_cmpc or lool for a merge02:49
jcrigbyok will do02:49
prpplagueNCommander: ping03:44
NCommanderprpplague: pong05:24
prpplagueNCommander: distcc05:25
NCommanderprpplague: ECONTEXTNEEDED05:25
prpplagueNCommander: hehe05:25
prpplagueNCommander: you do any native builds of ubuntu on arm using distcc with multiple arm systems?05:25
NCommanderprpplague: no, I've only done it to build OpenOffice.org as a standardlone package, and then I used icecc05:27
prpplagueNCommander: ahh ok05:27
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lag_cooloney: ?07:41
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lag_cooloney: TIs Friday release?08:11
lag_When will it be applied to our kernel?08:11
cooloney_lag_: oh, i am not sure about that08:11
cooloney_lag_: but we will get their release next week08:11
cooloney_lag_: we need to rebase our Ubuntu kernel on their 2.6.35 release next week08:12
lag_There are some patches which are critical (for me)08:12
lag_rsalveti also needs the rebase asap08:12
cooloney_lag_: oh, where are they? and will they be included in TI 2.6.35 release?08:13
cooloney_lag_: yeah, i c, but we still need to wait from TI08:13
lag_Yeah I know08:13
lag_They will be out Friday08:14
lag_I have the patches08:14
lag_But they will be available from their tree on Friday08:14
cooloney_lag_: ok, that's great, after we upgrade to their tree next week, we will get those patches, right?08:15
cooloney_i will cowork with ndec from TI to make that happen next week.08:16
lag_That's the theory08:16
cooloney_so could you please point us out the patches via email. ndec and I can make sure they will be merged next week08:17
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medelI'm new on thit site, I'm using ubuntu on beagleboard (trying to)09:16
medelcould any of you help me whit a easy tutorial?09:17
amitkmedel: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/BeagleNetInstall09:21
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hrwzumbi: present?10:24
hrwzumbi: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=577674 was reopened by you and then requested with moreinfo by doko. Can you provide that moreinfo?10:24
ubot2Debian bug 577674 in gcc-4.4 "gcc-4.4/cross: broken bi-arch architectures" [Wishlist,Open]10:24
amitkmedel: you can go here and choose your method of install https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/Beagle10:34
amitkmedel: but keep in mind that the netbook install is very slow because the beagleboard only has 256M of RAM10:34
amitkmedel: I suggest doing a netinstall and then install perhaps a xubuntu-desktop or something light weight10:35
hrwzumbi: sorry, my mistake10:36
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sshekarhello! does anyone know if ubuntu-netbook can support multiple displays? similar to desktop version?10:47
sshekarI am developing the X display driver for multiple display support & seeing some strange behavior as I enable certain features...so wanted to check if the netbook version supports this?10:47
JamesWStubbsHello, I'm doing an Ubuntu port to the iPhone, I'm having a problem with screen rotation using Fbdev and evtouch. Both will work fine in portrait, but for screen estate reasons I need it to be landscape before I can release my images. I've added Option "Rotate" "CW" to xorg.conf, which will rotate the screen when X starts but as soon as the screen is touched the X server closes. I've also tried adding Mode "480x320" to the Display section of xorg.con11:06
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lag_ogra: What's the reason for the crazy partition naming conventions on the daily build?11:15
ogracrazy ?11:15
ogralag_, you mean SERVICEV001 ?11:16
ogralag_, tail -40 /lib/udev/rules.d/80-udisks.rules11:17
ograwe'll add a more sane name and our own udev rule for it beofre final (thats part of jasper)11:17
ograhuh ?11:17
ograthats a UUID not a label11:17
lag_That's what my computer calls them when I mount them11:18
ograthats normal if there is no label set11:18
lag_Can't we set one?11:18
ograwhy ?11:18
lag_Writing scripts to do my work would be so much easier11:18
ograwe dont do that anywhere else in ubuntu11:19
lag_boot and rootfs will do fine11:19
lag_Nowhere else in Ubuntu uses SD cards11:19
ograboot is made invisible after first boot of the image11:19
lag_Yeah, that's annoying too11:19
ogra(you didnt try my "tail" above, did you ?)11:19
lag_I did11:20
ograwhy a user will never ever touch it11:20
lag_I'm never going to touch it if these annoyances don't go away11:20
ograbeyond having it always on every users desktop is annoying too11:20
ograif you dont hide it, it gets automounted and has a static icon on desktop and in the filemanager11:21
ogratell me whats more annoying ?11:21
ogra(for endusers, not for devs!)11:22
ograyou could file a whishlist bug against oem-config for the hostname configuration, it could set a label (optional) "$hostname-rootfs" or something like that if users really want that11:23
ograin normal operation a user will never see the UUID11:24
lag_I'm not really interested in the auto-mount issue - I have scripts that get around that easy enough11:29
lag_However, the random chars (no label) makes things very difficult11:30
JamesWStubbsAnyone got any ideas why when I have fbdev rotated clockwise, X11 closes as soon as the screen is touched using evtouch ?11:32
ogralag_, thats what we use everywhere11:35
ogralag_, and its induced from the kernel11:36
lag_Give me a workable label cross-platform (OMAP3/OMAP4)11:36
ograthats a moot point for an enduser image, no ?11:37
ograan enduser will *never ever* see the uuid11:37
ograsimilar to x8611:37
lag_I guess I could use the dev node instead11:37
ograthe automounting used to use real device names "USB Disk 1" etc, upstream decided to instead ise the UUID if there is no label set11:39
ograif you want that part chnaged, talk to the gvfs or nautilus upstreams11:39
lag_That's still annoying - it means I can't have two /dev/sd* devices plugged in at once11:40
sshekarJamesWStubbs: try evdev instead of evtouch...also pastebin your Xorg.0.log after crash11:40
lag_Basically it's only a matter of time before I dd over my iPod11:40
lag_(dd was a bad example, but you get the idea)11:40
JamesWStubbssshekar: I'll scp an Xorg log now, unfortunatly evdev isn't ideal due to lack of right click support, I have had landscape and evdev working fine, but right click is needed11:44
JamesWStubbssshekar: Would you like a paste of the xorg.conf aswel?11:46
ogralag_, thats why i wrote usb-imagewriter ages ago11:46
sshekarJamesWStubbs:  sure11:46
lag_What does that do?11:46
ogralag_, it's a gui to dd suporessing everything but USB keys and SD cards11:46
JamesWStubbssshekar: Would you like the log of me using the Rotate CW option ?11:50
JamesWStubbsWhere evtouch closes the server?11:50
ograasac, new launcher works11:58
JamesWStubbssshekar: xorg.conf : http://pastie.org/1077150 Xorg.0.log : http://pastie.org/107715312:04
hrwJamesWStubbs: remote input-synaptics from system and retry?12:08
JamesWStubbshrw: Ok, trying now12:22
JamesWStubbsI've blacklisted them, but I'll try removing them12:23
lag_ogra: Have you filed the ro bug yet?12:23
JamesWStubbshrw: sshekar: Same issue after removing synaptics12:34
sshekarJamesWStubbs: sorry was away....the crash is because of evtouch12:35
JamesWStubbsThe crash doesn't happen in portrait12:36
JamesWStubbsIt's only when I attempt to use landscape12:36
JamesWStubbsBut the face is works when using evdev, proves it evtouch that's the issue12:36
JamesWStubbsWhat do you think is causing the issue when trying to use in landscape?12:36
sshekarJamesWStubbs: ya... I am not sure if it is maintained....probably you need to hack evdev for your use case12:37
JamesWStubbssshekar: Do you know of a version of evdev that supports right click?12:39
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sshekarJamesWStubbs: I dont know....you can ask in #xorg or #xorg-devel12:39
JamesWStubbsOk, thanks for you help12:40
sshekaralso I would suggest if you can upgrade to latest X...the one you are using is little old12:40
JamesWStubbssshekar: It's simply the one in the karmic repo12:40
JamesWStubbsI keep having problems compiling12:40
JamesWStubbsI'll do apt-get build-dep xorg12:40
JamesWStubbsThen when I try to compile the latest from source I keep getting dependencie errors...12:41
sshekarok...maybe you can upgrade to Lucid12:41
JamesWStubbsLucid is armv7 only12:43
JamesWStubbsiPhone uses v612:43
JamesWStubbsThere's a "hacktastic" patch for evdev right click12:45
JamesWStubbsI'll see if I can get it working12:45
sshekarok...all the best...if you want to build X by hand... http://xorg.freedesktop.org/wiki/ModularDevelopersGuide12:46
JamesWStubbsThanks for your help, I'll get back on with it.12:47
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lag_ogra: Who maintains the app which sets up user/timezone/keyboard on Arm?13:57
lag_ogra: Also, have you put console=tty2 on the cmdline yet?13:59
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lag_ogra: You can't hide forever - I have so many things to bug you about!14:10
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rsalveticooloney: lag_ : just a question, do we know already if the TI friday release is going to be based on 2.6.35?14:47
rsalvetior we're going to have another release based on .3514:48
lag_mythripk: ---^14:50
mythripklag: yes14:55
rsalvetimythripk: oh, thanks14:56
rsalvetiso probably lots of things are going to change14:56
rsalvetiand it's going to take a while to merge and etc14:56
ogralag_, the app is ubiquity14:59
ogralag_, and no, we dont put console= on the cmdline since that breaks the splash15:00
lag_Well without it I can't see anything - ever15:02
rsalvetilag_: :-)15:03
lag_Neither can rsalveti15:03
rsalvetiyou have to get used to edit the boot.scr all the time15:03
lag_Which users aren't going to do15:03
ograusers should have to add hacks to kernel cmdlines :)15:03
rsalvetiwhy users want to check the uart?15:03
rsalvetior the kernel log15:04
ogratty2 isnt UART :)15:04
rsalvetiyep, I was thinking about uart, but same reason15:04
ogralag_ asked about adding console=tty215:04
rsalvetiyou still need to change if you want to see it15:04
ograthen that should be fixed15:05
ograinstead of being hacked around15:05
lag_So fix it :)15:05
ograespecially in the default setup15:05
ogralag_, userspace doesnt touch the console15:05
ogramust be a kernel issue :)15:05
ograbtw, about what HW do we talk here ? beagle or panda15:06
lag_Only Panda15:07
ograwhy would console=tty2 change anything ?15:07
lag_rsalveti: Did you get your answer from mythripk?15:07
ograit works fine here15:07
rsalvetilag_: yep15:07
lag_ogra: Another question for mythripk15:07
lag_She's the graphics wizz15:08
lag_rsalveti: Which was?15:08
rsalvetilag_: "yes"15:08
lag_Oh, that was the answer? I thought it was a "yes, what do you want"15:09
rsalvetilag_: well, she didn't comment about it, so I think that was the answer :-)15:09
ograrsalveti, you got a panda currently, right ?15:10
rsalvetiogra: yep15:10
ograrsalveti, did you test the recent image on it ?15:11
rsalvetiogra: not the latest one15:11
rsalvetijust got out of bed :-)15:11
ograheh, indeed15:11
lag_ogra: Is ureadahead fixed yet?15:14
ograhuh ?15:14
rsalvetilag_: probably not, was going to take a look at it today15:14
ogradoesn anyone know why its broken yet ?15:14
lag_I thought Tim fixed it15:14
rsalvetiactually this is what I should do today15:14
rsalvetias now I got my monitor working with panda, and panda is fully working15:15
ogralag_, i thought so too, but people are still reporint OOMs15:15
lag_ogra: Doesn't your daily build runs dies with OOM?15:15
lag_ogra: Me too15:15
rsalvetiit should give OOM on beagle15:15
ograi havent tested on the beagle yet15:15
rsalvetinot on panda, I believe15:15
ograit doesnt on panda15:15
lag_Mine does15:15
ograpanda is actually errorless here15:15
lag_Begin: Running /scripts/init-bottom ... done.15:16
lag_init: ureadahead main process (572) terminated with status 515:16
lag_fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.215:16
lag_/dev/mmcblk0p2: clean, 156055/1466880 files, 1853382/15583048 blocks15:16
lag_ * Starting AppArmor profiles        Out of memory: kill process 1285 (pulseaudio) score 25299 or a child15:16
lag_Killed process 1337 (gconf-helper) vsz:11900kB, anon-rss:624kB, file-rss:96kB15:16
ograinstall went through in ~10min15:16
ograstatus 5 isnt OOM :)15:16
lag_What's status 5?15:16
ograit doesnt index MMCs15:16
ograexit because it cant treat the disk15:16
lag_So why the OOM?15:17
rsalvetipulseaudio got OOM15:17
lag_rsalveti: The first of many15:17
ograeven ureadahead crashing isnt an issue nor the OOM15:17
ograthe real issue is that it tears down plymouth15:17
lag_And why does it check for re-size on every boot?15:18
ograto update its db i guess15:18
ograi havent looked inside ureadahead yet15:18
lag_No, the filesystem15:19
ograbut i know that we wont make much use of it anyway on MMCs15:19
ograthats a bug GrueMaster mentioned here yesterday15:19
ograerr, no, wait15:19
ogralag_, define "check for resize"15:20
lag_Resizing root filesystem. Please wait, this will take about ten minutes per 4G ...15:20
lag_Checking filesystem before resizing...15:20
ograthen it couldnt write your new boot.scr15:20
lag_Oh, I have my own boot.scr15:20
ograyeah, that doesnt work15:20
lag_What do I need to add to stop it from doing that?15:20
ogrause the proper ubuntu root= entry15:21
lag_Is that all it looks for?15:21
ograbut even better, just fix the bug that makes you use the wrong initramfs :)15:21
lag_Wrong initramfs?15:21
lag_Surely there are only one?15:22
ograno, there is an uInitrd and an inird.img15:22
ograupdate-initramfs has a bug that prevents updating the initramfs atm15:23
rsalvetiogra: do you create another initrd.img after the resize?15:23
ograrsalveti, oem-config does15:23
rsalvetioh, ok15:23
lag_Sounds like userspace15:23
ograat the end of the package removal you will see "running post installation trigger: initramfs-tools"15:23
ogralag_, yeah, and its already fixed15:24
ogralag_, edit update-initramfs, scan for flash-kernel in the code, remove the outer if statement that checks for kernel-img.conf15:24
ograthen run update-initramfs and all is as it should be15:24
ograthe fix is in the tree but i was waiting for the freeze to be dropped before i upload15:25
lag_So when will this find its way into the daily build?15:25
ogratomorrow or with your next dist-upgrade15:25
ograso now someone explain to me why my beagle doesnt load the boot.scr15:27
GrueMasterogra: By default, my beagle won't either after having installed lucid.15:27
ograGrueMaster, but if you hold down the user button it will15:28
ograsince that loads x.loader and u-boot from mmc which in turn should default to load boot.scr first before trying nand or anything else15:28
GrueMasterIf you hold down the button, it loads Xloader & Uboot but for some reason still uses the environment in nand.15:28
ograwhsy dont i have a bug about that ?15:29
GrueMasterAt least that has been my experience.15:29
ograi need to adjust our u-boot to look for boot.scr in any case15:29
GrueMasterI mentioned it back when you were handrolling images, and you said it was normal.15:30
ografile a bug, i'll see what i can do15:30
GrueMasterWill do.15:30
ograi thought i had solved that before15:30
ograGrueMaster, btw, all your isotracker entries are in progress still15:30
GrueMasterYes, I know.  It takes a while to do all the testing and bug queries I do for a release.  There are some bugs that are still open that I need to add to the iso tracker entries.15:31
ograwell, pitti is in the process of releasing already15:32
ograso having "passed/failed" filles first before you add bugs would be helpful15:33
ograwe'll likely hit the case more often that you test during our night and the release team does the release while you get up again15:33
GrueMasterWe need to ensure I have something to test earlier then.  This image wasn't available until almost 11am my time.15:34
ograblame asac15:35
ograi was actually planning on having constantly two images per day from monday to today15:35
ograto adjust the efl session settings package15:35
* GrueMaster refuses to spew explicitives in a public channel.15:35
ograbut due to the launcher upgrade that didnt work out15:35
GrueMasterDon't we have some kind of release freeze policy?15:36
ograasac, asked me for an exception ... and i didnt get that this means to upgrade the while library stack alongside15:37
ograso i approved :O15:37
ogra(so i guess blame me too ;) )15:37
GrueMasterYou didn't know.  He knew better.15:37
ograhe said he told me, i couldnt remember15:38
ograanyway, its over ...15:38
ograi wont approve such requests on a monday before a milestone anymore15:38
ograso in the future you should have enough images to test during the freeze15:39
lag_ogra: Talking about filing bugs ...15:39
GrueMasterI've marked omap4 as passed.  Not sure about the beagle image.  I'm tempted to mark it as fail, as running anything gets a lot of oom messages due to no swap.15:39
ograGrueMaster, yeah15:39
* ogra hasnt started the beagle test yet, i tried XM but that didnt change at all15:40
ogra(mmc is still in readonly)15:40
lag_ogra: XM isn't going to change - I don't think anyone is working on it15:40
ogralag_, huh ?15:40
lag_ogra> (mmc is still in readonly) - Yes, where's my bug?15:40
ograits hard to capture the error for you15:41
ograwant a bug without error message ?15:41
lag_Not really!15:41
ograsee :)15:41
lag_Do the best you can15:42
lag_Then I can start work15:42
ograi will, but i know that rcn-ee has fixes for all issues so why not just review and take them ?15:42
ogra(or help him improving the code where it doesnt suit)15:43
lag_I have plans to - one step at a time15:43
lag_File me a bug :)15:43
GrueMasterok, you're a bug.  :P15:44
lag_File != Call ;p15:44
* GrueMaster needs more coffee. Couldn't understand that aussie translation.15:45
lag_Genius! However do you come up with such witty remarks? ;)15:46
ogralag_, with love and kisses (and kangaroos), bug 61385515:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 613855 in linux (Ubuntu) "omap3 beagle XM MMC card always comes up readonly (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61385515:46
lag_ogra: See? That wasn't so difficult was it?15:47
ograoh, look !15:49
ograseems we have a release !15:49
GrueMasterogra: Bug #61386615:58
ubot2Launchpad bug 613866 in u-boot-omap3 (Ubuntu) "u-boot loaded from SD should look to SD for boot.scr instead of using nand settings. (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61386615:58
lag_So what happens when you guys boot XM?15:59
lag_I get a purple page with a (non-movable) mouse15:59
* GrueMaster ENOHAVE15:59
GrueMasterI don't have one (yet).15:59
lag_I gathered16:00
lag_ogra: ?16:00
ogralag_, i dont get that far16:00
lag_What do you get?16:01
lag_A log?16:01
ograno, a readonly MMC :)16:01
lag_Use serial and give me a log16:02
ograit gets stuck right after trying to mount/umount the partionion16:02
lag_ogra: I get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/473561/16:03
ograwhy is modules.dep missing ?16:04
ukleinekhaha, this is the reverse problem to bugs.debian.org/59176816:05
GrueMasterIt looks like either the wrong uInitrd is being loaded.16:06
lag_I'm going to reflash with the _release_ version16:07
ograGrueMaster, there is no wrong initrd wrt module versions16:07
ograthats the strange part16:07
GrueMasterThere is if you have a different kernel.16:07
ograthe modules should always be the same16:07
ograhow would that happen on our images ?16:08
ograi'm indeed assuming lag_ uses our unmodified alpha3 image :)16:08
GrueMasterI used to get uImage files from the kernel devs to test without getting corresponding uInitrd files.16:09
lag_ogra: That would be your mistake16:09
GrueMasterSee.  Kernel devs like to munge things up a lot.  :P16:10
GrueMasterKeeps us confused.16:10
ogralag_, how would i be able to make it if there is only one kernel package ? :)16:10
lag_The kernel you use doesn't work with my monitor16:10
lag_I must have told you this 100 times :)16:11
ograon the XM ?16:11
* ogra hears that for the first time16:11
lag_No, Panda16:11
lag_XM doesn't work with my SDHC card16:11
lag_-110 error16:11
ograwhy did you paste an XM dmesg ?16:11
lag_I have problems with both and am working on both at the same time16:12
lag_I can't use the kernel on either daily builds16:12
ograthats confusing !16:12
lag_Welcome to my world16:13
GrueMasterI told you kernel dev's like to confuse us.16:13
* ogra is confused 16:13
ograin any case this XM boot doesnt show the -110 erro16:14
GrueMasterThen lag is (actually) ding his job.  :)16:14
GrueMasterI think the -110 error is related to the SD class issue I was seeing on Beagle.16:15
lag_GrueMaster: ogra: bug 59194116:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 591941 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "SDHC card not recognized (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 20)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59194116:16
ogralag_, on line 279 you start a new boot or what ?16:16
GrueMasteryep, that's the one.16:16
ogra(there is no techincally possible way that init-premount runs at that point)16:16
lag_Same boot16:17
ograthats not possible16:18
GrueMasterLooks like a cut/paste overlap.16:18
lag_FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.35-14-omap/modules.dep: No such file or directory16:19
lag_Begin: Running /scripts/init-premount ... done.16:19
lag_From my console16:19
lag_I'm happy to run it again16:19
GrueMasterLines 241-243.16:19
ograthings like loading binfmt or apparmor setup both happen after the rootfs was mounted, /scripts/init-premount doesnt exist in the rootfs, its only available inside the initramfs16:19
GrueMasterVery odd sequence.16:19
lag_I'll run it with the new image - wait one16:20
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* ogra really likes the panda image 16:22
ograi'm getting in under 15min from pressing powerbutton to a usable system16:22
ograand nearly 10 are cleanup stuff of oem-config16:22
lag_How do I make an initrd for my kernel?16:25
GrueMasterYea, I was impressed by that.  My 16G SD card almost flies compared to the images at Sprint.16:25
GrueMasterlag_: update-initramfs -u <kver>16:26
ograbah, my C4 fails with the -100 error too now16:26
ograwell, i dont really care16:27
ograXM is more important16:27
ograi'm inclined to not add the Cx to the supported HW fo the netbook images16:27
ograCx users should just use rootstocked images with their low ram16:27
ograbut that indeed requires that we run properly on the XM16:27
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ograGrueMaster, looking at http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/ARM/PreinstalledImage#Beagleboard%20ARM%20Image%20Testing16:41
ogragunzip -k ???16:41
ograis that an undocumented goodie or do i just have a gunzip thats weird16:41
GrueMasterthe -k keeps the gz file for zsync.16:42
* ogra needs to use gunzip -c oldfile >newfile16:42
GrueMaster(might be different as I did a quick update from bunzip2 on the wiki.16:42
ograGrueMaster, where is that documented ? unlike bunzip2 gunzip doesnt seem to have a -k16:42
ograGrueMaster, right, thats what i mean16:42
GrueMasterI'll fix it.16:42
ograthanks :)16:43
ograif there is something like a -k option in gunzip it would be great though16:43
OlivierNhello all. Does anyone have a machine with two graphics cards ? (not one card with two heads)16:46
GrueMasterOn arm?16:47
OlivierNSo far I am able to configure X to get two separate desktops, /dev/fb0 goes on :0.0 and /dev/fb1 on :0.1. However I did not manage to get a sole big desktop16:48
OlivierNyep, on OMAP, two LCD panels16:49
OlivierNIn my understanding, xrandr initially planned to support dual graphic cards on v1.3, but in effect this feature is apparently not implemented.16:49
GrueMasterogra: fixed the wiki.16:53
ograOlivierN, right, thats missing in xrandr and xinerama was obsoleted16:54
OlivierNogra: thanks. So there is no solution for now. AFAIK, all other X extensions are proprietary (nVidia TwinView, ATI MergedFB, etc)17:10
ograxrandr is very poor if it comes to framebuffer support17:10
OlivierNsimilarly, evdev input driver seems to always act on screen 017:18
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