
=== fta_ is now known as fta
JamesMRdoes anyone ever talk in here?01:59
RAOFYeah; lots of talk happens in here.02:05
JamesMRsarcastic talk?02:05
JamesMRor just the silent kind02:06
JamesMRMaybe I'm missing something, is this a telepathic room?02:06
RAOFNo.  There's lots of talk; it's just sporadic.02:12
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* JamesMR checks to see how long he's been in here02:14
JamesMR6 hours.02:14
ajmitcha lot of it depends on the timezone of people who do work in here02:23
ajmitch& I'm too late :)02:23
robert_ancellchrisccoulson, hey, did your swt-gtk changes get sponsored03:19
micahgrobert_ancell: looks like it was sponsered already unless there were 2 rounds of changes03:20
robert_ancellmicahg, yes I pulled the latest and it matches his changes03:21
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George_ECan someone please point me to the Python appindicator documentation?05:49
George_ECouldn't find it on Google :)05:49
pittiGood morning06:12
TheMusoHey pitti.06:32
tremoluxhiya pitti06:35
tremoluxgood morning06:35
pittihey guys, how are you?06:37
tremoluxI'm well, thanks  :)06:46
tremoluxhey pitti, while I have you, I'm not sure if you've seen the emails but I prepared the updates for tzdata 2010k tonight (see bug 613691)06:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 613691 in tzdata (Ubuntu) "2010k available (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61369106:47
tremoluxpitti: there has not been a follow-on update after all so I went ahead with 2010k06:48
tremoluxpitti: oh, and if you take a look at the bug, you'll see that I note that my test for the update in Dapper didn't work  :-/06:50
tremoluxpitti: not sure why, it's pretty straightforward..06:51
tremoluxpitti: anyway, the others all seem good06:51
tremoluxpitti: I'll revisit the dapper update tomorrow, for now, I'm feeling EOD06:57
tremoluxpitti: good day, ttyl  :)06:57
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didrocksgood morning07:56
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and471morning didrocks08:02
didrockshey and471!08:03
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pittibonjour didrocks08:15
didrocksGuten Morgen pitti, how are you?08:16
pittibit tired; I woke up at 6:30 (after just 6 hours) and couldn't sleep any more08:16
pittidamn hayfever08:16
pittibut otherwise okay; alpha-3 seems to settle down08:16
pittibbl, out for ~ 2 hours for some errands08:18
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didrockspitti: rest a little because fever + not a lot of sleep… :/08:26
and471hey mvo, when mpt comes one can you ask him which one in this image he likes? http://i.imgur.com/GkKHD.png08:34
and471mvo, you can have an opinion as well ;P08:34
and471mvo, they are (top to bottom) flat, flat with inset white, gradient with inset white, gradient08:35
mvoand471: hey, good morning. what does the [2] do in the image?08:35
and471mvo, an inset white line08:35
mvoaha :)08:35
and471mvo, (it is the same as in the pathbar)08:35
mvowhat will it do?08:36
robert_ancellvuntz, heh, I was just going to make that patch for gconf-editor :)08:39
and471mvo, actually can you show him this one, here is a version which changes the outer border http://i.imgur.com/YfkKr.png08:39
and471mvo, sorry I don't understand what you mean08:39
mvoand471: oh, this is for the amount of pending transactions?08:42
and471mvo, yes :)08:42
mvoand471: thanks, I think we should at least discuss it, it look to me like a button08:43
and471mvo, yeah I wanted to get everyone happy with it before I start coding08:44
mvoand471: understandable :)08:44
didrockssalut seb128!09:00
seb128lut didrocks09:01
seb128didrocks, comment ca va ?09:03
didrocksseb128: ça va bien, le soleil brille, c'est l'été ;) et toi ?09:03
seb128ca va bien, il fait 16°C et gris mais c'est l'été quand même ;-)09:04
didrocksahah :-)09:05
vishhmm , and471 not here..09:08
mvompt: good morning. and471 did some mockups and wants to know which of the [2] items you like best: http://i.imgur.com/GkKHD.png09:16
zygais it normal not to be able to drag an icon from one desktop to another in dualhead setup?09:21
vishmpt: mvo: couldnt we do that same as we do for the mails? [in indicator-messages], the ellipse with numbers09:29
seb128hey mvo09:29
mvovish, mpt: much agreed, it looks IMO too much like a button09:30
mvohey seb12809:30
seb128how are you?09:30
vishyeah, makes me wanna click it ;)09:31
mvovish: I'm happy that I'm not the only one, when I looked at the screenshot I was utterly confused what those buttons might do09:31
mvoseb128: I'm good, thank! how are you?09:31
seb128mvo, I'm fine thanks ;-)09:32
pittididrocks: if it weren't for that release.. :_10:02
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pittihey seb12810:02
pittididrocks: but I now have something to cheer me up: a brand new laptop (just got it from the store)10:02
seb128hey pitti10:02
* seb128 hugs pitti10:03
seb128new toy? ;-)10:03
didrockspitti: oh, already? great!10:03
lifelesspitti: \o/10:04
lifelesspitti: how much ram did you get ?10:04
pittilifeless: 4 GB10:04
ajmitch& you'll still find it won't be enough :)10:05
pittiajmitch: reason to optimize our RAM usage then :)10:05
ajmitchstill, it looks nice10:05
pittiajmitch: I had 2 GB so far, and it was quite okay10:05
ajmitchpitti: my fault for running multiple virtualbox sessions at once :)10:05
pittibut I'm glad to finally leave behind this excruciatingly slow hard drive of my Dell10:06
ajmitchhaving a hard drive is one thing I regret about my laptop that I bought last year10:06
lifelesspitti: ah, you got a different model :)10:06
didrocks128 GB SSD waow :)10:07
* ajmitch was tempted by an HP mini without windows10:07
ronocbl8: ping10:12
ronocbl8: when will you have a mpris package ready for me to test with10:12
mptmvo, mmnz_ had a much better looking one before, which didn't look like a button. And vish is right that we should eventually share code with message counts in the messaging menu (though that shouldn't be a blocker).10:17
mptmvo, btw, in that screenshot, why is "7 other technical items" showing up on a software item screen? :-)10:18
mvompt: that looks like a bug, if and471 can reproduce it, that is a fine time for the next regression test in the gui testuite10:20
vishmpt: i noticed one problem with the technical items, once we select it , there seems to be no easy way to hide them again , apart for doing a new search or going back10:21
mptvish, yeah, I thought it should be a one-way navigation. Someone (I forget who) persuaded me that it should be a toggle instead, but I haven't updated the spec and no-one's updated the implementation10:22
vishmpt: yeah , users would be curious to see what those are , especially if we enter system category, a "hide technical items" would be nice indeed ;)10:27
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huatsseb128, I am giving a look at eog. Because they have released a new version yesterday that should not rely on gtk3 or gsettings10:47
huatsI am surprised by your last changelog :10:47
huatseog (2.30.2-1ubuntu1) maverick; urgency=low10:47
huats  * Resync on Debian10:47
huats-- Sebastien Bacher <seb128@ubuntu.com>   Mon, 05 Jul 2010 12:24:57 +020010:47
seb128huats, what about it?10:47
seb128huats, I've just uploaded 2.31.5 sorry ;-)10:48
huatsdo you remember if it was a sync (then the package number shouldn't have a ubuntu prefix)10:48
huatsok no big deal then10:48
huatsseb128, for once I was working on something :)10:48
seb128huats, do you want updates to work on? did you work on the one jcastro asked about last week?10:49
huatsseb128, I was about to do the one jcastro asked me10:49
seb128huats, the "resync on debian" basically meant I applied their recent changes10:49
huatsbut since I have spotted that one I wanted to give a look first :)10:49
seb128we still have ubuntu diff10:49
seb128but it was easier to apply their revision than do it the other way around10:50
seb128just being lazy ;-)10:50
huatsseb128, ok I undertand, it is just me who list all ubuntu changes everytime I do that :)10:50
seb128well the changes were listed in the previous entry which I didn't drop10:50
huatsI understand, lazy:P10:51
huatsI'll let you know when to give me some update then, after I have tackle jcastro ones10:51
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mvoseb128: small file overwrite issue (in case its not reported yet): http://paste.ubuntu.com/473465/11:50
seb128mvo, I don't think it was, thanks11:52
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vishseb128: for Bug #529744 , where does it need fixing? milanbv mentions that we switched to accounts dialogue , not sure we have it yet on maverick13:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 529744 in gnome-system-tools (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "When creating a new user, "Shortname" should really be "Username" . (affects: 1) (heat: 29)" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52974413:11
seb128vish, no we don't switch in maverick, those change got defered to next cycle13:12
vishseb128: ah, then we can expect a gst update?13:13
seb128dunno, don't ask me13:13
seb128I don't work on this one13:13
seb128chrisccoulson might have an idea13:13
vishseb128: hehe , chrisccoulson it is :)13:13
vishchrisccoulson: hi , could you upload that fix ^^ :)13:14
vishwe were too late last cycle and it got fixed everywhere too ..13:14
chrisccoulsonyeah, sure. later today though, i've got some other things i need to review first13:15
vishchrisccoulson: sure , later today is good, thanks.13:15
kiwinotemvo: the buy-something merge got rid of distro/ubuntu: get_supported_query(), that was accidental, I presume?13:22
mvokiwinote: yeah :(13:25
mvokiwinote: sorry for that, I add a test for this into test_gui.py13:26
mvokiwinote: I mean a test for this feature13:26
kiwinotemvo: thanks13:26
mvokiwinote: I also want to process the remaining merges, sorry that you are left out for so long, the buy-something was a big blocker that ate (and still eats) a lot of time13:27
kiwinotemvo: that's fine ;)13:27
didrockswill be away for 2h for an appointment, bbl13:31
seb128didrocks, see you later13:31
didrockssee you :)13:31
mvodidrocks: oneconf --hosts shows still only a single one, I'm so unhappy that I can't play with this feature13:34
mvodidrocks: (not blamining you of course)13:34
mvokiwinote: readded it, thanks again for spotting the mistake :) (r983 … the big number is coining close)13:41
mvonot long and we hit 102413:41
kiwinotemvo: i've got a few other fixes in my branch13:43
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mvokiwinote: nice, merging now13:43
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and471mvo, hey, did you and mpt discuss the in progress number thing?14:34
mptand471, yes, they all looked too much like buttons, especially compared with the original14:35
and471mpt, how do you recommend I do them?14:36
mptand471, mmnz_ had them so they were matte lozenges with width matching the number inside. That seemed ok to me.14:38
and471mpt, is mmnz_ working on them? If so I shall do something else14:40
mptand471, he showed me a screenshot.14:41
and471mpt, ah ok then I shall leave it to him :)14:41
mpterg, nzmm_ I mean14:41
mptand471, http://dl.dropbox.com/u/123544/Screenshot.png14:41
and471ah cool :)14:42
seb128rodrigo__, hey14:46
rodrigo__hi seb128 :)14:46
seb128rodrigo__, using control-center rather for my question ;-)14:47
and471mpt, I am going to work on bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+bug/42623214:54
ubot2Ubuntu bug 426232 in software-center (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "From search field, Down key selects first result but doesn't focus it (affects: 2) (heat: 16)" [Low,Confirmed]14:54
and471mpt, how can i tell if it is focused rather than selected?14:54
mptand471, in most current themes, focus is shown by a dotted outline.14:55
and471mpt, ah thanks, I changed my theme and I can see it now14:56
mvokiwinote: merged your branch plus added regression test14:58
mvokiwinote: for the appdetails_gtk.py state14:59
mptand471, actually, that bug seems fixed for me in 2.0.7. The "(sc-010)" test case in the spec works for me.14:59
and471mpt, ah yes, but this one isn't so I shall work on that https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+bug/52428914:59
ubot2Ubuntu bug 524289 in software-center (Ubuntu) "First application is automatically selected (affects: 1) (heat: 21)" [Medium,Triaged]14:59
mptand471, yes, now that's a bug15:00
kiwinotemvo: great, thanks15:00
mvoand471: if you fix it, could you add a regression test to test_gui.py as well please?15:01
and471mvo, I was just thinking the same :)15:01
mvoand471: cool!15:01
didrocksmvo: I know :( aquarius has the same issue. He told me that he'll have a look at it as a lot of people are complaining about desktopcouch not syncing :/15:02
mvoand471: I just commited test_appdetails.py for yet another example (just fyi)15:02
didrocksmvo: same for me here, my desktopcouch doesn't sync as well :/15:02
rodrigo__any news on  gtk-sharp2-gapi  being broken?15:08
=== rodrigo__ is now known as rodrigo_
rodrigo_it stopped working, it seems, for libubuntuone15:09
and471mvo, I have found the problem, but I need to understand a bit more about the function it is in15:12
and471mvo, line 191 of trunk in softwarecenter/view/softwarepane.py15:12
and471mvo, is there a situation when this needs to be called15:13
and471mpt, maybe the question I asked mvo is better for you15:16
and471mpt, is there any situation where a row in the software list view should be selected manually?15:16
mvoand471: iirc this is done when the list of channels changes15:16
mptand471, when you click on it? :-)15:17
and471mpt, manually = bad choice of word :)15:17
and471mpt, i mean manually by software-center15:18
and471mpt, i.e. a user has not clicked on it15:18
mptand471, not that I can think of. Even if an item is selected but you then add more to the search string so that the selected item disappears from the list, I guess the result should be that nothing is selected, rather than the next item being selected15:19
* and471 is starting to release why we need tests...15:19
tremoluxhiya and471, thanks for working on these!15:19
tremoluxmpt, and471: so, that automatic select is on purpose..15:20
and471tremolux, hi, no problem :)15:20
mptand471, actually, I've thought of one15:20
mptand, if you had an "In Progress" item selected and used the keyboard equivalent to cancel it, the next item in the list should become selected automatically15:20
mpt("and used" -> "and you used")15:21
mptBut I would hope that would be fairly automatic behavior for GTK lists without USC doing anything :-)15:21
tremoluxmpt: hah, nope  ;)15:21
and471mpt, what is the keyboard equivalent?15:21
mclasenitems in GTK lists have no concept of being cancelled...15:23
mptmclasen, in this case it would mean the item was removed from the list15:24
tremoluxand471, mpt: the main problem I think users have with the automatic row select is in the Installed View; when an item is removed from that view, then the first item is automatically selected in the list15:24
mclasenif you have the right selection mode for your list, the next item will be selected, indeed15:24
tremoluxand471, mpt: pulling the user back to the start from wherever they were15:24
tremoluxand471, mpt: right, so the better behaviour is to just select the next item rather than the first in the list15:25
mptThat's true whether it's a software item list, or the navigation pane15:25
tremoluxmpt: agreed15:26
mptE.g. when you're in "In Progress" and the last task completes, "Installed Software" should become selected automatically15:26
mpt(when "In Progress" disappears)15:26
and471mvo, removing is broken in trunk15:27
and471Traceback (most recent call last):15:27
and471  File "/home/andrew/Software/Launchpad/software-center/trunk/softwarecenter/app.py", line 471, in on_application_request_action15:27
and471    action_func(app.pkgname, app.appname, appdetails.icon)15:27
and471  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/aptdaemon/defer.py", line 639, in unwind_generator15:27
and471    return _inline_callbacks(None, func(*args, **kwargs), Deferred())15:27
and471TypeError: remove() takes exactly 5 arguments (4 given)15:27
and471mvo, or do I have an old version of something?15:27
tremoluxmpt: actually, what it does now is to return you to whatever item in the left pane that you were browsing before you switched to "In Progress"15:28
tremoluxand471: are you running lucid?15:28
mpttremolux, oh, that's even smarter.15:28
and471tremolux, yup15:28
tremoluxand471: you may need to get aptdaemon from the s-c PPA, do you have that?  but, hmm, it should have checked that on startup..15:29
tremoluxand471: first let me try it myself with this morning's trunk  :)15:29
mpttremolux, though I don't know why I'm surprised, because it seems I wrote the (sc-008) test case specifically for that. :-)15:29
* mpt just rediscovered it15:29
tremoluxmpt: haha!  awesome  :)15:29
mpthm, no, that actually tests a slightly different thing15:30
mptthat's testing remembering depth15:30
vishtremolux: mpt: Bug #431907  ?15:30
mvoand471: ups, fixing15:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 431907 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Doesn't switch to previous view when "In Progress" section disappears (affects: 4) (dups: 2) (heat: 34)" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43190715:30
tremoluxvish: yep, that's the bad boy15:31
and471mpt, do you have latest trunk? if so could you test a fix for me?15:31
mptand471, I could, but I'm trying to do networking stuff now. Maybe someone in #ubuntu-bugs would be interested?15:35
and471mpt, oh ok15:35
and471mpt, it was not so much about testing if it works, but more about if there were any other regressions becuase of it15:36
tremoluxand471: what is the fix?  I'm happy to help if I can15:37
and471tremolux, ok thanks, an you open softwarecenter/view/softwarepane.py and replace lines 186-190 (inclusive) with http://pastebin.com/3Pcx0Kay15:37
and471tremolux, (this is with latest trunk)15:37
tremoluxand471: sure thing15:37
and471tremolux, this should make sure that the first item is not automatically selected in the appview15:37
and471tremolux, so when testing could you focus that no weird behvaiour/regressions appear as regards to selection in the appview15:38
tremoluxand471: I'll check, but personally, I *like* that an item is always selected; I'd rather fix the case where the first item is selected rather than an item that makes more sense (the next in the list on a remove)15:39
and471tremolux, what does happen when an item is removed (what is selected)15:41
tremoluxand471: the main thing to check is that the menu items pertaining to a software item are accurate without a selection (they need to be set insensitive)15:41
and471tremolux, I can tell because I can't remove anything :)15:41
tremoluxand471: hehe15:41
and471tremolux, ah yes, I shall check this15:41
tremoluxand471: yes, in that case, the first item is always selected, which is very annoying if you are way far into the list15:42
kiwinoteand471: nearly got a fix for the removal stuff..15:42
and471kiwinote, thankyou :)15:42
rodrigo_seb128, so, do you know anything about mono/gtk# being broken in latest maverick packages?15:42
tremoluxand471: so the best would be to just select the next item after the one removed (or, after the last one removed)15:42
and471tremolux, ok, when I can remove I shall work on that as well15:42
rodrigo_seb128, banshee is incredibly slow since yesterday, and gtk-sharp-gapi doesn't seem to work15:42
seb128rodrigo_, no, how is it broken? check with Laney maybe15:42
rodrigo_Laney, ^^15:43
tremoluxand471: cool, thanks a lot!15:43
seb128rodrigo_, the slowness issue seems to be sqlite 3.715:43
and471tremolux, the menu stuff is fine, we set sensitivity when the topmenu item is activated, so it is pretty robust15:43
seb128rodrigo_, didrocks and Laney were discussing that yesterday15:43
Laneyrodrigo_: please file a bug15:43
rodrigo_ok, so I guess that explains lots of the issues in banshee15:43
tremoluxhiya kiwinote  \o15:43
Laneysee the various bugs for more info on that15:43
kiwinotehi tremolux!15:43
rodrigo_Laney, about the gapi thing?15:43
Laneyyes please15:43
and471tremolux, apart from that, everything seem okay?15:44
rodrigo_Laney, under gtk-sharp I guess?15:44
tremoluxand471: so far, so good  :)15:46
kiwinotetremolux, was remove_multiple() for oneconf, or for the buy-something?15:46
tremoluxkiwinote: oneconf15:47
rodrigo_Laney, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk-sharp/+bug/61385715:47
ubot2Ubuntu bug 613857 in gtk-sharp (Ubuntu) "gtk-sharp-gapi has stopped working? (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]15:47
rodrigo_Laney, oh, gtk-sharp2?15:47
rodrigo_there's no gtk-sharp2, or can't find it15:48
rodrigo_ah, yes, there is15:48
ubot2Ubuntu bug 613857 in gtk-sharp2 (Ubuntu) "gtk-sharp-gapi has stopped working? (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]15:49
Laneycan you please post a recipe to reproduce in the bug?15:49
Laneyit would make it easier for us to debug it15:49
mvotremolux: just commented on your merge proosal, thanks again for working on this feature15:50
rodrigo_Laney, done15:52
tremoluxmvo: coolness, thanks!15:52
rodrigo_Laney, looking though at my branch, it might be an auto* thing after all, will close the bug if I find the reason15:52
Laneyrodrigo_: I just looked at your build log, and don't see why you think that's a gapi thing15:54
Laneyconfigure: error: Package requirements (webkit-1.0 >= 1.1.15 gnome-keyring-1 dbus-glib-1 gconf-2.0 libxml-2.0 libsoup-gnome-2.4 libsyncdaemon-1.0 >= 1.3.2) were not met:15:55
rodrigo_Laney, any idea what 'Field ParentClass has unknown Type GtkVBoxClass in Struct UbuntuOne.U1MusicStoreClass' might come from? a missing package?15:55
LaneyNo package 'libsyncdaemon-1.0' found15:55
Laneythat's quite clear15:55
Laneyor is it further down?15:55
rodrigo_Laney, look futher down, yeah15:55
rodrigo_well, it doesn't really generate any .cs file for me, neither with make nor make distcheck15:56
rodrigo_so, it's not an auto* thing15:56
rodrigo_that error message seems to be what's missing ('Field ParentClass has unknown Type GtkVBoxClass in Struct UbuntuOne.U1MusicStoreClass')15:56
rodrigo_Laney, look at the last comment in the merge proposal15:56
LaneyI think that means you are missing a dependency15:57
rodrigo_Laney, yes, what that would be?15:58
rodrigo_Laney, I guess the packages were split?15:58
rodrigo_maybe gtk-sharp2, /me tries16:00
kiwinoteand471: sorry for the delay, just got a phone call16:01
kiwinoteand471: rev934 of getting-the-small-things-right should have the fix16:02
and471kiwinote, thankyou16:02
mvokiwinote: you are fast :) thanks for the fix, merging into trunk16:06
pittigood night everyone!16:13
tremoluxsee you, pitti, and thanks a lot for tzdata  :)16:14
didrocksgood night pitti!16:14
pittitremolux: hello16:14
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and471nessita1, hi, I am starting to do some tets for SC, how do I test if a widget is selected?16:27
nessita1and471: hi there!16:28
nessita1and471: you'd have to assert over the focus of the widget16:29
Laneyrodrigo_: if you do cd bindings/mono && make then you get the .dll16:29
nessita1and471: look into the gtk.Widget API, there is a is_focus() method16:29
=== nessita1 is now known as nessita
LaneyI can't see that this is a bug in gapi, sorry16:29
and471nessita1, I need to check whether a widget is focused AND selected16:29
and471nessita, I need to check whether a widget is focused AND selected16:29
and471nessita, I have already done is_focus(), if this is true, then is the widget neccessarily selected?16:30
nessitanessita: selected as in selecting in a entry?16:30
* and471 wonders why nessita is speaking to herself16:30
rodrigo_Laney, yes, but only with AssemblyInfo.cs, none of the generated .cs files are included, or are they for you?16:30
and471nessita, yup16:30
nessitaand471: jeje, sorry. You can assert selection using the selection methods from gtk.Entry16:30
and471nessita, well, selected as in if I type, it will go in the entry16:30
nessitaand471: you don't need to test that, we trust GTK16:31
nessitaGTK works, period. :-)16:31
nessitaand471: GTK garantees that if the entry has the focus, then if the user types the text goes to that entry16:31
nessitaand471: so you only need to be sure the entry has the focus16:32
and471nessita, so if I need to check whether when an icon is pressed, the entry is focused an selected I just need to do is_focus?16:32
Laneyrodrigo_: you are right, however it works with libubuntuone trunk16:32
rodrigo_Laney, hmm16:32
and471nessita, hehe, again you knew what I was going to say...16:32
and471nessita, thanks16:32
rodrigo_Laney, hmm, you're right16:33
mvokiwinote: are you working on deb_files currently? if not,  I will have a look at the merge next16:39
and471nessita, I think I am getting the hang of this :) It is almost like you are going behind the application, and pulling the strings of GTK16:39
and471nessita, one question, when do you group together tests i.e. assert_correct_label in test_gui.py16:40
seb128hum, glib 2.25.12 crash with buffer overflow errors16:41
Laneyrodrigo_: It might be that there are no syncdaemon bindings16:41
rodrigo_Laney, syncdaemon is just used internally in the widget, would that affect?16:42
Laneymaybe, not so familiar with gapi TBH16:42
nessitaand471: I do that when I need to check certain things in several places16:43
nessitaand471: is just a simple case of "NEVER DUPLICATE CODE" :-)16:43
Laneyrodrigo_: yes, if you add the deleted files back then it works16:45
and471nessita, ah okay, I realise now why you grouped them, I thought it was some other reason...16:45
kiwinotemvo: no I aren't atm, so it would be great if you could look at it16:46
and471mvo, our search entry is all tested out :D16:46
mvoand471: *nice*16:47
* mvo hugs and47116:47
kiwinotemvo: fyi i'm in .be tomorrow, so if you have any queries i'll be around again on monday again16:48
seb128slomo, glib 2.25.12 crashes the same way on ubuntu btw16:48
seb128*** buffer overflow detected ***: /usr/bin/gtk-demo terminated16:48
seb128======= Backtrace: =========16:48
seb128 16:48
seb128slomo, did you try to debug the issue yet?16:49
mvokiwinote: ok, no problme16:49
mvoand471: let me know when its pushed16:49
and471mvo, ok, I am changing the gui_test,py a bit though, I stole lots of stuff from nessita :)16:50
mvoand471: thats fine, as long as its good stuff (and I'm sure it is :)16:50
and471mvo, yup it is :)16:50
tremoluxand471: so there's an issue with your no-autoselect-app patch with removal while in Installed Pane; the next item in the list is selected, which would be *cool*, except that the actual selected app doesn't update to match it, meaning, if you install from the menu (or just use Edit->Copy Web Link to view the "current" app) you will see that we are still pointed at the app that was removed16:53
JanCBorchardtin Ubuntu’s »Open With« context menu, gedit seems to be renamed as »Text Editor« – was it like that before? (running Maverick)16:53
tremoluxand471: but I think that's easily fixable by doing the right thing when removing, as we discussed earlier16:54
and471tremolux, thanks I shall look at that now thanks to kiwinote :)16:54
tremoluxand471: yep, I merged his fix to check!  ;)16:55
tremoluxand471: also, we'd want to remove this line from appdetailsview_gtk.py:  LOG.info("no app selected")    ;)16:55
seb128it's all desrt fault I guess16:55
* seb128 downgrades glib16:55
tremoluxand471: however, I still wonder if we really want to have no app selected initially, not sure what it buys us really16:56
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tremoluxand471: and it opens risk of regressions, so we will just have to test thoroughly (including stuff like back/forward navigation, etc. etc.)16:57
mvokiwinote: will you be here for a bit longer? I would like to push some tweaks to the deb-files branch after dinner16:58
mvokiwinote: but I guess its not that urgent, monday is fine as well16:58
tremoluxand471: but certainly, feel free to upload a branch for the bug and we can do the testing, etc., and thanks!  :)16:59
kiwinotemvo: yeah, I'm going to go and cook some dinner now, but after dinner I'll be around17:00
jcastroanyone know where I can file a bug on apt.ubuntu.com?17:05
seb128didrocks, what are those poppler abi changes?17:08
didrocksseb128: sounds to be quite old, libpoppler5 -> libpoppler617:09
seb128didrocks, I don't get why you rebuilt things which have been built since the soname change, ie gimp17:09
seb128mclasen, hey17:09
mclasenseb128: hi17:10
didrocksseb128: it still appear in the NBS list17:10
seb128mclasen, have you seen buffer overflow crash reports since the recent glib update (2.25.12)?17:10
seb128didrocks, you probably misread that list17:10
mclasenbuffer overflow ? no17:10
mclasenI've seen gdbus api changes break the panel and nautilus17:10
didrocksseb128: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS/libpoppler-glib417:11
seb128mclasen, no crash similar to http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=591492?17:11
ubot2Debian bug 591492 in vala "vala: FTBFS on armel: segfault" [Serious,Open]17:11
seb128 *** buffer overflow detected ***: /usr/bin/gtk-demo terminated17:12
seb128 ======= Backtrace: =========17:12
seb128 /lib/libc.so.6(__fortify_fail+0x50)[0xc44a10]17:12
seb128 /lib/libc.so.6(+0xe490a)[0xc4390a]17:12
seb128 /usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.so.0(+0x21082)[0xa20082]17:12
seb128 /usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.so.0(g_type_init_with_debug_flags+0x1df)[0xa2934f]17:12
seb128 /usr/lib/libgobject-2.0.so.0(g_type_init+0x1e)[0xa2948e]17:12
seb128mclasen, things crash this way on debian and ubuntu after update17:12
seb128I was wondering if you had any clue about it17:12
seb128I will investigate17:12
mclasenno, haven't seen that17:12
seb128mclasen, ok thanks17:13
mclasenand not aware of bsearcharray changes from .11 to .12 either17:13
alf__didrocks: hi! is there a reason why clutter packaging on ubuntu doesn't force system-json like in debian?17:14
seb128mclasen, ok, one debian bug suggests it could be a compiler optimization issue, investigating, thanks17:15
didrocksseb128: so, the change has been done the 17 Jun 2010, I think it's still valid or they won't be on that list, isn't it? (weird because your gimp update was on 12 Jul 2010)17:15
seb128didrocks, gimp is listed only for sparc there and that's because sparc builders are broken17:16
seb128didrocks, your new upload is not going to fix that17:16
seb128didrocks, could you please stop doing source uploads for those? ;-)17:16
didrocksalf__: just didn't have the time to have a look at it and we didn't need it previously, I'll update clutter tomorrow in maverick, if you can submit a patch against the version in the ubuntu-desktop ppa I'll include it :)17:17
didrocksseb128: source, sorry, there is only gimp and evince in that case, I'll double check17:17
didrocksseb128: the others are still valid17:17
seb128didrocks, right, that's the 2 I spotted17:17
seb128didrocks, I would be happy to avoid doing a gimp update for nothing though :p17:18
seb128buildders time, download, etc17:18
seb128didrocks, I guess you didn't catch that some of the items are arch specific?17:18
didrocksseb128: sorry for those two, there were still more than 20 not rebuilt and my machine is in pain rebuilding them already17:18
seb128didrocks, those often match build failures on the said arch17:18
didrocksseb128: yeah, that was my mistake, sorry17:18
didrocksseb128: didn't notice that when grepping and building the list17:19
seb128I'm mentioning it just in case you didn't spot the arch specific bit17:19
didrocksthat was good to mention, I really didn't :)17:19
didrocks(only 7 remaining FYI)17:20
seb128vuntz, "Clarifying definitions of Graphics categories", do you still have that pending commit?17:40
seb128vuntz, you wrote on the xdg list you would commit in a week a month ago now ;-)17:40
vuntzseb128: I know, I know. On my todo list too. Need to get 2.31.6 out first, though17:46
vuntzseb128: fwiw, this patch is blocking on me finishing the migration to git for the specs17:46
vuntz(which is mostly done, I need to do a last check)17:46
vuntzfeel free to help review the git migration, btw: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/~vuntz/xdg-specs/17:48
ftaseb128, pitti: could you please reject the older one: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=python-pysnmp4  ?17:49
and471tremolux, thanks, I don't know what the value is either (having having nothing selected first) but maybe mpt can answer?17:49
tremoluxand471: well, what's happening is that when you remove an item from the InstalledSoftware screen, the item (of course) disappears17:51
tremoluxand471: and then, with your current patch, the next item in the list "appears" as selected17:51
tremoluxbut in fact, it isn't, in fact the prior (just removed) app is still considered the selected app so if you then try to do an Install from the menu, you will actually reinstall the item that was removed17:52
tremoluxand471: so, it just needs some additional logic to do the right thing on an uninstall in the Installed Software view17:53
tremoluxand471: that is, to explicitly select the next item in the list (or the previously selected item per mpt's spec) using set_cursor17:56
tremoluxand471: (we have to do these kinds of shenanigans because we replace models on an update, so we have to restore the state of the view)17:56
alf__didrocks: lp #61392717:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 613927 in clutter-1.0 (Ubuntu) "Make clutter use external json-glib (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61392717:57
didrocksalf__: great! I'll include it tomorrow in my clutter update17:58
didrocksthanks :)17:58
alf__didrocks: thank you ;)17:59
tremoluxand471: and the reason we do that is because of serious performance issues with long lists since we have this custom "cell expand" code and gtk.TreeView doesn't play well with it18:00
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tremoluxand471: ah, but you were just asking about the value of not selecting an item automatically  :D  ; and yes, mpt is the guy to weigh in on that18:02
tremoluxand471: I don't mind either way, I think it's kind of nice when the list opens with nothing selected, we'd just have to catch any corner cases that may arise18:05
slomoseb128: no, but in the debian bug someone debugged it18:05
slomoseb128: looks like a compiler bug18:05
slomoseb128: it's optimizing away too many things :)18:05
and471tremolux, hehe yeah you got what I was asking in the end XD18:10
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tremoluxand471: heh, first I wrote a book tho  ;)18:10
tremoluxand471: still, it's good for you to know all that background18:11
and471mvo, you here?18:14
tremoluxand471: here's a second, related bug report that concerns the autoselect after removing an item that I mentioned: bug 58860618:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 588606 in software-center (Ubuntu) "[software-center] refreshing installed software unselects current selection (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 16)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58860618:37
and471tremolux, thanks18:37
tremoluxand471: oh, another for the same thing, these are dupes: bug 54193318:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 541933 in software-center (Ubuntu) "installed applications view resets after removing an application (affects: 2) (heat: 27)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54193318:38
* and471 just found a regression for the separator in viewswitcher!18:40
tremoluxand471: ok, now this one's the main bug, I set the others as dupes:  bug 54193318:45
ubot2Launchpad bug 541933 in software-center (Ubuntu) "installed applications view resets after removing an application (affects: 4) (dups: 2) (heat: 33)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54193318:45
seb128vuntz, ok18:50
seb128fta, rejected18:50
seb128slomo, ok18:50
ftaseb128, thanks!18:50
seb128slomo, hum, k, did somebody pinged gcc guys about it?18:51
seb128slomo, btw dunno how busy you are, is libdmapsharing still on your list?18:52
seb128the packaging is ready out of some copyright issues18:52
seb128ie debian copyright needs some update18:53
didrocksalf__: you forgot to add the build-dep into your patch, fixed :)19:53
seb128didrocks, bug #613413 is for you20:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 613413 in evolution (Ubuntu) "Missing icon for "not-junk" toolbar item (affects: 3) (heat: 16)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61341320:02
didrocksseb128: oh right, I never use this icon that I didn't see that :)20:03
seb128didrocks, I don't use it either, I was just reading the comment saying it's due to one of the une changes20:03
didrocksseb128: great, will be easy to fix, thanks!20:04
seb128np ;-)20:04
seb128didrocks, you should be enjoying your evening btw :p20:04
seb128didrocks, I was just letting that for your morning backlog ;-)20:05
didrocksseb128: well, you should be enjoying your evening too :-)20:06
seb128I just came back to read backlog after dinner since I went running before dinner20:06
kiwinotetremolux: rev935 should fix #613928. There is still some oddness with the actionbar however because the state provided in the argument of the function isn't always correct :/ , but that's a job for a new day ;)20:33
mvokiwinote: thanks a bunch for fixing this, I (slowly) work my way through the deb-files branch, a lot of changes, but a lot of good stuff as well :)20:37
kiwinotemvo: yeah, was just looking at the 'make it more python-ish' revision. I now know for next time ;)20:38
mvokiwinote: don't take it as criticism or anything like this, this is the beauty of code-review20:39
mvokiwinote: it tends to get better because the second guy does not need to solve the hard problems that the first one hard to solve20:40
kiwinotemvo: indeed, i just like going through what has been changed to see what I can do differently the next time ;)20:40
mvokiwinote: :) yeah - and you are welcome to suggest/comment my changes of couse20:41
mvo*cough* fix my bugs *cough* too ;)20:42
asacFYI, the sound indicator thing is gone completely for me ... always need to do gnome-volume* on the command line;)20:49
asacseb128: ^^20:51
seb128asac, is indicator-sound installed?20:51
asaci think a few days ago it happened during some upgrade ... indicator-sound is still installed20:51
seb128asac, do you have other indicators?20:51
asacii  indicator-sound                      0.3.9-0ubuntu2                       A system sound indicator.20:52
asachmm. good question ;)20:52
asacseems not20:52
seb128ie the message one20:52
seb128add the indicator applet back20:52
asaconly tray and clock20:52
seb128you probably removed it by mistake20:52
asacalso i have me menu at the bottom20:52
asaci definitly didnt remove it ;)20:52
seb128or it crashed and you didn't click reload20:52
asacyeah that happened most likely20:52
asacso what do i need to add?20:52
seb128"notification applet"20:53
asacadded indicator applet20:53
asacthat came with all this stuff ;)20:53
asachmm. i have two clocks now20:53
asacis the old weather clock supposed to be removed?20:53
seb128either uninstall indicator-datetime20:53
seb128or remove the GNOME applet one20:53
seb128indicator-datetime is not installed by default on the desktop20:54
asacwhat is supposed to happen for upgrades from lucid?20:54
seb128it's using in unity though20:54
seb128it's an issue if you have unity and GNOME installed20:54
asacso unity brought this20:54
seb128unity uses the indicator20:54
seb128we will need to deal with that before end of the cycle20:54
seb128the indicator one has not calendar integration yet nor timezone20:55
asacseb128: true. i clearly want a world clock here ;)21:08
asacgood pointer21:08
asacseb128: so you say the indicator clock is not default on desktop yet? can i disable that without removing the package?21:08
seb128tedg, ^21:09
seb128asac, I think not but we will need to figure a way for maverick since that's a common situation21:10
seb128tedg, the question is "is there a way to not load indicator-datetime under GNOME"21:10
seb128tedg, while having it still installed for unity sessions21:11
seb128(I guess not right now)21:11
seb128pitti, want to do http://download.gnome.org/sources/gnome-session/2.31/gnome-session-2.31.6.tar.gz?21:13
seb128pitti, the code has been ported to upower and you know that better21:13
seb128pitti, (I guess you are away for the night, just letting it as backlog for tomorrow)21:13
tedgseb128, Not right now, but I was thinking we could just black list it in the indicator-applet.21:18
tedgseb128, That way it'd show up in complete if people wanted that as well.21:19
seb128tedg, I guess there is no easy way to be smart and to do it only if the clock applet is loaded?21:20
tedgseb128, No, not really.  gnome-panel is pretty opaque -- you remember the patch we have for FUSA vs. menu items :)21:21
seb128let's not speak about this one ;-)21:21
seb128tedg, do you plan to have a some point control over what indicators to load?21:23
seb128the same way you do for the messaging menu for example?21:23
seb128ie just touching a file on the disk or something21:23
tedgseb128, Yeah, I'm trying to figure out the best way to do it.  I really want it to be a gsettings key... but I'm not quite sure how to do that yet.21:23
tedgThe problem is that it's a list -- so you want to say "user removed" or "user added" instead of replacing the whole list.21:24
seb128in any case let's filter out datetime in the applet after beta if we don't have anything better21:24
seb128well you could have a list of keys in a dir21:24
seb128and setting those to true or false21:25
seb128rather than using a list21:25
seb128"list of keys", ie one key by indicator <indicator_name>_enable21:25
tedgYeah, but then somewhere I have to have a list of all the possible indicators.21:25
tedgRight, in the schema?21:26
seb128well each indicator would install its key set to true21:26
seb128in its schemas21:26
tedgseb128, Hmm, good idea.21:26
seb128so you would just have to go through the list21:26
cjohnstonkenvandine: ping21:28
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Lemmiwinkshi there, I've got a problem with my ati radeon 8500 (r200 chip) on jaunty when using the radeon driver21:51
Lemmiwinksthe xserver crashes randomly on startup21:51
Lemmiwinkstoyed around with a lot of bios and also xorg.conf AGP settings, but with no luck21:52
Lemmiwinksoh maybe I'm in the wrong channel21:54
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