
KE1HAAll, this isn't a bug, but more of a feature request. I had a fella need more that 4x Serial ports on his base install the other day. The Kenel is set to Max 4x ttyS, and passing a kernel command ixed it: 8250_nr=6 .. where would we make the request for this to be built into the Kernel?01:03
pgranerKE1HA, what kernel version did you do this on?01:24
KE1HAOh, boy, it was a couple days ago, but it was the latest 10.04 base install w/Upgrades.01:27
KE1HALet me look at mine real quick.01:28
KE1HAIm not sure to be hones, was 32 to 35 somwhere in there. I need to catch the guy in ubuntu IRC again and ask to be certain.01:29
pgranerKE1HA, I'm not finding that param in the kernel source, also check the spelling01:30
KE1HAIt was a Debian solution to pass the kernel param, will go find it.01:31
pgranerKE1HA, ok thanks01:31
KE1HApgraner, Here's what led me to the solution, but Im still looking for the Deb document page.01:36
ubot2Debian bug 440807 in linux-2.6 "increase CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_NR_UARTS (number of serial ports)" [Wishlist,Fixed]01:37
KE1HApgraner, basically, addign this to the boot image in grub solved it for him, he needed 6 ports: 8250.nr_uarts=501:37
pgranerKE1HA, the best way to do it is via the /etc/modprobe.d system and add an "options" line with that param01:42
pgranerKE1HA, we keep it at a low number due it consuming memory, since most people have 1-2 ports on average01:43
KE1HApgraner, rr. yes, I didn't understand why he needed that many either, but he did, so we came up with a work around for not ahving to re-compile the kernel. I need to read up on the /etc/modprobe.d method. Still can't fid the flippen Debian page, errr01:45
KE1HAcut off the first part of the. I dont knwo whay he needed that many, but he did .. .. ..01:46
KE1HApgraner, where can I read about the mode proble method ?01:46
pgranerKE1HA, here is a decent tutorial that should work01:51
bjf[afk]pgraner, i just whacked two folks off of the plumbers attendance page02:13
bjf[afk]pgraner, (with their permission)02:13
pgranerbjf[afk], huh?02:13
pgranerbjf[afk], ok, I guess02:13
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
stentenSo, my cursor disappeared somewhere between 2.6.35-rc6 and 2.6.35 (final). Would it be more helpful to run a git bisect on the mainline kernel or the Ubuntu kernels?02:26
RAOFstenten: If you're using the Ubuntu kernels then bisecting the Ubuntu kernel will likely be more useful - it might some of our sauce.02:32
stentenI tested with the two mainline kernels from the mainline PPA, and rc6 works but the final doesn't. 02:32
stenten(That's because I just installed A3 for iso-testing, so I only have the -14 (2.6.35 final) kernel installed, and don't know where I could install the older ones from).02:33
stentenTrying to find a good tutorial for git-bisect right now, since I've never done it before....02:35
jk-stenten: it's fairly straighforward:02:36
jk-git bisect good v2.6.35-rc5, then git bisect bad v2.6.3502:36
jk-then it'll put you on a commit to test02:36
jk-those version numbers would be suitable for testing upstream; you'll need to change them if you're testing the ubuntu kernel02:37
stentenAm I supposed to 'git clone' one of the git repositories from kernel.org before I git bisect? I'm *really* confused right now "(03:01
ionYou need a local repository, so if you don’t have one, you need to clone it from somewhere.03:04
stentenAnd that contains all the commits that I'm going to bisect, right?03:05
stentenOK, I'm git clone-ing the 2.6.35 git repository right now, I'll be back if I get terribly confused again. Thanks.03:06
jcrigbycooloney:are you working on bug #58824305:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 588243 in linux-ti-omap (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "kernel BUG at /build/buildd/linux-ti-omap-2.6.33/drivers/video/omap2/dss/core.c:323! (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58824305:11
jcrigbyif not I may take a look at it05:12
=== lag is now known as Guest33319
ikepanhclag_: its too early for you..06:12
lag_Yes, it's fairly early for me (just gone 6)06:13
lag_cooloney: ping06:29
=== lag is now known as Guest69465
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lag_Morning smb07:50
smblag_, morning07:51
lag_cooloney: You there yet?07:54
lag_smb: What's the flag to forward SSH keys?07:54
smb-A I believe07:54
apwsmb, -A indeed07:57
apwthough it doesn't forward your keys per-se rather forwards the connection to your authentication agent07:57
lag_How do you use it?07:58
apwssh -A destination07:59
cooloney_lag_: yeah08:00
apwthen that machine can ssh or indeed ssh -A somewhere else, but can talk to the original local key manager to get permission to login08:00
cooloney_-A 08:00
cooloney_Openfree`: hi08:00
lag_It doesn't work :(08:00
Openfree`cooloney, hi~08:00
cooloney_lag_: -A doesn't work?08:00
lag_ssh -A build-one08:01
lag_ssh build-two08:02
lag_Password: 08:02
cooloney_lag_: no idea08:02
cooloney_it works for me08:02
jk-lag: does build-two have your ssh key in authorized_keys ?08:03
cooloney_jk-: yeah, that might be the root cause08:03
lag_jk-: Yep08:04
lag_I can ssh build-two from dev-one08:04
lag_Do the *.pub files need to be there?08:05
lag_Or just authorized_keys?08:05
jk-just authorized_keys08:05
lag_That's what I have08:05
jk-so you can ssh without a password from dev-one?08:05
lag_ssh build-two from dev-one works08:05
lag_To build-one and build-two08:06
=== lag is now known as Guest13436
lag_OMG - bip took 1.5hrs to log into FreeNode08:07
jk-maybe try ssh -vvv build-two, see why it's failing to use public key auth08:07
lag_apw: If you issue "/etc/init.d/bip restart" how log does it take to connect to FreeNode?08:54
apwlag no idea, don't do it ever to be honest08:55
apwnot hours though08:55
lag_bip -v ?08:55
apwand cirtainly not going to try it now in case t does take hours08:55
apwinvalid option08:56
lag_lag@bip-server:~$ bip -v08:56
lag_Bip IRC Proxy - 0.7.408:56
lag_Copyright © Arnaud Cornet and Loïc Gomez (2004 - 2008)08:56
lag_Distributed under the GNU Public License Version 208:56
lag_Current version is 0.8.308:57
lag_Correction 0.8.408:58
=== lag is now known as Guest71543
apwlag_, must be as old as hell :)09:06
lag_Just issued ... safe-upgrade09:07
smbupgrade and safe does not compute09:08
* amitk looks up safe-upgrade09:09
amitkis this apt-get ?09:09
=== lag is now known as Guest27899
lag_schroot -q -cmaverick-armel10:32
lag_E: Failed to execute “/bin/bash”: Exec format error10:32
=== amitk is now known as amitk-afk
eraogasawara, i don't think the ndiswrapper problems are over. my drivers are set up properly and scan for ssids on any kernel i throw at it, but it won't be able to connect on any kernel newer than 2.6.34-5.1411:09
eradoesn't matter if there is security on the router or not11:09
tseliotapw: are your patches for drm (not to make plymouth believe that drm is ready when it's not) ready?11:32
apwtseliot, the patches are applied to the uploaded maverick kernel11:32
tseliotapw: great, I'll pull them from git11:33
andreoliHi, I just saw that linux-image-2.6.32-24.39 is out, but I can't seem to find it in git. I made a git pull and the last tag seems to be Ubuntu-2.6.32-24.38. How can I update my git in order to work on it?11:52
andreolisorry, I meant linux-image-2.6.34-24-generic, version 2.6.32-24.39ù11:54
apwandreoli, yep, the repo is behind as that was a security release11:57
apwi'll hastle the culprit and get it up as soon as possible11:57
andreolino problem, apw :) I thought it was my fault somehow (git newbie, trying to learn...)11:58
andreoliis it sensible to host several kernel ubuntu packages (with different names) in the same PPA?11:58
apwandreoli, no just the rules on exposing security before the binaries are released, prevents us pushing, and its another team which pushes security11:58
andreoliok, thx for the clarification12:01
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smbapw, I hear ya. Being on that12:53
cooloneyamitk: i tried enable SMP in omap3_defconfig to built a single kernel for omap2/3/4.12:57
cooloneyamitk: after fixed some compiling issue, i've built the kernel.12:58
cooloneybut it doesn't work on my omap3 beagle board.12:58
amitkcooloney: I talked to TI engineers and they feel it will take some low-level arch work in arch/arm to get SMP arm kernels to work on UP12:58
cooloneyit looks like it's not easy to enable SMP in such single kernel12:58
cooloneyamitk: yeah, i think so12:58
amitkso ARM needs to go through the same pain the x86 and other archs did to get SMP kernels working on UP12:59
cooloneyin SMP code, there some instruction can't be built in gcc as armv612:59
* amitk is not surprised13:00
=== lag is now known as Guest6225
=== Guest6225 is now known as lag_
smbtgardner, While working there I just noticed an arm branch in the Karmic repo which you have been committing to long time ago. Would you think we need anything from that anymore?13:50
tgardnersmb, if its not in the archive, then I suspect no13:51
smbtgardner, Its at least heavily neglected. The last commit was a year ago.... So I guess, no. Well I tag it before removing the branch13:52
tgardnersmb, wfm13:52
lag_tgardner: Build server orange is broken 14:15
lag_schroot -q -cmaverick-armel14:15
lag_E: Failed to execute “/bin/bash”: Exec format error14:15
tgardnerapw, wasn't that an mmap issue?14:15
lag_apw: Tried to fix, but doesn't have perms14:16
smbtgardner, The direct issue is binfmt-misc not loaded / set up14:16
tgardnerlag_, tried to fix how?14:16
smbNot sure this was because of an mmap thing14:17
lag_Restarting binfmt-misc 14:17
lag_Apparently it wasn't started by the init scripts 14:17
lag_smb thinks it may be a race14:17
smbOr maybe its as simple as needing to add binfmt-misc to /etc/modules...14:18
tgardnerlag_, restarted, try again14:19
smbHm no, don't have that on my build box and it gets loaded14:19
lag_tgardner: That's the badger!14:20
dnielsenAny chance of getting  KOSAKI Motohiro's low latency synchrounous lumpy reclaim patch set applied to Maverick?  http://lkml.indiana.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/1008.0/02107.html14:21
smbIs the discussion really finished?14:21
apwfrom the description its still an RFC14:35
smbThat was my feeling. Mel was also involved and it did sound incomplete. Though, as it showed up on my stable watchlist, it might come that way when done.14:36
dnielsenit would be nice to get some more data somehow though, it is attempting to address a bug that has been plaguing the desktop for years so the sooner it dies the sooner we can drink beer14:40
smbSure it would be nice to fix it. But taking patches under discussion from a mailing list for a essential core functionality is like tuning your car according to some information found somewhere. It is crazy enough to it on yourself but you certainly don't want to resell that.14:53
JFoor in this case 'regift' ;)14:54
tgardnerapw, do you plan to add the DEB_STAGE=stage1 patch to debian commonization?15:17
bjfmoin all15:26
smbmorning bjf 15:26
=== sconklin-gone is now known as sconklin
ckingbjf, morning!15:31
ckingbjf, where do those kernel team iso images appear - are they downloadable from a webby URL?15:32
bjfcking, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/testing/15:33
ckingbjf, you probably can expect what my next question is going to be...15:36
cking..any chance of hooking up my USB stick image generating hacks?15:36
bjfcking I thought you were going to get back to me on that15:36
ckingI believe I sent you an email. lemme see if it got stuck somewhere :-(15:37
bjfcking, nope, I just missed it15:37
cking03 2010, ~17:57:3515:37
bjfcking, don't know about checking in a vm to kteam-tools15:38
ckingit's rather big ;-)15:38
ckingdang, that's one thing that version control cannot handle well15:39
pgraner /query dendrobetes15:39
tgardnerpgraner, dendrobates isn't it?15:40
pgranertgardner, yea misspelled, thx15:40
tgardnera large green frog IIRC15:41
pgranertgardner, that I didn't know15:41
apwtgardner, i am assuming all things which get accepted into maverick should also get applied to the common debian15:41
ckinga poisonous dart frog at that15:41
tgardnerapw, I'm cnosidering the ripple effect. We still need to get Karmic updated.15:42
apwtgardner, its an issue indeed15:42
apwtgardner, i don't think i have a good plan if we are not going to commonise en'toto15:56
apwie, all those using the common debian, remain up to date15:56
tgardnerapw, we need cjwatson to finish his policy update15:56
ckingbjf, so is this image generator hack a no-goer, or just we need to make sure we keep that vm image somewhere safe?15:57
apwtgardner, yeo15:57
apwcking, might be worth asking cjwatson when he is back ... as this is something they must have as an issue too for the isos15:59
bjfcking, i have no problem adding it to the process, it's just you might have to recreated it if necessary16:00
ckingapw, what's the issue?16:00
ckingbjf, I will back it up onto a couple of devices16:01
apwcking, the VM is needed to install grub yes?16:04
ckingthe issue is that grub-install does some over-zealous sanity checks which cannot be spoofed around using loopback or device mapper tricks16:08
ckingone can modify grub-install, but I cannot be bothered - it's easier to do it in a 15 lines script inside a vm16:09
tseliotapw: are you going to backport your 2 kernel patches for drm and fbcon to Lucid. If not, shall I?16:16
apwtseliot, do we have those issues on lucid ?16:16
apwi've only ever seen the behaviour on maverick16:16
tseliotapw: I think I've seen the drm problem but I'll test again, just to be sure16:17
=== robbiew1 is now known as robbiew
apwtseliot, ok thanks ... good to know16:22
JFopgraner, what was the name of the place where you bought our travel case?16:33
ckingJFo, I think pgraner buys it in bulk 'cos they go missing so frequently at the airports16:57
JFobut that would be me since I lost the most this last time :)16:58
JFo3 bags16:58
JFohe only had one lost16:58
ckingJFo, I hadn't realised that. That's really bad news.16:58
JFowell, they are back now, but it took 3 days after we landed to get them16:59
ckingIf it's any consolation, I think I found a security cable from UDS that may be yours16:59
JFoI'm just looking at getting us a bigger box16:59
JFocould be indeed16:59
ckingJFo, next time fedex your luggage16:59
bjfcking, i've added the img creation steps to the dail-iso-builder script and i'm running a test17:14
smbapw, Works17:15
apwsmb, indeed so17:15
ckingbjf, fantastic. thanks17:20
ckingmuch appreciated17:21
* smb is out17:35
robbiewogasawara: incoming!....https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/linux/+bug/554172  (boom!)17:48
ubot2Ubuntu bug 554172 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 2 other projects) "system services not starting at boot (affects: 178) (dups: 15) (heat: 781)" [High,Confirmed]17:48
ogasawararobbiew: ack17:48
ogasawara237 comments!17:49
robbiewogasawara: yeah...you can ignore 236 of them17:49
robbiewjust read Scott's17:49
vanhoofprolly a dumb q ... how long does it take for a kernel to move from pre-proposed to proposed?17:50
tgardnervanhoof, its somewhat arbitrary for a released kernel, but generally every couple of weeks.17:51
apwbug #55417217:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 554172 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 2 other projects) "system services not starting at boot (affects: 178) (dups: 15) (heat: 781)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55417217:54
vanhooftgardner: cool, thanks17:54
=== lag_ is now known as lag
lag /msg NickServ identify nelsons18:11
=== lag is now known as Guest46722
pgranerlag, change it NOW18:11
apwKeybuk, this EIO thingy on open ... which kernel are you testing18:12
Keybukreports are on both Lucid and Maverick18:16
KeybukI read the source of GIT HEAD18:16
Keybukthough the code was last touched in 0918:16
apwKeybuk, and indeed the comments at the time say that returning EIO on a 'tty' which has been closed, but not yet completed closing should return EIO18:17
apwthe implication is that this behaviour is reasonable, and supported by POSIX18:17
KeybukI'm not sure POSIX says anything about ttys18:19
Keybukor indeed about the ability to half-close something18:19
Keybukcan you point me at the comments?18:19
apwdo a git log on the file containing tty_reopen18:19
apwKeybuk, it is documented as a possible return in the open manual page18:20
apw       EIO    The  path  argument  names  a STREAMS file and a hangup or error18:20
apw              occurred during the open().18:20
apwthe implication is that last close being inprogress is a hangup on a tty18:20
Keybukthat implication sounds more like an SMP-unaware race condition to me ;-)18:20
apwKeybuk, cirtainly the behaviour makes more sense for slow closing things like modems, where there is an external interlock to wait on18:21
Keybukyes, but not /dev/console ;-)18:21
apwbut it cirtainly seems possible that there is a period during which a closing device is unopenable, for ttys18:22
apwand /dev/console is a tty like any other no18:22
Keybukit's not supposed to be18:22
apwwhat makes you say that18:22
Keybukbecause it's supposed to be a virtual device18:23
Keybukstop trying to kill my pony18:23
apwthat doesn't stop it being a tty18:23
Keybukit also doesn't stop this being wrong behaviour18:23
apwindeed, but it also may well be reasonable behaviour, and if it is then we arn't likely to get a fix past alan18:24
Keybukbreaking init doesn't seem reasonable though? :)18:24
Keybuknothing about this is upstart specific, after all18:25
apwif init breaks cause it doesn't handle documented return codes, he isn't going to have any sympathy is he18:25
Keybukit's not documented anywhere18:25
apwi assume you have to handle EAGAIN and EINTR already18:25
* Keybuk is reading tty(4)18:25
apw       EIO    The  path  argument  names  a STREAMS file and a hangup or error18:25
apw              occurred during the open().18:25
apwit documented as a valid return from open18:25
Keybukyes, but not any explanation as to why it would occur18:25
Keybukno it isn't18:26
Keybukopen(2) does not document EIO18:26
apwindeed not, but that a tty is a stream as you can push line diciplines18:26
apw(thats for your tty ocmment)18:26
apwopen 2 is libc right?18:26
apw3 is the system call18:27
apw(isn't it ?)18:27
Keybukit's not POSIX either FWIW :p18:27
Guest46722It was wrong anyway! :)18:28
apwits documented in the 3 an page, which calls itself the POSIX one18:28
=== Guest46722 is now known as lag
Keybukassuming you're looking at SUS, STREAMS only refers to the XSI STREAMS extension18:28
lagIt was wrong anyway :)18:29
apwi am reading man 3 open on my linux box18:29
lagWhich is why it keeps logging me in as guest :)18:29
KeybukI don't have an open(3)18:29
Keybukwhat package does that come from?18:29
apwhow do i find out18:29
Keybukit could be the snarf'd copy of SUS18:29
Keybukit says STREAMS in capitals like that, it matches SUS18:29
Keybukwhich means it's XSI STREAMS, not "tty"18:29
apwa tty is a steeams device though, as you can stack streams modules onto it, like line diciplines ?  no?18:30
Keybukno, STREAMS is a very specific standard18:30
Keybukyou can't randomly apply one standard to something else to suit your purposes ;-)18:30
mjg59STREAMS is something you don't want to know about18:30
mjg59It's the System V networking failure18:31
Keybukthis behaviour is not documented18:31
Keybukthis *return code* is not documented18:31
Keybukso it's completely reasonable for me to not handle it18:31
apwKeybuk, do you handle EINTR ?18:31
Keybukwhat's more, it only broke in Sep 2009 as a result of a kernel change18:31
Keybukapw: yes.18:31
apwmanpages-posix-dev: /usr/share/man/man3/open.3posix.gz18:31
Keybukapw: right, that's SUS - so STREAMS refers to XSI STREAMS which is not relevant (and deeply scary)18:31
apwwell i suggest you handle it now, regardless of whether its reasonable18:31
Keybukno, I suggest you fix the kernel18:31
Keybuksince this is a regression18:32
apwcause even if we can fix it, its likely to take months to get it accepted18:32
Keybukit's affecting a small number of people18:32
apwthe reality is if we bodge it in upstart it'll fix everyone esle as it'll stay open forever and avoid the issue for ever18:33
apwgiving us time to persue a fix18:33
apwmanpages-posix-dev: /usr/share/man/man3/open.3posix.gz18:33
Keybukit's possible that we'd turn this into an infinite loop, etc.18:33
KeybukI'd rather keep the known bug18:34
apwok works for me18:34
Keybukwhile you work on fixing the kernel regression18:34
apwhow often is it occuring ... so i can prioritise it with the other issues we have18:34
Keybuk(plus I know full well if I bodge it, the bodge will become *the* fix, and the kernel fix will never appear)18:34
Keybukapw: some people (including support customers) claim most boots18:34
Keybukothers say intermittently18:34
Keybukothers say they've seen it once18:34
Keybuksupport have given it P318:35
* tgardner lunches19:18
* apw finds it .. maybe19:31
joshhunthi, i've got some patches which were accepted in the upstream kernel for 2.6.36, but would like to see them get into Maverick. I think they're candidates for 35 stable, but haven't submitted them yet. I was wondering what the ubuntu kernel release schedule was like and if you are going to sync up with stable before Maverick is released?19:36
apwjoshhunt, we normally start following the stable branch once the kernel releases at our chosen level19:37
apwso we're likely to have time to take the first few stable updates for 2.6.35 for maverick before release19:37
joshhuntok great. so if i can get them into one of the first few releases of 35 stable then that would probably be the best way to get them into maverick, right?19:38
apwjoshhunt, yep19:40
joshhuntapw, thanks for your help.19:40
JFobin   cdrom  etc   initrd.img      lib         media  opt   root  selinux  sys  usr  vmlinuz19:58
JFoboot  dev    home  initrd.img.old  lost+found  mnt    proc  sbin  srv      tmp  var  vmlinuz.old19:58
JFo<- smartypants19:59
* jjohansen lunch20:23
* ogasawara lunch20:30
Keybukapw: I just realised something20:45
Keybukyou the commit that "fixes" the Input/output error20:45
Keybukif you look at the patch, it doesn't cover all tty drivers20:45
Keybukjust serial ones20:45
JFopgraner, tgardner so we aren't attending this before plumbers? http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/linux-kernel-summit20:59
jjohansenJFo: if your invited, sure20:59
JFoah, I just got to the invitation bit :)20:59
JFothanks jjohansen 21:00
apwKeybuk, will take a closer look tommorrow on an awake head.  have some theorys to look over21:49
* tgardner checks out21:50
* cking calls it a day22:28
=== cking is now known as cking-afk
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=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]

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