
godbykjenkins: I responded to Phil's email. I'm not sure if I addressed his concerns or not, though.  I kind of started rambling.  And then stopped myself before going off on translations and how they're painful.00:18
jenkinsyea, I did also wonder how we would deal with the different writing styles, it had slipped my mind ages ago an I forgot about it00:19
godbykI don't think there's a really good answer.00:20
godbykBut I think that sharing our docs still has a lot of benefit.00:20
godbykIt'd certainly help us keep things in sync more easily than how we're doing it now.00:20
jenkinsI think your explanation is great! we all branch from the pool, we all help to maintain it and base our work on it00:21
* jenkins hopes he read it right00:21
godbykyeah, pretty much.00:21
godbykwe have a common pool that we can pull from and contribute back to.00:22
godbykand the system will keep track of diffs and pedigree and the like.00:22
godbykso if one of us updates a doc because, say, the software has changed, then the docs derived from that one can be notified of the change so someone can update them accordingly.00:23
jenkinsI like it :D00:24
godbykand translations.. oh, man, there are so many things I think we should do to improve translations!00:25
jenkinsyea they are not the best00:27
godbykBut before I go off on that topic too much, I'd prefer to sit down with some of our translators and get their opinions and ideas (since they're the ones who have to deal with it).00:28
jenkinsyep I agree, there is so much we would like to do we need like 20 of each of us00:30
godbykworking full-time. :)00:32
ChrisWoollard                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                00:37
ChrisWoollard                                                                                                                                              godbyk00:37
ChrisWoollardhmm. that's werid00:37
ChrisWoollardping godbyk00:40
godbykHey, ChrisWoollard.00:47
godbykWhat's up?00:47
jenkinsnight all01:03
godbykaskhl_: I think new builds of the manual are online now.  http://builds.ubuntu-manual.org/01:36
askhl_godbyk, thank you01:48
=== Daker is now known as daker
humphreybchey so daker what's happening with the quickshot website and the new ubuntu manual website?13:34
dakerhi humphreybc13:35
dakerso i have just finished13:35
dakeri'll start working on them13:36
humphreybccool :)13:36
dutchiehumphreybc: did you hear from jenkins about the reshuffle on LP?13:37
humphreybcyep, sure did, told him to go ahead and do it13:37
=== Daker_ is now known as Daker
=== Daker is now known as daker
dakerhey @all15:53
dakerwhat edition should be translated ?15:53
dakere1 or e2 ?15:54
nisshhdaker: e1, until e2 is in writing freeze i think15:54
dakerwhen e2 freezes we have to retranslated everything ?15:55
nisshhdaker: im not sure, you should ask godbyk/humphreybc about that16:07
nisshhbut i assume so yea16:07
dakernisshh, oki16:08
nisshhdaker: cool16:08
jenkinsdutchie: / godbyk /godbyk-sagan Ubuntu Manual Admins or Ubuntu Manual Maintainers ?20:11
jenkinsfor the new group20:12
dutchieadmins gets my vote20:19
jenkinsyea I decided maintainers looked as if only we wrote it. admins it is20:21
c7phello all20:25
zkriesseHello c7p20:28
jenkinsdutchie: / godbyk-sagan / godbyk https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-manual-admins20:44
jenkinsdoes it all look ok?20:44
dutchiedon't think it should be a public team20:46
dutchieoh, it isn't20:46
dutchiedunno why it says "Public team" at the top then20:47
jenkinsonly admins can add people we are all admin in the team20:47
jenkinsI am not sure why it says public, otherwise people will not know which team to join if they can't see the link at the top of the page20:48
jenkinsnow it looks better, I will go ahead an change it lets hope I don't break anything20:54
jenkinsright it is changed, lets wait and see if there are any complaints20:56
jenkins / breackages20:58
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nisshhjenkins: hey, you there?21:29
nisshhwas just reading my mail and saw the admin groupd for the manual21:30
nisshhwhats that about?21:30
nisshhjenkins: ^^^^21:31
jenkinsits to stop settings pages like https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/+settings being changed by random people, we have had problems with it being changed and we don't know who did it21:31
jenkinsall the branches still work and everything else is done by the normal team21:32
nisshhi get it now, thanks jenkins :)21:32
jenkinsi was chatting on #launchpad to wgrant and that was the suggestion.21:32
jenkinscool :)21:32
jenkinsall the people in it are the admins for the manual team21:33
jenkinshopefully there are not any breakages with the changes21:34
nisshhjenkins: lets hope so, but its unlikely given the fact that we are adding to the existing team, not subtracting21:36
nisshhjenkins: plus, the fact that wgrant suggested leads me to believe that its been done before :)21:36
jenkinswell he did not directly suggest it he said something like you should not have a team that big owning a project21:37
godbykjenkins: I think the admins team page looks okay.22:23
godbykjenkins: Did you switch over the bzr commit access and translation stuff (permissions)?22:23
jenkinsgodbyk: commit access still for the normal team ubuntu-manual22:27
jenkinstranslation permissons and other settings are now only changed by the 7 people in the team. thats how it should work22:28
jenkinsgodbyk: is there anything else that needs checking to see if it is correct?22:38
godbykI think those are the main two.22:45
godbykwe haven't had any real problems with people committing stuff (that I recall).  primarily, I just don't like the translation stuff being changed randomly.22:45
jenkinsthanks godbyk, hopefully this will solve the problem23:00
jenkins* help to23:00
nisshhjenkins: btw, can you push your work on the dev manual to lp? id like to have a read, just to see what you have come up with23:09
jenkinsyea sure I have not done much but it is a start23:09
nisshhill be doing a crapload of work on the dev manual today as well23:10
nisshhjenkins: you know where the trunk branch is on lp right?23:12
jenkinsyea I am jsut pushing I had to make it to check for errors :)23:13
nisshhok cool23:13
jenkinsI just need to cover the 4 commads that were listed to go into that chapter23:14
nisshhjenkins: did you forget to do bzr add?23:15
jenkinsyep :(23:16
nisshhbecause your chapter isnt there :)23:16
nisshhi ALWAYS forget to23:16
jenkinspushed again23:17
nisshhgodbyk: you there?23:30
godbyknisshh: yep. what's up?23:41
=== ZachK_ is now known as Guest47446
nisshhgodbyk: ah, you are there, cool, ok, i just was looking for how to format links in the dev manual, i cant find anything in the style guide about it23:54
nisshhfigured there must be some command for it23:55
godbyknisshh: what kind of links?  like URLs?  if so, try \url{http://blah.com/blah/blah.html}.23:59

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