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adaympt: hey :) get back ok?13:00
mptHello hello13:00
mptHi aday13:00
mpthi andreasn13:01
thorwilhi all!13:01
adayandreasn is here. a new recruit!13:01
adayhi all13:01
andreasnI am?13:02
mptI invited andreasn13:02
mptandreasn, are you on the mailing list?13:02
mpthi humphreybc, hi thorwil13:02
andreasnuh, maybe13:02
andreasnI got a mail from ayatana-ux@lists.launchpad.net, so I think I am13:03
* humphreybc is trying out jolicloud13:03
adayshall we use mpt's mail as an agenda?13:04
mptokie dokie13:05
thorwil"Starting new design projects. There are various small things in Ubuntu that we know need redesigning: for example, Appearance13:05
thorwil    settings, display settings, the screenshot utility. How could we organize people to work together on these designs?"13:05
humphreybchold a gun to their head and force them?13:06
mptPlaces like the Ayatana mailing list have plenty of small ideas, but hardly any sustained efforts13:06
humphreybchello ivanka :)13:06
thorwilfirst thing could be to have a list of those various things13:07
adayit would be great to have something like design hub for this13:07
thorwilbe it on a wiki page, or tickets13:07
thorwiladay: that's what i have been saying. the problem is: who's gonna write that and set it up and maintain it?13:08
adaythorwil: it was in development, but it seems to have stalled :(13:08
mptAfter five years I'm automatically skeptical of any solution to any problem that involves Yet Another Web Site13:09
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mptAre there ways we could reuse the communications methods we already have?13:10
adaympt: i'm sure there are. we've been trying to use live.gnome.org/Design to do something like this13:10
mptMaybe I could just post to ayatana@ and say "It would be cool if people had a go at redesigning these things" and see what happens :-)13:10
mpthi wers13:10
thorwilmpt: like i said: for a list or projects and some minimal tracking: wiki page or LP tickets13:10
wershi mpt aday thorwil13:10
thorwilhi wers13:10
adaywers: hi :)13:10
mpthumphreybc, how did that Weather Indicator get started?13:11
andreasnyeah, live.gnome.org/Design + bug reports seems to have been working pretty good so far13:11
humphreybcI think some people in #omg!ubuntu! decided to randomly start it13:11
humphreybcthen they left the project13:11
humphreybcOhso (our company) took over and it now has a developer working on it basically full time13:11
humphreybcso originally, bored people who saw a need?13:11
vishoh , whats up here!13:12
vishpeople in the meeting :D13:12
andreasnespecially with the Designers and Developers columns, because that means someone is responsible13:12
thorwilvish: psst! don't ruin it!13:12
thorwilmpt: if you'd just post to ayatana with a design task, how would you avoid a blown up "discussion"?13:13
mptoh, there's little hope of avoiding that13:13
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mptThe question is could we get anything else as well.13:13
mptActually, the three examples I gave are all generic Gnome stuff, so they could go on live.gnome.org/Design13:14
andreasnwell, a lot of the noise is drive by comments, right?13:14
andreasnfor all sorts of things13:14
andreasnassigning people to stuff and have them be responsible for that full time might work?13:15
andreasnso some kind of "commitment to fix something, or be silent" agenda maybe13:15
adaympt: we're planning to have weekly gnome design office hours - that could be a good forum for this kind of discussion (for the gnome-specific stuff, at least)13:16
humphreybcI've noticed that a lot of people are willing to work, they just need direction.13:16
thorwilregarding responsibility, small package size and high chance of exacting implementation would help with motivation13:16
mptaday, where would that be, and who's "we" in that context?13:16
vishmpt: aday's secret hideout , in #gnome-design ;)13:17
adaympt: 'we' - anybody who wants to participate :)13:17
thorwilnote #gnome-design on gimpnet13:17
vishthorwil: iirc mpt knows but just forgets to login there since recently ;p13:18
andreasnand I think there are people like Thomas Wood who are interested in fixing the Appearance applet, as long as he gets some direction13:18
andreasnor, well, we'll see what happens to that one specifically13:19
mptIt's because "Add to Favorites" is completely broken in XChat, that's why13:19
adaympt: you know about gnome-design on gitorious too? we're using sparkleshare to share mockups13:20
mptI did not13:20
thorwilnah, the Network List is a master piece!!13:20
mgunes hi all, sorry to be late. I'll try to catch up with the remainder of the meeting.13:20
adaympt: http://gitorious.org/gnome-design/gnome-design13:21
andreasnmpt, I keep forgetting channels as well.13:21
mptI particularly love the tooltip that says "Channels to join, separated by commas, but not spaces!"13:21
andreasnmpt, :)13:21
andreasnoh, there is also a right click menu if you click the channel list, this is in xchat-gnome though13:22
andreasnok, drifting off from topic a bit :)13:22
vishmoving on...13:23
humphreybcyou all should use pidgin13:23
humphreybcworks like a charm13:23
vishmpt: there is one person , who i think would be interested in working on screenie13:23
vishwhat are the requirements? what language is preferred[i believe he is good in python]?13:24
wersvish, ooh. screenie is alive?13:24
mptandreasn, Pongo is currently Python, right?13:24
vishwers: well , it was in mpt's agenda13:24
thorwilright, 3rd point. not 2nd! ;)13:24
wersvish, oh. the log isn't updated so I wasn't able to catch up13:25
andreasnmpt, yeah, and it's, hm, works in funny ways sometimes13:25
andreasnmpt, but I was surprised Jan actually found use for it13:25
humphreybcbe back in a bit13:26
mgunesin case some of you haven't heard of it: ClutterSmith looks like it might be a useful tool for animated mockups, among other things. I have yet to get it to compile at this point though.13:26
mptvish, so could you point him/her to the project page and suggest adding a graphical interface?13:26
andreasnmpt, and let this person know that a rewrite is fully possible13:27
andreasnerr... that was to vish13:27
vishmpt: sure , but i dont see a specs page , not sure where to point him to , and oddly i cant find the existing code o.013:28
andreasnhbons trick to "trow something horrible together so that others will fix it for you" probably works great for Pongo too :)13:28
mptandreasn, is http://www.andreasn.se/blog/images/pongo.py the latest version?13:28
vishoh wait ! lp was just fooling me! found it13:28
andreasnI think Jan might have done some fixes13:29
andreasnchecking with him now13:29
mptWho's Jan?13:29
mptok, Charline is out at lunch, but I will ask her about how we should research personas13:29
werswe're pursuing the open usability lab. he's been playing with pongo13:29
andreasnthe dude who is doing the testing on Shotwell13:29
mptvish will see if he can find a Screenie contributor13:30
mptaaaaaand I will post about live.gnome.org/Design to ayatana@, unless aday would like to do that instead13:30
adaympt: i'm happy for you to do it :)13:31
mpthumphreybc, do you think perhaps godbyk would be interested in writing a user testing script template?13:31
mptaday, ok13:31
andreasnwhat is a user testing script?13:31
adaympt: i've been adding some resources to the usability project that the ayatana crowd might be interested in, btw13:31
vishgah! @ayatana ml :/13:32
humphreybcmpt: a user testing script template?13:32
adaympt: http://live.gnome.org/UsabilityProject/GettingStarted  http://live.gnome.org/UsabilityProject/HeuristicEvaluation http://live.gnome.org/UsabilityProject/DoingResearch13:32
mptandreasn, the thing you read from when conducting a user test. Including such vital sentences as "We're testing the software, not you."13:32
andreasnooh, I was thinking of a shell script :)13:32
humphreybcI think godbyk could definitely do that13:33
humphreybche might already have13:33
adaympt: http://live.gnome.org/Pongo/Tutorial i never finished it though :(13:33
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mptOk, I'm sorry I'm snowed under with other work today so I'll have to bow out now, but feel free to carry on without me. :-)13:34
adayactually, most of it's there13:34
humphreybcmpt: exciting work no doubt13:34
adayanything more to say about the testing stuff or shall we move on?13:36
thorwilmaybe we could talk about the nice things we will do with our plenty of free time while mpt is snowed under now?13:36
wersJan happens to be writing on the open usability lab Wave right now. You want me to tell him to join the meeting now?13:36
adaywers: i lost the link to that...13:36
wersaday, which one?13:37
wersI meant, he's currenly online and we're talking about the same project13:37
adaysorry, ignore me. yeah get him over here13:38
mgunesaday, was the UX advocates BoF at GUADEC recorded on video?13:39
vishaday: what's the latest about HIG update?13:40
adaymgunes: no, but i'm going to be sending a report to the usability list13:40
vishwhat is changing for HIG313:40
adayvish: same! oh, and i'll be firing off a blog post later today13:40
mgunesaday, alright, thanks!13:40
andreasn* HIG3 will be a pattern library13:40
andreasn* + some initial design principles13:41
adaymgunes: live.gnome.org/UsabilityProject/UXAdvocates13:41
mptI wrote http://live.gnome.org/action/edit/UsabilityProject/HIG3/HandlingErrors while at Guadec13:41
andreasnmore writers are needed!13:41
adaynone of my patterns are finished yet!13:42
adaywell, 'my' - i welcome contributions :)13:42
andreasnwasn't there an etherpad too somewhere?13:42
adayandreasn: http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/ui-patterns13:43
humphreybcmpt: you have your own category on OMG! Ubuntu. Do you feel special?13:43
andreasnaday, ah, yes, thanks!13:43
adaywe're off topic again. shall we move on to talk about personas?13:43
humphreybcubuntu manual team has been working on personas13:44
humphreybcfor use in the manual13:44
humphreybcnot sure what's happening there atm13:44
adayhylke and garrett started some for gnome but there hasn't been any work done for a little while13:44
andreasnaday, ok if I link to the pad from the HIG3 wiki page?13:44
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adayandreasn: it already is 'List of other potential patterns'13:45
andreasnah, sweet!13:45
adayis there anybody out there who wants to spend some time on this?13:46
adaywhat kind of research do we want to do for the personas?13:46
adayi've drawn up an interview schedule for the gnome design ones, but finding time to do the interviews will be tricky13:47
adaysome observation based research could also work though. what do people think?13:48
JanCBorchardtwers: hey :)13:49
wersJanCBorchardt, there you are. I didn't know they were also discussing at #gnome-design13:49
adayJanCBorchardt: hello there! :)13:49
JanCBorchardtaday: hey to you too ;)13:50
adayseems like the testing tools discussion has moved to #gnome-design :P13:50
wersyeah. lol13:50
thorwiladay: are the interviews something that could be spready, could you try a call for helpers?13:51
JanCBorchardtwers: aday: yes, I suggest we discuss about Pongo on gnome-design because it is not really Ubuntu-only. And work has been done on the wiki already13:52
adaythorwil: i think it needs to be done by at least one person to begin with - the schedule needs to be piloted, and it might evolve to begin with13:52
wersJanCBorchardt, that's right.13:52
adaythorwil: i'm wanting to do rather open-ended interviews - which are difficult to distribute13:53
adaywhich isn't to say that others couldn't help13:53
adayit would be great if people wanted to try out the schedule13:53
JanCBorchardtso who here is actually interested in the user testing stuff? (except for wers and aday ;)13:54
* thorwil -> coffee13:55
* aday -> cigarette13:56
JanCBorchardtaday: wers: did I miss anything here?13:57
adayJanCBorchardt: http://pastebin.com/Dd80bbvD14:05
adayJanCBorchardt: i wrote this for pongo. might be useful: http://pastebin.com/Dd80bbvD14:06
adaywrong link! http://live.gnome.org/Pongo/Tutorial14:06
wersaday, thanks for the  log14:07
JanCBorchardtaday: yep, have seen that. I was going to put that in the Guerilla testing blogpost14:08
JanCBorchardtand thanks for the log :)14:08
andreasnJanCBorchardt, what's the URL to your blog?14:08
JanCBorchardtandreasn: http://jancborchardt.wordpress.com/14:08
JanCBorchardtonly an introduction as of now, I have some drafts of earlier writings14:09
adayshall we wrap things up for today? anybody fancy writing some notes for the list?14:12
JanCBorchardtI didn’t know of the meeting, is it every Thursday at 13 UTC?14:13
adayJanCBorchardt: yep. there's a launchpad team - ask mpt to add you14:13
mgunesaday, I can do the meeting notes.14:15
JanCBorchardtmpt: could you please add me to the Ayatana UX team? I just discovered I applied a while ago14:15
adaymgunes: awesome! i would but i'm snowed under right now14:15
humphreybcJanCBorchardt: I can add you14:15
humphreybcwhat's your launchpad thing?14:15
mgunesit will take some hours though; probably late tonight.14:16
wershumphreybc, he's already pending there14:16
humphreybcoh okay14:16
humphreybci'll approve him now14:16
adaymgunes: no problem :)14:17
JanCBorchardthumphreybc: cool, thanks14:17
mgunesmy suggestion is to use the mailing list for other things than meeting notes, by the way. let's get a bit chatty ;)14:18
adaymgunes: yes, we're not utilising it enough right now14:18
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humphreybcright i'm off guys14:19
humphreybccatch you later :)14:19
adayme too14:19
mgunesaday, right, I prefer the discourse to be more spread out and asynchronous. we'll have to rely less on the meetings that way.14:19
mgunesme too. see you all.14:20
adayhumphreybc: see you!14:20
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