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* ScottK decides to hit "save as draft" instead of publish to his blog post about the notion that planet.ubuntu.com should be multilingual.02:20
ajmitchslightly inflammatory?02:22
ScottKYes and the comments of the outraged are entirely predictable.02:25
ScottKClearly from my position of priviledge I can't understand the perspective of the downtrodden, so it will have to be explained to me.02:29
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dholbachgood morning!06:42
dholbachPackaging Training Session: Fixing Small Ubuntu Bugs in 18 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom06:42
micahgzul: do you mind if I merge request-tracker3.8?06:46
* ajmitch is watching #u-classroom, honest07:10
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sbronstedwgrant:  How often is http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/ftbfs/ updated?08:04
wgrantsbronsted: Once an hour.08:10
* micahg can't wait for sparc to go away, that page will be much smaller :)08:11
sbronstedwgrant: But when I build eg httpcomponents-core locally I don't get an error !?08:13
jpdsmicahg: So will the archive.08:13
gesersbronsted: the packages don't get automatically retried (except DEPWAIT) and the page only shows the current state08:14
dholbachTheMuso: can you extend my membership in ubuntu-universe-sponsors so I can keep running the script that auto-assigns u-u-s bugs to ubuntu-sponsors?08:14
sbronstedwgrant: and when I look a the error log in launchpad it is from the 2010-06-15 !?08:14
ajmitchsbronsted: that log does mention that it's executing maven in offline mode, so it may only have issues when unable to fetch stuff from the internet08:15
ajmitchthe buildds have no internet access at all, so builds must be self-contained08:15
* ajmitch doesn't know enough about it to know if that error is the cause of it, but it's the most likely08:16
sbronstedbut I will expect the build script always build offline (I hope)08:16
ajmitchgiven that it's only had one debian upload, and it's arch: all, it's something that's easily missed08:18
ajmitchyou may find answers in #ubuntu-java08:20
wgrantsbronsted: We don't retry every build failure every day.08:21
gesergiven that it doesn't appear anymore in the recent archive rebuild anymore, I give it back to a retry08:21
geserlet's see what happens08:21
* ajmitch would expect the same sort of result tbh08:23
ajmitchand launchpad explodes in a ball of flame08:23
sbronstedwgrant: so how do know which of the build errors still are still  valid?08:25
sbronstedsorry: ....still are valid08:25
wgrantsbronsted: That page can't tell you that.08:25
wgrantLaunchpad doesn't know.08:25
gesersbronsted: check if the package builds now and request a give-back if it does. All the page show is the current state in the archive (that a package didn't got build when it got tried)08:27
sbronstedgeser: you mention "recent archive rebuild". How do I see that?08:32
gesersbronsted: the results are here: http://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu_ftbfs.cgi08:38
geserajmitch: "Successfully built  on rothera (i386)" for httpcomponents-core and LP still seems to be there :)08:46
sbronstedgeser: the httpcomponent-core build is okay now08:47
gesersbronsted: yes, it should vanish from http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ on the next update of that page08:48
chilicuilLaney: I'm trying to build several chroots systems for pbuilder I've modified my .pbuilderrc ( http://pastebin.com/DFg1Ry0S ) so results can be placed in a different directory, then I've run pbuilder-dist and it seems like it doesnt read that file, which file should I change instaed (I've already tried with the $VARS available, but they're not enough)?08:50
ajmitchgeser: OK, I was wrong :)08:51
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ajmitchgeser: LP exploding was it telling me that it was unable to contact a server08:51
ajmitchwhich went away on page refresh08:51
lifelessajmitch: did you get an oops ?08:52
ajmitchno OOPS08:52
ajmitchotherwise I'd have something useful to tell you08:52
ajmitchthis was on edge, btw08:52
wgrantWhen was that?08:52
lifelessdid you grab a picture ?08:52
wgrantThat's meant to be fixed.08:52
ajmitchlifeless: no I didn't, it was afaik a standard "sorry, please try again" sort of message, 30 minutes ago now08:53
wgrantIt must have regressed.08:53
wgrantBut I don't see how.08:54
lifelessedge upgrade perhaps08:54
wgrantPossibly, true.08:54
lifelesswgrant: were you on edge?08:54
wgrantIt wasn't me.08:54
ajmitchdoesn't that message come up when there's no appserver to talk to, however briefly?08:54
lifelessajmitch: &08:54
ajmitchsorry that I didn't get info from it, if it happens again I'll grab a screenshot at least08:55
lifelessajmitch: we have dozens of appservers08:56
lifelessajmitch: so its not meant to happen at all08:56
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TheMusodholbach_: If nobody else has done it by now, sure I'll take care of it.12:55
TheMusodholbach_: done12:57
dupondjehouston we have an issue !13:30
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dholbach_TheMuso: thanks14:12
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Riddelldholbach, jpds, nhandler: anyone from motu council want to weigh in on the ubuntu-tweak question?15:15
dholbachRiddell: the MOTU Council is not around any more - I don't have any opinion on it15:17
Riddelldholbach: shouldn't https://edge.launchpad.net/~motu-council be updated then?15:18
dholbachRiddell: yeah, thanks15:18
ScottKRiddell: Such questions should go to the TB now.15:34
micahgzul: do you mind if I merge request-tracker3.8?16:01
zulmicahg: no go ahead16:01
micahgzul: thanks16:01
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shadeslayerhi.. https://merges.ubuntu.com/ seems to be down, any particular reason?17:46
shadeslayer( opening anything gives me a 500 error )17:47
fabrice_spbdrung, about bug 62387018:34
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: 623870 (https://launchpad.net/bugs/623870)18:34
fabrice_spbug 61387018:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 613870 in gambas2 (Ubuntu) "Please sync gambas2 2.21.0-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61387018:34
fabrice_spI was working on it (assigned to me)18:35
fabrice_spperhaps, the first of ack-sync should be unassign sponsors and assign yourself18:36
fabrice_spI assume you are looking at 613891, so I'll stop looking at the sponsoriship queue18:37
shadeslayerwould it be a good idea to get a new package in maverick into lucid backports?18:42
shadeslayer( qoauth to be specific )18:43
micahgshadeslayer: if people need it in Lucid and it doesn't have a lot of deps, you can request it18:44
shadeslayerok.. ill just check the deps once18:44
ari-tczewdidrocks: ping18:44
ari-tczewdidrocks: how do you upload debdiffs? why my patches are signed to Bhavani Shankar? I don't understand this situation. bug 59549918:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 595499 in gnu-efi (Ubuntu) "Please merge gnu-efi 3.0i-3(main) from debian unstable(main)" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59549918:46
shadeslayermicahg: seems to have minimal deps : Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 7.0.50~), libqca2-dev, qt4-qmake, libqca2-plugin-ossl18:47
micahgshadeslayer: looks good :)18:48
shadeslayermicahg: is there a script of sorts to do this? :D18:48
micahgshadeslayer: no, you file a request on the lucid-backports project18:48
micahg!backports | shadeslayer18:48
ubottushadeslayer: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging18:48
shadeslayermicahg: i was browsing that page :P18:48
didrocksari-tczew: your patches? only gnu-efi:18:48
didrocksari-tczew: see https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnu-efi/+bug/595499/comments/118:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 595499 in gnu-efi (Ubuntu) "Please merge gnu-efi 3.0i-3(main) from debian unstable(main)" [Wishlist,Fix released]18:49
micahgshadeslayer: oh, you mean like requestsync?, sounds like a good candidate for u-d-t, maybe file a bug :)18:49
ari-tczewdidrocks: yes, I mean gnu-efi18:49
ari-tczewsorry for confusing18:49
didrocksgoing for dinner now18:50
shadeslayermicahg: will look into it this weekend then ;)18:50
ari-tczewdidrocks: I look forward to your response18:51
didrocksari-tczew: I've answered18:52
didrocksari-tczew: see, the first patch already contained everything, I took it18:52
didrocksari-tczew: see my link18:52
ari-tczewdidrocks: not enough. I've finished  this patch enough for upload, so why someone else is as uploader?18:53
ari-tczewI'm upset this situation18:53
didrocksari-tczew: but the first comment already contained that patch!!!18:54
ari-tczewsorry, but I'm not plain worker18:54
didrocksari-tczew: the work was already done18:54
LaneyThe only change between your patch and the first one is the changelog18:54
Laneyit's only polite to sponsor the one that was there first...18:54
didrocksthanks Laney, that's exactly what I mean :)18:55
ari-tczewI thought that our cooperate will be succesed18:55
ari-tczewsorry, but I don't want making patches for someone else and there is any word that I've worked on this18:55
didrocksari-tczew: if you have done the work, someone else post the same patch just after the same patch slightely modified, won't you be upset if I sponsor the second?18:56
Laneyari-tczew: maybe you lost the changes you meant to add?18:59
Laneyplease have a look at your patch18:59
ari-tczewdidrocks: I won't be upset, because because Bhavani said, that I can take this merge18:59
didrocksari-tczew: I didn't see he told that, in that case, I'm sorry about that mistake, but in any case, there were no need for a second patch as the first one contained everything (all changes we have were in the first one)19:00
didrocksreally going for dinner now19:00
LaneyNo, there's no mistake. Don't be sorry.19:00
ari-tczewdidrocks, Laney: I have offer: I'll prepare a 100 merges and these patches are be not completed. you (both) will finish patches and all these 100 patches will be uploaded per my. it will be ok?19:01
LaneyI've done many fixes where someone else gets the upload credit in the end19:01
Laneyit's part of collaborative maintenance19:02
Laneyat the end of the day your +related-software page doesn't mean that much19:02
ari-tczewLaney: so you will finish my 100 patches ok?19:03
shadeslayerwill a package built in a ppa do fine for backports?19:03
Laneyshadeslayer: if you've tested it, then as long as it's built in a clean environment it'll be fine19:03
tyarussoSo I have a package that uses the new 3.0 (quilt) source format, but I have some people requesting it for jaunty/hardy - would someone be able to walk me through converting a copy to the old format for them?19:04
shadeslayerLaney: also.. is there any particular version for backports?19:04
Laneyshadeslayer: does it require source changes19:04
ari-tczewdidrocks: did you read all comments on bug? Bhavani Shankar  wrote on 2010-07-29 sure, go ahead!19:04
shadeslayerLaney: nope19:04
ari-tczewLaney: can you answer on my question?19:05
Laneyari-tczew: No, because you are being combative19:05
shadeslayerlike.. do i version it 1.0-0ubuntu1~lucid1 or just 1.0-0ubuntu119:05
Laneyshadeslayer: Then you don't need to worry, the archive admin scripts will take care of it19:05
shadeslayerah ok19:05
ari-tczewLaney: I'm only getting my claim19:06
porthosetyarusso, remove /debian/source and rebuild19:06
ari-tczeweven debian/changelog doesn't mean about me19:06
ari-tczewjust a plain worker, which is finishing someones debdiffs19:06
ari-tczewLaney: maybe you can be a thrall, not me and I've respect for me19:07
fabrice_spari-tczew, claiming one line more in +related-software ? I really don't understand you19:07
fabrice_spsorry to be crude, but this happens, and as I already told you: this is not the number that is important19:08
ari-tczewfabrice_sp: yes, this one more line19:08
fabrice_spari-tczew, and?19:08
fabrice_spwhat's the point?19:08
fabrice_spyou win something?19:09
fabrice_spno, I don't think so19:09
tyarussoporthose: Is that really all there is to it?  Note that I do actually have a patch in debian/patches/.19:09
ari-tczewfabrice_sp: yes because it's a proof, that I've worked on this package19:09
porthosetyarusso, I didn't say /debian/patche I said /debian/source19:09
fabrice_spas a sponsor, I don't get rewarded for uploading others people package19:09
ari-tczewfabrice_sp: and it's a proof, that I've worked on this package19:09
tyarussoporthose: I know, but I was under the impression knowing that it was using the quilt format is what made the stuff in patches get applied.19:10
fabrice_spari-tczew, what for? what are you seeking? having touched all the packages in the universe?19:10
porthoseaaah, then it will be a little more difficult19:11
porthosetyarusso, which package19:11
fabrice_spanyway, /me goes back to do something useful19:11
ari-tczewfabrice_sp: no. he was lazy for update his patch. I've finished it and debian/changelog says that he finish it19:11
tyarussoporthose: nagios-agent, in the nagiosinc PPA.19:11
bdrungfabrice_sp: unassign sponsors and assign yourself before doing anything is a good idea. patches are welcome :)19:12
ari-tczewfabrice_sp: I feel like I cleaned up after somebody19:12
porthosetyarusso, see pm19:12
fabrice_spbdrung, if you look at the changelog of the patch, you'll see that it's what I've done ;-)19:12
bdrungfabrice_sp: yes, but you did it after i loaded the bug page19:13
ari-tczewfabrice_sp, Laney, didrocks: my patch includes both workers on bug. I thought that it's fair. now I see that I'm nothing important here19:14
fabrice_spbdrung, maybe: I always refresh the bug page before doing anything, to avoid that kind of 'cross work' :-)19:14
fabrice_spbdrung, I think I'll update ack-sync to first unsubscribe the sponsors and then download the source. Shouldn't be to complicated19:16
bdrungfabrice_sp: maybe we should update ack-sync to check for assigned people19:16
fabrice_spis it a long build? becuase I subscribe around 15 minutes before you uploaded it, so I really first step should be subscribe the sponsor to the bug19:17
bdrungfabrice_sp: yes, it took quite a while19:18
fabrice_spbdrung, so I think you were already building it when I assigned it to myself19:19
bdrungfabrice_sp: are you working on ack-sync?19:20
fabrice_spI was going to update it to assign the bug to sponsor as the first step19:20
bdrungfabrice_sp: can you add a check if there is someone assigned to it?19:21
fabrice_spbdrung, I'm no python guru, but I can try :-)19:21
bdrungfabrice_sp: i can do it if you want19:22
fabrice_sphmm, I think it will be quicker and less error prone if you do it, but I can also try. It's up to you19:23
bdrungfabrice_sp: ok, i give it a try19:25
fabrice_sphave to reboot19:27
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shadeslayerbdrung: thanks for the qtcurve sync ;)19:54
bdrungshadeslayer: yw19:59
shadeslayerbdrung: another one coming up :P19:59
bdrungshadeslayer: great. need some for testing my ack-sync changes :)20:00
shadeslayerit seems there are 2 parts to that package20:00
shadeslayerawesome :D20:00
shadeslayerbdrung: bug 61397420:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 613974 in gtk2-engines-qtcurve (Ubuntu) "Sync gtk2-engines-qtcurve 1.5.2-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61397420:08
shadeslayerbuild log attached20:09
zookoDear people of #ubuntu-motu: Tahoe-LAFS needs an upgrade! There is a very reliable new version of Tahoe-LAFS available upstream. I would be happy to get this new version into Maverick. The FeatureFreeze is approaching. Help! :-)20:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 609755 in tahoe-lafs (Ubuntu) "please upgrade to tahoe-lafs v1.7.1" [Undecided,New]20:34
bdrungzooko: you need to find someone who actually does the update. maybe ask the previous uploader?20:50
bdrungfabrice_sp: uploaded21:05
bdrungplease test21:05
fabrice_spbdrung, thanks! is there any sync request left?! :-)21:09
bdrungfabrice_sp: yes21:09
ScottKzooko: Did you get tahoe-lafs into Debian yet?21:10
fabrice_spoh right: 421:10
fabrice_sptaking bug 613931 to test21:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 613931 in Ubuntu "Sync oauth-signpost (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61393121:12
zookoScottK: no, it is not in Debian.21:14
zookobdrung: thanks! Let's see, who *was* that... Here's my list of everyone who helped get Tahoe-LAFS into Karmic in the first place: http://pubgrid.tahoe-lafs.org/uri/URI:DIR2-RO:ixqhc4kdbjxc7o65xjnveoewym:5x6lwoxghrd5rxhwunzavft2qygfkt27oj3fbxlq4c6p45z5uneq/blog.html#2009-09-0221:16
zookoiulian: are you available to help with this?21:16
fabrice_spbdrung, ack-sync is trying to do something with my mouse21:22
fabrice_spthe pointer change to a cross21:22
bdrungfabrice_sp: wtf?21:22
fabrice_spyeah :-/21:23
fabrice_spforget it: I was running sh ack-sync21:23
fabrice_spinstead of ack-sync directly21:23
fabrice_spbdrung, status could have been changed to In Progress, no?21:24
bdrungfabrice_sp: sh ack-sync? it's a python script!21:25
fabrice_spyeah: I'm tired! :-D21:25
bdrungfabrice_sp: yes, setting in progress would be possible.21:26
fabrice_spbut the effect is strange :-)21:26
fabrice_sptry and you'll see ;-)21:26
fabrice_spseems good!21:31
ajmitchfabrice_sp: it was probably trying to run 'import'21:33
ajmitchwhich is part of imagemagick, used for taking screenshots :)21:33
ajmitchfaces of doom21:34
fabrice_spthat's why it was trying to capture something on my screen ;-)21:34
scott-worka week or go i was looking for a web page that mentioned packages that failed to build from source, i thought the link started with people.canonical.com21:45
scott-worki found it again:  http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS/21:45
scott-workjust wanted to share that with the group :)21:46
scott-workalthough it's not FTFS but rather NBS21:46
micahgscott-work: yeah, those are binaries without a source21:49
paultagHey MOTU. I'll cross-post here because I'm not having much luck. I'm trying to use source format 3's multiple tar.gz feature, but I'm not having much luck. The Deb spec ( yes i've googled this ;) ) seems to suggest that it's to be inside the orig.tar.gz, and that can't be right21:52
paultagHas anyone used this & have any idea as to where it extracts the "sister" tar.gz files?21:52
bdrungpaultag: we use two tarballs in eclipse22:00
bdrungpaultag: apt-get source eclipse22:00
paultagbdrung: thanks22:00
bdrung\o/ i sponsored the first merge request with sponsor-patch \o/22:03
micahgbdrung: want another to sponsor?22:04
bdrungmicahg: yes (otherwise i pick a random main merge request)22:05
micahgbdrung: I need to file the bug, give me a minute22:05
micahgbdrung: bug 61403622:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 614036 in request-tracker3.8 (Ubuntu) "Please merge request-tracker3.8 3.8.8-1 from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61403622:09
paultagthank bdrung. I think I've got it. Thanks for the tip, that really helped22:11
bdrungyou're welcome22:11
bdrungsponsor-patch needs work22:12
ScottKscott-work: I think you want http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/22:51
highvoltagethe freeze is over right?22:52
micahgbdrung: should I just subscribe u-s to my merge bug?22:58
ari-tczewis merges.ubuntu.com closed?22:58
bdrungmicahg: nope.22:59
micahgbdrung: k, I'll be patient :)22:59
bdrungmicahg: it just takes a little bit longer...23:00
ari-tczewdidrocks: around?23:08
bdrungmicahg: done23:45

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