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micahgchrisccoulson: when you get in crashreport failed to install in ff369 dailies08:16
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jaesi just installed thunderbird-3.1 from the ubuntu mozilla team ppa and i'd like to post a minor bug but i didn't find where i should do that13:17
ftasee the topic13:21
jaesfta: thank you, i didn't see it13:26
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chrisccoulsonjaes - thunderbird not starting is a minor bug? ;)13:57
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jaeschrisccoulson: it was easily fixed, so it didn't alarmed me that much14:11
=== fta_ is now known as fta
* micahg wonders why my test launch was good15:53
micahgjaes: thank you for finding that bug :)15:57
micahgchrisccoulson: is FF40 worth a respin in the PPA?16:27
micahgchrisccoulson: nm, I forgot there was a problem w/xul2016:28
micahgfta: can you respin just TB31?16:28
chrisccoulsonmicahg - it's waiting for xulrunner (which has failed) to build isn't it?16:28
chrisccoulsonyeah ;)16:28
micahgchrisccoulson: I need to wait till Sunday for Thunderbird upload, maybe Sunday night, I need to dogfood it w/enigmail, upstream lightning and test locales and I can't do it before the weekend.  upstream locales for 3.1.2 should be published today, I don't have enigmail updated yet16:30
chrisccoulsonok. i'll upload enigmail-locales for lucid in a minute, i'm clearing some sponsoring right now16:30
micahgchrisccoulson: cool, thanks, BTW, I'll probably update instantbird this weekend as well16:31
micahgbrb, need  a reboot for kernel security uupdate16:32
ftamicahg, chrisccoulson: umd refreshed17:01
chrisccoulsonfta - thanks17:03
chrisccoulsonmicahg - you forgot the bug number in the changelog for enigmail-locales ;)17:03
micahgI guess I did, sorry17:04
chrisccoulsonheh, no worries. i've added it now17:04
chrisccoulsonmicahg - enigmail-locales uploaded17:15
micahgchrisccoulson: thanks, I hope it works :)17:16
chrisccoulsonright, back to other work now i've sponsored that, connman  and ofono :)17:24
micahgfta: thanks17:27
micahgfta: will you be around sunday for umd changes?17:27
fta<micahg> fta: will you be available on Sunday for a bot change re TB3?17:32
fta<fta> micahg, probably not until the evening, my time17:32
ftathat was yesterday17:32
micahgfta: oh, sorry, missed that somehow, that's fine, whenever17:32
micahgchrisccoulson: I don't understand, is the daily PPA not building w/MIN_SYS_DEPS?17:35
chrisccoulsonmicahg - not yet. i've mostly finished it here already, but i didn't want to push it until i've made sure it still builds ok17:35
micahgchrisccoulson: sorry, I meant 3.617:36
chrisccoulsonoh, it should be for 3.617:36
ftai do i get a package dropped from the lucid queue? https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=17:36
micahgso, I don't understand the fix for the FTBFS17:36
micahgfta: ask archive admin to reject the upload17:37
fta(the older python-pysnmp4)17:37
chrisccoulsonmicahg - are you referring to the lpia build failures for 3.6?17:44
micahgyeah, I guess so17:44
micahgis that what happened?17:45
chrisccoulsonmicahg - i see what the issue is there17:45
micahgit's just that one arch17:45
chrisccoulsonmicahg - http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-3.6.head/revision/642 will fix that17:45
chrisccoulson(inadvertently) ;)17:46
micahgchrisccoulson: that's what I don't get, I thought we were buillding with that already17:46
micahgor is it not on that arch17:46
chrisccoulsonmicahg - it's only enabled on i386, amd64 and armel17:46
micahgchrisccoulson: ah, right17:46
chrisccoulsonso it won't exist on lpia, but that commit should fix that now17:46
vishchrisccoulson: micahg: how does : http://paste.ubuntu.com/473629/ sound as an update for the ubufox description?18:51
chrisccoulsonthe short description seems a little wrong :/18:51
micahgvish: please file a bug on ubufox to change release notes to Ubuntu release notes18:52
vishchrisccoulson: that one is the old description18:52
* micahg has to run18:52
vishmicahg: there is a bug already18:52
chrisccoulsonhmmm, it doesn't really make sense18:52
micahgvish: k18:52
vishmicahg: oh , i was thinking of a different bug.. i'll search and file one if not there18:53
vishchrisccoulson: this is what it is right now,> http://paste.ubuntu.com/473633/18:54
* vish looking to fix #123713 for maverick atleast ;)18:55
chrisccoulsonthe short description should probably be more like "Ubuntu specific configuration defaults and apt support for Firefox"18:55
vishah , nice catch!18:56
* vish changes that too18:56
vishchrisccoulson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/473635/ better?19:01
chrisccoulsonvish, yeah, seems to be19:04
vishchrisccoulson: neat thanks.19:04
* vish pushes branch19:05
vishmicahg: found Bug #27460519:05
ubot2Launchpad bug 274605 in ubufox (Ubuntu Jaunty) (and 2 other projects) "Firefox release notes show Ubuntu release notes (affects: 14) (dups: 6) (heat: 64)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27460519:05
vishoh he is not here ..19:05
vishdo i have to set the reviewers to mozilla team or .. is that fine?19:42
micahgfta: do you mind if I write an apport hook for chromium?19:59
vishmicahg: found Bug #27460520:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 274605 in ubufox (Ubuntu Jaunty) (and 2 other projects) "Firefox release notes show Ubuntu release notes (affects: 14) (dups: 6) (heat: 64)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27460520:04
vishmicahg: also , for :  https://code.launchpad.net/~vish/ubuntu/maverick/ubufox/bug123713/+merge/31872   do i have to set the reviewers to mozilla team or .. is that fine?20:04
micahgvish: that should probably be UNRELEASED not maverick20:06
micahgI think chrisccoulson is planning an update20:06
vishoh , ok20:06
* vish fixes20:06
ftamicahg, what do you want to add?20:11
micahgfta: oh, is there a hook already?20:12
micahgfta: I have some notes from evan from UDS on stuff he request20:12
ftamicahg, no, i wanted to add one a long time ago, but couldn't think of anything useful.20:13
ftaoh, where is that?20:13
micahgfta: I have it on another disk, I can try to pull it up next week sometime, would you be ok writing it then?20:14
micahgI'll add it to the blueprint for better apport support in browsers20:14
ftamicahg, feel free to do it, i'm just curious about what's needed20:14
micahgfta: one of the things was which window manager20:14
micahgI think the other thing was an extensions list20:14
micahgvish: yeah, you can request review by the ubuntu-mozilla-uploaders team20:17
vishmicahg: thanks , done.20:18
micahgvish: it's different as for some reason, we don't have a team branch for it, I guess asac wanted a little more control over it20:19
micahgs/more control/added controls20:20
vishmicahg: oh , ubufox is not under the mozilla team ? odd...20:21
micahgvish: yep, but the uploaders can maintain the debian dir20:28
vishmicahg: this merge is a change in the debian dir alone, right?20:29
micahgvish: yep :)20:29
micahgjdstrand: if the apparmor notify plugin supposed to not show alerts for profiles in complain mode?20:30
vishmicahg: so i'm confused now , why uploaders cant upload , or did you mean , this one uploaders /can/ upload :)20:31
micahgvish: uploaders can upload :), we just don't manage the "upstream' ubufox release20:31
vishah , got it :)20:31
jdstrandmicahg: is this on maverick?20:51
micahgjdstrand: no, lucid20:52
jdstrandmicahg: it should show them. you may be running into kernel rate limiting20:53
jdstranddisable rate limiting with kern.log via sysctl:20:54
jdstrandsudo sysctl -w kernel.printk_ratelimit=020:54
jdstrandmicahg: well, are you saying you see the messages in kern.log, but that apparmor_notify isn't displaying them?20:54
micahgI think so20:55
komputesIs there something special that needs to be done to have links clicked in thunderbird focus the firefox window upfront instead of in the background?20:58
komputesasac: ^ ?20:58
asackomputes: thats a decision of the design team basically20:59
asace.g. apps should never come to front, but rather signal attention in the background20:59
komputesasac: right, it used to focus all the time before. good i havent gone crazy ;)20:59
asacthats my understanding. talk to mpt20:59
chrisccoulsonare you using compiz?20:59
asackomputes: well there are bugs in metacity vs compiz20:59
komputesasac: I agree, just helping someone who likes the old behavior20:59
asaci think the compiz behaviour is the one UX always wanted21:00
komputesno compiz just metacity21:00
asacwhile metacity was always buggy (e.g. to front)21:00
asacthen maybe they fixed the metacity bug finally21:00
chrisccoulsonthe compiz behaviour sucks. it either focuses windows when i don't want them, or doesn't focus windows when i do want them21:00
komputesasac: this has been the case for at leat 10.04 and I think 9.10 was where the new behavior was introduced21:00
chrisccoulsoni've always found metacity to work better ;)21:00
komputesme too21:01
chrisccoulsonthe focus stealing logic in compiz is just completely broken IMO21:01
asackomputes: well. yes. its a mess :-P21:02
asactalk to desktop team what the actual wanted behaviour is21:02
asaci lost track of where we stand now21:02
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure the design team have had any influence on the current behaviour, i think it's actually just broken ;)21:02
komputesasac: as I said, I agree with mpt's design decision of "apps open in bkg" but is there a way to reverse it for users who prefer the old way. Either configuring metacity or about:config'ing ff or tb?21:03
jdstrandmicahg: based on the code, it looks like it is only looking at AA_RECORD_DENIED. I am betting complain mode uses AA_RECORD_AUDIT21:04
chrisccoulsonhmmm, apps opening in background is wrong21:04
chrisccoulsonit should be:21:04
komputeschrisccoulson: unless you call it explicitly21:04
micahgjdstrand: wouldn't it be benificial to at least have a config option for audit (maybe one already esxists)21:04
chrisccoulsonapps open in fg unless you clicked anywhere else in between launching the app and it appearing21:04
chrisccoulsonand that's how metacity (and mutter) already does it21:04
jdstrandmicahg: profile in complain mode tends not not be as cool as one would like, since the application goes through different codes paths21:05
chrisccoulsonbrb, i have  to shut down to undock, else X crashes21:05
jdstrandmicahg: apparmor_notify could be adjusted. feel free to file a bug and attach a patch if you can21:05
micahgjdstrand: well, are the extra dirs in place for maverick so I can make changes to the firefox profile without having it overwritten every time?21:06
jdstrandmicahg: I am actually working on it right now (well, before I started talking to you :)21:06
asackomputes: i think thats not that easy.21:06
micahgjdstrand: basically I need to keep adding /opt/source so I can attach debdiffs to lucid21:06
komputesasac: well one can always wish21:06
komputesasac: thanks for the pointers, cheers21:07
asacits too long ago when i looked at the code. window manager could probably have a config switch for that ;)21:07
asacat least metacity and compiz are probably well integrated in gconf etc. but not sure what upstream says about it21:07
ftaBUGabundo, http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=5067822:02
* BUGabundo clicks22:02
BUGabundoits that alright22:03
* BUGabundo stars22:03
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i have no idea what Frederik Nnaji is talking about in response to the e-mail i posted to the ubuntu-desktop ML yesterday22:08
micahgchrisccoulson: he wants to be an open source evangelist vicariously through ubufox :)22:09
micahgoh,  wrong guy22:10
micahghe wants a bookmark service that auto updates with a focus on the user <-- weird, because we already focus the bookmarks on teh user22:11
chrisccoulsonyeah, i couldn't work out what he was getting at :/22:11
chrisccoulsonnever mind, i'll just ignore him ;)22:11
BUGabundofta: http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=5051722:48
BUGabundothis is the one really messing with me22:48
BUGabundocan't use it at work22:48
BUGabundodoesn't like ISA server22:48
BUGabundoand squid was removed last week22:48

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