
kcormierhey all.  So what are the best recommended remote and pvr for a myth setup?  budget of $350 for both. (i know this is subjective, just looking for recommendations)02:41
mrandkcormier: a number of tuners and capture devices come with mce remotes, most of which work great.02:45
mrandas for which tuner, depends on what you want to do.  You said earlier that you had a cable box - are you going to continue with that, or change to something else?  If you switch to over-the-air, then HDHR is the best choice.  If you plan to stick with cable and you want HD, then the HD-PVR 1212 is  pretty much the only way to go right now.02:49
kcormieri want high def cable.  rhpot1991 was telling me about how he controls via firewire and records via a pvr.  I think this is what I would most like to duplicate.02:54
mrandkcormier: yep.  Looks like the 1212 is onsale right now... http://www.erwincomputers.com/1212.html or a few dollars more at Amazon.02:55
Zinn[www.erwincomputers.com] Hauppauge HD PVR High-Definition H.264 Video Recorder (1212)02:55
mrandkcormier: can your computer handle Hidef playback?02:57
kcormierquad core amd w/ 4 gigs of ram as a front end/back end.  Integrated video though I think.  Willing to upgrade that if I can fit it all in that $350 budget.02:58
kcormierintegrated Radeon HD 420002:59
kcormierhave you used erwincomputers.com before?  it is 20 bucks more at newegg.03:00
Zinn[erwincomputers.com] ERWINCOMP.COM - Electronics, GPS, Cell Phones, Computers, and Gadgets03:00
mrandI haven't, but I found it via google shopping and it had huge number of good reviews.  I'd check reseller ratings also, but assuming I didn't find anything, I'd probably go for it.03:01
mrandFor true high-def playback, you might need something approaching 3 GHz since you have integrated graphics.03:02
mrandSince it is what you have, might as well try it... if it stutters, then buy an Nvidia VDPAU capable card.03:02
kcormiergood to know.  always been a big fan of rr.  It is 2.9 GHz quad core.   It will be doing double duty running VirtualBox as well so it may be good to upgrade in the future (shouldn't ever be doing both though).03:05
mrandI'll bet it does just fine.03:05
kcormierso the remote that comes with the 1212 is acceptable?  A little excited to get started with this.  Will be ordering the new cable box tomorrow to go w/ the pvr so I can get started hopefully early next week.03:06
mrandUnless there is a driver level problem with the one on the 1212, it should be fine.  If there is a problem, alternative mce remotes are a dime a dozen.03:08
rhpot1991kcormier: http://www.baablogic.net/drupal/node/1303:20
Zinn[www.baablogic.net] My MythTV Setup | www.baablogic.net03:20
mrandkcormier: doesn't look like the driver problem in the 1212 has been resolved yet: http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/mythtv/users/445502   You might as well get it and try it out... if it doesn't work, then buy a different one.   Just know that you don't have to buy rhpot1991's $432 remote ;-)03:21
Zinn[www.gossamer-threads.com] HDPVR and lirc_zilog drive me crazy | MythTV | Users03:21
rhpot1991mrand: I only own 2 890s03:21
rhpot1991and a very expensive onkyo receiver03:22
rhpot1991you could use a remote with the HDHR too03:22
rhpot1991kcormier: I've very happy with the combination of HDHR and HDPVR, allows me to record anything I want03:23
mrandkcormier: Are you wanting channels only available via cable?03:23
mrandrhpot1991: he can always go for the HDHR later03:24
rhpot1991mrand: ya not sure how I feel about which to recommend first03:27
rhpot1991will be interesting to see what happens when the hdhr-prime comes about03:27
mrandI checked their forums just yesterday - still no word on the beta even, so it'll still be a while.03:28
mrandTo me it is a no brainer... the HDPVR is usable for every channel.  HDHR is not.03:28
rhpot1991mrand: HDHR can record 4+ shows at once, and is cheaper03:28
rhpot1991that plus firewire and you are good03:29
rhpot1991HDPVR can record one at a time, and required another stb03:29
mrandunless the shows he wants are on encrypted channels.03:29
rhpot1991wich is $9-13 a month03:29
mrandI understand what you mean.03:29
rhpot1991mrand: depends on his firewire I guess03:29
rhpot1991I was able to get by with firewire for ages, only channel I missed was FXHD03:30
rhpot1991and at the time the shield was only in SD03:30
rhpot1991so pvr-x50 got that03:30
kcormiersorry i disappeared.  set up hulu so i could watch something while I wait for parts, gonna catch up03:30
kcormierso I didn't quite follow your previous convo.  What is the hdhr?  Also, is anyone else using hulu on mythbuntu?  how is the video quality?03:36
mrandkcormier: so our mini-debate really revolves around which channels you are likely to be wanting to record from.  If they are encrypted, you need the HDPVR (aka 1212).03:36
mrandIf they aren't, then the HDHR is less expensive and can capture more shows at once.03:36
kcormierahh.  gotcha.  hdpvr.03:37
kcormiercomcast is locking out a LOT of their channels with encryption of some type (can't pick it up with my tv)03:38
kcormierand because of where I am, there is very little over the air signal.03:38
rhpot1991kcormier: http://www.silicondust.com/support/channels/03:39
Zinn[www.silicondust.com] Channels « Welcome to SiliconDust03:39
rhpot1991plug your zip in there03:39
rhpot1991that said, anything not your locals in HD will most likely go away03:39
rhpot1991the channels 1-78 were thrown in clear QAM for the digital transition and will move away at some point03:39
rhpot1991so you should ignore them so you aren't sad when they go goodbye03:40
kcormierlol.  alright.  I'm gonna do the hdpvr for now.  When things settle I might add the hdhd or equivalent of the time so that I can record anything open w/ that, and still have the pvr to fall back for the stuff that is encrypted if it makes sense then.03:41
kcormierbut I can see where the hdhd would be nice03:41
kcormierthose are all the over the air channels?03:41
rhpot1991kcormier: comcast should broadcast all your locals in clear QAM03:42
rhpot1991and the HDHR can do what is called multirec, so it can record multiple shows on a tuner as long as they are in the same multiplex03:42
rhpot1991multiplex is the right word, right mrand?03:42
rhpot1991so for me I can record I think CBS and Fox at the same time03:43
rhpot1991and then ABC and NBC are different03:43
rhpot1991kcormier: you could hope that woot has HDHRs again03:44
rhpot1991they had them for 85 a few days ago03:44
kcormierdecent.  I'd like to be able to do the encrypted stuff, so I'm gonna go with the pvr for now.  But I like the idea of the hdhr down the road.03:46
kcormierif comcast doesn't lock everything up03:46
rhpot1991kcormier: by law (not that it matters much) they have to give you your locals03:47
kcormiergood to know.  I'm willing to give em hell.03:49
Zinnkcormier: Please watch your language.03:49
kcormiermy bad.  Anyone here using hulu with mythtv on an hdtv?03:52
mrandkcormier: I'd check the ubuntu forums, or mythtv-users mailing list archive03:56
rhpot1991tgm4883: ^ you still?03:56
rhpot1991kcormier: I tried it and wasn't impressed, thats about as far as I got03:57
mrandEveryone wave goodbye to google wave.04:00
kcormieri'm using it now.  i really like hulu.  It's just very choppy.  really kinda aggravating me right now.04:01
rhpot1991kcormier: pretty much, flash sucks04:01
rhpot1991mrand: where is it going?04:02
mrandrhpot1991: you didn't use it, so they're giving up.04:02
rhpot1991but I did04:17
kcormierdo you guys think upgrading from an integrated graphics card would help hulu playback at 1920x1080?  Right now it is cpu bound (single threaded :-\)05:14
kcormierOr do you guys think the flash player is just hopeless?05:14
rhpot1991kcormier: mostly cpu there I think05:44
rhpot1991flash doesn't utilize GPU to offload, especially not in linux05:44
rhpot1991kcormier: that said I'd recommend a VDPAU capable card for anything myth related05:45
rhpot1991!vdpau | kcormier05:45
Zinnkcormier: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/VDPAU05:45
hot_wheelzcan anyone confirm there is a bug repoprt in for this error - More info to follow10:28
hot_wheelzafter installing some updates and then clicking restart i get the following msg - reboot failed please restart manually10:30
hot_wheelzbut the system reboots anyway10:30
hot_wheelzI will  test it on my laptop give me a min10:31
hot_wheelzRunnning ubutu 10.04 on laptop10:32
hot_wheelzback in a min10:32
hot_wheelzmmm..nope  didn't get the error in regular ubuntu 10.0410:39
hot_wheelzhas anyone else seen this?10:39
christipHi, after every boot of my mythbuntu 10.04 system I get the following error when trying to watch live tv: "Error: MythTV is using all inputs, but there are no active recordings?". I use mythtv version 25409 (trunk) and a Hauppauge HVR 1900 (I use the analog input).11:41
christipTo temporarily fix this issue I have to close mythfrontend, open mythbackend setup, go to the TV card section, delete the string "/dev/video0" and write exactly the same string in again. After rebooting the error occurs again. Does anybody know how to fix this problem?11:42
mrandchristip: Have you tried just restarting the backend?14:22
dewmanisnt there a banner that used to show up when you ssh into your mythbox?15:08
dewmanI cant remember what that package was...15:09
mrandI don't know about the package.   Is there something in your /etc/motd?15:16
rhpot1991dewman: mythtv-status?15:16
rhpot1991or do you mean byobu?15:16
dewmanmythtv-status, is that a package?15:17
rhpot1991john@unicron:~$ apt-cache search mythtv-status15:19
rhpot1991mythtv-status - Show the status of a MythTV backend15:19
mrandjust execute mythtv-status from the command line15:21
dewmanok, well it says it depends on libmyth-perl but it wont be installed.15:24
dewmanso....I will need to figure that problem out..15:24
dewmanfound it...15:26
Zinn[bugs.launchpad.net] Bug #510215 in Mythbuntu: “Can't [re]install mythtv-status”15:26
rhpot1991dewman: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade15:29
dewmanrhpot1991, Just did it.....Same thing....15:33
rhpot1991dewman: which version of ubuntu/mythbuntu?15:33
rhpot1991and are you running autobuilds?15:34
dewmanyep, it appears in that bug report that I should have the testing repo turned on.15:34
dewmanopps.. lacking the typing skills today.15:35
rhpot1991dewman: sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythbuntu-repos15:37
rhpot1991and enable the testing ppa15:37
rhpot1991then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install mythtv-status15:38
dewmanrhpot1991, I think that did it... =)15:39
dewmanwoohoo....It worked.15:40
rhpot1991dewman: great15:40
dewmanStatus..........: Thu Aug 5 2010, 10:39 AM15:40
dewmanTotal Disk Space: Total space is 1,078.1 GB, with 770.6 GB used (71.5%)15:40
rhpot1991you need more hard drives :)15:40
dewmanI know.....15:41
dewmanActually I need to start watching shows...15:41
rhpot1991Total Disk Space: Total space is 3,192.3 GB, with 2,739.9 GB used (85.8%)15:41
dewmanhaha....So do you!15:41
rhpot1991and that doesn't include my 1TB external drive for videos :)15:41
rhpot1991sadly my backend can't hold any more drives though15:42
dewmanyeah that brings up another sore item for me......I was toying with mytharchive for a little bit, but just couldnt get it to work correctly, so instead of archiving everything, I will just need to watch it...15:43
dewmanI'm out of slots, ide channels, and sata channels.15:43
dewmanso yes, bigger hd's are the main factor.15:44
mrandTotal Disk Space.: Total space is 465.5 GB, with 439.4 GB used (94.4%)15:47
mrand*I* need more hard drives15:48
rhpot1991mrand: yes you do15:49
rhpot1991and some HD15:49
dewmanthats cutting it close..15:50
mrandThat's my /var parition.15:50
mrandI should probably clean out some logs.  Myth sometimes goes mad-dog crazy.15:52
Gibbywhat is the default desktop? I am trying to use NX to remote in but can'15:55
Gibbyt get any of the desktops to work except XFCE and it is all funky15:55
mrandGibby: I'm typing to you right now on gnome via NX.15:55
mranddewman: no, this is cutting it close: /dev/md0                 46601     34065     10130  78% /boot15:55
Gibbymrand: Wierd......15:56
rhpot1991NX plays well with gnome, not so much with xfce in my experience15:57
dewmanmrand, yep15:57
Gibbymrand: If I select GNOME with NX for my mythbackend it just gives me a black screen... I have NX working on about 5 other servers with no problems15:57
rhpot1991I haven't used it in ages, but it used to spawn off all sorts of windows back then15:57
rhpot1991Gibby: mythbuntu uses xfce by default, ubuntu uses gnome15:57
mrandGibby: I assume you've tried firing up a gnome session locally to make sure it's installed and working correctly?15:58
kcormier1crap.  i missed the first part of this convo.  was just planning on setting up nx today too15:58
Gibbywell whatever the default is for the mythbuntu backend15:58
rhpot1991kcormier1: vnc15:58
mrandkcormier1: you didn't miss much... just that Gibby is having trouble.15:58
Gibbymrand: I am having all sorts of "server" issues this week at home and work errrrr15:59
kcormier1gotcha.  I'd rather nx as I can do it from outside my lan.  Sorry to hear Gibby.15:59
Gibbykcormier1: NX is usually easy and straight forward15:59
rhpot1991Gibby: I think you need to select xfce, but like I said last time I used NX it didn't play as well with xfce as it did with gnome15:59
Gibbyrhpot1991: it doesn't give me all the options in XFCE, like network and crap16:00
mrandGibby: I'd log into a gnome session on the backend locally to make sure gnome is running right.16:00
Gibbyugh, the server is in a rack already :(16:01
rhpot1991mrand: you are running ubuntu with mythtv packages and not mythbuntu then?16:01
mrandrhpot1991: correct.  But Gibby should be able to log out of the xfce session and then log in with a gnome session.16:01
rhpot1991mrand: I'm not so sure about that, I believe the gnome packages will not be installed16:02
mrandrhpot1991: that's my point ;-)16:02
=== kcormier1 is now known as kcormier
kcormierare you using freenx from the repo or are you using the debs from nomachine?16:04
rhpot1991mrand: ya if he was running gnome NX would talk much better with it16:05
Gibbydebs from nomachine16:06
kcormierhow did you configure the client?16:06
mrandrhpot1991:  "ubuntu desktop" on mcc refers to gnome, doesn't it?16:06
kcormierwhen you configure the desktop, did you click settings to run a custom command?16:07
Zinn[geekyprojects.com]    Manage Your MythTV Box Remotely Using NX | geekyprojects.com16:07
rhpot1991mrand: I believe so16:08
rhpot1991what kcormier pasted looks very familiar16:09
rhpot1991it spawned off a bunch of windows every time I conneced though16:09
rhpot1991and thats when I went to vnc instead16:10
kcormierspawned off windows on your client or server?16:10
rhpot1991kcormier: client16:10
mrandI've never had that trouble16:11
rhpot1991this was quite some time ago too, so maybe its better now, who knows16:11
mrandBut then again, I don't do xfce remotely16:11
rhpot1991mrand: only happened with xfce, not gnome16:11
Gibbyi will test that in a second, trying to find how to launch vlc on my master for stream.... it was in my bash history but havn't used it in a couple weeks and it is gone :(16:16
Gibbyit worked however, it is not "correct" missing alot in the top info bar16:19
mrandGibby: mine goes a bit crazy on rare occasions and I have to shut it down and restart it.16:20
mrandYou saying vnc worked or nx?16:20
Gibbywhat is the cli to launch the network gui?16:21
mrandActually, now that I think about it, I haven't had trouble in many many months... probably after I upgraded versions.  If you just pulled the .deb though, that shouldn't be it.  Uhhh, not sure what you're referring to Gibby.16:23
Gibbymrand: usually on the top right you can click and change network options, like ip and dns and gateway but it is not there when I use NX, i know there is a cli i can use to launch it just don't remember what it is for buntu16:24
mrandGibby: Ah, you mean the standard Ubuntu thing.  That icon has never shown up on a remote sessions for me.  nm-applet maybe?16:30
Gibbyhad to kill it then restart it, thanks mrand16:35
mrandGibby: gui version: I believe it may be sudo network-admin.16:35
Gibbymrand: sudo nm-applet worked16:38
Gibbydamn, i need another server....... hmmmmmm17:18
ZinnGibby: Please watch your language.17:18
kees-janHas anyone packaged mythtv 0.23.1 yet?18:10
superm1it's on the 0.23.1 PPA18:10
superm1i'm not sure if mythbuntu-repos  will offer it yet though18:10
superm1tgm4883 have you published a version to that will?18:10
tgm4883superm1, no18:11
tgm4883unless you want me to stop work on mythbuntu-bare :)18:11
mrandhah.  wasn't it just last week that tgm4883 swore that no more changes would be needed?18:11
superm1yeah i think it was18:11
tgm4883!stab mrand18:11
* Zinn stabs mrand with a rusty spork.18:11
superm1we showed him18:11
tgm4883yea, don't remind me18:11
superm1kees-jan, you can manually enable the PPA if you want to18:12
tgm4883-repos will either A) always need to be touched18:12
tgm4883or B) we will need it to download a file during compile that will always need to be touched18:12
Zinn[edge.launchpad.net] 0.23.1 : “Mythbuntu Developers” team18:12
mrandtgm4883: I'm not scared of rusty sporks anymore... I just got my tetanus shot.  Iin prep for going to Taiwan.18:12
tgm4883should just need to replace the 0.23 with 0.23.1 in mythbuntu-repos.list18:12
superm1B is better18:12
tgm4883superm1, yes, B is better18:13
tgm4883and how I plan on doing it18:13
superm1especially if it happens during the autobuilds magic18:13
tgm4883i'm up against FF though with -bare18:13
mrandsuperm1: think it would hurt to wait one more week on the repo stuff?18:13
tgm4883so unless someone wants to work on -bare with me, patches are welcome :)18:13
superm1sorry i'm up my knees on ubiquity stuff atm18:14
tgm4883mrand, probably fine with waiting a week, but we need to get the final 0.23 build pushed18:14
mrandtgm4883: I wasn't considering it a feature, so I was figuring it could go in after FF.18:15
tgm4883yea it's a feature18:15
tgm4883i'm pretty sure anyway18:15
tgm4883superm1, ^18:15
superm1bare is18:15
superm1repos isn't18:15
mrandThat's what I meant.18:15
tgm4883cause it adds functionality18:15
superm1and based on the ubuntu-tweak discussion that's happening, i dont see us getting buy off still on the inclusion of something to enable PPAs so easily still18:16
* mrand needs to read up on tweak vs. opportunistic-apps-stable-release18:16
tgm4883!stab opportunistic-apps-stable-release18:17
* Zinn stabs opportunistic-apps-stable-release with a sharpened mce remote.18:17
kees-jansuperm1: Just finished installing 0.23.1. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!18:27

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