
=== satellit_ is now known as satellit_afk
manusheeldipankar: Hi Dipankar.05:38
manusheelGood morning.05:38
dipankarmanusheel, Hello Sir, Good morning05:42
manusheeldipankar: We have a list of 11 new bugs to work on.05:46
manusheeldipankar: Is there a task (apart from Tam Tam Mini issue), which is left from your side?05:46
dipankarmanusheel, apart from that bug, I am involved in collaboration (currently on hold, by others too)05:47
manusheeldipankar: Ok, I'll be sending an e-mail on the new structure of collaboration, and how we'll be working on it.05:48
manusheeldipankar: Also, the 8.2.0 test plans on collaboration.05:49
manusheelMap them with the code, and we'll be able to understand things better.05:49
dipankarmanusheel, ok Sir05:52
manusheeldipankar: Send an e-mail.05:54
dipankarmanusheel, The no. 10 problem is not that tough05:57
dipankarit is just a xephyr problem05:59
manusheeldipankar: If you are aware of the fix to the problem, please send a reply on the same thread about the issue.05:59
dipankarmanusheel, if we use alt+tab for switching windows, it will reproduce the bug05:59
manusheelLet me write a message that if a team member is aware about the problem, then he/she can write an e-mail and share pointers.06:00
dipankarto make things normal again, we just have to press alt06:00
manusheeldipankar: Neat.06:00
manusheeldipankar: These issues have to be opened in LP by the primary assignee.06:00
manusheelI'll write a note on that too.06:00
manusheelThey have been tested on the Sugar emulator.06:01
manusheeli.e. the Maverick one.06:01
dipankarmanusheel, ohk. But I don't have the fix with code. can anything be done with this bug?06:01
manusheeldipankar: Yes, Dipankar. You are not suppose to provide the fix.06:03
manusheelJust a pointer.06:03
dipankarohk Sir06:05
manusheeldipankar: Just send another e-mail.06:06
dipankarmanusheel, got it sir06:08
manusheeldipankar: Send pointers on bug number 6 (an interesting feature request).06:11
dipankarmanusheel, woha! nice request06:22
manusheeldipankar: thank you.06:56
dipankarmanusheel, I will contact you in the evening06:58
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dipankardfarning, hello14:53
dipankarhow are you doing today?14:53
dfarningdipankar, good how are you?14:54
dipankardfarning, I am doing great14:54
dfarningdipankar, got to reboot back in a minute14:54
dfarningdipankar, I managed to break my system by packaging and installing exe learning.15:00
dfarningdipankar, what are you working on today?15:00
dipankardfarning, I am working on the bugs assigned to me right now15:05
dipankar* broke your system? I didn't get it15:05
dfarningdipankar, I install my new exelearning packageand my system got stuck.... I could not close any windows anymore:(  needed to reboot.15:07
dipankardfarning, I need your help in some debugging15:11
manusheeldipankar: Hi Dipankar.15:14
dfarningdipankar, sure.15:14
dipankarmanusheel, glad you could join us Sir15:15
dipankardfarning, I am currently working on the "Sugar should start full screen" problem/request15:15
dipankar* Reason: On small resolution laptops/desktops there is a noticeable cropping of xephyr15:16
dipankar* Solution: The command to launch the sugar-emulator should be turned to : "sugar-emulator -f"15:17
dipankar-f : flag for running xephyr in full screen15:17
dfarningdip yes.15:17
manusheeldipankar: Neat.15:18
dipankar*  Things I found: The command invoking the xephyr is called in a script in /usr/share (not sure of the path exactly)15:18
dipankarmanusheel, Thank you :)15:19
kandarpkmanusheel sir, dfarning, dipankar: Hi.15:22
manusheelkandarpk: Hello Kandarp.15:22
manusheelkandarpk: David has been studying exelearning.15:22
dipankarkandarpk, hello. :)15:22
manusheelkandarpk: We can arrive at a good conclusion on exelearning today.15:23
kandarpkmanusheel sir: sure sir.15:23
manusheeldfarning: Around?15:24
manusheelkandarpk: Did you look at the issues assigned to you?15:25
kandarpkmanusheel sir: yes sir.15:25
manusheelkandarpk: Please let me know if you have any questions on them.15:25
kandarpkmanusheel sir: sir, we don't need to submit patches for them ?15:25
manusheelkandarpk: We do need to submit patches for them.15:26
manusheelkandarpk: I would like you and Dipankar to discuss on the workflow you have been following, and share with me on e-mail.15:26
manusheelkandarpk: Neeraj has worked on bug tracker, and will be able to share pointers on it too.15:27
kandarpkmanusheel sir: Ok.15:27
manusheeldipankar: Around?15:27
dipankarmanusheel, No problem Sir. I think I found some solutions too. Except for the "register" bug and the app request15:28
manusheeldipankar: Let us discuss the workflow.15:28
manusheeldipankar: OK.15:28
manusheelWhat is the problem with the register bug?15:28
dipankar1. on the home view - click on OX man - click on register - Sugar15:29
dipankarfreezes with large grey rectangle15:29
dipankarmanusheel, ^^15:29
manusheelkandarpk: Try spending time on how you would like to fix bugs. We'll discuss on it in as soon as you find a workaround for them.15:30
manusheelI am online.15:30
manusheeldipankar: Ok, Dipankar.15:30
manusheeldipankar: This is bug no.#115:31
dipankarmanusheel, yes sir15:31
manusheeldipankar: Have you been able to arrive at a good conclusion on it?15:32
kandarpkmanusheel sir: are these bugs specifically for USR ? I am able to change the text of server textbox in Debian.15:32
manusheelkandarpk: Yes, Kandarp. Brilliant observation.15:32
manusheelkandarpk: They have been found on Sugar emulator.15:33
manusheelkandarpk: I thought I mentioned about it in the e-mail.15:33
dipankarmanusheel, Sir, currently I am trying to follow the shell.log to check what is actually making the bug to reproduce15:33
manusheeldipankar: Neat step. After this, what do you plan to do next?15:34
manusheelShell.log is the first step.15:34
manusheeldipankar: What is the next step?15:35
dipankarmanusheel, then (if I am able to find the error raising function) I will track the file/script in which the function is raising any error15:35
manusheeldipankar: Neat.15:35
manusheeldipankar: Next step?15:36
manusheelThere is an approach there too.15:36
manusheelIf you are not able to find function?15:36
dipankarmanusheel, Sir, thats what I am stuck on.15:36
dipankar* what if no function is raising an error15:37
manusheeldipankar: There is solution to that too. Ok, let me explain.15:37
manusheelkandarpk: Are we on the same page in reference to first two steps?15:37
manusheelneeraj: Hi Neeraj.15:37
manusheelWe have discussed on two steps for bug fixing.15:37
neerajmanusheel sir, hi15:38
manusheelTalking about the third one.15:38
kandarpkmanusheel sir: yes sir.15:38
manusheelneeraj: Let me copy the steps for you so that we are on same page.15:38
manusheelWe'll then start with the 3rd step.15:38
dipankarhey neeraj  :P15:38
neerajmanusheel sir, ok15:38
manusheelneeraj: Dipankar wrote (which is correct): <dipankar> manusheel, Sir, currently I am trying to follow the shell.log to check what is actually making the bug to reproduce15:38
neerajhi dipankar , kandarpk and dfarning :)15:39
kandarpkmanusheel sir, dipankar : our primary task is to find the cause of the problem ?15:39
manusheelkandarpk: Yes.15:39
kandarpkHi neeraj15:39
manusheelneeraj: Second step (<dipankar> manusheel, then (if I am able to find the error raising function) I will track the file/script in which the function is raising any error)15:39
manusheelkandarpk, neeraj, dipankar: If we are unable to find this function this is how we progress -15:40
manusheelLook at nearby action events and functions, consult api documentation at http://api.sugarlabs.org to get an understanding of the functions, classes and variables around that functionality.15:40
manusheelIf we are able to find an answer, proceed. If not, next step -15:41
manusheelLook at similar kinds of action events, widgets in case of widgets and functions in case of functions for a functionality which is different from the functionality that you are working on.15:42
manusheelSee if there is a similarity.15:42
manusheelIf not, proceed to next step.15:43
manusheelAsk question at #sugar and sugar-devel mailing list.15:43
manusheeldipankar, neeraj, kandarpk: Write what all you have done, and the problem you have been facing.15:43
manusheelAdd logs.15:43
dipankarok sir15:44
manusheelIf no one is able to fix it or provide suggestions, it comes under "Won't fix" category which should not be the case under all normal circumstances :-)15:44
dipankarmanusheel, Sir, I found some lead:15:45
manusheeldipankar: Congratulations. You are already doing implementation of the pointers mentioned above :-)15:46
manusheelneeraj, kandarpk: Please read my following e-mails too.15:46
manusheelLet us start working on the bugs one by one.15:46
dipankarThe connection cannot be set is the error if the server is set to "jabber.laptop.org"15:47
dipankarand if the server is changed to "jabber.sugarlabs.org" is gets permanently hung15:47
kandarpkdipankar: were you able to change the server ?15:48
kandarpkthat is one task I am assigned.15:48
dipankarkandarpk, yes I am able to change the server15:48
kandarpkdipankar: Ok.15:49
dfarningdipankar, sorry I got pulled away.  Were you looking at the starts full screen issue?15:49
kandarpk*logging into ubuntu.15:50
neerajdipankar, you r running sugar-emulator inside?15:50
neerajlucid/ maverick or using usr?15:51
dipankardfarning, I was, but now I am working on the register bug15:51
dipankarguys, check this shell.log snippet: http://paste.ubuntu.com/473554/15:51
dipankarneeraj, I am working on Lucid15:51
dipankar* The one that I had been working on since starting15:51
dfarningdipankar, that error looks like there is no network connection.15:52
dipankardfarning, thats weird, I am on internet :)15:53
dfarningdipankar, do you have a available connection in the network view.15:53
dfarningdipankar, can you open the terminal activity _in_sugar_ and ping www.google.com ?15:55
neerajdfarning, ping www.google.com is giving reply normally on my side. sugar inside lucid15:57
dfarningneeraj, are you getting the same error message that dipankar got when trying to register?16:00
dipankarI am having trouble in running terminal activity :(16:00
manusheeldipankar: Logs?16:01
manusheeldipankar: What is the issue?16:01
manusheelIn terminal activity.16:01
dipankarIts not starting up16:02
dipankarnow its working16:02
kandarpkdfarning: Hi.16:02
dipankarI am getting ping reply from
manusheeldipankar: Neat that it is starting up.16:03
manusheelkandarpk: Did you go through Mike's e-mail today?16:03
kandarpkmanusheel sir: yes sir.16:04
manusheelkandarpk: Any questions on them?16:04
dipankardfarning, I am getting ping reply16:04
* dipankar I am off to dinner16:04
* dipankar is away: Be Right Back16:04
kandarpkit says exelearning can be packaged for debian16:04
manusheelkandarpk: Yes.16:05
dfarningkandarpk, I think I figure some stuff we are going to need to do to package exelearning.16:05
manusheelkandarpk: Would you like to try packaging the activity now?16:05
kandarpkmanusheel sir: not sure how to approach.16:06
dfarningkandarpk, 1st thing is that we are not going to use standard debian packaging methods.16:06
kandarpkdfarning: Ok.16:06
kandarpkthat was confusing me.16:06
kandarpkdfarning: as the package didn't had the debain folder at the usual location.16:07
dfarningkandarpk, exe is interesting in that it runs on windows, linux, and osx.  That is very valuable for our audience.16:07
kandarpkdfarning: +1.16:08
dfarningkandarpk, so for now we just want modify stuff in install/debain/ubuntu until it builds on ubuntu 10.04 and 10.1016:10
manusheelkandarpk: Ok, this is a very useful pointer from David. Does this help?16:10
kandarpkdfarning: yes sir, that is what I was thinking yesterday16:11
kandarpkas it already had control and changelog files there16:11
kandarpkmanusheel sir: ^^16:11
dfarningkandarpk, then we can make the same modification to the windows and osx installer and we will have cross os compatibility.16:11
manusheelkandarpk: Neat. I am glad we thought on the same lines.16:11
kandarpkdfarning: Ok.16:12
dfarningkandarpk, The first thing looks like updating the python version in rules.16:12
manusheeldfarning: Neat approach. kandarpk: Any further questions as of now?16:13
kandarpkdfarning: will standard build commands used here ?16:14
dfarningkandarpk, ahh but before we get started we need to put this under version control so we don't step on each others toes:)16:14
kandarpkas mentioned on the getting started guide16:14
manusheeldfarning: Yes.16:14
manusheelkandarpk: Let us first start with step no. 1.16:14
kandarpkdfarning: I checked out the code using SVN yeserday16:15
kandarpkdfarning, manusheel sir: will try modifying that.16:15
dfarningkandarpk, the build process is triggered by runing make.py in the install/debian/ubuntu dir.16:15
kandarpkdfarning: Ok. much required info.16:16
dfarningbernie, can you explain to kandarpk how to convert from svn to git:)16:17
manusheeldfarning: Interesting question.16:18
manusheelBernie, around?16:18
kandarpkdfarning: the official package is maintained using svn, can we convert to git ?16:18
dfarningkandarpk, rather than screw around learning another version control system we will convert the snv repo to a git repo.16:18
kandarpkdfarning: Ok :)16:18
dfarningkandarpk, yes. it is really easy.... then we can upload you local git repo to git.sl.org.16:19
kandarpkdfarning, manusheel sir, bernie : can't I just 'git add' all the files ?16:19
kandarpkin local git repo16:20
berniekandarpk: it should be as easy as:   git svn clone svn://url16:20
manusheelbernie: Thanks for the pointer.16:21
manusheelkandarpk: Please try that.16:21
kandarpkmanusheel sir: will need to install git first.16:22
kandarpk*running ubuntu16:22
kandarpkits there.16:22
berniekandarpk: git-svn is probably a separate package16:23
berniekandarpk: it's written in perl16:23
kandarpkbernie: Ok. Thanks.16:23
manusheelkandarpk: Sure, installing git won't take much time.16:23
manusheelPlease do it now.16:24
berniekandarpk: if the conversion does not seem to come out well, read the manpage... there are many options to cope with little quirks of svn16:24
berniekandarpk: mapping svn branches to git branches is kind of hard... but you might not care about branches.16:24
berniekandarpk: when you're done converting, please publish your git tree somewhere (git.sugarlabs.org?) so I can check to ensure the conversion was done sanely.16:25
kandarpkbernie: sure.16:25
manusheelbernie: Thanks for the pointers. Will be surely done.16:26
manusheelkandarpk: Let me know if we face any issues.16:26
kandarpkbernie: 'git svn clone http://exelearning.org/svn/exe1/trunk exe'16:26
kandarpkis the command ok ?16:26
manusheelkandarpk: Better, check things out.16:27
berniekandarpk: seems ok... if my memory helps me16:27
manusheelkandarpk: The process is iterative and works on trial and error. We have to follow the hacking protocol of experimentation as discussed in our recent group meeting.16:27
kandarpkInitialized empty Git repository in /home/kandarp/eXe/exe/.git/16:27
kandarpkFilesystem has no item: 'http://exelearning.org/svn/exe1/trunk' path not found at /usr/lib/git-core/git-svn line 176516:27
manusheelbernie: Any pointers on the above issue? kandarpk: Try google search for the above error.16:28
kandarpkmanusheel sir, bernie : wait. trying another location16:29
berniekandarpk: whatever location worked for "svn checkout ..." should also work for "git svn clone ..."16:31
berniekandarpk: perhaps that url was the svnweb interface rather than the actual version control thing?16:31
kandarpkbernie: its generating something like :16:32
kandarpkW: -empty_dir: testing/engine16:32
kandarpkW: -empty_dir: testing/export16:32
kandarpkW: -empty_dir: testing/util16:32
kandarpkW: -empty_dir: testing/webui16:32
kandarpkr10 = e63e0d1d42ef946d736f29ca9b40e29e748d9fb2 (refs/remotes/git-svn)16:32
manusheelkandarpk: ok.16:37
manusheelkandarpk: We need to then find out a method for the same.16:37
kandarpkmanusheel sir; its continuing to download.16:38
kandarpkjust wanted to confirm if the partial output is ok16:38
dfarningkandarpk, bernie is taking a shower.. he will be back soon.16:39
dfarningkandarpk, what url did you use to run git-svn?  I'll run it here.16:40
kandarpkdfarning: https://exe.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/exe/trunk exe16:40
berniekandarpk: back16:51
berniekandarpk: I've seen those warnings about empty dirs too, in the past. git cannot represent them, so they will not appear in the converted repository.16:52
berniekandarpk: if the software needs those dirs, you'll have to create them from the makefile, or maybe put a dummy file in each one of them.16:53
kandarpkbernie: wanted to confirm if it is generating the desired output16:54
manusheelkandarpk: I think it is.17:02
manusheelbernie: Any concerns over the output?17:02
manusheelbernie: I believe Kandarp can proceed to the next step.17:03
kandarpkmanusheel sir: still downloading.17:03
manusheelkandarpk: ok.17:04
manusheelkandarpk: In the meantime, let us discuss your bugs.17:04
kandarpkmanusheel sir: the server textbox bug isn't being faced by most of us.17:05
manusheelOr on Lucid sugar emulator?17:06
manusheelkandarpk: On Maverick?17:06
kandarpkmanusheel sir: I am not facing it on Lucid.17:06
manusheelkandarpk: How about bug no. 11?17:06
kandarpkdipankar too is using lucid I think17:06
manusheelkandarpk: Dipankar will be taking Maverick from me tomorrow.17:07
manusheelkandarpk: I did write in the e-mail. All testing has to be done on Maverick.17:07
manusheelIf we don't have Maverick, please let me know.17:07
berniemanusheel, kandarpk: yes, the warnings are expected if those dirs were really empty17:07
kandarpkmanusheel sir: Ok.17:07
manusheelbernie: Ok.17:08
manusheelNothing to worry about, right?17:08
dfarningmanusheel, they are no a problem17:08
berniemanusheel, kandarpk: the entire procedure is non-destructive... is we screw up for some reason we can always start over17:08
manusheelbernie: Yes, absolutely.17:12
manusheeldfarning: Yes.17:13
kandarpkmanusheel sir, dfarning, bernie: download complete.17:13
kandarpkRA layer request failed: REPORT of '/svnroot/exe/!svn/vcc/default': SSL handshake failed: Secure connection truncated (https://exe.svn.sourceforge.net) at /usr/lib/git-core/git-svn line 504717:13
manusheelkandarpk: Ok.17:16
manusheelankur_: Hi Ankur.17:16
manusheelkandarpk: There seems to be some issue here.17:17
manusheelLet us try to debug it.17:17
manusheelFirst try searching on the error.17:17
manusheelkandarpk: Sorry got dc.17:18
kandarpkmanusheel sir: the directory contains nothing17:18
manusheelkandarpk: Yes, what did you write last?17:18
kandarpkmanusheel sir:^^17:18
manusheelkandarpk: It means there is a problem somewhere.17:18
manusheelkandarpk: Did you google about the error?17:19
kandarpkmanusheel sir: search result shows a bug report17:19
kandarpkmanusheel sir: git-svn specific bug17:20
manusheelkandarpk: Ok.17:20
=== ankur__ is now known as ankur
manusheelkandarpk: That means we don't have a solution on it.17:21
kandarpkmanusheel sir: I've the complete output generated17:21
kandarpkshall I mail it ?17:22
manusheelkandarpk: But, there are no files right?17:22
manusheelkandarpk: You have an FTP account right?17:22
manusheelInstead of e-mailing, upload it over there?17:22
dfarningkandarpk, you will have to check out a branch before you see anything.17:22
kandarpkmanusheel sir: yes, no files, but I saved the output generated on the terminal17:22
kandarpkdfarning: Ok.17:23
manusheelkandarpk: Did you checkout the branch?17:23
kandarpkdfarning: git add ., git commit ?17:24
dfarningtry 'git branch' to see what branches are available and then 'git checkout XXX'.17:24
kandarpkmanusheel sir, dfarning: that doesn't show any branches.17:24
manusheelkandarpk: Search a bit.17:25
manusheelYou'll find a similar command.17:25
dfarningkandarpk, are you in the exe dir you just made?17:25
kandarpkdfarning: yes, it has a .git dir as well17:26
kandarpk$ git add .17:26
kandarpkkandarp@kandarp-desktop:~/eXe/exe$ git commit -m'Initial commit'17:26
kandarpk# On branch master17:26
kandarpk# Initial commit17:26
kandarpknothing to commit (create/copy files and use "git add" to track)17:26
dfarningkandarpk, what is the output of git branch17:27
kandarpkdfarning: nothing.17:27
kandarpk$ git branch17:27
berniekandarpk: everything should be already committed17:29
berniekandarpk: "git svn clone" copies all the history.17:29
berniekandarpk: so, have a look at the log to see if what I'm saying is actually true17:29
kandarpkbernie: ok. but no file is present in the folder.17:30
kandarpkbernie: $ git log17:30
kandarpkfatal: bad default revision 'HEAD'17:30
berniekandarpk: odd17:31
berniekandarpk: what does "git branch -a" say?17:31
kandarpkbernie: remotes/git-svn17:32
berniekandarpk: odd... it looks almost like the conversion failed in the middle17:33
berniekandarpk: wait, IT DID FAIL!17:34
berniekandarpk: I've just looked at what you said earlier:17:34
kandarpkbernie: I have the output generated if that could help.17:34
bernie<kandarpk> RA layer request failed: REPORT of '/svnroot/exe/!svn/vcc/default': SSL handshake failed: Secure connection truncated (https://exe.svn.sourceforge.net) at /usr/lib/git-core/git-svn line 504717:34
berniekandarpk: this is a clear sign of a problem.17:34
berniekandarpk: it might be that sourceforce has a timeout and your connection was too long17:35
kandarpkbernie: google search gives some bug reports17:35
kandarpkbernie: http://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=RA+layer+request+failed%3A+REPORT&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-817:35
manusheelkandarpk: Yes.17:39
manusheelkandarpk: It seems like a timeout issue.17:39
manusheelkandarpk: Let us see if we can arrive at a good conclusion on it. Can you try it once more, and see if we are getting the same errors.17:41
berniekandarpk: manusheel: maybe "git svn" supports resuming the clone operation?17:42
manusheelbernie: ok.17:42
berniekandarpk: what happens if you do "git svn fetch" now?17:42
berniekandarpk: see the manpage for more options17:43
berniekandarpk_: which one of the two kandarpk is the real one?17:43
kandarpk_bernie: I am for the time being17:43
manusheelbernie: any workaround that you would like to suggest?17:43
manusheeldipankar: Hi Dipankar.17:44
dipankarmanusheel, sorry sir, just the net was refreshing17:45
kandarpk_bernie: git svn fetch is generating almost the same output.17:45
manusheeldipankar: No worries.17:45
berniekandarpk_: you might have missed this line:17:45
bernie<bernie> kandarpk: manusheel: maybe "git svn" supports resuming the clone operation?17:45
bernie<bernie> kandarpk: what happens if you do "git svn fetch" now?17:45
berniekandarpk_: ah, ok. you did svn fetch already. does it fail with the same rev?17:46
kandarpk_bernie: its fetching the files right now.17:46
kandarpk_r1706 = 2cd70fb63c776da9f63067f6dcaaf60ed1bbb091 (refs/remotes/git-svn)17:46
=== kandarpk_ is now known as kandarpk
kandarpkbernie: it seems to have continued from where it stopped.17:49
berniekandarpk: aha17:51
berniekandarpk: then I guess we'll get done in a few retries17:52
berniekandarpk: how many revisions arethere?17:52
dfarningkandarpk, my clone is taking forever.... it is still downloading....17:52
kandarpkbernie: no idea, but it has reached 210017:53
dfarningbernie, 3600 revs. and I am still on 500....17:54
dipankardfarning, I am back :P17:54
kandarpkdfarning: that sounds very encouraging !17:54
dfarninghey dipankar lets go back to the full screen bug that is easier:)17:55
dipankardfarning, :)17:55
kandarpkdipankar, dfarning: whats the bug ?17:56
dipankarkandarpk, This is a feature request actually.17:56
kandarpkdipankar: ok, to start sugar-emulator in full screen as default ?17:57
dipankarkandarpk, here is some details:17:57
dipankar<dipankar> * Reason: On small resolution laptops/desktops there is a noticeable cropping of xephyr17:57
dipankar<dipankar> * Solution: The command to launch the sugar-emulator should be turned to : "sugar-emulator -f"17:57
dipankar<dipankar> -f : flag for running xephyr in full screen17:57
dipankar<dfarning> dip yes.17:57
dipankar<dipankar> *  Things I found: The command invoking the xephyr is called in a script in /usr/share (not sure of the path exactly)17:57
kandarpkdfarning; There are 3600 revisions, so it will complete soon.17:58
dfarningkandarpk, I just made a list of stuff that needed to be fixed for manusheel yesterday.  We should go through the full process of creating a bug in LP.  Fix the bug.  Determine if it should be pushed upstream, finally close the bug.17:59
kandarpkdfarning: hmmm.18:00
manusheeldfarning: The bugs were assigned after you send the e-mail.18:00
manusheeldfarning: Kandarp has 3 bugs assigned to him.18:00
dfarningkandarpk, dipankar it is a lot of work.... but it is a process we must learn and get very good at using.18:01
dfarningmanusheel, ahh ok.... I am betting the the actual patch will be two characters long:)18:01
manusheeldfarning : Ok18:01
manusheeldfarning: I have Ankur, Kandarp, Dipankar and Neeraj, who were assigned bugs. Neeraj will be here any moment.18:02
kandarpkdipankar: so what approach are you using ?18:02
dfarningankur, cool18:02
dipankarkandarpk, I am trying to find where I can pass the flag18:03
ankur  well , i looked where the sugar session should start18:03
ankurfor that there was mentioned on net18:03
ankursugar-shell on /usr/bin18:03
ankurbut in my case it was not available18:03
ankurbut instead i found18:03
ankurshell script18:03
ankurwith name "sugar"18:03
ankuri inspected it18:03
ankurand it semed the right thing to start with18:03
ankuras in it was decided which flags should be accepted18:03
kandarpkdipankar: wont changing the .desktop file help ?18:03
kandarpkas you did earlier18:03
ankurn that , in the end18:03
ankurthere was mentioning of18:03
ankurof sugar-session18:03
ankurin that file, i am unable to grasp much of code18:03
ankurwould need some help starting there :)18:03
kandarpkto set emulator to run in full screen mode18:04
dipankarkandarpk, I have reached the file: /usr/share/applications/sugar-emulator.desktop18:04
dipankarkandarpk, after that I moved on to another bug :P18:04
dipankarkandarpk, how about I try changing the values from there and contact you in 5 minutes18:04
dfarningdipankar, what script does *.desktop call18:04
kandarpkdipankar: Ok.18:04
kandarpkdfarning: but we do not need to change the script, do we ?18:05
dipankarkandarpk, btw here is the .desktop file:18:05
dipankar[Desktop Entry]18:05
dipankarGenericName=Sugar Emulator18:05
dipankarComment=The emulator for the Sugar Desktop Environment18:05
kandarpkdipankar: yes, dfarning and you had edited it before as well.18:06
dipankarkandarpk, yeah. But Its not working18:06
kandarpkdipankar: that should fix the problem for you18:07
manusheeldfarning: You can share the pointers at once. We can discuss at one ago.18:07
dipankarkandarpk, dfarning, I don't get it. The line Exec=/usr/bin/sugar-emulator is to run the script for emulator. will it accept any flag?18:08
dfarningdipankar, try putting a -f after Exec=/usr/bin/sugar-emulator18:08
kandarpkdipankar: as far as I understand it, the exec line executes the command18:08
dipankardfarning, tried it18:08
dipankarbut not working. Will it accept any flag there?18:09
dfarningdipankar, you might need to log out and back in of gnome.18:09
dfarningdipankar, you can prove that it will work by right clicking on applications and then editing then editing the menu from there by adding a -f .18:11
dipankardfarning, the later part works.18:12
dfarningdipankar, if that works we need to figure out why just adding a -f flag to the Exec line does not.18:12
dipankardfarning, ohk. How about I log out and in again?18:13
* dipankar is restarting. back in 518:14
dfarningdipankar, +118:14
dfarningdipankar,  know you hate reading.... but http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/latest/ar01s06.html18:18
=== ankur_ is now known as ankur
ankurdfarning,  when the sugar app executes18:19
=== dipankar_ is now known as dipankar
ankurit executes the sugar-emulator file in /usr/bin18:19
ankuri  was skimming through that18:19
ankur python -c "import sys; from jarabe.util import emulator; sys.argv[0]='$0'; emulator.main()" "$@"18:19
dipankardfarning, -1, it doesn't work18:19
dfarningdipankar,  know you hate reading.... but http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/latest/ar01s06.html18:20
ankurargv[0] stands for the flag we are giving right?18:20
dfarningankur, yes you are correct.18:20
dipankardfarning, ok. Makes sense18:21
ankur_i was working on changing the title in emulator winodws18:22
ankur_any hints?18:22
dfarningankur, we can do it from desktop entry file.  Just need to figure out how to deal with the 'space' in the exec line:)18:22
dipankarankur_, what you are suggesting for me is changing the bin file, which I don't think is a good idea18:23
dfarningankur sorry I though you were working the same bug as dipankar18:23
ankur_dfarning,  no prob :)18:23
dipankarankur is working on some other bug :P18:23
ankur_well , why should we not change bin file ? any particular directions here?18:24
dipankarankur_, lets suppose if somebody doesn't need to run it in fullscreen, then?18:25
dfarningdipankar, try putting " around the command in the Exec line.  the parser is getting to the space and thinking it is the end of the line.18:25
dipankarWe are assuming here that most people would be going for a small screen laptop/palmtop or emulator on a virtual box18:25
ankur_well we are only changing the default value18:25
dfarningankur_ we want to make our changes as localized as possiable unless we decide to push them upstream.18:26
dfarningankur_, in this case we want to preserve the ability to open an emulator as a window.... just in the case of clicking the button in the emulator do we what it to open full screen.18:28
kandarpkdfarning: but the link you gave said flags can be space separated.18:29
dipankar_dfarning, its not working18:33
kandarpkdipankar_: what does the EXEC line read ?18:34
=== ankur_ is now known as ankur
dipankar_Exec=/usr/bin/sugar-emulator "-f"18:37
dipankar_dfarning, kandarpk, ^^18:37
dfarningit should be  Exec="/usr/bin/sugar-emulator -f"18:38
kandarpkdipankar_: any progress ?18:41
dfarningdipankar_, in this case Exec is a variable(string) and it is assigned the value of "/usr/bin/sugar-emulator -f"18:41
=== dipankar_ is now known as dipankar
dfarningkandarpk, I am on rev. 2100. 4000 more to go18:42
dipankardfarning, yeah. But my question still remains, am I adding the flag correctly?18:42
dfarningit should be  Exec="/usr/bin/sugar-emulator -f"18:43
kandarpkdfarning: 4000 ? aren't there 3600 in total ?18:43
kandarpkI am on 3100 by the way18:43
manusheelkandarpk: Interesting.18:43
dfarningkandarpk, yes I mixed up 3600 and 6300:(18:43
kandarpkthank god18:43
manusheeldipankar: Did you get an answer to your question?18:44
manusheeldipankar: around?18:50
manusheelkandarpk: any questions on bugs?18:50
dipankarmanusheel, nope sir, I am trying different things18:50
* dipankar is logging off18:51
manusheeldipankar: Ok. Take some time. This activity needs good patience at all times :-)18:51
kandarpkmanusheel sir: no sir.18:52
manusheelkandarpk: Ok, that is great.18:53
manusheelkandarpk: Any issues with browsing code, submitting patches. I would encourage you to have a discussion with Neeraj on it.18:53
manusheelNeeraj did submit patches earlier, which were sponsored and approved.18:54
dipankardfarning, I tried changing the Exec= line to Exec="/usr/bin/sugar-emulator -f"18:59
dipankarits still not working18:59
manusheeldipankar: That is unfortunate.19:00
manusheeldipankar: Let us try and spend some more time on it.19:01
dipankarkandarpk, is it working on your system? if you are trying too19:01
dipankarmanusheel, sure sir19:01
kandarpkdfarning: will changing the file change the command in the menu bar ?19:01
manusheeldipankar: Great.19:01
kandarpkdipankar: I dont have the desktop file at /usr/share/applications19:01
dfarningdipankar, here is how i fixed the issue19:02
dfarningvim /user/share/applications/sugar-emulator.desktop19:02
dfarningchange that file to19:03
dfarning[Desktop Entry]19:03
dfarningGenericName=Sugar Emulator19:03
dfarningComment=The emulator for the Sugar Desktop Environment19:03
dfarningExec="/usr/bin/sugar-emulator -f"19:03
dfarningran  'killall gnome-panel'   (no quotes) to reload the panel.19:04
dipankardfarning, the process is not working on my system. is it working on yours?19:06
dfarningdipankar, yes it is19:07
dipankardfarning, I think some other application is causing a problem on my system :(19:07
ankurhi, my net is back :)19:08
ankurdfarning,  around?19:08
dfarningdipankar, you bring me bad luck.  I just tried it again and it failed:(19:09
dfarningankur, yes19:09
kandarpkdipankar, dfarning: not working fom me too19:09
ankurwell , i was working on changing the  title in emulator bar.Any pointers to get started on that?19:10
dipankardfarning, :(19:11
dipankarankur, I think you will want to see the xephyr script19:11
dipankarand if I am not wrong, it must be something to do with gtk programming19:12
dipankar'cause thats where you make a window and title is set there19:12
ankurWell i too was thinking that it would be depending on gtk script, i even searched using grep but without sucsess19:13
ankuri might have used it inproperly.Okay Xephyr is wondows managar .. and it have it's interface coded as diff. application?19:14
dipankarankur, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=62000319:19
ankurdipankar, was just looking at that :D19:20
dipankar_manusheel, what should I do now Sir?19:23
dipankar_it seems a very weird problem19:23
ankurdipankar,  when you went to usr/share/application19:25
ankurhow did you interpreted sugar application starting tehre19:25
kandarpkbernie: download complete.19:25
kandarpkbut I still dont see any files19:25
kandarpkbernie: master branch is present19:26
kandarpk$ git branch19:26
kandarpk* master19:26
berniekandarpk: try "git checkout master"19:28
kandarpkAlready on 'master'19:29
kandarpkbernie: tried ^^19:29
bernieand no files?19:29
dipankarankur, I am unable to get your questioin.:(19:30
ankurdipankar,  i was looking for xephyr code19:31
ankurto work but was unable to find a lead19:31
ankurcan you help19:31
berniekandarpk: does "git log" show anything?19:31
ankuri found a Xephyr executable in bin folder19:31
kandarpkbernie: yes.19:32
ankurbut form there to where?19:32
kandarpkbernie: the commit messages are there19:32
dipankarankur, there won't be any file for xephyr in usr/share/applications/19:33
kandarpkbernie: do I need to 'git add .' first ?19:34
ankurthere was not19:34
dipankarankur, i meant .desktop file19:34
berniekandarpk: can you cat .git/config and paste it into a pastebin?19:35
berniekandarpk: no, don't add anything. files are already in the history19:35
berniekandarpk: somehow, they're not being checked out19:35
ankurdipankar,  can you elaborate?19:36
berniekandarpk: you do "git add" when you want to add *new* files to your repo. which is not our case.19:36
kandarpkbernie: http://paste.ubuntu.com/473649/19:36
kandarpkbernie: hmmm.19:36
berniekandarpk: ok, it says "bare = false", which means that there should be files!19:36
berniekandarpk: what branches are there? (git branch -a)19:37
kandarpkbernie: $ git branch -a19:37
kandarpk* master19:37
kandarpk  remotes/git-svn19:37
dfarningdipankar dipankar_ did you get it figured out?19:40
dfarningwe are making a really stupid mistake:(19:40
kandarpkdfarning: ??19:41
dfarningkandarpk, it has to do with the order in which setting paths are searched.19:41
dipankar_dfarning, nopes :( I am not getting any ideas19:42
kandarpkdfarning: are there other files as well which maintain these settings19:43
dfarningkandarpk, first it looks in your home dir under .local/share/applications/ for a file named sugar-emulator.desktop if it finds a file there it stops looking.19:43
kandarpkdfarning: Got it.19:44
dfarningwhen we edited the file with the menu editor it made that file.  which is taking presedence over the one we are editing.19:44
dfarningjust delete it and we will get a proper error message:)19:45
kandarpkproper error !!19:45
ankurdfarning,  unable to find the scripts to work upon in case of xephyr19:45
dfarningsomething about can't fine path "/usr...."19:46
dipankar_ankur, .desktop file is for the menu entries19:46
dfarningget rid of the quote which I suggested adding and it will work properly.....19:46
kandarpkdfarning: great :)19:47
kandarpkbernie: what should I do ?19:48
dipankar_ankur, those .desktop scripts invoke the script in /usr/bin/19:48
dipankar_ankur, I guess you have to modify the xephyr script in /usr/bin/ itself19:48
dfarningimportant lesson... when working with system settings make sure they are not being stepped on by a local user setting.19:49
dfarningdipankar did it work for you?19:50
kandarpkdfarning: worked for me :)19:50
ankurdipankar,  wel xephyr have only executable binary file in bin folder :(19:50
ankurdipankar,  would you like to work on19:50
ankurview changing keys?19:50
dipankar_ankur, just a sec19:51
dipankar_dfarning, +1 worked :)19:52
dipankar_* I was having a feeling that the file that I found was not the one that actually had the effect on menus19:53
dipankar_dfarning, I would like to go to sleep now.19:53
dipankar_I will contact tomorrow morning19:53
dfarningdipankar_ cool turn it into a patch tomorrow and you can mark it patch committed:)19:53
dipankar_dfarning, thanks for helping out :)19:54
* dipankar_ goodbye to all19:54
dfarningdipankar_ yah I erased the whole Exec line and it still worked.... made me think we were missing something important.19:54
dipankar_dfarning, +1 I did the same too to find the effect19:55
dfarningankur, are you still awake?  should we look at your bug in detail?19:55
ankurdfarning,  yes i was :)19:56
ankurcould work for half an hour more19:56
ankurif that will be a good window to work  by?19:56
kandarpkdfarning: I too should leave now.19:56
kandarpkgood night19:56
dfarningankur, the sounds good.19:56
dfarningkandarpk, ok see you tomorrow.19:56
dipankar_goodnight to my same time zone people.19:57
dipankar_and to others have a great day!19:57
ankurdipankar, same to you19:58
ankurdfarning,  i was working on to change the title19:58
ankurfrom xephyr 2.0 to Sugar-emulator19:58
dfarningankur, usually the gtk window takes it's name from the command used to call open the window.19:58
ankurdfarning,  i looked at starting point where the gtk window was called19:59
dfarningankur, in our case sugar-emulator is doing a couple of things before it actually opens the window.19:59
ankurbut was unable to find that19:59
ankurdfarning,  okay20:00
dfarningankur, lets start by looking /usr/bin/sugar-emulator20:00
ankurthat import the emulator module20:02
ankurand call20:02
ankurpython as command20:02
ankurpython -c "import sys; from jarabe.util import emulator; sys.argv[0]='$0'; emulator.main()" "$@"20:02
ankurthe one i as asking before :)20:03
dfarningankur, go in and modify sugar-emulator like:20:04
dfarningif [ "$(id -u)" -eq 0 -o "$(id -ru)" -eq 0 ] ; then20:04
dfarning        echo Refusing to run as root.20:04
dfarning        exit 320:04
dfarning# Source debug definitions20:04
dfarningif [ -f ~/.sugar/debug ]; then20:04
dfarning        . ~/.sugar/debug20:04
dfarningecho $020:04
dfarningecho $@20:04
dfarning# Start emulator20:04
dfarning#python -c "import sys; from jarabe.util import emulator; sys.argv[0]='$0'; emulator.main()" "$@"20:04
dfarningankur, we want to figure out what the contents of $0 and $@ hold20:05
ankur'~' you want that to be added as well?20:05
dfarningankur, sorry nope20:05
dfarningankur, then try running the command /usr/bin/sugar-emulator20:06
ankurdoing that :)20:06
ankuri dont know my alt+f2 comibnation is not working20:07
ankuri use gksudo nautilus to edit sudo files20:07
ankurwill do it from terminal20:07
ankuri meant the files requiring root permission20:07
dfarningankur, yes you will what to do this all from the a terminal so you can watch the output.20:08
ankurjust a sec20:09
manusheelneeraj__: Hi Neeraj.20:10
neeraj__manusheel sir, yes. will ping u in 15 min.20:10
dfarningmanusheel, we solved dipankar's bug now working on ankur's20:11
=== neeraj__ is now known as neeraj
manusheeldfarning: Great. Yes, Dipankar is very happy today.20:12
manusheelHe is enjoying every bit of fixing bugs.20:12
manusheelneeraj: Sure.20:12
manusheelneeraj__: Sure.20:12
ankurwill paste contents20:13
ankurit seems that $0 is path20:13
ankurto the sugar-emulator20:13
ankur$@ is null20:14
dfarningankur, nice c20:14
dfarningankur, then try running the command /usr/bin/sugar-emulator -f20:14
ankuri checked both of them one by one as well20:14
dfarningankur, that is just to notice some important bash default variables20:16
dfarning$0 is the first variable of the of the command line instruction used to call a script20:17
dfarningand $@ is a list of everything else.20:17
ankur$@ stands for flag20:18
ankurit gave -f20:18
ankuras output20:18
ankur@ seems to be varaible for all the flags we will give20:18
ankurdfarning,  isn't $0 always the command ?20:19
dfarningnow that we know that let's look at emulator.main and figure out what is happening.20:19
ankuri mean $1 $1 are the shell variables20:19
ankurdfarning,  okay20:19
dfarningankur, yes they are the shell vars and $0 usually ends up being the command unless the developer does something weird.20:20
dfarningankur, can you find the file which contains emulator.main ?20:22
manusheelankur: Yes, Ankur. I think that should help.20:23
manusheelneeraj_: Hi Neeraj.20:24
ankurdfarning,  where can i find smulator.main()20:24
ankurusr/share/sugar/data? is that a feasible place to look for?20:24
ankuri think20:24
ankuri can20:24
ankurjust a sec20:24
neeraj_manusheel sir, hi..20:24
manusheelneeraj: Did you get a chance to study the control panel issue?20:24
neeraj_manusheel sir, yes20:25
manusheelneeraj_: Any questions for us on that issue?20:25
ankurthere was suppose to be a emulator.py in usr/share/sugar/shell20:25
ankurbut there is no shell folder20:25
ankuri looked out that path by searching on net20:26
=== neeraj_ is now known as neeraj
manusheelneeraj: This is the bug - 2. When opening the control panel some icons are cut off -- the control panel should calculate the spacing so no icons are cut off.20:26
manusheelneeraj: Did you use Maverick Sugar for this issue?20:26
manusheelneeraj: neeraj: This is the bug - 2. When opening the control panel some icons are cut off -- the control panel should calculate the spacing so no icons are cut off. [00:56] <manusheel> neeraj: Did you use Maverick Sugar for this20:26
ankurdfarning,  no i was not able to find20:27
manusheelankur: Try again.20:27
manusheelankur: Spend sometime on it.20:27
neerajmanusheel sir, icons in control panel are getting cropped because its not running in full screen mode. The icons are displayed acco. to assumption that sugar is running in full screen mode.20:27
neerajIf we don't run it in full screen mode, then Items are bound to get cropped.20:28
manusheelneeraj: Sure.20:28
manusheelDid you send an e-mail on this issue?20:28
ankurdfarning,  emulator.py signifies main function in emulator.py file?20:28
manusheelankur: Yes.20:28
ankursorry , emulator.main20:28
ankurdoes emulator.main() signifies main() function in emulator file?20:29
neerajThough when we run it in reduced resolution, then there is an option of viewing items by using horizontal scroll bar.20:29
dfarningankur, a good place to start is in the install dir of sugar-jhbuild you will see all of the stuff installed by sugar.... and nothing else.20:29
manusheelneeraj: Ok.20:29
manusheelneeraj: We don't want to use reduced resolution.20:30
manusheelThat is not good.20:30
neerajmanusheel sir, writing one now. I was first trying to figure out how can we modify original sugar package so that whenever we run sugar-emulator then it launches automatically in full screen mode.20:30
dfarningankur, emulator.main could also be a file called __init__.py in a dir name emulator/20:30
bernieoops I kandarpk :-(20:30
manusheelneeraj: Ok. That is a good direction.20:31
neerajmanusheel sir, yes. That y we are trying to make it run in full screen mode.20:31
manusheelbernie: No worries. Let me know your message.20:31
manusheelbernie: I'll share it with Kandarp when he gets up in the morning tomorrow.20:31
neerajmanusheel: for creating the patch, I think in the end we have to modify the original source of sugar folder.20:31
berniemanusheel: actually, I was unsure what to suggest.20:31
manusheelneeraj: Yes, absolutely.20:32
ankurdfarning,  okay and as i switched system some time back , i will have to check for jhbuild20:32
ankurjust a sec20:32
berniemanusheel: he was in the correct branch and git log would show the history... so I was not sure why the files wouldn't show up20:32
manusheelneeraj: We'll have to raise an issue at the bug tracker for this, and submit the patch.20:32
neerajmanusheel sir, if I m not wrong, at present we just fixed it on our local machine by making changes in required file20:32
berniemanusheel: maybe someone else could try to reproduce it? we've got low bandwidth here...20:33
manusheelneeraj: Right.20:33
neerajmanusheel sir, +1.20:33
manusheelbernie: Sure.20:33
manusheelbernie: Interesting that there is an issue with that.20:33
manusheelneeraj: You make a code patch out of our changes by doing unit testing on your local machine, and then submit the patch.20:34
manusheelneeraj: Very much like what we do in all projects.20:34
ankurdfarning,  preparing jhbuild on my system , might take some time20:34
dfarningankur, no problem.20:35
neerajmanusheel sir, for that I was trying to find the required file in which we have to make changes. But I was nt able to find that.20:35
neerajdfarning, ankur can u please tell me the exact path and name of the file in which you people made changes?20:36
neerajsorry but I was not following irc all time..20:36
dfarningneeraj, the file you are looking for is /usr/share/applications/sugar-emulator.desktop ..... or something like that.20:37
manusheelneeraj: Yes.20:37
manusheelneeraj: Was just sending you an e-mail on it.20:37
dfarningmanusheel, I am trying to git svn clone again.20:39
dfarningmanusheel, if it works, I can just send you a tarball.20:39
manusheeldfarning: That would be great.20:40
manusheeldfarning: We'll try and work this out from there.20:40
dfarningmanusheel, do you understand the control panel issue.20:41
manusheeldfarning: I don't think me and team members got a complete idea from the summary. Neeraj did try to hack on it. We were just about to send an e-mail on the list serv.20:42
manusheeldfarning: Can we discuss that issue now?20:42
neerajahh.. both me and kandarp we just browsing the folder and were unable to find the required file.. Just found the the sugar icon was sugar-emulator.desktop :)20:43
manusheelneeraj: Great.20:43
neerajdfarning: regarding contol panel issue, R u facing that problem issue ?20:44
manusheeldfarning:  Sugar icons in the control panel are getting cropped because they are not running in full screen mode. The Sugar icons are displayed according to the assumption that sugar is running in full screen mode.20:44
neerajIMO, its was there only because the emulator was not running in full screen mode.20:44
neeraj^^ +120:45
manusheelneeraj: Yes, this is what we arrived at.20:45
manusheeldfarning: What are your thoughts on it?20:45
manusheelneearj: Let us spend sometime with the file?20:46
manusheelTry to arrive at an understanding.20:46
ankurdfarning,  i am facing same problem :(20:48
neerajmanusheel: I think I have found the file inside sugar source code :)20:48
manusheelankur: What problem are we facing?20:48
manusheelneeraj: What is the file name?20:48
manusheelTell me along with the path.20:48
neerajits inside source/data/sugar-emulator.in20:48
manusheelneeraj: Ok, great.20:49
manusheelLet us try and find a solution from there.20:49
dfarningmanusheel, yes somewhere in the control panel code it is make some false assumtions about the width of the window,20:49
dfarningmanusheel, first we have to find where that assumption is being made.20:50
manusheeldfarning: Ok, sure.20:51
dfarningmanusheel, then fix it:)20:51
manusheeldfarning: Yes. Thanks for the pointer.20:51
manusheelankur: What problem are you facing?20:51
dfarningankur, I am looking20:51
manusheelneeraj: So, it is a width issue that we were just discussing.20:52
manusheelneeraj: Please make sure that we are not bargaining on the resolution.20:52
manusheelThat is very important.20:52
manusheeldfarning: Ankur just send me a message. There is some IRC connectivity issue at his side.20:53
manusheelWill be back.20:53
dfarningmanusheel, thanks20:54
neerajmanusheel: ok sure :)20:55
manusheelneeraj: Great.20:55
ankursorry , it seems that i am unable to connect net to ubuntu from vbox21:00
ankurchecking it21:00
* ankur says there is dome problem with ubuntu settings.will check it.will see you tomorrow21:02
ankurgud nite to all :)21:03
dfarningankur, good night21:03
dfarningneeraj, how are you comming/21:03
manusheeldfarning: We are trying to arrive at a good conclusion on the width assumption for the cpanel.21:05
manusheeldfarning: Neeraj is hacking at the file.21:05
neerajdfarning: I was trying to create a patch so that we can run emulator in full screen by default.21:05
neerajI will also try to hack cpanle file later.21:06
dfarningneeraj, ok be sure to let dipkandar know you are working on the patch so he can pick up where you left off.21:07
neerajdfarning: in sugar-0.88 source folder, though I have found one file inside source dir/data/sugar-emulator.desktop.in file21:07
neerajbut on building package its not updating rest of sugar-emulator.desktop file.21:08
dfarningneeraj, yes what are the contents of that file?21:08
neerajdfarning: http://paste.ubuntu.com/473689/21:09
dfarningneeraj, in line 6 you need to add at -f flag.21:11
dfarningdoes that work?21:11
neerajdfarning: yes, I have added the flag21:11
neerajbut the problem is that when I run the build command its not updating the sugar-emulator.desktop file which will be used in the end.21:12
dfarningneeraj, got it.  is there a sugar-emulator.desktop.in file?21:15
neerajdfarning: yes.21:16
neerajinside data folder21:16
dfarningneeraj, let me look.  What is the url for source package on which you are working?21:17
dfarningneeraj, downloading21:22
neerajdfarning: ok21:22
dfarningneeraj, yes you will want to edit data/sugar-emulator.desktop.in21:25
neerajdfarning: yes.21:26
dfarningneeraj, from there you will have to ask lfarone if you have to do anything special to regerate sugar-emulator.desktop21:26
neerajdfarning: yes. I am confused how to do that.21:27
dfarningneeraj,  I don't understand the process of building sugar packages:(21:27
neerajdfarning: np. :)21:27
manusheelneeraj: Let us first see if we can find documentation on that.21:28
manusheelneeraj: If we'll be unable to find, we'll send an e-mail to Luke, and copy ubuntu-sugar team list serv on it.21:29
manusheelneeraj: This is a common question for a lot of us.21:29
manusheelShould be answered by CCing the list serv.21:29
dfarningmanusheel, neeraj I am going to take a nap.  When I get up I will make the dextrose build system.21:31
neerajdfarning: Ok.21:32
manusheeldfarning: Thank you.21:32
manusheeldfarning: We'll continue working on the issue.21:32

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