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KE1HAfader_, If your back, the thing I needed to do was open a terminal window, then "sudo oem-config-prepare". Then on reboot, it prompted me to enter my "normal / real owner info. Pretty slick actually, however, the test-Doc definately needs work.00:13
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bladernrFYI, Kubuntu DVD d-i install failed earlier because the installer couldn't find any kernels...05:59
bladernrI found this same bug in Lucid and I think it was due to a bad config file, but I don't remember now...05:59
* bladernr really should be in bed now...06:01
aragood morning07:04
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KE1HAIs there a Wiki for the ubuntu-qa-tools ?09:31
KE1HANVM .. RTFM worked :-)09:43
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* ara -> lunch12:53
fader_Howdy folks14:11
davmor2fader_: Yo dude wassup and Respec in an 80's stylee14:12
fader_davmor2: I agree with your carefully considered opinions.14:13
davmor2fader_: Peace out maaaaannnn...14:13
bladernrara:  on ISO tracker, the "delete result" button is a great thing, but it needs a "Are you sure" dialog too... I just accidentally deleted a result that had lots of notes and 4 bugs attached :(14:37
arabladernr, oops, sorry to hear that14:37
davmor2bladernr: muppet ;)14:38
bladernrfixed now.... by the way, those of you running Kubuntu tests in VBox: are you getting plasma-netbook or plasma-desktop?14:40
bladernrI just got netbook during the OEM install via DVD for AMD6414:40
davmor2Riddell: ^14:42
Riddellbladernr: what does laptop-detect && echo $?  give you ?14:47
bladernrtoo late... already moved on to a new test case/install :(14:48
Riddellbladernr: well on any vbox instance it should be the same14:48
Riddelllaptop-detect; echo $?   rather14:48
bladernrI'm doing another Kubuntu install though, if it happens with this one, I'll check and let you know14:48
Riddellit should only boot netbook if it's a laptop, screen height is < 700 and there's no CD drive14:49
bladernrOther Kubuntu installs I've done in VBox though have given me the desktop env14:49
bladernrthis one's almost done, I think, so I'll have an answer for you in a few minutes.14:50
davmor2Riddell: it might be triggered by OEM you know how it does funny things to installs ;)14:56
Riddellcan't think why it would14:58
davmor2Riddell: Would it annoy you, if so that might be it right there :D14:59
RiddellOEM is like that indeed15:00
bladernrRiddell:  ok, so my plain Kubuntu install from DVD gave me desktop... I'll redo OEM and verify15:12
Riddellthat's strange15:12
Riddellbladernr: what's the output of laptop-detect?15:12
Riddellbladernr: also, you're not having the same problems as you had yesterday with kubuntu?15:13
bladernrlaptop-detect returns a 015:14
bladernrand no, yesterday was a KVM issue, I believe... switched back to VirtualBox which has never given me problems15:14
bladernrRiddell:  ^^15:15
Riddellbladernr: ok two more commands for you15:15
Riddellxdpyinfo | grep dimensions | awk '{print $2}' | sed s,.*x,,15:15
bladernrweird: laptop-detect -v tells me that we're on a laptop because it found ACPI batteries15:16
Riddelllshal | grep "storage.drive_type = 'cdrom'" | awk '{print $3}' | sed "s,',," | sed "s,',,"15:16
bladernrthe first one says 600, the second one says cdrom15:18
Riddellso that last one will stop it running as netbook15:20
RiddellI wonder why it didn't on your OEM install15:20
Riddell(don't spend too much time on it though, it's not a vital question)15:21
bladernrDunno, I was going to redo the OEM just to check all that again and see if there IS a difference15:21
bladernrneed anything else from this one before I shut it down?15:22
Riddellno, thanks bladernr15:24
bladernrRiddell:  On a fresh OEM install: laptop-detect = 0 (and says ACPI batteries found)16:18
Riddellbladernr: and the CD one?16:18
bladernrRiddell:  xdpyinfo says 60016:18
bladernrRiddell:  says cdrom16:18
Riddellbladernr: but it starts netbook?16:18
bladernrso exactly the same output and yes, starting netbook16:18
Riddellthat's weird16:19
bladernrthinking back on the other Kubuntu tests I've done since yesterday, i'm reasonably sure that it's only the OEM installs I'm seeing netbook appear on16:19
Riddellwhat does   echo KDEDIRS   give you?16:19
Riddellbladernr: ok thanks, could you report a bug on kdebase-workspace milestoned for beta and tagged "kubuntu"16:23
bladernrroger that16:23
bladernrRiddell:  bug 613879 bagged and tagged16:37
ubot4Launchpad bug 613879 in kdebase-workspace (Ubuntu) "Maverick A3 Kubuntu OEM install is installing netbook instead of desktop (affects: 1) (dups: 1) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61387916:37
bladernrRiddell: FYI, just did a 32bit Kubuntu OEM install and did NOT see this issue... the only difference between the 32bit and 64bit VMs is 32bit has an IDE disk and 64bit has SATA (simulated)17:17
Riddellbladernr: now that's strange17:36
bladernrstrange is my middle name17:38
bladernrI guess the next thing to try will be 32bit OEM install on my 64bit VM just to be double sure, but that'll have to wait until I give some other test cases some love17:39
davmor2hey guys does une work in vbox18:34
fader_davmor2: It should18:41
davmor2fader_: So you don't know then ;)18:42
fader_davmor2: Why don't you try it and see? :)18:42
fader_davmor2: I've done it in the past18:42
davmor2fader_: I got enough stuff on my system as it is thanks :P18:42
* fader_ knows for a fact that davmor2 has multiple systems.18:43
bladernrdavmor2:  not sure about UNE, but Kubuntu-netbook works in vbox (even when it's not supposed to be there ;-) )18:43
davmor2bladernr: une is on a 3d interface where as kne is on an accelerated 2d one18:44
bladernrvbox doesn't allow 2d accelerated in non-windwos OSs (at least Oracle VBox doesnt))18:44
bladernrerrr... windows even18:44
bladernrhrmmm... maybe after adding vbox extensions...18:45
davmor2bladernr: 2d or 3d18:45
davmor22d just uses the standard driver18:45
fader_davmor2: Ah, you're talking about unity which uses clutter, right?18:46
davmor2fader_: yeap18:46
fader_davmor2: Okay, I haven't tried that ;)18:47
davmor2fader_: which in turn requires 3d18:47
davmor2fader_: I had it on my netbook but it died18:47
davmor2fader_: makes a nice paperweight thought18:48
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