
kim0stas: Howdy .. how are you today15:05
staskim0: hey15:05
kim0great :)15:06
stassorry didn't fix your request yet15:06
staswill be done today15:06
kim0that is no problemo :)15:06
kim0stas: one other thing15:06
kim0stas: can you check this out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CloudPortalSpecs15:06
kim0stas: basically, there is a mockup there15:06
kim0stas: that we want to implement on the front page of this wordpress instance15:06
kim0and the theme is making it hard for me to have sidebars on the front page :)15:07
kim0is there anything we can do there15:07
stashmm that looks like a blog page15:07
kim0the front page .. will be the blog page basically15:08
kim0+ some news from rss15:08
stasi see15:08
stasso that doesnt look like a problem imho15:08
kim0all side bar widgets are not showing up15:08
kim0even when I set them to show up on 'Front page'15:08
stashmm, prv15:09
nonickname2hi. i've got some (hopefully) constructive criticism for http://www.ubuntu.com/usn15:11
nonickname2the layout of the notices in the feed (http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/rss.xml) is messed up in at least two feed readers - akregator and the built-in firefox feed display15:15
nonickname2maybe you could wrap them in <pre> or so?15:15
nonickname2also, the page itself is rather big (and thus needs quite a while to load, especially on not-that-powerful computers), it might be nice to only display a few notices by default and provide the full list on a separate, linked page or something similar15:17
newz2000nonickname2: good feedback, yes, that page is ready for some optimizations I think15:25
newz2000nonickname2: I will add it as a todo list item, however don't be surprised if it taeks a little while. We're already gearing up for release which will probably be considered top priority.15:27
nonickname2thanks (take your time)15:31
newz2000nonickname2: do you want me to subscribe you to the task so you find out when it's done? If so, tell me your launchpad name.15:32
nonickname2that's not really necessary i guess - i'll notice when the notices aren't messed up any longer ;)15:33
newz2000cool, thanks for the feedback15:34
nonickname2you're welcome (and ubuntu.com looks really nice btw)15:35
mhall119stas: is anyone else working on the light-wordpress-theme?18:38
newz2000grr... surge protection20:08
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