
ZykoticK9pepper_haze, 2010 10th month - you answered your own question... ;)00:00
djstephendoes ubuntu still provide stickers free of charge00:00
tsziklaysparrW: I see, and to find the java files I would do something like "which java" correct?00:00
aeon-ltdZykoticK9: damn you beat me, officer obvious :)00:00
pepper_hazeOh cool ZykoticK9 all 10s00:00
OerZykoticK9, the first time i mounted my dvd-rw, it took 1 minute to show the empty dvd-rw on desktop.00:00
sparrWtsziklay: possibly. 'which java' will probably lead you to a symlink to a symlink to a symlink to a binary somewhere under where JAVA_HOME should point :)00:00
Pirat_Michihi, (wie) ist es möglich der Crontab zu sagen sie solle etwas jeden zweiten Sonntag ausführen?00:00
=== Onia is now known as Gangosan
ZykoticK9Ramza, see Oer's comment above00:01
pepper_haze!de | Pirat_Michi00:01
ubottuPirat_Michi: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.00:01
djstephenso i take it they dont00:01
tsziklaysheesh, this seems way too complicated for something as simple as typing "grails dev run-app" into a terminal window...00:01
ZykoticK9djstephen, i've never heard of free stickers before - there MAY still be free CDs with shipit, but that's being phased out... :(00:02
polteryou used to get stickers with the cd's00:03
djstepheni got my free cd today the last one i got last year came with free stickers00:03
SH-ChrisRedLance_: Does teh alternate installer include a partitioner as well?00:03
ZykoticK9polter, djstephen i never got sticks with my 9.10 or 10.04 :(00:03
RedLance_SH-Chris: Yes, it does.00:03
Pirat_Michi@ pepper_haze sry, didn't mentioned speaking german. ;)00:03
deanimeansystem76 provides stickers, but they are the old style00:03
deanimeanubuntu sells newer ones00:03
polterZykoticK9, I haven't used shipit cd's since 7.04 I think00:03
djstepheni wanted to get a powered by ubuntu sticker00:03
RamzesZykotick9:  thanks for the tip. Well this is weird. Cause I can play audio00:03
RamzesCD via bankshee but cannot access via nautilus00:04
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ZykoticK9Ramza, try putting a data CD in the drive - see if it automounts, if not try manually mounting it from CLI and see any errors00:05
RamzaZykoticK9: Please hit tab one more time each time.00:05
ZykoticK9Ramza, sorry!00:05
Sia-Hi, why FF doesnøt take spellchecker from aspel-* like pidgin and xchat, because FF in debian does and no need to install dictionary  from mozilla.org00:09
soreauSia-: Ubuntu doesn't make firefox, mozilla does.00:10
StealFalconi need help bad00:10
soreau! ask | StealFalcon00:10
ubottuStealFalcon: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:10
RamzesZykotick9: Thanks for the help. I experimented with audio CDs before. when I used a data CD it automounted. I wonder why it does not with audio CDs? You saved me a lot of frustration00:10
StealFalconi downloaded a song from frostwire and both my built in players have probs opening the00:11
soreau! caps | Sia-00:11
ubottuSia-: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.00:11
ZykoticK9Ramza, i don't think nautilus/ubuntu does audio cds by default... not sure.00:11
macoRamzes: audio cds dont need to be mounted00:11
Sia-soreau, please dont write me something00:11
macoRamzes: only data cds00:11
macoRamzes: audio cds just plain play when you open a music player00:11
yawarStealFalcon: what's the song's file format and what built-in players do you have?00:12
soreauStealFalcon: Are you sure the file you downloaded is a valid audio file?00:12
StealFalconmp3 only the default ubuntu 9,10 players00:13
ZykoticK9Sia-, i did a "quick" search on launchpad for a firefox/aspell bug(s) but I couldn't find anything.  Good luck.00:13
soreauStealFalcon: Which format is the song in and which player are you trying to use?00:13
Sia-ZykoticK9, i found this too, if is bugy then ok thnx alot00:13
Ramzesmaco: Thanks for the info. Btw any idea how to rip audio music out from a cd to a hd?00:13
Dr_WillisRamzes:  dozens of tools to do that.00:14
macoRamzes: rhythmbox (the default music player) can do that00:14
Dr_Willismost of the media players have the feature00:14
ZykoticK9StealFalcon, have you installed "ubuntu-restriected-extras"00:14
marijathe documentation is outdated for installing fglrx on 10.04. its 9.10 as latest version mentioned ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI ). are fglrx drivers still in the repos?00:14
macomarija: yes00:14
StealFalconi dont think so y?00:14
yawarStealFalcon: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats#Playing Restricted Formats00:14
Dr_Willismarija:  yes they are.. but what cards are supported by the drivers - changes00:14
ZykoticK9marija, use System / Admin / Hardware Drivers (if you can, not sure about ATI stuff though)00:15
StealFalconso whats with it00:15
yawarStealFalcon: sorry, make that https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats#Playing%20Restricted%20Formats00:15
anmlcurrently I have the "error: no such device" issue, and am loaded into ubuntu on a live CD. now what do I do D:00:15
cousteau`livewhy does Empathy not support IRC by default?00:15
ZykoticK9cousteau`live, BUG - you need to add another type of account PRIOR to trying to setup IRC!00:16
cousteau`livebut support Facebook Chat?00:16
cousteau`liveZykoticK9: ok, let me try00:16
ZykoticK9cousteau`live, BUT - Empathy is terrible for IRC, i strongly recommend a real client00:16
StealFalconbasicly installing pay only formats right?00:16
ZykoticK9StealFalcon, it's not "pay" - non-free as in freedom, not beer ;)00:17
mistergibsonPlease Help.  I have an ATI X1650 XT - need a yes-this-will-work how to guide on getting glx running on it.  fglrx refuses to modprobe00:17
cousteau`liveZykoticK9: if empathy is similar to pidgin, it will be terrible to any chat protocol00:17
StealFalconok im lost so the codects are closed source?00:17
pepper_hazedid they ever update the ubuntu music store?00:17
yawarStealFalcon: once you install the package mentioned, you'll be able to play MP300:18
ZykoticK9cousteau`live, i've never tried using IRC in either of them.  i use them for IM only.00:18
Dr_WillisStealFalcon:  restart the players after installing the packages.00:18
StealFalconso its just the codects?00:18
cousteau`liveargh, I can't create an MSN account without telling my computer to store the password on the keyring00:18
anmlanyone? D:00:18
StealFalconthey arent open source00:18
Dr_WillisStealFalcon:  codecs can have 'legal' limitations.00:18
StealFalconas in?00:18
cousteau`liveZykoticK9: isn't IRC a type of instant messaging?00:19
Dr_WillisStealFalcon:  as in what? as in theres legal restrictions on them...00:19
pepper_hazecousteau`live, if you want to use msn messenger with linux, don't use empanthy, aMSN is alot better00:19
ZykoticK9cousteau`live, not in my opinion - 2 different things00:19
incarim drivig00:19
imancincar - stop using computer and drive god damn you00:19
StealFalconwhat are the legal implemetations?00:20
yawarStealFalcon: basically the implementations of the codecs are open source, but the codecs themselves are patented--so legally you shouldn't use the implementations in countries where the patents are enforced00:20
ZykoticK9!ot | StealFalcon00:20
ubottuStealFalcon: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:20
incar hah pretty goo00:20
cousteau`livepepper_haze: agree, but I'm on a LiveCD and I want to reserve my RAM for other purposes00:20
ZykoticK9StealFalcon, i sent that cause this isn't the channel to "discuss" things - it's support only, or is suppose to be.00:20
cousteau`live*although I wasn't thinking of connecting to MSN, just creating the acount(00:20
anmlI am receiving the "error: no such device" message when I try to boot into Win/Ubuntu.00:21
ZykoticK9anml, likely a grub error?  are you using grub1 or grub2 (if you're not sure tell what version of ubuntu you are using, AND if it was upgraded or not)00:22
* cousteau`live dislikes gaim, pidgin and empathy and would like to have a good multi-protocol client00:22
anmllatest ubuntu, grub2 I assume00:22
mikubuntuguys, i'm at a friends trying to install 10.04, and it failed on the first partitioning step (says it failed to partition the ext4 file) what could be the problem, it will not go forward from here.  this is a usb stick i'm using, but i do have an alt install in the car.00:22
ZykoticK9!grub2 | anml00:22
ubottuanml: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub200:22
cousteau`livenext fresh install will be from the minimal cd00:22
ZykoticK9anml, do the change root stuff from CD and let GRUB2 try to automatically resetup00:22
anmlhow D:00:23
yawarcousteau`live: kopete?00:23
RedLance_Where is my kernel image located?  Or, can I get a directory listing from the boot: prompt?00:23
cousteau`liveyawar: gnome00:23
anmlhaven't used linux in a few years, I don't remember anything :P00:23
cousteau`livewell, will give kopete a try00:23
Dr_WillisRedLance_:  grub2 has some command line options - yes.. check the grub2 docs .  i cant recall how to get a directory listing.00:23
RedLance_Dr_Willis: Thanks00:24
cousteau`liveif kopete is good, I'll suggest to make a clone of it for gnome00:24
deanimeango pete?00:24
kermit10.4, chromium and java apps, how?00:24
ZykoticK9anml, you need to read the link ubottu gave you.  best of luck man, ask if you have any questions after reading it.00:24
latituh oh00:24
jpds!caps > LUCHO238500:24
ubottuLUCHO2385, please see my private message00:24
deanimeankermit, openjre or sun?00:24
jpds!best > LUCHO238500:24
aeon-ltdLUCHO2385: please don;t start flame wars00:25
kermitdeanimean: anything that works would be fine00:25
pepper_hazecousteau`live, use aMSN, thats the best msg, and it really doesn't use that much ram00:25
deanimeankermit, they both do.00:25
dissehelp me, I'm at the ubuntu live cd and mounting a crypted device is not working00:25
kermitdeanimean: how?00:25
deanimeankermit, chromium from where00:25
ZykoticK9kermit, have you tried both java versions?  i though chromium used java quite easily at this point.00:25
dissehmm? your @ a flame war....00:25
kermitdeanimean: from the usual way of installing anything00:25
SimonSayezAnyone have any problems with Google Earth on Ubuntu Linux ?00:25
RamzesOnce again Guys for your help. I am still learning linux and you saved me a lot of time and nerves!!!00:25
cousteau`livepepper_haze: it's the one I normally use for MSN, but I'm on a live CD now00:25
hiexpopidgin   ^00:25
deanimeankermit, do you have any java installed now?00:25
ZykoticK9!anyone > SimonSayez00:25
ubottuSimonSayez, please see my private message00:25
cousteau`livealthough I'm using MSN less each day00:25
pepper_hazecousteau`live, just install the live cd, and then install aMSN00:26
Wiesshundanyone tried the 10.7 catalyst driver yet?00:26
cousteau`livepepper_haze: actually, you don't need to install a cd to install programs on it, you can install them on RAM00:26
SimonSayezI get my java from Oracle and install from the shell script00:26
deanimeankermit, well for the openjdk install openjkd-jre and icedtea6-plugin  for suns, enable the partner repo and install sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-jre00:26
RamzesThanks and goodnight00:26
ZykoticK9cousteau`live, i agree with pepper_haze's remarks about aMSN (although i don't even use it anymore)00:26
cousteau`liveI'm jsut testing Lucid before I upgrade00:26
LUCHO2385sorry for uppercase... is my first time here. I never used this before00:27
cousteau`livedon't want something critical such as music or youtube videos not working and not being able to downgrade00:27
yawarwhat's the general experience with the nouveau driver for nvidia cards? is it fast? stable?00:27
kermitdeanimean, ZykoticK9: i have both sun and open  installed00:27
ZykoticK9kermit, +1 on deanimean's last suggsetion00:27
ZykoticK9kermit, try open first if that fails try sun00:27
SimonSayezits not sun anymore its Oracle Java00:28
macoyawar: most systems it cant do 3D, but the nvidia user i know prefers it over the closed driver00:28
pepper_hazeI use aMSN, the linux version of skype, and gyanchi for YM, I think those are the best messagers for linux00:28
cousteau`liveyawar: have an nvidia card, the live cd didn-t display any 3D effects and requested me to install the nvidia drivers when I tried to enable them00:28
macoSimonSayez: and oracle's attempts at changing that string *totally* break eclipse00:28
SimonSayezmaco lol00:28
cousteau`liveso I guess (and it's just a guess) that it's not very good at 3D00:28
cousteau`liveeither that or I was using vesa and I'm now installing nouveau00:29
macocousteau`live: 3D is in theory not supported at all00:29
packratso, i have ubuntu 10.04 on my netbook.  it would seem that the wireless has been disabled.  I believe it is related to the switch used to toggle the wireless card but its not responding.  thoughts?00:29
ZykoticK9cousteau`live, you can't properly install nvidia from LiveCD i don't think!  (requires reboot)00:29
pepper_hazecousteau`live, you have to set the graphics effects amount first, then you have to install the driver00:29
macocousteau`live: in practice, a few cards (the ones that match what the developers of nouveau have) can do it00:29
deanimeankermit,  sudo update-alternatives --config java (java{tab complete}) and select which you need.00:29
cousteau`liveZykoticK9: I bet I can just restart X00:29
hiexpoas far as all around messangers go the one i have found to meat my expectations and needs all a round being able to use msn , yahoo myspace, facebook and many others pidgin wins    > thumbs up00:29
ZykoticK9cousteau`live, incorrect it's a kernel module00:29
cousteau`livewhat's the live CD user password, just in case I lose my bet?00:29
deanimeankermit, apart from that, there is nothing else to it.00:30
packratshould i just elevate all actions on the signed in account?  and if so, how do i do that?00:30
macocousteau`live: ubuntu, i think00:30
yawarcousteau`live: weird that it asked you to install nvidia's driver00:30
hiexpocousteau`live,  there is none00:30
cousteau`liveZykoticK9: I've installed nvidia drivers and then just run sudo service gdm restart00:30
cousteau`liveand they worked00:30
ZykoticK9hiexpo, "sometime" there is!  i've seen it several time.00:30
macopackrat: sudo modprobe -r  [wireless driver]  && sudo modprobe [wireless driver]     <-- maybe that if you know your module's name00:30
ZykoticK9cousteau`live, i don't believe you, best of luck man.00:30
mikubuntuguys, i'm at a friends trying to install 10.04, and it failed on the first partitioning step (says it failed to partition the ext4 file) what could be the problem, it will not go forward from here.  this is a usb stick i'm using, but i do have an alt install in the car.00:31
packratmaco, i did a rfkill list, and it says wireless LAN is hard blocked00:32
pepper_hazeHey maco, how are you?00:32
earthling_hi, I'm trying to install my printer, where do I find the PPD file for HP deskjet printers? can't find it on HP website or on hp-setup00:32
hiexpoi am sos so sorry to inform you of this greatly and devistating bad news     but ubuntu has no password00:32
macopackrat: ok.... i dont know. i just know that when my rfkill switch didnt work my way of undoing it was to unload/reload the module00:32
antonio_is there any easy way to share files between two ubuntu laptops?00:32
macohiexpo: mmm i thought sudo was configured on the live cd to not need one, but that if you somehow got to a gdm screen you needed one?00:33
packrati dont know my modules name though00:33
aeon-ltdantonio_: samba?00:33
macopepper_haze: okie doo. you?00:33
ZykoticK9earthling_, http://www.linuxfoundation.org/collaborate/workgroups/openprinting might help, good luck.00:33
antonio_aeon-ltd: so do I need samba installed on both machines?00:33
macopackrat: what kind of wireless card is it?00:33
BraveSaintStuartso, I'm having what I can presumably be described as a boot loader problem00:33
packratnot sure.  its an acer aspire one00:33
pepper_hazemaco, I am a little depressed over the shooting that happened in the news yesterday, other then that, I am fine00:34
macopackrat: pastebin the output of "lspci" please00:34
aeon-ltdantonio_: no only one can host the samba server and if set up the other can access it with/without password00:34
ZykoticK9antonio_, share between - SSH --- Places / Connect to Server / SSH - enter details.00:34
hiexpothere is only a couple of distros that i know of that had a password set to login live00:34
mikubuntusays :: The ext4 file system creation in partition #1 of Serial ATA RAID isw_bebjjhjaff_ARRAY (mirror) failed.00:34
packratmaco, uhm, im not on this chnnel with the netbook in question00:34
aeon-ltdantonio_: although since your already using nautilus i'd look up dropbox :)00:34
BraveSaintStuartI'm not exactly sure what is going on with my boot loader, but for now, all I know is that the only way I can boot an OS is by using my ubuntu installer file on my flash drive00:34
antonio_zykotick9: how easy is that to steup?00:35
earthling_thx Zykotick900:35
macopackrat: oh...ok then run lspci and look for something about network00:35
packratgot it00:35
packratatheros AR500100:35
ZykoticK9antonio_, easy install openssh server and you're done.00:35
=== Aaron5367 is now known as Aaron5367|detach
macohiexpo: when you boot you dont need one, it does autologin, but i think you can log out and then you do need one00:35
macopackrat: lsmod | grep ath00:35
ZykoticK9earthling_, did you find it already?00:35
BraveSaintStuarti'm not sure if windows keeps uninstalling it or what's happening00:35
macopackrat: might see ath5k or ath9k  or something like that?00:35
earthling_I'm looking00:35
BraveSaintStuartbut simply reinstalling grub doesn't seem to work either00:36
packratyup, ath5k00:36
macopackrat: thatd be your module's name00:36
hiexponever seen that00:36
antonio_zykotick9: I have like 3 1/2 gigs to transfer...any idea how long it may take..other lappy gets weird after a few minutes00:36
BraveSaintStuartI hate to be annoying, but anybody got an answer for me on that?00:36
ZykoticK9antonio_, technically "a long time" ;)00:37
packratcool, that worked.  thanks maco00:37
macopackrat: yay!00:37
packratis there a way to disable the hard-disabling switch?00:37
cousteau`live&quit restarting session, let's see what happens00:37
BraveSaintStuarthi anyone00:38
antonio_zykotick9: any idea for anything that would be faster?00:38
racerdhow do i configure grub to find a windows installation on a drive i threw into my linux box?00:38
hiexpoi am being lazy but what was the problem witn a ath5k card?00:38
SimonSayezHow are you downloading flv files from youtube to Ubuntu Linux ?00:39
hiexpoBraveSaintStuart,  be patient if anyone can help they will ok00:40
packrathiexpo, good question.  ubuntu 10.04 seems unresponsive to hard-enable switches00:40
ZykoticK9antonio_, 3+GB is going to take a long time across network, no matter what you use to share the files.00:40
packratonly resolution was to reload the module00:40
BraveSaintStuarthiexpo: yessir00:41
SimonSayezI need a Linux method to grab flv files from youtube00:41
ZykoticK9racerd, assuming Grub2 - just let grub autodetect from the chrooted LiveCD and it "should" pick up the new Windows option.  See !grub2 for details.00:41
JohnRobertis f-spot still the most popular/best photo organising tool on ubuntu?00:41
hiexpo!youtube-dl > SimonSayez00:41
racerdchrooted livecd?00:42
linxehJohnRobert: that or picasa (if you dont mind commercial software)00:42
racerdwhat is that?00:42
SimonSayezhiexpo, That doesnt work for me00:42
packratSimonSayez, i think there is a javascript00:42
ZykoticK9SimonSayez, as they are playing they are stored in /tmp as a Flashj3kjkj file - just get a download plugin for your web browser00:42
SimonSayezpackrat, trying to Google more info on it00:42
packrati cant remember what that outputs though00:43
thune3SimonSayez: i always get the latest youtube-dl from http://bitbucket.org/rg3/youtube-dl/downloads , since ubuntu repo doesn't keep up00:43
tesujianyone know about setting up dialup?  i have an ancient laptop which wvdial does not recognize the modem00:43
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub200:43
ZykoticK9SimonSayez, if it's ONLY Youtube you want to download from check out the CLI application youtube-dl (NOTE the version in repo may be broken)00:43
SimonSayezthune3, let me try that thanks00:43
hiexpoSimonSayez,  you need the new one use Google i can not discus that here OK it is illegal00:43
=== tuizim is now known as dtcrshr
hiexpoSimonSayez,  maybe try in google youtube-dl not working   :)00:44
kermitdeanimean: neither alternative worked00:45
kermitdeanimean: i removed the open* things which would run but just spin the cpu, but i cant figure out how to install the sun-java6-plugin00:45
cousteau`liveso you were right, I can't use the nvidia drivers, at least now!00:46
ZykoticK9kermit, you need to add the parner repo00:46
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »00:46
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CompuBocik http://compu.boo.pl/00:47
ZykoticK9Dr_Willis, thanks.  i hadn't seen the !partner factoid recently, that's pretty cool00:47
kermitZykoticK9: thanks!00:47
CompuBocik http://compu.boo.pl/00:47
bastidrazorCompuBocik: what is that link for?00:48
kermitZykoticK9, deanimean: yey, its working now!00:49
ZykoticK9kermit, nice00:50
outer_spacewhat do I do with this message when I login with "You have new mail in /var/mail/root" how to read this?00:51
kunaanyone know how to fix pointer styles being ignored in GNOME in 10.04?00:51
antonio_zykotick9: how in the heck do I use openssh? this is confusing as hell00:52
bastidrazorouter_space: /var/mail/  should be thelocation of this00:52
Oernew kernel update 2.6.32-24, there goes my uptime 01:51:43 up 9 days, 20:28,  2 users,  load average: 1.50, 0.99, 0.8700:53
tesujianyone know about setting up dialup?  i have an ancient laptop which wvdial does not recognize the modem00:53
ZykoticK9antonio_, once the server is installed on one machine try "ssh localhost" then log in and use exit to close the ssh session - just to test it's working00:53
bastidrazorouter_space: go to that directory and read it with a text editor. there is normally a crazy named file there.00:53
BraveSaintStuartso... again, just because my mention of anything is long gone, here's the whole situation... I have a netbook with win7 on it.  I installed Ubuntu.  I haven't done anything additional that I know of that would affect the way the OSs boot, but now Grub will not come up and neither will any OS, unless of course I run Ubuntu from the installer00:54
ZykoticK9antonio_, sorry "exit" is a command to close the ssh session (if that wasn't clear)00:54
YankDownUnderkuna, Have you tried "sudo update-alternatives --config x-cursor-theme" ?00:54
ZykoticK9kuna, turn off compiz and i bet your cursor shows up!00:55
earthling_Zykotick9, checked that link, still can't find it, I suppose I could try a PPD file for a different printer00:55
ZykoticK9earthling_, so long as it's CLOSE in model!00:55
kunaZykoticK9: aye, it does00:55
ZykoticK9earthling_, have you just tried googling your printer model and PPD?  sorry for the !google violation.00:56
BraveSaintStuartin addition, I know that if I can get to the boot loader, everything boots fine00:56
antonio_sorry zykotick9: this is confusing as hell...methinks samba or another gui might be a ton easier for me00:56
ZykoticK9kuna, common issue - not sure if there are various bugs about it?00:56
SimonSayezokay that new youtube-dl works GREAT on Ubuntu00:56
kunaYankDownUnder: I would like the selection to follow the GNOME appearance pref's, not necessarily change the default every time I want to change the cursor.00:56
BraveSaintStuartso I don't know if it's just a problem with Grub being overridden by Windows or if it's something else00:56
ZykoticK9antonio_, no forget about the cosole stuff now!  you can use the Gnome GUI for connect to Server!00:56
SimonSayezI was able to capture flv file00:57
deanimeanSimonSayez,  youtube-dl -b -o "%(title)s.%(ext)s" youtube-url00:57
antonio_zykotick9: mind if I pm you?00:57
SimonSayezdeanimean, thanks00:57
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tesujianyone know about settig up dialup?00:58
ZykoticK9deanimean, do you know what the "-b" has been updated too?  thas results in error for me using newer version!00:58
deanimeanSimonSayez, never accept flv !00:58
ZykoticK9antonio_, keep it here please.00:58
antonio_ok  np, brb00:58
pepitoHow can I use gdebi in order to install a program with all its dependencies locally (provided that I already have such program with all its dependencies in a folder)??00:58
deanimeanthey changed it again?00:59
Dr_Willispepito:  well with dpkg you could do 'sudo dpkg -i *.deb' in that dir.00:59
Dr_Willispepito:  that might work with gedebi. or copy all the debs  to /var/cache/apt/????? (whever the devbs are archived at)00:59
earthling_Zykotick9, my printer is HP Deskjet D4160 , its 4 years old, so it should work with ubuntu right?00:59
bastidrazor Dr_Willis /var/cache/apt/archives/  .. you were close01:00
Dr_Willisearthling_:  check the cups.org site to see where its at.01:00
Dr_Willisbastidrazor:  yea. They need tab completion for paths on IRC. :)01:00
ZykoticK9earthling_, i have no idea01:00
antonio_so zkycotick9: I went to term...did open ssh...asked for a password...01:00
antonio_seems like it worked thus far01:00
bastidrazorDr_Willis: irssi has it =}01:00
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ZykoticK9deanimean, my youtube-dl version and help file at http://paste.ubuntu.com/473321/01:01
Dr_Willisbastidrazor:  so if you do  ls /var/ <tab> in irssi it fills in the path? never sene that befor01:01
Dr_Willisbastidrazor:  Oh golly. it does work in irssi also. :)01:01
Dr_Willisbastidrazor:  in weechat :)01:01
ZykoticK9Dr_Willis, calm down LOL :)01:01
Dr_WillisTab = the Wonder Key of the Ages. :)01:01
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer
cousteau`liveOMG it's true!01:02
cousteau`livenow I do want a GUI for IRSSI01:02
pepitoDr_Willis, I am too much of a purist to consider the /var/cache/apt/?? approach. That leaves us the gdebi and dpkg route. With dpkg -i it would probably work, the only problem is that I have a giant folder with many programs and I would like dpkg to JUST install a given program and its dependencies (kinda like apt-get would do)... of course, I could classify programs and its dependencies by folders and that would do it,but still...01:02
pepitogdebi sounds good in principle01:02
pepitobecause it is intended to work locally01:02
Dr_Williscousteau`live: smuxi is almost that.. I perfer weechat however.01:02
cousteau`livecause I'm too used to point-and-click... although it's good even from terminal01:02
pepitothe problem is that it only takes the main *.deb program locally01:02
pepitoin order to get the deps it tries to go online01:02
pepitowhich is against what I would like to do01:03
deanimeanZykoticK9, looks like they messed with it again....ugh01:03
Dr_Willispepito:  may as well copy them to /var/cache/apt/archives/  and be done with it.. they will get copied there anyway i belive once you install them01:03
ZykoticK9deanimean, i miss -b :(..01:03
Dr_Willispepito:  you would need ALL that it needs in the cache.  one way or another. :)01:03
antonio_zykotick9: whenever you have some free time, can you help me to fire up the gui and figure out how to do this01:04
shivIa m trying to use aptoncd but its not listing all the programs that are installed. I can add folders in which the other programs are but what is the C:\Program Files equivalent in linux?01:04
Dr_Willispepito:  problem with keeping an app and asll its 'debs' in a folder. is that you   are wasting a lot of space with redundant debs, You could use links i guess.. but what are you gaining by this sorting stuff out.01:04
ZykoticK9antonio_, now is always good, do you know the IP of the other machine (any firewall/routing issues we need to know about)?01:04
* cousteau`live has written "smuxi" and "weechat" on his whiteboard to check them tomorrow01:04
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Dr_Willis!info smuxi01:04
ubottusmuxi (source: smuxi): graphical IRC client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.1-1 (lucid), package size 8 kB, installed size 56 kB01:04
kelvie_shiv: the concept of the application all occupying a single directory doesn't exist in the unix world01:04
OOnia ***  I am back.  Gone for 1hr 32mins 20secs  ***01:04
=== OOnia is now known as Onia
antonio_whats the term command for discovering the ip?01:05
pepitoDr_Willis, that's why I didn't do it: I would end up having the same deps repeated over and over in different folders01:05
ZykoticK9antonio_, from the other machine try Places / Connect to Server / then select SSH for type and enter the IP address of server and your username and stuff...01:05
Queuetipantonio_ ifconfig01:05
pepitoan approach that worked kinda neatly was that of editing sources.list01:05
pepitoand adding a "deb file:/" line01:05
Dr_Willispepito:  for a small network. You m ay want to set up an apt-cacher machine to keep everything cached for the whole lan01:05
shivkelvie_, APTonCD gives an option to add folders..thats aok01:05
cousteau`liveantonio_: I use   wget www.whatismyip.org -qO-01:05
shivkelvie_, APTonCD gives an option to add folders..thats ok I will use remastersys01:06
pepitobut still it tries to go online and it doesnt' want to comply with it01:06
deanimeanZykoticK9,  use the newer version01:06
rockmanhello  I'm new here01:06
deanimeanZykoticK9, http://bitbucket.org/rg3/youtube-dl/raw/2010.08.04/youtube-dl01:06
ZykoticK9deanimean, what version are you using?01:06
pepitoDr_Willis, I am looking for a USB-drive and/or CD/DVD approach, not a network approach01:06
rockmangot some problem here01:06
cousteau`liveecho "Your IP is: $(wget www.whatismyip.org -qO-)"01:06
pepitoit works kinda neatly if you create a CD with the files and the deps01:06
nixoeenNetworkManager doesn't show up DSL Connections (PPPoE) when I'm connecting to a Wireless Accesspoint. However, it's showing them with wired Ethernet connection. Anyone else had this problem ?01:07
deanimeanZykoticK9, was the repo version, but use the newer script.  just +x it and replace01:07
deanimeanZykoticK9, -b works.01:07
pepitobut it works worse if you try to force apt-get to install from a local source such as a usb-drive or a folder in your hdd01:07
zexuhat is the command to list attached thumb drives?01:07
pepitosomehow it insists in going online01:07
pepitoeven when you put the "deb file:/" in the first line01:07
pepitoplus, creating the Packages.gz file is quite a hassle01:07
ENeGMAwould anyone be willing to help me get a creative zen working?  I've tried everything I can find on the internet01:08
ZykoticK9deanimean, thanks!01:08
cousteau`liveok, I tested sound and it works, jack works, graphics didn't work but I could always install them the hard way (downloading the nvidia driver), anyway I think they may work once installed01:08
dexiDoes anyone know if theres a way for ubuntu to go into the "Locked" screen, but not a screensaver?01:08
cousteau`livewhat else can I test?01:08
cousteau`liveyoutube videos, wait01:08
dblitztechhello everyone.. I have a problem with pulseaudio and skype.. Trying to get skype to see my usb headset instead of pulse audio ?01:08
rockmanafter i wipe clean my hard drive and install ubuntu and it said to remove the cd before it can restart.01:08
pradeepdexi, it is on your top rigth corner of your screen01:09
antonio_zkotick9: I went to whatismyip.com for both of my machines...01:09
antonio_they both have the same ip address01:09
rockmanand it only show underline blinking on upper left corner forever01:09
dexipradeep, that activates screensaver as well...01:09
rockmanboot up problem?01:09
pradeepdexi, disable your screen saver then01:09
dblitztechany suggestions ?01:10
ZykoticK9antonio_, that's because that's your public IP not your private IP (i saw people giving you the bad advice, but someone right off the bat told you the command was "ifconfig")01:10
ZykoticK9!tab > antonio_01:10
ubottuantonio_, please see my private message01:10
dexipradeep, I did...01:10
antonio_zykotick9: thanks forgot about that ;)P01:11
dblitztechhello everyone.. I have a problem with pulseaudio and skype.. Trying to get skype to see my usb headset instead of pulse audio, anyway to reconfigure it to get it to use my headset ?01:11
ZykoticK9antonio_, to get my nic you probably just have to type Z y (TAB), a lot easier then typing it out (notice the capital Z)01:11
dblitztechI found some forums which are old suggesting to remove pulse and install esound, but there can be issues with it as well.01:12
antonio_ZykoticK9: ok now I have both of my ips...you said to go to places, connect to server, right?01:12
dblitztechDon't know if it still holds true because I am using 10.0401:12
ZykoticK9antonio_, yup and select SSH01:12
ZykoticK9antonio_, you might want to add a bookmark AFTER you know it's working!01:13
rockmananyone available to assist me?01:14
Queuetiprockman: don't ask to ask, just ask01:14
ZykoticK9antonio_, leave port blank (or 22), for folder name try leaving it blank (if that fails put / or you could try ~ or the long version of same /home/YOURUSERNAME),01:14
deanimeanssh-copy-id to save passwords..01:14
antonio_ah this is not that hard at all :D01:14
radican anyone tell me where i can find this package : freetype2 ?01:15
CyberSoldathi all01:15
Dr_Willis!find freetype01:15
ubottuFound: libfont-freetype-perl, libtaoframework-freetype-cil-dev, libtaoframework-freetype2.3-cil, libfreetype6, libfreetype6-dev (and 1 others)01:15
dblitztechorted until April 2011 (Desktop) or April 2013 (Server)01:15
dblitztechJaunty Jackalope01:15
dblitztechApril 23, 200901:15
FloodBot2dblitztech: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:15
dblitztechSupported until October sorry01:15
deanimean!eol jaunty01:15
radiDr_Willis: which one of these ?01:15
Dr_Willisradi:  no idea01:15
deanimeanwell its october.01:16
radii need it to compile one of E17's libraries Evas01:16
Dr_Willisradi:  given that its listing freetype6 - what are you using that wants freetype2 ?01:16
Dr_Willisradi:  theres the build-deps option to apt ghat can insrtall ALL needed dev dependencies for an applicaiton thats in the repos01:16
radiDr_Who: Evas, thats for enlightment01:16
antonio_argh..29 hours!01:17
ZykoticK9antonio_, lol - but it's working :)01:17
ENeGMAwhat does it mean when trying to mount an mp3 player when you get this error message: Unexpected error: Error opening file: Transport endpoint is not connected"?01:17
antonio_hah true01:17
antonio_I need to find a better way to xfer all of this...01:17
ZykoticK9antonio_, can't you just burn it to a dvd?01:18
ndxtgHi I found this command: s/smthing/smthing2/g does anyone know what the /g thing is?01:18
ZykoticK9antonio_, or USB stick/drive/key01:18
bastidrazorndxtg: that means to do it globally. it will do it above where you're at in the file too. not just below01:18
deanimean64gig usb stick for my win. :)01:18
ndxtgbastidrazor: is there any "man" page for this ?01:18
katukihi there, i have a problem with wubi, anybody could help me?01:19
deanimeanantonio_, 29 hours?  how much are you transferring?01:19
bastidrazorndxtg: you're doing regular expressions. no man page that i know of.01:19
antonio_zykotick9: hahahahahahaha burn it do a dvd...why did I not think of that!!01:19
Dr_Willisndxtg:  regular expressions 101 - /g i think is for global01:19
Dr_Willisndxtg:  susbute /pattern/thing/ globally01:19
Amer30hi can someone help me to fix my problem01:20
Amer30i can't start gnome01:20
Dr_Willisndxtg:  regular expressions is the kind of thing that you read about and are totally baffled.. then start to use.. and then become addicted/amazed :)01:20
Amer30if i try to pastebinit i can'tpaste anything01:20
wildejaHi, How do i synchronise calendar,contacts,etc in evolution mail for ubuntu 10.04? I would like to sync with laptop. Thank you01:20
ndxtgok thank you Dr_Willis and bastidrazor , Im actually learning reg express01:21
Dr_WillisDosent UbuntuOne let you 'sync' those things? i just use it to sync my Tomboy Notes. But i thought it could do more.01:21
ZykoticK9wildeja, UbuntuOne would be perfect - BUT i don't think some of those sync are working right now :(01:21
Dr_Willisndxtg:  i got a book on the topic.  its pretty niffty tool.01:21
tesujianyone know about settig up dialup?01:22
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up01:22
deanimeanset .evolution to sync?01:22
ndxtgDr_Willis: did you mean eBook? if yes please let me know the link :D01:22
cousteau`liveyoutube working, audio (and jack) working, nvidia drivers don't seem to but I guess they'll work... what else can I test?01:22
Dr_Willistesuji:  you aer refering to actual dialup with a serial modem and a normal phone line? not via some cellphone, or other fancy stuff?01:22
wildejaZykoticK9, Thank you for the suggestion. I would prefer to do the dync over a LAN though offline.01:22
Dr_Willisndxtg:  i got a real book :) it was on the bargin bin. The ebook versions are out there i recall.01:22
cousteau`livemy midi controller01:22
ZykoticK9wildeja, ahhh.  rsync then?01:22
* chromer raises his hand as if to ask a question01:23
tesujiDr_Willis, i'm talking about old fashioned dialup with an old fashioned modem, not a wifi modem01:23
pepper_hazewell I just had a enlightening conversation with maco in private01:23
deanimeanchromer, ask away.01:23
tesujiDr_Willis, yes, serial modem01:23
Dr_Willistesuji:  theres tools for it.. but ive not used them in years. :) check that dialup factoid01:23
johnf_i keep having this problem while booting 10.04 netbook edition on my HP mini 110 : 1/5 of the time it will boot up fine. the other 4/5 it will only display "_" blinking in the top left corner of a black screen. i tried a fix to edit the GRUB file and it seemed to work but the problem is back01:23
johnf_any help would be appreciated01:23
wildejaZykoticK9, That will work over network?, if so i will go do my research :)01:23
tesujiDr_Willis, yes i looked and apparently i have to manuall configure and it is nontrivial01:24
yaaanghelp, update-notifier never pops up even when i have updates. using 10.04, installed from scratch 2 months ago. i think update-notifier never worked.01:24
chromerI am looking for away to make 10.04 LTS to properly disable the touchpad entirely when I have a mouse connected. I had it working in the 2 prior versions, but what I am trying to do as I did before is not working this time.01:24
Dr_Willistesuji:  very possible. Ive not used it in ages. but whats to configure? enter your phone # and other info.. and dial in...01:24
Dr_Willistesuji:  last i used dialup in linux it wasent too hard. :) but i used wvdial i recall01:24
ZykoticK9wildbat, ya rsync can certainly be used across networks, but perhaps only through ssh pipes?  I don't use rsync very much but you should Definitely look into it!01:25
tesujiDr_Willis, networkmanager does not see my serial modem :( so i have to use setserial and give it information i don't know :(01:25
deanimeanchromer, I think you might want gpointing-device-settings01:25
MaRk-Indxtg: just search for cheat sheets ;^)  http://www.scottklarr.com/topic/103/regular-expressions-cheat-sheets/01:25
chromerI have tried touchfreeze and the command "syndaemon -d -t -i 1"01:25
Dr_Willistesuji:  are you sure the modem even has linux support.01:25
ZykoticK9wildeja, see above.  sorry wildbat (bad with tab today, and other days too ;)01:25
tesujiDr_Willis, and like everybody else i haven't used a modem in 20 years01:25
chromerdeanimean: where do I find that or do I need to get that from synaptic?01:26
tesujiDr_Willis, i don't know01:26
Dr_Willistesuji:  since network manager dosent see it.. i would almost bet its not supported.01:26
tesujiDr_Willis, but it's a serial device and there are standards...01:26
cousteau`liveI guess every java based thing will be borked due to openjdk vs sun java... if I find bugs (although I avoid the usage of java) I'll install the old sun-java601:26
deanimeanchromer, I *think* it has the option to disable touchpad.. but wether it has an option to disable when mouse is used I dont know. yes just in the main repo01:26
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tesujiDr_Willis, once you config with setserial then there are tools to configure and use - but it doesn't see the modem :(01:27
chromerdeanimean: I will try it01:27
ZykoticK9tesuji, i've NEVER used a modem with linux before, but i know a lot of "Win-modems" don't work.  have you checked that your modem works in linux?01:27
tesujiZykoticK9, if you aren't familiar with modems you need to read th docs01:27
Dr_Willistesuji:  I dont recall ever needing to use setserial on an internal modem.. or is this an external one on the serial port>?01:28
ZykoticK9tesuji, ok sorry.01:28
yaaanghelp, update-manager never pops up even when i have updates. using 10.04, installed from scratch 2 months ago. i think this never worked. any ideas on where to look to start debugging this?01:28
tesujiDr_Willis, it is internal and there is one - i suppose i have to start by figuring out how to figure out what the specs are01:28
deanimeanchromer, its prefs are in system menu, it allows touchpad on/off/touchpad tapping scrolling off.01:28
wildejaZykoticK9, Cheers01:29
sparrW|2I have requested apt-get to install some packages that require a lot of other packages to be uninstalled. I appear to be stuck with "apt-get -f install" removing those packages, and I don't want that. How can I "cancel" the operation that is pending?01:29
tesujiDr_Willis, i know!  i'll just put windows back on my laptop!  what a solution, eh?01:29
Dr_Willistesuji:  i would guss that an internal is 152000 8N1 - but as i said. ive never needed to set those settings for an internal modem. You could fire up minicom and just play with the settings till you can get it to dial out via 'ATDT some-safe-number'01:29
ZykoticK9sparrW|2, close synaptic?  or USC?01:29
cousteau`livesparrW|2: on my system, apt-get -f install also attempts to install or uninstall (can't remember) some packages01:30
deanimeanwhy ubuntu by default doesnt have a simple touch pad OFF utility I  dont know..it should.01:30
sparrW|2ZykoticK9: I am using apt-get and aptitude from the command line01:30
ZykoticK9sparrW|2, sorry I'm on the trolley now01:30
cousteau`liveI think it's not important01:30
sparrW|2cousteau`live: I can't install anything else until I fix it01:30
Dr_Willistesuji:  i dont care what you do really. :) but I think you may be  hitting a 'modem not supported at all, issue. instead of a needing to confiogure it issue' but good luck. Windows MIGHT tell you waht settings you are looking for.01:30
knoppiesI plan on upgrading 2 of my systems from 9.04 to 10.04, but I would like to downgrade GDM to 2.10. Are there any issues/concerns that I should be worried about?01:31
ZykoticK9sparrW|2, "apt-get -f install" is quasi-required to fix your currently broken APT state.  that command is suppose to FIX apt.01:31
tesujiDr_Willis, i'm being facetious - it is not possible to put windows on this laptop - the harddisk croaked and i have installed ubuntu on a thumbdrive01:31
jfcaronIs there a way to copy the file permissions from one file "onto" another file, i.e. keep the contents of the files unchanged, but make the permissions the same?01:31
Dr_Willisjfcaron:  if nothing else.. you could script such a thing,.01:32
Dr_Willisjfcaron:  i got a possible answer just now when i googled 'bash clone permissions' :)01:32
cousteau`livechmod --reference=OTHERFILE FILE01:32
tesujiDr_Willis, minicom defaults to tty8 which is an active console - thx for suggest01:33
cousteau`liveman chmod01:33
sparrW|2cousteau`live: I'm only maybe 3 packages away from getting a very conflicted package installed, and now I'm stuck01:33
jfcaronDr_Willis, cousteau`live: Thanks.01:33
sparrW|2ZykoticK9: the "fix" it wants to apply is to install 2 packages and uninstall 9 more. Those 9 packages are VERY HARD to install. I would prefer to keep them and not install the other 2.01:33
ZykoticK9knoppies, that would require 9.04 to 9.10 then update to 10.04.  are you sure you can't fresh install?01:33
Dr_Willisjfcaron:  perhaps (test this out first) --> cp -rp <source> <target> will keep the perms of the source and put them on01:34
ZykoticK9sparrW|2, i think those are the packages that are broken!01:34
gimmickless_Setting up a new install of Ubuntu Server. Trying to use USB wireless to access router with WPA protection. I know the password. I don't know the command to access router with said pw. help?01:34
sparrW|2ZykoticK9: they are quite broken, I had to use dpkg --ignore-depends heavily to get them installed01:34
Dr_Willistesuji:    set minicom to be the tty of the modem. (dmesg may tell you what that is)01:34
jfcaronDr_Willis: Turns out the chmod command has that built-in, as cousteau`live mentioned.  chmod --reference=REFILE.01:35
Dr_Willistesuji:  also i notice that /dev/ttyS* is owned by the dialout group. perhaps your users need to also be in that group01:35
ZykoticK9sparrW|2, right!  which in the process breaks your APT system.  your choice you can keep you broken fix or fix your APT but not both.  you also won't be able to update or install anything else you understand?01:35
knoppiesZykoticK9, I meant a fresh install. I had a bad experience with updating back in 2008. Always done fresh installs since. But should I have concerns about downgrading the GDM to 2.10?01:35
cousteau`livedon't know if it will also change the owner, though01:35
sparrW|2ZykoticK9: that is... less than ideal. How can I have packages with unmet dependencies installed and keep apt working?01:36
ZykoticK9knoppies, i would too.  but fresh install is the way to go ;)01:36
aleoramI have downloaded and extracted the latest version of Geany from the website. How do I start it?01:36
yaaanghelp, update-manager never pops up even when i have updates. using 10.04, installed from scratch 2 months ago. i think this never worked. any ideas on where to look to start debugging this?01:36
cousteau`livealeoram: you'll first need to compile it01:36
ZykoticK9knoppies, i don't have any specific knowledge of changing GDM, certainly not the new GDM stuff!01:36
cousteau`livelook for an already compiled .deb package, they usually have them01:37
knoppiesThank You ZykoticK901:37
aleoramcousteau`live, How can I compile it?01:37
Dr_Willisaleoram:  theres ppa repos of geany i thouight to let you use teh package maanger.. if its an binary archive. extract it, cd to the directory and run the binaries ./whatever01:37
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Dr_Willisaleoram:  unless you got the source from the web site....01:37
aleoramcousteau`live,  Repos don't have the latest version of geany.01:37
chromerdeanimean: that looks like it is gonna work, it would've been nice tho if there was a utility that detected when no mouse was plugged in to allow it to be undisabled and then when a mouse was plugged in to immediately disable it. (it being the touchpad). and I do know about the "smack spacebar 3 times" trick to reenable the touchpad.01:37
Dr_Willisaleoram:  theres PPA repos that have updated versions01:37
aleoramDr_Willis,  I got the source from the website.01:37
Dr_Willisaleoram:  then you got to compile the source. good luck.01:38
Dr_Willisgeany --version01:38
aleoramDr_Willis,  I checked the ppa repos but not the latest version, again how do I compile it?01:38
Dr_Willisgeany 0.19 (built on Jul 20 2010 with GTK 2.20.1, GLib 2.24.1)01:38
cousteau`livealeoram: hmm, you're right, neither the repos nor the PPA repository have geany ~01:38
ZykoticK9aleoram, that's really not directly an Ubuntu issue... we can support the geany in repo, or quasi-PPA version, but compiling from source...01:38
tesujiDr_Willis, here is what dmesg says about serial http://pastebin.com/77GmUg9R01:38
cousteau`live*geany 0.1901:39
Dr_Willislooks like i got the latest geany from some PPA's01:39
cousteau`livewell, you'll first need to install build-essential01:39
aleoramcousteau`live,  Ok, I'll look in the terminal for that package.01:39
Dr_WillisI got geany .19 it seems from the 'getdeb' repositories01:40
MaRk-I!compile | aleoram01:40
ubottualeoram: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)01:40
cousteau`livethen you'll need a bunch of libraries, such as libgtk2.0-dev01:40
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ZykoticK9MaRk-I, thanks01:40
cousteau`liveor, look for it in getdeb01:40
MaRk-IZykoticK9: yw01:41
Dr_Willistesuji:  those just look like the serial ports on the pc/moptherboard. perhaps check lspci and see if theres any info on the modem01:41
Dr_Willis!info geany01:41
ubottugeany (source: geany): A fast and lightweight IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.18-1 (lucid), package size 2310 kB, installed size 6492 kB01:41
tesujiDr_Willis, 00:1f.6 Modem: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Modem Controller (rev 03)01:42
cousteau`liveyes, geany is available from getdeb repos... but since they changed it, it's quite hard to install a package without installing all their repos01:42
tesujiDr_Willis, but that doesn't tell me what port, irq, etc01:42
ENeGMAI'm having this exact problem: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8646053&postcount=53     Does anyone know of any solution?01:43
Dr_Willistesuji:  is there even a /dev/ttyS# for the modem. you have any /dev/ttyS*?01:43
frxstremis there some proxy software that can be used to log raw network traffic?01:43
tesujiDr_Willis, yes, 0 to 3, but wvdial doesn't detect a modem on any of them01:44
deanimeanchromer, yeah its a bit much there is not yet a nice easy tool to ditch the touchpad.. I`m happy with disabling scroll and mouseclicks..01:44
Dr_Willistesuji:  this site mentiones that modem -  https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=41216   Not ubuntu specific - but it may give some info01:44
ZykoticK9frxstrem, not sure about "proxy software" but have you looked at wireshark?01:45
Dr_Willis!info slmodem01:45
ubottuPackage slmodem does not exist in lucid01:45
frxstremZykoticK9: yes, but the problem is that I want to analyze traffic for my iPod touch, and my computer does not receive network traffic from other devices on the network01:45
frxstremtherefore I though I could just get a proxy to do the same thing, and set my iPod up to use that proxy01:46
bastidrazorDr_Willis: there is an sl-modem-daemon01:46
ZykoticK9frxstrem, oooohhhh, you might want to check out the route modifications like ddwrt and stuff, they probably have logging you're looking for.  good luck.01:46
aleoramWhere can i get gtk+-2.0?01:47
tesujiDr_Willis, now  i see what's going on - the dialer program tries those devices and gets no response01:47
jimi_what does plugin container deleted mean on alsa sound preferences?01:47
ottermatonDoes anyone have any experience with and hopefully a solution to a laptop slow to resume from suspend?01:47
mikeplus64aleoram: Doesn't it come with Ubuntu anyway?01:47
aleorammikeplus64,  Terminal says I do not have it.01:48
aleorammikeplus64,  No package 'gtk+-2.0' found01:48
mikeplus64Search for 'gtk' and see what you have.01:48
Dr_Willistesuji:  im seeing a few hits  in the forums also.   heres teh 2 i am looking at.01:48
radiis there a way to check how long is gonna take to compile something ?01:48
mikeplus64It could be "gtk2" or a number of other things.01:48
Dr_Willisand http://wwww.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1367142 http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/packages/01:49
jimi_my audio stopped working after an update of a few packages... and not alsa says plugin container deleted01:49
aleorammikeplus64,  gtk2: command not found01:49
SpawnHow do you get the fish to go away?01:49
aleorammikeplus64,  I have tried many names but still nothing.01:49
radifish ?01:49
Dr_WillisSpawn:  killall gnome-panel01:50
Spawnthe feed the fish fish01:50
mikeplus64aleoram: apt-get search gtk ? I'm not sure of the exact command. ( <--- runs Arch Linux )01:50
frxstremhow do you run .jar programs in Ubuntu?01:50
radiback back and forward forward01:50
mikeplus64"java -jar whateveritis.jar" I think.01:50
Dr_Willisfrxstrem:  java --jar foo.jar    (or it may be -jar)01:50
bastidrazorfrxstrem: java -jar file.jar01:50
frxstremDr_Willis, bastidrazor: ok, thanks01:51
Dr_Willissilly programs not following the - vs -- standards. :)01:51
aleorammikeplus64,  Doesn't work, that command.01:51
stevecamin nautilus when im browsing the SMB network of a windows machine it wont update the list of new shares until next time i log on to my user, how can i tell the browser in nautilus to reload the folders another computer has shared01:51
Dr_Willisaleoram:  you still trying to compile geany?01:51
aleoramDr_Willis,  Yes sir!01:52
Dr_Willisaleoram:  is there really SOMTHING thats so needed in the new version?  Im using the getdeb version.. but if you just gotta compile check out this command --<01:52
stevecami press the reload button in the taskbar but it just reloads what is in the cache01:52
Dr_Willisaleoram:   sudo apt-get build-dep geany01:52
aleoramDr_Willis,  What does it do?01:53
Dr_Willisaleoram:  are you just obsessed with having the latest? or is there an actualy new feature/fix in teh .19 that you must have?01:53
Dr_Willisaleoram:  installs all the dependencies needed to build a package.01:53
Dr_Willisaleoram:  thus insstalling all the dependencies needed to build from source also. :)01:53
aleoramDr_Willis,  Is there a problem in trying to actual learn to compile and use the terminal?01:53
Dr_Willisaleoram:  you may want to learn with somthing simpiler..01:54
Dr_Willisaleoram:  like helloworld.c01:54
aleoramDr_Willis,  Trust me, that is too simple.01:54
Dr_Willisaleoram:  you never said this was an exersize to 'learn' you wanted the latest..  theres ways other then source for that as we mentiooned01:54
aleoramDr_Willis,  I just want to learn how to compile and stop using ubuntu software center or aptitude install.01:54
aleoramDr_Willis,  Then excuse me.01:55
Dr_Willisaleoram:  use the build-deps feature to insstall all the neded deps/dev packages.. then start compiling.01:55
dtcrshraleoram, go slackware01:55
Dr_Willis'build-deps' makes compiling stuff a lot easier. :)01:55
aleoramdtcrshr,  Trust me, I will.01:55
Dr_Willisbut if the program was not in the repos. then that wouldent work.01:55
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AlesCzechHi all01:56
ipBoyaryea. you01:58
ZykoticK9aleoram, if you really want to move away from software center or aptitude then you might really want to try out another linux distro.  Ubuntu's repo is what makes ubuntu as easy/good.  best of luck whatever you do - linux rocks cause you're free to make your own decisions ;)01:59
MaRk-I!cezch ! AlesCzech02:00
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:00
Dr_Willisaleoram:  juist a moment and i will pastebin my bash history of how i just compiled geany.02:00
aleoramDr_Willis,  thank you!02:00
SimonSayezZykoticK9, and linuxmakes you use your brain more than Windows02:00
MaRk-I!czech | AlesCzech02:00
ubottuAlesCzech: České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.02:00
systemd0wnquestion, FreeRadius PAM module, looking for a binary download since i'm getting compile errors (64bit 10.04)02:01
gimmickless_Server problem: Fresh install of 10.4. Having trouble connecting to WPA-protected router. /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf might be configured improperly. Help?02:01
ZykoticK9aleoram, for compiling software read any INSTALL or README that comes with the source, but typically you'd use "./configure" then "make" then "sudo make install" but that might NOT be the case for the source YOU are compiling.02:01
Dr_Willisaleoram:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/473335/02:01
aleoramZykoticK9,  Thank you so much.02:01
systemd0wngimmickless, only having problems with wpa?02:01
gimmickless_systemd0wn: Pretty sure that's the problem. w/o connecting, can't use this box as a Samba server.02:02
Dr_Willisaleoram:  with the build-dep command to install the needed deps. compiling geany was rather trivial. now IF it was some program not in the repository. You would need to read the output of confiogure and make, and the docs. and learn what support -dev packages were needed for that specific app02:02
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ZykoticK9!checkinstall | aleoram02:02
ubottualeoram: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!02:03
aleoramDr_Willis,  I see.02:03
aleoramThanks to both of you for replying!02:03
Dr_Willisive not even looked at the !compile factoid in ages. :)02:04
systemd0wngimmickless_, well lets leave samba out of this for now since it won't effect your associating with an AP. Troubleshoot smb problems once we have connectivity :)02:04
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)02:04
systemd0wnquestion, FreeRadius PAM module, looking for a binary download since i'm getting compile errors (64bit 10.04)02:04
gimmickless_systemd0wn, understood02:04
WiesshundGrrr building new catalyst drivers is a pain in the arse02:04
StuckMojohow do you get to the grub prompt in lucid when there's only one kernel?02:05
ZykoticK9StuckMojo, hold shift down while booting02:05
Dr_Willisthat compile factoid page dosent mention the build-dep option. but it has some othet neat options mentioned. :)02:05
StuckMojoi.e. how do you boot single user mode or not boot into x?02:05
StuckMojoah ok02:05
systemd0wngimmickless_, i'm doing a little research, give me a sec02:05
Karen_mmy sound is messed up, when i put my headphones into the jack i hear weird noises02:06
StuckMojoi jsut upgraded a fresh install of kamic, and it locks the laptop when it loads the X driver02:06
StuckMojoit was doing that on the install cd to02:06
Dr_WillisStuckMojo:  and your video card is a?02:06
StuckMojoi had hoped it would work once installed02:06
ZykoticK9Dr_Willis, it does cover build-dep actually02:06
StuckMojoDr_Willis: it's intel graphics i believe02:06
Dr_WillisZykoticK9:  it does? i just skimmed it.. and dident see it.02:06
StuckMojothis was my mom's old laptop, i'm unfamiliar with it02:06
ZykoticK9Dr_Willis, it's there ;)02:06
StuckMojolet me boot text mode and check it out02:07
StuckMojowhat's no x but fully up? 3?02:07
* cousteau back to his installed ol' good Jaunty02:07
gimmickless_systemd0wn, no problem. Currently using https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo but not yet working yet02:07
Dr_WillisZykoticK9:  seems out of order. :) they should mention that befor you do the ./configure.. but i guess it dosent matter :002:07
ZykoticK9StuckMojo, if you upgraded you might be using grub1 (legacy) still!02:07
StuckMojoZykoticK9: so?02:07
ottermatonDoes anyone know anything about fixing a a slow resume from suspend? In particular on a Dell Vostro v1302:08
StuckMojothat still had a prompt for single user02:08
[thor]ok, i've got a wierd one guys.. Applications dropdown menu is stuck open, entire top panel is inactive and unresponsive. the remaining desktop is working, docky is working.  Which process should i kill to remove the panel?02:08
ZykoticK9StuckMojo, it's not shift if you're using grub102:08
StuckMojooh. i upgraded from Karmic02:08
StuckMojofresh install of karmic02:08
redvilneed help in mounting using iPod with ubuntu...it doesnt detect the device..how do i go about this?02:08
StuckMojosince the lucid install cd was locking up, but karmic live cd worked fine02:08
oarion7[thor], gnome-panel, i beleive02:08
systemd0wnottermaton, most of my suspend/hibernate problems come from driver issues.02:08
StuckMojoZykoticK9: do you know what it is for grub1?02:08
Dr_Willis!ipod | redvil02:08
ubotturedvil: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod02:08
ZykoticK9StuckMojo, ESC?  i don't remember, sorry02:08
StuckMojoi tried esc i think02:09
StuckMojoshift worked02:09
[thor]oarion7: thanks for the help good sir, it even re-loaded itself!02:10
systemd0wngimmickless_, what happens when you try to connect?02:10
StuckMojohmmm...very interesting02:10
ottermatonsystemd0wn, what would you suggest I look at?02:10
StuckMojoit boots fine using the old kernel from karmic02:10
StuckMojoi mean x starts and all02:10
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StuckMojowhat takes the place of /etc/inittab now days?02:12
systemd0wnottermaton, wow, ya it could be damn near anything. Ok, MY issues all stem from acpi issues for instance I can't dim my screen and things like that. Ok, i would do an lspci and dmesg and comb through02:12
StuckMojoi want to see what runlevel is no x but fully up02:12
Dr_WillisStuckMojo:  ubuntu dosent do it that way02:12
systemd0wnottermaton, get a list of all your hardware and look up each one individually and its compatibility with linux02:12
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/02:12
ZykoticK9!runlevels | StuckMojo one more for ya ;)02:13
ubottuStuckMojo one more for ya ;): In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.02:13
Dr_WillisStuckMojo:  there is a 'text' option to tell the system to not start X and disables the fancy plymouth and other eye candys at boot.02:13
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systemd0wnottermaton, thankfully people much smarter than us have usually worked out many of these issues, especially with common laptops02:13
reff67who  -r check the current run level use02:13
rxKaffeein Lucid, what provides sound drivers? ALSA, or pulse, or something different?02:14
ZykoticK9Dr_Willis, are you sure a grub setting can change GDM startup?  i though you had to disable GDM separately then the Plymouth stuff.02:14
ZykoticK9rxKaffee, Pulse is default in Ubuntu - Pulse uses ALSA for lowlevel soundcard stuff BTW02:14
StuckMojohmph. this is all new02:15
StuckMojodamn it02:15
Dr_WillisZykoticK9:  the TEXT option makes gdm not load.02:15
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ottermatonsystemd0wn, well, I've been searching around and can't find anything really relevant. I even came across a guy who says his vostro v13 resumes in 2.5 seconds.02:15
StuckMojothis is half of why i bailed on Sid earlier this year02:15
Dr_WillisZykoticK9:  not sure how. :) must be in the init scripts checking the boot options02:15
rxKaffeeZykoticK9: so I need to find an alsa kernel module for my sound card then?02:15
ZykoticK9Dr_Willis, very cool - will try that right now!02:15
Dr_WillisStuckMojo:  go back to linux 1.0 ? :)02:15
StuckMojoi f*$king hate insserv and such wacky init methods02:15
iflema!nox | ZykoticK902:15
ubottuZykoticK9: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode02:15
wildbatany one have a pages that explain how to use iptables?02:15
systemd0wnottermaton, and how long does that take? Is he using the same OS? 2.5 is pretty damn fast02:16
Guest11331can someone help me on webkit crashes? any browser that uses webkit browser engine crashes?02:16
ZykoticK9iflema, thanks!  awesome.02:16
Dr_WillisStuckMojo:  upstart seems to work decently well. not very wacky at all.  Compared to the sysv..02:16
systemd0wnottermaton, er how long does yours take?02:16
Dr_WillisI still havent found a good 'upstart for dummies' guide yet.02:16
StuckMojoDr_Willis: lenny still uses sysv init02:16
StuckMojoDr_Willis: upstart is different from insserv?02:16
ottermatonsystemd0wn, mine takes about 30 seconds. Same machine, same version (10.04)02:16
Dr_WillisStuckMojo:  most of the sysv stuff works with upstart.. but its mainly from upstart 'seeing/doing the right thing' for sysv scripts02:17
Dr_WillisStuckMojo:  ive never heard of innserv.02:17
brummbaerDr_Willis: there's a pretty good guide in one of the recent Ubuntu Users magazines02:17
Dr_Willis!info insserv02:17
ubottuinsserv (source: insserv): Tool to organize boot sequence using LSB init.d script dependencies. In component main, is required. Version 1.12.0-14 (lucid), package size 66 kB, installed size 288 kB02:17
StuckMojoinsserv - Tool to organize boot sequence using LSB init.d script dependencies02:17
systemd0wnottermaton, you upgraded to the latest kernel?02:17
Dr_WillisStuckMojo:  init.d is not used by upstart, /etc/init is.02:17
ZykoticK9iflema, Dr_Willis AHHH it all becomes clear - text = single user mode, thus the no X starting.02:17
systemd0wnquestion, FreeRadius PAM module, looking for a binary download since i'm getting compile errors (64bit 10.04)02:17
StuckMojoactually, odds are upstart is what debian switched to as well02:17
ottermatonsystemd0wn, yes, I keep up with updates02:17
Dr_WillisZykoticK9:  its not really single user..  it dosent auto-log in does it?   I thought single user. dropped to a root shell.02:18
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Dr_WillisStuckMojo:  ive not heard of them switching.. but i think some other disrtos have02:18
StuckMojoaaaaanyway, so it's just  "text" as a kernel option?02:18
=== su37 is now known as Su37
StuckMojoDr_Willis: they definately did in side02:18
ZykoticK9Dr_Willis, actually the switchs are -text or -S or -s or S or s for Single user modes02:18
systemd0wnottermaton, ya, man if he has the same OS and hardware but yours is running slower i really have no idea. I would say driver issues but if both of you have default installs i dunno02:18
StuckMojoand i think they are in squeeze as well02:18
ZykoticK9Dr_Willis, i'm still going on documentation, haven't tried it yet.02:19
Dr_WillisStuckMojo got unstuck. :)02:19
ottermatonsystemd0wn, I don't know if his is exactly a default install, but, yes it is puzzling02:20
StuckMojoyeah they use insserv02:20
ottermatonsystemd0wn, thanks for the suggestions though02:20
StuckMojoDr_Willis: for some reason any time i join #debian now, it kicks me off of freenode completely ;)02:20
systemd0wnottermaton, no problem. dmesg doesn't have any errors after you come back from suspend?02:20
Dr_WillisStuckMojo:  they hate ubuntu that much? :)02:20
macoStuckMojo: try the #debian on OFTC? most debian official channels moved there years ao02:21
ottermatonsystemd0wn, no it doesn't02:21
marcossDoes anybody here know if there is a software or something to build a data storage server with acces control list on ubuntu ?02:22
ottermatonsystemd0wn, I'm thinking it might have something to do with my wireless driver which is flaky. Actually, I'm going to experiment with some things02:22
Guest11331anyone have them work succesfully?02:22
StuckMojobrb, need a smoke02:23
systemd0wnottermaton, cool if i think of anything else i'll hit you up02:23
StuckMojomaco: the one here is still mega-active02:23
sklavcan someone explain why when i modify nsswitch.conf on ubuntu i can ping google.com with less than 20 ms but if i leave the default that shipped with ubuntu 10.04 ping takes forever to return results?02:23
StuckMojook, well it's not the kernel itself, because it boots text just fine02:23
Wiesshundhas anyone built the ati 10.7 catalyst drivers?02:23
* StuckMojo heads off for a smoke02:24
Guest11331ok nevermind02:24
sklavI can't be the only one seeing the slow response on cmd line ping's in ubuntu 10.04 btw this is tested in multiple locations02:24
slinker1hmmm apparently robin has the same issue :)02:25
sklavslinker1, you refering to my question02:26
Guest11331so noone has issues with webkit engine in web browsers???????????02:26
slinker1just remarking that he pinged out right after your statement02:26
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Dr_WillisGuest11331:  not that ive seen.02:27
Dr_WillisGuest11331:  you cheked the forums and bug reports?02:27
gimmickless_systemd0wn: -bash /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf: Permission denied02:27
gimmickless_sorry for the delay. dinner.02:27
Guest11331Dr_Willis: yes, and i havent found a solution02:28
Dr_Willisgimmickless_:  what was the exact command you used?02:28
Dr_WillisGuest11331:  but others mention an issue?  what sort of 'issue' ?02:28
Guest11331crashes on youtube videos, and javascript heavy sites02:28
sklavslinker1, try pinging google.com02:28
gimmickless_sudo wpa_passphrase [Name] [password] > /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf02:28
sklavand then ping the ip equivalent02:28
sklavyou will see what i mean02:29
Dr_Willisgimmickless_:  2hen using > and sudo,. there can be problems.. the > does not get the sudo rights.02:29
Dr_Willisgimmickless_:  do it from a root shell 'sudo -s'02:29
Dr_Willisgimmickless_:  or -->  echo "foo" | sudo tee /root/somefile02:30
tktiddleI Im trying to install Ubuntu on the primiary HD the secondary is just a data disk.  I just reformatted the primary HD using MBR and did a fresh install of ubuntu to the entire drive.  On boot I get 'BOOTMGR is missing' and have to use a bootdisk to load ubuntu.  I've had this problem for an age now can anyone help me fix it?02:30
sklavslinker1, did you try ?02:30
filipehi, someone can help me? i have a notebook dell vostro 1000 with ubuntu 10.04 and i don't give start my wlan... don't working ...02:31
Dr_Willistktiddle:  'reformated the HD using MBR' WHats MBR?  You sure the bios is set to boot the proper HD?02:31
gimmickless_Dr_Willis: tried sudo -s02:31
Dr_Willisgimmickless_:  see some background info at -> http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2008/05/09/a-root-shell-on-ubuntu-the-right-way/02:31
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filipehi, someone can help me? i have a notebook dell vostro 1000 with ubuntu 10.04 and i don't give start my wlan... don't working ...02:31
ndxtgthis is not a right place to ask but I have no idea where to ask: does {2}nict mean "nnict" or "nictnict" in reg_expr?02:32
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StealFalconhi i need help02:32
hoosiers_83looking for a Rhythmbox alternative.  the version via synaptic is outdated and crashes when i adjust the volume, the recent stable release (0.13) also is buggy and has to re-import my music library on every startup02:32
filipeplease, i can't work my wireless in the dell vostro 1000 with ubuntu 10.0402:33
StealFalconi aacadentily installed kde and xfce how do i delete them?02:33
tktiddleDr_Willis: bios is set correct, I used the disk format utility to format the drive and it gives you a number of options when formatting like apple format, 'mbr'02:33
hoosiers_83needs to work with my sandisk fuze also02:33
StealFalconon my ubuntu02:33
tktiddleI chose MBR02:33
gimmickless_hoosiers_83: try Audacios02:33
epinkyStealFalcon: use Synaptic02:33
filipehow can i use it?02:33
gimmickless_It's got the same look and feel of Winamp02:33
sklavmbr probably wiped out the Master boot record02:33
Dr_Willisndxtg:  repeats the   thing exactly 2 times.. the way i am reading this site --<  http://www.regular-expressions.info/reference.html02:33
Guest11331StealFalcon: trey this: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome, this has worked for me, just copy the code and paste in terminal, ive done it multiple times02:34
tktiddlesklav: I then did a fresh install of ubuntu, How can I fix the MBR?02:34
Dr_Willistktiddle:  disk format utility? wait a moment - you on an APPLE ?02:34
sklav think he is02:34
Suit_Of_Sableshey gang! running a live CD on my old PPC mac. The wiki says you can get wireless working with the bcm43xx-fwcutter package installed. but a reboot is required. obviously this is no good for me on a live CD and I can't install due to a damaged HDD. any suggestions?02:34
ndxtgDr_Willis: so is {2}nict = "nictnict" or "nnict"?02:34
marcossDoes anybody here know if there is a software or something to build a data storage server with acces control list on ubuntu ?02:34
tktiddleDr_Willis: its amd64 ubuntu02:34
Suit_Of_Sablesbesides smashing the piece of junk with a hammer?02:34
tktiddlenot apple02:35
Tecna"Failed to retrieve share list from server" Somebody please help me figure out what's wrong with my samba server?   CLI output: http://pastebin.com/j3n4niis02:35
Dr_Willisndxtg:   a{3} matches aaa02:35
claybustryou can install drivers on a live cd02:35
claybustrthey won't stick around on reboot, but you can do it02:35
epinkymarcoss: Samba?02:35
sklavtktiddle, try grub-instal /dev/sda if that is your drive02:35
sklavbut at your own risk if your dual booting02:35
gimmickless_Dr_Willis: tried sudo -s, and then retried the wpa_passphrase line. No access denied. But no ping either.02:36
marcossepinky, yes but is there a graphical software or something else?02:36
StealFalconGuset11331 pm02:36
epinkymarcoss: SWAT?02:36
ndxtgDr_Willis: ok so ab{2} will match "abab" or "abb" ?02:37
epinky!samba| marcoss02:37
ubottumarcoss: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.02:37
sklavTecna, maybe using /dev as a share is a bad idea02:37
Dr_Willisndxtg:  i would think its abab02:37
Dr_Willisndxtg:  but i cant find a good exmple page that shows it that way02:37
Dr_Willisndxtg:  try it and see02:37
sklavsince /dev is part of the filesystem and used by the kernel and devices02:37
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tktiddlesklav: ok think I may have tried this before, giving it another shot, Im just single booting ubuntu02:38
trismndxtg: I believe it would be abb in general, unless you grouped ab, like (ab){3} (depending on the regex language)02:38
sklavmaybe change /dev to /home/dev and share with proper permissions that folder02:38
Tecnasklav: It's a private network with a tight security.  I have my reasons for sharing /dev02:38
sklavtktiddle, how many hdd in your pc?02:38
ndxtgok thanks Dr_Willis and trism02:39
sklavdual booting?02:39
Dr_Willisndxtg:   yea. the () may be needed - thers sites to test out/play with the things.   http://www.zytrax.com/tech/web/regex.htm#submatches02:39
ns5delalloc, nodelalloc, which one of these two is used by default in ext4 filesystem?02:39
tktiddlesklav: 1st ubuntu, 2nd data02:39
filipei need from help, i have a dell vostro 1000 and my wireless don't work, help please!02:39
Dr_Willisndxtg:  also watch out for various specific 'defaults' that some programs use in their regexp engines..02:39
Dr_Willisndxtg:  ie: grep may differe slightly then perl in some area02:39
sklavtktiddle, can you unhook the sata cable from the data drive?02:39
Renovatiohey has anyone worked with making softwares for ebay and knows how to make accounts and etc?02:40
sklavif your jumpers are not set correctly in the case of ide aka cable select02:40
claybustrmy wife clicked on a facebook virus. no worries, right, it's ubuntu 9.04. She's claiming its been sending pm's to her friends now.  All the usual suspects look ok, but I'm wondering about security of firefox & its plugins. Are there any recent attack vectors I should be checking?02:40
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filipei need from help, i have a dell vostro 1000 and my wireless don't work, help please!02:40
sklavthe drives get matched where cable is connected it decided who is master or slave02:40
filipei need from help, i have a dell vostro 1000 and my wireless don't work, help please!02:40
sklavif sata then you just removed a possible conflict if you motherboard is not behaving02:40
marcossepinky, what is swat ?02:41
Renovatioif anyone can do that coding, we can make millions easily02:41
filipe@ALL i need from help, i have a dell vostro 1000 and my wireless don't work, help please!02:41
sklavfilipe, what is your wireless card?02:41
filipehow can i see it?02:42
sklavis it intel?02:42
Tecnafilipe: lspci02:42
mbeierlhow do I change the iTunes backup location in gtkpod?  If I change it in the UI and click apply, then exit and restart gtkpod, it's back to its old location.  If I delete the repo and recreate it, it goes back to its old location.02:42
SimonSayezno its a broadcom02:42
filipe05:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 01)02:42
tktiddlesklav: yes! works without second disk02:42
SimonSayeztold yah02:42
Dr_Willisndxtg:  the #perl channel  and #pytho channel may point you do some good sites to play with regrexps also.02:43
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filipesklav 05:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 01)02:43
kochiiI dreamt I was ubuntu02:43
Dr_Willisoops #python02:43
sklavtktiddle, i read somewhere grub2 had issue with installing boot code when 2 drives are present02:43
ndxtgDr_Willis: yea Im currently on the php channel02:43
mbeierlwhere does gtkpod save its info if not in .gtkpod subdir?!?02:44
SimonSayezfilipe, Download the Dell Ubuntu Linux iso from here and install it and then upgrade to ubuntu 10.04 http://en.community.dell.com/support-forums/software-os/w/linux/building-base-ubuntu-factory-iso.aspx02:44
ndxtgfilipe: if its laptop, remember to switch on the wireless button (this sounds silly but yea, just check)02:44
filipeyep, its a laptop but i tru FN+F2 but don't work02:45
Frankiitaahey guys dont u have problems whit ur dvd drives in ubuntu 10.04?02:45
psycho789what are the benefits of using ubuntu02:45
Dr_Willisndxtg:  an issue with some of the web site 'regexp' builder/test urls can be they are using javascript's regrexp so can be quirky.02:45
Dr_WillisFrankiitaa:  no. :)02:45
sklavfilipe, try this i just googled your card and this is what i found http://nfolamp.wordpress.com/2010/05/02/ubuntu-10-04-and-broadcom-bcm43xx-wireless/02:45
SimonSayezfilipe, Do you know to burn an iso ?02:45
ndxtgfilipe: i meant the switch button along the laptop side, not the key combination02:46
Frankiitaai have tested on many pc and all shown problems02:46
Dr_WillisFrankiitaa:  perhaps state the problem.02:46
TecnaSimonSayez: I would think dell would have a separate driverset rather than making you install the complete OS, like windows. >.>02:46
sklavanyways back to why i came here02:46
Frankiitaadr_willis what do u mean02:46
Dr_WillisFrankiitaa:  you have said you have a problem..  thats very  Vague....02:47
sklavanybody try pinging from a command line and notice some serious lag in name ressolution02:47
Dr_WillisFrankiitaa:  i use my DVD drives just find under Ubuntu.02:47
ndxtgDr_Willis: i mainly use egrep and /usr/share/words to test reg_expr02:47
SimonSayezTecna, I have a Dell laptop and I always keep the Dell Version of Ubuntu Linux because the wifi drivers are built into that live disk02:47
Dr_Willisndxtg:  yea. egrep can be a little different from grep/perl/python. somthing to watch out for.02:47
Frankiitaaall my dvd drives have problems u can see it02:48
Dr_Willisndxtg:  the books i have made that point over and over and over.02:48
ndxtgDr_Willis: what is the book name again? :)02:48
Dr_WillisFrankiitaa:  cant see what? You cant access data disks? you cant burn disks? You cant play movies?  they shoot flames out of the slot?02:48
Dr_Willisndxtg:  one by O'reaily. got it years ago02:48
ndxtgDr_Willis: reg_expr for dummies? :D02:49
Dr_Willisndxtg:  i avoide books that have dummies in the title.02:49
Dr_Willisndxtg:  those are not the O;reialy  books. :) theirs have the woodgraving prints on them normally02:49
psycho789is ubuntu better than w7? why?02:49
Dr_Willispsycho789:  Yes.. its free.. next question...02:49
ndxtgDr_Willis: I've seen like a hundred books of the same yellow template with dummies on though :D02:50
Frankiitaadr_willis i just can use the dvd drive if the disk is inside when i turn on the pc once time i try to change the disk it become uselle until next reboot whit the next cd inside02:50
red2kicpsycho789: Why should you pay for oxygen? :(02:50
Dr_Willisndxtg:  i dont even buy those if they are ont eh bargin bins.02:50
ndxtg*the word dummies02:50
Frankiitaaand i have 7 pc02:50
psycho789other than it's free. because thats pretty horrible logic im talking about features and stuff. i know nothing about linux02:50
Dr_WillisFrankiitaa:  you are right clicking on the disk on the desktop and using the 'eject' menu item?02:50
kochiihi all, is it suggestable that I do dual boot xp/ubuntu or it will make computer unstable02:51
Frankiitaai have try all ways02:51
Dr_Willispsycho789:  theres numerous sites that debate windows vs linux.02:51
R3cur51v3Will dual-band wireless offer any advantages on a small network with 2-5 clients?02:51
R3cur51v3err, I'll ask #offtopic nv02:51
ndxtgIn graphics term: Ubuntu + Compiz is better than Win 7, equivalent to Mac02:51
Dr_Willispsycho789:  its main feature is 'its not windows' :)  it dosent have teh same windows problems.. it has its own.02:51
jribkochii: if you need xp, sure.  It will not make your computer "unstable"02:51
TecnaFrankiitaa: You're doing it wrong.  You can't eject a CD unless you've made sure that it's no longer in use by programs and has been unmounted.02:51
epinkydual band wireless ?:o02:52
SimonSayezndxtg, Also you can do a lot more programming stuff with Linux than on Windows 702:52
Paddy_NIHey there I am looking for a nice simple netbook email client that my mother could use on a netbook, I have already tried anjal but sadly it will not start.. so short of getting to the root of the anjal problem are there any other recommended email clients preferably with indicator-applet support that are suited to a netbook?02:52
kochiijrib: whats a good dual boot program ?02:52
jribkochii: huh?02:53
Tecnapsycho789: Ubuntu, like other distributions of linux, give you complete control over your system.02:53
jrib!dual | kochii02:53
Frankiitaatecna: how i have to do it ?02:53
jrib!dualboot | kochii02:53
ubottukochii: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot02:53
kochiijrib: ndxtg: yea is grup good ?02:53
jribkochii: yes, you want to use grub...02:53
SimonSayezthe Ubuntu Linux environment is good for Java and Android programming too02:53
kochiijrib: oh ok...heard a while ago (around 4 years) about ppl complaining about it02:54
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots02:54
ndxtgthere is no dualboot program that enables you to "edit-on-air" the menu item of the boot menu like grub02:54
SimonSayezgrub2 is a pain in the ass they could have simplified it a little better02:54
kochiitnx jrib:02:54
ndxtg<---- (failed sentence)02:54
psycho789thanks i think im going to go ahead and put ubuntu on my old dell just to try it out02:54
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kochiiwhere you going to get drivers psycho78902:55
kochiii have a lenovo and it doest provide linux drivers02:55
KE1HApsycho789, check the chipset, if it's an intel i8xx series, there's work around for install & boot. Just FYI.02:55
SimonSayezHow old is your Dell machine ?02:55
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots02:55
KE1HAYeah, check the chip-set.02:56
kochiinext laptop i get is definetly a ubuntu...dont have to worry about drivers and bs02:56
kochiii mean an ubuntu built on it02:56
StealFalconpls can anyone help i need to roll back all system changes by 30 minutes!02:56
StealFalconpls can anyone help i need to roll back all system changes by 30 minutes!02:56
SimonSayezYou can get the Dell Ubuntu Version of Linux here: http://en.community.dell.com/support-forums/software-os/w/linux/building-base-ubuntu-factory-iso.aspx02:56
ndxtglol since when ubuntu sell laptops?02:56
lucas-arghello, i have an hp dv6 laptop, and when im restarting it or powering it off i hear a cracking sound or something through the speakers... its no bad but its really enoyin and cant find any tweak for this, if there is any sugestion please give me one, thanks02:56
SimonSayezI would burn the iso02:56
epinkyStealFalcon: could you define dual band wireless?, my MW knowledge is not that advanced :)02:56
kochiicool...tnx SimonSayez02:56
Barnabaskochii, the Lenovos are to my experience some of the best for ubuntu (linux)02:57
Barnabasgood driver support02:57
StealFalconi installed all interfaces for ubuntu it screwed the hekk up my pc02:57
TecnaFrankiitaa: Close programs that are accessing the disc(if something says to eject your disc, it probably isn't accessing it).  This is usually enough to make it work, but sometimes you need to right-click the disc in nautilus to unmount and/or eject.  You should also man umount and man eject for information about doing this manually, and possibly using the force option if needed.02:57
StealFalconi need to roll back my whole sys by 30 mins02:57
ndxtgdual Lan is possible, but dual Wirelss ... no idea02:58
kochiiI have a friends father who bought a ubuntu laptop...he wants windows xp on it though...i could have traded mine with him if my #7 key was not broken02:58
IdleOneStealFalcon: what do you mean by you installed all interfaces?02:58
savidHi, every time I VNC into my desktop,   I get the screen loaded, but it never updates.  (e.g., I move a window, but nothing happens through vnc).  I've confirmed that my keyboard and mouse movements are making it through, I'm just not getting screen updates. Any ideas what might cause this?02:58
kochiiBarnabas: where do you get drivers for them though ?02:58
StealFalconkde xfce02:58
Barnabaskochii, with the kernel02:58
StealFalconi allready have gnome02:58
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kochiiBarnabas: me no understand02:59
Barnabasso they are there as a part of ubuntu02:59
jrib!away > radar3d02:59
ubotturadar3d, please see my private message02:59
IdleOneStealFalcon: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome02:59
Barnabaskochii, you dont need to "get" them02:59
IdleOneStealFalcon: you will have to remove KDE and then follow the link to also remove xfce02:59
kochiiBarnabas: so my hotkeys, volume etc work ?02:59
Barnabaskochii, they are part of your os02:59
kochiiBarnabas: really ?02:59
StealFalconso just chage the command to fit xfce?03:00
kochiiBarnabas: so ubuntu comes loaded with the drivers for all those devices from different manufacturers ?03:00
IdleOneStealFalcon: at the bottom of the page there is a link to remove xfce03:00
Barnabaskochii, on my last Lenovo (ibm) all buttons worked as designed03:00
welinuxStealFalcon: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome03:00
StealFalconE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?03:00
kochiiBarnabas: or my concept of device is just totally wrong?03:01
Frankiitaatecna: how do i have to take out de dvd ?03:01
savidoh, nm -- had to disable compiz03:01
IdleOneStealFalcon: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome this link is better03:01
SimonSayezThe Dell Ubunto Linux isos are here I gave the wrong link sorry http://linux.dell.com/files/ubuntu/jaunty/iso-images/03:01
kochiiBarnabas: what lendovo did you have ?03:01
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Barnabaskochii, no you are just used to the windows approach where you have to download drivers from a multitude of sources03:01
Guest11331StealFalcon: go to http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce03:01
xanguaStealFalcon: synaptic, apt, aptitude, software center¿03:01
IdleOneStealFalcon: close Synaptic and or Software Center03:01
welinuxStealFalcon: simple problem - close synaptic or close terminal aniway03:01
SimonSayezBurn the Dell Ubuntu Iso and see if the old drivers are there for your old Dell Machine they probably are03:02
Barnabast61 - its an older model today03:02
TecnaFrankiitaa: once the dvd has been unmounted, you should be able to just press the eject button on your drive.03:02
kochiiBarnabas: wow thats amazing man03:02
StuckMojoso...starting gdm hard locks the system03:03
Barnabaskochii, in general you can define your buttons to do what you want with them - also the multimedia ones03:03
kochiiBarnabas:I think Im very close to knocking xp off my laptop03:03
Barnabasfor all pcs03:03
StuckMojoi booted into text mode then sshed in and started gdm by hand03:03
StuckMojoand it almost immediately locked03:03
Barnabasbut it is a bit technical03:03
Frankiitaatecna: so i cant just take out the dvd like i used to do in windows03:03
psycho789the chipset on my dell is Intel 855PM Chipset would it be hard to install03:04
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TecnaFrankiitaa: Tell me what you're doing before trying to eject.03:04
Barnabaskochii, XP is getting older - so yes you should probably look at ubuntu or perhaps win703:04
Barnabaskochii, support for XP is also about to be closed down03:04
Barnabaskochii, stay away from Vista :-)03:05
SimonSayezpsycho789, Nope just burn an old Dell Ubuntu iso from here http://linux.dell.com/files/ubuntu/jaunty/iso-images/03:05
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SimonSayezpsycho789, then upgrade03:05
psycho789alright thanks03:05
kochiiBarnabas: probably an obvious question but just want to confirm to get some more confidence haha...And ubuntu has features for power use like conserving battery by lowering cpu speed etc ?03:05
pradeepnot a fan of windows but xp is about the best windows os03:05
knoppieskochii, yes03:05
kochiiBarnabas: yea vista is shitte03:05
Guest88579or windows 7, but i still rarely use it03:06
welinuxpradeep: may be - but it is offtopic03:06
knoppieskochii, you can even force the CPU speed stepping to sit at the speed you want it to.03:06
pepper_hazeMan, I feel better now03:06
IdleOne!language | kochii03:06
ubottukochii: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:06
Barnabaskochii, yes there is a daemon kalled powernod you can install to throttle the cpu03:06
kochiiI wouldnt want to touch any newer shites the push from seattle03:06
Barnabaskochii, but most BIOS today can do the same03:06
pradeepwelinux, YUP IT IS REALLY IRRELEVANT03:06
h00kkochii: please watch the language03:06
Barnabaskochii, drop to reduced cpu speed when on battery03:06
xanguawhy not just recomend the new official ubuntu lucid to psycho, SimonSayez ¿¿03:06
StuckMojo00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)03:07
psycho789SimonSez, which of those iso files do i burn?03:07
SimonSayezpsycho789, this one ubuntu-9.04-dell_A01.iso 05-Oct-200903:07
kochiiBarnabas: cool...thanks yo03:07
psycho789thank you03:07
ShapeShifter499is there a download manager for package managers(like synaptic) ?03:08
SimonSayezxangua, because the Dell Ubuntu Linux live disk has wifi drivers pre installed03:08
pradeepmy screen flickers alot any clues03:08
n-iCehi I did a clean ubuntu 10.04 install, but the clock is one hour delayed, any suggestions? I already set it, and changes in every boot.03:08
StuckMojook, so starting X kills it03:08
ShapeShifter499so I can fully use my ISP's internet speed03:08
StuckMojoso it's not gdm specifically. which is no surprise03:08
SimonSayezxangua, He can always upgrade to 10.04 later on03:08
welinuxpradeep: I'm trying to understand but maybe your sentence in another way What's wrong03:08
xanguafrom 9.04 to 9.10 to 10.04 ¿¿ :S03:08
kochiialright...gnight all03:08
SimonSayezxangua, right03:09
Tecnan-iCe: sounds like your clock is being set with a NTP server and your location is set wrong.03:09
xanguaSimonSayez: that sucks03:09
n-iCeTecna: what to do03:09
StuckMojono Xorg.0.log is writeen03:09
BarnabasShapeShifter499, you can only utilize your total bandwith if the host you are downloading from serve at equal or higher speed than that03:09
SimonSayezxangua, yeah but the Dell Ubuntu Linux Live disk has wifi drivers03:09
Tecnan-iCe: I suggest checking your location in the clock settings.   also check daylight savings options.03:10
xanguapsycho789: better try first the ubuntu lucid live cd03:10
pradeepwelinux, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/587935?comments=all03:10
ShapeShifter499Barnabas: you know like download multiple chunks of one file so it downloads faster..03:10
pradeepthat is the issue03:10
pradeepi have03:10
SimonSayezxangua, the Dell Ubuntu Linux Live iso will have wifi drivers out of the box03:11
BarnabasShapeShifter499, yes but the host you are dl'ing from still has a max speed determinded by its uplink speed03:11
SimonSayezxangua, otherwise he would have to plug an ethernet cable into his machine03:11
Frankiitaatecna i just tested it just inserting a disk after that i eject it and when i put another disk inside it dont works03:11
xanguaSimonSayez: what wifi driver¿¿ then why not better install the oficial ubuntu ang get the drivers from the dell ubuntu cd¿¿03:12
TecnaFrankiitaa: Are you saying that you were able to eject the first disc, but not the second?03:12
SimonSayezxangua, when he puts in the Dell Ubuntu Live disk into his machine it should detect his wifi card, 10.0.4 most likely wont03:13
antonio_I'm going nuts..trying to transfer some files from my old lappy that is pretty muched effed up...03:13
pradeepwelinux,  cant hear from you again03:13
BarnabasSimonSayez, some of the newer dell wifi nics could not yet supported by the linux kernel03:13
xanguaSimonSayez: that's what i said, he can JUST get the drivers from the dell ubuntu cd03:14
welinuxpradeep: gotcha thanks I'm trying to participate  because it is the best place to understand ubuntu in live mode from all over the world03:14
antonio_I can't burn a dvd...and I can't get files onto either flash drive (error reading from file: input/output error)03:14
* Wiesshund does the happy dance, catalyst 10.7 ubuntu specific build --=success=--03:14
BarnabasSimonSayez, try an lspci to list the devices on the pc03:14
antonio_is there any kind of quick fix to get around this?03:14
SimonSayezantonio_, you can buy a USB enclosure for your hardrive take your hard drive out your machine and hook it up to your current pc via usb03:14
Tecnaantonio_: Transfer across the network.03:14
Wiesshundantonio_ you trying to install ubuntu?03:15
antonio_wiesshund: already installed on this machine...03:15
Frankiitaatecna i be able to eject the discs, but i can use my dvd drive once i have eject the first, it dont read any disc at all03:15
psycho789my 2004 dell has no wireless anyway03:15
antonio_tecna: using open ssh?  I've got 3.2 gigs to transfer03:15
psycho789so should i just install the other verison03:15
SimonSayezpsycho789, its not a laptop ?03:16
Wiesshundantonio_ sorry i thought maybe you sere trying to do a driveless install. thats what i get for joining the channel late :)03:16
psycho789it is a laptop03:16
ShapeShifter499Wiesshund: is that driver suppose to be good for ATI Radeon Cards?03:16
psycho789it has no wireless drivers or anything03:16
psycho789its too old i guess03:16
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Tecnaantonio_: a few gigs shouldn't take very long to copy using a samba share.03:16
SimonSayezpsycho789, Does it have a wifi card ?03:16
WiesshundShapeShifter499 10.7? yea03:16
psycho789i would have to buy a wifi usb or something03:16
SimonSayezpsycho789, then you might as well download the new ubuntu and install it03:16
SimonSayezpsycho789, Do you have a PCMCIA slot on your laptop03:17
Tecnaantonio_: unfortunately, I can't help with setting that up, because I'm here looking for help with that.03:17
antonio_tecna: how long would moving over 3 gigs take across a network?03:17
ShapeShifter499Wiesshund: I'm using the ones from xorg edgers PPA and there are a few native linux games that are fing up03:17
SimonSayezpsycho789, type the model of your 2004 dell laptop please03:17
Tecnaantonio_: that depends on the machines involved, but that usually would take me at most 15 minutes.03:18
psycho789wait acutally yes i do03:18
psycho789but its dell latiude d60003:18
WiesshundShapeShifter499 10.7 = linux 8.75.5 i used the official package from ati and built it03:18
ShapeShifter499Wiesshund: how would I switch to those drivers?03:19
WiesshundShapeShifter499 i didnt try any of the 3rd party builds03:19
ShapeShifter499Wiesshund: before (when switching) I totally messed my system up cuz I didn't switch divers correctly, I had to reinstall03:20
antonio_is there any linux command/package to temporarily "fix" a drive..just so that I can actually move these dang files?03:20
SimonSayezpsycho789, Is this your Dell Machine http://support.dell.com/support/edocs/systems/latd600/en/ug/index.htm03:20
WiesshundShapeShifter499 you can download them from www.ati.com and make the build, ive got the packages i made but i dont know it they wind up being machine specific when built or not03:20
BarnabasShapeShifter499, I have good experience with the fglrx drivers on Radeon 9700 - my old pc03:20
WiesshundShapeShifter499 yea when switching, deactivate then mark old driver for total removal. they forget to tell you that in the docs03:21
psycho789simon: yes thats it03:21
ndxtgdoes anyone know what version of Catalyst for Radeon Mobility X1600?03:21
ndxtgI need to run OpenGL the fglrx doesnt work weel03:21
SimonSayezpsycho789, you should have a PCMCIA slot on that machine03:21
psycho789yeah sorry i corrected myself but you missed it03:21
antonio_is there any linux command/package to temporarily "fix" a drive..just so that I can actually move these dang files?03:22
SimonSayezpsycho789, I see it here http://support.dell.com/support/edocs/systems/latd600/en/ug/pccards.htm#wp110426003:22
TecnaWiesshund: when compiling from source, it's best to do it again on each system, unless you're sure the other system has the same dependencies and libraries03:22
WiesshundTecna yea thats what im thinking as well03:22
psycho789yeah its there03:23
ShapeShifter499Wiesshund: so should I mark all xorg drivers for full removal ?03:23
WiesshundShapeShifter499 also not noted is you wind up having to manualy remove your /urs/shate/ati directory03:23
psycho789simon: i thought it did not have one but i was wrong03:23
SimonSayezpsycho789, you need something like this for wifi access from that Dell Machine http://imagine41.com/orinoco-gold-11-mbit-s-wireless-pcmcia-slot-wifi-card.html?___store=english_1127190126503:23
WiesshundShapeShifter499 yes if you want to build and switch drivers you have to, but dont reboot until new drivers are built and installed03:23
Frankiitaadr_willis: i just can use my dvd drive just if i turn of the pc with the disc that i want to use inside, if i change the disk i can use my dvd drive to next reboot.03:24
psycho789thank you03:24
BarnabasShapeShifter499, or make an xorg.conf that utilizes the driver you select03:24
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SimonSayezpsycho789, Orinoco PCMCIA cards work well in Linux03:24
antonio_is there any linux command/package to temporarily "fix" a drive..just so that I can actually move these dang files?03:24
SimonSayezpsycho789, That will give you wifi access03:25
ShapeShifter499Barnabas: never messed with the xorg.conf file03:25
Tecnaantonio_: what do you mean by "fix"?  What's wrong with it?03:25
WiesshundBarnabas 10.04 doesnt have one by default03:25
psycho789i will check those out03:25
BarnabasWiesshund, no but you are free to make one03:25
antonio_tecna: If I try copying files from .mozilla-thunderbird to a flash drive, burn them to a dvd, etc.  I get a input/output error03:26
Tecnaantonio_: what filesystem is it?03:26
antonio_would that matter?  considering I can't even burn them, its more than likely not anything to do with the filesystem...03:27
Frankiitaai got this problem do u know somethin about it http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146803503:28
Wiesshundantonio_ i missed the beginning. you having a drive failing or something?03:28
ProfOakWould any of you know where I would go about a question regarding unetbootin and syslinux.cfg editing?03:28
antonio_yeah basical,ly wiesshund:03:28
Tecnaantonio_: if you're getting i/o errors from that drive, you need to check the filesystem for errors, and that's done differently on some filesystems03:28
sosaitedI am in need of some quick and really needed help. I have been trying to install Lucid on my Karmic + XP system for the last 18 hours, and every method I have tried gives one or another error. I first tried with direct boot of ISO from grub. that eventually gave error of sort can't unmount /iso... Then I tried UnetBootin HDD method, that gave "Unable to mount medium for live.....". Then I tried UnetBootin USB, that just stuck on the purple screen for li03:29
sosaitedke 15 minutes. Then I burned two cds, One didnt boot at all, second gave me a "error reading boot cd"03:29
ShapeShifter499Wiesshund: ok I've downloaded the drivers from the ATI page, but should I remove the xorg stuff before or after running the installer?03:29
antonio_also on a side note, a minute ago I logged into failsafe gnome...now I can't select my normal login03:29
Wiesshundantonio_ what filesystem is the drive?03:29
antonio_whoops..fixed failsafe gnome03:29
duke_hello how i compile code cpp to asm using nasm03:29
WiesshundShapeShifter499 Yes, or i blieve you will find the build fail due to clashing libs03:29
ProfOaksosaited: Have you tried the wubi installer?03:29
antonio_how can I tell what the fs is?03:29
sosaitedAnd I have a "thing" with myself to not eat anything until I install this, so its kinda of an "underweight guy becoming really underweight" :)03:30
antonio_wiseshund: and tecna: is there a linux command /term command to discover what the filesystem is?03:30
sosaitedProf0ak: No. I am trying everything from my Karmic.03:30
Tecnaantonio_: mount (with no args/options)03:30
ProfOakantonio_: sudo fdisk -l03:30
Wiesshundantonio_ sudo fdisk -l03:30
lovinglinuxWhat is happening with the forums?03:31
TecnaI like how there are a bunch of ways to do everything03:31
antonio_/etc/sudoers is mode 0666, should be 0440 wiseshund: prof0ak: and tecna:03:31
duke_you guys never user nasm?03:31
duke_or gcc03:31
Taevhey guys I may have deleted some files I shouldn't have during a Clam AV scan and now Apache won't start03:32
Taevapache2: Syntax error on line 185 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Syntax error on line 1 of /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/mod_python.load: Cannot load /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_python.so into server: libpython2.5.so.1.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:32
IdleOneduke_: you getting any specific errors?03:32
ProfOakantonio_: You're not able to use sudo?03:32
FabParmaduke_: i just used 2 mins a go03:32
SimonSayezduke: Yes NASM is for hardcore assembly language programming03:32
Taevi reinstalled libapache2-mod-python03:32
Taevbut i keep getting the same error03:32
antonio_guess not...03:32
hunahpuTaev: the mython mod file has a different name, check your apache mods directory to get it and change it03:33
Tecnaantonio_: ProfOak: inability to sudo could really screw you.03:33
sosaitedFor the love of Linux, someone please read my cry03:33
Taevhuh. why would it have a different name?03:33
ZykoticK9antonio_, sounds like you need to boot single user mode then change the permission on /etc/sudoers03:33
duke_no withougt joke i really forget the line nasm -a bla.cpp03:33
Taevwhere would the apache mods directory be?03:33
antonio_so what in the heck can I do...I NEED to backup these files really bad03:33
duke_gets me tons of errors03:33
hunahpuTaev: the one you install via ubuntu repos has a different name, check your /etc/apache2/mods-available directory03:33
Tecnaantonio_: are you using a livecd?03:33
Taevin /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/?03:34
antonio_zykotick9: can I use "chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers"03:34
StuckMojoplacing i915.modeset=1 on the boot line in grub does work.03:34
antonio_tecna: no I am not03:34
StuckMojoand https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/55483503:34
Tecnaantonio_: also, do you have or can you make one?03:34
SimonSayezduke_, Why not try here type /join #nasm03:34
antonio_I do have one...03:34
ZykoticK9antonio_, single user mode give you root access - then you you'll be able to use chmod - without requiring sudo03:34
Barnabasantonio_, the first thing you must do is backup .. now03:34
hunahpuTaev: first check in mods-available, after that check the mods-enabled if it is not in the enabled one, just create a symbolic link (wiht ln -s)03:34
Tecnaantonio_: can you make one03:34
Barnabasantonio_, dump your device03:34
antonio_barnabas: thats what I am trying to do...03:35
Barnabasantonio_, work on that03:35
TaevLoadModule python_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_python.so03:35
ProfOakHey is there something wrong with the ubuntu forums? I can't log in...03:35
StuckMojoZykoticK9: figured it out, if you saw03:35
duke_error list : http://pastebin.com/duxkHRzf03:35
antonio_I was just thinking...can I use a livecd to backup everything from my failing hd to my ext 500 gig hd?03:35
StuckMojoZykoticK9: well...more like, found a solution03:35
SimonSayezduke go here type: /join #nasm and matland will help you with your NASM problem03:35
StuckMojoit was KMS03:35
Barnabasantonio_, dd if=/dev/<device> of=/path/to/file03:35
Tecnaantonio_: That what I'm trying to tell you!03:35
Barnabasantonio_, this will take a while03:35
ZykoticK9StuckMojo, nice work!  glad you got it fixed.03:35
antonio_thanks tecna: ;) firing up the cd :D03:35
TaevLoadModule python_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_python.so in available03:35
Taevthey are both the same03:36
sosaitedHow can I fix "Unable to find a medium containing a live file system" error when trying to install Ubuntu Lucid (from Karmic) with UnetBootin's HDD option?03:36
WiesshundTecna <facepalm> lol03:36
antonio_barnabas: whats that do?03:36
roaddhoggis the ubuntu installed with wubi any different than normal install of ubuntu?03:36
StuckMojoZykoticK9: yeah me too03:36
Barnabasantonio_, it will dump the erraneous device to a file03:36
ZykoticK9roaddhogg, yes03:36
Taevand in /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_python.so is there03:37
Taevso everything is correct03:37
roaddhogghow so03:37
StuckMojoZykoticK9: to upgrade to grub2: install grub-pc ?03:37
Barnabasantonio_, there must be space on the target device to fit of cause03:37
ZykoticK9roaddhogg, don't use WUBI unless you have too (it makes Ubuntu dependent on Windows - not really a great situation)03:37
Barnabasantonio_, that will make a raw dump of what you got right now03:37
hunahpuTaev: if you have just installed it, you'll need to restart apache so it is loaded03:37
Tecnaantonio_: without sudo working properly in your installed system, live-cd is the only reliable option.03:37
roaddhoggthats what i thought, thanks for clearing that up03:37
ProfOakIs there something wrong with the Ubuntu forums?03:37
antonio_can I use that command to just select one directory?03:37
ZykoticK9StuckMojo, not sure (but sounds good)03:37
Taevi reinstalled the module03:37
Taevso I should restart?03:37
antonio_got my live cd loading up03:38
antonio_if this works gonna be sooo stoked03:38
FabParmahow to hide the kernel list on grub when boots?03:38
hunahpuTaev: with "sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart/stop/start03:38
StuckMojoseems as though i already ahve it03:38
ZykoticK9StuckMojo, grub2 - GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (dummy package)03:38
sosaitedI am getting  "Unable to find a medium containing a live file system" error when trying to install Ubuntu Lucid (from Karmic) with UnetBootin's HDD option? Any tips?03:39
Karen_mknow how there is HWMonitor, is there something of the sort in ubuntu?03:39
Taevso sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start ?03:39
antonio_tecna: you're probably gonna have to run me threw some stuff03:39
Karen_mi want to monitor my laptop heat/temp03:39
antonio_the livecd is almost up.  Once its up to the desktop, do I have to mount my failing hd?03:39
ZykoticK9Karen_m, add to panel / hardware monitor is one method03:39
hunahpuTaev: first "sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop" with that you'll stop it, then change stop for start to start it again....03:39
Taevits not running03:39
Taevto beging with03:39
FabParmaKaren_m: probably you have already the tool installed03:40
Barnabastaev its with ck03:40
Taev * Starting web server apache2                                                  apache2: Syntax error on line 185 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Syntax error on line 1 of /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/mod_python.load: Cannot load /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_python.so into server: libpython2.5.so.1.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:40
FabParmaKaren_m: try to type in a console   sensors03:40
Tecnaantonio_: it works like any other ubuntu installation.  plug in your external.  the old drive should be listed in your places menu.  You should be able to click it to automatically mount and open it03:40
Barnabastaev you do not have the python plugin for apache installed03:41
Taevyes i do03:41
Taevi just reinstalled it03:41
Barnabastaev then the path is wrong03:41
TaevLoadModule python_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_python.so03:41
Taevand its there03:41
Taevin /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_python.so03:41
BarnabasTaev, and can the apache user read it?03:41
Taevwhat do you mean?03:42
Taevthe permissions?03:42
BarnabasTaev, file permissions03:42
Barnabasor ownership03:42
hunahpuTaev: do you have "mod_python.load" file in mods-enabled?03:42
Barnabasdepending on level of paranoia03:42
Taev-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 123088 2008-03-22 18:27 mod_python.so03:43
Taevyes hunahpu03:43
Taevand in "mods-available"03:43
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antonio_god I really hope this works...03:43
Taevthey both point to /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_python.so03:43
Wiesshundsosaited you still having problems?03:43
ZykoticK9Taev, i'm not sure, but should that mod_python.so be executable perhaps?03:44
FabParmaKaren_m: does work sensors?03:44
Taevnone of the other modules are03:44
BarnabasZykoticK9, I dont think so03:44
ZykoticK9Barnabas, ok03:44
Taevmod_python.so has the same permissions as every other module03:44
Barnabasto be read by apache deamon03:44
antonio_after like half a minute of copying...I can hear the failing drive...making some not so nice noises...what should I do tecna:???03:44
Tecnaantonio_: what type of filesystem is it?03:44
Taevand both files in mods-available, and mods-used points to /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_python.so03:45
antonio_eft4 I think03:45
Tecnaantonio_: stop the copying for now03:45
Taevso whats the problem?03:45
GalaxorHi.  I'm trying to play videos from dvd or file.  I get a black box where the video should be.  I get audio though.  I've got nvidia with proprietary drivers, using 10.04.  Anybody know anything about that?03:45
sosaitedWiesshund: Yes.03:45
Wiesshundantonio_ is the drive clicking? if so shut it off, unplug it for now03:45
GalaxorAre there common fixes for black-box-instead-of-video, or is this likely to be a bug in the nvidia driver?03:45
Wiesshundsosaited can you tell us exactly what youve done so far in the unetbootin install?03:45
IdleOneantonio_: some people have had success with putting the drive in the fridge for 10-15 minutes and then backing up files.03:46
ZykoticK9Galaxor, try another player VLC/Mplayer - try changing the Video Out VO to either GL or X11 and see if it works.03:46
SimonSayezGalaxor, Do you have a media player such as VLC installed ?03:46
Barnabasantonio_, Again I cannot stress the most imporant thing to do when a drive fails - get the data of the drive and put it somewhere else03:46
Barnabasbefore any fixes are attempted03:46
xanguaGalaxor: what driver¿¿ the free, propietary¿03:46
Arthur___can anybody tell me how to get the volume control back on the task bar?03:46
Tecnaantonio_: it sounds like your disk is physically damaged.  if those files are important, you should consider taking it to a specialist.03:46
Wiesshundantonio_ how important is this data? if the drive has physical damage or failure you may have to ship it out to a place like ontrak03:46
GalaxorZykoticK9, SimonSayez: Yeah, this isn't a totem issue.  I've used vlc also.03:46
ZykoticK9Arthur___, add to panel / indicator applet03:47
IdleOneArthur___: right click the panel and add Indicator Applet03:47
ZykoticK9Galaxor, change the VO in the player03:47
Galaxorxangua:  nvidia 195.36.24 x86-6403:47
GalaxorZykoticK9:  In VLC?03:47
FabParmacan you read this text?03:47
ZykoticK9Galaxor, i think it's an option in VLC ya.03:47
IdleOneI can FabParma03:47
Wiesshundantonio_ the only way to recover files from a physical failure it to take apart the drive and mount the platters in a special machine that can read and recover them and you cant do that at home :(03:47
TecnaWiesshund: hivemind03:47
Arthur___works ty!03:48
sosaitedWiesshund: I first tried to write the ISO to HDD (root), restarted, the ubuntu screen came and everything, and after a while I got "Unable to find a medium containing a live filesystem" (or it was unable to mount).03:48
WiesshundTecna hmm?03:48
SimonSayezWiesshund, lol too much work hahah03:48
GalaxorZykoticK9:  Hm.  I'm not sure what a VO is.  Where should I be looking for this?03:48
antonio_this is such bs!03:48
Wiesshundsosaited you did the frugal install or something else?03:48
Taevwhat package has libpython2.5.so.1.003:48
ZykoticK9Galaxor, sorry VO = Video Output - you need to try changing it from the default XV to GL or X1103:48
SimonSayezI think VLC is the most advanced media player for Linux right now03:48
TecnaWiesshund: we gave antonio_ the same answer at the same time03:49
ZykoticK9SimonSayez, mplayer03:49
WiesshundTecna doh brain fart moment03:49
sosaitedWiesshund: Frugal install? You mean I selected the HDD?03:49
antonio_tecna: or anyone else, would I come across the same problem if I tried to send the files across a network?03:49
jribTaev: probably none if you're on lucid since there is no python 2.5 afaict03:50
Tecnaantonio_: probably.  the proplem seems to be the drive, so i wouldn't expect it to work for any destination.03:51
TaevIm on 8.0403:51
sosaitedWiesshund: Yes I did the frugal install.03:51
Taevand there should be  because my apache has worked fine for years03:51
Wiesshundsosaited ok. you still have access to windows then yes?03:51
Taevuntil stupid ass clamav03:51
antonio_these files are all of my emails from thunderbird...I'm wondering if there is a kind of plugin for firefox to output all of this stuff to another drive?03:51
jribTaev: 8.04 isn't lucid.  Anyway, why don't you tell us the real issue?03:52
Wiesshundantonio_ if you keep spinnign the drive your going to damage it and make recovery expensive or impossible03:52
sosaitedWiesshund: I did it on Karmic btw. But yes I have access to windows AND karmic03:52
Taevapache won't start03:52
jribTaev: what do you think I'm going to ask you next?03:52
GalaxorZykoticK9:  All right.  It works when I set it to OpenGL.  Previously, it was on "Default".  Is there some way to make this the default?03:52
Tecnaif you're willing to risk ruining the disk before finishing, you can just try copying in small chunks, but if the data is important, take it to a recovery specialist.03:52
Taevapache2: Syntax error on line 185 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Syntax error on line 1 of /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/mod_python.load: Cannot load /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_python.so into server: libpython2.5.so.1.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:52
GalaxorZykoticK9:  System-wide?03:52
Wiesshundsosaited i take it your trying to install 10.04 also?03:52
dstanekany reason why trayer isn't available in karmic?03:52
Taevand now its running03:52
Taevi reinstalled python2.503:52
sosaitedWiesshund: As I mentioned, I am trying to install 10.04 from Karmic, on a dual-boot system with Karmic + xp03:53
z987kanyone know of a ppa I can add to get the 2.6.35 kernel in lucid?03:53
Taevwould some one please double check for me03:53
ZykoticK9Galaxor, nope, i don't think it's possible to change in the default gstreamer based apps either :(03:53
Taevdoes http://provo.homelinux.net load?03:53
jrib!enter | Taev03:53
ubottuTaev: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:53
SimonSayezZykoticK9, Right mplayer is the most advanced at this time03:53
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iflemadstanek alltray is similar03:54
jrib!away > radar3d|Zzz03:54
ubotturadar3d|Zzz, please see my private message03:54
ZykoticK9SimonSayez, sorry i shouldn't have said anything - it's a vi vs. emacs type argument ;)03:54
Wiesshundsosaited try running unet in windows, sometimes people have more luck with booting the virtual fs from win than nix03:54
ruhtranayri broke my xorg.conf and can no longer get my TV back to 1360x76803:54
antonio_wiesshund: the hd was getting pretty hot..I was already having a problem with cooling, so I placed a fan under it..helped a little bit in the past few weeks...I might try keeping another fan on it...to keep it even cooler03:54
ZykoticK9SimonSayez, what ever works for YOU is best ;)03:54
jribTaev: no it doesn't load.03:54
Wiesshundantonio_ you are going to ruin it and not see your data again, how important is this data to you?03:55
Taevits loading for me03:55
sosaitedWiesshund: Ok. ANd one more thing. During the install, when it asks for where to install bootloader, should I leave it to "sda" or change it to my current grub/ubuntu partition?03:55
Tecna"Failed to retrieve share list from server" Somebody please help me figure out what's wrong with my samba server?   CLI output: http://pastebin.com/j3n4niis03:55
GalaxorZykoticK9:  Hm.  I can't even find this setting in totem at all.03:55
antonio_not super super important...but I would like to have stuff backed up03:55
jribTaev: now it is...03:55
=== E is now known as UdontKnow
ZykoticK9Galaxor, it isn't there!03:55
Taevstrange now my wiki isn't working03:55
Taevgrrrrr @ clam av03:55
dstanekiflema: thanks i'll check it out03:55
Wiesshundsosaited sda is where grub should always be. not that good to put grub in places like sdc1 etc03:55
ruhtranayrmy tv is connected to my geforce 7100gs through vga...nvidia-settings will only show 640x480 and 320x30003:56
dstanekratpoison isn't the same without it03:56
antonio_I've got 1.2 gigs of the 3 gigs already backed up...and I want to get the rest of it :(03:56
ruhtranayrive reinstalled nvidia driver a few times, ran sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:56
sosaitedWiesshund: Is there any way I can confirm this? THough I am kinda sure it is already on sda and no sda5 (my linux partition).03:56
Wiesshundantonio_ well i can tell you with out a doubt if the drive is making noises and you keep running it, it is going to flat out die03:57
ZykoticK9Galaxor, many of the media apps ubuntu uses will have this issue i'm affraid03:57
Wiesshundsosaited there is but at the moment my brain fails me in remembering exactly how to look03:57
z987kanyone know of a ppa I can add to get the 2.6.35 kernel in lucid?03:57
linuxmascotI'm seeking some help. It deals with upgrading from 8.04 to 10.04, when ever one of you has a spare minute, It'd be appreciated.03:58
Tecnaantonio_: if you're not willing to pay a specialist to recover the data, and it's not vital data, just copy in small chunks, shutting down after a minute of two to let it cool.  The drive will self-destruct if you keep using it, so if you do use it, only use it to very carefully back up the data03:58
sosaitedWiesshund: Ok, never mind. Thanks. I'll give windows a try, otherwise I'll try booting the ISO directly again and see if I can somehow fix the "can't unmount /iso...." problem03:58
Wiesshundantonio_ its your drive, but you seemed like you wanted to have a chance at recovering whats on it03:58
iflemadstanek ALSO trayer is available in Lucid Lynx 10.0403:58
hunahpuz987k: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/03:58
tesujiwhat has to be done so that a running program does show up in the process list?03:58
linuxmascotI'm seeking some help. It deals with upgrading from 8.04 to 10.04, when ever one of you has a spare minute, It'd be appreciated.03:59
z987khunahpu,  won't that break a ton of kernel modules and such?03:59
SimonSayezthat is why you should always have USB external backup hardrive03:59
GalaxorZykotiK9: Aha.  I used the program gstreamer-properties and set the default output plugin to "X Window System (no XV)"03:59
antonio_wiseshund: someone told me that if I put the hd in a plastic bag, toss it in the freezer..wait 5 hours....pull it out and toss it into a volcanoe on the next island over and pray to the gods that it will magically repair it...will this work or is this just bs? ;)03:59
ZykoticK9Galaxor, thanks!  awesome!03:59
GalaxorZykoticK9:  No, thank YOU.03:59
Wiesshundantonio_ if you dont care too much about the drive. take it out of the pc case, put it in a water tight bag, and sit it in ice water, and pray the cables are long enough to reach03:59
linuxmascotI'm seeking some help. It deals with upgrading from 8.04 to 10.04, when ever one of you has a spare minute, It'd be appreciated.03:59
hunahpuz987k: if you want a 100% safe option, use the regular kernels only; the ones there a re RC versions so are not 100% safe03:59
SimonSayezhard drives die out all the time for no apparent reason04:00
GalaxorAnd now, I shall commence with my main objective:  Watching Batman: The Animated Series on DVD.04:00
SimonSayezI had a brand new SSD hard drive die out me04:00
TecnaWiesshund: that's a terrible idea04:00
z987khunahpu,  well, for instance, I already got those images, but the nvidia kernel module failed to load on reboot04:00
antonio_wisehund: haha, I think I'll just try blowing on it :D04:00
linuxmascotI'm seeking some help. It deals with upgrading from 8.04 to 10.04, when ever one of you has a spare minute, It'd be appreciated.04:00
Tecnalinuxmascot: what's the problem04:01
hunahpuz987k: yes you will need to rebuild nvidia modules, I use ATI but there should be documentation on how to do it in the nvidia site or ubuntu wiki (community docs)04:01
linuxmascotThank you04:01
Wiesshundhard drives are mechanicaly devices, they have wear points and moving parts. starting and stopping them is actualy hard on them. and the little head servoes do wear out over time, plus heat takes a toll on the electronics04:01
z987khunahpu, just the nvidia or every kernel module?04:01
linuxmascotWell, i've tried to upgrade from ubuntu 8.04 to 10.04 two times, each time the update freezez when it gets to installing the 10.04 dbus. So 75% through the update it freezes, and I have to completely re-format my computer back to 8.04 because on restart it tries to boot 10.04, which didn't fully install.04:02
hunahpuz987k: just the nvidia would be my guess... but the real answer is "every module you need and you don't already have/isn't working" but it's.. well a pretty obvious answer :p try it, always keep a back up kernel though04:02
Wiesshundlinuxmascot how old is the pc? 10.04 may not be the choice for some older hardware04:03
linuxmascotI upgraded through the terminal with the update command ' update-manager- d'04:03
linuxmascotit's not THAT old.04:03
linuxmascotI'm running a 2.6ghz, 1gb ram, 32 bit graphics card computer.04:03
Tecnalinuxmascot: if you're completely reformatting, why not just make a 10.04 cd and install with that instead of upgrading?04:03
linuxmascotacer extensa 422004:03
Wiesshundlinuxmascot well 8.X is pretty old :) is why i asked04:03
linuxmascotWell, I don't have any blank cd's, and my two flash drives are gone. I was hoping to get it resolved tonight.04:03
ZykoticK9wouldn't "update-manager -d" try installing 10.10?  re: linuxmascot04:04
rwwZykoticK9: not if you're not already on 10.0404:04
ZykoticK9rww, they're on 8.0404:04
Wiesshundlinuxmascot what Tecna said, except you could use unetbooting since youve no media to use04:04
ZykoticK9rww, sorry though the -d was for development, my bad.04:05
russhello, is there any way to get help with logging in to landscape with a (new) paid support contract?04:05
Dalcool. irc on my palm pre works :)04:05
rwwZykoticK9: it is, but as I understand it, it won't actually take effect unless you're using the current stable release (since update-manager respects supported upgrade paths)04:05
linuxmascotI've never net booted04:05
Tecna!ot | Dal04:05
ubottuDal: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:05
rwwI haven't tried it for myself, though, so maybe I'm wrong04:06
jribruss: you should ask canonical, they can better help you04:06
ZykoticK9rww, ok thanks for the clarification (even if a little uncertain feeling)04:06
russjnb is there any way to reach them? They don't answer their phone you know.04:06
SimonSayezeverything is done over the internet nowadays04:07
SimonSayezso phone ??04:07
jribruss: shouldn't you have some way to contact them after paying for support?04:07
linuxmascotwiess: I've never net booted, how would I start that process.04:07
Tecnalinuxmascot: I'd strongly advise getting a cd for a live disc.  if you can stand to wait until a store near you opens, that's your best option.04:07
dstanekiflema: is it safe it install that package on karmic?04:08
pradeepwhat the job opportunity for Linux like in your country04:08
ZykoticK9!ot > pradeep04:08
ubottupradeep, please see my private message04:08
iflemadstanek alltray? It is in the karmic repositories, yes04:08
russjnb You would sure think so. So far worse than worthless.04:08
linuxmascotTecna: well that takes the fun out of computing, doesn't it? : p04:08
linuxmascotTecna: I suppose I can wait04:09
SimonSayezpradeep, lol jobs in this economy ???04:09
rwwruss: fyi, it's "jrib", not "jnb"04:09
Wiesshundlinuxmascot you got room on your drive to download the 10.04 ISO?04:09
jribruss: http://www.canonical.com/about-canonical/contact Try sales, maybe they can point you in the right direction?04:09
linuxmascotWiess: yes04:09
dstanekiflema: no the trayer deb from lucid04:09
Wiesshundlinuxmascot http://ansi.interblc.com/2010/02/06/howto-boot-iso-images-via-grub2-with-ubuntu/04:09
iflemadstanek it may go on???/04:10
Wiesshundlinuxmascot you can give that a go. it would let you boot the liveCD from a location on the hard drive04:10
russjrib sorry I these are new glasses too... I sent an email to canonical sales, hope they will answer soon04:10
jribruss: anyway, I don't know anything about landscape, but that's what I would do.  Good luck (I'm off to bed)04:10
Tecnalinuxmascot: if you can understand it, the link Wiesshund gave you is work trying, too04:10
jribruss: there are a few numbers on that page too you can try04:10
Tecnalinuxmascot: *worth04:11
Tecna!hello | tindefacto04:11
ubottutindefacto: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!04:11
linuxmascotTecna: I'm reading it, i'll see how well i do.04:11
tindefactoDoes anyone here have a good knowledge of BitTorrent clients?04:11
[IA]ZealotQuestion: In 10.04 Server, how to I permanently disable screen blanking for all the ttys ?04:11
linuxmascotWiess: it says they used 9.1004:11
rwwubottu: anyone | tindefacto04:11
ubottutindefacto: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:11
Tecnatindefacto: I suggest azurus / vuze04:11
ZykoticK9[IA]Zealot, IF you don't get an answer here, try asking in #ubuntu-server.04:12
[IA]ZealotZykoticK9: Oh snap, I'll check there too04:12
tindefactoQuestion: I have my computer split between Windows and Ubuntu. I have uTorrent on Windows and wish to bring the torrent over to Ubuntu to seed. Is there a way that it's possible?04:12
tesujianybody understand /proc ?  what creates the entries?  something in the kernel?04:13
shaunotesuji: exactly04:14
InterwebsHi, can someone help me out, I'm panicking.04:14
rwwtindefacto: should be. Copy the torrent's contents over to the Ubuntu box, download the .torrent file, and point the torrent client to where the contents are. It'll check that they match the .torrent file and start seeding.04:14
ZykoticK9!ask | Interwebs04:14
ubottuInterwebs: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:14
rwwtindefacto: pretty much any client -- including the one that ships with Ubuntu, Transmission -- can do that04:14
tindefactoOkay, thanks rww04:14
InterwebsMy ethernet controller seems to have disappeared from lspci04:14
Jeatonis there a terminal base torrent app for linux?04:14
tesujiShauno my system is hacked and i know there is stuff runig that doesn't show up in ps04:14
outer_spacehow can I read mail if theres no mail command in ubuntu or in apt-get?04:14
shaunoJeaton: a few, I think rtorrent is the most common04:15
InterwebsIt was there last time I booted, and I was connected with it. Now its gone04:15
zkriesseouter_space: ah install a mail client04:15
SimonSayeztesti, run the top command04:15
zkriesseouter_space: or use your web browser04:15
rwwJeaton: there are several. I use rtorrent. Deluge and Transmission both have command-line versions too, I think, and there's also bittornado and bittorrent.04:15
Jordan_Utesuji: Why do you think you have been hacked? That's very unlikely.04:15
outer_spacei dont know how. its on a server that you ssh into04:15
Jeatonthanks rww04:15
Wiesshundtesuji its kind of hard for someone to do that unless you run alot of things as root04:16
ZykoticK9rww, Transmission support something with ext4 that reduces fragmentation dramatically when using torrents.  Jeaton04:16
tesujiJordan_U, that is a saga, pls don't tell me what's going on, but if u will help me get info i'd appreciate04:16
Tecnatindefacto: mount your windows drive, start downloading the torrent, pause it, copy or symlink the previously downloaded files over the new files, then force a check in the torrent client.  it should detect that the files are completely downloaded then move them to the seeding list04:16
Wiesshundtesuji or you got a room mate who likes putting crap in your init, still top will show the processes running04:16
tesujiWiesshund, it is a long story but if you will give ifo it would help04:17
rwwZykoticK9: I assume you mean pre-allocation, which is also a standard torrent client feature.04:17
InterwebsI guess what I'm saying, is does anyone have any idea how/why a device that worked previously could not only stop working but disappear from lspci04:17
Wiesshundtesuji run top, you will see every process running04:17
shaunotesuji: in /proc, you'll find a directory matching each running pid.  the file 'cmdline' within each of those will tell you what command corresponds to that pid04:17
WiesshundInterwebs yes, device physicaly failed for some reason04:18
SimonSayezWiesshund, I like running the top command04:18
Jordan_Utesuji: To get support you need to provide full information, as well as trust that your own diagnosis may not be correct.04:18
hoosiers_83still looking for a decent media player that supports mtp (sansa).  rhythmbox crashes when i adjust volume, don't like audacious or amarok, banshee's library watcher is broken.  anything else to try?04:18
InterwebsWiesshund: I guess what I was asking is: does that indicate definitively a failure with the device, or could it be a problem with Ubuntu?04:18
SteveThingcan anyone suggest a good linux book (distro neutral) for a novice linux user, but technically inclined person (network admin)? I'm also looking for a good book on ubuntu04:19
WiesshundInterwebs on the level lspci looks, its most likely the device. many bios wil give an lspci 'like' output during boot as well showing the devices it saw04:19
SimonSayezSteveThing, Why distro neutral ?04:20
WiesshundSteveThing linux for dummies (no offense meant)04:20
SteveThingi'm looking for something that will explain scripting on multiple levels of complexity with an in depth explanation04:20
ZykoticK9hoosiers_83, [I HATE to recommend this but] for music players i always liked Songbird (until they dropped linux support, so I dropped it - RIP Songbird)04:20
SteveThingSimonSayez, for basic linux reference04:20
InterwebsWiesshund: also, lshw can't find it, but hwinfo makes some mention of it04:21
SteveThingWiesshund, tried, it was too "Dummy" for me04:21
xangua!manual > SteveThing04:21
ubottuSteveThing, please see my private message04:21
ZykoticK9hoosiers_83, you should report follow up on the rhythmbox volume issue/bug!04:21
jru898has anyone successfully gotten a logitech quickcam for notebooks running in 10.04?04:21
jru898If so could you direct me to how you did04:21
SimonSayezSteveThing, Its best to get a Linux specific book depending on what distro you will be working with04:21
hoosiers_83it's fixed in .13.  but that release doesn't remember my music library every time i start it.  so i have to sit there as thousands of songs get reloaded04:21
ZykoticK9jru898, does it not work in Cheese?04:21
Wiesshundjru898 what series/age ive gotten them to work in cheese but not other things like skype. but the ones i have are older04:22
fishcookerany pointer to linux based robot04:22
tindefactoOkay, thanks for the help04:22
hoosiers_83i'll probably just stick with banshee, and have to manually update my libraries because the extension that supposed to do that, is broke04:22
SimonSayezSteveThing, This is a very good Ubuntu Linux book http://www.amazon.com/Practical-Guide-Ubuntu-Linux/dp/013236039X04:23
shaunotesuji: really, the most useful suggestion I could give you in that situation is to get the machine offline.  post-mortem if you're capable, reinstall (or *trusted* backup) if not.  If you think someone's got far enough to patch ps/libproc, there's really nothing you can trust to be done with the system running04:23
fishcookerany pointer to linux based robot...04:24
SteveThingSimonSayez, I was looking at that already... seems a bit outdated already :(04:24
tindefactoQuestion: I have a partitioned hard drive (Windows 7/Ubuntu) and would like to set up all my music onto rhythmbox. Is there a way that iTunes on the Windows side and Rhythmbox can share the same files>04:24
Wiesshundfishcooker er you mean like a serial port robot?04:24
jru898That's my question actually, it works in cheese, but nothing else04:24
Wiesshundtindefacto yes, use the win partition to store the music04:24
xanguajru898: nothing else like what¿¿04:25
tindefactoWiesshund: Thanks. Will Rhythmvox try to change the ID3 tags so iTunes won't read it or will it work without hassle?04:25
Wiesshundtindefacto easier for linux to see music on a ntfs drive than windows to see an etx404:25
Kuroganehow i can check what app is using a port?04:25
Wiesshundtindefacto ive not noticed rhythmbox changing mine no04:25
ZykoticK9tindefacto, by default Rhythmbox doesn't write to ID3 tags - i WISH it did!04:25
tindefactoWiesshund: Thank you very much!04:26
Jeatonrww - already installed it and without reading how to operate it, I already open it up and don't know how to exit04:26
jru898skype and flash based online alternatives04:26
SteveThingcan KeePassX DB's be exported to other drives (i.e. thumb drives or CDs)? I can't figure out how04:27
Wiesshundjru898 yea i had the same issue, tried the webcam drivers from the repository and some 3rd party ones too. only thing it worked in was cheese04:27
hermanlfYo anyone, what's the gui that lets you start/stop/restart system services from x?  I've used it before but I can't remember the name.04:28
jru898Also, when I do have image (in cheese) it's extremely dark, and I don't see the option to increase the exposure04:28
Wiesshundhermanlf system monitor?04:29
hermanlfhmm, nope, that's not it Wiesshund04:30
Wiesshundjru898 alot of the semi old chipset webcams dont adhere to the usb camera standard, and the makers dont put out any linux drivers to hack a work around04:30
Jeatonanyone familiar with setting up a local virtual host in apache2?04:30
tntcHey, am I crazy for going from 64-bit ubuntu to 32-bit ubuntu with PAE?  I've had a few compatability issues with 64-bit04:30
jru898Well, that is quite lame04:30
tntcbut I have yet to see a problem where a package was like "64-bit required"04:31
* uRock wants to know who killed the ubuntuforums.org server.04:31
miniuserhello. i have been googleing, but i cannot find anything usefull ... what is ICE?04:31
hermanlfWiesshund: the app I'm talking about lets you also start a system service that's not already running.04:31
fishcookerWiesshund: linux kernel on robot processor arch04:31
miniuserwhats a "ICE listening socket"?04:32
Wiesshundjru898 yea i know. they still sell webcams that dont adhere to the proper standards, they make drivers for windows to hack around that. saddly none for linux04:32
ZykoticK9hermanlf, i hope you get an answer... a non-"system monitor" answer... you just reposted.  System / Admin / Services was removed a few Ubuntu versions ago i believe.  i know of no replacements compatible with Upstart.  Good luck man.04:32
shaunotntc: very little will actually require 64bit unless it's handling *very* large chunks of data.  if you find 32bit more comfortable, it's your computer and it should work /for/ you.  Go for it.04:32
sharrisI still havent resolved my freezing issue, but i did find where somebody posted the same thing on the forum http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=152714704:32
hermanlfAh np.  I'll just use the cli to start it.  I was thinking of the service manager in fedora *DOH*.  I've been on fedora for too long.04:33
jru898Note to self, do your research before buying your next webcam04:33
Wiesshundhermanlf there may be a services manager for ubuntu you might look in the repository04:34
uRock!hi > matrix04:34
ubottumatrix, please see my private message04:34
hermanlfjru898: true that.  If it doesn't work with linux, it's not a webcam :)04:34
Wiesshundhermanlf im sure such a thing does exist for ubuntu04:34
kancermanjru898: exactly what I did before completely switching to Ubuntu ;)04:34
hermanlfk, I'll take a peek04:34
hermanlfthanks Wiesshund.04:34
tntcshauno: well, I'm a coder.  I'm honestly finding a lot of stuff like python is 32-bit anyhow.  PAE means I can access more than 4gb, but I can't have a single application access more than 4gb still, correct?04:34
tntcwell, the python modules I need are 32-bit. I know there is 64-bit python04:35
shaunotntc: spot on.  the OS can see the whole chunk, but a single process can't allocate it all04:35
Wiesshundjru898 not that its any consolation, but the quickcams they sell now are STILL using a very old chip04:35
jru898Update! I got it working with flash based alternatives04:35
shaunotntc: only really an issue if you want vmware to give more than 4Gb to a guest, or similar.   Very few normal cases where one process will need a >4Gb alloc04:36
jru898I had to run qcset /dev/video0 compat=dblbuf04:36
jru898All that did was enable double buffering04:36
jru898But that made the computer recognize it as a webcam04:36
jru898Still no skype support04:37
tntcshauno: I run VMs, but I doubt I'm going to give any VM 4gb when I have 8gb total, so that works for me :)04:37
jru898But it's progress04:37
Wiesshundjru no skype will probably crash when you enable it04:37
hermanlfyeah, skype for linux bites04:37
Wiesshundjru898 try opening cheese to tickle the cam on, then have skype try to use it04:37
Wiesshundjru898 you might try looking for this driver but no promises qc-usb-0.6.604:38
jru898I already have that one04:38
jru898It wasn't working until I enable the double buffering04:38
Wiesshundjru898 ah, ok04:38
jru898And skype doesn't even recognize it exists04:39
jru898But I'm fine with the flash programs04:39
jru898And I'll mess around with it until I find a workaroudn04:39
Wiesshundjru898 oh it will if you open cheese 1st hehe, then skype will kill itself LOL04:39
roaddhoggwill installing ubuntu delete windows04:39
tesujiroaddhogg, no04:39
ZykoticK9roaddhogg, it can if done improperly!  Proceed with caution!04:40
Wiesshundroaddhogg no, not unless you go and delete the windows partition04:40
jru898@Roadhogg back important stuff up first just in case04:40
tntcroaddhogg: or just use WUBI04:41
roaddhoggid rather not use wubi04:41
ZykoticK9roaddhogg, avoid WUBI if possible!04:41
SnandyI am trying to run Ubuntu 10.04 off of Live CD to recover files from my hard drive. The screen is all "fuzzy" and shaky. How do I either add graphic drivers are set it to 1680X1024 resolution?04:41
tntcreuteras: Personally, I just backed up windows, installed Ubuntu on the whole drive, and installed Windows in VMWare Workstation.04:42
tntcroaddhogg: ^ not reuteras, sorry.04:42
JulieJulieHey guys, I don't have a usb stick that is over 2gb right now at home but I do have a blank external drive.  How can I install ubuntu using my external hard drive to my netbook?04:42
ZykoticK9Snandy, if you have a partial working screen i'd just recover the files - trying to get proper working drivers in LiveCD might be a lot more trouble then it's worth.  good luck though :)04:43
shaunoJulieJulie: I haven't tried it (for linux atleast), but there should be no difference in the process.  they essentially appear as the same thing to the system (usb-massstorage, just one wildly bigger than the other)04:43
tntcJulieJulie: how big is your usb stick? I don't think you need a full 2gb for the install.04:43
JulieJuliewell it is igb04:43
SnandyZykoticK9: Hmmm good point. Do you think it will harm the monitor at all?04:43
JulieJulietntc,  it is 1gb and the site says it needs more04:43
JulieJulietntc,  I believe the image is only 700?04:44
ZykoticK9Snandy, doubt it - it's being under used04:44
JulieJulieShauno, I was thinking the same thing04:44
JulieJulieShauno, but I didnt try it cause I feel like it is so specfic04:44
tntcJulieJulie: 1gb should be enough. give it a shot.04:45
Jeatonanyone here really familiar with apache and virtual hosts?04:45
WiesshundJulieJulie you can use unetbootin and not need any drive04:45
mariano_Hi, do you guys have an idea of why Lubuntu is not saving my display settings?04:46
SnandyAnyone here run WoW (or other games) off of Ubuntu. The plan was to recover my files and put Win7 on and replace vista. But honestly, I would love to switch to Ubuntu if I can get it to play my PC games, run Office 2007/2010 (I have to for school) and run Outlook. How doable are all of these things?04:46
tntcJulieJulie: my flash drive is only using 701M04:46
ZykoticK9Jeaton, only "basically", but i believe vhosts is on by default on ubuntu - and you have to have settings in some hosts-available and hosts-active or something.... good luck man.04:46
WiesshundSnandy i run WOW04:46
JulieJulieWiesshund, what is unetbooting?04:47
WiesshundSnandy and you dont need office, linux has open office and star office (think you have to buy star office now though)04:47
SnandyWiesshund: With running PC games (I assume WineX? DUnno, I havent used unix since 1994), do you ever feel the need to dual boot a form of windows?04:47
WiesshundJulieJulie http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/unetbootin/wiki/installmodes04:47
JulieJulietntc,  lol now it is the trouble of finding it too haha04:48
WiesshundSnandy i dont need to dual boot unless i want to run some older not very well programmed game04:48
ZykoticK9mariano_, reask same question in #lubuntu as well ;)  good luck - lubuntu is kinda neat, i tried it in a VM for the 1st time the other day.04:48
tntcJulieJulie: HA! I know that feeling.04:48
JulieJulietntc, lol welcome to my life!04:48
tntcJulieJulie: unetbootin would let you install to the external, but I think you'd have to wipe the drive.04:48
SimonSayezsleep() is a beautiful thing04:48
ZykoticK9mariano_, are you using nvidia?04:48
Wiesshundtntc no04:49
SnandyIf moving from Outlook 2007 to Evolution, will I miss any key features much?04:49
WiesshundSnandy nah i dont think so.04:49
albertlhey guys, which app do you recommend me to virtualize windows and/or macos on ubuntu. I'm a newbie at this. thanks in advance04:49
tntcWiesshund: if it's an external HD, it's probably NTFS.  Does unetbootin work with NTFS?04:49
mariano_Yeah... It made a junk P3 PC run much faster for internet browsing than few other PCs here...04:49
Wiesshundtntc unetbootin doesnt wipe your drive at all04:49
mariano_nop, not nvidia04:50
SnandyWiesshund: Ok thanks for the answers!04:50
Wiesshundtntc yea you run the win32 unetbooting and it works like a mini wubu livecd04:50
ZykoticK9mariano_, ummm, try in #lubuntu then :)  good luck.04:50
mariano_is a very old graphics cars.. hmmmm... I think is Savage04:50
=== mjampala is now known as dude
WiesshundSnandy you can always keep windows for a while until your sure04:50
JulieJulieWiesshund,  lol unetbooting looks a bit complicated04:51
WiesshundJulieJulie nope not really04:51
SnandyShoooot  Live CD isn't seeing my SATA raid hard drives, where I had hoped to move the files to04:51
mariano_Oh you know you're right!! It is NVidia04:51
mariano_Sorry, I got confuse with the older one04:51
SnandyVista is FUBARed, I am reinstalling something tonight, I don't care what it is as long as it isn't Vista04:51
ZykoticK9mariano_, "lspci | grep -i vga"04:51
SnandyI'd darn ear put WinME on before Vista now04:52
WiesshundSnandy google grub and sata raid, there might be something you need to do at boot to see the raid04:52
SnandyWhich will work via live cd?04:52
WiesshundSnandy also did you create the raid in the windows management console? or other?04:53
SnandyThe raid is through the motherboard04:53
WiesshundSnandy any grub method will work fromthe liveCD youd hold shift at boot to get the grub menu04:53
roaddhoggso if i install ubuntu via boot cd, what do i do to make sure it won't do anything to W7?04:53
xanguaroaddhogg: create a diferent partition for ubuntu04:54
WiesshundSnandy i undertand the MB part but theres a windows method of making the raid, which unfortunately only windows can see04:54
welinuxroaddhogg: believe Ubuntu04:54
ZykoticK9roaddhogg, choose the install option to install "along side windows" - i think it's the default but be sure, it's the partitioning section of the install that's important to you right now.04:55
WiesshundSnandy you would have dont that in the management console under storage, by modifying the partitions. most people dont do that but a few do04:55
Wiesshunder dont = done04:55
WiesshundZykoticK9 yea thats the default. personaly i like the eat windows option but hehehe04:56
WiesshundSnandy silly question but why you running raid on what sounds like a normal desktop/game pc?04:56
Strife89A friend of mine was browsing YouTube when he encountered the error message in the screenshot. Firefox crashed badly and currently cannot be killed (might just be slow about that, though). Any interpretations? http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1905158/Screenshot%20%282%29.png04:57
SnandyI will say one thing, so far the Live CD rocks. In 10 seconds I was able to start doing something04:57
WiesshundStrife89 kill its pid in top, bet it dies quick04:57
Strife89Fair enough, but we're still wondering what the error message could mean.04:58
ZykoticK9Strife89, perhaps the mozilla support channel might have insights into that specific error message?!?04:58
Strife89I highly doubt it.04:59
ZykoticK9Strife89, you could try searching LaunchPad?04:59
Strife89All I'm after right now are educated guesses.04:59
WiesshundSnandy if you decide to trash windows, rather than a raid youd maybe like to have the extra drive space. ive never got much advantage out of a raid array if i wasnt doing a ton of sequential file accesses04:59
Strife89There is no way, as far as I'm aware, that this exact error is in any database.04:59
WiesshundStrife89 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/55885805:00
ZykoticK9Strife89, perhaps true, but you need someone familiar enough with the code to actually get some useful info out of this error....05:00
Snandycan I just install ubuntu unto this winVista partition and just use it, and once I get in delete all the winows crap I dont need?05:01
ZykoticK9Wiesshund, nice!05:01
Strife89Wiesshund: I stand corrected.05:01
WiesshundSnandy no cause the win partition is NTFS file system and Linux uses ETX05:01
WiesshundStrife89 ive no idea what caused it, but atleast your not alone05:02
FreshPrincedoes anybody knows a nice tutorial to set up accounts in thunderbird?, the new thunderbird is too complicated to create 2 accounts, didnt work and all the messages goes to 1 folder instead of to different etc. need help :)05:02
Strife89Wiesshund: Good to know, at least. :)05:02
Strife89Wiesshund: My friend was worried that he might have a malware issue.05:03
Strife89Hence the mindset, etc.05:03
Strife89Wiesshund: Anyway, thanks for the find. :)05:05
abhijitFreshPrince, try in #thunderbird on irc.mozilla.org05:05
shugarthey guys, any good suggestions for a socks5 proxy server (other than just doing the ssh -D) ?05:06
FreshPrinceabhijeet, thx05:06
Strife89Searchable text: http://pastebin.com/L2QF2xvP05:06
Andre_Gondimis it possible to use ubuntu one in Ubuntu Server?05:07
trongthanhhow to download package to a safe place (for future reinstallation)05:07
abhijitAndre_Gondim, ask in #ubuntuone05:07
ZykoticK9Andre_Gondim, you might want to ask in #ubuntuone05:07
abhijit!repository | trongthanh05:08
ubottutrongthanh: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories05:08
abhijit!offline | trongthanh05:08
ubottutrongthanh: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD05:08
ZykoticK9trongthanh, the old school way might be to backup the /var/cache/apt/archive folder... another option.05:09
xanguaGuardian: looking for ubuntu help¿05:10
abhijit!aptoncd > trongthanh05:10
ubottutrongthanh, please see my private message05:10
ZykoticK9xangua, not sure if you'll know the answer - but why is your "?" upside down?05:11
xanguaZykoticK9: latinamerican keyboard05:11
ZykoticK9xangua, thanks - i don't remember noticing it before...05:12
sharriswhat is the command to post my error msgs to pastebin?05:12
abhijitsharris, pastebinit05:12
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com05:12
Wiesshund!pastebin | sharris05:12
ubottusharris: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:12
Jinxzshow to use pastebin05:12
sharrisbut whats the command to view the error logs?05:13
mariano__Sorry, what was the lspc command again? (Lubuntu PC not saving Display Settings)05:14
abhijitJinxzs, go to paste.ubuntu.com give title paste content click on next or continue button and you will be on next page and then copy paste the address of that next page from address bar of your browser to here05:14
ZykoticK9mariano__, for graphics card?  "lspci | grep -i vga"05:14
mariano__thanks again05:14
abhijitJinxzs, but where is your question? ;) :P05:15
Jinxzsi dont have yet. im just reading and observing. now i know how to use pastebin05:15
abhijitJinxzs, good. :)05:15
[thor]Jinxzs: the pastebinit command is a little more convenient05:15
roothi all05:15
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Jinxzscan you whisper it to me thor how to do it? ^_^05:16
Jeatoni deleted the /etc/apache2 directory, thinking it would reinstall it when I sudo apt-get install apache205:16
Jeatonbut it doesn't, any idea how I can recover this?05:16
abhijitJinxzs, if you need to paste output of some command then you can do = uname -a | pastebinit then wait some sec and it will give you address05:16
mariano__It's not showing any PCI graphics.. Should it list graphics there if it's onboard? Which I think is05:16
mariano__(Is not)05:17
abhijitJinxzs, try with some another command05:17
sharrisIve been having an issue with my new ubuntu studio installation on an Alienware Area 51m laptop, it freezes randomly on the desktop, sometimes its only the keyboard and mouse thats frozen because i can hit the power button and the shutdown menu pops up usually, any way to fix this?05:17
shzlnzldoes ubuntu 10.04 cd come with a partition tool?05:17
abhijitshzlnzl, offcourse!05:18
abhijit!gparted | shzlnzl05:18
ubottushzlnzl: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php05:18
abhijitJinxzs, if that program is not installed then install it by doing sudo apt-get install pastebinit05:18
mariano__I'll find out the Graphics Card info first then... Thanks05:18
sharriscan anybody help me with this issue?05:21
ubuntu_join euy....05:22
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GuardianAlguien ke habke español?05:24
Guest15912hola una pregunta05:24
Oer!es | Guardian05:24
ubottuGuardian: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.05:24
Guardian /join #ubuntu-es05:25
Guest15912como cambio mi nikc05:26
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.05:26
GuardianUbottu, algo salio mal, sigo en Esta sala...05:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:26
GuardianUbottu eres muy convicente jejeje05:27
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:27
tucemiux!ot | Guardian05:27
ubottuGuardian: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:27
sharriscan somebody please help me?05:28
tucemiux!somebody | sharky05:28
ubottusharky: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:28
tucemiux!somebody | sharris05:28
ubottusharris: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:28
trongthanhhow to download updates to an offline location (for future reinstallation)05:28
sharrisbecause i tried asking my question... several times.... and NO help, so i thought i just say "can somebody please help?" :P05:29
xanguaGuardian: "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y sin espacios05:29
rezoluterepeat your question at normal (non irritating) intervals.05:30
rezoluteevery 2 hours or so05:30
rezoluteeven every hour if its busy05:30
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod05:31
zkriesseHello xae8koo05:32
sharrisim having an issue with a new ubuntu install and the keyboard and mousepad randomly stopping, i finally bought a usb mouse and keyboard to try that and now the usb mouse stopped and the pad works again... but i tried to type something with the usb keyboard and its repeating the first letter i hit...and caps lock and stuff doesnt work at all as if the driver is frozen or something05:32
tucemiuxtrongthanh,  can you download the updates using an ubuntu machine?05:32
xae8kooI want to manage several computers inside a NAT. Is there a way, if I buy a VPS, that they connect to the VPS, and somehow allows me to connect from there?05:32
trongthanhyes I can05:33
shaunoxae8koo: you could setup a vpn between them, allowing you to treat them like they're all on the same network05:33
tucemiuxsharris, i just logged in and didnt see your question, you can repeat again -- all in one line -- if I have an answer I will surely reply !05:33
sharrisim having an issue with a new ubuntu install and the keyboard and mousepad randomly stopping, i finally bought a usb mouse and keyboard to try that and now the usb mouse stopped and the pad works again... but i tried to type something with the usb keyboard and its repeating the first letter i hit...and caps lock and stuff doesnt work at all as if the driver is frozen or something05:34
shaunoxae8koo: (eg, is the vps, .2 is another machine behind the nat, etc).   solves the issue of nat traversal, after that it's just like managing them across a lan05:34
trongthanhtucemiux, I'm about to download them, I just think about maybe download to another location05:34
xae8kooshauno: That seams sensible05:34
tucemiuxtrongthanh, this guide will show you how to do that: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Synaptic/PackageDownloadScript05:35
tucemiuxsharris, what type of machine do you have? manufacturer and model, sounds like your machine either doesnt like linux or you have hardware errors05:35
trongthanhok I'll try05:35
shaunoxae8koo: I'd set the vps as the server, have the nat'd machines connect outbound to it.  and then pay attention to 'push route' options in the config files.  you don't want to do that, else they'll tunnel all outbound traffic via the vps, and your bill will not be pretty.    of course, I'm sure there's more than one way to do it05:35
sharrisAlienware Area 51m Laptop05:36
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sharrisok, both keyboards dont work and neither the mouse or the pad works... i thought it was frozen, but i hit the power button and the shutdown menu popped up and it counted down then shutoff :-/05:37
xae8kooshauno: I would sort of like a fancy web interface and stuff that managed my computers.05:38
tucemiuxsharris, sorry but i dont think that alienware laptop likes linux, it doesnt play nice with the hardware, I would suggest filing a bug report and asking a developer to fix the issues you are experiencing05:39
wrennyim trying to install flash in Ubuntu, i click on the link on adobe site then it say i have to open it with an application05:39
sharris;-/ ok05:39
sharriswhere do i fill out the bug report?05:40
ashrafhow do i change line spacing between bullet points on open office05:40
abhijit!bug | sharris05:40
ubottusharris: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots05:40
elitexraywrenny use synaptic package manager in system admin to install adobe flash05:40
wrennyim a total noob05:40
ashrafcan someone help me with open office05:41
elitexraygo to system then administration05:41
tucemiuxwrenny, if youre a total noob then make sure your browser points to the adobe website and open the flash package05:41
abhijitashraf, try in #openoffice.org05:41
sharriswhere can I find a laptop that WILL work great with ubuntu studio? :)05:42
wrennylike i said it asks for an app to open it05:42
abhijit!hardware | sharris05:42
ubottusharris: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection05:42
ashrafthanks abhijit05:42
sharristhanks :D05:42
rezolutebest usenet client for ubuntu?05:42
tucemiuxsharris, youre a musician or want to use ubuntu for video editing?05:42
abhijitashraf, sharris welcome :)05:42
ZykoticK9!flash | wrenny05:43
ubottuwrenny: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash05:43
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elitexraywrenny the synaptic package manager does all the work for you05:45
xae8kooI want to tie all my ubuntus together in a server, so I can se if they are active, online, and works.05:45
elitexraycommon sense thereafter05:45
xae8kooAnything like that?05:45
ZykoticK9That !flash link has been updated with the current 64bit info, but not install instructions for 10.04?05:45
Wiesshundxae8koo er say what?05:45
wrennyso open it then what05:45
elitexraysearch for adoe flash05:46
elitexrayit'll come up for sure05:46
ashrafcouldnt get any help from the guys at openoffice05:46
wrennyim currently running the updates in Ubuntu, I just installed it into Vbox05:46
wrennytakin too long05:46
elitexrayYeah you can't run two instances at once..05:46
wrennyunless that update includes flash but I doubt it05:47
elitexrayno it doesnt. I tried it too05:47
wrennythen i gotta get the sound going here05:47
ZykoticK9wrenny, installing ubuntu-restricted-extras will install flash and a bunch of codecs you might like MP3/AVI/etc.  something to keep in mind.05:48
tucemiuxashraf, this channel is for ubuntu support only, you can ask in #ubuntu-offtopic05:48
xae8kooWiesshund: I want a site, where I can see if all my boxes are running. Do simple commands, and such.05:48
Niglopwhich program is better for penetration testing: 43af or nessus?05:49
ZykoticK9xae8koo, one linux remote control option is SSH, you can use X forwarding if you want GUI apps.  not exactly what you're looking for i don't think...05:50
WiesshundZykoticK9 sounds like he wants a web app that shows server online and maybe issues some commands?05:50
ZykoticK9xae8koo, oh if you're looking for some web based thing - i have NO idea.05:50
ZykoticK9!ot > Niglop05:51
ubottuNiglop, please see my private message05:51
Wiesshundxae8koo what you want is possible but i dont know of any prebuilt stuff05:52
PythonPupxae8koo, I would suggest you look at nagios/05:52
patxanyone know anything better then remastersys to remaster a ubuntu distro?05:54
wrennywhere /how do i install ubuntu-restricted-extras05:54
patxwrenny, sudo apt-get install foo05:55
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ZykoticK9wrenny, Synaptic / Ubuntu Software Center - or "sudo apt-get ..."05:55
wrennyassume I know nothing05:55
Jinxzswrenny check my pm05:55
Jinxzsim newbie also maybe you can understand me..05:55
patxwrenny, go to terminal05:55
patxsudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras05:55
wrennyso its not a download05:56
Jinxzsits one way or the other.05:56
patxits a package05:56
patxread some docs05:56
ZykoticK9!enter | patx05:56
ubottupatx: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:56
wx9jwhat GStreamer do I need to make sound juicer rip MP3's ?05:57
patxZykoticK9, what???05:58
ZykoticK9patx, try not to hit the Enter key quite so much :)05:58
Gneawx9j: apt-cache show sound-juicer05:59
patxoh yea sorry.... for using those two big lines are really spamish05:59
IdleOnepatx: imagine you and 1424 other people using 2-3 lines for no reason05:59
ZykoticK9wx9j, gstreamer0.10-plugins-really-bad perhaps?05:59
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:59
patxIdleOne, last time a i looked thats how most channels are, and they run just fine06:00
Gneapatx: this is #ubuntu, not most channels. please show some respect for how it works.06:01
wx9jGnea, thanks,06:01
IdleOnepatx: this is not a discussion, it is channel policy. please follow the rules of the channel06:01
patxlink to channel policy please06:02
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines06:02
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ .  For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct .06:02
macobah im too slow06:02
IdleOnepatx: read them and if you have any questions please feel free to bring them up in #ubuntu-ops06:03
kvio04A user I was training to use gparted accidentally overwrote the master partition table on the wrong drive while I was away. Nothing new has been written to the drive since then, so the data's all still there; is it possible to restore the partition table if a new one has been made?06:03
patxIdleOne, will do06:03
Gneapatx: some things are amended via the bot, so consider things like !enter an extension of official channel policy06:03
PythonPupkvio04, yes06:04
bsmith093i realize this isnt a windows channel but how do i update the list of bad sectors on my hd in windows? is there even an option? does it keep a list?06:04
kvio04PythonPup: what does that entail?06:04
bazhangbsmith093, ##windows06:04
ZykoticK9kvio04, check out testdisk for partition recovery.  good luck.06:04
kvio04Zykotick9: I was just reading on the cgsecurity wiki -- is testdisk still able to do it if the ..backup? sector is overwritten06:05
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PythonPupkvio04, You said restore, so I took it you had a backup.  If not, you need to think carefully and remember what was there.  That is your choice.06:05
ZykoticK9kvio04, i wouldn't know for sure...06:05
=== spiros is now known as spyrosebastos
patxGnea, ah i see. becaue i have seen anything a bout using two diffeent lines for two different thoughts. which i would expect. now you have mantioned the bot anbeding it i would think the person who defined the factoid was assuming the users spammed about 4 or more lines?06:06
kvio04PythonPup: the machine was mine so I'm not sure of where the partitions started and ended on the drive, but it was two NTFS (one angel part, one windows)06:06
YerushalmiHey folks, when booting up I get a bunch of errors and a "(initramfs)" prompt. What's going on and how do I fix it?06:06
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patxbut this is a topic i should query about in ubuntu ops correct?06:07
PythonPupkvio04, If you don't have a backup, or get lucky, your data is pretty much gone.06:07
fhilopniggas cant see me06:07
IdleOne!guidelines > fhilop06:08
ubottufhilop, please see my private message06:08
PythonPupYerushalmi, It means your kerlel can't boot.  Sometimes, you can boot to a prior kernel and get into the system.06:08
YerushalmiPythonPup: How do I do that?06:08
PythonPupYerushalmi, carefully and with a fair amount of trouble.06:09
YerushalmiPythonPup: Wonderful. Can you walk me through it?06:09
YerushalmiPretty please? :)06:09
pepperjackYerushalmi: if the menu is hidden the prior kernel might be available as a menu entry.  might try hitting esc at bootup to get into grub menu then arrow down to prevous kernel06:09
YerushalmiAh, okay, I'll try that06:10
PythonPupYerushalmi, Installing kvm on Maverick caused that problem for me recently.  I'll give you the basics.  I used a Knoppix CD to boot the computer.  I manually mounted the hard drive and then edited /boot/grub/grub.cfg to select a different default choice.06:10
xanguapepperjack: it wasn't the Alt key¿¿06:11
Yerushalmipepperjack: Tried hitting Escape every other second after the BIOS screen disappeared, no luck - still at the initramfs06:11
pepperjackah might be different now. i may be thinking of grub106:11
ZykoticK9Yerushalmi, hold down shift if you are using Grub206:11
YerushalmiPythonPup: I have no idea what kvm and Maverick are. All I know is that yesterday evening I came out of hibernate, didn't have write (only read) access to anything, rebooted, and got this.06:12
PythonPuppepperjack,, the option is still there in grub2.  The window where it looks for the key is just very brief.06:12
Win7[ME]my screen is all streched out06:12
ZykoticK9Win7[ME], in Windows 7?06:13
wrennyhow can I see Ubuntu bigger, its only displaying now half size since i ran Ubuntu updates06:13
patxwhat tool can i use to make a iso of my ubuntu dist (a respin maker)06:13
PythonPupYerushalmi, you don't need to know about kvm and Maverick.  That was just for versamilitude.  The way I recovered should work for you, though.06:13
Win7[ME]Irun it in a virtual machine06:13
bazhang!remaster > patx06:13
ubottupatx, please see my private message06:13
razz1how to switch between users when using vnc? using vino as server?06:13
YerushalmiPythonPup: Not on a netbook. Unless there's a USB version of that CD. Anyway, shift brought up the menu, I'm going to try previous kernels06:14
FloodBot2fhilop: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:14
macofhilop: stop that06:14
Yerushalmi(Is it worth trying the current kernel's recovery mode?)06:14
roaddhogg!remaster > roaddhogg06:14
ubotturoaddhogg, please see my private message06:14
PythonPupYerushalmi, Good.  There is a USB boot option.  But, I am glad you got in without it.06:14
ZykoticK9roaddhogg, if you want to see a factoid you can use "/MSG ubottu WHATYOURLOOKINGFOR" and it won't show up in the channel.06:15
=== PhilMather is now known as zz_PhilMather
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PythonPupYerushalmi, I would just see if it boots with a prior kernel, first.  The recovery console won't help you,, unless you know what to do when it boots.06:15
=== zz_PhilMather is now known as PhilMather
patxthx bazhang06:16
bazhangpatx, welcome06:16
YerushalmiWhich I don't, hehe, but tried anyway and got the same error, so I'm booting up previous kernel06:16
hasek79is there any way to get the volume control back in a panel?06:16
PythonPuphasek79, System/Preferences/Startup Applications.06:17
ZykoticK9hasek79, right click panel / add to panel / indicator applet - if you right clicked remove06:17
razz1which vnc server is considered to be secure and efficient? I am looking at x11vnc and freenx to replace vino.06:18
YerushalmiBooting up the previous kernel at least brings me to the ubuntu loading screen, but then "Errors were found while checking the disk drive for /"06:18
PythonPuprazz1, freenx is much faster than vnc.  No vnc is very secure.  If you want that, tunnel it through a vpn or ssh.06:18
melvsterhi all ... anyone know if i can move the mouse pointer from a command line script?06:19
Jinxzsmy ubuntu is take time to boot06:19
YerushalmiThis has happened before, usually I just shut off, eject my hard drive (I run my computer off an SDHC card), put it back in, and turn it back on, which contrary to all expectations actually works. Didn't this time though.06:19
PythonPupmelvster, Sure, write a script to tell the user to move the mouse.06:19
PythonPupYerushalmi, It sounds like you have some corrupted files this time.06:20
melvsterwas looking for somethink like xvkbd for the mouse ... maybe ill try ironahk then ...06:20
=== PhilMather is now known as zz_PhilMather
Yerushalmi...okay, the kernel prior to that one works.06:21
YerushalmiI'm booted up. What do I do from here to repair the more recent one?06:21
razz1pythonpup, i am tunnelling through ssh, will try freenx, I am using remmina as client, vinagre was shocking. should I keep using remmina or get a nx client06:22
pepperjackfreenx used to be a pain to setup but i havent used it for years.  when it was setup though it was amazingly responsive06:23
melvsterah got it06:23
melvsterxdotool mousemove 500 50006:23
Jinxzshow to make it to boot faster.06:23
PythonPuprazz1, I don't know remmina.  I would get an nx client.06:23
wrennyi installed allthtat stuff and web sites still say I have to install flash?06:23
ActionParsnipJinxzs: you can remove startup items06:23
razz1PythonPup: will install freenx and see how it goes, thnx06:24
ActionParsnipJinxzs: use bum06:24
ActionParsnip!boot | Jinxzs06:24
ubottuJinxzs: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto06:24
xanguawrenny: did you restart your browser¿06:24
YerushalmiPythonPup, what can I do from here to fix my default kernel? I managed to get in using a previous one.06:24
razz1PythonPup: by the way how it change between users on the server with out losing the connection?06:25
ActionParsnipwrenny: can you use http://pastie.org to give the output of: dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf06:25
ActionParsnipwrenny: smells like flash is ok for you already :)06:25
wrennyworkin now06:26
ActionParsnipCool, no need to move06:26
PythonPupYerushalmi, I have used 2 different approaches.  One was wiping the whole computer and reinstalling.  Two was setting the old kernel to be the default and living with it until a newer kernel came out.  In other words, I never directly fixed the problem.  Sorry.06:26
=== spyrosebastos is now known as spiros
YerushalmiPythonPup: Ah, hehe, alright then06:26
quesoHow can I see which packages were upgraded after a recent upgrade?06:27
CodeWar10.04 is friggin fast!!! great job guys!06:27
YerushalmiPythonPup: I'll do the second one. I never really noticed a difference. How do I do it?06:27
razz1which one is better freenx or neatx?06:27
ActionParsnipYerushalmi: you could reinstall the kernel. See if its friendlier. Run: sudo apt-get clean ,so you have to download a fresh one06:27
PythonPupAre you using grub1 or grub2, Yerushalmi?06:27
=== zz_PhilMather is now known as PhilMather
YerushalmiPythonPup: I believe grub206:27
ActionParsnipCodeWar: if you use a lighter DE, its even faster ;)06:28
ZykoticK9ActionParsnip, i don't fully understand Bum yet, but great tool!  thanks06:28
YerushalmiActionParsnip: Oh, awesome. Don't have internet access right now, I'll do that from home, so in the meantime I'll set up the default boot on the previous one.06:28
ActionParsnipZykoticK9: it doesn't fully tie in afaik, as some boot stuff it doesn't see06:28
wrennyhow can I install video drivers in Ubuntu to make video better06:29
xanguawrenny: what video card¿06:29
ActionParsnipZykoticK9: what it does see it can play with though. It may have been revised since I last messed with it06:29
ActionParsnipwrenny: what is the output of: lspci | grep -i vga06:29
wrennyGeforce 9800 GT06:29
ActionParsnip!nvidia | wrenny06:30
ubottuwrenny: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:30
ZykoticK9ActionParsnip, i'm actually looking at the version in Maverick at the moment, will certainly install in Lucid when i reboot ;)06:30
ActionParsnipwrenny: the default install will use nouveau, you can install the proprietary if you like06:30
ZykoticK9wrenny, System / Admin / Hardware Drivers - then activate whatever nvidia version is Recommended06:30
Jinxzsis it okay to remove all in start-up programs?06:31
PythonPupYerushalmi, edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg.  There is a line that says   set default="0".  You probably change the 0 to a 2.  But, you need to look in the file to see if that is right.  Count down to see where the prior kernel is.  The first one is 0.06:31
ActionParsnipJinxzs: sure if you want a very stripped down system. Just remove what you don't need, like cups if you never use it, or the filesharing stuff if you don't use that either06:32
=== PhilMather is now known as zz_PhilMather
ActionParsnipYerushalmi: remember to run: sudo update-grub ,after editting06:32
wrennyok i need more help here on this driver06:33
ZykoticK9!away > zz_PhilMather06:33
PythonPupYerushalmi, you have to do a chmod on that file to be able to edit it.06:33
ubottuzz_PhilMather, please see my private message06:33
wrennyim in hardware drivers06:33
ActionParsnipJinxzs: a default install of ubuntu has a lot of guff enabled. If you can make it more exact to your needs it'll be faster06:33
YerushalmiPythonPup: I used gksudo nautilus06:33
wrennysays Oracle VM virualbox guest additions for Linux Module06:33
YerushalmiPythonPup: recovery modes don't count among the numbers, right? So if I'm using one kernel down, it's set default="1", and two kernels down it's 2, right?06:34
PythonPupSounds dangerous, but it is your system, Yerushalmi06:34
YerushalmiWhy dangerous?06:34
ZykoticK9wrenny, if you installing in VirtualBox install the Guest Additions!  totally different the real hardware.06:34
PythonPupYerushalmi, They do count.  That was why I said 2, and not 1.06:34
YerushalmiAh, so I gotta do 4.06:34
wrennywait what?06:34
YerushalmiPrevious kernel didn't work, I went two back.06:34
ActionParsnipwrenny: is the ubuntu install in a virtualbox?06:34
ZykoticK9wrenny, is you Ubuntu installed inside a VirtualBox VM?06:35
wrennyi already install Guest thing i think06:35
PythonPupYerushalmi, OK, 4 it is.  Don't worry about the update-grub.  It is not needed, and would probably erase your fix.06:35
=== spiros is now known as spyrosebastos
ZykoticK9wrenny, enable 3d support in the vbox configuration?06:35
ActionParsnipwrenny: you can use an xorg.conf to get a larger display too06:35
wrennyguide me there please06:36
ZykoticK9wrenny, in the properties for the VM - in the main VBox window06:36
YerushalmiAlright. Out of curiosity, why's gksudo nautilus dangerous?06:36
sudharshHi all, I am trying to setup NFS in my local network. Have installed nfs-kernel-server in my server and nfs-kernel-common in my client. Have put entries in /etc/exports and the server starts fine. However, I am not able to mount the directories in my client. Keep getting " RPC Error: Program not registered".. Is there any diagnostics I can do to fix this?06:36
PythonPupwrenny, did you install the guest package from Synaptic.  It does not really help.  You need the installer from Sun.06:36
wrennyall i see is Machine  Devices  help at top06:36
ActionParsnipwrenny: your ubuntu won't seen an nvidia video chip. It will see a virtualised chip so you can't install nvidia drivers there06:37
sudharsh... and this is the server version. So do not have the luxury of gvfs06:37
ZykoticK9wrenny, right click on your ubuntu vm / settings / click Display - Enable 3d checkbox and increase the memory slider06:37
ibrahim-kasemHi, If I want to update from 9.10 Karmic to 10.04 Lucid How much is the size of the update files because I have a slow internet connection kind of06:37
PythonPupYerushalmi, Because you could accidently edit other files.  I stay in a sudo command as little as needed.06:37
YerushalmiPythonPup: Ah. I see.06:37
wrennyI dont see settings06:37
YerushalmiAnyway, awesome! I'm booting up, using an older kernel06:38
wrennyall i see is Machine  Devices  help at top06:38
ubuntu_i cant install ubuntu on my computer im stuck in step 4 of 8, could help me please?06:38
razz11how to add a user to suoders file, I created a new user and cannot use sudo!!06:38
ZykoticK9wrenny, not in that window.  in the main vbox window, you need to stop your current VM session to make any changes!06:38
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ZykoticK9razz11, add them to the admin group06:38
YerushalmiPythonPup: If a new kernel shows up, will it appear automatically in Update Manager?06:39
greezmunkeysudharsh: did you restart the NFS daemon after your changes to /etc/exports ? If no, please do so.06:39
PythonPupYerushalmi, great.  Good luck a new kernel comes out every week or two.  Wait until the minor version number changes.  So, 2.6.32-2506:39
Daemonvsi cant install ubuntu on my computer im stuck in step 4 of 8, could you help me please?06:39
psycho789when i try to boot up the ubuntu disc i get a I/O Error -06:39
Yerushalmi*nod* And will it change the grub file back, or will I have to change it back to zero manually?06:39
PythonPupYerushalmi, yes, it shows up in update manager.06:39
psycho789it says error reading bood CD06:39
ActionParsniprazz11: use user management or cli to add the user to the admin group, then log it off then on, it will have sudo06:39
Daemonvsi cant install ubuntu on my computer im stuck in step 4 of 8, could you help me please?06:39
wrenny3d is enabled06:39
sudharshgreezmunkey, i did yeah, on both the server and the client, /etc/init.d/nfs-(kernel-server|common)06:39
ZykoticK9wrenny, then that's as good as your graphics are gonna get i'm affraid.06:40
Daemonvsi cant install ubuntu on my computer im stuck in step 4 of 8, could you help me please?06:40
wrennyhow much Video memory should I set06:40
ZykoticK9wrenny, i set mine to max, it runs compiz poorly06:40
PythonPupYerushalmi, It will set it back to 0, unless you stop it.  I have to do that on one Maverick test system, because the default keral is a pae one which won't boot on my computer.06:40
ibrahim-kasemDaemonvs, what is the fourth step , please remind me, is it when building the file system ?06:40
wrennydoes it make much of a diff with flash to set any more?06:40
ActionParsnipDaemonvs: did you md5 test the iso you downoaded? Did you burn the CD as slowly as you could? Have you tested your RAM? Did you test the CD for defects?06:40
Yerushalmi I have no idea what that meant, but at least I know that things should work automatically from here on...06:41
YerushalmiPythonPup: Awesome. You've saved the doctoral dissertation of somebody you've never heard of (not me - I'm just the editor). Thanks so much! :)06:41
=== sudharsh is now known as Sup3rkiddo
PythonPupYerushalmi, keral -> kernel06:41
Daemonvsstep 4 is the prepare partition06:41
ActionParsnipYerushalmi: why don't you have a backup???06:41
PythonPupYerushalmi, glad to help.  Good luck.06:41
YerushalmiActionParsnip: Oh, I do, but I don't have another computer :p06:41
psycho789what do i do if i keep getting an "error reading boot CD" when i try to start up. ive tried 2 diff CDs06:42
ibrahim-kasemActionParsnip, as to me I have tested the iso file using md5 and evverything was fine but when building the file system the operation freezes on 5%06:42
Daemonvsi cant see hard drives on step 406:42
ibrahim-kasemDaemonvs, yes I am having the same issue with 10.04 on my hp laptop06:42
Sup3rkiddogreezmunkey, showmount -e <ip> isn't helping either. Is there some command I can run to check is everything is alright, as in any troubleshooting steps?06:42
Sup3rkiddo.. and logs?06:42
ActionParsnipibrahim-kasem: did you test the cd for defects once first booted to?06:42
Daemonvs<ibrahim-kasem> so what should i do?06:42
PythonPuppsycho789, bad CD, cd drive, cable, or motherboard.  Swap components until you figure out which it is.  Hint:  Don't start with the motherboard.06:43
YerushalmiAnyway, you all have a good day, folks. You guys make using Ubuntu a blast.06:43
Daemonvsforget 10.04 and install 9.xx?06:43
greezmunkeysudharsh: rpcinfo ?? man rpcinfo, use would be rpcinfo -p06:43
ibrahim-kasemActionParsnip,  I have burned many cd's on many computers but sorry I don't know what are you talking about06:43
Sup3rkiddogreezmunkey, okie06:43
PythonPupDaemonvs, Always remember 10.04.  But, it does not work for a few things.06:43
ActionParsnipibrahim-kasem: when the stickman shows up, press space then use cursors and enter to select "check CD for defects"06:44
Daemonvs<PythonPup> should i install 9.xx instead?06:44
ActionParsnipibrahim-kasem: if you burn as slowly as you are allowed, the chance of this passing is greatly increased06:45
ibrahim-kasemActionParsnip, which one is better upgrading my current or installing a new fresh copy ?06:45
Sup3rkiddogreezmunkey, http://dpaste.com/225169/ I suppose something is up with the client then?06:45
PythonPupDaemonvs, is your problem that you see no drives during the install?  If so, then sure try 9.10 and see if it works.  My guess is it won't do better, but it is possible.06:45
ActionParsnipibrahim-kasem: neither is better, nor worse. Both have clear advantages06:46
greezmunkeySup3rkiddo: check this thread b4 moving on: http://forum.vectorlinux.com/index.php?topic=8800.006:46
PythonPupDaemonvs, If 9.10 see the drive, install it and then upgrade to 10.04.06:46
Sup3rkiddogreezmunkey, roger that06:46
Daemonvs<PythonPup> i'll try that06:46
Daemonvs<PythonPup> thanks06:46
PythonPupDaemonvs, but, you probably have a dead or unsopported component in the drive chain.06:46
ibrahim-kasemActionParsnip, do you have an idea about the size of the update files please ?06:47
Daemonvs<PythonPup> well im using the live and can browse the drives without problems06:47
Daemonvs<PythonPup> live cd*06:48
ActionParsnipibrahim-kasem: depends on how many packages you have installed. For example if you use abiword instead of whe whole bloated openoffice install, it will take a shorter amount of time as the data needed to install is less06:48
ibrahim-kasemActionParsnip, yes I understand , thank you very much06:49
ActionParsnipibrahim-kasem: in linux there are no hard and fast answers as the OS is so flexible. A server install running only print and samba servers will update in a fraction of the time someone with a full blown desktop + compiz + openoffice06:49
hua_#join ubuntu-cn06:49
PythonPupDaemonvs, that happens every so often.  Once installed, you should be fine.  The live CD does not have all the drivers.  I don't know if it is that some get downloaded during install or what.  Your other choice might be to use the alternate installer for 10.04.  That is what I'd do next.06:50
ibrahim-kasemDaemonvs, are you installing it on a laptop ?06:51
Niglopvim or emacs?06:52
jussiNiglop: not here please.06:52
Niglopjussi»  nobody ever talks in offtopic :( I just need a quick answer06:52
Daemonvsibrahim-kasem, Desktop06:52
jussiNiglop: personal preferemce, they are free, try them :)06:52
jussi!poll | Niglop06:53
ubottuNiglop: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.06:53
Niglopkk -.-06:53
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Gangosan ***  I am now away.  Reason: _____________HASHISH___________$~ + """].  ***06:55
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=== Zou is now known as Gurty
GarbageMobileDevlibimobiledevice sux sh!t06:58
GarbageMobileDevHow come lazy forum admins do not delete old threads with old useless information?06:58
GarbageMobileDevWho puts a link to here via a website?06:59
tensorpuddingBecause there are too many forum threads, too few admins.06:59
GarbageMobileDevI am so freaking mad right now06:59
GarbageMobileDevIm two seconds away from uninstalling this garbage06:59
GarbageMobileDevI cant register on ubuntu forums07:00
GarbageMobileDevI get erros07:00
=== zz_PhilMather is now known as PhilMather
tensorpuddingWhich errors?07:00
GarbageMobileDevI forget07:00
GarbageMobileDevI cant login07:00
GarbageMobileDevsays "logging in"07:00
GarbageMobileDevbut it doesnt07:00
GarbageMobileDevTried with Opera and FF07:00
GarbageMobileDevthe forums on how to install libimobiledevice is outdated07:01
tensorpuddingThere's a lot of outdated articles on the Ubuntu forums.07:01
tensorpuddingGenerally speaking, they mention which version of Ubuntu it involves, and if it is more than one version in the past it won't work at all.07:02
GarbageMobileDevIm screwing up my new linux07:02
jussiGarbageMobileDev: please join #ubuntuforums for forums help07:02
GarbageMobileDevand gimp07:03
GarbageMobileDevpeople say yyou can open PSD07:03
GarbageMobileDevall lies07:03
tensorpuddingWhat's PSD?07:03
tensorpuddingIs that a Photoshop contrivance?07:03
GarbageMobileDevyou cant open CMYK07:03
jussi!enter | GarbageMobileDev07:03
ubottuGarbageMobileDev: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:03
GarbageMobileDevso frustrating07:03
tensorpuddingGimp has never supported CMYK, to my knowledge.07:03
tensorpuddingThis is a known failing07:03
GarbageMobileDevWell they said you can07:04
jussithis is an article for arch, but I guess its much the same: http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/CMYK_support_in_The_GIMP07:04
tensorpuddingGimp is not feature-complete via-à-vis recent Photoshop releases.07:04
xanguaGarbageMobileDev: stop that please07:05
GarbageMobileDevI do grahpic design, and i thought i could switch to linux07:06
jussi!info gimp-plugin-registry07:06
ubottugimp-plugin-registry (source: gimp-plugin-registry): A repository of optional extensions for The GIMP. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3-1 (lucid), package size 1227 kB, installed size 3312 kB07:06
PythonPupGimp can open many psd files.07:06
jussiGarbageMobileDev: ^^07:06
xangua!coc > GarbageMobileDev07:06
ubottuGarbageMobileDev, please see my private message07:06
LinuxGuy2009Hello, I was wondering if I install a package, lets say VLC for example, within the gnome desktop, if I take all of the packages that were downloaded in the gnome environment, to a different installation that has KDE, fluxbox, etc, installed as the graphical desktop instead, or window manager, is there any chance that a dependency will be missing? For example maybe a library or package that is a part of the gnome desktop will be missing?07:06
jussiGarbageMobileDev: I think youll get a lot more joy with those plugins installed07:06
tensorpuddingLinuxGuy2009: Be more specific what you mean by "take all of the packages"07:07
GarbageMobileDevIs there anything else someone wants ME to do for THEM in here?07:07
PythonPupLinuxGuy2009, Certainly, there is a chance07:07
jussiGarbageMobileDev: read the guidelines07:07
GarbageMobileDevOkay lets talk about all of your feelings07:07
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines07:07
GarbageMobileDevbefore we get to my problem07:07
GarbageMobileDevSeeing "I" joined your network07:07
GarbageMobileDevOkay, ready..07:07
jussiGarbageMobileDev: basically we just ask you to abide by the rules, thats all.07:08
tensorpuddingLinuxGuy2009: If you make a list of all the packages you have installed in Ubuntu, and on this theoretical installation running KDE you use aptitude to install those packages again, it will manage the dependencies for you.07:08
GarbageMobileDevWho about you guyys clean your forums07:08
GarbageMobileDevand stop wasting peopels time07:08
xanguaGarbageMobileDev: if you are not looking ubuntu support you can just keep quiet or leave07:08
tensorpuddingLinuxGuy2009: It's highly likely that installing those GNOME packages will pull in a lot of GNOME libraries as dependencies.07:08
jussiGarbageMobileDev: as I mentioned, forums help is in #ubuntuforums07:08
GarbageMobileDevSee your feelings07:08
GarbageMobileDevBlah, garbage07:08
LinuxGuy2009I would love a way to download a package along with 100% of dependency packages even the ones that are already on the system. So that I can use APTonCD and not worry about packages missing. Is there a command of some kind or a method to do this?07:09
jussiGarbageMobileDev: Ive attempted to help with your issue, and given a solution07:09
tensorpuddingLinuxGuy2009: Such a package would likely be very large and difficult to use.07:09
GarbageMobileDevIm just goig to sit her and have a BF07:10
PythonPupLinuxGuy2009, You could write a program to do that, I am sure.  But, I don't know of one at this time.07:10
tensorpuddingLinuxGuy2009: It'd need to be statically-linked to a large number of libraries, like what applications in Windows tend to be07:10
xanguaLinuxGuy2009: you can just download the ubuntu DVD07:10
LinuxGuy2009nm thanks anyways07:11
tensorpuddingActually, think that's a lie, since a lot of Windows applications are dynamically linked to the Windows libraries07:11
dr0idI performed this command -> wget http://www.google.com but I don't understand where did it save the index.html file, I am running ubuntu 9.10 , any idea gguys?07:11
ActionParsnipdr0id: pwd07:11
dr0idActionParsnip: and where's that ?07:12
dr0idohh lol, thanks07:12
GarbageMobileDevAnd people who put web links to this network, are not too bright07:12
ActionParsnipdr0id: it'll be in the directory you ran the command. Pwd == present working directory07:12
GarbageMobileDevWhat joy waiting 20 minutes while 20,000+ rooms load07:12
PythonPupPeople need to be patient.  I was about to tell LinuxGuy2009 about   apt-cache depends07:12
dr0idActionParsnip: thanks, bud!07:12
ActionParsnipdr0id: np07:13
greezmunkeydr0id: look in the directory you were in when you issued the command, perhaps a subdirectory named www.google.com, or the like.07:13
GarbageMobileDevAccually it frooze my browser07:13
jussiGarbageMobileDev: feedback about the network can be given to freenode staff in #freenode07:13
dr0idActionParsnip: just another question07:13
greezmunkeyActionParsnip: nice, how's it going?07:13
dr0idI don't want wget to download any files, can I do that ?07:13
ActionParsnipgreezmunkey: on the way to my last day of 4, you ok?07:13
dr0idbasically ,just open the url and done, no file download07:14
PythonPupdr0id, It is easy to make wget not download anything.07:14
ActionParsnipdr0id: as far as I know it just grabs the html file07:14
dr0idyeah, and saving to /home07:14
dr0idI don't want it to do that07:14
dr0idbecause my cron job will run everyday07:14
greezmunkeyActionParsnip: I installed a four node campus wireless WAN today, payment is in the form of a brand new laptop!07:14
dr0idand after a month I would have 30 files :P07:15
ActionParsnipdr0id: oh so you want it to overwite?07:15
ActionParsnipgreezmunkey: nice :)07:15
dr0idno, I don't want it to grab anything07:15
dr0idand fill up the filesystem07:15
pepperjackdr0id: what do you want it to do?07:15
ActionParsnipdr0id: then don't run the wget command.07:16
aruntomarhi! i want to aggregate 2 ppp connections for upload purposes. i've tried couple of ideas, but none of them are working. plz help.07:16
dr0idthen how do I open a url from cron job ?07:16
greezmunkeyActionParsnip: I increased their BW ten fold. Their pretty happy. So...I'd say I had a good day.07:16
dr0idopen means processing07:16
ActionParsnipdr0id: if you wget something and its available then wget will download it. That's what wget does07:16
ActionParsnipgreezmunkey: not too shabby. Mind you over wifi..thought it'd be slow07:17
dr0idActionParsnip: seems like this works for me -> wget -S --spider http://www.google.com :)07:17
pepperjackwget -S google.com -O /dev/null    or something maybe07:18
pervy_sageshizuyang: Heya07:19
dr0idpepperjack: anyways, that works perfect :)07:19
pervy_sageshizuyang: RASENGAN!07:19
greezmunkeydr0id: ActionParsnip wget also works nicely for grabbing images from IP cameras...;)07:19
ActionParsnipgreezmunkey: oh absolutely ;)07:20
dr0idin a cron job07:21
ActionParsnipIf you use enough zoom in nautilus you can use the preview function on a few images to observe multiple ip cams07:21
dr0idif I add this -> >> /dev/null 2>&107:21
dr0idwhat would this mean ?07:22
ActionParsnipdr0id: it mean "don't output the usual system output to stdout, I'm not interested"07:22
dr0idwell, does the output get saved anywhere ?07:22
Onia ***  I am back.  Gone for 27mins 16secs  ***07:23
pepperjackthat would redirect stderr and out but youd still get an index file07:23
ActionParsnipdr0id: try it with a browser, one with the option, one without. You'll see what it does07:23
dr0idif yes, then is it cleared? or the filesystem keeps on filling up ?07:23
dr0idwell, I tried one, no output was made in the terminal (ssh)07:23
=== Onia is now known as Gangosan
dr0idand then I changed the path to a file created by me, and output was saved in that file07:23
ActionParsnipdr0id: the output of the command doing its thing as it does it will go to stdout. You can pipe it to null to supress it07:23
cgtobihi all, I have some issues getting my ubuntu to activate network on bootup. I tried removing NetworkManager.state but it didn't solve my issue. Is there a way to permanently activate networking at boottime?07:24
dr0idActionParsnip: on piping it to /dev/null I think it gets stored there, is it cleared anytime then ?07:25
ActionParsnipcgtobi: you can add network manager to the bootup scripts. This is default07:25
DasEi!fonts > DasEi07:25
ubottuDasEi, please see my private message07:25
cgtobiActionParsnip: you mean it is added to bootup scripts by default?07:25
ActionParsnipdr0id: /dev/null is a blackhole. It doesn't store anything and is infinite07:25
dr0idaah, thank you :)07:25
xanguacgtobi: use wicd07:26
greezmunkeydr0id: I may be wrong, but /dev/null afaik is the "bit bucket" the computers black hole.07:26
ActionParsnipcgtobi: the network manager process is part of a standard startup for ubuntu07:26
=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam
PythonPupdr0id, /dev/null is a special device that immediately throws away everything sent to it.07:26
dr0idok, thanks a lot :)07:26
dr0idcan I add more than 1 email ids in MAILTO in a cron entry ?07:26
greezmunkey(I really have to learn to type, and look at the screen at the same time)07:26
ActionParsnipcgtobi: if you don't use 3G then i'd go with xangua and install wicd. It will automagically remove network manager and run at boot07:26
Wiesshundcp windows* /dev/null07:26
Blue1greezmunkey: it's tough some days...07:27
PythonPupgreezmunkey, practice by walking and chewing gum.07:27
ActionParsnipdr0id: not sure dude. Can't see why not07:27
RAX_bghi guys i was wondering if i can share a folder in the internet, so I can use its contents07:27
Blue1Wiesshund: cp /dev/zero windows07:27
dr0idok, thanks a lot, take care :)07:27
dr0idActionParsnip: thanks a lot to you hehe :)07:27
GarbageMobileDevIm sorry for what i said, I dont think this is garbage OS. I think it can do well. I just want things to work07:27
ActionParsnipgreezmunkey: I type looking at the keyboard. I know whe I've messed up :)07:28
dr0idand others too ;)]07:28
greezmunkeyPythonPup: I tried that, every time I looked down to check on my feet, the gum fell out of my mouth, so I gave up on it...07:28
dr0idI type looking at the tft tbh07:28
PythonPupRAX_bg, that is what Ubuntu One does for you.07:28
dr0idI don't look at the KB at all07:28
xanguaRAX_bg: ftp, ubuntu one, dropbox, opera unite, etc¿¿07:28
cgtobiits a box with a wired connction, so so I guess xangua's suggestion is my way to go07:28
cgtobithanks for your help07:28
ActionParsnipGarbageMobileDev: ubuntu isn't always the answer, other linux distros exist, as does BSD and BeOS07:28
the_foolanyone know if there is a way to change the wallpaper everytime I login?07:29
PythonPupBeOS is dead.  Try Syllable.07:29
RAX_bgxangua: i dont want smth like ftp i want a folder shared like i share it in my local network07:29
cgtobithe_fool: use a shell script and run it each time you log in07:29
WiesshundBlue1 now i have a yellow windows07:29
tensorpuddingIt's almost usable, Haiku is.07:29
RAX_bgxangua: i want to share a game and to start it from other pc outside my local network07:29
ActionParsnipcgtobi: if it never moves you can setup the connectioon in /etc/network/interfaces and remove all graphical network management apps as they aren't needed07:29
ActionParsnipcgtobi: unless you mess with vpn etc07:30
RAX_bgis this possible?07:30
the_foolcgtobi, thanks, that's a good idea - quick follow up - how hard do you think it would be to check the boarder of the image and set backround color?07:30
Wiesshundthe_fool yes kind of07:30
Blue1Wiesshund: you weren't supposed to pee on it!  hmm maybe that's what pee cee stand for?07:30
ActionParsnipRAX_bg: is the game 2D?07:30
PythonPupRAX_bg, Ubuntu One acts like a folder on your network.  Once you login, and you can do that automatically, it is a folder whose contents get synced with a server in the cloud.07:30
Wiesshundthe_fool look in usr/share/backgrounds/cosmos a script file like that will change it through out the day07:30
RealEyeshey guys i was just wondering of some good themes and also wanted to ask whats good to do after I've got compiz set up?07:30
ActionParsnip!theme | RealEyes07:31
ubottuRealEyes: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy07:31
the_foolWiesshund, thakns, I'll look into it - think it would be hard to alter?07:31
red2kicRealEyes: Clearlooks. :)07:31
Wiesshundthe_fool nope easy to alter. very simple format07:31
RAX_bgActionParsnip: no, its 3d im talking about WoW07:31
ActionParsnipRealEyes: use your system is a good thing to do before after and during setting up compiz07:31
RealEyeswhats clearlooks?07:31
the_foolWiesshund, awesome well off i go :)07:31
RAX_bgPythonPup: I think this is what i want07:31
ActionParsnipRAX_bg: could be tricky, it'll lag like crazy07:31
cgtobiActionParsnip: yeah, I thought about that but as I'll pass that installation(image) to a friend who is not that much of a linux guy he'll be better of with the gui version :)07:32
RealEyesi am using my system, eventhough i still use win7 to play SCII07:32
cgtobiActionParsnip: but thanks for that suggestion07:32
PythonPupTry it.  It is free for 1 gig of data.  At least, I think that is the free limit.07:32
ActionParsnipRAX_bg: you could run wine in a very small windowed desktop and run it over a forwarded ssh, or you could vnc. Either way its gonna suck07:32
red2kicRealEyes: "sudo aptitude install gnome-themes" -- Oh wait. You should have that installed already. Look in Themes (in Appearance).  Clearlooks.07:32
DasEiRealEyes: clearlooks is a theme for gnome07:32
WiesshundRealEyes have you tried starcraft2 under wine?07:33
RAX_bgPythonPup: the other thing is that i want the folder to be visible from a windows based machine will that be possible with ubuntu one07:33
ActionParsnipcgtobi: if it never moves and will always use a wired link, the gui will never be used07:33
RealEyesclearlooks is ugly :/07:33
RealEyesI was thinking something dark maybe blue?07:33
RealEyesand I'd like to keep the open/close buttons on the left lol07:33
cgtobiActionParsnip: true07:33
RAX_bgActionParsnip: the client machine will be windows based so dont need of wine07:33
PythonPupRAX_bg.  I don't know.  I don't use windows.  The client is all in Python, so it should be possible.  Give me a minute and I'll see what I can find out.07:34
RAX_bgActionParsnip: but how do i do it over ssh?07:34
ActionParsnipRealEyes: there are lots of themes in the links ubottu gave, there's also the bisigi ppa with a few themes too07:34
red2kicRealEyes: shiki-brave-theme07:34
RAX_bgPythonPup: ty07:34
WiesshundRAX_bg the load times etc in wow will be kind of crappy running the shared directory across the internet07:35
PythonPupRAX_bg, Evidently, it does nott work on Windows at present, but someone is working on it.  http://www.geek.com/articles/news/ubuntu-one-cloud-storage-coming-to-windows-20100125/07:35
ActionParsnipRAX_bg: the windows system will need putty and xming, xming must be running and putty to allow forwarded x apps. Openssh-server will need installing on the server side and port forwarding will be needed if you use a router07:35
red2kicWhat is the applet that allows me to add network up/down to Gnome Panel?07:35
ActionParsnipred2kic: nm-applet07:36
Wiesshundred2kic the system notification widget does that07:36
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RealEyeswhere can i find that shiki brave theme?07:36
red2kicActionParsnip: That's for Notification Area?07:36
ActionParsnipred2kic: indeed07:36
ActionParsnipred2kic: you can enable and disable interfaces as you need07:36
PythonPupRAX_bg, So, look at dropbox for now I guess.  I don't trust them as much as Ubuntu One.  You will have to evaluate them and see if you trust them.07:37
xanguaRealEyes: in the repository07:37
red2kicActionParsnip: An example --> http://tinyurl.com/24ckk3d07:37
xanguasudo apt-get install shiki-colors gnome-colors RealEyes07:37
red2kicWiesshund: See what I mean? Traffic monitor.07:38
Wiesshundred2kic right click the bar theres one of those in the applets too07:38
RealEyesi feel like i've hit a wall with conky07:39
RAX_bgPythonPup: ok ill check that07:39
red2kicWiesshund: I don07:40
Wiesshundred2kic right click, add to panel , system monitor. set prefs network load07:40
GarbageMobileDevActionParsnip Whats the best you think07:40
red2kicWiesshund: I don't want charts. I want to see the numbers with my eyes. :o07:41
=== GarbageMobileDev is now known as mtm
mtmWhats the best linux OS07:41
mtmbesides Fedora07:41
hermanlfAnyone know how I can install the beam up animation plugin for compiz?07:41
PythonPupmtm, the one that serves your needs.07:41
red2kicmtm: You're in #ubuntu -- We'll say Ubuntu. ;O07:41
kvio04Ubuntu is not letting me create new partitions in gparted. The error is "/dev/sdc1 is apparently in use by the system; will not make a filesystem here!" however, dev/sdc1 does not exist07:41
kvio04Any way around it?07:42
Gneakvio04: use a livecd07:42
kvio04Gnea: this /is/ a livecd :/07:42
mtmOkay, my needs are iphone and web design07:42
xanguahermanlf: just activate 'animations add-on' in compizconfig seting maanger07:42
Gneakvio04: so what is /dev/sdc1 being used by?07:42
PythonPupkvio04, what do you get from    sudo fdisk /sdc07:42
hermanlfxangua: I have, but that animation doesn't seem to be there.  Let me double check.07:43
PythonPupkvio04, oops, make that    what do you get from    sudo fdisk /dev/sdc07:43
Gneasudo fdisk -l /dev/sdc perhaps?07:43
kvio04No devices are listed07:43
PythonPupGnea, even better.  I usually run it and then do a p.07:43
kvio04No partitions, rather07:44
kvio04I see the columns but they're empty07:44
hermanlfxangua, well hell, there it is lol.  Now even more animations have shown up.  I could have sworn I only had a few just a minute ago.07:44
PythonPupThen gparted can't make a partition, because the system does not see the drive, kvio0407:44
Gneakvio04: well something isn't right07:44
RAX_bgPythonPup: i looked for dropbox but wont it make a folder on botth machines which folder will sync automatically and always have the same contents07:44
kvio04The system does see it. The drive is listed, just no partitions07:44
kvio04I'll pastebin it07:44
greezmunkey*Q* is there an _accurate_ system monitor out there that doesn't scew results by virtue of its own overhead?07:44
Gneaprobably an illusionary process07:45
Wiesshundred2kic apt://netmon-applet07:45
`blackmk4`linuxis there a command to write the current mounting setup to fstab07:45
PythonPupRAX_bg, That is in fact the only thing it does.07:45
red2kic!info netspeed | Wiesshund Actio07:45
ubottuWiesshund: netspeed (source: netspeed): Traffic monitor applet for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.15.2-1 (lucid), package size 348 kB, installed size 1344 kB07:45
Gnea`blackmk4`linux: not in one fell swoop, no. it has to be done by hand.07:45
RAX_bgPythonPup: yes but this will cost me alot of disk space which the so called client machine doesnt have07:45
`blackmk4`linuxi have 60 drives mounted07:46
Gnea`blackmk4`linux: the way it should be done, to avoid problems.07:46
`blackmk4`linuxthis will take forever07:46
red2kicWiesshund: This was it. :O07:46
kvio04PythonPup, Gnea: http://pastebin.com/xS6jgSB807:46
Wiesshundred2kic that one works too, other one is just s simple text in out07:46
Gnea`blackmk4`linux: you could possibly script it07:46
RealEyesI feel bored with ubuntu, any suggetions?07:46
el_seano Go with arch!07:46
PythonPupRAX_bg, That part is right.  I did not know you had the disk limit problem.  I might look at sshd then.  I have not set one up yet, but it should do what you want.07:46
`blackmk4`linuxif you are bored with ubuntu07:46
el_seanothat's what I'm planning, anyway.07:46
`blackmk4`linuxi hope you are making money doing it07:47
`blackmk4`linuxbecause you know more than anyone else07:47
kvio04PythonPup, Gnea: Both drives are listed there -- just no partitions under sdc07:47
Gnea`blackmk4`linux: what's that supposed to mean?07:47
kvio04PythonPup, Gnea: I tried rewriting the MFT again from scratch, which also seems to make no difference07:47
PythonPupkvio04, OK, you just don't have a partition table.07:47
`blackmk4`linuxwhat that means07:47
`blackmk4`linuxis that if he is bored he isn't learning anything07:47
Gneakvio04: that shows that /dev/sdc is a 320G disk that hasn't been used yet07:48
greezmunkeyRealEyes: pick a project, then see it through - like learning bash scripting. That'll keep you thinking.07:48
`blackmk4`linuxif he's not learning anything then either he isn't trying new things or he knows everything07:48
PythonPupkvio04, try   sudo fdisk /dev/sdc07:48
kvio04PythonPup: I've recreated the MFT five or six times trying to recover this thing07:48
GneaRealEyes: tried any other distros?07:48
kvio04Gnea: The drive was being used, it had four partitions until today07:48
RealEyesI'm trying to learn bash but I don't know where to tart.07:48
RealEyesstart* lol07:48
kvio04Gnea: rewrote the MFT for other purposes07:48
PythonPupkvio04, Are you trying to recover data on a drive that had some problem?07:48
kvio04PythonPup: This is a different drive from that one07:48
RealEyesIt looks like art to me, the bash shell.07:48
Gneakvio04: what's the MFT?07:48
`blackmk4`linuxbash as in scripting?07:48
kvio04PythonPup: Same computer, different drive07:48
RealEyesI haven't tried other distros.07:49
GneaRealEyes: try 'hello world'07:49
RealEyesI'd like to get conky working and -- whats hello world?07:49
`blackmk4`linuxi suggest you write a motd that gathers some info from the system every time you ssh in07:49
kvio04Gnea: there were 4 partitions on here and a Ubuntu install failed, so we rebooted the machine from livecd and tried to create a new master file partition from gparted07:49
GneaRealEyes: that's your problem. I suggest debian and slackware.07:49
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:49
kvio04Gnea: now it's like this on two different computers07:49
RealEyesGnea, just curious why you're suggesting that?07:49
GneaRealEyes: "hello world" is the most basic program in any programming language in the world.07:50
`blackmk4`linuxthey require more messing around to get up and running07:50
GneaRealEyes: it's designed to print "hello world" to the screen and exit07:50
GneaRealEyes: because you asked.07:50
kvio04PythonPup: http://pastebin.com/SSntbqs707:50
PythonPupkvio04,   Run  sudo fdisk/dev/sdc    and choose option o to write a new partition table.  Depending on what it says, you may have to reboot as the next step.07:50
GneaRealEyes: there's nothing wrong with suggesting it.07:50
RealEyesI mean, whats good about debian and slackware?07:50
Gneaxangua: shut up07:50
xanguabetter leaving07:50
GneaRealEyes: what's wrong with them?07:50
PythonPupkvio04, I did not say to do a -l07:50
xanguaGnea: please stop07:51
kvio04PythonPup: ok, one moment07:51
`blackmk4`linuxwhat is good about slackware, in particular, is that you aren't all given a happy fun time into linux07:51
Gneaxangua: welcome to /ignore07:51
`blackmk4`linuxyou get to learn how to configure the system from command line / figure out little niggles with hardware you have07:51
RealEyesI'm just asking, what're they all about? How are they different from ubuntu?07:51
WiesshundI used to love slackware back in the day, had it living with dos (zipslack)07:51
xanguaRealEyes: there is a channel called OFFTOPIC07:51
xangua!ot > RealEyes07:51
ubottuRealEyes, please see my private message07:51
kvio04PythonPup: http://pastebin.com/JmqUvuva07:51
Gneaxangua: stop abusing the bot, and this is entirely on-topic, so stop trying to play channel god.07:52
`blackmk4`linuxi'm glad we have a non op playing op07:52
PythonPupkvio04, now do a     w07:52
kvio04a and w, or a "w"?07:52
KB1JWQLet us be civil, please.07:52
kvio04suppose just w07:52
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ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:52
PythonPupkvio04, just the       w07:52
rwwGnea: xangua is right. This channel is for Ubuntu support. Discussion of other distros is offtopic for it. Drop the attitude.07:53
GneaRealEyes: may I PM you?07:53
RealEyesYes :S07:53
Wiesshund`blackmk4`linux that brings back memories. trying to figure out how exactly to make X work and make kde useful, doing most stuff at a console and thinking bitchX high color :)07:54
kvio04PythonPup: http://pastebin.com/cxx1QxBT -- still failing in gparted, though07:54
guntbertRealEyes: for your original question see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal07:54
`blackmk4`linuxseriously, weiss07:55
`blackmk4`linuxi loved those days07:55
PythonPupkvio04, reboot the computer now.  If that does not do it, your drive or controller is bad.07:55
`blackmk4`linuxi learned a lot more back then, nothing worked right07:55
RealEyesguntbert, thx07:55
kvio04PythonPup: what about the DOS-compatible mode and the invalid flag warnings?07:56
guntbertRealEyes: have fun :)07:56
PythonPupkvio04, don't worry about them.07:56
kvio04PythonPup: any other suggestions in the event this doesn't work? drive is only a few weeks old, and it was working last night07:56
Gnearww: my apologies, didn't see how it was OT since Ubuntu is based on Debian, but oh well.07:56
kvio04PythonPup: problems seem to have been spurred solely by gparted07:56
RealEyesi just typed in 'man intro'07:57
Wiesshund`blackmk4`linux heh youd spend hours just trying to poke at your .bitchx and .ircrc to try to get it actualy usuable on more than one channel. if not days07:57
PythonPupHow old is the computer, kvio04?  Could it have a bios that does not support LBA48?07:57
xanguaroot__: not a goo idea entering as (sic) root07:57
guntbert!ot | Wiesshund `blackmk4`linux07:57
ubottuWiesshund `blackmk4`linux: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:57
kvio04PythonPup: the drive was working fine last night --- and now it's doing this on two machines of varied age and model07:58
Wiesshundyes ubottu :(07:58
kvio04PythonPup: can't be bios or else it wouldn't have worked in the first place, i presume07:58
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`blackmk4`linuxi really must wonder why people that aren't helping others do nothing but police the channel07:58
PythonPupkvio04, varied does not tell me much.07:58
`blackmk4`linuxeither way, fun times.07:58
`blackmk4`linuxlater, weiss07:58
PythonPupkvio04, I would probably run spinrite on the drive.  But, reboot first.07:58
PythonPupkvio04, spinrite is a commercial, proprietary app.  But, I build enough PCs that I bought a copy.07:59
PythonPupI wish there were something open that worked half as well as spinrite.  Beter would even be better, but it would be nice to have something basic.08:00
ArghArgh200Hey, I seem to have removed some categories from the Main Menu on the Desktop. How would I go about getting these back?08:00
PythonPupSystem/Preferences/Main Menu is what I'd use, ArghArgh20008:01
ArghArgh200...I removed that...08:01
* ArghArgh200 smacks his head on his desk08:01
WiesshundArghArgh200 right click, pick edit menu, click revert ?08:01
xanguaArghArgh200: right clic in the menu> edit08:01
ArghArgh200okay, I'll try that.08:01
ArghArgh200be right back08:02
ArghArgh200It won't open a rightclick menu08:02
rwwArghArgh200: press Alt-F2, type   alacarte   in the box that comes up, run it08:03
kvio05PythonPup: sorry, I disconnected. two things did come to mind though08:03
MACscranyone running colorzilla for firefox with their 64bit ubuntu system? Its driving me nuts that i cant get that plugin to work and i normally use it on a daily basis08:03
kvio05PythonPup: the specific partition it says is in use (/dev/sdc1) was a 500mb /boot partition before failure. also, the drive is USB. would either of those factors play a role?08:03
PythonPupkvio05, I don't see how.08:04
kvio05PythonPup: not possible that the livecd automatically is doing something with /boot on startup?08:04
meral_khi all!08:05
PythonPupThe live CD does not alter your hard drives automatically.  That would be a real big nono.08:05
kvio05PythonPup: if it were something simply just wrong with the drive itself..it seems odd to me that gparted would specifically identify /dev/sdc1 as the problem (even when there is no 1)08:05
Wiesshundkvio05 can you plug the drive in after boot?08:05
LUCHO_2385hellooooooooo :D08:05
kvio05Wiesshund: very good idea, i'll try that right now (or actually someone else will, i'm doing this all via teamviewer)08:05
PythonPupkvio05, did you reboot?08:06
meral_ki see new updates now "linux 2.6.32-24". but i already use this version of linux. so what should i do now ? can we check which version of linux i use from terminal ?08:06
kvio05PythonPup: was waiting on a response from the person physically there08:06
Wiesshundkvio05 i mean if you think the livecd is trying to do something with /boot on it. im thinking not but no harm in checking08:06
kvio05PythonPup: will respond with result shortly08:06
razz11i installed freenx and I see x11vnc  server under applications > internet, is that normal? and I already have a custom ssh keys setup between the server and the client. which I use regularly to connect to the server. I guess I will not need one more. can someone point me in the right direction as to how to set up freenx08:06
PythonPupmeral_k,   uname -a   will show your current kernel.  It must be a minor update.08:07
rwwmeral_k: PythonPup's right, it is. It's a security update that came out today.08:07
meral_k rww:  PythonPup: ok thanks!08:07
Wiesshundrazz11 its normal to see x11vnc server there, cant answer the other08:08
RAX_bgPythonPup: sry smth happened with my internet08:08
PythonPuprazz11, I have not used it recently, so I better let someone else help.  I use VNC all the time.  Freenx is preferred for remote control of remote systems, but I don't do that.08:09
RAX_bgPythonPup: anything found on my problem? I looked for sshd but it doesn't seem to be the kind of software i need08:09
razz11Wiesshund: thnx,08:09
razz11PythonPup: I use vnc, it's inefficient, and sluggish. even with compression08:09
Wiesshundrazz11 x11vnc is the only one i found that would work with compiz and desktop effect08:10
razz11PythonPup: what server do you run, vino?08:10
PythonPupRAX_bg, There are several options.  Are these computer both at home or the same location?08:10
razz11Wiesshund: so freenx uses x11vnc. am I right?08:10
Wiesshundrazz11 i believe so08:10
PythonPuprazz1, I used the default one under System/Preferences/Remote Desktop.  On xubuntu, I setup vino.08:11
WiesshundPythonPup only downside of that one is if the server is running compiz and desktop effects enabled, the screen doesnt update. If you can get the user to disable that stuff it works but..08:12
PythonPuprazz11, freenx may fall back to vnc, but it's default protocol is much better.  That is why it is preferred for remote systems.  VNC control of a machine in a remote location can be painful.08:13
LUCHO_2385how can I edit a .pub file in ubuntu?08:13
RAX_bgPythonPup: no they both are part of one network but every computer of this network has real IP so i cant make something like LAN sharing, but what i want is to be able to see a folder like i see it when its shared in LAN because i want to use its contents without having the files on the client machine. is this possible?08:13
KB1JWQLUCHO_2385: file $file.pub08:13
KB1JWQWhat's it say?08:13
LUCHO_2385.pub is a publisher file08:13
razz11PythonPup: it's vino, I find it very sluggish even without any desktop effects? vinagre was shockingly buggy, so moved to remmina, its very good08:13
PythonPupWiesshund, Yes, I disable compiz on machines I want to control.  Who needs it on a server, anyway?08:13
KB1JWQOpenOffice perhaps.08:13
ArghArgh200I still can't restore the main menu items to my desktop...08:14
LUCHO_2385I cannot08:14
xanguaLUCHO_2385: scribus maybe¿08:14
PythonPupRAX_bg, what is the ping time to the other machine?08:14
LUCHO_2385there's no option to open a .pub08:14
xanguaArghArgh200: right clic to the panel> add> menubar08:14
LUCHO_2385scribus dosn't have that option neither08:15
PythonPuprazz11, I guess I'll have to try remmina.  Thanks.08:15
RAX_bgPythonPup: standat ping packet or a big one08:15
aruntomaris it possible to aggregate 2 ppp connections?08:15
ArghArgh200xangua, it doesn't work08:15
PythonPupRAX_bg, standard ping.  Let it do a few packets to get the average.08:16
xanguaArghArgh200: it doesn't work what¿ are you running netbook remix¿08:16
RAX_bgPING ( 1400(1428) bytes of data.08:16
RAX_bg1408 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=61 time=11.2 ms08:16
RAX_bg1408 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=61 time=11.0 ms08:16
RAX_bg1408 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=61 time=9.98 ms08:16
RAX_bgthis is with big08:16
FloodBot2RAX_bg: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:16
ArghArgh200xangua, yes08:16
xangua!panels | ArghArgh20008:16
xanguatry to restore panel settings then ArghArgh20008:16
ubottuArghArgh200: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »08:16
greezmunkeyaruntomar: you can, mlppp is for that, but to be effective it needs to be done at both ends.08:16
WiesshundPythonPup server no, but if your doing something like remotely helping an end user or helping the kid with a collage paper etc, sometimes your stuck with thier desktop effects08:16
PythonPuprazz11, I did setup freenx for one person a couple of years ago.  It gave great performance, even though the computers were in different cities.08:16
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RAX_bgPythonPup: well on packet size of 1400 bytes its around 10ms08:17
aruntomargreezmunkey, i tried doing that, the problem that i'm facing is that although i get the same gateway for both the ppp connections, what should be my default route and via which device08:18
razz11PythonPup: trying to setup nx, let you know when  I get it right, thnx08:18
PythonPupRAX_bg, That is a little slow.  You miight try setting up a samba server on the linux machine and sharing a directory to the other machine.  Depending on how much data you transfer, it might be OK.08:18
LUCHO_2385is opening .pub impossible in ubuntu?08:18
RAX_bghow to make the samba shared folder visible for the other machine08:19
LUCHO_2385hello songer08:19
Wiesshundok im out, tired.08:19
PythonPupRAX_bg, I was afraid you might ask that.08:19
LUCHO_2385I need to open a .pub file... Any option???08:20
RAX_bgwell im lets say noob08:20
dr0idbtw, I hope I can run more than 1cron jobs anytime, right ?08:20
greezmunkeyLUCHO_2385: check this thread: http://forums.techguy.org/linux-unix/870637-urgent-open-pub-documents.html08:20
songerhow can i set dame album of a song?08:20
PythonPupRAX_bg, The remote machine is Windows.  Right, RAX_bg08:21
songerto see on my player?08:21
LUCHO_2385I'll check. thanks08:21
RAX_bgPythonPup: yes that's correct08:21
greezmunkeyaruntomar: the mlppp process sets up a virtual interface. When the mlppp connection is up, check in ifconfig to see what the system calls it.08:21
dr0idbtw, I hope I can run more than 1cron jobs anytime, right ?08:22
balr0ghello guys, can anyone help me? im having issues on updating my kernel to 2.6.35 ... this is my grub.cfg : http://pastebin.com/rSNfn4Tv and this is the error booting the new kernel: http://pastebin.com/HEUR71mG can anybody help me please ? any clues?08:22
rwwdr0id: yes, you can have as many as you want08:22
dr0idrww: thanks , that's awesome :)08:22
aruntomargreezmunkey, there is no virtual interface, i guess, my isp doesn't support mlppp08:22
greezmunkeyaruntomar: there is the proviso! Both ends, remember?!08:23
aruntomargreezmunkey, can i use linux bridging concept to achieve this ?08:23
PythonPupRAX_bg, So, on their side, they will just browse for a windows share.   Let's say your machine is and you call the shared area gamespace.   There are several ways they can do it.  I usually go to a command prompt and type    net use k: //
PythonPupRAX_bg, or maybe they put the slashess the other way.08:24
greezmunkeyaruntomar: if you are trying to increase bandwidth by cobbing two desperate internet connections together - don't waste your time. You will have no end of problems with it.08:24
PythonPupRAX_bg, On your side, you just install samba nad setup a share.08:24
RAX_bgPythonPup: its the other way in win. my way to connect from win host is go to run and type \\IP\foldername08:25
RAX_bgPythonPup: i shared it with right click->sharing options08:25
aruntomargreezmunkey, oh :(08:25
greezmunkeyaruntomar: It's just the way it rolls.08:25
RAX_bgbecause when i tried to install samba it said its already the newest version08:25
aruntomargreezmunkey, i thought may be with some other networking concept i could achieve this08:26
PythonPupRAX_bg, OK, then do it that way.08:26
RAX_bganother question08:26
RAX_bgPythonPup: do i need to configure the router08:26
balr0ghey guys, can anyone help on solving update kernel issue?08:26
RAX_bgPythonPup: i mean what port is samba using08:26
PythonPupRAX_bg, Then, just edit /etc/samba/smb.conf and add your new share and you are set.08:26
aruntomargreezmunkey, basically the client saw this kind of setup somewhere, those guys are using different 3G usb devices, and combining the network bandwidth08:27
PythonPupRAX_bg, Router?  Do both machines have public IP addresses.  You said that earlier.08:27
aruntomargreezmunkey, now he wants us to combine 2 or more 3G usb devices for uploading purposes08:27
RAX_bgwell the router im behind does and the client machine has its own public IP08:28
greezmunkeyaruntomar: There are two concepts, aggrigation and load balancing - you want load balancing.08:29
PythonPupSamba is not the most secure thing.  I don't suggest people expose it over the internet.  I thought y'all were in the same building.08:29
KB1JWQPythonPup: Could always VPN it, but that's still ugly.08:29
PythonPupKB1JWQ, That is better than exposing your samba server to the world.08:30
aruntomargreezmunkey, ok. let me reconfirm the steps with u for mlppp, let me know if i'm doing something wrong08:30
KB1JWQYeah, but it's still something of an ugly hack.08:30
KB1JWQI'd rather use something else for sharing files across a WAN.08:30
PythonPupRAX_bg, If your router is good enough, you can set it to only allow the samba ports from his IP address.  That would be pretty safe.08:31
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LUCHO_2385bye bye08:31
RAX_bgPythonPup: yes i can do that but what ports the samba uses08:32
TiKor iptables08:32
aruntomargreezmunkey, i created 2 different files via pppconfig and tested them individually and they are working, i then added multilink in the 2 files created earlier08:32
giantpunecan somebody help a sister out with some ubuntu mimetype stuff?  i want to associate files with the extension ".dol" with a program i wrote.  but by default in ubuntu they show up as "vnd.microsoft.icon" files.  where does ubuntu get this from and where can i change it?08:32
dissecan anybody help me? I'm on a live CD08:32
aruntomargreezmunkey, then i start the ppp connection on both the files via pon command08:32
dissewhy he doesn't knows lvm? lvm2 is installed08:32
RAX_bgPythonPup: also as i want to run online game do i need to forward its ports too08:32
greezmunkeyaruntomar: you won't be using mlppp to do load balancing - it will be an iptables, or squid excercise08:32
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PythonPupRAX_bg, samba uses Port 135/TCP, Port 137/UDP, Port 138/UDP, Port 139/TCP, Port 445/TCP08:33
aruntomargreezmunkey, i can do load balancing with iproute2 as mentioned in lartc, haven't tried it with iptables or squid08:34
RAX_bgPythonPup:  ty and last what about the smb.conf file what do i need to add there is it something like that [foo] 08:34
RAX_bgpath = /home/bar08:34
RAX_bgread only = no08:34
RAX_bgguest ok = yes08:34
FloodBot2RAX_bg: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:34
aruntomargreezmunkey, m i following the steps for mlppp correctly? or m i doing something wrong there08:34
PythonPupRAX_bg, I see something about letting high ports outgoing through the firewall.  Most firewalls do that anyway.  I have not setup samba exposed to the internet.  Someone else may comment on that.08:34
th0rgiantpune: I think that is defined in the mimetypes, so you might try starting there. But I have never edited them so I am not sure08:35
RAX_bgPythonPup: ok ill play around with it ty very much08:35
aruntomargreezmunkey, the point is that if mlppp works then it's great, but it doesn't , then what are my options, like iptables or squid08:35
PythonPupRAX_bg,  a bunch of stuff.  I don't have my samba template here.08:35
giantpunethats where im looking th0r.  buth theres liek 2000 different files and folders for mimetypes08:36
giantpuneand the ones that are names vns.microsoft.blabla say "do not edit, this is automatically generated..."08:37
balr0ghey guys, anyone knows to solve kernel update issues?08:37
xanguabalr0g: what issues¿08:38
balr0gxangua, im having issues on updating my kernel to 2.6.35 ... this is my grub.cfg : http://pastebin.com/rSNfn4Tv and this is the error booting the new kernel: http://pastebin.com/HEUR71mG can anybody help me please ? any clues?08:38
xanguabalr0g: 2.6.35 ¿¿ are you compiling¿¿08:38
balr0gxangua, yes08:39
xanguai got 2.6.35 from a ppa08:39
xanguacompiling for me is like........damn i am so lazy08:39
balr0gxangua, i need to compile to select special options from menuconfig08:39
AemaethHey everyone, my phone used to work with the wireless manager in gnome, but now when i plug it in it doesn't do anything.  File transfer from phone to computer and vice versa works, so data should but there's no way for me to access the settings, what's going on here?08:39
SwedeMikebalr0g: it couldn't find the root file system, there are a lot of different reasons why it wouldn't be able to do that so it's not nearly enough information.08:40
dissecan anybody help me? I'm on a live CD08:40
disse  http://codepad.org/h6CBpz9W08:40
disse why he doesn't knows lvm? lvm2 is installed08:40
balr0gSwedeMike, i just follow README instructions... i extract then i do... make menuconfig ... make ... make modules_install install ... reinstall grub ... its all08:41
TiKquestion: I have an asus laptop.. when I close it and reopen it the monitor is dark and I have to reboot.. why?08:41
greezmunkeyaruntomar: when you asked if it was possible to "combine" two ppp links, I responded with "mlppp" - once you described your desired result I told you that mlppp is not the tool you need. You want to set up a load-balancing application with iptables. This is not a task for the faint of heart, but it does work.08:41
SwedeMikebalr0g: try makig a kernel package instead, then you might get all initrd etc as well.08:41
mikubuntumy friend (who is 94) called me today to come over .. all of a sudden, his internet wasn't working.  he has some kind of 'support' contract (and i use the term loosely) and had already been on the phone with them, and they only wanted $130 to diagnose it for him.  i popped in the keychain usb i just made the other day, and set the bios to boot from the usb.  a minute later, we were running live, and online.08:41
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th0rSwedeMike: did you update grub after installing the new kernel?08:42
aruntomargreezmunkey, thanx for ur help and giving me direction, i'll now focus my efforts on iptable load balancing08:42
SwedeMiketh0r: wrong person.08:42
balr0gSwedeMike, can you point me on what or how do kernel package?08:42
balr0gth0r, im the issue one lol08:42
balr0gth0r, yes i update it...08:42
mikubuntui let him play around with firefox (he wanted to know where the internet's explorer was) and determined that he could prolly learn to live with 'filefox'.08:43
Aemaethmikubuntu, chrome is probably the closest to IE08:43
greezmunkeyaruntomar: I was doing some googlin' and found some "shortcuts" using iproute, don't waste your time there. That method is not reliable.08:43
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots08:43
balr0gth0r, here: http://pastebin.com/rSNfn4Tv you can see 2.6.35 recognized... but booting this is the error: http://pastebin.com/HEUR71mG08:43
TiKquestion: I have an asus laptop.. when I close it and reopen it the monitor is dark and I have to reboot.. why?08:44
aruntomargreezmunkey, oh :(08:44
tensorpuddingProbably it interprets closing the lid a hibernating08:44
Aemaethi have an asus too, when i close mine and it suspends the webcam light comes on08:44
KB1JWQDisable that. :-)08:44
xanguaTiK: system>preferences>screensaver , disable: block screen08:45
ghoulsbladehi, i've got a weird "find" process in top&ps ax with a long param list und user nobody, what can i do to find out where it comes from ?08:45
xanguano, that wasn't....08:45
ghoulsblade(it uses a lot of resources it seems)08:45
Jordan_Ubalr0g: Why are you trying to compile your own kernel?08:45
llutzghoulsblade: updatedb running?08:45
xanguasystem>preferences>energy TiK08:46
balr0gJordan_U, i need to activate some especial options to use BSD Process Accounting feature (ELSA)08:46
Jordan_Ughoulsblade: pstree may help08:46
th0rbalr0g: according to the grub file you have the kernel installed on the second partition of the second drive (1,1) but the error says grub is looking on the first partition of the first drive (0,0)08:46
cgtobigotta go, cya08:46
balr0gth0r, thata makes sense, how to solve it?08:46
MaRk-Ibalr0g: did you,   sudo update-initramfs -c -k 'yourkernelversion.3bla" before doing the grub update?08:46
ghoulsbladethanks, will give it a try.  updatedb : yes, two of them even, but i see it everytime i look, shouldn't be running all the time right ?08:46
th0rbalr0g: that is the new grub file, so I don't know how it is defined. In the old days I would just edit menu.lst08:47
balr0gMaRk-I, no man, will try it...08:47
mikubuntuso, he decided he was ready to try the new system.  alas, when i started the installer, it would not get past the first partitioning, and i got a message that it could not set up the ext4 file.  i wish i had save the whole message, because it mentioned also something about raid apparently.  i spent about an hour in one of these channels, but couldn't make any headway on what the problem might be.  i've never had a hangup like this b08:47
aruntomargreezmunkey, so if iptables is unreliable should i look for proxy load balancing via squid08:48
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mikubuntuthis is some output from a command they had me run today, but i don't know if its useful or not08:48
TiKxangua: ok thanks08:49
greezmunkeyaruntomar: no, I said the iproute script shortcuts are unreliable. I finally found a good article for you, check this for iptables: http://serverfault.com/questions/93678/load-balancing-nat-ing-multiple-isp-connections-on-linux08:49
PythonPupmikubuntu, It looks like you have no free space to put linux.  You will need to add a new drive or wipe one of those or uses a live CD or use partition magic.08:50
TiKxangua: i have no system / pref / energy08:50
RealOptywhat kind code is this lol? 0x10208:50
RealOptyis that hex or what?08:50
KB1JWQRealOpty: That's a hex code.  Not a lol.08:50
th0rRealOpty: yes, that is hex08:51
xanguaTiK: 'gestor de energía' here in spanish, i don't know how is it called in english08:51
RealOptyany one have a hex to asci link?08:51
mikubuntuPythonPup: i specified to wipe xp, and to use the whole disk for ubuntu, there shouldn't be any lack of space ??08:51
PythonPupTik - use a little imagination.  Sustem /Preferences /Power Management.08:51
PythonPupmikubuntu, can you get in front of his system and still use IRC?08:52
PythonPupmikubuntu, Knowing the exact error would help.08:53
mikubuntui'm home now, have to go back tomorrow nite.  i can get on irc using the livecd as i ws today08:53
PythonPupmikubuntu, the 4 gb drive is probably a pen drive.  Is that right?08:53
greezmunkeyRealOpty: use the calculator, set it to "programming" then use the buttons at the top right to convert back and forth.08:54
mikubuntuguess the best bet will be to take my laptop over there tomorrow so i can check into the channel08:54
TiKPythonPup: thats the first place  looke settings seem to be correct08:54
mikubuntuPythonPup: yes, its a lexar 4gb usb08:54
mikubuntuPythonPup: its the first boot usb i ever made, and it runs live just fine08:55
PythonPupmikubuntu, I have not made a USB boot.  So, you are ahead of me there.08:55
Aemaethis there a command like iwconfig for cell phones?08:55
fishcookerhow access hidden share by pyneighboorhod08:55
mikubuntuPythonPup: but can't get the install past the ext4 creation08:55
PythonPupmikubuntu, You probably picked the wrong option, but I am guessing.  You want remove all partitions and create default layout.08:56
mikubuntuPythonPup:   k, i check back in tomorrow when i'm in front of the machine again .. thanx!08:56
PythonPupmikubuntu, Now, I would do something else first.08:56
mikubuntuPythonPup: ok, whats that08:57
PythonPupmikubuntu, Is there data on either drive he wants to preserve?08:57
mikubuntuPythonPup: no data to preserve08:57
balr0gMaRk-I, it seems to be solved man... tks sudo update-initramfs -c -k 2.6.35 and sudo update-grub was the solution ...08:57
MaRk-Ibalr0g: nice08:57
PythonPupOK, then you are OK.  This is probably one of those dynamic raid setups that Windows supports.  mikubuntu, you need to erase the partitions on both drives.  That may be related to your problem.08:58
yondiehye , i found out in LTS 10.04 my X won`t start if there is no monitor attached to it08:58
yondiehwo can i solve it?08:58
PythonPupyondie, connect a monitor?08:59
PythonPupyondie, that was a trick question, right?08:59
mikubuntuPythonPup: what TWO drives?  does his machine have two drives?08:59
AemaethPythonPup, sometimes easier said than done, I had old soviet system, she was like landwhale, killed three men08:59
yondiePythonPup:  i want to start it headlessly08:59
yondiebut i need the X08:59
yondieto run08:59
mikubuntuPythonPup: is that RAID thing something that's on his drive that's impeding the setup?09:00
PythonPupmikubuntu, yes.  The fdisk -l shows two 80 gb drives.  If you open it and don't see two hard drives let us know.09:00
PythonPupmikubuntu, maybe.09:00
mikubuntuPythonPup: so, should i run 'darik's boot and nuke' on it before i try the install again?09:01
Walexyondie: configure it with an explicit X file. It does not start because by default it autodetects the monitor and autoconfigs it.09:01
PythonPupmikubuntu, you could.  The ubuntu installer should handle it, but wiping the drive could be a fallback position.09:02
Antonio_aloha folks..09:02
PythonPupyondie, Yes, that is what I was going to suggest.  create a xorg.conf file09:02
mikubuntuPythonPup: ok, i see you tomorrow .. thanks, i has to get to sleep09:02
Antonio_Is anyone familiar with a program that I can use to convert a dvd to an avi/mp4/etc...and allow me to select the individual chapters/scenes that I want?09:02
PythonPupmikubuntu, I won't be here Thursday, but others will be.09:03
TiKPythonPup: http://tinypics.com/r/2zxyrt/409:03
llutzAntonio_: handbrake09:03
mikubuntuPythonPup: k, thx again09:03
TiKPythonPup: http://tinypic.com/r/2zxyrt/4 sorry09:03
PythonPupTiK, page not found09:03
TiKmy browser keeps crashing09:04
PythonPupTiK, that page is asking me to upload a picture.09:04
Benkinoobythe ubuntu netbook remix is just having a different unser interface... or are there also differences "under the hood"?09:04
TiKPythonPup: it was just a pic of power management.. dim display is unchecked09:05
TiKon AC09:05
PythonPupBenkinooby, a few changes, but mostly the same.09:05
JigalHello can someone tell me how to get rid of the annoying screen lock on 10.04 every 5 minutes or so int atuomatically locks the screen. Dont want that09:05
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PythonPupJigal, configure your screensaver.09:05
SlartJigal: turn off the screensaver?09:05
TiKJigal: power management09:05
PythonPupJigal, System / Preferences / Screensaver09:06
BenkinoobyPythonPup: i use a lenovo ideapad s12. don't think that there will be remarkable performance changes09:06
PythonPup5 minutes is the default for screensaver, so it is probably that.09:06
JigalPythonPup, Slart TiK thanks09:06
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PythonPupBenkinooby, no remarkable changes.  Now, on the arm version they are working on, there are more changes.  That is because the arm has problems with some apps, like firefox.09:07
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PythonPupTiK, I don't know where you are now.  Are you trying to get a picture up?  I don't really know your root problem.09:08
PythonPupBenkinooby, The main thing about the netbook remix is that it is designed to run one screen app at a time.  You can get around it, but normally, apps come up full screen.  That is nice for a netbook, usually.09:10
kenwiliesthow do i see the root account in 10.0409:10
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with  superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli ) . Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For  graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with  sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo09:10
BenkinoobyPythonPup: ok, thank you. i prefer to have serveral apps on my screen...09:10
TiKPythonPup: still goes dim// no big deal09:11
PythonPupBenkinooby, that is why I setup some netbook users with the standard Ubuntu.   Good luck.09:11
massimo_concert by the sea09:11
PythonPupTiK, I don't understand.  Are you saying the screen dims?  That is probably a screensaver setting.09:12
gio1983hello everyone :)09:12
e-DIO-tdoes anybody know why ErrorDocument 503 /some/html/page isn't working...even if when i try to load the "urlmappedinvhost.com" it gives me error 503?09:12
PythonPupTiK, under Power Management in the screensaver settings.09:12
e-DIO-t[ps: modify /error/HTTP_SERVICE....is not working anyway]09:13
gio1983I'm working on a minimalistic ubuntu environment, where most of the tools available in a standard ubuntu installation are not available09:13
gio1983I have the following problem09:13
PythonPupkenwiliest, As the bot said.  By default, there is no root user on an Ubuntu system.  It is safer that way.09:13
TiKPythonPup: what am I looking for again? :(09:13
Walexgio1983: have you had a look at ubuntu for netbooks?09:14
gio1983the system automounts usb storage devices, and I would like to be able to read the idVendor and idProduct09:14
MaRk-Iyondie: read post #605 and below plus next page might give you an idea http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9244160#post924416009:14
gio1983@Walex it's an ad-hoc thing not developed by us :\09:14
kenwiliestpythonpup, wow, i was too lazy to read that... thanks... reading hanbook right now...09:14
gio1983my problem is this09:14
PythonPupTiK, Go to screensaver preferences and look under power management.  I don't see the same options as you, because I am using a desktop machine.09:14
gio1983I have /proc and /sys09:14
kenwiliesti could fo swore in 8.04 or 9 series you could set a pass for root??09:15
Slartkenwiliest: setting a root password isn't supported in here09:15
TiKPythonPup: that was the first place I looked.. I give up09:15
gio1983I can list the mounted devices using /proc/mounts09:15
Slart!root | kenwiliest09:15
ubottukenwiliest: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:15
gio1983and, for example I can find out that /dev/sdb1 is a vfat partition09:15
gio1983coming from an usbkey09:15
TiKI think i's a bug09:16
PythonPupkenwiliest, The way root is used on Ubuntu has been the same since the first Ubuntu release.  You can setup a root account.  On servers, this is fairly commonly done.09:16
gio1983now, how can I find out idVendor and idProduct?09:16
TiKbc its switching from AC to battery power.........09:16
gio1983knowing this?09:16
llutzgio1983: lsusb09:16
gio1983but how can I make the binding /dev/sdb ---> Bus 002 Device 015: ID 0930:1400 Toshiba Corp.09:17
PythonPupTiK, is that your problem?  That it is switching from AC to battery.09:17
star3amhallo guys, anyone can hep with php5-mcrypt module ?09:17
BenkinoobyPythonPup: i was wondering about the difference between ubuntu minimal install and ubuntu alternate install. i read about both of them, but i don't get the difference. looks like the minimal cd has only the most crucial packages, so everything has to be download from web for installation. the alternate cd is like the normal installation cd, but it runs with text interface and gives more chices during installation. is that coorect?09:17
gio1983lsusb does not tell which device file is associated to a certain device :\09:17
Tohuwis there a way to make an fstab include just for a certain user? e.g. user joe logs on and mounts everything in /etc/fstab, user john logs on and mounts everything in /etc/fstab AND another fstab-like file.09:17
gio1983does it?09:17
llutzgio1983: read "dmesg" output09:17
TohuwBenkinooby: you are correct. The "extra choices" are related to setting up software RAIDs09:18
PythonPupBenkinooby, I think you have it.  The alternate gives you a full system.  It has more install options and is what I normally use.  The minimal install is used for servers and virtual machines, mostly.09:19
gio1983@llutz dmesg does not tell this info, unfortunately09:19
TiKPythonPup: Ive looked in the options under power managemet.. and when I am on AC I want it to be bright and when I lose my lid I want it to remain bright. when I a nnot on AC I want to display tobe dimmed so I checked "Reduce Backlight Brightness" under on battery per. Now whneer I close my lid and wakeup my computer "on AC power" its dim09:19
BenkinoobyTohuw: ok thank you.09:19
PythonPupBenkinooby, the important option for me on the alternate installer is the ability to setup encrypted disks.09:19
SlartTohuw: I think fstab is parsed when the machine boots.. not when a user logs in.. so no.. I doubt you'll be able to work with the fstab that way09:19
TiKseems lik a big to me pythonpup09:20
llutzgio1983: here it does09:20
BenkinoobyPythonPup: so if a want ubuntu with flxbox (and no gnome; fluxbuntu seems to be dead) best is to use alternate cd09:20
SlartTohuw: you could write a script that runs at login which mounts drives and such09:20
llutzgio1983: after plugin the stick in,  dmesg logs lines like :[ 6494.035797] sd 4:0:0:0: [sdb] 15753215 512-byte logical blocks: (8.06 GB/7.51 GiB)09:21
TohuwSlart: that's what I assumed... is there a way to make an fstab entry only mount for a certain user? I need to shake off the brain-dust in this area, but I seem to remember you can specify for each mount instruction who can actually access it. The issue is that I have a cifs share I want to mount, but only one user should be able to get to it (the share mounts in their home anyway)09:21
TiKPythonPup: anyway tanks for trying I am posting this as a bug09:21
gio1983I get this for example09:21
MACscris there anything i can do to automatically keep my gnome ftp bookmark connections alive? Im constantly having to refresh the folder when i want ot open a file. Most of hte time i have to do it a couple times09:21
TiKTohuw: make a script and allow them to mount with sudo09:22
llutzgio1983: it only gives raw-device (sdc) in your case09:22
SlartTohuw: I think your best option is to set permissions on the mounted drive so that only the specified user can access it.. ie it will still be mounted but only some user(s) will be able to read the files09:22
TiKthats what I'd do09:22
sylonhi my phone shows up as 2 mass storage drives on windows (phone internal memory and microSD card) but on linux it only shows one (the internal memory), any ideas whats up?09:22
TiKSlart: yeah good idea09:22
PythonPupBenkinooby, The alternate CD will install gnome.  The kubuntu alternate CD will install KDE.  You would want the server CD, probably.  Then there is a package called fluxbox.  I have not tried it lately.  The lubuntu setup is what I use for a light desktop.09:23
randhol Hi. I have setup to autoimport photos from camera, that works great. However, I get asked if I want to import from SD card every time I turn on the printer-scanner as it has a SD card inside. Is there a way to remove this question? I only want to import fram cameras automatically09:23
gio1983@llutz uhm that tells me the device [sdc] but it does not tell the usb bus thing where I can find idVendor etc..09:23
Jordan_Ugio1983: "lsusb" or "ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/"09:24
TohuwSlart: over the course of our conversation, I've realized I'm worrying about a non-issue: it doesn't matter who logs in, this share is only accessible by this user (hence the stored credentials file) and the share point is only accessible by them. It doesn't matter that it mounts for everyone; they still can't get to it. File this in /mountains-out-of-molehills09:24
PythonPupTiK, sorry I could not do more.  I need a laptop handy, I guess.  I have one, but it has no battery, so it really acts like a desktop.09:24
=== WhiteKIBA is now known as [WhiteKIBA]
llutzgio1983: there is no "one command" to show you all that info. you have to look at several places if you need it09:25
BenkinoobyPythonPup: lubuntu... i'll have a look at it, thx for the hint. instead of using server, maybe the minimal install would be better, due to the fact that only the packages i explicitly choose are installed09:25
gio1983@Jordan_U I can't use lsusb but the other suggestion might be interesting09:25
gio1983@llutz I know unforttunately09:25
gio1983in a previous project I was using gudev09:25
gio1983but here I can't use it :\09:26
gio1983it's Android :P09:26
TohuwBenkinooby: if you're aiming for a very lean system, and understand just what you want, the minimal install is perfect, I've found09:26
ph8hey all, anyone know how i can fix a corrupted MBR on an NTFS Drive from ubuntu?09:26
llutzgio1983: write an udev-rule to assign a fixed device to your usb-id09:26
PythonPupBenkinooby, the minimal install would be fine.  Just expect that you will be adding a lot of basic stuff.  That is a decent way to start.\09:26
frogzooI get a protracted beep on shutdown at the message "unmounting temporary file systems" - didn't use to do this - any clues to fix it?09:26
Tohuwph8, the best way to fix it is with the FIXMBR command on any WINNT or higher install CD. Other ways are not as "safe".09:27
ph8can i make fixmbr available in a normal install rather than only in the 'recovery console'?09:28
BenkinoobyTohuw, PythonPup : thank you. thought the alternate cd would also give me choice about the packages to be "initally" installed.09:28
PythonPupfrogzoo, Did you add some samba mounts recently.  I know it takes longer to shutdown, if I don't unmount my samba share.  I don't remember a beep. though.09:28
PythonPupBenkinooby, nope.  No package install options.09:29
frogzooPythonPup: no it's a different issue to yours - the beep is really loud & intrusive - I figure it as an alarm of some sort09:29
TohuwBenkinooby: PythonPup: It's a shame though, because ubuntu-server does give you those options; the alt cd really should too09:29
BenkinoobyTohuw, +1 ;)09:30
MaRk-Igio1983: lshw ??09:30
Tohuwfrogzoo: it may be completely unrelated to unmounting the shares. have you tried fsck'ing, checking temperatures of CPU/hardware, checking fan states, etc.?09:30
PythonPupTohuw, The alternate installer just uses the standard debian installer.  I like it the way it is, but if you want a change, you would need to convince debian, not ubuntu.09:31
Tohuwfrogzoo: a memtest may also be in order. PythonPup: thank you for that information; I didn't know that.09:31
PythonPupThe alternate installer disk has memtest.  Or, it did the last time I looked.09:32
* Tohuw acknowledges that "ubuntu" is an African word for "I can't configure Debian"09:32
frogzooTohuw: I guess a fsck may well be in order, tks09:32
Jordan_Ugio1983: This is really the wrong channel :)09:32
TohuwPythonPup: It's on the Live CD as well09:32
PythonPupmemtest is small.  I am glad they include it.09:33
gio1983@Jordan_U I know, but since android is basically linux with some minor change09:33
jihadHas anyone been able to use itunes and mount an itouch or iphone?09:33
frogzoodebian has no one to blame but themselves for ubuntu stealing their thunder09:33
gio1983I was trying to understand if some one had a similar issue09:33
gio1983in linux09:33
gio1983since in android it is more difficult to find answers09:33
Jordan_Ugio1983: No, android is an operating system that happens to use the linux kernel :)09:33
Tohuwgio1983: this is not an Android support channel. Android has many major differences from Ubuntu. You would be best off pursuing an Android-specific support channel.09:34
frenzied_coderIs there a driver for broadcom 4357 wireless (64bit)? Didn't find it here http://is.gd/e3OLJ or on broadcom's website.09:34
gio1983however thanks for the good insights :)09:35
gio1983you were all very kind09:35
=== [WhiteKIBA] is now known as WhiteKIBA
Kozzy_hi what is the faster version of ubuntu or ubuntu based distro still active today?09:36
thebandofficeTHERE'S A PENIS IN MY BUTT HELP ME09:36
Jordan_Ugio1983: I wasn't joking by the way, other than the kernel android shares almost nothing in common with a normal GNU/Linux system.09:36
FloodBot2thebandoffice: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:36
ikoniathebandoffice: calm down09:36
ikoniathebandoffice: drop the language and that attitude09:36
Kozzy_im trying to get a quick one for my toshiba nb30509:36
ikoniathebandoffice: this channel is for ubuntu support ONLY09:36
ikonia!coc > thebandoffice09:36
ubottuthebandoffice, please see my private message09:36
MaRk-I!broadcom | frenzied_coder09:36
ubottufrenzied_coder: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx09:36
ikonia!guidelines > thebandoffice09:37
gio1983@Jordan_U well it's not totally true, many of thepieces are there, we ported many applications too09:37
Kozzy_any help?09:37
gio1983@Jordan_U but you're right in saying that there are also many differences09:37
Kozzy_guess not :(09:38
bullgard4'~$ locate gdm-simple-greeter.schemas; /usr/share/gconf/schemas/gdm-simple-greeter.schemas; /usr/src/gdm-2.30.0/gui/simple-greeter/gdm-simple-greeter.schemas.in; /usr/src/gdm-2.30.2.is.2.30.0/gui/simple-greeter/gdm-simple-greeter.schemas.in'. The »file« command in all 3 cases says: "ASCII English text." What does the file name extension '.in' stand for?09:39
ikoniabullgard4: that's nothing to do with ubuntu09:39
ikoniabullgard4: extensions cacn mean anything you want09:39
psycho789if youre running wubi is it just running an application inside of windows09:40
=== 36DAADETC is now known as Symphonist
bullgard4ikonia: hm09:41
=== e-DIO-t is now known as Bacchettabacco
PythonPupJordan_U, The guy in charge of Android is big on Java.  He wanted everything to run under their own version.  I have seen one netbook that offered a choice of Android or Ubuntu.09:42
psycho789if you install ubuntu from wubi are you really just running an application inside of windows09:44
psycho789or is it really ubuntu09:44
mtmthe real deal09:45
psycho789so its no different?09:45
mtmnot really09:45
mtmyou choose what to boot in09:46
mtmubuntu is in c:/ubuntu09:46
psycho789is it slower09:47
mtmdepends what you have09:47
spencerHello, I'm just wondering if anyone knows of a good Antivirus for Ubuntu09:48
decomphello all!09:49
spencerand how susceptible[?] the OS is to viruses09:49
jussi!virus | spencer09:49
ubottuspencer: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus09:49
jetienneq. is there a way to automatically  install all the dependancies of a .deb (not in a repository)09:49
mtmhi jussi09:49
jussihi mtm09:50
mtmguess what. i know what i did wrong09:50
decompHi all, I changed me display manager to wdm and then back to gdm and now no display manager starts at all. I tried dpkg reconfigure-gdm, and opening synaptic and reinstalling gdm. no change. Can anyone please help?09:50
mtmits 1.0.2 now09:50
spencerokay, and is there any risk of a virus caught on Linux, to spread to Windows?09:50
mtmi installed 1.0.1 and i insralled in seperate files09:51
Tohuwspencer: the whole point is you won't "catch" a virus on Linux, unless you do something silly, like run an unknown executable as root09:51
mtmand the all that time for something stupid09:51
spencerI can't get viruses from the internet?09:52
PythonPupspencer, look at clamav.  If you use it, be sure to install freshclams to get updated signatures.09:52
=== WhiteKIBA is now known as [WhiteKIBA]
PythonPupspencer, Linux can get viruses.  But, it is much less likely than a Windows system.  Windows practically encourages them.09:52
spencerPythonpup, so true.09:53
decompHi all, I changed me display manager to wdm and then back to gdm and now no display manager starts at all. I tried dpkg reconfigure-gdm, and opening synaptic and reinstalling gdm. no change. Can anyone please help?09:53
=== [WhiteKIBA] is now known as WhiteKIBA
spencerAlright thanks all, I'm out. Night09:54
NightKhaosPythonPup: *sigh* Same old agruement. The security model in Vista and above does not "encourage" users, in fact it's the best it's ever been. The majority of virues on Windows are now PEBKAC type errors, i.e. phishing and trojans.09:54
kenwiliestdecomp, you probably have to edit/add a line to a file like rc.conf or some shit09:54
NightKhaosIs it possible to do a multiple alais... i.e. I want to alais all binaries start with arm-none-eabi to arm-elf.09:55
kenwiliestdecomp, i suggest you direct your attention to something like... the ubuntu documentation emphasizing  that topic09:55
PythonPupspencer, I just removed rootkits that had been installed on 30 Linux systems.   So, Linux can get them.  I don't know how they got in.  Someone else is doing the backtracking on that.09:55
jetienneq. i got a source package .dsc, _source.build, _source.change, and .targz, how can i recompile it ?09:56
decompkenwiliest: The rc.conf file (/etc/rc.conf) is the core system configuration file used in Arch Linux.09:56
mtmSo theres nothing suspicious about not having any trojans for over a year?09:56
decompis that also used in ubuntu?09:56
kenwiliestdecomp,  yes....09:56
PythonPupNightKhaos, I was being a little metaphorical.  Saying Vista is the most secure Windows is not a very high standard.  They still include IE, so they are not serious about security.09:56
kenwiliestalso in freebsd too09:56
kenwiliesti think it's a universally vital file.09:56
frenzied_coderMaRk-I, thanks. works now.09:57
NightKhaosPythonPup: I'll grant you that, however IEs security model is improving.09:57
kenwiliesti've never even used arch linux09:57
MaRk-Ifrenzied_coder: yw09:57
kenwiliestwhat's arch linux's emphasis?09:57
jasonwryankenwiliest: rc.conf in ubuntu? really?09:57
decompanyone else having trouble logging into ubuntu forums?09:58
PythonPupkenwiliest, arch is for Linux users that want package management like BSD.  That seems to be the dominant, but not only characteristic.09:58
=== denny_ is now known as denny
NightKhaosPythonPup: still got more holes in it than swish cheese, but IE8 can throw punches in terms of security with Firefox. However, there are other reasons (rendering) that mean I discourage the use of IE anyways. It could be the most perfectly secured, sandbooked browser out there, however if they don't fix their rendering engine... meh.09:58
NightKhaosPythonPup: however, Offtopic... aliases, any ideas?09:58
kenwiliestpythonpup, as in ports?09:58
mtmOpera #109:58
jasonwryankenwiliest: as in pacman...09:59
PythonPupNightKhaos, I am sorry.  I missed the first part about aliases.  I am in favor of them, but that is not your problem, I bet.09:59
KrisWoodHello everyone10:00
PythonPupNightKhaos, So, could you repeat the original question?10:01
NightKhaosPythonPup: multiple alasies... I have two precompiled twochains on different machines, one of which I don't have admin access too so I can't update the toolchain. On one they are called arm-none-eabi-, however on the other they are called arm-elf-. I don't want to have to create a whole lot of symlinks in /usr/local/bin if I can avoid it, but I want to make sure that when I execute arm-elf-gcc it points to arm-none-eabi-10:02
NightKhaosgcc for example, that or do you know a way to make my makefiles contextual (i.e. it terms which gcc is valid and then uses that one)10:02
PythonPupkenwiliest, yes, as in ports.10:02
kenwiliestpythonpup, what are they called in arch?10:02
NightKhaosPythonPup: sed s/twochains/toolchains/ ... some typo.10:02
jetiennedpkg-source -x blabla.dsc was my answer :)10:02
kenwiliestpythonpup, the ports that is10:02
KrisWoodI've got a silly question... I'm trying to download themes off the gnome-look and they're all in archives without any file extension to indicate what format they're in... Any ideas?10:03
ogunayhi, i use ubuntu lucid, i've some torrent files, and i could't change their ownership from root to user via #chown -hR <username:groupname> <torrentfile>10:03
PythonPupkenwiliest, That detail is too small for me to remember.  It has been 6 months since I tries arch.  I try a lot of Linux distros.10:03
NightKhaosogunay: where you root (or at least sudoing) when you executed that chown?10:03
erUSULogunay: where are those torrent files stored ?10:03
kenwiliestpythonpup, which is your favorite?10:03
jasonwryankenwiliest: ABS (Arch Build System) and they are called pkgbuilds10:04
alsemDoes anyone have experience with Ubuntu file sharing on a wireless network?10:04
kenwiliestjasonwryan, thanks a lot.10:04
ogunayerUSUL: these are on /Torrents , i've changed the location to anohter partition /media/disk10:04
jasonwryankenwiliest: np10:04
jasonwryanalsem what's up?10:04
erUSULogunay: what filesystem ?10:04
ogunayerUSUL: ext410:05
PythonPupkenwiliest, For most uses, I pick Ubuntu.  It is what I use as my main desktop and once I make a few tweaks, it does quite well.10:05
kenwiliestPythonPup, IC. nice10:05
erUSULogunay: what error do you get from chown ?10:05
ogunayerUSUL: no error, i've checked the file, the same ownership (root)10:05
KrisWoodah ha, it's a gzip archive, just had to right click for properties :)10:06
PythonPupNightKhaos, The only thing I would suggest is to write a script to create the symlinks for you.  Then, it is not much effort to keep it up to date.  Have the script inspect the  arm-none-eabi list to be sure it creates all the needed symlinks.10:06
=== Bacchettabacco is now known as e-DIO-t
alsemI have two computers both running U10.04.  I have followed the instructions on "SimpleHelp".  I have the infoamous little hand under the file.  But when I go to Places --> Network I don't see any files at all.10:06
erUSULogunay: very odd; but without an error message or some other clue i can not know what is going on ...10:07
jasonwryanalsem: are you using nfs?10:07
ogunayerUSUL: if i try it via gksudo nautilus, i change to user, then the menu becomes again to the root :\10:08
alsemJasonwryan:  I am using the regular U10.04 files.  I think nfs would be on a Windows system?10:08
NightKhaosPythonPup: for bin in /usr/local/arm/bin/arm-none-eabi*i; do ln -s $bin /usr/local/bin/${bin:-none-eabi-=-elf-}; done ?10:08
jasonwryanalsem: no, nfs is for 2 linux boxes: http://mybeni.rootzilla.de/mybeNi/2007/how_to_set_up_nfs_and_how_to_share_files_in_a_local_network_with_ubuntu_linux/10:08
azlon1how can i enable vnc?10:08
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX10:08
ralf_ewhat is the easiest way to create a .deb package from a checked out source project (with patches), f.e. http://git.gnome.org/browse/gedit/ , for installation in my own ubuntu system?10:08
Gneaalsem: NFS is actually a unix component, SMB/CIFS is windows networking10:09
PythonPupNightKhaos, Something like that.  I don't know your need or how the list changes to know if you need to remove the existing symlinks first.  Are items likely to disappear from the list?10:10
ubottucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!10:10
alsemJasonwryan:  Let me go play with that page and see if I can get anywhere.  Thanks I'll let you know later how it worked out.10:10
NightKhaosPythonPup: fairly unlikely to change. I'll know if/when I upgrade the toolkit, so I can redo the links and delete the broken symlinks.10:10
jasonwryanalsem: np: it works for me10:10
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
__goo__Hey, which ubuntu distro is best suited for a 256 mb RAM system?10:11
iceroot__goo__: lubuntu10:12
Gnea__goo__: xubuntu10:12
PythonPupazlon1, System/Preferences/Remote Desktop to enable the server.   Install xvnc4viewer on the client side.10:12
iceroot__goo__: not xubuntu, its taking the same as ubuntu10:12
__goo__Gnea, i dont like XFCE10:12
__goo__iceroot, ah ok10:12
Gnea__goo__: neither do i10:12
Gneaah, didn't know about lubuntu10:12
iceroot__goo__: have a look at lubuntu (lxde)10:13
PythonPup__goo__, I use regular ubuntu on systems with 256 meg of ram and they seem fine to me.10:13
justin22885i have a question... id like to install ubuntu command line with a light weight desktop to a USB flash drive of 16gb, what would be the recommended filesystem setup for this?10:13
__goo__PythonPup, even 10.04?10:13
jasonwryan__goo__: Crunchbang10:13
PythonPup__goo__, If I was going to make heavy desktop use of one, I would look at ubuntu or crunchbang.10:14
GneaPythonPup: with gnome? surely you jest10:14
PythonPup__goo__, yes, even 10.0410:14
__goo__its not heavy desktop use10:14
__goo__I just wanna get my mom to use Linux10:14
__goo__and the PC is just a 800 mhz 256 mb RAM system10:14
justin22885anyone know the best way to install ubuntu to a flash drive?10:14
iceroot!usb | justin2288510:15
ubottujustin22885: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent10:15
justin22885no iceroot.. install it TO a usb drive, not FROM, i was wondering what the optimal filesystem would be10:15
the_foolHello all i'm working on a quick bash script to change my wallpaper on startup. Anyone know why: http://pastie.org/1076979  would return: arithmetic expression: expecting primary: "  % (24 + 1) "  ?10:15
icerootjustin22885: reread the text from ubottu10:15
el_seanoman, ubottu is awesome.10:15
PythonPupGnea, full blown gnome.  Startup is a little slow, but once it gets going, it is fine.  The system is an 800 MHz via and can't take more than 256 meg of ram.  I have a similar system with a P3/933 and 256 meg of ram and it is also ok.10:15
__goo__But i want it the distro to be easy to use, for a person shifting from Windoze10:16
__goo__PythonPup, which one u talking about10:16
=== lag is now known as Guest27899
alsemJasonwryan:  I read through the article.  How will this affect smb and smbfs?  I was "using" Samba so can this run along side?  Do I need to undo Samba?10:16
KrisWoodOk new theme, I'm able to get the appearance preferences to correctly see the theme in the install menu if I rename the file with a .tar.gz extension, but it still doesn't show up in my available themes, what could cause this?10:16
icerootjustin22885: i am using ext2 on a ssd, because of the missing journal10:16
PythonPup__goo__, try ubuntu out and see what you think.  The biggest problem I have is first starting apps.  Firefox is a little slow to load, but does fine after that.10:16
geesesalut tous le monde10:17
__goo__PythonPup, okie10:17
jasonwryanalsem: you only need samba if you want a windoze box o your network10:17
el_seanoFirefox is always sort of slow to start.10:17
el_seanomostly why i made the jump to chrome.10:17
geesej'espere qu'il y a quelqu'un qui parle français10:17
__goo__el_seano, FF 4 is much faster10:17
dlandauFirefox 4 starts up faster.10:17
baconchrome's search bar is more powerfull.10:18
tkahn6LOAD -e "/home/tkahn/Desktop/google.pl"10:18
tkahn6thank you xchat10:18
__goo__bacon, but FF automatically loads the best result10:18
PythonPupel_seano, true, but the security on Firefox is so much better, I would not use anything else as my main web browser.10:18
el_seanoi will admit i like that FF's search bar instantly grabs your bookmarks though, rather than the quick search10:18
__goo__bacon, i dont find that in chrome, it just does a google search10:18
el_seanoPythonPup: Security in what regard, if I may ask?10:19
alsemjasonwryan:  I have a windows box on the network BUT when I go to Places --> Network --> Windows  I get an error message that it can't mount the server  or get some file from it.  So I thought I'd try something simple like a Ubuntu to Ubuntu machine.10:19
justin22885apparently id need to disable journaling on ext4, add the noatime option to fstab, and use /tmp in RAM10:19
bacon__goo__: i don't know if it exist in FF, but with chrome you can search directly on the website you need with a tabulation after the site's url10:19
PythonPupel_seano, Chrome has nothing like noscript.  Chrome does not have the hooks it needs.  Browsing the web without something like noscript is just crazy.10:20
bacon__goo__: I like how browsing and search are fast with it10:20
KrisWoodHmmm is gtk2 installed by default in the latest ubuntu? no idea why these themes aren't working :-/10:20
jasonwryanalsem: sorry, I can't help with samba - I only run Linux...10:20
__goo__bacon, i c, but check out FF 4's new features - Tab Candy is pretty useful esp as i have 50 - 100 tabs open usually10:21
alsemjasonwryan:  thanks anyway!10:21
PythonPupalsem, can you post your smb.conf file for me to look at?10:21
bacon__goo__: I have maxi 15 tabs opened, but I'll try it for sure ! I don't like using all the google services (:10:21
justin22885iceroot, i am reading an article about how ext4 without the journaling is more efficient than ext210:21
bacon__goo__: mail, reader, browser...10:21
jasonwryanalsem: s'ok: someone here will have samba chops...10:21
__goo__bacon, ok10:22
justin22885found another article giving me a list of things to edit in fstab to tweak ext4 to work properly with it10:22
el_seanoPythonPup: I just heard about noscript today, actually.  What do you mean by the hooks?  That Chrome couldn't support something like noscript?10:22
baconjustin22885: may you give me a link please?10:22
susslerhey dudes10:22
susslerare there any intermittent lockup problems with intel gfx on ubuntu lucid lynx10:23
azlon1where is the .vnc folder?10:23
fredfallIs alpha 3 released?10:23
sussleri am kind of getting pissed at suse10:23
alsemPythonPup:  Where is the smb.conf file located?  Myabe I can cut and paste it?  (In case you haven't figured yet I'm kind of new to this Ubuntu)10:23
PythonPupel_seano, Yes, the developer of noscript looked at Chrome and talked to people at Google.  Chrome cannot support noscript, but may do so in the future.10:23
PythonPupalsem,   /etc/samba/smb.conf10:23
Gneaalsem: most configuration files are kept in /etc10:23
nebula_help !10:24
justin22885that gives a list of tweaks, that a forum, im going to try those and disable journaling and see how it works, im using a 16gb kingston datatraveler right now with ubuntu 10.0410:24
susslerdudes, any gfx problems on lucid lynx10:24
susslerintel , 2.6.34 kernel10:24
nebula_the besy  musc player for ubuntu ?10:24
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.10:25
nebula_the best ....  musc player for ubuntu ?10:25
erUSUL!player | nebula_10:25
ubottunebula_: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs10:25
alsemPythonPup:  This is a big file but here goes=10:25
PythonPupjustin22885, that may be right.  Due to my own testing, I won't use ext4 on anything other than a test system.10:25
alsem# Sample configuration file for the Samba suite for Debian GNU/Linux.10:25
alsem# This is the main Samba configuration file. You should read the10:25
FloodBot2alsem: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:25
PythonPupalsem, stop10:25
justin22885my vote goes to exaile if youre using gnome, or gtk based desktops like lxde.. or amarok if youre using KDE10:25
Gneajustin22885: looking forward to your results10:25
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.10:25
PythonPupalsem, use a pastebin.  Go to pastebin.com and post your contents.  Then put a link here in irc..10:26
azlon1does anybody know where the .vnc folder is located?10:27
Gothackso many ones10:27
PythonPupnebula_, yatm10:27
shaiHi :) I just installed Ubuntu and noticed that /etc/network/interfaces just has 'lo' defined and not eth0 ... so where is eth0 defined by default?10:27
erUSULshai: Network Manager manages all connections10:27
PythonPupalzon1, in your home directory.10:28
shaierUSUL, I have a headless server.... where is that in a file...?10:28
Gneashai: ubuntu-server?10:29
erUSULshai: if you are on a server use interfaces. just add the definitions you need10:29
alsemPythonPup:  I think I pasted to large a file in here and got disconnected for a while.  Did you get the file?10:29
PythonPupnebula_, but I use vlc and a player I am writing the most.10:29
PythonPupalsem, use a pastebin.  Go to pastebin.com and post your contents.  Then put a link here in irc..10:29
PythonPupalsem, no I did not get it.10:29
shaiGnea, not a server per say ... just a station that I use via SSH. erUSUL I understand that I can edit /etc/network/interfaces... but currently, where is eth0 defined for the pc to be available via eth0 using DHCP? It must be written somewhere in a file, no?10:30
alsemPythonPup:  where is pastebin.com?  Is it obvious how to put a link in the irc?10:31
GDGhow can I install an older version of gcc on my Ubuntu?10:31
PythonPupUse you web browser and look.  It is really obvious, alsem.10:31
erUSULshai: no; Network manager uses gconf so maybe it is in afile somewhere but you have to use gconftool-2 or gconf-editor10:31
KrisWoodThis is getting incredibly frustrating....10:32
the_foolCan anyone help me with this bash script: http://pastie.org/1076979 ? I'm Learning as I go and can't figure out why I'm getting this error: /home/max/Pictures/wallpapers/.wallpaperchanger.sh: 5: arithmetic expression: expecting primary: "  % (24 + 1) "10:32
mamoothHi there10:32
justin_anyone know how to disable journaling?10:33
=== justin_ is now known as justin22885
justin22885annoying.. anyway, anyone know how to disable journaling?10:33
mamoothI'm running ubuntu 10.04 - With thunderbird, could someone point how to create an IMAP account. I really don't see where in the account configuration process I can select IMAP instead of POP310:34
llutzjustin22885: isn't it "noload" boot-option?10:34
GDGhow can I install an older version of gcc on my Ubuntu 10.4?10:34
el_seanoCan anyone recommend me some good documentation or a tutorial regarding devices and how to mount them and get information and so on?10:34
justin22885i dont know10:34
justin22885ive never disabled journaling before10:35
erUSULthe_fool: this « length=34 ; a=$(( $RANDOM % ($length + 1) )) ; echo $a » works here10:35
PythonPupjustin22885, did you go to http://lmgtfy.com/ and put in disable journaling ext410:35
alsemPythonPup:  I pasted in the message box.  the URL is  http://pastebin.com/56d8D8Xd10:35
Gothackdoes anybody know how to install openoffice?10:36
the_foolerUSUL, I'll try that. MInd if i keep pestering you though? Because I'll need the script to get the number for length on the fly10:36
erUSULthe_fool: #bash may be a better place to ask10:37
justin22885i have to use tune2fs to do it i believe10:37
the_foolerUSUL, ... ^_^" that's a good idea10:37
PythonPupalsem, are you going to be online a while?10:37
Gothackwhat does it mean...........10:37
el_seanoGothack: From the terminal, type sudo apt-get install openoffice10:38
llutz!info openoffice.org > Gothack10:38
PythonPupel_seano, The package is openoffice.org10:39
el_seanowhoops, my bad.10:39
KrisWoodah ha! I need the "emerald theme manager" whatever that is... *googles it*10:39
alsemPythonPup:  Not sure how long "a while is"  It is 2:20am here so probably not very long.  If you wish you can send it to my eMail  at  alsemus@yahoo.com10:39
Gothacki'm learning to use xchat.....this'is my first time use ubuntu10:40
PythonPupalsem, It is 4:40am here.  You need to add a whole section at the bottom of the file.  I have that at home, and not here.  If you are still here, I'll post it to you when I get home.  It will take about 45 minutes.10:40
Gothackit is 5:40pm here..................10:41
NightKhaosPythonPup: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root     36 2010-08-05 19:36 arm-elf-gcc -> /usr/local/arm/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc ... got it work via for file in /usr/local/arm/bin/*; do sudo ln -s $file /usr/local/bin/arm-elf-${file#/usr/local/arm/bin/arm-none-eabi-}; done10:41
azlon1when i remote (vnc) into my ubuntu machine, the vnc window on the other machine doesnt update10:41
NightKhaosPythonPup: took me a while to find # operator. :(10:42
PythonPupNightKhaos, If I understood that right, then good.10:42
MaRk-Iazlon1: disable compiz10:42
alsemPythonPup:  Thanks.  If I'm not here, might have gone back to bed, then just e-mail me please.   Thanks.........   Al10:42
MaRk-Iazlon1: on the remote machine I mean10:42
PythonPupNightKhaos, I usually write Python scripts, not bash scripts, so I did not notice the error.10:42
azlon1MaRk-I: on the client? the client is running windows 7...10:43
NightKhaosPythonPup: figures, with the name and all.10:43
PythonPupalsem, How would I do that, alsem?10:43
MaRk-Iazlon1: ah nvm then10:43
rocket16Hello all10:43
PythonPupNightKhaos, That is a pretty good clue.  I was putting together a spin of Puppy Linux with Python added.  Thence, this nickname.10:43
shin_why if I try to connect via SSL with XCHAT receive the error * Connessione fallita. Errore: self signed certificate.? (18)10:44
zhanghello,i'm new here10:44
alsemPythonPup:  Use the email   alsemus@yahoo.com10:44
Gothackzhang? are you chinese?10:44
ShapeShifter499how do I enable my controller in ubuntu?10:44
Gothackoh my dear10:44
azlon1MaRk-I: you were right, but the problem was compiz on the host machine... thanks!10:45
PythonPupShapeShifter499, just tell your wife she can use it.10:45
Gothackso am i10:45
PythonPupalsem, noted.10:45
ShapeShifter499PythonPup: HAHAHAHAHHAAAA    btw I'm 1610:45
MaRk-Iazlon1: ahh good to know and yw10:45
azlon1MaRk-I: is there a way to disable compiz only when a machine connect via vnc, then restore compiz when the user disconnects?10:45
alsemPythonPup:  Thanks a lot.10:45
shin_I try to connect to irc.explosionirc.net in SSL whit port 6697 and I receive the error "self signed certificate.? (18)"10:46
rocket16!hi | zhang10:46
ubottuzhang: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:46
MaRk-Iazlon1: there was a way but I dont remember ATM you can search it... has to do with some -xnodamage thing10:46
zhangthank you10:46
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk10:47
PythonPupazlon1, probably.  Look at gconf and see if there is a key to control it.  You can script changing those.10:47
ShapeShifter499MaRk-I beat me to it10:47
NightKhaosPythonPup: hehe, I'm getting quite good at doing inline for loops. It freaks a couple of people out cause they tend to be like "wtf did you just do?"... to quote a friend of mine "my shell foo is strong"10:47
PythonPupNightKhaos, That is a handy skill.10:47
zhangmy English is very poor10:48
rocket16zhang: No problem, we all can understand you well, :)10:48
PythonPupazlon1, the program gconftool-2 is what you would call in such a script.10:48
zhangthank you10:48
ShapeShifter499zhang: your fine10:48
zhangWho can teach me English10:49
abhijitzhang, join ##english10:49
Gothackmine is poor... too10:49
NightKhaosPythonPup: my freakest one to date was: for file in *.s; do mv $file ${file}.old; sed s/';'/@/ ${file.old} > $file; done10:49
abhijitGothack, type /j ##english10:49
MaRk-Iazlon1: read post #11 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/35312610:50
Gothacki get ie10:50
sangiCan anyone suggest a document to install ubuntu from windows10:51
ShapeShifter499how do I use my game controller in ubuntu and wine?10:51
NightKhaossangi: in a VM or outside?10:51
abhijit!wubi | sangi10:51
ubottusangi: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.10:51
rocket16sangi: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide10:51
sangii want to install through iso image10:51
rocket16sangi: Just use an emulator, like Nero, which supports Virtual Drive. Load the ISO, and install using Wubi.10:52
zhangI've always wanted to learn English,but always learn bad10:52
NightKhaosrocket16: or Oracle VirtualBox... :P10:52
abhijit!ot | zhang  type /j ##english10:53
ubottuzhang  type /j ##english: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:53
rocket16NightKhaos: Certainly, :) but Virtual OSes share same RAM, hence a performance-decrease is sure, :)10:53
encoderhi all, i would like to copy my files to a FTP server (shared hosting) using a cron job. How do i pass the authentication to a script guys?10:53
NightKhaosrocket16: meh... not a problem on either of my machines.10:53
NightKhaosrocket16: but yes, that is a valid concern.10:53
NightKhaosrocket16: 4GiB and 6GiB.10:54
rocket16NightKhaos: I see.\10:54
JamesWStubbsHello, I'm doing an Ubuntu port to the iPhone, I'm having a problem with screen rotation using Fbdev and evtouch. Both will work fine in portrait, but for screen estate reasons I need it to be landscape before I can release my images. I've added Option "Rotate" "CW" to xorg.conf, which will rotate the screen when X starts but as soon as the screen is touched the X server closes. I've also tried adding Mode "480x320" to the Display section of xorg.conf bu10:55
abhijiti installed kubuntu to external usb hdd. it shows os missing errror i need to edit grub. so where is grub in my usb?10:56
MaRk-Iabhijit: when you were installing you were supposed to add the grub to the usb to have it in the usb10:57
tim__bAnyone knowing a plugin for audacious to remove songs shorter than a given time from the playlist (like removing all songs with a playtime less then 2 minutes to get rid of intros/outros/interludes)?10:57
gwsHi, I installed latest 10.04 ubuntu release. I have Logitech wireless mouse and it does not work properly...it stucks, sometimes I can not click anywhere. Also some apps show me this error: "Could not grab the mouse". Can you help me with this problem please?10:57
abhijitMaRk-I, installing means i write kubuntu iso using unetbootin. sorry my mistake.10:57
abhijiti write kubuntu iso to external usb hdd using unetbootin. it shows os missing errror i need to edit grub. so where is grub in my usb?10:58
JamesWStubbsHello, I'm doing an Ubuntu port to the iPhone, I'm having a problem with screen rotation using Fbdev and evtouch. Both will work fine in portrait, but for screen estate reasons I need it to be landscape before I can release my images. I've added Option "Rotate" "CW" to xorg.conf, which will rotate the screen when X starts but as soon as the screen is touched the X server closes. I've also tried adding Mode "480x320" to the Display section of xorg.conf bu10:58
MaRk-Iabhijit: ahh well it should be there if done correctly10:58
abhijitMaRk-I, it shows error operating system missing10:58
kancerman*has unetbootin -- needs to figure out how to use it ;)*10:59
MaRk-Iabhijit: hhmm you should re-install it if its new, just make sure you format the usb as FAT32 and unebootin will do the rest11:00
abhijitMaRk-I, okk11:00
ronankI'm trying to boot a Eee from Ubuntu Netbook Edition on a USB stick, so that I can fix the messed-up installation on the SSD in the device, but it halts at "GRUB loading" with Error 15. Can anyone help sort this out?11:00
user9join us11:02
redhey, whats a decent mp3 encoding app? gui preferred11:04
Amber_my sudo is all messed up11:04
JamesWStubbsI've left the room11:04
Amber_can anyone help me /11:04
KrisWoodhmmm I seem unable to use any emerald themes even with the theme manager....11:04
demoneyehow to increase the screen resolution on ubuntu 10.04? System > Preferences > Monitor > etc. It only has 800x600, I would like it to be more then 1000x.. Can anyone be kind to assist me with it?11:04
JamesWStubbsHello, I'm doing an Ubuntu port to the iPhone, I'm having a problem with screen rotation using Fbdev and evtouch. Both will work fine in portrait, but for screen estate reasons I need it to be landscape before I can release my images. I've added Option "Rotate" "CW" to xorg.conf, which will rotate the screen when X starts but as soon as the screen is touched the X server closes. I've also tried adding Mode "480x320" to the Display section of xorg.conf bu11:04
LaggieHi, I have a question about the nano editor, I have a strange problem, the text is visibly placed wrong, when I edit a line it is actually the line above I am writing on, so there is some kind of error11:04
AshyIsMehow do i enable the 64bit kernel in ubuntu 10?11:05
JoshuaLdemoneye, install the hardware drivers: System -> Administration -> Hardware drivers11:05
erUSULAshyIsMe: installing the 64 bit version of ubuntu11:05
KrisWoodah there we go, lovely :D11:05
AshyIsMeerUSUL, haha bugga11:05
gwsHi, I installed latest 10.04 ubuntu release. I have Logitech wireless mouse and it does not work properly...it stucks, sometimes I can not click anywhere. Also some apps show me this error: "Could not grab the mouse". Can you help me with this problem please?11:06
demoneyeJoshuaL: I'll give a go11:06
demoneyegive it*11:06
redhey, whats a decent mp3 encoding app? gui preferred.11:06
erUSULred: ripping too ? or only encoding ?11:06
demoneyeJoshuaL: It says "No proprietary drives are in use on this system"11:07
JoshuaLdemoneye, then I have no idea, sorry11:07
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demoneyeJoshuaL: Ok.11:10
demoneyeAnyone eles could help me with it?11:10
JamesWStubbsHello, I'm doing an Ubuntu port to the iPhone, I'm having a problem with screen rotation using Fbdev and evtouch. Both will work fine in portrait, but for screen estate reasons I need it to be landscape before I can release my images. I've added Option "Rotate" "CW" to xorg.conf, which will rotate the screen when X starts but as soon as the screen is touched the X server closes. I've also tried adding Mode "480x320" to the Display section of xorg.conf bu11:11
Amber_My Sudo is all messed up can anyone help me with it ? sudo: must be setuid root11:11
ShapeShifter499JamesWStubbs: omg to iphone11:12
JamesWStubbsShapeShifter499: Yes11:12
JamesWStubbsShapeShifter499: Currently only the 2G and 3G11:12
ShapeShifter499JamesWStubbs: ubuntu on an idevice would be soo win11:12
JamesWStubbsIt's works nicely in landscape if I use evdev for input11:12
JamesWStubbsWorks fast using icewm for the window manager11:12
hiddenpearlshey guys, this Ubuntu has mad me11:13
hiddenpearlsdamn, it is not installing on my laptop11:13
hiddenpearlsanyone here can help me ?11:13
MaRk-IAmber_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1467656&postcount=411:14
ShapeShifter499JamesWStubbs: too bad ipt aren't supported atm, if they were I would switch in a hartbeat11:15
JamesWStubbsShapeShifter499: I have the iPod Touch 1g Working fine.11:15
JamesWStubbsShapeShifter499: I need to finish sound support11:15
demoneyehow to increase the screen resolution on ubuntu 10.04? System > Preferences > Monitor > etc. It only has 800x600, I would like it to be more then 1000x.. Can anyone be kind to assist me with it?11:16
demoneyehiddenpearls: why not?11:16
* ShapeShifter499 has teh crappy 3gen, no iboot jailbreak, and no linux alternative os :D11:16
ShapeShifter499 D:11:16
* ShapeShifter499 wants a iphone 3gen or 4 OR an android11:17
Minas1I am using Ubuntu, and 3G USB modem, how to find the modem to install?11:17
neil_ubuntudemoneye, you should install video drivers first, lspci first to verify video card11:18
bibodoes anyone know why the Ubuntu forums aren't updating?11:18
jpdsbibo: Howso?11:19
biboWell I only see posts from nine hours ago11:19
demoneyeneil_ubuntu: thank you, i'll give it a try11:19
hiddenpearlsI have downloaded ubuntu and put it on USB and also on virtual CD11:19
biboI've cleared my cache and gone to it on multiple computers and it still hasn't updated11:20
hiddenpearlsbut whenever I try to run demo11:20
SomelauwI created an alias like:  alias netbeans=~/netbeans-6.9/bin/netbeans11:20
hiddenpearlsit asks me to reboot system11:20
hiddenpearlsand when I reboot11:20
hiddenpearlsand ubuntu starts loading11:20
hiddenpearlsand it takes forever11:20
SomelauwBut when I do ls netbeans it says ls: cannot access netbeans: No such file or directory11:20
demoneyerunning the first time, it might "take forever"11:20
SomelauwYes, I did source .bashrc11:21
Minas1I am using Ubuntu, and 3G USB modem, how to find the modem to install?11:21
ashiswini need some help11:21
hiddenpearlsdemoneye: why ?11:21
shamilanyone want lubuntu 64 bit?11:21
shamili sort of made an iso11:21
ashiswinmy ubuntu, for the password fields, it should show big black circles. but now those are small. how do i make them big again11:21
hiddenpearlsI tried it many times .. everytime it sucks like that11:21
demoneyeI'm not sure myself11:22
hiddenpearlsdemoneye: how I can install it then ?11:22
ashiswinmy ubuntu, for the password fields, it should show big black circles. but now those are small. how do i make them big again. Anyone has any idea?11:22
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neil_ubuntuMinas1, you can try lsusb to verify modem model11:23
biboashiwin: are you talking about how it hides your password with the circles?11:23
ashiswinthe circles are now tiny instead of big11:23
bibois that an issue?11:23
Minas1neil_ubuntu,  how can I do it?11:23
ashiswinyes bibo. sometimes i cant see if im typing11:23
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neil_ubuntuMinas1, open terminal type lsusb :)11:24
ashiswinany idea how to fix it bibo?11:24
=== Krana is now known as Rapture1781
bibocertain themes do that. You could also go into your gdm as root and probably change the font size11:25
aga^_^anyone can help me to configure freeradius on ubuntu 1011:25
ashiswinbibo, im using the default theme11:25
demoneyeneil_ubuntu: i typed 'lscpi' in terminal, it replyed some stuff.. USB, VGA etc etc. What am I look for?11:27
Minas1mine is netbook. I have problem with charge, how to fix it?11:27
MaRk-IMinas1: go to terminal and type: sudo apt-get install usb-modeswitch , unplug the usb plug it back and unmount the folder that appears on the desktop then go to network manager it shoud appear11:28
biboashwin: sudo cp /usr/share/applications/gnome-appearance-properties.desktop /usr/share/gdm/autostart/LoginWindow11:29
bibothen logout11:29
ashiswinwhat will that do?11:29
MaRk-Idemoneye: lspci | grep -i vga11:29
biboit opens up the appearance settings for the login screen. You could change the font size11:30
Minas1MaRk-I,  where is the terminal? it is my first day on ubuntu11:30
liuwangwhat is there11:30
SomelauwI created an alias like:  alias netbeans=~/netbeans-6.9/bin/netbeans11:30
SomelauwBut when I do ls netbeans it says ls: cannot access netbeans: No such file or directory11:30
bibothen when you log back in put this in a terminal11:30
bibosudo unlink /usr/share/gdm/autostart/LoginWindow/gnome-appearance-properties.desktop11:30
MaRk-IMinas1: the console/terminal11:31
ashiswink thx bibo11:31
ashiswini'll try that11:31
Minas1MaRk-I,  do I have to turn of the copm?11:31
Minas1I do not know the console place11:32
demoneyeMaRk-I: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/P4M800 Pro/P4M800 CE/VN800 [S3 UniChrome Pro] (rev 01)11:32
MaRk-IMinas1: go to menu, first entry then look for "terminal" o "gnome terminal"11:32
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Minas1MaRk-I,  ok :)11:32
MaRk-Ivia ufff11:32
=== Krana is now known as Rapture1781
biboyou could also hit Ctrl+Alt+T to bring up the terminal11:33
Gyro54I have just removed the top panel? Don't ask why! Anyone help me put it back please.....11:34
pyostI've got a problem with UbuntuForums, could anyone confirm that it's not just me?11:35
Minas1I see11:35
bibopyost: forums haven't updated? I'm having that problem11:35
biboGyro: If you have a panel left, right click on it, and there should be an option for new panel11:36
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:36
Gyro54I have added a new panel but I cant find how to add the original toolbars11:36
pyostWell, that too, it seems... When I logged in, it just threw me into an infinite refresh loop :\11:36
TiKi forgetthe command11:36
biboyou'll have to add them in add to panel11:36
hiddenpearlsanyone can help me in installing Ubuntu ?11:36
TiKGyro54: there is a way t do it with 1 command11:36
MaRk-Idemoneye: pastebin the contents of your /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:36
bibopyrost: servers are probably down11:37
demoneyeMaRk-I: that file is empty11:37
TiKGyro54: http://www.celsius1414.com/2006/08/31/how-to-reset-gnome-panel-to-default-in-ubuntugnome211:37
bibohiddenpearls: what do you need help with?11:37
pyostgreat, just when I needed help... thanks, bibo, at least I know I'm not the only one :)11:37
Gyro54TiK: You are a life saver!  Thanks for your help11:38
bibopyost: hehe I actually came on here for that very reason11:38
demoneyeMaRk-I: On /etc/X11, I dont seen a 'xorg.conf' file :(11:38
Minas1MaRk-I,  may I PM ?11:38
bavbatQ: i do this to compress a directory with ALL its files (incl. hidden): tar cvfz test.tar.gz /home/me/NetBeansProjects/test ... but in the created archive it contains the "me" and "NetBeansProjects" directories - how can i avoid that?11:38
hiddenpearlsbibo: I boot with USB11:38
k0shwhy o why when i pxeboot my ubuntu it tells me that it didnt found /lib/modules/2.6.32-21generic/modules.dep even tho that file exists in nfs exported dir, plus other distros netboot just fine, only ubuntu gives e such error and goes into kernel panic11:38
MaRk-IMinas1: PMs are blocked sorry11:38
Minas1MaRk-I,  ok11:39
pyostbibo: unfortunately, my problem is of such nature that it probably can't be solved through irc :D11:39
TiKcd into the dir first11:39
hiddenpearlsbibo: it takes forever to load from USB ot CD11:39
TiKk0sh: cd into tedir first11:39
Minas1MaRk-I,  I typed apt-get install usb-modeswitch11:39
Minas1it asked are you root?11:39
hiddenpearlsbibo: I tried both methods11:39
Minas1I typed yes11:39
vakhi all11:39
MaRk-IMinas1: it's:    sudo apt-get install usb-modeswitch      <<<<11:40
k0shTiK: what?11:40
bibohiddenpearls: It takes a long time depending on your computer. Just wait a while and then you should be able to install it (~15 minutes max I've had for an old computer)11:40
TiKk0sh: cd into the dir you want to compress or the one before it11:40
justin22885well everyone... i made the neccessary FSTAB changes, and tweaked ext4 for running on a USB drive11:40
hiddenpearlsbibo: I have 1.86 dual core + 4GB ram11:40
bibopyost: it'd be easier to solve on irc though11:40
k0shTiK: ????11:40
hiddenpearlsand it took 2 hours11:41
reverse821anyone wanting to help me fix my BT headset? 8)11:41
k0shTiK: why o why when i pxeboot my ubuntu it tells me that it didnt found /lib/modules/2.6.32-21generic/modules.dep even tho that file exists in nfs exported dir, plus other distros netboot just fine, only ubuntu gives e such error and goes into kernel panic11:41
hiddenpearlsand nothing but loading with background11:41
MaRk-Idemoneye: S3 VIA cards are how can I say it barely supported and tricky you can reconfigure your X but might leave you without it if you dont do it right11:41
TiKk0sh: cd /home/me/NetBeansProjects/ && tar cvfz test.tar.gz test11:41
bibohiddenpearls: How long did you wait? It takes a while, but once it's installled it's very fast11:41
hiddenpearlsbibo: not asking any option just loading with background11:41
justin22885theres actually an immediate change in performance, EASILY noticed11:41
vakKino captures DV-video OK, but exports(encodes) it into ugly interlaced video. Did anyone successfully cope with it?.. Does de-interlacing really work in Kino?...11:41
k0shTiK: how does it relate to pxebooting???11:41
TiKi ment bavbat11:42
hiddenpearlsbibo: it took 2 hours11:42
TiKsorry k0sh11:42
k0shk, np11:42
pyostbibo: well, it doesn't seem to be that common, since I couldn't google a solution - to cut a long story short, I had to cancel a burning task in Brasero because it got stuck, and now the drive is dead in both ubuntu and windows11:42
fredfallWhen does alpha 3 come?11:42
demoneyeMaRk-I: oh ok11:42
hiddenpearlsbibo: I was giving it a try from USB and CD11:42
bibohiddenpearls: You may have a bad burn. Try burning the .iso on the slowest speed possible. I've had that issue before.11:42
aswinin our computer networking lab in college we connect to a server(running redhat) using telnet nd thn use vi editor for writing client and server..is ther a similar way for me to do the same in my ubuntu syste,11:42
bullgard4[GNOME, Ubuntu 10.04.1] Why are there on one computer 2 processes gconf-helper, gdm-session-worker and gdm-simple-slave each? Ubuntu created them automatically. On another computer only 1 each.11:42
MaRk-Idemoneye: check this   http://wwww.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=945072111:43
hiddenpearlsbibo: i see11:43
aswini want to try out the programs before i go to the lab..but i dnt have ny server here to telnet to..so can i use my laptop nd telnet to itself and try out the program11:43
bavbatTiK: thanks (:11:44
k0shwhy o why when i PXEBOOT my ubuntu it tells me that it didnt found /lib/modules/2.6.32-21generic/modules.dep even tho that file exists in nfs exported dir, plus other distros netboot just fine, only ubuntu gives me such error and goes into kernel panic, dir is exported via nfs v311:44
bibohiddenpearls: what's your hardware? It may be incompatible. Also you may just have had a bad bootup. I had that with Lubuntu, but then I tried again and it worked11:44
bibo*may not be compatible11:44
experiMENTALhi. how to install vusb?11:44
hiddenpearlsbibo: I am at windows7 + dual core 1.86 + 4gb RAM + dell laptop11:44
biboaswin: what programs?11:45
MaRk-Idemoneye: also check this one might help  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1488040&highlight=openchrome11:45
k0shwhy o why when i PXEBOOT my ubuntu it tells me that it didnt found /lib/modules/2.6.32-21generic/modules.dep even tho that file exists in nfs exported dir, plus other distros netboot just fine, only ubuntu gives me such error and goes into kernel panic, dir is exported via nfs v311:45
hiddenpearlsbibo: you know what , when I install it from USB/CD it starts copying in C: drive11:45
bibohiddenpearls: ???11:45
demoneyeMaRk-I: sure looks confusing, I will, thank you :)11:45
hiddenpearlsbibo: and after copying, it starts downloading from torrent11:46
aswinwe write c programs like a chat system,retreving date nd time etc etc11:46
justin22885hey everyone11:46
bibohiddenpearls: Are you doing a Wubi install?11:46
hiddenpearlsbibo: Yes11:46
hiddenpearlswubi.exe is there11:46
vakis any one here experienced with miniDV video encoding?11:47
bibohiddenpearls: Are you trying to run it by clicking on Wubi?11:47
justin22885im noticing an immediate change in performance when i tweaked fstab to run ext4 on my USB flash drive...11:47
hiddenpearlsbibo: Yes11:47
MaRk-Idemoneye: on the 2nd link read post #3   that looks like it might help11:48
justin22885its running faster, smoother, and optimized to write as little as neccessary to the actual drive11:48
hiddenpearlsbibo: and then I tried both options demo and install inside windows11:48
bibohiddenpearls: you could try setting it up as a dual boot11:50
hiddenpearlsbibo: how to set it dual boot ?11:50
bibohiddenpearls: First I have to ask, do you have a backup of Win7?11:51
hiddenpearlsbibo: no11:51
justin22885first step is to load a liveCD, "tune2fs -o journal_data_writeback /dev/sdx1", then under fstab i used "/dev/sdx1 / ext4 noatime,nodiratime,data=writeback,nobh 0 0"11:51
justin22885then also under fstab added /var/log, /tmp, and /var/tmp to operate under tmpfs11:52
hiddenpearlsbibo: I can try this on my other PC11:52
hiddenpearlsbibo: which have winxp11:52
=== leon is now known as Guest90501
hiddenpearlsbibo: though I have tried this there too but damn the same situation11:52
hiddenpearlsbibo: it starts loading with background and continues forever11:53
bibohiddenpearls: wubi is known to have problems, you could try reinstalling it, or to set up as a dual boot just put the live cd in the tray, shut down the system, and turn it back on, and it'll boot into the disk. Then there will be an option to easily create a partition for Ubuntu.11:53
Guest90501anybody hear11:53
hiddenpearlsbibo: wubi extracts when I make ISO readable via magicISO11:54
hiddenpearlsor form USB11:54
arzharwhats the name for png library ? libpng12-dev ?11:54
hiddenpearlsbibo: partition is necassary to create ?11:55
ramontayaghey guys. would anyone know why a windows share asks for a password when viewing via ubuntu, and it doesn't ask for a password when i'm viewing via another windows machine? i tried entering no password, my the guest's password, but it doesn't let me though.11:55
biboarzhar: libpng, it should be installed by default11:55
matrixHello guys11:55
matrixi cant use some icons theme on my ubuntu11:55
lunavoraxHi everybody !11:55
matrixLinux matrix-laptop 2.6.32-24-generic #39-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jul 28 05:14:15 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux11:55
hiddenpearlsbibo: for ubuntu11:55
waltercoolarzhar, are you developing something with libpng or you need it for an app?11:55
lunavoraxWhy is the line "force_color_prompt=yes" is commented in the .bashrc file ?11:55
matrixmy ubuntu cant use some art icons theme11:55
arzharbibo: it is, but trying to compile E gives me this Check if Evas was compiled with png module enabled and all required dependencies exist.11:56
bibomatrix: I've had that same issue. Go to gnome-look.org and there's several icon sets that actually do work11:56
LaggieI have some strange problems with the nano editor, the text is moved visibly one line too high, so when I start editing I edit the wrong line. To see the correct text on the line I need to use the right arrow key and punch through all text that I want to see correct first.11:56
arzharim gonna try again with the dev package11:56
Tecna"Failed to retrieve share list from server" Somebody please help me figure out what's wrong with my samba server?   CLI output: http://pastebin.com/j3n4niis11:56
biboarzhar: Oh yeah you're right, I had to get that package for something, I just can't recall what11:57
arzharbibo: so if i want to compile something i need the dev package ?11:57
MaRk-Ihiddenpearls: here's a step by step http://www.hackourlives.com/dual-boot-windows-7-and-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx/11:58
bullgard4[GNOME, Ubuntu 10.04.1] Why are there on one computer 2 processes gconf-helper, gdm-session-worker and gdm-simple-slave each? Ubuntu created them automatically. On another computer only 1 each.11:58
demoneyeMaRk-I: I paste'ed this on xorg.conf, what should be the next thing? http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/aKz6mPwZ11:58
k0shwhy o why when i PXEBOOT my ubuntu it tells me that it didnt found /lib/modules/2.6.32-21generic/modules.dep even tho that file exists in nfs exported dir, plus other distros netboot just fine, only ubuntu gives me such error and goes into kernel panic, dir is exported via nfs v311:58
aronaliagano me funciona11:58
* demoneye is *blur*11:58
aronaliagael chat en español11:58
bibohiddenpearls: Well if you're dual booting, Ubuntu needs part of a harddrive specifically for itself. I don't know much about Wubi, I couldn't get it to work so I just dual booted.11:58
aronaliagaalguien me ayuda?11:58
aronaliagaq ocurre?11:59
io!es | aronaliaga11:59
ubottuaronaliaga: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.11:59
MaRk-Idemoneye: next step is to restart X,   just log out and back in11:59
biboanyone out there?12:02
waltercoolbibo, whats wrong?12:03
bibonothing, it just got quiet12:03
hiddenpearlsbibo: I am trying it more12:05
livindaylightGreetings Ooboontoo people12:05
bibohiddenpearls: trying what?12:05
Cyber_AkumaIs there a way I can tell the version of grub that ubuntu installs not to search for any other os?12:05
demoneyeMaRk-I: Thank a lot, it worked!12:05
MaRk-Idemoneye: cool yw12:06
hiddenpearlsbibo: trying to install it again on my pc by dualbooting with USB12:06
bibohiddenpearls: Ah ok12:06
hiddenpearlsit did again :( same as loading ..12:06
jrib!grub2 | Cyber_Akuma12:06
ubottuCyber_Akuma: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub212:06
hiddenpearlsbibo: I might have a bad burn on my USB ?12:07
se_toolsgood morning/afternoon/evening (depending where you are lol)12:07
jribCyber_Akuma: disable /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober12:07
biboCyber_Akuma: Yeah it doesn't exactly change12:07
=== avelldiroll is now known as conchita
bibohiddenpearls: I'd go with a CD, Live USBs have been a problem for me.12:08
Cyber_Akumajrib: wouldent the next kernel and/or grub update revert that though?12:08
jribCyber_Akuma: no, why would it?12:08
hiddenpearlsbibo: I see, how if I read ISO file with magicISO , a virtual CD ?12:08
=== conchita is now known as avelldiroll
Cyber_Akumalast time I modified 30_os-prober to 09_os-prober so windows owuld be the first entry the next update reinstalled 30_os-prober12:08
Cyber_Akumagiving me a 09_os-prober and 30_os-prober and two windows entries12:08
jribCyber_Akuma: updates should not touch your config files unless you tell them to12:09
Cyber_AkumaThe reason being im going to chainload, so I only want the grub that ubuntu installs to load ubuntu12:09
bibohiddenpearls: When you burn the .iso in Windows open up the media player, click on data disc, and burn as image. I can't tell you the exact location because I haven't used Windows in a while.12:09
prodigelhi all. Anyone prolific in iptables? If you have the last rule in a chain -j DROP will that drop all packets, or just exit the chain?12:10
Cyber_AkumaSpeaking of which, is there a way to tell it to install to a partition instead of the mbr during install? grub I mean12:10
biboCyber_Akuma: to do what?12:11
Cyber_AkumaTo chainload12:11
Cyber_Akumathe other distro im installing uses an older version of grub that is incompatible12:11
jribCyber_Akuma: there should be an option in the install (or at least there was at some point)12:12
Cyber_AkumaGoing to use a standalone bootloader to chainload the partition-installed grub of the different distros12:12
Cyber_Akuma.... once I figure out how12:12
ramontayaghey guys. would anyone know why a windows share asks for a password when viewing via ubuntu, and it doesn't ask for a password when i'm viewing via another windows machine? i tried entering no password, my the guest's password, but it doesn't let me through.12:13
tranzistorhi guys ... im looking for someone who knows something about satelite channels encryption12:13
tranzistordont you know about some irc channel ?12:13
biboCyber_Akuma: you just blew my mind12:14
se_toolsi have a question if anyone isnt busy answering another question........it is a networking question.12:14
bibotranzistor: Are by chance doing anything illegal?12:14
jribse_tools: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)12:16
jribtranzistor: that isn't really related to ubuntu...12:16
tranzistorwhole world is relative ilegall...12:16
alex_hello guys12:16
tranzistori know12:16
tranzistorbut im new to irc12:16
jribtranzistor: ok, well it's offtopic here12:16
tranzistorand i dont know how to find some irc channel like that12:17
tranzistorso i will ask something else .... how can i find some irc channel in ubuntu :D12:17
se_toolsis it possible to use a ubuntu desktop as an internet source? and have it scan all of the virus/spyware etc. so the other computers dont have to have the softwares installed?12:17
alex_who likes Gnome 3?12:17
io!channels | tranzistor12:17
ubottutranzistor: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines12:17
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines12:18
iotranzistor: That above is a list of Ubuntu IRC channels, if you are looking for another channel then use "/msg alis help list" or ask in #freenode.12:18
ioAnd there was no need to do that.12:18
biboalex_: The gnome shell looks bad, but it may be useful. Who knows12:19
=== guest is now known as welinux
sproatyin a terminal, alt+backspace will delete the previous word, like ctrl+delete in a text editor. is there a way to make ctrl+left/right move forwards/backwards through words, too?12:20
theRealRonHello everyone, can anyone help with an openssh connection rest by peer fault I'm having?12:20
alex_how do I insert some name from available?12:21
jribsproaty: what shell do you use?12:21
alex_like bibo inserted mine12:21
erUSULsproaty: bash has emacs keybindings by default you can tweak the bindings if you want. see "man readline" or "man bash"12:21
=== Gyro54 is now known as dogears
alex_hey bibo :)12:22
sproatyjrib, default ubuntu one :P12:22
erUSULsproaty: the bindongs you mention work here by default12:22
Mit_where can i find more programing related ubuntu channel12:22
sproatyerUSUL, thanks, shall check it12:22
Mit_i know there is one12:22
Mit_just forgot name of it12:22
erUSULMit_: #ubuntu-motu ubuntu-packaging ubuntu-devel etc etc12:22
sproatywoah it is working actually, hmm12:22
sproatypretty sur eit doesn't do that at home heh12:22
bazhangMit_, you are running windows12:22
=== jay is now known as Guest10893
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit12:23
Mit_yes i am12:23
bazhangMit_, those channels wont help with hardware/windows issues12:23
llvllonkanyway to fix my wireless adapter?  can't dhclient...gives error "SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory12:23
erUSULllvllonk: what chip does that wifi adapter use?12:24
aswintell me a way to telnet to my own system..i have laptop running ubuntu 10.0412:24
matrixDusersen sende yanarsın lean (Sago) :P12:24
llvllonkit's dell studio...i believe it's broadcom12:24
erUSULllvllonk: System>Admin>hardware drivers show anything about your wifi ?12:24
theRealRonOn a clean ubuntu 10 install ssh -vvv user@host give the following trace:12:25
llvllonkit's recognized...but doesn't seem to work...12:25
glxarkhow coult I find Network Management ?12:25
llvllonksec, let me check...thanks12:25
glxarkto open12:25
theRealRonI can ssh with putty so I don;t think it's a hardware or network faul?12:25
bazhang!cn | yangyl12:26
ubottuyangyl: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:26
yunle96!cn | bazhang12:27
ubottubazhang: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:27
llvllonkhrm....i can't even find the device in Devices-Control Center..12:27
ChrisMorganAfter upgrading to 10.04, I discovered the Sun Java plug-in had been replaced with IcedTea, and now I've got to the stage where I really need to switch back, as certain applets just aren't working in IcedTea.  I've ticked the "partner" repository, but I'm being told that "Sorry, 'Sun Java 6.0 Plug-in' is not availabel for this type of computer (amd64)."  Any ideas?12:28
biboChrisMorgan: Try downloading the deb from somewhere else12:28
ChrisMorganSuch as?12:28
glxarkbibo how may I open network management?12:29
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erUSULllvllonk: if it does no appear in ther then you have to use b43 driver. if you are connected to internet via wired in the machine just do « sudo aptitude install b43-fwcutter »12:29
=== Deko is now known as _Deko_
llvllonkthanks erUSUL....I'll try that now12:29
erUSULllvllonk: if the installation finish without issues reboot the machine12:30
jribChrisMorgan: you must not have partner enabled, sun-java6-plugin is certainly in partner for amd6412:30
biboglxark click on the icon in the top right that either looks like network bars or a radar or something (top right, top panel) and there's your network management12:30
ChrisMorganjrib: the entry I enabled shows in Software Sources as "archive.canonical.com/ubuntu karmic partner".12:30
welinuxChrisMorgan: I have installed java from ofsite I now I have the freshest java upgrade 2112:30
jribChrisMorgan: erm, why karmic if you are on lucid?12:30
ChrisMorganHmm, good point.  Wonder why it's like that.12:30
ChrisMorganSo that wasn't upgraded.  Thanks for spotting that for me :D12:31
ChrisMorganThat's the problem with calling it "karmic" and "lucid" rather than "9.10" and "10.04".  If it had been the numbers I would have spotted it but with the names I didn't look quite closely enough to recognise that.12:32
welinuxChrisMorgan: http://java.com/en/download/linux_manual.jsp?locale=en&host=java.com12:33
biboChrisMorgan: yeah the animal names are annoying12:33
jribkarmic and lucid aren't animals :P12:33
ChrisMorganI still reckon an April Fools Day joke should have been made about changing the default browser in lucid LYNX.12:33
ChrisMorganYou could make a brilliant article about it... speed benefits, increased security, greater accessibility...12:34
bibojrib lol whatever12:34
ChrisMorgan... sun-java6-plugin requires the package firefox :-(12:34
ChrisMorganBut I don't want that!  I've got firefox-4.0!12:34
biboChrisMorgan: There was already a bunch of complaining about the buttons moved to the left, that would just make people cry :D12:35
ChrisMorganAnd I *really* don't understand why they call it "Light"... when it's dark.12:35
welinux ChrisMorgan: I have mozilla nightly builds of firefox 4 and common firefox 3.6 together12:35
ChrisMorganwelinux: but I don't *want* firefox 3.6.12:35
biboChrisMorgan: I've tried some of those old school programs that apparently make you so efficient...after you learn them in a year12:36
welinuxChrisMorgan: you have remooved it already?12:36
biboChrisMorgan: I only use emacs because it has games on it12:36
ChrisMorganFor myself I've stayed with a nice green tinted Human-Clearlooks - Human as it was in 8.10 (and still in 9.04?).  Didn't like Human of 9.10, don't like Light of 10.04, in my opinion Ubuntu is getting worse with its themes.12:37
ChrisMorganwelinux: yep, I removed the firefox package some weeks ago.12:37
welinuxI'm using bisigi themes12:37
JoshuaLI am using Radiance, I like it :)12:37
biboChrisMorgan: Yeah I saw the new lucid wallpaper, and I changed in seconds. Their themes suck, at least you can change everything about it.12:38
gezegenciHi every one when release new version of ubuntu netbook edition12:38
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases12:38
bibowelinux: hehe same here, I use a combo of Aquadreams for my titlebars, and Airlines for my controls12:38
ChrisMorganIs there any way to get around a package dependency?  I want to avoid getting firefox and firefox-branding if I can, I don't need them.12:38
welinuxChrisMorgan: after installing java by instructions from the site you will make a symlink to your Minefield 4.0b3pre folder12:39
biboChrisMorgan: there's an add on for firefox that let's you have multiple versions of it12:39
ChrisMorganThe point is I don't want to install the firefox package in the first place...12:40
theholdercan anyone suggest a good program for clustering ubuntu server please?12:40
welinuxbibo: I'm using gnome step into freedom12:40
ChrisMorganAnd there's more mess, umlet depends on the OpenJDK JRE rather than any JRE... *sigh*12:40
llvllonkrebooting....both adapter not listed12:40
theRealRoncan ony one suggest anything  I can try to debug my ssh connection rest problem? http://pastebin.com/dE5PLs3e Shall I try a debian install?12:41
bibowelinux: I went with a silver theme, but now I just everything all colorful. Cairo dock, gnomenu, and Compiz really spice it up12:41
welinux ChrisMorgan: my firefox is in ".minefield version 4.0b3pre" folder in my home folder12:41
ChrisMorganSeems like if I use apt-get I can get things to ignore their dependencies.12:42
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide12:42
theholderuse apt-get install -f12:42
theholderfixes dependances12:42
welinuxapt-get -f install12:43
ActionParsnipsudo apt-get -f install12:43
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases12:43
se_toolsanyone know if i can use my ubuntu computer as an internet source and use it to scan incomming files for other computers?12:43
ActionParsnipse_tools: sure12:43
ActionParsnip!ics | se_tools12:43
ubottuse_tools: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php12:43
figure002Q: How do i copy the content from one file to another existing file from the terminal? I know it's supposed to be something with >> newfile.txt12:44
ActionParsnipse_tools: and/or setup a squid proxy :)12:44
ActionParsnipfigure002: you can use cat file1 > file2   or: cp file1 file212:44
figure002ActionParsnip: thanks!12:45
ActionParsnipglxark: I'm using webchat.freenode.net12:45
se_toolshow would i go about setting it up...i am having an issue with computers getting bogged down because of the antivirus/spyware programs i have to run and would like my linux to do all of that for me12:45
glxarkActionParsnip,  :))12:45
MaRk-Iglxark: ?12:45
ActionParsnip!ics | se_tools12:45
ActionParsnipse_tools: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing12:46
welinux ChrisMorgan: you're without java at all?12:46
ChrisMorganNo, I currently have the openjdk one.12:46
ChrisMorganBut I rather suspect that the two will be mutually exclusive, at least somewhat.12:47
TiKanyone here use gyachi?12:48
Perun_hi all12:48
MaRk-ITiK: I do12:48
TiKim getting an eror on the ppa.. hw did you install it?12:48
biboChrisMorgan: I think that Ubuntu only gets the openjdk one12:48
TiKI compiled a version on my own but the webcam doesnt work12:48
MaRk-II compiled from source12:49
ChrisMorganbibo: the Sun one is in the partner repository, and that's what I'm trying to set up now... just for the sake of the browser plugin :-(12:49
MaRk-ITiK: your webcam works on cheese/other programs?12:49
TiKherm does your webcam work?12:49
experiMENTALis anyone using vusb?12:49
MaRk-Ithen it should work12:49
TiKI get an error...12:49
TiKlike 5 window pop up sayig my cams broken12:50
welinuxChrisMorgan: I had to use update-alternatives command and some guys helped me to choose the sun version of java12:50
ActionParsnipCan somebody please tell me what package provides /lib/libgcc_s.so.1  thanks12:50
MaRk-Iand from the PPA what's the error?12:50
TiK gyachi: Depends: gyachi-data (= 1.2.9-0.1~lucid1) but it is not installable12:50
TiKE: Broken packages12:50
TiKi've installe from there before and the webcam worked12:50
TiKhe says thre i a data deb on there...12:51
MaRk-ITiK: there's packages for lucid?12:51
biboTik: do you have it installed? You might have to reinstall it12:51
welinuxChrisMorgan: in repo there'is update 18 java version but the latest is update 21.12:51
TiKbibo: no12:51
TiKbibo: well es the one i compiled12:51
TiKwithout webcam support12:51
Perun_are there somewhere debs with xen hypervisor 4.0 and xen dom0 kernel for ubuntu? or does someone use the debian pkgs with ubuntu 10.04?12:51
ActionParsnipwelinux: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-install-sun-java-runtime-environment-jre-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html     tried that?12:51
glxarkMaRk-I,  how could I get last version sykpe?12:51
MaRk-Iglxark: from skype's website... and btw I'm using mirc for linux ;^)12:52
glxarkMaRk-I,  skype 2.1 has not web cammera12:52
ChrisMorganwelinux: I don't care about the updates, it's purely that the IcedTea plugin doesn't work for something I absolutely /need/ it for.  So if I fail with getting the Sun JRE and plugin working, I'll need to use my Windows testing VM.... *shudder*12:52
TiKglxark: um skype works in linux with webcam support12:52
glxarkMaRk-I,  :)12:52
ActionParsnipwelinux: you can always install using the .bin file but you will need to manually update it. Its a great way to get native 64bit java if your system is 64bit12:53
MaRk-Iglxark: try version again you'll see12:53
TiKMaRk-I: do you still have to compile data?12:53
TiKmaybe you can make a dep for me12:53
TiKif you have time12:53
glxarktik I downloaded skype2.1 from Ubuntu software centre, but it does not have video call12:54
welinuxActionParsnip: a part of it -- I got the command "java -version" from that site but I was installing by the instructions directly from java.com12:54
MaRk-ITiK: hhmm no when you compile from source it's just one12:54
TiKor tar everything up and dcc it t me12:54
TiKglxark: add skypes PPA12:54
glxarkTiK,  ok :)12:54
TiKMaRk-I: owe12:54
biboTik: Couldn't you get Skype's deb or PPA or something?12:54
ActionParsnipwelinux: thats where I get java from on my 64bit. I use that guide for 32bit12:54
JoshuaLHow can I make the OpenOffice Quickstarter match the theme I am using?12:54
MaRk-ITiK: i'm not on ubuntu ATM...12:54
glxarkTik how to get skype PPA?12:55
TiKMaRk-I: oh ok12:55
TiKhold on12:55
biboJoushuaL: the loading screen?12:55
welinuxActionParsnip: what does your java -version shows? 18 or 21?12:55
TiKglxark: 1 sec12:55
glxarkTiK ok:)12:55
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welinuxActionParsnip: I'm 32bit12:55
darknemesisi need to recall the printed output of my last console session how can i do this?12:55
ActionParsnipwelinux: i'm at werk now, so cannot test. I used that guide for my 32bit lappy so it will give whatever it gives12:55
welinux ChrisMorgan: why you don't want to use .bin file?12:55
TiKim gonna msg you the info12:55
bibodarknemesis: hit the up key12:56
ChrisMorganWhat .bin file?12:56
JoshuaLbibo, no the quickstart systray icon12:56
welinuxActionParsnip: ok12:56
darknemesisbibo: not the command i typed the output from that command12:56
ActionParsnipwelinux: the packages file seems to say its 6.20dlj-1ubuntu312:56
biboJoshuaL: The icon?12:57
MaRk-ITiK: btw I see 2 PPA which one did you use, loell's or bautista's?12:57
JoshuaLbibo, yes, it now shows some ugly colour behind it instead of the colour from the them itself.12:57
welinuxActionParsnip: I think you can give some good advices to ChrisMorgan to use .bin file12:57
bibodarknemesis: Oh yeah sorry. I don't know, I don't think you can12:58
ActionParsnipwelinux: go for it dude12:58
utilitytrackhello, somebody here had troubles with ubuntuforums.org site?12:58
bazhangutilitytrack, try #ubuntuforums12:59
biboutilitytrack: yes, the forums haven't been update in hours for somer reason12:59
MaRk-ITiK: found this.... For 10.04 loell ppa won't work, you need latest ppa from Darwin Bautista at https://launchpad.net/~baudm/+archive/ppa12:59
_Deko_linux para seres humanos12:59
utilitytrackbibo!!!! that is it!!!12:59
muni'm trying to setup compose key so that I can use my own combinations. is it necessary to set GTK_IM_MODULE to xim?12:59
psycho789why is linux better for programming12:59
MaRk-I!es | _Deko_12:59
welinuxhttps://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1237/ I was using QuickJava plugin and it didn't show my java was working so I decided to install java from their site12:59
ubottu_Deko_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.12:59
utilitytrackbibo please said how often was this troubles?13:00
biboutilitytrack: yeah I'm having that same problem. I cleared my cache and everthing, but when I tried it on a different computer I realized something was wrong13:00
welinuxpsycho789: Anteru’s blog » Switching to Linux: A Windows developer’s view http://anteru.net/2009/09/14/604/ :)13:00
biboutilitytrack: wait...wut?13:01
bazhang!ot | welinux13:01
ubottuwelinux: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:01
_Deko_mark-i Sorry13:01
ChrisMorganBefore I go any further trying to get sun-java working, if anyone who's got it would like to see if http://www.beadsproject.net/examples/Lesson10_Interaction/applet/index.html works with Sun Java, that'd be nice (and it's a fascinating applet, too).13:01
bazhangutilitytrack, this is ubuntu support ; try #ubuntuforums13:01
utilitytrackwhere you clean cache?? in browser?)13:01
bibopsycho789: It feels more comfortable, there's a lot of developer tools13:02
biboutilitytrack: yeah, but it didn't make a difference. I think the servers are down or something and it's just showing a cached page on the servers13:02
utilitytrackbibo, I think as the same exactly13:03
utilitytrackbibo, thank you because I'm not worried now13:04
biboutilitytrack, I'm sure they'll be up soon13:04
MaRk-ITiK: did you read my last post?13:04
biboutilitytrack, hehe yeah I came on here for that very reason, then stayed to help people13:04
welinuxpsycho789: http://tinyurl.com/358tkoh13:05
TiKMaRk-I: no :)13:05
TiKMaRk-I: sory I was helping someone what did you say?13:06
MaRk-ITiK: there's 2 PPA loell's are broken.... For 10.04 loell ppa won't work, you need latest ppa from Darwin Bautista at https://launchpad.net/~baudm/+archive/ppa13:06
TiKMaRk-I: dumb quetion.. how do i remove the other PPA?13:09
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MaRk-ITiK: third party software select loells and untick then delete13:09
MaRk-ITiK: system/admin/software sources13:10
JoeMaverickSettis it ok to remove the header/image .deb files from a compiled kernel,if i no longer need them?13:11
TiKyay works13:11
TiKMaRk-I: where did you find this info? I googled for an hour13:11
biboJoeMaverickSett, I wouldn't do it, it might mess with the updater13:12
MaRk-ITiK: lol I googled gyachi PPA saw 2 of them and then this link http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9408761&postcount=913:12
bibohow do you change your name in xchat?13:13
JoeMaverickSettbibo, oh! okie. so, i should just leave those, right? wouldn't it take up my hard disk space?13:13
TiKMaRk-I: thanks man13:13
MaRk-ITiK: yw13:13
TiKI ven emailed the dude13:13
MaRk-Ibibo: /nick  yournewnick... or click your nick  lol13:14
aioobeso, can I "safely" compare strings in scala using "==" or should I still stick to .equals?13:14
biboJoeMaverickSett, how big are they and how big in your hard drive?13:14
TiKand he said everything was fine :)13:14
Piciaioobe: This is #ubuntu, you probably want #scala13:14
MaRk-ITiK: you know voice only works in rooms and not in PMs right?13:14
JoeMaverickSettbibo, i don't know how big they are but my hard disk got 320GB, so i think i better just leave those, right?13:15
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Craig_Dem320 GB is fine.13:15
Legendary_BiboJoeMaverickSett, right click, properties. Yeah I would just leave them13:15
Craig_DemIf you were that bothered about space, you could recompile the kernel without debug and support for other machines.13:16
TiKMaRk-I: well my webcam doesnt work either and the other PPA's vesion was 913:16
JoeMaverickSettLegendary_Bibo, okie. thanks.13:16
experiMENTALis anyone using vusb?13:16
MaRk-ITiK: hhmm strange make sure no other program is using the webcam13:17
cachedis there a good, minimal graphical text editor that doesn't require something like gnome or kde?13:17
cachedi'm thinking something like gedit - gnome13:17
MaRk-Icached: nano, jed, vim13:17
TiKthe webcam is not in ue but skype isloaded13:17
cachedMaRk-I: graphical13:17
jrib!editor | cached13:17
ubottucached: Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs, ed - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code13:17
Butch1281fter I restart my VM, trying to ping from VM -> another machine always gives me "Destination Host Unreachable".  If i reboot the entire machine, the VM can ping fine on startup.  As soon as i ping out from the vm, to say www.google.com, the VM can then be seen by the entire network/can ping the network.  It's a perplexing problem.13:18
jribcached: hmm, well gvim is graphical if you like vim13:18
Legendary_Bibocached, use gedit, kate, notepad through wine13:18
TiKButch1281: NAT or Bridged?13:18
bihariGood evening to all13:18
Legendary_Bibocached, emacs is better13:18
Butch1281TiK: Bridged13:18
imancdoes anyone know why I can't ssh into my server with thsi new user (is it to do with the shell or group?)  externalaccess:x:1005:1006::/home/externalaccess:/bin/sh13:18
TiKButch1281: hmm13:18
Diverdudewhat would be a reason to recompile the kernel?13:18
cachedi was hoping for osmething more lightweight than emacs, but i think that's what i'll end up using13:18
ChrisMorganDon't know why the gvim package is "GVim" though - "gVim" is the correct form.13:18
TiKButch1281: are you using VMware or VirtualBox?13:19
Butch1281TiK: I can't SSH into the VM, but i can use vncviewer to get in13:19
Butch1281TiK: KVM13:19
TiKnever heard of it13:19
Legendary_Bibocached, what are planning to do? You can use gedit, and get plugins for it. It becomes a very versatile text editor, and lightweight13:19
TiKyou might want to check out VirtualBox by sun I recommend 3.113:19
cachedLegendary_Bibo: was planning on editing files on a server through x tunneling13:19
Butch1281TiK: It's the official linux VM, included directly in the kernel now13:20
Butch1281TiK: I'll check out virtualbox though, thanks13:20
Legendary_Bibocached, you can try to find a plugin with gedit, but emacs would probably be easier13:20
Butch1281TiK: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM13:20
Piciimanc: Whats happening when you try?13:20
TiKButch1281:  though VM was just built into the kernel.. VM software is different it just uilizes it13:20
cachedLegendary_Bibo: it's on a vps and i'd prefer not to use 200 megs for a text editor =)13:20
Legendary_BiboDiverdude, if you're making a custom one13:21
imancPici: I'm getting permission denied.  I have set the pwd twice with usermod -p pass externaluser13:21
Butch1281TiK: Well, no, there is full virtualization, paravirtualization.. etc13:21
TiKButch1281: idunno.. I just know VirtualBox is the sh*t13:21
MaRk-IButch1281: did you read "warning 2" on that page you posted?13:21
Butch1281TiK: virtualization that runs in user-space, kernel-space, it can get confusing =)13:21
Butch1281MaRk-I: warning 2?  No, i dont see that on the page..13:22
cachedLegendary_Bibo: i guess opening it up remotely through a local gedit works13:22
MaRk-IButch1281: Warning 2: Bridged networking does not work by default. Since the release of kernel 2.6.18 in Sep 200613:23
Butch1281MaRk-I: ah, under networking i see that13:23
Piciimanc: Does that user's home directory exist?13:23
Butch1281MaRk-I: Oh, I know.  I configured bridged networking however, its just not turned on by default.13:23
TiKas I said I recommend VB13:23
imancpico - probably not13:23
Legendary_Bibocached, yeah gedit seems easier to work with personally, it just needs plugins and some wrappers13:23
imancadding now13:23
MaRk-IButch1281: ok just checking13:23
ramontayaghey guys. would anyone know why a windows share asks for a password when viewing via ubuntu, and it doesn't ask for a password when i'm viewing via another windows machine? i tried entering no password, but it doesn't let me through.13:23
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TiKMaRk-I: in all versions  get the error "htmlview" not found (in gyachi) when i try to click on links13:24
rambo3I am falllwoing a tutorial on postfix and I am stuck at postmap line. No such command. What package does have postmap ?13:24
bihariHellow mark13:24
Legendary_Biboramontayag: why don't you just enter the password? You might not have set up the permissions to allow your Ubuntu computer13:25
MaRk-ITiK: when you click links inside gyachi?13:25
TiKrambo3: just enter the users login and passwd?13:25
MaRk-Ihi bihari13:25
TiKMaRk-I: yah13:25
imancPici:  still no dice, odd.13:25
TiKis hat an extena program  instal?13:25
biharilong time no See MaRk-I13:25
MaRk-ITiK: what's your default browser?13:25
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TiKMaRk-I: is that an external program  install?13:25
MaRk-Ibihari: ;^)13:25
Piciimanc: Can you add the -v argument to ssh and see if the error is coming out of ssh or that user's shell?13:26
TiKMaRk-I: sh: htmlview: not found (firefox)13:26
imancPici: OK13:26
rambo3TiK, what13:26
bihariMaRk-I,  https://launchpad.net/~l-botnet Look :p13:26
MaRk-ITiK: no, go to setup/options tab and top right select firefos %U %s  i think13:26
biharihttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/bihari MaRk-I  this one also13:26
TiKMaRk-I: that is an emty ppa?13:27
TiKok hold13:27
imancPici: it is saying: debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,password13:27
imancPermission denied, please try again.13:27
imancwhat is freaking me out13:27
imancis i have created loads of accounts nad had no issues before13:27
MaRk-Ibihari: congrats13:27
imancdoing to try a basic pwd now13:28
bihariMaRk-I,  Thanks13:28
imancPici: I just changed the pwd with: usermod -p testing externalaccess13:28
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TiKMaRk-I: haha I changed it to firefox and it crashed13:29
Piciimanc: Can you check /var/log/auth.log , perhaps theres something relevant logged there.13:29
ramontayagLegendary_Bibo, unfortunately the owner of the pc doesn't want to share their account password with me. however, he didn't put a password in the shared folder though.13:29
ramontayagguess i'll just have to login w/ windows13:29
imancPici: OK13:29
TiKanything I change too it crashes.. brb reoving and installing 1013:29
bihariMaRk-I,  There is an option in Application Password and encruption key ? how can i use this option13:29
experiMENTALis anyone using vusb?13:30
MaRk-ITiK: you have to select "use my web browser to view profiles"  and then right below type this:  firefox %U %s &13:30
imancPici: Aug  5 13:29:29 localhost sshd[2557]: Failed password for externalaccess from 81    <- mostly that. So wtf13:30
MaRk-Ibihari: where?13:30
BluesKajHi all13:30
experiMENTALis anyone using vusb?13:31
Legendary_BiboexperiMental: what do you need help with?13:32
experiMENTALLegendary_Bibo: how to run it?13:32
bihariApplication<Accessories<passwords and encruption key13:32
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k0shhow to enable nfsv3 modules in initramfs?13:32
bihariMaRk-I,  Application<Accessories<passwords and encruption key <<13:33
darknemesisMaRk-I: hi, was told you can help perhaps i need to get my passowrd form a console session13:33
darknemesisMaRk-I: can you help?13:33
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=== lag is now known as Guest6225
imancPici: it was usermod -p that didnt' work. passwd externalaccess worked fine. Hmm.]13:34
Piciimanc: Can you change that user's password with passwd instead of usermod?  I'm looking through the usermod manpage and it looks like it expects an encrypted password there.13:34
bihariDarknemesis yes he wil help you be calm13:34
Legendary_BiboexperiMental: have you tried typing in the bin name in the terminal? Such as vusb13:34
Piciimanc: Yes, that :)13:34
imancPici: yeh, figured it'd want the pwd pre-encrypted13:34
imancPici: I'm sure I have been here before. Doh! Thanks for your help!13:34
experiMENTALLegendary_Bibo: i download a file, unzipped, but i don't know how to install it or where to put files. i tried vusb on terminal.13:34
Piciimanc: Sure.13:35
MaRk-I!ask | darknemesis13:35
ubottudarknemesis: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:35
MaRk-Ibihari: I have no Idea... brb13:36
bihariok MaRk-I  np13:36
Legendary_BiboexperiMENTAL: sudo make, sudo make install13:36
Legendary_BiboexperiMENTAL: There might be a readme also13:36
MaRk-Idarknemesis: explain your problem, what do you mean get your password?13:36
darknemesisMaRk-I: umm basiclly i paid for a vpn, i set up a password generated in my console, i forgot it as i cut and pasted something after i closed the console so, i need to what the recall the console printed13:37
cecekai just updated ubuntu. my soundcard is onboard IEC958. Since the update, Pulse only shows digital output in the menue, no analog output, and i got no sound on my analog output because of that. any idea how to configure pulse manually to activate analog output? it worked before.13:37
darthsitiusDoes lubuntu have a wubi ?13:37
experiMENTALLegendary_Bibo: there is nothing useful in readme file.13:37
Legendary_Bibodarthsitius: it should, but the one way to know is to burn a live cd and pop it in13:38
darthsitiusLegendary_Bibo, I dont have a blank cd, so i thought if it does , i could just mount as ISO and install13:39
MaRk-Idarknemesis: you can review your command history, not sure about your password tho13:39
darthsitiusLegendary_Bibo, Was lazy :-) basically so I thought I'll ask here basically13:39
darknemesisMaRk-I: history gives the commands, i was hoping to perhaps have help getting it from ram13:40
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MaRk-Idarknemesis: hhmmm not really13:41
arvind_khadrihi, i am installing sogo on my machine, if i have to connect to mysql, i need to edit its profile. could anyone who has used it, tell me where can i find its profile file??13:42
darknemesisMaRk-I: so... basiclly pay again? - there is no password reset on the site13:42
urzkhi. does anyone know where rhythmbox stores playlist files when one creates a playlist?13:43
Legendary_Bibodarknemesis, you could e-mail them and ask13:43
MaRk-Idarknemesis: they should have one, make sure again13:43
cachedwhy does darthsitius' name appear in italics on pidgin?13:44
bihariarvind_khadri,  may be this articale help full for you http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=117607713:44
darknemesisIpredator - Questions and Answers <https://www.ipredator.se/faq/qna/>  apparently not13:44
hayhi all... after upgraded kernel via Software Management - Upgrade, when I choose kernel 2.6.31-24-generic, the system simply hangs... the same is also when I choose -22... It only works when I choose -20 as I am using now... how can I solve this issue? big thanks!13:44
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darknemesisRegistration/Unregistration Q: What do I do if i lose my username and/or password? A: Since we don't save your social security number (SSN) or any similar information there is no way for us to verify that you are the owner of a specific account. This means that if you loose any account informatinon that account will be disposed and you'll have to register and pay again.13:45
geirhaurzk: ~/.local/share/rhythmbox/13:45
arvind_khadribihari, thanks a lot13:45
arvind_khadribihari, am not compiling sogo, anyways thanks for the help13:47
Aaron1Hey guys I've downloaded Ubuntu installation disk (10.04) and it will not boot up ( I am getting a blank screen right after I click "try ubuntu.." or if I enable the advance settings (by trial and error: "nomodeset") it will show the loading screen but then will stuck (clicking F1 shows it stops right after "setting sensors limit [ok])) Any Idea how can I solve this ?13:48
bihariarvind_khadri,  your welcome13:48
urzkgeirha: thank you13:49
livindaylightAaron1: did you check the disc for defects?13:50
woocyfearI need some help13:51
Aaron1yes , I did that , I also tried both 32bit and 64bit same results13:51
livindaylightAaron1: you have dl from windows?13:51
TiKMaRk-I: thanks for the help13:51
arvind_khadrianyone who has used sogo here ??13:51
MaRk-ITiK: yw13:52
woocyfearhow can i configure grub graphically13:52
Aaron1if "dl" stands for download , yes I have downloaded it from windows13:52
livindaylightAaron1: and burnt to cd using nero or sumthin... and when you check disc it appears to be ok, it returns test with 0 defects?13:52
woocyfeari remember on debian there were a graphical interface, where i could change the boot menu13:53
woocyfearbut now, i cant't find it on ubuntu 10.0413:53
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MaRk-Idarknemesis: yeah there's no way and in ther QA says you have to pay again....13:53
Aaron1livindaylight: I have used "Infrarecorder" , I have checked the disc from the boot menu13:53
livindaylightAaron1: consider trying to put iso on usb-stick. I can't say why, your cd is not working13:54
woocyfearcan somebody help me?13:54
livindaylightAaron1: you've done md5sum test of iso, burnt it to cd, checked for defects but get blank screen why you click on 'install' what can one say?13:55
hughszgis it possible to check how longh as my ubuntu existed on my computer?13:55
jayeoladoes anyone here run nagvis? is it any good?13:55
livindaylightAaron1: try another cd ? alternatively, try usb, I don't know what else to suggest13:55
cachedlivindaylight: a four letter word of choice? :)13:55
Aaron1livindaylight: alright , I will try USB-stick , thank you for your help13:56
livindaylightcached: yea, won't help much though :)13:56
TiKAaron1: drop into console and se if you get sr0 errors.. I had to install from a USB flashdrive13:56
MaRk-Iwoocyfear: what do you mean graphically?  sudo gedit /etc/default/grub   ?13:56
lee__hey people how are you13:56
livindaylightAaron1: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ don't know if you know this site13:56
TiKAaron1: I had the same problem.. a USB drive will help13:56
TiKlivindaylight: ubuntu comes with sftwae to mak a bootable usb  dive youcan instal from it's called "Create Startup Disk"13:57
livindaylightTiK: he's in windows13:57
livindaylightevox: ciao ragazzo13:58
AlanatiirI'm having a problem with Lucid Lynx.  Everytime I shutdown my computer, using the power button, the PC speaker lets out a sharp beep.  Using a Gateway W350A laptop (if that helps solve this issue).  I tried looking it up in google, and found that pcspkr is already blacklisted (so adding it to fix the issue is...ineffective?)  Any ideas?13:58
samlhey, how can I mount davfs as normal user? I get mount: only root can do that13:58
samli dont' want to do sudo13:58
TiKlivindaylight: ubenetbootin is a goo choice or vrtualbox te iso and create te startup disk :)13:58
TiKgood choice or installing via virtualbox i mean*13:59
Alanatiirsaml: Give users the ability to mount within Administration/Users and Groups?13:59
livindaylightTiK: I don't follow, VB route?13:59
TiKlivindaylight: instal virtualbox on windowsand then mae an ubuntu box.. use the create startup disk and then rboot14:00
samlAlanatiir, i checked Give User to Mount userspace filestytems.. but still no mount14:00
XunZimy Ubuntu install can not play full hd movies w/o lags. what can be the cause? here is the spec: C2D E8400 3GHZ, Nvidia 7300GT , 6GB ram14:01
livindaylightBy the way people I'm enjoying Opera 10.60 with integrated chat capabily. nice, clean and fast14:01
XunZiis my hardware too slow for full hd play back?14:01
Aaron1Tik & livindaylight : I am unable to find my USB-stick will ipod will do ? also is it safe for the ipod ?14:01
livindaylightTiK: sheesh... that sounds like the long route :)14:01
gomesphey guys, I'm having some issues with some ruby installation on ubuntu. perhaps someone could give me a quick help?14:01
livindaylightAaron1: good question: I don't know :)14:01
TiKAaron1: you will lose all your data14:01
Aaron1Tik : its empty , but I want to use it later as MP3 player14:02
TiKthen just reformat it :P14:02
arvind_khadrihi, i am installing sogo on my machine, if i have to connect to mysql, i need to edit its profile. could anyone who has used it, tell me where can i find its profile file??14:02
Alanatiirsaml: If 'Mount user-space filesystems (FUSE)' didn't work, try (temporarily) selecting 'Administer the system'.  Not something I'd want to leave on at all times, mind you, but if it lets you do what you need to do without restoring to sudo...*shrugs*14:02
gomespI am trying to setup the thin web server to run on my ubuntu box, and every time I do a *thin start* I get the following: pablo@pablo-vm:~$ thin start14:02
gomesp /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/gems/thin-1.2.7/lib/thin.rb:6:in `require': no such file to load -- openssl (LoadError)14:03
samlAlanatiir, is it safe to edit /etc/fstab?14:03
Alanatiirsaml: Because at that point you might as well make all users admins, which is a very blunt (and risky) workaround.14:03
chrizthophalo there14:03
=== chrizthop is now known as asazine
asazinehi :)14:03
Alanatiirsaml: No idea re: /etc/fstab.  I'm not an ubuntu veteran.  Just a novice that's still learning (recently a Windows XP user) and is waiting for anyone who might have an answer to my initial question.14:04
AviMarcusHello. Can anyone explain the DISPLAY=:0.0 ? Stuff keeps showing up on my left, secondary screen, when I want it to be on the main. Setting it to 1.0 or even .1 result in an error, and I can't find any docs on it.14:04
MaRk-Isaml: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/davfs2/+bug/459998  answer is in post #214:04
AlanatiirAgain, my problem right now is that sharp beep that occurs each time I shutdown Lucid.  Blacklisting pcspkr does nothing to help me (Lucid comes with that blacklisted already). :(14:05
samlMaRk-I, thanks14:05
MaRk-Isaml: yw14:06
jessicaBRHello everybody great music here, check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRL0bRup-0s14:07
squidyDo you know a ppa or a package to mod auth ntlm winbind ? I'm not getting to find that... Please help me :-)14:07
PicijessicaBR: This is a support channel, please don't do that.14:07
woocyfearHello,  I need some help14:07
AlanatiirOk, I'll log back in later, it seems no one is ableto help me right now, and I just got done with a 10 hour overnight shift at work...really tired and I'll just have to deal with that loud beep for the time being.  Good night.14:08
livindaylightAaron1: might not be the best idea. Had any other opinions?14:08
woocyfearhow can i configure grub graphically? i remember on debian there were a graphical interface, where i could change the boot menu. I cant't find it on ubuntu 10.0414:08
jimbI am experiencing some problems with logging into MSN from empathy.. anyone else experiencing problems with that at the moment?14:09
iojimb: What problem?14:09
TiKwhats the ! command to shw the command to reset gnome-panel?14:09
Aaron1livindaylight: I am still trying to find my USB-stick but I have located only my 512MB and unfortunately it is not enough14:09
woocyfearplease, somebody help me14:09
bazhang!resetpanels > TiK14:10
ubottuTiK, please see my private message14:10
bihariwoocyfear,  say you problem14:10
jimbio, i can log on fine from my mac, but empathy refuse connection and say network problem14:10
AviMarcusbazhang, is > for PM?14:10
iobihari: He already did.14:10
bazhangAviMarcus, yep14:10
livindaylightAaron1: its best to use a pendrive. I asked in #linux and #ubuntu-uk and couple people say it might not be a good idea. Maybe don't want to risk it14:10
=== guntbert_ is now known as guntbert
bazhangAviMarcus, alternatively /msg ubottu factoid14:10
se_toolsanyone ever get avast to install and register?14:10
AviMarcusyes, but you triggered it for someone else, bazhang14:11
livindaylightAaron1: wouldn't want you to hate ubuntu afterwards :)14:11
Aaron1livindaylight : Ok my other option is MicroSD 2GB on a cardreader but I think it will be slow14:11
TiKAaron1: anyhting will work as long as you can fix the files on it14:11
woocyfeari want to add one more OS to grub menu14:11
TiKAaron1: I don't know microsd14:11
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Aaron1TiK: well I would give it a try I am creating it now14:12
chadiwoocyfear: I would use os prober to generate the menu entry, then add it manually in another file14:12
TiKAaron1: you can boot off an SD card?14:13
woocyfearwhere to add, because there is no menu.lst14:13
pipashello ppl14:13
bihariwoocyfear,  have you gon through this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GraphicalGrubConfig14:13
Aaron1its a card-reader and it function as a drive in my windows I think I might be able to (its USB-connected)14:13
pipasi'm having trouble connecting 3G usb modem14:13
CkhiKuzadI installed Half-Life today in wine, and now it is saying i need service pack 3 or above (which does not make sense, considering H-L was made for windows 95 originally) but wine apparently doesnt allow me to emulate SP3. is it possible to do so?14:13
livindaylightAaron1: i'd like to know whether that works out14:14
TiKAaron1: well if you ca boot off it it will work ;)14:14
pipasi have usb_modeswitch14:14
pipasand 3G stick is detected fine14:14
biharipipas, which version of ubuntu you are using?14:14
pipasbut when it connects...it's says modem hangup14:14
pipasbihari; lucid lynx 10.0414:15
wildmanhello there. I've just inadvertently removed the applet having the speaker, bittorent status, etc. from my upper panel on 10.04, how can I add it back?14:15
pipasany tips?14:15
glxark<TiK> hit alt f214:15
glxark<TiK> and run that14:15
glxark<glxark> ok:)14:15
glxark<glxark> my logo got Red :)14:15
glxark<TiK> no Aplications?14:15
FloodBot3glxark: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:15
glxark<TiK> places/system?14:15
Aaron1TiK , livingdaylight : I am going to give it a shot and if it works I will make sure to report here hehe14:16
biharipipas, try this $ sudo vi /etc/udev/rules.d/15-huawei-155x.rules14:16
glxarkI have ran the resetpanel command and I still Do not see Applications / Places / System14:16
TiKAaron1: cool.14:16
pipasbihari: i have that file too14:16
MaRk-Iwoocyfear: /etc/grub.d/40_custom   check this link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119527514:17
biharipipas, check this article http://franklinchua.wordpress.com/2010/05/03/huawei-e1550-on-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx/14:17
livindaylightAaron1: kewl, good luck ;)14:17
pipasbihari: thx, i'm gonna read14:17
biharipipas, and aso try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=149252314:18
biharipipas,  you welcome  :) my freinds14:18
se_toolsanyone know how to get avast to register?14:18
erfiug 14:18
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN14:18
glxarkI have ran the resetpanel command and I still Do not see Applications / Places / System14:19
MaRk-Ise_tools: did you register in the avast page?14:19
biharise_tools,  ? avast ?14:19
Ego_Proctorcan anyone tell me what the maximum limit is for memory allocation per process in ubuntu 10.04x64 bit?14:19
SnandyCan I get Live CD to burn a DVD if I only have 1 DVD player?14:19
MaRk-ISnandy: dvd players can read cd...?14:20
SnandyYes, but that player is running the Live CD currently14:20
kat_hello, i have windows vista and ubuntu in my computer, but ubuntu doesnot work, how can i recover my files? thanks14:20
MaRk-ISnandy: ah... you could try... you mean burn the .iso in a dvd?14:21
kat_snandy what if you keep the files and then burn a cd?14:21
biharikat_, try this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide may be it will help you a bit about you problem14:22
SnandyWell, I should state my goals, and maybe someone knows a better solution: I need to get to my RAID hard drives, so I was going to install an OS temporarily so I can get access to all my drives and prep for a permanent OS (either Ubuntu or Win7) Ubuntu Live CD won't recognize my raided or SATA hard drives. I could mayble also install to a USB stick and run it from there14:23
AviMarcusis there a way I can see/edit the current folder path in nautilus?14:23
guntbertSnandy: you could run the live system from an usb stick...14:23
kat_bihari i read that and i dont know what to do14:23
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Snandyguntbert: I might do that. I need to install raid drivers so I can see my other partitions and so I can clear off C and prep it for an OS14:24
wildejaHi all, I am running amd64 desktop version of Ubuntu 10.04 on my netbook.  I have been reading about netbook remix and was wondering if i could get the communities general feelings please. Thank you14:24
biharikat_,  ok wait14:24
AviMarcuswow. luckyBackup is so much faster than grsync. Unless it's playing me.14:24
MaRk-IAviMarcus: click the paper and pencil icon on top, it will show the path14:24
guntbertSnandy: wait a moment, I'm gonna try something (about your first question)14:25
AviMarcusthat sounds familiar, but I don't see it now, MaRk-I . Might I have hidden it somehow?14:25
MaRk-IAviMarcus: it's right below the "back arrow"14:26
agronholmhi! could somebody explain to me how I can configure a static ip in ubuntu?14:27
biharikat_ you have both vista and ubuntu? right? but ubuntu doesnot working14:27
miso_h hi all!!!14:27
agronholmthe network manager does not seem to want to work with manual settings14:27
reki,can i print something with a shared printer in a win pc ?14:27
PiciAviMarcus: ctrl-l should also work.14:27
kat_bihari, that's it14:27
MaRk-Ise_tools: you're gettin auto ignored stop PMing14:27
wildejaIs there any reason to change from ubuntu 10.04 40 netbook remix?14:27
guntbertSnandy: my idea didn't work - so create a stick from the live system, then boot from that...14:27
wildeja40, sorry to14:28
bihariwhat error are you getting? when you start ubuntu?14:28
AviMarcusPici, ctrl-L does work. thanks. But I remember that pencil, but I can't find it now.14:28
gsalhello, I'm trying to use xvnc, I can connect, but a screen comes with X sign with no gdm, I suspect that there is a limitation of gdm for peers connecting from outside of the network. I'm routing to the server right now14:28
kat_bihari, it says something like: there's no wubildr14:28
miso_hi use 32 bit ubuntu. i will install winrar (latest version) with wine. but i am not sure if i have to install it as 32 or 64 bit. Because wine can install both of them. Which will work faster on me ?14:28
ayekatkat_: you could boot from the Ubuntu live CD and access the harddisk containing the data that should be recovered...14:28
ayekat... then put them somewhere else14:28
thune3wildeja: UNR has a desktop interface optimized for small screens. It is otherwise a normal 32-bit ubuntu. If you are having trouble navigating the desktop due to your screensize, then you might consider UNR14:29
kat_ayekat, i tried to use the livecd, but i cannot find my files14:29
se_toolsok whats autoignore? how does that work?????14:29
gsalany idea ?14:29
ayekatkat_: what files are you actually trying to recover?14:29
SnandyHmmm  LIve CD so far is burning the DVD. I thought I'd attempt, at worst I have another coaster among many14:29
AviMarcuswhatever, maybe it will reappear. Thanks Pici14:29
kat_ayekat, text files, i had them kept in /usr14:29
biharikat_, which version of ubuntu you have?14:30
Oermiso_h, why do you think 64 bit if your OS is 32 bit ?14:30
ayekatkat_, and now they aren't there anymore?14:30
wildejathune3, Not having any problems with screen size. and am currently using 64bit desktop version so would you say i'm better off where i am then?14:30
miso_hOer:  i just asked ... i dont know. im thinking...14:31
miso_hOer: maybe wine will work with it better...14:31
kat_bihari, i had ubuntu 9.10, then i ¿actualized? to 10.0414:31
ayekatHi, how can I get the raw binary data from an ISO file? For example to make a floppy disk image?14:31
biharikat_,  try this https://bugs.launchpad.net/wubi/+bug/47871714:31
MaRk-Ikat_: post #4  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=151580314:31
thune3wildeja: if everything is running OK, i would not change anything.14:31
kat_ayekat, no, they are not there14:31
glxarkI do not see "Applictaion'' button on the top, how to see?14:31
Oermiso_h, on your 32 bit OS, only 32 bit application can be run. on any 64 bit OS, you can run 32 + 64 bit applications14:31
bihariglxark,  ? huh you dont see ?14:32
theRealRonhello - sorry to be posting the same Q - I'm stumped  ssh command line aborts with "connection reset by peer" Not the remote server - can connect from a different box, putty GUI on this box works. ssh debug: http://pastebin.com/dE5PLs3e14:32
kat_bihari, mark-i, ayekat thanks, i'm goint to read that14:32
glxarkbihari,  there is not applictaion button on the top )14:32
wildejaSecond Question then. On this hard drive i also have the backup and windows 7 partitions that the machine came with.  All i did when i got the machine was shrink them to make space for ubuntu. Is there any downside to keeping those partitions or should i be devoting the whole drive to Ubuntu?14:32
miso_hOer: wine can open 64 bit windows softwares. but wine is something like emulator.14:33
bihariglxark, go to system<preference14:33
miso_hOer: i can open 64 bit exe so . it is better to install them or not ?14:33
Oermiso_h, yes, wine can open 64 bit, if your OS is 64 bit.14:33
theRealRon(if it helps I also tried a basic Debian install and got same problem)14:33
miso_h Oer: hmm....14:33
bihariglxark, go to system<preference<appearance14:33
miso_h Oer: sorry for that. i didn know it..14:34
Oermiso_h, so you are bound to 32 bit winrar, why do you not use rar non-free from the repository's ?14:34
distant2what package manager does ubuntu use?14:34
miso_hOer:  there is no a good software on linux with gui :( for compressing ...14:34
ayekatdistant2 | dpkg - and apt or aptitude as frontend14:35
miso_hOer:  we have just peazip but it has some problem .. maybe i will try it 1 year later...14:35
Oermiso_h, when installed, rar is available in filemanager nautilus menu/mouse-menu14:35
bihariMaRk-I,  can i pm you.14:35
distant2what's more important in a linux distro, the package manager or the desktop environment?14:35
MaRk-Ibihari: yes14:36
jgcampbell300I am looking for something to replace Adobe Master Collection 4 to run on Ubuntu 10.04 ... anyone have link to more info ?14:36
biharii think package manager14:36
miso_h Oer: i know that. but it can not compress the files by level i want (high level, normal or store...) :(14:36
miso_h Oer: this is the most important think.. :(14:36
agronholmjgcampbell300: doesn't it work with the latest wine then?14:36
thune3wildeja: unless you are experiencing diskspace issues with ubuntu, there is no downside to leaving those partitions as is.14:37
jgcampbell300agronholm: I am trying to get away from Adobe , but It does work on Virtual Box14:37
CommodoreWho uses Xubuntu?14:37
CommodoreI can't seem to enable themes in Emerald... Someone help?14:37
wildejathune3, Thank you for your time :)14:37
distant2so is the pm linked to the de or is it independent, can gnome and kde run the same pm for exampl?14:37
agronholmjgcampbell300: there is no comprehensive replacement suite14:37
Aaron1Tik , livindaylight: it did not work :( but I've noticed a "wubi" installer when I created the USB , is this installer install ubuntu completely ?14:37
agronholmfor photoshop, there is gimp14:38
CommodoreI can't seem to enable themes in Emerald... Someone help?14:38
CommodoreI can't seem to enable themes in Emerald... Someone help?14:38
CommodoreI can't seem to enable themes in Emerald... Someone help?14:38
kat_mark-i, that post seems right, i was downloading some episodes with bitorrent, do you think my episodes will be in root.disk?14:38
FloodBot3Commodore: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:38
reki,can i print something with a shared printer in a win pc ?14:38
agronholmfor illustrator, there is inkscape14:38
ayekatdistant2 | yes14:38
ResQuejgcampbell300: i hate adobe to14:38
gsalguys, what happens just after vnc connects ? supposed a graphical interface appears. but it appears nothing, only X sign with gray background.  like gnome didn't start14:38
ayekatdistant2 | i mean, there's no difference between kde or gnome - thy both use dpkg14:38
miso_hOer: am i right ?14:38
agronholmno replacement for Flash, obviously14:38
jgcampbell300agronholm: bummer ... I am wondering if there are indvidual packages I could move to like .. well gimp i have for photos but need to replace dreamweaver and a few of the others14:39
MaRk-Ikat_: most likely, try the work around and keep a copy of it just in case14:39
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kat_mark-i, thanks very much14:39
arun__ i want to access internet through proxy server. How it setup using it when using firefox ?14:39
ResQueagronholm: i think there is a 3rd party unofficial flash player, and its opensource, i could be wrong though14:39
kat_bihari, thanks a lot14:39
distant2ayekat: some distro says it uses 'conary' on gnome14:39
distant2ayekat: not ubuntu.14:39
bihariyou welcome >:D< kat_14:39
Oermiso_h, i am looking for a howto to use rar and compressionlevels, can't find a easy howto :(14:39
iceroot!gnash | ResQue agronholm14:40
ubottuResQue agronholm: An open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/14:40
kieranany1 know how to play .mev files on ubuntu??14:40
agronholmwhat the heck are those14:40
bihariarun_ ?14:40
ResQueagronholm: also with HTML5 i think flash with be used less and less14:40
jgcampbell300well anyone know of a replacement for DreamWeaver ?14:40
fencepostHi guys, Can someone tell me the equivalent to "eselect opengl" on ubuntu?14:41
agronholmResQue: that's BS, html5 can barely do 15% of what Flash can, and there are *NO* developer tools to harness even that much easily14:41
TiKjgcampbell300: yeah dreamweaver in a VM unless you like editing text :)14:41
fencepostI need to get mesa running instead of the nvidia gl14:41
miso_hOer: that is the problem. :( i was searching for it at least 2-3 mouths. the best program on linux with gui is peazip. but it has many many big problems now. (we have disscuss for compress softwares on many forums)14:41
kieranmovie file on usb hd, would like to play it within ubuntu not win714:41
jgcampbell300ha ha ha14:41
jgcampbell300ok well looks like i will stay with adobe for now14:41
jgcampbell300thanks for the info all14:42
TiKkieran: what format?14:42
kierananyone please14:42
TiKkieran: have you mounted thedrive?14:42
agronholmiceroot: gnash is a flash *player*, not an editor14:42
TiKs pla it :)14:42
kierancan see file, doesnt reconise extension14:42
ayekatdistant2 | there might exist distros where conary is used as package manager - but there's no real special relationship between a GUI like GNOME and the package manager itself14:43
TiKwat media type is it?14:43
icerootagronholm: correct, did not read a flash editor is needed14:43
Oermiso_h, the manual gives many options > http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man1/rar.1.html14:43
TiKkieran: try opening it in VCL or whatever mediaplayer you use14:43
kieran.mev extension14:43
sandywinit is very good14:43
kierani'll try vcl14:44
ayekatdistant2 | i have for example a debian without any GUI (i kicked gnome from the machine), and still the package manager works alright... the GUI is simply a program that can be installed or removed like any other14:45
miso_hOer: this is just for rar. i use many types most 7z rar and zip..14:45
miso_hOer: i will not take you time.14:45
miso_hOer:  thank you very much...14:45
Oermiso_h the option -m (0-5) compressionrate ?14:45
miso_hOer:  i have to leave now...14:46
livindaylightTiK: has Aaron showed up yet( i gotta go, just wondered whether that was success or fail)14:46
agronholmhas anyone tried to configure a static ip with networkmanager?14:46
agronholmI can't get this crap to work14:46
sussleragronholm: easiest of ways: get rid of it and use classic ifup/ifdown14:46
TiKlivindaylight: i he can bot off of it im sure he is installing happily :)14:47
TiKer boot14:47
susslerfor a while that p** craps out on several distros on me, don't care to know why14:47
agronholmsussler: I wonder why it stays broken year after year without anyone bothering to fix it14:47
sussleri think because it is the usual "works for me" kind of thing to be honest14:48
blueonyxhey, i got this smart error: http://pastebin.com/uQ9hb4k8 how to investigate it further? thune3?14:48
susslerall i know that is only let live the fittest of foss projects on my box; if something pisses me off, it dies. Period.14:48
thune3blueonyx: checking...14:48
susslerespecially when i read WONTFIX in bug trackers14:48
blueonyxthune3: thanks :)14:48
arun__when I tried using with a proxy I am unable to access gmail. Any experience using proxies!!14:49
ResQuearun__: a private or public proxy?14:49
arun__ResQue: cant really differentiate from them :P I just tried a proxy from samair.ru ! it should be public proxy right?14:50
distant2ayekat: in foresight linux, it uses conary (they say it's powerful and whatnot), but for the gui it uses packagekit, a software used i believe by other package managers. this is very confusing as to the difference between pms.14:51
phil42what's in 2.6.32-24.39 ?14:52
livindaylightdistant2: foresight linux is lol14:52
ResQuearun__: yes that is what i mean by a public proxy, something from a public list that anyone can access14:52
distant2livindaylight: is lol?14:52
ResQuearun__: i would say gmail is blocking the IP address, most of these public proxy list get scanned and blocked every day becuase of how many people abuse them for spaming14:52
ayekatdistant2 | is packagekit a program with a GUI? because on Ubuntu there is also a program named "Synaptic" which is like a graphical frontend to dpkg.14:53
livindaylightdistant2: they have been bragging about their package manager for years; now foresight linux is not even on 100 distrowatch list. Maybe the revoluton will come soon14:53
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phil42i found it, thanks anyway14:54
livindaylightdistant2: its very slow development basically. They been promsing a gui front end for conary for a long time too now. Seems like its just a couple part time hackers workingon that project on the weekend14:54
distant2ayekat: "designed to provide a consistent and high-level front end for a number of different package management systems"14:54
bazhang!ot | livindaylight distant214:54
ubottulivindaylight distant2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!14:54
livindaylightbazhang: well spotted14:55
ravenhow to install ubuntu via network14:55
littlepenguindebootstrap raven14:55
ResQuelivindaylight: whats the project?14:55
livindaylightResQue: their distro14:56
arun__ResQue: ok. thnx14:56
distant2well conary has a gui frontend after all.14:56
armenceHello all. I have an odd issue. My internet is working fine (setup is ethernet cable directly to modem) but, the network manager under Wired Networks, says: device not managed.14:56
FoolsRunRidiculous question time!  So I know that Google offers Google Apps Directory Sync, which is neat and all; it syncs your Google Apps users with an LDAP server. Does anyone know of a way to do the reverse of this? A way to give Google Apps authoritative whatever so that my LDAP server was updated to reflect my GApps users?14:56
ayekatdistant2 | ok, it's some kind of a frontend... but i guess there is something below... like in Ubuntu APT (Terminal) underlying Synaptic (GUI)14:57
neiliob1973help...Dell laptop was fine, now no grub, just tty1! Tried Googling, but no luck.14:57
armenceFoolsRun: And the connection to ubuntu is?14:57
ayekatdistant2 | but I've never used Foresight Linux, so I probably can't help you14:57
FoolsRunarmence: I want to do this with an Ubuntu server running slapd?14:57
bazhangdistant2, conary has nothing to do with ubuntu support; please chat in #ubuntu-offtopic14:58
armenceFoolsRun: That is tenuous at best since most likely your issue is effectively with the Google Apps API.14:58
bavvekualkuno konosce kualke programmino haker?14:59
Nairikjoin star wars15:00
FoolsRunarmence: right, well I'd still need something to communicate with the Google Apps API, and I wondered if anyone knew of such a tool.15:00
bazhang!it | bavve15:00
ubottubavve: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:00
FoolsRunBut I appreciate your willingness to help and how you keep your disdain and feelings of superiority out of your tone\15:00
FoolsRunIt's refreshing15:00
neiliob1973help...Dell laptop was fine, now no grub, just tty1! Tried Googling, but no luck. help!15:01
FoolsRunneiliob1973: did you recently run updates?15:01
littlepenguinneiliob you tried the repair?15:01
neiliob1973FoolsRun, yes. friend laptop, but he even asked me if he should run it.15:01
=== Aaron5367 is now known as Aaron5367|detach
FoolsRunneiliob1973: did it work after the updates, or are the updates what broke it?15:02
neiliob1973I can, do a Live boot ok.15:02
neiliob1973it worked fine BEFORE the updates.15:02
FoolsRunneiliob1973: You get a non-graphical login prompt? Can you log into it?15:02
Picizdown: Please stop.15:03
neiliob1973yes...on boot-up, I get a "tty1 prompt for username-laptop"15:03
armenceFoolsRun: It has nothing with disdain and superiority. There are thousands of topics such as yours which are only marginally connected to ubuntu. If everyone who had a question about one of them, asked it here, this channel would become unusable. You need to find a channel about google apps and ask there.15:03
rekPici,  can i print something with a printer connected to a win pc in my home?15:03
TiKFoolsRun: that happened to me. I ha to do a complete reinstall. GUI would load with a terminal and it would be the same for a new user.. I was stumped15:04
littlepenguinyes rek you need to share it and then connect to it with the needed drivers15:04
rekfrom ubuntu15:04
rekwhat sw ?15:04
FoolsRunneiliob1973: can you log in at the prompt and then type "gdm" and see what happens?15:04
littlepenguinshare it on win machine in your network..then from ubuntu you need to access that share and connect the printer15:05
reki knew it15:05
reki know ther was a sw15:05
littlepenguin@rek http://www.watchingthenet.com/connecting-to-shared-printers-on-windows-computers.html15:05
neiliob1973FoolsRun, giving it a shot now...give me a moment15:05
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carodThere is a way to define constantes like (#define THIS) with g++ at compilation time?15:06
topylirek: do you want to print remotely over the internet, or just share the printer in your home network?15:06
reklittlepenguin, i noticed i'haven't been able to bt a file to my pc....for a long period... what's happening15:06
littlepenguinrek see topyli question15:06
FoolsRunneiliob1973: my guess is that your video drivers got screwed up and that X is failing to start15:06
rektopyli, both one day ,now just the 1st15:07
rekthe 2nd topyli sorry15:07
littlepenguinthe 2nd is fine with the tut i gave u rek15:07
rekin my home only...15:07
littlepenguinthe link i meant15:07
reki need a software i think15:07
Picirek: No you don't. Everything that you need to do that is already built in to Ubuntu,15:08
topylirek: it's just basic windows sharing, ubuntu handles it out of the box15:08
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littlepenguinyes topyli15:09
ravenpossible debootstrap with lubuntu?15:09
littlepenguinbut maybe the driver is needed @topyli15:09
reklittlepenguin,  topyli Pici but if i want to use the printer when windows is down and my printer is connected throught my alice gate access point things are different i think15:09
neiliob1973FoolsRun, here's the error I get "** (gdm-binary:1760): WARNING ** Failed to acquire org.DisplayManager; could not acquire name; bailing out"15:10
rekhowever i'll try15:10
littlepenguinrek can you share th eprinter through the router=?15:10
neiliob1973FoolsRun, that was run as SUDO15:10
szonekhow can i check in script in which directory this script is?15:10
reklittlepenguin, with win-win i can do it yes...15:10
topylirek: the windows box has to be running15:10
sascha84hallo kann mir jemand helfen???15:10
reki've already done it15:10
Pici!de |  sascha8415:11
ubottusascha84: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.15:11
topylirek: oh, the printer is actually connected to the router, not the windows box?15:11
rekwindows discover that under alice gate there's a printer connected...15:11
littlepenguinrek maybe your router has the option to share the printer on the routers ip ..depends on modell and feature15:11
FoolsRunneiliob1973: what about without sudo?15:11
littlepenguinraven dunno if it works with lubuntu15:11
neiliob1973same error, but also tagged with "not allowed to own due to security policies in config file"15:12
ebiHi all. I have a problem with xbmc-live which is based on ubuntu so I tought that's the best place to ask. If I try to change my X conf it's beeing reset as soon as I start X. I saw there is /etc/gdm which has XFailsafe so I removed that directory but still the config gets overwritten. Any other place I could look for?15:12
rektopyli, now it's connected to the win box however i'd like to connect it to the gate to use it even if win is down...15:12
carodThere is a way to define constantes like (#define THIS) with g++ at compilation time?15:13
reklater i'll try if i can find it through the router15:13
FoolsRunWhat's that command that lets you reconfigure X from the command line? I always forget15:13
rafael54is there15:13
FloodBot3rafael54: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:13
neiliob1973FoolsRun, is there any way to copy the drivers/files/etc from the LiveCD to a mounted HD, and make it work?15:13
rafael54online i mean15:13
carodjust 1541 people haha15:13
rekrafael what was that15:13
topylirek: ok, that's what i do in fact. my router runs samba and it works like a charm. not sure how your printer likes to do the sharing, but as a rule of thumb, it should work out of the box15:13
Picicarod: ##c++ would be a more appropriate channel.15:13
carodthanks you pici, I was lost :)15:14
FoolsRunneiliob1973: unlikely. I think you need to fix X and GDM15:14
rekwhat do you mean topyli that i can try to find it?15:14
FoolsRunneiliob1973: try running gdmsetup or sudo gdmsetup from command line15:14
rekhow can a gate be running samba?15:14
neiliob1973FoolsRun, great! "(gdmsetup:1932): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display"15:15
ironfoot495hello is there someone who could help to get rid of destroy remove Darwin Streaming Server. I have searched for a way  everywhere!!!15:15
FoolsRunDoes anyone here have kick powers? I just got this in PM:  rafael54> Do You Want to be an OPERATOR in #ubuntu ? copy/paste this-> //write   $decode(b24gMTp0ZXh0OiphKjojOnsgLmlnbm9yZSAkbmljayB8IC50aW1lcq  .... etc. etc.  Not entirely sure what this does, pretty sure it's spam/attack.15:16
rekhas anyone bluetooth problems like me?15:16
somethingintereshi all, I've made 3 partitions during install 1 for '/' one for /home and one for swap and the computer wouldn't boot. No errors were thrown, it just wouldn't do anything.. I reformated and reinstalled using the option 'erase and use whole drive' and it booted first time, no issues. Pointers?15:16
FoolsRunneiliob1973: did it run, or did it fail with that error?15:16
rekfraqtive is an amazing software15:16
neiliob1973no, failed with that error15:16
ironfoot495it shuts down my localhost!!!15:17
hardlinedhow can I change the icons on the desktop of the livecd? I'm trying to customize a livecd, but when I mount the squashfs filesystem the /home dir is empty.15:17
kbrosnanFoolsRun: probably base 64 http://www.motobit.com/util/base64-decoder-encoder.asp15:17
PiciFoolsRun: Please don't run that.15:17
PiciFoolsRun: He was already banned from here.15:18
FoolsRunPici: I know15:18
FoolsRunPici: that is, I know not to run it15:18
FoolsRunDidn't know he was banned :)15:18
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SnandyMy screen is all wiggly (bad video drivers still) how many characters are needed for log in name?15:19
kris756somebody here>?15:19
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kdefreakwin 2015:20
erUSUL!anybody | kris75615:20
ubottukris756: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?15:20
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FoolsRunneiliob1973: was the upgrade your friend did a distro upgrade or just a regular update?15:20
kris756i need help i just installed ubuntu 10.04  and the internet desnt work15:20
neiliob1973regular update...why this is so weird.15:21
jeroendvhow do i get the number of package upgrades to be mention in the motd? /usr/lib/update-notifier/update-motd-updates-available and /etc/update-motd.d/90-updates-available is present on my system, but apparently they are not used/executed, because the package info is not part of my motd15:21
FoolsRunkris756: desktop or laptop? Wired or wireless?15:21
neiliob1973FoolsRun, regular update...why this is so weird.15:21
FoolsRunneiliob1973: is there any chance he shut down before the upgrade was finished? Because it looks like it's pretty seriously hosed.15:21
kris756laptop both of them dont work wireless or wired15:21
anirvanaPLEASE HELP: I am getting this error while booting to ubuntu 9.04 "Minimal BASH like line editing is supported..."15:22
FoolsRunkris756: in a terminal, type ifconfig  is there any result? Does it think it has network cards?15:22
anirvanaI can't boot into my ubuntu :'(15:22
neiliob1973FoolsRun, idk. other options before I Live-boot, copy his files, and reinstall the OS?15:22
Mjukselyo guys15:23
kris756im a newb i just put ifconfig in terminal thats it?15:23
erUSULanirvana: the usefull message should have appeared before the one about "Minimal BASH like .... "15:23
Mjukseli have a problem15:23
kdefreakkris756: Yes.15:23
FoolsRunneiliob1973: That might be faster. If you're comfortable with the command line you can back up his /home/hisname directory to a USB drive and reinstall15:23
Mjukseleverytime i reboot my windows are f*d up15:23
FoolsRunkris756: yeah, just type it in a terminal and press "enter"15:23
Mjukselmy maximize/minimize buttons are gone15:23
Mjukselso the title bar15:23
anirvanaerUSUL : GNU GRUB version 1.97~beta 415:23
anirvanaerUSUL : ^^ apeared before15:24
neiliob1973FoolsRun, THNX! I appreciate you taking some time!15:24
FoolsRunneiliob1973: sorry I couldn't actually help :(15:24
erUSULanirvana: anything else? about a device not found or something ?15:24
FoolsRunkris756: if the results are really long, use http://pastebin.com/ to show them.15:24
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ksbalajimy gdm is corrupt. I joined channel from a livecd. While I get command prompt, which app do I use to join channel? What is command line for xchat sans GUI?15:25
kris756yeah its long but im conected in another computer i cant copy paste15:25
baconhi please i'd like to know if it was possible to, when i'm building a .deb, to have precompiled sources inside this .deb ?15:25
baconI need to have precompiled and not compiled packages :o15:25
erUSULksbalaji: you can install and use irssi in command line15:25
anirvanaerUSUL : "For the first word, TAB lists possible command completions.Anywhere else TAB lists possible device/file completions"15:25
FoolsRunkris756: I'm not sure I follow. You're remotely connected to the machine?15:25
anirvanaerUSUL : It happended, due to a power failure :(15:26
Xaratashi, we tryed a dist upgrade from lts 8 to lts 10.04, but the do-release-upgrade --proposed fails and gives much errors about broken packages. but we dont know why15:26
anirvanaerUSUL : It happened*15:26
kris756no  im in my widows laptop  and im having trouble with another laptopt the linux one15:26
frxstremis it possible to make Unicode characters by holding down ALT (or some other key) and pressing a numeric code, like on Windows?15:26
FoolsRunkris756: ahh, that makes sense. Of course you can't pastebin from a machine without internet.15:26
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kris756yeah i cant do anything without internet so what i do?15:27
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FoolsRunkris756: reading the ifconfig output, you see eth0 or eth1?  Somewhere in that mess of information should be an IP address --do you see one?15:27
littlepenguinjimmy theres a chinese ubuntu room15:28
anirvanaerUSUL : what should I do now?I have a lot of work inside my ubuntu15:28
kris756no i dont see it i see a hwaddr?15:28
figure002!jp | jimmy__15:29
ubottujimmy__: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい15:29
figure002!cn | jimmy__15:29
ubottujimmy__: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:29
jimmy__I am very happy to come here15:29
FoolsRunkris756: it should be something like eth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0dblah blah blah           inet addr:
ironfoot495is there a way to get rid of DSS?15:30
littlepenguinwhat is DSS?15:30
baconjimmy__: :-)15:30
ironfoot495yes please!15:30
anirvanaPLEASE HELP: I am getting this error while booting to ubuntu 9.04 "Minimal BASH like line editing is supported..." :'(15:30
littlepenguinironfoot what you mean with DSS??15:30
ironfoot495Darwin Streaming Server!!15:31
bazhang!repeat | anirvana15:31
ubottuanirvana: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.15:31
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littlepenguiniron foot get rid of it??15:31
anirvanabazhang : what?15:31
littlepenguin@ironfoot open up synaptic search for darwin streaming server and remove it with right klcik remove15:32
jimmy__can i help you15:32
FoolsRunjimmy__: nope, I'm good.15:32
jimmy__he he15:32
jimmy__I am good too15:33
FoolsRunkris756: still there?15:33
kris756yeah the adress is 00:1b:24:af:41:0715:33
figure002jimmy__: was that japanese or chinese you just typed? i wasn't sure...15:33
anirvanaPLEASE HELP: I am getting this error while booting to ubuntu 9.04 "Minimal BASH like line editing is supported..." I can't boot my ubuntu anymore!15:33
jimmy__<figure002>:where are you from15:34
figure002jimmy__: ah.. ok15:34
jimmy__nice to meet you15:34
FoolsRunkris756: are you sure it says that next to "inet addr: "?  Because that looks like your MAC address.15:34
bazhang!ot | jimmy__15:34
ubottujimmy__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:34
PooDocNoob Question but I deleted my network manager applet from the top bar on gnome by accident on 10.04. How do I get it back on there?15:35
PooDocnm-applet does not seem to do anything15:35
JamesWStubbsI need a hand. I'm trying to compile a evdev from source, I had the .diff.gz that Ubuntu supplies and a .diff from a site, how would I merge them?15:35
jimmy__figure002,,he he15:35
bazhangjimmy__, this is not the chat channel.15:35
kris756base adress?15:36
jimmy__what this channel is ?15:36
deanimeanI have an interfaces file and NM is NOT enabled at startup but it still has a process running, why?15:36
trineoxPooDoc: right click on taskbar, and select add to taskbar15:36
FoolsRunkris756: if inet addr: isn't in thre... hmm...15:36
bazhangjimmy__, ubuntu support only.  chat in #ubuntu-offtopic15:36
trineoxPooDoc: the re-add your applet15:36
kris756ohh ok found net addr-
FoolsRunkris756: you're on the wired network now? Does the network jack have a link-light?15:37
jimmy__bazhang,oh thanks15:37
kris756my bad im new to all this15:37
FoolsRunkris756: Okay, your computer doesn't think it's connected to a network. Can you physically look at the jack you plugged the network cable into and tell me if there's a light on it?15:37
jimmy__how to make to ubuntu-more beautiful15:38
bazhang!themes | jimmy__15:38
ubottujimmy__: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy15:38
kris756i dont have a cable now im on a wifi spot can u work with that?15:38
FoolsRunkris756: we'll probably need to get it on wired first15:38
bihariJImmy through apperance option thats in system-preference15:38
FoolsRunkris756: depending on the wireless card you may need to install proprietary drivers, which you need to get from the internet.15:38
zacharyhow do i execute a .so file?15:39
biharijimmy__, through apperance option thats in system-preference15:39
FoolsRunkris756: so is there a cable anywhere you can use?15:39
kris756let me see if i can find one brb15:39
jimmy__bazhang,there all in english ,I don't understand,do you have the chinese15:39
bazhangjimmy__, try in #ubuntu-cn15:40
jimmy__o k15:40
ksbalajierUSUL, I tried to install irssi but got lot of error msgs: http://pastebin.com/Ak3XhFWW  Is my upgrade recoverable?15:40
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ksbalaji I tried to repair upgrade but got lot of error msgs: http://pastebin.com/Ak3XhFWW  Is my upgrade recoverable?15:41
brontoshave you guys seen any issues with this pulseaudio error and the X crashing? pid.c stale pid file overwriting15:41
fishcookerhow to browse hidden share on pyNeighboorhod15:42
littlepenguinbrontos try to rename home folder .pulse15:42
brontoslittlepenguin, I have done that15:42
littlepenguinbrontos check if pulse is running15:42
littlepenguinbrontos try pulseaudio -k15:42
kris756i conected the computer t the cable and the internet wrk so its only the wireless that doesnt wotk15:43
brontoslittlepenguin, it is running right now15:43
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littlepenguinso 2nd pulse isnt needed15:43
FoolsRunkris756: great!15:43
FoolsRunkris756: go to System\Administration\15:43
FoolsRunkris756: go to System\Administration\Hardware Drivers15:43
brontoslittlepenguin, it has gotten so bad 5-6 times a day I went ahead and reloaded ubuntu on the laptop and I am still getting this15:44
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FoolsRunkris756: let it detect15:44
brontoslittlepenguin, it was running fine for months and months but Monday this started15:44
jeroendvQuestion: how can I enable the scripts in /etc/update-motd/ to be run automatically?15:45
FoolsRunkris756: does Hardware Drivers find anything?15:46
anirvanaPLEASE help me with this error : Minimal BASH like line editing is supported.For the first word, TAB lists possible command completions.Anywhere else TAB lists possible device/file completions15:47
littlepenguinbrontos you have added some new hardware to the system?15:47
brontoslittlepenguin, not new hardware.  Well I had my screen replaced last week15:48
brontoslittlepenguin, should be the same screen just one with working pixels15:48
littlepenguinyes brontos i thought of a new audio device for example15:49
Nara00Hi can someone tell me a description of each of the groups?  I've tried searching the man pages but can't find anything15:49
brontoslittlepenguin, no new audio device I am aware of15:49
littlepenguinbrontos is it working now?15:49
kris756its still searching for available drivers  i just wait ?15:50
FoolsRunkris756: yeah. You confirmed that you have internet?15:51
littlepenguinbrontos is your new monitor connected via hdmi??15:51
kris756yeah only with the cable15:51
brontoslittlepenguin, the laptop works normally  just all of a sudden out of the blue X restarts and I check /var/log/messages and see the above error as well as: main.c: Unable to contact D-Bus: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoServer: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus: Connection refused15:51
brontoslittlepenguin, it is the laptop screen I had replaced15:52
littlepenguinbrontos your local interface running and up??15:52
jgcampbell300hello again, I need to know if it is possible to upgrade from ubuntu 10.04 32bit ..... to Ubuntu 10.04 64bit ... with out losing any of the data or installed apps ?15:52
jgcampbell300i need the extra ram15:52
bazhangjgcampbell300, how much ram15:52
FoolsRunkris756: most wireless cards require proprietary drivers, which is what that tool is looking for. What model is the computer?15:53
jgcampbell300well im useing 3g right now but thats kuz its 32bit ... i have 4g15:53
brontoslittlepenguin, local interface meaning my display? if so yes15:53
bazhangjgcampbell300, you could install the pae kernel for 32bit and get all 415:53
littlepenguinno brontos i meant if you type: ifconfig in terminal does it show eth0 and lo interface??15:53
jgcampbell300pae kernel .. is that a flavor of ubuntu or something else all togather ?15:54
purpzeyCan someone tell me how to upgrade wine to 2.1 in Jaunty?15:54
brontoslittlepenguin, it does show it.15:54
bazhangjgcampbell300, a kernel, available in the package manager15:54
littlepenguinpurpzey wine actual version is 1.315:54
guampais there a ppa or other repo with newer kernels than the official?15:54
io!info wine15:54
ubottuwine (source: wine1.2): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (dummy package). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.42-0ubuntu4 (lucid), package size 37 kB, installed size 64 kB15:54
pkkmHow to browse Ubuntu One account in Nautilus?15:54
bobthebuildercan anyone help me out for a minute, i just updated to the new kernel and my laptop is all messed up i can't boot15:54
bazhangjgcampbell300, install linux-generic-pae and it will pull in the rest15:54
jgcampbell300so if i install pae will it change any of the files installs etc on my computer ... i have alot of stuff installed15:54
littlepenguinio Darwin Streaming Server15:55
bobthebuilderwhen i go in to a shell off a live cd fsck -l is not found15:55
littlepenguinsry io wrong15:55
bazhangjgcampbell300, no it wont hurt anything15:55
* guampa dreams of easily installing 2.6.3515:55
bobthebuilderwhere is fsck? /usr/bin???15:55
jgcampbell300cool thanks much15:55
io!fsck | bobthebuilder15:55
ubottubobthebuilder: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot15:55
jgcampbell300gona give it a shot ... is there a way to back up before i try ?15:55
FoolsRunguampa: I admit ignorance, what will 2.6.36 get you that you need?15:55
FoolsRuner... .3515:55
bobthebuilderio : i see its in /sbin/fsck but it won't run on my laptop15:56
littlepenguinbrontos have you changed the config somehow?15:56
bobthebuilderio : im locked out, can you help me :D15:56
bazhangjgcampbell300, sure; /msg ubottu backup for some links, but its perfectly safe15:56
aguiteljgcampbell300, you have /home separate partition?15:56
guampaFoolsRun: a sweeter kernel :)15:56
iobobthebuilder: Explain your problem.15:56
jgcampbell300home is on the same partition15:56
brontoslittlepenguin, I did not change the config originally.  but like I said I went ahead and wiped my drive and reloaded ubuntu15:56
bazhangjgcampbell300, it wont be affected15:57
bobthebuilderio:i installed todays update through update manager, when i reboot it says file system errors and to run fsck manually15:57
FoolsRunguampa: but day-to-day, are there features you need, or are you compulsively early-adopting? :)15:57
jgcampbell300kk thanks15:57
aguiteljgcampbell300, you need to backup your data before15:57
bobthebuilderio: the old kernels in grub don't work either15:57
guampaFoolsRun: the latter, obviously.15:57
bazhangaguitel, for installing the pae kernel with 32bit? not really15:57
jgcampbell300k going to look for backup solutions now ... thanks for the help15:57
littlepenguinbrontos that should not harm your setting normally15:57
bobthebuilderio: all tell me to do fsck manually, but i put in ubuntu server cd and a USB boot thing and I cannot run fsck off it15:57
mbeierlhow do I change the iTunes backup location in gtkpod?  If I change it in the UI and click apply, then exit and restart gtkpod, it's back to its old location.  If I delete the repo and recreate it, it goes back to its old location.15:57
littlepenguinbrontos in pulse log sthg found?15:57
aguitelbazhang, i am talking to change 32 to 64 bits system15:58
bazhangaguitel, I was talking about using the pae kernel with 32bit15:58
FoolsRunguampa: haha! "But why do you need it?"   "Because it's _more awesome!_"15:58
aguitelbazhang, a ok15:58
Xaratasanyone has problems of broken dependencies while upgrading the release?15:58
pkkmHow to browse Ubuntu One account in Nautilus?15:58
icerootXaratas: no15:58
bazhang!ubuntuone > pkkm15:58
ubottupkkm, please see my private message15:58
brontoslittlepenguin, pulse is logging to syslog.  I will grep messages for sthg15:58
jgcampbell300oh one more question ... i made the mistake of installing crome ... how do i get my system to reconize that crome is gone and firefox is master15:59
littlepenguinno brontos i meant something obvious that shows where the error is15:59
jooflHey guys do wine have an irc?15:59
guampaFoolsRun: yes i know, actually i like to lurk the new configs and all, but i haven't got the time as of now to configure a vanilla kernel.org kernel and maybe try to patch it16:00
bazhangjoofl, #winehq16:00
coz_joofl,   #winegq16:00
coz_joofl,  no  sorry16:00
bobthebuilderio: did u see that stuff?16:00
jooflthank you16:00
coz_joofl,  #winehq16:00
aguitelbazhang, kernel pae is better ?16:00
brontoslittlepenguin, I do not see anything obvious other than the lines: Aug  5 10:24:31 brontos pulseaudio[14436]: pid.c: Stale PID file, overwriting.16:00
brontosAug  5 10:24:32 brontos pulseaudio[14436]: main.c: Unable to contact D-Bus: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoServer: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-3wi8LQu2cf: Connection refused16:00
coz_joofl,  make sure it is #winehq16:00
HHxhi gals/guys. Can someone suggest a networking channel...i have router type questions.16:00
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bazhangaguitel, a less messy way to get the 4GB recognized than reinstalling with 64bit16:01
brontoslittlepenguin, I can post my messages someplace if you think it will help16:01
guampaHHx: #networking16:01
HHxguampa, THANKS16:01
coz_brontos,   pastebin.com16:01
jooflNoone is answering me there :(16:01
coz_joofl,  for the wine channel ???16:01
FoolsRunrhetorical question: is it me or does ebox mostly suck?16:01
jooflYeah coz16:01
abhijit!patience | joofl16:02
ubottujoofl: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.16:02
coz_joofl,  ok where you type here  type   /join #winehq16:02
aguitelbazhang, only to work with more ram ?16:02
jooflI'm definitely in the right channel coz16:02
littlepenguinbrontos im looking for it..but i need to go now ..16:02
jooflIt's just a mouse mapping bug i'm experiencing. I guess i'll have to wait.16:03
bobthebuildercan anyone help me out? my system tries to run fsck and then all these errors just scroll and it stops16:03
FoolsRunbobthebuilder: what format is the drive you're trying to fsck?16:03
FoolsRunbobthebuilder: okay, that was my only idea ;)16:04
bobthebuilderBuffer I/O Error on device /dev/sda116:04
littlepenguinbrontos try to kill pulseaudio and start it manually from terminal and see if error persists..16:04
brontoslittlepenguin: http://pastebin.com/p2FsNeRt16:04
bobthebuilderi dont get when i boot off a USB or DVD i can't run fsck16:04
purpzeyCan someone help me out, I was trying to install something and now when I type "sudo add-apt-repository" I am getting "env: add-apt-repository: No such file or directory"16:04
FoolsRunbobthebuilder: it sounds like your drive is having problems16:05
coz_purpzey,  how about apt-add16:05
rdavilaAnyone has tried to run firefox-4 with tab candy?16:05
brontosand its not like the problem persists all day it is just randomly throughout the day16:05
kagekageWhen using empathy, is there a way to separate contacts by the protocol they use, or what account they're associated with, similar to what Pidgin automatically does?16:05
bobthebuilderFoolsRun: yeah... i want to try running fsck while its not mounted but I am having trouble doing so16:05
welinux rdavila: I do (tabs on top)16:05
FoolsRunbobthebuilder: I had buffer errors on an external drive, the problem was the enclosure.16:06
purpzeycoz_: Same thing "env: add-apt-repository: No such file or directory"16:06
coz_rdavila,  not yet but my curiositly has been peaked let me search it16:06
abhijitkagekage, yes you can categorise them e.g. friend,work, etc16:06
rdavilaI've download the special version of firefox, but when I execute the firefox binary it launch the normal version of firefox installed in my system16:06
coz_purpzey,   which application did you install and how?16:06
jgcampbell300so if i am to back up everything i have changed on this computer i could say use rsync to copy my home folder and everything in it ... and if i restore that directory to a new build it will install all the software doc's files etc back to the way i have it now ?16:06
purpzeycoz_: "add-apt-repository: No such file or directory"16:06
jgcampbell300oh and config files16:06
welinux rdavila: firefox -P16:07
FoolsRunpurpzey: the command is apt-add-repository16:07
purpzeycoz_: I was trying to install wine...So I could get ies4linux going...I took a lot of steps so far none of them successful.16:07
brontoscoz_, did you get that pastebin?16:07
coz_brontos,  no I didnt sorry16:07
brontoscoz_, http://pastebin.com/p2FsNeRt16:07
coz_purpzey,  and did you  just  sudo apt-get install wine??16:07
rdavilawelinux: I've tried this but launch the normal version (3.6) again16:08
kagekage<abhijit>, is there anyway to automatically do that for all of a particular protocol (e.g. Facebook chat) or do I have to individually do it for each contact16:08
purpzeycoz_: That is an older version...I am trying to get the newer version.16:08
coz_purpzey,  hold on16:08
jasonmchristoshow do i expand an lvm?16:08
jooflDoes noone know anything about mouse mapping for wine :( winehq is ignoring me.16:08
FoolsRunpurpzey: the command is apt-add-repository, not add-apt-repository16:08
coz_purpzey,  did you use this    https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-wine/+archive/ppa16:08
abhijitkagekage, you have to do individually create new lable e.g. work and then you have to manualy add each contaact to proper lable/filter etc16:09
jasonmchristosi installed lucid on 20gb encrypted lvm on 80 gb hd how do i expand it?16:09
bobthebuildercan anyone tell me how to run fsck from a usb bootable?? fsck = /bin/sh command not found16:09
coz_brontos,   sorry  ...what were you doing with this?16:09
kagekageOkay, thanks16:09
FoolsRunbobthebuilder: what about trying a GPARTED bootable disk? That should have disk repair tools on it.16:09
=== Andrew10 is now known as Andrew9
brontoscoz_, trying to determine why pulse is crashing my X16:09
anirvanahelp : Minimal BASH like line editing is supportedFor the first word, TAB lists possible command completions.Anywhere else TAB lists possible device/file completions :(16:09
coz_brontos,  pulse??16:09
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brontoscoz_, yeah pulseaudio16:10
bobthebuilderFoolsRun: doesnt the installation cd have a live thing on it? or am i mistaken16:10
coz_brontos,  oh   sorry... ok I am not the person to help with this issue...and if no one here can  try the #alsa channel  maybe  there is  #pulseaudio channel as well let me check16:10
purpzeycoz_: But I am running 9.04...These instructions are for Karmic...I can't find instructions for 9.04...16:10
coz_brontos,  there is indeed  #pulseaudio16:10
brontoscoz_, ok thanks16:11
coz_purpzey,  oh ok hold on16:11
FoolsRunbobthebuilder: it does, I'm just trying to think of ways you could fsck your disk without banging your head against the live environment any more :)16:11
welinuxrdavila: it Must work what's wrong with your version? http://itmages.ru/image/preview/47860/83ce54a216:11
bobthebuilderFoolsRun: i dont get why my usb live environment doesnt have fsck lol16:12
coz_purpzey,  actually  https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-wine/+archive/ppa   just  where it says  "Overview of all packages published in"  there is a pulldown menu for  ubuntu versions there16:12
rdavilawelinux: It works right now, the problem was that I've to close other firefox related programs(DownloadThemAll)16:13
welinuxrdavila: fine16:13
FoolsRunbobthebuilder: did you try apt-get install fsck?16:13
coz_rdavila,  well isnt firefox 4  beta ?16:13
bobthebuilderFoolsRun: i didnt only cause it didnt detect my network config, but ill try that now16:14
rdavilacoz_: yes it's, but you have to download a special build: http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/tryserver-builds/edward.lee@engineering.uiuc.edu-acd6f0c0fdaf/tryserver-linux/16:14
bobthebuilderFoolsRun: im trying to run this live system off a server edition, so it thinks im hardwired16:14
bobthebuilderFoolsRun: i think atleast16:14
coz_rdavila,  yes  understood...but it may not integrate well into the system  because it is beta  and therefor probably buggy as heck16:15
FoolsRunbobthebuilder: well... have a less complicated set up next time! ;)16:15
welinuxrdavila: http://paste.ubuntu.com/473567/ I even wrote a script for nightly builds downloadings16:15
bobthebuilderFoolsRun: ;/16:15
rdavilacoz_: yep, for that reason, you don't have to make it your main browser16:15
FoolsRunbobthebuilder: seriously though, a gparted livecd (http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php)  would probably do you.16:15
coz_rdavila,  understood :)16:15
mintAny way to un format  drive? Clicked wrong one on GParted amazed im not having heart attack yet16:16
rdavilawelinux: cool ;)16:16
FoolsRunmint: there isn't, no.16:16
welinuxthank you16:16
bobthebuilderFoolsRun: does it have X i dont know gparted commands well, just curious16:17
mintOh well needed to reinstall anyway, i suppose16:17
FoolsRunbobthebuilder: yes, it has X16:17
bobthebuilderFoolsRun: ok ty im gunna hafta try that16:17
mintAnything salvageable?16:18
bobthebuilderFoolsRun: fsck.ext4 -y /dev/sda1 is producing some output i havent seen yet, dunno if thats good or bad! lol16:18
blackxoredhow i can get chrome window border style for all my gtk/kde apps?16:18
blackxoredis it possible?16:18
welinuxlackxored: for what?16:19
xanguablackxored: there is an emerald amd metacity theme inspired by that16:19
xanguablackxored: here they are :) http://gnome-look.org/usermanager/search.php?username=solifex&action=contents16:20
blackxoredxangua, and kde apps?16:20
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xanguablackxored: no idea, you can try the emerald theme with compiz16:22
xanguaask in #kubuntu maybe¿¿16:22
rpetersonhey all, I am trying to recover my Grub2 partion here and wanted to make sure I assign the right mount points to things. is root ( / ) or /boot what I should assign to the main drive I had partioned to run Ubuntu from?16:22
MinasIs it possible by port scanner to find out in which port is eggdrop or bopm, if it is possibke by which scanner can I do?16:23
bobthebuilderFoolsRun: now its booting with no errors and hanging after the checks, awesome16:23
bihariquestion: i have downloded this http://www.metasploit.com/releases/framework-3.4.1-linux-i686.run16:24
FoolsRunbobthebuilder: hanging after the whatnow?16:24
bihariand i have used this command in my terminal chmod +x framework-3.4.0-linux-x86_64.run16:24
coz_bihari,  what is thi for?16:24
Oerbihari i think metasploit is not supported in #Ubuntu16:24
biharii got this message "chmod: cannot access `framework-3.4.0-linux-x86_64.run': No such file or directory16:24
FoolsRun"metasploit" sounds super legit16:24
bobthebuilderFoolsRun: i was able to run fsck.ext4 -y /dev/sda1, right after it enables like virtual box modules now its hanging16:25
blackxoredxangua, ok i'll try that16:25
sinurgelol @foolsrun16:25
sinurgebihari: what is it that you are trying to run16:25
FoolsRunbobthebuilder: try recovery mode?16:25
bobthebuilderFoolsRun: but i just pressed ESC and i see ubuntu loading bar moving so hopefully it will get me in...16:25
coz_bihari,  right click the sh file  go to properties  then Permissions tab  and tick the executable box and try again16:25
bobthebuilderFoolsRun: yea thats my next try i guess after this progress bar fills and does nothing16:25
fancybitwhere can I find the map relationship of the harddisks && /dev?16:25
coz_bihari,  do you have a web link for that  so I can check it out?16:26
bobthebuilderfancybit: 'df' in ur shell i think is wut u want16:26
bihariyes it yes wait16:26
welinuxbihari: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ sho the commands there16:26
glaucousIs there a repository for Peazip?16:26
fancybitthaks it works!16:26
MinasIs it possible by port scanner to find out in which port is eggdrop or bopm, if it is possibke by which scanner can I do?16:26
mintAny way to copy an entire iso to a USB16:26
abhijitbihari, first make it executable chmox +x ./filename.bin16:27
aeon-ltdmint: dd16:27
figure002glaucous: don't think so, i haven't found one so far16:28
Gibby13What is the CLI to launch the network gui manager?16:28
guampamint: there's a gui tool in system -> administration16:28
lunavoraxHi everyone !16:28
coz_lunavorax,  welcome16:28
glaucousfigure002: Hm okay.16:28
lunavoraxI have a problem w/ Ubuntu 10.04 on my MacBook Pro 5,316:28
abhijit!details | lunavorax16:29
ubottulunavorax: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:29
lunavoraxIt appears that the trackpad acts strangely, so I would like to deactivate the "drag and drog" functionnality of the trackpad.16:29
biharinow plz check this my status16:30
opijthe text on this page http://www.ubuntu.com/how-can-it-be-free is very lite and hard to read. can someone fix this for the benefit of the community?16:30
lunavoraxabhijit, I told you : Ubuntu 10.04 x64 on MacBook Pro 5,316:30
biharihttp://img706.imageshack.us/i/10324007.png/ screenshot16:30
Oerlunavorax, maybe this page is any help > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro5-3/Lucid16:30
Gibby13What is the CLI to launch the network gui manager?16:30
io!terminal | Gibby1316:30
ubottuGibby13: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal16:30
lunavoraxOer I already been there a couple of times, there's no help about this problem16:31
kingofabsintheпривет люди16:31
Oerlunavorax, it gives install instructions on your bmc597416:31
biharihttp://img706.imageshack.us/i/10324007.png/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/473571/16:31
lunavoraxIt's impossible  to deactivate drag and drop ?16:31
lunavoraxOer I've done it already16:31
FoolsRunbobthebuilder: how's it going?16:31
opij!flood | Pici16:31
ubottuPici: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:31
jgcampbell300can anyone tell me why this will not work ? ssh://username:password@
aeon-ltdGibby13: network-manager or gnome-network-manager why can't you launch it via gui?16:31
welinuxkingofabsinthe: инглиш16:31
binzooare there any good Web Application Security Testing Tools that can be run on ubuntu16:31
opij!ru kingofabsinthe16:31
chadihow do I make an ISO out of a CD?16:31
Gibby13i am in xfce for mythbuntu using NX since it is headless and it is not where it is supposed to be16:32
opij!ru | kingofabsinthe16:32
ubottukingofabsinthe: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:32
kingofabsintheхоть кто то рууский16:32
welinuxbihari: you are working from root?16:33
Piciopij: I'll be done soon.16:33
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marek_hey guys, i am a real noob in ubuntu. i installed savage 2 and some parts of the screen go white. i checked the forums and they said it is a problem with texture compression. tried to fix it using tutorials but it doesnt work16:33
ActionParsnipchadi: cd ~; dd if=/dev/cdrom of=~/image.iso16:33
bihariyes roo0t16:33
sinurgewelinux i do not think so16:33
biharithis one not root16:33
sinurgebihari pls use sudo chmod...16:33
chadiActionParsnip: any specific included app can do that by the way?16:33
lunavoraxSeriously, no help for my touchpad problem ?16:34
sinurgesudo chmod +x <filename>16:34
welinuxyes :) sudo chmod +x ./binary.bin16:34
welinuxor *.run16:34
marek_anybody has a different idea?16:34
bobthebuilderFoolsRun: hey whats your opinion on this: ubuntu progress bar is 100% for a long time doing nothing, it's not frozen tho16:35
biharichmod: cannot access `framework-3.4.0-linux-x86_64.run': No such file or directory16:35
cr333ddoes anyone know a good way to sync iphone in lucid lynx?16:35
bobthebuilderbihari: locate framework-3.4.0-linux-x86_64.run16:36
sinurgebihari: do u see the file when u do ls16:36
ActionParsnipchadi: included app? dd is part of a standard install16:36
mpreacherHi, I have set up vnc and remote desktop on my desktop at work to be able to access it over vpn from home. Network wise it's fine as I can see the login screen from both tools, but when I am not allowed to put in a password in either one of them as i see the password field being filled in with rubbish automatically and hence can't authenticate ... any idea?16:36
welinuxbihari: maybe begin from that? http://www.catb.org/esr/faqs/hacker-howto.html#skills116:36
chadiActionParsnip: Input/output error16:37
ActionParsnipchadi: try with sudo then.16:37
chadiActionParsnip: I did16:37
biharinops its not in ls16:37
biharinow i understand16:37
cr333di read http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-connect-iphoneipod-touch-using-usbin-karmicjauntyintrepidhardy.html but is slow16:37
ActionParsnipchadi: run: sudo lshw -C drive; sudo lshw -C disk     make sure you use the right name for the optical drive, you will see the /dev names in the output for the CD drive16:37
sinurgewelinux: the link is pretty good16:37
FoolsRunbobthebuilder: sit on it16:38
FoolsRunbobthebuilder: or try CTRL-ALT-F216:38
welinuxbihari: sudo find yourfile.run /16:38
chadiActionParsnip: /dev/scrom16:39
welinuxsinurge: ok thanks16:39
ActionParsnipchadi: ok, cool. adjust ;)16:39
sacarlson mpreacher I have done that before remote over VNC and it did work on Ubuntu 8.04.  can't you just backspace if it's already filled in16:39
chadiActionParsnip: I did that from the beginning: sudo dd if=/dev/cdrom of=CD1.iso16:40
=== rootcop is now known as trineox
bihariHumm its a nice article http://www.catb.org/esr/faqs/hacker-howto.html#skills116:40
Picibihari: Also offtopic.16:40
bihariyes :p16:40
welinuxbihari: right click in firefox downloading box on your file and choose open the downloading directory16:40
ActionParsnipchadi: burning apps also had image burners, I believe16:40
bihariyes i did that welinux16:40
biharibe right back16:41
chadiActionParsnip: can you list a few of these apps?16:41
tesujion a mostly idle system i have constant disk accesses - how can i find out what;s doing it?16:42
welinux Pici: look at that it's about ubuntu it's not offtopic yet http://www.catb.org/esr/faqs/hacker-howto.html#skills2 (But in 2006-2007, an actual best choice emerged: Ubuntu.)16:42
ActionParsnip!burning | chadi16:42
ubottuchadi: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto16:42
cristian_ciao raga siete italiani?16:42
chadiActionParsnip: thank you :)16:42
Piciwelinux: this channel is only for Ubuntu support. Other topics belong in #ubuntu-offtopic16:42
welinuxcristian_: #ubuntu-it?16:42
Pici!it | cristian_16:43
ubottucristian_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:43
ActionParsnipwelinux: ubuntu is not best in all situations16:43
welinuxPici: ok the rules16:43
ActionParsnipwelinux: thus not best16:43
chadibrasero outputs toc and cue files .. not iso :/16:43
welinuxActionParsnip: I know but it's the first for newbies16:43
ActionParsnipwelinux: i'd disagree. Ubuntu is the first to say its for Linux virgins. but its offtopic as pici says16:44
cristian_io non sono italiano !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!16:45
mtmFedora is better16:45
io!it | cristian_16:45
ubottucristian_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:45
mtmbut thats IMHO16:45
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:45
mtmDoes any other linux have a bible app then ubuntu?16:46
mtmout of the box16:46
jribmtm: probably christian ubuntu16:46
Oermtm bible is open source, not maintained.16:46
ActionParsnipmtm: churchpup16:46
mtmIm not knocking it16:47
mtmIm just ssayin16:47
mtmI know this guy who uses ubuntu too and he reads the bible16:47
xanguastop please mtm16:47
mtmIve never seen the bible in linux out of the box16:47
xangua!ot > mtm16:47
ubottumtm, please see my private message16:47
SandGorgonwhat app do you guys use (non coomandline) to encrypt data ?16:48
ActionParsnipmtm: churchpup is an alternative, also quit hammering ENTER, you are scrolling the channel16:48
abhijitSandGorgon, truecrypt16:48
mtmwhat is xangua's problem16:48
mtmare we not talking about linux?16:48
jribmtm: this channel is specifically for ubuntu support, not anything about linux/ubuntu16:49
BGL-[b]how fast of a cpu/machine do i need to run HD flash? :/16:49
abhijitmtm join #ubuntu-offtopic16:49
welinuxmtm: rules are the strength16:49
SandGorgonabhijit, i thought trucrypt was commandline on linux16:49
mtmlol anythign to control16:49
abhijitSandGorgon, i dont think so. just check their web site16:49
mtmnow i cant talk16:49
jpdsSandGorgon: You can use cryptsetup, which has graphical frontends.16:49
mtmI dont feel like going to that room16:50
jribmtm: that's fine, you don't have to.  But in this room please keep the discussion related to ubuntu support (and stop using enter to break up your sentences)16:50
jpdsSandGorgon: Such as the Disk Utility program in System → Admin.16:50
mtmIll do what i please16:50
welinuxmtm: we all working for solving https://launchpad.net/bugs/116:53
ActionParsnipwelinux: I'm not16:53
Piciwelinux: Hes gone.16:53
welinuxActionParsnip: and for what this channel for ?16:54
piercedwaterHello. I am getting the following error, which prevents me from booting: "initL ureadahead-other main process (687) terminated with status 4" I have read that this is an fstab issues. Can anyone help?16:54
ActionParsnipwelinux: supporting ubuntu.16:54
welinuxI mean that16:54
ikonia!topic > welinux16:55
ArchdaveTopic in #ubuntu is Topic in #ubuntu is !topic > welinux16:55
ubottuwelinux, please see my private message16:55
ArchdaveTopic in #ubuntu is !topic > welinux16:55
ActionParsnipwelinux: you lost me, it's also offtopic16:55
=== aatish is now known as darksifer
frantaHi! Anyone knows how to switch webcam to outdoor mode in ubuntu ?16:56
ikoniafranta: depends if your driver supports it16:56
frantait works in windows...16:56
ikoniafranta: you're not using windows though16:56
ikonia!anyone > piercedwater16:56
ubottupiercedwater, please see my private message16:56
anirvanaI have a dual boot system, what should be 'root=/dev/XXX ro 3' what should be XXX for me? Please help, I am loading the kernel :16:57
ikoniaanirvana: are you using 10.04 ~?16:57
Black_Princeanirvana pastebin your fdisk -l16:57
ActionParsnippiercedwater: boot to livecd and fsck your partitions16:57
anirvanaI am using 9.04 ikonia16:57
ikoniaanirvana: ok, so the /dev/xxx should be the device file for your root file system, eg: /ev/sda116:57
frantaikonia: I know...:) but I think I have switched it earlier but I can't remember how... v4l2ucp doesn't show anything related ... it's genius ilook 111 it uses gspca driver16:58
piercedwaterActionParnsip: do I have to format?16:58
anirvanaikoni , are you sure xxx=sda116:58
ActionParsnippiercedwater: no, just make sure the partitions are healthy16:58
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piercedwaterActionParnsip: ok, I'll try that16:58
anirvanaikoni , Actually I tried this but when I tried boot command I couldn't the filesystem devices16:59
sacarlsonanirvana you would have to run fdisk or gparted to find out what your disk are called but sda and sdb is what I see  so sda1 or sda2 if you only have one disk16:59
anirvanaikoni , Actually I tried this but when I tried boot command It couldn't load the filesystem devices16:59
frantaikonia: what would one use to switch it ? v4l2ucp ?16:59
ikoniaanirvana: what's the exact error16:59
ikoniafranta: I have no idea16:59
zulgabanmy old p4 my wife called it a "door-stopper" has been revived and now runs ubuntu lucid lynx complete as an isp-level mail server for my own family use XD. i thought it was dead after 10 years being a "door-stopper"...16:59
anirvanaikonia : I am fixing this "Minimal BASH like line editing is supportedFor the first word, TAB lists possible command completions.Anywhere else TAB lists possible device/file completions"16:59
chadihow can I know if ubuntu is recognizing my IR receiver?17:00
anirvanaikonia : thus I am loading the grub manually17:00
ActionParsnipzulgaban: linux on average uses less resources than windows, specially in the installation footprint ;)17:00
mr_haiis b43-fwcutter installed in 10.04 ?17:00
Black_Princeanirvana type ls in grub rescue menu17:00
ikoniaanirvana: the device file needs to be the device file for the root file system, thats all it should be17:00
sacarlsonanivana I also had to modify my /etc/fstab to not use that id number and just use the /dev/sdaX17:00
ActionParsnipmr_hai: i believe its optional but should be on the install CD17:00
anirvanaBlack_Prince : I did that17:01
Black_PrinceSo what do you get?17:01
zulgabanActionParsnip: i am glad i learned linux esp. ubuntu a few years back XD17:01
anirvanaBlack_Prince : (loop0) (hda0) (hda..) ( )...17:01
Black_Princedo you have any other operating systems installed?17:01
ikoniaanirvana: are you sure it's not hd0 and not hda017:01
cristian_chi siete??????17:02
ikoniaanirvana: grub references hd0 not hda, and for the root devices it should be sdx(something)17:02
Black_Princehd0 is hda117:02
anirvanaBlack_Prince , ikonia : sorry, Its hd017:02
Black_Princehd1 is hda217:02
Black_PrinceSorry my mistake, hd0 is hda and hd1 is hdb17:03
ikoniaBlack_Prince: don't reference hda/hdb17:03
anirvanaso what should I do now?17:03
ikoniaBlack_Prince: 9.04 uses a later libata which references ALL disks as scsi, so sda, sdb, sdc etc17:03
frantaisn't it like hd(0,1) ?17:03
frantafor hda 117:03
piercedwaterHow do I remove an Fstab entry if ubuntu won't boot?17:04
Black_PrinceWhat grub version does 9.04 use? Legacy or v2 ?17:04
jribpiercedwater: live cd17:04
piercedwaterok thanks17:04
sacarlsonpiercedwater ya live cd will do it17:04
aguitelBlack_Prince, legacy17:04
frantaor maybe single user mode?17:04
anirvanaBlack_Prince , ikonia : I have a dual boot system, so I am going to restart to find the output of fdisk command.Any other command I should try?17:05
Kevin07Hello all!17:05
Kevin07I have a user question / issue17:05
Aaron2hey guys , I have installed ubuntu (fresh 10.04) from USB (after it wont boot from CD or USB , usb boots only with nomodeset parm) now screen goes black after choosing ubuntu from grub and system seems to be up (can hear startup audio playing) yet screen is blacked out. (with "nomodeset" on from grub I get CAPSLOCK and SCROLLLCOK leds blinking and system hang black screened) what can I do to fix that ?17:05
Kevin07I guess when I installed or created my main user I had a typo?17:05
abhijit!ask | Kevin0717:05
ubottuKevin07: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:05
sacarlsonanirvana gparted works also if you have a x11 system up17:05
Kevin07My fault17:05
anirvanaBlack_Prince , ?17:05
Black_PrinceI didn't want anything17:06
Black_Princetry booting off live cd if you have it17:06
Kevin07Well, you can see the issue here: kevin:x:1000:1000:kevin,,,:/home/kevin:/bin/bash17:06
Kevin07the three commas17:06
anirvanasacarlson , what do you mean? :(17:06
Kevin07They show up when I mail ppl17:06
sacarlsonanirvana but fdisk will work in any command window and that's all you need17:06
s0crateshi I was wondering how to get internet address of an audio stream that I get via flash. Can I monitor http traffic and see where a connection is established when I hit play?17:06
ActionParsnipAaron2: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/caps-lock-and-scroll-lock-flashing-47433/17:06
scott__I have an issue with xorg that I can't seem to solve. First, I have no xorg.conf file anywhere on my system, and when I try to run xorg -configure I get told to basically go fish. Can someone please help me?17:06
Kevin07How can i get rid of the commas? I didn't dare just delete them from the passwd file17:06
=== spiros is now known as spyrosebastos
ikoniaKevin07: delete it from the password file, or delete the user totally and re-add it17:07
ActionParsnipscott__: run: Xorg --configure    in a root recovery console, should be fine17:07
biharioki guys i have downloded this "framework-3.4.1linux-i686.run in my root directory folder and when i am using sudo chmod +x framework-3.4.0-linux-x86_64.run i getchmod: cannot access `framework-3.4.0-linux-x86_64.run': No such file or directory17:07
bihari 17:07
Kevin07It will not give me a problem logging in right?17:07
mr_haiActionParsnip, will it require an internet connection to activate the drivers for the bcm chip?17:07
scott__thats from the boot menu?17:07
anirvanaBlack_Prince , sacarlson : After typing fdisk -1 , what should I look for? How do I find XXX from its output?17:07
Kevin07I believe that section is just an 'alias' for the user17:07
sacarlsonanirvana all you need as super user is fdisk -l  to get a list of disk that you system sees17:07
Kevin07And changing it shouldn't do anything bad17:07
aeon-ltdbihari: double check, cd into that folder again and use tab completion to reduce errors17:07
Black_Princecan you copy it?17:07
kagekageKevin07, you can also go here http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-change-rename-user-name-id/17:08
ikoniaKevin07: it's not an alias17:08
dublinchorehi.  can someone help me out with this boot problem. i installed the b43 broadcom driver on my netbook but my boot still hangs on this line 3/4 of the time : b43-pci-bridge 000:02:00.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 16 (level, low) -> IRQ 1617:08
ikoniaKevin07: /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow are the real files that hold your real user data17:08
kagekageKevin07, that should allow you to change your login-name easily17:08
Kevin07Now that is nice17:08
Kevin07To be ran with root permissions im sure17:08
sacarlsonanirvana just send us what you see you should see the sdaX  that are seen on your system17:08
kagekageYes, with root17:09
bihariaeon-ltd,  its says "Could not open the file /home/roo0t/framework-3.4.1-linux-i686.run."17:09
biharigedit has not been able to detect the character coding.17:09
bihariPlease check that you are not trying to open a binary file.17:09
bihariSelect a character coding from the menu and try again.17:09
Kevin07You do know that i can normally just login with 'kevin' , i don't need the commas to login17:09
ponderacould anyone direct me to a guid on installing ubuntu server on vmware17:09
Aaron2ActionParsnip: the system wont even finish booting will stuck right after "..sensors limit [OK]"  and its a clean install .. what actions should I take ?17:09
Kevin07I think it a 'real name'17:10
ubottuVMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware17:10
Kevin07with the commas17:10
littlepenguinpondera start vmware create new machine insert iso for boot and install17:10
justinstalledluci have just installed ubuntu 10.04 . I liked the chat widget in top right panel. Is there anyway to get my frnds list without starting empathy?17:10
ponderano special settings littlepemgiom ?17:10
Pici!who | Kevin0717:10
ubottuKevin07: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:10
littlepenguinpondera you should adjust the amount of ram aso17:11
ActionParsnipAaron2: hold down shift before grub loads and select root recovery, you can do stuff there17:11
ponderalittlepenguin thanks alot17:11
Kevin07ubottu: Good idea, Im in terminal so I cannot tell how large really...i do see lots of typing though17:11
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:11
blinkybgwibber doesnt play sound when someone leaves me a message. settings are already on for sounds. what could be wrong??17:11
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bihari? any one here? who can help me17:12
littlepenguinwhats up bihari17:12
littlepenguinjust ask17:12
dublinchoreanyone can help me with the broadcom b43 drivers?17:12
xanguablinkyb: i see no gwibber sound notification option17:12
piercedwaterI booted from Live CD, after verifying the CD's integrity, it rebooted and my system still won't boot passed the BIOS, even with Live CD inserted.17:12
bihariNOne special without this metaspoilt frame work17:12
littlepenguinhah <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about iq17:12
ActionParsnip!broadcom  | dublinchore17:12
ubottudublinchore: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx17:12
justinstalledlucI just installed lucid lynx. I liked the chat widget in top right panel. Is there anyway to get my frnds list without starting empathy?17:12
xanguablinkyb: only visual notification17:12
biharii am trying to install this metaspoilt on ubuntu17:12
blinkybxangua: empathy sorry17:12
justinstalledlucright from desktop istelf?17:13
littlepenguinyes biahari wehats the problem17:13
xanguablinkyb: sorry, i don't use empathy17:13
Black_Princepiercedwater have you setup your bios boot from cd before booting from hard drive?17:13
bihariframework-3.4.1-linux-i686.run i have downloded this17:13
sacarlsonpiercedwater: does your screen go black or do you see an error?17:13
bihariand i dont know what to do next17:13
ActionParsnipbihari: http://www.metasploit.com/redmine/projects/framework/wiki/Install_Ubuntu17:14
piercedwaterBlack_Prince: Yes. When I remove my USB HDD it boots to CD. I think it is something with my USB HDD17:14
xanguajustinstalledluc: is not a chat widget, it's for posting new updates to your soccial accounts17:14
welinux bihari: find aaa.run /17:14
littlepenguinyes bihari open a terminal go into folder where the script is and type ./framework-3.4.1-linux-i686.run17:14
pepper_hazedoes anyone here know how you can add commands to the command line?17:14
bihariActionParsnip,  i just go through it17:14
justinstalledlucxangua: thnx :) so can I see my online frnds list right from there?17:14
ActionParsnippepper_haze: you can use aliases in ~/.bashrc or make executable files in $PATH17:14
littlepenguinpepper you mean own conmmands??you can do it with alias17:14
xanguajustinstalledluc: no17:15
Black_Princepiercedwater you are using USB hard drive?17:15
piercedwaterYes, I have internals as well17:15
Black_PrinceWhat is your bios?17:15
justinstalledlucxangua: ok17:15
biharibash: ./framework-3.4.1-linux-i686.run: Permission denied << it says17:15
pepper_hazeActionParsnip, what is ~/.bashrc?17:16
piercedwaterBlack_Prince AMIBIOS 200117:16
littlepenguinbihari make it executable first with sudo chmod +x framework.-...-i686.run17:16
Kevin07Kagekage: Im not trying to change the login name of the user, as I can login normall with just 'kevin'.  The annoyance i have here is when i email some1 it shows up as 'kevin,,,@myserver.com'17:16
Kevin07kagekage: kevin:x:1000:1000:kevin,,,:/home/kevin:/bin/bash17:16
ActionParsnippepper_haze: open it in gedit, you will see the aliases already defined for you17:17
Kevin07kagekage: the login is good but the second name is no good17:17
biharichmod: cannot access `framework.-...-i686.run': No such file or directory17:17
PiciKevin07: chfn17:17
pepper_hazeActionParsnip, what path is it located in?17:17
littlepenguinbihari you should name the file correctly17:17
Picibihari: You need to put in the actual name of the file there.17:17
scott__how do you get to the recovery menu upon boot?17:17
scott__I pressed escape and got squat17:17
ActionParsnippepper_haze: ~/.bashrc is the absolute file17:18
Oerscott__, press left SHIFt at boot.17:18
scott__thank you oer17:18
ActionParsnippepper_haze: or /home/$USER/.bashrc    or $HOME/.bashrc17:18
piercedwaterCan I run fsck from the netinstall CD?17:18
Kevin07pici: chfn?17:18
marginoferrorHello.  Can anyone help me figure out why control-alt-F* does not switch to console in my 10.04 install?17:18
anirvanafdisk command isn't working.How do I find XXX now?17:18
PinkSombreroIm new here17:18
PiciKevin07: Its a cli command to change your fullname information.17:18
PinkSombreroCould i get some help?17:18
scott__I'm sure I'll be back, been bashing on this dang this for over an hour just trying to get xorg to give me a frakking config file17:18
Pici!ask | PinkSombrero17:18
ubottuPinkSombrero: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:18
PinkSombreroOh, okay ^^17:19
PinkSombreroI didnt want to be intrusive17:19
Black_Princepiercedwater is your bios like this one? http://obrazki.elektroda.net/67_1235056901.jpg17:19
PinkSombreroWell, ive been trying to install ubuntu for the past while17:19
anirvanaI repeat my question, what should be XXX for 'root=/dev/XXX ro 3' I am loading my kernel17:19
PinkSombreroAs in, noon yesterday17:19
ghatuhello using karmic when i connect gsm phone to pc via usb to connect to net, no problem i can browse. i want to know when i connect usb to pc it shows some messges " GSM Network Disconnected you are now ofline " what does this messg mean ?17:19
RadaHi, i'm trying to pull a prank at the office and for this I need an app that can draw me a grid of any size. Also it should be easy to paste text into this grid.17:19
piercedwaterBlack_Prince: similar, yes17:19
Kevin07Pici: when i chfn it actually doesn't let me change the fullname it skips that, but it shows just Kevin then goes on17:19
anirvanaand fdisk -1 isn't valid17:19
Black_PrinceAnd is CDROM first boot device?17:19
RadaAnybody got an idea?17:19
bihariis it a right command "sudo chmod +x framework-3.4.1-linux-i686.run"17:19
piercedwaterYes Black_prince17:19
piercedwaterBlack_PrinceL I disconnected the USB HDD and now I can boot into Netinstall CD. I dont know what to do from there?17:20
littlepenguinyes bihari if its the right name of the file you want to make executable17:20
PiciKevin07: Try: chfn -f "Kevin Lastname"17:20
IdleOne!details | PinkSombrero17:20
ubottuPinkSombrero: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:20
PinkSombreroIm typing my question up right now ??17:20
bihariroo0t@root-0s:~$ sudo chmod +x framework-3.4.1-linux-i686.run roo0t@root-0s:~$17:20
biharinuthing happen17:21
littlepenguinyes biahri its done17:21
littlepenguinnow its executable17:21
sacarlsonPinkSombrero:  all I know is you want to install ubuntu so what have you done?17:21
PinkSombreroIm typing mah question up, give me a minute17:21
=== luist_ is now known as luist
bihari./framework-3.4.1-linux-i686.run << now this one17:21
littlepenguinnow use ./framework....-i686.run17:21
anirvanasacarlson , Black_Prince : fdisk not working :(17:21
welinuxpepper_haze: add aliases there http://itmages.ru/image/preview/47874/e46440af17:21
=== bastidrazor is now known as bastid_raZor
Radaoh nevermind17:22
HHxIs there a way to save updates to disk (due to no internet) rather than using apt-get?17:22
Black_Princeanirvana have you booted from Live CD?17:22
sacarlsonanirvana: you must be super user17:22
anirvanaBlack_Prince : no17:22
sacarlsonanirvana: try sudo fdisk17:22
anirvanasacarlson I get the error 'invalid command'17:22
bihariError: The installer must be executed as the root user. its says at the bottom17:23
ponderaif i install ubunterserver with a bridges network using vmware can i access it from the internet using portforwarding ?17:23
sacarlsonanirvana: did you try sudo fdisk and get that?17:23
anirvanasacarlson I didn't try with sudo17:23
=== AaronMT_ is now known as AaronMT
ActionParsnipbihari: use tab to complete the name of the file17:23
Black_Princeanirvana on what system are you now?17:23
IdleOnebihari: sudo ./framework-3.4.1-linux-i686.run17:23
littlepenguinpondera its handled as an own machine in the network17:23
PinkSombreroAnd it isnt working very well. The download keeps screwing up and stuff. It ends up stopping halfway through and not starting up again, or it only downloads like half of it yet says its downloaded completely so I decided to ignore that and see if it would work anyways, but it wouldnt. So ive decided to download it again so that i can burn the iso to my flash drive and boot my netbook up from the flash drive, since thats apparentl17:23
sr_rules@ pondera ya its possible17:24
PinkSombreroShit, thats one wall of text.17:24
piercedwaterHow do I get to a terminal window from the Net Install CD?17:24
anirvanaI got this error :Minimal BASH like line editing is supportedFor the first word, TAB lists possible command completions.Anywhere else TAB lists possible device/file completions and I am at grub prompt| sacarlson Black_Princ17:24
anirvanaI got this error :Minimal BASH like line editing is supportedFor the first word, TAB lists possible command completions.Anywhere else TAB lists possible device/file completions and I am at grub prompt| Black_Prince17:24
IdleOne!usb > PinkSombrero17:25
ubottuPinkSombrero, please see my private message17:25
Black_Princepiercedwater https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/Netboot17:25
bihariyes thanks ActionParsnip  and IdleOne17:25
IdleOne!md5 > PinkSombrero17:25
Black_Princeis that maybe what you are looking for?17:25
Black_Princeanirvana, do you have Ubuntu Live CD?17:25
sacarlsonanirvana: this is as far as you get in a boot CD?  you must only get to grub command prompt17:25
piercedwaterwow you guys are a real big help17:26
anirvanaBlack_Prince : No17:26
Black_Princeanirvana do you have other operating systems on that machine?17:26
anirvanasacarlson : No I didn't, after a power failure when I restarted I got this error17:26
anirvanaBlack_Prince : yes, windows(I am using it right now)17:27
Black_PrinceWas windows installed before or after Ubuntu?17:27
mythrilupdate-grub has been stalling every time I try to update my Kernel (via the graphical Update Manager), how do I find out what is going wrong?17:27
Kevin07Pici: permission denied!17:27
sacarlson anirvana: sounds like you need a live boot and do a fsck thing to fix you boot disk17:27
anirvanasacarlson : what should I do now?17:28
=== coolie is now known as coolie2
bihariroo0t@root-0s:~$ sudo chmod +x framework-3.4.1- << this will execute the file? right17:28
sacarlson anirvana: try a live cd boot17:28
Kevin07pici: and when i sudo to do it, nothing changed within passwd17:28
anirvanasacarlson I don't have live cd :(17:29
bastid_raZorbihari: no, it will make the file able to be executed17:29
sacarlson anirvana: is there any other boot partions on any of you disks?17:29
c3lhow do I link to a file /foo/bar in my http server that has its root at /var/www?17:29
Black_Princeanirvana have you installed ubuntu before or after windows?17:29
anirvanasacarlson : I have installed ubuntu on my windows, I never created a new free partition for ubuntu17:30
sacarlson anirvana: without at least a single user boot not much you can do17:30
anirvanaBlack_Prince : over windows(after)17:30
bihari./framework-3.4.1-linux-i686.run << now this one17:30
Black_Princeyou may try using sda5 in kernel line17:30
ActionParsnipbihari: as long as that is the 100% correct filename, including case, yes17:30
Kevin07I see my problem is within the User ID section17:30
sacarlson anirvana: ok then use window to download a boot disk or maybe you have an iso file already to burn or try17:30
Black_Princeroot (hd0,4)17:31
Kevin07I need to change that to just kevin17:31
Kevin07user ID info17:31
bihariok i have writeen this command in my copy :p so that i can remeber thats why i am asking again17:31
ikoniaKevin07: a.) use the gui b.) use usermod17:31
anirvanaBlack_Prince : ?17:31
Black_Princekernel /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda5 ro17:31
Black_Princeinitrd /initrd17:31
Kevin07ikonia: no gui (ubuntu server)17:31
Black_Princetry this in grub rescue menu17:31
Kevin07ill check usermod17:31
ikoniaKevin07: then you need to learn how to admin a server17:32
mhbmy Wireless cant Work on Ubuntu 10.1017:32
Kevin07ikonia: I never had this problem before17:32
ikoniaKevin07: usermod will allow you to change user credentials from the command line17:32
ikoniamhb: 10.10 discussion in the #ubuntu+1 channel please17:32
mythrilupdate-grub is stalling for me, is there anywhere I can look to find out what is going wrong?17:32
lighterhii, i would like to know if there is a way to send files over lan...... please let me know, if you know any :)17:32
sacarlsonmhb: that sucks hope you don't have broadcom wifi device.  I never got mine to work but they say they will17:33
anirvanaBlack_Prince , sacarlson : I am trying those commands http://pastebin.com/bUNTkwuA17:33
ikonialighter: many ways, can you provide more detail of what you want17:33
biharimhb, check this out https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-nettool/+question/11506617:33
ioKevin07: That isn't something you have done wrong, it often inserts commas. What difference does it make?17:33
Black_Princetry this17:33
Black_Princewhoops thats yours, anirvana try these http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/YiJtzQXa17:34
Kevin07io: well when i email it shows up and thats weird ie: kevin,,, (kevin@mydomain.com)17:34
Kevin07who the heck wants taht?!?17:34
Kevin07and also i noticed that when i installed mysql it put ",,," after it also17:34
batshwahi, everybody.  i've got a problem with mandb: the processes man[-]db freeze my pc whenever they run in the background (which happens quite often per default).  the cpu is not at 100% but the system takes no input at all.  after 4-5 minutes the system recovers, dmesg showing a i/o error at some sector on my hard drive.  does anybody know how to look for a solution to this problem?17:34
Kevin07mysql:x:105:111:MySQL Server,,,:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/false17:34
ikoniaKevin07: what are you talking about ??17:34
ikoniaKevin07: you said you wanted to change your user credentials, now you're referncing your email from address ??17:34
sacarlsonanirvana:  If you are looking to find a working boot I think I would try a supergrub boot disk17:35
Kevin07its not email from address17:35
Kevin07its in passwd file17:35
ioKevin07: "usermod -c "FirstName LastName" <user>".17:35
ikoniaKevin07: what command are you using ?17:35
sacarlsonanirvana: this is the broken after power fail so that might find a fix for you  supergrub17:36
ioLikely that his e-mail client fetches the real name field from the user credentials, same as irssi etc.17:36
Kevin07ikonia: whats good?17:36
ikoniaKevin07: I didn't say anything about good17:36
Euthanatosis there some way i can record libvisual into an MPEG stream?17:36
ikoniaKevin07: I asked what command you are using to change the credentials (exactly what command)17:36
sacarlsonanirvana:  otherwize try the ubuntu live cd boot with fsck to test the disk for errors17:36
ioKevin07: The command is above, anyhow.17:36
Kevin07io: that you, that worked17:37
anirvanasacarlson what is supergrub boot disk?17:37
ponderai just installed ubuntu server,  is there a gui i can access or is it all command prompt ?17:37
=== swajr is now known as swaj
ioKevin07: Yes, the man pages also tend to work.17:37
Kevin07io: im in them17:37
icerootpondera: ssh, why installed ubuntu-server if you want a gui?17:37
littlepenguinpondera server is without xserver17:37
Kevin07io: for man chfn17:37
xanguapondera: comand, that's why it's server17:37
Kevin07i was trying chfn -f17:37
ikoniapondera: why did you not install ubuntu desktop ?17:37
ikoniapondera: that comes with a lot of tools ready to go ?17:37
ponderai just wanted to mess around with the server i though it had been like for instance windows server that has a gui17:38
Kevin07Thank you for help, I didn't appreciate the harshness but I have a hard shell17:38
littlepenguinpondera fe you could install webmin and access the webgui through network17:38
anirvanaBlack_Prince : Are those the complete commands? just /initrd17:38
ikoniapondera: the desktop and the server are the same core package, using the desktop version would be a better learning tool17:39
icerootpondera: ubuntu-server is the same as the normal ubuntu but without x-server ad with pae-kernel17:39
mamathi, how can i get a list of installed packages? like 'dpkg -l' but with just package names of installed ones17:39
ponderai seee17:39
icerootpondera: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop to have the gui17:39
ikoniapondera: I suggest you install the desktop version, it's just as good a product for a home user and has a lot of useful tools to help you learn17:39
Black_Princeanirvana /initrd is symlink to /boot/initrd.img-2.6.xx-xx-generic17:39
icerootpondera: but remeber, a real server does not need a gui, its just a useless waste to have a gui on a server17:39
ponderaausome thanks so much for the info17:40
Black_Princewhoops it is /initrd.img17:40
anirvanaBlack_Prince : Ah ok and just 'ro' not 'ro 3' ?17:40
ponderaiceroot good point , but i should learn in the gui first17:40
Kevin07ikonia: Many learning users have been BOLDLY told to install ubuntu-server because "ubuntu-desktop" is less secure.17:40
ikoniaKevin07: no it's not17:40
Kevin07and for a server...most of them don't have monitors17:40
ikoniaKevin07: the desktop version is not less secure than the server version17:40
icerootKevin07: never heard someone saying that17:40
littlepenguinbut the version depends on the needs17:40
ikoniaKevin07: you don't need a monitor for the desktop version17:41
Black_PrinceI just used ro17:41
ikoniaKevin07: but as he's asking for a gui - I'm assuming he has a monitor17:41
Black_Princechange initrd line to "initrd /initrd.img"17:41
anirvanaBlack_Prince : brb after restarting and trying those commands17:41
Kevin07Agreed, VNC does exist as well17:41
ActionParsnipKevin07: lots of apps have web interfaces so vnc often isnt needed17:42
scott__ok this thing can't be any more difficult. I can't get my recovery console to show because the frakking graphics won't work. Xorg is hosed and I can't get to any point ppl are telling me to fix it. HELP!!!! I am stuck in 800x600 resolution on a 1920x1600 screen!!!!!!17:42
ikoniaKevin07: that still doesn't change the fact of he doesn't need the sever install17:42
ikoniascott__: that low resolution is usable to fix the issue17:42
chadiActionParsnip: dd didn't work because it's an audio CD, fyi :)17:43
scott__yeah no kidding .... how do I get out of it??  it won't change and I can't see the recovery console to run xorg --configure17:43
ikoniascott__: first of all, what video card do you have ?17:43
scott__I have the intel package for g43/g45 and I have the xorg-intel package AND it says its installed (but obviously not working)17:44
ikoniascott__: what exact video card do you have17:44
scott__intel g43/g45 integrated17:44
ikoniascott__: ok - so this is a laptop ?17:44
scott__no, desktop17:45
ikoniascott__: ok, can you open a terminal on your messed up resolution ?17:45
ikoniascott__: (I assume this is a 10.04 install)17:45
scott__yes, 10.4 ... I can open a terminal now under this 800x60017:45
ikoniascott__: great, first to "ls -la /etc/X11/xorg.conf" does it return a file ?17:46
Kevin07ikonia: When exactly would you recommend the server install, if you don't mind me asking? Or is it completely worthless to you?17:46
Euthanatosi can't be the first to want to do this but i can't find anything anywhere on recording visualizations from libvisual to an mpeg stream17:46
ikoniaKevin07: on enterprise class server hardware17:46
Kevin07and im really not trying to be a dork17:46
scott__no it does not17:46
ikoniascott__: that's good17:46
scott__I'll take your word for it at this point ;-)17:47
ikoniascott__: so what you need is a very basic xorg configuration and then to force the xorg.conf to use the "intel" driver17:47
ActionParsnipchadi: ok the burning aps may work. Ive not made an ISO in tiiiiime17:47
ikoniascott__: if you do an "sudo init 1" it will drop you into single user mode and you can then do your xorg -configure line17:48
scott__thru terminal?17:48
ikoniascott__: correct17:48
scott__ok, stand by ... I'll be back! lol17:48
chadiActionParsnip: yeah, using k3b right now17:48
Kevin07ikonia: so, basicly a brand new server w/ 6 core processor, 8GB ram ,etc in a true server case or a rack mounted machine in a climate controlled environment would be a candidate for ubuntu-server?17:48
mamathi, how can i get a list of the names of the packages i have installed?17:48
Kevin07other than that...go desktop?17:48
ikoniaKevin07: doesn't have to be brand new, just a true server architecture, or a real requirment for a stripped back server install on supported hardware17:49
ikoniamamat: dpkg -l17:49
bastid_raZorubottu: tell mamat about clone17:49
ubottumamat, please see my private message17:49
ActionParsnipchadi: it uses qtlibs so you wil have pulled down a whole bunch of extra gumf, if it fits the bill then I guess the hit is sanctioned17:49
mamatbastid_raZor: nice thx, looks like the kinda stuff i'm trying to do17:50
Kevin07ikonia: a machine that will handle a heck of a lot of load doing many different tasks, running 50% cpu utilization quite often...im getting what your saying17:50
bastid_raZormamat: you're welcome.17:50
sacarlsonmamat:  dpkg --get-selections17:50
Kevin07stripped back so it can fully dedicate its cpu to doing what it needs to do17:50
shezaanyone know why my 10.04 desktop randomly corrupted /dev/hda1 my default hardrive17:51
Kevin07ikonia: you're an alright person, i like you.  i thought you were attacking me before, my apologies17:51
ikoniaKevin07: no, load has nothing to do with it, the desktop will handle that load just fine17:51
ikoniaKevin07: but your in the right area in that a "professional" use17:52
shezagnome failed, boot failed, test said corrupted17:52
hron85Hi! how can i tell gdm to keep started up even if xorg not running? I would like create a headless vnc server, but gdm stops working so i cannot use as login manager17:52
Kevin07roger that17:52
XBMC|UserHello, Everyone17:52
XBMC|UserHello, Everyone17:52
XBMC|UserHello, Everyone17:52
XBMC|UserHello, Everyone17:52
FloodBot3XBMC|User: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:52
mamatbastid_raZor: your aptitude command just uses /var/lib/dpkg/status? i've got a backup version of the file from a crashed harddrive... i can just copy the file in temporarily?17:52
shezadont wanna reinstall, i CAN get all of the stuff back as i have backups on my server17:53
shezabut im not sure why it would happem17:53
shezawhen nothing at the time had root17:53
Kevin07ikonia: Honestly, I did it mostly so that I could learn from the bottom up, and I have learned quite a bit so far with much more to come. I appreciate you're patience with me. Thanks again!17:54
ActionParsnipsheza: boot to livecd and fsck the partition, you can use the -a switch to make it autofix stuff17:54
Kevin07ikonia: i Do run ubuntu desktop for my main machine at home17:54
shezaActionParsnip: already done17:54
KaiForcei have a script that mounts a USB drive and starts SAMBA because the location of the mount is a SAMBA share.  Frequently, when I run the "unmount" script, it won't let me unmount because it says it is in use.  I stop samba before I unmount, and lsof reveals nothing.  Any idea what I can do to cleanly unmount this?17:54
shezafsck -a ; fsck -y ;17:55
irulewhat is the correct way to use 2 nics with a wingle IP address?17:55
bastid_raZormamat: i do not know.17:55
ActionParsnipKaiForce: is the pwd in the same location as the mount? This will also tie up the device ;)17:55
walilohi, plese help i've some problems with my keybords (hp dv6 1253) , i want to configure my remot conrol an now some keys aren"t work17:55
bjhaidi am trying to create a workgroup between my ubutntu 9.10 machine and an xp machine, the xp machine connects but i cannot ping, can anyone help please17:55
KaiForceActionParsnip - hmmm, i should have thought of that.  Let me see....17:56
Slartirule: have you checked out "network interface bonding" ? not really sure if that's what you're looking for but it might be a start17:56
kayvanhi everybody17:56
kayvani wana chat with Persian17:56
ActionParsnipbjhaid: what can't ping what?17:56
scott__Ikonia -- no luck. Graphics went rainbow on me and I couldn't see anything to type. I tried blind typing it, and it sounded like it was doing something, then nothing. No file generated17:56
fishcookeri've got problem on the ntp...17:57
walilohow could i return to the defaut configuration17:57
laurhy...who helps me pls ?17:57
fishcookeractually i wanto syncronice the subnet to the one server onthe subnet17:57
ikoniascott__: in that case hang on17:57
scott__will do17:57
walilohow could i return to the defaut configuration of the keyboard17:57
ponderalittlepenguin may i pm u ?17:57
laurhy...who helps me pls ? pls prv me17:57
littlepenguinyes for sure17:57
azmHi, I have loaded iwl wifi module but cant run master mode with intel wireless17:57
paul_____hi, I'm getting a 'failed to mount /etc/fstab' error on mount that I can just skip and it works, can anyone take a look at my fstab file?17:58
azmI thought this issue is solved for 10.0417:58
KaiForceAction_Parsnip:  I don't think pwd was same as mount, but I added some code to the script to make sure.17:58
xangualaur: use plain english please17:58
iruleslart I guess so thanks Ill look it up17:58
ikoniascott__: darn, I've not got my intel one to hand, you need someone in here with a generic /etc/X11/xorg.conf to pastebin it fo ryou, so you can put it on your box and use it as a bass17:58
xangua!help | laur17:58
ubottulaur: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:58
ikoniascott__: you may also get one from the guys in the #xorg channel17:59
nsdpaul_____: sure, just put it in the ubuntu pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17:59
scott__you mean as in paste and create one by hand, then edit it?17:59
nsdanyone know the software sources program executable name? I don't have it on this system and need to install it17:59
fishcookerany pointer to setting ntpserver on the subnet?!17:59
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paul_____nsd: http://paste.ubuntu.com/473608/ here it is18:00
ActionParsnipazm: tried configuring it in /etc/network/interfaces ?18:00
sacarlsonnsd:  I think you must mean synaptic?18:00
paul_____nsd: i changed the uuuid but i was getting the same problem18:01
Slartnsd: it's called "software-center" on my system..18:01
nsdsacarlson: no, not synaptic -- there's another program that lets you just set software sources graphically -- if you could ls /usr/bin | grep sources that'd be great18:01
azmActionParsnip, nope, I did not found wiki page about it. This file now just contains: auto lo and iface lo18:01
nsdSlart: I don't think it's that18:01
ActionParsnipfishcooker: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/network-time-protocol-ntp-server-and-clients-setup-in-ubuntu.html18:01
waliloplease how can i return to the defaut configuration of the keyboard18:02
wineuserHi, how do I know which nVidia driver to use for my card (which one from the repos I mean)18:02
Slartnsd: you mean the Ubuntu software center.. user friendly synaptic.. searching for apps and installing them?18:02
ActionParsnipazm: thats normal, you havent added any config18:02
fishcookerbut it cant synchronize, action*18:02
mugwort13does xorg have 3d support for Intel NM10 Express?18:02
paul_____um...anyone else care to take a look at my fstab and tell me why i'm getting a 'could not load fstab' error on startup? http://paste.ubuntu.com/473608/18:02
ActionParsnipazm: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/MasterMode18:02
anirvanaBlack_Prince : why did you set hd0,4 ?18:02
xanguawineuser: system>administracion>hardware support, wich one recomends¿18:02
Slart!info software-center | nsd18:03
ubottunsd: software-center (source: software-center): Utility for browsing, installing, and removing applications. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.7 (lucid), package size 272 kB, installed size 1680 kB18:03
thune3nsd: it's software-properties-gtk18:03
anirvanaBlack_Prince : grub says, It doesn't exist18:03
Black_PrinceI forgot which version of GRUB is 9.04 using18:03
shezaActionParsnip: any ideas on why?18:03
Slartnsd: ooh.. you mean to edit the sources.list.. I see.. sorry for being a bit daft =)18:03
Black_Princeon legacy sda5 is hd0,4 and on v2 is hd0,518:03
anirvanaBlack_Prince : Shouldn't it be (loop0) ?18:04
scott__the xorg channel is just telling me to go to a website and submit forum stuff .... arrrrrrrrggggghhhhhh18:04
fishcookeractionparsnip: should i remove the default config18:04
azmActionParsnip, yea Iv read this and this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/iwlwifi_Intel_3945_4965/gutsy18:04
nsd_my connection went all flaky18:04
walilowho can help please i need to know how to get the defaut keyboard configuration18:04
EdwardIIIhow can i get networkmanager to stop altering my custom settings in resolv.conf?18:04
azmActionParsnip, it does not answer question18:04
sacarlsonpaul_____: the fstab file looks ok maybe a grub problem?  fdisk show that those partitions exist?18:05
biharii have a question18:05
Black_Princeanirvana you should really try to get Ubuntu Live CD or SuperGrub as sacarlson said18:05
scott__can anyone provide me with a base xorg.conf file I can copy and use to create one for myself with, since xorg blows and won't do it itself????18:05
nsd_sacarlson: I recommended that he try fdisk -l, idk if he did18:05
pepee!ask | bihari18:05
ubottubihari: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:05
anirvanaBlack_Prince : what is Supergrub and how do I get it?18:05
bihariTCP/IP fingerprinting (for OS scan) requires root privileges.18:05
bihariQUITTING! when i use this command nmap -A -O18:05
azmActionParsnip, ipw driver is not included in 10.04 anymore18:05
azmit should just work18:05
wineuserxangua: I don't have 'hardware support', but have 'hardware drivers support' (I believe it invokes 'jockey-gtk')18:06
pepeebihari, how old are you?18:06
azmwith iwl as default working driver18:06
remuHello everyone. I have installed likewise-open and joined my Ubuntu box to the Windows domain at work. I am able to log in with my domain account, and my credentials are passed on properly when I browse different shares. I would like to share my "Public" folder in my profile with write privilege for my domain account, and read privilege for "domain\Domain Computers". I can't seem to get it working though.18:06
bastid_raZorEdwardIII: you can set nameservers in network manager too.. so it will populate resolv.conf the way you want.18:06
biharipepee,  ? does it has to do anything with age?18:06
wineuserxangua: But it doesn't recommend any. I had the wrong driver (swapped an FX 5200 for a GeForce 6200)18:06
scott__can anyone provide me with a base xorg.conf file I can copy and use to create one for myself with, since xorg blows and won't do it itself????18:06
pepeebihari, ahh, ok. read the output...18:06
pepeebihari, use sudo18:07
Jordan_Uanirvana: It's a CD with grub on it that will detect your operating system and allow you to boot it, you can download it here: http://prdownload.berlios.de/supergrub/super_grub_disk_hybrid-1.98s1.iso18:07
Black_Princeanirvana: what it is http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/super-grub-disk-fix-windows-linux-boot.html18:07
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remuhttp://pastebin.com/XuKYmw3b that is my smb.conf18:07
biharipepee,  :p now i got it18:07
scott__can anyone provide me with a base xorg.conf file I can copy and use to create one for myself with, since xorg blows and won't do it itself18:07
wineuserscott__: You mean 'X -configure' doesn't work?18:07
anirvanaBlack_Prince : omg my dvd drive isn't wrking too :(18:07
paul_____sacarlson: i'm not sure..it just started showing up, here's the paste from the fdisk -l command http://paste.ubuntu.com/473611/18:08
ActionParsnipazm: if you construct an interfaces file you can set it as a static IP and be in master mode18:08
Jordan_Uanirvana: You can put Super GRUB2 Disk on a USB drive or floppy also.18:08
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anirvanaBlack_Prince : Isn it possible to fix my errors with some commands from the grub prompt18:08
scott__no ... my graphics are defaulting to 800x600 and I can't see anything, not even in recovery18:08
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fishcookerjordan_u: what size of the file18:08
scott__it won't generate a .conf file, so I need to make a basic one18:09
paul_____sacarlson: i made some changes to another hdd other then that ubuntu resides on and it's been like this ever since, is there a way to auto-generate the fstab?18:09
Black_Princeanirvana, let's try one more time ... pastebin full output of GRUB command "ls"18:09
birihi there18:09
ActionParsnipazm: http://pastie.org/1077747     for example18:09
walilosome one can help please i don't have inetrnet for too much time18:09
anirvanaBlack_Prince : (loop0) (hd0) (hd0,3) (hd0,5) (hd0,1)18:09
wineuserscott__: What do you mean it won't generate a xorg.conf file?18:10
thune3scott__: not that this helps, but if you want to customize some sections of xorg.conf, you only need to add *those* sections to xorg.conf, everything else will remain autoconfigured.18:10
Black_Princeanirvana, you are now in Windows, right?18:10
birii would like to switch easily between network manager and wicd. Now i've got both installed, but when closing wicd and running nm-applet it says network manager is not running18:10
walilohow can return to the defaut configuration of the keyboard18:10
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birishould it?18:10
Jordan_Ufishcooker: about 1.4 meg.18:10
anirvanaBlack_Prince : yes, I remember that uotput18:10
Nairiksome french people here?18:10
Black_Princeanirvana, tell me ... do you have any other Disk Drives in My Computer18:10
ActionParsnip!keyboard | walilo18:10
ubottuwalilo: To switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts18:10
scott__when I go to recovery or even single user mode, my graphics go rainbow and I can't see to type. xorg hasn't and won't create a .conf file, and I have none on here, so I am stuck with these basic graphics18:10
Black_Princeexcept for windows system drive18:10
Oerwalilo, select the properiate keyboard from system menu ?18:11
xangua!fr > Nairik18:11
ubottuNairik, please see my private message18:11
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scott__I need a .conf file first before I can add to it18:11
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:11
Jordan_Uanirvana: So you installed Ubuntu "within windows" with wubi?18:11
Oerwalilo, i asume USA international with dead keys18:11
anirvanaJordan_U yes18:11
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sacarlsonpaul_____: I have had supergrub boot disk fix things like this /dev/sda1 sounds like your Ubuntu root partition18:11
nullp0interi have a tiny issue with my terminal, when i have a few tabs open, and all i do is simply focus on the terminal by clicking the mouse, a terminal tab pops out into a new window,..SUPER annoying18:12
Jordan_Uanirvana: It's a known bug with wubi and 9.10, I'll get you a link to the fix in a minute.18:12
anirvanaBlack_Prince : what do you mean by any other disk drive?18:12
nsd_scott__: try looking up how to edit your grub or grub2 configuration to set your graphics mode; if the grub-pc package is installed, you have grub2, otherwise you have grub legacy. You'll have to follow different directions to set your terminal graphics mode with one or the other18:12
azmActionParsnip, I see, well Im going to try it18:12
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anirvanaJordan_U Please find it :) I am waiting18:12
TommyThaGunwhat is the fastest way to get files from my computer to a mac on my server?18:12
walilo0er, all keys work before loging in after i've some keys that doesn't work18:12
waliloall was fine before18:13
TommyThaGunto a mac on my network*18:13
joat1setup a dropbox on your mac18:13
scott__no offense, but that meant nothing to me ... I'm new to linux and frankly losing confidence in it rapidly. I can't even solve a damn graphics problem on it18:13
TommyThaGunjoat1, what do you mean? I'm talking gigs and gigs of files18:13
Jordan_Uanirvana: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/grub2/+bug/477104/comments/9018:13
sacarlsonpaul_____: as nds_ shows someone make sure you know what grub version to use after ubuntu 8.X you will need grub2 unless you upgraded and didn't let it change18:14
thune3scott__: you tried booting with "xforcevesa" in grub line? to maybe try to get temporary functional graphics?18:14
ActionParsnipscott__: then try websearching what is said..18:14
scott__how do I do that? what is the exact cmd line18:14
scott__I know how to get to the boot menu18:14
ActionParsnipscott__: you can use this guide to make the boot use the framebuffer driver: http://www.namanb.com/2010/05/changing-bootup-resolution-plymouth-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html18:16
anirvanaJordan_U brb after restarting18:16
ActionParsnipscott__: hold shift at boot, then select recovery mode, then select root18:16
scott__root wasn't an option18:16
salvatorei have a problem with xchat on adding servers18:16
shactCan someone please help me install my wireless card? It came with a tarball but "make install" fails with "error 2" (file not found)18:17
ActionParsnipscott__: it  is, scroll down off the bottom of the menu18:17
headkase314salvatore, do you have X-Chat or X-Chat-GNOME installed?  Go to Help > About and post the version.18:17
xanguawhat wireless card shact ¿18:17
thune3scott__: hover over grub selection and press 'e' and then add xforcevesa after 'quiet splash' ctrl-x to boot18:17
rookshow to assign network interface to a custom name based on interface's original mac address ?18:17
ActionParsnipshact: is there a makefile in the pwd?18:17
scott__ok, thanks will try that18:17
nullp0interanyone else have a problem with the tabs in terminal? every once in a while a tab will pop out into its own window...and its getting on my nerves18:17
shactIt's Edimax EW-7711UAn : http://www.edimax.co.uk/images/Image/Driver_Utility/Wireless/NIC/2009/RT3070_Linux_STA_v2.0.1.0.tar.zip18:18
ActionParsnipnullp0inter: use tilde instead :)18:18
ActionParsnipnullp0inter: or yakuake18:18
nullp0interActionParsnip: whats that18:18
shactMan, this chat moves fast!18:18
rookshow to assign network interface to a custom name based on interface's original mac address ?18:18
ActionParsnipnullp0inter: its a quake like drop down terminal which shows / hides using a hotkey18:19
shactActionParsnip; there is a make file, yes18:19
abhijitcant login to postgresql error: psql: FATAL:  Ident authentication failed for user "administrator"18:19
rookshow to assign network interface to a custom name based on interface's original mac address ?18:19
ActionParsnipnullp0inter: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPT1nJP8ogw    its great if you use terminal a lot18:19
llutzrooks: /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules18:19
skritehey all18:20
anirvanaJordon_U , you are a champion, Finally your link helped me getting out of that error, thanks :) :)18:20
skritei have a ruby process running that is hogging all my processor, but cannot tell what script it is. top just says ruby1.8, any way i can find out what exactly is the hang up (literally)18:20
shactIs there an IRC client which can hide people who aren't talking to me?18:21
shactxangua: it's an Edimax based on the RT3070 chip. http://www.edimax.co.uk/images/Image/Driver_Utility/Wireless/NIC/2009/RT3070_Linux_STA_v2.0.1.0.tar.zip18:22
dowxpskrite: try lsof and grep for ruby18:22
skritedowxp, thanks18:23
wessel_I wish to install unbuntu on my old laptop18:25
wessel_is it possible that ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386 is only 25 MB?18:25
shactwessel_: that's probably an online installer18:25
ActionParsnipwessel_: no chance, the kernel is nearly that big no its own18:25
headkase314shact, so you've executed: "./configure" then "make" and you're having trouble with "make install"? Are there any errors from the first two and are you typing "sudo make install" for the last one?18:25
mbeierlwessel_: do you mean install it in a 25m ram system?18:25
ActionParsnipwessel_: the minimal ISO is around that sort of size18:26
sacarlson wessel_: I think you need at least 4 gig for a full ubuntu18:26
wessel_no I donwloaded a file, its only 25 MB :-/18:26
ActionParsnipwessel_: the desktop ISO will come in at arout 700Mb18:26
ActionParsnipwessel_: its a bad file18:26
wessel_hmm, I'll download it again18:26
sacarlson wessel_:  25meg is even too small for something like DSL  (dam small linux)  that is about 50 meg18:26
shactheadkase314: there's no ./configure, but yes the issue is on "make install". I think it's this issue here (solved): http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=120843818:26
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shact...but i don't follow18:27
tucemiuxwessel_, if you want some advice on how to install linux on your laptop you can send me a PM18:27
ActionParsnipwessel_: when you get a near 700Mb file, md5 test it so you know its good. If you use torrents then it will help you get a good image18:27
headkase314shact, does "make" give any errors at all?18:27
shactheadkase314: it gave some warnings, but nothing that looked important18:28
mcnellismy window borders crashed is there a command to restart the program that diplays them?18:28
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mcnellisi know logging out and back in would be easiest but I don't want to lose my session18:28
wesselnow I googled ubuntu download, and clicked 32-bit - Recommended for most users18:28
ActionParsnipmcnellis: metacity --replace; compiz --replace    run it in al ALT+F" dialogue18:28
wesselnow = no*18:28
wesselbut maybe the download failed or something18:28
headkase314shact, warnings are usually ok what you are interested in is the last line there should be no error message at the very end.  Is that the case?18:29
mcnellisActionParsnip: alt+f" dialogue?18:29
ActionParsnip!torrents | wessel18:29
ubottuwessel: Lucid can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/lucid/desktop/ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/lucid/server/ubuntu-10.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture.  Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com/18:29
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ActionParsnipmcnellis: ALT+F2   forgot to take finger off shift18:29
shactheadkase314: i did "make" again and it gave loads of error this time.18:31
mcnellisoic figured but couldn't figure out what the " could be with a shift hehe I guess we have different keyboard layouts :) thanks for the help ActionParsnip18:31
ActionParsnipmcnellis: all good?18:32
ActionParsnipmcnellis: yeah, UK keyboard18:32
headkase314shact, I believe you should type "make clean" between makes, I think that is the command to reset the make process18:32
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jm2khelp: i can't login via gnome desktop login dialog but i can login via terminal (recovery mode). after login via gnome desktop it returns back to login.18:32
headkase314shact, I think that's the command I hope I'm not wrong!18:33
Guest18001hi i want to know how to install multiple Linux os can some one plz guide me ...18:33
jgcampbell300what kernal was i going to install on ubuntu 10.04 to bring it from 32bit to 64bit ?18:33
mast`umm, the Ubuntu Forums are going crazy here. as soon as I log in they start refreshing constantly, under firefox and chrome also18:33
xangua!pae | jgcampbell30018:34
ubottujgcampbell300: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info18:34
Slartjgcampbell300: you can't just install a 64bit kernel and make your distro 64bit.. you'll be better off reinstalling18:34
llutzjgcampbell300: its not that easy, you have to reinstall to get 64bit-sys18:34
Slartjgcampbell300: or use PAE if you just want to use more than 3-4 GB of memory18:34
jm2kguest18001: if you're not considering VM then try this: http://maketecheasier.com/how-to-run-multiple-linux-distros-without-virtualization/2009/08/1118:34
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info18:34
tuxifierjgcampbell300: I wouldn't recommend PAE kernel - seems to be a bit crappy to me18:35
jgcampbell300tuxifier: whats wrong with it ?18:35
llutztuxifier: theres nothing crappy with PAE, it just has some limitations18:35
shactheadkase314: make clean was right, but still loads of errors18:35
jgcampbell300umm what kind of limitations ?18:35
tuxifierjgcampbell300: what I tried to say is you are better of with 64Bit18:36
jgcampbell300is there a way i can reinstall and get all of my settings and files and sutch back easly ?18:36
EdwardIIIhey chaps - any window manager other than metacity (e.g. icewm) doesn't show up centered on screen. how can i fix this?18:36
tuxifierjgcampbell300: depends on what you call easy ;) No if you reinstall your disk will be "reformatted"18:37
headkase314shact, do you have all the dependencies installed for the package you are trying to install?  Usually the error messages will give clues to this if that is the case.  They will say along the lines of "missing, not found, etc." "./configure" if it was part of this package is really good for telling you if you are missing dependencies.18:37
jgcampbell300hmm what about getting a list of everything i have installed ... and there config files ?18:37
headkase314shact, when compiling from source you need a lot of "<package>-dev" packages installed.18:38
tuxifierjgcampbell300: just a second18:38
bastid_raZor!clone | jgcampbell30018:38
muthuany shortcut key are there now...?18:38
ubottujgcampbell300: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate18:38
ActionParsnipjgcampbell300: you will need to manually grab the configs18:38
tuxifierjgcampbell300: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/clone-your-ubuntu-installation.html18:38
shactheadkase314: just a min :)18:39
headkase314shact, ok18:39
muthuAny shortcut keys are available on the ubundu18:39
tuxifierjgcampbell300: configs must be saved manually18:39
jgcampbell300cool ... thanks ... i will start reading up on those options now18:39
SnandyHow can I make a new slide show for my desktop?18:39
thune3jgcampbell300: i would examine your motives, what you are trying to accomplish, and ask if upgrading to 64-bit ubuntu would serve any reasonable purpose. (if you are just doing it for kicks, then fine)18:39
wadUnder windows I can adjust the sensitivity of the touchpad on my lenovo laptop. Is there a way to do that under Ubuntu? It's driving me nuts. If, while typing, my hand just get's close, the darn thing moves my moves the pointer and clicks, and my typing starts flowing in the wrong place.18:40
tom_Is there a Fortran2003 compiler for Ubuntu 10.04?18:40
jgcampbell300well i need more ram for VM and other apps ... let me ask you this ... is 32bit more stable than 64bit ?18:40
=== tom_ is now known as econdudeawesome
econdudeawesomejgcampbell300 Not in my opinion, but that is an anecdote coming from direct use18:41
ActionParsnipjgcampbell300: both are equally stable18:41
wildc4rdevenin' all18:41
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ActionParsnip!hi | wildc4rd18:41
ubottuwildc4rd: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:41
econdudeawesomejgcampbell300: John at schneider BAS, is that you?18:42
jgcampbell300well i guess i should go ahead and upgrade it and get it over with18:42
tuxifierjgcampbell300: I just have some flash issues on my 64bit sys18:42
Mjukselhello all18:42
Mjukseli have a question18:42
econdudeawesomejgcampbell300: fair enough18:42
Mjukselmy minimize/maximize (so title bar i guess) disappeared for all programs :S18:42
=== erikja is now known as OZ4KK
jgcampbell300why ?18:42
thune3jgcampbell300: so you have more memory on your system than 32-bit ubuntu can utilize?18:42
jgcampbell300yes 4g18:42
xanguaMjuksel: alt+f2 > metacity --replace > enter18:42
econdudeawesomejgcampbell300: He is a fellow Ubuntu acolyte that I haven't met in awhile ;-)18:42
jgcampbell300its my notebook18:42
ActionParsnipMjuksel: its called the window decorator18:42
jgcampbell300oh i see18:43
ActionParsnipMjuksel: do you use an nvidia video card?18:43
jgcampbell300sorry nope ... jeff18:43
Mjukselah okay18:43
=== spot_ is now known as Billtoo
Mjukselyeah i have nvidia18:43
econdudeawesomeMjuksel: you can try opening gconf-editor, going to metacity, and changing "button layout". Easiest thing to do: Google Ubuntu left side buttons and follow the same thing to "move to the right"18:43
ActionParsnipMjuksel: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64948018:43
Mjukseli know how to move them , thank you18:43
Mjukselbut sometimes they just tend to dissappear18:43
ActionParsnipMjuksel: you need that in your cxorg.conf18:43
econdudeawesomeMjuksel: weird. I don't know then. ActionParsnip is on hte scene tho ;-)18:44
JasenAngelovEnter text here...04450435043b043f18:44
jgcampbell300hmm guess i am going to start reading now ... hmm one more question ... if i copy all my config files in 32bit and replace in 64 bit ... is that gona jack it up18:44
ActionParsnipMjuksel: if you install emerald then press ALT+F2 and run: emerald --replace    you can use that instead18:44
jm2khelp: i can't login via gnome desktop login dialog but i can login via terminal (recovery mode). after login via gnome desktop it returns back to login.18:44
econdudeawesomeAre there any open source compilers for fortran2003 in UBuntu?18:44
JasenAngelovi have sirius problem whit ubuntu18:44
Mjukseli dont have emerald installed ActionParsnip :)18:44
thune3jgcampbell300: i'm not sure what the complaints against the pae kernel are, but pae kernel should be an easy transistion. I recommend trying that first.18:44
muthuhi... which packages are used for the java programming....? may any one help me...18:44
ActionParsnip!info g7718:45
ubottuPackage g77 does not exist in lucid18:45
jgcampbell300ya i problaby will ... since i would have to format anyways ... gona copy tons of stuff to my server first tho lol18:45
ActionParsnipMjuksel: grab it18:45
ActionParsnip!info emerald18:45
ubottuemerald (source: emerald): Decorator for compiz-fusion. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.2-0ubuntu4 (lucid), package size 265 kB, installed size 1392 kB18:45
Mjukselok how do i install it ?18:46
Mjukselusing terminal or packet control ?18:46
ActionParsnipMjuksel: same as ANY software18:46
Mjukselor software centre OR ubuntu tweak lol :p18:46
Aidar-Nagatohi) i forget command that shows me all the time i use my system (not uptime), could someone help me to remember it?18:46
jgcampbell300well i am really out this time ... thanks for all the advice18:46
ActionParsnipMjuksel: sudo apt-get install emerald    will do it, or you can use software centre18:46
tuxifierAidar-Nagato: last ?18:46
muthuplease help anyone help me...?18:46
ActionParsnip!java | muthu18:46
ubottumuthu: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.18:46
kagekageAidar-Nagato: Are you referring to time of processes? If so, top18:47
Mjukselok after that do i need sudo apt-get install/upgrade?18:47
Aidar-Nagatotuxifier, no... it's like uptime18:47
kartheemuthu: enna prachna ?18:47
tuxifiermuthu: sun-java6-jdk18:47
ActionParsnipMjuksel: you should be fully upgraded anyway18:47
kagekageAider-Nagato: how is what you want to do different than uptime18:48
ActionParsnipMjuksel: then run: emerald --replace      in an ALT+F2 dialogue and the decorators will be red, you can then get an emerald theme and apply it18:48
ActionParsnipMjuksel: it'll look like this: http://video.linux-noob.com/screenshots/ubuntu/7.04/post-1-1178480994.png18:49
Aidar-Nagatokagekage, it shows sum of all uptime =)18:49
welinuxMjuksel: Compiz Config Settings Manager > Windows Decoration - change or not the command below18:49
Mjukselok well i installed emerald now18:49
tuxifierAidar-Nagato: ? never heard of18:49
Mjukselbut nothing changed18:49
Mjukselso i can remove emerald right away :p18:49
Mjukselah it uses gtk-window-decorator18:50
ActionParsnipMjuksel: did you run the command?18:50
Mjukselyes i did18:50
simarwhen the tp stops working, VT switch away and run evtest against the18:50
simar device to see if you a) still have the device and b) still see events from18:50
simar it.  What is VT here?18:50
ActionParsnipMjuksel: ok then launch it in a terminal, see what it says18:50
Mjukselstart emerald in terminal18:50
Mjukselim running emerald --replace now18:51
Mjukseltakes some time18:51
ActionParsnipMjuksel: personally I'd run:   sudo nvidia-xconfig   then add the extra options I gave in the link earlier, nvidia sometimes need those options18:51
Aidar-Nagatotuxifier, i saw it in wikipedia, but i forget it and can't find it now. if i'm not wrong it's short and prints something like "XXXh YYm"18:51
MjukselActionParsnip, VALIDATION ERROR: Data incomplete in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.18:52
simarActionParsnip: I hope you could help me. Actually i'm writeing some documenation18:52
simarwhat does VT mean18:52
headkase314simar, Virtual Terminal?18:52
ActionParsnipMjuksel: the command will make an xorg.conf for you18:52
th0rvideo terminal18:53
wadIs it possible to turn off the "tap to click" functionality of my touchpad? I can't see anything about this in the System menus.18:53
JasenAngelovEnter text here...i have sirius LAG problem with  ubuntu can any one help me ?18:53
th0rwad: look at synclient (I think that is the name)18:54
wadOh, nevermind, I found it. It's under "mouse".18:54
JasenAngelovi have sirius LAG problem with  ubuntu can any one help me ?18:54
wadth0r, thanks!18:54
nullp0interJasenAngelov: do you run compiz?18:54
simarheadkase314: thanks,18:55
headkase314simar, You're welcome! ;)18:55
leifwgrub problem, possibly: I have a fresh hard drive, with a bunch of partitions (three OS, one swap, one data), and ubuntu is installed on the first partition, with all of / mounted there as reiserfs.  the other OS partitions are empty, and the data partition is jfs.  I've run "update-grub" and "grub-install" countless times, and still, grub fails to load the menu and sticks me in a shell instead.  why does grub-install fail?18:55
muthu<tuxifier thank you..18:55
Mjukselreb00t =)18:56
=== DrSnuggels is now known as DrSnuggels-away
leifwrather, grub-install says it works fine, but grub is clearly not installed correctly18:56
nixboxi have compiled a vanilla kernel from kernel.org, without using debian/ubuntu specific tools for kernel compilation, is there a way to create a DEB out of it?18:56
leifwI read somewhere that if grub has to read farther than 1K cylinders into the disk or something, it'll fail, and I should repartition, but I'd rather not go through that hassle18:56
headkase314nixbox, http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/using-checkinstall-build-packages-source18:57
ActionParsnipnixbox: use checkinstall18:57
econdudeawesome!info fortran18:57
ubottuPackage fortran does not exist in lucid18:57
econdudeawesome!info gfortran-4.418:57
ubottugfortran-4.4 (source: gcc-4.4): The GNU Fortran 95 compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4.4.3-4ubuntu5 (lucid), package size 4161 kB, installed size 10788 kB18:57
ActionParsnipecondudeawesome:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8957118:57
tuxifierAidar-Nagato: is it rstat?18:58
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Aidar-Nagatotuxifier, no19:01
sdwrageHey all19:02
nullp0interJasenAngelov: please keep the convo in here19:02
nullp0interand i have no idea what that error message is from19:03
JasenAngelovHelp i have problem i run compiz anf it say: WARNING: Application calling GLX 1.3 function "glXCreatePixmap" when GLX 1.3 is not supported!  This is an application bug! WARNING: Application calling GLX 1.3 function "glXDestroyPixmap" when GLX 1.3 is not supported!  This is an application bug!19:03
sdwrageI need a bit of help with a dual booted system. I have Windows 7 and Ubuntu dual booted with GRUB... only problem is... I want to also have VMWare Workstation on windows to load up the ubuntu partition when I need it... but there is no loader on the ubuntu partition thus workstation complains about No OS... any suggestions?19:03
JasenAngelovHelp i have problem i run compiz anf it say: WARNING: Application calling GLX 1.3 function "glXCreatePixmap" when GLX 1.3 is not supported!  This is an application bug! WARNING: Application calling GLX 1.3 function "glXDestroyPixmap" when GLX 1.3 is not supported!  This is an application bug!19:04
littlepenguinthe installed ubuntu should be virtualised?19:04
E8newallmDoes anyone else have a GT 540 phone?19:05
nullp0interJasenAngelov: compiz will slow down your computer even more...i only asked if you were using it before and you said no19:05
JasenAngelovso can tou help me whith my problem ?19:06
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nullp0interJasenAngelov: i dont know anything besides that your computer is lagging19:07
nullp0interyou need more detail19:07
JasenAngelovme too19:08
nullp0interwell what part...terminal, web browser, everything, etc19:08
JasenAngelovtel me som program that can help me identyifay my problem19:08
E8newallmThis sounds like a troll.19:08
JasenAngelova wat ?19:09
nullp0interlol how do you not know what your problem is19:09
E8newallmA troll19:09
headkase314!troll | JasenAngelov19:09
ubottuJasenAngelov: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel19:09
JasenAngelovwhat is a troll19:09
tucemiuxJasenAngelov, what problem are you having with your computer?  ask again, ****all in one line*** and wait for an answer19:10
irulethis looks recent, I tried it and I see bond0 get an IP address, routing tables look ok with it, but there is no communication, any thoughtS? thanks http://blog.brightbox.co.uk/posts/howto-do-ethernet-bonding-on-ubuntu-properly19:11
antreashello i have a problem with my packard bell EasyNode: the camera is not working :( does anyone have a solution to this? thanks19:11
welinuxJasenAngelov: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/433488 but I don't find a solution19:12
abhijiti can create database now but i cant after i close pgadmin then i cant access them?19:12
JasenAngelovOK i hawe LAG in evry menu and program evry few seconds evryting stops my PC have desant parametars so i dont know whear is the problem so please can any one give som aidea ?19:12
tucemiuxJasenAngelov, are you using compiz?  what type of computer do you have?19:13
th0rJasenAngelov: if you turn off compiz does everything work ok?19:13
nullp0interwelinux: he said he doesnt have compiz...then he showed me an error message, so i dont know if he uses compiz or not19:13
welinuxJasenAngelov: what did you do before19:13
headkase314JasenAngelov, If you are using Ati hardware with proprietary drivers then this may appy: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/07/fix-compiz-slowness-for-proprietary-ati.html MAKE ABSOLUTELY SURE IT APPLIES TO YOU BEFORE TRYING.19:14
JasenAngelovNo i dont use comiz  my PC is P4 1GB ram Hitachi 640 hard ATI X1950GT19:14
welinuxJasenAngelov: the same for metacity https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/metacity/+bug/56008219:14
tucemiuxJasenAngelov, look at headkase314 post, it could be the ATI drivers are making your machine slow to a crawl19:15
headkase314JasenAngelov, tucemiux IT DOES NOT APPLY TO YOU.  Proprietary drivers for an Ati X1950GT are not available for Ubuntu 10.04, JasenAngelov Are you on Ubuntu 10.04?19:16
headkase314JasenAngelov, Ok, then disregard the link I gave! Sorry!19:16
tr8drhi, Q.  ACPI does not appear to be fully enabled for ubuntu server (64bit).   wondering whether anyone has encountered or suggestions on how to enable (i.e. suspend to ram does not work)19:17
JasenAngelovcan i do somting ?19:17
nullp0interJasenAngelov: you need to provide more details, otherwise no one can help19:17
JasenAngelovsrry i dont have more details19:17
fission6ami going to regret getting a 630 dolalr laptop and putting ubuntu on it for programming, web surfacing, and word processing if the machine only has a dual core 1.3ghz processor19:17
tucemiuxJasenAngelov, it could be your hard drive is about to die -- you can test by running a live CD on your machine, it could also be your motherboard, it could also be your trolling19:18
nullp0interfission6: your getting ripped off...i paid 300 for a new laptop with better specs19:18
fission6link me19:18
BluesKajfission6, seems like a rather slow cpu for 600bucks19:18
fission6was it thin and slick design, that matetrs to me too, yes i know its superifical19:19
nullp0interfission6: do you have a microcenter near you?19:19
dragenovwhich one ubuntu 10.04 or mint 9 ????19:19
Slartdragenov: we only support ubuntu here..19:19
c3lhow do I show the permission for a folder/file in octal (xxx)?19:19
Slartdragenov: try the live cd's first.. use the one you like19:19
BluesKajfission6, or is that 1.3 ghz each core?19:20
kagekagec3l, try this ls -l | awk '{k=0;for(i=0;i<=8;i++)k+=((substr($1,i+2,1)~/[rwx]/)*2^(8-i));if(k)printf("%0o ",k);print}'19:20
Wavesonicshey i got a transmission server running, what permissions does a directory need for transmission to be able to download to it?19:20
kagekageIt displays the octal form, followed by the normal ls -l output19:21
nullp0interfission6: its a store19:21
tuxifierkagekage: nice one :P19:21
tucemiuxfission6, a machine with a dual core?? that's overkill!!!  What you should worry about is to make sure your video and sound card work with ubuntu, if you dont care about audio and video and all you want is programming then just pick a laptop with the fastest processor, ubuntu should run fine on it, just do a search on a specific brand and model once you decide what laptop you want to buy19:21
c3lkagekage: thats just awesome, but awkward, thanks!19:21
nixboxwith checkinstall, what if i have already done a "make" and do not want to do checkinstall again, is there a way to build a package then, without recompiling everything?19:21
Freudlundanyone inhere got perl working on LAMP? getting 500 errors nomatterwhat i do19:21
fission6sorry its this, http://www.amazon.com/UL30A-A2-Light-13-3-Inch-Silver-Laptop/dp/B002P3KMNU/ref=dp_cp_ob_pc_title_319:21
dragenovslart: it isn't  the matter of happiness  it is the matter of perfection . and does n't ubuntu+debian=mint so mint =ubuntu19:21
hotstewHey guys, I'm a bit confused to why so many program can only be found in launchpad but not in the official Ubuntu repository. Obviously they're trying to work with you. Also I wanted to know if there's an easier way to navigate through those launchpad program because I already actively use three of them.19:21
Slartdragenov: mint is based on ubuntu afaik but it's offtopic here.. we only support ubuntu19:22
headkase314nixbox, even though I gave a link I've never used checkinstall so can't help there... ;)19:22
Pici!mintsupport | dragenov19:22
ubottudragenov: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org19:22
kagekagec3l, if you have to do it often, consider editing ~/.bashrc19:22
c3lkagekage: ah nice :)19:23
tucemiuxfission6, if you want to use that laptop for programming then it should be good. BEWARE:  you ***could*** have issues with the video card and maybe the sound card19:23
leifwit looks like, when I tabcomplete /boot/grub/grub.cfg inside the grub prompt, it thinks there are some extra nonsense bytes at the end (smiley faces and such)19:23
thune3hotstew: do you have an example one?19:23
fission6is it 1.3ghz in each core?19:23
leifwwhich would explain why it doesn't load it19:23
leifwbut this is not the case once I boot19:24
leifwthe filename is clean19:24
tucemiuxfission6, ask in ##hardware19:24
dragenovubottu: dear friend ; I do not look for support I need just opinion of the choice which  one is actually better?19:24
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:24
fission6already did haha19:24
tucemiuxfission6, then you are trolling19:24
Slartdragenov: this is a support channel.. . only.. you could try asking in #ubuntu-offtopic though19:24
fission6im fone19:25
hotstewthune3: I use XBMC for example which is really the only media player that can play any media out of the box.19:25
dragenovslart: ok sure19:25
kinjetaCan someone assist me with something, I am toootally noobing out over here19:25
Slartkinjeta: describe your problem or ask your question19:25
tucemiux!someone | kinjeta19:25
ubottukinjeta: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:25
welinux!ask  | kinjeta:19:26
ubottukinjeta:: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:26
Shact1headkase314: sorry, empathy went a bit nuts and now has no menu bar, so i installed xchat19:26
Freudlundcould anyone please pastebin me their unchanged /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default, i messed up mine, trying to get perl working19:26
headkase314Shact1, are you still having error messages when you do the "make"?19:27
kinjetaI want to install windows 7. I have the ISO on my HD. I was searching the web for a method that would allow me to somehow install windows from the ISO without having to burn it to a disc or USB drive or anything. Is there a way this could work? If so, can you please walk me through it19:27
kinjetaSide note, if the windows installation wipes out ubuntu thats fine19:27
Shact1headkase314: yeah same old. how come i can't use a repo to get all the bits for me?19:27
JoshuaLFreudlund, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4105698&postcount=219:27
Slartkinjeta: afaik there's no such way.. you'll have to burn it to a cd or usb stick..19:27
ubottuFTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd19:27
kinjetaI've also created some unallocated HD space in case i need to create some other partitions or w/e19:28
FreudlundJoshuaL, thx19:28
th0rkinjeta: what has this to do with ubuntu?19:28
headkase314Shact1, do this: "make clean" "sudo apt-get install pastebinit" "make > tempfile" "pastebinit tempfile" And post the link "pastebinit tempfile" gives.19:28
tucemiuxkinjeta, ask in ##windows19:29
headkase314Shact1, then you can "rm tempfile"19:29
kinjetaI'm using ubuntu as an OS ..19:29
thune3hotstew: ppas are precicely for these niche apps that update frequently19:29
tucemiuxkinjeta, you can ask in windows but if youre using ubuntu you can install windows 7 inside ubuntu using virtualbox19:29
th0rkinjeta: well, you can mount the iso to a directory using fuseiso19:29
th0rkinjeta: or you can burn it to a dvd/cd with brasero19:30
hotstewfair but is the browser the only way to find these programs?19:30
tucemiuxkinjeta, did you download the windows 7 trial version ISO ?19:30
sumisos can be mounted via mount -o loop foo.iso /taret/dir19:30
hotstewor is there a general launchpad repository?19:30
kinjetatucemiux: No it's a full version Iso19:30
Saevarkinjeta, mount -t iso9660 -o loops <iso_path> <where to>19:30
Shact1headkase314:  pastebin.com/9sLpFmrQ19:31
headkase314Shact1, ok, let me look at that...19:31
thune3hotstew. no. you add an app specific repository (ppa), such as https://launchpad.net/~team-xbmc/+archive/ppa19:31
kinjetaThanks for the assistance all, I'll try using virtualbox to install it19:32
welinuxkinjeta: or try WMware Player19:32
hotstewokay thanks, I wish there was a more organized way to navigate through programs in launchpad19:32
ActionParsnip!ppa | hotstew19:32
ubottuhotstew: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.19:32
ActionParsniphotstew: a search box good enough?19:33
welinuxhotstew: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/sources19:34
headkase314Shact1, when you did "make > tempfile" did you see anything output on the screen?  You should have seen nothing, if you did see output then the redirect to a file (">") didn't capture it all?  I say that because I see no error messages in what you posted?  Perhaps someone else can post how to capture a complete "make" output if so?19:34
kinjetaWith the utilization of virtualbox...once windows is installed, is removing Ubuntu and retaining windows an option?19:35
Shact1headkase314:  yes some stuff came up on screen19:35
ActionParsnipheadkase314: just go oldschool and copy / paste19:36
ActionParsnipShact1: what are you compiling?19:36
headkase314Shact1, ok, that sounds good!  Then pastebin that!19:36
abhijitanyone can list some great free open source databases? e.g. postgres?19:36
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »19:37
ActionParsnipabhijit: mysql19:37
welinux kinjeta: VirtualBox is living IN Ubuntu NOT OUT OF Ubuntu19:37
linguiniabhijit, mysql, sqlite19:38
headkase314Shact1, ActionParsnip can help too!  ActionParsnip Edimax based on the RT3070 chip. http://www.edimax.co.uk/images/Image/Driver_Utility/Wireless/NIC/2009/RT3070_Linux_STA_v2.0.1.0.tar.zip19:38
Shact1headkase314: http://pastebin.com/30NDmzVe19:38
jeroendvwhat would be the best way to run a script every 6 hours or so ??19:38
ActionParsnipheadkase314: I would but my battery is dying. Webbrowsing will zap it good19:38
abhijitActionParsnip, is mysql in repo?19:38
linguinijeroendv, cron19:38
abhijitlinguini, ok19:38
jeroendvanacron seems to have a minum period of 1 day, nothing shorter :-s19:38
ActionParsnipjeroendv: use gnome-schedule as a gui to creon19:39
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ActionParsnipjeroendv: there is no best anything19:39
tensorpuddingYou can run scripts more often than a day using cron19:39
c3lwhat ftp server is most widely used? im having a hard time deciding what server to use, any suggestions?19:40
ActionParsnipjeroendv: cron can run every second if you wish19:40
jeroendvlinguini:  doesn't cron specify a specific time, and there fails if your laptop is off at that time?19:40
ActionParsnip!ftp | c3l19:40
ubottuc3l: FTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd19:40
ubottuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP19:40
LinoSPhiii someone that has made work an nvidia 4200Ti19:40
LinoSPcould help me?19:40
jeroendvActionParsnip: every second, every 60 seconds you mean?19:40
ActionParsnipjeroendv: can be every 7 seconds if you want19:41
ActionParsnipjeroendv: cron is pretty sweet19:41
tensorpudding4200 Ti, that's like seven or eight years old isn't it?19:41
c3lActionParsnip: yeah, there are loads to chse from, Im wondering which one to use19:41
scannieHello. I can't mount HDDs/USB Flash Drives... They don't show in the "computer" icon, and if i try to mount them I get "mount: según mtab, /dev/sdb1 ya está montado en /" [according to mtab it's already mounted]... any ideas?19:41
marcosshow can I start samba ?19:41
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tensorpuddingIt should surely work with the default driver fine.19:41
headkase314Shact1, I'm sorry - I don't know what to do, the output isn't descriptive enough for me to figure out what to do as the next step... :(  I don't know, perhaps someone else can help?19:41
tensorpuddingI doubt nvidia's blob driver supports it anymore though19:42
ActionParsnipc3l: try a few, see which you like. Ftp is widely supported but not very secure. Ssh supports sftp which is more secure19:42
LinoSPyeah I also have a Geforce 2 MX 100/20019:42
ActionParsnip!samba | marcoss19:42
ubottumarcoss: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:42
Shact1headkase314: ok, thanks for looking. I'm going to have to come back to this as it's very uncomfortable on the floor19:42
ActionParsnipscannie: run: mount ,it will show you what is mounted and where19:43
headkase314Shact1, for reference for everyone, trying to compile: Edimax based on the RT3070 chip. http://www.edimax.co.uk/images/Image/Driver_Utility/Wireless/NIC/2009/RT3070_Linux_STA_v2.0.1.0.tar.zip with pastebin output here: http://pastebin.com/30NDmzVe19:43
tensorpuddingMight nouveau or whatever support it?19:43
LinoSPI have installed the propietary drivers but I see 640x480 as max resolution19:43
jm2khelp: login screen returns to login after i login with user/pass.19:43
c3lActionParsnip: yeah, but I want to allow downloads via the browser, afaik no browser has ssh support19:43
ZykoticK9c3l, i'm personally with ActionParsnip on this one - sftp would be a lot better.  But i've used proftpd succesfully in the past (it's fairly easy to setup, and powerful as well)19:43
ActionParsnipLinoSP: try running: sudo nvidia-xconfig ,then reboot. This will force the use of the proprietary driver19:44
jeroendvActionParsnip: but doesn't cron have the problem that it doesn't work if your laptop if not on?19:44
ZykoticK9c3l, if it's only download and not upload you want - perhaps you could you a web server apache instead?19:44
ActionParsnipjeroendv: well, yeah. No power = cpu is off so no scheduler will run if the system is off in any OS19:44
headkase314Shact1, when you come back describe what I just said to you!  That will get you started again good!19:44
c3lZykoticK9: no uploads will be needed too19:45
llutzjeroendv:  anacron exists19:45
jeroendvActionParsnip: well ok obviously, but will cron realise that it missed an action and perform it when the laptop is turned off?19:45
ActionParsnipLinoSP: your cards sound like they will be supported by the nouveau driver rather than the proprietary driver19:45
orion_X11how do I configure volume applet panel to show its bar in a vertical mode, instead of horizontal? I do not like horizontal mode to put volume up and down19:46
jeroendvllutz: yeah, thought of that but its smallest period is 1 day, while i would rather have somthing like 6 or 12h19:46
ActionParsnipjeroendv: no, the scheduler will rerun at boot and the schedule will be re-examines and continued19:46
ActionParsnipjeroendv: if your bios supports it you can schedule a power on19:46
jeroendvActionParsnip: turned ON, i mean19:46
jm2khow do you enable auto-login via terminalo?19:46
abhijitjm2k, autologin to what?19:48
bastid_raZorjm2k: you could look  in .xsession-errors to see a possible reason why you're not able to complete the login19:48
jm2kabhigit: my gnome login screen kicks me back to login after i enter my user/pass correctly.19:48
jeroendvActionParsnip: so theoretically I could prevent cron from ever doing anything if I turn it off just before it should be executing? seems fischy19:48
ghafter last upgrade(10.04), no sound, and I cannot restart or shutdown my box from inside of gnome or gdm.19:49
xtknightjm2k, it's usually a per-user error. if all else fails you can try creating another user or check /home/failinguser/.xsession-errors19:49
abhijitjm2k, ok. i thought that some other probem. ok you follow what xtknight and bastid_raZor are saying19:49
cawncHello, i am a newbie, can you tell me how to make a program start up when you log in? basicly how do I add programs to the startup list?19:49
jru898Does anyone know how to sharpen the image from a logitech webcam once I've got the image?19:49
xtknightcawnc, system-> preferences ->startup19:50
abhijitcawnc, System=>Preferences=>Startup Aps19:50
bastid_raZor!startup | cawnc19:50
ubottucawnc: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot19:50
ZykoticK9cawnc, System / Preferences / Startup Applications19:50
xtknightjru898, in what context?19:50
jru898I.e., I have the webcam working, and I have it running in several flash-based applications19:50
jru898But the image is extremely grainy19:50
sanguisdex1so I just installed ubutntu onto a win7 machine for a dual boot and now I can't get past the file system check when booting into win 7. any sugestions19:50
jru898And dark19:50
ZykoticK9bastid_raZor, the !startup factoid need to be updated for 10.04 me thinks.19:50
jru898I'd like to increase the exposure19:50
bastid_raZorthat factoid is outdated for 10.04 :\19:50
bastid_raZorZykoticK9: agreed.19:51
elyos 19:51
tuxifierI just want to say that haproxy is a pretty fancy tool :)19:51
jru898And cheese doesn't offer the options I need19:51
k0sh-mobilerooks: hi, remember me?19:51
xtknightjru898, usually it needs more lighting. but im not sure there's a way to put a filter at the driver level other than modifying the source code. unless it has options already. there might be a V4L2 option in it, but sadly most apps dont expose access to these so readily19:51
cachedso is there a difference between apt-get and aptitude19:52
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xtknightcached,  aptitude installed recommended applications, apt-get does not... i believe19:52
ZykoticK9cached, yes - aptitude has actually been removed from default Maverick FYI19:52
abhijitZykoticK9, which was last version having that Session menu?19:52
ghheh, serious hand holding goes on in here19:52
ZykoticK9abhijit, not sure... 9.04?19:52
jm2kxtknight: you're awesome! i did have a syntax error. i'd like to offer you my first-born :) thanks19:52
abhijitZykoticK9, ok19:52
xtknightjm2k lol19:53
AviMarcusheya. I'm trying luckybackup / rsync to synchronize two external drives. But it's only adding, not deleting files. What should I use to sync with deleting?19:53
tesujii don't want to use the gnome keyring - can i just delete the files?19:53
jm2kbastid_raZor: thanks too.19:53
grephwhy we have to install all the 30 mb of kernel when needs even a mirror update ? (i know that linux is consisted from hundreds of packages, so it is not enough to install just the updated package ? )19:53
grendal_primeanyone any good with virtualbox?19:54
grendal_primenetworking that is?19:54
xtknightgreph,  most of the space is debug info (annotated code to help developers debug issues)19:54
SnandyHow can I get Ubuntu to "see" my raid drives?19:54
ZykoticK9!anyone | grendal_prime or see the #vbox channel19:54
ubottugrendal_prime or see the #vbox channel: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:54
DasEigrendal_prime: not sure, just ask19:54
xtknightSnandy, software or hardware raid?19:54
SimonSayeztesuji, gnome-keyring is a pain in the ass19:55
SnandyHardware, on the motherboard19:55
abhijitZykoticK9, i submitted factoid update. let see what ops do to it? :)19:55
grephxtknight: sorry but i can not understand what you mean. i dont know if i have problem with my system. can you explain the reason of that easy.19:55
DasEiSnandy: load dmraid19:55
DasEi!info dmraid19:55
xtknightSnandy, usually you can setup your device with device-mapper and it'll be in /dev/mapper/xxxx19:55
ubottudmraid (source: dmraid): Device-Mapper Software RAID support tool. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.0.rc16-3ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 36 kB, installed size 180 kB19:55
ZykoticK9abhijit, well from the channel - thanks ;)19:55
abhijitZykoticK9, :)19:55
Snandy!info dmraid19:55
tesujiSimonSayez, i noticed - but what happens i delete it19:55
jm2kback to my project with a deadline. thanks all for the help.19:55
xtknightgreph, no you don't have a problem with your system, sometimes updates are just big19:55
DasEi!info dmraid > Snandy19:56
grephxtknight: big like 30 mb ? :)wow so developers are working fast :D19:56
tesujii don't want to use the gnome keyring - can i just delete the files?19:56
SimonSayeztesuji, Delete those Gnome files in your home directory and leave the gnome keyring pasword field blank19:56
ZykoticK9tesuji, is key ring coming up everytime for nm_applet?19:56
DasEiSnandy: install i, read its man - output for usage19:56
tesujiZykoticK9, my wifi wont work until i enter password19:57
DasEigrendal_prime: what's on with vboxnetwork ?19:57
xtknightgreph, yeah sort of, but most of that size is not new code19:57
ZykoticK9tesuji, move rather then delete the current keyring settings - then the next time keyring should re-prompt, choose the Insecure storage option and it will stop asking.19:57
k0sh-mobilerooks: are you there?19:57
SnandyDasEi: Thanks, installed and reading now19:57
xtknightgreph, ubuntu does not support delta like fedora or suse yet, it installs the whole new package.19:57
polar|grrsorry for the disconnection... I found something odd. I have a 80GB drive on /dev/sda, and a 160gb drive on /dev/sdb ... /dev/sdb1 WAS mounted on /, and that's ok, but 'mount /dev/sda1' says "/dev/sdb' is already mounted... any ideas? o_O19:57
grephxtknight:  ok. thank you!19:58
DasEipolar|grr: output of mount without any parameters ?19:58
SnandyHow do I add slides for my desktop? Like the default Cosmos19:58
tesujiZykoticK9, move? where?  why?19:59
ZykoticK9Snandy, use Cosmos script as a base, and TRY to adapt it to your own files.  I personally failed at it, good luck.19:59
jeremynhow can i verify that i am using the nvidia driver? System > Administration > Hardware Drivers say I am using nvidia, but System > Administration > NVIDIA X Server Settings says I am not19:59
tesujidoes anybody use dropbox?19:59
DasEijeremyn: stop gdm and run : sudo nvidia-settings first one time20:00
jeremynDasEi: you mean log out and then login through the command line and run that?20:00
abhijithow to know if what filesystem i have? just to check?20:00
drale2kHey guys, please help! I am gonna kill my hoster20:00
drale2kI have bought a server at host-europe, ubuntu20:00
muelliabhijit: type "mount". Or "cat /proc/$$/mounts"20:01
llutzabhijit: blkid20:01
DasEijeremyn: yes, or just sudo service gdm stop (logs you out!) , start after issuing above command to restart gdm again20:01
cawncI havent used Ubuntu since 8.04, does it still have Compiz Fusion?20:01
drale2kits running Plesk and Virtuozzo, preinstalled20:01
jeremynabhijit: cat /etc/fstab20:01
Pici!enter | drale2k20:01
ubottudrale2k: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:01
muelli!enter | drale2k20:01
abhijitmuelli, jeremyn llutz thanks. :)20:01
jeremynDasEi: thanks20:01
DasEicawnc: yes, and you can directl y upgrade to lucid20:01
cawncDasEi what is lucid?20:01
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100420:01
muelli!enter | muelli20:02
ubottumuelli, please see my private message20:02
cawncoh, i know thats what i just installed20:02
polar|grrDasEi: http://pastie.org/107798320:02
rooksis there an xchat-gnome plugin or irssi plugin to send out nice xorg popups/notifications when something was said when i was offline?20:02
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz20:02
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DasEirooks: pidign has20:02
drale2kNow if i access the server via FTP as user and upload something (f.e. wordpress.zip) and then go into with SSH as root and unzip it, i can`t use the file anymore because the server "cant use, find, see.. whatever" the file20:02
cawnc!compiz fusion20:02
dekelevhow do you set usb headset as default sound device through a command line20:02
welinuxrooks: libnotify?20:02
dekelevor alsa-base20:03
rookswelinux, i guess ill have to write it myself, but was looking for sth readymade :P20:03
grendal_primeDasEi, well im trying to dest-nat port 80 to the virtualbox and its not working.20:03
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DasEipolar|grr: so that's what is actually mounted now, please also paste out from : sudo fdisk -l20:03
cdavis_What is the best choice for squid log analysis if we want to track individual users web usage? I already have ident working correctly20:03
polar|grrDasEi, http://pastie.org/107799220:04
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DasEipolar|grr: and now you want to mount the sda ntfs ?20:05
polar|grryes sir20:05
plunderdoes anyone know if the package 'iw' enable packet injection when satisfying the aircrack-ng dependency?20:05
jeremynDasEi: i tried the sudo nvidia-settings thing but it complained with "The control display is undefined"20:06
ActionParsnip!info iw20:06
ubottuiw (source: iw): tool for configuring Linux wireless devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.19~ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 33 kB, installed size 128 kB20:06
DasEipolar|grr: sudo mkdir /media/sda120:06
jeremynDasEi: btw, isn't nvidia-settings the same as System > Administration > NVIDIA X Server Settings?20:06
DasEipolar|grr: sudo mount /dev/sda1  /media/sda120:06
picard1421hey guys..20:06
plunderActionParsip: i read that already i wasn't sure as it didn't mention20:07
ActionParsnipjeremyn: yes its the same20:07
DasEijeremyn: no, you run it once to get the config written20:07
polar|grrDasEi, i'll assume i have to create /media/sda120:07
SimonSayezinstall bleachbit to clean up Ubuntu Linux browser files and tmp files too20:07
picard1421does ubuntu support the lenovo w510 laptop... what i mean by that can u use the touch screen and multi touch track pad with ubuntu?20:07
DasEipolar|grr: yep, see above20:07
polar|grroh, sorry, didn't see it... that worked20:07
polar|grrthanks a bunch20:07
ActionParsnipSimonSayez: wactch the settings in browsers though or it'll clean settings you want20:07
ncurseshey guys20:08
DasEigrendal_prime: you want to make the vm being reachable as a server ?20:08
polar|grrnow any idea how to make it automatically mount stuff again?20:08
SimonSayezActionParsnip, Right I always make sure I read the boxes before I click them20:08
ActionParsnipSimonSayez: also close as many apps as you can to unlock files20:08
YoskaHi,It is first time that i am here,at last i have entered this raum via pidgin20:08
abhijit!hi | Yoska20:08
ubottuYoska: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!20:08
ncursesjust a quick question... what do i need to install first since im planning on dual booting freebsd and ubuntu???20:08
bipolarHas anyone else noticed a lot of interface lag and temporary hanging when you have a lot of programs running at once, copying files around, or compiling something? I looked into it and ended up changing the default scheduler, which make my UI much more responsive. If anyone else is having the same issues, I'd like you to try the same thing I did and see if it clears up.20:09
ActionParsnipSimonSayez: you can also remove old kernels to save space20:09
abhijitYoska, try to use proper irc client if possible (my personal opion) e.g. xchat20:09
SimonSayezActionParsnip, I never have my browser record my session and I use google-chrome in incognito mode on start up #google-chrome --incognito20:09
Yoskaok,thnk friend20:09
SnandyIs PlayOnLinux a good app? Is it a must have for a semi-novice?20:09
DasEincurses: can use grub for both, so no real matter, I'd go bsd-ubuntu, cause ubuntu has better support20:10
jeremynSnandy: depends on what you're trying to do i suppose20:10
ActionParsnipSimonSayez: what does incognito do? I hope you aren't rrunning it as root20:10
picard1421anyone know?20:10
grendal_primeDasEi, ya.  webserver20:10
picard1421if the w510 touch and multi touch feature are supported?20:10
grendal_primefrom the host wich is also a router.20:10
ActionParsnippicard1421: check the hcl20:10
picard1421what is that?20:11
Snandyjeremyn: I am wanting to play PC games in Ubuntu. I am searching for WineX apps, and many more popped up than I expected20:11
SimonSayezActionParsnip, Download Google-Chrome and install it and make a Desktop launcher and go to Properties and add --incognito to /usr/bin/google-chrome --incognito and your history never gets recorded20:11
DasEigrendal_prime: I assume you have a dynamic IP on the host, so you have to set up a (free) account like dyndnscom and then use a client on the vm to resolve the host(the vm itself in this case)20:11
piercedwaterwill someone link me to the lib and rtorrent respoistory for ubuntu?20:11
abhijit!hcl | picard142120:11
ubottupicard1421: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection20:11
piercedwateri cant find it on google20:11
jeroendvllutz: seems like fcron will get it done20:11
grendal_primeDasEi, i was assuming that i would just dest-nat anything coming in on port 80.20:11
SimonSayezActionParsnip, of course not, I would never run a web browser as root20:11
jeremynSnandy: i've found wine by itself is decently usable. occasionally i've had trouble with wine and tried to use playonlinux but it still wouldn't work20:11
grendal_primeumm the host is a register domain name20:12
DasEipiercedwater: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors20:12
SimonSayezActionParsnip, Do you run Google-Chrome web browser too ?20:12
jeremynSnandy: i am not a hardcore PC gamer though20:12
tesujii am trying to config networkmanager to static my host - i fill in the entries but the "apply" button is greyed out - what am i doig wrong?20:12
SnandyChrome and Firefox, and even the most recent IE can go into private browsing mode by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+P20:13
Snandyjeremyn: If I do get PlayOnLinux, won't I still need WineX, as it sayt it is just a front end.20:13
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tesujii am trying to config networkmanager to static my host - i fill in the entries but the "apply" button is greyed out - what am i doig wrong?20:13
DasEipiercedwater: torrent, i386 or 64 bit ?20:13
piercedwaterthis link is almost impossible to find20:13
ncursesDasEi, thanks...20:13
picard1421i dont see on that ubuntu link... where it says laptop comatabilities?\20:13
SimonSayezSnandy, I needed to configure Google Chrome to start in incognito mode everytime I clicked on to the desktop launcher20:13
kagekageSnandy, if you download PlayOnLinux it will download WINE to fill the dependency, I believe20:13
jeremynSnandy: if you install playonlinux from the repositories, it will install wine if you don't already have it20:14
tesujii am trying to config networkmanager to static my host - i fill in the entries but the "apply" button is greyed out - what am i doig wrong?20:14
SnandyThanks both of you20:14
DasEipiercedwater: http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent20:14
picard1421i see this20:14
tesujii am trying to config networkmanager to static my host - i fill in the entries but the "apply" button is greyed out - what am i doig wrong?20:14
picard1421but that does not tell me if it supoports the touch screen etc???20:14
SimonSayezrecording browser History seems stupid anyway thats how people profile you20:14
jeremynspeaking of games btw, has anyone gotten everquest (the first one) to work on ubuntu? i can't even get it to start up20:15
piercedwaterDasEi: um, Im looking for rtorrent and the lib for ubuntu server20:15
piercedwaterin the repository20:15
karlowhere we can say our ideas for ubuntu ?20:15
piercedwaternot actual ubuntu :P20:15
tesujii am trying to config networkmanager to static my host - i fill in the entries but the "apply" button is greyed out - what am i doig wrong?20:15
DasEipiercedwater: oh, the app ?20:15
piercedwaterI dont wnt to compile20:15
DasEi!info rtorrent20:15
ubotturtorrent (source: rtorrent): ncurses BitTorrent client based on LibTorrent from rakshasa. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.6-1 (lucid), package size 397 kB, installed size 1308 kB20:15
SimonSayezLinux Games are just not as polished as Windows games20:15
welinuxSimonSayez: google-chrome --incognito20:15
cablopi need some help i need to be able to reinstall my nvidia drivers, it's not working after i changed my board20:16
The_Thing|LaptopHow do I find which version of Ubuntu I use? Specifically, I forgot whether I'm using the 32-bit or the 64-bit.20:16
tesujidoes anyone know how to config ubuntu for static ip?20:16
grendal_primeSimonSayez, you have never played savage2 then20:16
cablopbut it's the same AGP card20:16
abhijitThe_Thing|Laptop, uname -a20:16
DasEiThe_Thing|Laptop: lsb_release -a20:16
tesujidoes anyone know how to config ubuntu for static ip?20:16
DasEitesuji: sure..20:16
SimonSayezwelinux, Thats what I did if you right click on the Google Chrome launcher on your desktop and that to the command line it starts up in incognito mode every time20:16
coz_tesuji,   try here   http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-ubuntu-linux-convert-dhcp-network-configuration-to-static-ip-configuration.html20:17
DasEitesuji: gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces20:17
SnandyWhere would I find manuals/text files at? The dmraid manual is eluding me.20:17
piercedwateruh thanks20:17
SimonSayezgrendal_prime, I played Savage2 a longtime ago20:17
The_Thing|Laptopabhijit: Thanks!20:17
tesujicoz_, how do iset up wifi?20:18
fs_how do I download a vim plugin from vim.org from the terminal. wget url downloads the html but i need the redirect20:18
tesujicoz_, i want to use networkmanager to enable wifi but not use dhcp20:19
coz_testi,  mm goog question  hold on20:19
coz_tesuji,   so you are using wireless  ...yes?20:19
welinuxfs_: wget --help20:19
tesujicoz_, yes and netman has settigs for static but the apply button is greyed out20:20
mlegerHello all, I'm having issues finding lightning and gdata provider extensions for my Thunderbird 3.0.6 running Lucid 64 bit. Can anyone drop be a link for compatible addons? Thanks!!20:20
fs_I checked the help before but didn't find the right switch20:20
coz_tesuji,  ok to be honest I am the "doof"  of networking solutions :)   I would think others here are more qualified than I ...or  go to ##linux channel if no one here knows20:20
fs_I'll check again20:20
abhijit!wifi | tesuji20:21
ubottutesuji: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:21
psycho789does LVPM work with latest ubuntu version20:21
mlegerAnyone? Surely someone else has been struggling with the same issue!20:22
SimonSayezThe problem with Google-Chrome is it is no good for long downloads and you cant pause your downloads20:22
DasEigrendal_prime: I still don't get the whole scenario, if your host is already reachable, can use dnsmasq to point it to the vm20:22
munishi everybody20:22
tesujiabhijit, my wifi works - the problem is configuring networkmanager20:22
abhijitmleger, try in #thunderbird on irc.mozilla.org20:22
DasEi!hi | munis20:23
ubottumunis: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!20:23
mlegerabhijit: will do, thank you!20:23
SimonSayezHowever Google Chrome appears to be much faster than FireFox20:23
abhijittesuji, i am also not expert. but just repeat your question.20:23
abhijitmleger, :)20:23
DasEitesuji: edit interfaces, that also overides nm20:23
cawncIs open office the best Free linux supported word processor?20:24
cablopi can't enable my nvidia card to work, can i get some help?20:24
fs_Anybody know how to follow a redirect with wget. I tried the --help and a few commands but can't seem to find the right one20:24
kagekagecawnc: you may want to check out Abiword. I haven't used it, I prefer OpenOffice, but some like it more20:24
munis hi20:24
DasEicawnc: best is a poll, it's very huge and has a big footprint, but many features, I like Abiword for common officejobs20:24
psycho789userJDownloader for long downloads20:24
abhijitcawnc, my local language fonts dont work properly on open office but they work good on abiword. oo is best but not in all cases.20:25
cablophow can i reinstall my graphics card?20:25
welinux fs_: what's the adress of the file?20:25
DasEicablop: which nvidia ?20:25
fs_something like that20:25
cablopgeforce 6200 dasei20:25
fs_but I always end up downloading the php file20:25
cablopand it was working before i moved it to a different board20:25
DasEicablop: the standard will work there, first uninstall all nvidia stuff via synaptic, reconfigure graphics, then use hardwaredrivers20:26
ZykoticK9cablop, if you currently have an xorg.conf - "mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.orig" then you could restart and be using Nouveau.  If you want to retry nvidia - "sudo nvidia-xconfig".  Good luck.20:26
cablopthen what do i have to uninstall?20:26
ZykoticK9cablop, i'd try it first without uninstalling anything.20:27
DasEicablop: call synaptic, search for nvidia20:27
cablopZykoticK9: ah i see20:27
ZykoticK9cablop, IF you have nvidia enabled in Hardware Drivers20:27
cablopi moved the xorg.conf file20:27
cablopand started x20:27
cablopand i'm now in synaptic and searched for nvidia20:27
DasEicablop: try ZykoticK9 first, might be faster , if not totally borked20:27
abhijithey friends there was an option for show only text or text with icon or only icon. but now just i reinstall my lucid and i cant have that option in right click desktop>background prefenreces20:27
cablopZykoticK9: DasEi i entered the synaptic a while ago, then removed the nvidia things and hen removed the xorg.conf file, i can enter in ugly graphics mode... so what's your reommendatrion now?20:29
ZykoticK9abhijit, it might be an option in ubuntu-tweak... can't check right now in wrong Ubuntu20:29
abhijitZykoticK9, ohh ok.20:29
DasEicablop: same or other machine currently speaking from ?20:29
welinuxfs_: it's a zip file anyway You can unzip it or just rename it to *.zip20:29
ZykoticK9cablop, "sudo nvidia-xconfig" then restart x again20:29
wesselhello, I'm installing Ubuntu on my old laptop from an USB stick20:30
cablopdifferent machine20:30
wesselafter it loads the * * * * *, the screen goes gray20:30
DasEicablop: sudo service gdm stop20:30
SaevarHello everybody...anybody can help me write bootable iso of another os to flashdisc ? actual os is ubuntu 10.04 x64. want to make bootable flash disc of solaris live20:30
ZykoticK9cablop, use Hardware Drivers instead of synaptic, if you don't have nvidia installed20:30
abhijit!unetbootin | Saevar20:30
ubottuSaevar: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent20:30
DasEicablop: sudo nvidia-xconfig20:30
wesselIn the bios I only have the usb-device set as bootable, is this what causing the ubuntu installation to crash?20:30
Saevarabhijit, not working, tried20:31
DasEicablop: sudo service gdm start20:31
abhijithey that factoid is changed?20:31
cromhi all....anyone knows how to get "dund"20:31
abhijitSaevar, whats the error?20:31
cablopthen i'm going to restart the x ZykoticK9 DasEi20:31
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DasEisee above, cablop20:31
Saevarabhijit, no error but data are not on flash20:31
tomhooecho -s20:31
cablopdidn't started it through gdm20:31
abhijitSaevar, you tried unetbootin?20:31
Saevarabhijit, yep20:31
cablopi think i have to kill it them startx20:31
abhijitSaevar, partition with fat32?20:31
Saevarabhijit, yep20:32
ZykoticK9crom, you need to restart if you installed nvidia FYI20:32
psycho789where do i find a program ive installed20:32
abhijitSaevar, ohhh :(20:32
ZykoticK9cablop, see my message above!20:32
hareshhow to ceheck a MD5 for a burned cd ?20:32
abhijitpsycho789, whereis <packagename>20:32
DasEipsycho789: /usr/bin mostly20:32
Saevarabhijit, i'm trying to make bootable flash disc of opensolaris live...nothing works...dd,unetbootin,native iso writer...20:32
cablopthe one saying sudo service gdm  stop??20:32
cablopthe one saying sudo service gdm  stop?? ZykoticK9 ?20:32
abhijitSaevar, try in #opensolaris20:33
ZykoticK9cablop, if you've installed nvidia - there is a kernel module installed that requires a Reboot!20:33
psycho789abhijit, thanks20:33
abhijitpsycho789, :D20:33
hareshhow to ceheck a MD5 for a burned cd ?20:33
cromhi all....anyone knows how to get "dund"20:33
unimatrixsound doesn't work in wine / Lucid... is there a known bug about it?20:33
abhijitonce again :P20:33
cablopZykoticK9: ok, i'll reboot then20:33
* abhijit is just kidding..... :D20:33
DasEi!md5sum | haresh20:33
ubottuharesh: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows20:33
Saevarabhijit, tried, this is not problem of opensolaris, this is problem of actual os to write data :P20:34
DasEiharesh : just md5sum >SomeFile<, then compare20:34
abhijitSaevar, hmm. cant help.20:34
Ping_Floydhey ZykoticK9  how about dd if='file.img' of=/dev/<usb device>20:34
SnandyI am completely and totally lost what to do with dmraid. Does anyone know of a dmraid for dummies guide somewhere?20:34
pandarenhi i am using pidgin with torsocks how can i be sure that i am anonymous?20:34
hareshok thenks guys20:34
DasEiPing_Floyd: that won't boot (caspar, other bootloader)20:35
wesselare there any known causes of unbuntu going gray during installation on old laptops?20:35
abhijitcrom, sudo apt-get install bluez-compat20:35
hareshcan i burn it on a dvdrw ??20:35
DasEiharesh: a dvd iso yes, not a cd iso20:35
ZykoticK9Ping_Floyd, ? i don't do too much ISO/USB stuff like that.  Saevar20:35
abhijitcrom, this what ubuntu tell me when i try to run command dund in terminal: The program 'dund' is currently not installed.  To run 'dund' please ask your administrator to install the package 'bluez-compat'20:35
macowessel: when a window goes grey, thats like "not responding" -- doesnt mean its crashed, just that its too busy to respond to clicks20:35
ratcheerharesh: Yes20:35
hareshif i were to burn a cd iso on a dvd it will not work right20:35
macowessel: so, it might just be really busy with installiing20:35
ZykoticK9haresh, yes20:36
DasEiharesh: Is my experience least20:36
Saevarabhijit, thank's for trying20:36
ratcheerDasEi: I have successfully burned and used many CD iso's to DVD RW20:36
abhijitSaevar, yah.20:36
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wesselI terminated it xD20:36
wesselhow long do I need to wait?20:36
wesselI waited like 3 minutes20:36
hareshno wonder was getting the error unable to find a medium containing a live file system20:37
DasEiharesh : anyway, usb is faster, if machine boots it and stick got least 1 gb, and saves a medium20:37
macowessel: installation itself takes 15minutes to an hour depending on the hardware...20:37
wesselI'm now doing run ubuntu from usb20:37
wesselit goes gray again20:37
macowessel: like after you hit the "go ahead" (or whatever it says) button at the end of the install wizard20:37
wesselafter the * * * * * {o} screen20:37
unclemantisok i need a dumb answer. How do i view my apache server log file and when an error is written view the update20:37
unclemantisyou know, scrolling like20:37
Piciunclemantis: Can you rephrase that question? I'm not sure what you're asking.20:38
DasEicablop: does it work after a reboot ?20:38
ZykoticK9maco, i interpret wessel's * to mean Plymouth, perhaps X is failing to start?20:38
SnandyWhen using dmraid, I can't use any triggers, it keeps telling me "ERROR: you must be root"  So how do I gain root to mess around in terminal?20:38
unclemantisi want to view the contents of error.log as well as any updates to it20:38
unclemantismonitor it20:38
PiciSnandy: sudo -i20:38
DasEiSnandy: sudo as a prefix it20:38
wesselmaco: I start my pc, it boots from usb, asks options like start from usb, or install ubuntu to hard disk20:38
Piciunclemantis: tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log20:39
macoZykoticK9: oooh20:39
wesseli hit start from usb20:39
DasEiSnandy: sudo dmraid -a20:39
SnandyPici: Thanks   What is "sudo"?20:39
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unclemantistail... right20:39
Pici!sudo | Snandy20:39
ubottuSnandy: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with  superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli ) . Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For  graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with  sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo20:39
unclemantisthanks :)20:39
wesselit shows the ubuntu symbol --> {o} and 5 red dots * * * * *20:39
macowessel: is it using an intel 8xx graphics chip?20:39
wesselstarts loading, and bam, gray20:39
wesselmaco I think so20:39
ZykoticK9wessel, try selecting "try ubuntu" to get into Live Mode to see if that works, if it does, select the Install icon on the desktop20:39
wesselits centrino I think20:39
PiciSnandy: Just look at what ubottu said above ^^20:40
macowessel: can you use an alternate install cd?20:40
abhijit!bot > Snandy20:40
ubottuSnandy, please see my private message20:40
SnandySOrry, the text is going so fast here, I got lost20:40
wesselmaco I don't have a cd burner here20:40
DasEiSnandy: also can /query ubottu, so keep the channel readable20:40
macowessel: you might be hitting https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Bugs/Lucidi8xxFreezes if its an intel 8xx (umm... before 2004 or so)20:40
tesujihas anyone configued wifi without using networkmanager?  OR have you used networkmanager with a static?20:40
SnandyThanks, makes sense now. I don't like just learning commands, I like learning why and how, so things make sense.20:41
wesselInspiron 510m, Pentium M 755 (2.0 GHz, 2MB, 400MHz), 15.0” SXGA+ LCD Screen20:41
wesselits this20:41
DasEiSnandy: in that info, factoids can be evoked just by their name, so !sudo here there is just sudo20:41
PiciDasEi: It doesn't hurt if you use the ! in pm.20:41
ZykoticK9maco, i'd really encourage wessel to try a live environment to see if it works (would indicate a problem/get solution prior to actual install)20:41
tesujihas anyone configued wifi without using networkmanager?  OR have you used networkmanager with a static?20:42
wesselZykoticK9: what you mean live mode?20:42
DasEiPici:but then I would be faster ;-)20:42
ZykoticK9wessel, like a LiveCD or in your case a LiveUSB20:42
wesseldon't I have this already?20:42
tesujihas anyone configued wifi without using networkmanager?  OR have you used networkmanager with a static?20:42
wesselit asks "run ubuntu" from usb..20:42
ZykoticK9wessel, yes select Try Ubuntu instead of install20:42
wesselI did, goes gray20:42
ZykoticK9wessel, then "run ubuntu" my bad20:42
ZykoticK9wessel, right - you have an xorg issue for sure.20:43
wesselxorg? :-/20:43
DasEitesuji: again, edit inerfaces20:43
macoZykoticK9: well a live one wont boot :P in cases where that happens, alternate is the only way to go, then you can repair from there20:43
ZykoticK9wessel, maco intel issue may apply20:43
ZykoticK9maco, true20:43
macowessel: xorg = the graphics system20:43
tesujiDasEi, that's good for setting up a wired link but wifi needs a key20:43
wesselcan this be fixed?20:43
ZykoticK9maco, just recommending downloading another ISO if not required, is kinda...20:44
macowessel: the screen where it asks...looks fully graphical? or is a solid screen with a list of options?20:44
wesselwhere it asks what?20:44
wesselboot from usb?20:44
abhijittesuji, i dunno but thsi can be any help? I am not sure but just look https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZeroConfNetworking20:44
wessellooks normal20:44
macowessel: is it a window on top of a purple background?20:45
wessellooks very similar to this20:45
DasEitesuji: wpa ?20:45
wesselofcourse not with server20:45
ZykoticK9wessel, do you happen to know what version of ubuntu you are installing?20:46
tesujiabhijit, that's for ad-hoc.  what i need is to use networkmanager to discover and link to the wifi, but not accept dhcp settings20:46
erkan^who have blogtk too?20:46
abhijittesuji, ok20:46
wessellike this!20:46
wesselits with USB20:46
abhijithello erkan^20:46
FloodBot3wessel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:46
DasEitesuji: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo20:46
erkan^hey abhijit20:46
erkan^which blogprogram have you now/20:47
wesselZykoticK9: the latest20:47
=== Hay is now known as lvlnx
abhijiterkan^, no one. just using browser only. :)20:47
DasEitesuji: after installing wpa support, can start it from interfaces, but I avoid wireless, so might find someone more common with it20:47
abhijiterkan^, have you solved that drivel issue?20:47
erkan^I search a HTML-code for IMG SRC20:47
erkan^i use blogtk now, ahmad20:48
abhijiterkan^, so you dont found any solution for drivel?20:48
erkan^i have well found, but it is unstable20:49
erkan^you have need : ppa for Debian20:49
wesselI'm now running memory test works fine20:49
erkan^I can not rembemer20:49
abhijit!pm | lvlnx20:49
ubottulvlnx: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.20:49
wesselI'll try and get my camera and make some photos20:49
abhijiterkan^, ok.20:50
qwert666when i`m mounting a device i have a certain default icon, how do i change it ? i can do it in properties but it`s only a temporally solution ... any clues ?20:50
kenwiliestthe commadn for turnning of the system via shell?20:51
lvlnxHow may I be protected from ddos?20:51
maco!caps | abhijit20:51
ubottuabhijit: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.20:51
oCean_abhijit: you can also just /ignore him20:51
abhijitmaco, yes you can read it. but he cant.20:51
macolvlnx: by not being online20:51
abhijitoCean_, yah20:51
hareshwhen i run the cd tp install ubentu it just stop at unable to find a medium containing a live file system20:51
wesselmaco: yes the background is purple20:51
kenwiliestmaco, the command to shutdown system via shell??20:51
frxstremis it possible to remotely lock a computer through SSH?20:52
macokenwiliest: "sudo halt" or "sudo shutdown -h now"20:52
lvlnxNobody can disconnect me by ddos?20:52
macowessel: hmm so xorg might, in some way, be working.... ZykoticK9 do you know when X kicks in?20:52
digitalfizanyone have the vmware player .deb? I cant get vmware to send me the email. I got an account created email but it just wont send the email with the links for vmware player20:52
tensorpuddingyour ISP might disconnect you if you get DDoSed20:52
littlepenguinsnort can detect some sorts of ddos attacks lvlnx20:52
macolvlnx: you cant be DDoS'd if you're not online.  if you are online, you certainly can be20:52
abhijitlvlnx, dear you are welcome in this channel. just ask your questions here in main channel. thanks20:52
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Lemmiwinks Hi there, I've got a pretty nasty problem with my Ati radeon 8500 under Jaunty, using the radeon driver. The xserver randomly fails to start, resulting in a black screen.20:53
Lemmiwinks I found out that it could have something to do with the AGP Mode.I played around a lot with the bios settings that are somehow related to AGP but with no luck.20:53
ZykoticK9wessel, is your mouse working when you see this background?  if so xorg is working.  maco20:53
wesselI made some photos20:53
wesseli'll upload them20:53
LemmiwinksI did the same in xorg.conf (AGP Modes, AGPfastwrite...) but with no luck too.Anyone an idea?20:53
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hareshhelp pls20:54
lvlnxI heard that it is possible to make ping receive fiewer like 40 bytes/sec by console, is it true?20:54
Pici!ot | lvlnx20:54
ubottulvlnx: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:54
jNovicehow to instal amarok 2.3 at ubuntu 9.04? I just have amarok 2.120:54
erkan^abhijit, ?20:54
erkan^<img src> ?20:54
erkan^for image20:54
wesselcould you look here please? http://devio.us/~wessel/dell510/20:54
abhijiterkan^, yes?20:55
erkan^have you learned: HTML-basic 4.1, abhijit ?20:55
wesselZykoticK9: no I don't have a working mouse20:55
abhijiterkan^, dunno the version but i know little bit about it. still i am not expert. :)20:55
wesselI'll try plug in a mouse20:55
abhijiterkan^, what your question?20:56
oCean_JimmyJ: would you be so kind not to public change your nick when you're away/back?20:56
erkan^i want make a blog. i add a image too but i don't konow what is good HTML-code for a image. --> IMG20:56
welinuxdigitalfiz: can't get wmware player?20:56
wesselZykoticK9: when I plug in a mouse into the USB, it does not light up (receive power)20:57
abhijiterkan^, come in pm20:57
komputesIs there something special that needs to be done to have links clicked in thunderbird focus the firefox window upfront instead of in the background?20:57
wesselmaco: do you need any other screens? ? http://devio.us/~wessel/dell510/20:57
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digitalfizwelinux, i cant get the email with the download stuff in it. i dunno why. I got the account creation email20:57
wesselthis is the purple screen I get: http://devio.us/~wessel/dell510/IMG_1332.JPG20:57
SnandyWhy is Ubuntu asking me for passwords on Windows network shares that are not passworded?20:57
kbmaniachi, ubuntu one, new installof 10.04, sync complete but still not synced all files as displayed on web interface, any  ideas ?20:58
ZykoticK9wessel, maco that's only Plymouth that's purple, not xorg.20:58
welinuxdigitalfiz: I'll try to I like VMWare player20:58
digitalfizwelinux, thank you :D20:58
macoZykoticK9: the wallpaper in X is purpley...20:58
wesselI'm not really sure what to do from here...20:58
wesselinstall suze? XD20:58
ZykoticK9maco, see the screenshot ;)20:59
hareshany one can help20:59
ZykoticK9maco, this one http://devio.us/~wessel/dell510/IMG_1332.JPG20:59
wesselZykoticK9: its not a screenshot, its a photo with a photo camera20:59
macoZykoticK9: oh i see20:59
ZykoticK9wessel, of course!  you'd need a framebuffer screenshot program running before the system started!  impossible.20:59
macowessel: this is called geeks forgetting about the world taht existed before computers ;-)21:00
hareshwhen i run the cd tp install ubentu it just stop at unable to find a medium containing a live file system21:00
abhijitharesh, just repeat your questions after some apprx 10 min rather than saying 'anyone can help'21:00
macoZykoticK9: in this new world of booting that has the "try" option in a window instead of on the boot splash plymouth thingy... is it possible to modify kernel boot parameters?21:00
macoZykoticK9: if so, wessel could try disabling kms21:00
DasEiharesh: you burned the md5sum-checked cd on a cd-medium ?21:01
ZykoticK9maco, hold shift on Grub2 and enter "text" as a kernel parameter21:01
macoZykoticK9: er... there's grub on the cd?21:01
DasEiharesh: did you try the cd's self-test also ? verify medium ?21:01
hareshyeah i did21:02
hareshit passed21:02
ZykoticK9maco, LOL good point!  not sure?  oops21:02
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DasEiharesh: so you can try some bootoptions, still, starting with ACPI=OFF21:02
macoZykoticK9: to turn off kms you need:  i915.modeset=0       <-- that added to end of kernel boot params, but i dont know how to do that on lucid CDs :-/21:02
hareshhmm ok21:03
Watson516After grub loads, my numlock turns off for all operating systems installed. Is this a grub fix or bios fix I should be looking for?21:03
jimdefiedI'm curious if anybody has heard of an issue with lshw on 10.1021:03
oCean_jimdefied: maverick discussion in #ubuntu+121:03
jimdefiedthank you21:03
hobbsci've got ufw turned off and i'm running motion.  it's listening on ports 80 and 8081. i can connect to both ports locally, but not from another machine on the same subnet.  i can ssh into the machine from other boxes on the same subnet, though21:03
wesselits still running windows still fine xD21:03
wesselwindows XP21:03
hobbscanyone have any idea how i can open those ports so that other boxes can get to it21:03
trism_maco: it's the same as on other cds, you just need to hit some button to get the menu back (maybe escape?)21:04
pieter_can anyone tell me if its possible to see how much power a usb device is drawing?21:04
wesselwhen I boot from hard disk that is, so I'm not sure about this grafics controller talk, ... but seems to me I should get a different version of ubuntu21:04
ZykoticK9maco, i just tested in VM Lucid LiveCD hold shift bring up the "boot graphics" option.21:04
wessela version of unbutu that has different graphic drivers21:04
ZykoticK9maco, and kernel parameters21:04
macotrism_: previous CDs and the kubuntu cd have a "options" menu at the bottom if you hit f621:05
maco!cn | liaoshengshu21:05
ubottuliaoshengshu: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk21:05
macoZykoticK9: can you tell wessel how to get to that?21:05
grendal_primenevermind DasEi. I figured it out . just some stupid firewall issue had nothign to do with my configs at all...crap..ok done now though21:07
ZykoticK9wessel, hold SHIFT down after selecting your boot device (right after BIOS by default) you should get a menu choice.21:07
DasEi!yay | grendal_prime21:07
ubottugrendal_prime: Glad you made it! :-)21:07
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wesselwhere I do this?21:07
wesselin the bios?21:07
wesselfor me its F1221:07
wesselto select bootable device21:07
trism_maco: I'm pretty sure that is still there, it's just that the isolinux/syslinux menu isn't shown by default, you have to hit some button that I can't remember to get to it on the purple screen (I originally needed nomodeset, which was in the f6 menu)21:07
cilly_okay I'm trying to get the z35 driver to work.  According to the tutorial, I type /usr/lib/cups/backend/z35 at the terminal and the output should be direct z35:/dev/usb/lp0 “Lexmark Inkjet color printer” “Lexmark Printer”  It returns nothing.  Anyone know whats going on?21:08
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macowessel: dont go *into* the bios21:08
wesselZykoticK9: I'm selecting USB21:08
wesseland then I'm gonna hold shift21:08
macowessel: just after you see the bios thing, hold shift down so that the ubuntu catches that while it's booting21:08
wesselso I hold shift before I get the choice screen21:08
AviMarcusdarn. only 20 minutes of scrollback. I'd like software to sychronize two folders, which also deletes files. Any suggestions?21:08
ZykoticK9wessel, after bios - you should see "Load boot graphics" if you held shift properly.21:08
wesselnope didn't get it21:09
wesseland I was pretty fast21:09
=== bullgard5 is now known as bullgard4
ZykoticK9wessel, don't tap, hold shift down is my only hint21:09
wesselit just goes to "automatically boot in 5 seconds"21:09
wesselI'm now in the choice menu, "run ubuntu from this USB" etc21:10
wesselI need press shift before this right?21:10
cablopZykoticK9, DasEi i just reboted now... now i got screen again, ut i guess it's not the nvidia driver... also it's whowing the spalsh screen... butt i told it to not to do... weid21:10
wessel[Installer boot menu]21:10
ZykoticK9wessel, autoboot hit enter - then try holding shift down21:10
hareshstill the same bro21:10
ZykoticK9cablop, proprietary nvidia destroys Plymouth (boot splash) - fact of life i'm affraid.21:11
DasEicablop: good enough to edit a file ?21:11
wesselits booting windows21:11
wesselI need to go in bios xD21:11
DasEi!who | haresh21:11
ubottuharesh: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:11
wesseland change boot order21:11
FloodBot3wessel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:11
cablopin fact i want to remove that plymouth thing21:11
hareshDasEi, still the same21:11
SnandyIs there an app that will burn an ISO from a network share?21:12
digitalfizwelinux, i finally got it but its a .bundle i habe no idea what to open it with lol21:12
DasEiharesh: So.. wrong architecture maybe (386/64 ?)21:12
cablopZykoticK9: then next step is... i think i have no nvidia drivers, and no way to detect if i have nvidia...21:12
wesselk I got it21:12
SCD[Eire]Hey guys. Cheese can see my webcam but no other program can. How can I fix this? :P the webcam is located in /dev/video021:12
hareshDasEi, 38621:12
DasEicablop: good enough to edit a file ?21:12
ZykoticK9Snandy, any app could, but you're likely to run into issue burning across a network, unless it's real fast!21:12
cablopyep, i can edit a file21:12
wesselwhat I type there?21:12
wesselSYSLINUX 3.8621:12
welinuxdigitalfiz: I'm only downloaing :) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware/Player21:13
DasEiharesh: that should run on both, so then try the alternate cd, that boots on "exotic" hardware easier21:13
wesselUnknown keyword in configuration file: gfxboot21:13
SnandyI have burned off of the network plenty of times. But the default burner just told me "not supported by backend"21:13
wesselboot: _21:13
ZykoticK9cablop, System / Admin / Hardware Drivers21:13
cablopi thought that the kernel upgrade did that.... maybe... i'll stick to security updates only then :(21:13
hareshmy spec is a old spec21:13
cablopZykoticK9: yes, i'm in that place, but it's not detecting my card21:13
DasEicablop: no need, dkms will take care of it21:14
Specharesh: Well, here, I'm a new spec.21:14
DasEi!alternate | haresh21:14
ubottuharesh: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can  also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal21:14
wesselZykoticK9, maco: I'm in the menu [SYSLINUX], now what?21:14
hareshDasEi, http://ubentu.pastebin.com/z2tgdv8c my spec21:15
karloI created account on ubuntu one (on web-site), but I do not know how to log in ubuntu one on my computer (system/preferences/ubuntu one)21:15
welinuxdigitalfiz:  sudo chmod +x ./VMware-Player-2.5.1-126130.i386.bundle  && gksudo bash ./VMware-Player-2.5.2-156735.i386.bundle21:15
DasEiharesh: nothing too exotic, though your ati will only support fglrx21:16
hareshDasEi, so what do u recommand me to do ?21:16
DasEiharesh: also desktop should work there, but as said, alternate supports wider variety, so try that21:16
newblihi all21:16
newbliany help?21:16
DasEiharesh: there is no usb-thumb in your range ?21:17
hareshDasEi, what do u mean21:17
cablopwell, my problem is no nvidia card in hardware drivers...21:17
DasEiharesh: have you got a usb-stick of least one GB ?21:17
DasEiharesh: k, then d/l the alternate iso and burn again on slow speed21:18
digitalfizwelinux, ty :)21:18
wessel"maco, i just tested in VM Lucid LiveCD hold shift bring up the "boot graphics" option."  <-- I don't have no boot graphics option21:18
cablophow good could be to use the linux-server kernel in a desktop cmputer?21:18
macowessel: do you have an option to modify kernel parameters?21:18
macowessel: or the boot line?21:18
hareshDasEi, is this the file http://mirrors.cytanet.com.cy/linux/ubuntu/releases/10.04/ubuntu-10.04-alternate-i386.iso21:18
macowessel: something like that?21:18
wesselboot line21:18
DasEiharesh: yes21:18
wessells, could not find kernel ls..21:18
hareshDasEi, ok thanks21:19
DasEicablop: no problem, but that won't be your problem21:19
ubottuTo install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages21:19
welinuxdigitalfiz: where is Linux version to download ? lol ^)21:19
karlo I created account on ubuntu one (on web-site), but I do not know how to log in ubuntu one on my computer (system/preferences/ubuntu one)21:19
cablopi'm tryoing to setup a computer as temporary development station and after a few time move to files server21:19
wesselmaco, boot:21:19
wesselmaco: boot ls21:19
cablopthen i think i can update the server...to mmm21:19
wesselmaco: Could not find kernal image: ls21:19
digitalfizwelinux, once you get the email the link it gives will send you to the page where you have a choice of different windows and linux versions21:20
DasEicablop: I suggest that, also build-essential, then d/l driver from nvida, then same again (out of x nvidia-config, reboot)21:20
macoZykoticK9: uhhh do you know what to do next? ive not done this before...21:20
DasEicablop: shall we try it ?21:20
abhijitok. bye all! :)21:20
thune3karlo: did you go through all instructions in https://one.ubuntu.com/support/installation/  ?21:20
cabloplet me understand all the steps21:20
DasEicablop: I'll guide you step by step ..21:20
cablopi think i'll enable a few repos here, then installla server jkernel, then reboot and then do what you are telling me, does that sound ok?21:21
DasEicablop: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential21:21
Hooberhello i have a problem. Where is ubuntu software to meet hot chix? i already customized my ubuntu desktop, so i am pretty much in fashion21:21
welinuxdigitalfiz: too long                                   anyway happy you've it21:21
DasEicablop: 32 or 64 bit ?21:21
HooberI have Ubuntu LTS 10.0421:22
cablopand old hardware21:22
Hooberhow do i access hot girls21:22
Hooberfrom software center21:22
cablopsudo apt-get install sex-apeal XDDDDD21:22
Hooberdo they21:22
Hooberhave a profile too21:22
Hooberlike i want to meet them21:22
DasEicablop: call in browser : http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux-display-ia32-256.44-driver.html21:23
Oer!ot | Hoober21:23
ubottuHoober: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:23
ZykoticK9maco, it sounds like wessel is at a grub boot prompt - i'm really not sure how to proceed from there!  My Lucid CD seems to get a very differnt kernel boot option then wessel is getting?21:23
HooberThis is a ubuntu problem21:23
Oerhoober, no it is not.21:23
DasEicablop: d/l to desktop21:23
Hoobertrust me i installed ubuntu for this purpose21:23
Daekdroom!troll | Hoober21:23
ubottuHoober: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel21:23
wesselZykoticK9: so where I download this Lucid CD?21:23
DasEicablop: say when done21:23
ZykoticK9wessel, maco - sorry that's right!21:23
cablopDasEi, give me a sec, i need to move it from the netbook to the pc21:23
macoZykoticK9: clearly i need to buy more broken hardware so i can learn how to fix this stuff...21:24
Hooberso that is what a troll is21:24
Hooberi never would of known21:24
wesselmaco: omg, my hardware is not broken..21:24
kenwiliestwhy... why does pkg_add keep freezing... and every time i make install clean a x11/ gnome2/ etc etc port (dealing with graphics) it never works...21:24
DasEi!support > Hoober21:24
wesselit runs windows fine21:24
ubottuHoober, please see my private message21:24
macowessel: i dont mean broken-support-in-linux21:25
wesselZykoticK9: what is Lucid CD anyways...21:25
ZykoticK9maco, and example boot line would be like "/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-26-k7 root=/dev/hda1 ro quiet splash noapic nolapic" which you could add the i8 intel fix too - but i'm not sure how you find the kernel info for wessel's system to put in there.21:25
macowessel: ive been buying explicitly-linux-compatible hardware long enough that my what-to-do-when-its-not-supported-right pile of knowledge is like 3 years out of date21:26
wesselI think I ran suze once21:26
wesselon this laptop21:26
wesselwithout any problem21:26
SCD[Eire]Hey guys. Cheese can see my webcam but no other program can. How can I fix this? :P the webcam is located in /dev/video021:26
Snandydmraid will not activate my raids. Is there another option for a hardware based raid?21:27
wesselZykoticK9: can't find boot image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-26-k721:27
cablopDasEi:downloading the driver, and installing new kernel21:28
ZykoticK9SCD[Eire], someone last night had a similar issue and fixed it by running "qcset /dev/video0 compat=dblbuf"21:28
wesselor kernel image... I can't read this fast21:28
kenwiliestwhen i startx, i have a basic tribox gui with a login/xterm/xterm box... how do I get it to look normal???21:28
alynnhi, how can i transfer files from pidgin to yahoo messenger?21:28
hareshhow to erase a dvdrw  ah ??21:28
ZykoticK9wessel, that isn't right for your system.  the kernel part /boot/vmlinux-BLAH21:28
DasEicablop: when done : sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade21:28
DasEiharesh : use k3b21:28
SCD[Eire]Thanks ZykoticK9, I'll try it now21:29
cablopDasEi: which prefered repositories? ubuntu-security or ubuntu-updates?21:29
ZykoticK9wessel, that was only an example - some changes would need to be made, for example root=/dev/hda1 is probably incorrect as well.21:29
DasEiharesh: or are you on windows ?21:29
chrislabeardhey guys, I'm trying to run a LAMP server and I cannot figure out how to allow apache to write to files in my directory, If i make the owner of the directory _www it works but then I can't add or edit files. Any ideas?21:29
DasEicablop: both21:29
hareshDasEi, on ubentu21:29
fenixright =)21:30
DasEiharesh: sudo apt-get install k3b && k3b21:30
fenixgood look bye =)21:30
ZykoticK9SCD[Eire], someone else suggested turning cheese on (to turn the camera on) - then try other programs21:30
hareshDasEi, thanks21:30
cablopdasei, i disabled proposed and backports for stability, but  synaptic prefers one o the ones i left there... or ubuntu or security... cause it'lll be a server in the future i won't stress on keeping it up to date rather to keep it stable21:31
jd__<---Question if anyone is available21:31
Black_Prince!ask | jd__21:31
ubottujd__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:31
jd__if a laptop employing vm workstation7 is limited to 4 gigs of ram, would a dedicated swap file be possible to use as a means of increasing the guest's resources?21:31
tweepcat_i need some help: gparted isn't reading any partitions, so i cant install ubuntu - look at this: http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=165569&d=128103890421:31
DasEicablop: sounds fine21:31
SCD[Eire]Neither worked ZykoticK921:31
tweepcat_the partitions are there, but gparted doesn't see them21:31
DasEicablop: does apt complain now ?21:31
mysterydesignerjoin #elementary21:31
DasEicablop: when done : sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade               < runs through fine ?21:32
ZykoticK9SCD[Eire], sorry man that's all i got - it was from someone else last night.  good luck.21:32
cablopdasei, so maybe to keep security as prefered would be ok, apt? no, i'm still installing the kernel... that grub update takes much time :(21:32
SCD[Eire]Cheers anyway man <3 :)21:32
DasEicablop: sure21:32
f0gOn my fresh install, after reboot, the system just sits at a blank screen with a flashing cursor.  No grub menu ever shows up, but grub-install /dev/sda (booted into a livecd to do it) works fine.21:32
f0gNo errors.21:32
Lisa__hi im having trouble with a hard drive that i think is faulty. im trying to use cp -r to copy files from one diretory on the hard drive to another hard drive but get errors saying cannot stat /media/...  is there anything i can do to work around this? i want backup all the files i can off the possibly faulty hard drive21:32
DasEi!grub2 | f0g21:33
ubottuf0g: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub221:33
tweepcat_i need some help: gparted isn't reading any partitions, so i cant install ubuntu - look at this: http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=165569&d=128103890421:33
DasEif0g: there you find a way, you can boot live cd ? want a walkthrough on re-installing grub ?21:33
alynn how can i transfer files from pidgin to yahoo messenger?21:34
f0gDasEi: I can boot a live cd. I've reinstalled grub... three times.21:34
f0gNo go.21:34
ZykoticK9tweepcat_, in future if you need to post screencast perhaps using  imagebin would be better (no login required).  From the !paste factoid "To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin"21:35
AviMarcushey. I'm trying to bridge my wifi to my wired.. but it seems my wired disapeared. What did I do to it and how do I get it back?21:36
Hooberbored. Gonna DDOS cia.gov21:36
DasEif0g: you used mount bind, chroot and also tried a recheck ?21:36
DasEiHoober: please join #ubuntu-offtopic, support only here21:37
andrew_2I'm about to move my /home, but I also want to keep it backed up. Do you think it's ok to dropbox it?21:37
tweepcat_can anybody help me - gparted isn't working21:37
=== pepee_ is now known as pepee
andrew_2tweepcat_: Sup with it?21:37
tensorpuddingYou want to put your /home under dropbox?21:38
tweepcat_look at the screen shot - no partitions are showing, but if i run sudo fdisk -l they show21:38
XunZi /home dir under dropbox, not a bad idea21:38
erkan^I am very satisfied with BlogTK, abhmetji21:38
tweepcat_gparted isn't showing any partitions, which means i cant install ubuntu21:38
systemd0wnandrew_2, if you're just using it for a backup i would make a script that compresses the home directory and then puts that file into the dropbox folder21:39
andrew_2systemd0wn: Just what I was asking ;p21:39
XunZiI just installed handbrake-gtk but the command still can not be found.21:39
andrew_2But I realise I also have a seedbox slice that'd probably be better suited for backing up to, to be fair21:39
Lisa__i have folders with names like "My Own Photos" how can i enter names like these into the cp command?21:40
DasEiXunZi: did you compile it from source ?21:40
tensorpuddingLisa__: you need to backslash escape the spaces21:40
tensorpuddinglike My\ Own\ Photos21:40
XunZiDasEi, nope, I added the handbrake dailysnapshot ppa21:40
Oertweepcat_, fdisk is showing fine, why won't gparted show any ? did you use 'sudo gparted' ??21:40
systemd0wntweepcat_, does it recognize the HDD just not the partitions?21:40
andrew_2Lisa__: Do what tensorpudding said, or you can wrap in "21:41
cablopdasei give me a few minutes, i'll try to apt pin lkucid before updatng it21:41
tweepcat_i dont know21:41
Lisa__so "My\ Own\ Photos" ? ah ok thanks21:41
DasEiXunZi: I just looked it up, yes, there is a repo21:41
thune3tweepcat_: i could be wrong, your fdisk -l is weird sda3 has same start as sda5 and sda3 overlaps both sda5 and sda6. what am *I* misunderstanding here?21:41
AviMarcuswhere oh where did my eth0 go, oh where o where could it be? Some help, please?21:41
ZykoticK9systemd0wn, it shows it as unpartitioned space atucally.21:41
tensorpuddingLisa__: no, not both21:41
jd__if a laptop employing vm workstation 7 is limited to 4 gigs of ram, can a dedicated swap file (or something of that nature) be used to increase guest performance?21:41
tensorpuddingLisa__: either use the backslash escape, or put it in double quotes21:41
systemd0wnZykoticK9, ah. well uhh.. he should make some partitions21:41
tweepcat_okay, how can i wipe the hard drive with all of it's partitions?21:41
ZykoticK9systemd0wn, "sudo fdisk -l" shows a bunch ;)21:42
DasEiXunZi: can you find it in the apps menu ?21:42
Lisa__ah yea i was trying to seperate that piece from the rest of my message thats why i used quotes.  thanks. im trying to copy files from a hard drive to another one but getting lots of errors21:42
f0gJust tried to reinstall grub again.21:42
f0gStill nothing.21:42
f0gWhat's going on!? :(21:42
DasEifog:how you go ?21:42
systemd0wnJava Programmers here?21:42
andrew_2Lisa__: Spaces == new paramater, is what most CLI systems see.21:42
f0gDasEi: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub221:42
Lisa__systemd0wn, yes but only basicish21:43
tweepcat_how can i wipe the hard drive with all of it's partitions - the partitions are messed up and i have all data backed up21:43
XunZiDasEi, I found it. thx for the efford21:43
DasEiXunZi: get the brakes21:43
c3levery time I try to download a file via firefox I get this error /tmp/6N+jpP8M.part could not be saved, because the source file could not be read.21:43
systemd0wnLisa__, i'm just looking to compile a project i found online. I know some C programming but I'm not sure what compiles are common for java, etc21:43
tweepcat_guys, please help me21:43
DasEif0g: boot live cd open a terminal21:44
AviMarcus$ sudo modprobe -r ssb -- FATAL: Module ssb is in use. How do I disable it?21:44
Lisa__systemd0wn, if you looking an easy option just use an application like eclipse21:44
krzysztofhi, can wnyone help me with installing intel gma 4500 drivers on ubuntu please21:44
tweepcat_how can i wipe the hard drive with all of it's partitions?21:44
f0gDasEi: Done.21:44
mbeierlHas anyone here tried to install the VMware infrastucture client under Wine?  I'm getting "err:msi:ACTION_CallDllFunction failed to load dll L"C:\\users\\mbeierl\\Temp\\msi9932.tmp" (998)" on the screen that asks me to select the destination folder and it never proceeds beyond that.  Is there something simple that I've overlooked?21:44
=== mdvz0r is now known as MDVz0r
DasEitweepcat_: I just followed with one eye, but a live cd, as you can't do partitions on a mounted drive21:44
XunZiDasEi, the command for handbrake is ghb :\21:44
XunZiit used to be handbrake21:44
systemd0wnLisa__, I thought of eclipse I just wanted an easy command line like with C. :\21:44
Lisa__systemd0wn i have never used commands so couldnt help you if thats what you wanted. the java site does have good documentation thought21:45
jd__Lise_ : Try Anjunta21:45
mbeierltweepcat_: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX where sdX is sda, sdb, etc for the device of the drive21:45
deanimeantweepcat_,  dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=512 count =1 will wipe out the mbr and partition table.21:45
krzysztofhi, can wnyone help me with installing intel gma 4500 drivers on ubuntu please21:45
DasEif0g: sudo fdisk -l21:45
Lisa__well if you have java on your machine javac is the command you want21:45
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:45
deanimeangah, no space in count=121:45
Fluturaspls can anyone help me ?21:46
M1TE5Hhow to take mbr backup21:46
DasEi!ask | Fluturas21:46
ubottuFluturas: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:46
c3levery time I try to download a file via firefox I get this error /tmp/6N+jpP8M.part could not be saved, because the source file could not be read." what could this be?21:46
systemd0wnLisa__, I do appreciate it, ill try it out. rarely see a woman in the CS field. *thumbs up*21:46
DasEiM1TE5H: http://embraceubuntu.com/2005/10/20/backing-up-the-mbr/21:46
nexus6__is there a german ubuntu channel?21:47
mbeierldeanimean: tweepcat_ - the difference in the two commands is deanimean will wipe out the partition table, yes, but if you are looking for complete erasure of the whole drive (although forensic specialists can still get to the history somehow), you should "zero out" the whole device21:47
jd__can a dedicated swap file be used to increase vm guest performance in w/ workstation 7?21:47
DasEi!de | nexus6__21:47
ubottunexus6__: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.21:47
M1TE5HDasEi: Thanks21:47
DasEif0g: paste the out from sudo fdsik -l21:47
DasEif0g: (l is lower L)21:48
Fluturaspls can anyone help me ?21:48
filosofixitMy two internal NIC's went dead so I have put in two new NIC's, but they wont appear in ifconfig and the "old" NIC's are still there. I have disabled them in BIOS. Any ideas....21:48
DasEif0g: paste the out from sudo fdisk -l  ,typo^21:48
DasEifilosofixit: does lspci show them ?21:49
filosofixitDasEi : Yes it does.21:49
=== richard is now known as Guest12406
thune3jd__: i personally don't see how it could increase the performance of the vm itself (unless the VM has fixed memory and is running out). Limiting the memory and setting dedicated swap (if your vm does that), would seem to be a way of preventing the vm from taking over your system memory, which reduces the performance outside the vm.21:49
DasEifilosofixit: kinda nics ? drivers needed or standard ones ?21:50
f0gOn my fresh install, after reboot, the system just sits at a blank screen with a flashing cursor.  No grub menu ever shows up, but grub-install /dev/sda (booted into a livecd to do it) works fine.21:50
DasEif0g: please follow instructions, so I canhelp21:50
DasEif0g: paste the out from sudo fdisk -l  ,typo^21:50
filosofixitDasEi : Realtek PCIe 1000mb... should work fine21:50
DasEifilosofixit: yes21:50
DasEifilosofixit: not shown in ifconfig you say ?21:51
f0gThe partitions are fine.  Grub is installed.21:51
f0gI wish it was that easy.21:51
jd__Thune3 : Agreed--- I looking to expand usable memory beyond that of it the guest's allocation. Say a 4 gig laptop21:51
filosofixitDasEi : nope... and the old ones appear in ifconfig still... weird21:51
DasEif0g: obviously not, so let's recheck grub21:52
DasEif0g: paste the out from sudo fdisk -l  ,typo^21:52
krzysztofdoes anyone know how to instal intel graphic drivers on ubuntu?21:52
f0gDasEi: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/mRqrpQxN21:52
guntbertkrzysztof: 10.04 should be working with intel from the start21:53
krzysztofguntbert: how can i check if it is installed correctly?21:54
filosofixitDasEi :How can ifconfig "see" a NIC that has been disabled in bios?21:54
guntbertkrzysztof: what is your problem?21:55
filosofixitDasEi : Should I reset my motherboard perhaps?21:55
cablopDasEi: well... i upgraded the kernel and i lost the graphic interface21:55
AviMarcusany ideas on how to get back my eth0? perhaps ssb is an issue again, I don't know how to turn it off21:55
DasEifilosofixit: most prbly from interfaces21:55
DasEif0g: so sdb is your main ubuntu ?21:55
DasEifilosofixit: let's just try to add the two nics21:56
thune3jd__: sounds worth trying. limit the vm memory to 2-3gig (let's say), and give it a big swapfile. (if your vm supports this). Worth a try I would say.21:56
DasEifilosofixit: dhcp ?21:56
krzysztofguntbert: some basic games looks shit, cant watch HD clips on youtube21:56
Shact2guys, how come I can't log is as root?21:56
filosofixitDasEi : yup21:56
Shact2i resent being locked out of my own system21:56
cablopDasEi: well, i rebooted and got gui again... this thing is so weird21:56
DasEifilosofixit: gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces21:56
f0gDasEi: Yes.21:56
guntbert!language | krzysztof21:57
ubottukrzysztof: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:57
DasEif0g: let me finish filos.. , brb21:57
filosofixitDasEi : I've tried that and doing "ifconfig ethX up" manually21:57
DasEifilosofixit: gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces21:57
Shact2also, how do i unencrypt my home folder?21:57
DasEifilosofixit: open ?21:57
SnandyIs there version of linux that supports raid drives better? It has been 4 hours of trying and I can not get Ubuntu to mount my raid hard drives21:57
Fluturaspls can anyone help me ?21:57
DasEiFluturas: see above21:57
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:57
krzysztofguntbert: when i was on windows i was able to watch 1080p clips without problems21:58
filosofixitDasEi : My interfaces-file should be correct... I've tried eth0-5... nothing works :(21:58
cablopDasEi: done,21:58
cablopiu[pdated u[pgraded just with security packages, dunno how to pin now21:58
krowtenwhats the best data recovery tool to use to recover ubuntu files on another hard drive, using ubuntu os?21:59
filosofixitDasEi : I will try to do a reset on my motherboard so any "old" settings will be removed.... thanks anyways :)21:59
DasEifilosofixit: entries for eth0 -3 there ? like auto eth0 / iface eth0 inet dhcp    with "/" as a new line ?21:59
guntbertkrzysztof: sorry, I am no expert with video performance22:00
filosofixitDasEi : Yup... it's all there22:00
DasEicablop: sudo gdm stop22:00
DasEifilosofixit: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /etc/network/interfaces22:00
DasEifilosofixit: or has it no inet yet ?22:01
DasEicablop: cd /home/$USER/Desktop22:01
cablopstopped... moving22:01
DasEicablop: ls                    <<file nvidiablah.sh there ?22:01
cablopto the lication of the driver, right?22:01
cablopyes it's there22:02
DasEicablop: sudo sh nvidiabalah.run22:02
ubuntu_hi guys22:02
DasEicablop: trowing erros ?22:03
DasEias ?22:03
cablopit says nouveau is enabled and i need to disable nouveau in order to continue22:03
ubuntu_how do i xubuntu..?22:03
DasEicablop: sudo apt-get remove --purge nouveau-firmware22:04
thune3krowten: depends on what the problem with the hard-drive/filesystem is. This page (and many others elsewhere) show some strategies: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery22:04
aeon-ltdubuntu: say wut?22:04
cablopmmmm, DasEi it wasn't installed22:05
DasEicablop: first see what apt suggests by : sudo apt-get remove nvidia* --dry-run22:05
krowtenthanks thune22:05
=== MDVz0r is now known as mdvz0r
DasEifilosofixit: has the machine any inet at all now ?22:05
convergewhen is the next release of ubuntu?22:06
ubottuMaverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is Not released and Not Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+122:06
kc8pxywhat can make my ubuntu "Randomly" kill the Xserver? sometimes it won't get past gdm,  other times it dies in the middle of an app,  other times, i'm only clicking on my mail icon. a few times it's died as my desktop is loading..   what is causing this?   CLI is fine.22:06
cablopDasEi: it selects a lot of nvidia packges but doesn't suggest anything22:06
convergeDasEi, tks22:06
DasEicablop: first see what apt suggests by : sudo apt-get remove nvidia*22:06
filosofixitDasEi : sorry... tryin somehing here now... will be back soon :) thanks for the help so far :)22:07
cablopand it's not suggestng anything22:07
DasEicablop: sudo apt-get remove nvidia*22:07
DasEif0g: so now we go22:07
kc8pxyit keeps "rebooting" back to a gdm prompt.  what could be in charge of these resets?22:07
cablopthere's nothing to remove22:07
DasEicablop: sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg_gone22:08
DasEicablop: sudo touch  /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:08
AviMarcushiya. uhm.. any ideas why my eth0 is missing? It worked fine with the live cd, when first installed, etc..22:08
cablopthe installer didn't  finished, do i need to reboot?22:08
llvllonkis there no driver for Dell Studio 15 Wireless adapter Broadcom?22:08
DasEif0g: terminal live cd open ?22:09
convergemy nm-applet (network manager) do not reconnect, just connect the first time, in the second one i need delete the network and try again. its a know issue?22:09
DasEicablop: no nouveau and no nvidia-packages installed and installer stopping ? strange.. try again after a reboot22:09
cablopi think it had something similar22:10
DasEicablop: already in reboot ?22:10
DasEik, let go , then alt-ctrl-F122:11
thune3AviMarcus: missing from network-manager only or missing from "ifconfig" output too?22:11
Freudlund_I did a bad thing, installed nvidia-185-glx, on top of modified driver that i modified, now i can't get to nvidia-xconfig, monitors OR Nvidia X server config22:11
DasEicablop: sudo init 122:12
cablopDasEi: `rebooted retrying to install driver22:12
DasEif0g : ??22:12
DasEicablop: where are we now ?22:13
thune3kc8pxy: what video chip do you have? "lspci | grep VGA"22:14
cablopDasEi: i'm in the folder of the nvidia driver installer22:15
cablopi can either retry the install or try the init 1...22:15
DasEicablop: try init 1 one, case of broken packages22:15
no--namewhat are ~/Public and ~/Templates for?22:15
Freudlund_I remember when I tried to get my nvidia card setup, i blasklisted the nouveau driver somewhere, where might that have been?22:16
SnandyIn DMRAID, when trying to mount my raid, it tells me "nvidia: wrong # of devices in RAID set" I have followed 5 guides now, they all end up in that error and no mount22:18
DasEiFreudlund: gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf22:20
no--namewhat are ~/Public and ~/Templates for?22:20
thune3no--name: you can put empty documents (set up how you want them) in ~/Templates. If you right click on desktop you can select "Create Document" and choose one of those files. ~/Public is a vestage for sharing files (if all other stuff in ~/ was locked down except ~/Public)22:21
no--namethune3: is it safe to delete them?22:21
thune3no--name: if you don't plan on using them, you may delete them.22:21
no--nameok cool =)22:21
Freudlund_DasEi, thx...22:22
DasEicablop: so ran dpkg repair.. and then try the installer again ?22:22
neil_ubuntureklamo talib :)22:25
cablopDasEi: i'm getting many errors give me some seconds... i'm reading some srst faild22:25
CT1Hi.  How can I disable middle click when I press left and right mouse buttons?  ie, I want middle click to be triggered ONLY when I actually click the middle button, not when I click left+right.22:27
Dr_WillisCT1:  thats a setting called 'mouse cording' (or chording), not sure where its set these days of No Xorg.conf22:27
=== mdvz0r is now known as MDVz0r
CT1Thanks I'll try googling that22:28
DasEicablop: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-185 if the driver won't install22:29
cablopthe driver didn't install22:29
JonathanYCHello! :D22:33
JonathanYCMy ubuntu installation says Tcl is installed22:33
JonathanYCbut I can't execute tcl scripts using tcl <scriptname>22:33
JonathanYCCould anyone help me with this?22:33
cablopdasei ok, i restarted this thing... then sudo init 122:33
Dr_WillisJonathanYC:  and the error it gives is ?  output of 'tcl --version' is ?22:34
cablopbut init 1 throw me that useless [plymouth thing!!!22:34
JonathanYCDr_Willis: It says the tcl command is not present22:34
JonathanYCcommand not found :/22:34
Dr_WillisJonathanYC:  then sounds like TCL is not installed..22:34
DasEicablop: boot safemode from grub then22:34
JonathanYCDr_Willis: Yet it is22:34
Dr_WillisJonathanYC:  and what did you install?22:34
JonathanYCI just uninstalled it and reinstalled it twice. What more do you want? 8D22:34
JonathanYCTcl of course22:35
JonathanYCThis: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/tcl22:35
cablopok dasei booting in recovery mode22:35
JonathanYCSo the command would obviously be22:35
JonathanYCsudo apt-get install tcl22:35
Dr_WillisJonathanYC:  what was the exact package name you installed?22:35
enzotibJonathanYC: tclsh is the same?22:35
JonathanYCenzotib: No, tclsh is installed22:35
JonathanYCDr_Willis: As I have already said, tcl.22:36
hareshDasEi, bro when i try it it say unable to mount cdrom22:36
cablopdasei repaired22:36
DasEicablop: netroot22:36
DasEicablop: try installing again22:36
magicianlordwhat is a good cli radio station player for music?22:36
tesujiwhat's a pastebin site that accepts binary files?22:37
Dr_Willisthe 'tcl' package does not comntain a /bin/tcl or anytjhing named tcl -it has 2 binaries in it. (checking package manager)22:37
Dr_WillisJonathanYC:  try the command 'tcl8.4 whatever.tcl' perhaps?22:38
JonathanYCAlso, the tcl version provided by the repository seems to not be able to run this TI provided script22:38
JonathanYCDr_Willis: Yeah, tclsh seems to work22:38
tesujipastebin oughta be called pastetext :) what's a pastebin site that accepts bins?22:38
hareshDasEi, bro keep getting stuck on detect and mount cd-rom22:38
magicianlordwhat is a good cli radio station player for music?22:38
Dr_Willistesuji:  'bin22:38
cablopdasei, the downloaded installer or the other one?22:38
Dr_Willistesuji:  'bin' as in 'tash can' perhaps.22:38
DasEiharesh: strange, faulty drive ?22:38
tesujimagicianlord, http://jango.com22:39
magicianlordtesuji: that works in console?22:39
DasEicablop: try the d/l first22:39
hareshcant be it can load cds22:39
tesujiDr_Willis, i do not understand you22:39
hareshDasEi, cant be i can load other and run windows all using it22:39
DasEiharesh: the cd starts bootin, then stops ?22:39
Dr_Willistesuji:  the term 'bin' = 'a container'22:39
tesujiDr_Willis, i need a pastebin site for binaries22:40
JonathanYCFine, I'll actually ask the whole question:22:40
hareshDasEi, it gose thru but then stuck on the mounting part and ask me to look for the path22:40
JonathanYCHas anyone here had success working with the eZ430 on ubuntu?22:40
Dr_Willistesuji:  i use drop.io  for that . or  ubuntu one. but i rarely need tio share binaries22:40
cablopit says it can't run in runlevel 1 dasei22:40
tesujidr_willis what about for screen shots to do diagnostics?22:40
=== rootcop is now known as trineox
DasEicablop: ah sure, the modules won't be laoded there, exit, resume normal boot, log in in cmd line22:41
tesujiDr_Willis, will pastebin work with drop.io22:41
Dr_Willistesuji:  drop.io can do that.  and no drop.io is more then jsut a text pasteing service..22:41
cablopok, in shell now and installing... DasEi22:42
DasEicablop: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-185 if the d/l won't install22:42
Beastmodehi guys, What do you reccommend I install on a 10 year old desktop with intel p4 1.5ghz and 256 rd ram? Should I install the normal ubuntu or do I need to install one of the other variations of ubuntu for it to be able to run smoothly? I would like to use the machine for web browsing and some word processing in another room for my dad to use. Thanks22:42
cablopDasEi: it seems to have been installed, no22:43
cablopw... dm start or reboot?22:43
=== Beastmode is now known as Dasda
DasEicablop: sudo nvidia-xconfig22:44
DasEicablop: afterwads sudo reboot22:44
magicianlordwhy does nvidia screw up the boto?22:44
cablopthe installed ran it at the end... f that's the thing to create a xorg.conf22:44
hareshDasEi, it gose thru but then stuck on the mounting part and ask me to look for the path22:44
magicianlordwhen will this be fixed22:44
th0rmagicianlord: just as soon as nvidia supplies sufficient information for some programmer to write a decent driver. Feel free to contact them and request that22:45
cablopmagicianlord: i think it's not an nvidia problem, but ubuntu forcing all of us to use plymouth22:45
DasEiharesh: that's a little weird, I have no idea for now, apart from:22:45
ubottuFor a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions22:45
magicianlord[thor]: we plan to conference call with nvidia about that22:45
magicianlordcablop: that is a big problem. ubuntu is no longer about choice22:46
Dr_WillisThe boot animation is a big problem?22:46
cablopyes, it is22:46
cablopnot all of us need it, it interfers tooooooo much when trying to figure out what's happening to your drivers or boot or kernel at boot up22:47
bogeyd6Where can I go to see the list of updates for a particular ubuntu version, preferably in date order.22:47
cablopand if it crashes while you are dealing with a video broken dribver, it could leave your card into a non good state22:47
hareshDasEi, will this be the path for the cdrom when installing also /media/cdrom0 ??22:48
AemaethHow do i get multiple wallpapers for each of my desktops22:48
Aemaethusing compiz22:48
cablopDasEi: i see a gui... but no effects enabled as before :S22:48
Aemaethor any22:48
DasEiharesh : yes, but maybe the intrd or the kernel is not found22:49
cablopDasEi: wooooohooooo! thanks a lot, it's working now!22:49
DasEicablop: rebooted already  ?22:49
DasEicablop: hehehe22:49
cablopi lost all my compiz settings, but as long as i can work it's not a big deal!22:50
DasEicablop: good vies then22:50
mundoes anyone know which file gconf-editor modifies?22:51
Aemaethso anyone heard of being able to have different wallpapers per desktop?22:51
cablophehe, i have my system up and runningagain... an old computer running compiz and working as a server :D22:52
ddilingerCan anyone suggest a good tool for browsing an svn revision history in a web browser?  something similar to that used at code.google.com project hosting would be plenty22:52
Aemaethtried several options/programs and haven't found anything with the configuration capabilities22:52
Dr_WillisAemaeth:  in kde its easy.. in gnome.. its not..22:52
trismmun: the files in ~/.gconf22:53
rooksi want to disable nfs v3 and make only nfs v4 available, any ideas on how to do it?22:53
muntrism, do you know which ones are for the gnome panel?22:54
Dante123hi there.....1gb of memory.....how big should swap file be?22:54
erUSULDante123: 1 GiB22:55
Dante123not twice that?22:55
erUSULDante123: not needed22:55
Dr_WillisDante123:  it depends on your ussage.. if you use hibnernate/suspend - perhaps 1gb or more..22:55
Dante123it is a laptop22:55
Dr_WillisDante123:  if you got 1000000GB of HD space.. does it matter :)22:55
Dr_WillisDante123:  so it all depends on how you are going to use it. I would say 1gb then.22:56
Dante123only have 30 gb to play with for /, /home and swap22:56
Dr_WillisDante123:  at a min. 512mb. if HD space is tight.22:56
Dante123i think i will go 1gb....might use suspend/hibernate22:56
Dante123thanks for advice22:57
nexus6__is there a channel where you can talk about windows and linux without getting called a fanboy?22:57
Dr_WillisDante123:  i never have hibernate/suspend work right for me. :()22:57
Dante123what size would you give the / directory with the os22:57
Dr_Willisnexus6__:   thats a ratjher broad topic...  theres alwyas #ubuntu-offtopic22:57
nexus6__ahh ok thanks22:57
DasEinexus6__: #linux22:57
Dr_WillisDante123:  i find my big systems / is about 10gb22:57
Goldblade0hi. alguuien q hable español?22:58
Dante123would 3gb get me by....22:58
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:58
Dr_WillisDante123:   I would say 8gb at a min.22:58
Dante123si yo hablo espanol22:58
Dr_WillisDante123:  it really SUCKS when / fills up22:58
Dante123private chat Goldblade022:58
Goldblade0hola mira22:58
thune3Dante123: with only 30GB to play with, i might just put / and home on a single partition.22:58
Goldblade0tengo este problema con ubuntu q no me deja ver la web en apache en modo wan22:58
Dr_WillisDante123:  i agree with thune3 ,  not much to gain with a /home/ in your case.22:59
BluesKaj!es | Goldblade022:59
ubottuGoldblade0: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:59
rooksi want to disable nfs v3 and make only nfs v4 available, any ideas on how to do it?22:59
c00lryguyCan someone help me out? I was following the instructions in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization#Cleanup and everything went fine until I got to the Cleanup section. When I ran `sudo umount edit/dev` It tells me that the device is busy23:00
Aemaethi guess it's time to admit i'm probably never using kde, so any gnome fix?23:01
Goldblade0I have Windows 2003 as host, I have installed vmware server with ubuntu 9.10 to ubuntu you install apache and mysql, the problem is locally q webi let me see no problems, but not so wan, router ports and redirect the host,23:01
Goldblade0now vmware I have put in either nat as in bridge mode but in no way reveals the wan web, try opening all ports but not if it is safe for q ubuntu shows no open port. 2 days ago I walk with this problem and have not found the solution.23:02
Goldblade0excuseme my bad english23:02
rooksi want to disable nfs v3 and make only nfs v4 available, any ideas on how to do it?23:02
Dasdahi guys, What do you reccommend I install on a 10 year old desktop with intel p4 1.5ghz and 256mb rd ram? Should I install the normal ubuntu or do I need to install one of the other variations of ubuntu for it to be able to run smoothly? I would like to use the machine for web browsing and some word processing in another room for my dad to use. I will also be connecting to the internet using a wireless adapter. Th23:02
Dasdae machine has run windows xp in the past 5 years or so. Thanks23:02
c3lwhats the difference between the permission 750 and 0750?23:02
hareshDasEi,  i try all the ways i can please help23:02
DasEiharesh: next look would be bios, if the cd can be set in another way, like scsi or ide23:03
linux_opLIKE SDB OR ICS?23:03
cage_raphelc3l: pls follow http://meinit.nl/linux-permission-system-explained ..23:03
DasEi!caps| linux_op23:04
ubottulinux_op: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.23:04
linxehlinux_op: you can probably do that with gmail if it helps23:04
AemaethDasda, i would try xubuntu23:04
hareshbios i did all the setting whihc i think can work its still now working23:04
linux_opdidn't notice caps was on23:04
kermitwhat's the typical motive for someone to submit patches?23:04
Gto286Dasda,  i have the Gnome(default) gui on a even older machine that's a 900mhz amd 512 ram. works just fine23:04
linux_opis there a software that can do it?23:04
linux_opmy calandar is huge23:04
will_guys, my laptop fans is always running on low speed, even though I could cook an egg on it, can anyone help me23:05
DasdaGto286: are you using 10.04?23:05
Dasdaalso what do you really loose when using xubuntu instead of ubuntu?23:05
c3lcage_raphel: thanks23:05
kc8pxythune3:  ati radeon hd435023:05
thune3256MB is a tough squeeze for any variation of ubuntu. Of x/k/ubuntu, xubuntu would be the only one that might work. If there is any way to get to 512MB/1GB (cannibalize another machine), that would help greatly.23:05
Gto286no i,m using the ubuntu. no X23:05
cage_raphelc3l: you are welcome!23:05
fidesshi from Abidjan23:05
AemaethDasda, he has 512, with 256 i'm not sure if ubuntu will even install, xubuntu needs less ram for install23:06
Dasdathune3: would creating a swap file work? the pc does have 2 hdds in it. One being 120gb and other is 250gb23:06
kc8pxythune3:  it's an rv71023:06
Dasdasame question for you Aemaeth, would a swap file work?23:07
thune3kc8pxy: is that one that supports fglrx?23:08
Gto286Dasda,  i would reccommend you try the Xubuntu on that machine since you so low on the memmory on that machine.23:08
gra5siis there a realtime-kernel which is as up 2 date as the vanilla kernel? nouveau is not supported in current rt-kernel...23:08
Patric3Can someone using lucid try a "ps aux |grep compiz" and let me know whether compiz is running with any args on their system ?23:08
gra5siPatric3: which version is lucid?23:09
cage_raphelDasda: i would suggest u run " puppy Linux" .. it runs well on machines with low memory23:09
Aemaethi have an old rack mounted server that had 256 and ubuntu wouldn't even install without it being xubuntu23:09
Patric3gra5si: 10.0423:09
Gto286i have puppy. but i find it more a ultility then a o/s23:09
DasdaGto286, yea i will give xubuntu a try instead then. really would have loved to run ubuntu b/c of the tremendous suppor available as I will need it as a new user23:09
cablopok, time to rest for a while23:09
cablopsee you23:09
cablopand thanks23:09
Aemaethmaybe you could play with settings after the xubuntu install if you feel it's missing something from ubuntu, but idk if it could gnome, felt pretty much the same23:09
Gto286well Dasda  up the anty to at least 512. then you can run the reg ubuntu23:10
kc8pxythune3:  yes.. i had fglrx runnign for at least a week now.    i recently upgraded from 8.04  and yesterday was the first update manager notice since. now i have the random resets.23:10
gra5siPatric3: i don't seem to use compiz... sorry23:10
cage_raphelDasda: did u try the " Damn Small Linux "23:10
DasdaGto286: the mobo only supports rd ram and that has been discontinued23:10
hareshhow to edit my source.list23:10
Gto286ah! ok23:10
Dasda<cage_raphel: no haven't tried anything yet, I just use xp for now23:11
gra5siis it possible to revert to an old package that has been updated?23:11
gra5sii think an update of the usb-libs has screwed my sound-stuff... and would like to go back before that libusb-update on 10.423:12
icerootgra5si: if you have the old package, yes23:12
Dasdai'lll run xubuntu on vmware on my windows 7 machine to see how it is23:12
cage_raphelDasda: i seriously recommend damn small linux.. i have an another machine with 128 MB ram.. and a celeron processor..  damn small linux goes zooom on mine!23:12
Aemaethrd ram? dell?23:12
icerootgra5si: but normally you will have big fights with dependencies23:12
gra5siiceroot: the question is, do I have the old package..23:12
gra5siiceroot: it was just a minor security update...23:12
DasdaAemaeth: no it was a custom build about 10 years ago, it was from rambus in partnership with intel23:12
icerootgra5si: the repo dont have the old package, so you have to find the old version23:12
Gto286for me tho i have no dvd support :( i get errors like mpeg ect spit at me...23:12
gra5siiceroot: guess it was installed when i used the cd23:13
thune3kc8pxy: it sounds like X is crashing, and one prime suspect is video drivers. I might try reinstalling video drivers, but I can't think of a rational reason why that might help. You might also boot into the kernel that existed before updates (hold shift during boot and select older kernel) to see if that helps23:13
gra5siiceroot: thanks anyway23:13
radidoes anyone here use kiba dock ?23:14
Aemaethi use awn23:14
kc8pxythune3: rrrrrrrrrrrrr..... imo updates should not break things... but i hear you.23:14
radiAemaeth: im asking for kiba, not awn23:14
BluesKajGto286, install ubuntu-restricted-extras , the medibuntu repository www.medibuntu.org , then install libdvdcss223:14
Aemaethwhat does kiba offer?23:15
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radifunny physics23:15
radiis there a repo for lucid ?23:16
thune3kc8pxy: what does this output "lshw -c video 2>/dev/null | grep driver"23:16
radii cant compile it ..23:16
radii get this error23:16
radi/usr/bin/install: will not overwrite just-created `/usr/local/include/kiba-dock/kiba-desktop-icon.h' with `kiba-desktop-icon.h'23:16
radiand i cant find any info on the net23:16
LinuxGuy2009Is there any command line tool to download a package from the repositories along with every dependency. Ignoring the fact that some may already be installed on the system, I need every dependency to make a complete package repository CD/DVD.23:17
BluesKaj!repository | radi23:17
ubotturadi: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories23:17
kc8pxythune3: fglrx_pci23:17
c3lcage_raphel: so how do I print the sticky bit?23:17
radii prefer to compile it actually23:17
radianyone know how to fix that error ?23:17
Goldbladecomo es la sala en español?23:17
magicianlordcome estas?23:18
BluesKajradi, compile a repository ?23:18
BluesKaj!es | magicianlord23:18
radino BluesKaj , compile kiba23:18
ubottumagicianlord: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:18
c3lLinuxGuy2009: why dont you just list the dependencies?23:19
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Guest88088hi all ,how can i install new thems for my ubuntu 10.4 ?23:19
LinuxGuy2009c3l: Listing is ok if I want to manually download each one. Is there any way to feed the list of deps to download them all?23:20
AemaethGuest88088, depends on the themes, can try right clicking the desktop to get your appearance settings, or use the system tab, and it has a section for importing themes23:21
c3lLinuxGuy2009: you want to foreceinstall dependencies that are already there? I dont think there is something that does that by default, I guess theres a better solution to your problem23:21
thune3kc8pxy: i feel there is a better answer and I haven't found it23:21
LinuxGuy2009c3l: Well no I dont want to re-install them at all. I just need a way to download a package, for example, VLC media player, and have it download to a folder along with every single dependency.23:22
c3lLinuxGuy2009: what is it you want to achieve?23:22
kc8pxythune3:  thanks for responding to my plee for help. ubuntu works pretty nice,  but comming here to get help usually feels as simple, easy, and painless as pulling teeth from a shark.23:23
LinuxGuy2009c3l: I want to make an offline repo CD/DVD with APTonCD that contains Gnome, KDE, fluxbox, etc, along with many apps, and I want to make sure that no matter which desktop environment I install that non of the dependencies were missed when making the disk.23:24
macoLinuxGuy2009: i'd start from a minimal install with none of them, then install ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop, fluxbox, and the other apps, then point aptoncd at your /var/cache/apt/archives/23:25
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macoLinuxGuy2009: sudo aptitude install --download-only foo   <--- thatll download without installing23:25
thune3kc8pxy: just requires patience, you might try again in 15 minutes! if you can look at logs dmesg /var/log/syslog /var/log/Xorg.0.log after an incident you _might_ find some clues. You might just run updates again, just in case.23:25
kermitwhat's the typical motive for someone to submit patches?23:25
hareshcan i install ubuntu without any cd or usb ???23:25
macokermit: because it doesnt work and they want it to23:26
macoharesh: yes, pxe installs are supported23:26
hareshhow can i go about doing that ?23:26
thune3kc8pxy: all the issues I could find don't seem to apply to your specific case.23:26
will_Guys, Ubuntu 10.04 on my laptop crashes to a blinking cursor after a while and my caps lock led starts blinking, can anyone help me with this?23:26
erUSULkermit: becouse it is cool to say that you have a patch in the kernel ;P23:26
c3lmaco: it seems that doesnt grab all dependencies, as I guess LinuxGuy2009 ran taht23:27
macowill_: that's a kernel panic. it's a bug23:27
kermiti'm still confused as to how all this software comes about :/23:27
macoc3l: it wont grab ones already installed. thats why i said start at a minimal install23:27
magicianlordkermit: what23:27
macokermit: #ubuntu-offtopic is the place for this23:27
Brack10Booting Ubuntu on different hardware than I installed it on.  Ethernet is missing.  How can I get it back?23:27
kc8pxythune3:  yeah..  i seem to get that alot. it's probably a reason i use gentoo most often. all the problems in the system are then my fault,  and not the result of an "update" :-(23:27
macokermit: but i suggest reading "Just For Fun" and "The Cathedral and the Bazaar"23:28
will_maco: that's what I tought, but is there a way to fix that, is it specific to some systems23:28
kermitmaco: i thought this was the entire point of ubuntu23:28
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erUSULBrack10: lspci | grep -i net23:28
husimonhey i have an image someone gave me and when I try and load it up with kvm i get "kvm: unhandled exit 4400   kvm_run returned -22"23:28
husimonany ideas?23:28
kermitmaco: ...if thats off-topic, then i'm even more confused23:28
macowill_: itll likely be a bug in how the kernel supports *your specific hardware* yeah.  so you need to file a bug23:28
c3lmaco: ah, but there must be a way to do it without installing  a new system23:28
macokermit: this channel is only for tech support23:28
husimonerr i guess this is a bit off topic but i'm running it in ubuntu :P23:28
kermitmaco: oh23:28
Brack10erUSUL: do you want the output or something?23:28
macoc3l: vm?23:28
erUSULBrack10: yep23:28
c3lmaco: still23:28
will_maco: well ok i'll do that, thanks :)23:29
Brack10erUSUL: It found my Ethernet card.  Too long to type23:29
Brack10Intel 82545EM Gigabit Ethernet23:29
macoc3l: there are tools to get dependency graphs. could feed one of those into aptitude's --download-only23:29
LinuxGuy2009maco: Biggest issue I think I may run into is if I use APTonCD to make a repo disk with apps installed on gnome environment, and then strip ouyt gnome and throw on KDE, that when I go to install one of the packages I put on the disk when I was in gnome, then maybe KDE might say hey your missing some stuff.23:30
c3lhow do I show the 'special permissions' , the zeroth field in the octal number?23:30
macoLinuxGuy2009: thats why im saying to start at a minimal install. that is, one that doesnt yet have even X on it23:30
macoLinuxGuy2009: *just* ubuntu-minimal23:30
erUSULBrack10: « sudo modprobe e1000 »23:30
hareshhow can i go about doing that ?23:30
macoLinuxGuy2009: then your repo cd will have everything that goes on top of it23:30
LinuxGuy2009maco: Ok that sounds like a bulletproof way of doing it.23:30
macowill_: you can file a bug with "ubuntu-bug linux"23:31
LinuxGuy2009maco:  Thank you.23:31
pradeephi everyone23:31
macowill_: have a look at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Apport#How%20to%20enable%20apport for how to enable the crash-detector23:31
macowill_: if you use that, there's a chance itll catch a dump of what went wrong with the kernel which you can include in the bug report next time it happens23:32
erUSULBrack10: does eth0 appear now ?23:32
Brack10erUSUL: not in ifconfig...23:32
erUSULBrack10: "dmesg | tail -n20" shows any error ?23:33
Brack10erUSUL: no, it says a bunch of profile_load actions for network related stuff23:35
Brack10no errors23:35
will_maco: my comp just crashed again23:35
will_maco: I just finished rebooting23:36
macowill_: is there any method to the madness?23:36
erUSULwell according to http://cateee.net/lkddb/web-lkddb/E1000.html e1000 is the driver for you nick; dunno why it does not work23:36
LinuxGuy2009maco: Whats the easist way to strip ubuntu down to minimal? tasksel and uncheck everything? Or aptitude?23:36
digitalfizcan anyone tell me where the nautilus scripts are stored?23:36
will_maco: sorry, what?23:36
macoLinuxGuy2009: i think just installing a minimal vm will be the easiest thing23:36
maco!mini | LinuxGuy200923:36
ubottuLinuxGuy2009: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD23:36
c3lLinuxGuy2009: easiest way is to insatll a new minimal install23:36
coz_LinuxGuy2009,   mm  well  you could start in synaptic to uninstall things23:37
macowill_: is there a pattern to when it crashes?  like, when your hard disk is in heavy use? high network traffic? connecting to wifi? starting open office?23:37
coz_LinuxGuy2009,  other than that  I believe there is a version of ubuntu that is stripped down I cant recall its name23:37
DasEiLinuxGuy2009: use minimal installer, expert install, install no soft at all, then afterwards just desired packages from cmd-line23:37
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD23:37
will_maco: not really23:37
coz_DasEi,  ah yes that is a good way :)23:38
LinuxGuy2009Ok yeah minimal in a Vbox would make it very easy to do this. Thanks thats a great idea.23:38
DasEithere you go23:38
SH-ChrisHi, i seem to have a problem when i start ubuntu23:38
SH-ChrisMy display cuts out whenever i load ubuntu but teh audio works23:38
macowill_: darn. ok well file the bug, and someone will show up asking for more info and to try different things and whatnot as they try to sort out whats wrong23:38
richthegeekhey, my system is using 82% of RAM as a cache - considering I have 8gb of RAM, this seems excessive... I'm not doing any disk writes (so no bursting), but am playing a DVD23:38
DasEiSH-Chris: which g-card ?23:39
will_maco: i'll file it and hope people will help23:39
SH-ChrisDasEi: GeForce 6150 LE23:39
coz_richthegeek,  dvd accounts for some of it but that does seem excessive23:39
will_maco: thanks a lot for caring23:39
SH-ChrisDasEi: Built in chipset23:39
richthegeekcoz_: yes indeed - also happens when I've got an NTFS drive mounted23:39
DasEirichthegeek: look up htop, sort pid's for mem to track the "eater"23:39
coz_richthegeek,  mm let me do external with ntfs and see if I get the same thing hold on23:40
SH-ChrisDasEi: Funny how GRUB works though xD23:40
llvllonkanyone know how to get Broadcom wireless adapter to work?  Getting this error message: "SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory" ....my chip is  14e4:431523:40
DasEiSH-Chris: propitary driver installed ?23:40
pittstains1there's a command to monitor when devices (USB, etc) are plugged in or unplugged, but i can't remember what it is23:41
DasEi!broadcom | llvllonk23:41
ubottullvllonk: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx23:41
pittstains1or maybe i'm supposed to tail a certain file23:41
erUSULllvllonk: if you are connected via wired do « sudo aptitude install b43-fwcutter » reboot23:41
DasEipittstains1: lsusb ?23:41
coz_richthegeek,  well its not using much of anything here  when I attache an external with ntfs   or ext4 or fat32 for that matter23:41
SH-ChrisDasEi: I think so, i dont have any spare video cards and its a built in chipset with teh motehr board itself23:41
erUSULpittstains1: tailf /var/log/messages23:41
llvllonkI did that yesterday, didn't work for me23:41
will_maco: crashed again :( I'm glad it's fast to boot23:41
DasEiSH-Chris: system>admin>hardwaredrivers or jockey-gtk as root from terminal23:42
will_maco: just like that, could it be due to overheating23:42
macowill_: possibly, yes23:42
macowill_: check the fan/heatsink for dust?23:42
SH-ChrisDasEi: Im not on Ubuntu now, im on windows23:42
erUSULllvllonk: maybe the device is blocked? what does  « sudo rfkill list » say ?23:42
richthegeekcoz_: seems to be rhythmbox which is looking at my music on an ntfs drive23:42
will_maco: I just realized that my fan runs terribly slow23:42
coz_richthegeek,  ah that may account for alot of memory use23:43
will_maco: for my comp temperature23:43
Aemaethi found out how to have multiple wallpapers on gnome23:43
llvllonkoh yea...it said my adapter only works in PIO mode for now?23:43
DasEiSH-Chris: this card is supported, can also d/l a driver from nv-homepage23:43
basemonkeyis there a irc channel for damnvulnerablelinux?23:43
Aemaethit's easy, why would someone tell me otherwise? INTERNET!23:43
basemonkeyor is anybody here familiar with dvl?23:43
richthegeekcoz_ but I have killed rhythmbox now and it's still major cache23:43
ikoniabasemonkey: please don't be stupid in here23:43
basemonkey#linux forwarded me here23:43
richthegeekcoz_ will now umount the drive23:43
erUSULbasemonkey: /msg alis list *searchterm*23:43
ikoniabasemonkey: this channel is for serious ubuntu discussion only23:43
coz_richthegeek,  ooo  then I am puzzled  ...if no one can help here try the ##linux channel...someone there may be able to hunt down the culprit23:44
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llvllonksudo rfkill list ? command doesn't work23:44
mtmWhen is ubuntu going to make a website widgits people can use to list rooms on IRC so they dont have to wait to load 25,000 chatrooms?23:44
SH-ChrisDasEi: I have teh driver for windows but how in teh world will i be able to do that with ubuntu if i can even see anything. As soon as ubuntu loads teh display cuts out and i can only hear sound23:44
coz_richthegeek,  do you have htop installd?23:44
ikoniamtm: ubuntu doesn't make the irc clients, so ask the client developers23:44
richthegeekcoz_ yes23:44
mtmIts hould be thier resposibility23:44
logankoesterDoes anyone know how to change the size of the NotifyOSD (libnotify) popups?23:44
coz_richthegeek,  check in that to see what is using it up23:44
mtmI think, its retarded i have to wait15 minutes ot join this network23:45
DasEiSH-Chris: you can do that from commandline only, the hp also provides als ahowto23:45
DasEialso a *23:45
pittstains1erUSUL: that's what i was looking for, thanks23:45
richthegeekcoz_: cache doesnt show up in mem usage, afaik23:45
will_maco: is there any ways I can manually change my fan's speed23:45
ikoniamtm: it's not their responsiblilty - talk to the irc client developers23:45
mtmA proper listing of support chatrooms you guys provide on here23:45
ikoniamtm: I'll tell you one more time it's nothing to do with ubuntu23:46
SH-ChrisDasEi: How an i supposed to access it through teh command line, through teh boot disk?23:46
macowill_: that, i dont know. you can install software to tell you how hot your cpu is getting...23:46
mtmIts not Mirc developers to orginize your IRC support channels23:46
will_maco: any example23:46
SH-Chrismtm: If you dont understand as to who supports an irc client, then you shouldnt be on irc, period.23:46
macowill_: actually for fan speed http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=84648023:46
DasEiSH-Chris: ctrl-alt-F1 for a command line, or use vesa in first hand to have acces to desk first23:46
ridehQuick question regarding xinerama. I'm using my second monitor rotated (portrait) and I'm trying to setup the y-axis offset to line it up horizontally with my landscape screen.  The settings dont seem to stick. Something special?23:47
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ikoniarideh: are you hardcoding it in your xorg.conf ?23:47
will_maco: I'll check that soon23:47
ridehikonia: yes23:47
will_maco: thank a lot23:47
DasEiSH-Chris: ctrl-alt-F1 , then do : sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg should bring to a working (vesa) desktop least23:47
phillipHey guys. I need some help tweeking my system.23:47
ikoniarideh: thats odd, and it's not remembering the settings ?23:47
macowill_: for cpu temperature checking https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto23:47
macooh too late23:47
SH-ChrisDasEi: Where exactly?23:47
DasEiSH-Chris: after the bootup23:48
DasEiSH-Chris: or bootsafemode23:48
SH-ChrisDasEi: After teh bootup i get grub, after grub i get a shut off display23:48
ridehikonia: thats what i thought too, but perhaps i'm doing it wrong?     Option         "metamodes" "DFP-2: 2048x1152 +0+540"23:48
DasEiSH-Chris:there then23:48
SH-ChrisDasEi: But how will i be able to know what im doing if i cant even SEE what im doing :(23:49
ikoniarideh: I don't see anything wrong, and even if it is wrong, it should remember the wrong settings23:49
DasEiSH-Chris: tty mostly works23:49
SH-ChrisDasEi: ?23:50
DasEiSH-Chris: as does booting recoverymode, then use it's root-tty23:50
ubottuTo get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.23:50
ridehikonia: agreed, also when i setup a static setting it seems to through openGL rendering off.  If i open a game later i get a margin from the top (virtual screen perhaps?) that I cannot correct for.23:50
marienzerr, gah. Sorry.23:50
SH-ChrisDasEi: Forgot to mention: Tried recovery, same thing :|23:50
ridehikonia: but that is by far a 2nd priority23:50
xtasyHow do I make bluetooth always off until i turn it on? it always comes on automatically when i login and i want to save battery23:51
unimatrixwhat's wrong with this page? http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/23:51
DasEiSH-Chris: then goto use live-cd and chroot in23:51
coz_xtasy,  you could remove it from startup applications23:51
Aemaethcoz_, sounds reasonable23:52
xtasywould that turn the radio off?23:52
SH-ChrisDasEi: So i sleect teh boot from cd option? I had to use teh alternate install23:52
DasEiunimatrix: wrong html as it seems, look at it in tamperdata23:52
octaviodo anybody knows how to install lxdream in ur system i downloaded wat next23:52
datacrusheranyone suggests a nice screen capture app for gnome?23:52
ridehikonia: i'm going to work with it some more, I just noticed these DFP numbers don't seem to coordinate23:52
ridehdatacrusher: hit print screen23:52
DasEiSH-Chris: on alternate and try repair option, fix x-server23:52
ikoniarideh: I'm still worried why it doesnt remember though23:53
coz_datacrusher,  there is already on under application/accessories :)23:53
SH-ChrisDasEi: Allright, ill try taht :)23:53
DasEiSH-Chris: safer bet is live cd and a chroot in the hd-os23:53
ubottuA chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot23:53
coz_datacrusher,  unless you want a screencasting software23:53
SH-ChrisDasEi: IF it doesnt work, expect me back xD23:53
coz_datacrusher,  if that's the case... gtk-recordmydesktop23:53
ridehikonia: because i think i'm changing values not associated with the display mode it is in. I think i'm changing the wrong ones, though there aren't many to choose from23:53
xtasythanks coz_23:53
ikoniarideh: ahhh23:54
Aemaethrecordmydesktop is ok23:54
octaviodo anybody know how to install lxdream23:54
coz_xtasy,   no problem...see if that works for you :)23:54
coz_octavio,  never heard of it but let me google23:54
ridehdatacrusher: hitting alt +printscreen will get the active window23:54
octaviodreamcast 4 ubuntu23:54
datacrusheri wanna screencast my desktop23:54
datacrusherill grab a look in gtk-recordmydesktop23:54
octaviocoz dreamcast emu 4 ubuntu23:55
igms10.04 - ati card - live cd boots but gives me a black screen. Managed to boot with radeon.modeset=0 xforcevesa. Does this get resolved with the installation of official ATI drivers?23:55
coz_octavio,  ok I have the source package let me take a look hold on23:55
DasEiigms: which ati ?23:55
ridehikonia: if i wanted to align the bottom of my 1920x1080 with the bottom of my 1152x2048  i'd want to +1920 + 1080 right?23:55
ikoniarideh: I'd have to work it out, I've not done a hardcoded dual screen layout for a long time now23:56
octaviocoz i get a paper after extracting23:56
ridehikonia: dont worry bout it, i can play with it :)23:56
igmsDasEi: radeon HD 567023:56
Aemaethrecordmydesktop can be ok with the right settings, datacrusher, i think i had best luck with encode-on-the-fly23:56
coz_octavio,   what do you mean?23:56
ikoniarideh: once you work out the maths it's easy, but you need to sit and properly work it out23:56
jeeves_Mosshow can I force remove or repair a package?  I have a broken install of icedtea6-plugin and I've tried "apt-get remove icedtea6-plugin", "apt-get remove --purge icedtea6-plugin" and "apt-get -i install"23:56
octaviocoz i downloaded then i extracted it and get a paper thats it cant run23:57
coz_jeeves_Moss,  did you open synaptic pakcage manager and under  Edit menu  "Fix broken packages" ?23:57
DasEiigms: though things change and change, this card is half-supported, though not by official ati drivers, but yes, there is some support from opensource for that23:57
coz_octavio,  did it extract for you?23:57
jeeves_Mosscoz_, tried it.  it fails with an exit code of 123:57
octaviocoz yup but then i a sheet23:57
coz_jeeves_Moss,  ok and in synaptic hit Search   type icedtea  and try removeing it?23:58
DasEijeeves_Moss: apt-get -f install23:58
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jeeves_MossDasEi, tried it, same crash23:58
Patric3Does Ubuntu use cron or anacron ?  How do catchup jobs happen if just cron is being used (i.e. if the machine is powered off)23:58
jeeves_Mosscoz_, tried it23:58
coz_jeeves_Moss,  mmm  this is puzzling... how did this happen ....do you remember what you were doing / installing / removing at the time?23:59
jeeves_Mosscoz_, I did an apt upgrade, then rebooted23:59
octaviocoz i get a sheet is a deb folder too and it should install na23:59
jeeves_Mosscoz_, "E: /var/cache/apt/archives/icedtea6-plugin_6b18-1.8-4ubuntu3_i386.deb: subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 2"23:59
ridehikonia: Too bad twinview doesnt support rotation :/23:59
igmsDasEi: thanks23:59

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