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duanedesignmdl-unit: hello02:42
duanedesignmdl-unit: do your songs appear at https://one.ubuntu.com/files/  under Purchased Music?02:45
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Andre_Gondimis it possible to use ubuntu one in Ubuntu Server?05:08
duanedesignAndre_Gondim: not currently.05:16
Andre_Gondimthanks ;)05:16
ChipacaAndre_Gondim: what're you wanting to do?05:23
Andre_GondimChipaca, sorry05:23
ChipacaAndre_Gondim: with ubuntu one in ubuntu server i mean05:23
Andre_Gondimwell, if I have the a lot of server I can share some file config05:24
Chipacaassuming you don't want gnome on the server :)05:25
Chipacait would take a little tweaking05:25
Chipacabut it is possible05:25
ChipacaI've done it myself -- for a demo photo gallery thing05:25
Chipacabefore you ask: I threw it away afterwards :-/05:26
ChipacaAndre_Gondim: basically, you use ubuntuone-client (from source - I don't think the package will let you do it), and copy in the oauth token from somewhere else05:26
ChipacaAndre_Gondim: and you put the oauth token in the syncdaemon config file05:27
ChipacaAndre_Gondim: let me know when I stop making any sense to you :)05:27
Andre_Gondimhmmm, I need to go bed, but in other time I will see this05:27
ChipacaAndre_Gondim: ok. Grab me tomorrow, roughly 9 to 18 gmt-305:28
duanedesignthanks Chipaca that is interesting05:28
Andre_GondimChipaca, ok, see you05:28
Chipacaduanedesign: :)05:29
Chipacaduanedesign: the things you need to know are that just syncdaemon and the protocol are enough to do file sync, and that anything listed in syncdaemon's --help is also settable via the config (thanks to configglue). So you can pass in the oauth tokens and such05:30
Chipacaduanedesign: and network-manager not being installed just means it assumes you always have network05:30
Chipacaso all you need to do is start it and connect it05:30
duanedesignthat was my nextquestion :)05:30
Chipacathe two hard gnome deps are gnomekeyring and networkmanager05:31
Chipacaand neither are that hard :)05:31
ajmitchuseful, I was hoping there'd be some way to avoid gnome-keyring05:31
Chipaca(specifying the token manually avoids the first, and just having network avoids the second)05:31
ajmitchsince it seemed that ubuntu-sso-client was determined to use it05:31
Chipacaajmitch: you need to be careful with permissions on the config file :)05:32
ajmitchof course, but I'd probably only use this on a VPS only I have access to05:32
Chipacaalso, what I did was set up an ad-hoc user05:32
Chipacaand share what I wanted published to that user05:32
Chipacaso, not all my files05:32
ajmitchmakes sense05:32
ajmitchmusic makes up the bulk of what I have stored at the moment, but I'm also using it to share dotfiles between boxes05:33
Chipacaare you using one of the two competing conf-sync projects?05:33
ajmitch.me does need to find out why nautilus is saying 'folder not synced' for most things outside of ~/Ubuntu One/05:33
ajmitchno, this is just for stuff in ~ for now05:34
Chipacaajmitch: that should be fixed soon05:34
Chipacaajmitch: it means we are not synchronizing the folder05:34
Chipacaajmitch: but you usually already know that :)05:34
ajmitchyeah :)05:34
Chipaca(also, it's much like spam)05:34
* ajmitch is hoping to get the packages that are currently in maverick into debian soonish05:35
ajmitchmain holdup is deciding whether to strip out apport dependencies for debian, but that does remove a useful bug reporting tool for you05:35
Chipacaajmitch: not this week nor next (crazy deadlines), but I'd love to find a way to make that painless05:36
Chipacae.g. make it as separate as possible05:36
Chipacaajmitch: so if you can track me down after next week, we might find a way to make the apport bits more separate or sth05:36
ajmitchit's already relatively painless at the moment - I've had to make very few changes to the current packages05:36
ajmitchI'm always lurking in here :)05:37
Chipacayeah, but i'll forget05:37
Chipacatwo weeks from now is way past infinitely in the future05:37
ajmitchI'll try & remember to ping you about it05:37
ajmitch& two days ago is a blur? :)05:37
Chipacatime behaves in strange ways close to deadlines05:38
Chipacaalso: I should be sleeping05:38
* ajmitch knows that feeling too well05:38
ajmitchI hate to think what time it must be there05:38
ChipacaI should probably pack the boys' lunch now, so I don't have to do it in the morning05:38
Chipacaajmitch: only 1.3905:39
ajmitchfwiw, the only part I've uploaded so far is python-configglue05:39
Chipacathat one is coming up for a big refresh05:39
ajmitchnot that it's been touched in recent times, I was the last ubuntu uploader of it back in karmic05:39
Chipacait was a hack I threw together in a night05:40
ajmitchoh, and now I see activity on the LP branches for it :)05:40
Chipacabut it's proven to be useful05:40
Chipacaand some people internally took it and made it grow in strange ways05:40
ajmitchas is often the case05:41
Chipacaand we just got the +1 to merge the fork back into the main05:41
ajmitchyou may wish to subscribe to the debian bugs for it once it's accepted there05:41
ChipacaI might even take over building the packages05:41
Chipacaconfigglue is mine. Mine, i tell you!05:42
ajmitchas you wish :)05:42
ChipacaI'll talk with you if/when I decide to take the plunge, anyway05:42
ChipacaI don't have time this ... um ... year?05:43
duanedesignmight try the ubutnuone on my server tommorrow. You say 9-18 GMT is a good time to ping you?05:43
duanedesignChipaca: ^05:43
ajmitchnor upload rights to debian/ubuntu? :)05:43
Chipacaanyway: bed. Lunch boxes! and bed05:43
duanedesignme too...minus the lunch boxes :)05:43
Chipacaduanedesign: ye05:44
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duanedesignmorning all12:58
duanedesignmkarnicki: morning13:06
mkarnickihi ^ ^13:06
duanedesignmkarnicki: after a late night conversation with [C]hipaca i have decided to try and set up U1 on my server. :)13:08
mkarnickiduanedesign: on.. how come, your server? you mean couchDB?13:08
* mkarnicki broke Preferences after code cleanup ;D13:08
mkarnickiduanedesign: what will you set up exactly on your server?13:09
duanedesignjust syncdaemon and  the protocol are enough to do file sync, and that anything listed in  syncdaemon's --help is also settable via the config (thanks to  configglue).13:10
mkarnickiduanedesign: you want to set up your own U1 server??13:10
duanedesignmkarnicki: mostly will be for the fun of it :)13:10
mkarnickiduanedesign: wow, good luck :)13:11
mkarnickiduanedesign: I have no idea how you want to do that from scratch, but let me know how it goes :D13:11
duanedesignmkarnicki: no just run syncdaemon..hopefully13:11
mkarnickiduanedesign: aaaaa13:11
mkarnickiduanedesign: sorry, now I get it!13:11
mkarnickiduanedesign: is your server headless?13:11
mkarnickiduanedesign: or you have physical access with X available?13:12
mkarnickithere was one guy who asked about configuring without the browser on a headless machine. I didn't know about configglue.13:12
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duanedesignmkarnicki: the two big deps being network manager and gnome-keyring. network-manager not being installed just means it thinks it always has a network and you can pass in the oauth tokens in the config13:14
mkarnickiduanedesign: I see13:15
mkarnickicool :)13:15
duanedesignmkarnicki: yeah that is one reason i would like to try it. So when people ask i have an idea of how to do it13:15
mkarnickiheheh. good luck then, duanedesign :)13:15
duanedesignmight need it :)13:16
* mkarnicki has his fingers crossed13:17
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ryelostmind, hi!14:47
lostmindhi rye!14:51
ryelostmind, do you have any issues with Ubuntu One?14:53
helohow do i regenerate/retrieve my oauth token?14:57
ryehelo, if you remove "Ubuntuone token for https://ubuntuone.com" from gnome-keyring (e.g. via seahorse) then subsequent ubuntuone-preferences startup will trigger reauthentication14:58
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helorye: is there a guide to running ubuntuone within fluxbox, as far as what daemons, etc i need to start in ~/.fluxbox/startup?15:13
ryehelo, you will definitely need to run dbus daemon for the session and gnome-keyring daemon15:14
mfilipevery strange... I'm using the Ubuntu One and it doesn't sync my contacts :(15:27
mfilipeI can sync my files but the contacts no :(15:27
mfilipeI'm adding them in Ubuntu One address book15:28
mfilipebut they don't show in Ubuntu One site15:28
mfilipeis there any problem with Ubuntu One?15:28
mkarnickibeuno: have u seen aq lately?15:29
pkkmHow to browse Ubuntu One account in Nautilus?16:01
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mkarnickipkkm: Places -> Home -> Ubuntu One :)16:15
pkkmmkarnicki, thanks16:16
heloeven though the mp3s i bought are visible (and downloadable) from ubuntu one via web browser, rhythmbox still shows all of them as "Transferring to your Ubuntu One storage", except for one, which (perpetually) says "0.0MB of 13.4MB downloaded"16:18
pkkmI copied my files into "~/Ubuntu One", how to synchronize them with Ubuntu One server?16:20
duanedesignhello pkkm16:21
duanedesignpkkm: so the songs show up at one.ubuntu.com/files under purchased music?16:21
ryehelo, are these files in ~/.ubuntuone/Purchased from Ubuntu One?16:21
duanedesigni got pkkm and helo confused :)16:22
duanedesignsorry  pkkm , that was for helo16:22
nUboon2Agejoshuahoover: I'd like to ask for a link to the status page ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Status ) be added to https://one.ubuntu.com/support/  under "Updates on new features and status"  are you the right person to ask or could you please pass it to the right person?16:23
duanedesignpkkm: your files should sync once you put them in your Ubuntu one folder16:23
nUboon2Agerye ^^^16:23
mkarnickipkkm: just let it some time, they should upload to the servers asap16:24
mkarnickipkkm: you can check the status by opening a terminal and typing: u1sdtool --status16:24
ryenUboon2Age, there's a bug #611151 report about that16:24
ubot4rye: Bug 611151 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/611151 is private16:24
nUboon2Agerye: oh, since its private i can't get to it or see it.16:25
ryenUboon2Age, asking for permission to make it public16:25
nUboon2Agerye: yes please16:26
joshuahoovernUboon2Age: yes, we're adding that :) thanks for the feedback!16:26
pkkmThe problem is that files don't synchronize. They are being marked with two arrows and exclaimation mark once put into ~/Ubuntu One. `$ u1sdtool --status` says "connection: Not User With Network    description: ready to connect".16:26
ryenUboon2Age, bug #61115116:27
ubot4Launchpad bug 611151 in ubuntuone-servers "Promote the Status page more on the Ubuntu One website (affects: 1) (heat: 60)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61115116:27
mkarnickirye: ↑ ?16:27
nUboon2Agejoshuahoover: rye: i love status pages.  They're kinda like the weather report for U1.  Super useful. ;)16:27
ryepkkm, what ubuntu version are you running?16:27
mkarnickipkkm: click your name in the upper right corner and select Ubuntu One16:27
nUboon2Agerye: joshuahoover: thanks for your attention to this.  hopefully the link will be forthcoming soon.16:28
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pkkmrye, 10.04 LTS. the problem is solved16:29
pkkmmkarnicki, thanks! It connected once I did that.16:30
mkarnickipkkm: you are welcome16:30
ryemkarnicki, i definitely need to have that ↑arrow handy :)16:30
mkarnickirye: AltGr (compose?) + Shift + U16:31
nUboon2Agejblount: Please add a  link to the status page ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Status ) to https://one.ubuntu.com/support/  under "Updates on new features and status".  Thanks.16:33
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beuno-lunchmkarnicki, aq is on vacation17:20
beuno-lunchwill be back Monday17:20
jblountnUboon2Age: Hi! Maybe.17:35
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mkarnickibeuno: aha, thanks18:38
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mkarnickibeuno: he did mention leaving, I just thought it was that Monday haha19:06
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karlohow to connect ubuntu one to your pc ?21:33
mkarnickikarlo: click your name in upper right corner, and select Ubuntu One21:35
karlomkarnicki, than...21:35
mkarnickikarlo: what do you see?21:36
mkarnickiUbuntu One Preferences window or a browser?21:36
karloUbuntu One Preferences window21:36
mkarnickikarlo: on the third tab, is 'File synchronization' checked?21:37
karlonow it is... :D21:37
mkarnickikarlo: you are welcome ;)21:38
karlobut I am still not connected...21:38
mkarnickikarlo: open terminal and type: u1sdtool --status21:38
mkarnickikarlo: paste it here21:38
mkarnicki(the output)21:38
karloState: READY connection: Not User With Network description: ready to connect is_connected: False is_error: False is_online: False queues: WORKING_ON_BOTH21:40
mkarnickikarlo: paste that in the terminal: u1sdtool --connect; sleep 3; u1sdtool --status21:41
mkarnickikarlo: and paste the output here21:41
karloState: READY connection: Not User With Network description: ready to connect is_connected: False is_error: False is_online: False queues: WORKING_ON_BOTH21:42
mkarnickikarlo: interesting. it's working on both meta and content, although it says explicitly Not User (user does not want syncdaemon to connect)21:43
mkarnickirye: duanedesign: ↑21:43
mkarnickiI mean, it thinks it's working, but it's not connected. If I were you, I'd restart my computer karlo :D21:44
mkarnickicall me out if you still have problems21:44
ryekarlo, login/logout will do... i need to recheck whether it reenables itself properly. Last time i checked it shut down dbus interface as well21:45
mkarnickirye: he just quit, should be back soon21:47
karloI'm back21:47
mkarnicki22:45 < rye> karlo, login/logout will do... i need to recheck whether it reenables itself properly. Last time i checked it shut down dbus interface as well21:48
mkarnickikarlo: how about now? u1sdtool --status21:48
karlowhen I was open ubuntu one this come out in browser:21:49
karloSomething has gone wrong21:49
karloThis is a robot21:49
karloSorry about that. This problem has been reported to Ubuntu One engineers and we'll fix it as quickly as possible. This may be a temporary problem, so try again in a few minutes.21:49
mkarnickikarlo: you mean MeMenu -> Ubuntu One -> the browser popped up?21:49
ryekarlo, has this always been an issue?21:49
karloI have begin use ubuntu one today...21:50
ryekarlo, what's your e-mail address? (you can send it privately)21:51
karlorye karlo.babic@gmail.com21:51
karlogiving up... I can use ubuntu one in browser, people ty for trying to help, I gonna try it again after...21:57
mkarnickioh :<21:57
mkarnickitoo bad he left. U1 is all about the ease of sync..21:57
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