
troy_sScottL: Shame. You have died and quit blogging.03:27
ScottLtroy_s, no, no...i'm just finishing up a few other items, tasks really, then i'm at it again03:29
ScottLtroy_s, i've got one in the can, just wanted to put some distance between me and it before i do a final read03:29
ScottLtroy_s, then i'm going to do a quick video using blender, just a proof-of-concept, and i'll blog about it...using the node editor and such03:30
ScottLtroy_s, it'll be fun and a gas, people will laugh and cry, lovers with love, and i'll be on higher ground03:30
ScottLthe last two things i want to do will be answer interview questions for The Fridge (look, i used capital letters again, that's important) and finish the final recordings for a song i've been working on03:32
ScottLtroy_s, it's mad, crazy, but in the past four days i've already got the germination for three new songs, now that i'm writing and recording again it's starting to flow03:32
ScottLtroy_s, plus i've been knocking around with some logo stuff for ubuntu studio, i'll be posting something about that soon as well03:33
ScottLbeen listening to a lot of Sly and the Family Stone lately....good stuff, puts hair on your chest03:35
TheMusoScottL: That stuff with blender sounds awesome.03:54
troy_sTheMuso: Greets Luke. Long time no chatty.03:55
TheMusotroy_s: Indeed.03:55
troy_sTheMuso: How have you been?03:55
troy_sTheMuso: You still working at Canonical?03:55
TheMusotroy_s: Busy, but otherwise well thanks.03:55
TheMusotroy_s: Yes.03:55
troy_sTheMuso: How's that going?03:55
TheMusotroy_s: Quite well thanks.03:55
ScottLTheMuso, yeah, i'm pretty excited because first it will be hella cool plus no one is blogging about it so i think i might get a small series of posts about making it work04:58
ScottLTheMuso, i'm talking about using the node editor in blender for video04:58
TheMusoScottL: I'd be rather interested in that actually04:58
ScottLTheMuso, i had already mentioned to troy_s that in about three or four weeks i have a friend from work that will bring his HD camera (which beats the shit out of my $300 camcorder) and record me for about an hour04:59
TheMusoheh cool.04:59
TheMusoAny wirtten instructions anywhere?>04:59
troy_sScottL: If you get interested enough, the T2i's are extremely affordable.04:59
ScottLi'm going to try to put about four separate me's into the same shot playing the same song (the one i'm desparately trying to finish)05:00
ScottLTheMuso, this is the only thing (and i mean the ONLY) thing on the web that i've found about really using blender's node editor for movies05:00
ScottLat least for explaining it05:01
TheMusoah ok.05:01
troy_sI've done a handful of tests with it.05:01
troy_sMostly for other folks.05:01
troy_sAnd of course, my own projects.05:01
ScottLtroy_s, we'll see how this movie goes, i might need to upgrade the computer first, but i'm thinking about doing music semi-professionally in a way05:01
troy_sScottL: A friend of mine did a short little thing with his girl, I'm looking for it.05:02
troy_sScottL: I took it and did a quick demo of some of the compositor stuff.05:02
ScottLtroy_s, songs are coming faster and better than before, the melody and lyrics were always like pulling teeth, but now the melody is coming quicker and i'm getting the first lyrics pretty quickly as well05:02
ScottLtroy_s, when i get enough for an album i'll record some videos as well05:03
ScottLtroy_s, i'll see about doing my own album art and then rinse, repeat05:03
* ScottL is bloody tired and going to bed05:04
ScottLgood night troy_s and TheMuso 05:04
TheMusoScottL: night05:04
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scott-worklooks like luis is still alive :)  http://twitter.com/luisbg/status/2040242520919:26

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